Violation of the lexical compatibility of the word. Features of violation of lexical compatibility

(from the Greek lexikos - “verbal, dictionary” and gr. logos - “word, concept, teaching”) - a section of linguistics that studies the vocabulary of the language, considering the basic unit of the language - the word in various aspects. Lexical norms of the Russian literary language- these are the rules for using words in speech in accordance with their lexical meaning and taking into account their lexical compatibility and stylistic coloring.Is it correct to say: imagine vacation, television nowadays plays great importance , memorable souvenir? These and similar questions are answered by the lexical norms of the Russian literary language.The main requirement of lexical norms is the use of words in accordance with the meaning that is inherent in them. This usage rule is often violated. Consider examples of violations of the lexical norms of the Russian literary language.

Confusion of paronyms

Violation of lexical norms is often associated with the fact that speakers or writers confuse words that are similar in sound but different in meaning. Such words are called paronyms.(from Greek. para - "about" and onima - "name") - these are words, in most cases the same root, similar in sound, but having various meanings: addresses nt(sender) - addresses t(recipient); amy grant(leaving the country) - immi grant (entering).Words are paronyms diplomatic and diplomacy h th. diplomatic maybe something related to diplomacy ( diplomatic bag); diplomatic - something correct, corresponding to etiquette ( diplomatic behavior of the parties). A typical speech error is the confusion of paronyms q put and pre to put. A certificate of illness of the child is submitted to the school, a new teacher introduces himself class, but the opportunity to take a study tour provided. Thus:
  • submit - 1) give, hand over, report something for review, information; 2) show, demonstrate something;
  • before leave- 1) give the opportunity to possess, dispose, use something; 2) give the opportunity to do something, entrust someone with the execution of any business (see the list of paronyms given in Appendix 2).
Mixing paronyms often leads to a distortion of meaning: Dense thickets of shrubs alternated with eternal oak groves and birch forests.(instead of century old). The confusion of paronyms also indicates an insufficient speech culture of the speaker: He put on a sweater (instead of put on). Another common lexical error is the use of pleonasms(from the Greek pleonasmos - "excess") - phrases in which one of the two words is superfluous, because its meaning coincides with the meaning of another, adjacent word, for example: memorable souvenir(souvenir - a keepsake), native aborigine(aboriginal - a native of the country), unusual phenomenon(phenomenon - unusual phenomenon). Remember the following pleonastic phrases and avoid using them in speech:
    monumental monument time period strict taboo dead corpse leading leaders main leitmotifmy autobiographyfolklorefacial expressions, etc.

Use of phraseological units

- this is a stable combination of words that is reproduced in speech as something holistic in terms of semantic content and lexical and grammatical composition.Phraseological units in a broad sense include all types of language aphorisms: catchwords, proverbs, sayings. Phraseological units are often used in journalistic statements, literary texts, for example:
  • from Holy Scripture: Do not make yourself an idol;
  • from literary works: Blessed are those who believe...(A.S. Pushkin);
  • Latin and other foreign language expressions: Post factum (lat. Post factum - after what happened);
  • expressions of our contemporaries that have become winged words: Velvet revolution, orange coalition and etc.
The use of phraseological units requires the accuracy of their reproduction. This condition is often violated. Common Mistakes are:
  • abbreviation of the expression: and not worth a penny instead of and not worth a damn;
  • word replacement: lion's share instead of lion's share;
  • combination of two rotations: is of great importance instead plays a role or is of great importance.
However, a skillful variation of phraseological units can give sharpness to speech, for example, in Chekhov: "He looked at the world from the height of his meanness" instead of from the height of his majesty.

He put on his coat and went outside

It is necessary to improve the training of specialists
Specialist training can be good or bad. It can be improved, not upgraded

It is necessary to improve the training of specialists

More than half of the group is engaged in sports sections
Half cannot be more or less

More than half of the group is engaged in sports sections

Various examples of violation of lexical norms

Lexical error

Lexical norm

1. Behind elapsed time period (pleonasm)

1. Behind elapsed period we carried out drainage works

2. technical (mixing of paronyms)

2. The performance of the young gymnast was very technical

3. Necessary increase the level welfare of our veterans(inappropriate use of the word increase without taking it into account lexical meaning and without taking into account its lexical compatibility: the level of well-being can be high or low; it can be increased, but not increased)

3. Necessary level up the welfare of our veterans

Lecture 4. Lexical norms

    Vocabulary. Types of lexical items

    The concept of lexical norm and typical lexical errors

    Violation of accuracy, clarity, consistency, brevity of speech as a result of lexical errors

1. Vocabulary. Types of lexical units

    Vocabulary- the vocabulary of the language, which covers individual words and stable combinations of words. All words can be divided into several groups depending on their lexical features.

