The illegitimate children of the Shura singer were found. Singer Shura: I started out as a homeless person, and I continue! Shura singer biography

The new guest of the studio of the Secret for a Million program was the performer Alexander Medvedev, who became famous in the 90s, performing under the stage name Shura. The artist spoke frankly with Lera Kudryavtseva, revealing to her a lot of personal secrets in just a couple of hours of broadcasting.

As it turned out, Alexander has long dreamed of becoming a father, but different life circumstances all the time forced to postpone plans to create a family on the back burner. The singer told the audience about his alcohol and drug addiction, told about his love for his grandmother and about difficult relationship with his mother, said that he was struggling with oncology and.

Frame of the program "Secret in a Million"

But most importantly, the 42-year-old man finally decided to take tests at a family planning center to find out if he had a chance to ever hear the cherished word "dad".

"I really want to buy myself Vacation home so that my children have their own lawn and sandbox on its territory. I think I can become good father and I certainly won’t let my kids leave home at 13 like I did.”, - Shura shares dreamily with Kudryavtseva.

Frame of the program "Secret in a Million"

The producers even invited a potential surrogate mother for future children of the artist. The woman shared her experience and talked about the prices for her help. The amount was announced far rather big - 25 thousand per month, plus 800 thousand after the birth of the baby, and if twins, then 950 thousand rubles. Medvedev, having heard the cost of the service, suddenly got even more excited about the idea of ​​fatherhood and, after several questions of concern to him, asked the woman to devote time to him after filming was over.

At the end of the broadcast, Lera traditionally handed the guest an envelope, offering a million for the publication of the results of Shura's tests on the air. The singer refused, thus provoking rumors on the network that he was not destined to acquire a native heir.

“Probably, something bad was written there ... The look went out straight”

“He cannot have children. Otherwise, I wouldn’t set fire to the results.”

“It's clearly bad. I even feel sorry for him ... A good person in essence "

“Judging by his reaction, the result is bad and not to be his dad”

“Well, what kind of father is he? Drugs, alcohol, cancer, not to mention sexual orientation…”

“Bad results in an envelope. He even had tears in his eyes. pity the man"

However, not all Internet users are so categorical in their judgments. Many expressed the hope to soon hear that Alexander Medvedev had a child to be happy for his idol, who had many trials.

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Singer Shura (real name - Alexander Vladimirovich Medvedev) - an eccentric performer, idol of the 1990s, winner of a number of prestigious awards, including the Order of Benefit, Honor and Glory, Golden Gramophone, Night Life Awards, Golden Decibel .

He became famous for the compositions “Do good”, “Noise summer rains”,“ You don’t believe in tears ”, as well as extravagant behavior and an unusual stage image: lack of upper front teeth, bright makeup, a strange twist. Some viewers highly appreciated his singing talent, others called him a homosexual and a mentally unhealthy character.

Difficult childhood

The future singer who became a sensation in his time domestic stage, was born on May 20, 1975 in the unspoken capital of Siberia - Novosibirsk. His mother, Svetlana Medvedeva, was barely 18 at that time, and his father, Vladimir Shapkin, was 21. Soon after the birth of Sasha, his father left the family and did not take part in the life of his son in the future.

Mom also treated him, to put it mildly, with restraint. Instead of taking care of her little son, she was actively engaged in improving her personal life, while often taking out anger on the boy for her “disorder”, beat her, forced her to call her not mom, but Svetlana. A woman worked as a secretary-typist.

Pretty quickly, her efforts to find a soulmate were crowned with success - she remarried, and their son Misha, 2 years younger, appeared in their family. According to the artist, his mother provoked their enmity, and it was Mikhail who knocked out his teeth. Until he came of age, Sasha did not know that his father was not his own, but he always felt that he was loved less than his brother. When Sasha turned 9, his relatives sent him to an orphanage, from where, after 2 years, his grandson was taken away by his grandmother Vera Mikhailovna.

The singer recalled her with great warmth, calling her "the closest person and a wonderful woman." She loved to dress in unexpected dresses and sing romances in front of the mirror, and worked as a chef at the Rus restaurant. In the same place, at the age of 13, Sasha began to earn money, performing songs in no less extravagant outfits and in grandmother's wigs, breaking a flurry of applause. His repertoire included compositions by the groups "Modern Talking", " Tender May"and other popular artists.

