The origin of Russian and foreign names of the days of the week. Online pronunciation of the days of the week in English

Have you ever wondered why the days of the week are called that? Those. no one doubts that even a junior schoolboy can easily list them from Monday to Sunday, and he will do it in several languages ​​at once. For example, in Russian, English and German.

But even not every adult can explain the meaning of the days of the week. Such a question, you see, could well be asked to connoisseurs of the well-known program “What? Where? When?". However, not everything is as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

The origin of the word "week"

In order to explain why the days of the week are called so, it is still worthwhile to first define some general concepts.

The word “week”, familiar to us, appeared even before the birth of Christian faith. So called Sunday, which was in those days the first day of the week. It was later that he became the final one. According to experts, the original week was called a week. The word itself comes from the combination "not to do", that is, to spend time on vacation. As a result, the “laziest” day of the week became the last. And rightly so, in order to rest, you first need to be pretty tired, which means you have to work.

In our time, the week begins on Monday, recognized by the ISO International Organization for the release of standards.

Monday is a hard day

About why the names of the days of the week are exactly like that, there are a lot of legends and fairy tales among any nation.

However, let's still delve into history and try to find a more rational explanation.

The name "Monday" comes from the phrase "after the week." This is the first day following Sunday, which in ancient times was called a week. is monday-, and it is formed in a suffixal way with the addition -.

Day Two - Tuesday

The next day is Tuesday. Looking closely at the word, it is easy to guess how it was once formed. The word consists of the root vtor-, that is, the second in order from the beginning of the week, and the suffix -nik-.

And here is the middle

The name "environment" also has Old Church Slavonic origin and a common meaning with the words "middle" and "heart". Interestingly, Wednesday is considered the middle of the week only when the week countdown starts from Sunday. Nowadays, this day does not really live up to its name, since the week starts on Monday. By the way, the facts testify that in ancient times the medium had the name "treteynik".


In some languages, not only Russian, the day between Tuesday and Thursday means the middle. Some scholars even claim that initially the week consisted of five days, but under the influence of the Christian church, then two more days were added.

The fourth day after Sunday was formed from the common Slavic word "fourth", which also came from the word "fourth" with the help of a suffixal method.

Gradually, this day of the week began to be called Thursday.

Friday - sleep soon

The fifth day after Sunday is a little more difficult. This name also appeared from the serial number "five", but it got its name on the fifth day in honor of the Slavic goddess Friday, which had a direct relation to it before. That is why it is called "Friday", and not "Friday" or "pyatak".

Finally Saturday!

It is simply impossible to tell why the days of the week are called that without mentioning the first day of the weekend.

The Sabbath begins with Greek word sabbaton, which appeared due to the Hebrew dialect. The Hebrew word sabbath (Shabbat) means "a day of rest and joy," when one must refrain from any work.

The very name "Saturday" came from the Old Slavonic language. Interestingly, the words "Saturday" and "Sabbath" are the same root. In most languages, the name of this day of the week has a common derivation from the Hebrew word "Sabbath". The advent of Christian theology big influence into the lexicon of many languages.

Sunday - the crown of the week

The name "Sunday" appeared after the arrival of Christianity on the territory of Russia and replaced the word "week". It is derived from the word "resurrect" and is formed by adding the suffix -eni-. According to Scripture, it was on this day of the week that Jesus Christ was resurrected.

Do children need days of the week?

To understand and comprehend all of the above for adults will not be any problem. But what about the kids? After all, it is they, you see, who tend to ask a huge number of clarifying questions, which are sometimes simply impossible to get rid of.

At the very beginning, the child needs to be explained that there are seven days in a week, each of which has a specific name. The first five days are working days, when adults work and children visit Kindergarten or school. Weekends include Saturday and Sunday. Everyone is resting these days.

After that, according to experts, it is already possible to start studying temporary concepts (today, tomorrow, yesterday). For an easier perception of this topic, you need to analyze specific examples with the child. For example, talk about what happened yesterday or will happen tomorrow.

Most likely, a curious child will certainly want to know why the days of the week are called so. You can try to tell him, highlighting the most important thing in the general flow of information. And it’s better, by the way, to do it in a dosed way, because. such a volume of fairly complex new facts is unlikely to be remembered the first time.

Having learned to recognize the days of the week, the child will be able to plan and manage his time in the future, become more independent and organized. Any interest on his part should be encouraged by the parents. It is important for the child to understand what day of the week has come and what will happen on that day.

The names of the days of the week are used very often in everyday life. Therefore, the child hears these words from the very early age, not yet understanding their meaning, but already he begins to memorize this information and get used to it. The attention of the child should be focused on important celebrations for the family, the arrival of close relatives, etc. Discussing these dates in the family circle contributes to the development and learning of the child. This makes it easier to absorb new information.

There are many ways to help remember the names of the days of the week. Here are the simplest ones:

  • You can draw a simple calendar, where all the days of the week will be indicated, hang it in the most visible place. It will be interesting for the child to consider and discuss with an adult every day of the week. For more variety, you can write next to each day the events that occurred during the day.
  • Simple rhymes that should be constantly repeated with a small child will help you learn these names faster. At first, it will be difficult for him, but over time, the baby will remember them and learn to distinguish them on his own.
  • Making simple charts and signs that will reflect the planned events, as well as joint conversations about future family plans. All this will allow the child to get to know the concept of “days of the week” better.

Be patient, it's pretty difficult process for a small child. Only with constant study and repetition will he be able to understand these words and not get confused in their order.

Monday- Monday (English) directly echoes the Moon - Moon, even more clearly Dies Lunae (Latin), Lundi (Fr.), el Lunes (Spanish), Lunedi (Italian). The names of Monday from northern languages, for example, Måndag (Sw.), Maanantai (Fin.), Mandag (Dan.) are associated with the Old German Mánadagr - the day of the moon. In Slavic languages, Monday has the meaning of the first day, or, according to one version, the day "after the week", since " A week" is an old Russian word for modern Sunday. In Hindi, Monday is Moon Day.

