A story about a beast from South America. What animals live in South America. Infernal Vampire - a unique marine mollusc

The main area of ​​the vast territory of the mainland South America extends in the equatorial - tropical latitudes, therefore, does not feel a lack of sunlight, although the climate of this part of the world is not at all as hot as African.

This is the wettest continent on the planet, and there are many natural causes. The pressure difference between warm land and the ocean environment, currents off the coast of the mainland; the Andes mountain range, stretching across a huge part of its territory, blocking the path westerly winds and contributing to the increase in humidity and the loss of a significant amount of precipitation.

The climate of South America is extremely diverse, because this continent stretches across six climatic zones: from subequatorial to moderate. Along with areas of fertile nature, there are areas known for mild winters and cool summers, but famous for frequent rains and winds.

In the center of the mainland, precipitation is much less. And the highlands are distinguished by clean, dry air, but a harsh climate, where the bulk of the heavenly moisture falls, even in summer months, in the form of snow, and the weather is capricious, constantly changing during the day.

A person does not survive well in such places. Naturally, the vicissitudes of the weather affect other organisms that live there.

It is not surprising that with the data natural features, the world of fauna is incredibly diverse and rich. List of animals of South America is very extensive and impresses with its individual bright features of organic life that has taken root in this territory. It includes many beautiful and rare species creatures that amaze with their fantastic originality.

What animals are in South America live? Most have adapted well to living in harsh conditions, because some of them have to endure the discomfort of tropical showers and survive in the highlands, get used to the peculiarities of shrouds and subequatorial forests.

The fauna of this continent is amazing. Here are just some of its representatives, the diversity of which can be seen on photos of South American animals.


interesting mammals- the inhabitants of the forests are known to the whole world as very slow creatures. Peculiar animals are closely related to armadillos and anteaters, but outwardly they have little resemblance to them.

The number of sloth species included in the number animals endemic to South America, only about five. They unite in two families: two-toed and three-toed sloths, quite similar to each other. They are half a meter tall and weigh about 5 kg.

They resemble an awkward monkey in external features, and their thick shaggy hair looks like a haystack. It's curious that internal organs These animals differ in structure from other mammals. They lack hearing and vision acuity, teeth are underdeveloped, and the brain is rather primitive.

Pictured is an animal sloth


Animal world South America would be greatly impoverished without mammals. These are the most unusual animals of the edentulous - a detachment to which sloths are also ranked.

The animals are dressed by nature in something similar to chain mail, as if chained in armor, girded with hoops consisting of bone plates. They have teeth, but they are very small.

Their eyesight is not well developed, but their sense of smell and hearing are quite sharp. When feeding, such animals capture food with a sticky tongue, and are able to dig into loose earth in the blink of an eye.

Pictured is an armadillo


Scroll animal names of south america would not be complete without amazing creation, as . This is an ancient outlandish mammal that existed in the early Miocene.

These representatives of the fauna inhabit the territories of shrouds and moist forests, and also live in swampy areas. They are divided by scientists into three genera, differing in weight and size.

Representatives of the genus of giants have a mass of up to 40 kg. They, as well as members of the genus of large anteaters, spend their lives on the ground and cannot climb trees. Unlike relatives, pygmy anteaters skillfully move along trunks and branches with the help of clawed paws and a tenacious tail.

Anteaters do not have teeth, and they spend their lives in search of termite mounds and anthills, absorbing their inhabitants with the help of a sticky tongue, putting their long nose. Anteater is able to eat several tens of thousands of termites per day.

Pictured is an anteater animal


Among animal forests of south america, dangerous predator killing one jump is . It is in his dexterous, lightning-fast ability to kill his victims that the meaning of the name of this beast, translated from the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the continent, lies.

The predator is also found in shrouds and belongs to the genus Panther, reaches a weight of just under 100 kg, has a spotted color like a leopard, and has a long tail.

Such animals live in the north and in the central part of America, but are found in Argentina and Brazil. And in El Salvador and Uruguay some time ago they were completely exterminated.

Pictured is a jaguar

Mirikin monkey

American monkeys are endemic, and differ from relatives living on other continents by a wide partition separating the nostrils of these animals, for which they are called broad-nosed by many zoologists.

To this type of creatures inhabiting mountain forests, refers to Mirikina, otherwise called durukuli. These creatures, having a height of about 30 cm, are notable for the fact that, unlike others, they lead an owl lifestyle: they hunt at night, seeing perfectly and orienting themselves in the dark, and sleep during the day.