AT school years the boy loved to relax in the pioneer camp, led a circle of needlework, and at the evenings he performed mainly in the image of the incomparable Baba Yaga. But he did not study very hard, and after the 7th grade he left school altogether and went to Riga, where he successfully mastered the training program for florist-designers.

First steps to fame

In 1992 it happened an important event in the life of Alexander - an acquaintance with the composer and novice producer Pavel Yesenin, which was fateful. Pavel wrote a number of songs for the novice artist that became hits, and convinced him that great success awaited him in show business. Sasha went to conquer the capital.

At first, the guy from Novosibirsk had a hard time in Moscow - he spent the night on a bench in the Botanical Garden and looked for at least some work in restaurants. Then he got lucky. He was sheltered by a representative of an ancient profession named Tatiana, and he ended up in the popular Manhattan Express club for casting singers.

Entering the stage in a fur coat, with incredible make-up, he captivated the audience with an original manner of performance, a voice with a characteristic whisper due to lack of teeth, looseness and, in general, a shocking image, and got a job in this prestigious nightclub.

Shura - Cold moon

Later, he was noticed there by the famous stylist Alisher, who agreed to create stage costumes for him. According to the singer, when working on his image, they focused on the legendary Ozzy Osbourne and the outrageous Marilyn Manson. All this contributed to the growth of Alexander's popularity.

The first records, called "Shura" and "Shura-2", he released in tandem with Pavel Yesenin. The composer not only wrote music for them and performed all the arrangements, but also performed the part of the backing vocalist.

The compositions presented in these and subsequent albums (“Fairy Tale”, “Thank you for the second wind”, “News”) were a huge success with listeners. They brought the singer victories in the charts, twice - one of the main musical awards of the country "Golden Gramophone" (for "You do not believe in tears" and "Do good"), the title of best performer at the song festival "Song of the Year" in 1998 and 1999 th, recognition as the most stylish singer of 2000. Various prizes were awarded to his songs “Cold Moon”, “Artist”, “Heaven is for us”, “Winter-Winter”.

Shura - Do good

At the peak of popularity in 2002, the singer disappeared from the field of view of the media and fans, but after 5 years he reappeared on the Russian pop scene, having changed outwardly (putting his teeth in, noticeably getting better, changing unthinkable outfits for a decent suit). As it turned out, he was undergoing treatment for drug addiction and cancer, having managed to overcome fatal ailments. The artist again began to actively tour, delighting fans with new extraordinary works that received flattering reviews from professionals, and delighting with already beloved songs, causing a new surge of increased interest in his work.

He participated in the TV show "You are a superstar!", "Musical ring". In 2010, he presented the video clip " Balloons”, a year later - presented the disc “New Day”. In 2012, two songs and a video for them saw the light - “The Heart Beats” and “Prayer”, created in a duet with Svetlana Surganova, who also went through the fight against oncology at one time. Experts noted the unusual and life-affirming nature of their joint work.

Surganova and Orchestra and Shura - Prayer

In 2015, he became a guest of the One to One reincarnation show, a year later his compositions Penguins and Heart Beats were released, and in 2017, the single and video Girlfriend.

Shura's personal life

During the career take-off, the artist was often spoken of as a representative gay. He did not refute these assumptions, but later called it a PR move to maintain interest in his person.

In 2010, on his birthday, Shura came out with his civil wife Elizabeth. According to him, they long time lived together, and met at the Opera nightclub, where his chosen one worked as a promoter. The singer not only introduced his beloved to friends, announcing the beginning of their relationship, but also gave her a Mercedes car.

Shura is called the most outrageous singer of our time. This favorite of women and children is shrouded in a fog of rumors, gossip and mysteries. On some of them he decided to shed light

Sasha, it's no longer a secret to anyone that you had big problems with drugs. Is this completely over now?
- Yes. For three years I really was on drugs. It was a very difficult period. Somehow I managed to work, but I also had to eat drugs.

What does "had to" mean? Force-fed, right?
- Yes, the whole party is like that! Do you think they are saints? Russian show business just drugged. I also really wanted to try. There was simply no strength to hold on. Let's just say it wasn't smart enough. Thank God it's all over. I went through a rehabilitation course in a good clinic. It’s good that I survived it, that no one will tempt me with this now. There are no more drugs in my life. Now I am a living, healthy person. I'm working fine again.

