Climatic zones of Eurasia - description, features and interesting facts. Climatic zones of Eurasia What climatic zones are there in Eurasia

The material tells about the climatic zones of the largest continent on the planet. Explains the meaning of branching and diversity of climatic zones.

Climatic zones of Eurasia

Based on the data obtained by observing weather changes and their seasonality, scientists have obtained comprehensive information on the climatic zones of Eurasia.

All their diversity is expressed on the mainland. Each of the belts is divided into independent regions, which are characterized by special climatic conditions.

Rice. 1. Zones of influence of climatic zones on the map of Eurasia.

If we combine the climatic zones of Eurasia into a table, we get a list with a branched structure.

Such branching of the structure is due to the fact that in each of the belts of Eurasia there are small areas that are also subject to division.

The main climatic zones of the mainland are presented as follows:

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  • Arctic;
  • Subarctic;
  • Moderate;
  • Subtropical;
  • Tropical;
  • Subequatorial;
  • Equatorial.

It is customary to start assessing the climatic zones of Eurasia from the Arctic zone. Its zone of influence includes island territories located in the northern regions of the mainland and bordering the Arctic Ocean.

Eurasia is a unique place on earth also in that here you can observe not only the sandy deserts familiar to everyone, but also the polar deserts, which are geographically located on the mainland islands. This area is also called the periglacial regions of Eurasia. These islands are the territories of the Canadian archipelago, which are located in the north of Greenland.

Rice. 2. Ice deserts of Eurasia.

The deserts of Eurasia are truly unique both in their composition and in their territorial distribution relative to the poles.

On the territory of Eurasia, extratropical desert regions lie in the region of the Caspian lowland, as well as on the Central Asian and South Kazakh plains, in the Central Asian basin and in the Near Asian highlands.

The Central Asian desert formations are characterized by a sharply continental climate.

Climate of Eastern Eurasia

This part of the mainland is dominated by a predominantly temperate climate zone. His possessions run from the southern coast of the Bay of Biscay, and then extend to the Black and Caspian Seas. Winds characteristic of temperate latitudes predominate in these areas all year round.

The main part of the mainland is influenced by a temperate continental climate.

The Russian Plain is completely under his authority. Continental climate is typical for Siberia, Middle and Central Asia.

Rice. 3. Eastern Eurasia on the map.

The monsoon climate arose in the regions of northeastern China, as well as in the region of the Korean Peninsula, on about. Hokkaido and the northern tip of about. Honshu. In winter, the region is subject to the influence of dry frosty air, which moves from the baric center of Central Asia.

During the summer months, the air mass flows are warm and contain a high percentage of humidity. Moisture comes here thanks to the Pacific monsoon. The summer period is characterized by more than half of the annual precipitation.

Winters here are quite frosty, and the summer period is characterized by sultryness.

What have we learned?

From the article, we found out which climatic zones influence the largest continental territory of the Earth. We learned about the diversity and vastness of the desert territories of the mainland. We found out that deserts can be located not only in warm latitudes. We received information about the climate characteristic of the eastern part of the mainland.

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In the climate Eurasia shows features associated with the huge size of its territory. The position of the main part of the mainland between the equator and the Arctic Circle, the massiveness of the eastern and central parts, the dissection of the western and southern margins, the influence of ocean basins, and the complex structure of the surface create an exceptional variety of climatic conditions in Eurasia.

Annual total radiation in Eurasia, it varies within the following limits (Fig. 5): on the Arctic islands it is 2520 MJ / m 2 (60 kcal / cm 2), in the western part of Europe - from 2940 to 5880 (from 70 to 140), in the south and south -East of Asia - 5000-7570 (120-180), and in Arabia reaches the maximum value on Earth - 8400-9240 (200-220).

Rice. 5. Total solar radiation per year

The annual radiation balance varies within Eurasia from 420 to 3360 MJ/m 2 (10-80 kcal/cm 2). In January, north of the line Brittany - the north of the Adriatic - the center of the Black Sea - the south of the Caspian - the north of the Korean peninsula - the north of the Japanese islands, the radiation balance is negative (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Radiation balance for the year

Main atmospheric process for most of Eurasia - west-east transport and associated cyclonic activity. With the western transfer to the mainland throughout the year, air enters from the Atlantic Ocean and spreads to its eastern outskirts. As it moves east, the Atlantic air transforms, giving off moisture, cooling in winter and warming up in summer. Due to the large horizontal dissection of the western part of Eurasia and the absence of sharp orographic obstacles, the process of transformation of air masses over Europe is relatively slow, and therefore climatic conditions change gradually. Only beyond the Urals, within Asia, is the predominance of continental air masses observed throughout the year. Sharp contrasts in heating and in pressure conditions between the mainland and the Pacific Ocean, intensified by the peculiarities of the orography of Central and East Asia, determine the monsoon circulation typical of the east of Eurasia, which is most pronounced here in comparison with all other regions of the Earth. The circulation over the southern parts of Eurasia also has a monsoon character, only here it manifests itself in the interaction between the mainland and the Indian Ocean.

Consider how meteorological conditions change in Eurasia by season.

in winter the contrasts in heating and pressure distribution over the mainland, on the one hand, and the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, on the other, are especially pronounced. The January isobar maps over Eurasia and neighboring oceanic basins clearly show the following baric regions ( rice. 7).

Rice. 7. Air pressure and winds in January

In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean there is a closed area of ​​low pressure(North Atlantic, or Icelandic, low), due to the influence of the warm North Atlantic current and the frequent passage of deep cyclonic depressions moving from the coast of North America to the east. Due to the influence of the warm current and the deep penetration of sea basins into the interior of the continent, the reduced pressure also extends to the southern part of the Arctic Ocean and the western coast of Europe.

The boundaries of the greatest distribution of floating ice (in March, April - for the northern hemisphere, in September for the southern hemisphere) Areas for which the values ​​of the radiation balance have not been determined: mountainous areas

To the south, 30° N, there is high pressure area(North Atlantic, or Azores, maximum), which is part of the subtropical high pressure zone of the northern hemisphere. The interaction of these baric regions is of particular importance for the formation of meteorological conditions in Europe. The air flowing along the northern and eastern periphery of the North Atlantic Maximum is drawn into the area of ​​low pressure over the North Atlantic and the western margin of Europe, creating in temperate latitudes a system of cyclonic winds of the western and southwestern direction, blowing from the relatively warm ocean to the mainland and bringing a lot of moisture. In the polar latitudes, winds with an easterly component prevail at this time. The main routes of movement of cyclonic depressions in winter pass through Iceland, the Scandinavian Peninsula and the Barents Sea. Over the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, which accumulate a large amount of heat, local cyclogenesis develops in winter. Most often, cyclones form over the Ligurian Sea and the Gulf of Lion, over the southern part of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the island of Cyprus. From here they head east and northeast, penetrating in some years up to the Indus Valley.

Passage of cyclones in Europe it is accompanied by cloudy weather with rain or sleet, typical of the Western European winter. Often the sea air of temperate latitudes is replaced by arctic air, causing a sharp decrease in temperature and a decrease in precipitation. Arctic air spreads to the south, but relatively rarely penetrates into the southern part of Europe, as it is delayed by sublatitudinally located mountain ranges. The farther to the east, the more frequent and longer the arctic air intrusions.

When driving western air flow over the continent is its cooling and drying. In the interior regions of Asia, in connection with the cooling of the surface layers of the atmosphere, an area of ​​increased pressure is created, above which a hollow is formed in the upper troposphere. Transformed air coming from the west is drawn into this hollow, cools and settles, replenishing the high pressure area in the surface layers. The influence of the relief of the inner parts of Asia also has an effect: high mountain structures rising south of the maximum formation region prevent the spread of cold air masses and contribute to their concentration in a relatively limited space. As a result of the interaction of all these processes, the largest high-pressure area on Earth, the Asian quasi-stationary maximum, is created over the interior of Eurasia in winter.

Along the northern and eastern periphery of this maximum, cold and dry continental air flows towards the Pacific Ocean, which is warmer at this time. The resulting northerly and northwesterly winds are known as the winter monsoon.

Asian High can form a spur, which sometimes extends as far as Western Europe, causing severe cooling there.

Southern Asia in winter it is under the influence of the trade wind circulation. The Arabian Peninsula, together with the neighboring Sahara, is influenced by the eastern periphery of the North Atlantic High and the dry northern winds associated with it. Over Hindustan and Indochina, on the island of Sri Lanka, the Philippines and in the north of the Sunda Islands, the northeast trade wind dominates, flowing from the North Pacific maximum towards the equatorial trough, shifted to the south at this time. In the countries of South and Southeast Asia, it is called the winter monsoon.

Despite the negative radiation balance north of 39-40° N, in areas, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, the average January temperature is much higher than 0 ° C, since in winter the Atlantic air is a relatively warm air mass. The January isotherms extend submeridionally over most of the temperate zone of Eurasia and take a sublatitudinal direction only to the east of the Yenisei (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Average air temperature in Eurasia at ground level (January)

off the west coast In the Scandinavian Peninsula, the zero isotherm of January rises up to 70° N, fixing the highest positive anomaly of mid-latitude winter temperatures (over 20°). The farther to the east, the lower the average winter temperature becomes. Already in the eastern part of foreign Europe, it acquires a negative value.

Atlantic air brings a large amount of moisture to land, which falls in the west of Europe in the form of rain or sleet. Especially a lot of precipitation occurs on the mountain slopes of the western exposure. Winter cyclonic precipitation is also characteristic of the Mediterranean coast and the western regions of Asia. Their number sharply decreases from west to east due to the weakening of frontal activity in the inner parts of the continent.

In most of overseas Asia in winter precipitation missing. In the interior, this is due to the anticyclonic state of the atmosphere and strong supercooling of the surface. On the eastern edge of the mainland, the reason for the lack of precipitation is the continental monsoon, which carries dry cold air towards the ocean. In this regard, Central and East Asia is characterized by low winter temperatures with a pronounced negative anomaly, which is felt up to the tropic, where temperatures can drop to 0 °C. In the north, the average January temperature is -20, -25 °C.

In the southern peninsulas and islands of Asia, where trade winds operate in winter, dry weather also prevails. Precipitation occurs only in those areas where the trade winds or northern winds bring enough moisture (windward slopes of the Philippine Islands, the southeastern tip of Hindustan and the islands of Sri Lanka). On the Sunda Islands, located on the equator and south of it, convective rain falls. The January temperature in the entire southern part of Asia is high: 16 ... 20 ° C, on the islands of the Malay Archipelago it reaches 25 ° C in places.

Summer meteorological conditions in Eurasia and its neighboring oceans are changing significantly. The Asian maximum disappears, and low pressure sets in over the heated continent with a closed center in the Indus River basin and on the shores of the Persian Gulf (South Asian Low). It is the northern margin of the equatorial trough, which in Eurasia extends farthest from the equator (up to 22-28° N). The pressure rises towards the oceans. The Iceland Low is weakening and the North Pacific Low is disappearing. An area of ​​high pressure persists over the polar basin. The North Atlantic and North Pacific highs intensify and widen to the north. In the Indian Ocean, south of the tropic, the South Indian High grows in the winter season of the southern hemisphere. This distribution of pressure in the surface layers of the atmosphere creates conditions for the transfer of air masses to Eurasia from the surrounding oceans ( rice. nine).

