People born in 90 are lost. Generation of the nineties: features and fads. They want to live in a zone of absolute comfort and do not tolerate serious inconvenience.

Who are they, the children of the Internet, a mobile phone and a cloudless air conditioner overhead? Where do they live, what do they eat, what poisons are they sensitive to?

Tata Oleinik

They are all around us! There are more and more of them! Maybe you are one of them? The next generation has finally arrived, and the new face of humanity has finally become clear to sociologists and anthropologists. And they are worried. They say that there is no one to hand over the planet: a young tribe will spoil it or lose it.

A few months ago, Time published an article about the YAYYA (Eng. - MeMeMe) generation. As befits a self-respecting publication, it did not discover anything new, it only brought together the available facts. The fact that the planet is beginning to be inhabited by people who are very different from their mothers, fathers, grandparents has been talked about for a long time and a lot. But now the time has come when we can draw the first conclusions. The “YAYAYA” generation (also called millennials - the millennium generation) includes citizens born in 1980–2000, that is, the older ones have already reached the age of Christ, and the younger ones have entered the turbulent time of teenagers.

In Russia, the “millenniums” are younger: the upheavals of the late 80s and early 90s made their own adjustments to the upbringing of children born then, so many sociologists believe that our “millenniums” begin around the year of birth 1989.

What are they?

It must be said right away that the "YAYA" still refers mainly to the inhabitants of the countries of the "golden billion" and the population of urban China (in some way this also applies to us). Yes, and here, of course, there are people with very different habits and preferences - we can only talk about a certain generalized portrait of a generation.

10 key features of the YAYYA generation

1. This is the first non-rebellious generation in observed history.

He has a positive attitude towards school, the state and public institutions, he, in principle, likes the structure of the world. Student riots and youth protests, on which history has been rolling for the past two hundred years, have now virtually come to naught.

2. They are friends with their parents

They love their parents. They absolutely do not mind living with their parents and generally do not seek to leave their native nest. MTV President Stephen Friedman has long abandoned the slogan that MTV once launched with "TV without parents" - today, young program participants prefer to participate in the show with moms and dads. “One of our studies showed,” Stephen says, “that today's youth delegate their superego to their parents. Even when it comes to the simplest solution, our audience turns to mom and dad for advice."

3. They are non-aggressive and cautious

Faced with violence, they are lost and prefer in critical situations to first ask for advice on Twitter, and then contact their parents, teachers or the police. The era when children, adolescents and youth preferred to resolve disputes not with words, but with their fists, without interfering with their problems of adults, has sunk into oblivion. Sneaking is now not considered shameful, and the young man confidently expects that the society of elders will resolve any situation that is unpleasant for him better than he himself will do.

4. They are accustomed to approval and absolutely confident in their own worth and importance, no matter what they do and what they have achieved.

The very fact of their existence seems to them extremely important for this planet and other people. They are sincerely sure that the Universe whispers in their ear: “Thank you for being you!”

5. They want to live in a zone of absolute comfort and do not tolerate serious inconvenience.

An unpleasant boss, a busy work schedule, difficult or boring tasks - all these are more than weighty reasons for them to quit the most promising job.

6. They actively dislike responsibility.

Only four out of every ten young Americans would like to become big bosses or leaders of their business, and in Europe this figure is even lower. Ideally, "YAYA" prefer to be freelance artists, freelancers, in extreme cases - to do something fun and untiring in an office with a good design and a friendly atmosphere.

7. They are obsessed with fame

Never before has the life of famous people enjoyed such attention among young people: gossip from the world of stars and discussion of famous actors, singers, showmen are a huge part of their communication.

8. They are not creative and erudite, prefer to use ready-made schemes and do not strive to invent something new.

According to the Torrens tests*, youth creativity increased from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s, then fell and collapsed sharply in 1998. In addition, representatives of the generation show the lowest interest in mastering new information for all observed periods.

* Note Phacochoerus "and Funtik: “Through the Minnesota Creative Thinking Tests, created by Alice Paul Torrance, schoolchildren and students are regularly expelled in the United States. It is believed that these tests have a high degree of reliability of the results.

9. They don't like to make decisions.

The simplest actions - buying a shirt or choosing a dessert - are easier for them to do after discussing it in advance on Twitter with a hundred or two people.

10. They are sweet, positive and hassle-free

This is the most washed, well-groomed and pretty generation in human history.

Why are they like this. Part one

Human nature, of course, is unchanged (if only because the human psyche and mind are so mobile, and behavioral programs are so complex that any change in them will only be a variation of the norm). But humanity as a whole is really changing, which was noticed by ancient historians, although at that time social progress moved at the speed of an autumn sleepy fly. Of course, there are a huge number of factors that change the face of civilization, but now we will focus on one of them, perhaps decisive.

Humanity is getting old. It is already overgrown with a quite obvious gray beard, and since the 18th century, more and more old people have become every year. The average age of an American today is 37, a Russian is 39, and a European is 40.

Other generations

Giving funny names to generations began a long time ago.

