The term art is ambiguous most often it is used. The concept of "art". Types and genres of art. The tasks of art. The origin of this concept

Part 1 tasks test the following skills:

  • to characterize social objects on the basis of simulated social situations,
  • search for social information

Tasks 2 parts - require analysis of the information presented, explanation of the relationship of social objects, processes, formulation and argumentation of independent value judgments, explanations, conclusions.

  • When performing tasks of this model, the ability to apply humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social problems is checked.

The main questions addressed in the assignments:

1. Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution.

2. The concept of truth, its criteria.

3. Systemic structure of society: elements and subsystems.

4. The main institutions of society.

5. Art as a form of spiritual production

6. The role of science in modern society.

7. Religion and its role in modern society.

Task specifics:

The work is based on the USE test and measurement materials and includes tasks that test the basic skills that high school graduates should have. Knowledge is tested in a separate block "Man and Society".

Tested Skills and Abilities


Grading system

Determine the essential features of key social science concepts

Exercise 1


Understand the basic concepts of the course, their essential features;

Task 2


understand the basic concepts of the course, their essential features;

Task 3


the ability to characterize from scientific positions the main social objects (facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system;

Task 4


compare social objects, identifying their common features and differences,

Task 5.


to be able to reveal the studied theoretical positions and concepts of socio-economic and humanitarian sciences with examples.

Task 6


understand the basic concepts of the course, their essential features;

Task 7


be able to explain the internal and external relationships (causal and functional) of the studied social objects;

Task 8


determine the essential features of key social science concepts;

Task 9


the ability to apply humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on topical social problems.

Task 10


to be able to reveal the studied theoretical positions and concepts of socio-economic and humanitarian sciences with examples.

Task 11


Total points


Mark on a 5-point scale


Part 1 tasks


1 option

the science



Option 2




Tasks 2 parts

1 option

Option 2

Task 10.

Task 10.

The following elements can be named in the correct answer:

1) type of culture - elite culture;

2) signs, for example:

- originality of form and (or) content;

- the use of deliberately subjective, individually

creative interpretation of the ordinary and familiar;

– lack of a pronounced commercial character.

(Other features may be named.)

1. The type of culture is correctly named, three signs are indicated, not

mentioned in the condition of the task - 3b.

2. The type of culture is correctly named, two signs are indicated, not

mentioned in the condition of the problem - 2b

3. The type of culture is correctly named, one sign is indicated, not

mentioned in the problem statement 1b

4. Only the type of culture is correctly named.

OR Crop type not named (incorrectly named) regardless of

presence of other response elements.

OR Reasoning of a general nature is given, not

corresponding to the requirements of the task.

OR Answer is wrong- 0b

Maximum score 3

1) type - informational (post-industrial society);

2) three features, let's say:

– information (knowledge) becomes the leading factor


- science-intensive production and means are developing


- the proportion of the "middle class" is growing;

– the necessary conditions for continuous education have been created.

(Other traits may be named.)

The type is correctly indicated, three features are named - 3b

The type is correctly indicated, two traits are named - 2b

The type is correctly specified, one trait is named

OR Only the type is correct - 1b

Type not specified / incorrectly specified regardless of the presence of others

response elements.

OR Reasoning of a general nature is given that does not correspond to

task requirement.

OR Answer is wrong - 0b

Maximum score 3

Task 11.

Task 11.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: this is a way of interacting with the surrounding world, inherent only to a person, in the process of which he consciously changes the world and himself, creating something that was not in nature;

(Another definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept that is close in meaning may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about activities based on knowledge of the course, for example:

The main activities are gaming, labor, educational. (Another proposal may be drafted containing information on the structure of the activity.)

3) one sentence, revealing, based on knowledge of the course, the essence of any type of activity. For example, a feature of gaming activity is actions in an imaginary environment.

(Another proposal may be made, revealing, based on knowledge of the course, any of the elements of the activity structure.)

Maximum score 3

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: a system of views, assessments, norms and attitudes that determine a person's attitude to society and nature, to himself; (Another definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept that is close in meaning may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about the types (types) of worldview, based on the knowledge of the course, for example: There are ordinary (everyday), religious, scientific worldview. (Another sentence may be made containing information about two or more types (kinds) of worldview.)

3) one sentence, which, based on the knowledge of the course, reveals the essence of one of these types, for example: The religious worldview of a person is based on the belief in the existence of supernatural forces and the possibility of communicating with them. (Another sentence can be drawn up, revealing, based on the knowledge of the course, the essence of one of these types).

Maximum score 3

Final diagnostic work on the topic "Man and Society" Grade 10

1 option

Exercise 1. Insert missing term

Task 2.

figure under which it is listed.

  1. a game ; 2) communication; 3) activity; 4) labor; 5) knowledge.

Task 3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are forms of knowledge.

