Creatine and muscle building. Creatine - when to take and how much? Optimal reception scheme

Sports nutrition - 5 main products for a set muscle mass. Learn how to display progress when playing sports in gym to a new level.

Creatine is one of the most popular sports supplements. Numerous studies have shown that creatine promotes strength and muscle gain. It was also found to be completely safe to use. But, despite the fact that almost everyone is already aware of its effectiveness and safety, the question of the optimal time for taking it is still open. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about when to take creatine.

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Why should you take creatine?

Creatine molecule. Creatine is a compound synthesized in muscle cells. It is also a super popular and widely researched supplement. Taking creatine as a supplement increases its concentration in cells, which leads to an improvement in some physical indicators. This applies, first of all, to the physical performance of the body. Also, some studies show improvement in neurological performance, such as improved mental performance in old age. Useful article: Studies have shown that creatine increases strength in training by an average of 5-10%. This is due to the exceptional importance of creatine in cellular processes. Those who want to increase strength and generally improve the physical state, it is worth taking this supplement into service. Thus, creatine is a safe and effective supplement with some benefits for our health and fitness.

Taking Creatine on Workout Days

On training days, there are three main intervals for taking creatine. It can be taken shortly before a workout, after a workout, or during a period that is in no way connected in time with a workout.

Should I take creatine after a workout?
Researchers are trying to identify the best time to take creatine. One study found that for adult men, the most effective method– consume 5 grams of creatine before or after training. For four weeks, the participants in the experiment trained in the gym 5 days a week and took creatine before or after training. At the end of the experiment, significant increases in lean muscle mass and decreases in adipose tissue were noted in those who took creatine post-workout.

However, another study found no difference between the effect of taking creatine before and after exercise.
In general, based on the available research, it is impossible to say with certainty whether there is a significant difference between taking creatine before and after training.

See also: What to eat before a workout - pre-workout, nutrition, sports supplements

Best Supplement to Take Before or Right After a Workout

Taking creatine immediately before or immediately after a workout is more effective than long before or after it. In one ten-week study, adult athletes were given a complex supplement containing creatine, carbohydrates, and protein. The participants were divided into two groups. One group took the supplement before or immediately after training, while the other group took it in the morning and evening. By the end of the study, athletes in the first group who took the supplement before or after exercise gained more muscle mass and increased their strength performance more than those who took it in the morning and evening. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that it is better to take creatine shortly before or after training than at other times of the day. For example, you can take a whole serving after your workout or split it into two portions, taking one before and one after your workout.
Thus, the optimal time for taking creatine is not fully understood, but it is preferable to correlate its intake with pre- or post-workout time.

Taking Creatine on Rest Days

The timing of this supplement on non-training days is much less significant than on training days. By taking the powder on rest days, we aim to maintain a high level of creatine in the blood. When taking a supplement containing creatine, it is often recommended to do a "loading phase" first. This means taking large doses (about 20 grams) for about five days, which rapidly increases muscle levels of creatine. After that, it is recommended to reduce the dosage to 3–5 grams per day.
If you're on a regular dose, taking creatine on rest days is essential to keep levels high in your muscles. In general, there is not much difference when exactly it is taken.
However, there are advantages to taking creatine with food, which we will discuss next.

Should I combine creatine with something?

The benefits of creatine have long been known to everyone, but many people want to know how to get the most out of their intake.
The researchers added other ingredients, such as protein, carbohydrates, amino acids, cinnamon, and other plant extracts, to the supplement to increase its effectiveness. Several studies have confirmed that combining creatine with carbohydrates improves the supply of creatine to the muscles. However, other studies have shown that adding carbohydrates to creatine does not make a noticeable difference in results. Moreover, some studies have used a meal volume containing about 100 grams of carbohydrates (400 kcal). If you don't need those extra calories to recover, this will result in a set excess weight. It turns out that combining creatine with carbohydrates can increase its effect, but at the same time there is a risk of consuming too many calories. Practice shows that you should take creatine along with a regular meal containing carbohydrates, but do not go beyond your norm. You can also take protein with this meal, as protein and amino acids can improve creatine absorption. In general, other ingredients can be added to creatine to increase its effectiveness. Carbohydrates will help in this matter. Another option is to combine creatine intake with a meal containing protein and carbohydrates.

Creatine monohydrate is one of the most popular types. sports nutrition for muscle growth. Regular use of this supplement increases the strength of athletes and helps them gain muscle mass faster - including due to the fact that creatine causes fluid retention in the muscles, which makes them bulkier.

