Portrait of a person by date of birth. Psychological portrait of tarot layouts from Alicia Khszanowska

Psychological Portrait on TARO.

This method is simply unique! And the more I work with it, the more I understand how accurate it is.
The method "Psychological portrait" by tarot is calculated according to your date of birth.
All positions tell so much about a person, about his versatility, talents, as well as problematic aspects.
At birth, we get a date, and this is a certain code. Each of us comes with a certain set of energies. This once again confirms that we have talents, everyone has their own.
By revealing these talents, we begin to fulfill our destiny, our mission.
It's very interesting, but when I draw portraits for mom, dad and children, I see a connection. You can see what talent came from dad, and what mom gave. In the family, all the arcana are repeated, moving from position to position, but at the same time, the dates of birth and years are different for everyone. It's just inexplicable!!!

How much I calculated and checked and is always confirmed 100%. My clients are simply shocked when, looking at their date, I simply talk about their most problematic mistakes and lessons. there is such a position in the portrait, how do I decipher it-This is a lesson! the lesson that a person must overcome in this life.
And this lesson will be traced in everything, it will affect his relationships, work, etc. Because these are his minuses, his task, which he must change in himself. And as soon as a person in himself changes what really hinders him, his life improves. But this is not easy to do, it is daily work. This is the growth of our soul!
The psychological portrait is really unique. I can't teach you how to do it. This is a patented system. And only special people with permission can teach. But I can give a master class, which I will do on my course on training "TARO"

But I can calculate your portrait for you, for you and your children!! This system will help you identify your most problematic areas and lessons. No system does that!

In the Psychological Portrait, I consider 21 positions:

POSITION 1, 2, 3 - THIS STAGES OF LIFE characterize the life path of a person.

POSITION 4 - OUR LESSONS! Fears and complexes, blocks that we often do not realize.

POSITION 5 - WHAT IS GIVEN TO US! consciousness: aspirations, goals, morality, ethics, the sphere of self-realization.

POSITION 6 - OUR TALENTS! over consciousness: hidden talents, abilities, as well as spiritual patrons.

POSITION 7 - OUR MISSION: the task for which a person came into this life

POSITION 8 - OUR HIDDEN TALENTS gifts, i.e. mission-enhancing potential

POSITION 9, 10 and 11 PAST LIFE refers to the karmic portrait, to his past incarnation.

POSITION 12 - WHAT WE NEED TO BE HAPPY Card of Psychic Harmony


POSITION 13 - a person's perception of himself

POSITION 14 - how a person is perceived by other people

POSITION 15 - a way of working out karma (refers to a karmic portrait)

POSITION 16 - the point of obsession or "rake", which a person periodically steps on.

POSITION 17 - a card of karmic comfort (refers to a karmic portrait)

POSITION 18 - how to work with the mission in this incarnation (refers to the karmic portrait)

POSITION 19 - what is outside the consciousness of a person, what a person underestimates, what he does not pay attention to

POSITION 20 - how a person behaves in an emergency

POSITION 21 - the most important thing for a person - what gives pleasure and where at the same time there are big responsibilities.

The positions of the main portrait are already enough to make a psychological description and analyze the problems facing a person, especially if you also count the composite with the current year.

For those who are interested in learning more about themselves, there is a karmic portrait. I have already mentioned his positions. In the karmic portrait - 6 positions. No. 9, 10, 11 and No. 15, 17 and 18. Here we analyze the previous incarnation of a person, approximately understand who he was, what he did and what passed into the present life from the past incarnation. We look at what duties a person has, and also determine the way to work them out and methods of working with a karmic mission in the present.

But this portrait is not for everyone. This is a difficult portrait to interpret and understand. And if you expect to see here that in a past life you were an angel in the flesh - you are mistaken, otherwise you would not be here on this Earth. After all, the one who lived an ideal life should no longer be reincarnated on this planet. Since we live here, it means that a certain amount of sins that lie on our conscience brought us to Earth again to work them out in this life.

Eight positions refer to the portrait of shadows. The portrait of shadows is in no way connected with the Karmic portrait. A portrait of a shadow is an even more complex layer of information to understand, designed to even more deeply understand the hidden motives of human behavior. Your shadow portrait is much harder to see and understand than someone else's. Often this is information about what a person does not want to see, about what scares him, and about what scares him in a person. Here we find information about what is diligently hidden from our awareness, what is rejected, not recognized and not realized by a person. Here the inner world of a person is exposed, and not everyone is ready for such a meeting with himself.

There are no straight cards in the portrait of shadows, they are all treated as inverted. If the cards are repeated, then this further enhances their significance. Three cards - does not mean good, but only emphasizes that this topic will be strongly expressed in a person's life. In fairness, I want to note that it happens that what is revealed in the portrait of a shadow is sometimes very openly highlighted in bazi, although the person himself may not be aware of it. There is also a point in the portrait of shadows, consisting of two arcana, which will show what a person can achieve if he fully uses his full potential.

Here I consider the date of people and calculate their composite precisely for their relationship, how they will develop.

But there are also composites that allow you to see the development of relationships with a particular person. A truly magical technique, Problems yes, they can be seen both in bazi and in astrology, but here are the stages of development of relationships and the main goal that two people met, what task they need to solve together and how best to do it in order to overcome possible problems when the implementation of this task - this is not found anywhere else.

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PORTRAITS OF TAROT according to the system of Alicia Chrzanowska

This topic is quite interesting, as it concerns the tasks and ways of realization in this incarnation, talks about what is given to us from above, talks about the past incarnation and much more, based on the moment of birth chosen by our soul.

My colleagues and I constantly use this calculation at the reception and I would like as many people as possible to have this wonderful information.
Using Tarot cards, we can find a certain code in the date of birth, which will tell about the most important motive that passes through a person’s whole life, about his inclinations and abilities, as well as events that significantly affect the development of a person. Thanks to the analysis of the date of birth, you can better understand a person, find out the reasons for his behavior, help him understand what drives him in life, discover his purpose in this life.
So, what gives a portrait?

Analysis of individual inclinations and abilities;
- identification of human fears and complexes hidden in the subconscious;
- deciphering hidden talents in a person and his spiritual patrons;
- definition of a person's mission in this life and the way of its realization;
- determination of the main life direction in the development and important events in this area;
- determination of the essence of the contradictions between the internal and external perception of a person;
- determining the conditions in which a person feels most comfortable;
- determination of the previous ircarnation;
- analysis of the most effective ways of karmic working off;
- characteristics of cases, plans most suitable for implementation on a particular day;

1. The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot are taken as the basis, where 22 is the Jester card. Therefore, if the calculation results in a number greater than 22, it is necessary to subtract 22 from this number. For example, I was born on the 25th, therefore, in order to calculate the Major Arcana responsible for my first position, I must subtract 22 Major Arcana from 25 and in the end I will get 3 Arcana, which corresponds to the Empress card.
2. If there are two identical Arcana in the portrait from positions 1 to 6, then this Arcana is considered as a reverse or negative value. They show areas where a person has problems. But they also move a person, give the opportunity to fight, develop through the passage of difficulties.

Arcana in 4 positions are interpreted as inverted, because. this is the problematic point.
And if there are three such Arcana (identical), then we consider it as a doubled positive one. Triple (repeating) cards in the inner circle (pos. 1 to 6) are interpreted in accordance with the position and, in addition, they show improvements, relief in life. Relax, because everything in life comes easy. People are happy, but they don’t want to achieve something special.
Positions 1-6 can be influenced by people. This is an internal potential and we can work through and use the information received, or we can not change anything in ourselves. Positions 7 - 12 cannot be changed.
When interpreting the portrait, the influences and interactions of neighboring positions, their combinations are considered.
For clarity, we will consider an example and calculate the Portrait together. So, we have a date of birth 04/02/1980 and this is a man, this is how his portrait will look like, these six positions are called "pot".
FIRST POSITION will tell us about the beginning of life's journey. Childhood, youth, the beginning of an independent life. It lasts up to about 25 years (but this is individual, for some, maturity comes earlier, and someone remains a child until the end of old age. The neighboring Arcana will tell you). The first position is the birth number of a person: in our example, this is the number 2, which corresponds to the second Arcana of the Tarot PRIESTESS.
SECOND POSITION - adult life from 26 to 50 years old (this is approximately, because everyone moves from one position to another in due time, but we can say that this is the second part of life out of three). In our example, this is the number 4, which corresponds to the EMPEROR
THIRD POSITION - the last part of life, mature age from 51 years old to the limit. In our example, we add 1+9+8+0 = 18 and this is the Major Arcana of the MOON.
FOURTH POSITION: our subconscious, the main hidden fears, complexes, the most painful common inner point, the subconscious, the main fears, complexes, something that is not realized by a person: the calculation is done in this way we add 1p + 2p = 4p. In our example, 2 + 4 = 6, which corresponds to LOVERS
FIFTH POSITION: Consciousness, what we consciously strive for, what is important to us, our value system, what we know, profession, plans, morality, conscience, what is important to us: 2p + 3p = 5p. In our example, this is 4 + 18 = 22, which corresponds to the SHUT card.
SIXTH POSITION: super consciousness, hidden talents, abilities, spiritual patrons: 4p + 5p = 6p. In our example, this is 6 + 22 (0) \u003d 6, which corresponds to the LOVERS Arcana.
4p, 5p, 6p - warehouse, "composition" of a person, psyche, state of mind.
SEVENTH POSITION - the task, the mission of a person with which he came to Earth and which he must fulfill: 1p + 5p or 3p + 4p = 7 position. Our example is 6+18=24-22=2 - PRIESTESS. Those. the mission of our hero is connected either with a mistress or with writing, with secret knowledge, with predictions, it can also be issues of ecology, healing through natural tools (herbs, stones, etc.).
EIGHTH POSITION - talents, abilities, opportunities, methods that a person received from above to fulfill his task. etc. - “tools” with which a person can complete his task, the mission of the SEVENTH position: 2p + 6p. Our example, 4+6=10 (WHEEL OF FORTUNE). We can say that this person's "nuh" is developed for money and this will be very important for him, the person will achieve financial well-being through his work. He came in this incarnation to fulfill his karma and came with a store of knowledge that would help him to carry out everything planned.
Positions 7-8, they cannot be consciously influenced.
TWELVE POSITION - the card of "Mental Harmony", shows in what conditions a person will feel more comfortable, a point of comfort. For analysis, it is very important from which Arcana it consists: 7p + 8 \u003d 12 p, So our example is 2 + 10 \u003d 12 (HANGED)
cards in positions 1-6 are our inner portrait, something that we can consciously influence.
If there are two Jesters in the portrait, then this means two children.
Double Magician - abilities in literature, writing talent that a person does not realize, or does not want to use. It also gives excessive talkativeness or a tendency to lie. Ability to medicine, pharmacology. Possible block to work with hearing, stuttering in children. The double Sun in the portrait gives problems in paired relationships, low self-esteem.
The Double Hermit is either an excessive immersion in esoteric sciences and spiritual practices, or a complete renunciation of the world, and if it is not worked out, then in old age it threatens with loneliness.
Double Lovers - Difficulties in making decisions, most often in personal life, but sometimes in career. For a man, difficulties in pair relationships, for a woman - sacrifice in pair relationships.
All cards in the bucket that are in contact affect the characteristics of those lying nearby, strengthening or weakening their positions. The card in clause 1 with the card in clause 2, it, in turn, with the card in clause 3. The card in clause 2 is in contact with clause 1, clause 3, clause 4, clause 5. The card in clause 3 is in contact with the card in clause 2, clause 5. The card in clause 4 is in contact with the cards in clause 6, clause 5 and clause 2, the card in clause 6 is in contact with the card in clause 4 and clause 5

