Unusual cold weapon. Rare types of ancient edged weapons. Unusual and little-known weapons of antiquity (23 photos) Images of any one weapon and name

Each weapon is made for a specific purpose: some are defensive, some are offensive. And there is one that was made specifically in order to deliver as much suffering as possible to the enemy. It is about such a unique weapon of antiquity that will be discussed in this collection.

Khopesh is a type of cold weapon of Ancient Egypt with a sickle-shaped blade. In form and function, it is something between a sword and an axe. Khopesh quite successfully combines the features of both of these weapons - with this weapon you can chop, cut, stab. The first mention of it appears in the New Kingdom, the last - about 1300 BC. e. Most often, the khopesh worked like an ax; in practice, it is impossible to stop its blow with just one blade - it breaks through. When experimenting on a 10 mm thick plywood shield without a binding, a training khopesh with a blade thickness of 4 to 8 mm and a weight of 1.8 kg pierced it through without any problems. Blows with the back of the blade easily pierced the helmet.

2. Kakute

A fighting ring or kakute is a non-lethal type of Japanese weapon that consists of a small hoop around the finger and riveted / welded spikes (usually from one to three). A warrior usually wore one or two rings - one on the middle or index finger, and the other on the thumb. Most often, the rings were worn with spikes inside and were used in cases where it was necessary to capture and hold a person, but not kill him or cause deep damage. However, if the kakute were turned with spikes outward, they turned into jagged brass knuckles. The purpose of the kakute was to subdue the enemy, not to kill him. These battle rings were especially popular among kunoichi - female ninjas. They used poison-coated kakute for quick, fatal attacks.

3. Shuangou

Shuangou is a sword with a hook-shaped tip, a pommel in the form of a dagger-point and a sickle guard. As a result, a warrior armed with such strange weapons was able to fight at different distances, both close and at a distance from the enemy at the distance of the tip of the sword. The front part of the blade, the concave part of the "guard", the pommel of the handle and the outer side of the hook were sharpened. Sometimes the inner side of the hook was not sharpened, which made it possible to grip this part of the weapon and strike, like with an ax, with the same “month-shaped guard”. All this variety of blades made it possible to combine techniques, both at a long distance and up close. With a dagger handle, you can beat with reverse movements, with a sickle - a guard, not only cut the enemy, but also beat like a brass knuckles. The toe - the hook of the sword made it possible not only to strike with chopping or cutting movements, but also to cling to the enemy, grab limbs, hook, pinch and block the weapon, or even pull it out. It was possible to hook the shuangou with hooks, and thus suddenly increase the attack distance.

4. Zhua

Another Chinese weapon. The iron "hand" of the zhua was a long stick, at the end of which a copy of a human hand with huge claws was attached, which easily tore off pieces of flesh from the body of opponents. The sheer weight of the zhua (about 9 kg) was enough to kill the enemy, but with claws, everything looked even more creepy. If the zhua was used by an experienced warrior, he could pull the soldiers off their horses. But the main goal of the zhua was to snatch the shields from the hands of opponents, leaving them defenseless against deadly claws.

5. Skissor

In fact - a metal armlet, which ends with a semicircular tip. Served for protection, successful blocking of enemy blows, as well as for inflicting one's own blows. Scissor wounds were not fatal, but very unpleasant, leading to profuse bleeding. The skissor was light and had a length of 45 cm. Roman gladiators were the first to use the skissor, and if you look at the images of these battles, you can definitely distinguish the skissor from most warriors.

6. scythed chariot

It was an advanced war chariot with horizontal blades about 1 meter long on each side of the wheel. The Greek military leader Xenophon, a participant in the battle of Kunaksa, tells about them like this: “They were thin braids, expanded at an angle from the axis, and also under the driver’s seat, turned to the ground.” This weapon was used mainly for a frontal attack on the enemy's formation. The effect here was calculated not only on the physical elimination of the enemy, but also on the psychological moment that demoralizes the enemy. The main task of the scythed chariots was the destruction of infantry battle formations. During the fifth century before the advent of our era, the Persians were constantly at war with the Greeks. It was the Greeks who had heavily armed infantry, which was difficult for the Persian horsemen to overcome. But these chariots literally instilled fear in opponents.

7. Greek fire

A combustible mixture used for military purposes during the Middle Ages. It was first used by the Byzantines in naval battles. The installation with Greek fire was a copper pipe - a siphon, through which a liquid mixture erupted with a roar. Compressed air, or bellows like blacksmith's bellows, was used as the buoyant force. Presumably, the maximum range of the siphons was 25-30 m, so initially Greek fire was used only in the fleet, where it posed a terrible threat to the slow and clumsy wooden ships of that time. In addition, according to contemporaries, the Greek fire could not be put out by anything, since it continued to burn even on the surface of the water.

8. Morgenstern

Literally from German - "morning star". Melee weapons of shock-crushing action in the form of a metal ball equipped with spikes. It was used as a pommel of clubs or flails. Such a pommel greatly increased the weight of the weapon - the morningstar itself weighed more than 1.2 kg, which had a strong moral impact on the enemy, frightening him with his appearance.

