Pavel Priluchny gets divorced. Pavel Priluchny commented on the breakup with his wife. Priluchny divorces Agatha: difficult relationship of a couple during family life

The other day, fans of social networks were alarmed by an unpleasant guess about problems in the family of the famous acting couple Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece. They ceased to be subscribers to each other's personal pages, which gave rise to rumors about the imminent breakup of the family. In their micro-blogs, their first comments appeared about the misunderstanding that had developed in their relationship.

Actors Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece met on the set of the series "Closed School", which began in 2010. Prior to this, information had repeatedly appeared in the press that Priluchny had started a close relationship with Hollywood actress Nikki Reed.

It must be canceled that the young handsome actor has always been distinguished by love and magnetism for ladies. However, having met the Latvian model and actress Agata Muceniece, he fell in love in earnest. For the girl, work in the series "Closed School" was one of the first in her career. In addition to filming, she began a passionate affair with Priluchny, who was able to win the heart of a young actress. They say that at that time the artist was in a serious relationship and was going down the aisle, but could not resist the onslaught and charm of Pavel.

Having lived together for about a year and a half, in the summer of 2011 the couple officially became a family, having sealed their relationship with signatures in one of the registry offices of the capital. Young people did this secretly, without attracting public attention. Agatha took her husband's surname, but for the audience she remained Muceniece.

Priluchny divorces Agatha: public family life

The couple had their first child shortly after their wedding. Timofey Priluchny joined the family in January 2013, and in the spring of 2016 they had a wonderful baby Mia. Priluchny could not be with his wife during the appearance of his daughter, he was busy filming in the second season of the series "Major". By the way, for this he publicly apologized to Agatha on the air of the popular show "Evening Urgant."

Unlike some families who hide the details of their personal lives from the general public, Pavel and Agatha lead an active life in social networks. Throughout their relationship and during the period of the appearance of children, young people gladly exhibited pictures of family pastime for their fans, gathering every year an increasing army of fans of their family.

Over the past seven years, Priluchny and Muceniece as a couple have become the object of close attention of their subscribers, who tirelessly commented on the publications of their favorites, supporting them. Many saw in their family an ideal relationship from which to take an example. Agatha has a channel on a popular video resource where she posts videos of their family's everyday life, telling what they do.

Priluchny divorces Agatha: difficult relationship of a couple during family life

Throughout their life together, Pavel and Agatha have been on the verge of divorce more than once. Like every couple, there were quarrels and scandals in their relationship. As Muceniece recalls, they happened to spend the night in different rooms, break dishes and slam the door in the midst of a conflict. There were times when both were ready to file for divorce. All this was attributed to emotionality and youth, which is often categorical in problem situations.

One numerologist, having studied Priluchny's birth chart by his date of birth, made a disappointing conclusion. Pavel may be prone to polygamy in relationships; the attention of women is important for him. At the same time, to the last, he will deny his involvement in any intrigues on the side. This may explain the anxiety and distrust of the spouse.

The other day, another event happened that shook the faith of the couple's fans in the fortress of their union. Pavel and Agatha deleted each other from social networks. Moreover, Priluchny is no longer a subscriber of fan groups that are dedicated to their family and post joint photos of the actors. Of course, this gave rise to a new wave of rumors about the imminence of a divorce.

Priluchny divorces Agatha: comments by Pavel and Muceniece about the rumors

At the end of May, pictures with actress Lukerya Ilyashenko appeared on Pavel Priluchny's Instagram. The actor was immediately credited with an affair with a young woman, calling her the cause of contention in the family of Agatha and Pavel.

On this occasion, on his page, Priluchny spoke rather harshly against people who attribute relations to him on the side. He asked to refrain from inappropriate guesses and statements, emphasizing that there is no third person between him and Agatha.

About a week ago, Agatha also commented on her relationship with her husband, calling the current period a "pause." She asked to respect their privacy and not to pester with unnecessary questions, giving them time to deal with the problems that arose in the family.