The three positions 1, 2 and 4 are three cards that will talk about relationships and marriage. And based on our example, where we have a PRIESTESS, EMPEROR LOVERS - we can say that a person will be influenced by a woman older than him in age, in childhood it is most often a grandmother, or with a late birth of a child, an elderly mother can act. This man marries a woman older than himself, gets to know her at work, and in a relationship he will appreciate maternal care in a woman. As long as a woman admires him, cares and shows herself like a mother, she will be the best for this man. Knowledge and energy will ensure promotion; the interests of the spouses will coincide. In a relationship, a man will want to show himself as a leader, he will strive for this, but his partners will constantly deceive him, and because of which we will analyze a little later. Also, the Priestess in the first position for a man can speak either of a mistress or of writing.
Next, consider positions 2,3,5 - these positions together will give us an idea of ​​how a person will manifest himself in work, what he will do, what he strives for, what will move him.
Consider our example: EMPEROR + MOON + JOKE. The Emperor and the Moon tells us that this person is imaginative, he will approach and perform creative work, he is a visionary and he will always have far-reaching professional plans. He will constantly open up new professional opportunities; he will be able to take a high post; he will take new initiatives concerning the work; and he will have acquaintances in high positions; this person will dream a lot and dreams will be realistic, and there will also be plans and projects; this person will dream of a child and eventually he will have one. Based on the general picture of the position of the portrait, we can say that a person will do something where many women will participate, and we can assume that this will be esoteric. That a person will be the master of his business and he will be connected with something new.
Cards in positions 4, 5, 6 - the human psyche
Positions 4,5,6 will tell us about what a person must find a way out through, i.e. the most important. In our example, these are two cards of the Lovers (we interpret them as inverted) and the Jester. They indicate difficult housing conditions that must be addressed; that plans related to personal housing are difficult to implement; that an adult child does not have his own apartment; as well as that a person is impulsive in his decisions. These cards in this example will indicate that a person does not know how to choose and he has difficulties in partnerships and that his best partners will always be those who are younger than him in age (JOKE in the position of encouragement and achievement).
Two LOVERS cards, the Emperor and the Jester, tell us that this person will have several marriages, and the Priestess and the Lovers tell us that relations with older women in marriage will not be favorable.

All the cards of the Major Arcana are also considered for the elements, in our example we see two elements of Fire and Water, which together give dreams, illusions, irascibility. We can say that the owner of this portrait is too hot-tempered, but often hides his emotions (the Priestess and the Moon speak about this, as well as the hanged man in a position of comfort).

POSITION of fears and complexes (4)
The card that points us to the complexes, fears and psychological blockades hidden in the subconscious is a card for the 4th position of the Inner Psychological Portrait (Potty). We calculate the data for this position by summing the components in positions 1. and 2. This is a rather difficult position to interpret, as it indicates things that a person is most often afraid to admit to himself, or does not know about their existence (after all, this the subconscious, and it is there that psychological processes suppressed by a person are hidden), or does not want to realize and accept them. To make it easier for you, Reader, below I will give examples of the most common fears and complexes indicated by the Major Arcana, but I want to warn you that there can be much more of them, and also note that the influence of neighboring cards can drastically change the value of the card in the 4th position.
Jester (XXII) - indicates the problems that took place in early childhood (from birth to 7 - 8 years), as well as the events that he experienced between the moment of birth and the beginning of schooling. Very often this concerns situations that we do not remember, and the Portrait gives us the opportunity to bring out of the shadows of various kinds of problems buried deep in the subconscious. This map also points to the inner child that lives in each of us (no matter how old we are 0 or 60), and the fact that we often ignore his problems because we do not find time to listen. in a thin and helpless voice that from time to time tries to inform us of its needs. In this regard, the card can inform about the problems of spontaneous manifestation of oneself, insufficient ability to have fun, a tendency to strange and even dangerous entertainment.
Magician (I) - talks about problems associated with adolescence, about difficult relationships with brothers and sisters (relatives and cousins), peers (regardless of a person's age), as well as problems in perceiving oneself and finding one's place in society. Often informs about the immaturity of a person or in general about infantile behavior. If from the 1st position the Empress (applies to women) or the Emperor (applies to men) affects the card, then this will be a signal that a person may have problems identifying their own gender. May indicate problems in making accurate statements, presenting one's views, or fear of public speaking.
The High Priestess (II) - informs about the problems that arise in relations with the mother, about her destructive influence on the human psyche. It can be an authoritarian mother, but also too malleable, who, instead of raising a child, spoiled him. In most cultures, respect for parents is the primary duty of a child. Christians even have a commandment “Honor your father and mother” (Zap. 5.16). However, people living in the 21st century often have many problems in their relationship with their mother. On the one hand, we feel the need to follow cultural and religious traditions, and on the other hand, there is an increase at a rapid pace in the number of mistakes that a mother makes during the upbringing of her child. An infant, a small child, and even a teenager are dependent in their relationship with their mother. If the relationship between them is problematic, then very often it is the child who takes the blame. It doesn't even occur to him to blame his mother for anything. Children love disinterestedly and the more painfully they perceive the insults that adults inflict on them. Additionally, the card may report a lack of contact with nature, a violation of the biological rhythm and blockades caused by the influence of teachers, educators or other women related to the person's occupation.
Empress (III) - this card, like the next one, should be interpreted separately for women and separately for men. If we do an analysis of a female portrait, then she points out problems with femininity, or rather, ignoring her, or vice versa, excessive attention to her appearance. Perhaps a woman perceives herself solely in the role of a lover or mother, without taking into account any other roles that can be tried on in the game of life. As for men, in their case, the card speaks of an excessive femininity of character, problems associated with identifying one's own sexuality, and even a castration complex. Often indicates simply problems in relations with women, the fear that they cause in a man. In relation to both sexes, the card can signal an inability to perceive beauty, a craving for everything ugly.
Emperor (IV) - this card (like the previous one) is interpreted separately for men and women. In the case of the Portrait of Men, she will talk about ignoring her own masculinity, or about the “macho” type, who is sure that vulgarity and brutality make him a real man. With regard to women, the card indicates excessive masculinity in character or sexual problems that may affect the relationship in a couple. Often the card also indicates problems in relations with members of the opposite sex. In relation to both sexes, the card signals problems associated with power, the desire to manipulate and control other people. Often indicates that the person is inherently a workaholic.
High Priest (V) - informs about problems in relations with the father, both in the past and in the present, about his destructive influence on a person. He often talks about the fact that a person is influenced by false prophets and “gurus”, that is, there is a need to have in front of him an object to follow, authority, which, unfortunately, his father did not become in his time. That is why a person easily falls under the influence of various kinds of "teachers" and leaders of sects. It can also indicate problems with learning, complexes caused by the lack of the necessary education, or, conversely, the rejection of those values ​​that good knowledge gives.
Lovers (VI) - first of all, speaks of the problems associated with creating the right partnerships, the continuation of destructive relationships, the tendency to obsessive passion. Most of us dream of meeting a partner with whom we could build a strong relationship, find support and support in difficult moments of life. That is, to find a person thanks to whom you can feel loved. That is why this part of life gives people the most problems, brings pain. Lovers in the 4th position show that a person either does not know how to build a healthy relationship, or subconsciously seeks a partner with whom he cannot initially build one. In addition, the card may indicate that this person is indecisive, hesitant and unable to make his own choice.
Chariot (VII) - indicates the fear of success, becoming famous, popular, gaining recognition, and on the other hand - a person who can sit on his head. Such a person does not know how to say "no" without feeling guilty or "yes" without anger that he was forced to answer like that. Today, many people could achieve success, but their inner fears do not allow this, but only stop halfway or at the very beginning of the path undermine faith in themselves and their own success.
Justice (VIII) - speaks of problems with the perception of oneself as a person, carries information that a person is overwhelmed with guilt and is prone to self-criticism. In some cases, it may indicate fear of punishment for sins and, as a rule, for those that he invented for himself, and not those that he actually committed. Most often, a person develops such an attitude towards himself during his life. A common cause of such problems is the upbringing methods that were used in childhood in relation to a person, both at home and at school, but mainly in religion classes, where instead of talking about the love of the Almighty, they scare students with hellish fire. The analysis of such problems is especially difficult in terms of separating in which cases a person feels guilty for imperfect sins, and in which cases his feelings are quite fair, because each of us has ever felt guilty for the mistakes that we made.
The Hermit (IX) - signals, first of all, the fear of loneliness or the fear that one cannot do anything alone, the certainty that a person feels doomed. It additionally informs about the complexes associated with an underestimation of oneself and one's knowledge. A person thinks that he is more stupid than the rest, mainly those who are in his immediate environment. The problems that this card signals can also relate to a person’s spirituality, his attitude towards elders and the inability to use the experience gained, which further aggravates the self-esteem of the individual.
Wheel of Fortune (X) - signals a lack of a sense of security and material instability. May mean a gambling addiction. Additionally, it may indicate karmic burdens, but we will talk about this a little later. We all face material problems, but not everyone in the 4th position of Portret has this card. And yet, if it is present, then this is information that a person cannot find a golden mean in relation to money: he is either afraid of them or madly craves them. A person who has the Wheel of Fortune in his Portrait in the 4th position cannot find a balance between the material and the spiritual. The situation is aggravated when the Wheel of Fortune in this position is affected by card XXII from positions 1., 5. or 6. (means such an influence that problems related to money were taken out of the parental home and such problems are more difficult to work out than problems acquired later).
Strength (XI) - is a signal that a person lacks faith in himself and his strength, speaks of fear of weakness and disease. Unfortunately, this is not the only meaning of this card in this position, it can also indicate that a person was or is a victim of violence, aggression. The number of problems of this kind, instead of decreasing, on the contrary, increases every year more and more, and those who have encountered or are facing them, instead of defending themselves, seeking help, on the contrary, hide their misfortunes, hide them into the subconscious and even try to justify such actions of the aggressors against them. Often this card is a reminder that a person may have been abused in childhood, which a person is afraid to admit, because it is easier to forget about such a period of life than to admit to oneself that parents or guardians have been cruel since childhood. treated you. Additionally, the card can serve as a signal that a person does not want to monitor his body and its condition.
The Hanged Man (XII) - informs about the lack of emotional stability of a person, about his tendency to withdraw into himself, and can also be a signal that the analyzed person is prone to the use of stimulants that affect a change in the state of consciousness (alcohol, drugs, psi chotropic drugs). Very often, the card indicates that a person experiences a feeling of so-called toxic shame, that is, feels guilty for something that has nothing to do with it (for example, the wife of an alcoholic is ashamed of the actions of her drunken husband and therefore hides his kicks from his parents and acquaintances). In extreme cases, it can talk about a strong emotional disorder.
Death (XIII) - most often speaks of such problems as the fear of taking responsibility for one's life, the fear of making any changes to it, the fear of old age and death. By the way, this is not such a rare problem as it seems at first glance. We live in the time of an unnaturally created cult of youth. This is endlessly broadcast by various kinds of advertisements that make a whole tragedy out of one wrinkle. Feature films shown on screens in which only young-looking actors play, job advertisements in which the main condition is that the future employee must be as young as possible. Today they do not appreciate the experience acquired with age, the wisdom of life, which is the prerogative of mature people. And although I personally am not ashamed of any of my wrinkles, each of which is reminiscent of the competition I won with the vicissitudes of fate, nor of my age, which is a guarantee that I have life experience, many have problems with this, which is what the Death card informs on the 4th position of the Portrait.
Moderation (XIV) - speaks of problems in finding the golden mean in life, the lack of a sense of proportion and harmony between internal and external content. Informs that a person is prone to irresponsibility and stagnation, namely: that even if he would like to do something, he still waits until he is shown the direction and told what needs to be done, or better, they will do the work for him. him. Such a person often expects a miracle and does not want to understand that it depends only on him whether something in his life will change or remain the same gray. It can say that a person does not have his own opinion, but adheres to what neighbors and acquaintances will say, which greatly complicates the process of self-realization.
Devil (XV) - This card indicates very destructive and difficult problems to work through. Informs about grievances associated with sexual harassment, violence, as well as exposure to the influence of sects and criminal groups, that a person may be engaged in black magic. It may indicate a strong sexual addiction, a tendency to perversions and deviations in this area, or vice versa, a tendency to completely abandon this part of life, excessive scrupulousness, deceit, false shame, which can affect the intimate life of partners. It is very difficult to overcome such problems without the help of psychologists and sexologists. Even if one could work with a person who has
such problems, just with the help of cards, it would be difficult to establish contact with the client, since in our country, conversations on such topics are still not accepted in society and remain at the level of inappropriate jokes. In a milder sense, the card may indicate that a person does not know how to properly use his energy: either he spends it in vain, or hardly uses it.
Tower (XVI) - indicates a tendency to depression, nervous disorders and nervousness. In this case, it is better to advise the person to undergo a course of clinical treatment. In addition, it says that a person does not know how to bring what he has begun to the end and allows the past to influence him. Many of us cannot forget about negative memories, experienced mental traumas. If something doesn’t work out for us, we justify ourselves by saying that we had a difficult childhood, we were influenced by bad people, we complain about fate, living conditions, or we put all the blame on the bad luck that haunts us. The card can also indicate the unconscious destructive actions of a person that he directs at himself, which leads to the destruction of his own affairs.
Star (XVII) - informs that a person has problems in the sphere of feelings, is afraid to openly express them, and especially those that are considered to be "bad" (anger, anger, hatred, etc.). Additionally, it speaks of a blocked creativity of a person, a cynical attitude towards such feelings as love, friendship, sympathy. That a person is not able to express his needs in these directions. It is quite easy to meet such people who do not know how to explain what they feel in this or that situation, and all the decisions or actions they make either fail or are not brought to the end. This is often due to the fact that such decisions do not reflect the true needs, but rather cause discouragement, because they are not what the person really needed. Blocked creativity, in turn, does not allow a person to fully show their talents. There is no possibility to demonstrate them in public.
Moon (XVIII) - speaks of a tendency to live in a world of illusions and fantasies, a significant or complete isolation from the real world, a lack of contact with reality and one's own subconscious, as well as the fact that a person knows nothing about his own psyche and the processes taking place in it. It may be evidence that a person has lost himself in life and does not know what is happening to him, does not understand his reactions. The moon also indicates increased emotional sensitivity and empathy, which leads to the fact that a person is deeply worried not only because of his own problems, but also because of the problems of other people, even if he has nothing to do with what happening. Sometimes there is a reverse situation, when a person is confident in his uniqueness and thinks only of himself, which is why he is generally not capable of sympathy, although more often this applies to men. In the case of women, it can speak of fears and blockades associated with the conception of a child, pregnancy or childbirth.
Sun (XIX) - indicates not low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem. He talks about the fear of seeming ridiculous, depending on the opinions of other people about himself. Informs about blockades that complicate the demonstration of one's own merits to society. A person who has the Sun in the 4th position of his portrait does not believe in himself and his strength, easily loses the meaning of any of his undertakings, and often the meaning of life. As a result, it can reach complete disappointment and inner emptiness. Such a person is happy with anything, has no aspirations, and considers himself a failure and a mistake of nature. Although the opposite situation is also possible, when an ordinary person behaves like a leader who does not accept any comments, and perceives those who dare to criticize him as his enemies.
Court (XX) - speaks of excessive responsibility, blockades that have arisen as a result of a specific hierarchy of values ​​​​(a conservative approach to religion or philosophy of life). Informs about complexes related to family or origin. Everyone knows that the value system that a person has created for himself affects his views, approach to life and personal choices. A person with a Court card in the 4th position very often adheres to the value system that he “carried out” from his parental home, forgetting that it may not correspond to the current situation. Can also talk about the tendency to explain and justify all their actions, regardless of the result,
with good intentions, everything was allegedly done for the sake of the “higher good”.
World (XXI) - first of all, informs about various kinds of phobias (for example, claustrophobia), nervousness, obsessive behavior (for example, excessive overeating or weakness for shopping). In a milder form, it speaks of the fear of living and the person's concern about whether he can cope with everything himself. Often indicates a fear of going abroad and communicating with foreigners, rejection of everything foreign. It happens that it says that a person does not understand and therefore is afraid of modern technology, tries not to use a computer, the Internet, a mobile phone. And if this is understandable in the behavior of older people, then for young people it greatly complicates life and career growth.

