The cheetah is hunting. Hunting trophy, cheetah, hunting in southwest asia and africa. Feeding and hunting of the cheetah

Acinonyx jubatus) - a predatory mammal, belongs to the cat family, genus cheetah ( Acinonyx). Today it is the only surviving species. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world: when chasing prey, it can reach speeds of up to 112 kilometers per hour.

Cheetah breeding

During the rut, male cheetahs are united in small groups, usually consisting of 2-4 individuals. Most often, such a premarital alliance includes sexually mature cheetah brothers from the same litter. Such a kindred clan protects the territory from the encroachments of foreign males, on which there are potential female partners.

The female cheetah is capable of reproducing full-fledged offspring at the age of 2-2.5 years, although the first estrus occurs much earlier - at the age of 19-21 months.

Seasonality in the reproduction of these predators is weakly expressed. However, individuals living in eastern Africa give birth to cubs mainly from January to August, and in South African cheetahs, kittens appear from November to March.

Pregnancy of a female cheetah lasts from 85 to 95 days, as a result, from 2 to 4-5 kittens are born. Cheetah cubs are born blind and completely helpless. Only after 10-14 days do babies open their eyes. The coat of small cheetahs is quite long and has a grayish-blue tint, characteristic spots on the skin appear later.

The babies have a small black-brown mane, and a dark tassel adorns the tip of the tail: these identification marks disappear by about 3-4 months. For almost a year, and sometimes more, (until they learn to hunt on their own), cheetah cubs are near a caring mother under her vigilant supervision, but the cheetah father does not take part in raising his offspring.

The cheetah is a difficult animal to keep in captivity. Despite their hardiness, these felines are vulnerable to drafts, excessively high humidity, and sudden temperature changes. In autumn and spring, cheetahs often suffer from respiratory and viral diseases, so zoos try to vaccinate animals in a timely manner.

Quite friendly to humans, the cheetah is very excited and restless about the presence of strangers, which can lead to tragedy if a completely unfamiliar person is feeding and caring for the predator.

  • In the summer of 2012, a female cheetah named Sarah ran the 100-meter dash in 5.95 seconds, setting a world animal record.
  • In the 16th century, an Indian ruler named Akbar simultaneously kept a thousand cheetahs in his court, as he was a fan of hunting with these graceful and swift predators;
  • Cheetahs are mentioned in the Tale of Igor's Campaign.

The cheetah is a beautiful and graceful animal that is considered the fastest runner among predators. The hunting method characteristic of the cheetah is very interesting. When you watch a predator chasing game, your heart just stops at what speed the beast develops. You can find out how a cheetah looks like, how a cheetah hunts, how it lives in the wild, by reading this article.

Habitat of cheetahs

Today, the life of cheetahs is very difficult. Because of his beautiful skin, he was very popular, and the speed with which he runs cannot protect him from the bullets of ruthless hunters.

Now spotted beauties in the wild live in Africa, and in the recent past they could be found in Arabia, India, and Iran. Cheetahs are on the verge of extinction so that the species does not completely disappear from the face of the Earth, the animals are bred in captivity and protected in the natural environment.


The method of hunting, characteristic of the cheetah, is due to the structure of the body of the beast, it is aerodynamic in it. This contributes to streamlining while running, which makes it possible to develop greater speed. The muscles are highly developed, there is almost no fat on the body, it is slender and graceful, at first glance it even seems somewhat fragile. In fact, the animal is strong, its distinguishing feature is the speed that it develops instantly and uses this during the hunt. We will talk about the method of hunting a little later.

Describing the appearance of a cheetah, one cannot fail to note its extraordinary beauty, which is very different from the beauty of other wild cats. The head of the animal is small with high-set eyes, enlarged nostrils, small rounded ears and two thin black stripes on the sides of the muzzle. Because of these stripes, it seems that the beast is saddened.

The color of the cheetah is sandy-yellow, black small spots are randomly scattered over the body. The weight of an adult animal is 45-66 kg, the body length is 110-140 cm, the tail is beautiful and long up to 70-82 cm. The claws are partially retractable, this is a distinctive feature of the species. This feature helps the beast to change direction dramatically at high speed, which again helps him in hunting.