They jump like acrobats, eat small birds, insects, frogs, fruits and drink nectar. They know how to make a huge number of interesting sounds: they bark like a dog, meow; roar like jaguars; chirping and chirping like birds, filling the darkness of the night with diabolical concerts.

Mirikin monkey

titi monkey

It is not known exactly how many species of such monkeys exist in South America, since they have taken root in impenetrable forests, whose wilds cannot be fully explored.

Appearance titi resemble mirikin but have long claws. During the hunt, they guard their prey on the bough of a tree, picking up their arms and legs together, lowering their long tail down. But at the right moment, in the blink of an eye, they deftly grab their victims, whether it is a bird flying in the air or running along the ground, creature.

Pictured is a titi monkey


These monkeys live in the forests of the interior regions of the continent. They spend their lives on the tops of trees, especially in areas of the Amazon, flooded with water on long time because they cannot tolerate dampness.

They jump on the branches very dexterously and far, and walk on the ground on their hind legs, helping themselves to maintain balance with their front legs. Zookeepers, watching these, noticed their habit of rubbing their own wool with pieces of lemon. And they drink, licking water from their hands.

white-faced saki

wakari monkey

Close relatives of the saki, living in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, are known for the shortest tail among the monkeys of the continent. These peculiar creatures, classified as endangered species and rare animals of south america, have red faces and a bald forehead, and with their lost and sad expression, they look like an aged, confused person in life.

However, appearances are deceiving, because the nature of these creatures is cheerful and cheerful. But when they get nervous, they smack their lips noisily and shake with all their might the bough they are on.

uakari monkey


South American harpy bird

Titicaca whistler frog

Otherwise, this creature is called the scrotum because of the flabbiness of its skin, hanging in folds. She uses her bizarre skin for breathing, as her lungs are small in volume.

This is the most big frog in the world, found in the waters of the Andes and on Lake Titicaca. Individual specimens grow up to half a meter and weigh about a kilogram. The color of the back of such creatures is dark brown or olive, often with light spots, the belly is lighter, creamy gray.

Titicaca whistler frog

American manatee

A large mammal that inhabits the shallow waters of the Atlantic coast. Able to live also in fresh water. The average length is three or more meters, the weight in some cases reaches 600 kg.

These creatures are painted in a rough gray color, and their forelimbs resemble flippers. They eat plant foods. They have poor eyesight, and communicate by touching their muzzles.

American manatee

Amazonian inia dolphin

The largest of. His body weight can be estimated at 200 kg. These creatures are painted in dark tones, and sometimes have a reddish skin tone.

They have small eyes and a curved beak covered with tin bristles. Live in captivity no more three years and are difficult to train. They have poor eyesight, but a developed system of echolocation.

river dolphin inia

piranha fish

This aquatic creature, famous for its lightning-fast attacks, has received the title of the most voracious fish of the continent. Having a height of no more than 30 cm, she ruthlessly and brazenly attacks animals and does not disdain to eat carrion.

The shape of the body has the form of a rhombus, compressed from the sides. Usually the color is silver-gray. There are also herbivorous species These fish feed on vegetation, seeds and nuts.

Pictured is a piranha fish

Giant arapaima fish

According to scientists, the appearance of this ancient fish, a living fossil, has remained unchanged for millions of centuries. Individual individuals, as the locals of the continent assure, reach four meters in length, and their weight is estimated at 200 kg. True, ordinary specimens are more modest in size, but it is a valuable commercial one.

Giant arapaima fish

electric eel

most dangerous big fish, having a mass of up to 40 kg, found in the shallow rivers of the continent and having enough human victims on its account.

Capable of emitting electric charge high power, but it is powered only small fish. It has an elongated body and smooth, scaly skin. The color of the fish is orange or brown.

Electric eel fish

Agrias claudina butterfly

The most beautiful tropical forest with a span, saturated with colors, bright wings of 8 cm. The shape and combination of shades depends on the subspecies of the described insects, of which there are about ten. It is not easy to see a butterfly, as they are rare. Even harder to capture such beauty.

Agrias claudina butterfly

Butterfly nymphalida

With wide wings of medium size, bright and variegated colors. Its lower part usually merges with the environment against the background of dry leaves. These insects actively pollinate flowering plants. Their caterpillars feed on grasses and leaves.

