Types of weapons and their main characteristics. What are the weapons? Biological and chemical weapons

Throughout human history, freedom, honor, wealth, and home could only be defended by fighting for them. People resolved their disputes, fought for honor, sought their destiny and glory with the help of weapons. Many martial arts they also used weapons within their schools and directions.

However, weapons were not used in all types of martial arts. For example, the martial arts of Vietnam are clearly divided into: vo tuat (unarmed combat) and kovo dao (armed combat). This article will focus on wooden weapons as the most relevant in sports areas.

At all times in many armies of the world in the service there were many recruits and militias from the peasant environment, who often had to provide themselves with everything they needed. As military weapons they used agricultural tools and everyday items. Of course, not all items used in everyday life became formidable and versatile weapons. Here are just a few of them.

Sai is an agricultural tool in the form of a trident, designed to loosen the soil. As a means of self-defense, the sai was most widely used on the island of Okinawa, where the peasants used it as a stabbing weapon. A similar weapon, the tjabang, is known in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It was used in the combat technique "pan-chan-silat", which included fencing with two tridents. In Okinawa, the sai set included three tridents at once, one of which was intended for throwing, and the other two for fencing with both hands.

Nunchaku - two short, round or multi-faceted sticks connected by ropes or a chain. Once used for threshing grain crops, nunchucks have evolved into weapons that have become widespread in Okinawa. In our time, the nunchaku is perhaps the only (other than a knife) type of weapon in the medieval arsenal that is on the rise. Among the advantages of the nunchaku is their simplicity and compactness - they can easily fit into small cases or in a jacket pocket. Modern nunchaku have many different devices that increase their effectiveness and differ, first of all, depending on the purpose: training, combat. The mastery of this type of weapon was considered mandatory for the masters of Okinawa-te, Ko-Budo, and is now included in the program of many modern schools karate.

Tonfa is another type of agricultural tool, which is two flat sticks with a handle offset from the center, which was used as a lever to rotate a millstone that grinds grain. As a weapon, this instrument underwent a certain transformation: from flat sticks they became elongated, cylindrical, with some narrowing towards the far end and thickening near the handle. For a long-range attack, the stick is turned with the long end forward by rotating the handle in the palm of your hand. The same movement is used to deliver circular strikes. Tonfa has not lost its significance as a weapon today and is successfully used by American police in the fight against troublemakers.

Percussion weapon - ancient species weapons ever used by man. One of the most common types of wooden percussion weapons is a stick. The transformation of the stick into a real weapon was facilitated by Chinese monks, who were forbidden to carry professional weapons. The stick received the widest distribution and popularity thanks to the unique stick fencing systems developed by Chinese masters.

There are several main types of sticks with numerous subspecies and varieties: a long pole (about 3 meters), a staff (“bo” - a pole as tall as a person), a stick (“jo” or “jo” - about 1 m long), a short stick ( "Tandze" - up to 30 cm) and a stick with a knot - a cane (about 1 m).

The long staff, which received a special name in Japan - "rokushakubo", has its own Chinese prototype. The difference between the Chinese and Japanese versions of the staff lies primarily in the form. The Chinese pole is the same along the entire length, the Japanese tapers towards the ends, which significantly increases the effectiveness of pushing blows with the ends of the staff.

The stick ("jo") has historically been regarded as a weapon of self-defense, but the technique of owning it included techniques against all types of weapons, and especially against the sword. But the main emphasis in the technique of working with a stick is on working against an unarmed opponent, where pushing and chopping movements, throws and grabs are used.

Small stick - "tanjo" - typical secret weapon self defense. In the modern version, such a stick-keychain, along with the keys, can easily lie in your pocket without attracting attention, and is used in case of poke strikes.

A cane is a stick with a hook or knot at the end. Compared to a conventional jo stick, there are additional opportunities for capturing enemy weapons.

Of course, there are very, very many types of wooden weapons (within the framework of sports areas). We talked about the most basic and most significant of those used in martial arts.

Today, toy stores offer such a large and colorful selection that parents clutch their heads and children salivate. Unfortunately, the economic situation and one's own capabilities do not always allow one to have sufficient income to please one's own child with a good gift. Hands and head to help us! Some of the toys can always be made by yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, anything from wood and sell it.