Rice. 9. Air pressure and winds in July

In the northwest of Europe, between the area of ​​high pressure in the Arctic and the spur of the North Atlantic High, there is a band of relatively low pressure. Cyclonic activity associated with the Arctic front takes place within its limits. In this regard, western and northwestern winds prevail, which carry relatively cold air from the ocean to the mainland. Over the warmed mainland, it quickly transforms into a continental one. At the same time, the marine Arctic masses are undergoing transformation. This increases not only the temperature, but also the moisture content of the air due to evaporation from the underlying surface. July isotherms in Europe extend sublatitudinally everywhere, with a slight deviation to the south near the coast of the ocean. The average July temperature in the west varies from north to south from 12 to 24 °С, in the east it sometimes reaches 26...28 °С (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Average air temperature in Eurasia at ground level (July)

Summer in Europe rains are less plentiful than in winter, as cyclonic activity weakens. In Southern Europe and Western Asia, where winds blow from the eastern periphery of the North Atlantic High, carrying tropical air, there is almost no precipitation.

Ascending the average July temperature and a decrease in precipitation due to the transformation of the Atlantic air when moving from west to east is felt almost throughout the mainland. It is especially dry and hot in the inner parts of the mainland (Central Asia), protected by mountain rises from moist air currents from the oceans. Dryness and high temperatures (average July up to 32 ° C) are also characteristic of most of the Arabian Peninsula, which is under the influence of the northeast trade wind flowing from the North Atlantic High.

In other conditions are eastern and southern suburbs mainland adjacent to the Pacific and Indian oceans. The temperature and baric contrasts between them and the vast landmass of Eurasia are especially strong in summer. Humid and relatively cold air enters Asia along the western periphery of the Pacific High. As a result of its interaction with continental air masses, heavy rain showers fall. This air current is called the summer monsoon in East Asia.

In the south of Asia(Indostan, Indochina) the role of the summer monsoon is played by the flow of equatorial air, carrying huge masses of moisture from the Indian Ocean. Due to the configuration and size of Eurasia and the expansion of the equatorial trough, the equatorial air in the form of a monsoon of the prevailing southwesterly direction penetrates very far to the north. Where the monsoon flow meets mountain rises, precipitation is especially abundant (for example, on the southeastern slopes of the Himalayas, on the southern slope of the Shillong massif, in Cherrapunji, the maximum amount of precipitation on the globe is recorded - 10719 mm per year, etc.). On equatorial islands, convective intramass precipitation is of great importance (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Average annual precipitation in Eurasia, mm

In the Pacific and Indian Oceans Every year from June to November, tropical cyclones, or typhoons, are born, bringing great disasters to the population of the countries of East and South Asia. These are the strongest cyclonic eddies, the speed of which over the open ocean in exceptional cases can reach 100 km/h (usually 30-50 km/h). They are accompanied by downpours, during which 150 mm of precipitation or more can fall. On the coasts, surge waves pose a great threat, which, together with showers, cause catastrophic floods. The Philippines and the Japanese islands are especially affected by typhoons, but sometimes the disaster also captures the outskirts of the continent up to the south of the Far East. In the Indian Ocean, tropical cyclones move north and northwest to the northern coasts of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

According to its size and geographical position, Eurasia with the islands adjacent to it is located in all climatic zones of the northern hemisphere, and within each zone all the climatic regions inherent in it are represented. Thus, we can say that in Eurasia there are all types of climates known on Earth.

northernmost islands Eurasia, and in the east and the strip of the mainland adjacent to the Arctic Ocean, are located within the Arctic zone. Of the foreign territories of Eurasia, the Arctic climate is typical for the Svalbard archipelago and small oceanic islands. Due to the geographical position and the influence of warm currents, the islands have a maritime arctic climate with relatively high winter temperatures (from -16 to -20 ° C) and a significant amount of precipitation (about 300 mm).

In a narrow strip, capturing Iceland and Scandinavia north of the Arctic Circle and expanding somewhat in the east, it crosses Eurasia subarctic belt. It is located between the summer and winter positions of the Arctic front and is characterized by the predominance of westerly circulation in summer and cold eastern Arctic winds in winter. In the west of Europe, especially in Iceland, the subarctic regions are characterized by relatively mild (-5, -10 °С) winters, cool (not more than 10 °С) summers and a large amount of precipitation (300-700 mm) falling in all seasons in the form of rain and snow.

The widest and most massive part of Eurasia lies within temperate climate zone, whose southern boundary, determined by the summer position of the polar front, runs from the southern coast of the Bay of Biscay through the middle of the Black and Caspian Seas to the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and the middle part of the island of Honshu. Despite the dominance of the west-east transfer throughout the year, the temperate zone within Eurasia is characterized by large differences in climatic conditions, which gives reason to consider it by region.

Region oceanic temperate warm climate includes the south of Iceland, the western outskirts of the Scandinavian Peninsula, the British Isles and the extreme west of the mainland - the Jutland Peninsula, the west and north of France. There are reasons to attribute the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula to this region of the temperate zone. Throughout the year, the Atlantic air, brought by the western winds, prevails there, and cyclonic activity is manifested. Winter is characterized by unstable rainy and foggy weather with an average temperature of the coldest month from 1 to 6 ° C, frosts and snowfalls are rare, and there is no stable snow cover. The average summer temperature is 10 ... 18 "C. Precipitation falls throughout the year, with a maximum in winter due to especially intense cyclonic activity. Annual precipitation in almost the entire region is more than 1000 mm, and evaporation does not exceed 800 mm per year. Therefore the Atlantic regions of Europe are characterized by excessive moisture ( rice. 12).

Rice. 12. The difference in precipitation and evaporation for the year

The climate of the rest of the temperate zone of Europe up to the Ural Mountains can be called transitional, from oceanic to continental. The most important role in climate formation belongs to the transformation of the Atlantic air and the ever-increasing influence of continental air masses that form over the mainland itself. Compared to the previous one, this area is characterized by less precipitation, large amplitudes of temperature fluctuations, and the presence of a frosty period of various durations. Within the area under consideration, more than in the previous one, differences between north and south are expressed. Scandinavia and Finland are characterized by long and severe winters. The Scandinavian mountains enhance the transformation of the Atlantic air and at the same time do not prevent the penetration of cold air masses from the Arctic. Therefore, the temperature in Sweden and Finland can drop to -40 °C, and in exceptional cases even to -50 °C, with an average January temperature of -10, -15 °C. Summer north of the 50th parallel is cool, with maximum precipitation at its beginning. Annual rainfall of 500 to 1000 mm with evaporation less than 600 mm provides excessive moisture throughout the year. The southern part of the region is characterized by less sharp temperature amplitudes, moderately cold winters with an average January temperature only slightly below 0 °C. The duration of snow cover and freeze-up on the rivers is short, it increases from west to east. Summer is warm, with an average July temperature of 12...20 °C. The maximum precipitation occurs in the first half of summer, evaporation increases to 800 mm, and moisture decreases compared to the northern regions.

A significant part of Asia within Russia, the countries of Central Asia, as well as Mongolia and Northwestern China (Gobi and Dzungaria) are located in the region continental climate temperate zone, which is under the influence of inland air masses all year round. Due to the influence of the Asian High, the region is characterized by cold winters with sharp temperature differences from place to place. With an average January temperature from -3 °С in the west of China to -12 °С in the north of Kazakhstan and -25 °С in Mongolia, in calm and cloudless weather, there are drops to -35 ... -50 °С. Due to persistent low winter temperatures and the almost complete absence of snow, permafrost develops in the eastern regions of the region. Almost the entire annual amount of precipitation (about 200 mm) falls in summer in the form of frontal rains. The average July temperature reaches 30 °C in the south of the region. Humidification is insufficient.

East of the Greater Khingan Range, including Northeast China, northern Korean Peninsula, Hokkaido and northern Honshu, climate monsoonal. This whole area is characterized by sharp differences in temperature, precipitation and moisture according to the seasons of the year. In winter, dry frosty weather prevails with strong winds blowing from the Asian High and raising a lot of dust. Only on the Japanese islands do heavy snows fall, since the continental air, passing over the relatively warm Sea of ​​Japan, is saturated with moisture in the lower layers. In summer, the southeast monsoon blows, bringing humid unstable air from the southern and western periphery of the Pacific anticyclone. Approximately 70% of the annual amount of precipitation is associated with its arrival, falling in the form of showers at intervals of 4-5 days.

Subtropical the climatic zone also crosses Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Within its limits, the west-east transfer in summer is replaced by tropical circulation. Of great importance is the system of mountain uplifts of High Asia, which in winter causes the splitting of the western transport stream into two branches - northern and southern. The latter passes south of the Himalayas, causing, according to G. N. Vitvitsky, a shift in comparison with other continents of the southern border of the subtropical belt in the direction of the equator.

The Iberian and Apennine Peninsulas, the south and west of the Balkan Peninsula, the west and south of Asia Minor, the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean islands, the south of the Crimean Peninsula and the north of Mesopotamia are in a subtropical climate with a dry summer ( Mediterranean). Summer dryness is associated with winds flowing along the eastern periphery of the extended North Atlantic High. The prevailing wind direction is northwest in the Western Mediterranean and northeast in the East. The average temperature in July is from 23 to 28 °C. With an almost complete absence of precipitation, the evaporation rate is 3-4 times higher than the actual evaporation. In winter, the Azores High shifts to the south and the Mediterranean falls into a system of westerly transport and cyclonic activity, with which 75-80% of the annual precipitation is associated. The average temperature of the coldest month increases from north to south from 4 to 12 °C. In the western part of the region of the Mediterranean climate, Atlantic air is predominant, in the east - continental. Therefore, when moving from west to east, the amount of precipitation decreases and the temperature amplitudes increase.

Inside the mainland, from the Iranian Plateau to the basin of the middle Yellow River, including the Tarim Basin, Beishan, the south of the Gobi and other regions of Central and Central Asia, the climate subtropical continental. This area is characterized by hot summers (25...35 °C) and cool winters with an average temperature above 0 °C, although in some years frosts can reach -20 °C. Precipitation is less than 200 mm per year, the air is very dry, the daily and annual temperature amplitudes are significant. In the rainfall regime, there are differences between west and east. In the west, winter precipitation is associated with the Iranian branch of the polar front and cyclonic activity. The east is dominated by summer precipitation brought by the southeast monsoon.

Special, extracontinental The climate of the highlands is characteristic of the interior regions of Asia (Tibet), which can be attributed to the subtropical zone only by geographical location, and not by actual climatic conditions. Due to the significant absolute heights, temperatures do not rise above 10 ... 15 ° C even in summer, in winter these areas are characterized by the same negative temperatures. The amount of precipitation, even in the most humid areas, does not exceed 500 mm per year, and in some places decreases to 100-150 mm, which causes aridity of the climate.

