Temperature in Tunisia in winter. Monthly water temperature in Tunisia. Spring brings a new season to Tunisia


You are on vacation and you are going to go abroad to relax? Then choose a country where you will be comfortable and calm. For example, you can opt for Tunisia - a country where the sun, the sea and beautiful hotels with cities. But the sun is not always warm there, just like the sea. Therefore, first you need to see what the weather is like in Tunisia for months and what is the water temperature in the resorts. And only then make a decision about whether to visit Tunisia this month or not.

It will also be interesting for you to look at the map of Tunisia with resorts. The map shows all the resorts of the country, which are located in the best corners of Tunisia.

General weather information.

Speaking of Tunisia, we are talking about an area of ​​212 square kilometers. Therefore, the weather throughout Tunisia cannot be the same. In any corner of the country it can rain, the sun can shine, or a sandstorm can rise. So all the data is average for the country and it is not a fact that the weather at your resort will be the same as on our charts.
But still, studying the graphs, you can draw certain conclusions. After all, if the weather is +15, then you can’t swim throughout the country, even in the southernmost parts.
See the chart, which will tell you a lot.

Air temperature in Tunisia by months on the chart.
As can be seen from the graph, the temperature in Tunisia is completely different in different months and different seasons. And even if there is no frost and snow, you still cannot swim and sunbathe in the winter months in Tunisia.
In winter, it gets noticeably colder here and sometimes the temperature on certain days drops to two degrees Celsius. For this country, such a temperature is almost a disaster, since houses and hotels are not adapted to the cold and do not have heating systems.

The coldest month of the year is December. Then the air warms up more and more every month. And already in May there are a lot of tourists who enjoy the heat and the sea. The average air temperature in May is +24 degrees.
The peak of the heat is in the summer months. And August is the hottest. At this time, it is better not to come here. But tourists still fill all the hotels to capacity. They are not afraid of the heat at +34 degrees in the shade. They are not afraid to get sunstroke and relax on the beaches all day. In August, the weather in Tunisia is dry. It is difficult for the body to get used to such a climate, and even the locals are in no hurry to leave their homes at lunchtime, but are waiting for a cool evening.

Monthly water temperature in Tunisia.
The temperature of the water in the sea also depends on the air temperature. Although there is no direct correlation. For example, in December the sea is warmer than in spring. Although the air is cold in winter and it rains.
In May, when tourists begin to fly into the country. The sea is still cold, only +18 degrees. Not many dare to go into the water, most prefer to sunbathe on the beach in warm sand.
With the onset of summer, the temperature of the water in the sea rises sharply. Already in the first summer month it is +22 degrees. And by August it warms up to +26 and above.
Note that the water near Tunisia rarely warms up to temperatures above +28 degrees. This is due to the undercurrents that bring coolness and cold water to the shores. So get ready for the fact that even in the summer months the water can be cool. But this is offset by the air temperature, and all tourists are satisfied.

Rainfall in Tunisia. Rain.
Yes, it rains in Tunisia, and sometimes it is heavy, and some can last for several days. But all this refers to the rainy season, and rainfall is unlikely in summer and autumn.
The rainiest month is March. And the driest is July. In summer, there is generally little rainfall, and if they happen, then 90% at night, when tourists are sleeping. In August and September, precipitation begins to gain strength. And already in October, when the swimming season is still in full swing, it rains every 5 days.

And so, as is already clear. If you are flying to Tunisia for a beach holiday, then the most successful days are the summer months and September. In May and October, you can also swim and sunbathe, but there is a risk of getting into rainy or cool weather.
During the winter months, Tunisia is only for excursions. The weather does not allow swimming and sunbathing, and in general it is not very pleasant to go to the sea during these months - cold winds blow and unpleasant moments are at this moment near the water.

Whatever month you are going to Tunisia, you need a visa. how to get it and what documents you need.

Tunisia has a temperate maritime climate with occasional rainfall. Due to the low humidity, the heat in Tunisia is easily tolerated by tourists. The island of Djerba and the entire East coast is considered the most favorable place for a tourist holiday. From April to October, a confident beach season lasts.

Climate and season in Tunisia

The climate in Tunisia is known to be subtropical Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters. The southern region has a hot and dry semi-desert and tropical desert climate, while the northern part of Tunisia has a dry subtropical climate.

Dougga is an ancient Roman city in Tunisia, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.

