A tricky way to leave Russia abroad with debts. How to go abroad with debts

Summer is the time for vacations and travel warm countries. Many Russians prefer to spend this time abroad. But it is not always enough to buy a ticket, apply for a visa and pack your things. In some cases, travel abroad may be closed. For example, if there are unpaid debts on time.

Is it possible to go abroad with debts

Debt in our time is not uncommon, since many citizens take out loans to realize their desires right now, and not wait until they accumulate required amount. There is an opinion that any debts to a bank or other organization inevitably impose some restrictions, including travel abroad. This is far from true.

According to Russian laws, if the debtor does not comply with the court order without serious reasons and does not pay the debt, then the bailiff has the right to decide on the temporary restriction of departure from the Russian Federation. The paper is sent to the border guard. The document is valid for 6 months. If after this time the debt is not paid, the measure is extended for the same period.

What amount of debt limits travel abroad

The minimum amount of debt at which a sanction is imposed is legally established. This is 10,000 rubles. But again, we emphasize, only if the debt is confirmed by the court. AT regulations it is separately specified that both the bailiff himself and the exactor upon the relevant application have the right to initiate a ban.

A debt of 10,000 rubles can be not only in one case, but also in the aggregate for several decisions. The subject of execution can also be anything - from a traffic police fine to a loan outstanding on time.

If the debt is less than the limit, you can fly abroad without any problems. For example, once the traffic police issued a fine for speeding in the amount of 500 rubles, and the citizen safely forgot about it. In this case, no one will be able to forbid him to go abroad.

The amount of debt for making a decision on the ban must exceed 10,000 rubles, if it is less, no one has the right to impose restrictions.

Video: Russians cannot go abroad because of debts

The duration of the ban

Only a court can impose a ban on free exit, and only for a certain period - the maximum allowable period is 6 months. To re-enter the restriction, the bailiff will have to go through the whole procedure again, that is, prepare documents, go to court, wait for a decision. In other words, a once-imposed ban is not automatically renewed after 6 months.

Is it possible to travel abroad with a loan and a mortgage

Just like that, the border service or the migration department will not prevent the exit. And they are definitely not interested in the credit history of citizens, the availability of mortgages and other debts.

The right of the FSPP not to release debtors outside the Russian Federation is enshrined in FZ-229 "On Enforcement Proceedings". However, only a court can impose restrictive measures. The bailiffs implement the court decision by sending the decision on the restriction to the border and migration service.

Who sets the travel ban and how

To prohibit a Russian citizen from traveling abroad, the bailiff must have a court decision that has entered into force. With this document in hand, the bailiff opens enforcement proceedings. If the debtor is within reach, he is given 5 days to pay the debt. Then the bailiff, at his own discretion or at the request of the creditor, decides to restrict the exit and sends Required documents to the border and migration services. After the imposition of a sanction, a citizen will not be allowed to go abroad, they can withdraw a passport or refuse to issue it. The seizure takes place at the border, then the passport is sent to the department that issued it.

It must be understood that the presence of debts, even in open enforcement proceedings, does not mean a mandatory ban on leaving. The bank itself or a private person is not entitled to prohibit issuance abroad, if the issue is not understood in judicial order, there is no decision and proceedings on the case have not been opened. In other words, the creditor must first sue the debtor, obtain a decision, transfer the writ of execution to the FSPP (Federal Bailiff Service). And only then can he demand to take restrictive sanctions against the debtor. Most often, bailiffs make such a decision precisely at the request of the creditor.

Types of debt that prevent leaving

We have already found out that the debt must be confirmed by a court decision. A missed loan payment will not become an obstacle to leaving if the bank did not go to court and did not receive a decision.

The restriction threatens citizens with debts under various articles:

  • alimony;
  • taxes;
  • overdue loans;
  • utility bills, housing and communal services;
  • debt to private individuals, confirmed by the court;
  • administrative fines imposed by the State traffic inspectorate, the police, the Federal Tax Service, the customs service, the labor inspectorate, and so on.

The traffic police will send the material to the court if the fine for violating the rules traffic not paid within 60 days. The police will do the same if the offender neglected penalties and did not make a payment in a timely manner.

In other words, any debts in 2018–2019 may lead to restrictions on exit from the Russian Federation.

