Tactical technical data pm. Encyclopedia of weapons. How automation works

Self-loading pistol designed by Soviet designer Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov in 1948. Adopted in 1951. It is a personal weapon in the Soviet and Russian armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

History of creation

In 1947-1948, a competition was held in the USSR for a new pistol for the command staff of the Soviet Army. The TT pistol, and even more so the Nagant revolver, were already outdated models. In addition, it was decided to introduce two pistols into the army: a long-barreled automatic for line officers (the Stechkin automatic pistol became it) and a compact one for senior officers and as a “peacetime weapon”. Under the terms of the competition, it was required to create a pistol with a blowback and a self-cocking trigger mechanism (USM). As a starting point, the designers were offered the well-performing Walther PP, which had been in production since 1929. Initially, it was required to submit two samples - in calibers of 7.65 mm and 9 mm, later they settled on the newly created 9-mm cartridge 9x18 mm PM, slightly more powerful (bullet energy 300 J) than the 9x17 mm cartridge, which was used in "Walter PP ". The bullet of such a cartridge has a better stopping effect than the bullet of the 7.62x25 mm TT cartridge, despite its lower power. The moderate power of the cartridge allows the use of a fixed-bore, blowback design.

F. V. Tokarev, S. G. Simonov, S. A. Korovin, I. Ya. Stechkin, K. A. Baryshev, P. V. Voevodin, I. I. Rakov, A. A Klimov, G. V. Sevryugin, A. I. Lobanov, N. F. Makarov. All designs in size, layout and device were similar to the German prototype. Together with Soviet developments, the Walther PP, Mauser HSc, Sauer 38H, Beretta M1934 and FN model 1910/22 were also tested under the competitive program. According to the combination of characteristics, the Makarov pistol was recognized as the winner, but it was recommended to make a number of changes to the design. In 1951, the Makarov pistol under the designation PM was adopted for the army, as well as law enforcement agencies.

Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov worked around the clock to create his pistol.

From the memoirs of the designer:

“Suffice it to say that at that time I worked every day, practically without days off, from eight in the morning until two or three in the morning, as a result of which I finalized and shot samples two or even three times more than mine rivals, which, of course, made it possible to perfect reliability and survivability."

The general layout of the PM is similar to the Walter PP pistol, however, Makarov significantly improved the basic Walter system in several areas: simplifying both the design itself and the handling of the pistol, its maintenance; multifunctionality of parts; increase of reliability of work in extreme conditions of operation; increase in the strength of parts and service life; increasing manufacturability and the pace of mass production. The trigger mechanism (USM) of the PM is arranged in a completely different way, the magazine latch and fuse are made differently, the slide delay lever is added. The folding trigger guard, as a shutter travel limiter, was borrowed from a German design.

Makarov managed to almost completely eliminate the delays in firing caused by sticking a cartridge into the bevel of the chamber. The designer managed to achieve the ideal ratio of the height of the upper cartridge, the geometry and inclination of the bevel of the chamber, the mirror of the shutter-casing and the design of the ejector. In the PM, the upper cartridge in the magazine is located very high, almost at the level of the chamber, as a result of this, with the other above features, the cartridges are fed with a minimum angle and the risk of sticking is minimized. The design of the PM is simpler than the "Walter PP", it has fewer details - this is achieved by combining their functions.

PM remained in service with law enforcement agencies after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, it continues to be used in a number of countries of the world due to its simplicity and fairly high reliability.

In the army and law enforcement agencies of Russia, the PM is gradually being replaced by the Yarygin pistol, PMM and other new models of pistols, but still the PM still continues to be in service.

Makarov pistol device

The action of the PM is based on blowback recoil. The barrel is locked due to the mass of the bolt and the elasticity of the return spring worn on the barrel.

Trigger mechanism (USM) double action with an open trigger. The PM uses a free drummer that does not have a spring holding it in the rear position. Theoretically, this can lead to spontaneous firing when the pistol falls from a great height, but N.F. Makarov believed that the striker did not have enough mass to seriously consider this possibility.

The gun consists of 32 parts and the following main parts:

Frame with barrel and trigger guard;
- shutter with striker, ejector and fuse;
- return spring
- trigger mechanism;
- handle with screw;
- shutter delay;

After the magazine is inserted and the cartridge is sent to the chamber, the PM can be put on the fuse. In this case, the trigger is safely released from the cocking, the trigger moves away from the drummer and is blocked, the trigger goes forward and is also blocked. The shutter is also blocked (in the "Walter PP" the shutter is not blocked and the weapon can be reloaded with the fuse on). When the fuse is on, the PM is ready to be worn.

Before firing, the fuse box located on the left side of the rear of the bolt must be moved to the lower position, to the “fire” position (more convenient than in the “Walter PP”, where the lever must be moved to the upper position). The trigger will get on the safety platoon and the PM will be ready to fire by self-cocking. The first time the trigger is pressed, the hammer is cocked at the same time, which is why the trigger requires more effort than when the trigger is cocked - about 3.5 kg. After the first shot, the trigger will be cocked (put on a combat platoon) and a short, light press with a force of about 1.5 kg is enough for a shot.

Once the safety is released, the hammer can be cocked manually, as in single action pistols, for a more accurate first shot. When cocking the trigger, the trigger pulls back. Now the first shot can be fired with a short press. The trigger can be removed from the cocking by holding it with your thumb and pulling the trigger. After the trigger is released and moves forward, the hammer will be set to a safety cocking, which prevents contact of the hammer with the firing pin when the hammer is not fully cocked.

The cartridge case is ejected to the right after firing.

The standard PM magazine holds 8 rounds. When all the ammunition is used up, the bolt gets to the bolt delay. You can remove the shutter from the delay using the lever on the left of the frame. If an empty magazine is not inserted, then the shutter can be removed from the delay in another way, by pulling it back a little and releasing it. When an equipped magazine is inserted into the pistol, then, after removing the shutter from the delay, the cartridge is sent to the chamber, and the pistol is ready to fire again.

The magazine latch, like most European pistols of that time, is located at the base of the handle. This arrangement of the latch eliminates the accidental removal of the magazine, characteristic of the TT pistol, but is less convenient for quick magazine changes.

Distinctive features of the Makarov pistol are the simplicity of design and the versatility of parts. So, the slide delay serves at the same time as a reflector of the sleeves. A two-blade lamellar mainspring is both a cocking lever spring and a sear spring, as well as a hammer rebound spring (the bend of its wide feather) when set to a safety cocking. The lower end of the spring serves as the magazine latch spring.

N. F. Makarov created a pistol, the design of which contains a number of original solutions. The gun is easy to use, has a long service life and is much more reliable than the Walther PP taken as the basis.

Some parts, such as the mainspring and, in particular, the fuse, have a rather complex shape. But, in the future, a change in technology made it possible to simplify and reduce the cost of production.

