Capricorn May 1st Horoscope life zodiac sign Capricorn. Love horoscope - Capricorn

The day will be very auspicious. It is well suited for completing the work that was started earlier, solving issues that have been haunting you and your loved ones for a long time. Many Capricorns will return to some old ideas and plans that they could not implement due to an unfavorable set of circumstances. Be patient with loved ones, try not to get angry if they sometimes do not understand you, criticize or give unsolicited advice. Relations with a loved one can be overshadowed by jealousy if you give her even the slightest reason.

Astrological forecast for today

The day is well suited for communicating with loved ones, caring for those who need help. You are able to understand what will really benefit and what will not, and you can easily convince others that you are right. You can make plans for family members, such as vacations or further education of children. Promising changes are planned in the life of single representatives of the sign. Keep your nose to the wind - all that is required of you is to take the initiative in a timely and unobtrusive way. New relationships will develop very quickly.

True horoscope for Capricorns

An ambiguous time awaits Capricorns. You won't be able to sit. You will not be able to concentrate on one thing, because you will constantly be distracted. Yes, and advice will be one contradictory another.

Personal horoscope for May 1, 2019

Auspicious day for contacting superiors, government agencies or public organizations. Feel free to embark on new risky activities, without fear that they will be fruitless. Try to refrain from formality and tension in behavior.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Capricorn

Today, Capricorn will not be able to accomplish everything that he has planned. But, this is not the end, so do not despair. It is possible that your patience is running out, so engage in spiritual development and think less about the bad outcome of the case. The horoscope advises Capricorn to find an influential person who will support in business. The time is not right for physical activity, so it’s better to relax with a book in your hands.

House horoscope for today May 1, 2019

The position of the planets can deprive Capricorns of a real perception of reality. The illusion of superiority over the rest is likely, concern for external well-being, pumping out forces and means for empty, ideological speeches, demonstrations. High standards are fine, but your unstoppable pursuit of perfection can cost you dearly. You will lose a lot of energy because of your ambition.

On May 1, 2018, the long-awaited calm will finally come after the Full Moon in Scorpio. But on this day, you will not be able to relax much, because the influence of the Full Moon is still palpable. Transformations will take place in the lives of many Zodiac Signs, and the approaching entry of Mars into the loop fills people with a large supply of energy. And yet, May 1, 2018 will be a day of relative calm and harmony after such turbulent events.

Horoscope for Zodiac Signs


For Aries, this will be the day of completion of all crisis moments, solving problems and getting rid of internal contradictions. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 promises Aries the end of a difficult period in their lives and gaining clarity.


Taurus will be able to realize something important about their relationship with a loved one, friend or partner. Your relationship will become more sincere, you will enjoy pleasant communication. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 foretells Taurus the day of finding harmony.


Gemini on this day will be more withdrawn, serious, practical. You will be able to devote all your time to work, obligations, reflections on life. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 foretells Gemini a time of calm and earthiness.


Cancer on this day will feel inner harmony, joy, enjoyment of life. This is a great time for creativity, relaxation, love. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 predicts a very pleasant and full of positive emotions time for Cancer.

a lion

Leo on this day will need home rest, a comfortable environment, a sense of security. Family and home will still be at the top of your list of priorities. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 portends a good day for Leo for spiritual conversations.


Virgo on this day will be very sociable, mobile, open. Interesting acquaintances, unexpected meetings and many conversations are waiting for you. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 portends Virgos that they will learn some important information on this day.


Libra during this period will be very calm and down to earth. You will be worried about material issues, but the day is not suitable for shopping. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 recommends Libra to take care of everyday issues, relax and enjoy life as it is.


Scorpio will rest on this day after the emotionally difficult period of the Full Moon. You can think about yourself, reflect on life, do spiritual practices, relax. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 advises Scorpios to spend the day in a calm atmosphere.


Sagittarius can engage in spiritual practices, meditation, helping other people. You will be more sentimental and kind on this day. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 portends Sagittarius a good time for introspection.