Most recently, Muceniece again turned to her subscribers, assuring that the events in their family had nothing to do with PR. She noted that even though she and Pavel were very different people, but they are looking for ways of mutual understanding, despite internal disagreements: "We are most likely crabs who have found each other forever! And also, everyone who loves each other, you know, the most important thing is to talk!"

Agata Mutsenietse

Actress Agata Muceniece is a reference Baltic poise, when there is no need to worry and twitch over trifles, but there is only the highest wisdom to accept what fate sends. And then it will be solid gifts. For example, loving husband, actor Pavel Priluchny, two children and a full house. Actually, our conversation was about how not to overflow the banks in this abundance and at the same time build grandiose plans for the future.

Agatha, when you just started dating Pavel Priluchny, he said that he would stop you - a flying rocket, and put you at home with your children. It turns out, said and done.

Yes, and I'm happy about that. The fact is that I could not be called a romantic person who dreams of getting married. I came to Moscow to build a career and declared to my friends that I would definitely not go down the aisle before thirty, but I would give birth only after thirty-five, and then one child. They are now in shock: I am twenty-eight, and I am already a wife and mother of two children. Priluchny knocked down all my plans. (Smiling.)

It seems that everyone already knows the story of your office romance on the film set series "Closed School" ...

It was a whole epic. At first, Pasha ignored me, then he began to knock wedges, gave me chocolates. Initially, he gives the impression of a very self-confident person, and only a long time later I realized how private he is, not at all inclined to communicate.

Was it love at first sight on his part?

Quite right. He beat me off from my then young man. Once he volunteered to give me a ride home from Serednikov. We were on the road for a long time, and on the way he was interested in whether I really love my boyfriend. I answered in the affirmative. But Pasha's further actions sowed a seed of doubt in me. He was persistent, caring, and I obviously felt in him a real man, who, frankly, are few in our days - some proud freaks. I don’t want to speak badly about my former hobby, but this person lost a lot against Pasha’s background, and I caught myself falling asleep and waking up thinking about him. Already two months after we met, it was clear that he had practically captured my brain and my soul. Although, in fairness, I must say that I was rushing around for quite a long time, pulling with a choice. But one evening I accidentally stumbled on the Internet to Johnny Depp's phrase that if you loved the first, you would not love the second. And everything became clear to me: I made a decision. And Pasha, tired of my doubts, was afraid that I was taking our relationship seriously. He checked me with questions: “Do you really need this?”

- How did he propose?

Spontaneously. We have been living together for a month and, so that it would be convenient for me to go to school, we rented an apartment closer to VGIK. With such a long loggia, which I once decorated with balloons, I ordered our favorite rolls in a Japanese restaurant in anticipation of my hero flying in from Paris, from the filming of the First Channel game, where he fought bulls and won. It turns out that Pasha wanted to surprise me and bought a ring in France. Perhaps he was going to present it in a different setting, in a restaurant, but when he saw me happy, the “Welcome Home!” poster, he simply did not postpone it. (Smiling.) It was very touching, Pasha read a speech prepared in advance ... In fact, the marriage proposal as such was made even earlier. Literally on the first date, Pasha said: "Let's get married." I took these words with humor, but he did not know me at all. But it turned out that he was initially sure and was not joking. (Smiling.)

Everything happened so fast...

And so be it! I am Pisces by the sign of the zodiac, and we have such a nature that if you pull with us, we will swim into the ocean. We must be taken still warm. (Smiling.) But, in principle, we were far from any strategy - we acted on a whim. We were covered with a wave of feelings. Even the official registration of marriage was taken lightly, they agreed that if something goes wrong, we will divorce. We signed in Moscow three weeks after the ring was presented. Both were in black. (Smiles.) In my opinion, a virgin white dress that looks like cotton candy is a kind of craftiness, and cars with ribbons and bears on the hood are already the last century. Not to mention toastmaster. Our event was quiet, without any fanfare. We didn't even call our parents. Arranged a holiday for hastily. Moreover, Pasha gave me a gift - after the usual, boring registry office, he took me to Ostankino TV tower, where a real wedding has already taken place under the clouds, to the sounds of a whole orchestra. I remember I burst into tears when we exchanged rings ...