The PM has fairly good (for a compact pistol) accuracy. When firing at 25 meters with standard 57-N-181 cartridges, the dispersion radius of R100 is 75 mm, and at 50 meters - 160 mm. At a distance of 10 meters, the dispersion radius is only 35 mm.

Checking the combat of a pistol is carried out by shooting at 25 m in a black circle with a diameter of 25 cm, fixed on a shield 1 m high and 0.5 m wide. requirements if it deviates from the reference point by no more than 5 cm in any direction.

The dispersion radius when firing from a pistol brought to normal combat is characterized by the following figures:

Assembly / disassembly of the pistol

Disassembly of the gun can be incomplete and complete.

Partial disassembly is performed for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the gun in the following order:

Remove the magazine from the base of the handle;
-remove the gun from the fuse;
- lower the trigger guard down and move it to the left;
- separate the shutter from the frame;
- return the trigger guard to its place;
- remove the return spring from the barrel.

Assembly after partial disassembly is carried out in the reverse order.

After the gun is checked for correct assembly:

Remove the gun from the fuse;
- put the shutter on the shutter delay;
- remove the shutter from the shutter delay;
-Put the gun on safety.

Complete disassembly is carried out for cleaning in case of severe contamination, after the gun has been exposed to rain or snow, as well as when switching to a new lubricant and during repairs in the following order:

Incomplete disassembly of the pistol;
-separation of the sear and slide delay from the frame;
-separation of the handle from its base and the mainspring from the frame;
-separation of the trigger from the frame;
-separation of the trigger pull with the cocking lever from the frame;
- separation of the trigger from the frame;
-separation of the fuse and drummer from the bolt;
-separation of the ejector from the shutter;
- dismantling of the store.

Assembly after complete disassembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Attention! Frequent complete disassembly of the gun is not allowed, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.


A large number of combat, service and civilian modifications have been developed on the basis of the Makarov pistol.


Makarov pistol (PM)

TKB-023 - a prototype with a polymer frame. Designed in the Tula Instrument Design Bureau in the early 1960s. based on PM, was not mass-produced (the operational properties of the polymer frame did not meet the requirements of the customer).


IZH70 (9x18 mm, 8-round magazine, adjustable sight) - commercial version, developed in the early 1990s as a "sports training pistol"

IZH70-17A (.380 ACP, 8-round magazine, adjustable sight)

IZH70-17AS (.380 ACP, 8-round magazine, adjustable sight, chrome finish, plastic mainspring)

IZH70-17AH (.380 ACP, adjustable sight)

IZH70-18A (9x18 mm, 8-round magazine, adjustable sight)

IZH70-18AS (9x18 mm, 8-round magazine, adjustable sight, chrome finish)

IZH70-18AH (commercial version, 9x18 mm, adjustable sight)

Baikal 442 (sports pistol chambered for 9x18 mm, 8-, 10- or 12-round magazines, modern version of the PMM with a push-button magazine latch)

PMM (Modernized Makarov Pistol), created in the early 1990s for a more powerful 9x18 mm PMM cartridge, equipped with a 12-round magazine. Entered service in 1994.

IZH-71 - a service pistol chambered for 9x17 mm, designed in 1994, mass-produced from 1996 to September 2008, further production was continued under the name MP-71

IZH-71-100 - a service pistol chambered for 9x17 mm, a modification of IZH-71 with a magazine for 10 rounds, since the beginning of autumn 2008 it has been produced under the name MP-71N

IZH71-18 (9x18 mm, HiCap, fixed sight)

OTs-35 - a modernized version for the use of cartridges 9x18 mm PM and 9x18 mm PMM

MP-448 "Skif" - modification with a polymer frame

6P42-9 - 9mm gas pistol with fully adjustable and rifled barrel created by pinning a standard IZH-70 pistol in 9x18mm PM and (or) 9x17mm Kurtz

6P42-7.6 - gas pistol for 7.6 mm TK-024 ammunition

IZH-79-9 - 9mm gas/traumatic pistol

MP-471 - a service traumatic pistol for 10x23 mm T ammunition, created in 2004

IZH-79-9T "Makarych" - a gas pistol, has the ability to fire a rubber bullet chambered for 9 mm P.A.

MP-79-9TM - firearm pistol chambered for 9 mm P.A.

MP-80-13T - traumatic pistol chambered for .45 Rubber.

PM-T - traumatic pistol chambered for 9 mm P.A. It is made by replacing the barrel with a pinned one from PM combat pistols. Producer of ZiD, about 5 thousand pieces were produced in total.

Baikal MP-654K - 4.5 mm pneumatic gas-balloon pistol, replica MP-71N.

Baikal MP654KS - chrome version of MP654K

MP-371 - signal pistol for Zhevelo and KV21 primers, uses imitators of cartridges for primers, looks like IZH-79-9T, made entirely of steel


Pistole M - standard PM chambered for 9x18 mm, after receiving a license from the USSR in 1956, the first pistols began to be produced in 1957, mass production started in 1958

Pistole Mk - .380 ACP, experimental


Pistole Simson-Suhl Makarov - a commercial model, began to be produced after the reunification of Germany

LEGENDS MAKAROV - 6mm pneumatic gas pistol, manufactured by the German company Umarex


Makarov - a licensed copy of the PM chambered for 9x18 mm (two versions - military and marine), which was produced at plant number 10 in the city of Kazanlak

Arsenal R-M01 - model of 1990, the shape of the trigger guard was changed, as well as the lining on the handle. Produced in several versions:

-Miltex Special Edition - commercial version chambered for 9x18 mm
-Miltex Special Edition Sporting Pistol - commercial version chambered for 9x18 mm and .380 ACP (chrome and polished version)
-Arsenal Brand Sporting Pistol - sports pistol chambered for 9x18 mm and .380 ACP
-B-1300 - modification with a reduced handle length and modified handle pads


Type 59 (military version) - production started in 1959

Norinco Sporting Pistol (export model)


Traumatic pistols PMR and "Viy" chambered for 9 mm R.A. (manufacturer - LLC "SOBR", Kharkov) are alterations of serial PM. Alteration consists in replacing the barrel, and the new barrel is welded to the frame to avoid reverse alteration.

Traumatic pistol PM-T chambered for 9 mm R. A. (manufacturer - Erma-Inter LLC, Kyiv), alteration of serial PM

Smooth-bore traumatic pistol PM-GT chambered for 9 mm R.A.