Psychological Harmony Card (12)
The Psychic Harmony Card can be calculated in two ways: by summing up the numerical values ​​of the cards in the 4th, 5th and 6th positions, or by summing up the 7th and 8th positions, the result will always be the same. This card describes situations and conditions in which a person feels most comfortable or, in other words, happy. This card is always in position number 12. and we write it on the side of our inverted pyramid
A very important information is that only even cards can stand in this position. This happens because psychic harmony is the dominant of female energy, which is contained in even cards.
Jester (XXII) - harmony is achieved through work with children, the development of spontaneity, the joy of life, friendly contacts and new beginnings. A person with the "Jester" card in the 12th position feels happy when he has established contact with the inner child.
High Priestess (II) - harmony is achieved through communication with nature, work on the land and other activities in nature, trips to the village, to the forest, to nature, as well as through helping people and good relations with the mother. Happiness can also bring secret knowledge (for example, Tarot).
Emperor (IV) - harmony is achieved through vigorous activity, career growth, a high level of professionalism, thriftiness and wise use of available funds, obtaining status and recognition in society, as well as contacts with men.
Lovers (VI) - harmony is achieved through an agreed and complete partnership in every sense of the word, joint work with a person, mutual love, tolerance, understanding of others, as well as through the ability to make the right choice.
Justice (VIII) - harmony is achieved due to the desire for justice, both internal and external, contact with highly moral and educated people, social work for the benefit of the environment, following the rules adopted in society, excluding any unseemly deeds from own life.
Wheel of Fortune (X) - harmony is achieved due to a sense of material stability, providing oneself with a stable income and work that will bring the necessary income, wise disposal of earned funds, prudent investment and capital investment, as well as due to the development of karma.
The Hanged Man (XII) - harmony is achieved thanks to:
. rich spiritual life;
. meditation;
. contemplation;
. trance states;
. prayer;
. listening to your inner voice;
. maintaining contact with your superconsciousness;
. direct contact with God, understanding His promptings, accepting His help;
. development of one's own psyche, work on understanding feelings, emotions, desires and aspirations. These people are not recommended to smoke and in general to use any drugs that induce an altered state.
Moderation (XIV) - harmony is achieved through:
. balance between external and internal content;
. surrounding yourself with calm and balanced people;
. positive contacts with the environment, work for its benefit;
. good contacts with neighbors, acquaintances and other people;
. balanced relationships in the family and at work.
Tower (XVI) - harmony is achieved through:
. rejection of everything old and obsolete and finding the best, modern, more effective;
. finding your place in life (in the family, at work) and improving your life in all its directions.
Moon (XVIII) - harmony is achieved through:
. the development of the feminine: the preservation and support of the family hearth, healthy care for its inhabitants, good cuisine, decorating the house and keeping it clean;
. development of intuition, imagination and creativity.
Judgment (XX) - harmony is achieved through:
. close and warm, open and sincere relationships in the family, with loved ones and relatives;
. wise and mature value system.
Peace (XXI) - harmony is achieved through:
. broad outlook;
. deepening into other cultures and traditions;
. understanding people and tolerant attitude towards them.
Let me remind you that the card of Psychic Harmony in the Portrait has a clearly designated place for it.


This typology is a combination of numerology and Tarot.
As Khshanovskaya herself writes:

Replacing the corresponding birth number cards allows you to see the similarity of the genetic code with which a person comes into this world, manifested through the archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

You can calculate the portrait.
Position value:
Position 1 - childhood and youth
Position 2 - mature age
Position 3 - autumn of life

Subconscious: fears and complexes, blocks that we often do not realize.
Position 5 - consciousness: aspirations, goals, morality, ethics, the sphere of self-realization.
Position 6 - superconsciousness: hidden talents, abilities, as well as spiritual patrons.

Mission: the task for which a person came into this life.
- gifts, i.e. mission-enhancing potential

9, 10 and 11 refer to the karmic portrait, to his past incarnation.
Position 9 - who was?
Position 10 - what did you do?
Position 11 - what is the karmic task?

Map of Psychic Harmony
- a person's perception of himself
How a person is perceived by other people

The way of working out karma (refers to the karmic portrait)

position 16 - the point of obsession or "rake", which a person periodically steps on.
position 17 - card of karmic comfort (refers to the karmic portrait)
position 18 - how to work with the mission in this incarnation (refers to the karmic portrait)

position 19 - what is outside the consciousness of a person, what a person underestimates, what he does not pay attention to
position 20 - how a person behaves in an emergency
position 21 - the most important thing for a person - what gives pleasure and where at the same time there are great responsibilities.


    Psychological Harmony Card (12)
    The Psychic Harmony Card can be calculated in two ways: by summing up the numerical values ​​of the cards in the 4th, 5th and 6th positions, or by summing up the 7th and 8th positions, the result will always be the same. This card describes situations and conditions in which a person feels most comfortable or, in other words, happy. This card is always in position number 12. and we write it on the side of our inverted pyramid
    A very important information is that only even cards can stand in this position. This happens because psychic harmony is the dominant of female energy, which is contained in even cards.
    Jester(XXII) - harmony is achieved through work with children, the development of spontaneity, the joy of life, friendly contacts and new beginnings. A person with the "Jester" card in the 12th position feels happy when he has established contact with the inner child.
    High Priestess(II) - harmony is achieved through communication with nature, work on the land and other activities in nature, trips to the village, to the forest, to nature, as well as through helping people and good relations with the mother. Happiness can also bring secret knowledge (for example, Tarot).
    Emperor(IV) - harmony is achieved through vigorous activity, career growth, a high level of professionalism, thriftiness and the wise use of available funds, obtaining status and recognition in society, as well as contacts with men.
    lovers(VI) - harmony is achieved through an agreed and complete partnership in every sense of the word, joint work with a person, mutual love, tolerance, understanding of others, as well as through the ability to make the right choice.
    Justice(VIII) - harmony is achieved due to the desire for justice, both internal and external, contact with highly moral and educated people, social work for the benefit of the environment, following the rules adopted in society, excluding any unseemly things from one's life.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - harmony is achieved through a sense of material stability, providing oneself with a stable income and work that will bring the necessary income, wise disposal of earned funds, prudent investment and capital investment, as well as through the development of karma.
    Hanged(XII) - harmony is achieved through:
    rich spiritual life;
    trance states;
    listening to your inner voice;
    maintaining contact with your superconsciousness;
    direct contact with God, understanding His promptings, accepting His help;
    development of one's own psyche, work on understanding feelings, emotions, desires and aspirations. These people are not recommended to smoke and in general to use any drugs that introduce into an altered state.
    Moderation(XIV) - harmony is achieved through:
    balance between external and internal content;
    surrounding yourself with calm and balanced people;
    positive contacts with the environment, work for its benefit;
    good contacts with neighbors, acquaintances and other people;
    balanced relationships in the family and at work.
    Tower(XVI) - harmony is achieved through:
    rejection of everything old and obsolete and finding the best, modern, more effective;
    finding your place in life (in the family, at work) and improving your life in all its directions.
    Moon(XVIII) - harmony is achieved through:
    the development of the feminine: the preservation and support of the family hearth, healthy care for its inhabitants, good cuisine, decorating the house and keeping it clean;
    development of intuition, imagination and creativity.
    Court(XX) - harmony is achieved through:
    close and warm, open and sincere relationships in the family, with loved ones and relatives;
    wise and mature value system.
    World(XXI) - harmony is achieved through:
    broad outlook;
    deepening into other cultures and traditions;
    understanding people and tolerant attitude towards them.
    Let me remind you that the card of Psychic Harmony in the Portrait has a clearly designated place for it.

