How to charge the phone battery if there is no charger at hand? How to charge your phone if it won't charge

  • Life often makes its own adjustments to people's plans, forcing them to look for ways out of sudden difficult situations. It is very uncomfortable for a modern city dweller to be left with a non-working smartphone, especially if an important call/letter needs to be made or received soon. And at the most inopportune moment, the gadget turns off, and there is no charge with it or it is faulty. So you have to rack your brains - how to charge the phone battery without a charger? There are actually a lot of ways - from other devices or batteries, and even using the principle of operation of a mobile battery. The question is whether it is possible to charge the battery safely for a smartphone and not shorten its life. In fact, it is quite real - just be careful and attentive.

    Use other batteries

    With this method, you can.

    To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Open the lid and remove the battery from the mobile phone . Models with such an opportunity are not provided, which means that the described method will not work. In most smartphones on Android and Windows, such a possibility is provided for by the design, but you should not try to remove the back cover from "apple" devices, the manufacturer does not provide for this.
    2. Find some AAA, AA or nine-volt batteries . Their internal energy is completely identical to that which is in the battery of the phone, in contrast to the current from the outlet, which is characterized as alternating. Why you should not try to directly use penlight batteries instead of your own battery phone? Because its subtle design and tuning are very sensitive to the characteristics of the incoming energy, and deviations in them, characteristic of the connected elements, can irreparably damage the device.
    3. Find out which of the contacts on the batteries found and on the element being charged are positive and which are negative . If you look closely, you can see icons that clearly show the charge sign. At a telephone battery, it is sometimes difficult to disassemble them, as a rule, the contact with the “plus” sign is located closer to the edge, and with the “minus” - further from it. It is worth paying attention only to the extreme ledges, the central ones serve for other tasks.
    4. Assemble the batteries so that their total voltage is equal to that required for charging . On average, for modern phones, DC charging should be carried out at a voltage of at least 3.7 V. There are 9 V batteries, and you can use them. The usual AA or AAA has a voltage of only 1.5 V, so at least three pieces are required so that their total voltage is greater than the required value.
    5. Get two pieces of wire, preferably insulated along the entire length, except for the ends - there just should be bare metal.
    6. Connect the battery and the rechargeable battery with a wire, fix the connection tape or whatever. Then put the structure and wait until the battery is charged. If several batteries are used, they can be connected in parallel with each other. To do this, a metal piece of wire is attached to all the negative contacts of all small batteries on one side, and the second wire to the positive ones on the other.
    7. Of course, you should not expect a large charge . The battery will not fully charge, but the fraction that will be should be enough to make an urgent call or other important action.


    You need to remove the battery from the phone and Start rubbing the element hard and fast with your palms, creating a lot of heat and friction. This should continue for at least thirty seconds, and preferably a few minutes. After - input the battery back into the smartphone. The resulting energy is enough for a very short time of operation, so you need to use it as efficiently as possible.

    Some believe that this trick is based on the creation of static electricity, which slightly charges the battery. This assumption is wrong. In fact, the reception works thanks to the device itself and. The chemical reactions that store energy in an element take place better at higher temperatures, so that active friction can be said to be a catalyst for increasing electrical conductivity.

    Use of other technology

    To carry out charging in this way you need:

    • to have access to a computer, laptop, tablet and another device powerful enough to charge your phone;
    • whether this device and your phone have USB connectors ;
    • corresponding adapter , fortunately, there are no problems with adapters, because most phones have standard micro USB.

    The procedure is very simple - connect a phone with charging equipment with a wire and wait until some amount of energy has accumulated. It is not even necessary to put the smartphone into USB connection mode with a computer, the charge will go in any case. You can also carry with you or ask someone - a special device for powering a mobile phone without charging.

    There is such technical means to directly charge the phone battery, which is called "". It has special contacts to which a discharged battery is attached, taking into account the polarity. If everything is done correctly, then a signal will light up on the “frog”. It will take up to three hours to replenish the entire battery charge, but the plus is that the charging device will automatically turn off and cut off the power supply. The completion of the charging process will be indicated by a lit light.

    Urgent phone charging with a knife

    This method is a kind of variation of the friction trick, it can be used even far from the city. However, it is fraught with trouble with the device, so you should use it only as a last resort.