Butterfly nymphalida

South America is an amazing continent full of contrasts and mysteries. Located at once on six climatic zones, it has a unique and very diverse nature. Thanks to this, the animal world of South America is represented by the most interesting and unusual creatures.

Tropical rainforests

Animals and plants of South America are presented in all their diversity in the natural area equatorial belt- tropical rainforests or selva.

The dense lush vegetation of the jungle has left its mark on the living beings living here. In order to survive in such conditions, all of them, over the long years of evolution, have adapted to an arboreal lifestyle. This is the main characteristic all animals of the humid forests, not only of South America, but also of Africa and Asia.

A lot of monkeys live in the selva, which are represented by two large families:

  • Marmoset monkeys - differ in tiny sizes, the smallest species reach only 15 cm in length. They hold on to trees thanks to prehensile limbs with strong claws.

Rice. 1. Marmosets are the smallest monkeys in the world

  • Tsebids - large monkeys, in which the tail is unusually well developed. In fact, it plays the role of the fifth limb - it is so effective when moving monkeys through trees. Most prominent representatives families of cebids - howler monkeys capable of screaming incredibly loudly, as well as spider monkeys with very long strong limbs.

But not only monkeys climb trees beautifully. In the middle and upper tiers of the equatorial jungle, one can meet sloths slowly moving from tree to tree. They feed on foliage and rarely descend to the ground.

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Even some anteaters are able to climb and move along a tree trunk. In this they are helped by a very strong tenacious tail.

Small predators of the cat family also live in the selva: jaguarundis, ocelots, jaguars. It is also found in the forests as a rare, poorly studied bush dog.

However, the most diverse and numerous in the jungle are the classes of reptiles, amphibians and insects. Only here lives the most big snake in the world - anaconda, bright, and often deadly poisonous tree frogs, incredibly large butterflies with a wingspan of 30 cm.

Rice. 2 Tree Frog

Moist forests are home to a myriad of birds, among which the most prominent are different kinds parrots and tiny hummingbirds.

Steppes, savannas and woodlands

The animals of South America, living in the drier and treeless natural zones of the continent, are adapted to life in open spaces.

Local predators are represented by the swift-footed cougar, the agile ocelot, the hardy maned wolf, Magellanic fox.

Armadillos are found in the savannas and steppes - amazing creatures that have inhabited our planet since time immemorial. Their features include a body covered with a strong shell. They are nocturnal, and are hermits, rarely forming pairs or small groups.

Of the ungulates, pampas deer, llamas, and baker pigs are common. Many different rodents, lizards, snakes live in the steppes and savannahs.

A distinctive feature of the landscape of these natural areas is a large number of termite mounds. Termites, which are popularly called "white ants", are able to build huge nests several meters high, between which communication is perfectly established using underground passages and tunnels.

Rice. 3. Termite mounds


The flora and fauna of the Andes has its own hallmarks. The mountains of South America are home to many endemic animals that have never crossed the border of their native natural area.

Two types of wild llamas live here: vigon and guanaco. Once upon a time, the locals hunted them because of tasty meat and excellent wool. However, now wild llamas in nature are a rarity.

Only found in the Andes spectacled bear, wild chinchillas, whose fur is considered one of the most expensive in the world. A large bird of prey, the condor, lives in the mountains, with a wingspan of up to 3 m.

What have we learned?

We learned what animals live in South America, what are their characteristic features. We learned who lives in various natural areas of the mainland, as well as a description of the unique features of living beings that were able to adapt to environmental conditions. The considered topic is of great interest not only for high school students, but also for 4th grade students.

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Mainland South America is located in six climatic zones. The tropical and subequatorial belts predominate, the average annual temperature on the mainland about thirty degrees of heat, the climate is quite humid. All this contributes to the development of the unique flora and fauna of South America.

The flora and fauna of the South American continent is amazing and diverse.

During Cretaceous, when the mainland Gondwana broke up, South America became an island for some time and a special fauna was formed here, where notoungulata predominated. Notoungulates translated from Latin- southern ungulates. When the isthmus between South and North America was formed, the influx of North American animals led to the partial extinction of the local fauna. This mixing of the fauna of the Americas is what paleontologists have called the "Great American Interchange."

A large number of animal species live in modern South America:

  • Mammals.
  • Reptiles.
  • Birds.
  • Amphibians.
  • Insects.
  • Fish.

Some representatives of these species exist only in South America.