    Value of cards in 8th position:
    Jester (XXII)- a person received as a gift the ability inherent in children, when you take on new and diverse things with interest and enthusiasm, spontaneity, excitement, the ability to find unconventional solutions. Such a person, because he trusts his instincts, will be able to make great fun out of any difficult work and with genuine enthusiasm will complete the task assigned to him, will always find an unconventional way out of the current situation, and if he uses the traditional method, he will certainly contribute something new in it and will solve the problem. Such people remain young at heart until the end of their lives, and cynicism and boredom are not inherent in them at all.
    Mage (I)- a person received from fate the gift of virtuoso command of the word, the talent to reconcile the warring parties, to mediate in disputes, to resolve conflicts, and also
    the ability to combine both in oneself and in one's environment the energies of the four elements. A person with the “Magician” card in the 8th position knows how to correctly put words together, both in his oral speech and in writing, and his statements will be logical, clear and beautiful. The gifts given to such a person can also include the ease of obtaining any information, the dexterity in making new contacts with peers and fruitful cooperation, both with them and with their brothers and sisters.
    High Priestess (II)- a person received as a gift the ability to keep secrets, the ability to act at his own discretion, an intuitive understanding of other people and excellent contact with all natural elements. This person is a real "child of nature", a guardian, always ready to help those who need it. In addition, a person has received a considerable talent in the field of magical arts, and even if he does not use any particular practice of predicting the future type of Tarot, runes or astrology, he can foresee what is to happen and how things will be in the future. It is also easy for such a person to do everything that is directly related to nature - caring for flowers, animal husbandry, gardening, etc.
    Empress (III)- the gifts that this card points to are connected, first of all, with a sense of beauty and aesthetics. Accordingly, people who have the Empress card in the 8th position of their Portrait have an ideal taste, knowledge of how to make life richer and brighter.
    Such people from any, even the most miserable space, can create something exceptionally beautiful and cozy. They also know how to accurately determine what goes with what, what suits who, how to run a household, how to receive guests, how to dress in order to look great. Such people are connoisseurs of art in any of its manifestations, and at the same time, as the highest gift, they also receive a beautiful appearance that simplifies life, because it is not for nothing that it is said: "Beautiful can do more."
    Emperor (IV)- a person received as a gift the ability to make decisions, administer and manage, as well as exceptional performance. There is no such job that a person with the "Emperor" card in the 8th position could not handle. An additional gift is a rare, amazing talent to feel what will go easily and profitably, and what will bring neither income nor pleasure. These people are often powerful and demanding, but they do not demand more from anyone than they would demand from themselves and are well aware that power is, first of all, responsibility and concern for subordinates, and not just enjoying the privileges that it brings. People with the Emperor in the 8th position are able to give orders and assignments, as well as control their execution.
    High Priest (V)- the gifts indicated by this card are primarily related to the ability to receive and use one's knowledge in life at a very high level, to teach other people what a person knows himself, to conduct research, process the results of these studies and convey them to a wide circle of the public. Such people can bring together past experience, historical knowledge and the latest achievements of science. Because of this, they can become spiritual leaders, operating within a particular religion, or outside of it. An additional gift is the ease of gaining authority, the ability to be a professional in your field and fame.
    Lovers (VI)- with this card, a person is gifted with the ability to share his love in the global sense of the word. Such people know how to make a choice and make a decision, no matter how difficult the situation is. They also have a predisposition to trade, mediation and assistance related to decision making. An additional gift is the ability to forge complex partnerships (both in business and in personal life).
    Chariot (VII)- a person received as a gift the ability to career growth and achieve success in this field. Their positive aspects are dynamism, mobility, self-confidence and a desire to succeed. Frequent changes of residence, profession or just travel are not a problem for such people, and the talent to set up any technique greatly simplifies life and speeds up the process of career growth. Additional gifts of fate are the ability to captivate other people with your ideas, talent for innovation and invention, innovation in the field of mastering technical innovations.
    Justice(VIII) - this card indicates the inherent gift of an exceptional sense of social justice and legal literacy, as well as the ability to find inner balance in any situation. A positive feature of the character of such a person is an objective and unbiased approach to any business, which simplifies the assessment of available opportunities. Such people are perfectly realized in professions that are somehow connected with legislation, legal and judicial norms. An additional gift is the ability to objectively evaluate erroneous decisions, distance yourself from them and not repeat them twice, which allows you to successfully implement your plans and achieve your goals.
    Hermit(IX) - people who have this card on the 8th position of their Portrait received as a gift high spirituality, the ability to find the right path in life and understand the higher laws of being (universal, cosmic). Such people learn not only from their own experience, but also use the knowledge bequeathed to us by their ancestors. The positive qualities of such people are a wise and benevolent attitude towards elders, with whom, regardless of their age, they have a good relationship, as well as the ability to go through life along the path of their Destiny. An additional talent is the ability to work on oneself, grow spiritually, enrich one's inner world with spiritual eternal values. Although they do not shy away from communicating with other people, they still feel better alone, which does not interfere with doing their job well.
    Wheel of Fortune (X)- the card shows that a person is gifted with an extraordinary instinct for profitable business, a careful attitude to money, the ability to earn it and use it correctly. Such people are well aware of the value of both their work and the money they receive for it. They know how to separate the material from the spiritual sphere, they do not forget about the physical world. In addition, such people work out karma, often not even knowing that something like this exists. In the second half of life, they already have sufficient funds and begin to engage in charity work.
    Force(XI) - people who have this card in the 8th position received the ability to work with the physical body as a gift. Such people can be conditionally divided into two groups:
    1. possessing good health and great physical strength;
    2. Poor health, weak and even physically handicapped, who nevertheless lead an active lifestyle and try to improve their physical condition.
    It is those who have the Strength card in the 8th position who perfectly understand the needs of the human body, know how to satisfy them, how to raise the level of vitality (vitality), immunity and physical strength. An additional gift is the ability to effectively use the inherent potentials, talents and inclinations, which allows you to achieve high results in life, regardless of the position originally occupied.
    Hanged(XII) - the card in this position shows that a person has the gift to convey prayers to the Higher Forces, the ease of entering into altered states of consciousness, establishing contact with his inner world, God, other Worlds. Such people are well versed in their own and other people's emotions, which greatly simplifies the understanding of both themselves and the world around them. The gift of successful interaction with one's inner world makes it possible to use the prompts of the subconscious, and if you watch such people, you get the impression that something is leading them to a higher goal. Their prayers have healing and cleansing qualities. An additional gift is the ability to turn everything upside down and start all over again, starting from such a different point of view.
    Death(XIII) - the gift is the ability to transform both oneself and the world around, as well as the talent to heal the body and soul. An additional gift of fate is the absence of fear of change, the challenges of fate and emerging opportunities. These people, in principle, have no problem using their “five minutes”, which fate gives each of us to experience. In the life of such people, it often comes to radical changes, both in professional life and in personal life, but this does not bother them at all. They can easily bring changes to the fate of other people or be realized in extreme professions that require strong nerves and complete control over oneself.
    Moderation(XIV) - such people received as a gift from fate the talent to bring balance to very problematic and strained relationships, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations, to bring harmony and tranquility to their surroundings. An additional skill is the ability to find the golden mean, eliminate dissonances between the inner and outer worlds, peacefully resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, and harmonize unbalanced emotions. Such people are valued for their calmness, restraint, ability to look at the situation from the outside, external gentleness and internal harmony. These are born diplomats who know how to find a way out in any situation, give the right advice and slowly but surely move towards the goal.
    Devil(XV) - people with this card in the 8th position are endowed with great energy, which can be realized at different levels. People around are often surprised by the activity, expression and dynamism that these people have in full. Very often, such people receive a healing gift, they know how to cheer up in any company and bring positive energy. Therefore, such people can engage in bioenergy therapy, Reiki, or other types of healing. Additionally, they have the following features
    character that make them the soul of any company, excellent workers who are not afraid of difficult tasks, charming people, causing special interest in the opposite sex.
    Tower(XVI) - this card, being in the 8th position of the Portrait, brings the ability to destroy old, obsolete, ossified systems and build new, more modern ones in their place. Often such people can create a complex structure out of nothing, which will be able to exist for many years and in any conditions. It is not a problem for them to fit into existing structures if they consider them promising, stable and capable of fulfilling their tasks. Additionally, such people have the gift to feel the time, they know how to organize it and spend every minute usefully. They also have abilities in the field of logistics, the knowledge of which is used both in the personal and professional fields, and thanks to which they become excellent workers or leaders, they easily organize the work of even very large teams.
    Star(XVII) - people with a Star in position 8 have artistic talent, they are creative and able to create works of art. Thanks to these abilities, they approach any work creatively and with their successes influence others. Additionally, these people know how to evoke friendly feelings in others and are themselves true friends. Possessing such character traits as sensitivity, delicacy, refinement, they can cause admiration not only for their creativity, but also for their unusual and charming behavior, refined manners. Another gift of fate is the patronage of the Higher Forces, which accompanies them in life. It is not in vain that they say about such people: "Born under a lucky star."
    Moon(XVIII) - this card indicates that a person is endowed with excellent intuition, knowledge of the human psyche, vivid imagination, rich imagination and hypersensitivity. These gifts help to be realized in any kind of activity related to communication and communication between people, the ability to foresee the results of one's actions, foresight and the ability to respond to the emotional state of others. Additionally, such people are endowed with the ability to establish contact with the subconscious and understand its prompts. Sometimes people watching from the sidelines may be surprised at the ability of a person with the "Moon" in the 8th position to intuitively choose what will give the best results. Also, these people have the ability to take care of their home and maintain a cozy atmosphere in it.
    The sun(XIX) - a person with this card at the 8th position of the Portrait has the talent of a leader, a leader, and therefore can easily occupy any leadership positions where such character traits as firmness and authority are needed. Such a person is able to lead people, give them motivation to act and convince them that they are right. You are lucky if your leader is just like that, because
    he knows exactly what he wants not only from himself, but also from others. In addition, such people receive as a gift charisma, the talent to speak in public, the ability to convincingly and accurately express their point of view, the ability to argue and state the very essence of any case. Their undoubted positive feature is the unwillingness to rest on their laurels and the constant work on their own character, the development of existing abilities and their practical use.
    Court(XX) - this card shows as a gift the ability to create a healthy and wise value system, develop positive relationships between people, and also demonstrates an open mind with superpowers for analysis and synthesis, which helps to realistically assess the situation, draw conclusions and apply the experience gained to practice. Additionally, such people are very family-oriented, and at the same time, they consider not only relatives and relatives, but also employees, neighbors, acquaintances, and even their people or all of humanity to be a family. Many of them, often without even knowing it, are working off ancestral karmic debts. Such people have a positive outlook, and depression is not known to them at all; they are proud of their origin and never support any manifestations of racism and tribalism.
    World(XXI) - a person with such a card at the 8th position in the Portrait received a gift of cosmopolitanism, tolerance, the ability to establish contacts with foreigners, the ability to look at the world objectively, interest in everything modern and the absence of blockades and complexes. Such a person feels good in any environment, knows how to adapt to any conditions, is able to quickly learn the language, customs and culture of the country in which he has to live. An additional gift is a sense of humor, the ability to look at oneself from the outside and the talent to simplify one's own and others' lives. Such people go through life with a smile, with interest, in everything that they can meet in life, they are positive, modern and self-confident. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that they succeed in various activities and often receive worldwide recognition.