Traumatic pistol PM-RF chambered for 9 mm R.A. (manufacturer - NPO "Fort", Vinnitsa), is made by altering serial PM. Finished in 2014

Traumatic pistol "Berkut" chambered for 9 mm R.A. (manufacturer - LLC "Berkut", Dnepropetrovsk), is produced by altering serial PM. In total, from the beginning of 2008 to the end of 2009, the enterprise purchased 2 thousand PM pistols, of which 1257 pcs. was converted into traumatic pistols "Berkut"

PMF-1 - 4-mm 5-shot pistol (actually a revolver) chambered for Flaubert (manufacturer - CEM company, since 2013).

The PM pistol was in every stowage of the cosmonaut's property and equipment on the Vostok spacecraft, that is, in fact, it was he who became the first small arms that went into space.
- Until 2004, the security of the State Unitary Enterprise "Instrument Design Bureau" included a serviceable PM pistol manufactured in 1949 (having serial number 11) with about 50 thousand rounds fired.
-The plot of the movie "Makarov" unfolds around the PM pistol. The gun even becomes, in a sense, the protagonist of the film.
-In Finland, the PM is one of the four models of pistols required for mastering practical shooting courses (the other three are the Glock 17, Beretta 92F and CZ-85).
- In the US civilian small arms market, the PM is in some demand and has a very good reputation, primarily because of its low cost with quite acceptable reliability and small dimensions as a self-defense weapon. The greatest demand among gun lovers in the United States is for PMs made in the GDR due to the higher quality of processing and manufacturing materials.

TTX pistol

Weight, kg: 0.73 (without cartridges) 0.81 (equipped)
- Length, mm: 161.5
- Barrel length, mm: 93.5
- Width, mm: 30.5
-Height, mm: 126.75
- Cartridge: 9x18 mm PM
- Caliber, mm: grooved - 9.27 +...-0.075
- by fields - 9.00 +...-0.06
-4 grooves 4.5 wide +...-0.2
- rifling pitch - 260 +...-20
- Principles of operation: free shutter
-Rate of fire, shots / min: 30 (combat rate of fire)
- Muzzle velocity, m/s: 315
-Sighting range, m: 50
-Maximum range, m: 50 (effective) 350 (up to which the lethal effect of the bullet is maintained)
- Type of ammunition: magazine for 8 rounds
-Sight: open

The position of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol before loading. The parts and mechanisms of the pistol before loading are in the following position: The shutter under the influence of a return spring is in the extreme forward position; the shutter cup rests against the breech section of the barrel, as a result of which the barrel is locked by a free shutter. The longitudinal protrusions of the shutter enter the grooves in the rear of the frame. The shutter with a frame is locked with a fuse rib. The trigger, under the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, is lowered and rests with the front plane against the ledge so that it cannot move forward. The sear is raised by a ledge shelf on the fuse axis and is held in such a position so that there is a small gap between the safety cocking of the trigger and the sear nose. The trigger rod with a cocking lever under the influence of a narrow feather of the mainspring is retracted to the rearmost position; the cocking lever is recessed into the frame and its self-cocking protrusion is engaged with the trigger self-cocking tooth so that when the trigger tail is pressed, the trigger does not cock, but has some free play back. The safety flag is in the "protection" position. In this case, the protrusion of the fuse is lowered down and comes into contact with the front plane of the trigger; the shelf of the ledge on the axis of the fuse, by acting on the sear tooth, lifts the sear up and holds it in this position; the safety catch enters the notch of the trigger and, resting against its protrusion, locks the trigger in the "safety" position so that it cannot be cocked; the fuse rib has gone beyond the left ledge of the frame and locks the shutter with the frame. The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when loading. To load a pistol, you must: - equip the magazine with cartridges; - insert the magazine into the base of the handle; - turn off the fuse (turn the flag down); - take the bolt to the rearmost position and release it sharply. When equipping the store, the cartridges lie on the feeder one on top of the other in one row, compressing the feeder spring; as the magazine fills with cartridges, the feeder spring compresses and, pressing the feeder from below, lifts the cartridges up. The upper cartridge is held by the curved edges of the side walls of the magazine housing. When inserting an equipped magazine into the base of the handle, the magazine latch jumps over the ledge on the wall of the magazine and holds the magazine in the base of the handle. The upper cartridge rests against the bolt ridge. The feeder is at the bottom, its tooth does not act on the slide delay. When the fuse is turned on (turning the flag down), the protrusion of the fuse rises and releases the trigger. When the fuse is turned, its hook, leaving the trigger recess, releases the protrusion of the trigger, which ensures free retraction of the trigger back. The shelf of the ledge on the axis of the fuse releases the sear, which falls slightly down under the action of its spring, and the nose of the sear becomes ahead of the safety cocking of the trigger (the trigger becomes on the safety cocking). When the fuse is turned, its edge comes out from behind the left protrusion of the frame and disconnects the shutter from the frame. In this case, the shutter can be pulled back by hand. When the shutter is pulled back, the following happens. The shutter, moving along the longitudinal grooves of the frame, turns the trigger. The sear, under the influence of a spring, jumps with its nose behind the cocking of the trigger. The movement of the shutter back is limited by the crest of the trigger guard. The return spring is in maximum compression. The trigger, when turned by the front part of the annular recess, shifts the trigger rod with the cocking lever forward and slightly upward, due to which a part of the free play of the trigger is selected. When the cocking lever is raised up, its cutout fits the sear cutout. The magazine feeder, under the influence of the feeder spring, lifts the cartridges up so that the upper cartridge is in front of the bolt rammer. When the shutter is released, the return spring sends the shutter forward. Moving along the longitudinal grooves of the frame, the bolt rammer advances the upper cartridge into the chamber. The cartridge sliding along the curved edges of the side walls of the magazine housing and along the bevel at the tide of the barrel and in the lower part of the chamber enters the chamber and rests with the front cut of the sleeve against the ledge of the chamber; the barrel bore is locked by a blowback. The second cartridge under the influence of the feeder spring rises up until it stops against the bolt ridge. When the shutter reaches the extreme forward position and sends the cartridge into the chamber, the ejector hook jumps into the annular groove of the sleeve. The trigger is on a combat platoon. The gun is ready to fire.

The Makarov pistol is the first small arms developed by the Soviet Union after the end of the Second World War. Designer N.F. Makarov created a weapon that since 1951 has become an integral part of the country's armed forces. Now new pistols have already been created, which are much more powerful, faster and more convenient, but the Makarov pistol has already taken its rightful place in history.

The history of the creation and development of the Makarov pistol model

In 1945, the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union began selection for the design and creation of a 7.65 mm or 9 mm pistol.

The best developers of the USSR expressed their desire to try their hand at the competition. Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov also confirmed his participation. Also, for comparison of characteristics, foreign models of pistols of famous brands were included in the competition: Walter, Mauser, Sauer, Beretta.

When developing the project, N.F. Makarov took as a basis the presence of a smaller number of parts than in existing existing models.

The proposed Makarov project consisted of 30 constituent parts, with some of the main parts of the PM performing several functions at once. For example, the main spring of a pistol could perform seven operations.