In the animal world of South America, a wide variety of the cat family is represented.

The leopard belongs to the family big cats. The leopard is a large and graceful cat. Leopard's body is light, lean and muscular with very long tail. The weight of a leopard reaches sixty kilograms, the body length without a tail reaches up to two meters, while the tail reaches a length of up to one hundred and ten centimeters.

The coat color of the leopard is yellow with black spots forming a rosette with a yellow core. Each leopard has its own individual pattern of spots, akin to human fingerprints. Leopard hunts alone creeping up on the victim or waiting for her in ambush. It usually hunts antelope, but can use rodents and monkeys as food. May attack livestock. The female bears cubs for three months and gives birth to two or three kittens, upon reaching two and a half years, the kittens become independent.

Outwardly, the ocelot resembles a leopard, but is much smaller in size, rather comparable to a leopard cub. Ocelot prefers to live in tropical jungle. During the day, ocelots prefer to sleep in trees, hiding in hollows, and at night they go hunting. The prey of the ocelot are birds and small mammals, sometimes ocelots catch snakes. They live and hunt alone. The female ocelot bears cubs for 2.5 months and gives birth to one or two kittens, which feed on mother's milk for about seven weeks, and at two years the ocelots will begin an independent life.

Pampas cat.

The Pampas cat, unlike the ocelot, prefers to live on the plains and in rare forests, among bushes, grasses and deserts. Sometimes this cat is called "Grass cat". In size, this is a relatively large animal, weighing from five to twelve kilograms and a length of about eighty centimeters.

They usually hunt at night. The prey of the pampas cat is small rodents, large insects and birds. By appearance reminiscent of domestic cats pretty tough beast with short legs, dense gray-yellow coat. The color of the cat is complemented by brown spots all over the body and brown or red rings on fluffy tail. Sometimes there are cats with a solid color.

Pampas cat bears kittens for two and a half months and gives birth to two or three cubs. Cubs become independent at the age of six months, and mature by two years.

Chilean cat.

The Chilean cat prefers to live in mixed and coniferous forests. This is a small animal the size of a domestic cat. By color, these sand color cats with black spots that merge into dark stripes. This color well disguises the cat in the forest, which accompanies a successful hunt. The Chilean cat hunts for small rodents, birds, lizards and insects.

animals of south america

There are a lot of unusual animals in the flora and fauna of South America.

Alpacas are artiodactyl pets. Alpacas have been bred since ancient times. They are grown mainly for cutting wool which is highly valued in the world. Alpaca wool is similar to sheep, but lighter. Alpaca wool is used to make clothes, bedspreads, warm blankets and blankets. They are peaceful, friendly animals. They are inquisitive and fearful.


In another way, the capybara is called capybara. Capybara is a rodent, and the largest in the world. The capybara has a large, heavy body, the height at the withers is about sixty centimeters, and the weight can reach up to sixty kilograms. By appearance capybara is very similar on a guinea pig, only significantly exceeds it in size. On the body of a capybara, hard, shaggy and long hair is reddish-brown. The back has a darker color than the light belly. Paws are short with webbed toes and powerful, short claws. The capybara is quite good-natured, phlegmatic. Eats plant food.


Perhaps the most amazing animal in the world is the armadillo. The entire body of the armadillo is covered with a shell of hard bone plates. The weight of the armadillo reaches sixty kilograms, the body length is about one meter. They usually live alone They feed on termites and ants. The stomach of the armadillo, as well as the shell, is expelled by bone plates, which improves the digestion of food. The female carries a pregnancy from several weeks to several months, the cubs are born sighted and always of the same sex.

Most slow beast on the planet, therefore fully justifies its name. It lives mainly on trees, for the administration of natural needs occasionally descends to the ground. Since it is an easy prey for predators, the main life time spends in the crowns of trees. Swims well. The coat is thick and long gray-brown with a green tint. Outwardly similar to a monkey, the sloth has long limbs and a relatively small head. Sloths feed on plant foods, lizards and insects. They live alone. The female bears pregnancy from six to twelve months. The weight adult can reach nine kilograms, and growth up to sixty centimeters.

Cheerful, smart and frisky monkey. The capuchin owes its name to the monks of the Capuchin order, since the color of its coat miraculously similar to the colors of the clothes of the monks of this order. small capuchins, weigh up to five kilograms and about fifty centimeters tall. These monkeys are very emotional, quickly change their mood and even know how to cry. They feed on fruits, can profit from lizards and insects. Capuchins live in groups, however, capuchins can be kept at home.

