How to switch windows 10 to safe mode

Any OS, including Windows 10, is not immune from sudden failures. Only often such problems are “treated” exclusively by reinstallation, without even caring about more loyal solutions. Needless to say, the classification of such “tyzhprogrammers” leaves much to be desired.

Much easier to go to safe mode Windows 10 and try to solve things differently. This option will fix a lot of problems:

  • reinstall/remove the problematic driver;
  • rollback to last known good configuration
  • cleaning from viruses;
  • reset user password;
  • account activation;
  • fight with BSoD.

In the "top ten" there are several ways to call the safe mode. The easiest is to reboot and then press "F8", but in Win10, alas, it no longer works. But there is one trick. For now, we will choose from the following:

  • options;
  • command line;
  • System Restore.

The last method works even if the system does not boot. True, you need a boot-flash drive with the system, but more on that later.

Launching through "special boot options"

This method can be interpreted in two ways. To enter the settings, your Windows must be running, or at least starting. The overall picture is as follows. To get started, click on the icon with notifications and click "All Settings".

Here you need to enable "recovery", and on the right, where the "special boot options" field is located, you need to start a reboot.

After the system has restarted and entered the menu with parameters, you can do 3 operations:

  • exit the menu and start Windows in normal mode;
  • find and eliminate faults (required parameter);
  • turn off the PC.

You need to select the second item, and then click "additional options". After that, click on item 5 (2 in column 2), which is responsible for the system boot parameters on a PC or laptop.

Now you have access to a full-fledged safe mode, which will appear when you turn it on after a restart. Here we are interested in 4,5 and 6 teams. Select one of them by pressing the keys F4-F6 respectively.

Login via command line

The second method is somewhat simpler than the previous one, since it does not require long fuss with parameters, settings and numerous sub-options. This is where the configurator can help. msconfig". To activate it, click " Start", or a combination Win+R, we write in the line " msconfig” and click OK.

Here we are waiting for the next dialog box, in which there are 5 tabs. We are interested in the second one, which is called "Download". We do the following:

  1. select the OS that should start in safe mode;
  2. check the box next to this item;
  3. select the desired configuration (minimal, with a shell, network).

The same principle applies here as with the keys. F4-F6. "Other shell" - command line support.

Next, reboot in normal mode by selecting the desired item through " Start". Remember that to exit this option, you need to follow the same steps. In other words, until you uncheck the "safe mode" box, you will not return to normal mode.

System Restore

The last method in the list will only work if you have a bootable USB flash drive with the system. You can create it yourself, but this is a topic separate article. To get started, do the following:

  1. We go through bios and reconfigure the startup priority of devices. USB-HDD should start first, then HDD;
  2. We follow all the instructions for starting Windows until we reach the option with a single "Install" button.

You need to register one of two commands to choose from:

  • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal– normal mode;

  • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network– network support.

We return F8

Why was the old way of selecting boot and restore commands removed? Windows developers say that the system has become so fast to start that it simply does not have time to react to clicking on the button. But the process is reversible and the command can be returned. A small downside is sacrificing a few seconds of OS startup time.

To return, you need a working Win10. Right click on the icon " Start". In some versions, you can select "Command Prompt (Admin)". If there is none, then open Start, in the search bar we write " cmd”, then right-click on the search result and click on “as administrator”.

Next, write the command bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy legacy and press Enter. Now we are back to the classic version familiar from previous versions of Windows. There is one caveat: the item "Last Known Good Configuration" is not provided here, since all the parameters are a textual variation of the graphical representation, which is the default in Win10.

To return to the original mode, a reverse command is provided, which is also entered exclusively under the administrator: bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy standard.

Option "for the lazy"

Few people know that safe mode can be displayed as a separate boot menu item. If you often use the function, then this upgrade will appeal to you. Wherein F8 no longer needed.

To get started, you should go to the command line, and exclusively under the administrator. Required to enter a command bcdedit /copy (current) /d “Safe Mode”. In other words, the entry will copy an existing account in safe mode. By the way, the inscription in quotation marks can be changed at your discretion.

Here we go to "Download" and we already see 2 entries:

  • our "safe mode";
  • standard Windows 10.

We are interested in the new copy. In the parameters we set the mode "safe ..." and additionally set the timeout for choosing between the two options (3 seconds minimum).

Save changes and reboot. Now you will see 2 OSes (formally). During the timeout period, you can switch between 2 accounts. "Windows 10" sends you to Standard Boot. Well, “safe” calls the mode that we set in the configurator.