9. Kusarigama

Kusarigama consists of a sickle kama, to which a shock weight is attached with a chain. The length of the handle of the sickle can reach 60 cm, and the length of the blade of the sickle - up to 20 cm. The blade of the sickle is perpendicular to the handle, it is sharpened from the inside, concave side and ends with a point. The chain is attached to the other end of the handle, or to the butt of the sickle. Its length is about 2.5 m or less. The technique of working with this weapon made it possible to strike the enemy with a weight, or confuse him with a chain, and then attack with a sickle. In addition, it was possible to throw the sickle itself at the enemy, and then return it with a chain. Thus, kusarigama was used in the defense of fortresses.

10. Maquahutl

Aztec weapon resembling a sword. Its length, as a rule, reached 90-120 cm. Sharpened pieces of volcanic glass (obsidian) were attached along the wooden blade. The wounds from the use of this weapon were horrendous due to the combination of a sharp edge (enough to decapitate an opponent) and barbs that tore at flesh. The last mention of makuahutla dates back to 1884.

Lujiaodao - paired brass knuckles-knives in the form of two crossed crescents (less often - just rings with a pointed edge, which many consider to be a separate type of fist weapon). According to legend, Dong Haichuan, a tax collector and part-time creator of the baguazhang kung fu school, relied on this weapon as the best way of protection during his long travels. Students are allowed to lujiaodao only after many years of training - in the hands of an inept fighter, a weapon can cause a lot of harm to its owner.

Tiger Claw Bagh Nakh

Let's talk about combat claws. The first on our list is a guest from India, who is popularly nicknamed "tiger's claw". Despite their sinister appearance, these close-quarters weapons were primarily used for ceremonial purposes. It was common in the Mysore region of India in the 1700s, where it became an attribute of the adherents of the cult of the tiger goddess. Such brass knuckles consisted of 4-5 pointed, curved shoulder blades imitating a tiger's paw and fixed on a transverse crossbar. In combat, the weapon could rip through skin and muscle, leaving long, bleeding cuts, but it was not well suited for inflicting lethal damage.


The Iron Fist from Okinawa was traditionally made of wood and metal. On the crescent protecting the fingers, three blunt pins were usually attached, with which they tried to hit the ribs, collarbones, joints and other vulnerable points.

Tekko-kagi is his close relative, but with a more professional bent. This shinobi weapon has become widespread in popular culture, let's remember at least the main antagonist of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, Shredder. Long (10-30 cm) steel claws really make a strong impression: first of all, this is a weapon of intimidation, designed for the effect of surprise. However, its combat characteristics are also quite good: metal strips, pointed at the ends and located in such a way as to effectively protect the wearer's hand, are quite difficult to inflict lethal wounds. But to disfigure an attacker and make him bleed from deep cuts is easy!


Shuko is another type of fighting claw ("tekagi" or "hand hook") used by shinobi. Unlike other species, here the sharp spikes are on the inside of the palm, while the hand is protected from them by tightly rolled steel strips and leather straps.

The main purpose of shuko, however, is not combat - they were primarily used in order to cling more strongly to the surface while climbing trees and walls. Even after years of training, a person cannot hang from branches and trunks for too long, and hooks solved this problem to some extent during ambushes and reconnaissance missions.

The combat use of shuko today is transmitted in the school of hand-to-hand combat "togakure-ryu". Basically, they are used in the same way as the rest of the claws - for sudden attacks, when the fighter tries to slash the opponent's face and neck. Due to the shape of the hooks, wounds inflicted by shuko take a long time to heal and leave ugly scars for life.

Khevsur rings

As a dessert - satiteni, Khevsur battle rings, which were worn on the thumb. They were mainly used during shuguli - a duel between Khevsurian men, where the main goal was not to kill or injure, but to prove to the enemy their martial art. Such weapons are not exclusive and are widely used throughout the Caucasus. The purpose of the ring is determined by its impact edge. In total, there are three main varieties: satsemi (for pushing blows), mchreli (for cutting blows) and mnatsravi (for scratching and stabbing blows).

Sometimes the Khevsurs used an auxiliary ring "sachike", which was either welded to the main one or put on separately. From the inside, raw wax was usually applied or a pad of cloth was wound to protect the finger from injury.

It is a wooden cylinder, 10 - 15 centimeters long and about 3 centimeters in diameter. Yawara is clasped with fingers, and its ends protrude on both sides of the fist. It serves to weight and enhance the impact. Allows you to strike with the ends of the ends, mainly in the centers of the nerve bundles, tendons and ligaments.

Yawara is a Japanese weapon that has two versions of the appearance. According to one of them, the Japanese brass knuckles are like a symbol of faith, which was an attribute of Buddhist monks - vijra. This is a small shaft, reminiscent of the image of lightning, which the monks used not only for ritual purposes, but also as a weapon, since they needed to have it. The second version is the most plausible. An ordinary pestle, which was used for crushing cereals or seasonings in a mortar, became the prototype of the Javara.


It represents sticks or metal tubes about 30 cm long connected to each other with a chain or rope. Flails used to thresh rice became the prototype of home-made weapons.

