Arina characterization of the name and meaning. There are several versions of its origin. The meaning and origin of the name


By main version, the name Arina is an obsolete form of pronunciation of the name Irina. Has Greek roots. Could have come from Greek words, meaning in translation "peace" and "peace". By the way, the name Arina has never been very popular, but now it is becoming more common.

The female name Arina is largely associated with the name Irina in the Slavic nomenclature. It also has good significance, has strong symbolism and is compatible with many signs of the zodiac, but differs in many ways. And below we will deal with each of its aspects in more detail ...

Popularity: The female name Arina is listed in 17th place in the ranking of popular female names and accounts for approximately 23 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Arya, Arinka, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha

Modern English counterparts: Aryna, Irina, Erina, Yarina

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Arina has a strong energy and promises independence mainly to the character of the girl. This is usually an independent lady, becoming even more independent, freedom-loving and restless with age. Most of the bearers of this name are wise, intelligent, demanding, decisive, active women.

These women usually attract attention with their sociability, sociability, eloquence and charm. Arina is always in the spotlight. Easily talks to people in the most different topics, never rude and communicates with everyone on an equal footing. She will not divide people into important and unimportant, and treats everyone equally well.

Advantages and positive features: sociable, good-natured, respectable, communicates with everyone on an equal footing, never resorts to tricks and achieves everything directly on her own.

Arinas treat badly traitors, people who do not keep their words and do not carry out communication, self-serving and cunning people, dominating other personalities and braggarts.

The name Arina today is not so much popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population, but is still found both in Russia and in Ukraine with Belarus.

The nature of the name Arina

In general, the nature of the name Arina is such that it promises many problems, as in initial stage life, and on the rest, and the reason is primarily in the characteristics that are promised to them. This girl has problems with communication and self-sufficiency, with pride and personal criticism, she is too insecure in herself, such is her character, and this brings her a lot of trouble. In addition, the character of the name suggests loneliness - Arina is infinitely lonely, it is difficult for her to find like-minded people, and if they are, then most often then they turn out to be just selfish people, which leads to disappointment and self-isolation.

In general, such a parameter as the nature of the name is practically unpredictable, it is immediately affected by a bunch of the most various factors, among which are the month of the birth of such a variation as Arina, and the talisman stone of the name form itself, and many others. The time of year of birth has the strongest influence, at least according to most astrologers and researchers.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a newborn child named Arina is overflowing with positive and calm at the same time. The meaning of the name promises its bearer a lot good performance, among which are calmness, tranquility, prudence, goodwill, good nature, justice, shyness, timidity, unsociableness. She has a hard time communicating with big companies, she likes to spend time alone or in extreme cases with family and friends. She is attached to her parents, especially to her mother, obeys them in all, obeys, does not indulge. It is important for her to be appreciated, respected, loved. They set an example for other children. the only a big problem lies in incredulity and indecision - initially he thinks over any of his actions for a long time, he is afraid to make a mistake. In general, in life she needs the support of loved ones, leaving her in splendid isolation and without support is highly undesirable, because this can lead to a huge number of problems, in particular, in relations with peers. The value can give a girl named such a variation as Arina a lot good qualities, but all of them in early childhood manifest themselves too weakly - only in adolescence when the influence of astrological factors on her character begins to manifest, her virtues may increase.


Arina is a teenager, a person who is constantly changing in her essence. In adolescence, the influence of such an astrological factor as the sign of the zodiac begins to appear, and the influence of the main patron of the name Arin himself, the patron planet, may also appear. Obligation, diligence, diligence, kindness, justice, optimism - these are its main features that endow value. But this girl also has shortcomings, among which are self-doubt, and indecision, and the inability to make her own decisions, and the inability to defend her personal opinion. She will not become a leader or organizer, she will always be in the shadow of more effective people, and this is a 100% fact. But Arina is a capable student, not one subject will make her nervous, she studies everything with ease and pleasure. Plus, despite the infantilism and lack of independence, he communicates well with his peers, which is also important. But her parents should still pay attention to her upbringing. leadership qualities- if conceit and self-sufficiency do not increase, then Arina runs the risk of remaining such a dependent, indecisive, and excessive quiet for life.