While creatine is capable of (1) , this supplement is not an anabolic steroid or other form of doping and is officially approved by sports organizations. In addition, numerous Scientific research confirm the safety of regular use of creatine monohydrate.

What does creatine do and how does it work?

The effect of creatine appears gradually with regular use, as it tends to accumulate in body tissues (primarily in muscles). The main function of creatine is to provide the body with energy during physical exertion. In strength training, the energy of creatine is used first, and only then - the energy of ATP, glycogen and other nutrients.

Among other things, creatine monohydrate helps neutralize acids formed during physical exertion - this is. Muscles from creatine become more voluminous, as it increases the amount of fluid stored in the sarcoplasm. The total weight gain with regular use of creatine can be up to 3-5 kg.

Effects of taking creatine

As FitSeven mentioned above, creatine monohydrate supplementation can increase testosterone levels in men - scientific studies report a 20-25% increase in testosterone levels within the first 10 weeks after starting creatine supplementation (4) . This fact, again, has a positive effect on the rate of muscle growth and weight gain.

talking in simple words, due to more effective work creatine allows athletes to use more working weight in exercises, which significantly increases strength. In addition, muscle tissue noticeably increases in size due to additional recruitment in (4) .

Daily need for creatine

The body of an athlete weighing 70 kg stores approximately 110-130 g of creatine (2) , most of of which is stored in the muscles. Since creatine is stored in the muscles, either special supplements or animal meat are needed to replenish it (there is no creatine in plants and cereals). At the same time, the body of an average athlete uses about 2-4 g of creatine per day (5) .

For comparison: given quantity creatine is contained in 200-300 g of beef fillet or other red meat. Note that only active meat eaters consume enough creatine with food. For all other athletes, in particular, the daily intake of creatine monohydrate in the form of a sports supplement is highly recommended.

How to choose the best creatine?

Under "creatine with a transport system" is the same creatine monohydrate with the addition of carbohydrates, B vitamins and a number of microminerals. It must be understood that no additional benefits increased speed absorption does not play - creatine does not act instantly, its effect appears only gradually with daily intake.

The price of "advanced" types of creatine is several times higher than the price of regular powdered creatine monohydrate, but the final effectiveness is approximately the same. The only noticeable plus from taking Kre-Alkalyn in capsules can be a decrease in swelling and discomfort in the stomach - allergic reaction on creatine monohydrate in some people.

A short guide to strength training for speed dial muscle mass.

How to take creatine?

For a long time, it was believed that it was necessary to start drinking creatine from the "loading phase" - up to 25 g of creatine monohydrate per day. However, scientific studies have shown that such a regimen does not provide any advantages over the use of smaller doses - as we noted above, creatine always begins to act only for 7-10 days.

It is currently believed that athletes should take 2-4 grams of creatine monohydrate daily (1) . Creatine is best absorbed in the carbohydrate window, and taking 2-4 g of creatine immediately after training will be ideal. At the same time, creatine is able to be absorbed quite normally without carbohydrates.

Creatine: cons and possible harm

Creatine monohydrate is the most researched sports supplement to date. Numerous experiments and scientific research have not revealed any side effects for healthy person when taking it (4) . Regular use of doses up to 3 g of creatine per day is classified as "minimal risk of adverse health effects" (5) .

Despite the safety of creatine, people suffering from chronic diseases (primarily asthma and various kinds), as well as pregnant women and people who have undergone major surgery, are advised to additionally consult with their doctor before starting to take creatine.


Creatine monohydrate is the most important sports supplement for increasing strength, increasing body weight and muscle volume. To achieve a positive effect, a constant daily intake of 2-4 g of creatine is recommended, preferably after strength training and as part of a carbohydrate-protein shake (although creatine is allowed at other times).

Scientific sources:

  1. Creatine, An Article at,
  2. Creatine Content as an Index of Quality of Meat Products,
  3. Buford TW, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise,
  4. Effect of creatine and beta-alanine supplementation on performance and endocrine responses in strength/power athletes,
  5. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to creatine and increase in physical performance during short-term, high intensity, repeated exercise bouts,

Creatine is a supplement often used by those looking to build muscle. As for the effectiveness of this supplement, rumors circulate, speculation wanders, doubts hover and a lot of questions arise. How does it work and how to take it?

We will answer your questions and more.

If you look into a sports nutrition store and read the names of some fitness supplements on the labels, it becomes clear that you did not attend biology classes at school. What can you remember about creatine? Well, this is what I'm talking about.

