Formulas in physics required for passing the exam. Formulas in physics that are recommended to be learned and mastered well for the successful passing of the exam

Absolutely necessary so that a person who decides to study this science, armed with them, can feel in the world of physics like a fish in water. Without knowing the formulas, it is unthinkable to solve problems in physics. But it is almost impossible to remember all the formulas and it is important to know, especially for a young mind, where to find this or that formula and when to apply it.

The location of physical formulas in specialized textbooks is usually distributed among the corresponding sections among text information, so searching for them there can take quite a lot of time, and even more so if you suddenly need them urgently!

Presented below physics cheat sheets contain all the basic formulas from the course of physics that will be useful to students of schools and universities.

All formulas of the school course in physics from the site
I. Kinematics download
1. Basic concepts
2. Laws of addition of velocities and accelerations
3. Normal and tangential accelerations
4. Types of movements
4.1. Uniform movement
4.1.1. Uniform rectilinear motion
4.1.2. Uniform circular motion
4.2. Movement with constant acceleration
4.2.1. Uniformly accelerated motion
4.2.2. Uniformly slow motion
4.3. harmonic movement
II. Dynamics download
1. Newton's second law
2. The theorem on the motion of the center of mass
3. Newton's third law
4. Forces
5. Gravitational force
6. Forces acting through contact
III. Conservation laws. Work and power download
1. Momentum of a material point
2. Momentum of the system of material points
3. Theorem on the change in momentum of a material point
4. Theorem on the change in the momentum of a system of material points
5. Law of conservation of momentum
6. Work force
7. Power
8. Mechanical energy
9. Mechanical energy theorem
10. Law of conservation of mechanical energy
11. Dissipative forces
12. Methods for calculating work
13. Time Average Force
IV. Download statics and hydrostatics
1. Equilibrium conditions
2. Torque
3. Unstable balance, stable balance, indifferent balance
4. Center of mass, center of gravity
5. Force of hydrostatic pressure
6. Fluid pressure
7. Pressure at any point in the liquid
8, 9. Pressure in a homogeneous fluid at rest
10. Archimedean force
V. Thermal phenomena download
1. Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation
2. Dalton's Law
3. Basic equation of the MKT
4. Gas laws
5. First law of thermodynamics
6. Adiabatic process
7. Efficiency of a cyclic process (heat engine)
8. Saturated steam
VI. Electrostatics download
1. Coulomb's law
2. Principle of superposition
3. Electric field
3.1. The strength and potential of the electric field created by one point charge Q
3.2. The intensity and potential of the electric field created by a system of point charges Q1, Q2, ...
3.3. The intensity and potential of the electric field created by a ball uniformly charged over the surface
3.4. Strength and potential of a uniform electric field (created by a uniformly charged plane or a flat capacitor)
4. Potential energy of a system of electric charges
5. Electricity
6. Properties of a conductor in an electric field
VII. DC download
1.Ordered speed
2. Current
3. Current density
4. Ohm's law for a circuit section that does not contain EMF
5. Ohm's law for a circuit section containing EMF
6. Ohm's law for a complete (closed) circuit
7. Series connection of conductors
8. Parallel connection of conductors
9. Work and power of electric current
10. Efficiency of the electrical circuit
11. The condition for the allocation of maximum power to the load
12. Faraday's law for electrolysis
VIII. Magnetic phenomena download
1. Magnetic field
2. Movement of charges in a magnetic field
3. Frame with current in a magnetic field
4. Magnetic fields created by various currents
5. Interaction of currents
6. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction
7. The phenomenon of self-induction
IX. Oscillations and waves download
1. Fluctuations, definitions
2. Harmonic vibrations
3. The simplest oscillatory systems
4. Wave
X. Optics download
1. Law of reflection
2. Law of refraction
3. Lens
4. Picture
5. Possible cases of the location of the subject
6. Interference
7. Diffraction

Big physics cheat sheet. All formulas are presented in a compact form with a few comments. The cheat sheet also contains useful constants and other information. The file contains the following sections of physics:

    Mechanics (kinematics, dynamics and statics)

    Molecular physics. Properties of gases and liquids


    Electrical and electromagnetic phenomena

    Electrodynamics. D.C


    Vibrations and waves. Optics. Acoustics

    Quantum physics and the theory of relativity

Small spur on physics. Everything you need for the exam. Cutting the basic formulas in physics on one page. Not very aesthetically pleasing, but practical. :-)

The Unified State Exam covers information on the entire course of physics from grades 7 to 11. However, if some formulas in physics for the Unified State Examination are well remembered on their own, others have to be worked on. We will look at some formulas that are useful for solving various problems.


Let's start traditionally with kinematics. A common mistake here is the incorrect calculation of the average speed of non-uniform rectilinear motion. In this case, they try to solve problems using the arithmetic mean. However, everything is not so simple. The arithmetic mean is only a special case. And to find the average speed of movement, there is a useful formula:

where S is the entire path traveled by the body in a certain time t.

Molecular Kinetic Theory (MKT)

MKT can set many insidious "traps" for an inattentive student. To avoid this, you need to be fluent in physics formulas for the exam in this area.

Let's start with the Mendeleev-Clapeyron law, which is used for ideal gases. It sounds like this:

where p is the gas pressure,

V is the volume it occupies,

n is the amount of gas,

R is the universal gas constant,

T is temperature.

Pay attention to examples of problems with the application of this law.

Everyone knows what humidity is. Relative humidity values ​​are reported daily in the media. The formula for the exam is: here f is the relative humidity of the air,

ρ is the density of water vapor in the air,

ρ0 is the density of saturated vapor at a specific temperature.

This last value is a table value, so it must be in the task condition.


Thermodynamics is a branch quite close to the MKT, so many concepts intersect. Thermodynamics is based on two principles. Almost every problem in this area requires knowledge and application of the first law of thermodynamics, expressed by the formula

This is formulated as follows:

The amount of heat Q that was received by the system is spent on doing work A on external bodies and changing ΔU of the internal energy of this system.

Strength of Archimedes

Finally, let's talk about the behavior of bodies immersed in a liquid. Obviously, each of them is affected by gravity, directed vertically downwards. But in a liquid, all bodies weigh less. This is due to the partial compensation of gravity by the oppositely directed force of Archimedes. Its value is Thus, this force, trying to push the body out of the liquid, depends on the density of the same liquid and the volume of the part of the body immersed in it. The Archimedes force also acts in gases, but due to the insignificance of the density of gases, it is usually neglected.

The USE tests a student's knowledge in various fields of physics. Formulas for the exam in physics contribute to the successful solution of problems (you can use) and a general understanding of the basic physical processes.

As a rule, it is mathematics, and not physics, that is considered to be the queen of the exact sciences. We believe that this statement is disputable, because technical progress is impossible without knowledge of physics and its development. Due to its complexity, it is unlikely to ever be included in the list of mandatory state exams, but, one way or another, applicants for technical specialties have to take it without fail. The most difficult thing to remember are the numerous laws and formulas in physics for the Unified State Examination, and we will talk about them in this article.

Secrets of preparation

Perhaps this is due to the apparent complexity of the subject or the popularity of humanitarian and managerial professions, but in 2016 only 24% of all applicants decided to take physics, in 2017 - only 16%. Such statistics involuntarily make one wonder if the requirements are too high or if the level of intelligence in the country is falling. For some reason, I can’t believe that so few 11th grade students want to become:

  • engineers;
  • jewelers;
  • aircraft designers;
  • geologists;
  • pyrotechnics;
  • environmentalists,
  • production technologists, etc.

Knowledge of the formulas and laws of physics is equally necessary for developers of intelligent systems, computers, equipment and weapons. At the same time, everything is interconnected. So, for example, specialists producing medical equipment once studied an in-depth course in atomic physics, because without isotope separation, we will not have either X-ray equipment or radiation therapy. Therefore, the creators of the USE tried to take into account all the topics of the school course and, it seems, did not miss a single one.

