Mineral resources of Khmao. Solid minerals Minerals by origin

Oil resources and reserves

Initial recoverable potential oil resources of the Khanty-Mansiysk territory autonomous region are estimated at 39.6 billion tons, geological - at 121.1 billion tons. To date, half of the potential resources have been transferred to the identified reserves of ABC 1 C 2 categories; 20.2 billion tons of recoverable and 61.2 billion tons of geological oil resources remained undiscovered. Of the total volume of undiscovered recoverable resources, 3.5 billion tons are supposed to be associated with known traps prepared mainly by seismic surveys (localized forecast C 3 + D 0), 16.7 billion tons - have an assessment in categories D 1 + D 2 (non-localized forecast).

As of January 1, 1997, 365 fields were discovered in the Okrug, including 313 oil, 26 gas and 26 oil and gas fields. The deposits are mostly multilayer, total deposits - 2,228, including 2,035 oil, 106 oil and gas, 87 gas. 137 fields (737 deposits) are under development. The initial recoverable discovered oil reserves of the Okrug amount to 19.4 billion tons. 20% of the identified reserves are insufficiently explored and are estimated at C 2 category (3.7 billion tons). The current recoverable explored reserves (ABC 1) amount to 9.2 billion tons, including categories: A - 0.8 billion tons, B - 1.9 billion tons, C 1 - 6.5 billion tons. The developed deposits contain 14.0 billion tons of initial recoverable oil reserves of ABC 1 categories (including 7.7 billion tons of current ones) and 1.2 billion tons of C 2 category. The extraction of 6.5 billion tons of oil from the bowels led to the formation of standard losses in the amount of about 8 billion tons. These so-called "impoverished" resources are concentrated in the depleted parts of exploited deposits and, as a rule, are confined to areas with the most developed infrastructure .

The identified resources, both initial and current, are largely confined to large-sized accumulations (Table 1.22). The share of current ABC 1 reserves attributable to unique deposits is 26%, the share of initial reserves is 36%, the share of small deposits is 16% and 12%, respectively. The unique deposits, which by now accounted for more than 50% of the cumulative production of the district, in 1995 accounted for 26% of the annual oil production. The role of smaller deposits in the total annual oil production in the district is increasing. So, with a 7% contribution to the cumulative production in the district, in 1995 they accounted for 16% of the oil produced.

Table 1.22

Distribution of discovered deposits of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug by the value of initial recoverable reserves of ABC 1 C 2 categories

Classes of deposits by size of reserves, million tons

Types of deposits, reserves



























Current retrievable

billion tons







reserves of ABC 1 categories








About 10 thousand deposits are to be discovered in the district, of which a significant part (90%) are small in size. The share of undiscovered resources attributable to small deposits - 52%, medium - 18%, large - 29% and unique - about 1%.

In 1996, as a result of exploration work, 9 new deposits were discovered, including 7 in the unallocated subsoil fund. The increase in category C 1 reserves in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug due to exploration amounted to 58 million tons.

The production rate of all explored reserves is quite high, but two-thirds of these reserves require huge additional investments. In reality, the production of the district is provided only by invested reserves, and the situation here is very tense. Many oil companies of the district are on the verge of a resource crisis. The production of Surgutneftegaz is secured by invested reserves for 12-13 years, Kogalymneftegaz - for 9-10 years, Langepasneftegaz - for 9-13 years.

Economic evaluation of oil reserves

In conditions of paid subsoil use, the economic assessment of reserves is as important as the quantitative assessment of resources. The NAC RN KhMAO has developed a methodology for calculating the economic significance of oil reserves, which is based on taking into account:

Concentrations of recoverable reserves per unit area of ​​the development object;

The value of the initial debits;

Depths of occurrence;

environmental conditions;


This technique makes it possible to estimate the minimum necessary costs (z) (excluding taxes and payments) for the extraction of 1 ton of oil.

The distribution of all development objects of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (Fig. 1.11) shows that 6% of reserves of ABC1 categories, and, accordingly, 12 development objects can produce oil with a minimum necessary costs for its extraction (z) less than $20 per ton. The value of z - 20-40 $ / t is characterized by 42% of the reserves and 113 objects of development, with costs of 40-60 $ / t there are 32% of the reserves and 207 objects, 15% of the reserves (224 objects) have an estimated value of z - 60-80 $ /t, 5% of reserves are characterized by costs exceeding $80/t.