Wood is a very convenient material, having a minimum skill in handling it and necessary tools, you can do a lot. For girls, you can cut dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a typewriter, a gun, a sword. The question of how to make weapons out of wood is of great interest to them!

Wooden weapon options

You can actually do a lot, most importantly, why do you need a specific thing? For a child who will play in the yard, for the use of weapons for their intended purpose, for role playing, for hunting or maybe for a suit? homemade weapons from wood will take the shape and form that you wish.

If the main purpose is a game, then the main thing in this case is strength. All paint and thin fragile parts will come off in a few days, if not immediately. When military field training is held in schools, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles for them, then 50% of the guys tear off stores on the first or second day. But these machines are made in a stream, not really caring about beauty, painting in one color and trying to make them stronger. Ask how to make a weapon out of wood that won't break? No way, the thing will remain intact only if you do not use your product.

For roleplayers, the situation is much more complicated, they need weapons that are both beautiful and durable, so they often use other materials. If, nevertheless, a tree, then they make two swords or knives, one is beautiful, the second is durable.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material depends on how long it takes to process. Birch is a very strong and unyielding tree, it is good to make a club out of it, without special processing the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, pine are softer, it is easy and pleasant to work with them. Oak is not common in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, then you will hardly find a better material. It is easier to process than birch, lighter in weight and stronger than pine, and retains its quality very well over time.

Wood for products should be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a single direction of fibers, without distortion. It is necessary to dry it, it is best in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary that the tree dries evenly without direct impact sun rays otherwise it will start to crack and warp.

Creation of a club

The simplest weapon made of wood is a club or a stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch - and you're done. But if suddenly you decide to take this issue seriously, you want to make a durable, lightweight, comfortable product, then the question “how” arises before you. It is not easy to make weapons out of wood according to all the rules.

For cudgel choose young tree suitable sizes. They cut down closer to the root, as the fibers begin to intertwine at the butt, making the material even more durable. Then carefully, so as not to damage the upper layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give the desired shape to the handle, if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is made, and on the smoke, protecting the future club from flames, they are dried. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed with fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface is smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and strong. This tree does not rot.

By the same principle, our ancestors made strong arrows and spears without steel tips.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reenactments? If for beauty and entourage, then it is very convenient to cut out the shape with a jigsaw from plywood, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, insert decorations. With good paint, without taking the thing in hand, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making weapons from thick durable wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the impact is less transferred to the hand, otherwise you can damage the brush or simply drop the object during the first hard collision.

The shield turns out great from plywood, but for combat it is better to use iron-bound or steel options with a shock-absorbing lining. During reconstructions, they usually show a wall fight in which to inflict swipe in a shield is extremely difficult. A good and durable one is needed for an individual fight, for all other cases it is suitable from plywood.

Models of firearms

No matter how you want, but make homemade firearms from a tree that will shoot is impossible. Unless for one or two shots, and it’s not a fact that the weapon will not burst during an explosion of gunpowder.

All self-propelled schemes are reduced to one algorithm. The tree is a frame to which the trunk is attached, a trigger mechanism with a striker, sometimes a magazine is added. Uncomfortable, short-lived, but cheap and cheerful.

hunting weapon

Remember, as a child, they ran around the yards with slingshots? If you have not run, be sure to try it, you will like it. Modern elastic materials give such striking power to a small metal ball or pebble that, with proper skill, you can knock down targets from thirty steps. But the frame of a slingshot can be easily made of wood.

Drawings of weapons made of wood for hunting are quite common. So, they make crossbows and bows. A wooden frame is not so difficult to make, sleight of hand and no magic. But there is an important detail that is necessary to make small arms lethal and effective at long distances. For this you need shoulders, flexible and strong, as well as a bowstring. There are old technologies for making shoulders, but nowadays it is too laborious and difficult to implement at home. Easier to apply modern materials type of plastic.

It is best to make the main frame out of wood, and the shoulders out of flexible non-rotting plastic, the synthetic cord will go to the bowstring. A little decoration and paint, and you get a completely entourage and effective bow.

Family small arms(automatic and machine guns), created on the basis of engineering solutions of the talented Russian gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov. The family is based on the idea of ​​​​automatic fire due to the removal of powder gases through the upper hole in the wall of the bore. Since 1949, when the AK was adopted Soviet army, Kalashnikov assault rifles and machine guns have undergone several modifications.
Small arms of the Kalashnikov family are widely used all over the world - in early XXI century in 55 countries of the world, there were about 100 million units of these weapons. Unlicensed production of Kalashnikov assault rifles and machine guns is carried out in many countries, including the People's Republic of China.