Those students who regularly attended all physics lessons up to the last call know that about 450 formulas are studied in the period from grade 5 to grade 11. It is extremely difficult to single out at least 50 of these four and a half hundred, since they are all important. This opinion is apparently also shared by the developers of the Codifier. However, if you are unusually gifted and not limited in time, 19 formulas will be enough for you, because if you wish, you can derive all the rest from them. As a basis, we decided to take the main sections:

  • mechanics;
  • molecular physics;
  • electromagnetism and electricity;
  • optics;
  • atomic physics.

Obviously, preparation for the exam should be daily, but if for some reason you started to study all the material just now, a real miracle can be performed by an express course offered by our center. We hope these 19 formulas will also be useful to you:

You probably noticed that some formulas in physics for passing the exam were left without explanation? We leave it to you to study them and discover for yourself the laws by which absolutely everything is done in this world.

Cheat sheet with formulas in physics for the exam

Cheat sheet with formulas in physics for the exam

And not only (may need 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 classes). For starters, a picture that can be printed in a compact form.

And not only (may need 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 classes). For starters, a picture that can be printed in a compact form.

A cheat sheet with formulas in physics for the Unified State Examination and not only (grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 may need it).

and not only (may need 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 classes).

And then word file, which contains all the formulas to print, which are at the bottom of the article.


  1. Pressure P=F/S
  2. Density ρ=m/V
  3. Pressure at the depth of the liquid P=ρ∙g∙h
  4. Gravity Ft=mg
  5. 5. Archimedean force Fa=ρ w ∙g∙Vt
  6. Equation of motion for uniformly accelerated motion

X=X0 + υ 0∙t+(a∙t 2)/2 S=( υ 2 -υ 0 2) /2а S=( υ +υ 0) ∙t /2

  1. Velocity equation for uniformly accelerated motion υ =υ 0 +a∙t
  2. Acceleration a=( υ -υ 0)/t
  3. Circular speed υ =2πR/T
  4. Centripetal acceleration a= υ 2/R
  5. Relationship between period and frequency ν=1/T=ω/2π
  6. Newton's II law F=ma
  7. Hooke's law Fy=-kx
  8. Law of universal gravitation F=G∙M∙m/R 2
  9. The weight of a body moving with acceleration a P \u003d m (g + a)
  10. The weight of a body moving with acceleration a ↓ P \u003d m (g-a)
  11. Friction force Ffr=µN
  12. Body momentum p=m υ
  13. Force impulse Ft=∆p
  14. Moment M=F∙ℓ
  15. Potential energy of a body raised above the ground Ep=mgh
  16. Potential energy of elastically deformed body Ep=kx 2 /2
  17. Kinetic energy of the body Ek=m υ 2 /2
  18. Work A=F∙S∙cosα
  19. Power N=A/t=F∙ υ
  20. Efficiency η=Ap/Az
  21. Oscillation period of the mathematical pendulum T=2π√ℓ/g
  22. Oscillation period of a spring pendulum T=2 π √m/k
  23. The equation of harmonic oscillations Х=Хmax∙cos ωt
  24. Relationship of the wavelength, its speed and period λ= υ T

Molecular physics and thermodynamics

  1. Amount of substance ν=N/ Na
  2. Molar mass M=m/ν
  3. Wed. kin. energy of monatomic gas molecules Ek=3/2∙kT
  4. Basic equation of MKT P=nkT=1/3nm 0 υ 2
  5. Gay-Lussac law (isobaric process) V/T =const
  6. Charles' law (isochoric process) P/T =const
  7. Relative humidity φ=P/P 0 ∙100%
  8. Int. ideal energy. monatomic gas U=3/2∙M/µ∙RT
  9. Gas work A=P∙ΔV
  10. Boyle's law - Mariotte (isothermal process) PV=const
  11. The amount of heat during heating Q \u003d Cm (T 2 -T 1)
  12. The amount of heat during melting Q=λm
  13. The amount of heat during vaporization Q=Lm
  14. The amount of heat during fuel combustion Q=qm
  15. The equation of state for an ideal gas is PV=m/M∙RT
  16. First law of thermodynamics ΔU=A+Q
  17. Efficiency of heat engines η= (Q 1 - Q 2) / Q 1
  18. Ideal efficiency. engines (Carnot cycle) η \u003d (T 1 - T 2) / T 1