Lost generation. People born at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Having got to the fronts of the First World War at a young age and matured there, it returned to the ruins of the worlds of its childhood and for a long time did not understand what to do now. When some of them managed not to sleep and began to rise to their feet, start families and work, they were covered by the Great Depression. Those who managed to cope with this, survived to the trenches of World War II.

Baby boomers, sixties. Dates of birth - from 1935 to 1960. The most rebellious generation. Hippies, marijuana, free love, no Vietnam War, Woodstock is in the USA. Student riots - in France. Sixties dissidents in the countries of the socialist camp. They were well versed in politics, showed high intellectual abilities, gave a powerful kick to science and culture.

Generation X. People born between 1960 and 1980. Now they are the ones who rule the planet. The main signs are frequent divorces, a decrease in the birth rate, distrust of any kind of authority, high intellectual and creative abilities, and huge ambitions.

Generation Y That was the name of the "millenniums" when they were still riding in wheelchairs and it was completely incomprehensible what they would become.

For example, the average age of a Roman in the era of the empire was 12 years old, which greatly affected the general state of affairs. Today, for example, Somalia is within such age limits. And when now parents scold a lazy schoolboy, hinting to him that at his age some already commanded armies and ruled states, and he still won’t learn to put his socks in a dirty laundry basket, a schoolboy, if he studied better, could reasonably object that they ruled , of course, and commanded, but the management was appropriate.

At the age of fifteen, you can perfectly unite in flocks and go to kill not our reptiles, but in order to create an effective economic policy and developed diplomatic relations with neighbors, you need some knowledge and a lot of worldly experience.

After all, an adult is arranged differently than a teenager. Responsibility for others and caring for them become much more important than fame, than battles, than adrenaline boiling in the veins, if only because the hormonal background in people over thirty looks, alas, completely different than in the conquistador period of teenagers. The older we get, the more prudent, calmer and more altruistic we are (of course, there are very energetic angry old men and good-natured compassionate children, but both are rather an exception to the rule). And that's okay. The age of the defender, the age of the guardian, what can you do. Aggression is replaced by empathy - a common biochemical process. It is the young that need to win a place under the sun, enthusiastically beat each other for females and clear space for themselves, and the patriarchs are supposed to take care of the cubs and reason with the youth, while maintaining the safety of the group as a whole.

While humanity was young, it loved fights, blood and violence: magnificent executions in the squares with dragging and gutting, gladiator fights, the destruction of the Carthaginians and other innocent childish amusements. Having crossed the thirty-year milestone, it found out that now there are other priorities. With every year that is added to the average age of mankind, it becomes more and more intolerant of violence, more demanding of comfort, more and more concerned about the younger generation.

This is how the Geneva Convention, the Declaration of Human Rights, numerous societies for the protection of children, animals, minorities, prisoners - anyone, were born. According to the main principle of a mature person - "The main thing is that everyone is alive and well."

And, of course, the attitude of mankind towards children has changed more and more sharply. Somewhere before the 6th century BC, we existed in a regime that ethnographers call the "epoch of infanticide": extra children were killed, sacrificed, thrown into rivers and ravines, and often simply eaten for ritual and culinary purposes (of course, in developed civilizations where the average age of the population, thanks to medicine and the absence of food shortages, was above 7–8 years, things were not so deplorable, but even there child sacrifices, to put it mildly, were not uncommon).

Then the attitude towards children improved somewhat. That is, the extermination by a mother or father of offspring who did not please them was for a long time an undeniable, holy parental right (and the murder of “dishonorable” daughters in some countries, say in Saudi Arabia, is still considered a civic duty of any parent), but still, in general, children began to more or less cultivate, educate and educate. This was a difficult and thankless task. When there are ten children and teenagers for every adult over the age of 20, the country turns into a huge kindergarten, which is difficult to maintain order.

Fortunately, in the arsenal of ancient teachers there were effective educational tools. It is even difficult for us now to imagine the number of beatings and beats that the average child received, who had the misfortune to be born in the period from the 10th century BC to the 18th century of our era. You can look at the writings of well-known "historians of childhood", such as Philip Aries or Lloyd Demos, to get an idea of ​​what kind of torture room the nursery was until the beginning of modern history.

Babies were swaddled so tightly that they fell into a kind of suspended animation - they only had enough strength to breathe quietly without disturbing those around them with their crying. In order to teach them to ask for a potty, from two months old they regularly dipped their booty in ice water after each “unlicensed” emptying, and by six months old children of antiquity were distinguished by amazing neatness in this sense. They began to spank a child from the tenderest age, and from a year or two they were already regularly flogged. Such screams came from schools that the price of rent for houses in the neighborhood had to be reduced. In the most expensive and prestigious schools they beat even harder (the symbol of Eton until very recently was a rod). The torture of children was sanctified by tradition, the Bible and society.

Where was it to go? With a dozen children in almost every family, there was no way to work individually and carefully with each child. For example, the French philosopher and writer of the 16th century, Michel Montaigne, was lucky: his parents believed that children should be brought up only with affection and love. But they were noble, incredibly rich, and they had only one Michel. With ten nannies and an abundance of free time, Montaigne's parents could afford to have the most modern views on pedagogy.