- It seems that your mother helped you a lot?
- Yes, she came from Novosibirsk, arranged me for a clinic, lived there with me. Treatment, by the way, was not expensive, although a lot of everything was prescribed. The course cost about $2,000.

- Why are you getting better?
- Because after the treatment I woke up a brutal appetite. No more sunken cheeks and blurry eyes, you see for yourself.

- If it's not a secret, how much money did you spend on drugs?
- Everything was spent ... Therefore long time I didn't have an apartment or a car. Everything went to friends, to restaurants, to drugs. It must have cost fifteen thousand dollars or more. But during the treatment, none of my colleagues was next to me. I was silent about my illness. It was terrible to look at me insane, so I behaved very apart.

- Sasha, who is the closest person to you now?

- Of course, mom. Now she lives with me in Moscow. For me, she is a friend. Mom helps me a lot - both in clothes and in the repertoire. I am glad about this, because before we were not friends and had little contact. Only when my mother realized that her son was not doing such nonsense, we began to develop good relationship. And so she gave me complete freedom, but we were not friends.

- Many say that you have a progressive form of star disease. What do you yourself think about this?
- Star disease I had just when I was on drugs. She passed unnoticed by me. And for others, probably, too, because I was at home, not getting out.

- Scandals with the organizers, disruption of performances, outrageousness - is it in the past or does this still happen?
- At one time it was fashionable to behave defiantly. Scandals were needed, I had to go through this. There was such a Shura before. Now I am different. More relaxed, more professional and cultured. Now I arrive at all concerts on time, even earlier, which is surprising to everyone.

- At one time there was a story about how you hit your headmistress on the head with a suitcase. It's true?
- I'll tell you how it was. I'm flying from Switzerland to Sheremetyevo-2. On this day, I will have an important concert in Moscow at Berezovsky's. I go up to my director and ask: "Please tell me, Snegol, where will the concert be?" "This information will cost you money," my director told me. Naturally, she got hit on the head with a suitcase. On that they parted. It was only one blow, but serious and correct. Anyone in my place would have done the same. But there was no beating.

- Is Snegol the girl who sheltered you in her communal apartment when you had nowhere to live?
- Yes she. I have not forgotten all the good things she once did for me. But then it was another Snegol, who later changed a lot, fell in love with easy money. She, like many, was spoiled by show business.

How is your personal life now?
- Amazing. I love and they love me. Everything is fine. In this regard, I do not suffer.

- Is it true that you had an affair with the current husband of Natasha Queen Tarzan?
- Precisely because he is now the husband of the Queen, I would not like to answer this question. I can only say one thing: I love beautiful people And I don't care what gender they are.

- It was said that during the period drug addiction you, as a singer, have come to naught. This is true?
- The drugs that I used, fortunately, did not affect the ligaments. Although there are, of course, a lot of those who put their voices on a thorough basis. I kept my job. After I quit this poison, my vocal range even increased. Not Mariah Carey, of course, but somewhere already close. I can sing falsetto, I can bass. I can sing with an operatic voice. How many octaves I take, I can’t say, because I don’t know solfeggio well.

Shura - outrageous singer, who attracted the attention of the whole country with his performances and appearance, non-trivial actions and rumors about their non-traditional orientation. Shura did not get tired of shocking the audience, which earned him both the love of one part of it and the disapproval and ridicule of the other.

Childhood and youth

The future singer Alexander Vladimirovich Medvedev, better known under the pseudonym Shura, was born on May 20, 1975 in Novosibirsk. The boy grew up with his mother Svetlana, younger brother Mikhail and grandmother Vera Mikhailovna, who, according to the artist, was of gypsy blood.

The boy was always sure that his brother was loved more, and over time he found many confirmations of this. For example, the musician said that at the age of 9 he got into Orphanage from where his grandmother took him. And the fact that his father was actually not his own, but his stepfather, the young man found out only when he received a passport, where his mother asked him to write down a completely different patronymic.