1) feeling; 2) perception; 3) presentation; 4) judgment; 5) observation; 6) experiment.

Find two terms that "drop out" of the general series, and write down numbers under which they are listed.

Task 4. Choose the correct judgments about the types of knowledge and write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) Scientific knowledge is characterized by a high degree of generalization and abstraction.

2) Artistic knowledge reveals the laws of the world order, is based on evidence-based information.

3) Non-scientific knowledge is characterized by a deep understanding of the facts and penetration into the nature of the object under study.

4) Ordinary (practical) knowledge is formed on the basis of life experience.

5) Non-scientific types of knowledge include religious, worldly and artistic.

Tasks 5. Establish a correspondence between the methods and the levels of scientific knowledge that these methods illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) experiment 1) empirical level

B) description 2) theoretical level

C) hypotheses

D) observation

D) formulation of laws

Task 6.

In country Z, information technology is the most important factor of production. What other signs indicate that country Z is developing as a post-industrial society? write down figures, under

by which they are indicated.

1) Social relations are regulated by legal and moral norms.

2) The majority of the population is employed in the service sector.

3) There is a widespread introduction of computer technology in various areas of life.

4) Science-intensive, resource-saving technologies receive the greatest development.

5) Extensive farming methods prevail.

Task 7.

Country Z is undergoing education reform. What facts indicate that the reform is aimed at the humanization of education? write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) increase in the number of subjects

2) reducing the time of studying natural sciences

3) focus on the interests and inclinations of the student

4) application of health-saving technologies

5) paying special attention to moral education

6) computerization of the educational process

Task 8.

Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“Many researchers believed that in society there should be as rigid as in nature, independent of the will of people, cause-and-effect ________ (A). It was assumed that their identification is the main task of scientific social science, since this will make it possible to predict the further development of ________ (B). But this approach simplified the multidimensional picture of ________(C) life, leaving aside the conscious-volitional component of ________(D) people. In the XX century. began to form an idea of ​​the laws-trends, reflecting some of the objective processes of social life.

List of terms:

1) society

2) specifics

3) natural

4) social

5) communication

6) activities

7) law

Task 9.

Larissa is 17 years old. Find in the list below her traits (qualities) that have a social character. write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) Larisa's height is below average.

2) Larisa is an honest person.

3) Larisa has blond hair and green eyes.

4) Larisa is kind and sympathetic.

5) Larisa is an outwardly attractive girl.

Task 10.

A well-known theater director staged a performance based on a play by a classic of Russian literature. The main roles were played by popular artists. Special effects were used to enhance the dramatic nature of some scenes. However, only critics and spectators who are familiar with the trends of modern theatrical art could understand and appreciate the performance. To what type of culture can this theatrical production be attributed? Indicate any three features of this type of culture that are not mentioned in the problem statement.

Task 11.

Final diagnostic work on the topic "Man and Society" Grade 10

Option 2

Task 1. Fill in the missing term

Task 2. Find a concept that generalizes to all the other concepts in the series below, and write down figure under which it is listed.

1) social progress; 2) community development; 3) regression of society; 4) reform; 5) revolution.

Task 3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are the social qualities of a person.

1) Decency; 2) cleverness; 3) law-abiding; 4) diligence; 5) erudition; 6) growth.

Find two terms related to the biological qualities of a person, and write down the numbers,

under which they are listed.

Task 4. Choose the correct judgments about various forms of spiritual culture and write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) Islam, Judaism and Christianity are the national religions.

2) Science is characterized by consistency and striving for maximum objectivity.

3) Mass and elite forms of culture are subject to mutual influence.

4) Education ensures the transfer from generation to generation of the spiritual wealth accumulated by people.

5) Works of mass culture make high demands on the general cultural level of the consumer.

Task 5.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Task 6.

In country Z, the proportion of the urban population is constantly growing. What other signs indicate that country Z is developing as an industrial society? write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) Entrepreneurship, diligence, education and willingness to innovate are recognized as the most important values.

2) There is a formation of a class social structure.

3) Religion plays a significant role in public life.

4) The labor mobility of the population is high, the possibilities of social movements are practically unlimited.

5) Production has become intensive.

Task 7.

11th grade student Kira is preparing for exams. Find the methods in the list below that will allow Kira to successfully pass the exams, and write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) getting a high score

2) reading textbooks, reference literature

3) problem solving

4) conducting an exam

5) teacher consultations

Task 8.

Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing.

Choose from the proposed list of words (phrases) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

The term "art" has many meanings. Most often it is used in two meanings: 1) skill, __________ (A), dexterity, skill, based on knowledge of the matter; 2) a specific kind of spiritual-practical __________ (B) and aesthetic attitude to reality. It is in the second meaning that art enters the content of the spiritual culture of __________ (B). Art reflects the world in __________(D), in which reality is intertwined with fiction.