Characteristics of a cheetah

In the natural environment, cheetahs live 12-15 years, in captivity they can live up to 20 years. Males have their own territory, which they mark with urine and guard. Females do not have their own territory, they stay alone and simply follow their prey. The lair of the beast is open, usually settled in thorny thickets, on large termite mounds, under trees or in rocks. Unlike other cats, the cheetah is not clean. He often changes his lair, so he does not have the habit of defecation in the same place. In captivity, it is also not possible to accustom him to cleanliness.

The hunting method characteristic of the cheetah allows him to feast on game such as antelope and zebra, but it is quite difficult to catch them. These are very agile artiodactyls, not every predator is able to catch up with a healthy antelope on a flat open area, for a cheetah, on the contrary, this is the best option. A spotted predator hunts in an area with low grass, as it needs an overview.


Cheetahs form pairs only during the mating season, after the rut the animals disperse, the female takes care of the offspring herself.

The pregnancy lasts three months. There are 2-6 kittens in one litter. Babies are born weak and are easy prey for other predators. Therefore, the mother constantly guards them and often changes the place of the den.

The hunting method characteristic of the cheetah

Spotted predators have sharp eyesight, they climb high ground to search for prey and can spot prey at a great distance. Cheetah hunting takes place either in the morning at sunrise, or in the evening at dusk, males can round up together, but females are single-handed, they never hunt together.

Having outlined the object of prey, the animal throws all its strength into catching it. First, the predator, clinging to the ground, creeps up to the target at a distance of up to 150-200 meters, then rushes forward and, developing incredible speed, catches up with the prey, which has almost no chance of escaping. The jump of a cheetah is 6-8 meters, the beast spends half a second on one such throw. This handsome man can reach speeds of up to 90-100 km / h in just 3 seconds. Only a few hundred meters can run at such a pace, since a jerk of such power requires a huge consumption of oxygen. There have been cases, especially with young animals, when, after running 200-300 meters, the predator lost consciousness and could not recover for a long time. Experienced spotted hunters, if they do not catch prey in the first hundreds of distances, simply stop chasing and start looking for a new target.

Having caught up with the prey, the predator cuts it down and knocks it down with a blow of the front paw. The inner toe of the paw is armed with a curved sharp claw, at the first blow this claw makes a deep wound in the body of the game. The cheetah strangles the prey knocked to the ground by the throat, without opening its jaws for 6-8 minutes.

The life of a cheetah in the wild is extremely interesting, I would like to draw your attention to some interesting facts:

  • At short distances, a cheetah can easily overtake a racehorse.
  • The spotted cat never eats carrion; when it is full, it leaves the rest for birds or jackals. Without even thinking to guard the carcass until the next meal, the beast leaves forever.
  • The predator only drinks water once every three to four days.
  • The nobles of Assyria and India in ancient times organized cheetah competitions, this was considered royal entertainment.
  • The cheetah is easy to tame. Despite the hunting bloodthirsty instinct, this predator is quite calm and affectionate. Not a single case of a cheetah attack on a person has been recorded.
  • Russian princes loved to hunt with a tamed cheetah.
Cheetah, or Asian cheetah, or hunting leopard, or chita

The great natural ability of the cheetah to hunt, its peaceful disposition and easy domestication have prompted hunters in many countries to use it as a hunting animal since ancient times. Who first came up with the idea of ​​hunting with cheetahs is unknown. In any case, the first information about the use of a cheetah for hunting dates back to 1580-1345 BC. In ancient Thebes, images of two cheetahs were found, which are kept on leashes.

Hunting cheetah. Ancient Egyptian image, 1700 BC

Many centuries ago, the cheetah was hunted in many Asian countries. Cheetah hunting was especially grandiose in India, where it was most widespread in the 16th and early 17th centuries.

The size of the hunt can be judged by the fact that Khan Akbar during his reign kept up to 1000 cheetahs at the same time - they were caught with loops of antelope tendons placed near the trees, about which the animals came to sharpen their claws. In Europe, the cheetah has also been known for a long time. On a vase of Greek origin (VII century BC), found in a Scythian burial at Termigor near Kerch, there is a clear image of this predator. This vase came to the Scythians from the Greeks through their colonies on the Black Sea coast.