The climate of the eastern sector of the subtropical zone, as well as the temperate one, monsoonal. It extends to the Yangtze River basin and the southern part of the Japanese Islands. From the monsoon climate of the temperate zone, the subtropical monsoon climate is distinguished by a higher average winter temperature (from 4 to 8 ° C) and large annual precipitation, which exceeds 1000 mm and completely covers the evaporation rate. Winter dryness south of the Yangtze River valley is less pronounced than north of it, since there a front is created between the air flowing along the eastern periphery of the Asian high and the air of the southern branch of the western transport, and therefore rain falls. When the front breaks and the invasion of cold continental air to the south, up to the tropic, the temperature can drop to 0 °C. Noteworthy are the differences in winter conditions in the Mediterranean region and the Yangtze basin. In the first case, due to the direct influence of the Atlantic air, the winter is very warm with an average temperature of the coldest month from 10 to 12 ° C, in the second case, the average January temperature is almost twice as low, and significant drops are possible. This is due to the influence of the Asian high, the air of which is carried far to the south. In this regard, the southern border of the subtropical belt in East Asia has shifted almost to the tropic.

The climatic conditions of Eurasia are associated with its geographical position in the Northern Hemisphere from the equator to the high latitudes of the Arctic, its huge size, the complexity of the orographic structure and the indentation of the coastline. The vast expanses of the plains are open to air masses coming from the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Mountain uplifts in the south and east practically exclude the penetration of air masses into the depths of the mainland from the side of the Indian Ocean and limit their entry from the side of the Pacific Ocean.

The monsoon intrusion of the Pacific air in the east of Eurasia, especially in the northern latitudes, is small: the submeridional strike of the mountain ranges limits this intrusion. In the south and southeast of the mainland, monsoon circulation is classically expressed and largely determines the agricultural activity of the population. Depending on the transport of air masses and orography, precipitation is very unevenly distributed throughout the year and seasons. Deserts are located in the continental sectors of the temperate and subtropical zones, as well as in the tropical zone.

Climatic conditions depend on the magnitude total solar radiation coming to the earth's surface during the year and its transformation. On the plains, its rate increases from north to south from 250 kJ / cm 2 per year in the area of ​​Franz Josef Land to 670 kJ / cm 2 in equatorial regions. In the mountains, this value becomes somewhat larger.

The weather and climatic conditions of winter and summer are determined by the changing position atmospheric action centers(areas of high and low pressure). In winter, a high pressure area forms in the center of chilled Asia - the Asian (Siberian, Mongolian, Central Asian) anticyclone. In summer it is replaced by the Asian depression, an area of ​​low pressure.

Another of the most famous centers of high pressure is the subtropical high off the Azores in the North Atlantic. In winter, these two anticyclones are connected by a high-pressure axis, called the "major axis of the Eurasian continent." It is also called the A.I. axis in honor of its discoverer. Voeikov, who described this phenomenon in 1884.

"Major Axis of the Eurasian Continent" is clearly seen on numerous synoptic maps specifically for the winter period. In winter, a high-pressure band extends from the southern part of Eastern Siberia, which runs south of the Ural Mountains, through the forest-steppe of Ukraine, the Danube plains, southern France and Spain, reaching the Azores maximum. A similar axis is also formed in the summer months, but less pronounced. The high pressure axis is characterized by dry cloudless weather, calm or light winds, severe frosts in winter and heat in summer with almost no precipitation. It plays an important role in the winter circulation of the atmosphere, deflecting cyclones from the Atlantic to the north.

The wide development of the Asian anticyclone is also due to the presence of centers of stable low atmospheric pressure in the North Atlantic in the region of Iceland (Icelandic Low) and over the northern part of the Pacific Ocean near the Aleutian Islands (Aleutian Low). At the same time, in the region of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean and over the Arctic, there are centers of high atmospheric pressure (Azores and Arctic maxima).

The general nature of the western transfer of air masses enhances the appearance in the winter months of stable air currents in the southeast of the mainland - the northwest continental monsoon, typical of northeast China, the Korean Peninsula and most of the Japanese islands. In the east of Asia, in the temperate and subtropical zone, for this reason, abnormally cold and dry winters are common (compared to these latitudes in Europe).

Summer conditions for the circulation of air masses and the position of the main centers of action of the atmosphere in relation to the mainland change significantly. The winter Asian anticyclone is destroyed, a wide area of ​​low atmospheric pressure is established over the warm expanses of the mainland. The Azores High, whose branch can be traced in the southern and partly central regions of Europe, expands significantly, determining the dry and hot season in the Mediterranean and the Near Asian highlands. The Icelandic low is weakening, the trajectory of cyclones will mix into the northern part of Eurasia. In Europe, cyclonic activity is weakening, usually there are warm sunny days.

In Hindustan, Indochina, the Malay Archipelago and South China, the summer subequatorial monsoon dominates with heavy precipitation on the windward slopes of the mountains. In the eastern and southeastern regions of the mainland, the influence of marine tropical air, coming from the Pacific Ocean along the western periphery of the Hawaiian anticyclone, is increasing.

The land experiences the greatest heating in summer in tropical and partly in temperate latitudes, which contributes to the formation of low pressure over almost the entire continent. As a result, the fronts are weakly expressed. The air temperature drops to the north throughout the mainland, except for the oceanic areas. Internal thermal differences are not as sharp as in winter, the amplitude does not exceed 10-15 °C.

The northern part of Eurasia is humidified normally, the Mediterranean - weakly, the deserts of Arabia, Central and Central Asia and the Gobi - very weakly. Abundant monsoon rains fall in South and East Asia.

The following main types of air masses move throughout the territory of Eurasia during the year.

Maritime arctic air forms over ice-free waters of the Arctic. It has a negative, but higher than the continental Arctic air, temperature and high relative humidity. However, its moisture reserves are small. This air most often invades the northern regions of the East European and West Siberian plains during the transitional seasons of the year in cyclones accompanied by fresh winds and snowfalls.

Continental arctic air formed over the ice fields of the Arctic. Possessing a large vertical thickness (up to 2000 m), in some cases it can spread in winter over the surface of the snow cover to the south to the Alps, the Greater Caucasus and the mountains of Central Asia. At the same time, its transformation is weak. This air is characterized by low temperature (down to -30 °C in winter), high relative humidity (85-90%) and low moisture content. In the warm season, it warms up and additionally moistens in the tundra and forest-tundra.

Sea air of temperate latitudes the mainland comes to the west from the Atlantic Ocean, to the east - from the Pacific Ocean. In winter, it is warmer than the continental air of temperate latitudes and differs from it in higher relative humidity and higher moisture content. In summer, on the contrary, it has a relatively low temperature, but retains a high relative humidity with a significant moisture content. When moving deep into the continent, sea air gradually heats up, loses some of its moisture and transforms into continental air.

Continental air of temperate latitudes dominates the territory of Eurasia. It is formed mainly from air masses coming from the Atlantic, Arctic and, to a lesser extent, the Pacific Oceans, as well as from the Iranian Highlands and Central Asia, located in the subtropical zone. It is characterized by a relatively low temperature in winter (the average temperature in January, depending on local conditions, ranges from -10 to -50 ° C) and quite high in summer (in July from 13 to 25 ° C). Absolute and relative air humidity is not constant and varies depending on regional conditions.

Sea tropical air most often penetrates in summer to the southern peninsulas of Europe and to the south-west of the East European Plain from the region of the Azores High, while passing over the Mediterranean Sea. The influence of this air mass from the Pacific Ocean along the western periphery of the Hawaiian anticyclone to the eastern and southeastern regions of the mainland, including the south of the Far East, also intensifies in summer.

Continental tropical air dominates the Arabian Peninsula and can invade the south of the East European Plain, Central Asia and Kazakhstan through Asia Minor and the Iranian Highlands. In addition, in summer it is formed in the deserts of Central Asia and in the south of the East European Plain as a result of the transformation of continental air in temperate latitudes. In summer, it penetrates into the East European and West Siberian plains up to 55º N latitude. It is characterized by high temperature and significant moisture content at low relative humidity, as well as often increased dustiness.

equatorial air with intensive convention during the year prevails in the equatorial region of insular Asia. In Hindustan, Indo-China, South China and the Malay Archipelago, the summer monsoon with heavy rainfall manifests itself classically, especially on the windward slopes of the mountains. A powerful flow of cold air from the north (the southern branch of the Asian anticyclone) is realized in this area during the winter monsoon with abnormally cold and dry weather.

Winter on the territory of Eurasia is characterized by the following regularities. The lowest average January temperature is observed in the intermountain basins of the Oymyakon Highlands. In Oymyakon, at an altitude of 600 m, it is -50 °C, while the absolute minimum is -72.2 °C (in Verkhoyansk). The reason for such cold weather lies in the prolonged stagnation and intense cooling of continental air in intermountain pits at a local maximum of atmospheric pressure.

The area of ​​greatest cold is delineated by an isotherm of -32 ° C, passing east of the lower reaches of the Yenisei, along its right tributary of the Lower Tunguska, along the Vilyui (left tributary of the Lena), further through the Verkhoyansk Range and the Chersky Range to the Kolyma, in the north it is limited by the northern coast of the mainland.

The location of the area of ​​greatest cold not on the axis (along the meridian) of the mainland, but much to the east, is explained by the frequent intrusion of relatively warm sea air of temperate latitudes from the Atlantic Ocean. The zero isotherm forms a giant oval, outside of which remain Great Britain, France and the following peninsulas: the Iberian, Apennine, Balkan, Arabian, Hindustan, Indochina, excluding the Japanese, Kuril and Commander.

When moving from north to south, the duration of the snow cover changes from 280 days to several days. Its height on the coast of the Arctic Ocean is 40-50 cm, on the East European and West Siberian plains in the taiga zone - up to 70-90 cm. With further movement to the south, its thickness decreases until it completely disappears. On the western slopes of the Northern Urals and in the uplifted part of the Central Siberian Plateau near the Yenisei, snow accumulates up to 90 cm, and in the mountains of Kamchatka up to 120 cm.

Summer, in July the zero isotherm is to the north of all the archipelagos in the Arctic Ocean. In the flat areas, the isotherms of July have a latitudinal and sublatitudinal strike. The warmest (hottest) are the interior, as a rule, desert regions of Eurasia and the south of this continent, especially the Arabian Peninsula and the Indus Valley (the western part of the Indo-Gangetic lowland).

On the plateau of Tibet, weather and climatic conditions are abnormal: it is colder than adjacent territories due to its heights and relief.