Creatine is one of the most well-known weightlifting and marketed supplements. Its popularity is justified. Creatine is one of the safest and most effective supplements. However, not everyone who drinks it understands what the essence of this supplement is, how to properly take creatine to gain muscle mass and in what dosages. From here in more detail.

Creatine, from a biological point of view, is an organic acid that is produced by the body. Its purpose is to provide the body with adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP provides the body with a short-term boost of energy and strength.

Here's how it works: Creatine is converted to phosphocreatine, which in turn produces ATP. When the body is under stress, as during exercise, ATP is released, supplying the body with additional energy.

This process may seem simple, but that is creatine in its basic form. In fact, there are many types of creatine, such as krealkalin. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The best creatine and its most popular types

You will also be interested to know which ones exist and why to use it.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is the most sold and used form of creatine. This is the original type of creatine and has some disadvantages. For example, some people may experience bloating or other minor side effects.

Creatine hydrochloride

This form of creatine is said to eliminate the side effects of creatine monohydrate. However, there are no studies to prove that this is true. What has been proven is that creatine hydrochloride is more water soluble and is taken at a lower dose.

Micronized Creatine

Micronized creatine is essentially the same product as creatine monohydrate. It is only produced in the form of a crushed powder, which, according to manufacturers, improves water solubility and absorption into the body. How to drink creatine monohydrate powder, read below.

Creatine ethyl acetate

This supplement is a combination of creatine and an ester. Although not as well studied, many argue that it is not very different from creatine monohydrate.

Buffered Creatine

Buffered creatine is magnesium fortified creatine that improves the absorption of creatine by the body. According to the manufacturers, this supplement is capable of removing creatinine by-product of creatine.

The consistency of creatine supplements varies, for example, it is available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder or liquid. Of course, it is up to you to decide which form of release of the supplement to recognize and take, because each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Liquid creatine most often tastes good and pleasant, but is not considered by many to be very effective. Powdered additive is the most popular and easily soluble in any drink. Creatine tablets are slow to digest, but this may be an advantage for some people.

Why is creatine so popular?

Creatine is popular because it is one of the most purchased supplements on the market. There have been countless studies proving that creatine provides a boost of energy and strength for a short period of time, reduces fatigue and increases muscle mass. Simply put, it will increase the duration and effectiveness of your workout and is considered one of the best muscle building supplements.

Other than that, cretin is considered to be the safest supplement you could find. Was held whole line studies to identify the potential harms of taking this supplement, but the results of almost every one of them indicate a relatively small risk associated with taking creatine. Creatine is considered the most studied supplement, and to date there is no evidence of its harm.

Another reason for the popularity of creatine is that it has a beneficial effect on the human brain.


Cells like neurons need a lot of energy. When these brain cells receive additional energy from the increase in creatine, the brain begins to work better, namely: increased intellectual potential and memory.

Creatine is usually inexpensive, but its effectiveness is very high. That is why most beginner weightlifters prefer this particular supplement.

Unlike other inexpensive supplements, creatine works. He brings results and does it quickly enough. If you want to build muscle quickly, efficiently and without much investment, choose this particular supplement.

How to take creatine correctly?

Another important aspect requiring special attention, is the question of how to drink creatine. If it is taken incorrectly, the effect of the supplement is reduced at times or not at all. And yet, how to use the supplement for gaining muscle mass?! Go!

How to consume creatine during the loading phase

During the loading phase, creatine is taken in large dose within a short period of time. The download usually takes 1-2 weeks. For maximum effectiveness, about 20-25 grams daily is recommended for the first 5 to 7 days. This amount of supplement should be divided into several doses per day. Why? Daily intake will enrich your body and muscles with creatine completely.

Some people choose to take a smaller dose of creatine during the loading phase. They do this in hopes of avoiding excessive fluid buildup in the body and problems with the digestive tract. If this scenario is not to your liking, then you should use 10-12 grams per day, divided into small doses, for 10-14 days. Such a loading phase will reduce the initial effectiveness of the supplement, however, the benefits of taking such a dose of creatine will not decrease.

The loading phase is initially aimed at getting the most benefit from creatine, although some people do without this phase.


The reason for this is that under the influence of creatine in the body, the process of fluid accumulation begins. Enhanced Level fluid can lead to swelling and problems with the digestive tract. However, studies have shown that creatine does not cause these symptoms on a physiological level, since water is retained directly in the cells, and not in tissues and organs.

Although the effectiveness of the additive will be reduced, however, this phase can be skipped.

