Nature, climate and minerals. Minerals of Khmao-Yugra Economic evaluation of oil reserves

slide 2

Natural resources of Ugra

The territory of the Okrug, along with oil and gas, is rich in other natural resources both renewable and non-renewable. Some of them are resources of global importance (forest, water), others are all-Russian (solid minerals, flora and fauna, peat) and regional.

slide 3

Hydrocarbon reserves

  • The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug occupies a leading position in the world in terms of hydrocarbon reserves (about 5% of the world's oil reserves). Due to the fact that this raw material will be the main source of energy for the next 15-20 years, the role of the district as a territory supplying such raw materials should be maintained throughout this period.
  • Now the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug supplies hydrocarbon raw materials to various regions Russian Federation and outside of Russia, mainly in European countries and CIS countries.
  • slide 4

    Reserves of solid minerals

    The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has large potential reserves of iron ores, hard and brown coal, bauxites, copper, zinc, lead, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, barite, manganese, rare metals, and phosphorites. All deposits of solid minerals are suitable for open mining. The presence of such minerals enables the Autonomous Okrug to develop new sectors of the economy, which are so necessary for the industrial potential of the Ural region.

    slide 5

    Minerals by origin

  • slide 6

    Igneous rocks

    • They were formed directly from magma (molten mass of predominantly silicate composition), as a result of its cooling and solidification. Depending on the conditions of solidification, intrusive (deep) and effusive (poured) rocks are distinguished.
    • They are found in the western part of the district in the foothills of the Urals. They include non-ferrous metals, rare metals, polymetallic ores (from "poly ..." and "metals" - complex ores in which the main valuable components are lead and zinc, associated - copper, gold, silver, cadmium, sometimes bismuth, tin, indium and gallium).
  • Slide 7

    • Rhinestone
    • Gold
    • Lead
    • stone gems
  • Slide 8

    Sedimentary rocks

    The formation of sedimentary material occurs due to the action various factors- the influence of temperature fluctuations, the impact of the atmosphere, water and organisms on rocks characteristic of the surface part earth's crust and formed as a result of the redeposition of weathering products and the destruction of various rocks, chemical and mechanical sedimentation from water, the vital activity of organisms, or all three processes at the same time. Found throughout the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region(oil, gas, peat, adsorption clays, limestones, sands and gravels)

  • Slide 9

    • Limestone
    • Oil
    • Adsorption clay
    • Sand and gravel
  • View all slides
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    Text content of presentation slides:
    Mineral resources of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. Natural resources Yugra. The territory of the Okrug, along with oil and gas, is rich in other natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. Some of them are resources of global importance (forest, water), others are all-Russian (solid minerals, flora and fauna, peat) and regional. Reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug occupies a leading position in the world in terms of hydrocarbon reserves (about 5% of the world's oil reserves). Due to the fact that this raw material will be the main source of energy over the next 15-20 years, the role of the district as a territory supplying such raw materials should be maintained for the entire period. Now the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug supplies hydrocarbon raw materials to various regions of the Russian Federation and outside of Russia, mainly to European countries and the CIS countries. Reserves of solid minerals. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has large potential reserves of iron ores, hard and brown coal, bauxites, copper, zinc, lead, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, barite, manganese, rare metals, and phosphorites. All deposits of solid minerals are suitable for open mining. The presence of such minerals enables the Autonomous Okrug to develop new sectors of the economy, which are so necessary for the industrial potential of the Ural region. Minerals by origin Igneous (ore) Sedimentary Igneous rocks Formed directly from magma (molten mass of predominantly silicate composition), as a result of its cooling and solidification. Depending on the conditions of solidification, intrusive (deep) and effusive (poured) rocks are distinguished. They are found in the western part of the district in the foothills of the Urals. They include non-ferrous metals, rare metals, polymetallic ores (from "poly ..." and "metals" - complex ores in which the main valuable components are lead and zinc, associated - copper, gold, silver, cadmium, sometimes bismuth, tin, indium and gallium.) Rock crystal Gold Copper Zinc Lead Stone gems Igneous rocks Sedimentary rocks formed as a result of redeposition of weathering products and the destruction of various rocks, chemical and mechanical precipitation from water, the vital activity of organisms, or all three processes simultaneously. Found throughout the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (oil, gas, peat, adsorption clays, limestone, sand and gravel) Limestone oil adsorption clay Gas peat Sand and gravel Sedimentary rocks Oil and natural gas. The main oil and gas bearing areas and the largest oil fields are concentrated in the Okrug. Between the Urals and the Ob-Yenisei watershed there are 294 oil fields with total reserves of over 16 billion tons. To date, more than 9 billion tons have been extracted from the bowels of the district. Oil fields are unevenly distributed. There are about 61 large oil and gas fields in the Okrug. So, resource potential The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is extremely wealthy, and it opens up wide prospects for socially - economic development. This presentation is not intended for any commercial use. Graphic and text materials used in the creation of this presentation were obtained from Internet resources using search engine and the textbook "Geography of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug grade 8-9" Orlova T.K. and others.

