Day of the signalman and specialist of the radio engineering service of the Russian Navy. What kind of holiday is the Day of the Signalman and Specialist of the RTS of the Russian Navy and when is it celebrated? Training of RTS specialists

Celebrate their professional holiday signalmen and specialists of the radio engineering service (RTS) of the Russian Navy.

The celebration of RTS Day began in 1996, when by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Russian Federation established a list of holidays and professional days for the Russian Navy. It is symbolic that the professional holiday in the Navy coincides with Radio Day, which is celebrated in our country by workers in all branches of communications.

The main tasks of the Radio Engineering Service of the Navy include: operation of the situation lighting system, installation, maintenance and operation of radio equipment and apparatus on ships, ships, bases and institutions of the Navy. The service itself is part of the High Command of the Navy.

Improvement and development of communication systems to ensure an effective management process in different levels: from the warhead of the ship and the subdivision on the shore to the control centers of all the Navy - the most important task of the radio engineering service.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of communications in the Armed Forces and, especially, in the Navy, where on how quickly and accurately the exchange will be carried out necessary information depends largely on the success of the task. But the distances between ships can be thousands of miles. The coherence of the actions of any connection is ensured largely due to stable communication and the reliability of the operation of radio equipment.

The importance of the role of communications and radio equipment is also emphasized by the fact that one of the tasks of this and other services of the Navy is to protect their own channels and radio systems and at the same time efforts aimed at disrupting the operation of such systems in a potential enemy.

In order to improve the activities of this service, the Navy regularly conducts meetings and exercises of radio engineering units. Peterhof is home to the highest military educational institution, engaged in the training of specialists in radio electronics for the Navy - Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics. A.S. Popov. This university became the first independent higher military educational institution that trained specialists in communications and radio engineering for the fleet.

Alexander Sergeyevich Suvorov ("Alexander Suvory")

Book-photo chronicle: "Legendary BOD" Ferocious "DKBF 1971-1974".

Chapter 762 BOD "Fierce". Radio engineering service (RTS). 11/15/1972.

Photo illustration from the open Internet: A complex of means (radar antenna posts) of the radio engineering service (RTS) BOD-SKR pr.1135 of the Burevestnik type. Everything was the same on the Fierce BOD.

In the previous one:

About other members personnel The electromechanical warhead (BC-5) of the BOD "Svirepy" I described in detail in the previous and I will tell you more in subsequent short stories of this book "The legendary BOD" Ferocious ".

And now the story about the radio engineering service (RTS) of the BOD "Svirepy" ...

It so happened that before serving in the Navy, I was trained at the Sevastopol Naval School of DOSAAF as a helmsman-signalman, I began my naval service as a helmsman of a large anti-submarine ship pr. Ferocious "acted as Komsomol organizer of BCH-1, Komsomol organizer of the ship, graphic designer, librarian, postman, visual reconnaissance officer, assistant developer of one of the first computers BIUS RTS (radio engineering service). At the very end of my service in the Navy, I was appointed to the position of commander of the electronic warfare (electronic warfare) department of the RTS BOD "Svirepy".

I spoke in great detail about RTS and electronic warfare in the short story “Chapter 686. Kaliningrad. Division-crew of the BOD "Svirepy". First. RTS. Radiometers. 03/09/1972. ”, so I will not repeat myself, but I will add something ...

The professional holiday of all signalmen and specialists of the radio engineering service (RTS) of the Navy is May 7 or “Radio Day” (since 1996) and this is not accidental, because the RTS was born from the communications, surveillance and control services. The invention of the Russian scientist-inventor A.S. Popov practical radio gave rise to the creation and development of a new branch of military affairs - radio communications and radar.

Since 1900, mass equipping of ships of the Russian navy with modern radio communications equipment, training of personnel in the combat use of new communications equipment, their proper operation and repair began. In Kronstadt, under the Mine officer class, the first two-week courses on "wireless telegraphy" appeared. The training program for these courses was personally compiled by A.S. Popov.

He helped and moved the development of A.S. Popova, our glorious shipbuilding scientist, chief commander of the Kronstadt port, Vice Admiral S.O. Makarov. It was he who insisted that the tactics of using radio communications be improved, and at his insistence, radio reconnaissance, radio direction finding and radio interception were born in Russia.