How to check debts before going abroad

Usually, citizens themselves know about late payments on loans or rent, unpaid alimony and outstanding fines. And they are also most often aware of the consequences that usually arise due to debts: court decisions come by mail, the bailiff sends a summons, and so on. But there are times when debt becomes an unpleasant surprise. For example, a person does not live at the place of registration, letters about paying fines from the traffic police or other authorities simply do not reach him. Or ex-wife may suddenly file for alimony, and this fact will remain unknown to the defendant. There are plenty of options.

In order not to be in an unpleasant situation when leaving the country, it is advisable to ask in advance about the presence of debt. How to do it?

Of course, bailiffs and border guards have information about restrictive measures. It is undesirable to directly address this issue to the bailiff service. The FSSP is interested in collecting the debt from the debtor, the attention of a citizen to this issue can provoke a situation where the bailiff, at his own discretion, initiates an appeal to the court in order to close the exit. The best option is to make an official request to the border service.

Surname check in the register of the Federal Bailiff Service

You can find out about the debt already recognized by the court on the FSSP website. You will need to enter your personal data, and the system will issue a certificate of open enforcement proceedings indicating the amount of the debt, its origin and contact details of the bailiff. The site has the ability to immediately pay the debt in one of several ways. You can also pay off the debt with a personal visit to the FSSP branch. If you pay in the latter way, the money will be entered into the database much faster than with a cashless transfer.

The very fact of open enforcement proceedings does not mean that the exit from the Russian Federation is closed. The nuances of this issue will be clarified by the bailiff.

There are several ways to pay the debt on the FSSP website:

  • through Sberbank-online, for Sberbank clients there is also a corresponding tab in personal account;
  • through the app for mobile phones FSSP;
  • through payment system("Yandex. Money", Qiwi, WebMoney, Robokassa);
  • on a printed receipt at any branch of the bank.

How to find out about unpaid taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service

It is useful to make sure that there are no debts for taxes and fees before the trip. To do this, you need to do several things:

  • go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, create a personal account (you will need a TIN number);
  • select the section "Find out your debt";
  • enter information in all fields and click the "Find" button.

After processing the request, the system will provide information about the existing debt.

Video: when alimony may not be allowed abroad

Where to check the debt according to the lists of traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

To find out information about debts for unpaid fines for administrative violations in the field of traffic, you need to go to the State Services portal. In your personal account, you can check whether there are fines issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Where and how to check the availability of credit debt

Loan debts will also prevent you from leaving for another state. To find out about the debt, you need to contact each banking institution with which the contract was concluded and clarify information about the debts. To do this, you can either visit the bank branch on your own, or go to your personal account or call hotline credit organization.

When visiting in person, you need to have a passport with you. To obtain information by phone, you will have to answer a few clarifying questions that the operator will ask.

How to lift a travel ban

The simplest and The right way remove the ban - pay the existing debt. Moreover, this must be done in advance, and not a few days before departure from Russia.

Debts are important to pay in advance. The bureaucratic machine is designed in such a way that it is impossible to immediately get rid of restrictive measures. Both the imposition and removal of the ban is the prerogative of the bailiff.

The bailiff must make sure that the debt is repaid, make a decision on the withdrawal and send the document to the controlling services, which, in turn, are obliged to exclude the Russian from the “black list” of people not allowed to travel abroad. The process takes several days or even weeks.

Do not expect that it is enough to pay the debt and take a receipt with you. The border service will not let you out of the country in this case either.

If a citizen is sure that the ban was introduced illegally and violates his rights, he can file a complaint against the actions of the bailiff. You can also file a complaint through the website of the prosecutor's office. It's completely free. But here you need to be completely sure that you are right, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

Is it possible to bypass the ban

Until 2017, many debtors resolved the issue of the ban by leaving through Belarus. In February 2017, a border zone was introduced between Russia and Belarus with verification of documents. Border posts are equipped with terminals with access to various databases, including the database of Russian debtors. In other words, at present, debtors will not be able to freely leave through Belarus.

Video: how to legally get abroad while on the travel list

Departure through Kazakhstan

Another option for an emergency exit from the Russian Federation in the presence of debts is a trip through Kazakhstan. To circumvent the ban, debtors must act as follows:

  • purchase two tickets (transit and to Petropavlovsk);
  • cross the border on a transit ticket, for the authorities the debtor will be considered a transit traveler;
  • after passing the border control, present a ticket to Petropavlovsk and move in this direction;
  • get off at Petropavlovsk and head to the country of destination.