- When I looked at you at the very beginning of the relationship, you looked like a couple of "lady and bully" ...

You are wrong. As a child, I was a loner, avoided companies, as a teenager I went with a piercing in my tongue, and it’s hard to call me a muslin lady. And Pasha only looks like a bully, by the way. He stands for tradition right in their classic format. After we teamed up as a couple, he began to actively criticize my behavior, unworthy, in his opinion. He absolutely did not like my friendship with the male sex. He didn't believe in her. Therefore, my imposing hugs with friends stopped in the bud. (Smiles.) It was also funny when, at the party on the occasion of the end of the filming of "Closed School", Tanya and I drank a lot and climbed up to dance on the table. And Pasha just turned off the music, took me off the “dance floor” and with the words “what are you doing ?!” took home. And I've always had so much fun. But Pasha quickly made it clear that my stupid, European morals would not survive in Russia. (Laughs.)

- The husband, as I understand it, is quick-tempered and jealous ...

It is what it is. He is a Scorpio, behaves accordingly. Sometimes we fight, we break dishes. But then the storm subsides. Pasha loves when I'm at home doing housework. My intimate scenes on the screen are also hard to experience. Nude was forbidden to act. But I think it all depends on the scale of the director and the real need. The actor's body is a tool. In this sense, I am calm and Pasha is not jealous of actresses. I know how attached the husband is to the family. Each expedition is difficult for him - he is very dependent on communication with us. Today, his shift ended earlier, and he immediately changed his ticket in order to arrive home early. I, on the contrary, perceive a business trip as a curious journey, where I can relax in silence, read, and be with my thoughts. My husband is offended that I strive for such outings.

- But I know that you have a rule sometimes to arrange a vacation for two ...

This must be done without fail. At Christmas we flew to Barcelona. And so, as a rule, after some event we stay in our Moscow apartment, but by the morning we start to get bored without our kids. (Smiling.)

Judging by his actions, Priluchny is a fantastic husband and father. He bought an apartment in Moscow, where he finished everything with his own hands, now from scratch in three years he built a house in the suburbs, near a forest and a river, he rents without interruption to provide for his family, and that’s it. free time spends with kids...

I realize how lucky I am. And with the acquisition of a family, Pasha opened up some new facets. Previously, he could not even hammer a nail, but now he assembles furniture with lightning speed, repairs problems. He did not wash away anything in construction, but he realized our joint dream, erected family nest Outdoors. Now we are blissful here all together - still in the company of the big dog Wally, the Staffordshire terrier, and the British fold cat Sullivan. Got such a complete set. My mother is delighted with Pasha. When he comes to us, sometimes he makes a mistake and calls him Edik - the name of my father. Claims that they are similar in breadth of soul. When dad was asked to buy some small change in the store, he brought it in triple the amount. And Pasha is the same. It amazes me that the other day, leaving him alone with two children, when I returned, I found that he also managed to clean the house. Fantasy!

- And it is felt that life away from the metropolis has dragged you in ...

Yes, I do not go to the capital once again. I feel comfortable at home, in the corner of the garden I planted several Christmas trees, a juniper, put an artificial toad for beauty. I have three tomatoes growing in my garden. I'm going to build another greenhouse. O landscape design it's too early to talk - the drainage is not ready. In general, I am pleased to mess with the earth, enjoy the smell of grass, flowers, listen to the birds singing. I spent every summer in Riga resting in the village, in a wooden house. I really miss this place - Taurkalne, on the border with Lithuania, where my father spent his last days, fading away from cirrhosis of the liver ... He was an alcoholic, flooded his problems. Unfortunately, every person Soviet era There is something to talk about with a psychotherapist.

Do not talk about sad things. A "golden couple" is growing up in your family - a boy and a girl. Surely you will pay great attention to education in the future ...

You know, I am against taking childhood away from children. They should fully enjoy it, and only then take up their studies. I now read a lot of various psychological literature, which confirms my theory that education should be a joy. Do not overload your child early age. I feel sorry for the geeks. They are victims of the vanity of their parents.

- Your children are still carelessly frolicking ...