List of terms:

1) society

2) need

3) skill

4) practical sense

5) material culture

6) artistic image

7) development

Task 9. Find in the list the features of society as a dynamic system and write down the numbersunder which they are listed.

1) isolation from nature

2) constant change

3) lack of interconnection of subsystems and public institutions

4) the ability for self-organization and self-development

5) isolation from the material world

6) the possibility of degradation of individual elements

Task 10.

Country Z is dominated by the desire to harmonize the relationship between society and nature. In the economy, the service sector comes to the fore, there is an individualization of production and consumption. What type of society is developing in country Z? Name any three features corresponding to this type of society that are not indicated in the problem statement.

Task 11.

Like all three-dimensional concepts, the term "art" has many meanings. In a broad sense art is a form of social consciousness, a way of mastering the spiritual world; in this interpretation, art includes theater, painting, dance, architecture, design, poetry, and music. In a narrow sense, art is understood as a skillful, masterful handling of any objects - with people around, with staff (for a manager), with voters (for a politician), with sports equipment (for athletes), in cooking (for culinary specialists), in the portrayal of an actor.

The concept of art is closely related to the categories of "beauty" and "talent". Contact with art leads to emotional excitement, empathy, spiritual purification (or, in the words of Aristotle, catharsis). Why a person is engaged in art, what are the driving forces behind the creation of beauty - these questions still do not have an unambiguous answer. There are only various theories, which are as follows:

- game theory is based on the position that the game is an extracultural phenomenon, it is characteristic of humans and animals. In the course of the game, skills and abilities are formed, the talents of individuals are manifested in the process of creative self-expression;

- the labor theory says that in the process of the development of society and under the influence of the division of labor in the areas of material and spiritual production, people have new needs that are satisfied by artists;

- the theological theory of the origin of art implies the fact of divine investment in the human consciousness of a craving for art. The individual and society need not only bodily food, but also spiritual food; This is what distinguishes man from animals, makes him sublime, aesthetic, harmoniously developed.

Through art, a person learns the surrounding reality, but does it differently than with the help of science. Rational knowledge fades into the background in art, making room for subjective sensations, fantasy, emotions, positive or negative attitudes. Artistic knowledge when contemplating objects of art (paintings, sculptures, films, etc.) can be visual, semantic and figurative. Passing through the prism of individual experience, perception, character of a person, an artistic image or meaning becomes a part of personality, memory, behavioral determinants. In this sense artistic image is one of the main elements of the education and upbringing of the individual, part of the worldview and values ​​of a person. Art, therefore, is addressed not to rational study, but to experience - in the world of artistic images, a person must live like he lives in reality, enjoying it aesthetically, but being aware of its speculative nature, limited by the framework of mental structures.

Enjoying art, a person gets a rich experience of "living other people's lives", which significantly pushes the boundaries of everyday life. Literary characters and movie heroes, theatrical images and monuments to historical figures, paintings by great artists and works by outstanding composers, singers and pop performers - all of them become an integral part of our horizons, knowledge, worldview, relationships with other people, identifying ourselves with any nation.

Art in the modern economic system must also be considered as part of social production. More and more groups of young people and adults want to work in the field of art, because in vocals, dance, painting, literature, theater, design, feature and animation films, computer games, you can fully express your creative impulses, talent, abilities, dreams. In this sense art is the opposite of routine work where initiative, imagination, creativity are not required. Art as a production and cultural sphere is based on a certain infrastructure(theaters and cinemas, philharmonics, circuses, exhibition halls, etc.) and labor markets(directors, screenwriters, playwrights, art historians, etc.).

In art, it is customary to classify certain genre trends according to certain gradations - baroque, avant-garde, classicism, symbolism, and so on. Thus, stylistic characteristics and techniques are combined into enlarged groups.

Contemporary art does not stand still. All its genres and trends are constantly evolving, sometimes giving rise to misunderstanding, rejection and outright rejection. Subsequently, rejection and shocking are replaced by addiction, reassessment, the inclusion of these art objects in the list of classic and generally accepted ones.

Art- a special form of mastering the world, the basis of which is the aesthetic attitude of a person to reality (Greek aesteticos - feeling, sensual).

The universal nature of man's aesthetic attitude to reality is undeniable.

Aesthetic experiences are an attributive characteristic of a specifically human way of being in the world.

However, in most of its types and forms, the aesthetic aspect is secondary, subordinate (material production, science, law, sports, etc.).

Only in art does the aesthetic have a self-contained status, acquire a basic and independent meaning.

The term "art" is used most often in two main meanings:

1) skill, ability, skill in any form of practical activity;

2) a special form of human activity focused on the creation of works of art (artistic creativity), in which aesthetic consciousness turns from an accompanying element into the main goal.

The noted sphere of artistic creativity, historically developing, forms a special subsystem of culture - artistic culture, functioning according to immanent laws and having a number of specific features.