When the sultry south winds that blow from the Sahara break through in Tunisia, it becomes dry and hot throughout the territory.

The weather in Tunisia is changing due to the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea. In summer, the average temperature is from +22°С to +32°С, in winter from +5°С to +12°С. The water temperature in the sea is from +5°С in winter to +28°С in summer.

The northern part of Tunisia and Tabarka is similar in its climatic characteristics to the southern European Mediterranean coast. In winter, unpleasant rains can fall. The tourist season in Tunisia lasts from June to September.

In the central regions of Tunisia in summer the air temperature exceeds +40°C. It is best to travel around the country with excursions in spring or autumn. There are no prolonged torrential rains in the desert. In winter, not less than + 18 ° С.

Tunisia in summer

June weather. Summer days, warm air and a great tan. The air temperature is +18°С…+20°С at night and about +30°С during the day. Precipitation does not fall more than twice a month. The water temperature is +20°C. The price of tours will range from 40,000 and above. The cost of a tour in a four-star hotel for a week will cost from 33,000 rubles.

More information about the weather and prices in Tunisia in June

Weather in July. Velvet warm nights and hot days. The air temperature often exceeds +30°С. Sometimes it is +35°C during the day and +30°C at night.

Already at the beginning of the month the water temperature will be +20°С, by the end of the month it will be +24°С.

The price of tours will vary from 40,000 rubles. You can relax for seven days together in a four or five-star hotel for 50,000–90,000 rubles.

More information about the weather and prices in Tunisia in July

Weather in August. Warm sea, perfect weather without precipitation and cloudy days. The air temperature is +35°C, sometimes the air heats up to +50°C. At night it is very comfortable due to the Mediterranean breeze.

The water temperature is kept at +25°C.

The price of tours this month will rise slightly, it is best to book tours in advance at an affordable price. For two, a week-long tour will cost from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles and more.

Tunisia in autumn

Weather in September. At this time, the weather becomes pleasantly autumnal. Air temperature during the day +28°С…+30°С. At night the temperature will drop to +25°С. Two rainy days a month, cool evenings with light breezes. The water temperature is stable +25°С.

The price for tours at this time will vary from 30,000 and above, depending on the level of the hotel. A seven-day trip for two to a four-star or five-star hotel will cost from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Weather in October. The air temperature warms up to +26°C during the day and +21°C at night.

Water temperature +21°С. The number of rainy days increases to 5.

The price of tours at this time will suit any tourist and traveler. The cost of a seven-day tour for two will range from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

November weather. Autumn weather and cool evenings. Air temperature +18°С -+22°С. In the south, the air is kept at around + 26 ° С. The water temperature does not exceed +18°C. The price of tours at this time is affordable, because there are very few tourists. You can treat yourself to a week-long vacation for two for 40,000 rubles.

Tunisia weather and prices by months for 2019

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
December+15 +7 +13 from 30000 rub.
January+9 +5 +14 from 40000 rub.
February+6 +4 +14 from 40000 rub.
March+18 +14 +15 from 40000 rub.
April+20 +16 +16 from 40000 rub.
May+24 +17 +17 from 40000 rub.
June+29 +20 +20 from 40000 rub.
July+33 +30 +24 from 40000 rub.
August+35 +30 +25 from 40000 rub.
September+29 +25 +25 from 30000 rub.
October+26 +21 +21 from 30000 rub.
November+19 +14 +18 from 50000 rub.
JanFebmarAprMayjunejulyaugseptoctbut Idec
Melita15.2 14.5 15.7 18.2 21.1 24.3 27.4 28.9 28.1 25.6 22 18
Midoun15.9 14.9 15.6 17.7 20.5 23.7 27 28.5 28 25.8 22.5 18.8
Monastir13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Sousse13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Tunisia13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Hammamet13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Houmt Souk15 14 15 18 21 24 27 29 28 26 22 18

Climate of Tunisia

On the territory of Tunisia, the weather is determined by two types of climate. The northern part of the country and the coast, where the resort areas are concentrated, embraces the subtropical Mediterranean climate, which is very comfortable for vacationers. The interior and southern regions are characterized by the features of the tropical desert climate of Tunisia: the hot winds of the Sahara blow here, and precipitation is extremely rare.

As a result, the heat is not felt as strongly in coastal areas, it is softened by the sea breeze. Daily temperature fluctuations in the resort areas are not too sharp, and in the desert at night frosts often occur, even if the air temperature reaches +25 ° C during the day.