Capricorn during this period will be able to think about his future, understand where to go, learn new methods to achieve his goals. You have to radically change your tactics, act in an original way. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 portends Capricorn a time of realization of something important.


Aquarius on this day will see new perspectives for their growth and development. You can understand where you should strive, what to work on, realize the scale of the work you have begun. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 foretells Aquarius the day of achieving goals.


Pisces during this period will be able to realize what was missing in their life, where to strive, what should be changed. This day will be a day for you to expand the boundaries of your life. The horoscope for May 1, 2018 promises Pisces a very interesting and pleasant period.

The beginning of the day will be very successful, in just a few hours you can achieve a lot. Successes are likely where fantasy and creativity are required. It is better not to put off any serious business or important meetings, because later it will be much more difficult for you to tune in to the right way.
Communication problems may arise in the afternoon. Getting along with many people, even well-known ones, will be more difficult than usual. There can be serious disagreements with women. You will not allow an open conflict, but it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a true understanding.

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Love horoscope - Capricorn

If you are starting to think about a more serious relationship than dating, it's time to take decisive action.


Today you will be filled with incredible romantic energy, but you will obviously not waste it on nonsense. You will prefer to use this charge to arrange something special for your partner. You may even decide to forego attending those flashy social events that your friends will invite you to, in order to devote all your time and attention to each other.
You probably think that really bright and memorable dates inevitably entail large financial expenses, but in reality this is not so. If you show a bit of ingenuity and creativity, you will be able to find a way to have a good time with an interesting person and not spend a dime.

The imbalance and quickness of judgment today can jeopardize your relationship with your soulmate. It is possible that the second half will decide to declare their claims to leadership. If you do not have the strength to deal with difficulties around the clock, then you may well lean on the shoulder of your loved one.


Family Horoscope - Capricorn

The luminaries will not have a direct impact on your relationship with children, except that the influence of Pluto can provoke difficulties in this area for some born in the first decade of the sign. If this is your case, it is important not to delay with serious decisions.

Business horoscope - Capricorn

If Capricorns cannot cope with the production problems that have arisen, then contact an experienced specialist, he will be able to help Capricorns.


During this day, you can achieve a lot, but only on the condition that in the past months you have laid a solid foundation for future success. It is also very important to involve those colleagues whose help you think is valuable.

Health Horoscope - Capricorn

Tomorrow does not threaten Capricorns with a change for the worse in the state of your health. You, Capricorns, will be able to carry out all your plans. Undoubtedly, you will be delighted after reading these lines, because you have planned so many things for tomorrow that at first glance it may seem that Capricorns simply do not have the strength to cope with their plans. In fact, things are somewhat different, most of them will be completed in the shortest possible time. So do not worry, take care of the nervous system.


Alas, the influence of Saturn on your health can hardly be called favorable. Nothing terrible, but you will not feel the best way. The most vulnerable may have back and joint problems, especially if they are no longer very young.

Mobile horoscope - Capricorn

Your excitement today is beyond all bounds. However, you must try to keep these emotions in check so as not to make mistakes. You don’t want to mess things up, so despite all the fear, get down to business and wait for the first results to appear. You will even forget about some minor matters, if only to quickly achieve success in a new project.

Beauty horoscope - Capricorn

Today was created to search for new designs and ideas. Share your thoughts with your friends. Enlisting the support of the right people, you will be able to realize even the most incredible plans.

Auspicious days of the month May 2019: 4, 11, 14, 23, 30.

Horoscope for May 2019 for women Capricorn

May 1-7, you will tend to exaggerate the significance of the events happening to you. Colorfully describing them to others, you will begin to supplement them with fictitious details, but they will quickly figure you out. Don't want to be known as a storyteller? Control your emotions and keep your mouth shut.

May 11-23, you will become more inquisitive and sociable. You will probably want to gather around you people with similar interests and goals. And you will successfully cope with this task! You can easily find like-minded people on the Web in relevant groups and associations.