Most of the other parents, who dreamed that not one of the many offspring would become a thief and a murderer and end his life on the gallows, were forced to behave differently with their children. A well-beaten child was usually less likely to be dangerously naughty and showed a little more zeal in his studies than his peer, whose parents, too busy getting their daily bread, neglected the duty of education.

But at last the light of love, kindness, and the absence of assault began to seep into the nursery. The first serious thoughts about the fact that children are also people and that it would be necessary to be gentler with them appeared in the writings of the Jesuit fathers, teachers of Jesuit colleges. Then this idea began to be broadcast by the Enlighteners of the end of the 18th century.

In the 19th century, families appeared in Europe that refused to physically punish children. They are looked at as a curiosity, they are scolded in the press, they are not encouraged by the government, but they are becoming more and more. The birth rate is falling, the average age of mankind is growing. Now there are only 2-3 children per adult in the civilized world, and this is a completely different matter. In the 20th century, punishments are increasingly withdrawn from public and even private schools, leaving them at the discretion of the family. But as before, home spanking, moderately strict and without self-mutilation, is perceived as something correct and natural.

But after the Second World War, when the mass death of young people in many countries in one leap made humanity even older, intolerance towards violence grew so much that the first voices appeared demanding that parents be limited in the right to beat their children. The UN General Assembly in 1959 issues the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which proclaims that "humanity is obliged to give the child the best that it has." Already half of all children born in the 60s and 70s of the last century were not subjected to physical punishment. And finally, in 1990, the Convention on the Rights of the Child comes into force, which introduces a complete ban on any corporal punishment, and also severely limits the right of parents and guardians to many other ways of putting pressure on children. The Convention was signed by all UN member countries, except for the United States (there is also a very strict law in this regard), South Sudan and Somalia.

With the ratio of "one child per adult", which is now available in the countries of the "golden billion" and in China, the requirements of the Convention become quite feasible.

Why are they like this. Part two

The Millenniums were born when, for the first time in history, parents stopped hitting their children altogether, depriving them of lunch, and even putting them in a corner. Often "millennials" are generally the only children in the family, although they may have a brother or sister. They tried not to scold them, they were explained to them, they were persuaded.

Following the pedagogical instructions, parents did not forget to repeat to their children every day that they love them more than anyone in the world, that they are the most wonderful, beautiful and smart. After a child was torn apart by peers at a sports match or at a creative competition, the parents immediately informed the loser that they were incredibly proud of him. He could, he survived, he did not burst into tears and did not describe himself when he took last place! Yes, he is a hero! Elementary schools no longer give marks, especially bad ones, and give out gold medals and silver stars for well-done work. Because a child cannot be deprived of self-confidence, no matter how stupid, lazy and insufferable he may be; he must know that he is the best and that everyone loves him.

Under fear of criminal liability, parents rebuild houses, making them safe for children. All sharp corners are wrapped with soft gaskets, the stairs are closed with gates, sockets - with plugs. First, up to 12, and now up to 14 years in most US states, for example, you can’t leave a child alone - neither at home nor on the street. Curfew - a ban on the appearance of minors on the street in the evening - works in almost all countries of the Convention.

Child labor is prohibited, society strictly protects the child from contact with everything that may be dangerous for him: cigarettes, alcohol, erotica, unwanted information. The child's contacts with any adults who are not his parents or teachers are sharply limited. The sexual inviolability of the child becomes the number one task. In New York, say, it is strictly forbidden for an adult to enter playgrounds without a child under 12 years old. For a close look at a child on the street or for trying to talk to him, it is quite possible to end up in a police station.

Moreover, the society began to fight hard against violence in the children's environment. If in the 60s the Swedish Malysh, a friend of Carlson, could come from school with a huge black eye, because he and Christer threw stones at each other, and Malysh's mother only sighed and treated him with buns, today Swedish schoolchildren throwing each other in another stones, would become a state of emergency on a national scale.

This is how the millenniums appeared. They have no reason to rebel, because their parents were never harsh with them. They are afraid of aggression because they have never encountered it. They are not independent, because their every step was controlled, and all actions were programmed. They are not creative because they did not have to cope with difficulties and look for ways out of dangerous situations. They are intellectually undeveloped, because their social circle was limited mainly by their peers, and the child grows up and grows wiser only in the environment of people who surpass him in intelligence.

They are not eager to work hard and earn money, because they are practically unfamiliar with deprivation. They do not strive for success, because from infancy they know as an axiom that they are already beautiful in all respects, they do not need to prove anything to anyone. They like to post pictures of the sandwiches they have bitten on Instagram, because they are sure that everything connected with them inevitably arouses the admiration of millions. They almost do not seek to create families, because they do not know how to adapt to other people, because they have always adapted to them. They are obsessed with the stars, because in their view, the star leads an ideal lifestyle for a person - she just leaves the house, and everyone says “ah!”, And the paparazzi in the bushes faint with happiness.