If you want to remove your own refinement, rewrite msconfig via Win + R and remove the extra line.

The disadvantage is that the download time increases in direct proportion to the timeout you set initially.

Experienced PC users are aware of such a Windows option as "Safe Mode". It is necessary in modern operating systems, because the latter are by no means sinless. Mistakes happen, and sometimes they cannot be corrected in working order. With XP and 7 everything was more or less clear. But with version 10, things got a lot more complicated. Standard login to safe mode disabled. Now this is not so easy to do. What caused such a decision of the developers - it is not clear. But the fact that the seventh version was much more understandable than the newfangled "tens" is undeniable. However, in the days of XP, they said so. So, most likely, users will get used to this "miracle". So how do you enter safe mode in Windows 10? We'll talk to them about it.

What is "safe mode"?

Safe Mode is a way to boot the system with only the most important drivers. That is, only those components that are necessary for the minimum system performance will be loaded. No additional codecs, flash and other unnecessary nonsense. This mode is used to fix operating system errors, return to an earlier state using system restore. Also, some viruses can only be removed in this way. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to enter Windows 10 safe mode.

Sometimes this state of the OS requires an "account" fix or a local conversion. Naturally, to carry out this procedure, you need access to the Internet. And here the option "Safe Mode with Network Driver Loading" will help. Users of the "dozens" need to choose this option, because it will not work to fix the account without the Internet. And this brings us back to the question of how to enter safe mode.

How to log in if the OS starts up?

There are various options for booting "dozens" in safe mode, if everything works fine. The easiest way is to click on "Shut down" in the "Start" while holding the "Shift" key. Then you will be prompted to select the type of download. It remains only to choose the one you need. Also try to "bring back" the launch of the mode when you press F8. You just need to write the desired text in the command line. How to enter safe mode in Windows 10 via command line? More on this below.

There is one more option. Enter "Options" and further - A lot of unnecessary text will appear with the available options. Among others, there will be items "Restart the computer in safe mode" and "Restart the computer in safe mode with support for network drivers." Choose the one you need this moment, and restart the PC or laptop.

You can also try this procedure. Go to "Start", select "Run", type "msconfig" (without quotes). A dialog will appear with a "Download" tab. Among the fair amount of items there will be "Boot Options" and "Safe Mode" with a bunch of options. This is where it should be ticked. And then just restart your PC.

Using the command line

Go to "Start", select the "Command Prompt" item and enter the text in the commander: "bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy" (without quotes). Then reboot the machine and press F8. The Windows start options window will appear. Here we select "Safe Mode". And whether network drivers will be needed - decide for yourself. This is one of the answers to the question of how to enter safe mode

A variety of problems are usually solved through the commander. But in the "top ten" it is best to use Windows Power Shell - a console borrowed from the Linux OS family. This tool allows you to run commands as an administrator and is much faster than the standard commander. Yes, and it is clearer to those who have ever used Ubuntu or Mint. The command line method works on any Microsoft operating system (except XP). The company from Redmond did something adequate. Honor and praise to her!

What to do if the OS does not start?

There is only one way here. You won't be able to start Windows in Safe Mode. Therefore, you need a flash drive with the "dozens" distribution kit. When loading the installer, you can turn the trick with the commander and force Windows to boot from the HDD in safe mode. You just need to find the inscription "System Restore" in the welcome window of the installer. A commander will appear there, into which we enter the text already familiar to us (without quotes). Now restart your PC or laptop. This is one of the answers to the question of how to enter Windows 10 safe mode through BIOS.

Many people think that if the operating system does not want to work, then the easiest way is to reinstall the OS. On the one hand, this is true - a clean system always runs faster. But on the other hand, frequent reinstallations of the operating system are certain death for hard drive. Not to mention the fact that a lot of time needs to be killed for the complete setup of the system. This does not include installation time. Therefore, it is easier to solve all problems that can be fixed using safe mode.

ASUS laptops

There are some nuances here. The fact is that ASUS laptops have a kind of entrance to the boot menu (media selection during boot). Before performing actions with the commander in the "dozens" installer, you need to force the laptop to boot from the drive with the distribution kit. To do this, just hold down Tab at startup and select the desired boot type. How to enter safe mode in Windows 10? ASUS - the same PC. That is, the method with the commander from the "dozens" installer also works.

In general, Asus laptop manufacturers have their own concept of convenience and ergonomics. That is why the engineers have moved away from the standard canons and assigned some insane keys for low-level control of the laptop. Therefore, before trying to change the BIOS settings, you need to read the instructions very carefully. Otherwise, your "correct and standard" actions can lead to very sad consequences.