How to drink creatine during the maintenance phase

The maintenance phase follows immediately after the loading phase.

How long should I take creatine during this phase? - This period lasts about a month.

How much to consume per day at this stage? - During this time, the dose of creatine should gradually decrease and reach 3-5 g per day.

During this phase, your muscles will be saturated with creatine accumulated during the loading phase, if you had it, of course. The maintenance phase is needed in order to replenish the creatine reserves that you lose during the day or during training.

Research shows that once muscles have had their fill of creatine during the loading period, they only need 3-5 grams of creatine per day. This means that if you still continue to take high doses of creatine, your muscles will still not absorb it, and all the excess will simply disappear as unnecessary. And you don't need it.

All about the washout phase

The washout phase is the period during which creatine is discontinued. This phase allows your body to get rid of excess creatine and is very important. During this time, your body indicators return to their normal values.


Extended periods of creatine supplementation without a washout phase will reduce the effectiveness of the supplement and may lead to potential health risks.

The washout phase should last about 4 weeks. This four-week period is needed by the body to restore its normal indicators. After 4 weeks, start again with the loading phase, after which proceed to the maintenance phase.

Most of the recent research concludes that the washout phase is useless as there is no training benefit. Some argue that creatine cycling reduces its effectiveness. Creatine is usually most effective when the muscles are saturated. And during the cyclic intake of creatine, the muscles do not have enough time to be saturated enough, and because of this, its effectiveness decreases.

When and how best to take?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions about when is the best time to take creatine. Some people think that it should be taken before training. Others claim that taking creatine after a workout increases its effectiveness.

When you take the supplement is, of course, up to you, but it is recommended during the loading phase to drink it in equal portions throughout the day. During the maintenance phase, the dose of creatine is lower, and it is recommended to take it in equal proportions before and after training.


This will allow your muscles to fully saturate, ensuring that the creatine used during the workout is fully recovered after it.

Indications for use

Creatine is one of the preferred supplements for most athletes due to its ability to increase performance and energy and reduce fatigue. It is very useful for people leading an active and sporty lifestyle. It is especially useful for those involved in sports that require short, repetitive and powerful movements. These are sports such as weightlifting, baseball, golf or football. The use of creatine by athletes will help them enjoy an additional boost of energy and strength, as well as good performance.

It is also suitable for those athletes whose sports are related to endurance testing. For example, this supplement may help a marathon runner reduce fatigue and recover faster. Anyone who has run long distances knows what it's like to feel tired too soon. Right choice for creatine, as it can help in this matter.

It is useful not only for weightlifters and athletes. Dozens of clinical studies have proven a direct link between creatine and the brain. This means that the supplement is able to improve brain function even ordinary person. It is used as a remedy for depression throughout the world, although the connection between creatine and this mental disorder has not been scientifically established.


It improves brain function and bone and muscle health.

Some myths about creatine

“Creatine harms the liver and kidneys.”

This myth arose because creatine creates a by-product called creatinine. Doctors check creatinine levels when examining the health and function of the kidneys. Usually, when creatinine levels are elevated, the problem is not the supplement, but the presence of a medical condition.

“Creatine doesn't make muscles big. It only contributes to the accumulation of fluid.”

During the first two weeks, this statement will be considered true. During the loading phase, the body begins to retain fluid. After this stage, creatine begins to act at full capacity, increasing the size of muscle fibers, their specific gravity and density.

“Nerd causes dehydration.”

This statement has been around for a long time. Many are afraid to take a supplement for fear of dehydration. Of course, this statement is just a myth. As mentioned above, creatine promotes fluid retention in the body. With what you can drink creatine, read on.

“Creatine causes stomach pain.”

There is a small caveat to this assertion. Yes, many people complain of stomach pain when taking a supplement, but the main reason for this is the wrong dosage or frequency of creatine intake. If you are eating and taking a large number of creatine, then in abdominal pain you can not avoid. Follow the recommendations and stomach pain will not be a problem for you.


It is also worth mentioning what to drink creatine with. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to consume the supplement along with fruit or vegetable juice.


The reason for this is that creatine is better absorbed by the body with a sharp rise in insulin. The juice contains glucose and carbohydrates that the body needs to absorb creatine.

Although creatine is considered a relatively safe product, the instructions for using creatine on the package will be useful for review. If you experience any side effects while taking creatine, stop taking it immediately and contact your healthcare provider.

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Before reading this article, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the principle of action of creatine. So you can better understand some points. But if this is not necessary for you, then let's get started.