Complex modeling of various schemes for the development of deposits under the current taxation system showed that by paying all existing taxes and payments, it is possible to profitably develop deposits, development objects for which taxes and payments are partially paid, then an additional 200 objects and 40% of reserves can be profitable, while z should not exceed 55 $/t. The introduction of production sharing contracts makes it possible to profitably operate facilities with z up to $60-65/t at current oil prices.

Thus, the share of active resources in the resource base significantly depends on the tax and economic policy states. With the existing economic system explored invested active reserves oil industry The district is provided only for 7 years. With the most favorable economic system, but without attracting additional investments for the development and re-development of fields, the security is 17 years; under the same conditions and with powerful investments - 35 years.

solid minerals

The main deposits and manifestations of solid minerals are concentrated within the zone of outcrop of crystalline rocks of the Eastern Slope of the Urals, which has a width of 20-45 km within the district and a length of up to 450 km. The state of the mineral resource base and the development of solid mineral deposits in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug today is determined primarily by the results of more than 60 years of activity of geological and mining organizations in this region.

Piezo quartz, rock crystal and vein quartz

The most prepared (and partially exploited) deposits of piezoquartz, vein quartz and rock crystal are now. Among them are the deposits of Puyva and Dodo, which have been developed since 1936, as well as the deposits of Nester-Shor, Glass field 1, Lower Keftalik, Khus-Oyka, etc., discovered in the 30-40s. About 40 manifestations of vein quartz and rock crystal, which makes the outlook Subpolar Urals on this species raw materials even higher. The state of the district's quartz industry (as well as Russian Federation in general) is determined economic situation country and the state of its defense industry as the main consumer of high-quality quartz raw materials. Due to declining demand from the defense industry, quartz production at the Puiva and Dodo deposits is gradually declining. In 1995, 27.4 tons of rock crystal and 3,000 tons of vein quartz were mined; in 1996, mining amounted to 15 tons of rock crystal and 960 tons of vein quartz, respectively. Prepared reserves are sufficient to increase production by 2-3 times and maintain it for more high level over the course of a number of years.

Alluvial gold

Alluvial gold in this moment is the second most important type of minerals. On the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, 16 placers have been explored, including placers along the Khalmeryu River, Palnik-Shor Brook, Bezymyanny-1 Brook, Bezymyanny-2 Brook, Oshka-Shor Brook, Mal. Tynagota River, Ruda-Shor Brook , the Nyarta-Yu river, the Nester-Shor stream, the Yarato-Shor stream, the Manya, Arbynya rivers, etc. The balance reserves of gold in the district are more than 4 tons. In 1995, over 130 kg of metal was mined; in 1996 production dropped to 96 kg. In 1997, within the framework of the “Territorial program for the reproduction of the mineral resource base of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug”, additional exploration and exploration of individual placers in the Lyapin River basin was started. The further program of exploration work in the Subpolar Urals provides for the shift of work into basins of more southern rivers, which are not spawning for whitefish.

Ore gold (root)

The subpolar Urals within the district is potentially rich in ore gold, the predicted resources of which are estimated at 100-120 tons. Preparation of ore gold deposits requires significant capital investments. To date, only one deposit has been prepared - Sosnovoye, the reserves of which are being specified. The next in terms of preparedness and prospects is the Palnik-Shor section. Exploration work is currently underway in this area.

Brown coal

In the district, such fairly large lignite deposits have been explored with varying degrees of detail: Otorinskoye (559 million tons in the P 1 + C 1 categories), Tolyinskoye (465.8 million tons in the P 1 + C 2 categories), Lyulinskoye (758, 7 million tons in category C 2); small - Nyaiskoe (18.4 million tons in C 1 + C 2 categories), Lopsinskoe (51 million tons in C 1 + C 2 categories), etc. Within the limits of the Lyulinskoye field, the Borisovsky site (deposit) has been prepared, suitable for mining for local purposes. The reserves of the Borisov subsoil in categories В+С 1 amount to 4.95 million tons. To date, promising areas have been allocated for brown coal (Turupinskaya, Okhtlyamskaya, Semyinskaya, etc.), the predicted resources for which reach 4.6 billion tons (in depth interval 0-300 m). The development of deposits is hampered by the lack of transport routes.


In the Subpolar Urals, bauxite-promising areas have been identified - Severo-Sosvinsky, Volinsky-Yatrinsky and Khulginsky (bauxite-bearing in Paleozoic deposits) and Tuyakhlaninsky and Lyulinsky manifestations of Mesozoic bauxites. The genetic relationship of the geological formations of the Subpolar Urals with those in the Northern and Middle Urals allows us to state that the prospects for bauxites in the Okrug are quite high.

