What are the forecasts for the winter. Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region

Climatologists speak of a general warming trend. However, small periods of frost this winter are also not excluded.

The coming winter in the capital will be quite warm, and frosts can be established only for short periods.

This was announced on October 3 by the head of the laboratory of climatology of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Vladimir Semenov.

Not very good news for heat lovers. Forecasters have warned that as early as mid-October, Muscovites will experience worsening weather conditions. The short-term warming will soon end, and sleet will come to replace the rains in Moscow.

For the past week, residents of the capital have been enjoying the warmth. In the central region of Russia, such weather will continue until the middle of the week, but then it will get colder. In the middle of the month, weather forecasters predict frosts and precipitation in the form of sleet.

“If now we are enjoying the September warmth, then at the end of the week we will find out what November is in Moscow,” said Marina Makarova, representative of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center. According to her, at present the average air temperature in Moscow is about six degrees above the norm.

“Little rains, clouds – moist Atlantic air comes to us, small wave cyclones come. The change in the nature of the weather will begin in the second half of the week, ”Interfax quotes a representative of the Hydrometeorological Center.

According to forecasts, on October 14 in the capital the air will warm up to ten degrees, there will be no precipitation. October 15 will also break temperature records, showing a mark of plus 12 or even 14 degrees on the thermometer. However, this Indian summer will end. “On Thursday (October 16), colder air from the north and northeast will begin to penetrate into the rear of the cyclone. At night in Moscow, the air temperature is expected to be around seven degrees,” Makarova said.

She said that on the night of October 17, a more significant drop in temperature is expected. “The flow of air masses from the north continues, the cyclone goes to the east. In Moscow, the temperature during the day is expected to be from plus two to plus seven degrees. On Saturday (October 18) there will be a further drop in temperature - at night from minus four to plus one, in the afternoon from zero to plus five. In some places, the likelihood of precipitation, including in the form of sleet, will remain, ”said the representative of the Hydrometeorological Center.

In the near future, in the Moscow region, the air temperature will be three degrees below the temperature norm. “Some of the drivers will hurry to change summer tires for winter ones. Someone will not do this, and, probably, they will be right, as we are waiting for the next wave of heat. But the question is how intense it will be. The main feature of this period is that it is unstable, the change of weather will be sharp and fast,” Makarova summed up.

First snow in Moscow 2017: weather forecast for the winter


In December, frosts already completely dominate our country. Sometimes it happens that a real winter takes the citizens of the Russian Federation by surprise already in November. In the last month of autumn, the nights become quite frosty, and the days are no less warm.

In the first period of winter, warming occurs extremely often. From the first days of December, the thermometer will stop at minus 20 degrees. At the same time, the weather will be quite changeable, and sharp warming is possible.

Let's take for example, today there is a 10-degree frost in the yard, and tomorrow the bar will drop sharply to minus 23 degrees. The temperature stabilizes by mid-December. The average figure will be equal to minus 15. The last days of the month will already freeze the inhabitants of Moscow. There is an option that the temperature will fall even more, and drop to minus 20 degrees.

Also in December, Muscovites are waiting for fluffy snow. However, the possibility of a thaw and the appearance of rains, which can turn into hail, cannot be denied. There should be enough snow so that children can build their own fairy-tale snow castles, and adults can enjoy charming snow-covered forests.

On the long-awaited New Year's Eve, temperatures are expected to reach minus 15 degrees. Also on this magical night, a little snow is possible, which will inspire everyone with a New Year's mood.


If you check the weather forecasts, then January 2017-2018 in Moscow will be normal, if you compare it with previous periods.

The average temperature will be minus 20 degrees below zero. In the first days of January, warming is possible, the bar can show Muscovites a temperature of minus 5 degrees.

January is a dangerous month in terms of the appearance of a cold and a fairly large number of viral diseases. From the 15th, the temperature will stop at minus 15 degrees.

Also, January will delight the residents of the capital with alluring frost and winter charm. But the last days of January will be very changeable, and not everyone will be able to keep up with the changes in the weather.

Also, one should not be surprised at strong temperature fluctuations from minus 5 to minus 25 degrees. But there is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to prepare in a timely manner.

In January, snow continues to fall and cover the ground with a layer of snow. It will not do without a strong wind, it will bring with it a noticeable frost and a “bouquet” of colds.


As the Hydrometeorological Center promises, winter in Moscow will not be protracted. In February, you will be able to feel the first signs of warmth and the imminent green spring. But you will see all this only at the end of February. The first days of the month will be quite cold and with noticeable winds.