Types of AK in the USSR from 1949 to 1990

The Kalashnikov assault rifle was adopted at the beginning of 1949 under the official name "7.62-mm Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1947 (AK)", however, in everyday life, as well as in foreign literature, it was often called with a digital index - AK-47. The machine was created under the new 7.62-mm Soviet-designed cartridge, which occupied an intermediate position in terms of power between rifle and pistol. Due to the simplicity of design, low weight and reliability, the AK quickly replaced self-loading carbines, submachine guns and repeating rifles from the troops. At the same time, a version of the AKS-47 with a folding butt for airborne troops was adopted.

In the late fifties, the AK underwent modernization, which reduced its weight and slightly increased the accuracy of fire. The improved machine was designated AKM (AKMS). At the same time, on the basis of AK, it was developed and put into service light machine gun RPK. Together with a single PK / PKS machine gun, similar in design, AK and RPK formed the basis of the small arms complex of the Soviet army.

In the mid-70s, the AK-74 5.45 mm assault rifle was adopted by the Soviet army, which had a lighter weight and greater accuracy compared to the AKM. Simultaneously with AK-74 Soviet troops received a landing version of the machine - AKS-74 and light machine gun RPK-74. Together with the modernized PKM / PKMS machine gun chambered for a rifle cartridge, they are in service. Russian army until now.

In the 80s, new versions of the AK-74 were created - a shortened AKS-74U, designed to arm special forces and crews of combat vehicles, and AK-74M, which differed in the material of the butt and forearm, and also, unlike its predecessor, was originally adapted for installation optical sights on it.

The last stage in the modernization of the AK was the creation in the late 1990s - early 2000s of the "hundredth series". In this series, developed on the basis of the AK-74M, two types of assault rifles chambered for the 5.56 mm NATO cartridge were created - standard and shortened (AK-101 and AK-102), as well as their versions chambered for the 7.62 mm cartridge, using in demand because of its power - AK-103 and AK-104. In addition, as part of the hundredth series, a new compact assault rifle chambered for 5.45 millimeters, the AK-105, was created, designed to replace the AKS-74U.

The weapon has by now become technically quite complex. Today, weapons are used mainly by the army, as well as the police. The use and even possession of weapons by citizens is strictly controlled by law. As for what kind of weapons there are, we note that there are several classifications: by purpose, by the category of persons using it, by the principle of lethal effect, by mobility. And that's what weapons are, based on the above criteria, we'll talk with you. Let's start with the most typical classification.

Classification of weapons by purpose

Weapons are divided into:

  • firearms
  • steel arms
  • traumatic weapon
  • Airguns
  • incendiary weapon
  • throwing weapon
  • missile weapon
  • torpedo weapon
  • artillery armament
  • nuclear weapon
  • weapon mass destruction
  • biological weapons
  • chemical weapon
  • unconventional, based on new achievements in physics. And here we will dwell on this in more detail.

New types of weapons that have appeared relatively recently are as follows:

  • genetic weapon
  • infrasonic weapons
  • geophysical weapons
  • climate weapon
  • non-lethal weapon
  • laser weapon
  • ozone weapon
  • psychotronic weapons
  • plasma weapons
  • radiological weapons
  • accelerating weapon
  • microwave weapon
  • electromagnetic weapons.

Well, now, having considered modern types of weapons by type, let's move on to classification by category of persons using weapons. Here, any weapon is divided into:

  • combat - used to defeat the enemy in attack and defense;
  • service weapon - used by state employees. bodies and those employees who are allowed to carry, store and use weapons by law. Compared to military weapons, service weapon limited range and damaging effect. At the same time, the storage of such weapons requires special permits.
  • civilian - designed for self-defense, for hunting and for sports. civilian weapons eliminates burst firing and has a drum or magazine capacity of no more than 10 rounds. Civilian weapons, in turn, are divided into:
  • sports;
  • signal - used to supply light, sound and smoke signals;
  • hunting;
  • cold blade - for wearing with national costumes and Cossack uniforms;
  • collectible.

