Catch a big butterfly. The meaning of sleep about butterflies

Butterflies symbolize romance, carelessness, but at the same time - fragility and fragility. In a mystical sense, moths represent a connection with other world. It all depends on the details, so in order to figure out what butterflies dream of, you need to remember all the nuances of what you saw.

Dream Interpretation: to see butterflies in a dream

Miller's dream book takes into account the environment surrounding insects. Butterflies on flowers and green grass means well-being, money received by honest means, joyful acquisitions. Fluttering - to receive news from friends and relatives who are in this moment are far away. White moths mean malaise. For women, such an insect serves as a signal that innermost dreams will not come true.

According to Vanga's dream book when butterflies dream, this is a plot with life-affirming symbolism. Ahead is the beginning of a new period and spiritual rebirth. Multi-colored insects around - communication with an interesting kind person.

Noble dream book interprets many butterflies as news.

According to the white magician Yuri Longo this symbol in a dream portends difficult situations at work, although nothing indicated the possibility of problems.

By French dream book a flock of butterflies in a meadow is considered a very positive sign. Cases that are at an impasse will receive an unexpected positive decision.

According to Veles' dream book when butterflies dream, this is how the expectation of a meeting is reflected. It is also a symbol of ever-changing life.

American source believes that the butterfly chrysalis is the personification of the dreamer's potential. So far, talents have not found their application.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric Evgeniya Tsvetkova suggests that the butterfly is a symbol of joy and mutual feelings. Bright moths - someone feels strong sympathy and attraction for the sleeping person. Dark ones are a sign of betrayal and deceit. Tear off the wings of a butterfly - to parting for lovers and family dreamers. The reason will be a banal betrayal.

Freud's dream book watching butterflies is interpreted as a symbol of love for children. However, chasing insects, trying to catch them, indicates a subconscious craving for sexual contact with a person much younger than oneself.

Where was the butterfly in a dream

If a butterfly dreamed in home located on a curtain or wall, there is an insincere person in the circle of communication. Betrayal is likely soon. It is very good if fluttering insects are found in the kitchen. The sleeper has the talent of a skilled cook. Seeing an insect on the refrigerator is a call to get rid of imaginary friends.

When butterflies dream in the room, it is important to consider exactly where they were. The moth on the pillow symbolizes a passionate but fleeting romance.

A serious warning about danger is the plot of a dream in which a butterfly sat on the hand. It is urgent to undergo an examination in a medical institution.

If a butterfly dreamed in hand or sitting in the palm of your hand - soon there will be a desired date with a charming person. Easy communication will leave pleasant emotions.

The butterfly informs about the frivolity of the dreamer on the head. A calm attitude to everything that happens helps to live, but at the same time it can create problems.

Who dreamed of a butterfly

Butterflies are one of the most favorable dream plots. girl in love. She did right choice and a happy marriage awaits her with her partner.

butterflies married woman childbearing years often herald the onset of pregnancy. For single and adult ladies, moths symbolize feminine charm, the ability to benefit from their charm.

Important news means dreaming butterflies pregnant. The information received will affect further development events.

Light flirting, marrying an innocent person, the imminent birth of an heir - that's what butterflies dream of man idle. Moths tell married guys that they have secret admirers.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of butterflies

big butterfly means that there will be an update soon. At the same time, a cardinal turn of events will not happen.

Too huge butterflies represent dissatisfaction. The dream indicates that constant reflection on the meaning of existence can interfere real life.

The symbol of carelessness is little butterfly in a dream. Everything will turn out well and without much effort.

Beautiful butterfly is a good sign. It is necessary to get acquainted with a person who will charm with the breadth of outlook and the ability to see joy in everyday events.

Foreshadowing romantic adventure are dreamed colored butterflies. It is unlikely to lead to serious consequences, but it will be remembered for a long time.

Bright Butterfly also means having fun with friends. Meeting with like-minded people will bring sincere joy.

Black butterfly - to the accidental discovery of the secrets of strangers. For aged dreamers, such an insect predicts a change in the weather.