Planets on the 24th-30th call for saving. If there are extra funds, set them aside. May 25 and 26 you will be too trusting and impressionable. Fraudsters can take advantage of your kindness. Be careful, especially if they ask for money, supposedly for good purposes. First, ask for proof of this.

Horoscope for May 2019 for men Capricorn

The period until May 22 promises you a meeting with some influential person. However, you will not yet have an idea about the degree of his influence, which will allow you to establish friendly or comradely relations. In the future, you will have to resort to the help of this person more than once.

Do not make hasty conclusions from the situation that will happen on the 11th-17th. Take the trouble to thoroughly study all the circumstances - it is possible that the facts that they tried to hide from you will come out. And this fundamentally changes things.

From May 17 until the end of the month, check the information that comes to you at this time more carefully than usual, especially if you are going to pass it on. There is a chance that some part of it will turn out to be false, and subsequently you may be accused of spreading rumors. Please also note that this is not the best time to start important projects and sign agreements. Mistakes made in the past may come to the surface. Don't delay removing them. Probably, colleagues or partners from the previous place of work will remind you of themselves. Some of them will need your advice, or maybe they will contact you to offer to resume cooperation ... This is a good time to start over. The stars promise: everything will go like clockwork.

Love horoscope for May 2019

It may very well be that in May your social status will change: from just a girl (boyfriend) you will turn into a bride (groom) or wife (husband). Well, if such important changes will occur in the second half of the month, after May 16th. Otherwise, obstacles to happiness in your couple may be created in the future.

The second decade of the month is conducive to heart-to-heart talks and frank confessions. If the atmosphere in the family is tense, talk about it with your soul mate, but be prepared to hear complaints. If you do not take offense at her words, but take them into account and work on your behavior, then harmony will soon return to your home.

After the 22nd, you will become very emotional. And the people you will be attracted to are just as emotional and open. The chance to meet an interesting person is great at a friendly party or entertainment event - in an atmosphere that involves a violent expression of feelings. Feel free to be the first to start a conversation. The stars welcome the manifestation of initiative during this period.

Capricorn health in May 2019

If you have a chronic disease of the liver or pancreas, then on May 1-9, its exacerbation is likely. Eliminate spicy and fatty foods from your diet. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. If, despite the measures taken, discomfort occurs, make an appointment with a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. The most suitable days for this will be May 7 and 8.

During the week from May 10 to May 16, you may experience a sleep disorder: difficulty falling asleep or nightmares. Drink special soothing herbal teas every evening, and the condition will return to normal.

18-30 numbers, well-being will depend on how active you lead. Go in for physical education or sports, try to give up bad habits, if you have them.

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The first half of the day is favorable for the completion of previously started projects. Now it is worth making an effort to finish current affairs and free up time for the implementation of new plans. The second half of the day will bring a feeling of renewal, a desire to start something anew. The interaction between members of the opposite sex will become more dynamic, so the likelihood of new acquaintances will increase. Romantic dates at this time will be successful. Late evening will not be very productive, it is better not to plan serious business for this period.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Aries

Move from verbal battles of a theoretical nature to a discussion of specific issues. Perhaps it will take a whole day, and new constructive thoughts will appear closer to the night. You should be careful when making deals and choosing purchases. In pursuit of originality, you run the risk of significantly lightening your wallet and even getting into debt. It is not recommended to enter into disputes with relatives and older people. Such clashes are a waste of energy (especially for Aries born in mid-April).

Day of great ideas. The creative potential of Aries is very high, and there is no such task that representatives of this sign will not find a solution to in record time. Sharp intuition allows you to understand loved ones at a glance, and an outstanding imagination helps to please others with pleasant surprises.

It is very easy to learn new things on this day; you quickly learn new information, learn from the experience of others, follow good examples. The day is also suitable for solving the most serious life issues, because you see things in a real light, correctly assess your desires and possibilities.