The maximum precipitation occurs in mountainous areas, while in the south their volume does not exceed 100 mm per year, and some desert areas completely bypass rain for several years.

The best time to visit Tunisia is the off-season: all autumn and spring, as well as June. The swimming season usually opens in May and ends in October.

Weather and climate in Tunisia by months

December and January very similar in terms of weather: in the coastal strip, the thermometer at this time rarely rises above +17 ° C during the day and + 10 ° C at night. In the capital, daily temperature fluctuations are stronger: at night it gets colder up to +6 °С. Humidity remains high on the coast, it often rains, and cold, by African standards, winds blow almost throughout the country.

In February still wet and windy. The weather is changeable: sometimes warm, sometimes cold. On the east coast of Tunisia, the climate is milder: in Sousse, Monastir and Hammamet, there is less rainfall, and the air temperature is higher than in the north of the country.

In March spring warmth is felt during the day, and February coolness returns in the evening. The air quickly warms up on the coast, and on the island of Jebra it even warms up to +20 ° С. The water in the sea is cold - about +14 ° С.

April is the best suited for excursions and travels in Tunisia, but do not forget that hot “chili” winds blow in the desert at this time. In the resort regions during the day it gets warmer up to +20…+22 °С, and at night it gets colder up to +10…+12 °С.

In May Tunisia is warm, the climate is comfortable for families with children. During the day in the resorts around +24 ° C, the water warms up to +22 ° C - the temperature is suitable for swimming, although the weather in Tunisia is changeable, it rains.

In June The beach season officially opens. The wind from the sea subsides, sunny weather sets in for a long time on the coast, in the daytime +27 ... +28 ° С, and in the south of the country the arid climate again makes itself felt.

July and August, first half of September– the hot season, the time for a traditional beach holiday, when the air temperature in the resorts reaches +30 ... +35 ° С, and the water, finally warmed up to +28 ° С, tirelessly attracts bathers. In the second half of September it is felt how the wind increases, it becomes cooler, but only by 2-3C. The hot season in the Sahara forces you to abandon excursions in the desert.

In October The holiday season is going through a new stage. The climate of Tunisia at this time is most attractive for those who avoid the heat, but want to have time to swim in the sea and lie on the beach without fear of sunburn. Tourist interest in excursions, traveling around the country, and hiking is returning. The air temperature in the resorts of Tunisia is +24 ... +26 ° С, water - about +23 ° С.

In November humidity increases in anticipation of a rainy winter. The November weather in Tunisia is less and less pleasant with sunny days, and the water cools down to +17 ° C, which negates the desire to swim.

What kind of weather will meet you here: hot African heat or humid tropical downpour?

In order to fully enjoy the trip and not be in conflict with the phenomena of nature, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ideas of the Tunisian climate in advance and, in accordance with them, choose the most suitable place for yourself and the favorable holiday season in Tunisia.

Climate in the south and in the central part of Tunisia

But for those who want to get acquainted with the real African climate and know all the courage of the local sun, it is better to go to the south of Tunisia or to its central part. Precipitation in this area is rare and only in winter. At the same time of the year, the lowest temperature is observed - about + 17ºС. In summer, real burning heat reigns in the south of the country: the air warms up to + 40ºС, and the sand is so hot that it is impossible to touch it. Are you ready for these feelings? Then come to the south-central part of Tunisia and obey the will of the unshakable Sahara.

Let's talk about the seasons for holidays in Tunisia and analyze the weather by months. Read to avoid roasting in the sun and meeting jellyfish.

Tunisia - although a piece of Africa, yet the sultry heat reigns here only in the summer and is relatively easily tolerated thanks to the sea breeze.

Summers in Tunisia are hot and dry, winters are mild and rainy, spring pleases with an abundance of greenery and flowers, and autumn pampers with a pleasant velvet season. The difference in temperature across regions is insignificant, but in the north it is always 2-4 degrees cooler than in the south. There is practically no rain in summer, and in the cold season they are short-lived. But the Tunisian rains have an unpleasant characteristic feature - they are accompanied by a strong cold wind, so at this time it is better to refrain from walking.

Tour operators open charter flights to Tunisia from the middle and, however, it should not be assumed that favorable time for relaxation is limited to these frameworks. In Tunisia, there is something to do all year round, regardless of the season: in summer - swimming and sunbathing on snow-white beaches, in spring and autumn - interesting excursions around the cities and across the Sahara, in winter - thalassotherapy. Another thing is that after the closure of charter flights, many hotels are closed, and there are fewer offers, but prices are reduced.