As it turned out, his father Vladimir Shapkin lived not far from the Medvedevs' house, but did not take the initiative to get to know and communicate with his son. Svetlana started dating 20-year-old Vladimir, who had just returned from the army, when she was only 17 years old. The girl became pregnant, but the young man did not consider it necessary to marry her, but on the contrary, he moved away. After a while, Nikolai Dudchenko became Svetlana's husband, from whom the second son was born. But this family did not last long.

Having become popular, Shura always tried to financially support his mother, even if, due to conflicts, he had to transfer money not directly, but through his brother or daughter-in-law.

Shura has no musical education. And schooling ended for him already in the 7th grade. The boy was expelled with a certificate of incomplete secondary education.

He began his singing career early, at the age of 13. Sasha's first scene was the Novosibirsk restaurant "Rus", where his grandmother worked. The unusual performer was immediately nicknamed the Yellow Suitcase. Apparently, this was due to the outrageous appearance of the guy: he went out to perform in a black fringed sweater, patent leather shoes on a high platform and a black coat to the toes.

According to the artist himself, his grandmother instilled in him a craving for extravagance. Vera Mikhailovna worked as a cook and had a very indirect relationship with art: she sang romances in front of a mirror, dressed in unthinkable outfits. The grandmother also taught her grandson macrame and embroidery. At one time, in addition to music, Shura taught needlework courses in his native Novosibirsk, which were attended by women of all ages. This occupation prompted the future artist to get the profession of a florist designer.

Shura graduated from design courses in Riga and immediately came to Moscow with an ambitious intention to conquer the capital.


Shura's capital debut took place in the Manhattan Express club. The bet on shocking was correct, and the singer woke up famous. Another important event for the young singer took place in the same club. There Alexander met the stylist and fashion designer Alisher. Since then, Alisher has been sewing stage costumes for Sasha, consulting during shopping trips.

The pop singer's fame peaked at the end of the 90s. The artist gained rapid growth in popularity thanks to the outrageous manner of performance and appearance: Shura was without teeth and was in no hurry to insert them. According to the artist, in childhood they were knocked out by his younger brother Mikhail during a fight.

Most famous songs Shuras are “Summer rains have stopped noisy” and “Do good”. The popularity of the songs was so great that clips immediately appeared on them. The hits of the outrageous artist have become the objects of numerous parodies. But for many, Shura's songs of those years are associated with the period of growing up, therefore they are relevant today.

Shura recorded the first two albums in collaboration with composer Pavel Yesenin, who also acted as a backing vocalist. In 1997, the first album called "Shura" appeared in the musician's discography. And in 1998, the album "Shura-2" was released as a continuation.

Shura - "Do good"

Medvedev has many musical awards. For the songs "You do not believe in tears" and "Do good" the singer received the "Golden Gramophone". In "Song of the Year" Shura sang "You do not believe in tears" and "Summer rains have died down." The songs "Artist", "Winter Winter" and "Heaven for Us" received awards.

The style brought by Shura to Russian stage, critics gave the name "eurodance".

Shura - "Do not believe in tears"

After the rise in popularity, the showman suddenly disappeared. Creative biography Shura was interrupted for a long time. As it turned out, he was seriously ill. Evil tongues started talking about the singer's drug addiction and alcoholism. Medvedev confirmed drug addiction, calling it main reason disease is cancer. But Alexander managed to defeat the terrible illness, although it took a long time for this: the cancer was discovered in an advanced form.

Treatment began in a military hospital in Moscow. Shura moved complex operation, but this was only the first stage on the path to healing. Next was chemotherapy, which was carried out simultaneously with treatment for drug addiction.

Shura on Cancer Healing

A mother from Novosibirsk even flew to the singer to help arrange him in a clinic. Friends supported the artist, helped him in word and deed: a large amount of money was needed for treatment and rehabilitation. Shura continued his course of treatment in one of the Swiss medical centers.

The disease has receded, thanks to the support inner circle Shura recovered, requisitions and cancer, and cravings for drugs. But a new problem arose: the musician recovered in every sense of the word, the exhausted organism reacted to the treatment in an unexpected way - there were overweight. With a height of 175 cm, the weight of the artist reached 140 kg.

However, the guy managed to overcome this obstacle. Several courses of liposuction helped to get rid of body fat. The updated singer reappeared on television and began touring. Outrageous diminished, but the story of terrible disease and miraculous healing calling card returning to the stage of the artist, causing a new surge of interest in his person.