The need for such a military use of radio and radio communications was shown by the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, because one of the reasons for our defeat in that war was “the lack of a full-fledged organization combat control ships." That is why, at the end of 1907, the “Regulations on the Radiotelegraph Unit” (future BCH-4) was introduced in the Russian Maritime Department, and in 1909 the “Communication Service” of the Navy was created, which even then “was able to effectively ensure the management of the forces of the fleet.” The test of the new Communications Service was the First World War (1914-1918).

Radiotelegraphers for the Baltic Fleet, the Amur and Siberian fleets were trained by the Kronstadt Mining School, and for Black Sea Fleet- Sevastopol Mining School. The first naval school for the training of radio specialists - the Radio Engineering School - was opened in the fall of 1916 on the White Sea. By 1917, 48 radio telegraph operators were trained for ships and coastal service.

Only after the end of the Civil War and with the revival of the navy Soviet Russia the training of ordinary radio communication specialists began again. In 1921-1922, again in the Training and Mine Detachment of the Baltic Fleet in Kronstadt (since 1922 - the Electromine School), they began to train communications service specialists. In Sevastopol, the same thing began to be done at the Second United School of the Training Detachment of the Black Sea Fleet.

In 1925, the Kronstadt Electromine School was named after the Russian physicist, electrical engineer and radio inventor Alexander Stepanovich Popov. Since 1937, this school has switched to training exclusively radio specialists of various profiles for all flotillas and fleets. Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the training of junior specialists in the radio engineering service was carried out at Far East at the School of Communication Pacific Fleet, which trained signalmen for all operating fleets and flotillas of the Soviet Union. It was during these years that new types of applications for radio communications, radio direction finding, radio reconnaissance and radio interference, that is, the radio engineering service (RTS), arose.

“The main tasks of the radio engineering service of the Navy are the organization and management of the situational illumination system in the fleet and the implementation of measures for its development, the preparation of proposals for the improvement information support processes for managing the forces of the fleet, creating and ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of a unified state system illumination of surface and underwater conditions (EGSONPO)".

The radio engineering service of the Navy also performs other tasks that are assigned directly to the RTS by the regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the head of state, directives and orders of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, directives and orders of the Minister of Defense, directives General Staff Armed Forces, as well as orders and directives of the main command of the navy. This level of command control directly by the radio engineering service is due to its importance and effectiveness, since in addition to lighting the situation and reconnaissance, the radio engineering service is effective weapon EW (electronic warfare).

What is the use of a flying missile or bomb with a nuclear or any other destructive charge if it can be "blinded" at a distance, retargeted ("fooled"), and its control and detonation systems can be rendered harmless?

Already during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) it became obvious that "in modern armed forces, especially in the navy, where the success of the assigned combat mission may very often depend on how accurately and quickly the necessary information is exchanged, "it is impossible to do without complex radio equipment and RTS facilities. That is why "one of the tasks of the RTS of the Navy is to protect its own radio systems and channels from external influences, and disrupt the smooth operation of similar systems from a potential enemy."

"Until 2010 in Peterhof ( Leningrad region) there was a higher military educational institution that trained specialists in radio electronics for the needs of the Russian Navy - the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov. This institution of higher education has become the first independent military university in our country, which trains highly qualified specialists in communications and radio engineering for Russian fleet. On July 1, 2012, after the merger of the Naval Engineering Institute with the Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov, the Naval Polytechnic Institute was formed, the buildings of which are located in Peterhof and Pushkin.

Practically the main means of RTS for ensuring controllability, security and combat use ships of the Navy today is radar ...

Without detecting targets at a long range, without identifying targets for "friend or foe", without determining the distance and bearing (direction to the target, without other parameters that radar tools provide, today it is almost impossible to accurately direct and aim ship weapons, destroy a target, perform combat missions and remain safe and sound ...

That is why the commanders, specialists and personnel of the RTS on ships, which are traditionally called "passengers" by all other combat units, especially BCH-5, are still given universal respect, recognition and honor, with the hope that they will be able to detect the enemy in time, interfere with the enemy, aim the ship's weapons at the enemy in time and help destroy the enemy.

