How to connect the Internet at maximum speed. Increasing the speed of the Internet on a computer or laptop

Question from user


Tell me, is it possible to somehow speed up the Internet on a laptop? I'm connected through WiFi connection, the provider promised a speed of 50 Mbps - but in reality everything loads very slowly. I contacted the Internet provider - they checked the network, and said that everything was fine on their side, look for the problem on your own. I did not find it myself, but in order to call specialists from the provider, you need to pay them (and, I would even say, not sour ...).

Good day!

You wrote "slowly" - and this concept is very loose. For someone, download a movie in 10 min. - it's slow, you need 2 ☺. But in general, in general, the problem is quite popular, and in this article I will describe the main methods and points that need to be checked, and which, in the end, will speed up your connection somewhat. So...

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How to find out real speed Internet on a computer -

Ways to speed up the Internet in Windows

Change provider/tariff plan

This advice does not apply to optimization and tuning, but nevertheless ...

Certainly one of the most effective ways to increase the speed of the Internet - is to change the tariff plan of your connection (or even change the provider itself). Moreover, now in most cities Internet connection is free, several providers are available and there is always a choice (perhaps, only those who live in small district centers are held hostage here, where there are practically no alternatives) ...

Note: by the way, if you decide to change the provider, I recommend asking around the neighbors on the porch - this way you can evaluate the real speed and quality of Internet services (and choose the best way specifically for your particular home).

Configuring Internet Channel Reservation

Windows by default may limit your throughput Internet channel up to 20%! Naturally, this can seriously affect the download speed, and therefore it would be nice to disable this reservation. How to do it?

You need to open the Group Policy Editor. To open it - press a combination of buttons WIN+R, enter the command gpedit.msc in the open line, and press Enter. The method is relevant for Windows XP/7/8/10.

Note! If you have a home (or initial) version of Windows - most likely, the group policy editor will not open for you, giving an error: "Cannot find gpedit.msc. Please check the name is correct and try again" . In this case, there are two ways out: either change the version of Windows, or install this editor (there are tricky ways, How can I do that).

Next, you need to open a branch: "Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> QoS Packet Scheduler" . After, on the right, open the option "Limit reserved bandwidth" (see screenshot below).

Local Group Policy Editor / Windows 7

In the window that opens, switch the slider to "Turn on" and set the constraint to 0% (as in the screenshot below). Save your settings and restart your computer. Now the restriction should be lifted...

Optimize the system, fix bugs, clean up junk

I think it's not a secret for anyone that the speed of the Internet, and indeed, in general, all your activities on a PC, depends on the optimization of the system. I'm not talking about what different kind garbage (old and broken shortcuts, leftover tails from long-deleted programs, erroneous entries in the registry, etc.) can "make" your computer slow down...

For auto-optimization and cleaning the system from this "good", I will recommend a couple of utilities below.

How to optimize and speed up Windows 7 -

Are there other applications loading the network

Also, quite often, many users do not even know what applications they have using their Internet channel. It is possible that the Internet speed is low in your current program due to the fact that the entire channel is busy with some other process that you do not even know about!

A simple and reliable application to control the Internet. Allows you to see all programs using the Internet channel. Having determined all the excess - you can block or disable these applications. Thus, the Internet channel will be freed up for your current tasks.

You can also partially estimate the load on the network in task manager (this is especially evident in Windows 10, in Windows 7 - open the resource monitor). An example is shown in the screenshot below.

Download application not configured (for example, uTorrent)

Not so long ago, I helped a friend who complained that he was taking too long to download files. What was my surprise when in uTorrent (and he downloaded them through this program) I found the speed limit set! Because of such trifles and inattention, sometimes you have to wait for hours for loading.

The message here is simple.: be sure to check the settings of the application in which you are downloading the file (and in which you are unhappy with the speed of the Internet). It is possible that there is a restriction in the settings!

If you touch uTorrent (as one of the most popular download programs), then open the program settings and check the tab "Speed"(Speed). It sets the speed limit for downloading and uploading. Set your values ​​based on the tasks and power of the PC.

Also check the tab "Traffic limit" - if you do not have an unlimited Internet connection, then it can be very useful.

(If you have a certain traffic limit enabled and set, then upon reaching it, uTorrent will stop transferring files)

By the way, if the question is about uTorrent, then I recommend that you also read another article:

Why uTorrent downloads at a slow speed: torrents take a very long time to download... -

Using turbo modes in browsers

If your Internet pages open slowly in your browser, online video slows down, etc., then I recommend trying to use the turbo mode (available in some browsers: Opera, Yandex browser, etc.).

Turbo mode allows you to compress heavy pages before loading them, due to which the pages start to load faster. In general, this makes sense with a slow network connection.

In addition, you can try using browsers with low system requirements. Their functionality is slightly reduced, but they work very quickly! Link to article below.

Browsers for weak computers -

Update network adapter drivers

In general, drivers are an insidious thing, sometimes you have to spend a lot of time until you set everything up properly.