According to the principle of destructive action

  • cold - used to hit targets in direct contact with them;
  • firearms - to hit targets at a distance;
  • pneumatic - for hitting targets at a distance, has a reduced damaging effect;
  • gas - used to temporarily hit a target at a distance with tear or other irritating substances;
  • throwing - to hit targets at a distance using the muscular strength used in the throw;
  • incendiary;
  • missile;
  • mines and torpedoes.

Finally, according to mobility, weapons are divided into:

  • small arms
  • towed
  • carried
  • mobile
  • self-propelled
  • stationary

Types of edged weapons

The last classification we will talk about today is Various types cold weapons. Edged weapons are of interest to very, very many, some even collect them. So, what is a melee weapon:

  • According to the purpose of use, edged weapons are divided, like all other types, into combat, service and civilian.
  • According to the manufacturing method: factory (factory), home-made - manufactured by gunsmiths, artisanal - manufactured without observing any standards (prohibited weapons), remade - manufactured in several ways.
  • According to the place of manufacture, edged weapons are divided into domestic and foreign production.
  • According to the standards, edged weapons are standard and non-standard
  • According to the principle of action, edged weapons are divided into:
    • chopping (sabers and swords);
    • stabbing (rapier, pike, dagger, bayonet, stiletto);
    • piercing-chopping (broadsword, scimitar);
    • piercing-cutting (knife, dagger, sword, bayonet-knife);
    • shock-crushing (mace, club, brass knuckles, bludgeon);
    • throwing (dart, spear, shuriken);
    • combined action.

Also, edged weapons are subdivided according to the constructive device into bladed and non-bladed. According to the design of the blade itself, bladed edged weapons are divided, in turn, into single-edged and double-edged. Concerning certain types edged weapons, it is worth noting that there are a great many of them. From hunting weapons one can distinguish such types as a knife, a dagger, a stiletto, a cleaver, a spear and a spear. Sports edged weapons: rapier, sword, saber, swords, spear, hammer. As for military weapons, within the framework of this article, it is simply not possible to even list all of its types.

In the fighting on present stage The most commonly used type of weapon is firearms. Of the ancient types of weapons, soldiers have only knives. They act as the most versatile, simple and useful item. and the specialization of each individual fighter does not play any role. Absolutely all soldiers are supplied with light types of small arms. Someone uses it as a permanent work equipment (snipers, attack aircraft, machine gunners). For some, this is a last resort.

Similarities in parameters and differences in appearance

Small arms can be divided into three main categories. It's about about pistols and submachine guns, about machine guns and rifles, and also about machine guns. The division of this kind is rather conditional in connection with the performance characteristics, purpose, areas of application, etc. Many types of weapons have similar features in terms of their purpose and capabilities. However, it should be understood that appearance in this case, they can differ quite sharply.

Division by combat capabilities

Weapons can be divided according to combat characteristics. Among them should be highlighted:

  1. The time it takes to open fire (combat, marching state). Also a distinctive parameter is the ability to transfer fire from sectors.
  2. The maneuverability that a fighter possesses, armed with a certain type of weapon.
  3. Dimensions, weight, ammunition.
  4. The ability to transport soldiers equipped with a certain type of weapon.

What other parameters are different?

Talking about different types weapons, one should take into account such differences as the possibility of firing, its type, the rate of fire of the weapon, the speed of reloading, the range of confident firing, reliability and efficiency. Evaluation also requires the ability to use a certain kind weapons in a variety of extreme conditions, their cost, the reliability of ammunition, etc.

Weapons that provide the ability to conduct autonomous fire

What types of small arms can be used without the participation of equipment? They should be listed:

  1. Revolver and pistol.
  2. Automatic grenade launcher.
  3. Hand gun.
  4. Hand and underbarrel grenade launcher.
  5. Automatic (assault rifle).
  6. Single machine gun.
  7. Sniper rifle.

What types of weapons can be used while hunting?

Several thousand years ago, hunting was considered from the position of a means for survival and obtaining food. At the present stage, it is not very difficult to survive. And the process of obtaining food has become much easier. A person is only required to go to the store. However, the passion for hunting did not fade away. And the choice of weapons at the present time should be approached quite responsibly.

Considering various types hunting weapons, you must have at least some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhunting. Namely, who are you going to hunt, where will it take place, are you interested in sports shooting, etc. Taking into account all these points, you should begin to consider the varieties of firearms.