Departure through Kaliningrad

This option is only suitable for holders of a Schengen visa. A train ticket to Kaliningrad is purchased. But transport leaves in Vilnius, and from there you can fly to any country in Europe.

These methods are not completely illegal. They just use spaces in Russian laws. The border services of Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and until recently, Belarus are not interested in Russian debts of foreign guests, moreover, they simply do not have information about them. You can return back in any way, no one has the right to prohibit a citizen of the Russian Federation from entering Russia. Another issue is that upon returning home, the passport can be withdrawn.

  1. Periodically visit the FSSP website and check for any enforcement proceedings open against you.
  2. Visit the website of the justices of the peace of your district, go to the "Courtwork" section. So you can find out about a probable debt even before a court decision is made.
  3. Do not contact the bailiff for information about the ban. Perhaps the official did not have time to deal with your issue closely or extend the existing ban, and the creditor himself did not demand this.
  4. If, in your opinion, the restriction was established illegally, feel free to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint. This can be done even on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.
  5. To avoid a travel ban, pay the debt that has arisen in a timely manner. The need to travel abroad may appear unexpectedly, you need to be prepared for such an option in advance.
  6. Do not forget that it will take several weeks to lift the already established ban even after the final repayment of the debt.

An untimely paid fine can become a serious obstacle to traveling abroad in the Russian Federation during the summer vacation season. In order not to overshadow the rest and not get into unpleasant situation When you have to abandon the trip, you need to make sure in advance that there are no debts and a travel ban.

Let me digress a little from the main topic of the community. Although whatever one may say, everything described under the cut is somehow connected with travel. I want to touch on the topic: Prohibition of travel abroad for people who have debt obligations (alimony, fines, fees). I will speak in the first person. I am this person who has such obligations. Thank God, these are not loans, not alimony, but simply my pension fees, which I legally do not want to pay. I won't fill you in on the details of these debts. Let's say they are, and that's it. In total, I owe the state (PFRF) more than 50 thousand rubles. The stack of notices is replenished almost every day, and my name at the bailiffs causes headache. And so I, at my own peril and risk, decided to take a chance and go on vacation abroad. This is where the fun begins.
To begin with, each of you can check all the debt information about yourself. You can do this on the official website of the Federal Bailiffs Service (FSSP):

Enter your details:

Code from the picture:

And admire the absence of debt, or how, I have it:

With this debt, they will not even be allowed into Ukraine, but oh popular resorts you can't dream. There were two days left before the flight. I went to the airport, went to the head of the border service and took him by surprise: is it possible to go abroad with a debt to the FSSP. He firmly answered NO! I tell him: well, how is it, they gave me tickets for my birthday (lied), they will simply disappear, my donors did not even know that I had a debt. Who will pay for the ticket? Do what you want, - he answered, but at the check of documents, we will turn you back, do you know how many of you are there? I knew because I had already heard that these monsters open even for 100 rubles. Excitement boiled up. I started calling my bailiff (one of them) and I told him: Remove my debts, because of you I cannot go abroad. I have a job there, money (I lied as best I could), I’ll come, I’ll pay everything. I'm going to work, - I heard somewhere that after this phrase they remove information from the system (for a while, of course). But the debt was never cleared. Less than a day left before departure. I went to desperate move, I call the bailiff again, and absolutely honestly admit that I am ready to pay the debt right now. But the problem is that even if I pay everything at once, then the information would reach the airport border guards only after 2 weeks, and the flight is today. So paying the full amount, at that moment, would be "down the drain." Then I came up with another brilliant idea, forged receipts. On the Internet I found samples of receipts, seals, stamps, it turned out to be honestly plausible. All on a color printer, as expected. I think if they stop me, at least I will show them this props, suddenly they will give a ride. Suitcases packed, let's go to the airport. Registration, check of border guards (my heart almost fell out at that moment)…..Green corridor). All freedom! Sea! duty free!

In fact, I never understood what influenced the fact that I was released. But the bottom line is this:
Most likely, the bailiff blocked my information. Therefore, if you find yourself in a similar situation, you can negotiate with the bailiff, if carefully. But at the same time, studying informational resources, I came to the conclusion that the restriction of departure is an extreme measure, the bailiffs must hand you a protocol on restriction against signature. No one gave me this protocol. But we live in Russia, and we can do without it. Therefore, if you find yourself in a bank of overdue debts, this does not mean at all that you will no longer be able to travel abroad. This cartoon they have such a frightening. Well, I would also like to add the following on my own as a protest. Why, if I go to SOCHI to rest, no one stops me, and no one cares if I have a debt or not. And if I choose a more budgetary Turkey, then I can’t leave with a debt, can I?