The average temperature at the beginning of the month will be minus 15 degrees, and starting from mid-February, the temperature will drop to minus 23. After the 20th, the weather will stop jumping and settle at minus 13 degrees. February is considered to be the windiest month of winter. Wind often causes colds and various infections.

Meteorologists are critical of their own promises. In the last 17 years, their predictions have come true with a probability of 58-80 percent!

- This forecast is published mainly for agriculture, energy, transport, - specifies Marina Makarova, chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center. - It should be understood that this is a probabilistic forecast - we do not give exact values ​​in degrees. A more accurate household forecast can be given seven days ahead. In addition, we can not yet say anything about precipitation - whether this winter will be snowier than last, or not.

Winter 2016-2017 in Russia will be frosty, dry and sunny. In December frosts are expected from -5 -11 °C during the day to -11 -20 °C at night. The coldest will be the beginning of the month. A lot of snow will fall in the first quarter of December. In January, the air temperature will drop to -12 -22 °C during the day and -19 -26 °C at night, there will be little precipitation. In the first half of February, severe blizzards and frosts down to -28 °C during the day and down to -32 °C at night are predicted. At the end of the month it will warm up to -8 °C during the day and -14 °C at night, there will be little precipitation.

December 2016

December will be moderately frosty. At the beginning of the month, the average air temperature will range from -10 °C during the day to -18 -20 °C at night. In the first quarter of December, heavy snowfalls are expected, and the temperature will drop by 3-5 degrees. In the middle of the month, the thermometer will show -5 -7 ° C during the day and -11 -13 ° C at night. Light snowfalls are expected at the end of December. The air temperature will be -9 -11 °C during the day and -14 °C at night.

January 2017

Light snow is expected early in the month. The average air temperature will be -12 -14 °C during the day and -19 °C at night. After January 17, it will get 6-7 degrees colder for several days. There will be no big rainfall at the end of the month. The thermometer will show -20 -22 °C during the day and -24 -26 °C at night.

February 2017

Severe frosts are expected in the last month of winter. The thermometer can drop to -26 -28 ° C during the day and up to -32 ° C at night. At the end of February the weather will become milder. Heavy rainfall is not expected. The average air temperature will be -8 -10 °C during the day and -14 -16 °C at night.

What will the weather be like in the winter of 2016-2017 in the regions of Russia

Moscow and Moscow region

The weather in winter in Moscow and the Moscow region is expected to be 2-4 degrees warmer than in the rest of Russia.

December will be cold and snowy. Frosts down to -25 °С are expected. The average air temperature will be -15 -20 °С. In the second half of the month there will be heavy snowfalls. Strong gusts of wind and blizzards are possible in December.

Mild weather is expected in the first half of January. The average air temperature will be -15 -17 °С. Large precipitation is not expected. Strong gusts of wind and snowfalls are possible on January 15-18. After Baptism, “winter will calm down,” and the weather will improve.

In February, the weather will be mild and gentle. The average air temperature during the day will be -5 -10 °C. At night, the thermometer can drop to -20 °C. Heavy rainfall is not expected. Possible sustained winds.

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Residents of St. Petersburg and the region expect a mild and warm winter. The average air temperature in December will be from 0 °С to -6 °С at night. In January, the thermometer will show -4 -8 ° C during the day and -12 ° C at night. February will be snowy and not cold - from -6 -8 °С during the day to -8 -10 °С at night.


Heavy snowfalls are expected in the subpolar and polar Urals. In early December and January, the thermometer will drop to -25 °C. There will be no severe frosts in February.

In the north of the Urals, the average air temperature in the winter of 2016-2017 will be -33 °C. There will be no strong winds. In early February, prolonged snowfalls and warming are expected.

In the Middle Urals, December will be moderately cold and sunny. A slight chill is expected in January. The thermometer will show -15 -24 ° С. In early February, it will warm up to -7 ° C, and in the middle of the month it will get colder, and snowfalls will come.

In the southern part of the Urals, the beginning of December will please with relatively warm weather. On the 20th of the month it will get colder to -8 °С during the day and to -20 °С at night. January will be sunny and with little snow. This weather will continue until mid-February. Then a few cloudy and cold days are predicted. It will get warmer at the end of the month.

Kuban (Krasnodar Territory)

Residents of the Krasnodar Territory expect a mild and warm winter. There will be little rainfall in December. The air temperature will range from -6 °C at night to +5 °C during the day. This weather will continue until mid-January. Then small frosts will alternate with thaws. At the end of the month, heavy snowfalls and icy conditions are possible. The thermometer will show from -12 ° C at night to 0 ° C during the day. In February, frosty weather, heavy and prolonged snowfalls are predicted.

Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region

Frosty, windy and unstable weather awaits residents of Novosibirsk and the region in winter. The average daytime air temperature in December will be -1 -13 °С, at night -3 -15 °С. There will be little rain until mid-January. After Epiphany, heavy snowfalls are predicted with snowstorms, strong wind gusts and ice. The thermometer in January will drop to -10 -30 ° C during the day and to -38 ° C at night. More severe frosts will come after Christmas. Unstable weather is predicted in February. The air temperature will fluctuate from -45 °C at night to -29 °C during the day. Heavy snowfalls possible.


A cold and snowy winter is expected in Siberia. In December, the average air temperature will be -15 °С. There will be little rainfall. On New Year's Eve, heavy snowfalls will begin, and the thermometer will rise to -10 ° C. In the first half of January, frosts down to -20 -25 °С are expected, and in the second half - warming up to -15 °С and heavy rainfall. Winter in February will be snowy and mild. The thermometer will drop below -15 °C.


A cold winter awaits residents of Volgograd and the Volgograd region. In December frosts, snowfalls, blizzards are predicted. The air temperature will fluctuate between -4 °С and -10 °С. In early January, it will get colder. On the 10th of the month, a short thaw will come, which will lead to ice. Then it gets cold again. The air temperature in January will fluctuate between +5 °С and -17 °С. February will bring prolonged snowfalls and blizzards. The air temperature will fluctuate between +1 °С and -21 °С.

Winter- the time of noisy and cheerful holidays, outdoor activities, skating and skiing. Many Russians look forward to winter. But not every region has such a long-awaited winter. Severe Northern and Siberian winters sometimes amaze with their frosts.

Forecasters in 2018 do not give a 100% guarantee on their grounds in terms of seismic indicators and solar activity, but put forward their assumptions for 2018. As statistics show, not all weather forecasts come true, sometimes such errors in weather forecasts can be seen even a few days in advance.

General forecast

Firstly, according to experts' forecasts, the coming winter will be one of the most stable and stable, which means no sudden temperature changes, no abnormal snowfalls or extreme cold. Secondly, the winter of 2017-2018 promises to be quite warm - as if in compensation for the cold and rainy last summer. Thirdly, the season will seem especially mild thanks to snowfalls - short, not too plentiful, but very frequent.

December 2017

The forecast for the winter of 2017-2018 in Moscow is quite unambiguous - residents of the capital should not expect any extreme frosts or too heavy snowfalls. Yes, and the real winter will not begin from the first December days, but a little later - by the end of the first decade ....

The beginning of the month will be quite warm, but at the same time rainy. During the day, forecasters promise up to 5C heat, at night the temperature will drop to zero. Heat is accompanied by rain - long, lingering, but not turning into a downpour. The second decade will begin with a significant cooling - down to minus 10C at night and minus 3-4C during the day. At the same time, the possibility of precipitation will continue, instead of rain, snowfalls will begin - and, unlike light rain, the first snowfalls will be very heavy. Forecasters predict that almost a month's worth of snow will fall in a few days in the middle of the month. By the beginning of the third decade, the cold will go away, and the weather will again be warm enough for the beginning of winter in the capital - in the daytime to minus 2C, in some places the thermometer will overcome the zero mark - up to plus 3-4C. However, the heat will not last long, and in the last days of the month a cold front will cover Moscow again.

On New Year's Eve, those residents and guests of the capital who intend to celebrate the holiday in the open air should dress warmer - weather forecasters promise up to 7-9C below zero during the day and about 10-15C frost at night.

January 2018

New Year's Eve promises to be the coldest in the first decade of the month. Already on January 2-3, the thermometer will rise to minus 4-6C, but along with the heat, snow will come again. By the beginning of the second week of the year it will get colder again, so that the New Year and Christmas holidays will end with a slight frost - about 14-17C below zero. The second half of the month will be the richest in snowfall for the entire period - weather forecasters promise almost daily precipitation from mid-January until the 26th-27th. The temperature is within the normal range for this period - during the day from 7C to 11C frost, at night - 12-17C below zero.

By the end of the month it will get a little warmer - up to 2-4C below zero during the day and 5-8C at night. However, the change in temperature will bring with it a wind that is especially piercing and cold at this time of the year.