Classification of hunting weapons

Shotguns can differ from each other in purpose, percussion mechanism, number of barrels, caliber and barrel drilling. Some classification should be given, which can determine the choice.

Hunting weapons can be used for:

  1. Hunting industry.
  2. Sports shooting at targets that move.
  3. Sports hunting.

The device of the percussion mechanism may be characterized by the presence of an external or internal trigger. According to the number of barrels, weapons are divided into single-barrel, single-shot, magazine, double-barrel, three-barrel, four-barrel.

The main types of weapons for hunting can differ in the type of barrel drilling: smoothbore, rifled, smoothbore with a rifled choke, combined. Several categories of modern hunting weapons should be considered in more detail.

One of the most common categories

Kinds smoothbore weapons are the most popular. Shooting is carried out with shot, special bullets or buckshot. There are some variations of this type of weapons.

  1. Single-shot with one barrel. A gun of this kind is used if the hunt is for a bird or a small animal. Due to the use of a special hinge in the central part of the weapon, the barrel can be tilted down in order to insert a new cartridge into the chamber.
  2. Shotgun with two barrels. It is used in hunting for more large animal, since in most cases a second shot is needed. The arrangement of trunks can be either horizontal or vertical. In this regard, the gun is called either "horizontal" or "vertical".
  3. Smoothbore magazine shotgun (pump-action). This type of weapon should be reloaded manually. Pump-action weapons have gained popularity due to their unpretentiousness to operating conditions. In addition, they are undemanding to the quality of care for them.
  4. Modern views weapons for hunting can be self-loading, single-barreled. This type of weapon has a high rate of fire. Reloading occurs automatically. The negative side of such a gun is its high sensitivity to the quality of ammunition.


This type of weapon can be used while hunting both medium and large, dangerous beast. Shooting is carried out with bullets. The gun is characterized high precision. In addition, fire can be fired at long distances. Modern types of weapons of this type are divided into two categories:

  1. Single shot, single shot. Reloading is done manually.
  2. Single-barreled, self-loading.

The production of the most popular types of weapons of this kind in Russia is carried out by the Baikal, TOZ, Molot, Izhmash factories. The minimum cost is 7500 rubles.

Combined types of hunting weapons

They have gained a fairly large prevalence in the field of amateur and commercial hunting. They are characterized by the presence of 1-2 smooth and rifled trunks. The following types of combined weapons are quite often on sale:

  1. Trunks (smooth and rifled) are arranged vertically.
  2. Three-barreled.
  3. Quadruple. Barrels (smooth and rifled) can be found in a variety of combinations.

The most popular are two models of the Izhevsk plant. We are talking about Izh-94 "Taiga" and Izh-94 "North". The cost is 26 and 23 thousand rubles. Foreign, more expensive.

Armament that can be called modern

What are the latest types of weapons? Among the main types of individual weapons, the improved AK-74M assault rifle should be noted. This type of assault rifle was adopted back in 1991. It was in the same year that it began mass production. AK-74M managed to retain all the advantages that are characteristic of the family small arms. In addition, he acquired some more properties that significantly increased his characteristics (combat and operational).

The latest weapons, such as the AK-107 and AK-108, were developed at the Izhevsk plant. Compared to the previous model, they are characterized by a higher accuracy of fire, which is carried out in bursts. In addition, the designers managed to maintain the simplicity of weapons and reliability. Therefore, the data assault rifles can be categorized as excellent individual types of weapons for infantry units.

To newest species weapons can be attributed to the automatic grenade launcher complex "Groza". It was developed in Tula in the 90s. This type weapons are necessary to defeat manpower, openly located and protected by bulletproof vests. With the help of the complex, it is possible to disable lightly armored vehicles and vehicles.

Chemical and bacteriological weapons

The conditions of the global economic crisis greatly increase the likelihood of military conflicts. Therefore, one should not discount the factor that can be used different kinds weapons of mass destruction. In this regard, it should be listed what types of weapons exist today. It is also necessary to understand the consequences of their use.

Chemical weapons have already been used. It happened during the First World War. There are also cases when it was used during the resolution of internal conflicts. For example, Marshal Tukhachevsky used this type of weapon during the fight against the peasants, who opposed the surplus appraisal. After that chemical species weapons of mass destruction were practically not used, with the exception of some attacks by terrorists. This type of weapon is developed quite well, and has a relatively low cost. However, his handling is very poor. There are plenty of protective equipment available.