Health Horoscope

Do not burden yourself with unnecessary work - you need to have a good rest so that tomorrow and in the following days you have enough strength and energy to carry out your plans. Today you can even afford not to do morning exercises - peace and tranquility of the soul is more important for the health of your body.

relationship horoscope

Family horoscope

Do not try to change the course of family life by innovations in the economy. Do everything the old fashioned way - this way you will have more time, and you will not “call out” the wrath of your household for unfulfilled household chores. It is also desirable to postpone the improvement of relations for a more favorable moment, it is unlikely that in one day you will come to an agreement on the issues you raised.

Business horoscope

Partners do not always pursue selfish goals, giving you advice. Think and evaluate what kind of service you are provided.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Taurus

The most favorable for Taurus will be the morning and afternoon hours. During this period, the mood will remain even, and things will go well, on the rise. In the evening, emotional overexcitation or hyperactivity is not ruled out. Be careful: both can lead to conflict with others. To achieve the goal, you will have to withstand the competition and prove what you are capable of. Your need for knowledge and communication increases. Consider further studies or a change in your circle of acquaintances.

The day will be easy only for those Taurus who are ready to do nothing. There are few of them - most of the representatives of the sign find something to do, not at first glance, quite innocent and tireless. However, soon obstacles appear on the way, and then irritation takes over Taurus. With strength and pressure worthy of a better use, they storm conceivable and unthinkable bastions, at the same time destroying what they created with great difficulty.

This is the day when, before undertaking anything, even a mere trifle, it is necessary to weigh all the possible consequences. This is especially important for those who hope to change their personal lives.

Health Horoscope

Feeling like a leader today, you will get a surge of strength and positive emotions, and this will act on you like the best medicine. Moreover, a good mood guarantees you a quick recovery in good physical shape. If you have such an opportunity, then invite your friends to the stadium or to the pool today. Together you will spend a few pleasant hours, combining communication with people you like with sports activities. Visit the sauna or bath.

relationship horoscope

Despite the fact that today you will still be cheerful and carefree, you will not leave the feeling that the time has come to make some serious changes in your life. Take a close look at your fantasies and dreams to figure out what you want to achieve in it, and then actively take up the realization of your ambitions and goals.

Family horoscope

It is likely that today the issue of educating the younger generation will come to a head. Discuss your vacation plans together, it's time to decide where you will go. Otherwise, problems will bypass you and your family will not give you trouble. In particular, if over the past period of time you have managed to harmonize interpersonal relationships and did not let things take their course. Now you can take advantage of your successes.

Business horoscope

Don't be afraid to stand out from other people. Your unusual point of view will help to gain recognition from your superiors if you can point out the main shortcomings and mistakes in the work of your company. And if you still manage to offer ways to solve the problems that exist in it, then it will be just wonderful. Get your ideas down on paper and forward them to management for consideration.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Gemini

Solving issues in a hurry will not work. To get a tangible result, change tactics and become a pragmatist. Perhaps it is time for you to abandon your previous acquaintances or even temporarily go underground. The evening stimulates Gemini's natural curiosity and directs it into a concrete practical direction. Think about your position from a new angle. Don't expect peace: most likely, you will find yourself working hard on unyielding material. Be prepared to take on someone else's responsibilities if the business needs it.

There are few reasons to complain - almost everything turns out either exactly as you expected, or somewhat better. The bolder your undertakings, the higher the likelihood of success. Tempting offers are possible, which should be answered with consent. Disputes with older relatives are not excluded, but reconciliation will not take long, and mutual understanding will come with it.

A romantic meeting is likely, which will give you unforgettable impressions, inspiration, and simply give you strength. Feeling that you can handle a lot, you will rush towards new joys.

Health Horoscope

Today, one should not torture oneself with excessive physical exertion - an active lifestyle is not always optimal for maintaining good health. A leisurely walk and an evening bath with an infusion of medicinal herbs will help improve health, which will help relieve accumulated fatigue.

relationship horoscope

If your life begins to seem extremely tense and chaotic to you, do not worry: your comrades will help you put things in order in it. They will readily come to your rescue and provide assistance even before you have time to ask them about it.