    Ponomareva E.A.

    SEI VPO "Ural State Mining University"

    Studying the topic Mineral resources”, I became very interested in gas, coal, oil industry world and began to study fossil fuels in more depth. The collected material grew into my work, part of which you hold in your hands. One of the main reasons that made me delve into this topic was V.V. Putin’s speech in the city of New Urengoy, as well as the Iraqi crisis caused by the US desire to redistribute the oil economic markets.

    On November 20, 2001 in Novy Urengoy, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said that the country's leadership had decided to carry out serious structural reforms in the development of the gas, oil and coal industries.

    “Oil and gas have been and will remain one of the main components of Russia's national wealth for many decades to come. And given the problems that modern world, the Russian oil and gas complex can also play a role in strengthening global economic stability. Today we must develop the oil and gas industry, taking into account all factors, including foreign economic ones. In the near future we will have to work in the conditions of liberalization of the oil and gas market in Europe. This will require changing forms state regulation gas, oil and coal industries, introducing new pricing principles throughout the entire technological chain - from production to final consumption. And, along with this, it will require the creation of conditions for the development of independent producers in the field of production, processing and sale of oil, gas, coal.

    The current state of affairs in the gas complex is difficult to unequivocal assessment. The position of enterprises in the industry is better than the industry average. Their positions in the world markets are still stable. But there are still huge untapped opportunities. The industry can work much more efficiently, can bring more profit to the country. In this regard, we need an unbiased analysis of the systemic problems of the industry: technological, managerial, financial and foreign economic. Including those related to gas transit, using Russian infrastructure.

    The most obvious and painful symptoms today are a drop in the extraction of raw materials and their supply to the consumer, an increase in the cost of production, and a decrease in its profitability. Old deposits are depleted, the problem of renewal is becoming more acute resource base. Up to unacceptable low level Geological exploration has also declined.

    My goal is to analyze mineral reserves and show how rich our country is in combustible minerals, the use of which should not only contribute to the development of the country's economy, but also minimize environmental damage.

    My task is to find out leading value combustible minerals: peat, coal, oil shale, bituminous sands, oil, gas and other combustible minerals; talk about world and Russian deposits, the formation of minerals and methods of extraction; consider environmental problems and security environment. The topic is considered in more detail with an example. Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, as the richest in oil and gas fields and the closest to Yekaterinburg, which is part of the Volga Ural District.

    Given in work general characteristics world deposits with a detailed development of minerals in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, thanks to its rich natural and mineral resources, occupies one of the leading places among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, playing an ever-increasing role in the economy of the region and the country as a whole.

    Oil and gas fields in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug (KhMAO). As of January 1, 2002, more than 500 oil and oil and gas fields have been discovered on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug. The total explored oil reserves are estimated at 39.6 billion tons. Commercial development is underway at 178 oil and gas fields. There are 119 fields in the exploration stage. The average oil production per day is 500 thousand tons. Most of the fields are oil fields, the rest are gas and oil and gas fields. Total deposits - 2228, of which 2035 oil, 87 gas, 106 oil and gas.

    Large gas fields are located on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug: Berezovskoye, Verkhnee-Kolik-Eganskoye, Kolik-Eganskoye, Varyeganskoye, Lyantorskoye, Fedorovskoye, Van-Eganskoye, Samotlorsoke, Bystrinskoye, Mamontovskoye, Priobskoye, etc.

    These fields contain 85.5% of the district's free gas reserves.

    The discovery of oil and gas fields, as well as other natural resources, their exploitation radically changed the face of the district. In the once dense taiga and tundra, new cities have risen (Uray, Nefteyugansk, Gornopravdinsk, Megion, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, etc.), mines are growing, oil fields and mines are being built, factories and plants are being built, railways and oil pipelines.

    As of January 1, 1999, more than 320 licenses for oil production and prospecting have been issued in KhMAO. total area territories of licensed sites is 115787 km 2 .

    Industrial development 44 oil and gas producing enterprises operate oil and gas fields on the territory of KhMAO. Among them are such large companies of global importance as Surgutneftegaz OJSC, Lukoil Oil Company, Nizhnevartovskneftegaz OJSC, Amoko Oil Company, Rosneft JSC and others.