White butterflies urge to pay attention to the state of health. If in a dream with insects you also happened to see one of your friends, they are also in danger of illness.

Sad sign - yellow dream butterfly. In reality, bad news will come.

Tells about the need for rest blue butterfly. The greatest pleasure will bring the sea coast.

Blue butterflies mean travel. Emotions received on the road will be remembered for a long time.

It's time to complete a long-started business if you dream of purple butterflies. Now is the best moment when the ending will be the most favorable.

Red the butterfly symbolizes a bright love affair. Orange moth - great time spent with friends.

Night butterflies are a special symbol. Such a dream reflects longing for a dead person.

Dead butterflies indicate unexpected difficulties. However, if dead black insects are seen, all troubles will bypass the dreamer.

Actions with butterflies in a dream

Dreaming about readiness for the birth of children admire butterflies. Also, such a plot is interpreted as a signal that it is necessary to pay close attention to the events taking place around. Timely analyzed news will help improve material well-being.

Catching butterflies with a net- a symbolic reflection of fatigue from routine affairs. This is how the thirst for relaxation and entertainment finds a visual embodiment.

Catching butterflies with your hands- to the emergence of a hobby or romantic interest. A new interest will take all your free time.

If you dream of butterflies that you feed, this is a good sign of a practical investment. The desired valuable purchase will be successful, the thing will last a long time.

Mutual love awaits in reality if possible to catch butterfly in a dream An insect placed in a jar means a limitation in feelings.

It’s bad if in a dream it happened kill butterfly. Family and lovers can lie in wait for treason.

A catastrophe or a tragic event is to be seen - this is how the plot is deciphered collect butterflies. Subsequently, memories of someone else's pain will begin to torment the sleeping person.

Take pictures a butterfly is a manifestation of longing for a deceased loved one. It is important to let go of the past and remember the soul in accordance with the rules of faith.

However, it makes no sense for entomologists and those who caught fluttering insects the day before to find out why butterflies dream. It will be just a reflection of the day's impressions.

Butterflies in dreams are an ambiguous image. On the one hand, it is a symbol of the fragility of feelings, windiness, transient beauty.
On the other hand, it is a symbol of joy, a harbinger of a long-awaited meeting or love.
The interpretation of a dream should be based on its circumstances, details and feelings after waking up.

Why do butterflies dream in a family dream book

If a butterflies flutter overhead, in the near future the dreamer will receive good news. The brighter the coloring of insects, the more surprising and joyful the news will be. A particularly favorable accompanying circumstance of sleep will be the bright sun. If one of the butterflies can be caught, then you need to wait for a love victory.
Why dream butterflies are unsightly, with pale wings fluttering over the dreamer's head? To anxiety, disappointment in love, domestic troubles. But if the butterflies are beautiful, expect soon news from friends whom you have not seen for a long time.
hurt or crush a butterfly in a dream- a bad omen. After such a dream, you need to wait for the onset of a period of grief, failures, and the imprudence of the dreamer himself will become their cause. He will have only himself to blame for what is happening. Another interpretation of sleep is the betrayal of a lover.

Why do butterflies dream according to Freud's dream book

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book symbolically links the image of butterflies with children. How exactly to interpret a dream depends on the details of the dream. If the dreamer simply admires the butterflies fluttering around him, this reflects his secret burning desire to have his own children.
If one of these butterflies sat on the dreamer, then the children easily make contact with this person. He is simply given communication both with his own offspring and with other people's children. But if the dreamer himself tries to catch a butterfly, this indicates hidden pedophilia.

Why do butterflies dream according to Miller's dream book

If butterflies fly around the dreamer, this means that you will soon receive news from long-absent relatives or friends. It can be a letter, a telegram, a phone call, or just a message brought by common relatives or acquaintances.
Why do young women dream of butterflies? The dream portends a strong marriage soybean. Young girls can hope to meet their future spouse, which will end in a wedding of great love.
A bad sign is the appearance in a dream of an insect with white wings. Such a butterfly portends a disease, and if she sat down on some object in the room, then one of the dreamer's relatives will soon fall ill. In general, a butterfly flying into a house means that wishes will not come true.
If butterflies fly in the wild, among flowers and herbs, this is a very positive sign. A dream portends a bargain or a worthwhile investment. After such a dream, you can make investments, buy large expensive things, and plan a budget.