    1. Remove battery from smartphone .
    2. Find or make some source great warmth , like a brazier or at least the flame of a lighter.
    3. Heat up the knife blade on this flame.
    4. Put the battery on the hot blade with the contacts facing it. .
    5. Wait until the element heats up slightly (not much!) , and a little charge will appear in it.
    6. Put the battery back .

    Precautionary measures

    • Before removing the battery from the mobile phone, it must be turned off - otherwise, some settings may fly off.
    • Never attempt to charge conventional batteries that are not marked "rechargeable" in any of the above ways. and which are not intended to be reused.
    • Make sure that the incoming charge does not exceed that which the battery can hold. , it's explosive.

    There are a lot of possibilities on how to charge a phone battery without a charger, and if you have knowledge about them and about the possible dangers associated with some methods, then the probability of being somewhere without the ability to get in touch is minimal.

    Over the past twenty years, smartphones have become an integral part of life. If a earlier people completely managed without a phone, today, having forgotten it at home, you feel like without hands. The main problem many devices remain short term battery service. Sometimes this is a consequence of poor quality, but more often the reason is improper operation. The battery will last longer if you know the rules of charging. Let's figure out how to properly charge your phone.

    How to properly charge the battery?

    The recharging process is simple - you insert the charger cord into the phone jack and wait from one to three hours. But the catch is that just during charging, people, without suspecting it, spoil the battery of the smartphone. What should be considered in order not to buy a new battery every three months?

    Be regular

    Do not wait until the phone sits down. Frequent discharge to zero reduces the overall capacity of a lithium-ion battery. It is better to regularly charge your smartphone when 10-20% of the charge remains.

    There is a direct relationship between battery life and the percentage of energy that was left in it at the time of recharging. Pay attention to the table below. It shows that the ideal solution is to recharge the phone as soon as the charge drops below 90%, but in practice no one does this.

    Disconnect the charger promptly

    This applies to cheap Chinese chargers and some original ones. It is difficult to understand which of them stops supplying energy after reaching 100%, so it is better to play it safe.

    To continue to charge an already charged battery is to gradually kill it. To avoid this, immediately unplug the cord or use special sockets that stop supplying power after a set time.

    Fully discharge and charge the battery once a month

    This is necessary to calibrate the charge level indicators. The fact is that if you often charge the battery for your phone, the sensor will eventually display incorrect information on the screen. Therefore, a smartphone that just showed 70% charge may suddenly sit down.

    Don't overheat your battery

    Don't put your phone under direct Sun rays. Heat reduces battery capacity. At average temperature storage +25 degrees and right conditions battery will lose 4% capacity in a year.

    If a smartphone is frequently exposed to overheating above 60 degrees, its battery capacity will decrease by 25% in 12 months.

    How to charge a phone without a charger?

    You often encounter a problem: an important call is about to take place, you are in the city center, and your smartphone has 5% charge left. What to do in such a situation if there is no charger for the phone at hand?

    Ask for help

    Go to a large supermarket and go shopping. In some of them, special lockers with chargers are installed for customers. Put the phone on charge and walk between the rows for 10-15 minutes. The received energy should be enough for 20 minutes of conversation.

    Another way to revive the battery is to contact your carrier's office. They shouldn't refuse. And if they take a fee, then a small one.

    Use dedicated terminals

    Battery charging terminals are appearing in some supermarkets, waiting rooms and train stations. Unfortunately, there are not as many of them as we would like. But it's worth looking. For an hour of charging, you will have to pay a certain amount.

    The laptop will help

    The phone can be charged via a laptop by connecting it via the USB port. For this, a data cable will fit. Such a charge will take more time, but, as they say, there is a fish for lack of fish and cancer.

    What to do in a critical situation?

    When there is neither a charger nor special terminals, extreme measures must be taken. Not sure if it will work, but worth a try. Remove the battery and place it on a metal surface in direct sunlight, such as a canned food can.

    Heating will speed up the movement of molecules, due to which the charge will increase slightly. Half an hour of sunbathing for a battery is equivalent to about five minutes of much-needed communication. However, it should be understood that this trick is harmful to the battery, and, of course, the procedure cannot be repeated several times.

    Battery Saving Tips

    If you see that 30% of the energy is left on the phone, and you will not get home soon, disable unnecessary functions and programs on your smartphone. The Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS communication module consumes the most charge. Put your device in Airplane (or Airplane) mode and lower the screen brightness.