Almost all other combat units of the BOD "Svirepy" used the means and equipment of the RTS. For example, the ARP-50 radio direction finder in the range of long and medium waves was intended to determine the location by radio beacons at night and in poor visibility.

Four launchers of fired interference PK-16 (KL-101) of 82 mm caliber with 16 guide tubes were means of countermeasures and interference (PIP) of electronic warfare (EW). PK-16 (KL-101) launched radar and thermal distracting and misinforming decoys into the space around the ship to counter guided weapons with radar and thermal guidance systems (homing). Type of jamming projectiles RUMM-82 (TSP-60). Weight of unloaded PU-16 - 400 kg.

Directly from the control data of the RTS means, the fire control system of the universal 76-mm artillery "Turret" worked: the artillery fire control device (PUAO) "Turret-1135", which consisted of a central firing machine D-67-2 (calculating and decisive device), which, based on the incoming data, worked out the distance and direction to the target, simultaneously giving out the angles of horizontal and vertical aiming for two 76-mm AK-726 gun mounts, as well as from the universal coordinate converter (PC), with the help of which the trajectory of the projectiles was stabilized in space.

After receiving target designation from the MR-310 Angara-A (RTS), the target was taken to escort the MR-105 Turret-61 firing radar or from 2 Prism autonomous sights and the BC-2 gunners fired aimed shells. At the same time, the Component vertical gyro produced stabilization angles for the AK-726 gun mounts, the Kurs-5 navigational gyrocompass provided data on the course of the ship, the MGL-50 log gave data on the speed of the ship, but the main target designation was the general detection radar - the famous MP-310 "Angara-A" (RTS).

The MR-310 Angara-A radar (RTS) detected surface targets and issued target designations to the MR-105 Turel control radar. The MR-105 "Turret" radar took one target for escort in any weather conditions, during pitching, poor visibility, at night, by automatically controlling the firing of two AK-726 universal caliber turrets at the same target at the same time.

The MR-310 Angara-A general detection radar (RTS) is a three-coordinate, decimeter wave range radar station, which detects and determines the range, speed and direction to a surface or air target, (angular coordinates) and transmits this data to the fire control system of the universal ship weapon BOD "Svirepy".

The MR-310 Angara-A general detection radar (RTS) operated in circular, sector and target tracking modes to provide target designation to naval weapons. The station could also determine the deviations of the fall of artillery shells and rockets from bursts. The MR-310 Angara-A radar had a detection range of air targets up to 310 km and surface targets up to 55 km. To reduce the error in measuring the angular coordinates and facilitate the working conditions of operators during pitching, stabilization of the antenna post of the MR-310 Angara-A general detection radar (RTS) was applied in the guidance drive circuit.

Also, information about air targets from the MR-310 Angara-A RTS general detection radar entered the 4R33 fire control system for the Osa-M air defense system, which consisted of: guidance and loading drives of the complex; jamming protection equipment and radar channels operating in the centimeter wave range for target detection, target tracking, missile sighting and command transmission, which reduces the reaction time of the complex and faster missile guidance to the target.

The fire control system "Monsoon" for the main weapon of the BOD "Svirepy" - the anti-submarine URPK-4 "Metel", consisted of: guidance drives, anti-jamming equipment and prelaunch automation and a hydroacoustic station GAS MG-332 "Titan-2" in the bow bulb of the ship and deep-sea towed sonar station BGAS MG-325 "Vega" (RTS).

GAS MG-332 "Titan-2" - search, all-round visibility and target designation, the antenna was mounted in the wing fairing (bulb) of the ship. GAS MG-332 "Titan-2" was intended to detect submarines, torpedoes and sea anchor mines by echolocation. GAS MG-332 "Titan-2" detected underwater targets in the modes of echo and noise direction finding at a distance of 2 to 20 km, and anchor mines and torpedoes at distances up to 3 km.

The towed deep-sea sonar MG-325 "Vega" was specially designed to search for submarines and other underwater targets by echolocation and noise direction finding under adverse hydroacoustic conditions, including great depth under the layer of "temperature jump" of the speed of sound. The body of the transceiver antenna GAS MG-325 "Vega" could be lowered on a special streamlined cable-cable to a depth of 200 meters, towing was carried out at a ship speed of 5 to 25 knots. GAS MG-325 "Vega" provides detection of submarines at a distance of up to 15 km.