Art, unlike other forms of spiritual activity, is focused on emotional and sensory sphere person.

The sensually visual nature of works of art, together with a special arsenal of expressive and visual means, provides him with a colossal power of influencing a person, his beliefs and value orientations.

The subject and subjectivity of the artist, his freedom, his own vision and experience of the world come to the fore in art. Therefore, true art is democratic, humanistic and anti-authoritarian in its essence.

A special philosophical science is engaged in the study of the nature and specifics of a person's aesthetic attitude to reality, the laws of artistic creativity - aesthetics (The concept was introduced in the 18th century. A. Baumgarten ).

Philosophical and aesthetic views developed Aristotle , And . Kant and other philosophers.

As a philosophy of art, aesthetics is impressively represented in art G. Hegel .

Among domestic researchers of art are widely known A. Herzen, V. Belinsky, N. Berdyaev, L. Gumilyov, A. Losev, D. Likhachev, E. Ilyenkov other.

Historians believe that art dates back to the Upper Paleolithic era and has 300-400 centuries of its evolution.

In modern philosophical literature there is no single point of view on the problem of the origin of art.

There are religious, playful, erotic, imitative, labor and some other hypotheses explaining its genesis.

Art realizes the tasks of cultural self-determination of the individual and social communities, the transmission of the artistic experience of mankind, the organization of the aesthetic relationship of man to the world, and, ultimately, the reproduction of man as a universal and integral being.

Art Functions:

· cognitive;



· communicative;


9.3.3. Religion as a form of spiritual culture

Religion(from lat. religion- “piety”, “piety”, “sanctity”) - a worldview, worldview and worldview based on the belief in the real existence of one or another variety of supernatural forces and in their determining influence on the universe and human life.

Philosophical understanding of this phenomenon of culture involves the formulation and detailed interpretation of the following tasks :

definition of the essence of religion and place in the system of worldview;

· identification of social and psychological aspects of religion, its ontological and epistemological status;

Explication of the moral meaning of religion and its role in the life of society, in the spiritual evolution of man and mankind, etc.

The religious attitude of man to the world is universal.

It arises on the basis of a person's desire to gain a direct connection with the Absolute, and religion comprehends and in various versions interprets the evolution and horizons of the spiritual connection between man and the Absolute.

Therefore, religion is a universal phenomenon, its content is the subject of individual faith and a worldview paradigm adopted as a result of free choice, and religious consciousness is distinguished by figurativeness and is addressed mainly to the emotional and sensory sphere of a person.

In the history of philosophical thought, several concepts have developed that explain the origin and essence of religion:

in the opinion I. Kant , religion is the knowledge of our duties in the form of divine commandments, but not in the form of sanctions (arbitrary, random for themselves prescriptions of some alien will), but as the essential laws of any free will;

· for Hegel religion - the self-consciousness of the absolute spirit or the knowledge of the divine spirit about itself through mediation by the finite human spirit;

considered religion as a transformed form of reflection of human existence L . Feuerbach ;

· F. Engels interpreted it as a fantastic reflection of external circumstances dominating people in their real life;

in the opinion E. Durkheim , religion is an ideological mechanism that ensures the integrity of society through the sacralization of basic social ties;

· 3. Freud considered religion a collective neurosis, a mass illusion rooted in the Oedipus complex;

· W. James believed religious ideas are innate, the source of which is something supernatural.

Religion is a systemic socio-cultural education, including religious consciousness, religious cult and religious organizations.

religious consciousness represents two relatively independent levels - religious ideology and religious psychology. In modern developed religions, religious ideology includes theology, religious philosophy, theological concepts of individual spheres of society (economics, politics, law, etc.).

religious cult- a set of symbolic actions associated with practical and spiritual appeal to God.

Religious organizations- these are associations of followers of a particular religion, arising on the basis of a common belief and cult.

The main type of religious organization is church - a religious institution that regulates both relations within religious associations and relations with secular social institutions.

Religion is a multifaceted and multi-valued phenomenon. Fulfilling worldview, compensatory, communicative, integrating functions, it is generated by special patterns of social dynamics. Social processes will ultimately determine its fate.