Anecdote on the subject:

1. I work in a travel agency. Tourists just sent a text message: “Thank you! We are so cool in Turkey! ”... Write to them that they are in Egypt ... or not?
2. The bailiff came, but there was no one at home. So he made an arrest right under the door.

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts - any person who has any debt should check their status before traveling outside Russia. Otherwise, a surprise may be waiting for you right at passport control. Every year, thousands of Russians get turned away from the gate because they do not know the law and did not take care of a carefree vacation in advance. From the article you will learn how to check whether they will be released abroad with debts, whether there is a difference between housing and communal services and alimony debt, and also how much debt limits travel abroad.

If you plan to travel abroad with debts, you can check their presence or absence in several ways. I’ll tell you about everyone below, but first, let’s figure out which law contains restrictions on traveling abroad on debts.

Traveling abroad with debts, or rather not leaving the country, is regulated by several laws, including the federal laws “On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation” and “On Enforcement Proceedings”. They are written in a dry kondo language and sometimes it is more difficult to understand them than the language of aliens who arrived from the constellation Alpha Centauri. Therefore, I will explain everything on the fingers.

Temporary restriction of the right to travel outside Russia is considered an effective measure, and the Federal Bailiff Service (FSPP) successfully applies it, but many do not know exactly how such a process is launched.

The very fact of the occurrence of debt, whether it be a loan, traffic police fines or alimony, does not automatically make a person restricted to travel abroad. To do this, the amount of the debt must exceed a certain threshold, but even after that, a particular citizen can be included in the list of debtors who are prohibited from traveling abroad only after a few months or even years.

Most Russians do not know how much debt limits travel abroad. In 2017, its size has changed, the confusion has become even greater. Although in reality everything is simple.

  1. If a we are talking on the recovery of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health or compensation for harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, then a person can be restricted from leaving Russia if the total debt recognized by the court exceeds 10 thousand rubles.
  2. For all other claims (debts for public utilities, bank loans, loans from microfinance organizations, traffic police fines, etc.) the amount of debt at which the exit from the country can be closed is from 30 thousand rubles.

Bailiff statistics show that most often, decisions to ban travel are issued against Russians who are in debt.

  • Bank for a loan.
  • loan MFI.
  • To the state on traffic police fines.
  • Management companies for utilities.
  • Former / mu spouse / gu with a child for alimony.
  • State for taxes.

Any of the above categories of debtors does not automatically become restricted to travel abroad, even if the amount of his debt exceeds 30 thousand rubles. A temporary restriction on traveling abroad does not always arise even after a court decision has been issued. Here, too, there are nuances. For example, the arisen debts on fines of the traffic police of the courts do not concern in any way, they are immediately transferred to the FSSP. But in most cases, the process goes like this.

  1. The debt case goes to court.
  2. The court makes a decision on enforcement.
  3. This decision is sent to the bailiffs, who must collect the debt, using various measures to influence the debtors, including making a decision to restrict travel abroad.

How quickly is the travel ban enforced?

Restrictions on traveling abroad on debts are not automatically introduced, therefore, in each individual case, the period for introducing such a restriction may be different. Further, using specific examples, we will analyze situations with debts on loans, fines, alimony, utility bills etc.

Traveling abroad with utility debts

Debt for utilities and going abroad have nothing to do with each other. Some Russians do not pay their utility bills for months and travel the world calmly. So going abroad with debts on a communal apartment is quite possible, unless the house management company or the homeowners association of your home has decided to seek debt collection through the courts.

Practice shows that public utilities go to court only if they have large debts. The very fact of the trial is also not a reason for imposing a temporary restriction on travel abroad. Only after a court decision on enforcement has been issued, the bailiff service will be able to open enforcement proceedings, within which it is possible to use restrictive measures.

Where to check the housing and communal services debt and will they release it abroad with it in the presence of enforcement proceedings? If it is less than 30,000 rubles, then no one has the right to restrict you from leaving. But it is quite difficult to check the existence of debt on utility bills. More precisely, you yourself know him very well if you receive receipts and do not pay on them. If the house management company goes to court, you should receive a notification. If the court made some kind of decision, the service nevylet.rf will help to find out about it. There you can get all the relevant data at the time of the request. Not only on court decisions, but also on traffic police fines, credit debts and so on.