Tuesday- in the name of Tuesday Dies Martis (Latin), Mardi (French), el Martes (Spanish), Martedi (Italian) we easily recognize the planet Mars. In Tiistai (Fin.), Tuesday (English), Dienstag (German) and in other languages ​​of this group, the name of the warlike ancient Germanic god Tiu (Tiu, Ziu), an analogue of Mars, is hidden. In Slavic languages, this day is unambiguously read as an ordinal number, i.e. it is the "second" day of the week. In Hindi, Tuesday is Mars Day.

Wednesday- Mercury is easily guessed in Dies Mercuri (Latin), le Mercredi (French), Mercoledi (Italian), el Mercoles (Spanish).

Wednesday (English) comes from Wodensday, meaning the day of Woden (Wotan). The same character is hidden in Onstag (Sw.), Woenstag (V.D.), Onsdag (D.). Woden is an unusual god, he is depicted as a tall, thin old man in a black cloak. This character became famous for the invention of the runic alphabet, which draws a direct parallel with the patron god of writing and oral speech- Mercury. According to legend, Woden sacrificed one eye for the sake of knowledge. In the Slavic "Wednesday", "Wednesday", etc., as well as in Mittwoch (German), Keskeviikko (Finnish), the idea of ​​the middle of the week is laid down. The old Russian name for the environment "tretiynik" is rarely found. Note that astrologically, Mercury is considered a middle, asexual planet - neither male nor female. In Hindi, Wednesday is Mercury Day.

Thursday- Latin Dies Jovis, Day of Jupiter, gave rise to Jeudi (French), Jueves (Spanish), Giovedi (Italian), but Thursday (English), Torstai (Finnish), Torsdag (Swedish), Donnerstag ( German), Torsdag (Dat.) and other similar ones have a direct connection with the ancient thunder god Thor, an analogue of Jupiter. In Slavic languages, Thursday, like Tuesday, is purely numerical value fourth day. In Hindi, Thursday is Jupiter Day.

Friday- Venus is clearly visible in Vendredi (Fr.), Venerdi (Italian), a little muffled in Viernes (Spanish), while the English Friday, Fredag ​​(Swedish), Freitag (German) has a parallel with the Scandinavian goddess of fertility and love Freya (Frigge), an analogue of the Greek Aphrodite and the Roman Venus. In Slavic languages, this day means "fifth". In Hindi, Friday is Venus Day.

Saturday- the face of Saturn is clearly visible in Saturday (English) and Saturni (lat.). The Russian name "Saturday", el Sabado (Spanish), Sabato (Italian) and Samedi (French) goes back to the Hebrew "Shabbat", meaning "peace, rest". In this sense, one of the astrological meanings Saturn - stillness, concentration. Interestingly, the Slavic languages, for no apparent reason, are unanimous with Latin, their Saturday also comes from "Shabbat". Lauantai (Fin.), Lördag (Sw.), Loverdag (Dan.) are similar to the Old German Laugardagr and mean "ablution day", whence we learn that once a week the ancients washed themselves. In Hindi, Saturday is Saturn Day.

Sunday- Day of the Sun in Latin, English and German, in many languages ​​this day is indicated by various variations of the word "Sun / Son" (Sun). Domingo (Spanish), Dimanche (Fr.), Domenica (Italian) in translation mean "Lord's Day" and are probably an overlay brought to Europe along with Christianity. The Russian "Sunday" appeared in the same way, replacing the old name for this day " A week", successfully preserved in other Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200b- Nedelya (Bol.), Ned ilya (Ukrainian), Nedele (Czech) and others. In Hindi, Sunday is the Day of the Sun.

*Note: The word viikko (week) in Finnish comes from the Gothic vikó.

Astrology in the service of the calendar. Mage Star.

For the convenience of calculations and time planning, ancient astronomers and astrologers, and earlier they were the same people, invented the Star of Mages, a kind of seven-pointed “calculator”. In this counting star, the planets are arranged in a circle starting from the slowest, Saturn, to the fastest, the Moon. The sequence of days of the week is calculated by the rays of the star clockwise. In addition to the days of the week, this scheme allows you to calculate the correspondence to the planets of 36-year periods, years, hours, and some other periods of time. The clock, for example, counts as follows: the 1st hour of Sunday belongs to the Sun, the 2nd to Venus, and so on along the perimeter of the star. I note that the 1st hour of any day in this system is the hour after sunrise, while the duration of the hour is 1/12 of the duration of daylight hours, i.e. time from sunrise to sunset. Night hours, by analogy, are equal to 1/12 of the duration of the dark time of the day. Continuing the calculation of the hours according to the scheme of the star, you will notice that the 1st hour of Monday will be under the Moon, the 1st hour of Tuesday under Mars, the 1st hour of Wednesday under Mercury, the 1st hour of Thursday under Jupiter, the 1st hour of Friday under Venus, 1st hour of Saturday under Saturn. The system is closed and logical.

About Saturday

This day, however, is the most extraordinary. Most languages ​​have retained succession from the Hebrew "Shabbat" (rest, peace). In Arabic as-Sabat, Persian Shabbat, Georgian Shabati, not to mention the Slavic varieties of "Saturdays", similar motifs are heard .. Curiously, where did the Hebrew "Shabbat" itself come from? There is the following assumption, which you are free to accept or not. Perhaps this is only a play on words, but in my opinion it is necessary to take a closer look at the Sanskrit " shabda". This word is very popular in Sanskrit and in the Vedic culture in general, its root meaning is translated as "sacred sound", "primordial sound". Another translation of the word " shabda"-" The absolute, embodied in sound, word. "Impressive and suggests analogies, isn't it?

What day of the week is the first?

From the standpoint of materialistic realism, raising the question of the first day of the week makes no sense. Indeed, it does not matter at all which day of the week is considered the first, which is the second. The main thing, in this case, is to maintain a clear periodicity between working days and weekends, so that week after week does not confuse the calendars, computer programs etc. The question of recognizing this or that day as the first has primarily a cultural, historical and esoteric meaning. The question of the existence of biological meaning still remains unanswered.