In distribution precipitation on the territory of Eurasia stands out two zones of their greatest fallout(a zone in this case means a vast area within the isohyet of a certain amount of precipitation per year). The first of them includes Western Europe and the strip between the Arctic Circle and parallel 50 o N. to the Yenisei in the East. The amount of annual precipitation up to 1000 mm in Western Europe constantly decreases to 500 mm or less in the east. The reason for this decrease lies in the weakening of the western skew of humid air from the Atlantic. On the windward slopes of the mountains, the amount of precipitation increases to 2000 mm. Most of the precipitation falls in the summer season, only in the Mediterranean - in winter.

The second zone of the highest precipitation includes the Far East (except for the northern regions) and Southeast Asia, where precipitation is associated with the summer monsoon. In the Russian Far East and East China, the average annual precipitation reaches 1000 mm or more.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls on the southern slopes of the eastern Himalayas, the southwest of Hindustan (the Western Ghats mountains), the Assam mountains and the western slopes of the Arakan and Rakhine mountains in Burma. The windward slopes of the islands of South and Southeast Asia receive up to 2000-4000 mm of precipitation per year. At the Cherrapunji weather station (altitude 1300 m), located on the Shillong Plateau, their record fallout was recorded - more than 12000 mm. In South and Southeast Asia, 95% of precipitation falls in the summer.

The entire territory of Asia with precipitation up to 2000 mm (except for the islands) is characterized by long dry periods with an acute shortage of moisture, and artificial irrigation is used almost everywhere. The reason is the high summer temperatures.

On the territory of Eurasia there is also two zones of low rainfall. One of them occupies the north of the mainland, where the average annual precipitation decreases from the west (the Kola Peninsula - 400 mm) to the east (the north of Yakutia - 100 mm or less). The second zone, which includes almost half of the area of ​​the mainland, is formed by territories that differ in natural conditions and are located outside the sphere of influence of the sea air of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. It includes: the southeast of the East European Plain, Arabia, the Iranian Plateau, Central Asia, the predominant part of Western Siberia, the Tibetan Plateau. Central Asia, Central Siberia and the north of the Far East. Altai and Sayans turned out to be a kind of more humid "island" in the arid territory. Moreover, Front (Western), South-Western and Central Asia are almost completely rainless.

AT climatic zoning Eurasia is distinguished by belts and regions with the following types of climate.

arctic climate in the polar zone of the northern coast of Eurasia - severe, monthly temperatures vary from 0 in summer to -40 ° C in winter, the average annual temperature is about -30 ° C, there is little precipitation (100-200 mm or less).

subarctic climate occupies a narrow strip near the Arctic Circle - summer is short, the average temperature of the warmest month is not higher than 12 ° C, winters are long and severe, there is little precipitation (less than 300 mm, in northeast Siberia less than 100 mm), the influence of the Atlantic affects the west.

temperate climate zone in the south it extends to about 40 o N.S. On the western flank of the mainland - maritime climate with cool summers and warm (for these latitudes) winters, with moderate rainfall and no stable snow cover.

temperate continental climate characteristic of Europe (except for the western coast) and the north of Western Siberia. It is characterized by unstable weather conditions, which are moderated by the western transport of the Atlantic sea air.

For inland climate of temperate latitudes Characters more or less stable regime of high atmospheric pressure, especially in winter, warm summers and cold winters. The annual temperature amplitudes are high and grow inland due to the increase in the severity of winters. Stable snow cover. Precipitation falls from 600 mm (in the west) to 200-300 mm (in the east). In the southern part, the aridity of the climate increases, and forest landscapes are replaced by steppe, semi-desert and desert landscapes.

Monsoon climate of temperate latitudes formed on the eastern edge of the mainland. It is characterized by cloudy and cold winters with prevailing northwest winds, warm summers with southeast and south winds, and sufficient, even heavy, summer precipitation. In Japan and Kamchatka, winters are much milder, there is a lot of precipitation both in winter and in summer.

Mediterranean climate of the subtropical zone characteristic of the southern peninsula of Europe (including the southern coast of Crimea), the peninsula of Asia Minor and the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is characterized by high atmospheric pressure in summer (strengthening of the subtropical Azores high) and strengthening of cyclones in winter, when they shift towards the equator. Summer is hot, cloudy and dry, winter is cool and rainy. The temperature of the summer months is 20-25, winter - 5-10 o C, annual precipitation - 400-600 mm.

Dry subtropical climate is formed in the Iranian Highlands (except for the southern regions), in the south of Central Asia and in Kashgaria (Tarim depression). High atmospheric pressure prevails in winter and summer. Summers are hot, temperatures can reach up to 50 o C. In winter, frosts down to -10, -20 o C are possible. The annual amount of precipitation does not exceed 120 mm.

Cold desert climate in the subtropical zone, it is characteristic of the highlands of the Pamirs and Tibet. It has cool summers and very cold winters, with about 80 mm of precipitation per year.

AT monsoon subtropical climate In Eastern China, the temperature conditions are close to the Mediterranean, but heavy rainfall occurs mainly in summer during the oceanic monsoon.

tropical desert climate The Arabian Peninsula and the southern part of the Iranian Highlands are exceptionally hot and dry (the average temperature of the summer months is about 40 ° C, the average temperature of the winter months is from 10 to 15 ° C), there is little precipitation (often less than 100 mm per year). Daily temperature amplitudes are high (up to 40 o C).

In South and Southeast Asia (Hindostan and Indochinese peninsulas) monsoon type of climate of the subequatorial zone caused by a seasonal change in flows from the interior of the mainland (winter monsoon) and from the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans (summer monsoon, enhanced by the trade wind). It is during the summer monsoon, as already noted, that the greatest amount of precipitation falls.

equatorial climate, covering the southern island end of Eurasia, is characterized by a uniform temperature regime with high temperatures (24-28 ° C) throughout the year. Humidity is constantly high. Precipitation up to 6000 mm or more, they fall in the form of showers.


The climate of Eurasia is extremely diverse. In the north it is very cold, in the south it is extremely hot, on the western and eastern outskirts of the mainland it is predominantly humid, and in the central regions it is arid (Fig. 176). The reason for such heterogeneity of the Eurasian climate is the uneven supply of solar radiation to its surface, which is associated with the location of this continent in all geographical zones of the Northern Hemisphere.

It's getting warmer in Europe. In the last 500 years, winters in Europe have beennoticeably colder than in the 20th century. The record frosty was the winter of 1708-1709, when the temperature dropped by more than 7°C below the average. A sharp warming began after 1977. The hottest decade was 1994-2003. And the highest temperature in the last 500 years was observed in 2003.

Another reason for the heterogeneity of the climate of the mainland is the different types of circulation of air masses inherent in Eurasia. Most of its territory is dominated by western transport. Trade winds are characteristic of the tropical belt, and monsoons are characteristic of the extreme east and south.

In winter, when the western transfer of air masses intensifies, cyclones from the Atlantic dominate almost the entire territory of Europe. Due to this, the air temperature in the northern and southern regions differs little. The zonal temperature distribution is disturbed, so the January isotherms extend almost along the meridians.

With the advance from the Atlantic to the east, the western transfer is weaker, it becomes colder. The central part of the mainland is especially cooled, where the average temperature is -24 ° C, and frosts often reach -40 ° C. As a result, an area of ​​high pressure is formed here - the Asian maximum. From here, continental moderate air masses spread in all directions. Particularly powerful air currents move towards the Pacific and Indian oceans, over which areas of low atmospheric pressure had already formed at that time. This creates a dry and cold winter monsoon.

In summer, the western transfer of air masses is somewhat weaker. Therefore, the zonal temperature distribution becomes more noticeable, as evidenced by the predominantly latitudinal strike of the July isotherms. The highest temperature in Eurasia is set over the hot Indo-Gangetic lowland, which is isolated from the ocean from almost all sides by mountain barriers. Therefore, an area of ​​very low pressure is being formed here - the South Asian minimum.

Unlike most of Asia, the surface of the Pacific and Indian Oceans is cool in summer. Therefore, areas of high pressure arise over the oceans. From here, air masses move to land, forming a powerful wet and warm summer monsoon.

In general, the annual amount of precipitation in Eurasia naturally decreases from the outskirts of the mainland to its central regions (Fig. 177). Here it reaches its minimum. This is explained

the weakening of the activity of western transport cyclones and monsoons, as well as the strengthening of the influence of dry continental air masses from the interior regions of Eurasia. Most precipitation falls on windward mountain slopes. material from the site

  • Climate of Eurasia extremely diverse, due to the location of the mainland in all geographic zones of the Northern Hemisphere, non-uniform air circulation and complex terrain.
  • Average annual amount precipitation falling into Eur-asia, naturally decreases in the direction from the outskirts of the mainland to its central regions.

On this page, material on the topics:

  • Abstract climate of Eurasia

  • The climate of Eurasia is general

  • 41. features of the circulation of Eurasia

  • Tasks on the theme of the climate of Eurasia

  • Table of climate features in Eurasia

Questions about this item:

    The climatic features of Eurasia are determined by the huge size of the mainland, the great length from north to south, the variety of prevailing air masses, as well as the specific features of the relief structure of its surface and the influence of the oceans.

    Due to the large extent of the mainland from north to south, due to different amounts of solar radiation in specific latitudes, Eurasia is located in all climatic zones of the northern hemisphere, from the arctic to the equatorial. The largest area in terms of area is occupied by the temperate zone, since it is in temperate latitudes that the mainland is most extended from west to east.

    All four main types of air masses form and dominate over the territory of the mainland - arctic, temperate, tropical and equatorial. It is characteristic that sea air masses form over the oceans in the temperate and tropical zones, and continental air masses form over the mainland, the confrontation of which creates a wide variety of climate types in these latitudes of Eurasia. Thus, most of Eurasia is located in temperate latitudes, where the western transfer of sea air masses is pronounced, which enhances the influence of the Atlantic Ocean on the climate of the mainland. And the interior regions of Eurasia within the temperate zone are under the decisive influence of continental air masses that form in the zone of action of the Siberian (Mongolian) anticyclone. The eastern and southern regions of Asia are under the influence of monsoons, which carry air masses from the mainland to the ocean in winter, and from the ocean to land in summer (the Hindustan and Indochina peninsulas, East China, the Far East and the Japanese islands).

    The climate of Eurasia, like other continents, is greatly influenced by relief. The Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Himalayas and other mountains of the Alpine-Himalayan fold belt are an important climatic division of the mainland. They block the path of cold and dry northern winds to the south and at the same time stand as an insurmountable barrier to the warm and humid winds blowing from the south. So, in the basins of Central Asia, north of the Himalayas, 50-100 mm of precipitation falls annually, and at the foot of the eastern Himalayas - more than 10,000 mm per year. Winters in the countries of the European Mediterranean, beyond the barrier of the Alps, are warm, and relatively cold in the plains of Central Europe.

    The influence of the oceans on the climate of Eurasia through the influence of ocean currents (Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Kuril-Kamchatka, monsoon currents of the Indian Ocean) and the sea air masses forming above them is well known.

    Let us briefly dwell on the features of climatic zones and types of climate (climatic regions) on the territory of Eurasia.