Why do butterflies dream according to Wangi's dream book

Big beautiful butterflies that appeared in your dream mean that fate can change in an unexpected way, and for the better. If you have done any bad thing, after such a dream, there is every chance to correct the situation, find peace of mind and forgiveness. The larger the wingspan of an insect, the more unique the chance of fate will be. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity.
If the dreamer unsuccessfully tries to catch a butterfly, then he will be disappointed in his lover or spouse. Such a dream will tell you that next to you is not a close and beloved person at all, but an unfaithful partner.
The dream in which the insect still managed to be caught is also not good. The dream speaks of the dreamer himself, and, alas, characterizes him not with better side- as a windy person, capable of betrayal, fickle.
Why dream of butterflies flying to the fire of candles and burning in it? This is very bad dream. It portends a serious illness or even death of the dreamer himself or people very close to him.
Seeing butterflies landing on you is good. Such a pleasant dream means that very soon you will receive important news or a pleasant surprise. Both will completely change life, make it better, richer, more interesting.

Why do butterflies dream according to Longo's dream book

If the dreamer dreamed of butterflies, then in the near future he will be calm, joyful and happy life. All hardships and troubles will disappear by themselves, the black streak will be replaced by a bright one, plans and hopes will come true.
Absolutely opposite meaning has a dream about dead insects. Why do butterflies dream in this case? To trouble and disappointment. It is possible that ill-wishers are actively working behind the dreamer's back: they set traps, prepare dirty tricks, and spoil their reputation. You need to be extremely careful after such a dream. In no case should you take on dubious cases or difficult assignments that initially seem impossible. It would be nice to seek help or advice from a wise person.
If the dreamer sees himself playing with butterflies, then very soon he will hear an interesting proposal from the authorities. Sleep promises an increase, long-awaited career, increase wages, improving working conditions.

Why do butterflies dream according to Hasse's dream book

A dream about butterflies matters if the insects were with black wings. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer is tormented by some kind of fear, sometimes unclear to himself, or even a premonition of trouble. After waking up, you need to put everything in order, especially if the dreamer knows about some violations of the law. If preventive measures are not taken, the case may end in depression due to major troubles.
However, if someone brought a black butterfly to the dreamer's house and let it go, then one should accept good luck. Tangled case unravel, Hard times pass. Seeing a lot of black butterflies or one large one is a symbol major changes in personal life. If there are no other symbols of sleep, and the mood after waking up is light, then the changes will be good.

Why do butterflies dream according to the dream book of Nostradamus

This interpreter considers the dream of butterflies as a symbol of the dreamer's inner rebirth. After awakening, he should change his views on what is happening, at least try to take a different point of view, and also take up serious business. Very well, such a thing is in the plans: it is worth it to start implementing them, success will definitely come.
If you have a dream about a butterfly that the dreamer holds in his hands, then in reality he will help a person in need of help.
Why dream of butterflies that the dreamer lowers into the wild? Beautiful insects characterize the dreamer as a kind-hearted, reasonable person who knows how to forgive and accept, ready to help in word and deed, to give the right advice in time.

Why do butterflies dream according to Loff's dream book

A dream about many butterflies flying next to the dreamer portends him to receive good news. If they are multi-colored and it is pleasing to the eye, then in the life of the dreamer there will be many pleasant sensations and happy moments. It is possible that in the near future he will be in the company of reliable friends, with whom he considered destroyed.
Why do butterflies dream that someone is chasing in your dream? To the fact that your ideas will be attributed to themselves or used by another person. This deceit will bring great grief, so you should not share your achievements with anyone, even with friends. Chasing a butterfly yourself means catching luck. Get it, good. it doesn’t work out - you won’t see good luck in reality.

