Message animal and plant world of temperate zones. Presentation on the theme "flora and fauna of temperate zones". Main characteristics of temperate forests

Full name (full name)

Moiseeva Antonina Fedorovna

Place of work

MBOU-Lyceum No. 10

Job title

Geography teacher




Topic and lesson number in the topic

Biosphere. Lesson number in topic 3

Basic Tutorial

Letyagin A.A. Geography. Initial course: Grade 5. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2012.

The purpose of the lesson: To organize the search and cognitive activity of students aimed at establishing cause-and-effect relationships natural features temperate zone.Contribute to the acquisition of the ability to work with various sources knowledge.

Planned educational results:

subject - Know and explain the essential features of the concepts "steppe", "taiga", deciduous forests».

Be able to give examples soil organisms, typical plants and temperate animals. Identify, describe and explain the essential features of plants and animals of the temperate zone.

metasubject - Ability to work with text, to highlight the main thing in it. Conduct an independent search for geographic information: soils, plants, animals of temperate zones.

personal – formation of motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, the ability to put learning task lesson, plan your work in a group. Education of the aesthetic perception of nature.

Lesson type - a lesson in the "discovery" of new knowledge.

Forms of student work- individual, pair, group.

Basic concepts, terms: biosphere, steppe, taiga, deciduous forests.

Required technical means

  1. interactive board
  2. Textbook
  3. Atlas
  4. Hemispheric map. physical map Russia

Used EORs:

Structure and course of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment. (1 min)

The bell rang and

The lesson starts.

wish each other good luck.

Stage 1. Motivation for learning activities (7 min)

Sit back, we have an interesting lesson ahead of us. I hope that it will be informative for you, you will acquire new knowledge. We continue our journey around our planet Earth.

“The long-awaited moment has come again -

It's time for us to go.

He calls us to a mysterious world,

The mysterious world of nature»

What section are we studying now?

Today, another thermal belt will reveal its secrets to us.

Listen to an excerpt.

(Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev "Tales about the hareKoska")

Hare Koska accurately determined when to prepare for what. If there are green leaves on the maple and strawberries are ripe, you can enjoy the warmth and warm your gray coat in the sun. If the maple leaves turn red, it will soon become cold and the fur coat will have to be replaced with a white and warm one. Koska greatly appreciated the help of the maple, but he always persuaded the tree not to shed its leaves.

1. Name the phenomenon. (Change of seasons.)

2. How do the laws of nature explain this phenomenon? (The reason for the change of seasons is the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.)

3. In what thermal zone event happening? (In moderate.)

4. In what natural area? Show this area on the map.

Watch an excerpt from the movie wildlife Russia".

- Well, now let's try to formulate the topic of today's lesson

What would you like to explore in these areas? Let's make a research plan.

1. Location on the map.

2. The climate of the natural zones of the temperate zone.

3. Flora of the temperate zone.

4. Fauna of the temperate zone

Stage 2. Learning new material. 10 min

Throughout the lesson, you will work in groups, each group solving its part of the problem, then to draw one general conclusion.

Give a description natural area filling out the table.

natural area

Where is

Climatic conditions





The central part of Eurasia is a transverse strike, central part N. America - meridional strike, south of South America

The climate is hot and dry, characterized by sharp temperature fluctuations. day and night, the winter is harsh.


Deciduous forests

Eurasia-southwestern part, N. America-east coast.

Moderately warm with mild winters and significant rainfall

brown forest


Eurasia - north of deciduous forests and steppes, S. America - north of deciduous forests and steppes

Moderately warm summer and Cold winter, excess moisture


1 group. Gives a description of the steppe zone

2 taiga group

3 group of forests

Discussion of the results of the work.

Health-saving stage of the lesson. Physical education minute. 2 minutes

We are like trees."

We are like trees in the thicket of the forest,

Branches swing under the wind in winter,

In the spring we grow higher and higher,

And reach for the sun night and day

And in the fall, shake the leaves gradually.