If you touch the network adapter, then there may be a couple of options:

  1. you do not have a driver for a network card - as a rule, in this case you will not have the Internet (at all!). Here, I think, it is clear what to do - download and update the driver;
  2. Windows automatically picked up and installed the driver: in this case, the network will work (and in most cases you don’t even need to do anything else). But it also happens that the adapter with these drivers does not work as fast as it could with "native" optimized drivers. Therefore, it is highly advisable (when you are not satisfied with the speed of the Internet) to download and update the driver from the official website of the device. For example, I have encountered several times that after updating the driver, the network speed increased by 3-4 times!

How to install, update or remove the Wi-Fi (wireless network adapter) driver -

How to find and install a driver for an unknown device -

I think that many who have been playing online for a long time computer games, more than once or twice I came across that on one specific server his game slows down, and on the other - everything is fine. The point here is that with different servers - different quality connections.

And it is quite possible that you have a low file download speed because of a bad connection with a specific server. This happens all the time. Try downloading your files from other sources.

Alternatively, you can use torrents - if the file is popular, then the download will come from many sources, and will reach the maximum speed possible for you.

Strengthen the signal, set up a router (for those who have a Wi-Fi network)

If you have a router at home, a Wi-Fi network is set up and you access the Internet using it - that is, there are a number of important things that you need to pay attention to: the location of the router and laptop (phone), channel settings, whether network protection is configured, etc. I talked about all these subtleties in one of my articles:

Ways to boost Wi-Fi signal - improve reception and increase the network radius at home -

As a result, after completing these activities, the speed in your Wi-Fi network will increase, which means that the Internet will work faster...

Maybe your processor is slowing down / HDD

And, probably, the last thing I wanted to dwell on in this article.

The fact is that perhaps it is not the Internet that is slowing down for you, but, say, a hard drive. Because of this, the same uTorrent automatically resets the download speed, waiting for the load on the hard drive to decrease. When it returns to normal - the download speed increases if the disk load again reaches large values- uTorrent resets it again (and so, in a circle) ...

Therefore, I recommend that you open Task Manager (press the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination) and see if there is a high disk load - i.e. >30-50%. If there is, identify applications and close them (if these are not system processes).

Also check out a couple more articles for more complete information and problem solving.

Hard drive slows down: 100% loaded, everything freezes and works slowly -

Processor loaded at 100% without apparent reason, slows down - what to do? -

If you managed to speed up your Internet connection in a different way, I would be grateful for a couple of lines in the comments.

That's all, good luck everyone!

If your Internet is too slow, there can be many reasons for this: problems on the side of the provider, network equipment, your computer, operating system, programs, as well as simply excessive network behavior. Here are 15 tips to help you make your internet run faster.

1. Tidy up your browser

Many users have not very good habit open many tabs in the browser at once, and even pin them for automatic opening. As a result, when you enter the network, your browser is forced to load many sites at once - it is logical that each individual page will load more slowly. Close unnecessary tabs (bookmark the most necessary ones), and the Internet will immediately become faster.

Use bookmarks instead of multiple tabs.

2. Lower video quality

Why watch every funny cat video in 1080p, especially since it is often shot in lower quality? Video hosting sites like to offer video sharpening algorithms that slow down the connection. Leave HD to watch movies and series. Click on the gear in the lower right corner of the player and select a lower image quality. The sound will not suffer from this, but the video will start to load much easier. We also strongly recommend that you turn off auto-play videos.

The 480p image is no worse than HD for most videos.

3. Install an ad blocker

How many times have they told the world: if you are looking for a way to increase the speed of the Internet, first of all get rid of ads on sites. Advertising banners can take up to 70% of the "weight" of the page you are loading. Just imagine how much of your channel's resources are spent on loading ads, even if you yourself do not pay attention to them! Go to the extensions section of your browser and search for "Adblock". After installing an ad blocker, your channel will be significantly unloaded.

4. Use browser turbo mode

Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser support a special Turbo mode that speeds up the loading of web pages through various algorithms, such as image compression. For Firefox, this mode implements the fastTun Tool add-on, which can be downloaded from . Turn on turbo mode for heavy pages, for example, for your news feed in social network, and you will notice how the Internet speed will increase.

Turbo mode also saves traffic.

5. Speed ​​up your browser

Sometimes the "brakes" of the Internet are actually the "brakes" of the browser. If you have a lot of add-ons, disable unnecessary ones, block sites from sending notifications, and update your browser to the latest version. In addition, you can check the internal settings of the browser: among them there may be those that limit the loading of web pages. Read on for some tips on how to speed up your work and.

6. Disable distributions in the torrent client

A large number of downloads and distributions that your torrent client handles greatly overload the channel. We are no longer at zero, when leaving the distribution could lower the rating or ban on the torrent tracker. Quit sharing or pause unnecessary files, and you can complete other online tasks faster. By the way, torrent downloads will also go faster. In order to speed them up even more, set the maximum download speed (in uTorrent: right-click on the torrent > "Limit download" > "Unlimited") and disable traffic limits (Settings > "Traffic limit" > uncheck "Limit bandwidth" ").