Family horoscope

The situation in the family is somewhat unstable, a lot depends on how you behave towards loved ones. You need to understand what exactly you want from your family. In order for your relationship not to suffer, try to treat your household with all possible tenderness and patience.

Business horoscope

Taking on something new today, collect, first of all, comprehensive information that relates to the issue of interest to you.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Cancer

Mornings can get hectic. Cancers born in mid-July should not argue with superiors and go on a trip, as well as torment themselves with vain regrets about passing chances. Don't cling to old plans and don't try to keep people from disappearing from your horizon. You have more interesting and - most importantly - more realistic goals ahead of you, concentrate on them. Most likely, at the end of the day you will be completely captured by them and you will not have time for useless fuss. Don't fight with your friends.

It would be nice to devote this day to drawing up plans for the future and finding answers to your questions. The logic of your judgments is impeccable, and now you come to the right conclusions - not so unexpected, and not very pleasant. Don't despair: once you understand the cause of your problems, you will soon find a solution to them.

Disputes with loved ones are possible, discord in romantic relationships is not ruled out. But you need to remember that not everything is as sad as it seems to you today, and to maintain at least a small fraction of optimism. In the evening, you will feel that the influence of negative trends is on the decline.

Health Horoscope

Health will only contribute to any of your plans. Only if it is not connected with tasting new exotic dishes for you. Once at the feast, give up excessive abuse of strong drinks and sweets. Opt for light snacks, fruit and dry wine.

relationship horoscope

Take your time to agree to the suggestions and ideas of people you don't know very well. They may well harbor evil intentions in your regard.

Family horoscope

Good luck awaits you in all endeavors. Even if you decide on transformations in family relationships, then in this you can count on success. But it is best to start them with a joint holiday. Go out of town with the whole team, and while the children will master the "pampas", you and your beloved half will get a break and be able to remember the days of complete agreement between you.

Business horoscope

Deal with the most important things in your life, and then try to relax and have a good rest. Do not forget that a new work week will begin soon, and you must start it full of energy and strength.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Leo

The period of study is over, it is time to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The most stressful period of the day for Lviv will be the evening. Perhaps you will decide on some serious step or choose a new path in life. A collision with another person who does not share your plans and values ​​is not excluded. This could be your competitor, marriage partner, relative or friend. Avoid nervousness. It is worth postponing a trip, a purchase or an important conversation scheduled for the end of the day (especially if you were born in July).

The day is associated with annoying mistakes, blunders that will have more serious consequences than you think. You need to be critical of yourself, be ready to change something in your behavior. Only in this way will you be able to maintain the relationships that you value.

Health Horoscope

An emotionally intense day awaits you, and therefore it is important not to allow the negative manifestations of life to take over your psyche. Associate with people who treat you positively and refuse to meet with people who are unpleasant to you. Control physical activity - you should give rest to your body.

relationship horoscope

Why don't you take it upon yourself to solve the problems of one of your friends? In the end, you have already dealt with all personal matters, and you still have a lot of time and energy left. Lend a helping hand to someone close to you and try to increase your karma.

Family horoscope

You just need to feel close to you people who understand and accept you for who you really are. And who could it be, if not your closest people? Of course, the family will help you cope with any difficulties encountered on your difficult life path. And you need to appreciate such support, trying to make every effort to show reciprocal care.

Business horoscope

It's no secret that most of the time we're doing the wrong tasks that require attention. Do not waste your potential on trifles.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Virgo

Before evening comes, everything can fall out of your hands. The logical thinking that Virgos are famous for can suddenly fail. Perhaps plans will be postponed or you will lack the same enthusiasm. Problems related to computers, electronics, medical procedures, documents, family or friendly communication are not ruled out. Don't be discouraged: the stars are favorable to you, and the present moment is just a transitional stage leading to prosperity. Soon your connections will expand, and things will get better.

Day of constructive dialogues. Today you can discuss any problems without fear that the discussion will turn into a conflict. The interlocutors will hear you and understand correctly, and you yourself will get a complete picture of the situation. The second half of the day is suitable for resolving issues related to the family budget and common property.