    In the arctic and subarctic zones areas with a maritime climate are distinguished in the west of each belt: small temperature amplitudes due to relatively warm winters and cool summers (the influence of the branches of the North Atlantic Current). In the east of the belts the climate is continental with very cold winters (down to -40...-45°C).

    Within temperate zone, stretching across the entire continent, a wide variety of climate types. The marine type of climate in the western regions of Europe is formed under the year-round influence of sea air masses from the Atlantic. Summers are cool here, winters are relatively warm even in northern latitudes on the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula - site. During the passage of Atlantic cyclones, the weather changes rapidly: in summer there may be cooling, in winter - thaws. The area of ​​transitional climate from maritime to continental is mainly occupied by the territories of Central Europe. With distance from the ocean, the difference (amplitude) of summer and winter temperatures increases: winter becomes noticeably colder. There is more precipitation in summer than in the cold season. On the territory of Eastern Europe (up to the Urals), the climate is considered moderately continental. Beyond the Urals, in Siberia and Central Asia, winters are very cold and dry, summers are hot and relatively humid. This is an area of ​​sharply continental climate in the temperate zone. On the Pacific coast, the climate is monsoonal with warm, humid summers and cold winters.

    In the subtropical zone on the plains, the air temperatures are positive throughout the year. The northern boundary of the belt is drawn along the January isotherm at 0°C. On the territory of Eurasia, three climatic regions are separated in this belt. Mediterranean - in the west of the belt. Dry tropical air masses dominate here in summer (it is cloudless and hot in summer), and in winter - sea air of temperate latitudes (it rains in winter). The region of the continental subtropical climate occupies the territory of the Near Asian highlands (the peninsula of Asia Minor, the Armenian and the north of the Iranian highlands). Winters in this area are relatively cold (snowfalls and temperatures below 0°C are possible), summers are hot and very dry. The annual amount of precipitation is small, and they fall in the winter-spring period. The area of ​​monsoon subtropical climate is in the east of China and occupies the southern half of the Japanese islands. Here, the typical precipitation regime is the summer maximum in their annual distribution.

    tropical belt in Eurasia it does not form a continuous band and is present only in the southwest of Asia (the Arabian Peninsula, the south of Mesopotamia and the Iranian Highlands, the northwestern regions of the Hindustan peninsula). Continental tropical air masses dominate here throughout the year. The amount of precipitation on the plains does not exceed 200 mm, and in the desert regions of the belt - below 50 mm per year. Summer is very hot - the average temperature in July is from +30 to +35°С. In Riyadh (Arabia), temperatures up to +55°С were observed. Average January temperatures are from +12° to +16°С.

    subequatorial belt includes the Hindustan and Indochina peninsulas, the Indo-Gangetic plain, the island of Sri Lanka (without the southwestern part), Southeast China, the Philippine Islands. This belt is characterized by a seasonal change of air masses: in summer, humid equatorial air, brought by the monsoon, dominates; in winter - relatively dry tropical trade winds of the northern hemisphere. The hottest time of the year is spring, when daytime temperatures can exceed +40°C.

    Equatorial climate zone is located on the islands of the Malay Archipelago (excluding East Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands), the Malay Peninsula, the southwest of Sri Lanka and the south of the Philippine Islands. Throughout the year, maritime equatorial air masses dominate here. They are formed from tropical air coming from the trade winds of both hemispheres. This climate is characterized by abundant rainfall (2000-4000 mm per year) and constantly high temperatures (above +25°C).

    After analyzing the observational data on weather conditions and their seasonal changes, scientists identified the climatic zones of Eurasia. On the territory of the mainland, all their diversity is represented. Each belt is subdivided into separate regions with special climatic conditions.

    If you bring together the climatic zones of Eurasia, the table will be in the form of branches. This is due to the fact that in each of them there are smaller zones, which are also crushed.

    arctic belt

    The characteristic of the climatic zones of Eurasia begins with the Arctic. Its zone includes islands located far to the north of the continent, and a small continental strip in the Asian part, which borders the Arctic Ocean.

    • Marine is located in the European sector of the Arctic Ocean. It includes Svalbard and other small islands. They are influenced by the warm current from the North Atlantic, which leads to mild winters with temperatures ranging from -16 to -20 ºC. Up to 300 mm of precipitation falls per year.
    • The continental arctic climate is characterized by cold dry air currents. Under their influence, the entire ocean is under the ice crust all year round, with the exception of coastal waters. From the territory dominated by this climate, cold air currents move to the south.

    subarctic belt

    It stretches in a narrow strip along the mainland. The cold climatic zone of Eurasia includes about. Iceland and the northern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. To the east of the continent, the zone expands, approaching the Bering Strait. The belt is located between the borders of the Arctic front in summer and winter. In the warm season, it is affected by moderate air currents, and in the cold season, by arctic ones. The belt is divided into two regions: continental and marine. The latter captures Iceland and part of the islands west of Scandinavia. amount of 300-700 mm per year in the form of snow and rain. The climate is characterized by warm winters (-5 and -10 ºC) and cold summers (up to +10 ºC).

    Temperate zone

    The temperate climatic zone of Eurasia has a border running from the southern coast and crossing the Black and Caspian Seas. It stretches to the northern part of the Korean peninsula and the middle of about. Honshu.

    Winds of temperate latitudes prevail in this zone all year round. The main part of Eurasia within the belt is influenced by the following climates:

    • Moderate continental: under his authority is the entire Russian plain.
    • Continental: Siberia, Middle and Central Asia.
    • Monsoon formed in northeastern China, on about. Hokkaido and the northern part of about. Honshu.

    In winter, the region is dominated by dry frosty air coming from the baric center in Central Asia. In summer, warm with high moisture content, falling into this region with the Pacific monsoon. More than half of the annual precipitation falls during the summer. Winter is frosty and summer is hot.

    The temperate climate zone in Western Europe is divided into 2 subregions: northern and southern.

    Northern subregion

    The zone includes Fennoscandia and Scotland. It is characterized by a temperate climate with cold summers. The subregion is divided into 2 districts:

    • Maritime - Norwegian in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and northern Great Britain. Summer here is cool and short. There is a lot of precipitation in the form of rain and snow. The weather is almost always cloudy, damp with constant winds.
    • Continental - Swedish type of climate on the territory of the country of the same name and Finland. The cold season in this area is frosty. Snow cover is forming. The summer period is short, cool and rainy. On the flat tops of the mountains of Scandinavia, a cool climate has formed with high humidity and average summer temperatures of no more than +10 ºC.

    Southern subregion

    It includes the following climatic regions:

    • Maritime was formed in European countries adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. It is characterized by mild winters without negative average temperatures. The summer period is moderately warm. Winds in the region are strong and blow frequently, rains are plentiful.
    • Transitional from maritime to continental. In winter, a snow cover forms, which does not lie for a long time. Within 2-3 months the average temperatures are below zero. The summer period is hotter and more humid. Spring and autumn are distinctly expressed. The climate was formed in the eastern part of the German-Polish lowland.
    • Continental is located on the territory of the plains near the Danube. In summer temperatures reach +22-24 ºC. Little precipitation falls. In winter, frosty winds from the east and north are frequent guests, causing a rapid drop in temperatures.
    • Hercynian midlands. Humidity in this area is high compared to the plains located at the foot. The western slopes are more abundantly rained than the eastern ones. The temperatures in the mountains are lower, and the snow cover lasts for 3-5 months.
    • Alpine is characterized by high humidity, mountain peaks with low temperatures, snow cover and glaciers.

    subtropical belt

    The subtropical climatic zone of Eurasia runs through the entire continent from one ocean to another. In his power is the entire southern part of the Old World, the highlands of Western Asia up to 30º N. sh., the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula, Tibet and the river basin. Yangtze. A characteristic feature can be called the fact that in summer the air is dry and hot, and in winter it is humid and warm.

    The climatic zones of Eurasia are subdivided into smaller areas with special conditions. Their value depends, first of all, on the relief and the proximity of large water bodies. In the subtropical zone, the following climatic zones are distinguished:

    • The marine Mediterranean was formed on some peninsulas (Apennines, Balkans) from the sea and is distinguished by hot summers and mild winters.
    • Continental Mediterranean is located in the European part of the Mediterranean Sea, the western and southern coasts. According to weather conditions, it is similar to the previous one. The temperature in winter in different areas ranges from +2 to +12 ºC. In flat areas, about 500-600 mm of precipitation falls annually, and in mountainous areas up to 3000 mm.
    • Continental. There is little precipitation: 100-400 mm per year, the main part falls on the autumn-winter period. Formed in the highlands of Western Asia, in the north of the Arabian Peninsula. During the year, temperature fluctuations reach 90ºС.
    • The high-mountain sub-region is located in the region of Tibet. In winter, little snow falls, summers are dry and cold. Only the east of Tibet is rich in precipitation, which is supplied with monsoon moisture from the Pacific Ocean. Dry and cool air is recorded here year-round.
    • Monsoon. The eastern part of the Yangtze has a climate with high humidity. Monsoon from the Pacific Ocean brings rain in the summer, when they fall ¾ of the annual rate. Fronts contribute to precipitation during the cold season. Depending on the relief, their number per year ranges from 700 to 2000 mm.

    tropical belt

    The mainland of Eurasia has various climatic zones, including the tropical trade wind. It includes: the Thar Desert, the south of the Arabian Peninsula and the southern part. Tropical air masses dominate throughout the seasons. In summer it is hot, winter is warm. High temperature fluctuations during the day. There is a lack of precipitation in the region, for the most part their annual amount does not exceed 100 mm. The exception is the Yemeni mountains, where they fall 400-1000 mm.

    subequatorial belt

    It was formed on the territory of Ceylon, the Hindustan and Indochina peninsulas, southern China and a number of other islands. In winter, dry air masses come from the continent, and in summer - wet from the Indian Ocean. Spring is the hottest time. The winter-spring period is very dry, and the summer-autumn period is wet.

    If we compare the climatic zones of Eurasia, then the subequatorial zone has very contrasting half-years. Dry and wet periods alternate throughout the year.

    Brief description of the climatic zones of Eurasia
    climate zone Dominant air Description
    ArcticArcticDry and cold

    Arctic in winter, temperate in summer

    Winters are cold and dry, summers are wet and moderately warm
    ModerateModerateDepends on the season
    SubtropicalModerate in winter, tropical in summerWinters are humid and moderately warm, summers are dry and warm
    TropicalTropicalWarm and dry
    subequatorialTropical in winter, equatorial in summerWinters are warm and dry, summers are warm and humid.
    EquatorialEquatorialWarm and humid

    equatorial belt

    If you arrange the climatic zones of Eurasia, the table will turn out to be very bloated due to their number. The equatorial belt is the southernmost region of the continent. It was formed on most of the islands and peninsulas near the equator. Precipitation throughout the year is evenly distributed with 2 peak periods.

    Other climatic zones of Eurasia do not have such high average annual temperatures as this one. The amount of precipitation is 1500-4000 mm per year.