grown woman

Adult Arina, this is already a person over whom the value of the little name itself practically does not patronize. This girl, or rather already a woman, begins to show new features at the adult stage, such as friendliness, sociability, a desire to help everyone around, a desire to stand out from the crowd, friendliness, and others. And Arina can also become a brawler - the value of the stone-talisman of this name and the elemental patron can endow conflict and integrity already at the adult stage. This is partly good, but whether Arina will be able to control these traits of hers is a difficult question. Well, in general, this is still the same lady as before - indecisive, lacking independence, unable to make her own informed decisions, unable to defend her interests and in need of a defender friend - this is already the fault of significance, you can’t argue here.

The interaction of Arina's character with the seasons

Autumn - this whining period, thanks to its meaning, endows the girl named after Arina with such character traits as scrupulousness, prudence, prudence and thoughtfulness. She is unfamiliar with envy and pride, she is non-conflict and easily becomes desirable in society, but demanding, which repels potential gentlemen. Sensitive to the highest moral and spiritual values ​​- despises liars, flatterers and insolent people.

Spring - in the months of flowering, a talented, adoring work and change is born. This one will become a successful worker in any chosen field - she is independent and enterprising, resourceful and cunning, but she cannot see career advancement, the fault lies with indecision. A good listener, a person who understands and understands the problem, an excellent adviser, attentive and inspiring. Trust often leads to disappointment.

Summer - in summer months such characteristics as diligence, gullibility, kindness and good nature, disinterestedness and attentiveness to the environment and other people's troubles will be brought up in the lady. This is a devoted and caring person who loves everything around - she will not betray, offend, lie, she is faithful and reliable, she will become an ideal mother and wife, she has a tolerant character.

Winter - severe weather and frost give this girl firmness and adherence to principles, isolation and stiffness, dependence on mood and emotions, rigidity in communication and straightforwardness. She is comfortable only next to a stern but reliable knight. She needs a ruler, a powerful male, tough, but subservient. Friends are few, but they do not need. But by the origin of the soul, it is fair, which can be attributed to the pluses ...

The fate of the name Arina

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Arina, everything is very, very difficult with him, because he practically cannot be full transcript, and specialists. Those who dealt with this issue always speak only of theoretical aspects. So, for example, it is known that the fate of a girl named Arina in love, relationships with members of the opposite sex and marriage suggests the presence of endless problems, in particular, tied to the unwillingness of the majority of emerging potential partners to start a serious relationship with her.

Fate also suggests the lack of initiative named so even in adult life- she will never show her sympathy first, and all the time she is waiting for the first step from a man. This can lead to loneliness and a clear lack of potential "boyfriends".

But there is another interesting point - if fate nevertheless leads to the creation of a strong couple with the subsequent creation of a family, then Arina will become ideal in all respects. In other words, fate presupposes the final formation of Arisha perfect wife, loving wife and more than that, an exemplary mother. However, again, all this is just a theory, and how her fate will actually turn out, no one simply can know for sure ...

Love and marriage

The most important thing for Arina in marriage is respect, love, sincerity, feelings and mutual understanding. This girl cannot be attracted by money or brutality, nor by rudeness or the makings of a leader. This girl needs a loving, understanding husband, one with whom she would feel needed, useful, loved and desired. At the same time, she herself will give her husband everything the same.

Arina can get married early, and most likely, her first marriage will be successful. And all because she treats the very concept of marriage responsibly, judiciously and seriously. She will not marry a man just because she fell in love with him. She will first test her feelings for strength, make sure that the relationship fits her criteria, and only then will she agree to get married. And then, at first, the man will have to sweat, coming up with a way that he will use to make her a marriage proposal.

