The first call to the army is spring. Autumn conscription in the Russian army. Deadlines, innovations

How the conscription will take place in the army in 2017 in our country - this question is asked by both future conscripts, and their parents and close people. Whether a delay is expected, whether a delay is practiced and in what cases, in what terms the call takes place - literally every detail is interesting.

What is the deadline for conscription in the army in 2017

By tradition, in 2017, the conscription will be carried out in two stages: in the spring and autumn seasons. The spring conscription commission will work from the beginning of April to the middle of June, and the autumn one - from the beginning of October to the end of December.

Conscripts will receive summons at this time that they must undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Medical examination is only the first stage of which the draft board consists, although it is extremely important. Then, based on the results of the verdict of the medical commission, the conscript's suitability for service will be determined, according to his level of health, education, etc. Select the most suitable military specialty. In the event that the conscript has successfully passed the medical examination, and he does not have any deferral from service, he will be assigned a date for sending him to the duty station.

Thus, there will be nothing new in the drafting procedure itself and the principles of work of draft commissions - the system, which has been worked out for decades, continues to function as before.

What is the length of military service in 2017?

With regard to service life Russian army, then these indicators have changed more than once in recent years, so some Russians have managed to get confused and either do not know what the actual service life is, or rightly suspect that the service life can be changed again. No changes are planned for 2017 and the term of service will be one year.

Such a service life is the result of the army reform, which was carried out in the late 2000s. The meaning of the reform was to transfer the army to a predominantly contract formation, but at the same time retain the conscription as a source for filling the armed forces with contract soldiers. In short, the term of military service is now really one year, but all conscripts are invited to sign a contract under which they will serve for at least two years, receive a salary for this and have more humane conditions of service than those who do not wish to go to the contract. In principle, for many young men these are quite good conditions - to serve two years, like their fathers, but at the same time earn some money. It is only worth remembering that this moment Russian state has the right to send only contract soldiers to the wars led by it, but conscripts are insured against this.

Conscription in the army in 2017, thus, and in terms of service life will be the same as in all recent years, innovations in this regard are not planned.

Conscription in the army in 2017: who will have it and who has the right to deferrals

Young people from eighteen to twenty-seven years old, that is, those who were born in 1990-1999, will fall under the draft in the army in 2017. There is also nothing new about deferrals, they are received by those who:

  • He did not pass the medical examination and has contraindications for health reasons.
  • He took advantage of the right to alternative civilian service.
  • He is in prison because of a crime.
  • Lives permanently outside Russian Federation.

Of course, a deferment will be given to all those who study at a secondary or higher educational institution. As for the military departments of universities, although their number has decreased, they still exist, and a university student can receive a military specialty, and then go to military service with the rank of lieutenant of the RF Armed Forces.

Thus, no special innovations are planned for 2017. The drafting procedures themselves have been worked out for decades and do not differ in essence from those that existed back in the USSR. Perhaps the latest innovation was the change in service life to a minimum in Russian history- one year. But even this is not entirely correct, because if the conscript signs the contract, he will have to serve at least the usual for the same Soviet army two years. However, the choice remains with every young man, and if the army for a young man is absolutely not what he is interested in in life, he can do with just one year.

The spring conscription started in Russia on April 1 and will last until July 15. In 3.5 months, 142,000 young people will be drafted into the Russian army. The corresponding order was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the beginning of the draft campaign, we tell in our "Question-answer" column who is entitled to a deferment from the army and what changes have occurred.

Who will be given a reprieve from the army?

The list of citizens who are entitled to a deferment from the army has remained the same. But there are changes that have affected students of secondary education institutions. Now young people can easily get a profession without reference to age, and then go to serve.

Previously, students who entered technical schools, lyceums and colleges after the 9th grade received a deferment only until they reached the age of 20. If they started their education after the 11th grade, then a deferment could be counted on only if they reached military age in their last year of study.

Will the duration of the alternative service change?

No, it will remain the same. The guys who decide to serve, for example, at the post office or in a psycho-neurological boarding school, must work for 20 months. In accordance with the current legislation, alternative service is allowed, within the framework of which conscripts get the opportunity to work at various state-owned enterprises, while such work in progress against the total work experience.

Recall that the spring conscription in the army in 2017 starts on April 1 and ends on July 15. The autumn call will begin on October 1 and will last until December 31. The term of service of conscripts in 2017 in accordance with the current legislation will be 12 months, regardless of the presence of higher education and graduation from a university with a military department.

Who is entitled to a deferment from the army?