And circling, and circling their autumn wind.

5. Initial check of understanding(3 min)

Game "Guess the natural area"

  1. Winters are cold here. But coniferous trees: spruce, pine, fir - have adapted to such conditions. From animals there are a bear, a wolf, an elk and others. (Taiga)
    2. Here all year round warm and humid. Plants love it. This natural area is the most species-rich natural community. (Equatorial forests)
    3. What expanse is here and freedom!

Wherever you look - expanse fields.

South of the forest strip

There is a carpet of herbs and flowers.

Here is space for winds and birds,

Rodents, wolves, foxes.

Here dry winds love to sing.

And this is called ... (Steppe).

  1. In this natural area, thermophilic deciduous trees grow: oak, maple, linden. The animal world is diverse. (deciduous forests)

6. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition. (8min)

Task 1. Consider the illustrations in the textbook on p.131,133.134 And the herbariums of plants given to you. Answer the questions.

A basic level of

How have plants and animals adapted to life in the steppe?

Enhanced level

Compare plants and animals deciduous forests and taiga

High level

On a specific example, prove the existence of a relationship between habitat conditions and the characteristics of plants and animals in your chosen zone.

Task 2. Using the illustrations provided by the teacher, make a diagram "What plants give a person" in pictures. Discuss the results.

(work in pairs)

? ? ?

Conclusion: A) food b) Fuel, construction material c) pastures and hayfields d) medicinal plants


And now I invite you to test your knowledge on the topic. Tasks are different, choose what you can do. Working time 5 minutes.


A) Test (individual work)

B) Increased - crossword puzzle

B) raised - draw conventional signs about the features of the steppe:
1. lack of trees, the main vegetation is grasses.
2. The climate is warm, but there is little precipitation of 300-450 mm/year.
3. strong winds

Reflection 2 min

Learn to evaluate your work in class.

I know the features of the natural area ………, I can explain the reasons and teach

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the student

  • What was your favorite activity in the lesson?
  • What task caused problems? Why?
  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • What did you remember?
  • Where in Everyday life Can we apply what we have learned?


Basic level: page 136 game

Advanced level:Make a crossword "Animals (plants) of temperate zones" at least 15 words.



  1. Taiga is:

a) mixed forests;

b) coniferous forests;

c) deciduous forests.

2. The largest area in Russia is occupied by the zone:

a) arctic deserts

b) tundra

c) taiga

d) forests

3. Connect the trees and the forest in which they grow with arrows.







mixed and deciduous forest



4. The vegetation of the broad-leaved forest zone is more diverse than in the taiga zone, since:

a) warmer

b) the soil is rich in nutrients;

c) more rainfall.

  1. The flora of the steppe zone is represented by:

a) cereals and herbs

b) mosses and lichens

c) shrubs

Crossword "Temperate forests"

1. Large herbivore.

2. Predatory beast.

4. Herbivore, rodent.

6. An animal that lives in burrows on the banks of streams and rivers builds dams.

3. Valuable fur animal.

5. Wild pig.

7. Rodent stores nuts and mushrooms in hollows of trees.

8. A large ungulate animal preserved in nature reserves.

Crossword "Temperate Forests"

Temperate forests are forests that grow in regions with temperate climate e.g. east side North America, Western and Central Europe and Northeast Asia. Temperate forests are found at latitudes between approximately 25° and 50° in both hemispheres. They have a temperate climate and a growing season that lasts 140 to 200 days a year. Precipitation in temperate forests tends to be evenly distributed throughout the year. The temperate forest canopy mainly consists of widely deciduous trees. In the polar regions temperate forests replace .

Temperate forests first appeared about 65 million years ago, during the beginning cenozoic era. At that time, global temperatures dropped and forests sprang up in more temperate regions above the equator. In these regions, the temperature was not only cooler, but also showed seasonal fluctuations. Plants evolved and adapted to climate change.