The main target designation tool for the SU-504A Dragon-1135 torpedo fire control system was the MR-310 Angara-A all-round radar (RTS) or the MG-332 Titan-2 GAS (RTS). The torpedo firing control device (PUTS) "Dragon-1135" consisted of: a torpedo firing machine TAS (calculating and decisive device), which, based on incoming, from the MR-310 "Angara-A" radar or GAS MG-332 "Titan-2 ", the torpedo triangle solved the data and automatically entered the direction and range of the target into the GOS of the torpedoes.

BC-1 also closely interacted with the RTS, since, for example, the Kurs-5 navigational gyrocompass was under the control of the BC-1 navigational combat unit, but ensured the normal operation of all other combat units. The repeaters (repeaters of readings - the author) of the Kurs-5 gyrocompass were located in various combat posts and, after they were turned on and coordinated with the gyrocompass, showed the course of the ship.

The navigation console, which housed the mechanisms for indicating and recording the course, the remote control mechanism for the corrector and the kit measuring instruments and signal lamps, allowed to remotely monitor malfunctions and make corrections. The gyrocompass was equipped with an autonomous emergency power supply and 8 self-synchronizing receiving peripheral devices (repeaters).

The Don navigation radar of the three-centimeter wave range was intended to illuminate the navigation situation and solve navigation problems; it made it possible to determine, in a circular view, the range to a cruiser-type target - 25 km and to any air target - up to 50 km. The Volga navigation radar, also of a three-centimeter wavelength range, was intended to illuminate the navigation situation and solve navigation problems; it made it possible to determine, with a circular view, the range to an air target - up to 110 km.

On the Svirepy BOD, the RTS was in charge of the equipment of the Nichrome state identification system (the Nickel interrogator and the Khrom responder), the MG-26 Khosta sonar of underwater communications, the MG-7 sonar of anti-sabotage defense, the MGS-407k sonar, the system group attacks (SGA) "Dozor-Tyulpan", BIUS "Tablet-1135", radio direction finder ARP-50. State identification equipment "Nichrom" allows the identification of surface and air targets to determine their belonging to their own or foreign armed forces.

The MG-7 divers search GAS searched for underwater saboteurs in the mode of anchoring the ship or mooring lines (on barrels). On the BOD "Svirepy" there were two sets of such stations MG-7 - bow and stern. Their antennas are lowered on a cable-cable into the water, at the same time a watch is assigned to monitor the underwater situation and fight underwater saboteurs (PDSS watch - author).

The group attack system (SGA) "Dozor-Tulpan" made it possible to use anti-submarine weapons according to target designation from other ships, primarily for joint attacks from RBU-6000 rocket launchers. In fact, the group attack system (SGA) "Dozor-Tulip" was in conjunction with the PUSB "Storm" of ships with transmitters of the "Tulip" type.

GAS MGS-407k, was intended to work with exposed sonar buoys, it was equipped with KMG-12 Kassandra equipment, which provided the classification, accumulation and registration of acoustic signals.

The MG-26 Khosta sonar of underwater communications ensured the identification of submarines and communication with them in a submerged position in telegraph and telephone modes. All equipment of the MG-26 Khosta sonar of underwater communications was top-secret.

The ship was to be equipped with an electronic radar electronic warfare MP-401S "Start-S", but they simply did not have time to deliver and install it in front of the first BS (combat service" in July-October 1973. At the end of my service in the Navy, I had to implement, maintain and operate RTS electronic warfare equipment BOD "Fierce" ...

Almost all RTS equipment on the Svirepy BOD was either secret or top-secret, especially the CICS equipment, in particular the Tablet-1135, a combat information and control system (CICS) designed to coordinate the work of shipborne environment lighting equipment, displaying it on various tablets and monitor screens, information processing, determining the elements of the movement of targets. BIUS BOD "Svirepy" provided simultaneous processing of data on 4-5 surface and 7-9 air targets.

I was very lucky, because I quite by accident (I was at that moment a free helmsman) became an assistant to one of the creators of the computer complex BIUS BPK "Svirepy" Rem Nikolaevich (the name of this designer-engineer is still classified - author). In 1972-1973, work on the creation of a CICS was actively carried out and is currently being implemented on the TFR pr.11356 in the form of a domestic CICS "Requirement-M" of a new generation. I am extremely pleased and proud that I took an active part in this work.