It has already been mentioned that for hosts Old Testament, the answer must be unambiguous - Sunday. This day was the day of the beginning of Creation and, from this point of view, the Jews are absolutely right in marking Sunday as the first day, and Saturday as the last. In Europe, and more precisely in Rome until the II century. n. e also adhered to this custom, until the emperor Hadrian forbade Christians to celebrate the Sabbath. It was then that the day of rest was moved to Sunday, and in 321 the Roman emperor Constantine legalized this day as a weekly public holiday. Gradually, the consciousness of Christians came to terms with a clear departure from the similarity to the biblical order of days in the week. Now the primacy of Sunday remains only in the internal church Christian liturgical life, while the real weekly rhythm in most countries of the world begins on Monday.

From an astrological point of view, it is natural and logical to start counting working days from Sundays, because the day of the Sun looks more creative, it seems to be more cheerful than on Monday, the day of the unstable Moon. This is exactly the case when there is absolute agreement between astrology and religion.

Perhaps the violation of the cosmic rhythm led to the appearance of the Russian proverb: "Monday is a hard day"?

Hypothesis about the ancient week.

Everyone who takes up the topic of the analysis of the week in in Russian inevitably run into an unresolvable contradiction. Before we set off on this path and approach the same locked gates, I propose to refresh ourselves a little with historical facts.

So, the concept of "Sunday" appeared in Russia after the adoption of Christianity and, at first, only one day was called Sunday - the day the Easter celebration began. Only in the 16th century Sunday appeared as a separate day " weeks"- so they called the week at that time. About the origin of the word " week"It is a little more difficult to judge. Was it originally Russian or did it come along with the alphabet of Cyril and Methodius? If this word, let's say, was part of the pagan ancient Slavic calendar, then why is it so firmly included in the Christian church language? The current Orthodox calendar consists entirely of weeks If, however, we take into account that so far week is called a week in Bulgaria and that the oldest Slavic Cyrillic writings (IX-X centuries) were also discovered on Bulgarian territory, then a warm south breeze blowing from Bulgaria begins to be felt. And when it becomes known that the Greek brothers Cyril and Methodius from childhood owned, in addition to Greek, the ancient Bulgarian language, then the breeze turns into a wind. So, the week, most likely, from Bulgaria.

Let's go further. According to one of the popular versions, the old Russian " a week"(like a day) was called so because on this day they" did nothing ", rested. And on weekly means it follows after"weeks" (i.e. Sundays), Tuesday - the second day after the "week" ... Wednesday, being by undeniable meaning middle week, indicates that the start of the week falls on a Sunday. Isn't this explanation logical? It is curious that the very word "week" is a tracing paper from the Greek apracos, i.e. non-doing, non-efficient, idle.

In other words, most likely, the very word "week" was introduced into Russian culture from the same place as Sunday.

Is it possible to assume the existence of another, more ancient week among the Slavs? Let's apply the following logical move. It is clear that Tuesday, Thursday and Friday clearly contain the ordinal meaning of the numeral in all Slavic languages. Even the environment, as is known from old sources, had an ordinal name - third party. Only perverted logic can consider the second day of the week, Tuesday, as the third, and the fourth day, Thursday, as the fifth day. If, however, we agree that Monday is the first day, Tuesday is the second, and so on, then there is a problem with Wednesday, which is not in the middle of the week! Thursday becomes the middle of the week, which is illogical on all counts.

Is there a way out of this contradiction?

There is. We have a task ahead of us. How to make Wednesday in the middle, and Tuesday the second, Thursday the fourth, Friday the fifth day of the week? There is only one way to do this. It should be noted that the ancient week among the Slavs, and in Russia in particular, was 5 days! In this case, Wednesday will be in the middle and the ordinal names of the days of the week will correspond to their order. The hypothesis (unless it turns out to be a reinvented wheel) is that the ancient week was 5 days, and the other two days, the week-end so to speak, Saturday (Shabbat) and a week-Sunday fastened to the Russian language later.


Was the ancient week 5 days? If so, then something akin to the five-day rhythm is seen in the eastern elements - metal, water, wood, fire and earth. The 5-day week also has an astronomical explanation, perhaps even more logical than the 7-day week. Let's look at the sky. We see that the Moon and the Sun in their size cannot be compared with the remaining 5 planets. From the point of view of an earthly observer, the Moon and the Sun are out of competition, it is not for nothing that they are called luminaries. The value of the luminaries is an order of magnitude greater than that of any of the others visible planets. The luminaries have a more important role not only in the sky, but also in the symbolism of calendar periods.

It has long been known that the calendar, in addition to its direct purpose, plays the role of an ideological tool. Strengthening their own power, Chinese, Japanese, Roman emperors, leaders of the French revolution introduced their calendars. I am convinced that the structure of the week should be subject exclusively to natural cosmic rhythms, the calendar should not be a tool for strengthening any ideology. A person must understand what cosmic rhythm he beats weekly. The science of the future will face the task of determining the most optimal cosmic rhythm of life for human health. It may turn out that the 7-day period will remain the best, maybe the time for the 3-day period will come, or maybe it will be in the interests of a person to switch (return?) to the 5-day period?

Outwardly developed technologically modern civilization, in fact, it is thoroughly saturated with ancient superstitions and prejudices. Our civilization still lives according to the Babylonian week, individual peoples and states modify the week depending on their religious preferences. The Jews declared Saturday a non-working day, in most other countries Sunday is a day off, Muslims have a day off - Friday (the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed). These details emphasize the difference between people, divide them. So far, ideology shapes the calendar to a greater extent than common sense. Different ideologies give rise to misunderstanding between people, misunderstanding gives rise to alertness and even aggression. All wars can be explained by lack of understanding.

Ruslan Susi, April 2005

* The theme of the origin of the calendar is endless, so additions and messages about possible mistakes will always be helpful.

Did you know that in Russia the first day of the 7-day cycle was called a week, Friday came from the Slavic goddess, and “Saturday” and “Sabbath” - related words? And this is not all the secrets of the week and its days.

Why 7 days

According to historians, in the history of mankind, the week did not always have seven days. There were options for a 3-day and 5-day week, in ancient Rome - an eight-day week, the Celts divided the week into 9 days, and the ancient Germans - into 14 nights. The ancient Egyptian calendar of Thoth was based on a 10-day cycle.

But the seven-day period was popular in Ancient Babylon (about 2 thousand years BC). it was related to the phases of the moon. She was seen in the sky for about 28 days: 7 days the Moon increases to the first quarter; she needs the same amount until the full moon.