Nikolai Fedorovich paid great attention to the main problem of small arms of his time - frequent stops in shooting. Thanks to non-standard solutions, this problem was solved.

By the beginning of 1947, Makarov had decided on the concept of the pistol, having worked through every detail. In October 1947, field tests of the pistols that took part in the competition began. The samples presented by the designers Makarov and Sevryugin passed to the second stage of selection.

According to the assessment of additional parameters, the choice of the employees of the state commission fell on the project of the pistol by N. F. Makarov.

At the end of the 40s, after eliminating all the flaws and making changes to the design of the pistol, new tests were carried out. The gun was presented to the commission already in the completed design. Based on the results of the shooting, the commission members noted the simplicity and reliability of the pistol when used in real combat conditions. Shooting showed high accuracy. From a distance of 50 meters, the bullets hit the target with an accuracy of 16 cm in diameter. The pistol was shorter than its predecessor, the TT pistol, by 34 mm and weighed 230 grams lighter.

Assessing the high performance of the pistol, the commission recommended that the pistol be adopted, which was done in 1951.

The weapon was exported to the countries of Eastern Europe, Asia and some African countries.

Since 2003, the Makarov has been officially withdrawn from the Russian Armed Forces and replaced by the Yarygin pistol.

For more than 60 years, the pistol has acquired a real cult status and has become a collector's item for many domestic and foreign connoisseurs of weapons.

I think it is necessary to say a few words about the inventor himself. Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov was born on May 22, 1914 in Sasovo, Ryazan Region. Father - Fedor Vasilyevich Makarov. Mother - Pelageya Vasilievna Makarova.

In addition to Nikolai, 5 children were still brought up in the family. After completing his studies in elementary school, Nikolai continued his studies at the railway transport school in Ryazan. After graduating from the school, he continued to work as a foreman in one of the depots of the Kazan Railway.

1936 - the beginning of studies at the Mechanical Institute in Tula, where many designers of the USSR studied in the field of military equipment.

By the beginning of World War II, training was carried out according to an accelerated program. He was given an engineering diploma and was transferred to the Zagorsk plant, where at that time the PPSh-41 Shpagin machine gun was produced.

Simultaneously with work at the plant, Nikolai Fedorovich was engaged in a dissertation, which he successfully defended in 1944. After the end of the war, he was transferred to Design Bureau No. 14 in Tula, where he worked all his life.

  • 1952, 1967 - Mosin Prize;
  • 1966 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor;
  • 1971 - Order of Lenin;
  • 1974 - awarded the title of "Hero of Socialist Labor".

Design features

The Makarov Pistol (PM) is a medium caliber pistol with a fixed body. In recoil designs, the only force holding the bolt closed is the force of the return spring. When firing, the barrel and bolt do not need to be unlocked, as pistols with a lockable breech do. The PM device is simple and with finely tuned parts, compared to designs using a coiled or articulating barrel.

The PM is considered one of the best compact self-defense pistols of its time. When interacting with the enemy up to 50 meters, this is a reliable, accurate self-defense weapon.

The Makarov is an all-metal pistol. The safety lever is located on the left side of the shooter. In safe mode, you can move down from the cocked position, after which the hammer, sear is fixed.

The external hammer can be cocked manually for an accurate first shot in single action mode, or can be cocked in automatic mode when a little more force is needed to pull the trigger.

The all-steel magazine holds 8 cartridges (12 cartridges for PMM pistols), and after firing the last cartridge, the sliding stop remains in the open position. To remove it, you need to pull the lever on the left side of the frame down. The magazine latch is located at the bottom of the handle, but on some export versions (Baikal-442) a push-button magazine release is provided (the button is at the base of the trigger).

How to disassemble the gun:

  1. Disconnect the magazine by pressing the magazine release button on the base of the handle and pull the magazine;
  2. Check that the chamber is empty;
  3. Pull the safety trigger down, then turn it sideways to lock it in the open position;
  4. Raise the back of the cover and remove from the rails;
  5. Carefully check the sliding movement forward and remove the barrel;
  6. Remove the return spring from the barrel.

The principle of operation of the PM

The trigger mechanism is based on the principle of double action, when, after installing a magazine with cartridges, the trigger is pressed with force, then the hammer is cocked and the sear is released, and hits the drummer. There is a shot. After the shot, the body cover begins to move back, overcoming the force of the recoil spring.

Once the lid reaches its rearmost position, the ejector pin on the slip stop extends to the left rear of the empty case. The ejector tooth pushes the housing out of the ejection port. The bolt begins to move forward, removing the next cartridge from the magazine, pushing it into the chamber, thereby self-loading the pistol.

Finally, the latch enters the battery (full forward), the prong rises above the cartridge rim and snaps into place. The pistol is now ready to fire again. The disconnector prevents a second shot from being fired with the same trigger pull.

Subsequent shots are a single action, meaning that the hammer is already cocked and that the trigger action pushes the sear away from the hammer, thereby releasing the hammer.

The drummer is floating, without a return spring. This is a very simple mechanism that has been in operation for over 50 years. The other side of the hammer interacts with the sear in order to stop it at the bottom of its movement if the side of the hammer is damaged. This ensures that the pistol will not fire unless the trigger is pulled.

After the last shot is fired, the repeater tab on the magazine pushes up on the cover release and it locks into the rear position. The magazine should now be removed and a new one inserted.

When the trigger is pressed, the return spring pushes the slider forward, removing the first round of the magazine into the chamber, and the pistol is ready to fire in single action.

The safety can be easily removed by turning it clockwise past the "safe" position, turning away from the muzzle through an angle of about 120° and pulling it out. The safety also holds the firing pin in place, so care must be taken that the firing pin is not lost when the safety is removed.

The magazine consists of 4 main parts: housing, spring, pusher and plate. Its capacity is 8 rounds of caliber 9×18 mm PM. Magazines can get dirty, so they need to be cleaned periodically.

The magazine release button is located on the bottom of the pistol, near the bottom of the grip. To release the magazine, press the magazine release button down until the magazine drops slightly. You can pull out the store.

The barrel is fixed in the frame, and the pin ensures its return. The barrel can be changed to a different caliber or configuration.

Some Soviet (Russian) pistol models come with adjustable rear sights, while the original Makarov has a fixed rear sight. Even though it's called "fixed", it can be moved left or right with a slight push.

Makarov consists of only 27 parts, which is significantly less than Walter, who has 42. The simplicity of the design of the pistol is a very ingenious invention of Makarov and allows the pistol to be disassembled with a small number of tools. Some parts are multifunctional. For example, the hammer spring also serves as a magazine release, the safety holds the striker in place, the trigger is also an ejector. Below is a cheat sheet TTX PM 9mm, which is especially relevant for cadets of military schools.

