Solar eclipse February 26th. It is advisable to remember the practicality and realism of your intentions. Also, do not forget about the interests of other people so that your desires do not conflict with them. Thus, you can not only get rid of samples

A solar eclipse is approaching. It will occur on February 26 in the sign of Pisces (17:29 Moscow time). The aura of the eclipse is 3 days before and 3 days after, but you should already be more vigilant. The eclipse is solar, which means that what is connected with our consciousness, will, can be eclipsed, and emotions and instincts, controlled by the Moon, float to the surface. The subconscious, poorly realized motives and desires can control behavior. We remember that karmically very mature events with lasting consequences take place during eclipses. What happened during an eclipse is very difficult to correct. That is why it is not recommended (including) to start important things, because if something goes wrong, as intended, it will not be easy to fix.

This solar eclipse extremely crisis intense energy background. Danger from all elements: from fire, from water, from earth and from air.

Since February 23 (and even a little earlier), the probability of natural disasters, man-made accidents, injuries, exacerbation of conflicts in military centers. Where there are already fires, it can flare up to the scale of a firestorm. Increased chance of increased winds, air masses move extremely fast. Blizzards, snowfalls, hail, downpours - everything is possible. If it rains on the day before the eclipse, then the same should be expected the day after. On the sea, rivers break through weak spots. If someone is in warm lands and swims just like that or not surfing, then you need to be extremely vigilant so that everything does not end in failure. The danger of flights for both airplanes and helicopters is increasing. Skydiving (which is for fun) should be postponed. care is needed when handling gas, oil materials, piercing and cutting objects, firearms. These days, more safety precautions are required. For the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters, resuscitators, surgeons, there is a period of increased mobilization. I will write about health towards the end of the message.

A wave of impulsiveness, disputes, aggravation of contradictions, traumatism is rapidly growing. If someone got into it, then it is already difficult to stop and you will have to sail into this storm. Expressed craving for extreme. There are those for whom overcoming danger is a way of life. People of the negative type have a lot of unmotivated aggression.

Actively appear people who do not tolerate external constraints, extremely independent, behaving boldly (even too much), leading, which causes fear in conservative circles, constrained by caution. Their activities can also be aimed at developing the freedom of others. They present surprises, tear patterns, provoke sharp discussions. You should try to avoid dishonorable actions, impulsiveness, anger, because there is little constructive in this (especially on eclipse days). It is better to throw all your strength into striving for the positive, to harmonize your state and help those around you ... those who do not hold the flow of energy at all.

Separation updates. Sudden breaks are possible not only in love, but also in friendships. If you do not want such consequences, then postpone any showdown these days, do not look for the guilty. It is better to try to be softer in communication and hold your tongue from taunts (even if they are labels, even if this is really a uterus - now she is a stepmother). Consider other people's feelings and their limits. And if someone gathered at the registry office, then why didn’t they consult an astrologer when choosing such a day for a combination?

It is better, however, at this time not to try to change the existing state of affairs and not to challenge it. Too much energy will merge into the process. Do not provoke situations of active disputes and fights.

Avoid impulse spending. It is unfavorable to buy cars, large household appliances, computers.

Solar eclipses always occur on the New Moon. In the New Moon, and usually there is a weakening of the energy potential of many people, and now - especially. The more emotional you are, the more you can be knocked out of your comfort zone, and the consequences of stress will not be long in coming. Possible acute diseases with a rise in temperature, as susceptibility to infection increases; headaches, rise in blood pressure.

This is one of the annual peaks of strokes and heart attacks. Any EMERGENCY doctor will confirm that these days there is just some kind of flurry of deterioration. Many critical situations and unforeseen departures. Do not hesitate to call an ambulance if there is a suspicion of an acute case, otherwise they may not have time to get there. The situation of chronic patients is deteriorating (you need to be prepared for this and strictly follow all the prescriptions of doctors). Increasing the likelihood food poisoning. Do not eat foods that you doubt the quality of. poisoning will be severe. Do not start new medications as allergies are possible. Postpone vaccinations. If someone gives birth, it is better to arrive at the maternity hospital early and be under the care of doctors. There will not be very many births on the 25-26th ... and at least that's good. if one of the mothers who read my magazine is going to give birth in the aura of this eclipse, then write to me in a personal (I will help with something).

Favorable resonant colors: silvery lilac and blue.

Extremely unfavorable - hot red with purple hues. And it is from this color that you need to leave so as not to amplify sharp energy moments. Do not wear red clothes these days. Prefer calm neutral tones.