It is desirable to walk more, it would be nice to make a short trip. Any change of scenery is good. Communication with a loved one pleases and inspires, you open up new horizons for each other.

Health Horoscope

Prosperity will not bring any pleasure, if your health is in a deplorable state, you need to take care of yourself. You are starting the path to success and need a strong body that will give you the opportunity to enjoy the result you have achieved. So leave a certain amount of energy and time in order to play sports. In the end, no one requires you to set records, do it for yourself and for your pleasure.

relationship horoscope

So many bright new possibilities and alternatives will open up before you that it will be extremely difficult for you to choose one of them. Take your time to make a final decision and take extra time to really think things through. You can afford such a timeout.

Family horoscope

The commonality of plans and interests will help you harmonize your marital relations even more today. Make joint plans, discuss the future and share your problems. You should not have secrets from your spouse. Together it will be easier for you to resist any troubles in life and solve everyday or professional issues.

Business horoscope

Get ready for the fact that you may find yourself in a very unusual situation that will put you in a dead end. Be prepared to be out of the box thinking and adjust your actions in such a way as to benefit from the events taking place.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Libra

Uncertainty in yourself or in a partner can last until the evening, preventing you from taking the initiative. At the end of the day, you will be more adventurous and inventive, but you will need a solid incentive to start. This is a good time for Libra, who knows how to control their appetites. A craving for gambling, for love and business adventures is possible. You can spend a lot of money and time in pursuit of unusual sensations. Today you have to pay for access to the desired entertainment.

You can take on new things, and do not worry that you do not have enough knowledge or skills. The more difficult the task, the more you are fascinated by its solution. You can accomplish the impossible if you try a little, and with what is possible at least theoretically, you will surely cope without difficulty.

This day is very suitable for a romantic acquaintance. The relationship that is starting now will benefit you, help you discover new facets of your character, become more harmonious
personality, and just get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Health Horoscope

You, most likely, will have no time to take care of your own health, but you simply have to do a minimum of regular exercises. Find time and opportunity to walk barefoot on the grass, then massage your feet using a rich cream. Thus, you can positively influence all internal organs, since according to the teachings of Chinese medicine, there are a large number of points on the legs that are responsible for the health of your body.

relationship horoscope

Sometimes you are so ahead of your comrades that they simply cannot keep up with you. So today you will need to slow down and wait for your friends to catch up with you.

Family horoscope

Be as gentle as possible towards your closest ones, and if a conflict is brewing, give in. With all your strength, try to maintain a good climate in the house, quarrels are not up to you. They take a lot of energy and spoil the mood for a long time, you don’t need it at all. A kind word spoken in time or a sign of attention, rendered by chance, is able to repay almost any disagreement and improve the situation.

Business horoscope

Don't forget that everything is good in moderation. Do not give free rein to your impulses and impulses, do not throw money away on a whim. Keep your sanity and sense of proportion. You don't want to start the next week feeling frustrated and annoyed.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Scorpio

Traveling and negotiating will be of little use if you conduct them in a familiar manner. Change your thinking style, listen to your partner’s opinion more often, develop the ability to conduct a dialogue. The day is not very suitable for important initiatives. The craving for novelty can collide with stubbornness. Interruptions in communication, lack of mutual understanding and comfort in the family may interfere with you. During the day, disagreements with the environment are possible: for example, with household members or friends. October Scorpios are advised to avoid any overload.

A good quiet day, perfect for summing up, as well as a variety of socially useful things. It is not difficult for you to solve your own and other people's problems, give advice, reconcile those who quarrel - all this seems to be just a good way to spend your free time. You can even do hard physical work: you almost never get tired.

True, disagreements with older relatives are not excluded, who will expect more compliance and accommodating from you. Defend your interests firmly and calmly: conflict can be avoided if you do not go on about emotions.