In the case of torrents, the rule works: less distribution - faster download.

7. Disable auto-update programs

Another aspect that causes channel overload is the automatic updating of programs and the operating system in the background. You surf the Internet, while your Windows cuts off part of the channel, looking for updates. If possible, install them manually. Go through the settings of installed programs and disable automatic check updates. Also, it will not be superfluous to check your OS for the presence of .

8. Disable channel restriction at the OS level

Method for Windows users. By default, the operating system cuts the bandwidth of the Internet channel by about 20%. To remove this limit, press Win+R and type gpedit.msc. The Group Policy Editor opens. In it, go to the tab Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler > Limit Reserved Bandwidth. Set the radio button "Enabled" and enter the value "0" in the adjacent field.

Windows limits bandwidth at the group policy level.

9. Tidy up your computer

Often it is not the Internet that slows down, but your computer, and with it both the connection and the browser. One of the most effective ways to increase the speed of the Internet is to increase the performance of your machine. Run a virus scan, clean the system, fix overheating, increase the amount of RAM. Read tips for improving computer performance.

10. Update your network adapter

If you can, get a new Ethernet or Wi-Fi network adapter. The point here is not that the old one does not work well: just newer models support new communication quality standards (the same WLAN 802.11ac), receive better and process the signal faster. Yes, and a network card, like any microcircuit, degrades over time, from which the connection speed can also drop.

11. Check the network cable

Regardless of whether you use Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection, a cable enters your apartment from the entrance. It can be bent, pinched or damaged somewhere, which automatically degrades the quality of the connection. Check the cable in areas accessible to you or ask your provider to “ring” it and repair possible damage to make sure that the Internet speed does not depend on its condition.

12. Update firmware and router settings

If you are using a network router to access the Internet, another way to increase your Internet speed is to update its firmware. With new version firmware, your router may start to receive a better Wi-Fi signal (if you use it), and generally work faster. You can even download the firmware on the device management page. Also, it will not be superfluous to clarify the settings of the router. For example, if your router supports the WLAN 802.11ac standard, switch to an older one (802.11.n) and the signal will be better.

New firmware for the router can often be downloaded directly from the provider.

13. Check your home network configuration

There can be many devices, but only one Internet. If you use multiple computers on the same network, mobile devices, and even a smart TV in the load, they can literally"tear apart" your channel among themselves. Configure your home network wisely: Read how to expand your network range and make sure that there is enough network for all devices.

14. Upgrade your plan

Internet speed is almost always lower than stated in the tariff.

15. Change providers

Finally, the most radical solution to how to increase the speed of the Internet: do not be afraid to change the provider. If an ISP has entered your home offering faster speeds, simply go to them. Or cooperate with your neighbors and write a statement so that he "comes" to you - to achieve good internet more than real. Just don't be afraid to take the initiative.

Slow internet is annoying, bad internet is annoying, no internet is hysterical. This is of course a bit exaggerated, but close to the truth. Bad internet really causes only a negative reaction.

So how to speed up the Internet connection and increase the speed of the Internet?

In this article, I will describe 7 problems that slow down the Internet and give ways to solve them.



This is the aspect to which we pay the least attention. And all because we are sure that there are no viruses on our computer. But in vain. I guarantee you have them. Clean your computer with a virus scanner. Just not the scanner of the antivirus that you have. Download any free anti-virus scanner on the Internet (fortunately there are a lot of them) and do a system scan. The result will greatly surprise you. .


A lot depends on the modem and its performance. Unfortunately, in most cases modems are set at the factory and are not meant to be adjusted. Therefore, if the problem occurs on the modem side, then the only way its elimination is the replacement of equipment. Sometimes it is possible to update the modem software by flashing it. Go to your modem manufacturer's website and see if there are new firmware. And to determine whether the modem slows down or not, there is only one way: to borrow a similar modem from friends for a while and do a comparative test.




Communication Packet Optimization

Whether you know it or not, the data packet size has great importance and depends on the speed of the Internet and the quality of the connection. The speed of the Internet largely depends on the correctly set these parameters. It is very difficult to make such settings manually. Therefore, a special one has been developed for this purpose.

Solving these problems will help you partially speed up the Internet. But if you want your Internet to really "fly" read the article.

In our today's article, we will talk about how to increase the speed of your Internet connection, for example, Rostelecom, Beeline, Tele2, Yota, ByFly, Megafon or even Megaline Kazakhtelecom. This will help make downloading files, watching videos or playing online games more comfortable. In order to solve the problem at home, there are many options, we will consider them all. Starting from the simplest and as needed, moving on to more effective ones. The instruction provides for increasing the speed with the Internet on a personal computer, laptop or phone.

Before answering the question: how to speed up the Internet, you need to make sure that it is really low. This is where we will begin our step-by-step instructions.

Let's check - is it really that bad?

Checking the network connection speed in Russia and other countries is very simple, for this you can use the well-established website We act according to this scheme:

  1. Let's go to official page and click on the big yellow button that says START.

In order for the speed to be displayed as reliably as possible, we recommend that you change the server, indicating the point closest to you. For example, in our case it will be Nikopol.