    Positions 13 and 14
    Now let's move on to the so-called side cards numbered 13. and 14. To calculate the numerical value of the card at the 13th position, you need to sum up the cards at positions 1. + 4. + 6. This card talks about how he sees himself from the side a person, how he treats himself and what kind of self-esteem he has ..
    The card on the 14th position is obtained by summing up the numerical values ​​of the cards on the positions 3. + 5. + 6. The card on this position tells how other people perceive a person.

    Card meanings for 13 positions:
    Jester(XXII) - a person perceives himself as a positive, cheerful person who is interested in the world and people, constantly interested in what is new and unknown for him, although sometimes he believes that he is not stable enough, naive, hardly finishes what he started
    to the end and often does not follow the sequence in their actions.
    Mage(I) - a person evaluates himself as a communicative person, easily establishing new contacts, eloquent, and also able to help a person get comfortable in a team, although sometimes he may consider himself too talkative, friendly and trusting.
    High Priestess(II) - such a person considers himself sensitive, caring, loving nature, restrained, trustworthy, having a strong intuition and a rich inner world, although he treats himself with criticism, he may consider himself too critical, secretive, which greatly complicates his relationship with other people.
    empress(III) - a person finds himself quite beautiful both inside and out, interesting, having a beautiful appearance and good taste, aesthetically developed, economic, elegant and well-groomed. Sometimes doubts really creep in, and then he condemns himself for idleness and too high an opinion of himself.
    Emperor(IV) - the owner of this card in the 13th position considers himself a hard-working, competent, energetic person, always ready for action and taking responsibility for his actions, although he may think that he is too demanding of himself and others and doubt that that he does not abuse his power too much.
    High priest(V) - the person considers himself to be intelligent, intelligent, serious or even severe, deeply moral, religious and ethical, although at times he may think that he is too dry, demanding of people and taking matters too seriously.
    lovers(VI) - such a person evaluates himself as a person capable of great love for everyone and everything, as well as able to make decisions quickly and make the right choice, although he often considers himself too sensitive and hasty in making decisions.
    Chariot(VII) - a person considers himself a dynamic, mobile person who loves travel and all kinds of movement, as well as who knows how to build a career and achieve success, although sometimes he may think that he is too assertive professionally, and the desire to gain recognition interferes with him in personal life.
    Justice(VIII) - a person considers himself fair, always adheres to the laws, knows the rules of behavior in society well and easily achieves inner harmony, although at times he doubts his innocence and his desire to blindly adhere to norms and rules.
    Hermit(IX) - such a person evaluates himself as a person who is serious, wise, having rich life experience, able to give good advice and confidently stepping along the path of life, although he may consider that he is unattractive, dry and has old-fashioned views.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - this person believes that he knows how to adapt to different life situations, earn money and knows the field of finance very well. Yet it happens that a person begins to doubt his abilities and worry about whether he can provide for himself financially.
    Force(XI) - such a person believes that he is strong, healthy, has an athletic physique, healthy immunity and a strong will, that he correctly uses the potential inherent in him and the opportunities that appear, although it happens that doubts cover him, and then the slightest illness turns into catastrophe.
    Hanged(XII) - the owner of this card at the 13th position of the Portrait considers himself a detached person, closed in himself, introverted, prone to reflection and meditation, immersed in himself and seeing the world differently. Sometimes he believes that he is not adapted to life in society.
    Death(XIII) - a person considers himself an active, energetic, dynamic person, capable of any transformations. He is sure that he is not afraid of any changes and will cope with them perfectly, although quite often he thinks that he has poor health and is not destined to live long.
    Moderation(XIV) - such a person believes that he is a restrained, balanced person and able to look at a situation or a person from the outside. Such a person always keeps his emotions under control and maintains a balance between what he feels and what happens.
    around, although he suspects that there may be such energies in him that (if they are not controlled) can be destructive.
    Devil(XV) - the owner of this card in the 13th position considers himself a person with great energy, strong character, able to make an unforgettable impression on people and be the soul of the company, although sometimes such a person is afraid of himself and therefore hides his energy potential.
    Tower(XVI) - such a person considers himself a good builder in every sense of the word, who can easily fit into any structure. He does not hesitate to put everything on the line and be sure that, regardless of the situation, he will be able to start everything over, although at times he considers such an attitude too radical, and himself too sharp in behavior.
    Star(XVII) - a person believes that he is capable of deep feelings, benevolent, faithful in friendship, has artistic talent, or at least is gifted with some potential and the ability to create, although there is a reflection on the topic that he is too sentimental, emotional, and his talent mediocre.
    Moon(XVIII) - the owner of this card at the 13th position of the Portrait considers himself a very sensitive person, an intuitive homebody with a rich imagination. Such a person happily takes care of the house, cooking and decorating everything that surrounds him, although he often considers himself too sensitive, a person from another era, prone to illusions.
    The sun(XIX) - such a person has a very high self-esteem, considers himself an outstanding, charismatic personality, a born leader who will lead the masses, and will also be able to demonstrate himself to society. But sometimes he is visited by doubts and then he begins to suffer from the question of what others think of him.
    Court(XX) - the owner of this card at the 13th position of the Portrait considers himself a family man, interested in his origin, taking care of his family. Such a person believes that he has a well-formed worldview and a time-tested value system, although he may have doubts whether he can protect his family and values.
    World(XXI) - a person considers himself a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world, a tolerant, liberal person who does not have any prejudices. Such a person is open to everything new and unusual and will never judge a person by the first impression. However, he often feels fear because of the problems of civilization.

    Card meanings for 14 positions:
    Jester(XXII) - regardless of a person's age, people often perceive him as a child, believing that he is too trusting, naive and even infantile, but appreciate him for spontaneity, naturalness, spontaneity, fun, wit. People love to be in the company of such
    a person because they begin to feel freer, can remain themselves and do not have to pretend to be smarter than they really are.
    Mage(I) - people consider such a person to be an eloquent, talkative, and sometimes too talkative, contact, sympathetic, although rather sharp personality in their assessments and opinions. It is believed that such people grasp information on the fly, remember it well, but do not always know how to apply it. People love to spend time with such a person, as there is always something to talk about with him.
    High Priestess(II) - a person who has this card in the 14th position is considered by people to be a caring, attentive, loving nature, reserved and even mysterious person, who knows more than he shows. People easily trust such a person with their secrets and often ask for help.
    empress(III) - such a person is considered a person who is delicate, subtle, sensitive, outwardly attractive, elegant, having good taste and surrounding himself with beautiful things and people. Although sometimes it seems that this person is a slacker and pays too much attention to his appearance.
    Emperor(IV) - such a person is considered decisive, energetic, active, quite powerful and self-confident, efficient, smart, able to solve any problems, although sometimes too assertive in professional affairs and too demanding of subordinates.
    High priest(V) - people perceive such a person as an outstanding, authoritative, sensible, intelligent, serious, highly moral person. Such a person can be a role model, although at times he seems harsh, harsh and devoid of a sense of humor.
    Lovers (VI) - such a person is considered a person who is able to truly love and do a lot in the name of love, as well as who knows how to make the right decisions and be responsible for their actions.
    Chariot(VII) - others perceive such a person as a mobile, dynamic, relentlessly moving person and not having the patience to stay in one place for a long time, sociable, but also tuned in to gain recognition, popularity, striving for success, which is often perceived as careerism.
    Justice(VIII) - people perceive such a person as a calm and even somewhat inhibited, fair person, striving at any cost to comply with binding norms and rules, both legislative and universal, which leads to the fact that a person is considered pedantic, wonderful and boring.
    Hermit(IX) - people treat such a person with great respect and admiration, knowing that he has significant knowledge, wisdom, life experience,
    understanding of the world and its laws. Often people blindly follow him and unconditionally agree with his opinion.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - people treat such a person as a person who does an excellent job in the world of matter, knows how to manage money. Many people use his advice in this area, because they believe that this person will find a way out of any situation and will be able to adapt even to the most difficult living conditions.
    Force(XI) - a person is perceived by society as a strong person with an unbending character and will, able to fully use the potential received from fate and not miss a single opportunity to develop a more confident and strong position. It happens that such a person instills fear in other people.
    Hanged(XII) - people perceive such a person as a person suspended between this and that world, somewhat absent, backward, closed in himself, living in a world of his own experiences and emotions, and this world is inaccessible to other people. This is one of the most difficult cards in position 14, since people's opinion about this person absolutely does not coincide with what they really are.
    Death(XIII) - such a person is perceived by others as a person capable of any transformation, well adapted to various changes, even those that are revolutionary in nature. Such
    people are energetic and decisive, and sometimes it seems to those watching from the outside that they do not experience doubts and disappointments at all, that at times people begin to be wary of this person.
    Moderation(XIV) - others see in this person a peacemaker, a mediator, a person who can find a good way out of any situation, find a middle ground in resolving any conflict and calm violent emotions, establish harmony between the conflicting parties and bring balance to any relationship.
    Devil(XV) - such a person is perceived as a very energetic, active, dynamic, overflowing with energy, capable of unexpected explosions, both enthusiasm and anger, passionate, suitable for many things with animation, loudly declaring his views, which often causes people fear and anxiety.
    Tower(XVI) - is considered a disciplined, serious, highly moral person, having clearly defined norms and rules, able to build the right relationships with others, while outlining the boundaries of what is permitted, although he is often conservative and old-fashioned.
    Star(XVII) - a person with such a card in position 14 easily wins the sympathy of the environment, because he is considered a sweet, friendly, pretty, friendly and at the same time attractive person
    outwardly, elegant, sociable, charming, artistic.
    Moon(XVIII) - such a person is perceived as a dreamer, a dreamer living in the world of his imagination, a homebody who loves to spend time at home, a person somewhat cut off from this world, easily amenable to illusions and fraud, although in general this should not happen, so how people of the moon have exceptional intuition.
    The sun(XIX) - such a person is considered a leader, a real leader, whom you can follow without fear, a leader with whom you do not argue, and even a charismatic person capable of leading the masses. Also, such a person is evaluated as a strong, self-confident person with a high self-esteem and an interesting image.
    Court(XX) - people perceive such a person as a family person, faithful to his relatives and friends. People around know how important it is for such a person to take care of his relatives, to maintain good relations in the family. Many treat such a person with respect due to the fact that he has a healthy value system and an integral worldview, and also has his own point of view about everything that concerns him.
    World(XXI) - a person who has this card in position 14 is perceived by the environment as a person absorbed in earthly interests, open to everything new, having extensive interests and contacts. Also such
    a person is considered tolerant, positive, interested in the world and people, devoid of fears, complexes and remaining himself in all situations.