Today, in temperate forests that are closer to the tropics (where the climate has not changed as much), trees and other plant species more closely resemble vegetation from. Temperate evergreen forests can be found in these regions. In areas where climate change has been more intense, deciduous trees have evolved (they shed their leaves every year when the weather turns cold as an adaptation, allowing the trees to withstand seasonal temperature fluctuations in these regions).

Main characteristics of temperate forests

The following are the main characteristics of temperate forests:

  • grow in temperate regions (at latitudes between about 25°-50° in both hemispheres);
  • experiences distinct seasons, with a growing season that lasts 140 to 200 days;
  • the forest canopy consists mainly of deciduous trees.

Classification of temperate forests

Temperate forests are divided into the following habitats:

  • Temperate deciduous forests - grow in eastern North America, Central Europe and parts of Asia. They are characterized by temperature fluctuations from -30° to +30° C throughout the year. They receive about 750-1500 mm of precipitation per year. Broadleaf forest vegetation includes a variety of broadleaf tree species (eg oak, beech, maple, hickory, etc.) as well as various shrubs, perennial grasses, mosses and fungi. Temperate deciduous forests are found in mid-latitudes, between the polar regions and the tropics.
  • Temperate evergreen forests - consist mainly of evergreen trees that renew their foliage throughout the year. Temperate evergreen forests are found in eastern North America and the basin mediterranean sea. They also include subtropical broadleaf evergreen forests in the Southeastern United States, southern China, and eastern Brazil.

Some of the animals that inhabit temperate forests include:

  • The Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus) is a species of chipmunk that lives in the deciduous forests of eastern North America. Oriental chipmunks are small rodents with red-brown fur adorned with dark, light and brown stripes that run along the back of the animal.
  • The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is a species of deer that inhabits deciduous forests in eastern North America. White-tailed deer have a brown coat and a tail that is white on the back.
  • The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is one of three species of bears that live in North America, the other two are and. Of these species, black bears are the smallest and timid.
  • Robin (Erithacus rebecula) is a small bird from the flycatcher family (muscicapidae). The robin's habitat range is quite extensive and includes: Northwest Africa from Morocco to eastern Tunisia and the Mediterranean coast, as well as most of the Eurasian continent.

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An impressive part of Europe lives in a temperate continental climate. Its uniqueness is in the presence of only one hemisphere - the Northern. What features distinguish temperate continental What animals and plants are characteristic of it? Understanding this is quite easy.

Key Features

The temperate continental climate is located only in the Northern Hemisphere. It is characteristic of both the Cordillera region and Central Europe. The temperate continental climate of Russia is manifested in Yakutia, the Magadan region, in Siberia and Transbaikalia. Moving inland, the air loses moisture, making the climate more severe. Therefore, the more distant the location of the region from the sea or ocean, the stronger the continentality of the climate will manifest itself.

winter months

The temperate continental climate is characterized by pronounced seasonality. The main seasons - summer and winter - should be considered separately. In the cold season earth's surface and the atmosphere cool down, leading to the formation of the Asian High. It spreads to Siberia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, and sometimes reaches southeastern Europe. As a result, it happens harsh winter with strong air fluctuations within just a few days, when the thaw abruptly turns into frost down to minus thirty. the form of snow that persists in the areas east of Warsaw. Max Height cover can reach ninety centimeters - such snowdrifts occur in Western Siberia. A large number of snow protects the soil from freezing and provides it with moisture when spring comes.

summer months

The temperate continental climate of Russia and Eastern Europe is characterized by a fairly rapid onset of summer. Increasing quantity solar heat warms coming to the mainland from the ocean. Average monthly temperatures in July are just under twenty degrees. Annual precipitation, most of which fall precisely on summer period, is in these regions from three hundred to eight hundred millimeters. The number changes only on the slopes of the Alps. There can be more than two thousand millimeters of precipitation. It is worth noting the decrease in their number in the direction from west to east. In North America, the situation is inversely proportional. In Asian areas, evaporation exceeds natural precipitation and droughts can occur.