Cases of the use of bacteriological weapons have been recorded in the distant past. In some situations were used during the Great Patriotic War German troops. They are characterized by low cost, relatively low controllability. As a result, it is practically never used.

Nuclear weapon

At the present stage, the most effective and controlled form weapons of mass. Available from USA, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, England, France, North Korea. According to some reports, Israel also has a similar type of weapon. But this country has not yet been recognized as a nuclear power, since no tests have been carried out. There is also evidence that Iran and South Africa have a certain number of warheads.

Such weapons provide a guarantee of security. None nuclear power has not yet been subjected to military aggression. used similar species mass weapons only twice. And both happened during the bombing of Japanese cities. It was in 1945. This barbaric bombing claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. However, some historians and politicians believe that such an action was fully justified. With the help of it, it was possible to end the war in the east with one blow and save the lives of many people.

Speaking of views nuclear weapons, it should be noted that for Russia it also played positive value. The creation of this type of weapons required the development of high technologies, the study of fundamental and applied science, and an increase in labor productivity. All this has led to an increase in the role of scientists in political life, to an end to unnecessary repressions, to an increase in investment in education and science.

Kurchatov, together with his associates, was able to give the country a guarantee of security. In addition, the foundations for nuclear energy were laid. However, the process subsequently went down a negative path. Experts stated that only 500 charges would be enough for the security of the nation. However, by the 70s. the military-industrial complex began to operate beyond comprehension. About 30 thousand charges were produced. And this, according to experts, played a role in the collapse of the USSR.

What other types of weapons can be called mass?

There are several more types of weapons of a mass character.

  1. Vacuum weapon. The damaging factor is the rarefaction of the air, and not The destructive force is equal to the action of small nuclear charges. hallmark is the absence of a radioactive trace. Used in the Middle East. Differs in high cost.
  2. High-precision types of mass weapons. They have low power. They can cause serious accidents. For example, with the help of high-precision missiles, it is possible to break a pipeline or individual energy cables.
  3. geophysical weapons. The real development took place only in America. Serious applications this weapon did not occur, since the lithospheric plates have not been studied in sufficient volume.

There are many more types of weapons that can be considered massive. However, their actual use is hampered by the lack of a theoretical basis.

Don't Forget About Self Defense

Various types of weapons are used for self-defense. They should be understood as a variety of technical means with which you can protect yourself legally. There are traumatic, gas and pneumatic types of weapons.

Traumatic weapon necessary to disable the enemy. This happens with the help of causing a slight injury. The attacker, receiving a painful blow, fails for several minutes. And this is what will provide the victim with the opportunity to get as far away from the perpetrator as possible. Traumatic weapons do not carry serious health consequences. The most widely used pistols are fired with rubber bullets or tear gas. The Osa pistol gained great popularity.

Less efficient is gas weapon. The enemy will lose orientation for only a few seconds. But even this time may be enough to escape. It can take from several minutes to several hours for the enemy to fully restore health.

Air pistols are not self-defense weapons. They are used as training by those who wish to acquire firearms. They are also used for sports purposes.

What other types of weapons can be used in combat?

There are a variety of types of edged weapons. One of the most popular is the knife. Widespread to acquire army, Finnish, police knives. There are also special, throwing. They are distinguished by a displaced center of gravity - towards the tip. It is necessary to consider in more detail the most popular types of knives used in combat.

  1. "Taiga" - a machete knife, produced under the guidance of designer Skrylev. A specific feature is the differentiated sharpening of the blade, one part of which is intended for digging. The other part provides the ability to chop a tree, the third performs the function of a sling cutter, the fourth is necessary for cutting through thickets. The fifth part of the blade acts as a saw. In addition, an awl, thread, needles, matches, etc. can be placed in the Taiga handle.
  2. Speaking about different types of edged weapons, the Beaver knife should be highlighted. This is a military variation of "Taiga". It is characterized by increased strength and advanced combat capabilities.
  3. Expedition knife. Designed by Skrylev. The name speaks for itself. Lighter and simpler than Taiga. It has a skinning hook.
  4. Legendary combat knife "Katran". It was developed for underwater combat, but due to lack of money, it was acquired by the FSB. It is in service with the special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
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