    Staying connected is essential modern world. A dead phone battery can seriously spoil your mood at the wrong time. To prevent this from happening less often, follow the rules for battery maintenance and properly charge your new phone. How long does your smartphone battery last?

    Most of us cannot imagine life without a mobile phone, including first graders and old ladies on the bench. Forgetting at home little friend and helper”, entails great inconvenience. But also greater grief when the phone “falls asleep” at the most inopportune moment, for example, on the road, in nature, at a party or during important conversation and the charger is not available. But progress does not stand still, and the invention and ingenuity of craftsmen, as always, is ahead of it. Consider the most available tips"experts" on how to charge the phone without charging.

    Charging without charging: at home

    If your charger suddenly stops working or you come to visit and the phone is dead, charging it is quite simple, the main thing is the presence of some devices. Main methods:

    • computer - via the USB port of a laptop or computer;
    • battery - buy special mobile device, which works with ordinary finger batteries;
    • battery - find a working charger and cut off its input, remove the insulation, connect the bare wires to the battery, observing the polarity and fix it;
    • old-fashioned - we take a plug with two wires, pass the rectifier through one wire and put it on the minus, and the other on the plus. Enough dangerous method charge the phone without a charger, do not try to close the wires and do not charge for more than an hour - it will burn out.

    Charging without charging: in nature

    Very often, going to the forest, to the beach or on a hike, we worry about whether we have everything we need with us. And as a result, we forget a very important thing - to charge a mobile phone. There are several ways to extend battery life:

    • Elementary - remove the battery, seal the contacts on it with tape and put it in place, you will have another 3-7 minutes.
    • Chemical - stick henchmen into the ground metal plates, such as saws for boards, wrap them with copper wire. Using wires from charging, connect the battery to the wire, then pour electrolyte. Suitable for this purpose salty water. The more plates you find, the more charging current you will get.
    • Hot - warm up the blade of the knife, and heat the battery on it. If you insert a hot battery into the phone, it will work for 2-4 minutes, the main thing is not to burn it.
    • Impact - hit the battery with force against a stone. Once they did this with salt batteries - the turn of mobile phones has come. The charge is enough for one short call, but after a few strokes, the battery can be thrown away.
    • Sour - you will need lemons, the more the better. Stick a nail into each lemon, and connect them together with a copper cord. Attach the ends of the cord to the battery. A kilogram of lemons will charge the battery by 3-4%.
    • Donor - strip the contacts from charging and attach them to other equipment powered by batteries, for example, to a radio receiver - there is enough charge for 2-3 calls.
    • Acupuncture is one of the solutions on how to charge your phone battery without a phone. Make a small hole in the battery case with a nail and drop it into the water. As a result of a chemical reaction, energy will be released, which will be enough for one call.

    How did you understand operating methods There are a lot of ideas on how to charge a phone without charging. But most of them can only be used in critical situations when one call is more expensive than the battery. After all, after heating, perforating and beating, you will have to buy a new battery anyway. Therefore, do not forget to charge your phone, and if you travel a lot, get a mobile device that runs on batteries.

    An article about several methods that can charge your phone without charging.


    The charger for the phone is included in the standard set for the mobile gadget. There are situations when it is not at hand or it is broken, and the phone is mercilessly discharged. And how did people manage without phones before? In our age, a lot depends on this device, and therefore, you need to know several ways to charge your phone without charging.

    Method number 1. USB

    If you have a USB cable at home (at work) and a laptop, computer, tablet, mini PC or even a TV with a USB connector, then you happy man. Plug the USB cable into the Main Unit (DU) and charge your phone.

    The main condition is that the phone must have a working socket for connecting the cable to the OS, and the computer or any other device must be charged or plugged in so that the phone has the ability to charge. The power supply speed in such conditions is no less than when connecting a conventional wired charger.

    As a rule, for smartphones, the standard package includes a cable with micro or mini USB, it all depends on the type of connector in the gadget. You can also find a USB cable in your camera (if you have one at home), tablet, e-book and some other devices. Therefore, you should not have any difficulties with this method of wireless charging.

    USB cable can be used for several phones at once

    Method number 2. Dock station

    The docking station is a universal charger and it is suitable for both tablets and phones, but there are also models that are designed for a specific series of phones.

    Stations that cost an order of magnitude more expensive than their charging "brothers" have additional options. While charging your phone, you can listen to music or radio, turn on the backlight.