Comfortable season in Tunisia


Tunisia in April is very beautiful: beautiful flowers bloom everywhere, the sun scatters gentle rays from a piercing blue sky. It's time for a sightseeing holiday and getting to know the country. The air has already warmed up to a comfortable 25 degrees, but the sea is still quite cool - about 16 degrees. Not everyone dares to swim. But under the April sun you can get an even chocolate tan. In addition, hotels at this time offer discounts on accommodation.



The beginning of summer in Tunisia marks the peak of the tourist season. All resorts are crowded with vacationers of different nationalities. In the water temperature in the sea reaches a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius, and the daytime air temperature freezes at around +30. Occasionally, the sirocco wind brings with it the heat of the desert. But keep in mind that in the evenings in Tunisia it gets cool even in summer - the thermometer shows about +20 degrees, so you may need a pullover or a light jacket.


From the very first days, the number of European tourists in Tunisian resorts has been sharply reduced. The fact is that they consider July and August to be too hot for a holiday. Indeed, during the day the air heats up to +34 in Hammamet and up to +30 in Sousse. A light breeze relieves the situation a little, and yet it’s hard to go on excursions in such inferno.


The second month of hot heat and warm, like fresh milk,. Not everyone is able to normally tolerate +35 during the day, and in water heated to 25 degrees, you will not be too refreshed. However, August can bring tourists another unwanted surprise: from year to year, jellyfish flow from Morocco and Algeria to the shores of Tunisia. The warmer the water temperature, the more jellyfish breed. It is impossible to predict in advance whether you will be lucky with swimming in August, or whether you will only have to admire the sea, content with the pool at the hotel.

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The air temperature in Tunisia remains at a high mark of +32 degrees, but the sun bakes much less, and you can safely acquire a bronze tan. The water in the sea still holds +25 degrees. This is a great month for a beach holiday, especially with young children. In addition, you can go on excursions and surf.


The “velvet season” is coming with an air temperature of + 28 + 30 degrees and the gentle sun. Excellent season for holidays in Tunisia. It is still comfortable to swim in the sea, only by the end of October the water temperature drops to 21 degrees. There are many European tourists in the resorts, and the Tunisians themselves most of all like to relax in this month, when the sun does not leave burns, and in the evenings a pleasant coolness comes - about +21 degrees. In addition, in October you can enjoy delicious new harvest sugar dates.

Rainy season in Tunisia


The approach of winter is already felt: it rains more and more often, the air becomes humid, strong winds blow. Only those who like the cool African autumn with a daily temperature of +21 come to rest in Tunisian resorts at this time. You can no longer swim in the sea - the water temperature is +18 degrees. And instead of a calm blue surface, the November sea turns into a noisy and seething, inhospitable water mass. It remains only to observe the riot of nature from afar.


The Tunisian winter is fundamentally different from the Russian one. Although it is too cold to swim in (the water temperature is +15), greenery is visible everywhere, and flowers bloom in some places. The weather is changeable: now it is raining, now the friendly sun is peeking out. You can come to Tunisia in December to take a course of thalassotherapy and breathe in the sea air while walking. However, it should be borne in mind that by the evening the air temperature drops from +16 to +8 degrees, and it becomes very chilly.


Air and water temperatures remain at the level of December, but there is less rain. In general, the increased humidity of the air and the changeability of the weather persist. On some days you can even sunbathe, hiding from the cold winds in a secluded bay. In addition, in January in Tunisia you can admire the flowering of almonds and refuel with vitamins, as citrus fruits are harvested at this time.


There is an active opposition between winter and spring. The weather is unpredictable, such is the season, gusty winds are frequent, which make you wrap yourself in warm clothes more tightly. The sky is mostly covered with clouds, but it rains less and less: in the east of the country there are 6-7 rainy days per month, in Djerba - within 4x. Daytime temperature is about +16, on Djerba it rises to +18.


With the first month of spring, winter in Tunisia is losing ground. The sun is increasingly peeking out from behind the clouds, the temperature rises to an average of + 18 + 20 during the day, however, penetrating winds from the sea can prevent sunbathing on the coast. By evening the temperature drops to February +9+10. There may be occasional showers, but in general the weather is more pleasant and stable than during the winter months.

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