In addition, the ancient Jews also used the 7-day cycle. So, in the 1st century AD. Jewish historian Josephus wrote: "There is not a single city, Greek or barbarian, and not a single people, to which our custom would not apply to refrain from work on the seventh day." As you know, the Old Testament says that God created the world in 6 days, and rested on the seventh. Christians, borrowing the Old Testament from the Jews, also began to adhere to the 7-day cycle.

From an astronomical point of view, the choice of seven days is explained quite simply. It was convenient to observe the lunar phases and, on their basis, it was easy to calculate and characterize time periods.

In addition, in the ancient Roman calendar, the names of all 7 days of the week are associated with luminaries that can be seen with the naked eye, namely: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. Rome spread its calendar throughout Europe. And although subsequently the Old World tried several times to change the 7-day cycle, it is obvious that the attempts were unsuccessful.

Week to week

Earlier, even before the adoption of Christianity, Sunday was called a week. And it was the first day of the week. However, later Sunday began to be considered the last day ending the week. Why? The word "week" comes from the combination "not to do", that is, to rest. It’s wiser to rest after work (remember the Russian proverb “Done the job - walk boldly!”), Therefore, the most lazy day was the last. Today, the beginning of the week from Monday is regulated by the International Organization for Standardization.

Previously, the 7-day cycle was called “week” (in Bulgarian, by the way, even now “week” is called “week”, and this term is used in Orthodoxy). And then the seven-day period was called the “week” (seven days from week to week - from Sunday to Sunday).

Why are the days named like that?


The word "Monday" is derived from "after the week." Monday was the first day after Sunday, which was called "week" in ancient times.

In Europe, Monday was considered a lunar day, i.e. a day ruled by the Moon. In Latin (had a huge impact on European languages) - Lunae dies, in English - Monday (Moon day \u003d lunar day), in French - Lundi, in Spanish - Lunes, in Italian - Lunedi.


From the word "second". The second day after the "week" (this Sunday). Notice - not the second day of the week, but the second after the week.

AT European languages Romanesque group name Tuesday comes from the Roman god Mars. In Latin - Martis dies, in French - Mardi, in Spanish - Martes, in Italian - Martedi.

But in the European languages ​​of the Germanic group, the emphasis was placed on the ancient Greek god Tiu (Tiu, Ziu), which is an analogue of Mars (Finnish - Tiistai, English - Tuesday, German - Dienstag).


This word also came from Old Slavonic (like “week”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”). It has a common root with the words "heart", "middle". Please note that Wednesday is the middle of the week only if the week starts on Sunday. This day is between the first three days of the week and the last. Nowadays, when the week starts on Monday, "Wednesday" does not live up to its name.

Why was Wednesday not called “tretenik” (by analogy with “Tuesday”) or “treteinik” (although, according to some sources, it was “treteinik” that the environment was called in ancient times)? And remember the names of the fingers! The one in the middle is called middle finger, and not the third or some other. AT old times the middle was given special importance (it is not for nothing that “middle” and “heart” are words of the same root).

Interestingly, in some other languages, the day of the week "Wednesday" is translated literally as "middle" (for example, in German Mittwoch or Finnish Keskeviikko).

Some researchers argue that Wednesday is not the middle of a seven-day week, but of a five-day one. Allegedly, at first the week consisted of five days, and then, due to the influence of the Christian church, two additional days were added to it.

In Latin - Mercuri dies, in French - Mercredi, in Spanish - Miercoles, in Italian - Mercoledi. The names clearly trace the name of the god-planet Mercury.
If you delve into other languages, you will find that the English word Wednesday comes from the god Woden (Woden, Wotan). It is also "hidden" in the Swedish Onstag, the Dutch Woenstag and the Danish Onsdag. This god was represented as a tall, thin old man dressed in a black cloak. He became famous for the creation of the runic alphabet - this is what connects him with Mercury - the patron of written and oral speech.


Like "Tuesday", the word "Thursday" is formed in accordance with the ordinal number of the day of the week after Sunday. "Thursday" is formed from the common Slavic word "fourth", which, in turn, was formed from the word "fourth" in a suffixal way. Most likely, over time, the sound “t” fell out - the “four” remained, and gradually the sound “k” “voiced”, as it follows the sonorous (always sonorous) sound “p”. As a result, we have a day of the week called "Thursday".

In the Romance languages, Thursday is derived from the militant Jupiter. In Latin - Jovis dies, in French - Jeudi, in Spanish - Jueves, in Italian - Giovedi.
The counterpart of Jupiter in the Germanic languages ​​was Thor, the son of Odin, from which they originated in English Thursday, in Finnish Torstai, in Swedish Torsdag, in German Donnerstag and in Danish Torsdag.


Friday is a little more complicated. Of course, the word is formed from the number "five" (the fifth day after the start of the week). But why not “Friday” or “Pyatak”? The fact is that even before the adoption of Christianity, Slavic goddess Friday (related to the fifth day). Therefore, the fifth day was named after the goddess Friday, and not Friday.

In the Romance languages, the name of this day comes from the Roman goddess Venus: in French Vendredi, in Spanish Viernes, in Italian Venerdi, in Latin Veneris dies.

Her analogue in the German-Scandinavian myths is the goddess of love and war, Freya (Frigg, Freyra) - from her came Friday in English, in Swedish Fredag, in German Freitag.


Once it was borrowed from the ancient Greek language (from the Greek. Sabbaton). And in ancient Greek it came from the Hebrew language (from sabbath - "the seventh day when you need to refrain from work"). Shabbat is a Hebrew word that literally means “rest”, “rest”.

By the way, the word "sabbath" has the same roots, so "Sabbath" and "sabbath" are related words. It is also interesting that not only in Russian the name of this day of the week comes from the Jewish “Shabbat”. In Spanish (Sabado), Italian (Sabato), and French (Samedi), as in many other languages, the word for Saturday has the same origin. This is explained simply - the spread of the Christian religion, which speaks Latin (and the Latin language is based on ancient Greek) influenced the dictionaries of many languages.

But not everything is so simple: in the names of this day in Latin (Saturni dies) and in English (Saturday), Saturn (the ancient Roman god of agriculture and fertility) can be traced.