Traveling abroad with debt on alimony

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts on alimony? Definitely possible if the debt on them is less than 10,000 rubles. In other cases, there is a high risk of becoming temporarily restricted to travel abroad. Litigation on the payment of alimony are usually considered quite quickly, and bailiffs make a decision to restrict travel even faster. Therefore, if you ask if alimony people who do not pay are released abroad, I will answer that with reluctance and alimony debt is one of the most problematic.

Will they be released abroad with a loan debt

Surprisingly, there are Russians who are interested in more knowledgeable people on the Internet, whether they will let you go abroad if there is a loan. The answer is one: 1000 times "Yes." Even if you have 10 loans, but you pay them regularly, you can safely go to any country - border guards will not grab your hand, wag your finger and turn back for having a loan.

Another thing is when debtors going on vacation are interested in whether they let them go abroad with unpaid loans. It is important to understand what the phrase “unpaid loan” means to the people asking the question. If it’s just the very fact of having a loan, then see the paragraph above. If you have a debt on a loan, then whether they will release it abroad or not, it depends on the stage at which your relationship with the bank is. But I emphasize once again that without a court decision and open enforcement proceedings, neither collectors nor representatives of the bank's security service have the right to restrict your exit from Russia.

The presence of debt on the loan and the recognition of this debt by the court significantly reduces your chances of going abroad. Again, if the loan debt is less than 30,000 rubles, even the bailiffs on duty at the airport will not be able to stop you.

Therefore, to the question “Will they be released abroad if there is a loan?”, The answer is unambiguous “They will be released”, and to the question “Is there a loan debt, will they be released abroad?”, everything is not so clear.

It doesn't matter what type of loan you owe. It could be consumer credit, and mortgage debt or debt on credit card. Without FSSP enforcement proceedings or with a loan debt of less than 30,000 rubles, all Russian airports are open to you.

Abroad with debts on fines

Are they released abroad with traffic police fines? Catch a fine from traffic cops in our time as easy as shelling pears. There are so many video recording cameras and violations that you just have time to get “letters of happiness”. Of course, someone will say, follow the traffic rules and sleep peacefully. But situations are different and sometimes committing a minor offense is simply unavoidable. On the other hand, if there is a threshold of 30,000 rubles, one must be very persistent offender SDA to get on the list of non-travelers.

Perhaps you consider yourself one of these, and you are planning to go abroad with debts? You can check all unpaid traffic police fines different ways, including through the portal of public services, but the Nevylet.rf service will help to identify all your debts at once. Since on federal sites the relevance of the data is 2 weeks, and on the Nevylet.rf service the data is up-to-date on the day of the request.

You must remember that 60 days are given to pay administrative fines, including traffic police fines. Two months after the issuance of the fine, the debt, bypassing the court, is transferred to the FSSP. For the debtor, this is bad, but there is also a positive point. Bailiffs cannot restrict a citizen who has unpaid administrative fines from leaving the country. The need to establish such a ban is established by the court, where the FSSP employees must apply.

How and where to find out about the ban on traveling abroad

Will they be released abroad? How to check? Where to see? This question is asked by everyone who feels the potential opportunity to be on the travel list, even if temporarily. There are several options for checking the presence of debts, which may be the reason for the introduction of travel restrictions. I'll tell you about them all, their pros and cons.

Website of the Federal Bailiff Service

The FSSP website is located at fssprus.ru and immediately on home page offers to find out about your debts. It is enough to enter the last name and first name or IP number and indicate territorial authority(your region). Then the system will ask you to enter a letter code and display the search results.

Your personal data may coincide with the personal data of another debtor, therefore, to clarify, use the advanced search, indicating the middle name and date of birth.

The system shows enforcement proceedings that have been opened against a citizen over the past few years. including already closed ones. There is an opportunity to pay the debt, but note that a commission is taken.

The FSSP website explains: “The entry in the Data Bank will be deleted or changed (in case of partial repayment of the debt) within 3 to 7 days from the date of payment, since the funds must be received on the deposit account of the bailiff department, distributed, transferred to the recoverer.”

Government Services Website

If you are registered on the public services website, you can check the availability of debt here. The site shows debts not only for the bank of enforcement proceedings, but also for other bases: traffic police fines, tax debt, litigation debt.