    Docking stations can be supplemented with the function of a flashlight, radio, clock

    Method number 3. Wireless charger

    You can find a wireless charger at any phone accessories store. It does not look exactly like charging, but like a round or square plane. It is necessary to put the phone on it and with the help of the variable created magnetic field the phone will receive the necessary energy.

    You need to get used to such a device. It has a very short range, which means that you need to lay out your mobile in such a way that a charge enters it.

    Such charging is especially popular among phones that have a broken charger connector. The induction charger in this case is a real salvation.

    Place your phone on the surface of the device as accurately as possible

    Method number 4. External battery

    An external battery can be used as a charger. It has a corresponding USB connector, a cable that connects the power supply to the phone. In just a few minutes, you will get a certain percentage of the charge.

    The main principle of this battery is that it should be charged before that. Power supply speed external source no worse than a standard charger.

    One of the popular ways to charge your phone through an external battery

    Method number 5. Solar panels

    Solar panels are a great way to charge. This is especially true when hiking, in nature, away from civilization. But it is only necessary that there be cloudless weather, which will support the source of energy.

    A small unit is equipped with photocells, several cells are powered by solar energy and transmit it to the phone via a USB cable. Typically, such a battery can be designed for one or more phones. This source retains energy for a long time, but it will charge your gadget somewhat slower than regular charging. This is due to the fact that the photocells built into the battery are small and they cannot produce a large number of energy.

    Choose a solar battery by energy intensity

    Method number 6. Charging the battery from the power supply

    If you do not have a phone charger at hand, you can remove the battery and insert it into a special power supply. As a rule, such chargers come as universal devices. Their phone battery connector can vary, namely, there is a "slider" designed for this purpose, which can be moved, thereby adjusting it to the size of your battery.

    There are also devices on sale that are designed for only one type of battery, but at present this is already a rarity.

    Sometimes such a device is called a "frog"

    Method number 7. bare wires

    Everyone at school studied physics and knows that if you connect the blue wire to the plus (+) and the red wire to the minus (-), you can get a charge. To apply this laboratory method to mobile phone, you will need:

    • old charger
    • electrical network
    • mobile phone battery

    Prepare all items. On the old charger, you need to strip the end of the wire so that you get a bare blue and red wire. Spread them out a little. Now remove the battery from the phone. Find the plus and minus there. Connect the blue wire to the plus and the red wire to the minus. Fix the "charging" with adhesive tape or electrical tape, put it on a free surface and plug it into the network. A properly connected device will immediately begin to gain charge.

    You can take not only an old phone charger, but just an old wire that will have a plug

    Method number 8. Folk

    • There are several ways. One of the most popular is the use of a heating element for a battery. Usually a knife is used. A battery is placed on a hot instrument. Hold for a few seconds, then insert back into the phone.
      This charge should be enough for a couple of minutes of talking on a mobile phone.
    • If you hit the battery with a swing on a stone, asphalt or other solid surface, you can also get a couple of minutes to talk.

    FROM folk ways be careful to avoid damage to the battery and keep your safety

    Video: How to charge a phone without charging?

    You forgot it, lost it, or simply didn't take it with you. You can do without it - use other means to replenish the battery. But some of them are not safe. Therefore, before you charge your phone battery without a charger, carefully read the instructions.

    There are several ways to charge your smartphone without a charger.

    This does not mean that other means are not available. To replenish the battery, any charger for a smartphone is suitable. The main thing is that the plug matches the connector. But third-party wires can damage the phone's battery or shorten its life. Therefore, they cannot be used continuously. This is not a complete replacement for the charger, but a temporary solution. As soon as possible, find or buy a special cable that is suitable for the device model.

    You can do without chargingif you have a MicroUSB-USB adapter and a computer. Just connect your smartphone to PC. Or purchase an electrical plug with a USB socket. With its help, you will replenish the battery from the outlet, as with a conventional charger.

    There are also adapters that can be connected to the car's cigarette lighter. This method is suitable for you if you spend a lot of time driving and you have nowhere to charge the battery. The smartphone will be powered while the car is running. But fuel consumption will increase slightly. If you turn off the engine and leave the car battery running, the phone will drain it.

    Universal option - external batteries. They always come with a suitable cable. Sometimes - several cables for different types devices. These products are used at home or taken on the road. Their capacity is greater than that of a telephone battery. That is, they "fit" more energy that you can carry with you.