Acer laptops

The most problematic in this regard is the E5-731 laptop. In order to get into the boot menu of this laptop, you need to do whole line operations. First you need to press Enter to get into the BIOS of the laptop. Then move to the "Boot priority" tab and select our flash drive with the "dozens" installer. Now be sure to reboot the device. The laptop will boot from the drive, not from the HDD. How to access Windows 10 Safe Mode in Acer E5-731? Using the commander in the installer. Exactly the same as in the previous examples.

With Asers, everything is somehow incomprehensible. This way to get to drives with distributions was used in ancient times. system blocks with processors from AMD and Why the manufacturers decided to choose this particular method is unknown. But in this situation, after manipulating the commander, you will have to return to the BIOS again and set the start from the HDD as a priority. And this is quite inconvenient.

Lenovo laptops

How to enter safe mode in Windows 10 through the BIOS of laptops from Lenovo? Here is the easiest. It is enough to press the F12 button at the start of the device - and the media selection menu will appear. We select a flash drive and boot. And then we act according to the already known scenario with the command line and the desired command. Laptops from Lenovo are the simplest in this regard. The Chinese company clearly knows a lot about ergonomics.

In general, Lenovo laptops are in no way inferior to more famous brands in terms of quality and location of controls. And in the case of Windows 10, they behave more adequately than other models. It even has interesting option with Safe Mode for those using UEFI. It is enough to hold Delete at the start - and launch options will appear. Well, why not charm?


Of course, entering Safe Mode in Windows 7 was much easier. But even in the "top ten" he has not gone anywhere. The developers just made it less accessible. But with certain commands or actions to load operating system quite possible in this mode. And after that, you can fix the errors of the drivers, the operating system itself and its components. The main thing is to do everything clearly according to the instructions. Then there will be no problem.

If none of the above methods helped fix system errors, then there are at least two ways. The first is to reinstall the entire operating system. This advice is not without common sense, since fresh Windows always works better and faster. If you do not know how to install, or you do not have free time, then there is only one way out - to bring your laptop or PC to the professionals in the workshop. They will do everything quickly and painlessly. But it will cost money.

Hi all! In the last article, we learned how. In today's article, we will learn how to enter Windows 10 Safe Mode if the system does not boot due to any errors.

Friends, what usually causes our operating system to stop loading? That's right, due to corrupted system files and critical drivers, but most often Windows does not boot due to programs and drivers installed by us that are not designed to work in our operating system. I'll explain a little more.

How to Enter Windows 10 Safe Mode if the Operating System Won't Boot

Recently, one person contacted me, he successfully updated his Windows 7 to Windows 10, but after the update, his video card and TV tuner drivers crashed. I updated the video card drivers for it, but with the TV tuner it turned out to be more and more difficult, only drivers for Windows 7 were posted on the official website of the device, there were not even drivers for Windows 8.1. In support, they told me that there are no 100% working drivers on Win 10 yet, but there are beta drivers and they suit who and who do not.

I downloaded and installed the drivers along with the software for the TV tuner without even creating a restore point just in case. The driver installed and asked for a reboot, after the reboot, a blue death (blue screen) appeared on the monitor, several reboots led to the same effect - the system boot ended with a blue screen.

What happened. The blue screen of death is a defensive reaction of Windows to incorrectly working code, that is, the system was automatically protected by a blue screen from a malfunctioning TV tuner driver. To remove the incorrect driver, I decided to use safe mode.

  • Note: everything would be easier if I had before installing the driver.

We all know that Safe Mode is specially designed to fix various operating system malfunctions. In safe mode, Windows 10 starts with a minimal set of Microsoft-owned and trusted processes. Therefore, we can use safe mode to remove incorrectly working drivers, or programs that led to failure. Windows boot or her unstable work.

All this is clear, but how to enter safe mode if Win 10 does not boot!?

In the initial system installation window, click keyboard shortcut Shift + F10.

A command prompt window will open, enter the command (suitable for any computers, including laptops with the UEFI interface enabled and the Secure Boot option):

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

the command will make a change to the boot storage configuration (BCD) file.

Operation completed successfully.

We restart the computer, the Advanced Boot Options window will open.

Press key F4 or 4 to enter safe mode, you can also use other special regimes used when troubleshooting Windows 10.

If you want to enter the operating system in the usual way then press Enter on your keyboard.

Here we are in Windows 10 Safe Mode.