    Map of the way to work out karma (15)

    I think that the most important card of the Karmic Portrait is the 15th position card, so I will outline its most important values ​​here, although all the cards of the Karmic Portrait are interpreted according to the general and karmic meanings of the Major Arcana
    Jester(I) - the way to work out karmic duties in the case of a person who has this card in the 15th position is to give birth and raise children, work with children, take care of their well-being (in the sense of personal and social). Such a person should not retreat before each new challenge of fate, be open to new deeds, phenomena, tasks, as well as cultivate the enthusiasm inherent in children and fight stereotypes and routine behavior.
    Mage(II) - people with such a card in the 15th position must work out karmic duties, establishing and developing a large number of positive contacts. Such people should take care of relationships with relatives and peers, work on the word, both oral and written, make sure that harmony is maintained in the team. You also need to weigh every word and not only not offend anyone, but also try to say something pleasant to everyone.
    High Priestess(II) - a person with such a card at position 15 can work off his karmic debts by establishing good relations with his mother, taking care of those who need it. You must learn to keep secrets and do as you please. Engage in esotericism (for example, Tarot or natural magic), protect nature and take care of animals and the environment of the entire planet.
    empress(III) - the way to work off karmic debts in this case is to build good relationships with your children, take care of the house and create a warm, cordial atmosphere between family members, as well as have a good relationship with a partner. This person must adhere to such an attitude towards material values ​​that he never becomes their prisoner, but also not neglect their significance.
    Emperor(IV) - this card advises a person to devote himself to professional activities and treat it with all responsibility, fight laziness in all its manifestations and at the same time build good relations with his partner. It is also necessary to develop an appropriate attitude towards power, and if fate has given the opportunity to be a leader, then remember that his position, first of all, obliges him to be responsible.
    High priest(V) - a person with such a card in the 15th position should become an example to follow and a teacher.
    We can say with confidence that in order to work off karmic debts, it is necessary not to be hypocritical, to be sincere in relations with other people, to get a higher education, to develop an integral philosophical system, a personal attitude to religion and faith, a professional approach to work duties. It is also necessary to take care of good relations with the father and other authoritative persons.
    lovers(VI) - one who has such a card in his Karmic Portrait at position 15 can work off his karmic debts, bestowing cosmic, universal love on everyone and everything. Such a person should forget about all distinctions and perceive everyone equally, regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc., and pay the most attention to all types of partnerships. Not the last place will be occupied by the ability to make decisions and make choices, as well as to bear personal responsibility for these decisions.
    Chariot(VII) - the way to work off debts in this case will be the desire for success, obtained in a crystal-clear way. Such a person must gain recognition and become popular at least in his immediate environment in order to be able to make positive changes even in such a small community. It is necessary to promote the idea of ​​mutual understanding, consent, cooperation between different people and social groups.
    Justice(VIII) - a person with such a card on the 15th position, in order to work off his karmic debts, must comply with universal rules and norms, be sensitive to any manifestations of injustice and in no case pass by such cases. It is necessary to conduct your affairs in such a way that no one can accuse of dishonesty, much less suspect of a crime. In personal life, the task of a person is to develop and maintain inner balance.
    Hermit(IX) - a person who has this card in his Karmic Portrait at the 15th position must put all his strength into his spiritual development, learn how to correctly apply his life experience, engage in esoteric or other human sciences, and also develop a positive attitude in himself to the elderly, and pay special attention to relationships with their grandparents. The main tasks of such a person: service to other people, modest behavior, rejection of laziness, acceptance of what life brings, even if it is loneliness among people.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - a person with such a card in the 15th position should first of all concentrate on finding a balance between the spiritual and the material, developing the right attitude towards money, learning how to earn it in order to financially provide for their loved ones, help those who are in this needs, and participate in charity. Such a person must remember that the soul consciously came into this world to work off its karmic debts, so you need to listen to its voice.
    Force(XI) - one who has such a card in the 15th position must develop an appropriate attitude towards his body, which is a "temple for the soul", health, immunity and physical form. Also, make full use of all the opportunities that arise, do not neglect or be ashamed of any work, even physical, and develop the abilities and talents given by fate. Such a person must remember that if he took up something voluntarily, promised something to someone, he is obliged to fulfill it regardless of the price that will have to be paid for it.
    Hanged(XII) - a person with such a card on the 15th position for working off karmic debts must plunge into his inner world, understand himself, his emotions, but not impose them on others, but cope with them on his own and not make himself a victim. Such a person should pray and ask the Higher Powers to bless not only himself, but also other people. At the same time, do not expect anything in return, since a person in a past life was too passive in relation to himself and other people and now must take the initiative in his own hands, work and encourage others to do the same.
    Death(XIII) - a person with this card on the 15th position in order to work off his debts from previous incarnations must develop the ability to adapt to the constant changes that he needs. The ability to transform, to cleanse what is outdated and irrelevant, to disassociate from the past are the most important and effective ways to eliminate karmic debts in this case. A person must learn to work in extreme conditions, save lives, support the desperate and unfortunate.
    Moderation(XIV) - the owner of this card at the 15th position of the Portrait should be very attentive in relations with the closest environment, neighbors and acquaintances, help and support them, and in case of conflicts, act as a mediator and peacemaker. The task of such a person in this life is to establish harmony between the external and internal world. It is necessary to learn to control your emotions, to develop the ability to find a golden mean in any situation, regardless of the circumstances.
    Devil(XV) - a person must learn to cope with his energy, use it effectively, work for the benefit of offended and defenseless creatures. Such a person should develop in himself an appropriate attitude towards sex, erotica and bring spirituality into his intimate life, not forgetting about physical pleasure. An important role is also played by honesty, objectivity, loyalty, the ability to resist temptations and keep a distance from the environment.
    Tower(XVI) - a person with such a card on the 15th position, in order to work off his karmic debts, must learn to build and maintain relationships with people, starting with his family and ending with organizations and government
    institutions. Such a person should be able to take care not to succumb to the temptation to impose his opinion on other people, destroy everything that does not correspond to his views, be guided by momentary whims and be offended by those who do not agree with his opinion.
    Star(XVII) - in the case of this card on the 15th position, a person can work off his karmic debts by cultivating friendly ties, loyalty and fidelity to his friends, a benevolent attitude towards the world, the ability to understand the feelings of one's own and others, and the rejection of cynicism. Such a person should not allow boredom into his life and make full use of the available talents, mainly in the artistic field. A person also should not be indifferent to beauty, goodness, selflessness, the creativity of other people and the highest values.
    Moon(XVIII) - the owner of the Moon in the 15th position, in order to work off karmic debts, must have good contact with his subconscious, cooperate with his intuition and listen to her prompts. Such a person must control his imagination and not succumb to illusions in order to be able to correctly assess reality. It is also necessary to take care of your home, family, people, homeland, be true to your views, never forget about the duties you have assumed, but fulfill them using soft female energy, regardless of gender in the current incarnation.
    The sun(XIX) - a person with this card on the 15th position of the Karmic Portrait, first of all, should avoid
    develop tendencies to be a leader and to impose your leadership on other people. Well, if it nevertheless happens that a person takes a leadership position, then do not forget that he has a huge responsibility and there are much more requirements for him than for other people in the same situation, but with a different map of the way to work out karma. A person should show the way to other people, while remaining aloof, be modest, maintain peace of mind and his opinion, regardless of the situation on which he has influence.
    Court(XX) - in order to work off karmic debts, a person with such a card on the 15th position must devote a lot of time and work to the family, and not only to family or closest relatives, but also to distant relatives, to take care that between them are preserved good relationships, cultivate family traditions, remember your roots, and work on a whole system of people's values ​​and worldview. A person must remember that his soul came into this world on purpose to work off all sorts of ancestral karmic debts, so he must listen to her voice and follow it.
    World(XXI) - the task of a person with this card in the Portrait is to develop a high level of tolerance, understanding and patience for people, regardless of their origin, education, race, nationality and culture. A person should establish and maintain as many contacts as possible at the international level, throw bridges over borders, respect the traditions and customs of other people, be open to modern trends and trends, introduce technical rationalizations and improvements, as well as get rid of any kind of phobias, blockades and prejudice.

A psychological portrait based on Tarot cards by Alicia Khrzanowska is a unique technique of its kind that allows you to analyze your personality. Its author is the publisher of a huge number of articles and books of an esoteric orientation, including "Tarot Magic". It is interesting that Alicia saw this method of drawing up a psychological portrait of a person in one of her dreams.

Tarot by Alicia Khrzanowska - a unique psychological technique

The Basics of Calculating Tarot Cards

  • During the calculation, it should be remembered that the sum of the numbers should not exceed 22. If the final figure is greater, then 22 must be subtracted from it. But it must be borne in mind that the result may not be unambiguous.
  • If the Arcanum is repeated twice in the portrait, then it should be perceived in the opposite position. He points to problems. Triple repetition portends relief and good luck.
  • The fourth position indicates fears and complexes. Therefore, the card is recommended to be interpreted upside down.
  • From positions 1 to 6, a person will be able to work, as they speak of his inner potential. Positions 7 to 12 cannot be changed.
  • When calculating, it is necessary to pay attention to the combination of Tarot and the influence of neighboring cards on each other.

The value of each card is influenced by neighboring

The meaning of the positions

The psychological portrait proposed by Chrzanowska based on fortune-telling Tarot cards includes different positions, each of which has its own meaning. They are all designated by the Major Arcana (SA).

The first 6 positions give an idea of ​​the individual psychological portrait of a person.

1, 2 and 3 SA show the life path of a person and talk about the opportunities that he can get:

  • 1 SA - from infancy to adulthood. The calculation uses the person's birth number.
  • 2 SA - the period from approximately 25 to 50 years. The month of birth is used in the calculation.
  • 3 SA - life after 51 years. The calculation uses the person's year of birth (the 4 digits must be added to get the final number).

4, 5 and 6 SA talk about the human psyche:

  • 4 SA - the subconscious, fears and phobias, which most often a person is not even aware of. The calculation is carried out according to the formula 1 CA + 2 CA.
  • 5 SA - consciousness, aspirations and goals. The calculation is carried out according to the formula 2 CA + 3 CA.
  • 6 SA - the highest unconscious of a person, hidden talents. The calculation is carried out according to the formula 4 CA + 5 CA.

The following are the cards of the Outer Circle of the psychological portrait:

  • 7 AC - a mission that needs to be fulfilled. Calculation formula: 1 CA + 5 CA.
  • 8 AS - tools that will allow you to fulfill the main mission. Calculation formula: 2 SA + 6 SA.
  • 12 AC - conditions that are ideal for a person for a comfortable existence. Calculation formula: 7 CA + 8 CA.
  • 13 AC - a person's perception of himself. Calculation formula: 1 CA + 4 CA + 6 CA.
  • 14 AC - the perception of a person by others. Calculation formula: 3 CA + 5 CA + 6 CA.

Positions 9 to 11 are usually not taken into account, as they touch on the theme of karmic incarnation.

The sum of the numbers must not exceed 22

Interpretation of the Major Arcana according to Khrzanowska

Jester (0)

The card in a direct position indicates an immature person who is able to ignore material difficulties. She is attracted by adventures, accompanied by new experiences. She often forgets about important meetings and events.

Such a card speaks of an individual who greatly values ​​\u200b\u200bits own freedom and independence. He does not intend to obey anyone's rules or orders.

The lasso in an inverted position portends a complication, receiving bad advice. Someone stupid is trying to decide the fate of a person. He himself may be pursued by wrong decisions. He is prone to unnecessary spending and flight from responsibility. The inverted Jester indicates a deceiver who skillfully plays on the naivety of another.

Arkan teaches you to laugh at your own mistakes and not take everything too personally. After all, sooner or later all the troubles will disappear, having taught a good lesson.

Mage (1)

The card in the correct position speaks of a person who has no health problems, he has a penchant for creativity, and he is always open to new ideas. Such a person maintains good relations with people, often takes the initiative and easily adapts to an unfamiliar place.

The lasso points to a person who carries knowledge. He may be a consultant, a scientist or an inventor.

The Reversed Magician warns of manipulation and deceit, spontaneous actions that do not make sense. A person is unable to adequately solve problem situations and often loses self-confidence.

Arkan speaks of a charlatan who is used to using the knowledge gained for personal gain. It is possible that he is a scientist working not for the well-being of people, but for obtaining benefits from them.

The Magician card symbolizes a person who carries knowledge

Popess (2)

Arcanum in the correct position should be interpreted as hope and the development of higher feelings. He speaks of a person who is inclined to learn, create and reveal something previously unexplored.

The popess points to a woman whose life is connected with the teaching of sciences. And also she can act as a guardian or therapist.

An inverted card means passivity and a lack of understanding of the world around. It is difficult for this person to give an objective assessment of what is happening around him. He is fussy and nervous. He is not interested in listening to other people's advice. Personality is attracted by intrigue and danger.