Iron ores

Iron ore metallogenic zones have also been identified on the eastern slope of the Subpolar Urals. Confirmation of the prospects of the named area is the discovery in last years on its area of ​​the Okhtlyamsko-Turupinsky ore cluster, the resources of which are estimated at 3.1 billion tons. Within its limits, two promising manifestations of skarn-magnetite ores are established - Okhtlyamskoye and Yany-Turinskoye, the total predicted reserves of which are about 1,160 million tons, including ores suitable for open pit mining - about 390 million tons. Preparation of reserves iron ores constrained by the lack of transport communications.

Rocks with sorption properties

Since 1993, within the framework of the research and development programs and the geological study of the subsoil in the district, research has been carried out on filtering and sorption properties zeolite-containing rocks of the Subpolar Urals. At the same time, work was underway to prepare the reserves of these rocks in the Mysovsky area (right bank of the Lyulya River). To date, it has been found that zeolite-montmorillonite rocks are excellent sorbents (high ion-exchange properties). The prepared reserves of the Mysovskoye deposit are 44 thousand tons. It can be stated with sufficient confidence that the Subpolar Urals is a new zeolite-bearing province of Russia.

Deposits of building materials

On the flat part of the territory of the district, a large number of deposits building materials: brick and expanded clay, building and glass sands, sand and gravel mixtures, flint-opal raw materials, ornamental stones (Table 1.23). The reserves of deposits of siliceous-opal rocks (flasks, diatomites, tripoli) discovered in the Sovetsky, Berezovsky and Khanty-Mansiysk regions amount to tens of millions cubic meters. A number of prepared deposits of brick-ceramsite clays are not used only because of the delay in the construction of brick factories. The weak development of deposits of sand and gravel mixtures is due to their location in floodplains. Stocks of building sands are practically unlimited. Glass sands in the region were discovered in the 1950s; To date, two deposits have been explored and about 40 manifestations of this raw material have been identified.

Table 1.23

Deposits of building materials of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug

Construction raw materials

Number of explored deposits

Total reserves, million m 3

Number of fields put into operation

Sand and gravel mixtures




Building sands




Silicon Opal Raw Material




Brick-expanded clay



glass sands




In recent years, as a result of prospecting and exploration work, sapropel deposits have been explored in the Okrug - near Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Uray. Prepared reserves of sapropel are estimated at more than 10 million m 3 . It can be used as an organomineral fertilizer and vitamin supplement to the diet of pets. Trial development of individual deposits of sapropel has begun in the area of ​​Surgut.

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Slides captions:

Mineral resources of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Natural resources Yugra. The territory of the Okrug, along with oil and gas, is rich in other natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. Some of them are resources of global importance (forest, water), others are national (solid minerals, flora and fauna, peat) and regional.

Reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials. Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region in terms of hydrocarbon reserves, it occupies a leading position in the world (about 5% of the world's oil reserves). Due to the fact that this raw material will be the main source of energy for the next 15-20 years, the role of the district as a territory supplying such raw materials should be maintained throughout this period. Now the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug supplies hydrocarbon raw materials to various regions of the Russian Federation and outside the country.

Reserves of solid minerals. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug has large reserves iron ores, hard and brown coals, bauxites, copper, zinc, lead, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, barite, manganese, rare metals, phosphorites. All deposits of solid minerals are suitable for open mining. The presence of such minerals enables the Autonomous Okrug to develop new sectors of the economy.

Igneous rocks Formed directly from magma, as a result of its cooling and solidification. They are found in the western part of the district in the foothills of the Urals. They include non-ferrous metals, rare metals, polymetallic ores, in which the main valuable components are lead and zinc, associated - copper, gold, silver.

Igneous rocks Rock crystal Gold Copper Zinc Lead Stony gems

Sedimentary rocks The formation of sedimentary material occurs due to the action of various factors - the influence of temperature fluctuations, the effects of the atmosphere, water and organisms on rocks. Found throughout the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (oil, gas, peat, clay, limestone, sand and gravel)

Sedimentary rock limestone oil clay gas peat sand and gravel

Oil and natural gas. The main oil and gas bearing regions and the largest oil fields are concentrated in the Okrug. Between the Urals and the Ob-Yenisei watershed there are 294 oil fields with total reserves of over 16 billion tons. To date, more than 9 billion tons have been extracted from the bowels of the district. Oil fields are unevenly distributed. There are about 61 large oil and gas fields in the Okrug.