We remove the incorrect driver or program in the usual way.

Usually, drivers are installed into the operating system along with the software.

Open the Computer window and click Uninstall or change a program.

We find the name of the idle, properly, software and click Remove.

If you installed the driver without an installer manually, uninstall it directly in the Device Manager - right-click on it and select Uninstall.

If you want to remove the appearance of the Advanced Boot Options window when loading, then boot from bootable flash drive Windows 10 into the recovery environment, start the command prompt, enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings)advancedoptions

This command will undo previous changes to the boot storage configuration (BCD) file.

For insurance, before work, you can do.

The question of how to start safe mode in Windows 10 is very relevant. Since the developers of the system made the inclusion of safe mode not entirely obvious in the tenth version. But booting Windows 10 in safe mode allows you to solve a whole list of problems with your PC.

This loads only minimal drivers and settings, and disables network cards. That is, you won’t be able to access the Internet (unless you enter a special command, which will be discussed later in the article). It can be executed as a parallel mini-OS, independent of the main one.

Another difference from the usual interface is the reduced monitor resolution. For "tens" it will be 600 by 800 pixels. This is done because the graphical parameters will be minimized to improve performance.

When the OS boots up, a list of added services will be shown on a black background. After that, a help window is automatically displayed on the desktop.

What is Windows 10 Safe Mode for?

During operation, failures may occur that cannot be corrected in the standard version. This happens, for example, when the firewood is installed incorrectly or if there are bugs in the new software.

Windows 10 Safe Mode allows you to boot the same operating system, but with only a small number of executable modules and default options. That is, all correct and incorrect user changes will not be taken into account, which will help to remove the driver delivered with errors and restart the computer.

Safe mode is also often used to diagnose problems. If a problem is found, you can find out if it persists when switching versions. Depending on the result, a way to further eliminate the problem is selected.

Another plus is that if the operating system is a worm, etc., almost always their dirty tricks will not extend to safe mode. For example, if a virus does not allow you to open any settings or demolish an exe file, when switching, all this can be done without hindrance.

Operations in Windows 10 Safe Mode

1. Check for malicious software. Autoload ( favorite place viruses) is disabled. Therefore, if problems appear during normal startup, but there are none when switching, check the startup software (typing "msconfig" after pressing Win + R).
2. Recovery. It will help to roll back to the previous state (before updating or installing drivers and software).
3. Installing and/or updating drivers. If the freezes continue in this case, check latest drivers and replace them with others or reinstall them. The easiest way is to roll back to a previous state.
4. Verification of operability. If problems appear in Safe mode, then the problem is not in the software part of the device. You may have to purchase a new video card, hard drive or motherboard. Hardware problems are usually not solved on their own, it is best to take the laptop to repair.
5. Saving important data. If you cannot save the software part of the device, you should start in Safe mode and transfer the necessary files to separate drives. So you can make sure that you don’t get tangled up among personal information malicious utilities, and when you reinstall the OS, you can quickly return documents, photos and music to their original places.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 10

Most often, users try to access it after incorrect software installation. If nothing starts or error messages keep appearing, first try to run the saved version before the updates ("Load Last Known Good Configuration"). If this does not help, read below how to enable safe mode on Windows 10.

System Configuration Tool

This is the easiest way. Follow the algorithm of actions described below:

1. Press the Win button (with the Windows logo) and at the same time R.

2. In the window that opens, in the input line, type "msconfig" without quotes. Alternative way- click the "Start" button and immediately start typing "System Configuration".

3. In the "Boot Options" area (as in the screenshot), check the appropriate checkbox and set additional options - the minimum version, another shell, ActiveDirectory recovery or "Network".

To activate the changes, reboot immediately after setting the settings, as prompted by the system, or save all the necessary files and reboot yourself. This alternative is considered one of the most beginner-friendly, but experienced programmers tend to use the methods that will be discussed later.

Using the command line

Before Windows 10, you could open Safe mode by simply holding F8 at startup. AT new version The developers removed this feature. To restore it, as in XP or the "seven", you need to carry out a couple of operations with the console:

1. After right-clicking on the "Start" menu, select "" or type in the search "Command Line" without quotes.

2. Type the command shown in the picture:

3. Press the Enter key, exit the terminal and restart your computer. Press F8 while loading. Now everything should open in the same way as in earlier versions of the OS.

To undo your changes, go back to the command prompt and type the following text: bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard.