  1. The analysis itself will begin, the test readings are displayed in real time by an analog arrow. In this case, it is the download speed that is being tested and it is approximately 65 Mbps.

Do not confuse megabits and megabytes - these are completely different indicators. A megabyte is 8 times larger than a megabit, so 100 Mbps is 12.5 Mbps.

  1. When the download performance test is completed, the measurement of the outgoing data upload speed to the network will begin. In our case, it is even higher and is 94 Mbps.
  1. As soon as the measurement is completed, you will see the final results.

In order to understand what Internet speed is considered normal and what it will be enough for, see this table:

Speed Opportunities
Less than 20 Mbps View FullHD video on one channel. Downloading 1 MP3 file - 20 sec. Downloading a movie in average quality is about 3 minutes. Downloading a 4k movie - over 1 hour. Downloading a game like GTA5 will take you over 2 hours.
20 to 40 Mbps View FullHD video on one channel. Downloading 1 MP3 file - 10 s. Downloading a movie in average quality is about 1 minute. Downloading a 4k movie - over 20 minutes. Downloading a game like GTA5 will take you over 1 hour.
40 - 80 Mbps View FullHD video on one channel. Downloading 1 MP3 file - 5 sec. Downloading a movie in average quality is about 1 minute. Downloading a 4k movie takes about half an hour. Downloading a game like GTA5 will take you over 40 minutes.
Over 80 Mbps View FullHD video on one channel. Downloading 1 MP3 file - 1 sec. Downloading a movie in average quality is about 1 minute. Downloading a 4k movie takes about 10 minutes. Downloading a game like GTA5 will take you over 20 minutes of hours.

Summing up, we can say that for comfortable surfing, watching YouTube and online games, 20 Mbps is enough for one person. But sometimes your speed is taken away from you by a hidden "enemy". Who is he and how to find him, we will tell further.

cable test

Before getting upset and running to buy a new router, let's start with the basic one and try to find out if the wired connection of our computer to the repeater or router is OK?

We do this:

  1. If you have a router and network cable from the PC goes to it, make sure the wire is intact at both ends and try to pull it out and carefully reinsert it until it clicks.
  2. Also check for visual damage on the cable that comes from the street and is inserted into your router.
  1. When the cable is inserted into the network card of the computer, two green and red LEDs should light up or blink near its socket. This indicates the health of all cords.

So, the wires are all in place and connected securely. So, let's move on and start improving our connection.

Router setup

This section is suitable for those who use a router to connect to the network. If your PC is connected to the Internet through a cable that goes directly outside the window, skip this part of the instructions.

The easiest way is to reboot our router. There is a special button for this. But it does not just reboot, but returns the device to factory settings. It is worth using it when a simple on - off does not help. You can press the button, for example, with a needle.

Using the power button, you can turn off and then turn on our router without returning its settings to the original ones.

Sometimes there is no such button either, in which case you just need to unplug the device from the network, wait a couple of minutes and turn it on again.

If this did not solve the problem of low Internet access speed, proceed to the next method.

Reset to factory settings

You can also reset your router to factory settings through the control panel. To access it, you need to open a browser on a PC connected to this gadget and enter “” or “” in its address bar.

In some cases, the address may differ, you can find it on the official website of the device or on the back of the router case.

  1. Enter your username and password from your admin panel, then click the login button.

Attention: this instruction is shown on the example of a TP-Link router, in your case everything may look a little different.

  1. You can find out the login and password, as we have already said, on the back of the device case. However, if it was purchased from the hands and the owner changed the login data, you need to find out from him.
  1. When we find ourselves in the control panel of the router, go to the system settings section and select the button to restore the parameters to the original ones.

Signal conflict and channel change

Sometimes, another device may operate on the same frequency as your router. It can be a neighbor's router (or even several at once), your phone, a video camera, and anything else. In this case, a conflict arises, which we will now resolve.

Again we go to the control panel of our router (we wrote about how to do this in the previous section). Open network settings and select wireless networks. Here you can set the type of network, its range, channel number and its width. Experiment with the settings, saving them each time and checking the speed through It is important to remember how everything was originally here, so that in which case you can return everything back.

In new routers, conflict situations are not so common, but the problem described below is very common in almost every second home.

Correct Distance

The speed of connecting to the network is affected by 2 factors: the remoteness of devices and the presence of barriers between them. For example, a PC in the same room as a router can have an ideal connection and access speed to global network. But the laptop on the second floor is separated from the router by a wall, floor and is, moreover, at a considerable distance. To him cover wireless network may be missing altogether.

This issue can be resolved using one of the following methods:

  • Buying a new, more powerful router.
  • Using an intermediate access point (you also need to buy).
  • Move laptop/PC closer to wireless network source.
  • Transferring the router itself to the center of the living quarters.
  • Connecting a laptop / PC and a router with a cable.
  • Installation of a homemade antenna.