Finnish Lauantai, Swedish Lordag and Danish Loverdag most likely have their roots in the Old German Laugardagr, which means "day of ablution".


This word, as already mentioned, has replaced the word "week". It arose, of course, after the adoption of Christianity in Russia. The word is derived from "resurrect". This is the day on which, according to the scriptures, Jesus was resurrected.

The Christian theme can also be traced in the Romance languages. Spanish Domingo, French Dimanche and Italian Domenica can be translated as "Day of the Lord".

But in Latin (Solis dies), English (Sunday) and German (Sonntag), the name of the last day of the week comes from the Sun.

The nature of the week in ancient Russia

On this page I have tried to collect information from various genera. Each clan had its own Knowledge and revered its Gods. Accordingly, the patrons of each day vary slightly. It's okay, multi-manifestation is in unity.

The week of the Slavs was called "week" and consisted of seven days. There were four weeks in the month (7x4 \u003d 28 - four phases of the moon) plus separately Mokosh Day (full moon) and the day of the God who was responsible for the current month - a total of thirty days, and in a year, respectively, three hundred and sixty days. The Ingling Old Believers preserved the Knowledge that the week consisted of 9 days. But that's a completely different story. Today we will talk about the week.

First day of the week (Monday) was considered the Day of Svarog because on this day he created ("bungled") the world. In order not to add their worries to Svarog, people tried not to do anything difficult, responsible, not to start a new one, since the Father-Svarog, busy with "peacemaking", can not always come to the rescue.

This is a rather difficult day, a day of global accomplishments. Only people who feel the strength in themselves to "move mountains and turn the world" can do great things on this day, and they will win.

The color of Svarog is the color of the sky - from blue to blue.

Blue stones correspond to this day. For example, since ancient times, sapphire or, as it was called in Russia, azure yahont has been valued. Its shimmering radiance resembles the alluring play of distant stars and the blue abyss of the sky dome. Sapphire attaches divine power both men and women. The one who wears it overcomes fear, and by the power of thought rises above all vanity to the bottomless pacifying heavens.

Turquoise and lapis lazuli also have similar properties.

Meteorites that fell from the sky were also considered stones or metals of Svarog.

In Astrology, the ruler of Monday is Moon .

The energy of the Moon is calming, relaxing, so strong tension on this day is not recommended. On Monday, female, Yin energy is active and all matters related to it are favorable. AT astrological chart The moon represents our mind, emotions, mother, home, feelings of happiness and contentment.

On the day of the moon, all things related to home and family are good. Shopping for home and household, food supply for a week. Family gatherings, bachelorette parties, treats, especially dairy products, will also add to the grace of the moon.

Luna loves heart to heart communication. On this day, it is good to communicate with women, with mother, girlfriends, play with babies, walk under the moon, especially along the shore of a reservoir. This day is good to improve health water procedures, massage, herbs. Anything that pacifies and restores our body will do. It is favorable to engage in plants, since the Moon controls all vegetation on Earth.

This is the best day to take care of your mother. It is worth in general (not only on this day) to forgive all grievances against the mother, to restore relations if they are destroyed. After all, if relations with her mother are not established, a woman cuts herself off from the entire female gender of her family, she loses the support of the entire gender of women, her maternal energy leaves her.It is difficult for such a woman to create a family and maintain a hearth, she does not have enough strength to maintain warm relations in the house, it is difficult for her to build relationships with children (not only with her own, but with all children), she often has a lot of anxiety in her mind, irritability or constant anxiety, self-doubt, suspiciousness, vulnerability, or else it happens that this results in a woman’s complete external unemotionality, cut off from her feelings.

On this day, it’s good to call your mother, come to visit her, take care of her, bring her food or cook for her, help her in the household and at home, just give flowers, go for a walk with her, or invite her to a cafe. Just be with her, give her time.


In some clans of Old Believers, I met information that on Monday the Power of the Goddess Dana (Moon) rules.
This force brings a person out of a state of balance and inner peace. On this day, mental tension is felt, nervous breakdowns are possible. Therefore, avoid important things on this day, which require a lot of effort, and devote it to domestic work and rest. No wonder people say: "Monday is a hard day."

In Russia, this day was considered the day of the fight against darkness, even on this day they put on clothes with appropriate ornaments and colors. The shirt was brown or of blue color, an ornament that protects against a specific evil-test, the color of the ornament is orange, light red, white, in combination with blue, light blue, black.

Tuesday - Div / Div - day , in which the most incredible miracles can happen, because the Diva-Divny themselves interfere in the fate of people, and a person can directly turn to them with their requests and aspirations. However, it should be remembered that the events taking place on this day can be both joyful and not very pleasant, but always unexpected.

Dyv is an unmanifested Rod. Its field, ethereal component. Therefore, Diva Day is the day of Navi, the opening of a connection with the other world, in which the dead relatives reside. On this day, remembering them and turning to them, you can get unexpected help. This is the day of communication with the souls of the Ancestors, turning to the Magi, sorcerers.

The color of Navi (Navi can be light and dark) is from blue to dark purple.

Gems and stones of this color correspond to Diva Day, since purple is associated with the intellectual abilities of a person. It is the color of sages, poets and philosophers. It is a symbol of mystery. When looking at such a stone, there is a feeling of touching Eternity itself. However, the long-term influence of the purple color can cause a state of melancholy and depression (long communication with Naviu is not favorable for everyone), therefore it is not recommended to wear such stones all the time. These include amethyst, hyacinth (in ancient Russian legends "akinf") and others.

For metals with magical properties, since ancient times, lead, mercury and a magnet have been attributed.

Again, I found information from the Old Believers that on Tuesday the Power of Semargl Firebog rules.
The power of Semargl is the Power of fiery, ardent. It is the best way to promote vigorous activity and initiative initiatives. But on this day, the danger of a quarrel is also great, the consequences of which will affect you. long time. Therefore, try to avoid quarrels and general irritability.

In Astrology, the ruler of Tuesday is Mars.

In our map, he is responsible for energy, brothers, comrades. This is a day of honoring male energy and action. It is very important that the energy does not stagnate on this day.

The color of Mars is red. This color creates bodily warmth, gives strength and energy, the desire to move forward, courage, optimism. It is believed to protect against danger.