And how will it all end?

The British writer Terry Pratchett said in an interview that if aliens want to conquer us, then they only need to wait twenty years: by that time, the Earth will be inhabited by such cute, harmless pretty girls that there will be no need to fight. Terry, as always, was joking. Regardless of any generational trends, a certain percentage of children will still grow up to be ambitious, aggressive, headstrong people (especially if they are not overfed in childhood with Prozac and tortured in anger control courses).

Nevertheless, we can expect certain changes both in production, and in international politics, and in the social sphere, when the “YAYYA” generation will take the helm of all this (although, as we see, it is not eager to do this).

Apparently, the course towards social democracy will be even more pronounced, since the “millennials” like social guarantees. Apparently, the bureaucratic influence of the state and supranational entities such as the European Union will increase even more, since the “millennials” do not know how to rebel and do not mind being controlled by them. Apparently, small private business will be further reduced, as the guys do not want to have their own business, but prefer to be irresponsible mercenaries. Apparently, this world will become even more boring, sterile and safe.

On the other hand, the "YAYYA" problem is not yet an all-planetary phenomenon. South America and India, with their 18-year average population, see things a little differently. And, perhaps, they will become the main engine of progress and islands of economic and creative freedom.

Generation "Y", millennials, trophies, "YAYA" or the lost generation - it's all about the children of the 90s. Today, they are the main labor force, on their shoulders lies the development of progress and the birth rate in the country. But increasingly, representatives of this generation are in no hurry to start a family and become parents. For the majority, career and material well-being come first. The correspondent of AiF-Krasnoyarsk understood the situation.

Is career more important than family?

Russia has already fallen into a demographic hole. According to Rosstat, last year we reached a 10-year low in terms of the birth rate: the number of newborns decreased by 11%. This is 203 thousand children less than in 2016. And the current recession is in many ways an echo of the nineties. Today, young people aged 22-36 are consciously giving up the role of parents. The priority is buying a home, moving to another city, career growth. According to sociologists, with the development of civilization, the prestige of the family tends to decrease. And there are many reasons for that.

“The marriage behavior of young people is influenced by the system of socio-cultural and socio-economic characteristics of society. Today, young people have more opportunities to develop in different directions, gain new knowledge, travel, discover their creative potential, participate in grants, etc. In this regard, there is a clear trend towards an increase in the age of marriage for both women and men. Most are of the opinion that a person, when creating a family or having children, in the modern world is simply obliged to have something, ”says Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Irina Sinkovskaya.

The desire to acquire real estate and a decent income has led to the fact that today modern women prefer to give birth closer to 29 years. According to doctors, late childbirth is very dangerous. The older the expectant mother, the higher the risk of developing hypoxia, fetal hypotrophy and Down syndrome. By the way, in late childbirth, a caesarean section is almost always prescribed, and this is already a surgical intervention.

A child is a luxury

Lawyer Ksenia Starostina at 28, she is in no hurry to become a mother. The girl admits that today her salary is only enough for the most necessary, and the child is already an unaffordable luxury.

“My grandparents became parents at the age of 20, but they were confident in the country in which they lived. Medicine and education were more accessible. They knew that their work at the plant would not go unnoticed and they would receive an apartment. What can I give a child? I get an average of about 30 thousand in my hands - in order to acquire housing, you need to take out a mortgage. Kindergarten, school - everywhere you have to pay. Requisitions have already become the norm. Plus food, toys, developing sections. It all comes down to money, but where to get it? It's one thing when you have someone to help you. I have to rely only on myself, since there is no father, and my mother herself needs material support. Naturally, a career is more important for me now, the opportunity to earn more, ”says the girl.

And this opinion is shared by many. For potential parents, material security is more important.

“All this is a European trend, when parents become at a more mature age. And that has its advantages, he says. Candidate of Philosophy Pavel Starikov. - So, since the 40s, the duration of the reproductive cycle in women has been growing from year to year, due to which the average life expectancy has increased. It is profitable - we will live longer! But along with this, the period of growing up has also grown, when a person is truly ready to take responsibility. From this we can assume that the next generations will give birth even later.”

The decline in the birth rate - the fall of the economy

Many experts believe that the decline in the birth rate leads to the fall of the economy. So, in 20 years, the working population will be smaller, respectively, and taxes will also be less.

“The decline in the birth rate predictably leads to the fact that when the reduced generation enters the working age, on the one hand, unemployment is reduced - and this could be considered a positive phenomenon. But given the rapidly changing demand for personnel due to technological progress, the effect may be reduced. On the other hand, a reduction in the share of the working-age population leads to a reduction in human capital and, therefore, may lead to a decrease in productivity; the pension and social insurance systems may become too burdensome; caring for a growing elderly population can fall entirely on the shoulders of households; the growth of the elderly population requires a significant increase in health care spending,” noted financial analyst Anastasia Potekina.

As a result, those who will retire in 20-25 years will collect less taxes. And they should not count on an increase in benefits, financiers say. In addition, the state can take extreme measures and increase the minimum age for retirement.