Arina can become an excellent hostess, but not perfect. She will not leave the house dirty, she will not scatter things in the wrong places, and she will not send her husband to work hungry. But at the same time, you should not count on more in marriage with her. She will not become a "household slave", even if her husband demands it.

Arina as mother

Mom named Arina, this is the mother of capital letter. Ready to devote all of herself to the child who was born. Initially, she can demonstrate such maternal love, which one could wish for all children without exception. But it won't last long. As soon as the child grows up, as soon as he gets on his feet and can provide for himself, her attitude towards him will change. Then he will have to rely only on himself. And by the way, it will be the same with a boy and a girl ...

But until then, Arina will surround her child with love and care, and everything will be given to the child. All her attention, all love, tenderness and care, gentleness and feelings will belong to her son or daughter, or both at once, but in the same amount. For Arina, children are not just a reason to grow up and become serious - this is her lifestyle, style, her dream. By the way, Arinas often begin to dream of becoming a mother in their teens.

Compatibility with male names

As for compatibility with male names, then everything is much simpler. It is believed that the best combination in terms of feelings is achieved by a lady named Arina with named variations such as Alexander, Sergey, Matvey, Elisha, Makar, Gordey and Ostap.

It will be possible to build a strong and lasting marriage, for example, with Artem, Yegor, Fedor, Svyatoslav, Anar, Robert.

And here negative impact fate will have a connection in relations with such as Demyan, Luke, Aristarchus, Benedict, Benjamin.

Antique and beautiful name Arina. It came to Russia from Greece, where it has long been distributed among representatives of the nobility. It is derived from the name of the ancient goddess of the world, whose name was Eiren, and in translation means "calm" and "peace". endured for long years changes, the name has taken several forms. Among them are the well-known Irina, and the rarer Arina. Name days of the owners of these names are celebrated several times a year. Usually, each chooses for herself the day that, according to the calendar, is closest to her birthday.

Common heavenly patrons Irina and Arina

Arina's name day church calendar are celebrated on the same days as Irina's. They have only one patron saint. If you open the church calendar and look closely, you can see that during the year from the pulpit, the saints of God who bore this name are repeatedly commemorated. Which of them to consider as your guardian angel is a purely personal matter. The choice must be made by Arina herself. Name day - Orthodox holidays, and it is necessary that they bring joy to the hero of the occasion.

How did you choose the name of the child in the old days?

There used to be such a tradition, now already forgotten, but generally accepted in the old days: when a child was born, parents always looked in the calendar to which saint was honored that day. Among several names, they chose the one that they liked best, and gave it to the newborn at baptism. This saint was henceforth considered his heavenly patron. Thus, the birthday and name day (that is, the day of the angel) always coincided. This custom is a thing of the past, but according to tradition, everyone celebrating a birthday is usually called birthday. Those who would like to revive this tradition should certainly look into the holy calendar.

Two Arinas - Great Martyr and Empress

What saints from the heights of heaven patronize our Arins and Irins? This is important to know, because according to the church calendar, Arina's name day should be celebrated on the days of their memory. The host of these saints of God is large enough, which allows you to make a choice between them. The most famous, perhaps, is the early Christian holy Great Martyr Irina of Macedon, who lived at the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd centuries. She is commemorated on May 18 (according to the new style). She deserved the crown of holiness by choosing martyrdom denial of the Christian faith.

The name day of Arina Arina) can also be celebrated on the feast of another Christian saint - the missus. This saint of God was a Byzantine empress and was awarded the crown of holiness because in 787 at the Supreme Church Council she strongly advocated the veneration of icons. The fact is that in those days there were many clergymen and representatives of secular authorities who advocated the rejection of them. With her imperial authority, Saint Irina put an end to the controversy, and thanks to her, icon veneration has survived to this day. The memory of the saint is celebrated on August 22. So Arina, whose name day will be celebrated on this day, will be under her heavenly protection.