TTX pistol Makarov

Ammunition used in PM

Before telling what ammunition was used in the PM, it is necessary to briefly outline the history of the appearance of the standard 9 × 18 cartridge.

The development of a new 9 mm cartridge began at the Experimental Design Bureau No. 44, which was headed by B.V. Semin. The shell from a standard cartridge (7.62 × 25) was taken as the basis. As a result of the test shooting ranges, a decision was made to reduce the length to 18 mm.

In 1947, they underwent development tests of new cartridges, marked in the documents as OP-1 cartridges. The test cartridges were compared with the cartridges of the TT pistol, as well as with the German 9x19 (Parabellum). As a result, after eliminating all the comments and shortcomings, the 9x18 mm cartridge was adopted in 1951.

In the 60s of the XX century, bullets with increased impact and armor-piercing characteristics were developed for KGB officers. However, more accurate information about the bullets used and the performance characteristics of the Makarov pistol in this modification is not freely available.

In the 90s, attempts were made to use cartridges with increased penetration in the PM. The results of such an experiment did not find support among military experts, especially since work had already been developed and carried out on cartridges of caliber 9x19 mm and 9x21 mm.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Simplicity of design;
  • Reliability of the pistol;
  • Light weight;
  • The low cost of the pistol;
  • Quality store.


  • Strong recoil after a shot;
  • The high cost of cartridges;
  • You need to put more effort when pulling the trigger;
  • There is no way to install optics.

Modifications based on PM

  1. The most famous modification of the Makarov pistol is the PMM (modernized Makarov pistol). In 1990, a group of engineers redesigned the original design, primarily by increasing the load on the pistol's barrel. The result is a significant increase in muzzle velocity and 25% more gas pressure. The PMM magazine holds 12 rounds. The PMM can use existing 9.2x18mm cartridges. There are also minor changes in the ergonomics of the handle. Along with the Grach pistol, the PMM became the service pistol of the Russian Airborne Forces;

    TTX pistol PMM:

  2. An experimental version of the Makarov pistol -TKB-023 was developed with a polymer frame to reduce the weight and cost of the weapon. It passed Soviet military testing during the Soviet era, but was never approved for production, due to concerns about the polymer's long-term storage and use properties;
  3. IZH-70. Izhevsk Mechanical Plant (IMZ) produced a version of the PM pistol called IZH-70. This version was exported. The main difference between the IZH-70 and the standard Makarov pistol is an adjustable sight, made like a sports sight;
  4. IZH-70-400. In 1993, the designers of the Izhevsk plant presented a new modification chambered for 9 × 19 mm (Parabellum). The main difference between the pistol is the slow unlocking of the barrel with the help of helical-ring grooves in the chamber;
  5. Baikal IZH-79-8 - a modification of the standard Makarov pistol with an 8 mm barrel. The pistol is designed to fire gas cartridges.

All of the above weapons were produced on the territory of the USSR and Russia.

There are several Warsaw Pact countries that themselves began to produce their own pistols, which in design almost completely correspond to the characteristics and appearance of the Makarov pistol.

These countries include Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. According to them, they themselves developed their own designs of pistols chambered for 9 × 18 mm.

Hungary developed the FEG PA-63, Poland the P-64 and P-83 Wanad, and Czechoslovakia the vz.82. These pistols are identical in principle of operation (direct recoil), the cartridge has the same caliber as the PM.

At the same time, they were already delivered to some countries as pistols made in Poland, Hungary or Czechoslovakia.

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fire training


Purpose of the lesson:

1. Study the purpose, combat properties and
devices 9 mm PM.
2. Study by personnel
material part of the pistol. Be able to
properly store and handle
3. Educate from the personnel
confidence in your weapon and careful
relation to personal weapons.


1. Ex. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1030 - dated 13.11. 2012 "About
approval of the Manual on the organization of fire
training in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
2. Manual on shooting Moscow - 85g.
3. Soviet small arms. Bolotin D.N.
4. Combat training of police officers Moscow - 91g.
5. Technique of fire training. Military publishing house. 1962 – M.
6. Guide sweat training rifles and
visual aids. Military publishing house. 1979 – M.
7. Educational and methodical manual "9-mm Pistol
Makarov", Moscow, 2005
8. Teaching aid "Fire training
ordinary and junior commanding staff of the Department of Internal Affairs",
Moscow, 2005


1. General information about the Makarov pistol.
2. Purpose and combat properties of PM 9 mm.
3. Weight and linear data of the PM.
4. The general device of the PM.
5. The main parts of the PM. Appointment and arrangement of parts of the PM.
6. Belonging to the gun.
7. Cartridge device.
8. The order of incomplete disassembly and assembly of the gun.
9. The procedure for complete disassembly and assembly of the PM.
10. Cleaning and lubricating the gun.
11. Position of parts and mechanisms before loading.
12. The work of parts and mechanisms of the gun.
13. Delays when firing a pistol and how to eliminate them.

General information about the Makarov pistol

Pistol Makarov Modified (PMM).

Purpose and combat properties of PM

9 mm. makarov pistol is
personal weapons of attack and defense,
designed to defeat the enemy
over short distances.
- Pistol fire is most effective on
distance of 50 meters;
- lethal force is maintained up to 350 m
- combat rate of fire of the pistol 30 rpm
- the initial speed of the bullet - 315 m / s
- magazine capacity - 8 rounds

Weight and linear data of the Makarov pistol.

- weight of a pistol with a magazine without cartridges - 730 gr.
- weight of a pistol with a magazine equipped with 8 rounds
- 810 gr.
- pistol length - 161 mm.
- pistol height - 126.75 mm.
- barrel length - 93 mm.
- the length of the threaded part of the bore - 85 mm.
- barrel caliber - 9 mm.
- number of grooves - 4
- cartridge weight - 10 gr.
- bullet weight - 6.1 gr.
- cartridge length - 25 mm.
- sleeve length - 18 mm.
- the initial speed of the bullet - 315 m / s

General device PM.

The gun is simple in design and handling, small in size.
true to size, comfortable to wear and always ready for
The pistol is a self-loading weapon, because. reloading it
during shooting is performed automatically.
The work of automatic pistol is based on
use, recoil free shutter. shutter with
has no clutch barrel. Locking security
the bore when fired, a large
valve mass and return spring force.
Due to the presence of a trigger-type self-cocking trigger mechanism in the pistol, you can quickly
open fire directly by clicking on the tail
trigger without pre-cocking
The safety of handling the gun is ensured
reliable fuse.

The principle of operation of PM automation

The shutter in the extreme forward position is held by a spring.
When fired, the recoil energy unhindered throws it
back. With a significantly greater mass than a bullet, the shutter
moving much slower than her. Therefore, long before
as the sleeve comes out of the chamber, the bullet will have time to leave the barrel and
the pressure in the barrel is very sharply reduced. Back to starting position
the valve returns under the action of the return spring.