February 2018

The last winter month in Moscow will be quite snowy and windy. However, it is February that will bring spring - by the end of the season, the snow will melt almost everywhere, and the gloomy cloudy weather will be replaced by a bright, already spring-like warm sun. But first things first. The first decade of February is a rather unpleasant combination of piercing wind, low temperatures and rare snowfall. The month will begin with a slight cooling - down to minus 6-8C during the day and minus 7-10C at night. Ice, prickly snow, penetrating, it seems, even under triggers and down jackets, low temperatures - the beginning of February will not please Muscovites. But weather forecasters hastened to comfort - this weather will not last long enough. The second decade will bring a quick change of weather - a fan will disperse the clouds, and a clear sky will replace the snow clouds. It will get colder - up to 10-14C ​​frost during the day and 17-20C below zero at night. After three or four days, the frost will recede, and the thermometer will again rise to a comfortable - for mid-February - mark of 4-6C. The third decade will begin with warming - up to minus 2-4C in the daytime. Starting from February 22-23, according to forecasters, the warming will intensify, and the daytime temperature will be set at a fairly comfortable level of plus 2-3C. Clouds will come along with the warmth, but not with snow, but with a little rain. By the end of the month, the first spring rains will finally wash away the snow and help bring real spring to the region - by the end of the third decade, the thermometer will drop below zero only at night, to 3-4C below zero. The daily temperature in the last days of February will surely stay at the level of 4-5C of heat.

What will be the winter of 2017-2018 in Moscow, folk signs

Signs for a harsh (cold) winter

If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, it will be a cold winter.
If in October a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, wait for a severe winter.

Signs for a mild (warm) winter

In case of a crop failure, the winter is not fierce on spruce and pine cones
Mosquitoes appeared in late autumn - by the mild winter.
Although the leaf has turned yellow, it falls off weakly - frosts will not come soon.


Forecasters who make long-term weather forecasts warn that there are no perfect forecasts. Changes will be made to each of the possible forecasts closer to the season. There are many reasons for such inconstancy of the weather - from global warming to the terrain in the region. Therefore, when making plans for the winter of 2017-2018, keep in mind that the weather forecast may change.

Despite the fact that just a few weeks ago, the Russian winter just said goodbye to the position of dominating the weather, most residents of this state want to know right now what exactly they will expect with the advent of this obstinate season in 9 months. That is why the question of what will be the winter in 2017-2018 in Moscow, forecasts for which weather forecasters are already starting to make, does not seem so untimely.

On the one hand, having such important information long before the first prerequisites for the beginning of winter appears is a good thing, but on the other hand, there is no guarantee that at least one word from such a forecast will turn out to be true as a result. In addition, there is always the possibility of unexpected surprises, with which this usually unpredictable time of the year likes to dumbfound innocent people.

Nevertheless, the general features of the weather achievements of the coming winter should be told now in order to understand what exactly you should be ready for by the end of the coming year.

Preliminary weather forecasts

The upcoming winter will remind of itself long before its “historical beginning”: back in mid-November, Moscow will drown in snowdrifts and slowly begin to freeze due to small, but still noticeable frosts.

It is very important to say that sub-zero temperatures will envelop the Russian capital in the middle of autumn, so winter things will have to be taken out of the bowels of the cabinets almost immediately after the end of summer (what an irony!). Against the background of last year's 3 winter months, the amount of precipitation this year will be somewhat less. Although December still promises to “please” in this sense with an unexpected surprise.

Muscovites should not be afraid of severe frosts in 2018, because despite the harsh and heavy nature of winter, this time this manifestation will turn out to be milder and even moderate. It is important to note that there will be no sharp temperature jumps, because of which most of the Russian metropolis suffers so much. It is logical to assume that in this case it will not be necessary to prepare for sharp thaws accompanied by too much cooling.

If you look at the announced forecast as a whole, the picture emerges quite well: winter in Moscow promises to be quite comfortable. True, in order to verify this statement personally, you will have to conduct a detailed forecast for the winter of 2017-2018 by months.


As mentioned earlier, the first snow will delight Muscovites long before the actual onset of winter. It turns out that the residents of the capital will meet the first of December together with a good mood and impassable snowdrifts. But even if such a forecast turns out to be a little wrong, you should not worry - the whole of December promises to be snowy and not too cold. By and large, this month should be characterized by the following features.

1. Temperature. Against the background of November, the end of which will turn out to be too aggressive and unpredictable, the weather of the first winter month will delight Muscovites with its softness and cordiality. In other words, in the daytime the thermometer will not fall below -5, while at night the situation will change literally by a few degrees - -10 ... -12 degrees.