Harmonizing smells for aromatherapy: geranium, Chinese magnolia vine (schizandra), lemon balm, neroli, pine.

The consequences of this eclipse are long: from five years to almost twenty at the maximum.

Well, I’ll repeat in a separate line: we don’t drink - we don’t smoke - we don’t swear ...

Take care of yourself and loved ones.

Unlike ancient times, modern astrologers do not view eclipses as impending disasters, although they generally underestimate their impact. Since what happens at the time of eclipses has a fateful influence, and can manifest itself both two or three weeks before the eclipse itself, and after. But the consequences of eclipses affecting astrological chart of a person, sometimes last much longer, it happens that decades can pass.

Relatively fatalities related to eclipses, it must be said that this inevitability is directly related to the personal choice of a person made earlier, which entailed events - the consequences associated with it, and with the implementation of the planned, what was chosen by us even before the incarnation. Therefore, during periods of eclipses, we need to be more attentive to what is happening around, with us, our friends and relatives. Because what happens during these periods is more significant than we can imagine at first. Projects, events and ideas and people who come to us during eclipses become an important part of our life for a long time.

However, it must be remembered that making any decisions between eclipses is NOT worth it , as it is not necessary on the days of eclipses:
- start important events, transactions,
- make decisions,
- participate in public events,
- get married,
- do shopping,
- do operations
- sign contracts.

Planned events even during the week before the eclipse, it is rarely possible to reconcile with the way they were conceived, planned, due to the fact that, as a rule, they tend to take on a different scope at a much faster speed.

And what's happening on the day of the eclipse practically uncontrollable. Especially during the solar, since at that time information that could be provided to us, but was not perceived by our consciousness objectively and completely. That is why decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse. That is, solar eclipses are dictated external circumstances and are associated with events occurring outside of our will, as a karmic predestination. Whereas lunar eclipses on the contrary are caused by our thoughts and feelings. They point to the sphere of life where the changes associated with the solar eclipse will take place.

When a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse, it means that the situation is approaching a critical point and needs reorganization and new approaches in understanding and searching for meaning in a certain area of ​​life.

In February 2017, there will be two, penumbral lunar and annular solar.

1. The first series of eclipses will begin penumbral eclipse of the moon February 11, 2017 year, which will occur at 00:43 UTC ( 03:43 Moscow time). AT 23° Leo saros series 19S. The eclipse will be visible in the territory Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands.

Saros Series I9 S

This family of eclipses brings with it an element of pleasant surprise. An unexpected happiness, a joyful event, a good opportunity, an accidental win. The events that take place can be trusted, they can positively change a person's life.

2. Continue the same series of saros eclipses 19S to annular eclipse of the Sun on February 26, 2017 year at 14:53 UTC ( 17:53 Moscow time) in 9° Pisces. It will be visible in South Africa and South America .

It tells about the difference in effects between eclipses, what to do during each of the eclipses and how to program your life according to the rhythms of the Universe and eclipses.

And this article describes the meanings when the degree of the eclipse connects with the planets of the radix.

The Universe calls us to mercy, altruism and love, as well as to the knowledge of its secrets. Are you ready for this?

On this site in the comments you have the opportunity to ask the author, astropsychologist Delphi your question about a particular eclipse and where in your horoscope the degree of any of the eclipses falls, indicating:

1. Date (, time (local) and place of your birth.

2. Place of residence and location at the time of the eclipse.

Event locations- indicate country, region, district and locality, so that I can establish the exact geographical coordinates this place.

Moreover, no exact time of birth it is impossible to indicate the house of the natal chart, since even in 4 minutes time, the grid of houses shifts by 1 degree , a a 24 hours does full rotation around its axis.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 will take place in the 8th degree of the constellation Pisces, when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction with Neptune and Mercury. Neptune, responsible for spiritual ideals, gives hope for a brighter future; stars from this celestial sphere always promise happiness and good luck.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 will bring the same positive energy as the lunar eclipse on February 10, 2017. Working together in the coming months, the heavenly bodies will enable you to make your dreams come true through your natural, God-given talents.

You can see positive, stable results (especially in relationships) for as long as you are willing to be humble and grateful. higher powers. Intemperance, greed and selfishness will put an end to your success, and this will most likely happen at the beginning of the next phase of the eclipse in August 2017.

Solar Eclipse: meaning in astrology

Like a new moon, a solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The strongest and most important aspect in astrology, the Sun is in conjunction with the Moon. During this period of time, everything depends only on you, limitless opportunities open up before you when you need to boldly make plans for the future.

You should revisit old habits, preferences, and patterns of behavior to find new ways to achieve success; This perfect time to start from scratch.