In Japan, threshing flails were considered a tool and did not pose a danger to enemy soldiers, so they were not seized from the peasants.


This is a stiletto-type piercing bladed melee weapon, outwardly similar to a trident with a short shaft (maximum one and a half palm width) and an elongated middle prong. The traditional weapon of the inhabitants of Okinawan (Japan) and is one of the main weapons of Kobudo. The lateral teeth form a kind of guard and can also play a striking role due to sharpening.

Unusual weapons of antiquityIt is believed that a fork for carrying bales of rice straw or a tool for loosening the soil became the prototype of the weapon.


Kusarigama (kusarikama) is a traditional Japanese weapon consisting of a sickle (kama) and a chain (kusari) that connects it to a shock weight (fundo). The place of attachment of the chain to the sickle varies from the end of its handle to the base of the kama blade.

Unusual weapons of antiquity Kusarigama is considered to be a medieval invention of the ninja, the prototype of which was an ordinary agricultural sickle, with which the peasants harvested, and the soldiers cut their way through high grass and other vegetation during campaigns. It is believed that the appearance of the kusarigama was due to the need to disguise weapons as unsuspicious objects, in this case an agricultural tool.


Odachi ("big sword") is one of the types of long Japanese swords. To be called an odachi, a sword must have a blade length of at least 3 shaku (90.9 cm), however, as with many other Japanese sword terms, there is no precise definition of odachi length. Usually odachi are swords with blades 1.6 - 1.8 meters.

Unusual weapons of antiquity Odachi completely fell into disuse as a weapon after the Osaka-Natsuno-Jin War The Bakufu government passed a law according to which it was forbidden to have a sword of more than a certain length. After the law went into effect, many odachi were cut to fit the established norms. This is one of the reasons why odachi are so rare.


Known in Japan at least since the 11th century. Then this weapon meant a long blade from 0.6 to 2.0 m long, mounted on a handle 1.2-1.5 m long. In the upper third, the blade slightly expanded and bent, but the handle itself had no curvature at all or it was barely scheduled. They worked with the naginata at that time in wide movements, holding one hand almost at the very edge. The shaft of the naginata had an oval section, and the blade with one-sided sharpening, like the blade of the Japanese yari spear, was usually worn in a sheath or case.

Unusual weapons of antiquity Later, by the XIV-XV centuries, the naginata blade was somewhat shortened and acquired a modern form. Now the classic naginata has a shaft 180 cm long, on which a blade 30-70 cm long is attached (60 cm is considered standard). The blade is separated from the shaft by an annular guard, and sometimes also by metal crossbars - straight or bent upwards. Such crossbars (jap. hadome) were also used on spears to parry enemy blows. The blade of the naginata resembles the blade of an ordinary samurai sword, sometimes it was it that was planted on such a shaft, but usually the blade of the naginata is heavier and more curved.


Indian weapons gave its owner the claws of a wolverine, the blade lacking only the strength and cutting ability of adamant. At first glance, the katar is one blade, but when the lever on the handle is pressed, this blade splits into three - one in the middle and two on the sides.

Unusual weapons of antiquityThree blades not only make the weapon effective, but also intimidate the enemy. The shape of the handle makes it easy to block blows. But it is also important that the triple blade can cut through any Asian armor.


A long (usually about 1.5 m) strip of extremely flexible steel attached to a wooden handle.

Unusual weapons of antiquityThe excellent flexibility of the blade made it possible to wear the urumi discreetly under clothing, wrapping it around the body.


A device in the form of claws attached to the outer side (tekkokagi) or the inner side (tekagi, shuko) of the palm of the hand. They were one of the favorite tools, but, to a greater extent, weapons in the arsenal of the ninja.

Unusual weapons of antiquity Usually these "claws" were used in pairs, in both hands. With their help, one could not only quickly climb a tree or wall, hang from a ceiling beam, or turn a clay wall around, but also resist a warrior with a sword or other long weapon with high efficiency.


The Indian throwing weapon "chakra" may well serve as a clear illustration of the saying "everything ingenious is simple." The chakra is a flat metal ring honed along the outer edge. The diameter of the ring on surviving specimens varies from 120 to 300 mm or more, the width is from 10 to 40 mm, and the thickness is from 1 to 3.5 mm.

Unusual weapons of antiquity One of the methods of throwing chakram was to unwind the ring on the index finger, and then throw the weapon at the enemy with a sharp movement of the wrist.


the weapon was used in gladiator fights in the Roman Empire. The metal cavity at the base of the scissor covered the gladiator's hand, which made it possible to easily block blows, as well as inflict their own. The skissor was made of solid steel and was 45 cm long. It was surprisingly light, which made it possible to strike quickly.


A throwing knife used by experienced warriors of the Azanda tribe. They lived in Nubia, a region of Africa that includes northern Sudan and southern Egypt. This knife was up to 55.88 cm long and had 3 blades with a base in the center. The blade closest to the hilt was shaped like a male genitalia and represented the male power of its owner.

Unusual weapons of antiquity The very design of kpinga blades increased the chances of hitting the enemy as hard as possible on contact. When the owner of the knife got married, he presented the kping as a gift to the family of his future wife.

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