Exactly. Daughter Mia is only a year old, and she is golden! He is suspicious of strangers, but he loves his relatives, although he can sometimes bite his brother. She is cunning, knows what she wants, knows how to manipulate. I have already learned to say “ipad”, “doll”, “porridge”. Timothy is four years old, and he is still a tomboy! Goes to kindergarten. While we lived in Moscow, he attended the Igor Krutoy Academy of Music, but he didn’t like it very much, and now he only advocates round-the-clock viewing of cartoons. He even refuses to play football, although my dad and I see him as a star of this sport. (Smiles.) He is more drawn to dancing. Perhaps from September we will give it to "Todes", which is next to our village.

- Does he have an interest in dancing from his mother? .

I didn’t go there since the new year, but pole dancing captured me. I don’t remember the movements well, but this is not required here - sheer acrobatics, perfectly pulling up the figure. Since we live outside the city, not far from ski resort, I plan to conquer the slopes next winter, as well as swim in the pool, which is also nearby.

- And the hobby for needlework has passed?

I knitted while I was pregnant. And today I plunged headlong into work - into our new private performance "Adventurers involuntarily." We have tours scheduled throughout the year. I play with my husband, with Alexander Mokhov, Alexander Nosik, Raisa Ivanovna Ryazanova. In addition, she starred in the pilot episode of the Comedy Theater show. For the first time I have a similar project: I have a lot of different roles there. Also, KVN members are filming a sketch project “Bloggersha”, where I participate, since I myself am an active blogger. In the summer, a series for NTV “Live” is being launched, and at the moment I am filming in the historical costume drama “Tobol” for Channel One, playing the German Brigitte.

- You don't have a single loud full meter yet...

I don't dream about him. Now at the peak of popularity series. Look, everyone has become fans of Game of Thrones, Sherlock Holmes, The Young Pope, Twin Peaks. I never thought about cooperation with any specific, venerable director. It seems strange to me, after graduating from the institute, to cherish plans to act with Mikhalkov. This is a different generation. It is clear that I will not refuse to work with Zvyagintsev, for example, but all the same, I need to focus on my peers and create my own fresh coalition. In general, I don’t like mossy things, but new items, some kind of avant-garde, revolutionary things. And the genre doesn't matter.

- But Priluchny is in the cage - he is busy in high-quality projects ...

Pasha is an amazingly charismatic actor. And I'm happy for his success. The wife should be behind her husband. I would not get along with a person weaker than myself. But at the same time, I do not want to be just the wife of Pavel Priluchny, it is important for me to be an independent actress.

- You were born in Riga, in the family of a bartender and a cook. Did you inherit your culinary talent from your mom?

As a child, my sister and I went to school, and we only eagerly devoured my mother's grocery masterpieces, not trying to learn how to cook. In VGIK, I already ate "Doshirak" and studied for a red diploma. Honestly, I'm doing pretty well right now. Pasha approves, says that it is better than in a restaurant. But I'm not as picky about food as I am about cleanliness and order. Here I am a rather pedantic hostess.

Are you best friends with your sister?

Undoubtedly. Santa is only one year older than me, and we don't spill water. Therefore, I almost passed the first class as an external student at home, so that with my sister I could go to the second class together and sit at the same desk. Now Santa lives with our mother and with her eight-year-old daughter Amanda in Riga, works as an administrator in a casino. I used to work at a gas station, and I laughed for a long time when I read in one newspaper that my sister was in the oil business. (Smiling.)

I read that you lived very poorly and at school you were teased as "homeless" because you wore the same clothes. But you are beautiful! Did the opposite sex not notice this?

Believe me, I was not particularly attractive then. After all, you gain effectiveness over the years, with proper care behind you, with winning makeup, in a thoughtful way. I remember at the age of twelve I fell in love with a boy at school. Alas, unrequited, and I was terribly disappointed. AT adolescence they began to look after me, I briefly met with someone, but my peers seemed stupid to me, and besides, I was focused on something else - I planned to go to Milan and make money. I had before my eyes an example of a friend who leaned into the model. I was wildly thin, weighed forty-four kilograms and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to use such capital.