If all the methods described above are clear, then the last one, involving a home-made antenna, we will highlight below.

Flashing the router

There is another option that may seem complicated and dangerous. But this is far from the case, let's say more - in the process of writing this article for you, we independently reflashed our router, although there was no need for this. It is always useful to update the software (firmware) of any devices, this leads to the stability of their work, and in our case it can increase the speed of access to the Internet.

  1. We go to the official website of the manufacturer of our router. For example, if we have TP-Link, go to Accordingly, for each model, the address will be different. We are interested in the support section.
  1. We go to the admin panel of our router and look at its model.

Attention: accurately copy the model of your device, making a mistake in at least one digit, you can ruin it by flashing it!

  1. In the model search field, enter our version and then press the button with the image of a magnifying glass.
  1. Our device will find, click on the picture that appears.
  1. Next, click on support.
  1. Specify the revision of the device.
  1. We choose the option we are interested in.
  1. We download software.
  1. In our case, the file was downloaded in a ZIP archive. If you have the same, unpack it, you need the binary for the firmware.
  1. Select the firmware file and click the update button.
  1. The update process itself will take about 5 seconds.

Ready. Our TP-Link software has been updated to the latest version.

Additional antenna

You can strengthen the signal of our router and increase the speed of the Internet using a simple design in the form of a homemade external antenna. From the picture below, you can understand how to make it.

The frame itself must be made of a non-conductive material such as cardboard, plywood, or plastic. You can cut it out with scissors. Tubes should be cut from aluminum or copper wire.

The long end of the antenna is directed towards the remote PC.

Device replacement

And finally, if no manipulation of the router helps, you can simply go ahead and replace it with a new one. Today, such devices are quite inexpensive and for about 600 r you can buy a long-range three-antenna router in a new condition.

Tariff and traffic check

Sometimes operators simply limit the speed of connection to the network, as you either exhausted all packet traffic, or simply forgot to pay for it. Go to Personal Area your provider and make sure that access is paid and the tariff is not limited.

Checking PC for viruses

Sometimes the quality of your internet can suffer greatly due to malware activity. Such programs are able to work for an attacker, constantly transmitting data to the network. It is this transfer that “steals” not only your data, but also part of the traffic.

Let's see how to deal with it:

The instruction that we offer you is shown on the example of a standard Windows antivirus 10. With other programs, everything happens in a similar way.

  1. Open Windows Defender and click on the tile below.
  1. We start scanning the system.
  1. It is important to choose the full option and check the operating system completely.
  1. The process of scanning for viruses will begin, which can take quite a long time. We are waiting for its completion.
  1. Download the utility on its official website. Installation is not required here, so just run AdwCleaner as an administrator and accept its license agreement.
  1. Click the big button marked in the screenshot below.
  1. We are waiting for the completion of the analysis.
  1. As you can see, unwanted software has been found. It is the dubious uBar torrent client. It is he who most likely "steals" the speed of the network. Click the virus removal button.
  1. We save all the data, close the programs and click on the button to restart the PC.
  1. When your computer restarts, the program will prompt you to view a report on its work.
  1. Displayed here full path to a distant threat and the further course of events.

So, we have cleaned the viruses, we also need to take care of the browser.

Browser cleaning

As you know, malicious software can "settle" in your browser. These are the so-called panels and searches with home pages, which not only make the browser "heavy", but also use part of the traffic, slowing down our access to the network.

Checking add-ons

First of all, you should look at the extensions available in the browser in order to determine if there is anything superfluous there and increase the speed of the Internet.

Let's see how this is done using Google Chrome as an example:

  1. We click on the menu icon (indicated by the number "1") and in the drop-down list select "Additional tools", and then "Extensions".
  1. In the menu that opens, we look at the available add-ons and, if necessary, delete everything that we do not know or do not need. Only plugins used for their intended purpose should remain here.

Analyzing installed software

You also need to “look” into the list of installed software. It happens that, imperceptibly for you, a small utility is installed in the OS, which just clogs the code of our browser.

We do the following:

  1. Using the search "Windows", open the control panel.
  1. Select the item below.

If your control panel looks different, then switch the display mode to "Category".

  1. View the list of installed software. If there is something unknown or suspicious here, right-click on the name of the program and delete it. You need to be guided by the following principle - everything that I do not use, I delete.

Let's consider one more variant of where malicious software can register itself.

Edit launch shortcut

We removed the program that attacked our browser, but sometimes it is able to modify the browser launch shortcut by inserting its own parameter into it.

You can remove it like this:

  1. Using the search bar, we find the browser (in our case, this is the same Google Chrome) and open the file location.
  1. Right click on the launcher shortcut and select "Properties".
  1. In the window that opens, look at the field marked with an arrow, and make sure that nothing superfluous is written after the browser name. If so, remove everything up to the quotes and click OK.