The annular solar eclipse will be a successful "continuation" of the penumbral lunar eclipse, which will occur on February 10, 2017, and a total eclipse awaits us in August 2017.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: a star that grants wishes

The solar eclipse in February 2017 is located in the constellation Aquarius, however, due to the precession of the equinoxes (shifting of the spring and autumnal equinoxes), it falls into the sign of Pisces in the horoscope. The eclipse will have the strongest impact on those born in the first decan of the constellation Pisces (February 19-28) and the very beginning of the second decan of the constellation Pisces (February 29-March 10).

How the solar eclipse will affect your life over the coming months, two celestial bodies: Stingray - a fixed star from the constellation of Aquarius and located just a few degrees higher from it - mysterious blue planet Neptune.

The fixed star Skat will coincide with the solar eclipse in February 2017 and will bring good luck, lasting luck, as well as the ability to quickly find a way out of any critical situation. This star favors success in many areas of activity: economic, social, technical and others. The name "Scat" means "desire"; a solar eclipse will help fulfill any of your desires, but the promised happiness and good luck await only those who truly deserve it.

In interaction with the Sun and Moon, this star has a particularly beneficial effect on relationships. You can make new and powerful friends, get help and valuable gifts, or find love and start a family. Skat will give you increased emotional sensitivity, which will improve your intuition or a “sixth sense”, however, at the same time, criticism from others may be exacerbated.

Solar eclipse February 26, 2017: Neptune's influence

Neptune, the patron of spiritual ideals, invites us to give up excessive selfishness and find harmony in communication with people around us and with life in general. Pretty scary to step into the unknown, but the impact positive side Neptune will intensify just in time for a solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse in general is a positive event, giving a boost of energy for new beginnings.

The Sun in interaction with Neptune increases sensitivity, sharpens compassion and empathy, as well as intuition. During this period, you will be able to achieve unity with loved ones and enjoy this feeling. Great satisfaction will be brought by charity, helping animals and nature, working in social sphere; This good time to go to the movies or escape from reality by immersing yourself in reading a fantasy novel.

The Moon in conjunction with Neptune increases emotional sensitivity. You can discard unnecessary doubts and direct your energy in the right direction. Some mental and emotional states may be caused by the influence of the planets, but your compassion and empathy for others is genuine. During this period, you can good helper for everyone who needs your support, attention, conversations or friendly advice. By listening to other people's problems and providing moral support, you will give the interlocutor emotional comfort and peace of mind.

The interaction of the Sun and Moon with Neptune gives big potential to sharpen the "sixth sense", so do not ignore your intuition, starting February 28, 2017.

Solar eclipse February 26, 2017: what else do the planets say

The union of the Sun, Moon, Neptune and the fixed star Skat will certainly have a beneficial effect on your life, however, success and luck are at risk due to the great opposition in the sky in the form of a red line, which some planets will line up during a solar eclipse in February 2017.

Jupiter in opposition to Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. you will feel desire react sharply to all prohibitions or rebel against anyone who interferes with having fun and doing what you want. Most likely, some unexpected event will happen that will give a splash to your emotions and energy and lead to significant changes in life circumstances.

However, not only this opposition of the planets will occur simultaneously with the solar eclipse; the Sun-Jupiter square will make you feel very self-confident, enhancing feelings of pride and optimism. The outcome of any situation will depend only on how you express your enthusiasm; when making decisions, be restrained and disciplined, observe moderation in everything that will allow you to achieve success, as well as avoid losses and failures.

The Sun-Uranus square will put you in a state of uncertainty, you may begin to feel awkward and anxious, as well as to feel the coming changes. Accumulation nervous tension may lead to unpredictable behavior on your part, which may manifest itself in a change in mood, behavior, or possibly the appearance of various troubles.

The addition of Mars to the above planets can further aggravate the situation: strengthen your rebellious spirit, greed and selfishness.

Square Sun - Mars can have a strong influence on your competitors or enemies. Male executives or male leaders will want to demonstrate their strength, which will lead them to conflicts. You may feel aggression from your boss, you may become easily irritable and impatient, perhaps overreacting to any provocation or threat of aggression. Don't give in to the pressure and stay calm, it's not now best period to come into conflict with management.

Solar eclipse: summing up

After the solar eclipse in February 2017, you can become extremely sensitive to everything, you may have a "sixth" sense or intuition will sharpen. You need to show more compassion and generosity to others, take care of others, which will allow you to find harmony with yourself and outside world and also find your spiritual path to achieve happiness and success.