The types of deferments from the army are regulated by article No. 17 of the law on military service. The following can count on a later service:

Persons recognized as temporarily unfit to perform military duties within the framework of conscripted military service for health reasons;

Persons in the maintenance and care of which are close relatives, in the presence of the following factors:

* the need for constant care;

* lack of complete state support disabled relatives who are supported by a person of military age;

* the absence of other persons whose duties include the maintenance and care of disabled relatives;

* the presence of a conclusion of the federal medical and social expertise on the need for constant care for a person who is in the care of a citizen of the Russian Federation of military age.

Persons raising a child without a mother;

Persons with two or more minor children;

Citizens of the Russian Federation under whose guardianship there are underage disabled relatives (brothers and sisters) in the absence of other persons responsible for their maintenance;

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have a minor child and a wife who is 26 weeks pregnant or more;

Citizens whose family has a disabled child not older than three years;

Persons who are candidates for deputies of the legislative assembly, heads of municipalities and citizens elected to these positions. Deferment from the army is granted for the term of office;

Persons working for public service in the organs:

* Ministry of Internal Affairs;

* customs control and examination;

* control over the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic drugs;

* state fire service;

* penitentiary (penitentiary) system.

Citizens of the Russian Federation undergoing full-time education in educational institutions with state accreditation for mandatory educational programs and higher vocational education(primary, secondary, higher education);

Postgraduate students of state-accredited and state-licensed universities during the period of receiving full-time postgraduate professional education;

Citizens who entered the service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation after graduation.

More than 30,000 conscripts in the Moscow region will receive subpoenas in autumn 2017. However, not all of these youngsters will join the ranks of recruits.

Conscription campaign in the suburbs

The autumn conscription throughout Russia began on October 1 and will last until December 31, 2017. In 2017, about 134 thousand citizens of the country will be called up for military service in Russia. The Moscow region is planned to be called up for military service in the autumn draft in 2017, which is 200 people less compared to last year's figures. According to the military commissariat of the Moscow region, this year 80% of recruits from the Moscow region will be sent to the military units of the Western Military District. The department also noted that the indicator of suitability for military service in the Moscow region is . Among the recruits, whom the commission recognized as limited fit for service, diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, nutritional and metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases, and mental disorders were most often observed.

Currently, there are 67 draft commissions operating in the Moscow region, related to municipalities, and . The latter exercises managerial and supervisory functions, including those related to the medical examination of conscripts.

Today, there are several options for obtaining a deferment from military service: for health reasons, for study, for family reasons, replacement with alternative service.

For health

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Mikhail Vlasov In total, there are three categories of conscripts who are fit for health for military service in the Armed Forces. The other two categories can be unofficially called "degrees of unfitness", since with their assignment the conscript is released from military duty.

Category "A" is given to those recruits who do not have any health problems. There is also an internal division into subcategories "A1" and "A2", where the first is assigned to conscripts with absolute health, and the second - to those who used to be seriously ill or suffered a serious injury, but then fully recovered. Typically, conscripts who have received category "A" are sent to serve in elite units troops.

Category "B" implies that the conscript has minor health problems. Inside, it is divided into 4 subcategories (B1-B4), according to which the most suitable type and type of troops for the future soldier are recommended. So, for example, the subcategory "B2" will be given to recruits who are suitable for service on submarines, surface ships, and will also be able to become drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery installations and engineering vehicles.

As for category "B", it is assigned to conscripts who will not do military service in peacetime due to serious problems with health. The basis for assigning this category may be violations of the central nervous system, respiratory, hearing, vision and other pathologies. In addition, this category is automatically assigned to conscripts whose weight does not exceed 45 kilograms, and it is also issued with a height of less than 150 centimeters. The conscript immediately receives a military ID and is credited to the reserve. However, in war time he will be subject to conscription to complete the units of the second stage.

Category "G" provides the conscript with a temporary deferral for health reasons for a period of 6 months to a year. The basis for the issuance of this category may be fractures of the limbs, concussion and other injuries. After the expiration of the delay, the recruit undergoes a second medical examination, which determines whether he has restored his health.

The last category - "D" suggests that the conscript has very serious health problems. For example, it could be HIV infection, recurrent stroke, or no stomach. In this case, a military ID is immediately issued with a mark of complete disrepair. In addition, the corresponding mark will appear in the passport.

If a conscript assumes that he has diseases that lead to restrictions or make him completely or temporarily unfit for service, then he first needs to pass. If the presence of the disease is confirmed, then all certificates and test results should be kept, which in the future will become documentary evidence of the presence of pathology. With these documents, the conscript is required to arrive on the agenda for the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and receive a category of fitness. The decision of the medical board can be appealed in court.