So, the resource potential of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is extremely rich.

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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

abstract of the lesson "Mining. Minerals of the Arkhangelsk region.""

Abstract of the lesson "Mining" using the local history material "Minerals of the Arkhangelsk region" Grade 4. Zankov's program....

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Presentation for the lesson on Kuban studies "Minerals of the Krasnodar Territory and their use (construction minerals - sand and clay)."

The material for the lesson can be used not only in the lessons of Cuban studies in the 4th grade, but also in the lessons of the world around in the 3rd grade on the topic "Mineral Resources". Attached is a presentation...

slide 2

Natural resources of Yugra

The territory of the Okrug, along with oil and gas, is rich in other natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. Some of them are resources of global importance (forest, water), others are national (solid minerals, flora and fauna, peat) and regional.

slide 3

Hydrocarbon reserves

  • The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug occupies a leading position in the world in terms of hydrocarbon reserves (about 5% of the world's oil reserves). Due to the fact that this raw material will be the main source of energy for the next 15-20 years, the role of the district as a territory supplying such raw materials should be maintained throughout this period.
  • Now the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug supplies hydrocarbon raw materials to various regions of the Russian Federation and beyond Russia, mainly to European countries and CIS countries.
  • slide 4

    Reserves of solid minerals

    The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has large potential reserves of iron ores, hard and brown coal, bauxites, copper, zinc, lead, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, barite, manganese, rare metals, and phosphorites. All deposits of solid minerals are suitable for open mining. The presence of such minerals enables the Autonomous Okrug to develop new sectors of the economy, which are so necessary for the industrial potential of the Ural region.

    slide 5

    Minerals by origin

  • slide 6

    Igneous rocks

    • They were formed directly from magma (molten mass of predominantly silicate composition), as a result of its cooling and solidification. Depending on the conditions of solidification, intrusive (deep) and effusive (poured) rocks are distinguished.
    • They are found in the western part of the district in the foothills of the Urals. They include non-ferrous metals, rare metals, polymetallic ores (from "poly ..." and "metals" - complex ores in which the main valuable components are lead and zinc, associated - copper, gold, silver, cadmium, sometimes bismuth, tin, indium and gallium).
  • Slide 7

    • Rhinestone
    • Gold
    • Lead
    • stone gems
  • Slide 8

    Sedimentary rocks

    The formation of sedimentary material occurs due to the action of various factors - the influence of temperature fluctuations, the effects of the atmosphere, water and organisms on rocks characteristic of the surface part earth's crust and formed as a result of the redeposition of weathering products and the destruction of various rocks, chemical and mechanical precipitation from water, the vital activity of organisms, or all three processes simultaneously. They are found throughout the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (oil, gas, peat, adsorption clays, limestones, sands and gravel)

  • Slide 9

    • Limestone
    • Oil
    • Adsorption clay
    • Sand and gravel
  • View all slides
  • Field(mineral) - a natural accumulation of a mineral, which in quantitative and qualitative terms can be an object industrial development at given state technology and data economic conditions(deposit industrial). Other accumulations, which, according to their data, could be developed only under changed technical and economic conditions, belong to non-commercial deposits, differing in this sense from ore occurrences. By the size of stocks, it can be large, medium and small. By origin, endogenous, exogenous and metamorphogenic deposits are distinguished.

    Geological body - these are formations of the earth's crust of various shapes, sizes and conditions of occurrence (layers, veins, lenses, stocks, etc.), composed of useful mineral matter or containing it in a scattered form. Several geological bodies are observed in a number of deposits.

    Ore occurrence- a natural accumulation in rocks of useful minerals of small or unexplained sizes. Sometimes, as a result of exploration and study, an ore occurrence can be transferred to a deposit.

    Ore- this is an aggregate of minerals, from which it is technologically possible and economically feasible to extract a metal or a metal compound by the gross method.

    Mineral resource- a natural mineral substance, which in quality and quantitative relations suitable for use in the national economy.

    Minerals. Minerals can be used either in their natural state (high-quality coal, quartz sand), or after their preliminary processing by sorting, crushing, enrichment (most ores).

    Minerals find a wide variety of uses in various industries National economy. At present, almost any rock of a certain quality and under certain economic conditions can be used for certain purposes, and therefore "useless minerals" almost do not exist. Here, the word "any" refers to rocks related to off-balance ores.