    In the climate of Eurasia, features associated with the huge size of its territory are manifested. The position of the main part of the mainland between the equator and the Arctic Circle, the massiveness of the eastern and central parts, the dissection of the western and southern margins, the influence of ocean basins, and complex orography create an exceptional variety of climatic conditions in Eurasia.

    The annual total radiation in Eurasia varies within the following limits: on the Arctic islands it is 60 kcal (2520 MJ / m 2), in the western part of Europe - from 70 to 140 kcal (2940 to 5880 MJ / m 2), in the south and south- East Asia - 120-180 kcal (5000-7570 MJ / m 2), and in Arabia reaches a maximum value on Earth - 200-220 kcal (84-9240 MJ / m 2). The annual radiation balance varies within Eurasia from 10 to 80 kcal (420-3360 MJ/m2). In January, to the north of the line Brittany - the north of the Adriatic - the middle of the Black Sea - the south of the Caspian - the north of the Korean peninsula - the north of the Japanese islands, the radiation balance is negative.

    The main atmospheric process for most of Eurasia is the west-east transport and associated cyclonic activity. With the western transfer to the mainland throughout the year, air enters from the Atlantic Ocean and spreads to its eastern outskirts. As it moves east, the Atlantic air transforms, giving off moisture, cooling in winter and warming up in summer. Due to the large horizontal dissection of the western part of Eurasia and the absence of sharp orographic obstacles, the process of transformation over Europe is relatively slow, and therefore climatic conditions change gradually. Only beyond the Urals, within Asia, is the predominance of continental air masses observed throughout the year. Sharp contrasts in heating and pressure conditions between the mainland and the Pacific Ocean, intensified by the peculiarities of the orography of Central and East Asia, determine the monsoonal circulation typical of the east of Eurasia, which manifests itself most clearly here in comparison with all other regions of the Earth. The circulation over the southern parts of Eurasia also has a monsoon character, only here it manifests itself in the interaction between the mainland and the Indian Ocean.

    Let's consider how meteorological conditions in Eurasia change by season.

    In winter, the contrasts in heating and pressure distribution over the mainland, on the one hand, and the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, on the other, are especially pronounced.

    On the maps of the January isobars over Eurasia and neighboring oceanic basins, the following baric regions are clearly identified. In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a closed area of ​​low pressure (North Atlantic or Icelandic minimum), due to the influence of the warm North Atlantic current and the frequent passage of deep cyclonic depressions moving from the coast of North America to the east. In connection with the influence of the branches of the warm current and the deep penetration of sea basins into the interior of the continent, the reduced pressure also spreads to the southern part of the Arctic Ocean and to the western coast of Europe.

    To the south, at the parallel of 30 ° N. sh. there is a high pressure area (North Atlantic, or Azores, maximum) which is part of the subtropical high pressure zone of the northern hemisphere. The interaction of these baric regions is of particular importance for the formation of meteorological conditions in Europe. Air flowing along the northern and eastern periphery of the North Atlantic High is drawn into the area of ​​low pressure over the North Atlantic and the western margin of Europe, creating a system of cyclonic winds of western and southwestern directions in temperate latitudes, blowing from a relatively warm ocean to the mainland and bringing a lot of moisture. . In the polar latitudes, winds with an easterly component prevail at this time. The main routes of movement of cyclonic depressions in winter pass through Iceland, the Scandinavian Peninsula and the Barents Sea, as well as through the Mediterranean Sea, in some years they penetrate to the Indus Valley.

    The passage of cyclones in Europe is accompanied by cloudy weather with rain or sleet, which is typical for the Western European winter. Often, following the sea air of temperate latitudes, arctic air penetrates, causing a sharp decrease in temperature and a decrease in precipitation. Arctic air spreads to the south, but relatively rarely penetrates into the southern part of Europe, as it is delayed by mountain ranges. The farther to the east, the more frequent and longer the arctic air intrusions.

    When the western air flow moves over the continent, it cools. Over the interior regions of Asia, due to the cooling of the surface layers of the atmosphere above the cooled earth's surface, an area of ​​increased pressure is created, above which a depression is formed in the upper troposphere. The transformed air coming from the west is drawn into this Hollow, cools down and gives off, supplementing the area of ​​high pressure in the surface layers. The influence of the orography of the inner parts of Asia also affects: high mountain structures rising south of the region of formation of the maximum prevent the spreading of fruitful air masses and contribute to their concentration on relatively limited space. As a result of the interaction of all these processes, the largest high-pressure area on Earth, the Asian quasi-stationary maximum, is created over the interior of Eurasia in winter.

    Along the northern and eastern periphery of this maximum, cold and dry continental air flows towards the Pacific Ocean, which is warmer at this time. The resulting northerly and northwesterly winds are known as the winter monsoon.

    The Asian high can form a spur, which sometimes extends as far as the west of Europe and causes severe cooling there.

    The southern part of Asia in winter is under the influence of the trade wind circulation. The Arabian Peninsula, together with the neighboring Sahara, falls under the influence of the eastern periphery of the Atlantic High and the dry northern winds associated with it. In Hindustan, Indochina, on the island of Sri Lanka, the Philippines and in the north of the Sunda Islands, the northeast trade wind dominates, flowing from the North Pacific maximum towards the equatorial trough, shifted to the south at that time. In Asian countries, it is called the winter monsoon. Since the Atlantic air in winter is a relatively warm mass, despite the negative radiation balance north of 39-40 ° N. latitude, in areas adjacent to the ocean, the average January temperature is much higher than 0 ° C. The January isotherms extend submeridionally over most of the territory of foreign Europe and only in the southern and eastern regions take a sublatitudinal direction. The farther to the east, the lower the average winter temperature becomes. Already in the eastern part of foreign Europe, it gets a negative value. Atlantic air brings a large amount of moisture to land, which falls in the west in the form of rain or wet snow. Especially a lot of precipitation occurs on the mountain slopes of the western exposure. Winter cyclonic precipitation is also characteristic of the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the western regions of Asia. Their number sharply decreases from west to east due to the weakening of frontal activity in the inner parts of the continent.

    In most parts of foreign Asia, there is no precipitation in winter. In the interior, this is due to the anticyclonic state of the atmosphere and strong supercooling of the surface. On the eastern edge of the mainland, the reason for the lack of precipitation is the continental monsoon, which carries dry cold air towards the ocean. In this regard, Central and East Asia is characterized by low winter temperatures with a pronounced negative anomaly, which is felt up to the tropic, where temperatures can drop to 0 ° C. In the north, the average January temperature is -20, -25 ° C.

    In the southern peninsulas and islands of Asia, where trade winds operate in winter, dry weather also prevails. Only on the islands of the Sunda archipelago, lying on the equator, convective rains fall. The January temperature in the entire southern part of Asia is high: +16, +20 ° C, on the islands of the Malay Archipelago it reaches +25 ° C in places.

    In summer, meteorological conditions in Eurasia and its neighboring oceans change significantly. The Asian maximum disappears, and a low pressure is established over the warmed continent with a closed center in the Indus River basin and on the shores of the Persian Gulf (South Asian minimum). It is the northern edge of the equatorial trough, which in Eurasia extends farthest from the equator (up to 22-28 ° N). The pressure rises towards the oceans. The Iceland Low is weakening and the North Pacific Low is disappearing. An area of ​​high pressure persists over the polar basin. The North Atlantic and North Pacific highs intensify and widen to the north. In the Indian Ocean, south of the tropic, the South Indian High is established. This distribution of pressure in the surface layers of the atmosphere creates conditions for the transfer of air masses to Eurasia from the surrounding oceans.

    In the northwest of Europe, between the area of ​​high pressure in the Arctic and the spur of the North Atlantic High, there is a band of relatively low pressure. Cyclonic activity associated with the Arctic front takes place within its limits. In this regard, western and northwestern winds prevail, which carry relatively cold air from the ocean to the mainland. Over the warmed mainland, this air quickly transforms into continental air. At the same time, the marine Arctic masses are undergoing transformation. This increases not only the temperature, but also the moisture content of the air due to evaporation from the underlying surface. July isotherms in Europe extend sublatitudinally everywhere, with a slight deviation to the south near the coast of the ocean. The average July temperature in the west varies from north to south from +12 to +24°C, in the east it sometimes reaches +26, +28°C.

    Rains in summer in Europe fall less abundantly than in winter, as cyclonic activity weakens. In Southern Europe and Western Asia, where winds blow from the eastern periphery of the North Atlantic High, carrying tropical air, there is almost no precipitation.

    An increase in the average July temperature and a decrease in precipitation due to the transformation of the Atlantic air when moving from west to east is felt almost throughout the mainland. It is especially dry and hot in the inner parts of the mainland (Central and Central Asia), protected by mountain rises from moist air currents from the oceans.

    Dryness and high temperatures (average July up to + 32 ° C) are also characteristic of most of the Arabian Peninsula, which is under the influence of the northeast trade wind flowing from the North Atlantic High.

    The eastern and southern margins of the mainland, adjacent to the Pacific and Indian oceans, are in different conditions. The temperature and baric contrasts between the vast Eurasian landmass and these oceans are especially strong in summer. Humid and relatively cold air enters Asia from the Pacific Ocean. As a result of its interaction with continental air masses, heavy rain showers fall. This air current is known in East Asia as the southeast monsoon.

    In southern Asia (Hindustan, Indochina), the role of the monsoon is played by the flow of equatorial air, carrying huge masses of moisture from the Indian Ocean. Due to the configuration and size of Eurasia and the expansion of the equatorial trough, the equatorial air in the form of a monsoon of the prevailing southwesterly direction penetrates very far to the north. Where the monsoon flow meets mountain rises, precipitation is especially abundant (for example, on the southeastern slopes of the Himalayas, on the southern slope of the Shillong massif, where the famous Cherrapunji is located, etc.). On equatorial islands, convective intramass precipitation is of great importance.

    In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, tropical cyclones, or typhoons, are born every year from June to November, bringing great disasters to the population of the countries of East and South Asia. These are cyclonic eddies of great strength, the speed of which over the open ocean in exceptional cases can reach 350-400 km / h, and usually 200-300 km / h.

    Typhoons originate in the vast expanse of water between New Guinea and Wyack Island and the northern half of the Pacific Ocean, move to the west, and near the mainland turn to the north and northeast. They are accompanied by showers, during which precipitation of 150 mm or more can fall. On the coasts, surge waves pose a great threat, which, together with showers, cause catastrophic floods. The Philippines and the Japanese islands are especially affected by typhoons, but sometimes the calamity seizes the outskirts of the continent as far south as the Soviet Far East.

    In the Indian Ocean, tropical cyclones move north and northwest to the northern coasts of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

    The analysis of meteorological indicators and their changes during the year give an idea of ​​the wide variety of climates within Eurasia, but they do not fully reflect it. According to its size and geographical position, Eurasia with the islands adjacent to it lies in all the climatic zones of the northern hemisphere, and within each zone all the climatic regions inherent in it are represented. Thus, we can say that in Eurasia there are all types of climates known on Earth.

