Rostelecom global internet check. Services for testing the real speed of the Internet, which is better

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There are many online services that allow you to do this, and they will be discussed below. But often all this is not needed - it only takes quickly test your internet channel and understand how it corresponds to the tariff plan for which you pay money to the provider.

Not so long ago, the bourgeois service "nPerf Speed ​​Test" offered me to install their script on the site. It works very visually and does an excellent job of checking the quality of your connection with global network. Just click on the "Start testing" button a little lower (this is not a screenshot, but quite a working speedometer).

First data download speed is measured from the network (usually this test is the most important for most users), then comes recoil speed gauge, and at the end it is calculated ping, i.e. response delays when accessing any server on the Internet.

Yes, actually, what to say. Try it yourself. A little higher is the window of this online meter and you just need to click on the button.

Right here measure the speed of the Internet on your computer

Despite the fact that the above speedometer is extremely easy to use and, importantly, fully translated into Russian, it is worth mentioning a few nuances associated with its use. It usually takes one or two minutes to check (depending on the speed of your connection), after which you can see the test results in the same window:

You will see the main indicators in the right column:

  1. Download speed- the most important characteristic for those who often download something “heavy” from the Internet.
  2. Unloading- testing the reverse channel through which you will upload files to the network. It is important for those who post a lot of something on the Internet, for example, upload videos to YouTube, (on,) or something else heavy, or in in large numbers. It is also important when actively working with cloud services. Although in the latter case, both speed values ​​are important.
  3. Delay- this is essentially the good old one, which is very important for those who play online. It will determine the response speed, i.e. reaction time to your actions (the quality of the Internet channel is being tested). If the delay is high, then it will be difficult or even impossible to play.

I have an Internet provider MGTS (Gpon) and a tariff with a declared channel width of 100 Mbps. As can be seen from the speed measurement graphs, such a figure did not work in any direction. In principle, this is normal, because my signal transmission from the router to the computer goes through an electrical network, in which, apparently, there are pickups. In addition, there are several more Internet users in the apartment besides me, and it’s beyond my power to make them stop.

Let us return, however, to our measurement tool. On the right in its window you will see the name of your provider and the IP address of your computer. Under the button "Start testing" there is a wrench, by clicking on which you can select speed units:

By default, megabits per second are used, but you can select megabytes, as well as kilobytes or kilobits. , you can see the link. In general, the speed in megabytes will be about eight to nine times less than in megabits. In theory, it should be 8 times, but there are service packets that eat away part of the channel speed.

Let's go over a little about the capabilities of the meter and the differences from competitors (competitors will be discussed below):

  1. Like other similar online meters, it works on Flash, but it does not require any additional plug-ins - it works in all browsers, including mobile ones
  2. This speed test was developed in HTML5 and can measure channels with a width of more than Gbps, which is not available to many other online services.
  3. You can check any type of connection including WiMAX, WiFi and local networks

Yes, still this speed test allows you to select a location, from where data will be downloaded and sent, by the transmission speed of which you will judge the quality of your Internet channel. By default, the server (?) closest to your current location is selected for testing (it's easy).

But the program may make a mistake, or for some reason you yourself will need to measure the quality of the connection between your computer and a server from another country. This is easy to do by simply clicking on the appropriate line at the bottom of the window (see screenshot above).

How to check internet speed on phone

Basically, you can do the same. Open this page on a mobile phone, then click on the button "Start testing and wait for the result" at the beginning of it. The meter script works quite correctly on mobile devices and displays the characteristics of the forward and reverse Internet channels, as well as the response speed (ping).

If this method seems to you a little inconvenient, then you can try put on your mobile phone Appendix"Speed ​​Test" by nPerf. It is quite popular (half a million installs) and largely repeats what you have already seen:

But after testing the speed of the forward and reverse channels, as well as measuring the ping, the Speed ​​Test application also measures the loading time of popular social networks (web surfing) and determines how much your internet connection suitable for streaming video(streaming) of various quality (from low to HD). Based on the test results, a summary table is formed and issued overall score(in parrots).

Where else can you measure the speed of the Internet?

Below I want to give examples of free online service ov, which allow you to measure the speed of your Internet connection, find out my or your IP address from which you access the network, determine your location, check a site or file for a virus, find out if the required port is open on your computer, and much more.

The most famous of them are Speedtest (, Ya.Internetometer (, as well as the universal online service 2IP (, which, in addition to measuring connection speed and determining the IP address, can do many different things , up to anonymous (anonim) surfing the Internet. Let's look at them all in order.