    There is a chemical-technological classification of minerals. Its main principle is the material composition of ores and their application.

    According to this classification, minerals are divided into metallic, non-metallic and combustible.

    Minerals, their diversity, degree of exploration and development play a paramount role in economic evaluation power of any state. Mineral raw materials are the fundamental basis of the material development of society. There are currently about 200 various kinds mineral raw materials used in industry, agriculture and construction.

    Solid minerals. According to the complex of minerals known at present, the described area is identical to the industrially developed territories of the Urals. Ore occurrences and points of mineralization of many minerals are known in the district. Manifestations of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare metals and other minerals are confined to the zone of the Platinum Belt and its framing (Appendix 3).

    Within the district are known manifestations of lead, copper, silver, gold and other metals, asbestos, numerous manifestations and deposits of rock crystal. During prospecting and survey work in previous years, placer occurrences of gold were found in many valleys of watercourses in the Berezovsky district of the district. The alluvial gold deposits of Yarota-Shor, Nyarta-Yu, Khalmeryu and Khobeyu have been explored. The territory is rich in building materials (sand-pebble-gravel mixture, crushed stone, facing stones).

    The main deposits and manifestations of solid minerals are concentrated within the zone of outcrop of crystalline rocks of the eastern slope of the Urals, which within the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has a width of 20–45 km and a length of up to 450 km.

    Ferrous metal ores (Fe, Mn, Cr, Ti, V) form iron and manganese within the district. Iron ores are represented by skarn-magnetite and apatite-sulfide-titanium-vanadium-magnetite (Volkovsky type) formations (Khorasyur ore cluster, Usynshor occurrence, etc.). Manganese ores in the Paleozoic formations have not yet been established, but the most promising is manganese mineralization in the Early Paleogene deposits (the Yany-Nyan-Loch-Sos ore occurrence) with a resource of 200 million tons of ore.

    Ores of light metals (Al) are represented by deposits and manifestations of bauxites. Within the district, bauxite-promising areas have been identified: Severo-Sosvinsky, Yatrinsky, Khulginsky, as well as Turupinsky and Lyulinsky sites.

    Of the non-ferrous metal ores (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Sb), the most widespread ores are of the pyrite type of the copper-polymetallic formation (Tykotlovskaya and Yarotashorskaya sites, Malossvinskoye, Manyinskoye, Leplinskoye ore occurrences, etc.). The main components are copper, lead, zinc.

    Ores of rare metals (Sn, W, Mo, Hg, Be, Li, Ta, Nb) are represented by deposits and ore occurrences (Ta-Nb) of alkaline rare-metal-metasomatic (Turupya site) and rare-metal-metamorphic (Man-Khambo site), as well as W-Mo-Bi and W-Be (Torgovskoye field, Maloturupinsky area) formations. Ores of noble (Au, Pt, Ag) metals are represented by primary deposits and placers of the Lyapinsky gold-bearing region, as well as placers of the Severo-Sosvinsky ore region.

    The search for alluvial gold in the Subpolar Urals has been conducted since the 19th century. Most intensively and purposefully - starting from the 60s of the twentieth century. The industrial gold content of the valleys of the Yarotashor stream and the river was established. Khobei. In the late 70s, the Yarotashor placer was explored by the thematic exploration party of the Uralzoloto Production Association. A number of industrial placers (Nyartai, tributaries of the Khalmeryu River) were identified by the prospecting and evaluation work of the Northern Party of Uralzolotorazvedka. Placer gold is currently the second most important type of minerals. As of January 1, 2004, 14 alluvial gold deposits with reserves of 3,306 kg of chemically pure gold were recorded on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. Of these, in the distributed fund - 1882 kg. Estimated and approved forecast resources are 20 tons in categories Р1+Р2+Р3.

    In the Subpolar Urals of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Yugra is currently out noble metals deposits of alluvial gold are widely developed. Several ore occurrences of bedrock gold have been identified. The predicted resources of ore gold are 128 tons in categories Р1+Р2+Р3. In 2003, the State Reserves Committee of the Russian Federation approved ore gold reserves in the amount of 1156 kg in categories С1+С2.

    Ores of disseminated and rare-earth elements do not form independent deposits, but can be extracted along the way during the development of igneous, pegmatite, carbonatite, albitite, hydrothermal and alluvial deposits of ores of non-ferrous, rare and radioactive metals.