    The northernmost islands of Eurasia, and in the east the strip of the mainland adjacent to the Arctic Ocean, lie within the Arctic belt. Of the foreign parts of Eurasia, the arctic climate is typical for the islands of Svalbard and small oceanic islands in the western part of the Arctic Ocean. Due to the island position and the influence of warm currents, the islands of Svalbard have a maritime arctic climate with relatively high winter temperatures (from -16 to -20 ° C) and a significant amount of precipitation (about 300 mm).

    In a narrow strip, capturing Iceland, Scandinavia to the north of the Arctic Circle and somewhat expanding in the east, Eurasia crosses the subarctic belt. It lies between the summer and winter position of the Arctic front and is characterized by the predominance of westerly circulation in summer and cold easterly Arctic winds in winter. In the west of Europe, especially in Iceland, the subarctic regions are characterized by relatively mild (-5, -10° C) winters, cool (not more than +10° C) summers, and precipitation (300-700 mm), falling in all seasons in the form rain and snow.

    The widest and most massive part of Eurasia lies within the temperate climatic zone, the southern boundary of which, determined by the summer position of the front of temperate latitudes, runs from the southern coast of the Bay of Biscay through the middle of the Black and Caspian Seas to the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and the middle part of the island of Honshu. United by dominance throughout the year of the west-east transfer, the temperate zone within Eurasia is characterized by large differences in climatic conditions, which gives reason to consider it by region.

    The region of the oceanic warm temperate climate includes the south of Iceland, the western outskirts of the Scandinavian Peninsula, the British Isles and the extreme west of the mainland - the Jutland Peninsula, the west and north of France. There are reasons to attribute the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula to this region of the temperate zone. Throughout the year, the Atlantic air, brought by the western winds, prevails there, and cyclonic activity is manifested. Winter is characterized by unstable rainy and foggy weather with an average temperature of the coldest month from +1 to +6 ° C, frosts and snowfalls are rare, there is no stable snow cover. The average summer temperature is +10°, +18° C. Precipitation falls throughout the year, with a maximum in winter due to particularly intense cyclonic activity. The annual precipitation in almost the entire region is more than 1000 mm, and the evaporation rate does not exceed 800 mm. Therefore, the Atlantic regions of Europe are characterized by excessive moisture.

    The climate of the rest of the temperate zone of Europe up to the Ural Mountains can be called transitional from oceanic to continental. The most important role in climate formation belongs to the transformation of the Atlantic air and the ever-increasing influence of continental air masses that form over the mainland itself. Compared to the previous one, this area is characterized by less precipitation, large amplitudes of temperature fluctuations, and the presence of a frosty period of various durations. Within the area under consideration, differences between north and south are more pronounced than in the previous one. Scandinavia and Finland are characterized by long and severe winters. The relief (Scandinavian Mountains) enhances the transformation of the Atlantic air and at the same time does not prevent the penetration of cold air masses from the Arctic. In connection with these occurrences, the temperature in Sweden and Finland can drop to -40 ° C, and in exceptional cases even to -50 ° C, with an average January temperature of -10, -15 ° C. Summer north of the 50th parallel is cool, with a maximum precipitation falls at its beginning. Annual rainfall of 500 to 1000 mm with evaporation less than 600 mm provides excessive moisture throughout the year. The southern part of the region is characterized by less sharp temperature amplitudes, moderately cold winters with an average January temperature only slightly below 0 ° C. The duration of snow cover and ice cover on the rivers is short, it increases from west to east. The summer is warm, with an average temperature in July -(-12, -(-20 ° C. The maximum precipitation occurs in the first half of summer, evaporation increases to 800 mm, and moisture decreases compared to the northern regions.

    A significant part of Asia within the Soviet Union, as well as Mongolia and northwestern China (Gobi and Dzungaria) lie in the region of the continental climate of the temperate zone, which is under the influence of continental air masses all year round. Under the influence of the Asian High, the area is characterized by cold winters with sharp temperature differences from place to place. With an average January temperature of -16 to -24°C in the Mongolian People's Republic, there are drops to -50°C with almost calm and cloudless weather. Due to persistent low winter temperatures and the almost complete absence of snow, permafrost develops. Almost the entire annual amount of precipitation (about 200 mm) falls in summer in the form of frontal rains. The average temperature in July reaches i+30° C in the south of the region. Humidification is insufficient.

    To the east of the Greater Khingan Range, including Northeast China, northern Korean Peninsula, Hokkaido Island and northern Honshu, the climate is monsoonal. This whole area is characterized by sharp differences in temperature, precipitation and humidity between summer and winter. In winter, dry frosty weather prevails with strong winds blowing from the Asian High and raising a lot of dust. Only on the Japanese islands do heavy snows fall, since the continental air, passing over the relatively warm Sea of ​​Japan, is saturated with moisture in the lower layers. In summer, the southeast monsoon blows, bringing humid unstable air from the southern and western periphery of the Pacific anticyclone. Approximately 70% of the annual amount of precipitation is associated with its arrival, falling in the form of showers at intervals of four to five days.

    The subtropical climate zone also crosses Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Within its limits, the west-east transfer in summer is replaced by tropical circulation. Of great importance is the system of mountain uplifts of High Asia, which in winter causes the splitting of the western transport stream into two branches - northern and southern. The latter passes south of the Himalayas, causing, according to G. N. Vitvitsky, a shift in comparison with other continents of the southern border of the subtropical belt towards the equator.

    The Iberian and Apennine Peninsulas, the south and west of the Balkan Peninsula, the west and south of Asia Minor, the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean islands and the north of Mesopotamia lie in a subtropical climate with a dry summer (Mediterranean). Summer dryness is associated with winds flowing along the eastern periphery of the extended North Atlantic High. The prevailing wind direction is northwest in the Western Mediterranean and northeast in the East. The average* temperature in July is from +23 to +28°C. With almost complete absence of precipitation, the evaporation rate is 3-4 times higher than the actual evaporation. In winter, the Azores High shifts to the south and the Mediterranean falls into a system of westerly transport and cyclonic activity, with which 75-80% of the annual precipitation is associated. The average temperature of the coldest month increases from north to south from +4 to +12 ° C. In the western part of the Mediterranean climate region, Atlantic air prevails, in the east - continental. Therefore, when moving from west to east, the amount of precipitation decreases and the temperature amplitudes increase.

    Inside the mainland, from the Iranian highlands to the basin of the middle Yellow River, including the Tarim Basin, Beishan, the south of the Gobi and other regions of Central Asia, the climate is subtropical continental. This area is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. Precipitation is less than 200 mm per year, the air is very dry, the daily and annual amplitudes of temperature fluctuations are significant. In the rainfall regime, there are differences between west and east. In the west, precipitation is associated with the Iranian branch of the polar front and cyclonic activity and falls in winter. The east is dominated by summer precipitation associated with the southeast monsoon.

    The special, sharply continental climate of the highlands is characteristic of High Asia, which can be attributed to the subtropical zone only by geographical location, and not by actual climatic conditions.

    The climate of the eastern sector of the subtropical zone, as well as the temperate one, is monsoonal. It extends to the Yangtze River basin and the southern part of the Japanese Islands. From the monsoon climate of the temperate zone, the subtropical monsoon climate is distinguished by a higher average winter temperature (from +4 to +8 ° C) and large annual precipitation, which exceeds 1000 mm and completely covers the evaporation rate. Winter dryness south of the Yangtze River valley is less pronounced than north of it, since there a front is created between the air flowing along the eastern periphery of the Asian High and the air of the southern branch of the western transport and therefore rains fall. When the front breaks and the invasion of cold continental air to the south, up to the tropic, there are temperature drops to 0 ° C.

    Attention is drawn to the differences in the winter conditions of the Mediterranean region and the Yangtze basin. In the first case, due to the direct influence of the Atlantic air, the winter is very warm, with an average temperature of the coldest month from +10 to +12 ° C, in the second, the average January temperature is almost twice as low, and significant drops are possible. This is due to the influence of the Asian high, the air of which is carried far to the south. In this regard, the southern border of the subtropical belt in East Asia is shifted almost to the tropics in comparison with the Mediterranean.

    As already mentioned, a feature of Eurasia, associated with its size and configuration, is the penetration far north (north of the tropic) of “equatorial air masses in summer. The air carried by the equatorial monsoons from the Indian Ocean penetrates up to the basin of the Xijiang River and the southern slope of the Himalayas, displacing the trade wind. This feature of Eurasia is reflected in the map of climatic zones and regions compiled by B.P. Alisov, which is the basis for the climatic zoning of the continents in this textbook. The tropical zone is shown on this map only in the western part of Asia. It includes the Arabian Peninsula, southern Mesopotamia and the Iranian Plateau, and the northern Indus Basin. In these areas, dry continental tropical air prevails throughout the year. Precipitation is almost everywhere less than 100 mm, and evaporation is about 10 times higher than actual evaporation. Only to the south of the Iranian Highlands in winter, masses of Atlantic air sometimes break through from the Mediterranean Sea and cause short-term, but heavy rains. The coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea experience some increase in relative humidity, but the amount of precipitation remains as low as in the interior.

    There is no tropical belt in the east of Eurasia. This is the only place on Earth where the subequatorial and subtropical transitional belts border on each other.

    In the subequatorial zone lie the Philippine Islands, the Hindustan and Indochina peninsulas and the Indo-Gangetic Plain adjacent to them from the north and Southeast China. The clearly defined border of this belt is formed by the Himalayas, to the crest of which the monsoon from the Indian Ocean penetrates. G. N. Vitvitsky, as already noted, shifts this boundary to the south, based on data on the formation of the winter southern branch of the western transport south of the Himalayas.

    A common feature of the entire subequatorial belt as a whole is the dominance in summer of moist equatorial air brought by the monsoon from the Indian Ocean. Precipitation is associated with it, falling in the form of showers, especially abundant on the windward slopes of the mountains, where their annual amounts reach several thousand millimeters. In winter, the North Pacific High shifts to the south and the southern peninsulas of Asia are under the influence of the northeast trade wind, which, as a rule, is associated with an almost complete absence of precipitation. The people of South Asia call this trade wind the winter monsoon.

    Since the general patterns of atmospheric circulation within the belt are highly constancy, it is not subdivided into climatic regions. However, there are certain differences in the climatic conditions of individual regions. First, there are differences in the winter temperature of the northern parts of Indochina and Hindustan. In the first case, the average January temperature is 4° lower than in the second (+16 and +20°C, respectively). This is explained by the intrusion of cold air from the temperate zone, which, due to the peculiarities of the orography of Indochina, penetrates in winter up to 20 ° N. sh. and causes temperature drops to +5 ° C in the northeast. Large differences also exist in annual amounts and precipitation patterns. The southern slopes of the Himalayas (up to 4,000 mm), the Shillong massif (Cherapunji 11,000 mm), and the western marginal ranges of both peninsulas (more than 2,000 mm) are especially abundantly irrigated. Interior areas receive less than 1000 mm. In the southeast of Hindustan and Indochina, in the northeast of Sri Lanka and in the northeast of the Philippines, that is, in areas leeward of the southwest monsoon, there is almost no summer precipitation. The bulk of moisture falls there in autumn and winter, when northeast and east winds blow from the sea at an angle to the coast.

