We sculpt from plasticine. Lesson "Big snake. How to mold a plasticine snake with your own hands in stages

A plasticine snake is perhaps one of the easiest crafts that you can make with your children. Even two-year-olds can reproduce distinctive features this dangerous reptile that prefers to stay away from people. And the person himself is not very eager to meet a snake in a field or forest. Another thing is that snakes are poisonous and non-venomous. But the plasticine copy is completely different. She can replace the toy. If a wire is inserted into the long torso of the figurine, then the snake will be mobile and will be able to crawl and bend under the influence of deft children's fingers.

There are a lot of types of snakes, so a variety of modeling techniques can be used. In this master class, one of the easy options for creating a reptile is given, which will allow parents and children to have fun.

1. To implement the idea, green plasticine is quite suitable, of course, if a brighter product is not planned.

2. Any work with soft mass begins with its processing with palms and fingers. Knead the prepared bar in your hands, then start rolling out a long sausage.

3. Continue to manipulate the plasticine, gradually turning an ordinary sausage into a head, body and tail of a snake.

4. On the front, make a cut to get the mouth of a reptile.

5. Add eye slits, nostril rings and two white fangs, with which the rattling creature can release poison into its victim.

6. If there is a desire to decorate the body of a snake or make a drawing, leave longitudinal stripes along the entire length: from head to tail.

7. Insert a dark green mass into the formed notches.

8. Give the snake a more familiar curved look.

9. The last little touch is the red tongue that the snake releases, feeling nearby objects.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

That's all, the snake can already crawl and look for a place of deployment on a shelf in the children's room. It is advisable to freeze the product in the refrigerator so that the soft plasticine gets stronger.

Then modeling the Serpent Gorynych will not cause you any difficulties, because these mythical characters are similar. Only the Serpent Gorynych is a primordially Russian hero, and the dragon came to us from Eastern mythology. In any case, you may need to blind the Serpent Gorynych if you bet puppet show based on a popular folk tale. It is not worth explaining to anyone that such a character is usually depicted in green, with long tail and three fire-breathing heads.

To sculpt the Serpent Gorynych, you need to take:

  • green and red plasticine;
  • black and yellow plasticine;
  • stack.

1. Most of all, green plasticine will be spent on sculpting all the main details. Also, the mass should be dense enough to keep its shape well, especially in the place of the future attachment of three heads.

2. Roll one large ball for the body and tail, three small balls for the heads and necks.

3. Turn all prepared green parts into tadpoles.

4. Curve the details (head and neck), draw out the front of the muzzle. Cut the mouth. The snake should be made fire-breathing, but it is not necessary to attach fire to all three heads. For example, attach an orange flame to one head and a red snake tongue to the other. Also make the eyes red to show a ferocious appearance.

5. Pull the ball into a drop, showing the torso and tail. Attach all three heads to the body.

6. Add nostrils.

7. From a yellow or orange plate, form triangular cakes for wings. Show the membranes with a stack.

8. Attach the wings to your back. Attach green cylinder paws with red claws to the belly.

Russian folk craft, the hero of many fairy tales - the Serpent Gorynych from plasticine is ready. Our lesson can be considered finished, but an interesting performance based on your favorite epic story can begin.

Among the popular heroes of Russian folk tales it is impossible not to recall the Serpent Gorynych, who can act as both a positive and a negative character. The three-headed creature fills any legend with mythical content, because in life we ​​have never seen anything like it. Let's fantasize with you on this topic and blind our own, completely fearless, Snake Gorynych from plasticine. Perhaps you will need such a craft if you want to put on your own play with your child or just want to have fun.

1. Most often we see the Serpent Gorynych in cartoons or in pictures in children's books, drawn in green. It is this plasticine that we need. Auxiliary colors - black and red, a drop of white.

2. Knead the larger half of the prepared green plasticine in your hands and divide it into several portions: the largest of them will be used to sculpt the torso and tail, all the rest will be used to create three heads and necks.

3. To make the torso, first roll the ball in the palms, then place it between the palms and gradually pull it into a large drop. After that, pull out the sharp part even more to make a tail. Attach oval heads to the necks.

4. Create the snake's head: stick on the eyes and insert a long red tongue into the mouth.

5. Make three identical heads in shape and size, placing sharp horns on the top of the head.

6. Attach the parts to the torso. If you are using too soft plasticine, then insert a match into each neck for stability.

7. To create scales, roll up a lot of balls from white or beige plasticine, then press each one to the state of a cake and form a triangle.

8. Attach the scales in a thin layer along the back, continue on the back of each neck and head.

9. From two triangular cakes, make wings, draw veins with white or beige plasticine.

10. Attach the wings to your back. Add paws from black plasticine.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

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The plasticine snake craft is very simple, you can complicate it only with additional details, if such a desire arises. Even the smallest children are able to knead plasticine in their hands and stretch it into a thin sausage, or, pressing a piece with their palm to the board, roll up a tube. And this will be the basis for the snake, in the future it will only remain to give the craft more recognizable features.

This modeling lesson shows the steps for creating a snake from plasticine. There are few of them, so modeling will not get bored. The resulting reptile will be standard, and to get an animal of a particular species, you can change the colors of plasticine, because all snakes are similar.

Other lessons on the topic of reptiles:

Step by step photo lesson:

Most often, snakes are molded from green plasticine. We also advise you to choose such a bar, or replace it with gray, black or brown.

To begin with, work has to be done on processing a dense mass. If the plasticine is dense, then kneading a large piece will not be so easy, but it is quite easy to do it in separate portions. Form a lump of the desired size.

Put the blank on the modeling board and press it down with the palm of your hand. Start rocking the mass with your palm to get a thin long sausage. It should be the same in diameter along the entire length, only leave one end more voluminous, highlighting the head.

Decorate the front part: eyes in the form of narrow lye, nostrils.

With the help of a stack, make scales on the back to show the rough body of the snake.

The snake must have a long red tongue. Attach this item to the front of the head to show that the reptile is hissing and defending its territory.

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Whatever helicopter you propose to blind the boy - passenger or military - he will never refuse such an exciting undertaking. Indeed, it is the boys who are big fans of all kinds of technology. Without going into specifications and the structure of the Cobra model, let's blind this military unit from plasticine. In this case, dark green plasticine is suitable for work. The more it is, the larger the craft will turn out. If there is not enough material, then mask some kind of waste material or another color inside.

Other lessons on helicopters:

Step by step photo lesson:

Green is the main color used in the work, yellow and blue (cyan) are additional shades.

Give the prepared green bar the shape of a ball.

Draw out an oblong bar - the fuselage of the helicopter. Give the cockpit a square shape.

Prepare blue squares for sculpting glass. To do this, form thin cakes, then cut out squares or rectangles of the desired size with a thin stack. Make several of these blanks.

Stick the glasses on the front of the helicopter body, placing them one above the other.

Make a tail. In shape, this detail will resemble a leg. Attach an additional steerer to the elongated tube, tapering on one side.

Connect the front and back of the machine. Attach the propeller to the back.

Decorate the product with additional green details: rollers, flat ledges.

Attach the main screw from above (it is better to put cardboard under the bottom, otherwise the plasticine thin part will simply sag).

Prepare additional parts to create a landing gear that allows the helicopter to land and push off the ground.

Assemble the chassis from two oblong boards resembling skis and curved side mounts.

The plasticine Cobra military helicopter is ready. Now you know how to entertain your little boy at your leisure.

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