Health Horoscope

Most likely, lately you have begun to pay more attention to your health, and this is beginning to bear its well-deserved results. Try not to slow down the momentum, why in one fell swoop spoil what has been achieved over a long period of time. Yes, and it is difficult after a break to start all over again. If, nevertheless, work distracts from sports, think about how to make sure that one does not interfere with the other. You will definitely find a way out.

relationship horoscope

Today is a great day to get rid of the heavy emotional sediment of the past that prevented you from moving forward. Get ready for those radical changes that will soon begin to occur in your life.

Family horoscope

A rather difficult period has come in your life, it is likely that you are not in the best mood today. Communicating with your closest relatives, try not to interfere with them in your problems, and even more so beware of venting your bad mood on them. Otherwise, you can get a protracted sluggish conflict instead of a calm life. Be wiser, this will normalize relations.

Business horoscope

Do not rush to make decisions, hasty judgments will do you a disservice, and you will make an irreparable mistake.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Sagittarius

Communication, to which Sagittarians are invariably drawn, today will be fraught with unforeseen difficulties. This is not the best day for important trips and negotiations, for ordering and providing services. Unpleasant news, misunderstandings are possible during any movements, correspondence, friendly and business meetings, Internet surfing. You can be late for a meeting, quarrel with someone, become a witness to someone else's dispute. A person whom you considered your friend may unexpectedly let you down or become aggressive.

Do not underestimate the luck that has fallen to your lot. Firstly, you deprive yourself of pleasure, and secondly, she (luck), after all, can be offended. Since she is not appreciated here ...

Today, whatever you do, you will really need the approval of your loved one. Even if he does not understand anything about this issue at all. it is difficult for stars to explain the reason for such an incomprehensible dependence, but the fact that it will be is a fact. Your partner will have to deal with it.

Today is not the best day to build your career. Therefore, if it is possible not to make sudden movements towards achieving an ambitious goal, if possible, do not take it. Otherwise, everything will go awry, and you don’t need it at all.

Massage will especially benefit you today. In addition, now it will not hurt you to work on the mobility and flexibility of the joints, because they very much determine the youth of your body.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Capricorn

In the morning, resist the temptation to re-start an old conversation with a loved one. He promises you nothing but another hassle. Nervousness can be especially dangerous for Capricorns born in mid-January. In the evening, switch to financial matters. During this time, unexpected purchases are possible, but try not to spend too much. It is worth refraining from unplanned monetary transactions, including in electronic currency. New plans are worth considering, but think them through beforehand.

The day will be very auspicious. It is well suited for completing the work that was started earlier, solving issues that have been haunting you and your loved ones for a long time. Many Capricorns will return to some old ideas and plans that they could not implement due to an unfavorable set of circumstances. Be patient with loved ones, try not to get angry if they sometimes do not understand you, criticize or give unsolicited advice. Relations with a loved one can be overshadowed by jealousy if you give her even the slightest reason.

Astrological forecast for today

The day is well suited for communicating with loved ones, caring for those who need help. You are able to understand what will really benefit and what will not, and you can easily convince others that you are right. You can make plans for family members, such as vacations or further education of children. Promising changes are planned in the life of single representatives of the sign. Keep your nose to the wind - all that is required of you is to take the initiative in a timely and unobtrusive way. New relationships will develop very quickly.

True horoscope for Capricorns

An ambiguous time awaits Capricorns. You won't be able to sit. You will not be able to concentrate on one thing, because you will constantly be distracted. Yes, and advice will be one contradictory another.

Personal horoscope

Auspicious day for contacting superiors, government agencies or public organizations. Feel free to embark on new risky activities, without fear that they will be fruitless. Try to refrain from formality and tension in behavior.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Capricorn

Today, Capricorn will not be able to accomplish everything that he has planned. But, this is not the end, so do not despair. It is possible that your patience is running out, so engage in spiritual development and think less about the bad outcome of the case. The horoscope advises Capricorn to find an influential person who will support in business. The time is not right for physical activity, so it’s better to relax with a book in your hands.