Why do butterflies dream of a combined dream book

See the butterflies descend on the bright beautiful flowers, - a harbinger of prosperity, wealth. A dream in which the dreamer kills a butterfly is very bad. This is an omen of the troubles that the dreamer himself will bring upon himself. To see butterflies flying from flower to flower - to unexpected meeting with an old friend.
If butterflies in a dream have unbearably bright colors, you need to carefully consider possible symptoms diseases. Butterflies are especially bad yellow, gray or snow-white. Sleep signals a disease that can be fatal if you do not pay attention to it.
Seeing insects that land on the shoulders of a familiar person reflects the anxiety that the dreamer feels for him. And the concern is not unfounded: most likely, this person is in danger of illness or serious trouble.

Thanks to modern dream books, absolutely any human dreams can be interpreted: funny and nightmarish, cute and annoying. Butterflies in a dream are one of the favorite images of people, as these creatures are very beautiful, and, moreover, they are important in terms of predicting future events. What interpretation of the image of butterflies does the dream book give?

Butterflies in a dream are one of the favorite images of people.

To find out what butterflies dream of, you should turn to several dream books for interpretation at once, since each of them gives its own interpretation of this image. However, if you sum them up, you can get the following values:

  1. A dream about a butterfly is a dream for a person when he is in anticipation of joy. Surely, soon a very big thing will happen in his life. happy event. Perhaps the dreamer has a wedding planned in the coming days.
  2. A moth that sat on the ear of some animal, for example, a cat, portends a meeting with an old friend of the dreamer. With this person, he had not kept in touch for a long time, so it's time to renew friendly relations.
  3. If in a dream a person saw how this beautiful insect sat on a flower, he will be lucky in love. A single dreamer can safely take the first step towards his chosen one.
  4. If a person dreamed of a butterfly that sat on green grass, then one can expect good news from distant relatives.
  5. A large and beautiful butterfly in a woman's dream is a symbol long relationship with a chosen one. If she already has a boyfriend, then the likelihood that he will want to tie the knot with her is high.
  6. To see in night dreams many beautiful butterflies that flew into the dreamer's room is good news. And if there was a white individual among them, then the most cherished desire of a person will come true in the coming days.
  7. If a person killed this insect in a dream, it means that he will soon have trouble. The meaning of such dreams always carries anxiety and confusion.
  8. If this beautiful creature was white, without a single speck, this means that the dreamer lacks love and thrills.
  9. A dream in which a beautiful butterfly sat on a stone portends the creation of a long and happy relationship. And if such a dream was seen by a person who has already met his soul mate, this means that their relationship will last a very long time.

That dreamer will have many happy and joyful moments in his life, in whose dreams it flew over his head a large number of colored butterflies. Multi-colored insects in night visions are always harbingers of celebration and rejoicing.

Why is the butterfly dreaming (video)

Butterflies in Miller's dream book

The dream book of psychologist Miller offers the following meanings for the image of a butterfly in dreams:

  • An insect sits in beautiful green grass - soon a person will become the owner of a valuable thing. Perhaps he will buy what long time saved money. However, if the grass is dirty or lethargic, then a new acquisition will not bring long-awaited joy.
  • The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered over him in his night visions.
  • If a young girl has a dream, she will have a happy marriage.
  • But if the insect was white - this is a bad sign. This image portends an ailment for which a person will blame others.

The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered over him in his night visions

The dreamer can count on the fulfillment of his most cherished desire in the event that in dreams there is a large white butterfly flew through the window of his room. However, if she sits down somewhere, this is an alarming sign that portends an illness.

Why dream of colored, black, white butterflies?

  1. Multi-colored butterflies in a dream indicate that soon the dreamer will have a great time. He will be surrounded by cheerful friends and acquaintances from all sides. Most likely, the person will receive an invitation to someone's birthday. At the holiday, he will have a great time and stock up on positive energy for a long period.
  2. See in a dream black butterfly means to experience mental anguish. Surely, recently in the dreamer's life there was stressful situation and now he needs rest. Black insects in dreams always symbolize a person's tension and his need for peace.

The white specimen seen in night dreams symbolizes the dreamer's secret desire. If there were no spots on it, it means that what a person has wanted for so long will soon belong to him.

If you dream of a big beautiful butterfly: what is it for?