INTRODUCTION .................................................. ............................................... 3

TOPIC 1. PHILOSOPHY OF BEING .............................................................. .............. 4

1.1. Ontology as the doctrine of being. Basic forms of being

and their relationship ............................................................... ........................................... 4

in philosophy and science .............................................................. ...................................... 5

1.3. System-structural and dynamic organization of being.

Movement and development as attributes of being .............................................. ..... 6

1.4. The principle of global evolutionism .............................................. 7

1.5. Spatio-temporal structure of being. Space

and time in inanimate and living nature .............................................. ............... nine

TOPIC 2. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE .............................................. ....... eleven

2.1. The concept of nature in philosophy and science .............................................. 11

2.2. Nature as a self-developing system: physical and cosmological

logical and biogeochemical strategies for the scientific study of nature ........ 13

2.3. Nature as a habitat. natural and artificial

habitat................................................ ........................................... fourteen

2.4. The biosphere and the laws of its existence .............................. 15

2.5. The coevolutionary imperative and ecological values ​​of modern

changing civilization. The problem of sustainable development of the system

«society-nature».................................................................. .................................... sixteen

TOPIC 3. DIALECTICS AND ITS ALTERNATIVES .............................. 18

3.1. Historical forms of dialectics .................................................................. . eighteen

3.2. Dialectics and Metaphysics in the History of Philosophy .................................. 20

3.3. Materialistic dialectics as a system of principles,

3.4. The value of dialectics in cognition and medical practice........ 27

The concept of art

Word " art" both in Russian and in many other languages ​​it is used in two senses:

  • in narrow sense it is a specific form of practical-spiritual development of the world;
  • in wide- the highest level of skill, skills, regardless of the way in which they are manifested (the art of a stove-maker, doctor, baker, etc.).

- a special subsystem of the spiritual sphere of society, which is a creative reproduction of reality in artistic images.

Initially, art was called a high degree of skill in any business. This meaning of the word is still present in the language when we talk about the art of a doctor or teacher, martial art or oratory. Later, the concept of "art" began to be increasingly used to describe a special activity aimed at reflecting and transforming the world in accordance with aesthetic standards, i.e. according to the laws of beauty. At the same time, the original meaning of the word has been preserved, since the highest skill is required to create something beautiful.

Subject The arts are the world and man in the totality of their relations with each other.

Form of Existence art - a work of art (poem, painting, play, film, etc.).

Art also uses special means for reproduction of reality: for literature it is a word, for music it is sound, for fine art it is color, for sculpture it is volume.

Target art is dual: for the creator it is artistic self-expression, for the viewer it is the enjoyment of beauty. In general, beauty is as closely connected with art as truth with science and goodness with morality.

Art is an important component of the spiritual culture of mankind, a form of knowledge and reflection of the reality surrounding a person. In terms of the potential for understanding and transforming reality, art is not inferior to science. However, the ways of understanding the world by science and art are different: if science uses strict and unambiguous concepts for this, then art -.

Art, as an independent and as a branch of spiritual production, grew out of the production of the material, was originally woven into it as an aesthetic, but purely utilitarian moment. an artist by nature, and he strives to bring beauty everywhere in one way or another. The aesthetic activity of a person is constantly manifested in everyday life, social life, and not only in art. going on aesthetic exploration of the world a public person.

Functions of art

Art performs a number public functions.

Functions of art can be summarized as follows:

  • aesthetic function allows you to reproduce reality according to the laws of beauty, forms an aesthetic taste;
  • social function manifested in the fact that art has an ideological impact on society, thereby transforming social reality;
  • compensatory functions allows you to restore peace of mind, solve psychological problems, “escape” for a while from the gray everyday life, compensate for the lack of beauty and harmony in everyday life;
  • hedonic function reflects the ability of art to bring pleasure to a person;
  • cognitive function allows you to know reality and analyze it with the help of artistic images;
  • predictive function reflects the ability of art to make predictions and predict the future;
  • educational function manifested in the ability of works of art to shape a person's personality.

cognitive function

First of all, this cognitive function. Works of art are valuable sources of information about complex social processes.

Of course, not everyone in the surrounding world is interested in art, and if they are, then to a different degree, and the very approach of art to the object of its knowledge, the angle of its vision is very specific compared to other forms of social consciousness. The main object of knowledge in art has always been and remains. That is why art in general and, in particular, fiction is called human science.

educational function

Educational function - the ability to have an important impact on the ideological and moral development of a person, its self-improvement or fall.

And yet, cognitive and educational functions are not specific to art: other forms of social consciousness also perform these functions.

aesthetic function

The specific function of art, which makes it art in the true sense of the word, is its aesthetic function.

Perceiving and comprehending a work of art, we do not just assimilate its content (like the content of physics, biology, mathematics), but we pass this content through the heart, emotions, give sensually concrete images created by the artist an aesthetic assessment as beautiful or ugly, sublime or base , tragic or comic. Art forms in us the ability to give such aesthetic assessments, to distinguish the truly beautiful and sublime from all kinds of ersatz.

hedonic function

Cognitive, educational and aesthetic are merged in art together. Thanks to the aesthetic moment, we enjoy the content of a work of art, and it is in the process of enjoyment that we are enlightened and educated. In this regard, they talk about hedonistic(translated from Greek - pleasure) functions art.