Entering Safe Mode through system settings

1. Left-click on the "Start" menu and click on "Settings".

2. Select the "Update and security" item highlighted in the screenshot.

3. Go to the tab on the left "Recovery".

4. In the "Special Boot Options" area, click the "Restart Now" button.

After your device reboots, you will be transferred to the Recovery Environment (Windows RE).

Follow the directions below:

1. Click on Troubleshoot.

2. Click on "Advanced optons".

3. After that, go to "Startup Settings" (boot settings).

4. Click the Restart button.

In the list at numbers 4-6 are options for booting the operating system (Safe Mode, the same with a network connection, the same with the command line). To select one of them, press respectively F4, F5 or F6 on your keyboard.

If you did everything correctly, the device will restart after clicking on the selected option.

Important: to significantly shorten the algorithm described above, simply hold down the Shift key while clicking on "Shutdown".

Entering Safe Mode Using Boot Devices

If you have more than one computer, but two or more, you can try switching to safe mode in windows 10 using a bootable USB flash drive or disk. To do this, create a boot device on the second computer, and then connect the drive to the first one.

We select the option to boot from a flash card or disk. After that, a menu will open, as in the picture. Select "System Restore" at the bottom of the screen.

Alternative: Press Shift+F10 at startup. This combination will redirect you to the command line.
If more than one operating system is installed on your device, the check will be applied to the system installed by default.

To do this, type or copy the following into the input window: bcdedit / set (default) safeboot minimal. If you need network driver support (so you can access the internet), type bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network. Press Enter.

Adding a command line requires one more entry: bcdedit /set (default) safebootalternateshell yes.
Close the terminal and restart the machine. The next launch will be with limited functionality. To reset the settings to default, open a command prompt as an administrator and copy “bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot” into it.

To apply Windows startup 10 in safe mode, not only to the "ten" itself, but also to other operating systems, type bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true in the terminal. This command does not immediately throw you into Safe Mode, but allows you to select the appropriate boot options.

Once triggered, click on Continue. Exit and use Windows 10. The OS will load after you select the desired option.

Cancellation is done with the following entry: bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions. It will only work when running the console as an administrator.

EFI file

Some manufacturers have started releasing PCs that support EFI files. To run through them, do the following:

1. Check the appropriate item in the proposed options.

2. Specify the path /efi/boot/bootx64.efi.

Windows 10 Boot Mode


The terminal and Internet connection are not supported.

Using the terminal

Launches the command line instead of the usual graphical interface.

Supported by network drivers

Allows you to access the Internet while using Safe mode.

With a log entry

A list of installed drivers can be helpful in diagnosing problems. It is located in the ntbtlog.txt file, which is automatically created when this option is selected.

With video mode in low resolution (640 by 480 pixels)

To reset user-modified display settings, you can start the video mode with the resolution and frame rate minimized.


Advanced system diagnostics. For ordinary users, it is unlikely to be useful - only for system administrators and IT specialists.

Restoring Directory Services

It will also be useful exclusively to system administrators and IT specialists. Starts a Windows domain controller running Active Directory.

Last Known Good Configuration

If problems occur after installation new program or driver, the OS can run latest version that worked flawlessly. This will not work if you periodically purge through software that deletes backups.

Disable restart on system failure

Disable automatic driver signature verification

It will come in handy if you need to put firewood on the machine with an incorrect or missing digital signature.

What to do if the operating system does not start?

If the computer fails to start up on its own two or more times, artificial intelligence puts it in the recovery environment. If this does not happen immediately, you need to hold down the Power button for a few seconds when restarting to turn off the machine.

The next time you start, you will enter Win Re (recovery environment). Select "Diagnostics" and repeat the algorithm described just above in the article.

Important: if the menu item is not displayed on your screen, as in the screenshot, then the OS files are damaged. In this case, it is not possible to perform diagnostics on your own. You will have to contact service center for the computer to be repaired by the masters.


Choose one of the listed methods depending on what problems are identified. If you prefer a windowed view, use the download through the options from the Start menu. If you are for speed - cmd.exe utility. If the computer does not want to start, use the installation CD or USB flash drive.

Using Safe mode can be useful for both inexperienced users and advanced professionals. It is not a panacea, but proper application will protect your PC and extend the life of the OS.

Knowing how to start safe mode in windows 10, you can quickly resolve computer problems caused by user actions or third-party software.

Well, or at least determine their cause.

Sometimes entering through safe mode even allows you to avoid reinstalling the operating system, saving valuable information on system drive and saving time on PC setup.

Purpose and principle of safe mode

Safe mode is a characteristic Windows systems a special boot option in which the Internet is disabled (except for a special mode with network drivers).