For women, the energy of Mars is very important, because if the energy of Mars is out of balance in women, this entails: problems in relationships with men; irascibility, irritability; painful periods.

What needs to be done to harmonize the energy of Mars?

· Learn to respect men, forgive all the men you have a grudge against.

· Love is the answer to aggression. The main thing is not to allow aggression to penetrate inside and destroy the love in the heart. Each test (when we are offended) is successfully passed if a person maintains love and does not become angry. At the same time, outwardly, you can do whatever you like, the main thing is with love. Love is wisdom, if it flows from the heart to all living beings - a person always knows how to do the right thing.

· Ascesis of speech (refusal of foul language and vulgarity).

· Develop willpower (for example, by doing something that you do not like every day).

On Tuesday, it is good to pay respect and do something good for people who are under the auspices of Mars: the military, police, rescuers, etc., as well as any men who are our protectors.

It is auspicious to wear red clothes on this day. A day for repentance, purification and transformation, for self-improvement, letting go of past mistakes, for a comprehensive transformation, the acquisition of knowledge.

Mantra to honor Mars: OM KUM KUJAYA NAMAHA.

In ancient Russia, Tuesday is the day of creation. They wore yellow or green clothes. The ornament was with the symbols of Svarog and Lada.

Wednesday - Triglav-day (Triteinik) mid-week. This is the day of balance, when all earthly, heavenly and "navi" forces come to an agreement. This is the day of Reveal, favorable for labors, both physical and spiritual.

In some births, I met that the patron of the environment is Semargl.

The color of Yavi is white. This is a color that contains the entire spectrum of the rainbow and therefore opens up the possibility of manifestation on any path. This is the day of feeling the fullness of the world.

Stones - pearls, opal and others.

Metal - tin.

In other genera Triteynik is the Power of God Veles (the planet Mercury).
Veles is God, standing on the border of Navi and Rule, therefore the nature of his Force is special, dual and largely determined by the spirits of Navi. This day is favorable for the manifestation of mental abilities and the solution of various intellectual problems.

In Astrology, the ruler of the environment is Mercury. .

Mercury is responsible for communication (communication), talents, trade, education. On this day, sales go well, deals are made, the necessary contacts are found. On Wednesday, it’s good to teach and learn, all knowledge will be assimilated the best way, and their transfer will take place easily and naturally, as if someone from above will help you select the right words, because Mercury is also responsible for eloquence. It is favorable to write letters, articles, or, for example, to prepare a speech for a speech.

Mercury, as the messenger of the Gods in astrological mythology, is responsible for speech, communication and intellect. Light, witty, cheerful, fast, he fills this day with his youthful energy. On this day, it is well said, written, studied, taught. Any activity related to education will be successful.

A person who has Mercury well located in the astrological chart is very talented, sociable, can win over any person, he has a great sense of humor, he is diplomatic and tolerant. Mercury gives a very lively mind and good commercial ability, so the professions of Mercury are - merchants, businessmen, managers.

On the day of Mercury, it is good to conclude contracts, make acquaintances, take exams, make commercial purchases, sign contracts, make speeches, and negotiate.

But, if Mercury is weak in the chart, it can cause speech defects, fears of speaking, fear of communication and meeting new people, bad memory, lethargy, confusion in thoughts and inability to understand the situation.

From a physiological point of view, Mercury is responsible for the nervous system, diseases on this planet are: neuralgia, anxiety, insomnia, hypersensitivity, allergic manifestations, indigestion of the stomach on a nervous basis.

How to harmonize the energies of Mercury?

You can wear Mercury stones: emerald (on the ring finger), peridot, jadeite, jade, green zircon.
- As an improvement of Mercury, it is auspicious to wear green clothes on Wednesdays.
- Go to green areas.
- good method- read the mantra to Mercury "Om Budhaya Namah" (abbreviated version).
- You should read and write more, study and think, books on philosophy are useful.
- Attending courses, lectures, seminars also strengthens Mercury.

The colors of Mercury are emerald green, fresh and pure. The day of Mercury is a favorable time for paperwork, conclusion of transactions and contracts, as well as the start of a new business. It is also favorable to learn something, make short trips, communicate with relatives.

On the day of Mercury, all healing practices are also good, especially healing. The environment is also very good for treating the mind, nerves, as well as for studying Ayurveda, astrology and psychology, since according to the Vedic scriptures, most diseases come from ignorance. And according to Ayurveda, if we do not put our mind in order, none of the rarest herbs will help us for a long time. It is very auspicious to read the Vedas or other authoritative scriptures of your tradition, especially where Dharma (Destiny) is spoken of. Communicate with spiritual Teachers, attend their seminars.

The full version of the Mercury mantra is: OM BRAM BRIM BRAHUM SAH BUDHAYE NAMAH.

In Russia, they sowed on Wednesday. A green shirt was worn with symbols of Semargl, seeds, plants, a sown field, a house. Ornament of yellow, white, red, blue flowers.

Thursday - Perun-day , the day of Thunder (it is on Perun's day that it rains most often), as well as the day of all men and especially warriors. Here is what Thursday reflects the Power of Perun - all sources agree on this. Here the information is the same.

Perun is the god of Rule, who rotates the wheels of Yavi, the wheels of life. For the Rule, Slavic men fought at all times and shed blood. Therefore, Perunov's day is the day of Action, Pressure, Struggle. Whoever is offended by injustice, but is sure that he is right, can fight for it on this day.

Gem - ruby. In Russia, the name "scarlet yakhont" took root behind him. The ruby ​​symbolizes a military feat. Wearing a ruby, noble and courageous people with its help win all sorts of victories. Ruby heals the heart, brain, strength and memory. Wearing it gains power over people.

Another gem of Perun's Day is carnelian. This stone bestows love, marital happiness, heals the soul and body (stops bleeding from wounds), promotes a joyful, "high" mood. Carnelian bestows calmness, health and courage, so necessary for a warrior. ( modern science this property was explained by the presence in the stone of a small amount of radioactive substances, the degree of radiation of which coincides with the amount of radioactivity human body and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, they ionize the air, kill microbes, neutralize poisons).

Metal is iron.

