Father of Irina Shayk. Personal life of Russian model Irina Shayk: Cristiano Ronaldo and Bradley Cooper. Who is Irina Shayk's husband

Irina Shayk is one of the world famous models. She became famous thanks to a happy accident. From the first photo shoot of Irina, everyone started talking about the star of the modeling business. Currently, a woman is the face of many of the most popular companies.

Irina Shayk is happy in her personal life. The woman first met famous football player- Cristiano Ronaldo. Fans dreamed of their union, but the wedding never took place. In 2015, the modeling business star began dating film actor Brad Cooper. Irina gave her beloved a daughter. Soon the marriage of two stars will take place. The newlyweds will spend their honeymoon on pacific ocean.

Immediately after the appearance of Irina Shayk at world shows, professionals became interested in her. The fate of the girl became interested in her many fans, who know everything about the beauty, including her height, weight, age, how old Irina Shayk is. Our heroine celebrated her 32nd birthday in 2018. The girl attracts attention with her exotic beauty. Fashion connoisseurs pay attention to lush hair and incredibly huge green eyes.

Irina Shayk, a photo in her youth and now which always remains in the spotlight, with a height of 178 cm, weighs 55 kg. The star of the modeling business maintains its shape with a vegetable diet and protein foods. In the diet of a beauty, there are often meat products, fruits and vegetables. Irina Shayk drinks food with natural freshly squeezed juices. Every day, the model performs a set of exercises that help her stay in good shape.

Recently, a show program about the life and fate of Irina Shayk was released, in which the supermodel said that she often cooks for her beloved delicious food. The woman says that she loves Russian cuisine, but she has to refuse dishes in order to keep her good shape.

Biography and personal life of Irina Shayk

The biography and personal life of Irina Shayk is a fabulous story. It's hard to believe that the most ordinary girl from ordinary family became a supermodel and was able to attract the views of the richest men around the world.

A girl was born in the mid-80s of the last century. The hometown of the beauty was a small town in the Chelyabinsk region with an unusual and beautiful name Yemanzhelinsk. Parents named their daughter after her maternal grandmother Ira. Real surname supermodels - Shaikhlislamova. Father - Valery Shaikhlislamov worked in a mine. Mother - Olga Shaikhlislamova taught at a music school. Our heroine has older sister Tatyana.

AT school years Ira did not particularly stand out among her classmates. The girl studied mediocre. Having received a certificate, Irina goes to receive economic Education. In her first year, at the suggestion of her older sister Tatyana Shayk, she began attending classes at a modeling school. The supermodel herself did not believe that she could become famous model. She considered herself lanky, thin. In addition, the woman believed that her appearance was spoiled by incredibly plump lips.

Soon the model appeared in one of the commercials in which she represented underwear. At the age of 19, the girl took part in her first beauty contest. She managed to win. Among the judges was Gia Dzhikidze, who discovered many stars among Russian beauties. For example, it was this modeling agent who found Natalia Vodianova, who is a star among models.

At the invitation of Jikidze, our heroine goes to France, where she is filmed for the best fashion magazines. Since that time, Irina has become famous. The girl changed her unpronounceable surname - Shaikhslimova to a simpler one for foreigners - Sheik. Despite her noticeable accent and cheaper things, unlike her competitors, Irina soon becomes incredibly popular. She is invited to various fashion shows organized by world fashion houses.

She soon becomes incredibly popular. Irina Shayk shoots for the world's best magazines. Since 2008, many companies around the world have been making her face an adornment for their products.

The model starred in several films. For example, she played in "Agent", "Hercules" and several others. Irina Shayk took part in several TV projects. She hosted the show program "Top Model in Russian", which was organized by the TNT channel.

In 2010, the modeling business star met and began dating one of the world's football stars. Many fans wanted Irina Shayk to become the wife of Cristiano Ronaldo. But for some reason, the couple broke up. Soon the model became the civil wife of one of the best Hollywood stars— Bradley Cooper. According to rumors, the wedding will take place in the fall of 2018. But a daughter has already appeared in the family, whom the spouses love incredibly.

Family and children of Irina Shayk

The family and children of Irina Shayk live in prosperity. It was about this that a woman could not dream of in her childhood.

The father of our heroine worked in a mine. In the difficult 90s of the last century, wages were delayed, so the family went to country cottage area to plant potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. Vegetables supported the well-being of the family.

Difficult work undermined the health of the father of the family. Soon he was diagnosed with oncology, which led to the death of his father.

After Valery's death, the family was in a difficult state of disrepair. The mother worked several jobs to provide for her daughters. The older sister of our heroine helped her mother. She got a job.

Currently, Irina helps her family financially. After the birth of a granddaughter, the mother of the woman helps with her upbringing.