    The RFN includes the most studied and promising territories of the district. The area of ​​promising lands of the Okrug outside the contours of the allocated license areas is 301.8 thousand km2. During 2004, 11 new deposits were discovered on the unallocated subsoil fund at the expense of the budget of the Autonomous Okrug: Aikaegan Deposits of piezoquartz, vein quartz and rock crystal are now the most developed and partially exploited. About 40 manifestations of vein quartz and rock crystal are known on the territory of the district, which makes the prospects of the Subpolar Urals for this type of raw material even higher.

    In 2003, OJSC Polar Quartz started mining of vein quartz at the Dodo deposit. JSC "Sosvapromgeologiya" reactivated the Puiva deposit, where collection raw materials (rock crystal) were mined in a small volume (about 3 tons). Starting from 1993, within the framework of the programs of scientific research and geological study of the subsoil, studies of the filtering and sorption properties of zeolite-containing rocks of the Subpolar Urals were carried out in the Okrug. At the same time, work was underway to prepare the reserves of these rocks in the Mysovsky area. To date, it has been found that zeolite-montmorillonite rocks are excellent sorbents. The prepared reserves of the Mysovskoye deposit are 44 thousand tons. It can be stated with sufficient confidence that the Subpolar Urals is a new zeolite-bearing province of Russia.

    Reserves of brown coal in categories A + B + C1 amount to 464.5 million tons, in category C2 - more than 1.5 billion tons. In the district, both fairly large brown coal deposits - Otorinskoye, Tolyinskoye, Lyulinskoye, and small – Nyaiskoe, Lopsinskoe, etc. Within the limits of the Lyulinskoye deposit, the Borisovskiy site has been prepared, suitable for mining for local purposes. The reserves of the Borisovskiy site in B+C1 categories amount to 4.95 million tons. To date, promising areas for lignite have been allocated: Turupinskaya, Okhtlyamskaya, Semyinskaya, etc. The development of deposits is hampered due to the lack of highways. Peat reserves in categories A+B+C1 amount to 86.55 million tons, in category C2 - 1148.81 million tons (according to the state balance of mineral reserves of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2002).

    On the flat part of the district, a large number of deposits of building materials have been discovered: brick and expanded clay, building and glass sands, sand and gravel mixtures, flint-opal raw materials, and ornamental stones. The reserves of deposits of siliceous-opal rocks (flasks, diatomites, tripoli) discovered in the Sovetsky, Berezovsky and Khanty-Mansiysk regions amount to tens of millions of cubic meters. A number of prepared deposits of brick-ceramsite clays are not used only because of the delay in the construction of brick factories. The weak development of deposits of sand and gravel mixtures is due to their location in floodplains. Stocks of building sands are practically unlimited.

    Deposits of sapropels have been explored near Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Uray. Prepared reserves of sapropel are estimated at more than 10 million m3. It can be used as an organomineral fertilizer and vitamin supplement to the diet of pets. Trial development of individual deposits of sapropel is carried out in the area of ​​Surgut.

    In the Subpolar Urals, bauxite-promising areas have been identified - Severo-Sosvinsky, Volinsky-Yatrinsky and Khulginsky (bauxite-bearing in Paleozoic deposits) and Tuyakhlaninsky and Lyulinsky manifestations of Mesozoic bauxites. The genetic relationship of the geological formations of the Subpolar Urals with those in the Northern and Middle Urals allows us to state that the prospects for bauxites in the Okrug are quite high.

    Confirmation of the prospects of the iron ore and metallogenic zones identified on the eastern slope of the Subpolar Urals is the discovery of the Okhtlyamsko-Turupinsky ore cluster, the resources of which are estimated at 3.1 billion tons. reserves of which are about 1160 million tons, incl. ores suitable for open pit mining - about 390 million tons. The preparation of iron ore reserves is hampered due to the lack of transport communications.

    The predicted resources of category P3 copper are 2,500 thousand tons; zinc category P3 - 2300 thousand tons; manganese ores of P3 category – 284.1 million tons; bauxite category Р1 – 15.0 mln t, category Р2 – 18.0 mln t, category Р3 – 45.0 mln t; brown coal of category P1 - 635 million tons, category P2 - 7764 million tons, category P3 - 4757 million tons; P3 category hard coal - 162 million tons.

    As of January 1, 2004, 175 solid mineral deposits were discovered in the Okrug, including 7 quartz deposits, 6 brown coal deposits, 1 ore gold deposit, 10 alluvial gold deposits, 1 zeolite deposit, 1 glass sand deposit, 1 bentonite deposit. clay, 1 building stone deposit, 12 deposits of siliceous raw materials, 73 deposits of brick and expanded clay clay, 53 deposits of building sand, 9 deposits of sand and gravel mixture.