The lasso speaks of a bad woman who may decide to use dark magic to get what she wants. She is a corrupt person who is not interested in other people's problems.

Empress (3)

The lasso in the correct position is the personification of a person who can control other people. She has confidence in herself. This person is characterized by independence, adequate decision-making, calmness, financial success and self-esteem. He agrees to lend a helping hand without further persuasion.

The card indicates an older sister, wife or mother. In a word, a woman who has power and uses it only with good intentions.

The empress in an inverted position means difficulty in expressing one's feelings and emotions, a manifestation of selfishness and an inability to concentrate on important points. In the head of such a person, doubt often arises about the decisions made. It is lost and inactive.

Often, the inverted Arkan speaks of a woman who wants to gain power, and achieves this goal in any way available to her. But she will never be able to achieve anything like that.

A card in the correct position speaks of a person who is characterized by perseverance, maturity and control over emotions. He knows how to lead other people, quite serious and objective.

The lasso is the personification of a good husband, father, or a person who has authority in certain circles. This man takes pleasure in the thought that his merits have been recognized by others.

Reverse Emperor speaks of emotional immaturity and minimal control over one's own feelings. In the hands of an individual there can be unlimited power, which he uses for selfish purposes. He is quite impatient, has a tendency to give up the case if he loses the desire to occupy it.

An inverted card indicates a man who wants to dominate and have power. Having received what he wants, he begins to behave like a despot and tyrant.

The emperor symbolizes a mature person

Dad (5)

In the correct position, the card means following a single goal, piety and hidden strength, which has not yet found a way out. This individual is able to do good deeds, help others. He has a unique power, which for a number of reasons is dormant somewhere in the subconscious.

The card speaks of a spiritual person who requires order in his family. His beliefs, like his thoughts, are pure.

The reverse card speaks of lack of tolerance and religious fanaticism. A person tends to impose his own beliefs on other people. He tries not to accept new ideas, as he considers them completely meaningless. He has a sense of inaccessibility and infallibility.

The lasso indicates a person who is a false prophet or the leader of a dubious sect. He calls himself a clergyman, but has no right to do so.

Lovers (6)

Arcana means a choice to be made between two women or men. It is a manifestation of love and passion. A person can embrace optimism and an incredible explosion of emotions. Do not exclude the appearance of a turning point in life.

The card represents a husband or partner who values ​​the independence of the other.

The inverted Arkan portends a mistake in choosing a partner for whom constancy is not a characteristic feature. It is possible to break off relations with a partner, leave a loved one for a long time. It is worth being careful in choosing a life partner, as there is a chance to start an unsuccessful romance.

The reverse card indicates an unfaithful partner, who may actually be a marriage swindler.

Lovers portend the need for choice

Chariot (7)

A card in a straight position means interesting information or unexpected news. A person may be worried about the upcoming trip. He is quite hardy and shows perseverance while achieving his cherished goals. He does not have enough time to solve personal problems, as he is completely absorbed in his own work. In dealing with people, he used to be sincere and open.

The card indicates the leader or soldier. And also we can talk about the employer or the head of the company.

The inverted Chariot represents a delay in development and self-realization. The individual has no desire to engage in current affairs, since he is completely indifferent to them. It is characterized by loss of self-control, impatience and lack of courage in dealing with important matters.

The reverse Arcana speaks of a person who is used to using his own position for personal gain. He achieves everything in life not on his own, but with the help of other people.

Justice (8)

Arkan represents a clear judgment, a stabilization of events and a solution to a long-standing problem that haunted. The individual is inclined to constancy, to conduct an objective assessment of everything that happens around, to search for a way out of difficult situations. He adequately accepts the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be.

The lasso characterizes a person who knows firsthand what justice is. He is only interested in confirmed facts.

The reverse card means bureaucracy, lack of balance and intolerance. The option of committing a judicial error and revealing falsification is not excluded. A person can defend his opinion, even if it is difficult. He is attracted to revenge, since he is not able to forgive people for their misdeeds.

The lasso in an inverted position personifies a manipulating person who uses far-fetched justice with self-interest for himself. This may be a biased judicial figure or an official who is used to taking bribes.

Justice means problem solving

Hermit (9)

The card in the right position means wisdom and the search for higher values. Such a person is characterized by loneliness, withdrawal from the outside world and deepening into his spirituality. He is trying to find the truth, to make plans for many years to come. The person shows a genuine interest in esoteric and occult topics.

A hermit in the right position is a sage or a saint. The person is at the highest level of spiritual development. And also in this role can be a pensioner or a strict boss who treats his subordinates fairly.

The reverse Arcana speaks of immaturity, the inability to live normally in the same room with other people. It is difficult for such a person to understand what he really needs. He lacks real feelings and emotions. Often a person chooses the wrong time to implement their ideas.

The card represents an unsociable person or a beggar. This person always feels like someone is following him.

Used during the layout of the Khrzan tarot and other Arcana.

Wheel of Fortune (10)

A card in the correct position portends a happy turn of events and a successful outcome of a difficult situation. A person will be given a unique chance, there may be a welcome promotion. Only success and gratuitous help await him. Everything will be fine both at work and in the family.

The lasso in the correct position personifies a person who easily overcomes any obstacles. He may be an expert in a certain area.

The inverted Wheel of Fortune warns of the negative impact on life of fateful events. The individual is waiting exclusively for conflicts and difficulties both at work and in the family. He will begin to experience hatred and envy towards people from his environment. He is characterized by vindictiveness and suspicion.

The card indicates an amateur, an individual with an unfortunate fate, who is constantly being prevented from achieving an important goal. He understands this perfectly and ceases to oppose failures.

The wheel of fortune promises good luck

Strength (11)

Arkan in a direct position is interpreted as physical activity, faith in one's own strengths and capabilities. A person is able to keep control over the current situation, suppress base needs and reveal hidden talents in himself. He is quite hardy, knows how to distinguish truth from lies and has good health.

The card may indicate a professional athlete who carefully takes care of his own body. And also in this role is a person who tries to achieve success in his endeavors without outside help.

The reverse card means a lack of control, stubbornness and the use of existing talents in dubious matters. The person is at risk of being in a dangerous situation. He faces a fight with a stronger opponent. It is possible that he has problems with the heart and circulatory system.

The lasso indicates a person who allows himself to be violent. This may be a villain or a criminal who carefully monitors his physical form.

Hanged Man (12)

Arkan in a direct position means the rejection and self-denial of anything significant. This person needs to tell about his trouble to another. He has to give up work to spend time meditating. He wants to achieve harmony and tranquility. A person strives to take a significant step in the development of his spirituality, but something always stops him.

The card is the personification of a diligent person who is ineffective in his work. It may be a student bowing to his own teacher.

An inverted card indicates difficulties in realizing one's aspirations. Hard work and complete dissatisfaction with the existing position in society awaits the person. He seems to be losing time and trust in others.

Arkan speaks of a man who has come up with a single plan for himself and lives only according to it.

The Hanged Man card - denial and self-denial

Death (13)

Arkan in the upright position means some kind of transformation, the transition from one important stage to another. A person has to give up existing problems in order to be reborn, to allow his energy to be regenerated. It is the perfect time to implement long-term plans.

The correct card speaks of a person who has experienced many difficult events in his life. But this is coming to an end.

The reverse Arcana is interpreted as stagnation in endeavors, loss of a job, or temporary resignation from office. The individual begins to be haunted by depression and boredom. In his life there are problems for which it is impossible to find a worthy solution. He may be afraid of serious illness or death.

An inverted card represents a seriously ill person or a deceased relative.

Abstinence (14)

The card in the right position represents patience and moderation. It indicates a person who knows how to adapt to new situations. He achieves his goals only by perseverance and perseverance. If he had to be absent for a long time, then he will return home to his family. The individual will have to renew long-lost connections with old friends and relatives. He rationally evaluates all situations, tries to resolve conflicts peacefully.

The card speaks of a balanced person who has taken on the role of a mentor.

The reverse Arcana indicates a waste of time and energy, excessive charity, from which there is no particular benefit. A person has become a hostage of an event that does not allow him to reach his desired goal. They missed the chance to change their lives for the better.

Arkan characterizes an unbalanced personality who has mental health problems.

Temperance card - patience and moderation

Devil (15)

A direct card portends a bad influence and an involuntary release of energy. The person will be tempted by passion. It is characterized by selfishness, lack of imagination and achieving success in a dishonest way. He will no doubt accept the profit, even if it was obtained by the labors of other people.

The lasso speaks of a beautiful person who does not have a soul, since inside is completely empty.

The Reverse Devil personifies black magic and the influence of sects. The individual unnecessarily abuses his own power. He is prone to sadism, violence, slander and unwillingness to answer for his actions.

The card speaks of a person who may turn out to be a sexual pervert, a satanist, a drug addict, a player or a member of a criminal gang.

Tower (16)

The card in the correct position speaks of individual development, deepening into one's spirituality. A person intends to devote himself to other people. He shows humanity and wisdom. It is easy for him to resist any temptations, reach heights in his endeavors and change public opinion.

The tower indicates a person who experiences a spiritual emanation for a long time. He is ready to devote his own life to the service of higher powers.

The reverse position of the Arcana portends a catastrophe that leads to material and human losses. The individual should be prepared to receive bad news or participate in a problem situation. He can go through a mental shock.

The tower in an inverted position acts as a person who is capable of inflicting severe pain on himself. It may be that he is going through a serious crisis that does not allow him to realize himself normally in life.

Tower - development and spirituality

Star (17)

A straight card means platonic love. The man has hope. He deserves a rest that will bring him the long-awaited relief. His main skill is the ability to find the right solution in any situation thanks to a well-developed intuition. He easily controls his own feelings, understands those around him.

The star represents a man in love who understands his feelings. He is a creative person with an interest in painting.

An inverted card indicates a lack of self-confidence. The individual has only his own view of the current problems. He cannot get a well-deserved rest, as he still has a lot of unfinished business. He fails to cope with difficulties due to lack of motivation and his own laziness.

The reverse Arcana speaks of a talker, a person who is used to wasting positive energy.

Moon (18)

The lasso in the right position means a beneficial change in outlook. A person has a well-developed intuition, he owns his own imagination. Surprises presented by fate bring him only pleasure. The person managed to say goodbye forever to negative experiences from the past. Thanks to this, he can move to a new level of development.

The moon characterizes a wife, mother or mistress. This person is able to devote herself to home comfort.

The reverse Arkan portends the disappointment that work for other people will bring. A person will be carried away by the fulfillment of other people's desires. A trick and deceit awaits him. All hope will soon be gone.

The card personifies a sensitive individual who is not able to understand even himself.

Moon card - positive changes and intuition

Sun (19)

Arkan in a direct position indicates the success and positive resolution of a problematic case. A person is waiting for the fulfillment of an old dream, a happy marriage or an ideal relationship with a soulmate. He will be pleased with how his ideas have been implemented. The results obtained for the labors he will be able to use at his discretion.

The correct position of the card represents a real leader who is able to control the situation. He is full of energy and vitality.

The inverted Sun portends loneliness and unhappiness. The individual does not have enough strength to keep moving towards the goal. Relationships with loved ones are on the verge of complete collapse. He is faced with problems that he cannot solve on his own.

The card indicates a psychopath, a person who is suicidal. It may be that this person has been living in conflict with himself for a long time.

The remaining two cards complete the Tarot deck.

Court (20)

Arkan in the right position means honesty to oneself, giving an assessment regarding the realization of one's own capabilities. If a person was involved in a dispute, then soon he will be resolved peacefully. Family values, kindness and good work are of great importance to him.

The card represents an idealist who managed to realize all his main ideas. He believes that one day he will reach the pinnacle of spiritual development.