Lieutenant Commander
Konstantin Dmitrievich Vasiliev (February 1972 - March 1977). He was very competent, an excellent specialist in his field, calm, even somewhat phlegmatic, but surprisingly perspicacious, of an analytical mindset and character, self-possessed and correct. Marine officer. It was not for nothing that the communists of the BPC "Svirepy" elected him the permanent secretary of the primary party organization.

At the same time, undoubtedly, Konstantin Dmitrievich Vasiliev was a direct element of the Soviet time administrative-party system of upbringing, education and management, corresponded to the prevailing rules of conduct and public relations. In all historical times and in all systems of government it is difficult to be an uncompromisingly honest, decent, fair person...

The first commander of the hydroacoustic group (GAG), (Sl-R) was Lieutenant Kamensky Igor Nikolaevich (1972-05.1976). Radio engineering service engineer, lieutenant Astakhov Vladimir Afanasyevich (1972-1973), in July 1973, before the first BS, he will be replaced by an RTS engineer, lieutenant Strukov;

The instructor of the RTS was midshipman Salov Leonid Vasilievich (02.1972-05.1974). The foreman of the team of artillery radiometrists is warrant officer Volkov Igor Vladimirovich (08.1972-09.1975). The foreman of the radiometric team of the PIP EW (opposition and interference) is midshipman Kovrik Evgeny Ignatievich (06.1973-01.1974), he will be replaced by midshipman Dzhangirov Vladislav Salimovich (02.1974-11.1974). The foreman of the team of radiometric observers is midshipman Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich (08.1972-10.1974), he will be replaced by midshipman Glukhov Vladimir Vasilievich (10.1974-02.1985). The foreman-technician of the hydroacoustic team is midshipman Kozmenko Vladimir Petrovich (1972-07.19677).

I was well acquainted and friendly with all these officers and midshipmen, as well as with many sailors and foremen from the RTS personnel, among whom were:

Abdulayev Vagif Alashraf-ogly, commander of the radiometric department of the PIP, service period 05/13/1970-05/1973
Brodnikovsky Viktor Leontievich, hydroacoustician, service period 05/13/1970-05/1973
Voronov Alexander Dmitrievich, commander of the hydroacoustic department, service period 05/19/1970-05/1973
Zozulin Vladimir Alekseevich, senior hydroacoustician, service period 05/11/1970-05/1973
Kruglikov Andrey Andreevich, commander of the hydroacoustic department, service period 05/19/1970-05/1973
Khusainov Rafkat Toraevich, senior hydroacoustician, service period 05/08/1970-05/1973
Chugunny Sergey Ivanovich, commander of the artillery radiometer department, service period 05/16/1970-05/1973
Shlykov Vladimir Ivanovich, hydroacoustician, service period 05/15/1970-05/1973
Varava Alexander Mikhailovich, senior radiometrist PIP, service period 11/19/1970-11/1973
Evdokimov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, senior radiometrist BIP, service period 11/20/1970-11/1973
Kutuzov Alexander Nikolaevich, artillery radiometer operator, service period 09.11.1970-11.1973
Mazur Pyotr Evtikhovich, commander of the department of radiometric observers, service period 11/22/1970-11/1973
Boksha Alexander Nikolaevich, senior radiometrist BIP, service period 11/20/1970-11/1973
Agureev Alexander Fedorovich, hydroacoustician, service period 05/13/1971-05/1974
Babich Mikhail Alekseevich, commander of the artillery radiometer department, service period 05/12/1971-05/20/1974
Malysh Grigory Pavlovich, senior radiometrist BIP, service period 05/17/1971-05/06/1974
Mezhelis Petrls Pyatro, commander of the hydroacoustic department, service period 05/12/1971-05/06/1974
Muzraev Boris Sandzhievich, commander of the hydroacoustic department, service period 05/18/1971-05/10/1974
Proskurin Vasily Alexandrovich, hydroacoustician, service period 05/06/1971-05/1974
Samokhval Anatoly Vasilyevich, radiometrist BIP, service period 05/15/1971-05/1974
Skachkov Viktor Vasilyevich, commander of the navigational radiometer department, service period 05/12/1971-05/10/1974
Yudashkin Grigory Borisovich, RTS instructor, service period 05/13/1971-05/06/1974
Karetov Pavel Pavlovich, commander of the department of radiometric observers, service period 11/16/1971-11/12/1974
Kudlay Alexander Mikhailovich, commander of the artillery radiometer department, service period 11/08/1971-11/01/1974
Senatsky Alexander Dmitrievich, commander of the EVT specialists department, service period 11/10/1971-11/01/1974
Franyuk Pyotr Evgenievich, commander of the department of the control group, service period 11/09/1971-11/01/1974.