    If your gadget has a wireless charging function, it does not need any wires. But it will take optional equipment: An electromagnetic signal source and receiver that can be built into a smartphone. To find out if a mobile device supports over-the-air power transmission, check its specifications.

    Here is how to charge your phone battery without charging:

    1. Connect the source to the mains.
    2. Install a receiver in your smartphone if it is not there.
    3. Put the gadget next to the charger.

    Not all mobile phones have this technology. And the battery will replenish slowly. But it's still a great option if you don't have the right wires. It is battery safe.


    The battery can be recharged not only without charging, but also without a smartphone. Although there is a risk that the part will break. And you have to buy a new one.

    In electronics stores you will find a universal charger. It is called "Toad" or "Frog". And outwardly it resembles these animals. Here is how to charge the battery:

    1. Turn off your smartphone and remove the battery from it.
    2. Open the lid of the Frog. To do this, press on its edge.
    3. There will be two terminals.
    4. Attach the two extreme battery contacts to them. "Pros" and "Cons" must match.
    5. Seal it with a lid.
    6. Plug the "Frog" into the socket.
    7. If the red indicator turns on, then everything is working. If nothing lights up, flip the battery over and try again.

    Network connection

    This method is the most dangerous. Including for you - it can shock. Here's how to recharge your phone battery without a charger:

    1. Take any wire from any smartphone. It is better to choose the one you do not need, since you will no longer be able to use it for its intended purpose.
    2. Cut off the plug from the cable, which should be connected to the mobile phone.
    3. Remove the insulation from the cord. Not all. Only the part that will be connected to the battery.
    4. There are blue and red wires inside. Remove some insulation from them too. Do it carefully - the cables are fragile.
    5. Take the battery out of the phone. Turn it off before doing this.
    6. Find contacts on it and the designations "+" ("Plus") and "-" "Minus".
    7. Connect the bare wires to the battery terminals. Blue to Plus. Red - to "Minus".
    8. Tape them up.
    9. Plug the charger into an outlet.
    10. If the cables have other colors, try scientific method. Put them in salted water and turn on the electricity. The cord, next to which bubbles appear, has a negative charge.

    Do not touch bare wires when current is applied to them. Do not hold the battery in your hands while it is being recharged. At the same time, check its temperature. It can overheat, melt or even explode. This recharge method is suitable for emergencies. He's not safe.

    If you are far away from the mains, you can recharge from another battery. Only it must have the same characteristics as yours. Make sure that the current, power and capacitance match. And connect the batteries to each other as described above. But instead of an outlet, use a charged battery. Energy will be transferred to the dead device. And this is also risky - you can damage both batteries.

    Outside home

    Are standard methods and the electrical network not available to you? For example, you are relaxing in nature, and your mobile phone is dead. How to charge it if civilization is several kilometers away? There is a way out.

    • Solar panels. These are also external batteries. They store energy when bright light falls on them. The method is not as efficient in cloudy days at night or in dark rooms. But with such a device, you can power your smartphone from a source that will never run dry - from the Sun.
    • Dynamos. Small products with USB port and lever. Work for kinetic energy. You twist the lever - the battery is replenished. Patience is needed here, since it will not work to quickly charge the phone’s battery without a charger. With a dynamo, make-up is very slow. And at the same time, you need to constantly turn the lever.
    • Ordinary penlight batteries. The same ones that you have in your TV remote control, alarm clock, flashlight. You don't need to plug them into your smartphone. There is an adapter with a microUSB plug. Put batteries in it and connect it to your phone.
    • Temperature. Warm up the battery in your hands. If it is warm or hot, the device will turn on. You will not listen to music on a mobile phone, but one call is enough. The main thing is not to burn the battery.

    There are extreme methods. But after them, the device is unlikely to work. You can call or send SMS. And this will end the life of the battery.

    • Hit him.
    • Poke it with a needle and put it in water. Will begin chemical reaction. Some energy will be released.
    • You can warm it not in your hands, but, for example, on a battery. Or on a knife held over a fire. But for the company, the smartphone will also break.

    You figured out how to charge your phone battery without charging. There are clear and available methods. There are complex and risky ones. In any case, it is better to use a cable that is suitable for the smartphone model. Leave the rest as a last resort.

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