    In total, there are 5 deposits of quartz, 6 deposits of alluvial gold, 1 deposit of zeolites, 1 deposit of volcanic rocks for the production of light foam concrete in the distributed subsoil fund.

    In the Northern Sosva basin, individual signs of platinum were found during the exploration of gold placers. They also note that the Ural researcher Yu.A. Volchenko found that the chromite ores of the Tyumen Urals contain an increased amount of minerals of the platinum group elements - osmium, iridium and ruthenium. These minerals can be recovered by flotation to obtain a collective copper-nickel product (concentrate). Further processing of this concentrate will make it possible to extract copper, nickel and, incidentally, the above-mentioned platinum group metals.

    Oil. Oil is a combustible liquid mixture consisting mainly of hydrocarbons of the methane, naphthenic and aromatic series with an admixture of sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds.

    One of the main properties of crude (unrefined) oil is its density, which depends on the content of heavy hydrocarbons (paraffins, resins, etc.).

    In practice, there is the following classification of oils by density (g / cm 3):

    very light (with a very low density) - up to 0.800;

    light (with low density) - 0.800 - 0.839;

    medium (with average density) - 0.840 - 0.879;

    heavy (with high density) - 0.880 - 0.920;

    very heavy (with a very high density) - more than 0.920.

    In addition, there is a classification of oils according to the content of light fractions: sulfur (S), asphalt-tar substances (AS) and solid hydrocarbons (paraffins - P). Basic chemical composition oil is as follows: carbon - 79 - 88%, hydrogen - 11 - 14%, sulfur - 0.1 - 5%, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.

    The territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug accounts for about 80% of the initial potential oil resources of the West Siberian oil and gas province and almost half resource potential Russian oil. About 90% of the area of ​​the district falls on the territories that are promising in terms of oil and gas.

    The Okrug is currently one of the main regions where exploration and production of hydrocarbons is carried out; its contribution to the annual production of Russian oil is over 57%.

    The main oil and gas fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug are located in the latitudinal Priobye in the subzones of the northern (southern slope of the Siberian Uvals) and middle taiga (Surgut woodlands). As of January 1, 2003, 414 fields were discovered on the territory of the Okrug, including 358 oil, 22 gas and gas condensate, 34 oil and gas, gas and oil and oil and gas condensate fields. At the beginning of 2005, there were 249 fields in operation, 50 of them produced more than 1 million tons of oil per year. About 40% of oil reserves in the fields have already been produced. The current, that is, prepared for development (invested) reserves of categories A and B, account for 4 and 10%, respectively, of the initial reserves of industrial categories of the district, the current explored (non-invested) category C1 - 31%, the preliminary estimated resources of category C2 - 18 %.

    Thus, the share of current economically favorable oil reserves (current reserves of ABC1 categories) from the initial ones identified in the district is 45%.

    A significant part of the resources in the distributed subsoil fund (RFN) is confined to the territories of the largest mining oil companies, on the territory of which 71% of the initial potential resources of ROP oil and 84% of the total initial reserves of the fields identified in the distributed subsoil fund are accounted for.

    The availability of identified resources at existing production levels varies among companies. Some of them already lack identified resources to sustain production levels in the coming years.

    The RFN includes the most studied and promising territories of the district. The area of ​​prospective lands of the Okrug outside the contours of the allocated license areas is 301.8 thousand km 2 . During 2004, 11 new deposits were discovered on the unallocated subsoil fund at the expense of the Autonomous Okrug budget: Aikaeganskoye, Yuzhno-Chistinskoye, Yuzhno-Mytayahinskoye, Yuzhno-Lyaminskoye (Surgutsky district); Tukanskoe (Nefteyugansk region); Novomostovskoye (Sovetsky district); Tanginskoye and Zapadno-Simividovskoye (Kondinsky district); Toreshskoye, Yuzhno-Moimskoye, Oktyabrskoye (Oktyabrsky district). In 2003, 15 deposits were discovered.

    At present, 11% of the initial oil potential of the territory of the unallocated subsoil fund (NFS) has been converted into field reserves, and 13% of it falls on promising oil resources of C3 + D0 categories. An analysis of the district’s resource base shows that for its further and effective development, to ensure oil production with current reserves of ABC1 categories, additional exploration of C2 category resources, search for local objects assessed by C3 and D0 categories, and an increase in the volume of seismic and drilling operations in underexplored territories and horizons are necessary. , where a significant part of potential resources has not yet been localized, i.e. accounts for forecast resources of categories D1 and D2.