Working with hosts

Very often, viruses modify this system file and add their addresses to it, blocking the original ones. Let's see how to fix it:

  1. First you need to run notepad as administrator. The file that we will open is a system file, therefore, without superuser authority, access to it will not work. We press the search icon, write “Notepad” there and right-click on the desired result, selecting the item marked with the number “4”.
  1. When Notepad opens, click "File" - "Open ...".
  1. Go to the path shown below and switch the display mode for all files. By default, there is only a text document here.
  1. Select the hosts file and click the "Open" button.
  1. The original hosts should look like in the screenshot, all unnecessary must be removed.
  1. Don't forget to save changes.

Third party software

Also to search for malware software you can use a handy tool called Malwarebytes.

  1. First, go to the official website of the program and download it from there. Then install our antivirus and run it by clicking the "Run scan" button.
  1. We are waiting for the end of the PC scan.
  1. In our case, several threats were found at once. While the system was protected by regular antivirus. And all the problems were really relevant. Click the cleanup button.

Disk, cache and registry cleanup

Sometimes the computer just starts to “slow down” due to the huge number of junk files. which have accumulated over a long period of time. From this, the speed of connecting to the network also sags. That is why, in order to speed up the Internet, we need to clean the PC from junk files.

We follow our instructions:

  1. We will use The best decision for complex cleaning of the computer from various kinds of temporary files and other objects that slow down its work. You can download on our website. When the download is complete, proceed with the installation. At the very beginning of the process, you should select the Russian language.
  1. When the installation is completed, run the program and go to the "Cleaning" tab. Here you should click the "Analyze" button.
  1. The process of searching for "junk" files will begin. We just need to wait for it to finish.
  1. To completely clean browsers when scanning, they must be closed. The “smart” utility will notify us of this.
  1. As soon as the check is completed, we proceed to the cleaning. To do this, simply click on the button marked with a red frame.
  1. The process of deleting unnecessary data will take only a few tens of seconds.
  1. The next step is to optimize the Windows registry. Here, too, errors can lurk that contribute to a decrease in the speed of access to the network. Therefore, we go to the "Registry" tab and start searching for its problems.
  1. We are waiting for the end of the scan.
  1. Click on the indicated button.
  1. Next, we will see a proposal to fix all the errors found at once. Click the "Fix Marked" button.
  1. CCleaner also allows you to clean startup. This moment is very important. After all, any third-party software, loaded with Windows, starts checking for new versions, downloading them, etc. This leads to a significant loss of speed and traffic. To fix the problem, go to the "Service" tab, select "Startup", select the program that you want to remove, then press the button marked with the number "4".

In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart your PC or laptop.

Website problems

Before repairing your computer and trying to speed up your slow ADSL network, make sure that the site you want to visit is not itself the culprit of this problem. To evaluate the loading of any resource, we can use a convenient and functional tool from Google. Just enter a link to the site in a single field and click the "Analyze" button.

Attention: the speed of the Internet may be less than declared and due to the fault of the providers themselves.

Accelerator programs

You can speed up access to the network in a fully automatic mode. Many applications have been created for this, the best of which we will briefly describe below.


An application that practically does not require any participation from you. User actions are reduced only to installation, launch and pre-configuration. By choosing one of the profiles, the program independently selects the optimal settings for the operating system.

Some Windows registry keys are being adjusted to help better download data packages from the network. Almost all types of connection are supported and a wide variety of popular types of equipment are supported (for example, a modem or wired Internet). A trial version of this software can be downloaded for free on its official website.

Another useful tool that is best for inexperienced users. As in the previous case, all you need to do is choose one of the available profiles, which, by the way, is enough for any situation.

But there is also a number advanced settings, which are suitable for people who are good "friends" with a PC. Thanks to these parameters, you can get much more benefit from the program than on standard profiles. You can download DSL Speed ​​on its official website.

The application is very similar to the ones we described before it, except that there is a functionality for displaying detailed information on the network in use. You can also at any time roll back the settings that led to a decrease in the connection speed. Initially, you should test the profiles that are configured here by default. You can download the utility from its home page.

The program contains all the functions for automatic network configuration, its user settings or displaying information about the current connection. There is also one distinguishing feature, which was not in our previous applications. This is an activation option. safe mode, which will not be easy to increase the speed of your connection to the network, but also to protect your surfing in a quality manner. You can always download the trial version on the official website of this product.

The last app on our list that can improve your internet speed. It features a convenient and practical user interface, displaying basic information about the network and recording all events in a special file, from which they can then be read. Download latest version of this tool can be found on its home page.

You can increase the download speed in the torrent client or Steam by removing the restrictions on downloading data.

Browser acceleration mode

If you are using a slow Internet connection, the speed of which is limited by the provider itself, there is no way to increase it. But we can do otherwise - take advantage of the acceleration to the maximum provided by some browsers.

Since pictures and text in uncompressed form have specific size, then by passing the entire stream through a special server, they can be compressed almost several times. This is exactly what Yandex.Browser does by compressing all the traffic you need and delivering it in an already lightweight form. As a result, all web pages will load 2 or even more times faster. This will not affect the download speed of files.

In order to use the function, simply open the menu of this browser by pressing the button marked with the number "1" and select the activation of the special mode. It is disabled by default.