    The southern part of the Malay Peninsula, the Sunda (with the exception of the southeast of Java and Lesser Sunda) and the Moluccas lie in the equatorial belt, corresponding to the equatorial trough, within which the trade winds of the two hemispheres meet. Since the equatorial hollow, due to the peculiarities of the distribution of land in all seasons of the year, is more shifted to the northern hemisphere, the equatorial belt also extends further north of the equator than south of it. The climate features in the equatorial belt of Eurasia depend not only on the general circulation of the atmosphere, but also on the fact that it includes islands with water basins separating them. It is characterized by the predominance throughout the year of marine equatorial air masses formed from tropical air coming with the trade winds of both hemispheres, uniform and high temperatures, excessive moisture and weak winds. On the outskirts of the belt, a transition to the monsoon regime is observed, i.e., an increase in summer precipitation and the appearance of a short period of relative dryness due to the penetration of the winter hemisphere trade winds towards the equator. The dry period is especially pronounced in the northeast of Kalimantan, in the north of Sumatra. Almost all of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands lie in the subequatorial belt of the southern hemisphere.

You will learn:

In what climatic zones is Eurasia located?

What types of climate have formed on the mainland


Main and transitional climatic zones and their features

The geographical position, the vast size of Eurasia and the complex relief determine the diversity of its climatic conditions. Eurasia is located in all climatic zones of the Northern Hemisphere, within which all types of Earth's climate are distinguished.

1 Arctic and subarctic climate.

For the northernmost islands of Eurasia, and in the Asian part and for the coast of the mainland, which is adjacent to the Arctic Ocean, an arctic climate is characteristic. Dry and cold arctic air dominates here throughout the year.

The subarctic belt stretches in a narrow strip, capturing the island of Iceland, the northern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and gradually expanding to the east. The climate here is subarctic with long severe winters and relatively warm but short summers. Arctic air masses dominate in winter, and moderate air masses in summer. On the southern coast of the Barents Sea and the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula, winters are more humid and mild, and summers are cool, which is associated with the influence of the warm Norwegian current (an offshoot of the North Atlantic).

2 Types of temperate climate.

The widest and most massive part of Eurasia is located within the temperate climate zone (Fig. 1). Due to the elongation from west to east and the variety of landforms, four climatic regions are distinguished within its boundaries.

The maritime climate area includes the extreme west of Eurasia along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, throughout the year, the climate is formed under the influence of air masses from the Atlantic Ocean. Summers are cool, winters are relatively warm. Precipitation falls throughout the year. During the passage of cyclones, the weather changes rapidly, with cold snaps in summer and thaws in winter.

In the east, up to the Ural Mountains, there is an area of ​​temperate continental climate, changing from maritime to continental. As the distance from the ocean increases, the difference between summer and winter temperatures increases, winter becomes colder, there is less precipitation, and they fall mainly in summer.

A significant part of Asia beyond the Urals—Siberia and Central Asia—is located in the region of the continental climate, where continental air masses dominate all year round. During the long winter, the land surface becomes very cold, and overheats in summer, creating large temperature contrasts between seasons. Air masses from the oceans almost do not reach here, so there is little precipitation. The absence of snow in winter leads to freezing of the soil to a great depth.

In the east of Eurasia lies the monsoon climate region, which is characterized by sharp differences in temperature, precipitation and moisture in summer and winter. The summer monsoon brings humid air from the Pacific Ocean, so the summers here are warm and rainy. The winter monsoon carries cold continental air from the interior of the highly chilled part of the mainland, where in winter

an area of ​​high pressure is formed. As a result, winters are dry and frosty, with strong winds.

4 Climate of subtropical, tropical, subequatorial and equatorial zones.

The subtropical climatic zone runs through the whole of Eurasia from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Japanese Islands in the east. There are areas of Mediterranean, continental and monsoon climate.

The area of ​​subtropical Mediterranean climate covers the territory of the Mediterranean coast in the south-west of Eurasia. In the summer, the Mediterranean is under the influence of tropical air masses, dry hot weather sets in. In winter, winds from the Atlantic Ocean bring humid air from temperate latitudes, so winters are rainy and warm (Fig. 2a).

In the central part of the subtropical zone, the climate is subtropical continental with hot summers, cold winters and little rainfall. In the east of the subtropical climatic zone, there is an area of ​​the subtropical monsoon climate with its characteristic seasonally wet precipitation regime (Fig. 2b).

The dry desert tropical climate of the tropical climatic zone is formed on the Arabian Peninsula, in the south of the Iranian Highlands, and in a part of the lowland along the Indus River (Fig. 2c).

In the east, the tropical belt is replaced by a subequatorial belt with a monsoonal climate. Such a shift of the subequatorial belt far to the north is due to the influence of monsoons from the Indian Ocean. In summer, the peninsulas of Hindustan, Indochina, and the Philippine Islands are dominated by humid equatorial air brought by the monsoon, so summer in the subequatorial zone is hot and very humid (Fig. 3, 4).

In winter, the territory of the peninsulas is influenced by the dry winter monsoon that blows from the mainland. As a result, in the north, the subequatorial belt borders on the subtropical. This is the only place on Earth where such a "neighborhood" is observed.

The equatorial belt covers the Malay Peninsula and most of the Sunda Islands. Equatorial air masses and low atmospheric pressure prevail here. Ascending air currents contribute to the precipitation of a large amount of precipitation - 1000-3000 mm per year, which are distributed evenly throughout the year. Constantly high air temperatures are kept at the level of +24...+28 °C.

1 Main

Eurasia is located in all climatic zones of the Earth. Most of the mainland lies in the temperate climate zone. It is characterized by a significant heterogeneity of climatic conditions when moving from west to east.

Only in Eurasia does the tropical climatic zone not form a continuous band; in Southeast Asia, the subtropical and subequatorial belts border.

Eurasia is dominated by territories with continental types of climate.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

1. In what climatic zones is Eurasia located? What is the reason for this? 2. In what climatic zones of Eurasia are several climatic regions? Why? 3. In what climatic zones are areas with a continental type of climate represented? What explains their presence? 4. Which climatic zone occupies the most

rice. 3. Cherrapunji is the wettest place on the planet. The town is located in India in the middle of a mountain valley in a kind of funnel at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. Monsoons from the ocean carry moist air, meet mountains on the way, and trying to overcome them, they give off a huge amount of moisture. The average rainfall is 11,430 mm per year. The record amount of precipitation was observed in 1861 - 22,987 mm! All precipitation falls in five months of almost continuous downpours. Then comes the dry season.

rice. 4. Climatic diagram of the subequatorial zone of Eurasia.

large area? 5. In what climate zone is Ukraine located? What type of climate is typical for its territory?

Practical work 11

Determination of climate types within the temperate climatic zone of Eurasia using climate diagrams.

1. Determine which types of climate in the temperate zone correspond to the climatic diagrams in fig. 1 paragraph. 2. Make a brief description of each type of climate. 3. Give examples of mainland areas where each type of climate is common. Present your answer in the form of a table (in a notebook).

Practical task

Compare the set and placement of the climatic zones of Eurasia and North America using the maps of the atlas.

This is textbook material.

Eurasia is the largest continent on the planet. The climate of the continent is very diverse. What is causing this? In what climatic zones is the continent of Eurasia located? Let's try to answer all these questions in our article.

Description of the mainland

Three quarters of the world's population live in Eurasia. This is not surprising, because in terms of its size, the mainland is the largest on Earth. It occupies 35% of the earth's land, and its area is about 54 million square meters. km.

The main part of Eurasia belongs to the Northern Hemisphere, while some islands that belong to the mainland are located in the southern half of the planet. In ancient times, two parts of the continent - Europe and Asia - were perceived separately. They were even considered different continents. Now the division between the European and Asian parts of the continent is carried out only conditionally. The boundaries for this are mountains (Ural mountain range), Kuma, Manych), seas (Caspian, Black, Mediterranean, Aegean), as well as straits (Gibraltar, Bosphorus, Dardanelles).

The continent is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic oceans. The extreme points of the mainland are Russian in the north, Malaysian in the south. The Portuguese Cape Roca is the extreme point in the west, and the Russian one in the east

Factors of climate formation in Eurasia

The fact in which climatic zones Eurasia is located was primarily influenced by: a significant length and geographical location. From north to south, the continent stretched for 8 thousand km, while covering a significant territory.

So, in what climatic zones is Eurasia located? Due to its location between the Arctic Circle and the equator, all belts are present on the mainland. The elongation of the mainland from west to east is the main reason for the amazing diversity of natural and climatic zones.

Relief is important. The continent contains some of the world's most extensive plains. Winters are cold in these areas, while summers are hot and dry. Numerous mountain systems of the mainland create barriers for air masses, preventing warm south winds from passing to the north, and cold and dry winds to the south.

A significant role in the formation of the Eurasian climate is played by oceanic basins and indented coastlines. Along the edges of the continent, the marine type of climate prevails, in the interior - continental. Warm and cold currents in the oceans affect annual changes in coastal temperatures as well as precipitation.

In what climatic zones is the territory of Eurasia located?

We found out the main reasons for the formation of climate on the mainland. Now let's talk in more detail about the climatic zones in which Eurasia is located.

Arctic belt. It is located in the extreme north of the mainland, including the islands that are located in the Arctic Ocean. Dry frosty air, piercing winds and high atmospheric pressure are typical features of the Arctic climate zone. Air temperatures here throughout the year rarely rise above zero, precipitation is about 250 mm.

subarctic belt. It is distinguished by milder climatic conditions, it acts as a kind of buffer zone between the arctic and temperate zones. It occupies a strip of the northern part of the continent, including Iceland and part of Scandinavia. In summer, it is affected by moderate winds and the temperature does not exceed +20. In winter, cold arctic winds blow here, the temperature can drop to -50 degrees.

Temperate zone. It runs along the entire continent below. It occupies most of Europe and Central Asia. Within its boundaries, various types of climate have formed, which largely depend on the proximity to the World Ocean. The seasons clearly follow each other, the temperature fluctuations during the year are very significant.

subtropical belt. It covers China and the Japanese islands, Iran, Armenia, Italy, Greece, etc. Winters are mild, cool and humid, and summers are hot and dry.

Tropical belt. Includes southwestern Asia and absent from Europe. It also has very warm winters.

Subequatorial belt. Covers the Philippines and northern Sri Lanka. Humid air masses in summer are replaced by dry ones in winter.

equatorial belt. It occupies the southern part of Sri Lanka, the Malay Islands. It is dominated by high temperatures and heavy rainfall, and the winds bring humid sea air.


Most of the Eurasian continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere. This had a significant impact on the climatic zones in which Eurasia is located. So, on the territory of the mainland there are arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical, tropical, subequatorial and equatorial belts.

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