It only supports the operation of the keyboard, mouse, monitor, video card and disks.

By using it, you get the ability to run even a damaged OS with incorrectly working drivers and other errors.

Sometimes you can even troubleshoot in safe mode - using Windows tools and third-party utilities.

When starting this mode most of applications and drivers do not start - that is, that part of the system does not start, which, with a high probability, caused a failure. This makes it easier to find the cause of a problem.

After loading, the user has access only to the "naked" system - the most basic utilities and files, without which the computer cannot work.

Background screensavers in safe mode are not displayed, and in each of its corners you can see the corresponding inscription.

In some cases, when the system does not start, a prompt to go into safe mode is displayed on the screen without any action from the user. In any case, you can always run it yourself.

Running safe mode on older systems

In most previous versions of the OS from Microsoft, including XP, Vista and Windows 7, you could enable safe mode by pressing the F8 function key after turning on the power, but before the system started to start. At the same time, a menu appeared on the screen, offering the user a choice of boot options. Among them, one could usually find a safe mode.

It's interesting that: already for Windows 8, to boot into safe mode, the use of special utilities was required. And Windows 10 does not at all allow you to start safe mode as easily as before. At least, it is available only if the operating system is working normally - that is, in fact, when the mode is not really needed.

Safe mode while system is running

If Windows 10 boots without problems and problems in its operation begin to appear after it appears on the desktop screen, going into safe mode is relatively easy:

  • go to the "Start" menu;
  • press Shift and, without releasing it, click on the system shutdown button;
  • go to the Windows 10 recovery environment;
  • select the diagnostic item in the "Select action" window (Fig. 3)

  • go to the advanced options section; (Fig. 4);

  • select system boot options;

  • select the safe mode option by pressing the function keys F4 to F6 respectively.

Setting up safe mode

In Windows 10, there is an option to simplify the transition to safe mode, giving the ability to enable it before trying to boot a damaged system. This launch option is installed in the system menu, for which you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • run the system command line as administrator (via the Start menu / All Programs / Accessories);
  • enter the command bcdedit / copy (current) / d "Safe Mode" in the line - the last item must be entered using quotes, but the inscription itself can be anything. And yet, we recommend that you designate the mode with a phrase explaining its meaning (Fig. 7);

Fig.7. Console command input to change safe mode.

  • press the enter button and wait for the program to run;
  • close the command console.

Now you need to reconfigure the startup configuration, by launching the corresponding menu - calling the "Run" menu (Win + R) and entering the "msconfig" command.

By default, the system is set to a simplified type of safe mode - without autoload, sound and network functions. Only video card drivers, input devices and hard drives are launched, as well as a minimal set of utilities, without which the system will not work. However, reconfiguring the system will make it possible to load several more mode options:

  • "Other shell" makes it possible to load the mode without a graphical interface. There is only a command line on the screen. The method is suitable for damage to the Windows explorer.exe system service, which ensures the functioning of the system explorer;

  • "Restoring Active Directory". A feature that allows you to boot safe mode not only with a graphical interface, but also with a set of utilities, including the Active Directory service;
  • "Network". This safe mode option loads network card drivers and allows you to surf the Internet.

After selecting the appropriate item, you should first click "Apply", and then "OK".

The next time you boot the system, the selected type of safe mode will appear as one of the boot menu options.

Advice: this configuration is best done before problems with the system occur, since a non-bootable Windows will no longer allow you to change the safe mode configuration.

What to do if safe mode doesn't work?

In cases where the operating system cannot be started even in safe mode, it is restored using a special installation disk or an installation file previously recorded on a USB flash drive or DVD.

When you start the system in security mode from third-party media, a recovery window will appear on the screen.

If you have an installation disk, when the system boots, a recovery window appears on the screen. Here you can choose the installation language, although by default it already matches the settings of the system in which the media was created. In the window, you need to click on the "Next" button and in the next almost empty menu, select "System Restore".

Here you can choose the installation language, although by default it already matches the settings of the system in which the media was created.

Fig.11. Steps to start the command line. Don't be surprised by artifacts and image distortions - Windows 10 looks like this naked.

In the emerging command line write and run command bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true. Now the first item (“Continue”) is selected in the action menu and a list of download types appears on the screen (as in Fig. 6).


Even though entering Windows 10 Safe Mode is somewhat more difficult compared to some previous versions OS, it will not take much time to configure it. But in case of system failures, you can run computer diagnostics much faster - without contacting specialists and reinstalling the system.

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