Host of Saints Irins, sung by the Orthodox Church

Four days later, on August 26, another holy Empress Irina is mentioned in the calendar, who ended her days in monasticism and was named Xenia during tonsure. But since in this case the name received at baptism is important, then she can also be among the heavenly intercessors that Arina has the right to choose for herself. Name days according to the calendar can also be celebrated on the day of memory of the wife of St. George the Confessor - the righteous Irina. Her feast day is May 26th.

But this is not limited to the list of dates on which Arina can celebrate the day of her angel. Name days can also be celebrated on August 10, when Orthodox Church recalls the life of St. Irene of Cappadacia. This pious maiden, who lived at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries in Byzantium, young years She accepted monasticism and by a strict monastic life acquired the crown of holiness. She went down in the history of the church as the abbess of the monastery of Chrysovalandou in Constantinople.

Christian Faith Drenched in the Blood of Great Martyrs

In addition to the listed God-pleasers, several more names are marked in the church calendar, whose commemoration days Arina can choose. Name days can also be celebrated on January 12 and 16, April 29, August 17 and October 1. All these dates are the days of memory of the holy great martyrs who bore the name Irina. One should not be surprised at such a large number of them.

The fact is that, having appeared in the 1st century AD, Christianity met fierce resistance on its way from paganism, which at that time was the state religion of the Roman Empire and many territories subject to it. Faith in Christ grew and strengthened on the blood of those who gave their lives for it, and there were a lot of those. History has not preserved the names of most of them, but those that have come down to us are included in the calendar for annual commemoration.

Character traits characteristic of Arina

And in conclusion, a few words about what qualities are more often inherent in those who wear this beautiful and It is generally accepted that the main and most pronounced of them are balance and independence. In addition, it was noticed that Arins are distinguished by their peace and tranquility.

Their inner circle consists mainly of good and reliable friends, and enemies on the path of life are not so numerous. Among others characteristic features you can distinguish sociability and friendliness. As a rule, they are pleasant to communicate with, which puts them in an advantageous position.

There are several options for opinions about the mystery of the origin of the name Arina. One of them, the most common, says that the name comes from ancient Greek, translates as "peace" and "calm". But there is reason to believe that Arina is a derivative of the name Irina, and both names belonged to the daughter of Zeus and Themis, whose name was Eirene. In addition, the name Arina is not used in Orthodoxy, so the girl can be christened Irina.

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There is also a version about the Jewish origin of the name, from the male name Aaron, meaning "teacher", "enlightened". And supporters of Slavic origin see the connection between the names Arina and Irina with the name of the pagan god - Yarilo. In history Russian state both names went side by side for a long time. Irina is a common name for noblewomen; commoners were called Arina.

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      • Patron Saints and Name Days

        According to the church calendar, Arina and Irina celebrate name days twice in January, on the 12th and 16th, on August 17 and November 2. The days of ten saints with the name Irina are celebrated in a year.

        However, the main patroness of Arin is Queen Irina, the wife of the Greek emperor, who became regent after his death. little son. She was canonized as a saint for icon veneration. Those Arins who were lucky enough to be born on days close to August 22 can consider the queen to be their patroness. And if the girl was also baptized on August 22, then this day will forever remain the day of the angel Arina.

        The meaning of the name for a girl

        Arina s early childhood is an independent and responsible child. While still quite a baby, she is well aware of what she needs in this moment and, despite the obstacles, goes to the goal.

        She is obedient and not conflicted, and if she receives comments or punishments, she suffers and worries when she feels that she is to blame. She requires an affectionate and respectful attitude towards her person, does not tolerate screams and scandals that have a bad effect on her psyche. The meaning of the name makes Arina help others to extinguish the conflict. And if she is guilty, she will definitely ask for forgiveness, make a promise not to repeat those actions that lead to problems in the family in the future. Peace and tranquility are important to her.