Depending on the number of lexical meanings, single-valued and polysemantic words are distinguished. single word can have only one lexical meaning ( book, table, monologue, alert). polysemantic word has two or more values endure, green). In the explanatory dictionary, all meanings of a polysemantic word are given in one dictionary entry, each meaning is numbered, and before interpreting the word there may be a note, for example, trans.(figurative meaning). direct meaning is the basic meaning of the word. A figurative meaning is a secondary meaning that arose on the basis of a direct one.

Lexical units, depending on the semantic relationships between words, are divided into synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, paronyms. Synonyms- these are words of the same part of speech, different in sound, the same or close in meaning. Synonyms can differ from each other in shades of meaning, stylistic coloring, or both. Antonyms- Words that are opposite in meaning. Antonyms denote contrasting concepts that are correlated with each other. Antonyms can express opposite concepts of time (a long time ago - recently), place (up - down), space (north - south), etc. Homonyms- words that are identical in spelling and sound, related to one part of speech, but not related in meaning, for example: In dictionaries, homonyms, unlike polysemantic words, are given in different dictionary entries, since homonyms, unlike polysemantic words, are not have a common value component. Paronyms words are called that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, having, as a rule, the same root and belonging to the same part of speech, for example: spectacular - effective, addressee - addresser, tactical - tactful.

Lexical units are subdivided in terms of the scope of use. Common called vocabulary, understandable to all native speakers of the Russian language. Uncommon words are used only by one or another social group. These words are jargon(emotionally expressive words that are used by a particular social group and have a correspondence in the literary language), dialectisms(words that are used only by residents of a certain territory), argotisms ( words used in the speech of people of a certain social environment in order to hide the content of speech from representatives of others social groups), professionalism, terms.

Lexical units may be characteristic of only one style of speech, or they may be neutral i.e. to be used in any style.

Depending on the origin, the words are native Russian and borrowed. Native Russian Borrowings(foreign vocabulary) - words that came into the Russian language from other languages ​​​​and are used according to the laws of the Russian language.

Depending on the frequency of use, passive and active vocabulary is distinguished. Vocabulary of everyday use is active (table, house, work, contract, tax, etc.). Passive vocabulary is rarely used. Passive vocabulary includes obsolete words that have gone out of active use. They are divided into two groups: historicisms and archaisms. Historicisms - words denoting objects, phenomena that are not in modern life: corvee, quitrent, veche, arshin. Archaisms- words whose lexical meaning has changed. Archaisms have synonyms in the modern Russian language, because the objects and phenomena denoted by these words have not been lost. For example, forehead (forehead), fingers (fingers), shame (spectacle), shuytsa ( left hand), right hand (right hand). In addition to obsolete words, passive vocabulary includes neologisms(new vocabulary units). Neologisms can be individually-author's and general language. Individual author's neologisms belong to book speech, are created consciously, are not widely used, and are not recorded in dictionaries. Such neologisms are created in order to give expressiveness to speech. General language neologisms arise when there is a need to name the desired subject.

2. The concept of lexical norm and typical lexical errors

Lexical norms- word usage rules:

    the use of words in accordance with their meaning, stylistic coloring, evaluative properties;

    correct combination of words (semantic and lexical).

Typical lexical errors are associated with a violation of the norms of word usage.

      Using a word without regard to its lexical meaning

    ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word

    the influence of paronomasia, i.e. sound similarity of words with different roots: mirage - turn, injection - infection

    desire for euphemism -: This phenomenon is not given enough attention. Uncomfortable in the workshop: it is in disrepair.

b) Violation of lexical compatibility

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. Some words have free compatibility, i.e. easily combined with other words: hard work, hard task, difficult character; others are limited to one or two uses: pitch darkness, pouring rain, tribute. The limited lexical compatibility of certain words is explained by their use in special meanings. Polysemantic words are selectively combined with other words: in each case, it is necessary to take into account the specific meaning of the word. For example, you can say deep night, but you can't deep evening; you can say the Velvet season, but you can't velvet autumn.