The star is now actively involved in charity work. She allocates funds for the hospital and orphanage in your hometown.

Daughter of Irina Shayk - Lea de Sien Shayk-Cooper

In 2016, there were rumors that the popular model was expecting a baby. The father of the future baby was the popular film actor Bradley Cooper. For a long time, Irina herself did not answer questions about this. But, being at the 5th month, the woman openly spoke about her delicate situation.

Irina Shayk's daughter, Lea de Sien Shayk-Cooper, was born in 2017. The model gave birth in one of the best Hollywood clinics. The girl was born with a weight of 3.5 kg with a height of 53 cm. According to rumors, she is incredibly beautiful. To her, despite her young age, predicted a good model future. The baby at the age of one has already visited several countries, including the Russian Federation.

Civil husband of Irina Shayk - Bradley Cooper

Since 2015, rumors began to appear in the media about an affair with one of the most popular actors— Bradley Cooper. The first meeting took place at one of the secular parties. Initially, young people met in secret. But in the summer of 2016, joint photos of two stars begin to appear in the media. Soon they started talking about Irina's pregnancy. From that moment on, the stars ceased to hide.

The civil husband of Irina Shayk - Bradley Cooper was very happy about the birth of his daughter. The man himself spoke about the birth of the child. On his Instagram page, the actor often posts photos of his beautiful daughter.

Two superstars recently opened up about their imminent marriage. The celebration is scheduled for autumn 2018. The wedding will take place in Los Angeles. It will be attended by close friends and relatives of both lovers. Currently, the model has ordered several dresses for the celebration. Then the lovers are going to spend their honeymoon on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Parents will leave their beloved daughter in the care of the mother of the bride.

Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo

Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo started dating in the spring of 2010. The stars together took part in a photo shoot for a magazine for men. Then young people began to appear together at secular parties. Fans began to wait for them to announce an imminent wedding. But this did not happen. The love story of two stars excited fans. Joint photos young people often appeared in various means mass media.

In 2015, Irina and Cristiano stopped dating. Why they broke up was unknown for a long time. Even when Shayk began dating Brad Cooper, fans dreamed that the supermodel would be together again with the most famous striker of world football, Cristiano Ronaldo. Former lovers say they have kept their friendship. But about their relationship in the future, they unanimously assure that this will not happen. Recently, the football player began to appear with another lover, and Irina Shayk is preparing for the wedding with movie superstar Bradley Cooper.

April 4, 2012, 04:12 PM

In the small homeland, of course, the model is remembered, but the memories of the girl are very different. So, Svetlana Klimenko, the owner of the Chelyabinsk image club "Svetlana", modeling agency"Exclusive" and the organizer of the competition "Supermodel", which began star way Irina Shayk, still remembers with a shudder their communication. candid interview Svetlana Klimenko to the Access news agency. According to Svetlana Klimenko, Irina came to the Modeling School in 2004. - Her natural data is excellent. In the same year, we took her to participate in the Supermodel competition. And at first, Irina seemed like a perfectly adequate girl. We send photos of our models to partners in Moscow. If someone is interested in them, they are invited to a photo shoot in the capital. World-famous photographers are already shooting there to make a portfolio to promote the model abroad. This happened to Irina Shaikhlislamova, - says Klimenko. According to her, the competition "Supermodel-2004" aroused great interest in the city and, above all, among wealthy men. - Appeared and fans of our girls. Ilya Mitelman came with his friend, I won't name him. And I saw a clear interest on the part of this man to Irina. When Shaikhlislamova was seriously interested in Moscow, we invited her to the club. A very serious conversation took place. Shaykhlislamova had just turned eighteen at the time,” recalls the director of the modeling club. The partner of the School of Models in the Russian capital is Grace Models. Those who are related to modeling business, represent that it is very high level. For the uninitiated, it will be enough to say that it was this agency that brought Natalia Vodianova to light. According to Svetlana Klimenko, her image club had been cooperating with Grace Models for many years when this ugly story happened.
- Here we are sitting - me and my manager, two adult aunts, on the contrary - Ira. We told her - now you can get married successfully, settle down with a rich uncle and not pursue a career. But you have every chance to become successful model and make a living for yourself. She just sobbed - what are you talking about! yes what men! I want to work! We believed her, the next day we bought a ticket to Moscow, she went. The Moscow partners were called back, a car came for her. And Ira... walked past and got into another car. To that very admirer, friend and assistant of Ilya Mitelman. It turns out that they conspired behind our backs. Svetlana Klimenko is still worried when she remembers this. And no wonder. Without waiting for the model, the Moscow partners called Chelyabinsk. - I have, of course, shock! We are responsible for those who come to our agency, even though they are adults. These days of uncertainty are scary to remember. We didn't know what to do. And the fact that important shootings were disrupted, that Moscow partners rented an expensive studio, that a highly paid photographer arrived - this was already the tenth question. Most importantly, are you alive? Where did she go? Her phone was turned off, her relatives also did not know anything ... Then it became known that Irina had been with that man all this time. And when the girl did show up, a terrible scandal erupted. - I broke down. I spoke to her quite harshly. But the rudest thing I could say is called her rubbish. I don't swear strong expressions I don't drink... She immediately complained to her patron. And then it began. He called me with threats and insults. Then I was very scared for my son, I called him every five minutes. There was also fear for my work - by that time the club was 15 years old, I worked from morning to night, and here it was ... - Svetlana Klimenko recalls. - I had to connect my connections, seek help from a very authoritative person. Only after his intervention, the situation was resolved ... After Irina signed contracts with Armani, Intimissimi and Guess, and then began to meet with the world football star Cristiano Ronaldo, journalists constantly call me with questions about her. Yes, on the one hand, a source of pride for our School of Models - we found her, and our Moscow partners brought her to the top models of the planet. I read somewhere that she is in the top twenty beautiful girls the world enters. This speaks volumes about the quality of our work. On the other hand… None good word I can't say about her.
But her modeling age is coming to an end - people do not become younger and more beautiful over the years, and competitors step on their tail, - says Svetlana Klimenko. - Now she has two opportunities to arrange her life - either get married, or arrange a high-profile PR campaign so that the fees soar - they have fallen for models due to the crisis. I don’t know what they have with Ronaldo, but my son, who is fond of football and reads a lot about football players, told me this: “This is not for long. Ronaldo has such girls every week,” However, at the end of the conversation, despite all the grievances in the past, the director and choreographer of the Chelyabinsk image club, from which, whatever one may say, Irina Shayk’s career began, wishes the supermodel happiness - Well let her be happy - with or without Ronaldo.