Speedtest (

The most popular online service for testing Internet speed has a proud name Speedtest(from the word speed - speed).

As a result of its use, you will find out the incoming and outgoing speeds of your Internet connection. However, you can feel the possibilities of a full-fledged tool only by visiting the developers' website. It is located at speedtest point), and, because in the latter case you will be taken to an obscene resource.

I got acquainted with the speedtest as soon as I connected my first unlimited tariff, because I wanted to check if my new provider is deceiving me about the speed of the provided channel. It was only later that I became interested in the more advanced features of 2ip and others like it, which will be discussed in the continuation of this publication.

To activate the speed test All you have to do is click on the “Start” button. Although you can pre-select the server locations from which the check will be performed (Change Server button):

However, I liked their old design much more. Previously, measuring the speed of the Internet in the speedtest was very visual (the data transfer between the selected city and your computer was displayed) and waiting for the result did not cause negative emotions:

Now sheer boredom (bring back the old SpeedTest design!):

Internet meter from Yandex

If the results of the speed test in the Speedtest do not suit you or seem unreliable (or maybe your flash just won’t start), then the Yandex online service will come to your aid - (formerly it was called Yandex Internet -

Immediately after entering the site, you will see the unique address of your computer from which you accessed the Internet Meter, as well as other summary information about your browser, screen resolution and location (determined based on IP).

For, to determine the speed of your internet connection, it will be enough to click on this service yandex internet button in the form of a green bar "Measure" and wait a minute until the end of the test:

As a result, you will find out how your channel corresponds to the characteristics declared by the provider, and you will also be able to get a code for publishing test results. In general, the Internetometer service from Yandex is simple to disgrace, but it performs its main task (measuring the channel width or, in other words, connection speed) quite tolerably.

Testing speed in 2ip and Ukrtelecom

I have known 2ip for a long time, but at the time when I was just starting to use it, I was little interested in all its features that could be useful to webmasters. Or maybe before these opportunities were not there.

When you enter the main page 2 ip, you will immediately get the opportunity to learn and use a number of other mini-services:

Well, among other things, you can measure the speed of your Internet in 2IP. Before starting testing, disable all downloads, close the tabs in the online video, after which you can fill in the fields with the channel width declared by the Internet provider for downloading and uploading, or you can simply forget about it and click on the "Test" button:

It will take some time to check the incoming and outgoing speed of your Internet connection, after which you will be able to evaluate the test results, and at the same time get a code for inserting a widget with the measurement results, for example, into a message on a forum or somewhere else:

You can check the speed of your Internet connection not only in the services described above, but also in a number of others. For example, Speedtest Ukrtelecom- a very concise, I must say, online service. Nothing superfluous - just speed and ping numbers:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Currently, free online services are very popular, capable of determining the speed of the Internet connection used in a few seconds, as well as finding out the IP address of the computer, determining the user's location, checking the site for viruses, and more. Among the most common programs of this type is Speedtest.

The free service is designed to quickly test the speed of transferring and downloading data to the user's computer.

You do not need to download or install any additional components to complete the test.

To start testing, a special button "Forward" (Start testing) is provided.

The final result is issued 30 seconds after the program is launched for execution.

Features of Speedtest Net

As a result of using SpeedTest, it becomes possible to determine the incoming and outgoing speed of the Internet connection.

In most cases, the declared value of this characteristic is deliberately overestimated by the supplier and does not correspond to reality. The provider indicates unreliable facts in order to attract the attention of users and increase its popularity.

A complete package of tools with all the features can be obtained only if you visit the website of the official developer of the service or its partner. This is very important, as an incredible amount of obscene resources have now been created, masquerading as the original.

Global Speed ​​Test SpeedTest

  • The service includes only one page - the main one.

He is:

  • ping,
  • the value of the incoming and outgoing speed Internet connections,
  • user location, set to the IP address of the computer from which the site was logged in.

Internet speed results among website users

  1. The total number of tests is 6867.
  2. The average download speed is 30.13 Mb/s.
  3. The average download speed on a PC is 28.31 Mb / s.
  4. The average ping value is 29ms.

Particularly demanding users can take advantage of the option to determine the geographic location of the server that will perform the check. For this, a special map is provided, the scale of which can be changed using the slider located on its left side. In other cases, this operation is performed automatically.

Parameter testing is carried out in real time and looks truly impressive. It provides a visual display of everything that happens - the transfer of data between the specified server and the user's computer, taking into account all the established indicators.