In many cases, the ban on word compatibility is imposed by linguistic tradition: play a role(norm - play the role), have features (perform functions). Intentional incompatibility is a vivid means of expression often used by humorous writers to give a comical tone to speech. For example: It is difficult to forgive other people's shortcomings, even more difficult to forgive other people's virtues..

Causes of violation of lexical compatibility:

    association with a phrase that is close in meaning, for example , In deep childhood, his favorite pastime was the game of war;

    the emotional-expressive coloring of words is not taken into account: the combination of words of different expressive coloring (negative and positive expression): All notorious specialists were invited to an international conference. There is a comic expression;

    bad choice of synonym: This event took place a few days ago(right - happened);

    mix of paronyms: At the first meeting, Dina did not perceiveUmov seriously.

    pleonasm (a speech error that occurs in a phrase in which one of the words is superfluous, because its meaning duplicates the meaning of another word);

    tautology (unjustified repetition of cognate words in a sentence);

c) Violation of semantic compatibility

Logical compatibility is determined by the connection of objects and phenomena of reality.

Causes of violation of semantic compatibility

    Mixing paronyms. Some paronyms differ in meaning (shades of meanings), some only in lexical compatibility. When mixing paronyms that have different semantic shades, semantic errors arise. For example, This is the critical moment of the game.(full of criticism - critical, turning point - critical).

    False associations arising under the influence of paronomasia (sound similarity of words with different roots). For example, Motorcycle shows are always a real celebration of stuntmen and spectators, here you can see suchmirages (right - turns).

    The use of a polysemantic word without taking into account semantic compatibility ( low health in meaning poor health, low knowledge etc.).

    Convergence of words by adjacency (metonymic replacement the right word): prices are expensive.

    Careless use of antonyms. Because of their weakness the decision was postponed for a week.

3. Violation of accuracy, clarity, consistency, brevity of speech as a result of lexical errors

Lexical errors can lead to a violation of the brevity of speech. Verbosity is the use of words and phrases that carry optional, unnecessary information. For example: Still not doing well enough to meet commitments(instead of Commitments are still not being fulfilled well enough; Passion for computer games is one of the most important signs of the times, a modern phenomenon.(instead of Passion for computer games is one of the most important signs of the times(or modern phenomenon)).

Typical lexical errors that violate the brevity of speech are pleonasm and tautology.

Pleonasm is the use of words that are close in meaning and therefore superfluous. For example: The expression on her face is very expressive.(facial expressions- that's the facial expression ; Loud applause and ovations erupted(applause and ovation- synonyms).

Tautology is the repetition of the same or the same root words in one sentence. For example: heavy rain, ask a question. The tautology can be hidden, it is found in sentences in which a Russian and a foreign word with the same meaning is used. Their similarity is found when translating a foreign word into Russian. For example: memorial monument (memorial- serving to perpetuate the memory of someone) , souvenir(souvenir- a keepsake).

Intentional repetition of words and forms is a means of semantic and emotionally expressive expressiveness: bitter grief, vanity of vanities, live and live. In a number of cases, tautological expressions have become fixed in speech due to changes in the meaning of a particular word and the absence of the necessary equivalent in the language. Yes, the expression patriot of his country became permissible because the word patriot in addition to the meaning “loving the homeland”, it acquired an additional meaning - “loving something, devoted to something”: patriot of his land, patriot of his school. entrenched in speech and expression used book and reality.

Thus, knowledge of lexical norms is one of the conditions for good speech, since lexical norms contribute to the accurate expression of thoughts without verbosity, idle talk, provide clarity and consistency of the statement.

Lexical errors can be avoided by using dictionaries.

Explanatory dictionaries fix the lexical meaning of the word. In dictionaries of foreign words the source language is indicated, the meaning of the word and examples of its use are given.

In phraseological dictionaries the meanings of phraseological units are presented, i.e. set expressions, the value of which is not derived from their constituent components.

You can also use dictionaries of synonyms, homonyms, dictionaries of lexical compatibility. In the dictionaries of synonyms, synonymous series are given, it is indicated general meaning each row, the difference of synonyms from each other is noted, examples of the use of synonyms are given, sometimes the origin of the word.

These dictionaries reflect the richness of the Russian language and are the most important means increasing the level of human speech culture: enriching speech, forming the accuracy and clarity of speech.