The coming solar eclipse will become a "companion" of the lunar eclipse, while the spiritual nature of the solar eclipse is perfectly combined with the mystical essence of the lunar eclipse. Under the influence of two heavenly bodies in the coming months, relying on your natural, God-given talents, you will be able to make dreams come true (especially in the field of relationships with people).

To achieve your goals, stay true to your morals and life principles, since luck and success are always inextricably linked with your spiritual development. Excessive lust, greed or selfishness will not lead to anything good. In addition, the relationship of the heavenly bodies during the solar eclipse in February 2017 means that your mistakes can also negatively affect your loved ones.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

It will start at 16:53 and will be ring-shaped. Three days before and after this phenomenon, it is not recommended to take important decisions and make significant financial transactions. Also, do not go on a long journey. The thing is that the eclipse enhances the negative.

The sun will "go out" in the sign of Pisces, so you need to be on the same wavelength with him: allow yourself to slip away from reality for a while. For example, you can go to the cinema, read fantasy novel, listen to sacred music, take up painting.

This is an auspicious time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditating, it is good to use stones zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, aquamarine, opal, blue agate and others.

The day has a strong energy, so magical rituals will bring great results. Since an eclipse of the Sun is essentially a new moon, it's good if you find time for.

Pisces and Virgo will be most affected by the eclipse, especially those born in the period from February 22 to March 3 and from August 26 to September 5. Gemini and Sagittarius will also be strongly affected by the eclipse, TSN reports.

A solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future for the near future. Your desires may be health, work, love, business, money, travel, real estate, and anything else you want to attract into your life, start, develop, or advance more. high level. It is advisable to remember the practicality and realism of your intentions. Also, do not forget about the interests of other people so that your desires do not conflict with them. Thus, you can not only get rid of problem situations and negative thoughts, but also lay down a program for the fulfillment of your desires for the whole year.

In addition, the day of the eclipse is suitable for reflection on pressing issues, perspectives, meditations, and the future. Think over plans, set yourself up for harmony, do not judge or criticize others.


  • don't start new things
  • do house cleaning
  • go through the clothes in the closets and throw away everything that is superfluous
  • clean up blockages in the computer
  • go through your papers and throw out everything old
  • start a diet - it's time
  • cleanse your body - any cleansing procedures are suitable
  • avoid trips to the beautician
  • get rid of resentment and negativity in your head
  • watch your health


Take a contrast shower (men need to start and finish hot water, and for women - cold 5-7 times). 10 minutes before a solar eclipse, lie down with your head to the east and relax. Close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and other negativity that you want to get rid of come out of you. Imagine them in turn in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear is like a stone, resentment is like a lump) and send this image the energy of your love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Try to imagine what happens to them at the same time, how they change, become bright and pure creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill the empty places in yourself where these feelings were with your love.

Magic move 1st lunar day during a solar eclipse

From 16:53 February 26 to 07:13 February 27 Kyiv time - the 1st lunar day, which gives rise to a new lunar month.

After working through the solar eclipse for 1 hour from 4:53 pm to 5:53 pm on February 26, sit in front of a candle, take a blank piece of paper and write down the wishes you want to come true this year. Write a plan for the whole of 2017. Just write specifically (by what date). imagine the future as already happening. After visualizing each desire, say it out loud and write it down on paper in present tense.

The Eclipse of the Sun on February 26 brings the energy of Pisces, so write your plans for the year, using your imagination to the maximum - you will definitely have opportunities to implement your plans.

First lunar day better to spend at home. Try to be tolerant of other people's opinions and take nothing to heart. Take everything calmly, keep a sense of humor. Any of your actions on this lunar day will have an impact on the fulfillment of desires throughout lunar month which ends March 28th. Any quarrel or conflict can delay or even cancel the implementation of your plans.

It is advisable to refrain from active activities. Something important is not worth doing, including making large purchases, entering into financial transactions, holding important meetings and negotiations, and going on trips. If possible, reschedule such plans for another time. Try not to receive guests and do not visit yourself either. It's better to stop talking to people you don't like and also avoid big companies. Think pleasant. Go to the movies, listen to classical music, do something creative, or anything else that makes you happy.

On this day, you should not marry, you should also wait a little with sex - it can lead to serious diseases of the genital area.

On February 26, Ukrainians expect the first solar eclipse of this year. But the first lunar day - beautiful time for meditation. To attract the positive energies of Pisces during meditation, you can use the stones of this zodiac sign: amethyst, aquamarine, blue agate, opal and others.

candle meditation

Sit in a quiet place.

Light a candle white color close your eyes, relax, be positive.

