Housing issue and pregnancy test: how the Krasko couple gets divorced. The young wife of Ivan Krasko: "Yes, I'm not pregnant"! Ivan Krasko about his wife's pregnancy

The couple recently celebrated their wedding anniversary. On September 9, 2015, Ivan married his student Natalya, and since then the discussion about such an unusual relationship has not ceased on the Web.

Many condemned the couple and predicted a quick divorce. However, in 12 months, the couple managed to establish a joint life and work together. Inspired Krasko and his chosen one went through all the troubles, holding hands tightly, despite the words of spiteful critics about the inappropriateness of this union due to too much age difference.

Reporters contacted Krasko, who was celebrating his birthday. The actor admitted that he does not yet know what gift his loving wife will give him. “She always gives me gifts unexpectedly and keeps them a secret, so for now it’s a secret,” said Ivan, intrigued, with a smile.

With enviable regularity, pen sharks and acquaintances ask the artist when Natalia will give him a baby. Krasko spoke on this sensitive topic. “She is not expecting a child, this is not true. We want to, but we are not in a hurry yet, ”admitted the birthday man.

Ivan does not plan to arrange a celebration in honor of the 86th anniversary.

“Honestly, I don’t really like celebrating my birthday. What is there to celebrate? One doxology, as if at a wake, - I know in advance what they will say about me at the funeral, - the artist noted with irony. - And to get together with friends - this, of course, is possible and necessary, to sit at the table. But when they start to say something like that, I say enough is enough, everything is clear, let's better drink to your health.

Well, I start like this: “My relatives, dear ones, I congratulate you all on my birthday.” Trying to turn it into a joke and something joyful and good. And so, why rejoice? Every year the departure is getting closer and closer.

He also shared that he often worked on his birthdays.

“Yes, I had to work. It so happened that it was my birthday - and on this day you need to play in a play. And the head of the troupe, a wise man, in such cases said: at the same time he will cover the clearing. I continue to play in the theater. On September 11, the season opened, and I have already played three performances, - quotes Ivan's NSN. - The next performance is October 1.

By the way, the couple also celebrated the anniversary of their joint life without fuss.

“I want to disappear from this world for one day and be alone, be without work, without any official moments. We thought about a restaurant, I was inclined to go somewhere ... But we have a performance on September 8, and on the 10th, Ivan Ivanovich has shootings, - Natalia, who was in demand, shared her plans with reporters.

“It was an amazing year, extraordinarily fruitful, and I have never regretted anything. Yes, it was difficult, it was difficult, they often told me: “You knew what you were doing.” It's one thing if Ivan Ivanovich was just a man who is 85 years old, but he is a people's artist, so there was so much attention.

The 87-year-old artist admitted that he is happily married to 27-year-old Natalya Shevel. They recently celebrated a paper wedding. Ivan Ivanovich said that the couple lives a full and eventful life. Natalya writes poetry, has already released two collections: "Beginning" and "We just don't know how to love yet."


"I also have many plans. In the theater - performance after performance, a number of meetings are planned soon and, possibly, projects. You understand that children need a base. I always talk about children: as God wills. Maybe already in next year," Krasko quotes Woman's Day.

Previously, the famous artist has already said that, in his opinion, before having children, you need to provide them with a decent existence. "The birth and upbringing of children is one of the general lines of human development. So I always raise the second toast to a woman - the center of the universe," Krasko said.

He believes that a man should provide for the family. “A man should be the basis of the family. So the material issue lies entirely with me. True, I am not an oligarch, although many stubbornly continue to think that Natasha married me solely out of selfish motives. I will not even name the salary of a regional theater artist, so as not to shock. I will say this: the difference between us and colleagues from theaters of federal subordination is two to three times! "- said the artist.

Recall that Ivan Ivanovich already has five children: daughter Galina from his first wife Ekaterina Ivanova, son Andrei and daughter Yulia from his second wife Kira Petrova, sons Ivan and Fedor from his third wife Natalia Vyal. Five years ago, the artist had a great-grandson. The eldest son of Andrei (the deceased son of Ivan Krasko - actor Andrei Krasko) Jan gave the legendary actor a great-grandson. True, they do not see each other often. After all, Jan and his family live and work in Warsaw.

Two days ago, the young wife of Ivan Krasko posted a new photo on her page on the social network. The picture shows a girl posing in front of a mirror in a red dress. Attentive journalists immediately examined Natalya's enlarged belly between the folds, suspecting the girl of pregnancy.

With the light hand of journalists, Internet users began to discuss with interest the latest news about the personal life of 85-year-old Ivan Krasko and his young wife, calculating the approximate duration of a possible pregnancy. Slightly subsided passions that raged on the network for several weeks before and after the wedding began to boil again.

After the journalists of one of the popular publications got through to the young actress to clarify the information, Natalya immediately announced that she was not pregnant. The effect of an enlarged belly was due to an unsuccessful angle. The girl is surprised - what kind of stomach can we talk about if only a month has passed since the wedding day.

Natalya Krasko said that she wore this dress for a photo shoot in one of the magazines to look beautiful. This is one of her favorite outfits - in it she passed the exam at the institute, performed two romances and a Ukrainian song.

The close attention of reporters annoys Natalya, she is not used to being followed by her every step:

I'm not used to the paparazzi following my every step. Probably, now they will be guarding in the bushes, suddenly I pick my nose, or I stumble and fall, or I tear my stockings, and they will write: “Ivan Krasko does not buy stockings for his wife, he walks in holes!”. When I really get pregnant, I will try so that no one finds out about it until the last.

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