An inverted card indicates a fear of criticism, a bad relationship with young children, and ignoring a serious problem. A person can at any time lose his social status in society, as he does not want to fulfill his own obligations to others.

Arkan in an inverted position speaks of a crazy person who is able to impose personal beliefs and ideas on others.

Card Court - peaceful resolution of disputes

World (21)

The card in the upright position is interpreted as liberation from anxieties, achieving the desired goal and meeting with the closest people. A person may give public recognition to satisfy personal needs. He is waiting for the fulfillment of dreams and the realization of long-standing plans. It's the perfect time to push your boundaries, take a trip or do some interesting research.

The lasso indicates a person who has greatly surpassed in his development. He has almost reached perfection.

The card in an inverted position warns of obstacles and great difficulties. A person will be shackled by housing problems and the impossibility of achieving the goal because of his own refusal to move on.

The card characterizes a destructive personality, a kind of false prophet. This person deliberately tempts other people to abandon their ideals and go over to the side of darkness.

The psychological portrait that will be built with the help of Tarot will help a person to better understand his own thoughts, warn him against serious mistakes and push him to fulfill his main destiny.

Alicia Chrzanowska's writings are world famous for their unusual and interesting theories about Tarot cards and their uses. Her creations include books and articles not only about this magical science, but also about numerology. And what is important, they have a lot in common. So, Chrzanowska emphasized this by creating a psychological portrait based on the Tarot.

With the help of Tarot, you can make a psychological portrait according to the method of Khrzanowska

What is interesting about the psychological portrait according to Tarot?

Having found a point of contact between numerology and tarology, Alicia Khshanovskaya opened an interesting method for calculating the personal qualities of a person to the whole world.

All you need to know is his date of birth. And with a few step-by-step actions with the cards, something incredible happens. An inexhaustible stream of information opens up before the fortuneteller. Whoever asks the question gets a chance to find out:

  • what is;
  • What will happen;
  • what happened;
  • how to act in a given situation;
  • which way to choose;
  • what to fear;
  • what to prepare for;
  • who can help find a solution.

It is connected with the purpose of the existence of a person on this Earth, with all the obstacles and difficulties that were in the past or are in the present. It is also possible to obtain information about what was happening with the soul of a person even before his birth. And if she already existed before, even before her rebirth into another body, the cards can show this.

Tarot through the eyes of Alicia Khrzanowska

Tarot magic has not been fully explored. Modern scientists are inclined both to confirm theories about the effectiveness of this science, and to deny it. Experienced adherents of the cult of tarology support the need to use the works of Alicia Chrzanowska. And the "Psychological Portrait" is a direct confirmation of this. Even in practice, all the methods described by her work.

The fortuneteller must be able to accurately read all the dropped card combinations

It is enough just to correctly perform all the actions with cards and numbers. Before proceeding with fortune-telling and analyzing the layout according to the Alicia method, the fortuneteller needs to know the exact interpretation of each card. It is important to consider not only the meaning of the cards, but also the exact definition of all the combinations that can be formed in the layout.

What defines "Psychological portrait" according to Khrzanowska?

Calculations of the psychological portrait allow us to determine the motive for the existence of a person on the planet. Often information is revealed that surprises the person who is being guessed. After all, the interpretation reflects individual creative abilities or inclinations. Also, the most mysterious and distant corners of the soul and character of a person are revealed. Not only the whole life of the person himself, but also his close people depends on all this. Therefore, the psychological portrait is so valued.

The Khrzanowska program makes it possible to:

  • analyze the personal inclinations and abilities of a person and his character;
  • identify the negative qualities of a person, his fears and complexes;
  • analyze and determine the purpose of its existence;
  • predict turning points in life;
  • determine the readiness of the spirit to correspond to the physical development of a person;
  • determine and analyze the rhythm and life of a person, where it will be most comfortable for him to exist.

But even this is far from a complete list of the possibilities of the "Psychological Portrait". The magic of Tarot, in combination with the methods of calculating numerology, allows you to identify more subtle problems. And what is important, you can get advice on how to solve them. This refers to events that await a person in the future. What is really surprising is that you can get the exact date and even the time of this action.

“Warned, which means armed” - such a statement fully characterizes the predicted future events. If the one who asks the cards a question knows how to determine their characteristics not only by combinations and definitions of amrahs, but also from the point of view of the psychological portrait of the alignment, he will be able to reveal the essence of the overall picture.

Basic rules for calculating an individual psychological portrait

The calculation rules are based on the number 22. It is this number of cards that will be required to create an individual portrait of a person. All of these cards are Major Arcana. The last, final consider the Jester. All cards correspond to certain numbers, which determine their sequence in the deck.

So, the calculation begins with the identification of your own Arcana. All that is required for this is the date of birth - the exact day of the month. But, another question arises. And what about those people who were born from the 23rd to the 31st? The answer is simple - everything is based on the number 22. This number is subtracted from the date of one's own birth and the corresponding Arcana of the first position is obtained.

In total, there are 14 such positions. Each has its own Arcana. The process of creating a psychological portrait consists of two "Circles", divided into 6 and 8 positions. It remains only to find out which cards correspond to them. This is done according to simple formulas that can be easily calculated in the mind. They look like this:

  • position number 2: Month of birth;
  • position No. 3: alternate addition of the numbers of the year of birth (We take 1991 as an example. 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 21 St. Arcana);
  • position number 4: addition of the first and second Arcana;
  • position number 5: addition of the numerical value of the second and third Arcana;
  • position number 6: adding the numerical value of the fourth and fifth Arcana.

Numerology will help determine the steps. They are characterized by position and combination

Numerology will help determine the steps that are characterized by the position of the cards and their combinations. The first thing to remember is how the proximity of cards affects the overall picture. More often, the nuances determine the interpretation.

Which cards correspond to the second circle of the Psychological Portrait?

The information contained in the second circle of the psychological portrait according to the method of Khrzanowska is connected with the spiritual and creative life of a person. Attention is also paid to the issue of one's own well-being and the achievement of goals. The calculation itself is also not complicated. All the necessary figures are already known after the definition of the first circle of the "Portrait". A card magical ritual allows you to determine the appropriate Arcana for subsequent positions. These include:

  • position number 7: the sum of the values ​​​​of the cards of the first and fifth Arcana;
  • position No. 8: addition of the numerical value of Arcana No. 2 and 6;
  • position No. 12: the sum of Arcana No. 7 and 8;
  • position No. 13: the sum of Arcana No. 1, 4 and 6;
  • position No. 14: the sum of Arcana No. 3, 5, 6.

The meaning of the positions of the first circle of the "Psychological portrait" of the individual

There are some nuances to the further correct calculation of the "Psychological portrait".

They are associated with certain periods of a person's life and his qualities. These are:

  • position No. 1 - the life of a person from the moment of birth to his personal maturation, psychological balance (usually interpreted by the age of up to 25 years);
  • position number 2 - mature life, but not old age, but consciousness (up to 51 years);
  • position number 3 - old age (from 52 years to death);
  • position No. 4 - characteristics of the human subconscious, psychological picture and moral attitude to the world;
  • position No. 5 - the readiness of a person's consciousness to correspond to the solution of life issues;
  • position number 6 - shows what talents and abilities lurk in the soul and character of a person.

How the positions of the Arcana of the second round of the "Psychological Portrait" are interpreted

A person's life, his past, present and future, are indicated in the first round of the "Portrait" calculation. But what about other cards? All of them are connected with the personal characteristics of a person, his talents and qualities. You can also learn about more mysterious things, such as "rebirth of the soul" or "analysis of the shortcomings of one's own karma." As in the first circle, each position of the Arcana has its own interpretation. Some of these include:

  • seventh position - the main task and mission of man in the world;
  • the eighth position is the talents that are given "from Above". Hidden and mysterious possibilities of man;
  • twelfth position - analysis of comfortable living conditions;
  • thirteenth position - own perception of character and soul;
  • the fourteenth position is the perception of others.

Alicia Khrzanowska managed to develop a technique, thanks to which it is possible to make a complete psychological portrait of a person

Alicia Khrzanowska, a psychological portrait based on Tarot cards, created a broad picture showing a person from different angles, not only in physical, material and everyday terms, but also spiritually. And all these methods are easy to use not only for experienced tarologists, but also for those who have just begun to get involved in this magical science.

Features of the psychological portrait of a person by age positions

It is not difficult to calculate the Arcana. Much more problems arise when interpreting the cards themselves, because you need to take into account information about the position and the magical meaning of the card itself.

Hrzanowska Tarot has made it a kind of tool, which is not given to many to use correctly. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend a lot of time searching and gluing information into one continuous stream. Khshanovskaya published in her work the meaning of each Arcana strictly by position. It will be difficult for even a novice tarot reader to make a mistake.

The first three positions are easy to understand. Each of the meanings of the classical interpretation is fully consistent with one or another Arcana. So, if “Priestess” falls out, then this person has fallen or may fall under the influence of a woman who is much older than him. If this is the first position, then this often refers to a mother or grandmother who strictly raised her baby. For the second position, the situation does not change.

Only in the role of "Priestess" can a beloved woman be older than a person in age (applies only to men). But this interpretation is not always correct. It is important to watch a combination of several cards at the same time. So, for a complete picture, it is necessary to look at positions 1,2 and 4. And it is also possible that the dropped “Priestess” is associated not with the woman herself, but with a creative muse or mistress.

Interpretation of other Arcana "Psychological portrait"

There is a lot of information about what this or that Arcana knows in the "Portrait". For beginner magicians or just Tarot lovers, difficulties may arise. All due to the fact that the same Major Arcana can have completely different meanings from each other, depending on what position it occupies.

So, an example is the zero or twenty-second Arcana - the Jester. In position No. 4, he personifies the forgotten problems and psychological traumas of childhood, usually occurring before the age of 9 years. But already in the seventh position - this is the need for enthusiasm, one's own entrepreneurial activity. In the eighth, all this refers to talents. All enthusiasm is a deeply personal quality, as is excitement or spontaneity.

Another example is the Emperor. In position 4, this card symbolizes sexual charismatic attributes. For men, this is vulgarity, vulgarity. And for women - dominance, "serpentine" character or problems with finding a lover. In position 8, the card takes on a completely different character. Its interpretation is related to efficiency and the ability to manage affairs, business or workflow.

The nuances of interpreting the events of a psychological portrait

The ability to correctly interpret the events seen in the calculation of the psychological portrait is determined by the precise implementation of certain rules. The basis of all calculations is the date of birth. Any Arcana that matches one or another number should not have a number greater than 22. If this value is exceeded, they go “from the opposite”. That is, they subtract 22 from a larger number. The result that will turn out and will correspond to the appropriate Arcana.

But, this is only the first of the important nuances of the correct calculation of the psychological portrait of a person. You also need to know the basic rule for repeating the Arcana. If one appears from the first to the sixth position twice, then the latter is interpreted as inverted. Such a coincidence indicates an important problem that has been bothering a person for a long time.

But the situation changes when the card is repeated a third time. This is a good sign. A kind of relief, removal of a heavy burden - all this will come soon. But there is one important point that must be taken into account. Inaction and laziness will not contribute to the outcome of these predictions. Relaxed, a person will not be lucky.

The lasso, which falls in position number 4, is interpreted as inverted. This is the subconscious, fears and complexes hidden in the corners of the soul. They can always be overcome or changed. All positions, from first to sixth, refer to physical and spiritual existence. By applying strength and the desire to overcome difficulties, a person will be able to achieve the desired result.

But, not everything is so simple with the subsequent, final positions. You won't be able to change them. One can simply analyze and observe. Everything is already predetermined by fate.

But, and the main rule is to look at the alignment in full. Only a combination of the Arcana will give accurate information on a particular issue.

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