Even now, 45 years after the hoisting of the first silk naval flag on the BOD "Svirepy", many of the sailors of the RTS BOD "Svirepy" are actively involved in its legendary life and fate, communicating and helping each other on the Internet, participating in the events of the crew of veterans of the BOD "Svirepy". Honor and glory to them!

Honor and glory to the "Svirepovites"! Honor and glory to the Fierce BOD!

The Russian Navy has 203 surface ships and 71 submarines, including 23 nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. The defense capability of Russia at sea is provided by modern and powerful ships.

"Peter the Great"

The heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Peter the Great is the world's largest non-aircraft-carrying strike ship. Capable of destroying groups of enemy aircraft carriers. The only afloat cruiser of the famous Soviet project 1144 Orlan. Built at the Baltic Shipyard and launched in 1989. Commissioned after 9 years.

For 16 years, the cruiser has traveled 140,000 miles. Flagship Northern Fleet Russian Navy, port of registry - Severomorsk.
With a width of 28.5 meters, it has a length of 251 meters. Full displacement 25860 tons.
Two nuclear reactors with a capacity of 300 megawatts, two boilers, turbines and gas turbine generators are capable of providing energy to a city with a population of 200,000. Can reach speeds up to 32 knots, cruising range is not limited. The crew of 727 people can be in autonomous navigation for 60 days.
Armament: 20 SM-233 launchers with P-700 Granit cruise missiles, firing range - 700 km. Anti-air complex"Reef" S-300F (96 vertical launch missiles). Air defense system"Dagger" with a stock of 128 missiles. Gun mount AK-130. Two anti-submarine missile and torpedo systems "Waterfall", anti-torpedo complex "Udav-1M". Rocket bombing installations RBU-12000 and RBU-1000 "Smerch-3". Three Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters can be based on board.

"Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (project 11435). Built at the Black Sea Shipyard, launched in 1985. He bore the names "Riga", "Leonid Brezhnev", "Tbilisi". Since 1991, he became part of the Northern Fleet. Carried out military service in the Mediterranean, participated in rescue operation at the death of the Kursk. Three years later, according to the plan, it will go for modernization.
The length of the cruiser is 302.3 meters, the total displacement is 55,000 tons. Max speed- 29 knots. A crew of 1960 can stay at sea for a month and a half.
Armament: 12 anti-ship missiles Granit, 60 Udav-1 missiles, 24 Klinok air defense systems (192 missiles) and Kashtan (256 missiles). It can carry 24 Ka-27 helicopters, 16 Yak-41M supersonic VTOL aircraft and up to 12 Su-27K fighter jets.


"Moskva", guards missile cruiser. Multipurpose ship. Built at the shipyards of the plant named after 61 Communards in Nikolaev. It was originally called "Glory". Commissioned in 1983. Flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
Participated in the military conflict with Georgia, in 2014 carried out the blockade of the Ukrainian Navy.
With a width of 20.8 meters, it has a length of 186.4 meters and a displacement of 11,490 tons. Maximum speed 32 knots. Cruising range up to 6000 nautical miles. The crew of 510 people can be in the "autonomy" for a month.
Armament: 16 P-500 Bazalt mounts, two AK-130 gun mounts, six AK-630 6-barrel gun mounts, B-204 S-300F Rif air defense systems (64 missiles), Osa-MA air defense missile launchers (48 missiles), torpedo tubes, RBU-6000 rocket launchers, Ka-27 helicopter.
A copy of the "Moscow" - the cruiser "Varyag" is the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.