Traffic consumption tracking

If you have a more or less normal network access channel, but it is not enough, then some application is consuming our traffic. Therefore, you need to find out who is doing this and fix the problem.

We take the following steps:

  1. We launch the task manager by right-clicking on an empty spot on the taskbar and selecting the desired item from the context menu.

Also, the task manager can be launched using the hotkey combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc. We showed the torrent client just for the sake of an example, in your case, the search should be limited to software that arbitrarily sends or receives data from the network.

Upon completion of this procedure, it is advisable to restart the PC and check if the problem is gone.

Disabling automatic updates

You can also use the procedure for disabling automatic Windows updates. We wrote in detail about how this is done in separate article. Instructions for, method for and option for.

Change the value for the reserve bandwidth

There is another way to increase the speed of the Internet, we would say the most elegant way to speed up our access to the network. This is work with the local group policy editor. Do everything exactly as shown in step by step instructions below:

  1. Expand the computer configuration branch and select the "Administrative Templates" item in the tree that opens. In the right part of the window, double-left click on the "Network" directory.
  1. Go to the section labeled "1" and open a document called "Limit Reserved Bandwidth".
    1. In addition, we should also increase the port speed. Let's open the control panel. Since we are using Windows 10, we need to do this by entering the name of the program in the search bar.
    1. Once the Control Panel starts up, go to the System and Security menu. If everything looks different for you, change the view to "Category".
      1. We launch the device manager.
      1. Expand the ports item, select the serial or other port through which your Internet is connected, then go to the "Port Settings" tab and set desired value. Don't forget to confirm your changes by clicking OK.

      After that, you should restart your computer and test the network again.

      Computer improvement

      Sometimes an image on YouTube or an online game can “slow down” and take a long time to load even with 100 Mbps internet. It's all about the lack of PC performance. And here a number of special tips will help you, although they may seem too radical to some, but there are simply no other options:

  • Choose another, less "heavy" online game or use the lightweight Palemoon browser.
  • Switch video display to lower quality. Some CPUs just aren't enough for smooth 1080i rendering.
  • Computer update. It can be partial, such as simply replacing the CPU, adding RAM, etc., or complete, such as buying a new PC.

We improve the Internet on the phone

But what about those who want to speed up the Internet on their smartphone? We'll give you a couple useful tips. We want to immediately please the owners of Android and slightly upset the admirers of Apple products - if the situation on the green robot can still be helped, then on the iPhone, due to the closed operating system from Apple, things are much more complicated.


For this OS, there are immediately 2 options for optimizing the speed of access to the network. We will consider them below. There are also other ways, but they provide, so they were not included in our review.

Through developer mode

This algorithm does not work on all firmware, however, it is definitely worth a try.

Our further instruction is based on an example Xiaomi smartphone Redmi note 4x and MTS 3G / 4G operator, so on other models everything may be a little different:

  1. We turn to the settings of the device, for example, by lowering the curtain and tapping on the gear icon.
Using browser compression

The Google Chrome mobile browser has a handy feature similar to the one we looked at on a PC in Yandex.Browser. It turns on like this:

  1. We launch the browser itself.
  1. Tap on the icon with the image of three dots (located in the upper right part of the window) and select the settings item from the menu that opens.
    1. Activate the compression trigger. The percentage of savings will also be displayed here. Use your browser and visit this section again, you will see for yourself how much less data had to be downloaded.

    There is a similar mode in some other mobile browsers. The instruction also works on any mobile operators, for example, Tattelecom, Bashinformsvyaz or Ufanet.


    On this mobile operating system we can also use the minimum savings mode in the browser. Of the other options, it should be noted: get closer to the router or drive closer to the base station. This is an iPhone or iPad, there is nothing superfluous (a smile in this place).

    Video instruction

    In order to deal with the issue in more detail, we recommend that you take a look at the video that we have prepared for you. In it, the author describes all the available ways to increase the speed of the Internet.


    This concludes our guide. We hope it turned out to be useful for you and the question: how to speed up the Internet is resolved at least to some extent. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments. And we will try to give a clear answer in any situation as soon as possible.

The most important thing for people who are somehow connected with the Internet is its speed. Every PC user sooner or later thinks about how to increase it so that everything works faster. This is especially true for those people who use low-speed networks. This article will consider all options for increasing the speed of the Internet on a computer with an operating system. Windows system 7.

Speed ​​Boost Options

You should immediately find out all the speed capabilities of your network, since it will not work in any way to increase them if your provider is not designed for this. The set maximum speed limit is the limit that you can’t jump over by any means. All additional programs and tools that promise you to increase this limit are just a waste of time. It is possible to make such edits only if you switch to another tariff or change the operator. Despite this, it is your system that can in some way affect the speed of the Internet. Incorrectly set initial settings can impair the ability of your network to work as promised by your chosen provider.

Next, it will be described how to fix this problem and make your computer use the maximum Internet speed provided by your tariff. The described options are designed both to fix problems in the operating system itself, and to help certain utilities.