You need to search in the relevant sections of the public services catalog (in the screenshot below, I marked where to click). Traffic fines are searched in the "Transport and driving" section, tax debts in the "Taxes and finances" section, legal debts in the Safety and Law Enforcement section.

I will not do instructions on finding debts on the public services website, since everything is quite simple and understandable there. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

The main advantage of the above two sites is that the verification is absolutely free. The main disadvantage is that the information may be outdated, and the delay in updating data can be up to two weeks. That is, it is quite possible that the base on the FSPP website will show the absence of enforcement proceedings, and at the border they will tell you the opposite. And prove to the border guards that "I'm not me and the coat is not mine."

Service Nevylet.rf

The Nevylet.rf service was created for the same purpose. You will be able to assess the possibility of going abroad with debts and check the presence of debts by:

  • Loans.
  • Taxes (transport, land, property, etc.).
  • Bailiffs.
  • Alimony.
  • traffic police.
  • Administrative fines.

Now is the holiday season and many Russians are going on holiday abroad. But, alas, not everyone will be able to reach their destination. After all, several million inhabitants of our country for different reasons banned from leaving the country. And the situation from the clip of the Leningrad group “Ecstasy”, when a person is not allowed on a plane because of a debt of 20 thousand rubles, is not uncommon.

Below you will learn how to find out about your debts before buying a ticket, in what cases you can travel abroad with debts and whether the scheme works with the Republic of Belarus.

Who is not allowed to leave Russia?

According to article 15 of federal law N 114-FZ "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering Russian Federation» it is impossible to leave the Russian Federation:

1. People who had access to state secrets (only 1 and 2 forms of admission, with the 3rd it is possible). Usually the term of the ban (registered in employment contract) - five years after the last acquaintance with classified information. AT special occasions the period may be extended.
2. Persons passing military service conscription or alternative civilian service;
3. Suspected and accused of crimes;
4. Convicted for committing a crime before serving (punishment) or release from it;
5. Persons who have not fulfilled any obligations before the court;
6. Those who knowingly provided false information about themselves when applying for travel documents. The ban is valid until the issuance of new documents;
7. FSB officers;
8. Bankrupt.

Now more about the fifth point. First, he may concern people on whom the court has imposed non-property obligations. Examples: publicly apologize to the person you offended, move out of the apartment ex-husband, remove other people's photos from your site, paint over obscene inscription on the fence.

Secondly, people who owe someone more than 10 thousand rubles. It is possible that in December 2017 the threshold of the minimum "travel debt" will be raised to 30 thousand rubles.

But the presence of debts or other obligations does not guarantee that a person will be deployed at the border. For this you need exactly travel ban.

According to the FSSP, in June 2017, 1.6 million Russians fell under the travel ban, and this number is growing, because six months ago there were only a million of them. There are many more debtors. At the end of 2016, there were 79 million “enforcement proceedings in execution” in the FSSP database (there may be several of them per person).

How to check your debts?

Go to the official website of the FSSP, indicate in the form your full name, date of birth and region of residence. Some debts can be paid directly on the site.

But it's better to pay your debts before they reach the bailiffs. After all, if you do not meet the deadline for the voluntary execution of a court order (no more than five days from the date of receipt writ of execution), you will have to pay an enforcement fee of 7% of the debt (at least 1,000 rubles) + a penalty for each day of delay of 1/300 of the debt.

Debts to the tax pension fund, utility service providers, as well as alimony debts and fines can be found in your personal account on the gosuslugi.ru portal before they get into the bailiffs' database. You can pay them online.

Discover full information about your loans for free once a year. To do this, you need to apply to the Bureau Credit History. Here are the contacts for different regions.

How to check if a travel ban has been imposed?

When a travel ban is imposed, the debtor receives a notification about this, but sometimes it can be lost by coincidence. There is no open base in which one could find out whether a person is prohibited from traveling abroad yet.

There is an option to take a passport and come with this question to the bailiff who is responsible for your enforcement proceedings. If you are ready to voluntarily pay the debt right away or want to agree with the bailiff on an installment plan of several months, then this option is right for you.

But if you don’t want to pay yet or can’t, then it’s better not to remind yourself once again. After all, it may be that they have not yet managed to impose a travel ban, since bailiffs are hellishly overworked. But after your appeal to the FSSP, out of harm, they can quickly write a letter to the Border Guard Service in order to encourage you to pay off the debt. Some people have already been in such situations.