Irina Shayk (Shaikhlislamova) was born in the harsh Chelyabinsk region. Father died when Irina was still a girl. He was a miner, and death was caused by complications from a lung disease. Olga, Irina's mother, taught music. To earn a living and provide for two daughters (Irina has eldest daughter Tatyana), Olga had to work two jobs.

After school, Irina left her hometown and entered the College of Economics. It was at this time that the girl was noticed by representatives of the modeling agency and invited to work at the Chelyabinsk modeling agency Svetlana.

Now Irina Shayk mostly lives in the USA, millions of fans are interested in her personal life. As of 2017, Irina is not married, the longest and most discussed are her relationships with two world-famous people:

  • Cristiano Ronaldo 2010-2015 There were persistent rumors that Irina Neik was dating Ronaldo under a contract, the relationship was fictitious.
  • Bradley Cooper 2015 - present. On March 21, 2017, a daughter was born to Cooper and Shayk, who was named very exotic - Lea de Sien Shayk Cooper.

In addition to the very successful modeling career Irina Shayk also boasts a small filmography, as of 2017:

  • 2011 Need for Speed: The Run
  • 2013, Agent
  • 2014, Hercules
  • 2016, Inside Amy Schumer

We have prepared a small dossier from which you can learn some interesting details from the life of a star: Irina Shayk's height and weight, figure and clothing parameters, shoe and bust size, as well as some other interesting information.

What is the real name of Irina Shayk

Real name Irina Shayk ( full name) - Irina Valerievna Shaikhlislamova. Last name and first name English language usually has the following spelling - Irina Shayk, or less common - Irina Sheik.

When was Irina Shayk born?

How old is Irina Shayk?

At the time of writing (summer 2017), Irina Shayk is 31 years old.

What is the zodiac sign of Irina Shayk?

Irina Shayk's zodiac sign is Capricorn. She was born in the year of the Tiger according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Irina Shayk born?

Irina Shayk was born in the RSFSR (Russia), Chelyabinsk region, the city of Yemanzhelinsk.

How tall is Irina Shayk?

Irina Shayk's height is 5 feet 10 inches, which in the metric system we are used to is 178 cm. Irina Shayk not only does not hide her body parameters, weight and height, but often mentions her in interviews. Thousands of subscribers to Irina's social media accounts are constantly discussing the slightest changes in the model's life. There are stars who carefully guard their personal lives, but Irina Shayk is not one of them. Irina puts her life on display.

How much does Irina Shayk weigh?

Irina Shayk weighs 117 pounds, which is approximately 54 kg.

What color are Irina Shayk's eyes?

Irina Shayk's eye color is green.

What are the parameters of the figure of Irina Shayk?

Irina Shayk figure parameters: 89-60-89 (chest-waist-hips). Clothing size: 40. Based on 2017 data.

What size are Irina Shayk's feet?

The size of Irina Shayk's foot according to American standards is 8. In the usual sense for us, it is about 38 shoe sizes.