There would be a desire

Children of the 90s remember well the difficulties that their parents had to face. The country was changing before their eyes. However, many trials only tempered.

“I was born in 1982 in Transbaikalia. My mother became a real example of survival for me, - says journalist Nadezhda Trofimova. - She brought me up alone at that difficult time, when the salary was delayed for six months or was given out by barter, for example, Rolton noodles. I remember how we saved money for my education, and then, in 1998, the economy collapsed and all the savings turned into pennies. Then I realized that you can only rely on yourself in this life. From the 8th grade she dreamed of becoming a journalist. Mom didn't like the idea. Who remembers, in the 90s, journalists were often killed. But in the end the dream came true. A silver medal and work experience in a local newspaper helped to enter the budget. She willingly took up the job in order to independently pay for a rented apartment. In 2006, I decided to move to Krasnoyarsk. Mom helped me a lot, paid for the purchase of a hotel. She got married in 2008 and became a mother herself. When my daughter grew up, we decided to enter into a mortgage and buy an apartment. We've been making payments for over 5 years now. There are still 10 years of banking bondage ahead. Difficult. But this commitment makes you always be in good shape. In 2015, I visited the maternity hospital for the second time. Of course, financial difficulties accompany us all the time. But they don't scare me. If our parents have gone through difficult years, then we will cope with all the difficulties.”

Maternity capital has been extended until 2021. And if earlier it could be invested in improving housing, the future pension of the mother and the education of the child, now it is possible to use the certificate until the child reaches the age of three to pay for care and supervision in preschool institutions (kindergartens) already from birth. In addition, the State Duma adopted a law on monthly payments at the birth of the first child. For example, in 2018 this amount will be 10.5 thousand rubles.

Progress against humanity

The more opportunities in society for alternative self-realization outside the family, the less often people marry.

“This is very clearly seen in the example of Europe, where women can actively participate in public and political life, conduct business, etc. These trends are also present in Russian society,” believes Dmitry Trufanov, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Siberian Federal University. - Youth have wide opportunities for social growth, which stimulates the development of their human capital. The reverse side of this process is the gradual erosion of family orientations associated with marriage and childbearing. Another important factor is the media, in which there is little propaganda for the prestige of the family. Often the emphasis is on successful, out-of-family people who participate in competitions, are easy-going, and are engaged in professional and creative self-realization. In other words, the image of a modern successful young man in the media is poorly associated with family and children. But the main reason for the decline in the birth rate at the present time is that children of the 90s are entering their childbearing age. The fact is that in those years the number of deaths sharply exceeded the number of births. Today, this small generation itself becomes parents, but since these people are physically smaller, they produce much less offspring. Together, all these factors lead to a systemic effect of the deterioration of the demographic situation in our country.”

The 90s Generation (Y) refers to people born between 1981 and 1996. However, sociologists do not have a clear starting date for the countdown. In fact, these are those whose conscious maturation took place precisely in this period of time. The main difference from its predecessors is a deep involvement in digital technologies.

The 1990s changed the reality of many people. Someone stopped receiving wages in monetary terms, someone lost relatives due to endless shootings, prices skyrocketed every day, and I remember well that in Omsk in the fall of 1993 a carton of milk cost 1,500 rubles, for example, in 1980, my father bought a color TV set for 800 rubles. Yes, the scope is unprecedented, consciousness could not cope with reality, prophets and sects entered the arena of life. Panic gripped the post-Soviet space, many went into spirituality.

In those very 90s, there were pleasant events in my life:

Marriage, and in the morning of the next day we learned that you can change rubles only in denominations of 10 rubles and no more than a certain amount. But we weren't discouraged.

The birth of a son. My husband earned his living, practically did not appear at home, we somehow calculated with him: he worked in 4 places.

Time passed, those born in the 90s grew up, that's about them. I did the calculation. Look at the last digit of the year

"0" zero - Omnipresent, they loudly declare themselves. Whatever they do, they succeed, Trying to do it themselves, according to the principle “I WILL DO BETTER”, they turn into a scapegoat. All and sundry poke a finger at them. Create, invent, remember you are in sight. Help will only come if you prioritize correctly.

“1” - Leaders, they know where the best piece is and pull towards them. The main thing is not to forget that your loved ones are close to you, although they pamper you, their wallet is not bottomless. Make plans, don't be lazy, have time and spin :)))

"2" - Kings of relationships. Lots of opportunities, be flexible, set requirements honestly and clearly, and focus on the goal. The year was conducive to marriage and love relationships.

“3” - Lucky, no matter how you hide your talents, the whole world will know about you. Directors, managers of destinies, lawyers and politicians. The main thing is not to stand still, to develop spiritually and help others. Lovers of thrills and walking on the edge of a knife. A stop in development is death.

"4" - Moderation in views and actions. Slowness, meticulousness, to get to the bottom of the truth. To help - playing sports related to the "sculpting" of the body. fitness, bodybuilding. yoga, etc. Attract to themselves with inner strength. The main thing is to cast aside doubts, and do what you love.