The first mention of hunting with cheetahs in Europe dates back to 439 AD, when two hunting cheetahs were brought from India to the Emperor Anastasius of Constantinople, with the help of which he hunted fallow deer. The news has survived that in 1100, when the Lombard crusaders approached Constantinople, the Greeks released lions and cheetahs kept in the palace on them, and the latter did not attack the attackers. Byzantine miniatures of the 12th-13th centuries often depicted hunting with cheetahs, especially deer and fallow deer. European feudal lords kept cheetahs for hunting and arranged "leoparderies" - special premises where animals were kept. When predators were trainers and other personnel caring for animals. In France, cheetahs were hunted as early as the 11th century.

No animal in the world can catch up cheetah at a short distance. One of the experiments showed that this beast is capable of accelerating to 84 km / h in 4 seconds, like a racing car. His speed record is about 110 km/h.

Of course, you have to pay for such a gift - because such loads do not pass without a trace. There are times when a cheetah, having run several hundred meters at great speed, simply loses consciousness and then comes to its senses for a very long time. Therefore, the cheetah has developed its own, special style of hunting.

At first, he looks out for prey, lying in dense thickets or on top of a small hill. Having outlined the victim, slowly and silently tries to crawl up to it as close as possible. When a few tens of meters remain before the target, the cheetah takes off with a swift jerk and rushes to the prey with a frantic acceleration.

If it catches up, then with a powerful blow of the front paws it knocks down and instantly gnaws its throat. If he does not catch up in the first seconds, then he never pursues the escaping game, but again freezes in shelter, waiting in the wings.

During the renaissance in this country, cheetahs were so common on the estates of seniors that they are mentioned in most literary works of the time and are often depicted on tapestries. Several such tapestries depicting cheetahs are kept in the Hermitage. There is a lot of historical information about hunting with cheetahs in Italy. So, Frederick II, emperor of the Roman Empire, had leoparderies in the castle of Lucera in Apulia. Cheetahs were delivered to him from North Africa. Louis XII hunted with cheetahs for hares and roe deer in the Amboise forest. Hunting with cheetahs in Europe required large expenditures for the acquisition and maintenance of hunting animals and was available only to large feudal lords. As the feudal states withered away, hunting with these predators became rarer and stopped around the beginning of the 18th century. In the Middle Ages, hunting with cheetahs was practiced in Kievan Rus and the Moscow principality, and on the territory of modern Central Asian and Transcaucasian states and in Kazakhstan it existed until the 19th century inclusive.

In Ancient Russia, a cheetah was called a "pardus", and the persons involved in their training were called "pardusniks". In Russian chronicles and legends, pardus is mentioned repeatedly. On the margins of Svyatoslav's Izbornik, which was written in 1073, two cheetahs with collars are depicted hunting hares. This ancient monument is kept in the Historical Museum in Moscow. These animals are mentioned in the Tale of Igor's Campaign: "Darkness covered the light on the river on the Kayala - Polovtsy spread across the Russian land, like a brood of cheetahs."

There were several ways to hunt with hunting cheetahs. In India and China, the predator was put on a special two-wheeled cart, which had a springboard at the back. Zebu or bulls of other local breeds were harnessed to the cart. This method is calculated on the fact that antelopes get used to the sight of peasant carts, and therefore they often let them in at a relatively close distance.

In open areas, the cheetah was let loose on game from a distance of 100-200 meters, and only where there were separately growing bushes - from a longer distance. A cheetah was tied to the cart with a leash, the free end of which was attached to a belt worn on the beast in the groin area, and less often - to the collar. So that during the approach to the game the cheetah would not be distracted and not worried, his eyes were covered with a special bandage. The hunters, noticing a herd of antelopes, began to ride around them until the radius was reduced to 100-300 m. Having reached such a distance, the cheetah was untied, the bandage was removed from the eyes and the game was shown to him. Having caught up with the antelope, the beast knocked it to the ground with its paws, grabbing it by the throat, and began to choke it. At this time, a hunter ran up to him, cut the throat of the prey and, having drawn blood into a special ladle, substituted it for the cheetah. Having drunk the blood of the cheetah, they again put on a bandage and took him to the cart.

Training a hunting cheetah was relatively easy. In the first days after the capture of the animal, they "withstood" for some time, not giving food and preventing him from sleeping. Then a hungry, severely weakened animal was taught to take food from the hands of a person caring for him, giving him food and water in a special ladle - a lure. Later, the tamed animal began to be led out on four leashes - stretch marks to the most crowded streets and bazaars. When the cheetah got used to his master, he was taught to horses and dogs. After that, he was baited to the game that they were going to hunt with him. And only after a six-month training it was possible to start hunting for small antelopes and hares.