Vegetation features

The temperate continental climate is characterized by deciduous forests. They consist of two tiers - trees and shrubs. grass cover is different large quantity species than other flora variants. In addition, it is also divided into several tiers. forests are branched with a dense crown. The seasons are not conducive to year-round vegetation. shed leaves - simple, serrated or lobed, thin and not able to tolerate either drought or frost. The temperate continental climate of the temperate zone can be distinguished by both wide- and small-leaved species. The former include ash, maple, oak, linden, and elm. The second - aspen, alder and birch.

In addition, the forest can be divided into such types as monodominant and polydominant. The first are typical for Europe - a specific species prevails there. The latter are found in Asia, North America and Chile: the forest consists of many different species. In warm areas, among deciduous trees, there are evergreen species, as well as lianas - grape, legume, honeysuckle or euonymus. Despite the annual fall of leaves, the forests of these zones are characterized by underdeveloped litter: the temperate continental climate contributes to its rapid decomposition. This creates excellent conditions for bacteria and earthworms. At the same time, the layer of foliage becomes an obstacle to moss, which grows in such a forest only at the roots of trees and in places protruding from the soil. The earth in this climate is podzolic, brown, carbonate or gley.

characteristic animals

Fauna continental climate located in the forests is very homogeneous. This is a combination of arboreal, terrestrial, herbivorous, carnivorous animals. In the zones of deciduous forests there are a lot of amphibians and reptiles - there are twice as many of them as in the tundra. The abundance of light, dense undergrowth, lush grasses become excellent conditions for various animals. Here there are animals that feed on seeds and nuts - rodents, squirrels, numerous birds, such as blackbirds, western nightingales, small robins, great tits, blue tit. In almost every forest you can meet a chaffinch and greenfinches, an oriole, and in remote corners - a wood pigeon. Larger animals are represented by ermines, badgers, wolves, foxes, lynxes and bears. They live all over Europe and large area Asia. In deserted corners meet unique species - wild cats, pine martens, ferrets. The presence of herbivores - red deer is great, there are bison and chamois.

Get ready for an imaginary trip to the steppe.

On the map, write the names of the steppes in North and South America.

The typical steppe of Eurasia is covered during the entire warm season until winter itself with more or less dense and high grassy vegetation, in which cereals, especially various feather grasses, are predominant. The climate of Eurasia extending from the shores of the Black Sea, where snow falls for a short time and in small quantities, and for Northern Kazakhstan with its winter blizzards and snowdrifts varies significantly.

Study the features of the vegetation of the steppes from the textbook. On the color tab, sign the photos: “Steppe in early spring”, “Steppe in May”, “Steppe in June”, “Steppe in August”.

2. Deciduous forests of temperate latitudes.

Prepare for an imaginary journey into temperate deciduous forests.

1) Choose the area (mainland) of your stay.

2) Describe natural conditions selected place: the amount of heat (large, medium, small), the amount of precipitation and the change in air temperature by the seasons of the year.

Forests are of particular importance for Finland. About 65% of the country's territory is covered with green areas. Pines, firs and birches are an integral part of the Finnish landscape. Forest, like water, is everywhere in Finland, even in big cities. For example, Helsinki, the capital of the country. Here you will find extensive woodlands, some of which are nature reserves. In addition, many large animals, such as wolves and deer, have been preserved in the forests of Finland. There are 37 nature reserves in Finland.

3) Study broad-leaved and small-leaved tree species. Write the names of the tree species that are shown in the illustrated diagram.

Write in the free cells under the pictures the necessary letters to get the names conifers trees.

Get ready for an imaginary journey into the taiga.

1) Choose the area (mainland) of your stay.

2) Describe the natural conditions of the chosen place: the amount of heat (large, medium, small), the amount of precipitation and the change in air temperature according to the seasons of the year.

The taiga is characterized by the absence or weak development of undergrowth (since there is little light in the forest), as well as the monotony of the herbaceous-shrub layer and moss cover.