        Arina is a responsive and sensitive girl. He will always help younger children with whom he likes to play and engage. She grows up as a mother's assistant and a good housewife. She enjoys when mom and dad are happy with her, and she does everything possible to make her parents proud of her.

        Having matured and started to study, the girl shows extraordinary abilities and talents. She has an exceptional auditory memory. Her subtle nature shows passion for dancing and music, she draws beautifully, owning a pencil and brush. Her talents don't end there. Arina loves needlework, embroidery and knitting are easy for her. She tries to sew, but this is not difficult for her either.

        Activity and mobility give her a desire to swim, do gymnastics and sports games. Choosing interests to her liking, Arina is guided by her own opinion, and parents are assigned the role of contemplators and helpers.

        While studying at school or university, the owner of the name shows stamina and perseverance. The girl strives to study perfectly, she succeeds. And the desire to improve and engage in self-education will remain for many years.

        Marriage, family, compatibility

        Arina is a romantic and amorous nature, therefore she requires beautiful courtship from the opposite sex. As in childhood, she has many admirers, as she is a kind and charming person. But, choosing a partner, first of all, she listens to common sense, and only then pays attention to feelings.

        Her first love may turn out to be unhappy, so then she will treat men with some apprehension and coldness, constantly remembering what happened many years ago. It is easier for her to just be friends with a man than to see him as a sexual partner.

        Having married, a woman tries to create her own oasis, a small world where she builds a solid foundation. family life, but at the same time she does not forget about her personal space. Although she will not become a family leader, her husband will always have to reckon with Arina, her independence and self-sufficiency. No one can keep such a woman within four walls.

        Being close to her husband, even having a rather strong character, a woman expects not only love from a man. For complete happiness, she needs a sense of security, and, having received it, she is able to give her beloved all of herself without a trace. The husband does not need to doubt Arina's fidelity. She is worthy and honest man, who can not even think about treason. A woman sees the meaning of life in children. For the sake of their well-being, she can give up her career and, if necessary, her husband.

        Arina's compatibility with men named Timur, Oleg, Anatoly, Valentin and Vyacheslav is quite low, marriage with them will be unsuccessful, and the following names will bring Arina quiet and calm happiness:

        • Igor;
        • Leonid;
        • Stepan;
        • Sergey;
        • Vladimir;
        • Ivan;
        • Arkady;
        • Boris;
        • Andrei.

        Name Talismans

        Cancers, Virgos and Pisces do not fit the harmonious name Arina. But Capricorn and Aquarius go well with him, as well as Leo and Aries, from whom a girl can learn such traits as courage, will and determination.

        Arina and her talismans:

        • The fate and character of the bearer of the name is greatly influenced by the planet Venus, favorable to Arina.
        • The spring months are considered lucky, and Friday is the best day of the week.
        • Lucky colors: blue, cyan and bright yellow.
        • Lucky plants are lily of the valley and chestnut.
        • Happy animals are the termite and the owl.
        • Talisman Stones: Healing stone opal and spirit-strengthening topaz.

Charm female name Arina lies in its ancient, dating back centuries, origin and modern, rhythmic sound. Despite the foreign homeland, it has long been considered exclusively, including thanks to the famous Arina Rodionova, the beloved nanny of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Brief meaning of the name Arina

The history of the origin of the name

The origin of the name Arina is not completely clear. There are several versions of its origin, the most common is ancient Greek. According to this version, Arina is a derivative form of Irina and means “peaceful”, “calm”.

Both of them are derived from ancient greek goddess peace and tranquility of Eirene, daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Arina and Irina accompanied each other in the history of the Russian state: only if Irina were mostly noblewomen, then representatives of other classes were called Arina: peasant women, merchants and bourgeois women.

According to another version, it has Slavic origin and strong ties associated with the name of the pagan god of the sun - Yarilo. In this case, Arina means "sunny", "bright". In Bulgaria, for example, this is the name of the Thracian goddess of sunlight and has a corresponding interpretation.