"5" - Techies and travelers, brokers. Life often throws temptations at you as soon as you forget about your true goal. In partnerships, it is better to choose old connections, old friends, so as not to fall for the bait of scammers.

"6" - Willpower allows you to control the situation. In order not to happen, stick to the golden mean. If you are storming up and down, then a period has come that you need to wait out, not to take active action.

“7” - Success with them everywhere, they are drawn to the study of the occult sciences, to NLP. They are well versed in psychology and can manage people. Do not go too far in dealing with people, otherwise you will be sued.

"8" - Financial geniuses. Revolutionaries acting on the sly. Slowness and laziness are the main features. Willingly break laws, use proven connections. From time to time you need to retire, to elude everyone, to reflect on the frailty of the world.

"9" - Well developed intuition. They do not take advice, they act independently. Perfectly understand the psychology of people and animals. Spiritual teachers, healers of souls.

The alignment shows the vibrations of the year. THE MOST IMPORTANT REMEMBER! You were born in spite of everything, your parents were waiting for you, since you decided to give birth at such a turbulent time.

In order to gather all my thoughts together and somehow choose a direction, I read a lot of articles on the topic “generation of the 90s”. The negative and positive of the authors of the articles are intertwined in approximately equal proportions. I have no serious claims to the whole generation, I have no negative emotions, and in general I don’t have strong heartbreaking feelings for our younger brothers. When I meet representatives of the generation of the 90s, I have only bewilderment. <Как научиться понимать тех, кто родился в 90-е?>

When I meet representatives of the generation of the 90s, I have only bewilderment ...

Guys, a lot of questions have accumulated for you only because you have grown up and entered the adult and responsible part of life, having come into contact with us. A little earlier, you were young and spineless, although the courage of your ironic thoughts pleased with its potential. It would continue to develop actively if you yourself took up this difficult task. No, I am not saying that you have stopped developing. Development can go in many directions. Yours went in some direction only known to you. I can't be there and I can't meet you.

When we were born in the disintegrating USSR, by inertia we were taught dedication, collective thinking, the authority of elders, duty to the Motherland and other values ​​that gradually faded against the backdrop of commercial prospects and examples of "lawlessness" of the generation of our older brothers that had grown up by that time.

We were instilled with a love of capital at school. We saw how people opened their first videotape and rental stalls. We saw people rise up. We saw racketeers and bandits. And the term "new Russian" evoked irony only among our parents, who "were not so quick to realize the prospects of the time that had come and missed their profit" - a quote from the children of reproach.

The first shuttle workers showed us that only hard work on our feet and sleepless nights can create capital in a short time. “The legs feed the wolf” - the motto that was given to us as a model for making money.

Our dreams ended in the early 2000s. We saw the “last tram leave” with easy money. The tram left, but we, with greedy eyes and strong legs, remained, and by inertia began to build our career. Then it was still possible. Offices were opening, and we were needed there. We are the same “office plankton” that you make fun of. Our position has remained the same: in order to get something, you need to earn it quickly and urgently. With us, the profession of a salesperson has become highly paid, and therefore prestigious. We've wrapped this profession into an even bigger prestige module, elevating it to the level of "manager". Our goal is to build a career, climb up the corporate ladder and correspond to the position we hold, which together should have provided us with a comfortable life. We do not rely on the state and do not think about pensions. We know how to count and enjoy a successful transaction.

We are the generation of reproach. We set new records that you will not need. We are proud of the achievements that you do not accept, because you are a generation of cynics.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You have everything. You are few. You do not and will not have one thing - competition. You were born in those years in which only your desperate parents could decide to take this step. Technical schools, universities, unless they dance in front of you, so that you choose one of them. Competition is generally an unknown word for you. Where did you meet her? We have created our own ideal world with our own concepts, wrapped it in a beautiful shell, prepared warm places for you, but you do not want to accept this world. We are shocked. All our utterly sharpened sales steps have stopped working for you. In our trainings, we did not foresee one objection - it lies in the terrible phrase “So what?”. You do not pronounce it, it glows in your pupils dilated from laziness. Such bright yellow impudent letters.

We were counting on you. We have become professionals and we want you to appreciate this fact. But you don't appreciate it. Moreover, you demand a special divine attitude towards yourself with aspiration. You wave the Labor Code in front of us and read each clause of the labor agreement, stopping with your captious glance at the clause on wages, completely ignoring part of your obligations. You set the price without showing the product in person. You are completely out of market relations. You are out of competition. And that's not a compliment. It is difficult to objectively reproach you for something else, because the fruits of your efforts are not visible and are in their infancy. You are full of ideas and youthful maximalism, you still consider your thoughts to be absolutely correct, and your ideas are fresh, your heads shake to the beat of your music, and love stories are only gaining momentum. Your friends have just played their first weddings, and you still have not forgotten the smell of student dorms. You have created your secret places and do not let us in, the generation that has already left the "Komsomol".

Of course, each generation has its own characteristics.

"Thirties", so distant and now seeming so naive - confident builders of a new world.