The data handler window contains a colorful animation of downloading or transferring data from the user's device to the selected city, a graph and an image of a speedometer with the Speed ​​mark. This approach is designed to brighten up the waiting time for the result and save a person from unnecessary negative emotions on this occasion.

The whole process of determining the real speed of the Internet connection through Speedtest is performed with one click of the mouse.

It is very convenient and does not take much time. Even a beginner can cope with such a task.


Ookla is a world leader in broadband internet speed testing and network diagnostic software. has been developed as the most exact way determining the fastest ISP and mobile network. Speed ​​tests are aggregated by averaging the test results of each device at a given user location, each day.

This improves data accuracy and reduces bias from retests or tests that try to skew results. There are also many other ways to prevent fraudulent or inaccurate results.

With over 5 million users daily using the Speedtest app, the company continues to be a leader in internet speed testing. This free service is available to anyone around the world who is interested in knowing the features and characteristics of their Internet connection.

A utility called NetStress calculates the connection speed on your WLANs. Alternatively, you can also check the data transfer rate of the DSL connection. To learn how to do this, read the next chapter.

  1. For measurements, you will need two computers. One of them will need to be connected with a cable directly to the router, the second - via WLAN.
  2. Then install the NetStress utility on both computers and run it.
  3. After starting the program, you must select the appropriate network adapter on both PCs to connect to the network. On where you connect through local network, select your LAN or Ethernet adapter. And on where you connect by wireless network- WLAN adapter.
  4. The utility should then configure itself. Confirm the new firewall requests "allow access?". When all messages are acknowledged, the process can move on with the devices connected. There is no need to pay attention to the green loading indicator, it will always seem to be “loaded”.
  5. On the computer where you connect to the network via WLAN, click on the star button. Select the IP address of the second computer. As a rule, it will already be indicated there, but in some cases it has to be entered manually.
  6. Clicking on the "Start" button starts the test. Next, on both computers, you will see the results of the speed measurement.
  7. After about 30 seconds, you can stop the test. On the right side you now see average speed connections to your WLAN network. It is measured in Kbps. 1000 Kbps equals 1 Mbps.

Tips for Evaluating NetStress Run Results

  • For example, if you have a line that promises you a speed of 16,000 Kbps Internet access, this value should be taken as a comparative value. 16,000 Kbps, that is, 16 Mbps, corresponds to a data download speed of 2 MB per second. Thus, with a 16,000 Kbps line, you will be able to download files on top speed 2 MB per second.
  • When performing measurements, in this case you are unlikely to get a result, equal to those the most 16 Mbps. Firstly, this is due to the fact that when transmitting a signal through a WLAN, the speed is lost. Secondly, providers rarely provide the promised speeds. In addition, this figure may change from time to time.
  • If you intend, for example, a speed of up to 10,000 Kbps, then this does not necessarily immediately mean that your router has poor transmitter power. If you were promised 16,000 Kbps, then the resulting 12,000 Kbps is already good result. With higher speed examples, such as 50,000 kbps, you can get along well with real-world performance at 40,000 kbps.
  • Since the data transfer speed via WLAN is always slightly lower than via LAN, you should also compare your results with the speed of the LAN connection. In addition, only repeated measurements in different time days will provide reliable data. If the actual result is very different from the speed promised by the tariff, contact your Internet provider.
  • To use an alternative method for measuring LAN or WLAN speed, follow the instructions in the next paragraph.

We measure the speed of Internet access using an online benchmark

There are currently many various kinds online benchmarks that measure the speed of Internet access. And we offer our own tool, which was developed taking into account the best practices - .

  1. Before determining the download and upload speed, you must first select the appropriate network on your laptop, PC or smartphone.
  2. Disconnect other devices from this network to prevent them from interfering with the test results.
  3. Close all running programs on the test device and restart the browser.
  4. Go to the page and run the test by clicking on the button. Now network latency will be measured, as well as download and upload speeds in Mbps. At the end you can see the results.

Determine connection speed on Mac OS

There is also software, with which you can measure the speed of your Internet connection. For example, for Mac OS, you can download and install a program called WiFiSpy. It displays in the menu bar the current data transfer rate to the router, expressed in megabits per second. In this way, you will constantly see how fast and stable the connection is now, so that you can determine the place with best conditions signal reception and transmission.