However, this is not all, and the mysterious name Arina may have Jewish origin, if its source is the male name Aaron.

The intricate history reflects its complex but interesting fate - many peoples would like to see this sonorous name as their own. national name. However, there is every reason to believe that this is a Russian folk form named after Irina, that is, it is Russian roots. It should be noted that in Russia the popularity of the name Arina is constantly growing, while Irina's is declining.

Name Forms

AT English language a synonym for the name Arina - Airin.

The full form in Russian is Arina. diminutive and short forms: Arya, Arisha, Arka, Aryukha, Arunka, Aryunka, Yarochka, Yara, Yarushka, Rina, Rinochka, Aryukha, Aruska, Arinka, Arinushka, Arinochka, Arch, Irusha, Irunya.

According to the church Orthodox calendar the days of several saints bearing the name Irina are celebrated:

  • March 7 - martyr Irina (Smirnova);
  • September 30 - the venerable martyr Irina (Frolova);
  • February 26 - the venerable martyr Irina (Khvostova);
  • April 29 - martyr Irene of Aquileia;
  • October 1 - Martyr Irene of Egypt;
  • August 10 - Venerable Irene of Cappadocia;
  • May 26 - Irene of Constantinople;
  • April 29 - Martyr Irene of Corinth;
  • May 18 - Great Martyr Irene of Macedon;
  • August 22 - Queen Irina.

Literal decoding:

A - beginning, creation; desire for comfort;

P - insight; self-confidence, courage;

And - kindness, sincerity, peacefulness;

H - criticality;

A - the beginning; creation.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl determines her fate. Young Arinas are active, active, very independent and even self-sufficient creatures. Meanwhile, the child is good-natured and responsive, she is always full of concern for her younger sisters and brothers (if any), loves to play with small children.

Goodwill and sociability attract many people to her, but she is not open to everyone. Secretiveness imperceptible in a child can develop into isolation with age, which, however, will not prevent her from communicating with people.

For a mobile and active girl, gymnastics, swimming, and dancing are good.

In her studies, she is stubborn and persistent, strives to study for one five. With the same perseverance she will receive higher education and educate yourself throughout your life.


The characteristic of the name Arina reflects life path extraordinary owners of this sonorous name. The fate of Arina is filled with interesting events and travels, creative work, rich personal life.

She is an excellent psychologist, knows how to get along with people, can pick up the key to any person, remaining, however, for everyone a mysterious “black box”. Human talents determine her professional choice - she can become a good teacher, a wonderful actor and journalist, advertiser, politician.

Career and family

Although many Arinas are responsible and diligent workers, their careers always come second, and personal relationships and family come first. Therefore, the most the best wayfamily business, or creative tandem. In such an alliance, she will best reveal herself both as a good specialist and as a wonderful wife. Interestingly, she does not get tired of close and constant contact with her beloved person both at home and at work, but on the contrary, she gains confidence and harmony.

Family for her is a small universe. In it, she diligently builds relationships with loved ones, builds the foundation family well-being subordinating to it all his life. She is especially concerned about the fate of the children: she makes every effort to give them an excellent education, is engaged in their comprehensive education.

Persistence and responsibility in work often leads to the fact that Arina achieves financial success and stability, and she turns her house into a cozy and comfortable nest, equipped with big love and taste.

Arina goes well with such male names as: Alexey, Egor, Gleb, Oleg, Vyacheslav, Dmitry, Fedor, Maxim, Evgeny, Peter, Victor.

Famous Arins

Famous people - bearers of the name, often have professions related to public activities, a large audience:

  • Arina Sharapova, Makhova - Russian TV presenters;
  • Arina Perchik - Russian model, TV presenter;
  • Arina Varskaya - famous Russian fitness trainer;
  • Averina - Russian rhythmic gymnast;
  • Arina Postnikova, Esina, Kirsanova, Aleinikova - Russian actresses;

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