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility. The burden of obligations, which he independently shouldered, does not allow him to feel the taste of life. The dreamer probably feels guilty towards someone and tries to make amends for him, helping this person in every possible way.

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility.

But if there was a huge insect gray color- this is a bad sign, portending that trouble can happen in a person's life.

To see butterflies in the house: the meaning in the dream book

Home is the place where the dreamer feels most secure. When he dreams of this fortress that fences him off from dangers outside world, it is worth considering, what would it be for?

A moth that has flown to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles.

A moth that has flown to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles. It is important to remember the color of the insect here. If the individual was white, this good sign. A person can prepare to be considered the master of life. But the black moth that flew into the dreamer's house portends him minor troubles.

Catch a butterfly in a dream: meaning

Such a dream can have several interpretations.

  1. If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will marry successfully. If the dreamer already has a chosen one, then it is he who will become her husband.
  2. A person will be able to restore his former relationship with his soulmate if in his dream he was able to catch an insect with the help of a juice. However, if the butterfly was able to free itself, the dreamer will not be able to achieve reciprocity again.
  3. If a person is caught beautiful butterfly and planted it in an aquarium or a glass jar - a casual friendly conversation awaits him in a secluded place.

If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will marry successfully.

Why dream of moths of different colors?

The color of an insect can largely influence the interpretation of a dream.

  • To dream of a bright blue or blue moth means a trip to the sea. In this case, the color of the insect is symbolic: the blue color is associated with the sea, ocean, lake, in a word, with expanses of water.
  • The red color of the butterfly symbolizes the dreamer's passion. In a person, as they say, passions will soon seethe, he will be overwhelmed with new feelings and emotions. It is possible that all this will be connected with a new love adventure.
  • If the moth was orange, then in the coming days the dreamer will have fun while being with his family. Perhaps he will go with them on a sortie.
  • The green butterfly in dreams is a symbol of calmness and tranquility. Man clearly does not live in a frantic pace of life. He plans his activities based on previous experience. A person never acts impulsively, all his decisions are weighed and well thought out.

If the moth was purple is a very good sign. What does he portend? First, purple is the color of harmony. There will be no stress and sudden events in the dreamer's life. Secondly, the purple butterfly seen in a dream symbolizes the successful completion of all the work begun. And a dream in which there were many moths of this color portends the dreamer the positive results of all his undertakings.

Butterfly in a dream book (video)

The dream book contains a huge variety of meanings of night dreams about butterflies. The interpretation of this image depends on many factors. When interpreting such a dream, it is important to take into account the dreamer's emotions in the dream, the circumstances under which he saw the butterfly, its color and behavior, etc.

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Butterflies are a symbol of happiness, love and prosperity. In some cultures, they represent the immortality of the human soul and its rebirth. But what can a dream involving these beautiful insects? It is not difficult to interpret it if you remember all the details and look into the dream book.

Seeing a butterfly in a dream - interpretation according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga and others

  1. Vanga. The dream indicates beginning and rebirth.
  2. Denise Lynn. The dream speaks of life changes. There will be an event after which your life will change dramatically.
  3. Old Persian. To acquaintance with a poorly educated man, who in the near future may disappear from the environment.
  4. Female. Get news from a friend who is away from you.
  5. Idiomatic. To love adventures and joyful feelings.
  6. Small Velesov. The impermanence of life, the expectation of a meeting.
  7. Miller. Prosperity awaits, new acquisitions and good news.
  8. Psychoanalytic. A dream symbolizes the stages of development and formation of one's own "I".
  9. Russian. To danger and trouble.
  10. Slavic. You have been entrusted with a secret that you will soon break.
  11. Modern. Get good news.
  12. Solomon. To a joyful and carefree life.
  13. Wanderer. The dream is interpreted in two ways. It indicates that you will have a good time, but at the same time warns of the inconstancy of a loved one.
  14. Tarot. A warning against thoughtless and frivolous acts.
  15. Fedorovskaya. Learn something important.
  16. Freud. The vision symbolizes children.
  17. Tsvetkova. To a long-awaited meeting with an important person for the dreamer.
  18. Esoteric. To an easy and carefree life, fun.
  19. Erotic. Fate divorced for a while dear person. You will hear from him soon.
  20. XXI century. To anxiety and minor troubles.