If you are sociable, and the bailiff comes across understanding, then you can persuade him not to impose a ban on your vacation. But if the ban has already been imposed, then you will have to pay the debt in full at once.

What to do if there are debts, but there is no travel ban yet?

You can take a risk and go. There is a chance that everything will be fine. Especially if you agree in advance with the bailiff on the timing of the payment of the debt. But it is worth remembering that a travel ban can be imposed at any time and you can lose money spent on travel.

Can I pay the debt at the airport?

You can pay anywhere, but it will be possible to leave only after the removal of the ban on leaving the base of the Border Guard Service. Usually this process takes one to two weeks, but there have been cases when, due to technical problems, it has been extended for a month or more.

After paying the debt, you must inform your bailiff about this to lift the travel ban. This will speed up the process.

Perhaps in next year bailiffs' offices will appear at border control points, where it will be possible to lift the travel ban immediately after paying the debt.

Do schemes with departure from the countries of the customs union work?

For many years, debtors flew abroad through the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. The most popular scheme is by plane to Minsk and from there to another country.

Residents of the Asian part of Russia bought tickets for a transit train (passports of transit passengers are not checked for debts) through Kazakhstan, but they got out not in the Russian city to which they bought the ticket, but in Kazakh.

Now there are difficulties with this, as the border guards are actively working to unite the bases of the debtors of the states of the customs union.

In June 2017, messages began to appear on the forums that Russians with debts were being turned away at the border control at the Minsk airport. And on May 19, 2017, on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan, the driver was removed from the train for a loan debt.

Some holders of a Schengen visa used the scheme: buy a train ticket to Kaliningrad -> at the Russian customs show the UP Railway (a document that allows a passenger to transit through the territory of another country without a visa) -> at the Lithuanian customs show a Schengen visa and exit in Vilnius, instead Kaliningrad. News about the unsuccessful passage of this scheme has not yet been found.

But the site is not responsible for its use. Before using it, find the person who used it in last month or two.

What to do if there is a travel ban, but you want to go on vacation?

Travel around Russia. Within the country, the debtor can move freely. If you are flying to a Russian city, then you only go through a pre-flight inspection without border control and your passport is not checked against the FSSP database. A similar alignment when boarding a train or intercity bus.

Going to rest and treatment outside the Russian Federation, many citizens check their debts on the websites of bailiffs and tax authorities. Thus, they want to protect themselves from problems at the border points. Not many people know that going abroad with debt is possible. We will tell you what debts you can leave the country with. You do not have to unpack your suitcase, even if the debt exceeds 30 thousand rubles. In this case, you do not have to look for "cunning" ways - everything is according to the letter of the law. So, what to do if the debt threshold is exceeded, and you are on the “black list of travel restrictions”?

With what debt will bailiffs be released from Russia?

Not only malicious debtors can be restricted to travel abroad at risk. The legislator determined the monetary debt threshold: 30 thousand rubles in total. The new standard was introduced in 2017. Previously, it was three times smaller. But this is just a premise.

Only a bailiff can impose a temporary restriction on departure by a court decision. This process is lengthy: from the moment of the court decision to the initiation of enforcement proceedings, at least two months will pass. The debtor is given 10 days to appeal the decision.

If it remains in effect, you have 60 more days to voluntarily pay off the debt. During this time period, you can freely leave the country of residence.

Need to know that the bailiff has the right, and not the obligation, to impose a temporary restriction on the debtor's freedom of movement.

It is not a fact that he will make such a procedural decision specifically in relation to you, and you will be included in the lists of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia. But you can find out about this only at the checkpoint. There is a risk of postponing a paid trip. In this case, it will not be possible to return the money for the ticket and the “burned out” tour. The entire measure of responsibility lies with the debtor.

So, debtors will be released abroad, despite the debt, in the following cases:

  • If the amount of debt does not exceed 30,000 rubles.
  • If the debt is not confirmed by a court decision.
  • If the judgment has not yet entered into force.
  • If the bailiffs did not initiate compulsory enforcement proceedings.
  • If measures have been taken to installment plan or partial repayment debt - on this point there should be a private ruling of the court.

Why won't they be released abroad?

Restriction of the rights to free movement of the debtor outside the Russian Federation begins from the moment procedural decisions are made. If you have not received a court ruling, which happens often due to the work of the post office, you can find out about initiating enforcement proceedings on the website Federal Service bailiffs:

Access to the database is free and easy. Information is provided after entering personal data into the request fields: name, year of birth, region of residence.