It was a tremendous experience: as a model, you traveled all over Europe. And you communicate in English with a barely noticeable accent ...

Adore English language! Still, I was born in the Old World and have the mentality of a man of the world. That is why hostility between peoples who divide a piece of land is so alien to me now ... And the modeling period hardened me incredibly. I learned self-survival, endurance, the ability to lose. There is no friendship there. Any catwalk girl will betray you for profitable contract. It's good that I learned all this at the age of sixteen. Before that, she was gullible, full of illusions, but then she ceased to depend on people and began to rely only on herself.

Often, those who endured need, having received some financial benefits, become terrible spenders. You are a stylish girl. Can you call yourself a shopaholic?

I think that there should be just enough money so that this topic does not bother you. I have everything I need. I go shopping according to my mood. I can buy ten skirts at once, but I can only buy two. And basically I'm set up for a children's wardrobe. Although Pasha himself volunteered to dress Timosha. And he dresses himself, since it is unrealistic to please him. Besides recent times interior items, such as elegant dishes, began to interest me much more. And I was an ardent shopaholic just in the “model years”. Could, having received three thousand dollars, lower everything on a coveted bag. It is clear that today I will never commit such a crazy act. And then I was directly chasing famous brands. Therefore, when I appeared all so fashionable at VGIK, the guys appreciated it. (Smiling.) It was not possible to combine work with study, and this time taught me to austerity. I received the second higher education. I already had a diploma from the University of Latvia with a degree in Chinese Sinology. I went to this institute on the advice of my godfather, Nika's dad, successful businessman, which convinced me that China is in charge today. I diligently memorized hieroglyphs, learned Asian culture. Perhaps this knowledge will be useful to me someday. (Smiling.)

Pasha likes my hobby, he even gave me a very good camera and a laptop. And he is my first viewer. I am inspired by both his assessments and those who observe my work. So, Priluchny's birthday gathered a million views. In principle, I don’t calculate the content, but post what I shoot spontaneously here and now. It’s funny that some fans know me exclusively from the blog, and they didn’t even watch my work in the cinema. Some producers showed up, they admit that they can not tear themselves away from my creations. (Smiles.) I was even nominated for the Favorite Blogger award, and this only added to the enthusiasm.

- You have everything except the Oscar.

And I will definitely get it. I even prepared a speech and came up with what dress I would be wearing at the ceremony, with what hairstyle. (Laughs.)

Not long ago, the spouses - actors, Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny, deleted each other from their friends lists on social networks. This caused rumors that they were getting divorced. And the reason for their breakup was the betrayal of her husband with an actress and a partner on the set. But then it became known that the spouses themselves invented it for the sake of PR.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny: Agata and Pavel, the joint life of actors

Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece met on the set when they were filming the film "Closed School". In 2011, secretly from everyone, in one of the most common registry offices in Moscow, Agatha and Pavel signed, exchanged wedding rings and swore to each other in eternal love. Agatha, as befits a legal wife, took her last name - Priluchnaya, but left her own as a pseudonym. After 2 years, their son Timothy was born, and in 2016, their daughter Miya.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny: reasons for the split in the family

While Agatha and Pavel unfollowed each other on social networks and were no longer seen at parties together, fans decided that a big crack had begun in their relationship. And Pavel was credited with an affair with a partner on the stage of a new project - Lukerya Ilyashenko. Although not long ago, Agatha began to actively upload videos about happy married days to the network, where she described travel, how they raise children together and buy a new one. big apartment. There was no talk of divorce.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny: reconciliation of spouses

Having learned about all the conversations on the network and immense questions about the relationship between the spouses of Priluchny, the actress considered it necessary to answer. Addressing all subscribers, she said that their relationship is still on a pause in development. Whether they will solve this problem mutually and without judicial intervention is not known.

But fans of the couple do not get tired of talking about their lives. And soon information appeared that young people came up with the whole story with a divorce and an end to a joint marriage because of PR. All this happened after the couple subscribed back to each other on the social network, and Pavel's wife commented back on the situation that had formed. She said there was progress in reconciliation. And she added that they cannot live apart from their loved ones and are ready to seek compromises in all existing problems in order to reach some common conclusion. And those subscribers who decided that this was PR, Agatha boldly asked to unsubscribe.