Most studies say that when taking less than 5 grams of creatine per day, the result will either not be at all, or it will be very weak. On the other hand, these same studies show that taking more than 15 grams per day does not make sense. Since approximately after this figure, an increase in dosage no longer affects the result. The fact is that the ability of our muscles to store creatine is limited. In other words, our muscles will absorb it as much as they can, and not as much as we stuff it into ourselves. On the other hand, the optimal amount of creatine is directly related to the weight of the athlete. And to be more precise - with the weight of his muscle mass. It seems to me that for athletes of small and medium weight, the optimal dose is 5-10 grams per day. For heavyweights (over 90 kg) about 10 - 15 grams per day.

Many have heard about the so-called “loading” of creatine. Its essence is usually that the athlete during the first week takes double doses of creatine (about 20 grams per day). And then the use is reduced to the usual dosage. The idea is that this approach promotes faster muscle saturation with creatine. In principle, this is true. But in the end - the result from the use of creatine will be the same. It’s just that in the case of “loading”, saturation will occur a few days earlier. So (as you can see) there is no great need to use this method.

Duration of use

Theoretically, you can take creatine without interruption, since there are no side effects. However, there is a danger that the muscle will become less receptive to this supplement over time. Therefore, many experts agree that it should be taken for about 1.5 - 2 months. Then take a short break. But once again I repeat that even if you use creatine for a year without a break, the only thing you may encounter is a decrease in its effectiveness.

How to use

Creatine is quite difficult to transport into muscle cells. A fairly large part of the creatine breaks down. With the help of research, it was found out (this is no longer a secret) that insulin helps to bring creatine to the muscles safe and sound. And the easiest way to increase the level of insulin in the blood is to eat or drink something sweet. It may not sound very scientific, but it is true. Therefore, it is better to mix creatine with juice, a gainer or other sweet drink.

When to use

If you do not go into the nuances, then the time of day and time in relation to training does not of great importance. If you still go into details, then on the day of training it is better to use immediately after it (this is how many experts generally advise). The daily dosage can be drunk at a time, or can be divided into two times. At least if you divide by 2 times, it definitely won’t be worse. And yet - it makes sense to share if you consume 10 or more grams per day. As for the time of day - many advise to use it in the morning. In principle, I agree, since creatine has a weak tonic effect. Finally, a few words about what is better to take. In principle, the quality of creatine from European and American manufacturers is almost the same. Therefore, when choosing creatine, you can focus mainly on the cost. And the cheapest creatine is creatine powder. In my opinion, the best options are:

Expert opinion

Leyla Semerkova - trainer, sports nutritionist at store

For those who decide to use creatine in their training, we would like to draw attention to the following points: 1. The most common and proven form of creatine on this moment is a monohydrate. Other forms of creatine (such as hydrochloride) are best taken by those athletes who already have experience training on monohydrate and have something to compare with. They may or may not feel the difference, so to speak. 2. Creatine is best taken by those who train not so long ago. This allows you to significantly increase strength indicators and increase the endurance threshold, and this, in turn, will lead to an improvement in the result, both when working with iron, and for athletes in other areas (for example, hand-to-hand fighters). For athletes with experience, it is better to take creatine only during the competition period, since the endurance of such athletes and their strength indicators are already at high level and the result from taking the monohydrate will be much less noticeable than for beginners. 3. With any form of creatine, no loading step is needed. It was correctly noted in the article that in the case of monohydrate, the loading phase will slightly speed up the effect, but this is not so significant and you can not overload the liver once again. In the case of other forms of creatine (the same hydrochloride), where the solubility is higher, the loading phase is not clearly needed. 4. When taking creatine, follow the instructions for taking it. Better yet, divide the recommended dose by the number of doses twice as much as it is written. For example, if recommend 5 gr. for 2 doses, take 5 gr. for 4 receptions. But this is all purely individual. 5. Take courses. Since there is no evidence that creatine is harmful for long-term use, but there is also no evidence that it is not harmful for long-term use, it is better not to risk your health and take breaks. 6. We agree with the author of the article that creatine can be not tied to the time of training and taken at any time. The total content in the body will not change from this. But, as practice shows, if you take creatine before training (about 30 minutes, depending on the form), then the training will be more intense, you will get less tired and do more. The same applies to competitions: taking an increased dose of creatine before the start of a performance increases strength and endurance.