Reference books

    Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Tutorial for universities. 14th ed. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2005. - 544 p.

    Ippolitova N.A., Knyazeva O.Yu., Savova M.R. Russian language and culture of speech: a course of lectures / Ed. ON THE. Ippolitova. - M .: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2007. - 344 p.

    Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed., prof. OK. Graudina and Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. E.N. Shiryaev. – M.: Norma, 2006. – 560 p.

    Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / A.I. Dunev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M .: Higher school; S.-Pb.: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2002.

      Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. M., 1994.

      Krysin A.P. Explanatory dictionary of foreign words. M., 1998.

      Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. M., 1984.

      Dictionary of new words of the Russian language. Ed. N.Z. Kotelova. St. Petersburg, 1995.

      Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. M., 1974.

      Dictionary of compatibility of words of the Russian language. M., 1983.

      Modern dictionary of foreign words. M., 2000.

      Thematic dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. V.V. Morkovkin. M., 2000.

      Dictionary Russian language at the end of the 20th century. / Ch. ed. Sklyarevskaya G.N. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

      Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language: In 2 volumes / Compiled by A.I. Fedorov. – M.: Citadel, 1997.

The most important condition for the normativeness of speech is not only right choice words, but also their lexical compatibility. The latter is determined by the meaning of the word, its belonging to a particular style of speech, emotional coloring, grammatical properties, phraseological coherence, and presents a particular difficulty for writers and speakers.

Violation of lexical compatibility can cause speech errors, in order to avoid them, it is necessary to refer to special dictionaries, which provide typical examples of the compatibility of certain words with others. Such lexicographic reference books are listed in the list of recommended literature.

All words in terms of compatibility are divided into two groups: 1) words, the compatibility of which with other words, clarifying, explaining their meaning, is mandatory, for example: inhale what? air, oxygen, smell ; 2) words that have optional compatibility, for example: night - dark night, night has come, etc.

The reason for the limitation of lexical compatibility is the assignment of a word to stable expressions, for example: the Velvet season- autumn months in the south. The rules for combining words in speech are also determined by grammatical compatibility, on which the possibility of connecting one part of speech with another depends. Grammatical compatibility allows, for example, the combination of nouns with adjectives ( deep silence), but "forbids" the combination of adjectives with numerals, possessive pronouns with verbs(can't say "big hundred", "your mine does not understand").

Lexical compatibility often interacts with grammatical. Yes, everything transitive verbs combined with nouns in the accusative case without a preposition ( reading a book), however, the form of this case depends on the belonging of nouns to animate and inanimate: in the first wines. n. in form coincides with the genitive ( met a friend), in the second - with im.p. (met the train). In some cases, grammatical compatibility helps to correctly determine the meaning of a word: see satellite(about spaceship) and see satellite(about a human).

Here are examples of the most common lexical errors: a) the wrong choice of an adjective or adverb with a high degree of quality in a sentence There is a strong queue in the store today - should writeThere's a big line in the store today ; b) a combination of a noun with an adjective meaning "insignificant in its manifestations", - Leaves fall from a birch with a slight rustle - in a sentence should write - .... with a quiet rustle ... ; c) a combination of a verb with the meaning "to produce, perform" and a noun with an abstract meaning - The girl does gymnastics every morning - to the offer should be written - .... does gymnastics ..., but gymnastic exercises performs ; d) verbs with the meaning of creation strictly require after themselves a noun denoting the object of this creation, for example: “cook dinner”, “bake a pie”, “paint a picture”, “compose a poem”. Instead of them, the verb "do, do" is often used. In a sentence Mom and I made dinner right ...were preparing dinner ; e) ways to designate the cause - “cause pain”, “bring joy”, “make an impression”. In a sentence The film creates a good impression on the audience wrong verb combination creates with a noun. You should write - The film makes a good impression on the audience.

To violations lexical norm the union of disparate concepts is alogism. In the above sentence, the incomparable is compared: For the language of the Wild, as well as for other representatives of the "dark kingdom", rude expressions are characteristic. The language of the Wild is compared with representatives of the "dark kingdom". Editing a proposal: In the language of the Wild, as well as in the language of other representatives of the "dark kingdom", there are many rude expressions.