Fish and birds of South America

There are a lot of exotic birds in South America, here are some of them:

  • Ara parrot.
  • Andean condor.
  • Frigate and other birds.

Ara parrot.

Red Macaw beautiful bird. It has a bright, contrasting plumage. Lives in tropical moist forests South America. Macaws have a good memory and able to imitate human speech. They feed on plants, sometimes raiding farmers' plantations. They are hunted by the Indians. They are hunted for their bright feathers and tasty meat. Female parrots lay two or three eggs and incubate them for about a month.

Andean condor.

From the name it is clear that this bird lives in the Andes, comes from the family of vultures and feeds on carrion. It is on the verge of destruction.

Frigates are inhabitants of the sky. Most they spend their lives flying. On the ground, they are clumsy and cannot swim at all, while they fly over water bodies and feed on fish. A frigate can take off only from trees.

Piranha predatory fish lives in the waters of the Amazon and other rivers. May be a threat to humans. The body length of a piranha is about thirty centimeters, in rare cases it reaches eighty centimeters. Males have dark blue scales, females are dark purple. Piranha loves warm, fresh, plant-rich water. They are always looking for food. They attack fish, animals and even their relatives. Sharp teeth in a closed state resemble a closed zipper. The piranha itself can be prey for turtles, caimans, snakes and birds.

The plants and animals of South America are very diverse and bright colors. unusual mammals, birds, fish and insects, all this makes up the unique fauna of South America. Favorable climate This continent contributes to the reproduction of South American animals and a large number of diverse jungle vegetation.


South American rainforests are located in the Amazonian lowlands. The fauna of this vast region is very diverse. Some, and its most diverse representatives, are interesting in that they have perfectly adapted to life on trees.

For example, broad-nosed American primates lead an arboreal lifestyle. Some of the most interesting are cybids and marmosets. Main Feature cybid or chain-tailed monkeys is a long and strong tail that plays the role of the fifth limb in these primates. With their tail, cybids cling to branches when moving in the crowns of trees. Tiny marmosets or claws have claws on their fingers, thick hair and tassels at the tips of their ears. The body length of the marmoset monkey is 13-37 cm. At the same time, the length of the tail, which they use as a counterweight when moving, is from 15 to 42 cm. They live in the upper tier of rain forests. They rarely come down to the ground. Omnivorous.

The sloth is an animal that lives only in South America, another representative of the fauna that prefers life in the crowns of trees. Inactive, spends most of the time in a hanging position. It rarely descends to the ground. Feeds on leaves and shoots of trees.

Tamandua, or four-toed, is an animal that leads mainly a nocturnal lifestyle. It spends most of its time in trees, has long claws and a prehensile tail. On the ground they move slowly. In contrast, a large anteater, also living in Amazonian forests lives only on earth.

An arboreal lifestyle is led by some representatives of raccoons and rodents - nose, kinkajou or flower bear, koendu or arboreal prehensile-tailed porcupine - as well as certain types marsupial rats or opossums. The largest representative of the rodent family, the capybara capybara, also lives in the Amazon forests, the body length of which reaches 120 cm.

And the forests are inhabited by a large number of amphibians and reptiles - the anaconda water boa, the tree dog-headed boa, many poisonous snakes and lizards, reptiles live in the rivers. The Orinoco crocodile is the largest South American animal. The body length of individual individuals reaches 5 m. But perhaps the most famous river dweller is the bloodthirsty predator piranha. Interesting representatives amphibians are tree frogs.

A lot of birds live in the forests - hotians, harpies, black-billed herons, sun herons, a large number of parrots, among which the largest species is the macaw. A characteristic representative of birds is the hummingbird. One of the species of these birds, the hummingbird, is the smallest bird in the world. In addition, the South American rainforests are home to a huge number of insects - ants, beetles, butterflies.

In the South American savannah and subtropical steppes, there are no such large herbivores as in Africa. Here you can see small pampas deer, several types of llamas, armadillos, anteaters, wild pigs-peccaries. Coypu and marsh beavers live on the banks of reservoirs. In addition to the same predators as in the rain forests, here you can find cougars, cats and pampa foxes, Magellanic foxes, maned wolves.