Electrostatics and electrodynamics - formulas in physics

  1. Coulomb's law F=k∙q 1 ∙q 2 /R 2
  2. Electric field strength E=F/q
  3. Email tension. field of a point charge E=k∙q/R 2
  4. Surface charge density σ = q/S
  5. Email tension. fields of the infinite plane E=2πkσ
  6. Dielectric constant ε=E 0 /E
  7. Potential energy of interaction. charges W= k∙q 1 q 2 /R
  8. Potential φ=W/q
  9. Point charge potential φ=k∙q/R
  10. Voltage U=A/q
  11. For a uniform electric field U=E∙d
  12. Electric capacity C=q/U
  13. Capacitance of a flat capacitor C=S∙ ε ε 0/d
  14. Energy of a charged capacitor W=qU/2=q²/2С=CU²/2
  15. Current I=q/t
  16. Conductor resistance R=ρ∙ℓ/S
  17. Ohm's law for the circuit section I=U/R
  18. The laws of the last compounds I 1 \u003d I 2 \u003d I, U 1 + U 2 \u003d U, R 1 + R 2 \u003d R
  19. Parallel laws. conn. U 1 \u003d U 2 \u003d U, I 1 + I 2 \u003d I, 1 / R 1 + 1 / R 2 \u003d 1 / R
  20. Electric current power P=I∙U
  21. Joule-Lenz law Q=I 2 Rt
  22. Ohm's law for a complete chain I=ε/(R+r)
  23. Short circuit current (R=0) I=ε/r
  24. Magnetic induction vector B=Fmax/ℓ∙I
  25. Ampere Force Fa=IBℓsin α
  26. Lorentz force Fл=Bqυsin α
  27. Magnetic flux Ф=BSсos α Ф=LI
  28. Law of electromagnetic induction Ei=ΔФ/Δt
  29. EMF of induction in moving conductor Ei=Вℓ υ sinα
  30. EMF of self-induction Esi=-L∙ΔI/Δt
  31. The energy of the magnetic field of the coil Wm \u003d LI 2 / 2
  32. Oscillation period count. contour T=2π ∙√LC
  33. Inductive reactance X L =ωL=2πLν
  34. Capacitance Xc=1/ωC
  35. The current value of the current Id \u003d Imax / √2,
  36. RMS voltage Ud=Umax/√2
  37. Impedance Z=√(Xc-X L) 2 +R 2


  1. The law of refraction of light n 21 \u003d n 2 / n 1 \u003d υ 1 / υ 2
  2. Refractive index n 21 =sin α/sin γ
  3. Thin lens formula 1/F=1/d + 1/f
  4. Optical power of the lens D=1/F
  5. max interference: Δd=kλ,
  6. min interference: Δd=(2k+1)λ/2
  7. Differential grating d∙sin φ=k λ

The quantum physics

  1. Einstein's formula for the photoelectric effect hν=Aout+Ek, Ek=U ze
  2. Red border of the photoelectric effect ν to = Aout/h
  3. Photon momentum P=mc=h/ λ=E/s

Physics of the atomic nucleus

  1. Law of radioactive decay N=N 0 ∙2 - t / T
  2. Binding energy of atomic nuclei

E CB \u003d (Zm p + Nm n -Mya)∙c 2


  1. t \u003d t 1 / √1-υ 2 / c 2
  2. ℓ=ℓ 0 ∙√1-υ 2 /c 2
  3. υ 2 \u003d (υ 1 + υ) / 1 + υ 1 ∙υ / c 2
  4. E = m with 2
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