The power of God Perun - in astrology the planet Jupiter.
Perun's Day is the most auspicious day in the week. On this day, it is best to engage in public affairs. In particular, spiritual, legal, etc. matters. Also, the day is favorable for the manifestation of male sexual power.

Thursday is ruled by the most favorable planet Jupiter. Therefore, Thursday is considered the most successful day. This planet, being a Teacher, is favorable for those who follow the path of the Spirit, righteousness, and virtue.

Jupiter is associated with the mode of goodness. Therefore, all actions in goodness are very good on this day: donations, gifts, selfless activities. Rituals, meditation, reading mantras, any spiritual practices that enhance the mode of goodness. Obtaining higher knowledge, reading scriptures, learning to meditate, communicating with a teacher, with children, self-education. Jupiter blesses everyone who is engaged in spiritual practices, goes through the purification of consciousness.

Thursday is also good for material prosperity. Long-term financial projects, large enterprises are better to start on this day. Jupiter favors material prosperity, so today it is good to make purchases for yourself and your loved ones, they will definitely be successful and bring joy.

Jupiter is a very social planet and on Thursdays it is necessary to arrange fun holidays for yourself and others, to gather in the company of friends and like-minded people who have common spiritual goals. Try to invite guests at least once, tell them something from the scriptures or a Vedic fairy tale. Jupiter will bless you for a whole week afterwards, as well as your guests!

Thursday is favorable for admission to new job, to celebrate a wedding, to purchase new clothes, to health practices and for the arts.

The color of Jupiter is yellow, it can also be indigo, or purple. Purple Jupiter awakens spiritual ideals, contributes to a more subtle perception of intellectual energy and understanding of people.
Promotes access to the body of the healing forces of nature.
Stimulates the power of intuition and premonition in the choice of behavior in communication.
The blue color of Jupiter well relieves psycho-emotional arousal, softens aggression, calms, reduces fear and anxiety.


In Russia, Thursday was and is a symbol of transformation, change. Clothes were worn in orange or blue colors with symbols of Perun, stars, changes, swastika movement.

Friday - Mokosh Day , women's day, day of family and tribal well-being. It has also long been considered a trade by day. In some kind of childbirth, I met information that Friday is Lada's day.

Alexander Afanasiev in "Folk Russian Legends" notes: " The superstitious respect for Friday, nourished by the Russian commoner, deserves special attention from archaeologists. In many places in Russia, on Fridays, women do not spin, do not wash clothes, do not take out the ashes from the oven, and the peasants do not plow and do not harrow, revering these works on the designated day as a great sin ... The old legend about 12 Fridays is still preserved, revered by schismatics on a par with sacred scripture ... Remembering that Friday among other European nations in the pagan era was dedicated to the goddess Venus or Freya ... it would be fair to assume that the beliefs we have cited hide a dark memory of the ancient pagan goddess. Under the influence of Christian ideas, it naturally merged with the sacred ideas of the new religion, just as the attributes of Perun were transferred by the superstitious people to Ilya the Prophet, and the ancient worship of Volos was transferred to St. Vlasia".

To what A. Afanasyev said, one should only add that this ancient pagan Goddess, responsible for spinning, fate and prosperity in the house, was Makosh.

Counting on the patronage of the Goddess of Fate and Fortune, people considered Friday the most suitable day for concluding all kinds of contracts and commercial transactions, participating in gambling and other events that tempt fate.

Yellow color.

Stones - jasper and other stones of warm yellow shades.

Metal - copper.

This day is the day of activation and maximum activity of the Yara Force, the Force of fertility and sexual potency. This day is extremely favorable for the manifestation creativity. But do not forget that your body also needs rest.

The power of the Goddess Mokosh - planet Venus. That is, Friday is ruled by the beautiful Venus. Venus patronizes beauty and women, so on this day it is favorable to buy clothes, jewelry, works of art. Today, a woman should look especially good. Dress beautifully and elegantly, decorate your home, give flowers and gifts.

Venus patronizes any plants: wild, garden and indoor. And, of course, in the first place - flowers that are beautiful, like herself, and are often used to express tender feelings.
Since this planet patronizes art, it is good to practice all kinds of art on this day. Make Venus happy: sing, dance, draw, play, have fun! This is the best day for dates, entertainment, relaxation and enjoyment of life.
Venus gives a woman charm, charm, external attractiveness, beauty, sexuality. Women with a good, strong Venus in the astrological chart have a vision of beauty, they are graceful, and they attract attention. Their energy is pleasure... They know how to enjoy themselves and enjoy others with their presence. They say about such people "Sweet Woman ..."
On the day of Venus, it is very favorable to devote time to yourself, to your beauty. This is the best day for going to hairdressers, spas, for beauty treatments, for personal care. Everything you do for beauty on this day will have a huge effect.
If you feel that you lack the influence of Venus in life, sweetness, flexibility, sophistication, then certain actions performed on the day of Venus will harmonize and increase its beneficial energies in your life:

Take care of yourself on this day (masks, baths, trips to salons, etc.);
- Dress in pinks or other pure bright hues (Venus is very fond of pink color, because it is the color of tender love);
- Buy flowers for yourself, a friend or any woman;
- Give gifts related to beauty to yourself or your friends;
- Engage in creativity (draw, sing);
- Do temple dances (the strongest instrument of Venus);
- Meet friends and talk on positive topics;
- Buying new clothes (dresses, skirts... something feminine);
- Purchase of jewelry;
- Walks to beautiful places.


Friday is a creation of fate, a choice. Clothing is favorable on this day of blue, purple colors with the symbols of Mokosh, wheels, generic, boats of the spirit. Ornament in silver, white, gold.

Saturday - sixth - Kupalo-day , day of Health, Cleansing, "bath" events. On this day, completing the week and preparing for Svetovidov's Day, they cleaned and tidy the house, in the yard and on the street, and then steamed, as it should, whipped with birch and oak brooms. This is a day of purification, both physical and spiritual.

Green color.

Stones - emerald (smaragd), malachite, jade and other "stones of life" Green colour, which bring the owners health, good luck, victory in competitions. They strengthen vitality protect against many diseases. So jade was used for kidney disease, it was believed that it improves eyesight and contributes to the normalization of cardiac and pulmonary activity.

Metal - silver.