2. Precipitation.
Even at the beginning of the month, Moscow will “choke” from a cyclone of snowfalls, which, nevertheless, will not spoil the overall impression of the New Year's fuss.

3. Frost.
From mid-December, the city will begin to gradually cool down, and its average temperature regime will be -10 ... -12 degrees during the day and -17 degrees at night. A few days before the long-awaited holiday, cloudy weather will reign, spoiling the overall impression of the New Year.

4. Warming.
On the eve of New Year's Eve, the situation with frosts will even out a little and the weather will become milder - in the daytime the temperature should not fall below -6 degrees. Heavy snowfalls are also expected during this period, so the 2018 meeting will be held in the usual mood for Russia.


Literally from the first days of the Year of the Yellow Dog, winter will show who exactly is “the boss in the house” - severe frosts will burst into Moscow at once, lasting the entire first decade of the month. It is important to note that all this time there should be no wind in the capital, which means that the general picture of weather conditions will be comfortable for staying outdoors.

In two weeks, a period of clear and cloudless days will come, during which a slight frost will still remain. According to weather forecasters, this time is considered the most comfortable for the start of the usual Russian fun: sledding, skating and skiing. For several days, the thermometer will drop to -27 degrees below zero, but by the end of the month, warming will come again.


Usually during the last month, winter has a time of not too pleasant PMS: she understands that she will soon have to retreat, but she does not want to do this at such a harsh time of the year. That is why February is so much like the notorious female whims: bitter frosts are replaced by severe colds, which in just a few days are replaced by fogs and damp heat. Then the situation repeats.

But what exactly should we expect from February 2018?

1. The beginning of the month will be relatively warm, since in the daytime the air temperature should not fall below -12 degrees.

2. In a week, it will be time for heavy snowfalls, after which sharp warming is predicted. True, the opinions of weather forecasters differ slightly regarding this course of events: some talk about the arrival of light snow, while others are sure that heavy snowfalls should cover Moscow for at least a week.

3. Mid-February will be sunny and frosty, while the marked cooling will occur unexpectedly sharply.

4. At the end of winter, her harsh mood will be replaced by pity due to forced departure: the turn of warming comes, with the notorious spring drop, sunny days and cold winds of a changing cyclone.

In conclusion, it remains to summarize the announced forecast. Despite the fact that the winter of 2017-2018 in the capital will be habitually harsh and frosty, there should be no sharp temperature changes at this time, which is already encouraging. It remains only to wait for the arrival of this magical time of the year in order to personally verify the correctness of the weather forecasters' assumptions.

Any person is dependent on the vagaries of nature, so he wants to prepare in advance for the cold season. But if a city dweller is interested in the weather purely symbolically, then this concerns people living in rural areas directly. To carry out agricultural work, you need to know when winter will come in Russia in 2019-2020.

What to expect from the next winter in Russia

Despite the fact that scientific and technological progress has reached unprecedented heights, including in the field of technical equipment of meteorological stations, it is currently not possible to predict the weather for a very long season. The probability of such forecasts will be very low. After all, the flow of air masses, on which the weather depends, is constantly moving spontaneously and is influenced by many factors that are also continuously changing.

At present, it is only possible to determine the average weather conditions in a certain region based on an analysis of the weather over the past few years, taking into account the general trends taking place in the whole world, meaning global climate change.

As you know, in Russia the most authoritative body that has been monitoring the weather for more than a decade is the Hydrometeorological Center. It is on the basis of his observations that long-term weather forecasts are made for many sectors of the national economy, the work of which is directly related to weather conditions.

So, based on the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center, we can conclude that in the winter of 2019-20. average temperatures will be observed on the territory of the Russian Federation, although it is possible that the eastern regions will experience some instability of weather conditions associated with a change in the climate regime in many countries of this region.

Since the territory of Russia is very large and has different climatic characteristics, we bring to your attention the weather forecast for the coming winter only in the Central region of the country.