Returning to the stage in the late 2000s in an updated image, Shura became a guest on popular shows. At the "Musical Ring" he became his rival.

Musical ring NTV - Shura VS Boris Moiseev

In 2007, the artist appeared in the program "You are a Superstar!" on NTV. The new image allowed the artist to reach the final, where Shura lost first place to the singer. The number that impressed the audience was the song "Let's Pray for Parents". Shura sang this hit in a duet with. By this time, the artist already had a full-fledged smile, which cost the singer 8 million rubles.

Shura and Soso Pavliashvili - "Let's pray for parents"

Shura celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2015 creative activity. In the same year, the singer appeared in the popular show of reincarnations "One to One!" on the TV channel "Russia-1". A year later, the artist began a big tour " New life. A new image ”, in which he presented the songs“ Penguins ”,“ Our Summer ”.

Personal life

There were always a lot of rumors around the singer about his orientation. The outrageous image and provocative statements of the musician for a long time supported the interest of the press in this topic. Also, the media sometimes flashed messages about Shura's novels with the soloist of the group "Guests from the Future" and with the singer, but the artist himself called them a "duck".

In the end, despite the initial statements about homosexuality, which Shura eventually called part of his image, in May 2010 the singer introduced his bride Lisa. The couple met at the Opera club, where Lisa worked as a promoter.

On his 35th birthday, the singer, having appeared in the Paradise club in the capital with his chosen one, announced his relationship with Lisa and presented his beloved with a Mercedes. Friends and colleagues of the artist warmly accepted the girl into their company. Judging by joint photo, lovers have similar facial features. In 2014, Lisa starred in the video of her beloved "Heart Beats".

In 2011, information appeared in the media that Shura had two children growing up in Kislovodsk. The artist himself categorically denied this information, which was shared with the press by the alleged ex-lover singer. To find out the truth, the singer went to the studio of the program "Let them talk." Seeing the children, many were surprised at how they looked like an artist. But the DNA test determined that Shura was telling the truth.

According to the performer, Shura's personal life was deliberately and for a long time hidden from prying eyes, and the relationship with her beloved Lisa had lasted for a long time. Shura continues to hide the romantic relationship from the press. Now the public does not know any details from the personal life of the singer and his civil wife. In 2017, there were rumors that Shura plans to acquire heirs.

The musician talks about the other part of his personal life a little more willingly. Shura does not hide what he has with his mother protracted conflict. In 2013, the case even went to court. Mother and brother tried to write the musician out of the apartment, in which the artist was registered by his grandmother. Shura did not back down and entered into a lawsuit. famous musician there is no need for a “odnushka” in Novosibirsk at all, he explains these actions by two reasons.

Firstly, he considers such an act of relatives a betrayal, because no one even tried to negotiate with the musician in a good way, on the contrary, the mother cut off all contacts. Secondly, a man worries about his mother. According to him, she had a new gentleman, who was suspiciously zealously interested in the material condition of his chosen one. Shura suspects the man of bad intentions and does not want his mother to end up on the street. The singer was supported by colleagues, saying that, despite unpleasant situation, the musician will never harm relatives.

In 2016, shortly before his birthday, the singer tried to make peace with his mother. Nobody opened the door to the musician, so he began to wait for the woman on the bench at the entrance, but when Shura's mother nevertheless went out into the street, she walked past her son, as if she did not recognize him. The singer shared this story with viewers on the show "Let them talk" in honor of his birthday. But judging by "Instagram" singer, soon the relatives managed to reconcile.

Shura now

2018 has not started well for the artist. Shura with recently experienced problems with the hip joint, so he decided to have an operation to replace it. For this, the singer went to Kurgan in the Russian science Center"Restorative traumatology and orthopedics" named after academician G. A. Ilizarov. Planned operation was successful, and as a token of gratitude, after a period of rehabilitation, Shura organized a solo concert for the residents of Kurgan.

Shura at the Secret for a Million project

In May, with the participation of Alexander Medvedev, the TV show "Secret for a Million" with a TV presenter was released on the NTV channel. On the program, the artist frankly spoke about the problems that remained far in the past, and about the desire to become a father. For the sake of this dream, before the transfer, the artist passed the necessary tests, and on the air of the TV show he met a surrogate mother who is ready to endure even twins for the artist. For the sake of future heirs, Shura plans to purchase a country house.