"Forties"- children of war and post-war years. generation of orphans. Their parents are Motherland and Soldier Alyosha who survived and reached the Victory.

Parents "Pentecostals" the five-year plans were closed ahead of schedule, reached new heights, opened the Cosmos. These are the children of proud patriotism.

"Sixties"- children of good irony, brave and honest. They saw physicists and lyricists, the twist and Roman Holiday. Their songs are about simple and beautiful. Their mother is tenderness, and their father is confidence.

Children "seventies"- seekers of knowledge. These are children of verbal frills and sarcasm, unusual stories and bright colors. Their parents are forgiving and understanding.

"The Eighties"- children born in stability and tranquility. Their parents are humble and wise engineers and teachers. Their desire is a fresh breeze. Their world is striving for change on the Stagnation-Freedom train.

And today we meet with you. Cynical and unable to adequately assess their capabilities and abilities. Guys who want to get high salaries simply on the basis of their existence. Children who are unable to make decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Your infantile judgments about the freedom of choice of activity in the direction of its frequent change undermine our development plans. This is how we see you now. And what will you seem like, children born in the "nineties", following the generation of "zero"? What will you leave for the archaeologists of the future? And how can we learn to accept you?

Question from the Editor: Dear readers, what generation do you belong to? Do you agree with the "portrait" of those born in the 90s presented in this column? "Seventies" and "eighties", how do you work with the younger generation?

Materials of the heading "Let's discuss!" are the author's point of view and may not coincide with the opinion of the editors. Do you want to become an author too? Write to us .

    Quote: GOST

    and what is wrong with the fact that people, when applying for a job, are interested in wages and respect the law in the form of a tax code? if the author is used to working for three kopecks and that her rights are being violated, then why should others work the same way? they wrote nonsense

    yes, there is nothing wrong with the fact that people are interested in wages, the bad thing is that only to her and, preferably, in the form of a salary)) even here, of all the letters, you saw only the point about money)) and you read the law exclusively in your direction, you after all, the performance of the entire department or company is of little concern, right? when we started our career, we were not interested in salary, but in development prospects. We were motivated by percentages and we earned the kind of money that you consider a fortune. We must learn to distinguish the words\"earn \" from\"get \". Often at the interview you hear: - how much will I get? - Well, probably, as much as you earn. And the person is dissolved in the air. For I am not used to working and earning, but I am used to only receiving. It's okay - generation bugs. You can always earn money - it's not a problem. The problem is when the echo wanders from corner to corner in a triangular head.
  • Quote from Diana

    I was born in the 90s and I'm making my way somewhere on my own.

    well done :) what else can I say.

    Quote: Guest

    Eighties are the most boring and useless entrepreneurs and most of the losers.

    Quote: Foot towel

    When you start to get drunk on the younger generation, it is a sign that you yourself are getting old.

    Did you want to offend me so much?))) I see these signs every day in the mirror. I agree with everything else and your words are not fresh. Only you did not answer the question either. it's a pity.

    Quote from lenuh

    And what?)))

    Quote from lenuh

    My parents raised me and supported me, and I will do everything in my power so that they do not need anything.

    Where are these two diplomas if you do not speak Russian?

    We are all children of our parents, what you brought up is what you get. 60, 70, 80, 90 Everywhere has its geniuses and losers. What kind of nonsense is sorting people for decades?

    I think it's not about the 90s, but about education!

    Born in the 90s. The article hit a nerve. All my life I tried to do everything on my own. And no one really spoiled me. Competition, I can say, was everywhere, both at the university and at work.
    I try to be attentive to everything, both to my duties and to my labor contract ......

    I think it's not about the 90s, but about education!

    ???)))) labor.

    Quote from wild

    Born in the 90s. The article hit a nerve. All my life I tried to do everything on my own. And no one really spoiled me. Competition, I can say, was everywhere, both at the university and at work. I try to be attentive to everything, both to my duties and to my labor contract ...... I think it’s not about the 90s, but about education!

    Quote: GOST

    What's wrong with people asking about wages when applying for a job?

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! The bad thing is that nothing else is of interest!

    What kind of nonsense is sorting people for decades?

    This is not nonsense! The general trend is precisely this (I emphasize - a trend, and not a rule that applies to everyone!)
  • Quote from ktlb

    Spelling should also be taken care of.

    Well, sorry ..... I'll take note .....
    It is a pity that you only know how to spell check. Look deeper.

    Quote from ktlb

    Who does not know the Labor Code - he suffers from lawlessness.

    So I would give this Labor Code to you on the head! Illiterate ....

    Quote from Natlie

    Well, then you appreciated us, but will you answer the question? how will you be assessed? and what will you leave? :) so far you have written only what you can\"evaluate your life and hands and head \", but what is the product of your actions? what did you create? these are just questions, why are you so bristling? :) I say - only emotions ...

    So I am not from the 90s, but from the 70s and am an employer. So I declare responsibly that I don’t hire people born at 80 on principle, because freeloaders don’t know how to work and don’t want to, just give me a pretty penny and be satisfied. People in their 70s and 60s and young people in their 90s want to earn money and appreciate where they work. P.S. There are 12 people in my team subordinate to me.