The warmest days in winter will be observed in mid-December and at the beginning of the last month of winter. The first snow should be expected in mid-November. At the end of this month and at the beginning of December, snowfalls will be quite plentiful. Closer to the middle of the first month of winter, a thaw will come, so do not forget to prepare waterproof shoes. Temperatures will drop on New Year's Eve and the entire region will be covered in snow again. The biggest frosts will traditionally be observed in mid-January. The monthly weather will look something like this:

December At the beginning of the month, not very low temperatures will be observed. Daytime temperatures range from -5°C to -9°C. In mid-December, a week-long warming will come, after which the temperature will return to traditional indicators: -7 ° C - 10 ° C. It will snow periodically. The sky will be mostly covered with gray clouds.
January The month will begin with not very cold days, so you are guaranteed a comfortable Christmas vacation. The average temperature these days will be -6°C. Around January 19, it can drop sharply to -20 ° C and below. Strong winds and precipitation will not be observed. Frosts will last for several days, and by the end of the month the temperature will even out and reach -10 °C.
February The last month of winter will be the most unpredictable period. At this time, the weather can change during the day. Heavy snowfalls and gusty winds will be observed throughout the month. Only by the end of the month the weather will calm down, and the inhabitants of the central region will feel the approach of spring.

Winter weather in Moscow

The winter months in the capital of our Motherland will be approximately the same as described above. The only thing that will distinguish it is a softer transfer of low temperatures. In an urban environment, frosts are more easily tolerated, since there is no piercing wind here. In addition, heated buildings create a special microclimate, which is characterized by higher temperatures than in the countryside. But in the urban environment there will be more dampness due to frequent thaws. During this period in Moscow, you need to carefully monitor your shoes, which will not have time to dry properly.

Winter in St. Petersburg

As in Russia as a whole, in the northern capital the weather for the next winter will not differ from the winter months of previous years. Winter temperatures will remain around -7°C during daylight hours, as before. It can be much colder at night. The specificity of the weather in Northern Palmyra lies in the fact that in winter strong winds from the sea and high humidity are not uncommon. Such conditions will create special discomfort for guests of the city who are not used to such changeable weather. It should be noted that the temperature, for example - 5 ° C here is felt like -20 ° C in Central Russia. All people who come here in winter are advised to stock up: warm, windproof clothing and waterproof shoes. Only in such equipment you will be able to enjoy the beauties of this amazing city.

Winter months in St. Petersburg will look like this:

  • Despite the fact that January daily temperatures in the city will be higher than, for example, in Moscow, this will not seem warmer. Strong winds along with sleet will be to blame. It will be especially unsteady in the early morning or evening, as nighttime temperatures will drop to -8 ° C. In mid-January, the average temperature will drop even more, but the sun will begin to appear from behind the clouds, which will somewhat smooth out the harsh climate of the former capital. New Year's Eve 2020 will mark the usual temperature for this period: -2 ° C during the day and -10 ° C at night. Blizzards and strong winds will rage in the city.
  • In January, the temperature will drop even further and become -13 °C. Prickly snow and piercing wind will be the norm. Such weather will not spoil the mood of the Petersburgers, who are already accustomed to such hardships. They, as if nothing had happened, will walk around their hometown and enjoy the Christmas holidays. Epiphany frosts, just like in all of Russia, will surprise you with their strength, but will not last long. The end of the month will be traditionally raw and caustic.
  • With the onset of February, residents of the city will be able to enjoy the rise in temperature. There will even be frequent thaws with a temperature of 0 °C. The average temperature will be within -2 °C during the day and -5 °C at night. The weather will be very changeable and will change several times during the day. This situation is completely undesirable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In the last days of February, the temperature seems to freeze at around 0 °C. It smells like spring is coming.

Winter months in the Urals in 2019-20

Winter will come to this region in November. Temperatures are reaching minus levels. Snow at the end of autumn will also not be rare. That is, winter in the Urals will begin about a month earlier than the calendar date.

  • From the beginning of December, the ground will be covered with a thick layer of snow, and the temperature will reach 15-20 °C. Most often there will be windless and clear weather. By the middle of the month, temperatures will drop even further and reach -25 °C. Residents are already accustomed to such weather, so they will devote every free minute to winter sports. Even more comfortable for such hobbies will be the end of the month, when -15 ° C is set.
  • With the advent of January, more and more precipitation in the form of snow will be observed. As for the temperature, it will not surprise the inhabitants of the Urals with some extreme indicators. In mid-January, the weather will begin to change, and piercing winds will appear. This will create certain problems on the roads, which will suffer from crossings.
  • February will bring little joy to the Urals. The weather will be cold with strong winds. Sometimes it will seem that the frost penetrates to the very bones. In such a cold environment, the whole of February will pass. It will fully justify its reputation as the coldest month of the year. Nothing will remind of spring in this region.

As we have already noted, weather forecasting is a thankless task. Life is constantly making its own adjustments and it is not known what the winter will actually be like in 2019-20.

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