The unjustified replacement of understandable Russian words by foreign ones or their incorrect use also requires literary editing. In order to navigate in borrowings, it is also necessary to refer to special dictionaries that fix this vocabulary. For example:


There are many such words in the Russian language that seem to be “attracted” to each other. For example, they say: “herd of cows”, “herd of horses”, “flock of sheep”. Therefore, an unsuccessful combination of words makes laugh: "A flock of ducks and hares appeared in the distance." In this case, the words are connected incorrectly, i.e. lexical compatibility is broken.

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. Indeed, in speech, words are used not one at a time, not in isolation, but in phrases. At the same time, some words are freely combined with others if they fit them in meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility. So, very similar definitions - long, long, long, long - are attracted to nouns in different ways: you can say a long (long) period, but not a long (long) period.

The limitations of lexical compatibility for certain words are often explained by their use in special meanings. For example, the word round in its main meaning - "one that resembles the shape of a circle, ring, ball" - freely connects with the words of the corresponding subject-thematic group: round table, round box; round window. But, speaking in the meaning of “whole, whole, without interruption” (about time), the word round is combined only with nouns year, day, and in the meaning of “full, perfect” - with such as an excellent student, an ignoramus.

In other cases, the reason for limiting lexical compatibility is the assignment of a word to set expressions. For example, the velvet season is "the autumn months (September, October) in the south." This expression has a stable character and it is impossible to replace the word "season" with any other, even the closest in meaning, for example, "velvet autumn".

Violation of lexical compatibility is often explained by the association of similar phrases. For example, they write: “meet modern requirements”, mixing combinations “meet requirements” and “meet needs”; “the conversation was read” (“a lecture was given” and “a conversation was held”); "improve the level" ("improve the quality" and "raise the level").

lexical compatibility error

1. Violation of lexical compatibility

Semantic errors

Violation of lexical compatibility is caused by semantic errors of two types - logical and linguistic.

Logical errors are associated with not distinguishing between concepts that are close in any respect. Often people do not distinguish between areas of activity, cause and effect, part and whole, related phenomena.

So, in the sentence "Residents of the seaside city witnessed a large theatrical performance", an error is found in the phrase "witnesses of the performance". The word "witness" means "eyewitness" - this is the name of a person who finds himself at the scene of an incident. This word is associated with the sphere of judicial and legal activity. In the field of theatrical and concert activity, about which in question in the sentence, the word "spectator" is used. This error is associated with a lack of distinction between areas of activity.

The erroneous combination “prices have risen in price” is associated with a lack of distinction between the related concepts of “prices” and “goods”: goods rise in price, and prices rise. Examples of similar errors in the sentences can be given: “The timely start-up of the plant causes concern”; “52 trees have been planted in the park”; "As a result of the plague, people left the city." All these errors are not explained by a distinction between related phenomena: they fear not that the combine will be launched, but that it will not be launched at the scheduled time; lay not trees, but a park; people leave the city not as a result, but because of the plague. Possible corrections in these cases: “There is concern that the plant will not be launched at the scheduled time”; “52 trees planted in the park”; "As a result of the plague, the city was deserted."

Linguistic errors are associated with not distinguishing denoting words that are in any semantic relationship. These are mostly synonyms and paronyms.

Not distinguishing between synonyms, words that are close or coinciding in meaning, leads to errors in use. For example, the words "role" and "function" in the sense of "work, circle of activity" are synonymous, but genetically they are associated with different designations: the role - with the sphere of theater and cinema, and the function - with logic. Hence the established lexical compatibility: the role is played (played), and the function is performed (performed). The words "brave" and "brave" are synonymous, but "brave" is associated with outward manifestation called quality, and "bold" - both external and internal, therefore, a thought, a decision, an idea can only be bold, but not brave.

Not distinguishing between paronyms, i.e. words that partially coincide in sound also lead to errors in use; most of paronyms are single-root words that differ in suffixes or prefixes and, as a result, shades of meaning, as well as stylistic coloring. For example, a misdemeanor (offense) is an act (action committed by someone); guilty (who committed a crime) - guilty (guilty of something, violating the rules of morality, politeness, etc.); to pay (for something) - to pay (for something).

Paronyms may be associated with different options common root. For example, short (small in size, the opposite of long) - short (stated briefly, in a few words). Therefore, they say a short text, but brief retelling text.

Borrowed words may also appear in paronymic relations: parity (equality) - priority (primacy, advantage), dequalification (loss of qualification) - disqualification (deprivation of qualification), etc. To distinguish between paronyms foreign origin it is necessary to refer to dictionaries of foreign words.