If in a dream you accidentally hurt or crushed a butterfly, then due to rash actions you can harm yourself and your loved ones.

To see a lot of bright butterflies in a dream - to meet friends and have fun

Who dreamed: a woman or a man

  1. Girl. The dream promises a happy mutual love and strong marriage for life.
  2. Woman. According to the dream book of Antonio Meneghetti, you, using your beauty and charm, are trying to use another person for your own selfish purposes.
  3. Pregnant. Learn important news that will affect fate.
  4. Married. The dream promises a long and happy family life.
  5. Man. According to Taflisi's dream book, marry a virgin who will give you an heir, according to old French - you have many fans. But if you dreamed of a night butterfly, be prepared for a frivolous hobby.

To see a butterfly taking off in night dreams is a fun walk with friends.

Size: huge, big, small

The interpretation of sleep directly depends on the size of the dreaming butterfly:

  1. Huge. think a lot about the meaning human life about a death that no one can escape. These thoughts are haunting. Perhaps their appearance is due to the fact that you are dissatisfied with yourself. For example, they connected fate with the wrong person or chose the wrong profession. Therefore, it is worth rethinking your life and, if necessary, making adjustments to it.
  2. Big. A dream promises troubles and worries. By universal dream book, a large gray butterfly dreams in anticipation of trouble. If in a dream a winged insect big size sat on one of the relatives or relatives, then know that this person may soon get sick.
  3. Small. It will be a pleasant acquaintance with an interesting person.

Seeing many small butterflies in a dream is a sign of a carefree existence. But if they circled above you, then get ready for minor troubles.

To dream of a butterfly sitting on a sunflower - to passionate and mutual love

Color: what is the dream of a yellow, black, red, blue or white butterfly

To explain the dream in more detail, remember what color the butterfly was in it:

  1. White. The vision speaks of the personal growth and spiritual purification of the dreamer. According to Medea's dream book, a snow-white butterfly is a symbol of the soul of a deceased person. But Gustave Miller is sure that such nightly dreams portend a disease, for the appearance of which you will blame another person.
  2. Black. Night dreams symbolize dark forces and the appearance of bad thoughts. They may be a sign that it's time to review your life and make adjustments to it. If a black butterfly circled overhead in the kingdom of Morpheus, then soon you will be making serious decisions that affect further fate. The sorceress Medea says that you will receive secret knowledge.
  3. Yellow. To receive sad news.
  4. Red. By intimate dream book, relationships with a partner are filled with passion and love. In the future, they will lead to a strong marriage.
  5. Bright blue. In the near future you will go to rest on the sea coast.
  6. Orange. Have a good time with close friends.
  7. Green. To a quiet life without much hassle and worries.
  8. Purple. A business that started a long time ago will finally be successfully completed. You will be satisfied with the result.
  9. Multicolored. To a bright and memorable love adventure.

By women's dream book If the fair sex dreamed that a white butterfly flew into her house, her cherished dream was not destined to come true.

Dreamed of a lot of butterflies of blue color? An interesting journey to warm climes awaits you.

Quantity: one, several or many

Important in deciphering night dreams is the number of butterflies seen:

  1. One. To unexpected and pleasant events. The girl's vision promises a meeting with interesting man, the patient - recovery.
  2. Some. A pleasant meeting is coming with a person whom you have not seen for a long time. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, you will have a great time in the company of close friends, and according to Dvoryansky - get the news.
  3. Lot. According to the French dream book, to see a lot of butterflies fluttering in a meadow in a dream is a good omen. The accumulated cases will be solved in the most unexpected way. According to the dream book of the white magician Longo, troubles await you at work.

If you dreamed that the butterfly was entangled in the web, then be prepared for the difficulties that will soon arise on the way. You will have to face a serious test. Remember that fate is in your hands and the outcome of the case depends only on you. If in night vision the insect managed to escape from the network, easily and quickly solve the problems that have piled up.