Before we figure out how to check the speed of Wi-Fi, let's decide on a couple of details. These nuances are important for understanding what is being measured. To measure the speed of Wi-Fi, it is enough to measure the exchange rate within the network. However, working with the Internet at the same speed will not work. Therefore, the available tools work with the global network.

A common mistake is trying to look at the network speed through the connection status. This error consists in the fact that the user sees the inscription "Speed ​​100Mbps" and considers this to be the network speed. In practice, this is the speed of the network, and not the connection to the global network. This window will show the same speed if you turn off the Internet.

The speed indicated in the “Network Status” only shows that this network cannot have a high speed. It happens less. For example, when a speed limit is set on the provider's equipment. The window shown above will show 100Mbps. In fact, the data transfer rate will be equal to the specified limit.

The second point follows from the first. If WiFi is connected to the Internet, then it shows the speed that it can support itself. So, 100 Mbps can turn into 56 if the router is not able to "distribute" with more speed. Wireless connections can by themselves pinch off a piece of speed. If the test is carried out over a wired connection, it will show one value. If it is wireless, then it will show what part of the speed the router has “pinched off”.

The speed of the Internet is a component of productive work or comfortable use of a personal device for the user's rest. In organizations and apartments, the Internet is distributed from using Wi-Fi modem.

PC users who previously interacted with the provider directly via cable, connecting a router, detect a loss in speed. The article answers the question - how to increase the speed of the Internet through a Wi-Fi router.

Reasons for slowing down

Explicit reasons:

  1. Bad router location. There are large metal or electrical obstructions in the signal path.
  2. Low power signal transmission device.
  3. The provider uses one of the connection types - PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP.
  4. Not installed or not updated driver signal transmitting and receiving devices.
  5. connected by users, cutting speed Internet twice.

Among the implicit reasons:

  1. Incorrect modem settings in the parameters of channel width, network operation mode, network protection, channel selection.
  2. Incompatibility between router and receiver hardware. The discrepancy between their capacities, resulting in asymmetry. In this case, fine-tuning is necessary using the data-shields of device manufacturers to achieve a balance between speed and coverage.
  3. Setting up a transmission channel in neighboring rooms (if you do not have a reflector).

Increase in speed

Consider options that will help increase the speed of your Internet connection.

The more advanced the technology, the better the equipment works. In 2009 developed new technology wireless communication, supporting channel speed up to 300Mbit/s. This is 3 times the 802.11g standard. Therefore, all wireless devices are transferred to this standard (the diversity of standards leads to a decrease in speed).

WPA2-PSK Security Standards

By itself, encryption reduces the transmission speed. But you can't do without it. Data protection is the basis of device performance. The task is to correctly select the type of encryption in the router settings so as not to reduce performance.

For standards-compliant receiver and transmitter, select WPA2-PSK with AES encryption. On older versions, you will have to select the TKIP cipher.

WiFi MiltiMedia

To ensure a speed of more than 54 Mbps, you need to enable WMM in the router settings (if such a function is available on the router).

On the receiving device, also enable WMM.

Channel width 20 MHz

By default, the 802.11n standard sets the channel width to 40 MHz. It is better to define a width of 20 MHz. This is explained by the fact that if there are routers in the neighborhood, it is impossible to maintain the 5 GHz mode, in which a channel with a width of 40 MHz will work well.

There will always be interference that will put the router in 2.4 GHz mode, which will reduce performance. It is better to immediately set the width to 20 MHz.

Installing Wi-Fi Drivers

On devices connected to the Internet - tablets, laptops, stationary PCs and other gadgets, a signal receiver (adapter) driver must be installed. If it is installed, you need to update the firmware from the manufacturer's website.

New versions of drivers optimize the operation of individual elements of the device and eliminate shortcomings previous versions. An incorrectly installed driver is often main reason decrease in speed or lack of communication.

The driver needs to be updated for both the receiver and the signal transmitter.

Exclusion of the influence of external factors

It is impossible to completely exclude such influence. But you can make the most of it.

  1. The router must be placed at a minimum distance from all devices - receivers.
  2. An ideal placement option when there are no obstacles in the way in the form of large metal objects or electrical communications.
  3. Exclude placement on the window so as not to catch neighboring interference and not become a source of ether interference yourself.

Checking the connection speed with the router

There are several ways to find out what performance your wireless connection is working with:

Limit the speed of connected devices

If one of the network users constantly loads the channel and does not allow others to work comfortably, the administrator performs the task of limiting the speed to this user, either equalizing the speed for all, or setting a certain speed for each user.

You can do this through the modem settings:

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