    Most of the oil deposits in the KhMAO fields are characterized by relatively low viscosity values ​​(low viscosity - up to 5 MPa × c) reservoir oils. it special group or a class of oils that create favorable conditions for solving the technical and economic problems of developing oil resources. Almost 99% of oil (categories A + B + C) of the district are low-viscosity. The predominant part of Russian fields is characterized by a change in the viscosity of oils in the range of 0.5 - 25 MPa × s (in reservoir conditions), less often up to 70 - 80 MPa × with or more. The main part of the fields of the Shaimsky, Krasnoleninsky districts is characterized by the viscosity of oils in the range of 0.5 - 5.0 MPa × s (only in small areas, oils with a viscosity of 6 - 8.8 MPa × With). In the Surgut region, the share of oils with a viscosity of 6 - 8.5 MPa × c slightly increases, but in the main part of the reserves, the viscosity values ​​are characterized within 0.5 - 5.0 MPa × With. A special place is occupied by the oils of the Nizhnevartovsky region. The predominant part of the deposits is characterized by viscosity in the range of 12 - 20 MPa × with or more. High-viscosity oils were found in the Aptian-Cenomanian deposits of the area (layers PK 1 - PK 21). Thus, at the Van-Eganskoye field, the viscosity of oils in PK 1 - PK 21 formations reaches 95 MPa × s, in the AB 1 formation - 12.4 MPa × s, and somewhat deeper - in the layers AV 3 and AV 4 - 7 - it decreases to normal values ​​of 3.9 and 2.2 MPa × with respectively.

    According to source data, Tyumen oil, along with great content gasoline and kerosene fractions, has a lot of sulfur, which must be separated. In terms of sulfur content, the oil of the Okrug is mainly medium-sulphurous (0.51 - 2%), its reserves make up approximately 72% of the total reserves. Reserves of low-sulphurous oil (up to 0.5%) amount to just over 27%. Reserves of sour oil (more than 2%) are 0.9%. The separation of sulfur occurs by converting it into sulfuric acid (according to special technologies), at special oil refineries.

    Natural gas is a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, propane, butane and pentane). The share of methane in it is 85 - 99%. In addition, natural gas contains nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, argon, water vapor, hydrogen sulfide and mercury in varying amounts.

    Large gas fields are located on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug: Berezovskoye, Verkhne-Kolik-Eganskoye, Kolik-Eganskoye, Varyeganskoye, Lyantorskoye, Federovskoye, Van-Eganskoye, Samotlorskoye, Bystrinskoye, Mamontovskoye, Priobskoye, etc. 85.5% of the reserves are concentrated in these fields free gas district.

    Natural gas is the most important in terms of scale of concentration and use for practical purposes.

    There are differences in the composition of free and oil-dissolved gases, which are especially noticeable in the distribution of hydrocarbon components. Free gases - methane up to 85–98%, the sum of methane homologues in the range of 0.1–10%; oil-dissolved gases – methane up to 60–70%; the sum of methane homologues is within 1–25%. Non-hydrocarbon components are represented mainly by nitrogen and carbon dioxide; hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, helium, argon, mercury, vapors of volatile liquid acids, etc. are found in the form of minor impurities. However, there are cases when "minor impurities" become very noticeable components. So, the content of non-hydrocarbon components natural gas characterized by: carbon dioxide - from fractions of a percent to 10-15%, sometimes higher (up to 85% in the deposits of the Samutnelskoye field in the Berezovsky district of Yugra); nitrogen - most often within 1-3%, but in some cases up to 4-60% or more, hydrogen sulfide - no more than 1-3%, but in some cases up to 10-23%.

    Within the district, the largest accumulations of GHGs are associated with deposits of coal-bearing and continental-sub-coal-bearing formations with high levels OM of the humus type. In conditions Western Siberia This class of formations includes Cenomanian and Patan deposits, which are associated with the largest and unique SGG deposits (Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Bovanenkovskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, etc.). No large SGG deposits have been found within the region. Most of the SGG accumulations identified here are confined to the Jurassic deposits and belong to the classes of small and medium in size. The territory of the district belongs to the lands predominantly oil-bearing.

    useful Khmao fossils, Natural resources Yugra, Khmao fossils

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