For many centuries, in socio-philosophical and aesthetic literature, the dispute about the relationship between beauty in art and reality has continued. This reveals two main positions. According to one of them (in Russia it was supported by N. G. Chernyshevsky), the beautiful in life is always and in all respects higher than the beautiful in art. In this case, art appears as a copy of the typical characters and objects of reality itself and a surrogate for reality. Obviously, an alternative concept is preferable (G. V. F. Hegel, A. I. Herzen and others): the beautiful in art is higher than the beautiful in life, since the artist sees more accurately and deeper, feels stronger and brighter, and that is why he can inspire with his own the art of others. Otherwise (being a surrogate or even a duplicate), society would not need art.

works of art, being the substantive embodiment of human genius, become the most important spiritual and values ​​that are passed down from generation to generation, the property of the aesthetic society. Mastery of culture, aesthetic education is impossible without familiarization with art. The works of art of past centuries capture the spiritual world of thousands of generations, without mastering which a person cannot become a person in the true sense of the word. Each person is a kind of bridge between the past and the future. He must master what the past generation left him, creatively comprehend his spiritual experience, understand his thoughts, feelings, joys and sufferings, ups and downs, and pass it all on to posterity. This is the only way history moves, and in this movement a huge army belongs to art, expressing the complexity and richness of the spiritual world of man.

Kinds of art

The primary form of art was a special syncretic(undivided) complex of creative activity. For primitive man, there was no separate music, or literature, or theater. Everything was merged together in a single ritual action. Later, separate types of art began to stand out from this syncretic action.

Kinds of art- these are historically established forms of artistic reflection of the world, using special means to build an image - sound, color, body movement, word, etc. Each type of art has its own special varieties - genera and genres, which together provide a variety of artistic attitudes to reality. Let us briefly consider the main types of art and some of their varieties.

Literature uses verbal and written means to build images. There are three main types of literature - drama, epic and lyricism and numerous genres - tragedy, comedy, novel, story, poem, elegy, short story, essay, feuilleton, etc.

Music uses audio. Music is divided into vocal (intended for singing) and instrumental. Genres of music - opera, symphony, overture, suite, romance, sonata, etc.

Dance uses means of plastic movements to build images. Allocate ritual, folk, ballroom,

modern dances, ballet. Directions and styles of dance - waltz, tango, foxtrot, samba, polonaise, etc.

Painting displays reality on a plane by means of color. Genres of painting - portrait, still life, landscape, as well as everyday, animalistic (image of animals), historical genres.

Architecture forms a spatial environment in the form of structures and buildings for human life. It is divided into residential, public, landscape gardening, industrial, etc. There are also architectural styles - Gothic, Baroque, Rococo, Art Nouveau, Classicism, etc.

Sculpture creates works of art that have volume and three-dimensional shape. Sculpture is round (bust, statue) and relief (convex image). The size is divided into easel, decorative and monumental.

Arts and Crafts related to application needs. This includes art objects that can be used in everyday life - dishes, fabrics, tools, furniture, clothes, jewelry, etc.

Theatre organizes a special stage action through the play of actors. The theater can be dramatic, opera, puppet, etc.

Circus presents a spectacular and entertaining action with unusual, risky and funny numbers in a special arena. These are acrobatics, balancing act, gymnastics, horse riding, juggling, magic tricks, pantomime, clowning, animal training and so on.

Cinema is the development of theatrical action based on modern technical audiovisual means. The types of cinematography include fiction, documentary films, animation. By genre, comedies, dramas, melodramas, adventure films, detectives, thrillers, etc. are distinguished.

Photo fixes documentary visual images with the help of technical means - optical and chemical or digital. The genres of photography correspond to the genres of painting.

Stage includes small forms of performing arts - dramaturgy, music, choreography, illusions, circus performances, original performances, etc.

Graphics, radio art, etc. can be added to the listed types of art.

In order to show the common features of different types of art and their differences, various grounds for their classification are proposed. So, there are types of art:

  • by the number of means used - simple (painting, sculpture, poetry, music) and complex, or synthetic (ballet, theater, cinema);
  • in terms of the ratio of works of art and reality - pictorial, depicting reality, copying it, (realistic painting, sculpture, photography), and expressive, where the artist's fantasy and imagination create a new reality (ornament, music);
  • in relation to space and time - spatial (fine arts, sculpture, architecture), temporal (literature, music) and space-time (theatre, cinema);
  • by the time of occurrence - traditional (poetry, dance, music) and new (photography, cinema, television, video), usually using rather complex technical means to build an image;
  • according to the degree of applicability in everyday life - applied (arts and crafts) and fine (music, dance).

Each type, genus or genre reflects a particular side or facet of human life, but taken together, these components of art give a comprehensive artistic picture of the world.

The need for artistic creation or enjoyment of works of art increases along with the growth of a person's cultural level. Art becomes the more necessary, the further a person is separated from the animal state.

Art, its types Polysemy of the term. Two main meanings: 1) skill, skill, developed by experience and knowledge; 2) creative activity aimed at creating works of art, more broadly - aesthetically expressive forms.