Find out what animals live in the taiga. In the figure, circle their contours and designate them with numbers. Write the appropriate names of the animals.

Pathfinder Geographer School.

Do the work with 135-136 textbook.

The game "Recognize the tree by the contour Russian taiga". Prepare the boxes for the game.

The duration of the period with average monthly temperatures above 10°C is 2-4 months. The number of tiers in dark coniferous forests is usually two or three. Shrubs are solitary and do not form a pronounced layer. The forest floor decomposes slowly, so some herbaceous plants do not form chlorophyll and feed saprophytically. Herbs and shrubs usually reproduce by vegetative means. The transfer of many seeds is carried out by animals that eat the juicy pulp of fruits (blueberries, lingonberries, bearberries), high acidity berry juice prevents the development of seeds in the untouched berry. Also, the spread of seeds can occur when the seeds are pulled apart by ants, wind, birds.

There are few herd animals in the taiga, since the presence of a forest stand makes it difficult to visually warn of danger. Sometimes there are wild boars, wolves come in and reindeer. The main methods of hunting are stalking and hiding. Among birds of prey hawks are especially characteristic. A relatively small number of animals leave the taiga in winter. Many are able to eat branch foods (elk, hare). A number of species live on trees, feed on the ground (forest pipit, thrushes), others - on the contrary (black grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie, black grouse). Some animals feed on seed food (squirrels, chipmunks, mouse-like rodents).

Of insects that eat needles, it is widely distributed gypsy moth; wood pests - longhorn beetles and their larvae, etc. In the direction from north to south, latitudinal subzones are distinguished in the taiga: northern, middle and southern taiga. The northern taiga is characterized by low-growing stands with a small crown density, which is a transition to tundra light forests. Under the sparse tree canopy, a layer of low-growing subarctic shrubs (birches, willows) is usually developed. The ground cover is formed by mosses and lichens. The plains are heavily swamped.

As we move south, the forest stand becomes taller, and the role of grass-shrub vegetation increases. Forests are gaining more complex structure, the crown density increases. The grass-shrub layer and the moss ground cover are well developed (there are few lichens). Broad-leaved species appear in the European southern taiga. The composition of the undergrowth and grass cover includes species characteristic of broad-leaved forests. Representatives: pine, larch (Siberian, Daurian), cedar.

46. ​​Characteristic features of vegetation and fauna of broad-leaved forests of the temperate zone.

Broad-leaved forests grow in a milder climate than coniferous forests. Broad-leaved trees, unlike most conifers, shed their leaves for the winter. Therefore, in early spring it is light under their canopy, many trees (beech, oak) bloom at the same time as the leaves bloom; shrubs (hazel, wolf's bast) - before the leaves bloom.

Powerful and loose bedding protects the soil from a sharp drop in temperature, winter freezing is negligible. In this regard, many types of herbaceous plants begin to develop at the end of winter (oak anemone, goose onion. Usually there are from one to three (oak forests) tiers of forest stand, two tiers of shrubs and two or three tiers of grasses.

Nutritious fruits of trees, as well as sprawling powerful branches and a large hollowness contribute to the spread of numerous mammals and birds. In many animal species, specialization in nutrition is observed (for example, the grosbeak consumes only the seeds of stone fruit trees and shrubs). Burrowing animals are active, for example, ants, which contribute to the development of the sod process. Due to the weakening of the wind in the forests, there are many insects with fluttering flight. There are many forest pests, including leaf-eating ones. Some types of trees are even forced to renew their foliage in summer.

Broad-leaved forests do not form a continuous band. In Europe, from west to east, chestnut forests are replaced by beech forests, and then oak forests. Oak, maple, maakia, eleutherococcus, aralia grow in the Far East; the undergrowth includes honeysuckle, lilac, rhododendron, privet, etc. In more southern regions Far East lianas (actinidia, etc.) and epiphytes are abundant. In the northeastern part of North America there are forests dominated by American beech and sugar maple, sometimes in the forests there are lianas - “wild grapes”.

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