The biography of Pavel Priluchny is full of life's adversities, tragedies, betrayals and ... even mysticism. But, like in a good movie, this script, written by someone from above, has a happy ending. Pavel Priluchny not only became famous, but also found family happiness with his wife Agatha Muceniece. However, recently rumors have been circulating that Pavel Priluchny is getting a divorce. Is it really a black streak in the life of an actor again? ..

Pavel Priluchny and his wife Agata Muceinece: are they really getting divorced ?!

They met on the set of the series "Closed School". Pavel Priluchny, already having behind him the baggage of several small roles in television series, this time played one of the key characters. Agatha, a beautiful Latvian, played Pavel's beloved.

The romantic storyline smoothly moved from the series to real life. And now Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece are already husband and wife.

Are Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece getting divorced? - Does not look like it!

True, the media learned about the wedding only after the fact. In one of the interviews, Pavel was asked if it was true that he and Agatha were officially married. The actor did not deny and answered the journalist's question in the affirmative. True, the press did not manage to get more information about the wedding of the stars of the Closed School series. Only a couple of photos from a modest wedding ceremony were at the disposal of the ubiquitous paparazzi. The guys neglected the traditional wedding dresses. The bride and groom chose black for their wedding.

Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece: everything is just beginning

Soon after the wedding, Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece become happy parents. Timothy is the long-awaited firstborn in a young family. Despite the fact that at the time of the birth of his first child, Pavel was only 25 years old, he took up his parental duties with all seriousness. The actor understood that now he was the main breadwinner in the family and literally spent the day and night on the set.

Pavel Priluchny with his wife and son

From a busy work schedule and dramatic changes in his personal life that inevitably arose with the advent of a child, Pavel began to increasingly show his quick temper and break out on loved ones. The actor's wife Agatha Muceniece admits that her husband was going to divorce her more than once or even twice. Here is just one of the cases told by the wife of Pavel Priluchny.

“On the set of the series“ Quest ”, where they starred together, Priluchny managed to make me jealous of the operator:“ You look into his mouth! - "Absolutely a fool?!" Came home - fought. They beat the dishes. Pasha shouted that tomorrow he would file for divorce. I am silent for a long time. But when they completely finish baking, I will answer in such a way that it won’t seem enough. Word for word - and away we go. Flying cups and plates. At that time, we literally smashed rented apartment in Riga, even the door was knocked out. The next morning they covered their tracks, repaired. Pasha asked for forgiveness: what can you do, he is so quick-tempered. The child, fortunately, did not see any of this, he was visiting my mother.

It turns out that Pavel Priluchny is very jealous. And she is jealous of her spouse for anyone whom she had the imprudence to smile or greet with. And at a party in one of the capital's clubs, he got so angry at a journalist for asking what his wife was wearing, that he answered the poor fellow in a rude and obscene form.

But so far, the difficult nature of the actor, fortunately, has not led to a final break in relations. In addition, most recently, in March 2016, in acting family Priluchny-Mucieniece became one more little man. Pavel and Agatha had a daughter, who was named unusually and very tenderly - Mia.

Pavel Priluchny with his wife Agata Muceniece and newborn daughter Mia

Pavel Priluchny: the personal life of an actor on Instagram

Theater, cinema, and, of course, family - all this can be found on Pavel Priluchny's Instagram. The actor, unlike many other stars, boldly posts photos of his beloved wife and children on his page, sharing the most personal moments of his life with subscribers.

Pavel Priluchny with his wife and children (photo from the actor's Instagram)

Favorite dog of the Priluchny-Muceniecesstaff Valley family

But the actor avoids taking photos with mysterious strangers. Is that with colleagues in the theater. All because main woman both in life and on Pavel Priluchny’s Instagram, his beloved wife still remains ... and now also his daughter Mia.

Pavel Priluchny: what height, weight, age?