    Explain to me, where did you manage to see these workers? Even those born in 91 have only recently graduated from the university, and most\"born in the 90s \" are still becoming more frequent. From the experience of communicating with these guys (and I teach them at the university), in common-only\"hanging \" in the social. networks, which often prevents them from receiving information in time. And so - they are different, like all people. Lazy and hardworking, purposeful and\"as long as they do not touch \". More will grow.

    Quote from lenuh

    Yes, I was born in the nineties, yes, I now want to get a high salary, because I have two diplomas in technical specialties.

    horror horror. I want money = because I studied well :(
  • Explain to me, where did you manage to see these workers? Even those born in 91 have only recently graduated from the university, and most\"born in the 90s \" are still becoming more frequent.

    Born in the 90s today from 14 to 23 years old, the bulk of them have been working for more than a year. At the age of 23, my peers were already becoming middle managers with families in which the first children were born. What do you mean by the words\"grow more \"? You are a teacher, you must understand what has grown - it has grown. You only teach these\"guys \", that is, as with graduates in the labor field, they have not come across. Of course, they are all different, the author writes about the trend.
  • Quote from Cas

    Even those born in 91 have only recently graduated from the university, and most\"born in the 90s \" are still becoming more frequent.

    Exactly. Everything is upside down. The generation of the 90s is not those who were born in the nineties, but those whose values ​​were formed during this period, when they were 10-12 years old)
    The child at this time does not evaluate what is happening, but simply masters the most effective technologies of life. For example, if he grows up during times of crisis, famine and war, he masters technologies that work well during these periods, and certain values ​​\u200b\u200bappear in him (thrift, the ability to be content with little); if it grows in times of prosperity and economic growth, then its successful technologies and values ​​are different (the ability to work with a perspective, activity, attitude to win). Since events and upbringing in society in a particular historical period are similar, the values ​​that form in most people are similar.

    So, a Generation is a group of people born in a certain age period, who were influenced by the same events and features of education, with similar values. We do not notice these values, they act imperceptibly, but in many ways determine our behavior: how we communicate, how we resolve conflicts and build teams, how we develop, what and how we buy, what motivates us, how we set goals and manage people.

    Now representatives of the following generations live and work in Russia:

    • Generation GI (born 1900-1923)
    • The Silent Generation (born 1923-1943)
    • Baby Boomer Generation (born 1943-1963)
    • Generation X (born 1963-1984)
    • Generation Millennium or Y (born 1984-2000)
    • Generation Z (born in 2000)
    • Google "Theory of Generations" - you will find a lot of useful and interesting things)
    • To the author\"5\" for emotionality,\"2\" for knowledge of materiel
  • I will answer. you took the words out of context and twirl them like a naive girl :) 1) about materiel. if you quote, then do not forget to indicate the source, otherwise your arguments seem unreasonable. if you mean the work of Neil Howe and William Strauss \"Generation Theory \", then say so, and do not send it to Google, I use other search engines 2) according to this theory, our generation has the following values, I quote:\"Willingness to change, opportunity to choose, global awareness, technical literacy, individualism, the desire to learn throughout life, informality of views, the search for emotions, pragmatism, self-reliance, gender equality, "the Next generation has other values, I quote: \" The value system of this group already includes such concepts as civic duty and morality, responsibility, naivety and the ability to obey. Immediate rewards come to the fore for generation Y.\". Now let's pay attention to the text posted in the heading \"Let's discuss!\". In what words of mine did you find a contradiction in this theory, which, by the way, I do not adhere to? 3) drawing my attention to the "materiel", you apparently think that the text posted here refers to the scientific field? I dare to disappoint you, this is my personal opinion, which has a place in existence. My opinion is not a term paper, and not a thesis, written on the basis of a huge list of read literature. Opinion is formed primarily on the basis of life experience. Surprisingly, it’s a fact that you can’t influence my experience in any way. Experience is not your notorious “materiel.” With your permission, I will not quote any Wikipedia or TSB to define the word "experience", I respect you and do not hold you for a stupid person. You, in turn, quoted excerpts from various sources, connected all this with investigative words and imperative mood I eat and gave out in a dashing “oops!”, Like a teacher in a systemic school who does not accept a point of view other than the approved one and puts marks according to the marking line.

  • A question for you - how do you conduct an interview if you have stupid and inadequate employees? What are you teaching your children to grow up like this? Why are we like this? Because you raised us like that, and now you are throwing everything off for years.

    I am very sorry that you divide yourself into stupid and not stupid. there was not a word in the text that assessed the mental abilities of your generation. Inadequate ones do not work for me, because we competently conduct interviews. we teach our children to be more successful than us and you, but we want them to be happy. Why are you like this, I don't know. first, what are they? you have already distorted my words, so I am now at a loss when answering this question, because I do not understand what you mean. If you are used to finding answers on the Internet, then why are you asking questions here? we did not educate you, for me personally you are generally a discovery. while we worked you grew up.
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