Patrol ship "Dagestan" was commissioned in 2012. Built at the Zelenodolsk shipyard. In 2014, it was transferred to the Caspian Flotilla. This is the second ship of project 11661K, the first - "Tatarstan" is the flagship of the Caspian Fleet.
"Dagestan" has a more powerful and modern weapons: universal RK "Caliber-NK", which can use several types of high-precision missiles (firing range is more than 300 km), ZRAK "Palma", AU AK-176M. Equipped with stealth technology.
With a width of 13.1 meters, "Dagestan" has a length of 102.2 meters, a displacement of 1900 tons. Can reach speeds up to 28 knots. The crew of 120 people can be in autonomous navigation for 15 days.
Four more such ships have been laid down at the shipyards.


The flagship of the Baltic Fleet, the destroyer Nastoychivy, was built at the Zhdanov Leningrad Shipyard and launched in 1991. Designed to destroy ground targets, anti-aircraft and anti-ship defense formations.
With a width of 17.2 meters, it has a length of 156.5 meters and a displacement of 7940 tons. The crew of 296 people can stay at sea without calling at the port for up to 30 days.
The destroyer carries a KA-27 helicopter. It is equipped with twin AK-130/54 gun mounts, AK-630 six-barrel gun mounts, P-270 Moskit mounts, six-barrel rocket launchers, two Shtil air defense systems and torpedo tubes.

"Yury Dolgoruky"

Atomic Submarine"Yuri Dolgoruky" (the first submarine of project 955 "Borey") was laid down in 1996 in Severodvinsk. Commissioned in 2013. Port of registry - Gadzhiyevo. Part of the Northern Fleet.
The length of the boat is 170 meters, the underwater displacement is 24,000 tons. Maximum surface speed - 15 knots, underwater - 29 knots. Crew 107 people. It can carry out combat duty for three months without entering the port.
"Yuri Dolgoruky" carries 16 ballistic missiles"Bulava", equipped with PHR 9R38 "Igla", 533-mm torpedo tubes, six installations of acoustic countermeasures REPS-324 "Barrier". In the coming years, six more submarines of the same class will be built at Russian shipyards.


Multi-purpose nuclear submarine "Severodvinsk" became the first submarine of the new Russian project 855 "Ash". The most "quiet" submarine in the world. Built in Severodvinsk. In 2014, it became part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy. Port of registry - Zapadnaya Litsa.
With a width of 13.5 meters, it has a length of 119 meters, an underwater displacement of 13,800 tons,
Surface speed "Severodvinsk" is 16 knots, underwater - 31 knots. Endurance of navigation - 100 days, crew - 90 people.
It has a modern silent nuclear reactor of a new generation. The submarine is equipped with ten torpedo tubes, P-100 Oniks, Kh-35, ZM-54E, ZM-54E1, ZM-14E cruise missiles. Bears strategic cruise missiles X-101 and can hit targets within a radius of up to 3000 kilometers. Until 2020, Russia plans to build six more Yasen-class submarines.

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Much has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

There are a lot of army celebrations in the domestic calendar. This is explained by the undeniable importance of military affairs for the state, since the army is the defense of the state and the people living in it. One of these holidays falls at the beginning of May, namely the 7th. It is called the Day of the Signalman and Specialist of the Radio Engineering Service of the Navy.

Date and service history

The Day of the Signalman and Specialist of the Radio Engineering Service of the Russian Navy has been around for more than 20 years. It appeared a little over 20 years ago, the impetus for which was the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy. This document established a list of state specialized and simply important military dates for the Russian Navy, and declared May 7 as the Day of the Signalman and RTS Specialist. Interestingly, the honoring of specialists in the military radio engineering direction coincides day by day with that of all those who work in the field of communications, regardless of its specific industry - I mean Radio Day. This is no coincidence, because, in fact, all of them, one way or another, work in the same direction, only they pursue goals and perform different service tasks.

The holiday of May 7, the Day of the Signalman and Specialist of the Radio Engineering Service of the Russian Navy, is a great occasion to look into history.

To train people as radio specialists for the Navy in our country began by and large in 1900. The main contribution to the development of communications as such and a specific industry in particular was made by the famous scientist A.S. Popov. At that time, the army had an urgent need both for means of communication with which it was necessary to equip military ships, and for people capable of skillfully using this technique for military purposes. In this regard, the first training courses started in Kronstadt. They were held at the Mine officer class, the duration of the program was only 14 days. The subject of study was the discipline called wireless telegraphy. The training program consisted of lectures (to give theory) and practical (to consolidate the past) classes. The author of the courses, of course, was the inventor A.S. Popov himself.