The main parts of the PM. Appointment and arrangement of parts of the PM.

1. Frame with barrel and
trigger guard
2. Shutter with aiming
3. Return spring
4. Trigger
5. Shutter lag
6. Handle with screw
7. Store

Frame with barrel and trigger guard

The barrel serves to direct the flight of the bullet. Inside the barrel has a channel with four
grooves, which give the bullet a rotational movement around its axis.
The gaps between the grooves are called fields. distance between
opposite fields (in diameter) determine the caliber of the bore. AT
breech (rear) part of the bore is smooth and of larger diameter: this part
serves to place the cartridge and is called the chamber.
The barrel is connected to the frame by a press fit and secured with a pin.
The frame serves to connect all parts of the gun. Frame with base
handles are one piece.
The base of the handle is used for attaching the handle, the mainspring and for
store premises.
The trigger guard is used to protect the trigger from accidental
clicks. It has a comb at the front end that limits the stroke of the shutter when
moving backward.


serves to feed a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber, locking
(hence its name) of the bore when
shot, holding the spent cartridge case (removing the cartridge from
chamber, if the shot was not fired) and setting the trigger
to combat platoon.


serves to break the capsule.
It has: in the front part - a striker; in the back - a cut for
fuse that keeps the drummer from
exit from the gate channel. Drummer has
trihedral shape to reduce its weight and
reducing friction surfaces.

serves for
sleeve retention
(cartridge) in a cup
shutter before meeting with
serves for
dealing with

return spring

serves to return the shutter to the front
position after firing (reloading).

screw handle

covers the side
windows and back wall
handle base and
serves for convenience
gun hold
in the hand.

Shutter lag

serves to hold the shutter in the rear position along
used up all the cartridges from the store. She has:
in the upper part - a protrusion to hold the shutter in
back position; knurled button for
release the shutter by pressing it with a large
finger; in the back - a hole for connection with
whispered with her left pin; at the top - a reflector
to reflect the cartridge case (cartridge) outward through the window
shutter. Shutter delay front
inserted into the cutout in the left wall of the frame.


serves to accommodate eight
cartridges. It consists of a body
feeder, feeder springs and
The store case connects everything
store parts.
The feeder serves to feed
cartridges along the magazine body. He
has two curved ends
direct the movement of the feeder along
shop body. On one of
bent ends of the feeder on the left
sides have a tooth to turn on
shutter delay by
using up all the ammo from
The magazine cover is used for
holding the feeder and its spring
from falling down.
The feeder spring is used for
feed up feeder with cartridges
when shooting. lower end of the spring
bent and used for locking
store covers.

trigger mechanism

serves for
shot and
chicken, whispered
with spring
trigger pull with
cocking lever,
hook, combat
springs and

The trigger is for
hitting on
Trigger pull with cocking lever
serves to pull the trigger from the combat
cocking and cocking
self-cocking when pressed
The sear is used for
holding the trigger
combat or
The trigger is used for
pulling the trigger from the combat platoon and
cocking the trigger when shooting

Action spring

serves to bring
trigger action, lever action
cocking and trigger pull.
She has: a wide nib
to bring in
trigger action; narrow
pen to influence
cocking lever and trigger
traction; hole for
putting the spring on
tide with threaded
base hole
handles. lower end
mainspring is
store latch.
The mainspring is attached
on the base of the handle

Pistol accessory.

The holster is used to carry and store the pistol,
spare magazine and wiping. The holster consists of
case, lid, spare magazine pocket
wear loops, fasteners, cleaning loops and
internal accessory strap.
II Rotary is used for disassembly, assembly, cleaning
and lubrication gun. It has: at one end a protrusion for removing and setting the spring hook
whispered and for drowning the oppression during separation
ejector; slot for threading rags or
tow when cleaning the trunk; on the other - a ring for
hold rubbing when cleaning. The ring has
blade for unscrewing (screwing in) a screw
Pistol strap provides attachment
pistol to the waist (trouser) belt. He has
carabiner for connection with the handle swivel
pistol and belt loop.

Cartridge device

1- shell
2 - bullet
3 - powder charge
4 - sleeve
5 - capsule
6 - lead
7 - steel

The sleeve serves to place the powder charge and
connections of all parts of the cartridge At the bottom of the sleeve there are:
capsule socket; anvil on which
the capsule breaks; two seed holes,
through which the flame from the shock composition of the capsule
penetrates the powder charge. Outside at the bottom of the sleeve
there is an annular groove for a hook
The capsule consists of a brass cap with
impact composition pressed into it and foil
mug covering the shock composition. On impact
striker impact composition ignites.
The bullet consists of a bimetallic (clad)
shells into which a steel core is pressed.
Between the sheath and the core there is a lead

Types 9 mm. cartridges

Cartridge 9x18 pistol,
with bullet with steel
core, conditional
designation 9Pst gzh
Cartridge 9x18 pistol, with
expansion bullet,
designation SP-8 (PE).
Cartridge 9x18
pistol, with
tracer bullet,
PT designation
Cartridge 9x18 pistol, with
elevated bullet

The order of incomplete disassembly and assembly of the gun.

Incomplete disassembly of the gun is made for
cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the gun.
When disassembling and assembling the gun, it is necessary
observe the following rules:
disassembly and assembly of the pistol should be carried out on
table or bench, and in the field on a clean
put parts and mechanisms in the order of disassembly,
handle them carefully, avoid unnecessary
efforts and sharp blows;
when assembling, pay attention to the numbering of parts,
so as not to scare them with parts of other pistols.

Incomplete Disassembly.mpg

Incomplete disassembly of the pistol is carried out in the following order

1. Remove magazine from
handle base
Check if there is
cartridge chamber, for
what to turn off
(release the flag down),
carry with left hand
shutter in the back
position, put
him on the shutter
delay and inspect
chamber. By pressing
right thumb
hands on shutter
let go of the delay

2. Separate the shutter from the frame. Taking
gun in right hand
handle, pull with left hand
trigger guard down and, skewed
her to the left, rest against the frame so
to keep her in it.
position. With further
disassembly hold in this
position. With further
disassembly hold her in
given position
index finger of the right hand.
Separate the shutter from the frame and
put the trigger guard on your
3. Remove the return from the barrel
spring. Holding the frame with the right
by hand on the handle and turning
return spring towards yourself left
hand, remove it from the trunk.
Assembling the pistol after incomplete
disassembly should be done in
reverse order.

The procedure for the complete disassembly of the gun.

Complete disassembly is for
cleaning for heavily soiled
pistol, after being under
rain or snow, when switching to
new grease, as well as during repairs.
Frequent complete disassembly of the gun
not allowed as it speeds up
wear of parts and mechanisms.