Etymology Art. - glory. iskous - experience, church. - glory. Greek art. τέχνη - skill, skill, craft Today, English is used. Art and German Kunst, close to their Latin equivalent - Ars, which can also be translated as "skill" or "craft"

Definition of art Art is a special form of social consciousness and spiritual activity, the specificity of which lies in the creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images.

Art is part of culture. Culture is a set of industrial, social and spiritual achievements of people. This is a certain internal unity of forms of thinking that distinguishes the era and creates it as an integrity, the unity of style, imprinted in the forms of economic, political, spiritual, religious, practical, artistic life.

Types of art These are historically established forms of creative activity that have the ability to artistically realize the content of life and differ in the ways of its material embodiment (word in literature, sound in music, plastic and color materials in fine arts, etc.).

Three groups Spatial or plastic arts: fine arts (painting, graphics, sculpture), arts and crafts, architecture, photography. II. Temporal or dynamic arts: music, literature. III. Spatio-temporal (synthetic, spectacular): choreography, theater, cinema. I.

MUSIC IN THE CULTURE OF PRIMARY SOCIETY PERIODIZATION Stone Age: 2 million years ago BC e. - Paleolithic 10,000 BC. e. - Mesolithic 5000 BC. e. - Neolithic Bronze Age 2700 BC. e. Iron Age between 1500 and 1400 BC e. CHRONOGRAPH 2.5 million years - the age of the most ancient archaeological finds. 35 -10 millennium BC. e. - the era of the Upper Paleolithic, the period of the emergence of art.

The main features of primitive art Ritual-magical essence; Collectivity of activity; Practicality (applied character); Syncretism is the original unity, fusion, indivisibility of what subsequently breaks up into independent spheres of art: music, poetry, theater, dance, painting, sculpture, the beginnings of architecture, decorative and applied arts; Mythology.

Cave paintings are the main genre of fine art of primitive people. Petroglyphs are carved images on a stone base (from other Greek πέτρος - stone and γλυφή - carving). 1864 - the first cave paintings discovered by the French paleontologist F. Garrigou. The most famous caves today are Lascaux (France), Altamira (Spain).

Megaliths Megaliths (from the Greek μέγας - large, λίθος - stone) are prehistoric structures made of large stone blocks connected without the use of cement or lime mortar. The term was proposed in 1849 by the English researcher A. Herbert in the book "Cyclops Christianus"

Types of megaliths menhir (a single vertically standing stone up to 20 m high) cromlech - a group of menhirs forming a circle or semicircle dolmen - a structure made of a huge stone placed on several other stones (similar to a gate), etc.

Main achievements Architecture Construction of temples (Sumer), pyramids and temple complexes (Egypt). 1792 -1750 BC e. - the years of the reign of Hammurabi, the construction of the ziggurat of Etemenanki, known as the Tower of Babel.

Ziggurat A cult building in Sumer (tower), consisting of 3 steps - platforms in accordance with the three main deities - Anna (god of heaven), Enlil (lord of air and earth, son of Anna), Enki (lord of the world's waters, wisdom and keeper of human fate). Upstairs there was a small temple - the dwelling of the god, which could be reached by special stairs. The long rise was associated with the idea of ​​an endless journey to the sky. The color of the platforms is symbolic: the lower one is black - the underworld, the middle one is burnt brick - earthly life, the upper one is white and red - the sky. The Temple of God is blue.

Egypt Old Kingdom (2800 -2250 BC) - construction of pyramids New Kingdom (c. 1580 - c. 1070) - construction of huge temple complexes.

Features of the pictorial canon in relief Compositional organization of scenes based on order, for example, when depicting a procession, figures are arranged one after another, at regular intervals, with repeated gestures

Peculiarities of the pictorial canon in the relief Diversity of scale of the figures (for example, the pharaoh is the largest figure); Image of a person: head and legs in profile, and torso and eye - in front; the whole figure was outlined by a single line; What is farther is depicted above;

7th c. BC e. - Assyrian king Ashurbanapal founded in his palace of Nineveh the largest of the known libraries, Among the records dating from the 26th century. BC e. , there are already examples of genres of folk wisdom, cult texts and hymns. The found cuneiform archives brought to us about 150 monuments of Sumerian literature, among which there are myths, epic tales, ritual songs, hymns in honor of kings, collections of fables, sayings, disputes, dialogues and edifications.

The Epic of Gilgamesh The most ancient and significant monument of Sumerian literature is the Epic of Gilgamesh (“The Tale of Gilgamesh” - “About the One Who Has Seen Everything”). The history of the discovery of the epic in the 70s of the 19th century is associated with the name of George Smith, an employee of the British Museum, who, among the extensive archaeological materials sent to London from Mesopotamia, discovered cuneiform fragments of the legend of the Flood. A report on this discovery, made at the end of 1872 in the Biblical Archaeological Society, caused a sensation.