In July, the singer became a guest of the popular evening show "Hi, Andrei!", The release of which was dedicated to the stars of the 90s.

Shura at the project "Hi, Andrey!"

Shura does not forget about creating new hits. In 2017, the artist gave fans a new single "Girlfriend". In the summer of 2018, the artist announced on his Instagram profile the release of the song “Important Something”, which caused a storm positive emotions from their subscribers. Also in the summer, Shura's solo concert took place at the GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT.

Recently, Shura faced a problem due to which he actually became a homeless person. Back in the early 2000s, the artist bought an apartment in Moscow for 45 million rubles, which he later transferred to another person under the influence of drugs. Now the apartment has new owners who demanded that the artist move out of the occupied meters. At first, Shura was in a depressed mood, but then he decided to fight for real estate. Several court hearings have already taken place.


  • 1997 - Shura
  • 1998 - "Shura-2"
  • 1999 - "Fairy Tale"
  • 2001 - "Thank you for the second wind"
  • 2003 - "News"
  • 2004 - Forbidden Love
  • 2011 - "New Day"

Singer Shura. Photo: personal archive of Alexander Medvedev.

Alexander Medvedev, known under the pseudonym Shura, is a colorful figure. Incredible outfits, platform shoes and the absence of front teeth attract the public no less than vocal data. By the way, the singer has no musical education. The nugget passed his universities in restaurants, where he sang from the age of thirteen. Artistry Alexander inherited from his grandmother, who was of gypsy blood and amazingly performed romances. leafing through Family album, Shura spoke about how he got rid of addiction to drugs, defeated cancer and fascinated Patricia Kaas.

1. I am thirteen years old. In Moscow, I'm passing through - I'm going to Riga for design courses. We can say that I fell in love with Moscow from the first candy. When I was five years old, they gave me a box chocolates with the image of the Kremlin. I took her out into the yard, treated the guys. Then he cut off the cover with the picture and hung it over his bed. I said that I would definitely live in this city. And the dream came true.

2. The central park of the city of Novosibirsk, where I spent my childhood and youth. A very happy time. From the age of thirteen I sang in restaurants, earned money and drove the guys from my class to have fun in the park. We walked, rode the carousel, ate barbecue. I have never spared money for entertainment, for my relatives and friends.

3. This is me at the dacha of my good friend Natasha. I really like this place near Moscow. We often rest here, fry kebabs, make fish soup. Well, yes, I like to fool around. These lambs are outdoor ceramic sculptures. Do you think they are alive? Ha ha ha.

4. I am with my grandmother Vera Mikhailovna - the closest and most adored person to me. She always supported me, gave both her blessing and money for all my undertakings. Grandmother of gypsy blood and chic sang romances. She also had a skirt made of forty pieces, lined with bottle caps. When grandmother walked, the skirt rattled like a tambourine.

5. Shooting some TV program. I was a TV presenter. In total, I had twelve different female images. As for Ksyusha Sobchak, we get along very well. For her birthday, she often orders a concert with my participation. I respect her, love her and say: "If I ever marry, then only to someone like Sobchak."

6. I'm in the Metelitsa club, I'm running my own program. This is my last bleaching blonde: even then my hair began to fall out little by little. I was diagnosed with cancer. I took what happened as normal. I dreamed prophetic dreams that, they say, you will jump if you don’t stop taking drugs. But it was hard to stop. The disease became an incentive to quit, leave the environment that sucked money out of me for drugs, and completely change my life.

7. My twenty-second birthday. We celebrate it in the Metelitsa club. My girls are with me good friends. They sang in some youth group. I can't remember the name now, it quickly faded away. I love my birthday. I always celebrate it on a grand scale, noisily, cheerfully and insanely expensive. Although I'm getting older and older.

8. I am in the image of Baba Yaga, I sing a song from the cartoon " flying ship", with me the backing vocals" Buranovskiye Babushki ". I had to go to the dentist that day and had my upper teeth removed. The director exclaimed: “Look at Shura: how he responsibly prepared for the role!” It was a funny number.

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