Bradley Cooper, the famous Hollywood actor, back in 2016 gave his beloved Irina Shayk an engagement ring. The process of "legitimizing" their relationship stopped there.

And recently in official source there was a photo with a ring on Irina's finger. Is it just a birthday present (Sheik was born on January 6) or proof of Bradley and Irina's legal marriage?

Who is Irina Shayk's husband

Bradley Cooper today is a sex symbol and one of the most recognizable inhabitants of the Hollywood hills. Four-time Oscar nominee.

He was born in Philadelphia on January 5, 1975 in a very religious family. His father Charlie is Irish, worked as a stockbroker in a bank, his mother Gloria is Italian.

Cooper studied at Villanova University, then transferred to the more prestigious university in Georgetown. At the age of 12, he realized that he wanted to become an actor.

football fan

Despite the fact that Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper, according to media chronicles, did not part, it is difficult to see them together at a large-scale event, they always appear separately, which is very suspicious for everyone.

But recently they managed to capture them together: Cooper could not miss the game for the NFL Super Bowl. Raised in Philadelphia, the actor is an avid fan of the Eagles football team, especially since the Eagles opened the Championship.

Irina, as an exemplary wife, accompanied Bradley, came with him to the stadium. Whether she likes this sport is not clear, she enjoyed the meal more than the spectacle.

However, fans of the couple breathed a sigh of relief seeing their favorites together for the first time in long time.

For the second!

The supermodel has repeatedly stated that there is no perfect time to have children. "You just need to give birth, perhaps this period will become perfect time for each of us".

Irina Shayk with her child and husband was recently spotted near a family planning center in Los Angeles. Often in an interview, the couple reported that they both dream of big family, and today rumors about the imminent replenishment in star family. Journalists persistently insist that Irina is pregnant, pointing to the round belly of the model in the photo. But maybe she just got a little better again?

AT recent times to a beauty with an exotic appearance, swarthy skin and plump lips Irina Shayk(29) increased attention is riveted not only thanks to her advertising campaigns and break with (30), but also stormy romance with a Hollywood actor and a favorite of all women - Bradley Cooper (40). The paparazzi are increasingly delighting us with new photos of a couple in love. It would seem about a new darling Bradley Cooper everything is known. But some little known facts we still managed to dig. We share with you!

Irina Shaikhlislamova, better known as , was born in a tiny town Yemanzhelinsk 50 km from Chelyabinsk. “I am from a very small village, this is actually true. We lived on the same street and everyone knew each other, ”the model once said in an interview. NBC's.

The provincial family of the girl was very simple: her father Valery- miner, and mother Olga- music teacher. Ira also has an older sister Tatyana. The father of the future model died when the girl was still at school. To raise her daughters to their feet, mother had to work hard.

It is worth noting that the green-eyed beauty owes her exotic appearance to the Tatar origin of her father, and the Russian origin of her mother.

According to the model, at school she was not popular with boys. They always joked about her, calling her chunga-changa or plywood, since she was very thin and tall.

After school, she and her sister went to Chelyabinsk to continue his education at the College of Economics. There, on the street, the young beauty was noticed by representatives of the Chelyabinsk image club " Svetlana».

The first glory came to the girl in 2004. At the age of 18, she became the best at the regional competition " Supermodel". For the victory, the girl received an award of 60 thousand rubles. The Chelyabinsk agency also paid for a trip to Moscow and agreed on an upcoming photo shoot, but the contract with the agency was soon terminated. Irina nevertheless flew to Moscow, but already in the company of a wealthy satellite.

The starting point in Irina's ascent to the Olympus of world fame was a meeting with a scout Gia Jikidze. It is the president of the international modeling agency Grace models brought photographs of the beauty on the covers of glossy magazines. So, since 2005, she began working in Europe e and then in USA.


In 2007 she became the face of the brand Intimissimi and represented it until 2009, and starting from 2010, Irina represents Intimissimi as brand ambassador.

Also since 2007, Irina has been shooting for every year, and in 2011 she became the first Russian model to hit the cover Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

Irina also became famous thanks to an affair with a famous football player Ronaldo whom she dated for about 5 years.She is currently dating an American actor Bradley Cooper .

The beauty appeared on the covers of the most famous magazines and was also the face of brands El Corte Ingles, Armani, Guess, Lacoste,La Perla, triumph. The Russian beauty also works for simpler brands, being the face of a democratic youth brand. Love Republic.

Considers the standard of beauty Angelina Jolie(39) and Elizabeth Taylor(1932-2011). But most beautiful woman for Irina is her late grandmother, who at the age of 19 went to the front to defend her homeland.

Charity has become another area of ​​Shayk's activity. She helps the maternity hospital in her native Yemanzhelinsk and gives money to orphans and sick kids.

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