Waiting for scientists big success when they went in search of rare and new species of animals and plants in Suriname - a country on the northeast coast of South America. The visit resulted in the description of 1,378 species in the highlands of Suriname, including 60 species that are new.

Let's get to know some of them.

Ants are important scavengers in nature and in this photo they (Camponotus sp.) are eating dead insects. This is just one of 149 ant species found during the expedition. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

granite mountain

This is a unique granite mountain, towering 700 meters above tropical forests. From here it is good to observe the surroundings. Scientists have found several unusual species animals, including some species of water beetles, which were new to science. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Big blue beetles

Coprophanaeus lancifer is the largest of all dung beetles in South America. Both males and females have long horns on their heads, which they use when fighting other individuals of the same sex. The huge difference in size is primarily determined by how much food was available to the developing larvae. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

tree frog

The tree frog (Hypsiboas Sp.), like other amphibians, has a semi-permeable skin that makes it very sensitive to changes in environment(climate, availability of water). (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

Where was science made?

Palumeu river in Suriname. At this point it is wide and seething, but the science team's base camp was much further upstream, where the Palumeu River was so narrow that the scientists could cross it on a fallen tree:

sensitive flower

This orchid (Phragmipedium lindleyanum) is one of several rare and beautiful views orchids discovered on top of a previously unexplored mountain called Grensgebergte. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

midget bug

The tiny midget beetle (Canthidium cf. minimum) is probably the new kind for science, perhaps even a new genus. With a length of only 2.3 mm, it is the second largest of all described beetle species in South America. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

carnivorous grasshopper

While most grasshoppers are herbivores and feed on leaves, this species (Copiphora longicauda) uses its powerful, sharp jaws to prey on insects and other invertebrates. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

The night Watch

Because many mammals are very elusive and difficult to see in the forest, scientists use automated camera traps. The camera detects the animal using an infrared sensor and releases the shutter. From 24 large species of mammals encountered on the expedition, many were discovered using such camera traps. And this is a long-tailed cat (Leopardus wiedii). (Photo by Conservation International):

Suriname is not a paradise for all living creatures. This photograph, taken during one of the scientists' night walks, shows a wolf spider feeding on a frog. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

The numerous streams, streams and waterfalls in the region provide an important habitat for a large number of terrestrial and aquatic species. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

I can see you

Beautiful tree frog(Hypsiboas geographicus). She is one of 46 frog species found during the scientific expedition, including six frog species that may be new to science. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

colorful frog

This poison dart frog Anomaloglossus sp. releases powerful toxins. Her poison is used local residents during the hunt. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Don't mess with this grasshopper

This grasshopper species (Pseudophyllinae: Teleutiini) is so strange that it actually represents a whole new genus in science. It is unusually long, lanky, and its legs are covered with sharp spikes that help deter predators. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

colorful snake

Bright colors a la coral snake give Erythrolamprus aesculpi protection from predators, although this snake lacks deadly poison, which real coral snakes have. This is one of 19 snakes found during the expedition. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

I like to eat…fruits

Yes, this bat (Artibeus planirostris) eats fruit, and sharp teeth help to grasp large fruits. (Photo by Burton Lim | Conservation International):

This opossum (Marmosops parvidens) belongs to tree species and eats insects and fruits. One of 39 species small mammals(rats, bats, opossums) found in virgin forests Suriname during the expedition. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

In the arms of a tree

The amaranth tree (Peltogyne venosa) has massive roots that provide support, especially during extreme storms and floods. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

The mountains and vast untouched forests in the southeast of Suriname are often shrouded in clouds. This is one of the wettest areas in the country. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Frog debut

This tree frog is one of six new frog species discovered by scientists in Suriname. (Photo by Stuart V Nielsen | Conservation International):

Water all around

A rain-flooded science camp in southeastern Suriname. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Are you looking at me?

Neusticurus (Neusticurus bicarinatus). This lizard is an excellent underwater swimmer. (Photo by Stuart V Nielsen | Conservation International):

Smart disguise

Many types of delfacid are isolated from abdominal cavity wax, sometimes long threads are formed from it, as seen in this photo. Such clever disguise can deceive the predator, and he will attack the wrong part of the insect. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Shed light on new species

This is one (Hemigrammus AFF. Ocellifer) of 11 new fish species discovered during the expedition. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

long-tailed cat

Long-tailed cat (Leopardus wiedii). It looks like a smaller specimen of its related ocelot. (Photo by Brian O "Shea | Conservation International):

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