Imagine how the next year will go for you - as real as possible.

Imagine what you want to have as if it has already happened. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine that you are already eating in this car.

After that, release with love the image of your plans and desires into the Universe.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 takes place at 8 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces. The Eclipse contains a positive momentum that will help us turn our dreams into reality. The influence of the spiritual planet Neptune is emphasized, inspiring hope for a brighter future. Neptune brings inspiration, there is a desire to move forward, to new achievements.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in the South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, an eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory southwest Africa On the Sunset. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible. The eclipse is annular, when the diameter of the lunar disk is somewhat smaller than the solar disk, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, a luminous ring remains visible.

Effects of a Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces form a conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, so the effect of the eclipse can be ambiguous. Neptune plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us to remain objective and sensibly assess the prospects. Maintain a balance of dreams and realism, then success will easily find its way to you.

The impact of the eclipse will positively affect many areas of life, it is especially good for creative people and people of art. In addition, we can count on positive developments in the sphere of relations. Maybe you will make new influential friends, meet love and start a relationship with a worthy person.

Pisces and Virgo will be the most affected by the February 2017 solar eclipse, especially those born between February 22-March 3 (Pisces) and August 26-September 5 (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius will also feel its energies. Which direction the changes will take depends on the position of the planets and important points in natal chart, so the nature of the changes is determined for each individual.

The meaning of the eclipse February 26, 2017 in terms of astrology

In astrology, an eclipse of the Sun is considered to mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Thus, it crosses out the past and opens a new chapter of life. This is a great time to get started, whether it's for work or personal life. There are many possibilities, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the realization of our true needs. To do right choice cases need to be analyzed past days, take responsibility for what happened and change the trajectory of movement. You may need to let go of old habits, behaviors, or beliefs.


A solar eclipse in Pisces brings a positive impulse, gives energy for new beginnings. One of the most significant aspects is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Neptune. Neptune in Pisces is very strong, because this zodiac sign is his abode. Although the impact of this mysterious planet not always beneficial, now positive traits more noticeable because its negative aspect with Saturn is no longer active. Neptune shows that we can rise above our limitations and soar towards our dreams. Spirituality and development of talents are the basis of success. All this implies a close relationship with the surrounding people and the world as a whole.

Neptune is known as the planet of spirituality and mysticism, in its properties to increase intuition and empathy. The boundaries between people dissolve, and you will feel true unity with loved ones. Spiritual teachings and occult disciplines become clearer, psychic abilities can open.

Jupiter and Uranus

However, not all planetary relationships are harmonious (See astrological eclipse chart below). The opposition of Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries increases the need for freedom, there is a desire to rebel against all rules and restrictions. As a result, unexpected events that will lead to significant changes in personal life are not ruled out.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus is emphasized by minor aspects: the semi-square (45° aspect) of the Sun with Uranus and the one and a half square (135° aspect) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also introduce their own nuances. Jupiter makes us more self-confident, but the desired and the possible should be correlated, otherwise excessive optimism can fail. The relationship of the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of drastic changes. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus indicates a high concentration of energies, although there is uncertainty, i.e. the main message of the eclipse is expressed implicitly. On the one hand, there is tension and there is a desire to change something, on the other hand, there is no complete clarity or there are no specific goals. In addition, bellicose Mars is in conjunction with unpredictable Uranus, which adds some risk or haste.

Summing up, we can say that the energies of the solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 are generally positive, but there is a factor of uncertainty and chaos. There is a possibility that events of ambiguous meaning will occur under his influence. It is possible that projects will be launched that are not destined to be realized due to a lack of purposefulness, or they will turn out to be far from reality. If you are planning to start something new, stay practical and carefully weigh the pros and cons of your initiatives.

On February 26, 2017, as well as three days before and after this date, it is not recommended to make anything important: major purchases, serious financial transactions, responsible negotiations, etc. If possible, it is better to postpone significant events and trips to another period. It is desirable to spend the day in a calm atmosphere, without doing anything unusual and risky.

The energy of the Pisces sign is noticeably manifested, and if you want to be on the same wavelength with her, allow yourself to slip away from reality for a while. For example, you can go to the cinema, read a fantasy novel, listen to spiritual music, take up painting.

This is an auspicious time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditating, it is good to use the stones of the zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, aquamarine, opal, blue agate and others.

The day has a strong energy, so magical rituals will bring excellent results. Since an eclipse of the Sun is essentially a new moon, it is good if you find time for a new moon ritual to fulfill wishes. They can be about love, work, business, money, and anything else you want to attract into your life.

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