Trying to catch in a dream night butterfly- a sign that you yearn for a deceased person who was very dear to you during his lifetime

Actions with a butterfly in a dream: see from the side, catch with your hands, etc.

  1. See. According to Shuvalova's dream book, you need to be attentive to the events taking place in life. At first glance, insignificant details can help in solving long-standing problems, and a casual acquaintance can help you achieve what you want. Don't forget to listen to your intuition. According to an intimate dream book, personal life will improve. Another dream promises to receive news from a person with whom you are apart.
  2. Catch. Restore old relationships. According to the Small Veles dream book, success in love awaits you. According to Vanga's dream book, if a butterfly was caught in a dream, but it flew away, then the person you trust will turn out to be a traitor.
  3. To catch. Simon Kananit claims that the dreamer will be lucky in love. To see a similar picture in the spring - for a good pastime, in the summer - for a trip, in the fall - for a meeting with a frivolous person, in winter - for initiation into the secret of another person. The girl's vision prophesies a marriage proposal.
  4. Catch a butterfly with a net or hand, according to modern dream book- to success on the love front.
  5. Feed. Get something valuable and expensive.
  6. Kill. The act of a loved one will badly affect your reputation. According to the Small Velesov dream book, troubles await in business; the dream also suggests that you will violate someone else's secret.

If you dreamed that you managed to catch a moth and put it in a jar, you will have a good time with a friend in a calm and cozy atmosphere.

According to Freud, if you caught a butterfly in a dream, then this indicates a desire to have sexual intercourse with a minor.

Place: outdoors, indoors, on the body

The dream in which they saw a butterfly on the street is interpreted depending on where exactly it was:

  1. On a flower. To success in love and joyful events.
  2. On a leaf. To build a relationship with a loved one, take the first step.
  3. On the stone The union with a loved one will be strong and long.
  4. On an animal. Meet a school friend.
  5. Against the background of the sky. Slowly but surely move towards your goal.

If in a dream a lot of butterflies fluttered over a flower, you will have a great time in the company of children.

Sometimes in a dream a butterfly can appear in the dreamer's house. The interpretation of the vision also depends on the ongoing actions:

  1. If a butterfly flew out the window, then a close friend will soon come with a visit.
  2. To see a lot of moths in the house - to an incendiary party.
  3. If the insect sat on the pillow, then get ready for a fleeting romance.
  4. A butterfly on a curtain, seen in the kingdom of Morpheus - to a possible betrayal.

A butterfly flying around the room in a dream is a sign that dreams will not come true. If in a dream a moth sat on some object in a room, then one of the relatives would get sick. If a winged insect has landed on your body in the kingdom of Morpheus, you will receive good news. This is how the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga explains the dream.

Dream Interpretations interpret the vision in which the butterfly sat on the hand in different ways:

  1. Modern. On a date with your loved one.
  2. Universal. To an interesting acquaintance.
  3. Shuvalova. In life will come new stage. There is a chance that a long-standing conflict will be resolved in your favor.

In the interpretation of this dream, the dreamer's gender also matters:

  1. Girl. To marriage, and the gentleman will be wealthy.
  2. Woman. For the birth of a baby.
  3. Man. To life changes (change of place of work or field of activity).

It matters which hand the butterfly sat on in night vision:

  • right - to the health problems of one of the relatives and losses;
  • left - to improve financial condition and getting pleasure.

If the moth sat on the palm of your hand in a dream, then a long-awaited meeting with a person for whom you have tender feelings will soon take place.

Did you see a sick or burnt butterfly in a dream? A friend needs immediate help.

If in night dreams you admired butterflies, then this indicates a desire to have a child.