1. Produce incomplete
pistol disassembly.
2. Separate the sear and
shutter delay from
3. Separate the handle from
handle base

4. Separate combat
frame spring.
5. Separate the trigger from
6. Separate trigger
traction with cocking lever
from the frame.
7. Separate trigger
frame hook.

8. Separate the fuse
and a striker from the shutter.
9. Separate ejector
from the shutter.
10. Disassemble the store.
Assembly is carried out in
reverse order.

Cleaning and lubricating the gun

The gun is cleaned:
- in preparation for shooting;
- after firing live and blank
- after exercises, outfits and classes in the field without
firing - immediately after their completion;
- in a combat situation, on maneuvers or
long exercises in the field - daily;
- if the gun is not in use - do not
less than 1 time in 7 days.

For cleaning and lubricating the gun, apply:

- liquid gun lubricant - for cleaning the gun and
lubrication of its parts and mechanisms during
air temperature from +5 to -50 С;
- gun grease - for lubricating the bore,
parts and mechanisms of the gun after cleaning them with
air temperature +5 C above;
- RFS solution (barrel cleaning solution) - for cleaning
bore and other parts of the pistol,
exposed to powder gases;
- rags or paper KV-22 - for wiping, cleaning and
gun lubricants;
- tow (short flax fiber) - only for cleaning
trunk channel.
For easy cleaning of grooves, cutouts and holes, you can
use wooden sticks.

How to clean the gun

Prepare cleaning material
lubricant tool.
Disassemble the gun
Clean bore
Clean the frame of the pistol with the barrel and
trigger guard.
Clean the shutter, return spring,
bolt delay and parts of the trigger mechanism.
Wipe off the handle.
Clean out the store.
Wipe wipe, holster.

The position of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol before loading.

SHUTTER - under the action of a return spring in the extreme forward position, a cup
the shutter rests against the breech section of the barrel. As a result, the trunk is locked
free shutter. The longitudinal protrusions of the shutter enter the grooves available in
back of the frame.
TRIGGER - by the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, it is lowered and rests on the front
plane into the protrusion of the guard so that it cannot move forward.
SEAR - the shelf of the ledge on the axis of the fuse is raised up and held in
in such a position so that between the safety cocking of the trigger and the spout
the sear has a small gap.
TRIGGER ROD WITH CLOSING LEVER - under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring
retracted to the rearmost position; the cocking lever is recessed into the frame and its protrusion
self-cocking is engaged with the trigger self-cocking tooth so that when you press the tail
trigger, the trigger does not cock, but has some free play back.
SAFETY FLAG - is in the "protection" position. Wherein
the protrusion of the fuse is lowered down and comes into contact with the front plane of the trigger;
the shelf of the ledge on the axis of the fuse enters the notch of the trigger, resting against its ledge,
locking the hammer in the "safety" position so that it cannot be cocked,
the fuse rib has gone beyond the left ledge of the frame and locks the shutter with the frame.
SHOP - inserted at the base of the handle. The feeder is at the top and rests
into the bolt head. The feeder tooth presses the shutter delay.

The work of parts and mechanisms of the gun.

The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when fired.
To fire a shot, you must turn off
fuse, cock the trigger and press the tail with your finger
trigger. When you press your finger on the tail of the trigger
hook, the trigger pull moves forward, and the cocking lever,
connected to the rear end of the trigger rod, turning
on the rear trunnion of the trigger rod and rises until
does not rest with its neckline against the protrusion of the sear; then lever
platoon raises the sear and disengages it from the combat
The trigger is released from the sear and under the action of a wide
the feather of the mainspring sharply turns forward on the trunnions
and hit the drummer.
The drummer vigorously moves forward and briskly breaks
cartridge primer, a shot occurs.
By the pressure of the formed gases, the bullet is ejected from
trunk channel; At the same time, the gases press on the walls and bottom of the sleeve.
The sleeve is distributed tightly against the walls of the chamber.
The gas pressure at the bottom of the sleeve is transferred to the shutter, due to
why is it moving backwards.


The work of parts and mechanisms after the shot

The shutter from the pressure of powder gases to the bottom of the sleeve
moves back along with the sleeve. At the beginning of the movement
back the shutter with its protrusion displaces the uncoupling
the protrusion of the platoon to the right, thereby disengaging it from
Released sear under the action of a spring
clings to the trigger; when the trigger turns back
to failure, the whispered nose jumps for combat
cocking the trigger and holding it down
With further movement of the shutter back
the uncoupling lug of the cocking lever slides on
shutter groove; sleeve held by ejector
in the shutter cup, hits the reflector and
is thrown out through a window in the shutter wall.

The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when firing by itself.

If the shooting is carried out without
trigger, then when you press
trigger tail
automatically. Wherein
cocking lever, entering
hooking with one's protrusion
self-cocking with tooth
self-cocking of the trigger, cocking
trigger. Trigger without getting on
combat platoon (since
whispered at the moment of breakdown
turns out to be elevated
upper protrusion position
cocking lever), breaks off
self-cocking lever protrusion
platoon and strikes
drummer, going

The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol on the use of cartridges from the magazine.

After using up all the cartridges from
shop feeder shop with his tooth
raises the front end of the bolt
delays up the shutter resting his tooth
into the bolt lug,
stops in the rear position. trigger
put on combat platoon.
The feeder spring has the smallest
compression. The shutter stays in the rear position
also, and after extracting the store from
the base of the pistol grip, holding
on shutter delay.

Delays when firing a pistol and how to eliminate them

Reasons for delays
Ways to eliminate delays
1. Misfire. Shutter in extreme front
trigger pulled,
no shot fired
1. Cartridge primer defective.
2. Grease thickening or channel contamination
under the drummer
3. Handle screw not fully screwed in (in
pistols without a combat valve
4. The exit of the drummer or nicks is small on

2. Inspect and clean the gun.
3. Screw in the handle screw until it stops.
4. Send the gun to the workshop
2. Non-coverage of the cartridge by the shutter. Gate
stopped before reaching the end
forward position; trigger release
cannot be produced.
1. Contamination of the chamber, frame grooves and
shutter cups.
2. it is difficult to move the ejector
due to
ejector or oppressor
Send the shutter forward with a hand push and continue
shooting. Inspect and clean the gun
3. Failure to feed or advance a cartridge from
store in the chamber
1. Contamination of store and mobile
pistol parts.
2. Curvature of the upper edges of the case
1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting.
Clean pistol and magazine.
2. Replace the faulty magazine
4. Sticking (infringement) of the sleeve by the shutter.
The sleeve is not thrown out through
shutter window and wedged between
bolt and breech cut of the barrel
1. Contamination of the moving parts of the gun
2. Malfunction of the ejector, it
spring or reflector
1. Discard stuck case and continue
2. In the event of a malfunction of the ejector with a spring
or a reflector send the gun in
5. Automatic shooting
1. Thickening of grease or contamination of parts
trigger mechanism.
2. Wear of the cocking of the trigger or nose
3. Weakening or breaking of the sear spring.
4. Touching the fuse ledge shelf
whispered tooth
1. inspect and clean the gun
2. Send the gun to the workshop.