The biography of Pavel Priluchny says that the actor was born on November 5, 1987 in the city of Shymkent in Kazakhstan. True, soon the Priluchny family was forced to leave the house and move to Novosibirsk region, in the town of Berdsk. There, still very young, 4-year-old Pavel, his parents decided to send him to the boxing section and at the same time enrolled ... in classical choreography. But this is easily explained. Pavel's father was a professional boxer, and his mother taught dancing. In the future, as the actor himself admits, both were useful to him. Although the boy did not attend choreography lessons as willingly as boxing classes.

Pavel Priluchny in childhood

His father passed away early, and Pavel, who at that time was 14 years old, had to grow up quickly. The guy showed those qualities that later helped him move to Moscow, enter first the Moscow Art Theater School, and then the prestigious acting courses at GITIS. In this bright and carefree period in the life of any student, Pavel Priluchny falls in love ... with Hollywood actress Nikki Reed, vampire Rosalie from the Twilight movie saga.

Pavel Priluchny and Nikki Reed: their romance was bright, but short-lived

The Hollywood movie star long and persistently pursued the Russian guy. I went to all his performances, sent cars with personal driver, who took the guy to the fashionable Baltschug Hotel, where Nikki Reed lived during her stay in Moscow. Hollywood celebrity even made a tattoo with the name of the Russian lover ... But soon the stormy international romance came to an end. The actress flew overseas, and Priluchny's communication with Nikki Reed came to naught.

Pavel Priluchny and Nikki Reed: their romance did not end with a happy ending

But Paul had no time to suffer and mourn his overseas love. He threw himself into work and soon became one of the most sought-after young Russian actors. The series "Closed School", "Major", "Run!", "Gamers" films "Children under 16 ...", "On the Game" ... Not the last role in such a wild popularity of Priluchny among Russian directors is played by the actor's athletic physique. Pavel's height is 180 cm, weight - 75 kg.

Today Pavel - real star. He has an army of thousands of fans, the actor is invited to the highest rated TV shows. One of the brightest recent appearances stars of the series "Major" - Ivan Urgant's program "Evening Urgant".

Pavel Priluchny, his wife and children: photos from the wedding and from the personal archive

Pavel Priluchny and his wife Agata Muceniece have been together for several years. During this time, they managed to formalize their relationship and give birth to two charming children, son Timothy and daughter Mia.

The wedding of Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece

The actor's beloved family, as he himself admits, often visits him on the set. Only the youngest daughter still has to be left at home for grandmothers and a nanny.

The actor's wife, a former international model, admits that she had not heard of the actor Pavel Priluchny until their paths crossed on the set of the Closed School series.

“I remember very well the first time I saw Priluchny. I, a third-year student at VGIK, went to the Serednikovo estate, where they filmed scenes from nature. I traveled by car, which was sent for me and artist Andrei Neginsky. “We still need to find Priluchny, he walks around here somewhere,” the driver said. “Oh, Pasha is our star,” Andrei exclaimed enthusiastically. - Now you will see him! - Is he playing my boyfriend? - Yes ... I remember how long we circled in a car, the driver called Pasha on the phone - he could not understand where he was standing. Then I saw him through the window: in a long dark coat, with black ears instead of a hat. Before I got into the car, he turned to me: - Listen, do you have a boyfriend? - Wow question! I later found out that Pasha loves to put a person in a dead end. And then bewildered, but honestly answered: - Yes. There is. - Well, don't talk to me then! he barked. And turned away."

At that time, Agatha had serious relationship with ballet dancer Dima Bilan, dancer Artem Alekseev. Young people made plans for the future and wanted to get married ...

Agata Muceniece and Artem Alekseev

But then Pavel Priluchny intervened. Later, he admitted that at first sight he fell in love with his partner on the set. And after the scene of one kiss - Agatha realized that Pavel was the man of her dreams. True, its authors had to make some adjustments to the script of the series and “kill” the heroine Agatha. The girl was filmed being pregnant, and the belly soon became very noticeable ...

Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece in anticipation of a miracle

The first child, a boy, Timothy, made significant adjustments to the relationship of the spouses. Pavel Priluchny honestly admits that with the birth of his son, the former romance faded into the background. Although the actor does everything possible to make his wife feel loved and desired.