Method 1: TCP Optimizer

Today, you can find a huge number of different utilities that help increase the speed of the Internet. It does this by arranging the network connection settings. The following will describe how to use one of these TCP Optimizer programs.

Method 2: NameBench Program

This utility differs from its competitors in that it does not organize your PC settings, but finds DNS servers, thanks to which the network speed increases. The program replaces them with those that it considers more suitable.

  1. Open the setup file and press the key Extract.

  2. When unpacking is completed, in the column "Query Data Source" the browser to check that was selected by the application will appear. If it does not suit you, you can mark any other from the list. Next, press the key Start Benchmark.

  3. It will now look up DNS servers, which can take up to an hour.

  4. As soon as the process is completed, a browser will open in which, in the section "recommended configuration" there will be several servers you want to use.

  5. Minimize the browser window and click on "Start" to enter the "Control Panel".

  6. In field "Network and Internet" select line "View task network status".

  7. When a new tab has opened, find, on the right side, the section "Connect or Disconnect" and below click on the name of your network.

  8. Next click "Properties" and from the proposed list, select the item TCP/IPv4. After that click "Properties".
  9. In the graph "General" put a dot on a point "Use the following DNS server addresses". Write down all the information that is in the activated fields. If you do not learn to perform this operation because of your operator, you can return everything to its original state. In the first field "Preferred DNS Server" enter the information that is indicated in the browser under the section Primary Server, and in the second field "Alternate DNS Server" write down the address indicated under the section Secondary Server. Confirm your actions with the key "OK".

Now you can enjoy faster internet speed. But if attempts to enter the network were unsuccessful, you need to return the original settings that were set earlier.

Method 3: Changing the Package Scheduler Settings

To try this option, follow these steps:

  1. Press button combination Win+R and in the context menu type gpedit.msc to open the local group policy editor and press the key "OK" for confirmation.

  2. In the left part of the window that opens, expand the line "Computer Configuration" and select the folder called "Administrative Templates".

  3. On the right, find the block called "Network" and open it.

  4. Select the next folder which is called "QoS Packet Scheduler".

  5. Now click on section "Limit Reserved Bandwidth".

  6. On the left side of the tab, put a dot on the item "Turn on". Set the value in the left column below «0» . To confirm your action, click the button "Apply" and after that "OK".

  7. Now open the tab "State", as it was done above, and press the key "Properties".
  8. In the window that appears, check that next to the line "QoS Packet Scheduler" there was a checkmark. If it is not there, then install it, then close the tab by clicking "OK".

Now the speed of your Internet will noticeably increase.

Method 4: network card

After configuring the network card settings, you can significantly increase the speed of the Internet.

Please note that in the case of laptops, after disabling these functions, several unpleasant consequences may occur. Because the battery will drain faster, you will have less time to work on your laptop without charger. Accordingly, you will have to choose between long-term wireless operation of the laptop or speeding up the Internet.

Method 5: power settings

Eliminate low speed Internet connections are also possible due to changes in the power plan.

This is necessary because power save mode limits the amount of electricity that can be sent to your network card. After completing the above steps, the performance of your provider will increase. Unfortunately, due to such manipulations, the laptop battery discharges much faster. If you need high Internet speed only for work or to perform other processes that you do not regularly, then you can set the high performance mode immediately before work, or when you can use the charger.

Method 6: Setting the COM Port

Another option popular among users is the extension of the COM port. To fulfill this task do the following:

After performing the described manipulations, the speed of the Internet will increase. Often this option is suitable for those users whose COM port is designed for a lower speed than the provider.

Top suggestions for speeding up the internet

Network speed can be affected various factors. For example, if you choose not a Wi-Fi connection, but a wired one, then the network will work faster. This is due to the fact that the wired Internet works without significant losses, unlike the wireless network.

If you still choose to work with Wi-Fi, then try to place it very close to your device. This will keep network transmission losses to a minimum. If you prefer a 3G modem, then try to use it while sitting by a window or balcony so that the signal is less obstructed by furniture and walls. Another option is to make a homemade antenna. It's very simple, you just need to find a copper wire and wrap it around the modem, then the connection speed will increase a little more.

Do not forget to set a password on your router, because if everyone uses the network in a row, the Internet speed will drop significantly.
It is also necessary to regularly check the laptop for malicious files. To do this, there are a huge number of different antivirus programs. This is necessary so that virus files do not transmit your personal information over the Internet. With these actions, they spend extra megabytes on their work. Another need is to disable all running add-ons in the browser, in order to avoid slowing down the World Wide Web.

There is another way to increase the speed of the Internet, but you should not use it, because you will have to disable antivirus program and reflection software hacker attacks. Antiviruses leak data through themselves, which slows down the network. But there is also back side situations, if you turn off the defender, then viruses can enter your system, which lead to an even slower data transfer.

This article describes quite a few options that will help you cope with a slow network speed without changing your tariff and provider. Naturally, the acceleration of work will not be maximum. But for greater effectiveness, you can use several of the proposed options at once.

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