Source: Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow Region According to the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", citizens who have not yet completed their studies under the programs of the main general education. If a high school student is 18 years old, then he will be able to complete his studies and pass exams. School graduates are granted a deferment until October 1 in the year of graduation, but only on condition successful delivery USE and obtaining a school certificate.

Many schoolchildren decide to continue their education in technical schools and colleges (after the 9th or after the 11th grade). The deferment applies to the entire period of obtaining secondary specialized education. In this case, the educational institution must have state accreditation, and the conscript himself must study full-time. Such a deferment is granted only once: if a graduate of a technical school wants to get a higher education and continue, then he will first have to serve in the army or prove to the medical board that he is not fit for service.

The same rules apply to university students. State accreditation is required to obtain a deferment educational institution and full-time education. The deferment will also be extended if, after receiving a bachelor's degree, a student immediately enters a master's program. Further, you can also get a deferment if you enroll in a full-time graduate program.

A second deferment will not be given if the conscript decides to receive a second higher education in undergraduate or graduate programs.

In case of expulsion from the university, the conscript will not enter the army in only one case - if he own will, and when re-enrolling, the total period of his studies does not increase. If a student was expelled due to academic failure or for any other reason, then he will be drafted into the army.

To receive a deferment, a student must apply to the dean's office of the university for a certificate with the following information: the date and number of the enrollment order, the date of graduation from the higher educational institution, the current course of study. This document must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office, go through a medical examination there and wait for the permission of the draft board to grant a deferment. If the conscript is going to study abroad, then it is necessary to come to the military registration and enlistment office and write a corresponding application. At the same time, it is required to have documents confirming enrollment in a foreign university. In case of a positive decision of the commission, the conscript will be removed from the military register. This way he won't have to worry about being drafted into the army when he comes home for the holidays.

For family reasons

For all young men of military age in Russia, the beginning of the spring period of 2017 will be associated primarily with conscription to the army. And since the question of service is very relevant, therefore, we decided to tell you about what the term of service in the Russian army will be like in 2017, when the spring and autumn conscription of 2017 begins and ends, etc.

How much to serve in the Russian army in 2017

We note right away that, according to Article 38.p1 of the law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the term of service in the Russian Federation in peacetime, according to the draft, at the moment is - 12 months. At the same time, in 2017, it is not planned to change this norm. Thus, all military personnel called up, during the spring or autumn draft of 2017, you will have to serve 1 year. In turn, military personnel who have served more than 6 months after being called up can submit a report on concluding a contract with them for 2 or 3 years.

Spring and autumn call-up 2017 - call-up dates

It should be noted that all conscripted citizens of the Russian Federation (male), whose age at the time of conscription will be from 18 to 27 years old, will be subject to conscription for military service in 2017. In Russia, two recruiting campaigns are held annually: the so-called. spring and autumn, 2017 will not be an exception in this regard. Spring call in 2017 starts on April 1st and ends on July 15th, in turn, the autumn conscription 2017 will be held during from October 1st to December 31st.

Why was the term of service in the army reduced in Russia

Recall that since 2008, the term of service in the Russian army has been reduced from 24 months to 12. Opinions on this issue there may be many, but the following is most credible: young men who go into the army under duress, without prior preparation, and even more so without the desire to be there, undergo tremendous stress, being in conditions that are not much like their usual life. The country has practically no benefit from those who are against their will in the army. Therefore, the main emphasis was placed not on ordinary soldiers, but on contract soldiers, that is, those who, at their own discretion, chose this path, are aware of it and are going to devote themselves to serving the country. Well, in order to increase the number of contractors, one should prepare young people in advance, explain to them the charms and difficulties of such a life, tell them about the necessity and courage of such a choice (see d.).

Grounds for deferment or exemption from conscription

There are certainly good reasons and reasons why to postpone or complete exemption from service in the Russian army. For example, often young men are not taken into the army for health reasons. Others do not serve because they study at higher educational institutions or work in certain public positions, employment in which is equated to military service. In some higher educational institutions there are military departments where lectures are given and specialized training is conducted.

About the armed forces of the Russian Federation

Russia is a military power. Most the country spends its budget precisely on maintaining and modernizing its army, which is why recent years, military personnel were able to notice improvements in this area. Russia is not going to change the course of introducing well-trained military personnel into its military establishment. The level of maintenance of soldiers is increasing, the amount of monetary allowances is increasing, measures are regularly taken to eliminate "hazing" in military circles. It is believed that by 2018, 90% of the military in the country will be contract soldiers, that is, those people who consider serving the Motherland not only an obligatory action, but also their profession.