The following are frequency pairs of paronyms:

Fulfill - fulfill have the general meaning "to carry out, put into practice", for example, to fulfill (fulfill) an order, but the second verb has a book character;

Long - long coincide in the meaning of “ongoing, long”, for example, a long (long) conversation, a long (long) pause, but “long” indicates the length in time, and “long” emphasizes the procedural meaning of the noun; "long" is usually combined with the names of time periods ( long night, long winter), and “long” - with the names of actions and conditions designed for a long time (long flight, long-term treatment);

Agreement - agreement differ in that "agreement" means a written or oral agreement, a condition of mutual obligations (friendship and cooperation agreement), and "agreement" - an agreement reached through negotiations (an agreement to include an issue on the agenda);

Truth (truth, actual state of affairs) - truth (correspondence to truth). For example, the desire for truth is the truth of the assumptions put forward;

Ordinary - ordinary are distinguished by the fact that in the first word unremarkable, unremarkable is emphasized, and in the second - typicality. For example, ordinary person- typical day.

To identify the specifics of words related by paronymic relations, it is necessary to correctly represent the morphological composition of the word and the method of its formation. For example, in pairs, learn - master, complicate - complicate, make heavier - make words with the prefix o- have a meaning more high degree manifestations of action. In pairs hygienic - hygienic, logical - logical, practical - practical, economic - economical, differing in suffixes -ichesk- / -n-, the second adjective denotes a feature that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent (qualitative adjective). This implies compatibility: hygienic norm - hygienic fabric, logical laws - a logical conclusion, practical use- practical clothing economic policy- an economical device.

Stylistic mistakes

Stylistic errors are a violation of the requirements of the unity of the functional style, the unjustified use of emotionally colored, stylistically marked means. Stylistic errors are associated with ignoring the restrictions that its stylistic coloring imposes on the use of a word.

The most common stylistic mistakes include:

1. The use of clericalism - words and phrases characteristic of formal business style. For example, "As the revenue side of my budget increased, I decided to buy a new car for permanent use" - "I began to receive a lot of money, so I decided to buy a new car."

2. The use of words (expressions) of inappropriate stylistic coloring. So, in a literary context, the use of jargon, vernacular, abusive vocabulary is inappropriate; in a business text, colloquial and expressively colored words should be avoided. For example, "The trustee of charitable institutions fawns over the auditor" - "The trustee of charitable institutions fawns over the auditor."

3. Mixture of styles - unjustified use in one text of words, syntactic constructions, typical for different styles Russian language. For example, a mixture of scientific and colloquial styles.

4. Mixing vocabulary from different historical eras. For example, “On the heroes of chain mail, trousers, mittens” - “On the heroes of chain mail, armor, mittens.”

5. Incorrect sentence construction. For example, "Despite his youth, he good man". There are several ways to correct these errors. First, change the word order in the sentence: “There are many works that tell about the author’s childhood in world literature” - “In world literature there are many works that tell about the author’s childhood.”

6. Secondly, redo the sentence: “From other sporting events Let's talk about the bar” - “Of other sporting events, barbell competitions should be highlighted.”

Types of lexical errors.

A speech defect can be defined as: 1) an inaccurately used word or set expression; 2) a word or sentence that violates the stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text: this also includes the monotony of the dictionary and the grammatical structure of speech. Speech defects are divided into lexical, morphological and syntactic ones.

Among the lexical shortcomings, one can single out: a) inaccuracy of word usage; b) violation of lexical compatibility of words; c) errors in the use of phraseological units; d) violation of the stylistic unity of the text; e) errors that weaken the expressiveness of the text; e) the monotony of the dictionary, the violation of euphony.

Inaccurate word usage. The accuracy of speech depends on the ability of the writer to select the words or expressions that are most relevant to the content being conveyed. Violation of the norms of word usage leads to lexical errors:

1. The use of a particular word in a meaning that is not characteristic of it or not suitable for this context.

Chatsky especially deeply opposed the feudal lords. Griboyedov reflected in the comedy the decomposition of the noble class into two camps. Chatsky is not alone, he has many accomplices.

2. Errors caused by confusion in use paronyms(words similar in sound but different in meaning).

Alyosha meekly endured all the hardships of life. Onegin leads a festive lifestyle. Bazarov's sideburns were sandy.