The cheetah, which has been used for hunting since ancient times, is without a doubt the most interesting historical monument of nature. At the same time, this peculiar, highly specialized cat, similar to a greyhound dog, is a wonderful example of animal evolution. To date, its range has been greatly reduced. In Saudi Arabia, the predator was last seen in 1950, the last cheetah in India was killed in 1955.

The last hunt involving cheetahs took place in India in 1942.

Most recently, he still lived on the territory of Turkmenistan, where he also disappeared by now. Of the entire vast range in Asia, a small area remained in Iran. In Africa, the cheetah has survived only in remote places or in protected areas. The world community stood up for the protection of the cheetah, and it is listed in the International Red Book as an animal that is threatened with complete extinction. Whether it will be possible to save this predator in the wild now depends only on man.

Magazine "Hunt"
Vladimir Vladimirovich Bobrov, Candidate of Biological Sciences

The cheetah can rightfully be called the fastest hunter on earth. To catch up with its prey, which develops speeds up to 96 km per hour, the cheetah has a hard time. But he is a dexterous hunter and his body helps him in this.

Feeding and hunting of the cheetah

The cheetah is a born predator. In pursuit of the victim, he develops a speed of up to 120 km / h. His tail helps him balance while running, and his claws serve as a kind of spikes that make it possible to repeat all the zigzags behind the running victim. Eyes allow you to see any movement at a great distance. Overtaking the prey, the cheetah cuts it with its paw, and then tries to cling to the neck.

Cheetahs feed mainly on ungulates, gazelles and antelopes. These animals make up 90% of the diet of cheetahs. They also hunt hares, young ostriches and other large birds.

Unlike many felines that hunt at night, cheetahs prefer to hunt during the day. Starting a hunt, a predator first looks for suitable prey, usually from some kind of hill. When the victim is chosen, be it a gazelle, an antelope or a wild donkey, the cheetah, hiding in the thick grass, crawls closer to the victim, and when 30-100 meters are left, it abruptly breaks off and starts the chase, developing tremendous speed, then making an accurate jump , clings to the body of prey with carpal claws. The cheetah cannot cling well to the body of the victim, because it does not have retractable claws. Therefore, he tries to knock her down and bite her neck. If in a matter of seconds the cheetah fails to catch the prey, then the chase stops. An animal can run at such a crazy speed for only 500-600 meters, then the body temperature rises and the animal will easily die from overheating if it continues the chase.

As a rule, they hunt alone, but young and inexperienced individuals can hunt together. They do it in the following way - together they surround the impala and, having driven it into a trap, do not leave it a single chance. There are cases when a group of predators attacks larger prey, for example, a blue wildebeest or a zebra, and sometimes the hunting of brother cheetahs ends successfully. However, together the team does not hunt for long, having matured, relatives begin to shun each other. Approximately in the third year of life, brothers and sisters part and begin an independent life, but at the same time remain in the same hunting area. Animals continue to feel kindred feelings for each other, they do not have disputes over hunting territories.

Catching up with prey, the cheetah spends a lot of vitality and energy. In order to somehow restore strength after the chase, the animal lies down in the shade and breathes heavily for about 15 minutes. At this time, while he is resting, his enemies are not asleep. The most sworn enemies of the cheetah on the African plains are lions and hyenas. They strip the cheetahs of most of their prey. Since cheetahs do not have powerful jaws and large sizes, these animals almost never enter into an argument with them and give up their prey without a fight. Therefore, this predator tries to eat everything immediately after the hunt, leaving nothing for later. Also, cheetahs, unlike many cats, never eat carrion, but always prefer to eat fresh meat.

The great natural ability of the cheetah to hunt, its peaceful disposition and easy domestication have prompted hunters in many countries to use it as a hunting animal since ancient times. Who first came up with the idea of ​​hunting with cheetahs is unknown. In any case, the first information about the use of a cheetah for hunting dates back to 1580-1345 BC. In ancient Thebes, images of two cheetahs were found, which are kept on leashes. Many centuries ago, the cheetah was hunted in many Asian countries. Cheetah hunting was especially grandiose in India, where it was most widespread in the 16th and early 17th centuries.