House horoscope for today

The position of the planets can deprive Capricorns of a real perception of reality. The illusion of superiority over the rest is likely, concern for external well-being, pumping out forces and means for empty, ideological speeches, demonstrations. High standards are fine, but your unstoppable pursuit of excellence can cost you dearly. You will lose a lot of energy because of your ambition.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Today, any little thing can throw you off balance. Large quarrels with colleagues and relatives are possible. Control your emotions to avoid problems. Set up a relaxation session.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Aquarius

Your words today will often be out of place. There may be problems when searching for information, in the process of studying or communicating. Nervousness, aggressiveness and complexes are not excluded, erecting obstacles on the way to your full interaction with the world. Do not rush to purchase a phone, computer, software, work tools, household utensils or medicines. Aquarians born in January are not advised by the stars to engage in a fierce skirmish with their inner circle, especially with their parents.

It is better to build plans for this day in advance, and stick to them as far as possible. Improvisations are rather unsuccessful, and attempts to adapt to the situation only give rise to new difficulties.

Communication with loved ones requires delicacy and tact. If you say everything you think, you will certainly provoke a conflict. Meanwhile, any of your sensible thoughts can be dressed in an inoffensive form. If you give yourself the trouble to do this, you will be surprised at how easily problems are solved. Be careful with food - poisoning is possible.

Health Horoscope

Take care of the circulatory system - stagnation will not benefit your heart, hypotensive patients may have problems. If you are lucky and you have a psychological relief room at your workplace, then you just need to use its services during the day. Otherwise, a break after every hour of work will be quite enough, especially if your work is mental and you do not have the opportunity for physical relaxation.

relationship horoscope

You will be filled with seething positive energy, which will allow you to achieve noticeable progress in any of your endeavors and deeds - from cleaning the room to meeting some interesting pretty girl with whom you have not taken your eyes off for a long time.

Family horoscope

Today, most likely, you will want to play a little prank: no one loves you, does not understand. Doesn't that seem like too much? Everything is completely different, and your mood is due to the fact that your negative energy needs to be released. Try to control your emotions and not give in to a bad mood. In the event that you manage to cope with yourself, troubles will bypass your house, and relations with your next of kin will not deteriorate.

Business horoscope

You will incredibly play out charm, initiative and practicality. These qualities will allow you to achieve a number of truly outstanding career successes. Enjoy work and communication with loved ones.

Horoscope for May 1, 2018 Pisces

Not the best day for the fulfillment of the desires of Pisces. Any initiative will be either belated or too hasty, ill-conceived. In the evening, more suitable conditions will develop, original and practical thoughts will begin to come to your head. And yet be on the alert: an unforeseen turn of events is possible. For example, you may receive new information that changes all your plans. Work more carefully with computer programs, e-mail. Trips and registration on unfamiliar Internet resources are undesirable.

Try to be optimistic. If you manage to direct energy in a positive direction, and not spend it on worries and worries, the situation will improve. This is not the best day for communication, conflicts flare up very easily, and it is difficult to make peace after a quarrel.

You can make decisions regarding finances, as well as do household chores - you can handle them quite easily. Unexpected business proposals are not ruled out, we can talk about resuming cooperation with long-term partners.

Health Horoscope

In addition to the fact that you will need to deal with household problems today, try to pay attention to your body. You need to rest, so try to find time during the day to be in the fresh air. Weather permitting, go to the beach or just sit in the sun on your balcony. Carry out a set of regular exercises, but be careful not to overwork yourself. Take a soothing herbal bath before bed.

relationship horoscope

You may feel like your life is at a standstill, but try not to get angry or worried about it. Find some safe way to relax and let off steam.

Family horoscope

Walking with the whole family or shopping promises a lot of pleasure and pleasant experiences. Auspicious day for the purchase of household appliances and other household utensils - use this day to buy a food processor or other similar equipment that will facilitate household chores.

Business horoscope

Take some time to review your current financial situation and evaluate your income. Compare the salaries of companies operating in your area of ​​business to make sure that your bosses do not deprive you and pay you what you deserve. Feel free to ask your manager for a raise if your current level of salary seems insufficient to you.

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