The portal informs about the debt for which enforcement proceedings have been initiated:

  • tax debts;
  • rent payments;
  • fines for traffic violations;
  • alimony;
  • private loans;
  • loan repayments (including guarantees for loans from third parties);
  • debt to bailiffs.

An obstacle to traveling abroad is the total amount of debt in excess of thirty thousand rubles. It may also include various penalties. administrative offenses, old debts, the total executive responsibility for which has stepped over the fourth ten thousand rubles.

Only a court decision and initiation of enforcement proceedings by bailiffs can become an obstacle for the debtor to leave the Russian Federation.

The absence of debts on the FSSP website is not a 100% guarantee of the absence of travel bans. The data enters the database with a delay of two weeks. You can find up-to-date information on all debts and outstanding loans that may not be in the FSSP database, and the probability of a successful departure, you can find out from the report by filling out the form below:

How to move out if there is a debt on a loan, taxes or rent?

There are several ways to be abroad of the Russian Federation for debtors. Some of them are completely legal, the second are clever tricks for unscrupulous debtors.

Consider legal ways to resolve the border conflict:

  1. The easiest way to travel abroad, having debts and judicial penalties - to fulfill the requirements of the bailiffs. Expect the process to take more than two weeks.
    You pay off debts, the bailiff makes sure that the money, in full, was received on desired account. Prepares a decision to lift the travel restrictions. Result: in the updated base of the border service - you are excluded from the stop list.
  2. The debtor from the "black list" can go abroad if its purpose is a trip for treatment on an urgent quota.
  3. A long way if the debt is huge, and Money lacks. In agreement with the bailiffs, you are preparing a petition to the court for debt restructuring, its partial repayment in exchange for freedom of movement around the world.
    The process will take an indefinite amount of time - it all depends on the speed of the "judicial machine" and the swagger of the bailiffs.
  4. The method is legal, but ingenious. The time limit is valid for six months. After the expiration of the statute of limitations, the judge must again make a decision, and the bailiff must initiate enforcement proceedings. Thus, a “window” appears to travel outside the country.
    Sometimes it is necessary to prove that the ban is not legal if the border guard has not excluded such a debtor from its stop list.

The restriction of the rights of debtors who have fallen under the system of judicial decisions is not canceled instantly. “Clearing” the debt history requires several stages, lasting at least 14 days.

How to quickly remove the ban after payment?

Even if you pay off your heavy debts very quickly, even at the airport, you will have to go through certain bureaucratic delays before the cancellation of your travel ban.

To speed up the process of lifting the temporary restriction on travel outside your native country, personally visit the bailiff who is in charge of your enforcement case.

Action algorithm:

  1. Give the bailiff a copy of the payment of the entire amount of the debt.
  2. You receive a resolution (copy) on the abolition of restrictions. The document must be certified by the appropriate signatures and official seal.
  3. Specify the terms for sending the resolution to the Border Guard Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.
  4. start waiting final stage, counting for reliability a couple of weeks.

As practice shows, earlier than in 10 days the processing of information in the special services will not occur, which means that the ban will not be lifted. These are Russian realities.

Is it possible to fly through the countries of the Customs Union?

For the citizens of Russia, nothing is impossible with very strong desire to leave, they find detours of the border ban. Debtors leave the Fatherland through friendly neighboring states, where there is no border control at the entrance, and there is no access to the lists of Russian special services for exit.

To date, two transits have received relative reliability:

  • through Belarus (to the west);
  • Kazakhstan (in the east).

There is nothing illegal in these actions: the border guards of the transit countries check the departing Russians only for involvement in international wanted list. As a rule, the debts of a tourist in Russia are not of interest to the party controlling the departure of the countries Customs Union.

The debt threshold for the ban is 30 thousand rubles.

Voyage through Belarus

To the neighboring European state you will get in three ways:

  • by car (bus) on the international highway M1;
  • on railway all the way to Brest, where international airport go through border control;
  • by air to the capital, take the necessary flight from Minsk to your destination.

If the Belarusian border guards do not have the bases of their Russian counterparts, you are in luck - you can freely go on board the plane following the border.

This option is considered a win-win, not 100 percent. In 2017, the work of the special services of Russia and Belarus began to unite the stop lists for the debtors of both states.

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