“Now is no time for romantic dinners by candlelight. A lot of trouble, albeit pleasant, that are associated with children. But I still try to somehow distract Agatha. I often give flowers. Though a trifle, but nice. If I go somewhere, I will definitely bring her gifts.

The couple decided to settle on one child, although in the future they did not exclude the possibility of replenishing their family with another son or daughter. But the second pregnancy came as unplanned as the first. And although the couple were not quite ready for such a wonderful surprise, they nevertheless greeted this news with joy. So baby Mia appeared in the family.

Pavel Priluchny with children (photo from Instagram)

True, even this exemplary family man like Paul, it can be difficult to resist the temptations that are directly related to his profession. And what normal man can resist such a beauty as Vera Brezhneva? The actress and singer became Pavel's partner on the set of the series "Major 2". Her first photo from the shoot, with Pavel, caused a lot of speculation and gossip. And this signature...

Pavel Priluchny and Vera Brezhneva on the set of the continuation of the series "Major"

“He is nearby. Now you can work in peace. Pleasant acquaintance, pleasant cooperation…”

Pavel, in turn, also did not remain in debt and answered Vera with courtesy for courtesy:

“Not only a wonderful artist, but also good man, and this is important - do not deteriorate in popularity!

But Paul courageously endured this test. And you also need to pay tribute to the wife of Pavel Priluchny, who, like everyone ideal wives, tries to be wise and reasonable. She is not jealous of her husband not only for her beautiful colleagues on the set (although their romance began on the set!), but also for Pavel's ex.

“I don’t see the point in being jealous. Well, we met actress Renata Piotrowski at the premiere of the film, I know that they had a relationship with Pasha. Good girl. We stopped and chatted with her. Renata, like me, is from the Baltics, and we are both actresses - new projects, films, there is something to discuss. Why should I treat her badly, what does their common past have to do with Pasha? What now, if she calls, I will growl into the phone: “Forget our number forever!”? It's stupid!

provoked rumors of an imminent divorce: the couple unsubscribed from each other on social networks. Considering that recently they almost stopped going out together, the couple's fans suggested that things were heading for a divorce. After some time, Agatha publicly admitted that her marriage with Pavel had cracked. “Dear friends… all of you and the press are wondering about our relationship with Pavel. I will say briefly, our marriage is on pause, whether we will solve this problem or not, it is not known ... a big request, respect us and not bombard us with questions ... ”Agatha wrote in her microblog (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are given hereinafter unchanged. - Note. ed.).

Some media suggested that Pavel had an affair with his colleague on the set of the film " Ghost» Lukerya Ilyashenko: recently, the actor often posted her photos on his Instagram. These rumors were denied by Priluchny himself. “Friends, there is no third person involved in our relationship with Agatha, so shove guesses and disrespectful statements up your ass. Everything that concerns our relationship applies only to the two of us, ”Pavel wrote harshly and asked to close the topic of their divorce with Agatha.

But the fans did not think to leave the spouses alone. Today they discovered that Pavel and Agatha have re-followed each other on Instagram. Now Internet users are sure: celebrity couple specially played a performance to attract attention and add subscribers to Agatha's video blog.

Pavel Priluchny re-subscribed to Agatha Muceniece's updates

Agata Muceniece again follows the updates of Pavel Priluchny

Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece met on the set of the series Closed School almost ten years ago. Then the actor practically stole the girl from the crown. After living together for a year and a half, in August 2011, the couple formalized their relationship. On January 11, 2013, the first-born son was born to the spouses Timothy. And on March 3, 2016, the actors became the parents of a daughter who was given a rare and beautiful name Mia.

At the moment, Agatha and Pavel are filming together in the action-packed series of the NTV television company Prospects, where Priluchny plays the former GRU commando Yuri Shatokhin, who, having arrived in his hometown, is faced with devastation and finds out that his daughter is in danger. Muceniece, in turn, plays the role of a local journalist and associate of the protagonist.

Agata Muceniece with children

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