Call for military service in the army in the Russian Federation is carried out in two stages, which are traditionally called autumn and spring conscription. These events are named after the time they begin.

Spring call dates for 2017
Let's see, when does the spring call start in 2017? Like last year, the draft commissions will begin their work on the first day of the draft. The beginning of the spring call and the end date are given below. Thus, in 2017, the terms of conscription into the army remained unchanged.

When does the 2017 spring conscription start?

All children of military age at the moment, without a doubt, are concerned about the question of when the spring conscription begins in 2017 in the army for military service. According to the legal documents of the Russian Federation, this year, however, as in the past, Spring recruitment starts April 1st. This date for someone is associated with humor and fun, but not for young recruits and their relatives. As a rule, the start date of the spring draft is already the date of the first medical commissions in the military enlistment office. Now you know what date the spring conscription begins.

When does the spring call end?

Unlike the autumn conscription, which averages 91 days, the spring conscription lasts 15 more days, that is, 106 days. In other words, the 2017 spring call ends July 15. In this regard, university graduates who successfully defended theses, you must remember that they have a valid deferral until August 31. However, everywhere newly minted specialists / masters / bachelors are handed subpoenas precisely in the spring call-up, usually at the beginning of summer.

Spring draft 2017, draftee service life

Surely, many guys heard about the increase in service life to 1.8 years in 2017, but the information actively spreading in the media on this topic, these rumors turned out to be someone's invention. Young men who will be drafted into the army in the spring draft of 2017 will serve 12 months(1 year) despite all the rumors about changing the service life.

Innovations in the spring draft 2017

This year, each conscript will receive a so-called travel bag - a unified stylish bag with personal hygiene products, which will certainly increase the comfort of service and simplify the answer to the question "What to take with you to the army?" Now every soldier will have a set of shaving accessories, a manicure set and a considerable set of useful little things. As before, recruitment is underway for scientific companies, however, in order to enter these units, it is necessary to pass a competitive selection due to the limited number of places. Also an innovation of the spring conscription of 2017 is the introduction of daytime sleep for conscripts.

Exceptions to recruitment periods

According to the provisions federal law"On military duty and military service" there are certain exceptions to the terms of conscription for certain categories of Russians. Let's take a closer look at each of these exceptions.

For citizens living in certain areas extreme north, shortened recruitment periods apply. In this case, the call begins 1 month later than in other regions of the Russian Federation. You can find out whether a particular region belongs to the Far North region in legal documents RF. So the spring call in such regions begins on May 1. When does the 2017 Spring Conscription for Citizens End? northern regions Russia? The call ends on the same date as in other regions of the Russian Federation, that is, on July 15.
Another category of citizens for whom the exceptional terms of the spring conscription are valid are pedagogical workers / teachers working in educational institutions. For such citizens, the term of spring conscription begins on May 1 and ends on July 15. But in the autumn conscription, teachers / educators are not called at all.

The last category of citizens with special terms of conscription into the army are residents / workers of the sphere Agriculture. The spring conscription for these citizens is not valid, they can only be called up for service in the fall during the autumn conscription, which will begin for them on October 15, unlike all other citizens, for whom the autumn conscription begins on October 1.

What does the spring call include?

The concept of conscription is extremely important, and the conscript must know what this process involves. So the first and, in fact, determining the outcome of the following stages is such an event as a medical examination of a young conscript in the military registration and enlistment office.

Next, a meeting of the district recruitment commission takes place, at which, based on the results of the medical commission, a decision is made about the fate young man regarding military service. So a young man can be sent to the service, released from conscription, or called for a second medical examination to the military registration and enlistment office in six months due to temporary health problems.

If a decision is made to call up a young man for the spring draft, he will be issued a so-called combat summons, that is, a summons to be sent to military unit for service.

In practice, conscripts are given a summons to the army immediately after a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, if the young man is recognized as fit for health reasons. In this case, the decision of the draft board is issued "retroactively", which is naturally a violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, but this violation is widespread everywhere.

Another popular violation of the rights of conscripts is the holding of the above-mentioned recruiting events outside the terms of the spring draft. Here key concept are the "terms of conscription". The results of activities carried out outside these deadlines have no legal force, which means that on their basis it is impossible to recognize a young man, for example, as fit to serve in the army. If a young man is called for a medical examination in January, such a call is illegal, and the military registration and enlistment office officers are well aware of this. In this case, it is not necessary to appear on this medical examination. The court will be on the side of the conscript in the event of an attempt to hold the young man accountable for not appearing at such an event outside the terms of the call.

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