However, the scientist did not remain without help from the Navy, and he would hardly have coped. It was provided to the inventor S.O. Makarov, who at that time held the position of chief commander of the Kronstadt port. This man made a contribution to the production of Russian models of radio devices, as well as the installation of this equipment on warships. His merit is also in the training of specialists who had to work with the means military communications. In addition, it was S.O. Makarov did a lot to hone the skills and tactics of using radio communications to solve military problems. To him Russian army is due to the emergence of such branches of radio communications as radio intelligence, radio interception and radio direction finding.

In the period from 1904 to 1905. Our country took part in the famous Russo-Japanese War. The domestic fleet was defeated, and historians call one of the most important reasons for this defeat nothing more than the lack of quality leadership of warships. This event forced specialists to zealously tackle the problem, and at the end of 1907, the Maritime Department acquired new documents - the Regulations on the radiotelegraph part. Two years later, the Communications Service began to function in our state, main responsibility which was to ensure full-fledged, organized control over the combat units of the Navy. This unit showed successful results of its work already during the First World War.

Training of RTS specialists

During the described period, the training of telegraph operators for Navy in almost all regions where the corresponding army bases were located, the Mining School in Kronstadt was engaged. Only signalmen for the Black Sea Fleet were trained by a similar Sevastopol military educational institution. The Radio Engineering School itself opened its doors to future army signalmen in 1916 in the area White Sea. When a revolution broke out in Russia a year later, this institution produced only 48 radiotelegraphers. For a while civil war activities for the training of radio communication specialists have ceased almost completely.

It resumed under Soviet rule by the 20s of the last century. Then the revival of the Navy began. Specialists were trained again in Kronstadt, only now at the Electromine School, and in Sevastopol. Three years later, the authorities gave the first educational institution the name of the physicist A.S. Popov. After 12 years, the Electromine School completely changed the profile of its activities: only radio specialists began to be trained within its walls.

Graduates of a military educational institution had a hard time during the Great Patriotic War. However, they courageously fulfilled their duty, carrying out not only their direct duties, but also fearlessly fighting the enemy, if necessary, to be involved in hostilities. During this harsh time, army signalmen were trained in the Far East region, at the School of Communications of the Pacific Fleet.

RTS today

The fundamental tasks of the RTS of the Russian Navy include:

  • ensuring an organized and fully functioning system of lighting the situation in the fleet;
  • development and implementation of measures to improve the quality of control over the activities and "communication" of naval combat ships;
  • creation and control of the situation at sea and under water;
  • protection of communication channels from information interception by the enemy and malicious external interference.

A complete list of tasks and goals facing signalmen and employees in the radio engineering unit of our army is indicated in the relevant regulations, orders and directives.

Communication is simply of great importance for the military to fulfill their direct duties, but most importantly, to ensure the country's defense against a possible attack by enemy forces. The faster and more efficiently the military will exchange information in the event of real threat the sooner action will be taken to eliminate the imbalance. Considering that the warships of our fleet sometimes share serious distances, lasting several thousand miles, it becomes clear: the role of radio communications should not be underestimated. And, of course, with their work, the radio specialists of the Navy deserved their own holiday, the Day of the Signalman and Specialist of the Radio Engineering Service of the Russian Navy.

It is worth mentioning the first military university in Russia, which trains communications specialists for the needs of the domestic fleet. They became the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov. Until 2010, this educational institution was based in the buildings of the Leningrad Peterhof. Later it was renamed the Naval Institute. Since mid-summer 2012, this institution has been merged with the Naval engineering institute, and the resulting university - polytechnic - was transferred to Pushkin's Peterhof, where it is located to this day.

On May 7, give your loved one, spouse, friend, father or other relative who worked or served once for the good of the motherland in the radio engineering troops as a signalman, a memorable present. The latter can be a miniature model of a warship or a book with works of art about the life and exploits of brave warriors. He will be very pleased!

We sincerely congratulate all radio specialists on the holiday of May 7, on the Day of the Signalman and Specialist of the RTS of the Russian Navy!

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