    In studying this topic, the significance of two conclusions became apparent to me. The first of them is the extremely short time during which the development of the fuel industry took place. Coal, for example, takes 800 years to produce, but half of it has been produced in the last 30-40 years, and half of the world's total oil production falls within a 12-year period since 1956. The second obvious conclusion is that the pace of growth that has been maintained for several decades cannot be sustained for too long.

    No one can predict how society's technological and economic capabilities will change, so changes in the use of natural resources cannot be foreseen.

    “Minerals Lesson” - What mineral is gasoline obtained from? In swamps In underground mines From the bottom of lakes. What is the name of the place where minerals are found? What minerals are mined in mines? Rare. Find on the map Novosibirsk region mineral deposits. Types of minerals. Testing.

    "Stones" - The wind brings the seeds of plants into the cracks of the rocks. In nature in warm days stones and rocks are heated. Water enters the cracks. How are stones destroyed? Water rolls pebbles, grinds, grinds and gradually turns into sand and clay. And they get cold at night. Bunches of herbs, bushes and even trees grow in the stones.

    "Combustible minerals" - Describe one mineral of your choice; Compose a crossword puzzle on the topic "Mineral Resources". Fuel. First well. Natural gas. Litter for animals. Paints, rubber, plastics, drugs. Oil. Fertilizer. Oils. Condition color smell flammability. Combustible minerals. Coal. Peat.

    "Miscellaneous Minerals" - Halite salt. The transparency of the diamond is used in jewelry. Platinum and native gold are considered the densest minerals. Feldspar mica. How are minerals different? Diamond and graphite are made up of the same atoms - carbon atoms. Diamond graphite. The hardest natural mineral is diamond.

    "Main Minerals" - Minerals. Remains of plants and animals. Peat. Granite. Oil derrick. Why do people need minerals? Sand. Coal. Deposits of minerals. How minerals are mined. A lesson in the environment. Oil. Clay. Iron ore. Limestone.

    "Reserves of minerals" - Tin. Gold. Marble. Our underground wealth. Coal. Fossil fuel. Granite. Silver. Work goals. Limestone. Iron. Ore minerals. Minerals. Oil. Sandstone. Basalt. Malachite. Natural gas. Lead and zinc. Peat. Geology. Solid minerals. Stone natural building materials.

    Khanty-Mansiysk is surprisingly lucky with natural basis urban environment: towering over the city natural Park"Samarovsky Chugas", views of the Irtysh from the hills, urban birch alleys and parks give the city a unique, original face, this is a rarity among the rapidly growing Siberian cities.

    Khanty-Mansiysk belongs to the zone continental climate, equated to districts Far North. Continental air dominates here throughout the year. temperate latitudes. The meridional circulation is intensifying, as a result of which both arctic and tropical air enters the territory. With the western transport, Atlantic air enters here, largely transformed.

    Air temperature and precipitation

    · Average annual temperature-0.8°C

    Average annual wind speed - 2.4 m/s

    Average annual air humidity - 77%

    Khanty-Mansiysk is located within one natural area- forest.

    The water regime of the rivers is characterized by extended spring-summer floods. Spring waters, spilling over the wide floodplains of the rivers, form extensive sors. In winter, the rivers freeze for a long period - up to 6 months.
    The climate is characterized by rapid change weather conditions especially during transitional periods - from autumn to winter and from spring to summer, as well as during the day. Winters are severe and long with stable snow cover, summers are short and relatively warm, transitional seasons (spring, autumn) with late spring and early autumn frosts.

    The period with negative air temperature in the district lasts 7 months, from October to April. The period with stable snow cover lasts 180-200 days - from the end of October to the beginning of May. Frosts are not uncommon until mid-June. The warmest month is July average temperature from +15.7 to +18.4 degrees Celsius.

    The prevailing wind direction in summer is north; unlike winter, when it is more often observed South wind. The annual amount of precipitation in the district is from 400 to 550 mm. Height snow cover from 50 to 80 cm. In July, the maximum precipitation falls, about 15% of the annual amount. AT winter time Atmospheric pressure in the region is much lower than within the Asian anticyclone. Invasion air masses from the Atlantic is accompanied by warming, snowfalls and thaws. Averages atmospheric pressure in July (754-756 mm) lower than in the Arctic, but higher than in Central Asia.

    The land resources of the city, with their appropriate preparation, are used to expand the volume of housing construction, as well as to accommodate small industries.

    Natural reserves of sand and clay create conditions for the development of the production of building materials, and in the future - ceramics.

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