3. Use of extra words ( pleonasms). Pleonasms arise when using unnecessary definitions ( main point, valuable treasures, dark darkness), extra circumstances ( come back, fell down), as well as as a result of unjustified stringing of synonyms ( finish, complete, complete a task).

Vanya and Petya sang the same song together. He spoke by gesticulating with his hands. The model, which the guys so diligently glued, Vadim trampled with his feet.

Katerina anticipates her death in advance ... She cannot return back to the Kabanovs' house and prefers the death of everyday life to a joyless and dreary life in which all the noble impulses of her exalted soul are uselessly lost.

Tautology- repetition of words similar in meaning and sound: oil, fence garden; you can ask a question; like this example; this phenomenon is, impeccable in the deed of serving one's cause, multiply many times, resume again.

Speech redundancy is also generated by the connection foreign word with Russian duplicating its meaning: memorabilia, unusual phenomenon, driving leitmotif, biography of life, own autobiography, in the end, miserable little things, leading leader, retaliatory counterattack, folklore, demobilize from the army. In such cases, one speaks of hidden tautology.

4. Lexical anachronisms - the use of newly emerged or borrowed words or expressions in a story about historical events("dealer" instead of "merchant", "high society parties").

Pechorin received a ticket to the Caucasus. Chatsky went on a business trip abroad. Once Chichikov was removed from work. Griboedov was killed in the Caucasus by Chechen fighters.

Violation of lexical compatibility of words.

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. At the same time, some words are freely combined with others if they fit them in meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility.

One can say all year round(day) but don't say round hour (week, month)"; it happens deep night, but not " deep day”, possible deep autumn, but not " deep spring". There is the Velvet season, but not period, time, month.

The basin made a cozy impression on us. Dolokhov was made a soldier for his recklessness. No matter what hopeless situation he gets into, he will always find a way out. This exhibition will enrich your horizons. You will see the health and shine of your hair!

Errors in the use of phraseological units.

The destruction of the phraseological turnover is a stylistic error associated with an unjustified transformation of the composition stable phrase. A similar error occurs when:

1) replacing one of the components (" like behind a stone back»);

2) contamination (combination) of two phraseological units based on the key word (" be silent like a fish on ice"- cf.:" be silent like a fish" and " beat like a fish on ice»);

3) unjustified spread of the lexical composition of the phraseological unit, leading to its pleonasticity (“ hard Sisyphean labor»);

4) omission of one of the components of a phraseological unit, leading to lexical insufficiency (“ you need to understand what the success of this work lies in»);

5) mixing of paronyms as part of a phraseological unit (" run around your finger»);

6) misunderstanding the meaning of phraseology (“The graduate joyfully sang her swan song»);

7) changing the grammatical forms of the components included in the phraseological unit (“ the voice of those crying in the wilderness»).

We need to bring it to fresh water. Youth blew out of him. Now this story has long since sunk into mite. He had tears in his eyes.

Violation of the stylistic unity of the text. The stylistic unity of speech is created through selection language tools in accordance with the task of the statement. This quality of speech suggests that the writer feels functional style, understands the features of this situation and, when choosing words and expressions, takes into account the specifics of the conditions of speech, that is, the selection of language means is carried out taking into account their relevance in a given style, in the conditions of a given statement.

On the eve of my birthday, I got sick. Mom bought for son board game. Several awards were made at the school celebration. Who brought up children by grandparents, the easier it is. Today I went to the store to buy a tape recorder. It's cold outside. Put on a headdress.

Exercise. Read the sentences and find the mistakes in them. Explain the nature of the mistakes made and correct them.

1. There is a tremendous danger in all this.

2. In the contract, we relied on the above-named document.

3. Physical training players played an important role in the last match.

4. By the middle of the second half, the situation settled down.

5. This agreement should take into account the following factors.

6. The travel agent arrived at the specified time.

7. This was an important Russian initiative made by our Minister of Foreign Affairs.

8. At the Winter Olympics, the athlete again won the victory.

9. The young child prodigy was famous throughout the country.

10. Now this story has long sunk into mite.

11. The short blitz tournament has come to an end.

12. Questions economic cooperation were the focus of the meeting in Tallinn.

13. I would like to get to know the representatives of this new movement more closely.

14. About this event, the entire press sings in one tune.

15. At the head of the table, as a presenter in a chic outfit, sat a well-known humorist.

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