Interpretation of other dreams about a butterfly: to see a hawk, a cabbage, a talking butterfly

  1. Beautiful butterfly. To receive good news from a loved one. For a girl, a vision prophesies a good groom, and for a man - a major acquisition.
  2. Live. Learn interesting gossip or meet an unusual person.
  3. Dead. Get ready for trouble and loss. By esoteric dream book difficulties will arise where you do not expect them. But if you dreamed of a dead black butterfly, then trouble will bypass your house.
  4. Talking. Something will surprise you.
  5. Butterfly tattoo. Close person offend, but this life lesson will only benefit.
  6. To see a hawk hawk in a dream - to receive unexpected news from afar.
  7. Cabbage usually dreams of a carefree and well-fed life. Nothing will upset you anytime soon.
  8. Butterfly fluttering in sunshine, - to the long-awaited date.

Dreams about butterflies portend various events: it can be both interesting acquaintances and romantic dates, as well as illnesses that threaten the dreamer or his relatives. According to the Wanderer's dream book, a vision can be a sign indicating fateful meeting or a new love.


Hello. Yesterday, May 14, 2017, I dreamed of a man in black. He looks like a man of death in Sims or from an old horror story, he was also in a raincoat in a hood all in black, I couldn’t make out his face and somehow I was walking in the forest, there was damp weather, it felt like a minute ago the rain ended, the leaves on the trees were wet, and everywhere there were puddles and wet earth and mud. And when the same man in black comes up to me, a little taller than me, he just doesn’t notice me, takes away some kind of aura, something small in the form of a pebble, I don’t remember exactly, he squeezed this pebble in his hands and blew on bare hands like it was cold and he performed his actions slowly and smoothly, and then, when I took this stone, I was afraid that it would suit me. I understood in a dream that a man in black was bad, and, in my opinion, he directly felt it, that I was afraid of him, and judging by his facial expression and his movements, he was also a little scared, but I didn’t leave him, I for some reason I felt some warmth and as if he was my own. At first I wanted to take off his hood to see his face, but I was afraid to frighten him away, and then I just wanted to touch his shoulder and there was such a direct feeling that I had known him for 100 years. As if he also feels something specific for me, that- he wants to say, but he can’t restrain himself, he is silent, and when he realized that I want to touch him, he immediately walked away from me without steps, and then, as if by magic, as if at the snap of his fingers, he took off and turned into a medium-sized black-and-white roofing felts blue edges wings of a butterfly, roofing felts with large thick wings, a black bird, a dove or a crow, but the closest thing, according to my recollections, was a butterfly. And when he turned into a butterfly, I noticed some kind of aura, there were some patterns around him, something fell in the form of black and blue sand. Then he took off, flew past me, almost hitting my face and flew up into the light, while I stood all the time in the same place, without saying a word, and just looked up, watching how from me a butterfly flies. There were moments when I wanted to catch her, but did not dare, because I was afraid to harm her and she had already flown far away. When he flew away, I noticed that he was flying straight up into the light and it’s not for nothing that they write about the dead in the comments, I also think that this is somehow connected with this. When he flew up, he also flew slowly and smoothly, as if I was watching a movie with slowdown, this place where everything happened reminded me of a forest from a movie. Mushrooms are almost the same. I noticed that all this time we were surrounded by trees, in the sense that I was standing on a flat small field, which, when you look up, is surrounded by trees everywhere, their branches and on the trees themselves, I noticed there were still butterflies of different sizes, but I didn’t pay much attention to them, because I looked exactly at my butterfly on top, it was at my butterfly, and I had the feeling that the butterflies around were strangers, that is, the feeling that I’m not alone in seeing this dream that someone is standing next to me and looks precisely at his butterfly, but somehow they all somehow, something connected them, as if they were relatives, but I still didn’t feel anything for them. I just looked at my butterfly, which seemed very close to me, and he kept flapping his wings so much that there was a feeling that it was not one butterfly, but several. At the same time, it either turned into one, then several times, it somehow multiplied a couple of times like a nesting doll and everyone flew away on different sides of it, in all directions, my head was spinning very much I wanted to go to them, and suddenly I felt some kind of chill in my shoulder, and then it was warm, as if someone had hugged me from behind, and there was a feeling that he had been hugging me all this time in a dream, not even hugging me, but directly holding the pier protects me from dangers. Then I felt that I was all wet, but only after a couple of seconds I felt a drop on my cheek, either tears or raindrops, and I woke up. Why would it all?

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