General arrangement and operation of parts and mechanisms. The pistol is simple in design and handling, small in size, comfortable to carry and always ready for action. A pistol is a self-loading weapon, since it is automatically reloaded during firing. The operation of the automatic pistol is based on the principle of using the recoil of a free shutter . The shutter with the barrel has no clutch. The reliability of locking the bore during firing is achieved by a large mass of the bolt and the force of the return spring. Due to the presence in the pistol of a self-cocking trigger mechanism of the trigger type, it is possible to quickly open fire by directly pressing the tail of the trigger without first cocking the trigger.

The safety of handling the gun is ensured by a reliable safety lock. The pistol has a safety located on the left side of the slide. In addition, the trigger automatically becomes safety cocked under the action of the mainspring after the trigger is released (“hang up” the trigger) and when the trigger is released.

After the trigger is released, the trigger rod under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring will move to the rear extreme position. The cocking lever and the sear will go down, the sear will press against the trigger under the action of its spring, and the trigger will automatically engage the safety cock.

To fire a shot, you must press the trigger with your index finger. The trigger at the same time strikes the drummer, which breaks the primer of the cartridge. As a result of this, the powder charge ignites and a large amount of powder gases is formed. Bullet pressure of powder gases is ejected from the bore. The shutter under the pressure of gases transmitted through the bottom of the sleeve moves back, holding the sleeve with the ejector and compressing the return spring. The sleeve, upon meeting with the reflector, is thrown out through the shutter window, and the trigger becomes cocked.

Moving back to failure, the shutter under the action of the return spring returns forward. When moving forward, the bolt sends a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. The bore is locked by a blowback; the gun is ready to fire again.

To fire the next shot, you must release the trigger, and then press it again. So the shooting will be carried out until the cartridges in the store are completely used up.

When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the shutter becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position.

The main parts of the PM and their purpose

PM consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

  1. frame with barrel and trigger guard;
  2. bolt with striker, ejector and fuse;
  3. return spring;
  4. trigger mechanism (a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger, a trigger rod with a cocking lever, a mainspring and a mainspring valve);
  5. screw handle;
  6. shutter delay;
  7. score.

Frame serves to connect all parts of the gun.

Trunk serves to direct the flight of the bullet.

trigger guard serves to protect the tail of the trigger from inadvertent pressing.

Drummer serves to break the capsule.

Fuse serves to ensure safe handling of the pistol.

The shop serves to hold eight rounds.

The shop consists of:

  1. Store cases (connects all parts of the store).
  2. Submitter (used to supply cartridges).
  3. Feeder springs (serves to feed up the feeder with cartridges).
  4. Magazine covers (Closes the store.)

Trigger pull with cocking lever serves to release the trigger from the cocking and cock the trigger when the trigger is pressed on the tail.

Action spring serves to actuate the trigger, cocking lever and trigger pull.

Disassembly and assembly of small arms and grenade launchers.

Disassembly may be incomplete or complete. Partial disassembly is carried out for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting weapons, complete - for cleaning when weapons are heavily soiled, after being exposed to rain or snow, when switching to a new lubricant, as well as during repairs.

Frequent complete disassembly of weapons is not allowed, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.

When disassembling and assembling weapons, the following rules must be observed:

  1. disassembly and assembly should be carried out on a table or bench, and in the field - on a clean bedding;
  2. put parts and mechanisms in the order of disassembly, handle them carefully, avoid excessive efforts and sharp blows;
  3. when assembling, pay attention to the numbering of parts so as not to confuse them with parts of other weapons.

The order of incomplete disassembly of the PM:

  1. Remove the magazine from the base of the handle.
  2. Put the shutter on the shutter delay and check the presence of a cartridge in the chamber.
  3. Separate the shutter from the frame.
  4. Remove the return spring from the barrel.

Reassemble the gun after incomplete disassembly in reverse order.

Check the correct assembly of the pistol after incomplete disassembly.

Turn off the fuse (lower the flag down). Move the shutter to the rear position and release it. The shutter, having moved forward a little, becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position. By pressing the thumb of your right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter. The shutter under the action of the return spring should vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger should be cocked. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up). The trigger should break off the combat platoon and block.

Full disassembly procedure:

  1. Perform partial disassembly.
  2. Disassemble frame:
    • separate the sear and slide delay from the frame.
    • separate the handle from the base of the handle and the mainspring from the frame.
    • separate the trigger from the frame.
    • separate the trigger rod with the cocking lever from the frame.
    • separate the trigger from the frame.
  3. Disassemble shutter:
    • separate the fuse from the shutter;
    • separate the drummer from the bolt;
    • separate the ejector from the shutter.
  4. Dismantle shop:
  • remove the magazine cover;
  • remove the feeder spring;
  • take out the dispenser.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Check the correct operation of parts and mechanisms after assembly.

Delays when firing from PM

Delays Reasons for delays Ways to eliminate delays
The shutter is in the extreme forward position, the trigger is released, but the shot did not occur
  1. The cartridge primer is defective.
  2. Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the channel under the striker.
  3. Small exit of the drummer or nicks on the striker
  1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting.
  2. Disassemble and clean the pistol.
  3. Take the gun to the workshop
The shutter stopped before reaching the extreme forward position, the trigger cannot be released
  1. Contamination of the chamber, the grooves of the frame and the shutter cup.
  2. Difficult movement of the ejector due to contamination of the ejector spring or yoke
  1. Send the bolt forward with a hand push and continue firing.
  2. Check and clean the gun
The shutter is in the extreme forward position, but there is no cartridge in the chamber, the shutter has stopped in the middle position along with the cartridge, without sending it into the chamber
  1. Contamination of the magazine and moving parts of the pistol.
  2. Curvature of the upper edges of the magazine housing
  1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting, clean the pistol and the magazine.
  2. Replace faulty magazine
The sleeve was not thrown out through the window in the bolt and wedged between the bolt and the breech section of the barrel
  1. Contamination of the moving parts of the gun.
  2. Malfunction of the ejector, its spring or reflector
  1. Throw away the stuck shell and continue firing.
  1. Condensation of lubricant or contamination of parts of the firing mechanism.
  2. Depreciation of the combat cocking of the trigger or whispered nose.
  3. Weakening or wear of the sear spring.
  4. Touching the shelf of the ledge of the fuse of the sear tooth
  1. Inspect and clean the gun.
  2. Send the gun to the workshop
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