Shestitsa - the day of completion of affairs, the day of the heavy Force coming from Stribog-Saturn. This day sows internal disharmony in a person, upsets the balance. Therefore, it is not recommended to take on this day for risky business or waste yourself on external manifestations. Focus on maintaining inner balance.

More about Saturday, you can say that this is the day of the planet Saturn- The power of Stribog.

Saturn is the lord of Karma. There is a good book about Saturn, I really like it - R. Svoboda "The Greatness of Saturn".

This is the day when, after a whole week, we must calm and clear our mind, prepare ourselves for the next cycle, which will begin on Sunday.
Therefore, this is the best day for all sorts of restrictions, solitude, meditation, reflection on the meaning of life, summing up, completing things.
Everything that purifies and pacifies the mind will be appropriate on this day: yoga, austerities, fasting, service to others, etc.
Restriction in speech, food and vigorous activity. A good day for a retreat and a trip to nature, for relaxation and practice.
Unlike other planets, Saturn gives us its energy when we are passively resting. The more Saturnian energy in a person, the stronger his spirit and the easier for a person cope with difficulties, endure trials of fate.
Activities related to this planet will also help to attract the energy of Saturn: putting things in order, getting rid of unnecessary things, studying any laws, rules and traditions of your people, cooking traditional dishes. It is favorable on this day to honor the memory of ancestors, to pray for your family and your family.


Saturday - connection, merging, purification and conception. Clothes of green, silvery colors, symbols of the Family and Kupala, a child, intercourse, conception, images in a dream ornament.

A week. Completes the week and is its crown, Svetovidov day , the day of Light and Sun, festive, cheerful, elegant. It symbolizes unity, renewal and holiness. On this day, they go to visit, celebrate various events, dance, sing, have fun from the heart. This day symbolizes the divine gift and the fullness of being.

Color - gold.

Stone - amber and other stones of golden color. Metal is gold.

Another week is the power of Dazhdbog ( The sun).
The day of the completion of the Slavic week. A day of rest from everyday affairs and the holiday of the Soul. On this day they do nothing. This is the day of restoration of the body and the accumulation of the solar (Dazhdozhy) Force. Festivities are arranged with hypocrisy and fights.

This is the day when we put together everything that we have worked out in a week and give it to the world. A day of celebration and the start of the next spiral. A day of unconditional love, acceptance and giving.

Sunday in astrology is ruled by the Sun. The planet, which in our chart personifies the spirit, the energy of evolution. Therefore, Sunday is reserved mainly for spiritual purposes and works. This day is very good for inner self-knowledge, meditation, visiting the temple. Since the Sun is a king, on his day it is favorable to set goals for the next week, plan and properly distribute forces.
Those born on Sunday were considered lucky because they initially received a charge of sunlight.
This is the day of the sacred male energy, the day of the father, the day of sacred rites and worship. In the astrological chart of a woman, the Sun shows her father and her relationship with him, and her personal life depends on these relationships. A woman who does not respect her father will not be able to understand her destiny, her place in life, she will always want to prove something to someone, show her strength. It will be difficult for her to follow the female principles of life.
If a woman respects and honors her father, the husband will take care of her, she will be protected all her life, men will help and patronize her, the husband will be a strong and significant person and will be able to achieve a lot. Respect for the father improves not only the relationship with the husband, but also the relationship with God. Because the husband is the representative of God on earth for his wife.

What practices help improve relationships with your father?
- Pray for your father (choose auspicious mantras or prayers and read them on Sunday);
- Visit Slavic ancient temples and temples - this is the place of Solar energy, the place of God;
- Bake bread and feed people on Sundays;
- Help father on this day;
- Remember what good your father did for you and thank him.


Resurrection - harmony. clothing red and white with symbols of the genus.

Week or Sunday

The week was not the seventh at all, but the first day of the week, and the account was kept from it.

In ancient Russia, seven calendar days following one after another were not called a week at all, but a week. The root, as you might guess, is taken from the words "seven", "seventh".

A week was called only one day - the one on which it was customary NOT to DO anything. Now we know it under the name "Sunday": on the first day of the Christian holiday of Easter - the Bright Resurrection of Christ. This name was fixed for the day of the week in the 17th century. It is easy to trace Church Slavonic elements in it: the prefix vos- instead of the more familiar vs- and the suffix -enij-. The root, however, goes back to the Old Slavonic “krѣsati”: “kresѣ” - revival, health. There is also an armchair nearby - an object for carving, creating fire and the Latin creo - "I create, I create, I call to life."

By the way, in many Slavic languages ​​"week" is still a day of rest: Ukr. week, Belarusian Nyadzelya, Polish niedziela, Czech. weekle. And only Russians work for most of this very week ... Or, perhaps, on the contrary, the desire to transfer the feeling of a holiday to all seven days has affected here?

Monday and Tuesday

Monday is the day after doing nothing, Tuesday is the second day after the holiday, derived from the Old Slavonic "vtor" (second).


The third day after the week, by all logic, should have been called the third day, but for some reason it became Wednesday. Such a word (tertiary) really was in Old Russian but has not survived to this day. It was replaced by a more tenacious "Wednesday" - the middle of the week.

The Proto-Slavic root *sьrdь, which is also related to the word "heart" (the middle of the human body, its concentration), having settled down in the Old Russian language, most likely acquired the meaning of "average day of the week" under the influence of the Old High German mittawëcha. The Germans at one time changed the pagan name "Wotan's day" to a more neutral one that does not contradict the Christian religion, unlike the British with their Wednesday.

But why is the middle the third and not the fourth day out of seven? Here it is worth remembering that the week began after all from the week (Sunday), and not from Monday - it just turns out to be the middle.

Thursday and Friday

Thursday and Friday are simple - the fourth and fifth days after the day of no-doing.


But Saturday is from a completely different opera: there is neither the number six, nor a hint of the end of the week or a Christian holiday. Like the Spanish sábado and the Romanian sâmbătă, it is derived from the Hebrew שבת ("Shabbat"), which means "peace, rest". The same root is heard in Arabic, Persian and Georgian languages. So two days of rest, two days off, the beginning and end of the week - Saturday and week (Sunday) came together in the Russian week.

Overall rating of the material: 4.5


Punctuation rules Spelling rules Strange names for Soviet children

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