Egypt The appearance of writing in the period of the Early Kingdom (c. 3000 -2800 BC) - hieroglyphs; in hieroglyphs at the beginning of the third millennium BC, writing material began to be made from papyrus (a herbaceous plant).

Literature The heyday of literature falls on the period of the Middle Kingdom. There were various genres: fairy tales, teachings, myths, stories (for example, "The History of Sinuhet" - an autobiographical story), hymns in honor of the gods, poetry. "Book of the Dead"

The "Book of the Dead" The "Book of the Dead" was the name given to ancient Egyptian religious texts that were placed in graves to protect the dead and admonish them in the afterlife. The "Book of the Dead" was compiled from the period of the New Kingdom (16th century BC) to the end of the history of Ancient Egypt. Richly illustrated texts were written on sheets of papyrus and invested in the veils of mummies.

VEDAS Vedas (Sanskrit Veda, literally - knowledge) - monuments of ancient Indian literature (late 2nd - early 1st millennium BC) in the ancient Indian (Vedic) language. The Vedas, or Vedic literature, are collections of hymns and sacrificial formulas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda), theological treatises (Brahmins and Upanishads). The Vedas are a source of information on the socio-economic and cultural history of ancient India.

Vedic Literature The Rig Veda (Veda of hymns) is a collection of mainly Rig Veda religious hymns, the first known monument of Indian literature. Formed by the 10th century. BC e. This is e. the most ancient and significant of the Vedas, a valuable source for the study of ancient Indian history and mythology. Consists of 10 books, uniting 1028 hymns. The Mahabharata is the older of the two great Mahabharata epics of ancient India. The time to which her main legends go back, the time of her “heroic age” is the turn of the 2nd and 1st millennium BC. e. , the era of tribal wars and the formation of the first states in the Ganges valley. The process of cyclization of these legends and the addition of the whole epic ends, apparently, by the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. (no later than the 4th century BC, in any case), the written fixation of the Mahabharata can be attributed to the 3rd - 4th centuries. n. e.

Theater - Mysteries During the period of the Middle Kingdom, mysteries developed on the basis of rites in honor of the god Osiris. According to the myth, Osiris, the god of fertility, was once the king of Egypt and taught the Egyptians how to cultivate the land and plant gardens. He was killed by his jealous and envious brother Seth. Osiris' son Horus challenged Set to a duel and defeated him. After that, he resurrected Osiris, allowing him to swallow the eye torn from Seth. He did not stay on earth, but began to rule the world of the dead. According to one version, Osiris was revived by Isis.

Isis is the sister and wife of Osiris, the mother of Horus, and, accordingly, of the Egyptian kings, who were originally considered earthly incarnations of the falcon-headed god.

Performances of mysteries (according to Herodotus) were carried out in 16 cities of Egypt. The participants in the action sculpted a statue of Osiris, next to which stood Isis and his sister Nephthys in mourning clothes and with loose hair. In their lamentations, they begged Osiris to return to life. Osiris was reborn in the process of rituals (search, mourning, burial, "great battle").

Music was an important component in all three layers of the art of ancient cultures, which can be distinguished in accordance with their purpose: Folklore (from the English. Folk-lore - folk wisdom) - folk song and poetry with elements of theatrical and choreographic; Temple art - cult, liturgical, grown out of ritual actions; Palace - secular art; its functions are hedonistic (pleasure) and ceremonial.

Musical Instruments The most common images of the harp, harp, so it can be considered the most popular and revered musical instrument. It is known from written sources that the flute was revered in Sumer and Babylon. The sound of this flute instrument, according to the Sumerians, was able to bring the dead back to life. Apparently, this was due to the very method of sound production - breathing, which was considered a sign of life. At the annual feasts in honor of Tammuz, the ever-resurrecting god, flutes sounded, personifying the resurrection. On one of the clay tablets was written: "In the days of Tammuz, play me the azure flute ..."

Musical Instruments Ancient Egyptian musical instruments are stored in various museums around the world: harp (number of strings from 6 to 22), wooden flutes and drums (in Florence and the Louvre), nabl (stringed instrument with a long neck - in Berlin). Most researchers are inclined to believe that ancient Egyptian music was monophonic.

Music in India Music in ancient India was a trinity of singing, dancing and instrumental music. Ritual music has been widely developed. It is believed that Indian music was monophonic.

Musical Instruments of India The instruments used in practice are very diverse - these are drums, bells, bells, gongs, shells; the main percussion instrument is tabla (reminiscent of small timpani). Among other instruments, the flute, saranga (a bowed stringed instrument with a leather upper deck, where there were strings playing - 3 or 4 and resonating - from 11 to 41), sitar (seven-stringed plucked), wine (the queen of sitar instruments, seven-stringed plucked instrument with two pumpkin resonators under the fretboard).

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