Didenko Leonid - MS in powerlifting and director of a sports nutrition store

Creatine is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid composed of the amino acids methionine, arginine and glycine

Improper diet, stress, increased physical activity - all this causes a lack of creatine.

Conditional values ​​of creatine content in foodstuffs. In mg/g for raw foods. Heat treatment can reduce the content of creatine in food. Source and Sports Medicine magazine

A person weighing 70 kg, with an average physical activity, needs 2g of creatine every day, that's about 500-600g of meat. To consume in such volumes meat products not everyone can do it, and in general, such an approach will lead to obesity faster than loading up on creatine. Therefore, you need to replenish creatine in the body with the help of supplements.

Reception with loading phase

This means that in the first week the supplement is taken in an enhanced mode - 4-6g up to 4 times a day. The results will show up in the first workout.

It is necessary to take creatine as follows: in the morning - the first dose, on the eve of training - the second, immediately after the end of classes - the third, and two hours before going to bed - the fourth.

Standard reception pattern

Bypassing the loading phase, creatine is taken at the recommended doses of 2-5g per day. Changes will become noticeable in about 30 days.

Creatine is taken as a course. After 2 months of admission, the body should be allowed to rest for three weeks. The constant intake of the supplement has a bad effect on its effectiveness, this was written above.

Most popular types

It can be micronized, i.e. have a smaller particle size. Such a monohydrate is more expensive, but also of better quality.

Creatine Ethyl Ether. It is believed that it is better absorbed by the body than the monohydrate. It is difficult to say about the advantage of ethyl ester over the classic monohydrate, there are many contradictions in the media. Among other things, some recommend it, others conduct disappointing “research”.

Kre-Alkalin. According to the manufacturers of cre-alkaline, it is better absorbed due to the special formula creatine + alkali (pH). Alkaline powder (may contain soda ash, glycerol magnesium phosphate, bicarbonate) acts as a protection for creatine from exposure acid environment gastrointestinal tract, thereby not degrading into creatinine (and as we know it is useless). In fact, there are refuting independent studies that have proven that cre-alkaline is inferior in terms of creatine monohydrate.

Creatine with transport system

This is still the same creatine, but combined with other components for better absorption.

Creatine with the transport system is taken before the start of classes in the gym. Because this combination includes a large number of substances that improve training.

Consider the main components that make up the transport system of creatine.

Together with the gainer

Serious Mass ON already has 1g of creatine

The carbohydrate-protein blend goes well with creatine, as it is better absorbed large quantity carbohydrates. Therefore, taking creatine with a gainer is useful and beneficial for the athlete. Some gainer manufacturers write how much creatine is in the composition. Read what they write on the bank so that there is no overdose.

Protein combination

Creatine and protein are synergistic. By taking these supplements in one cycle, you can increase your lean body mass and strength.

Creatine and L-carnitine together

Not enough research has been done on the compatibility of these additives to give an objective assessment. In October 2008, the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism published the result of the experiment. Athletes who took a combination of creatine with l-carnitine showed higher performance compared to subjects who took only creatine.

Compatibility with Beta-Alanine

The combination of creatine with beta-alanine allows you to get leaner muscle mass and increase endurance. These results were confirmed by studies conducted in 2006 on American football players.

What to mix with

Creatine can be mixed with water, juice, kefir, fermented baked milk, drinking yogurt, etc. The choice of liquid base will depend on personal taste preferences, calories and ease of preparation of a cocktail.

It is necessary to drink a homogeneous mass without dry lumps. To do this, it is better not to stir the composition with a spoon, but to use a blender, shaker or mixer.

Creatine and alcohol

Does everyone remember how muscles grow and what it costs us? In training, you break down your muscle fibers, and the actual growth occurs during protein synthesis when you rest. Alcohol interferes with the process of protein synthesis. Thus, it turns out that creatine and alcohol work against each other. Athletes who need an answer to the question “can I use creatine and alcohol?” Should seriously think about self-discipline.

Creatine and coffee

Many people talk about the incompatibility of these two components, but not one study has yet proven that caffeine interferes with the absorption of creatine.

Side effects

Creatine has few side effects. However, they do exist:

Dehydration. This process is accompanied by dehydration, which requires fluid intake of up to 3 liters per day.

Indigestion. Stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea occur as the creatine crystals dissolve.


Do not take creatine with polycystic kidney disease.

famous side effect associated with taking creatine in an amount of 1-10 g per day is water weight gain. In addition, there is a theory that some people may experience muscle spasms and possibly muscle rupture when taking creatine supplements. However, these claims are scientifically unfounded.

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