Fleet Hunters

Cheetahs are the fastest land mammals. And they look more like greyhounds than cats. But this similarity is not surprising, because cheetahs do not hunt from ambush, but pursue the victim at a short distance. They are considered the fastest animals on Earth because they can accelerate to 100 km/h in less than 3 seconds. True, for the ability to run fast, these cats had to sacrifice strength: they have weak jaws, a fragile physique and blunt claws. These shortcomings make cheetahs very vulnerable to other predators, which sometimes take away the prey they have caught from the cheetah.

Cheetahs have a calm nature, they are very curious and friendly. That is why it is quite easy to tame them. And for their exceptional beauty and peaceful disposition, cheetahs were used not only for practical purposes, but also kept as pets in the palaces of noble people.

In ancient times, hunting with spotted predators was common in the countries of the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and Asia. But it acquired a special scope in the 16-17 centuries in India. For example, padishah Akbar I the Great (1556 - 1605) was a passionate hunter with these animals. In cheetahs, he kept up to a thousand predators at the same time, and throughout his life the padish had about nine thousand cheetahs.

In Greece, Rome and Byzantium, hunting with cheetahs, although not as widespread as in India, was also very popular. This is evidenced by the many frescoes and miniatures depicting this entertainment of the nobility. But in Rome, noble ladies loved to keep spotted predators as domestic cats - in the same frescoes, influential women are often depicted in the company of cheetahs on leashes.

Hunting with greyhound cats

Since cheetahs practically do not breed in captivity, each cat had to be caught from the wild. Catchers found a female with small cubs and placed snares on them. If the kittens fell into traps, they were delivered to leoparderies - places where hunting cats were kept. There, the future spotted hunters were subjected to a hunger strike and torture by insomnia for several days - they were not allowed to sleep. When the kittens weakened, they were given food, but only from human hands. After they stopped being afraid and attached to a person, they were taught to walk on a leash in the most crowded places in the city. Later they were accustomed to other hunting animals: horses and dogs. And only after that, young cheetahs were set on game - hares, antelopes, saigas, fallow deer. The entire course took about six months.

The hunting went as follows: a trained cheetah was put on a belt with a leash (they were rarely led on collars) and a blindfold. This was done so that the predator did not rush ahead of time. Hunters found a herd of antelopes, saigas or fallow deer in the steppe, and got as close to them as possible. Cheetahs were brought up either in a special small wagon or on the back of a horse. Then they took off the bandage and showed him the game. The cheetah immediately set off in pursuit. If he managed to overtake and strangle his prey, the hunters rewarded him with the blood of the caught game.

A hunting cat could be chased several times until it got tired. And after the hunt, all the cheetahs got the insides of the prey.

G epards in Europe and Russia

In Europe, hunting with cheetahs has been carried out since the eleventh century. These cats, among other trophies, were brought with them by the crusaders. Kings and noble feudal lords kept them in the so-called "leoparderies", and hunted hares, roe deer and even deer with them. These hunts are depicted in miniatures and tapestries, and are also described in some literary works of that time. Cheetahs were then worth their weight in gold, and only exceptionally rich (and vain) people undertook to keep them.

But whimsical predators did not entertain the European feudal lords for long: the already infrequent hunts with cheetahs finally stopped at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Practical and progressive people of the new era did not want to spend a lot of money on hunting cats. And this entertainment has become a thing of the past along with knightly tournaments as a beautiful tradition of the Middle Ages.

In Russia, cheetahs were known even earlier than in Europe. This, apparently, was influenced by close ties with Byzantium. True, in early chronicles (for example, in the Tale of Igor's Campaign), cheetahs are mentioned not as friends of man, but as bloodthirsty predators. The first description of cheetahs as hunting animals is found in Svyatoslav's Izbornik, written in the eleventh century.

The usual name for swift-footed spotted predators is never found in Russian chronicles - it is replaced by the word "pardus". And the trainers who worked with these animals were called "pardusniks". Keeping and hunting with cheetahs in Russia basically did not differ from the traditions of other countries.


Many scientists agree that hunting with cheetahs has put these predators at risk of extinction. After all, they practically do not breed in captivity, and therefore all cats caught for hunting were doomed to die without giving offspring. This is how cheetahs became a victim of human fun.

Now hunting with cheetahs does not officially exist, but perhaps it can still be seen somewhere in the Arab countries with some rich sheikh. But keeping a spotted African cat in the house is becoming fashionable in Europe and America. This hobby continues to reduce the number of cheetahs. Whether they survive as a biological species - now more than ever depends on the person.

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