What was the religion before Christianity? Orthodox Russia

The word “paganism” comes from the root “yazyk”, which in Old Slavonic means “people, tribe”. For example, “tongue upon tongue will rise; Yes, one h (love) to die for the people. and not the whole language will perish; vsky shatashya esytsi; as if pr (oro) ka bo put thee in the tongue. Thus, “paganism” for the Slavs is, first of all, a folk, primordial, Slavic Pagan Tradition.

AT explanatory dictionary V. Dahl can find another noteworthy meaning of the word "language", namely: "the people, the land, with their same tribe population, with the same speech." Accordingly, paganism is tribal beliefs, and in this sense it has long been used by our ancestors.

So, pagans are people who belong to the same clan-tribe, who honor its customs, love and protect their Earth, keep tribal myths and reproduce these relationships in new generations. At the same time, the Earth, the tribe that inhabits it, other forms of life and the Gods form a single tribal whole, which is reflected in tribal myths and rituals, in the way of life and management.

The fundamental concepts of the traditional pagan Slavic society are the Rodyanin (or Rodnover) and his clan, family, community, tribe, people, Earth and Nature, and finally, but not the nation and not the nationality. And therefore, the Pagan Tradition of the Slavs is, first of all, Rodnoverie and Rodnovery, as a system of tribal and natural beliefs. The gods are the First Ancestors who love us, whom each pagan calls in his own language in his own language, and therefore we have nothing to fear from them, as long as we can reciprocate them.

Paganism - The Pagan Tradition of the Indo-Europeans, and the Rodnover Slavs in particular, is a highly developed system of worldviews aimed at self-improvement of a free person and the acquisition of necessary abilities. It allows you to freely combine a variety of legends to create a harmonious sacred and family-tribal picture of the world and its origin, based on the knowledge, spiritual and life experience of thousands of generations of people.

The pagan tradition is a mythological consciousness and spiritualized practice based on love for Life, on understanding the similarity of man and nature, their divinity, on the recognition of all things in the Universe as related, interconnected and alive, including those having a personal essence. The religion of the ancient Slavs is one of the parts of this primordial Tradition that grew out of the common cradle of the Indo-European peoples. But the whole Traditional faith is not limited to religion alone. Religion is part of it and one of its components.

The pagan tradition of the Slavs from infancy, from the lullaby of the mother and the grandmother's fairy tale, laid down the principles of the physical and moral health of the Slavic family, taught the native to live in harmony with the laws of nature and the surrounding world of people, to serve the Earth-Mother and the Family.

Education in the Old Russian state

“For the pagan, all nature was a great temple of universal life. Not the elements and not the phenomena of nature, but the phenomena of life, the pagan created worship. The diversity of his deities fully depended on the diversity of the phenomena of life itself. And he, filled with a sense of life, met her appearance everywhere, and there was no object in the world around him that would not shine for him with a living thought, which was not a living will and a living intention. In this contemplation, the sources of pagan wonder and worship of mother nature were hidden ... "

How did the pagan Slavs imagine their world? Scientists write that he seemed to them like a big egg. Legends have survived about the Great Mother - the parent of the Earth and Sky, the foremother of the Gods and people. The name of the Great Mother is Zhiva, or Zhivana. In the middle of the Slavic Universe, like a yolk, the Earth itself is located. Top part"yolk" - our living world, the world of people. Down side - Lower world, World of the Dead, Night Country. When there is day, we have night. To get there, you have to cross the ocean - the sea that surrounded the earth. Or dig a well through and through, and the stone will fall into this well for twelve days and nights. Around the Earth, like egg films and shells, there are 9 different heavens. Each of the nine heavens Slavic mythology has its own purpose: one - for the Sun and stars, another - for the Moon, one more - for clouds and winds. Our ancestors considered the seventh in a row to be the “firmament”, the transparent bottom of the heavenly ocean. The Slavs believed that you can get to any sky by climbing the World Tree, which connects the Lower World, the Earth and all 9 heavens. There, above the seventh heaven, there is an island, and on that island live the progenitors of all birds and animals. This wonderful island was called "iry" or "viry". Some scholars suggest that the current word "paradise", associated in our concept with Christianity, comes from him. And Iriy was also called Buyan Island

In the VI - IX centuries. in the Middle Dnieper, an alliance of tribes of the Eastern Slavs was formed, on the basis of which in the 9th century. the Old Russian state arose with its capital in Kyiv. During this period, along with the preservation of the tribal tradition in education, significant changes took place, which were the result of serious social transformations. The fragmentation of communities into families, the strengthening of property and class differences led to the transformation of education from equal and universal to family-class.

The upbringing of the Eastern Slavs corresponded to their communal-tribal way of life, the characteristics of the habitat. Due to the lack of natural boundaries of residence, due to frequent raids by nomadic tribes, as a result of a rather harsh climate, the Eastern Slavs formed a special way of settled community-family agricultural labor and joint defense.

The basic unit of society was the family, which included several generations of relatives. Families united in communities, communities - in a tribe. The preservation of the tribe was the main meaning of life. An individual could only survive as part of a family, community, and tribe. People were united by the so-called mutual responsibility. The way of life determined the peculiarities of the upbringing of children and adolescents, gave rise to moral values, the essence of upbringing consisted in the transfer of which from generation to generation. In the family, the elders taught the younger ones that the most worthy occupation of a person is everyday work farmer and that his first duty is the protection of this work. With mother's milk, from the first conscious actions, the idea of ​​​​sacrifice was absorbed in the name of preserving the lives of relatives. Thus, through education, the system of relations within the community was fixed. Each member was taught to obey the father, the head of the clan, community, tribe, to bear responsibility for the observance of common interests. The idea of ​​such subordination and at the same time paternal patronage and protection from fellow tribesmen was the essence spiritual development and upbringing. The Eastern Slavs were distinguished by their peculiar character, behavior, attitude, formed under the influence of lifestyle and upbringing.

The Slavs were characterized by faith in a higher deity and magic, kindness, military skill. The Byzantine Mauritius spoke of such qualities of the Slavs as love of freedom, physical strength and hardiness. In the upbringing of children and adolescents, the Eastern Slavs had many similarities.

In pre-Christian Russia, pedagogical views were closely connected with pagan ideas about nature. In education, conspiracies, magic, spells were intricately intertwined. The upbringing of children and adolescents among the Eastern Slavs was a process of inclusion in certain types activities. The established ceremonies, rituals, first of all, initiations played a special role. Education was aimed at the transfer of experience from the elders to the younger, at the preservation of the existing way of life. Through the norms of education: traditions and customs were assimilated behavior, they helped to educate socially important and useful qualities: honesty, diligence, diligence, etc. important function rituals was the transfer of certain skills necessary for life and work. Participation in rituals made it possible, for example, to learn the skills of hunting. The experience of labor and moral education was transmitted verbally through sayings and proverbs. They formulate important truths, instructions, teachings, wishes regarding life principles.

Agrarian-calendar poetry (shepherd's, ritual-seasonal songs, etc.) had a huge impact on the development of children. Folk pedagogy introduced the younger generation into the world of nature, passed on age-old signs that helped to avoid crop failure, to escape from natural elements, for example: "The month is red - to the rain"; "This oats, when the birch blossoms", etc. The cementing force of the Slavs was, first of all, the pagan community. Consequently, language learning turned out to be one of the main ways of understanding the ethnic unity of the Slavic world.

Caring for a child began long before he was born. From time immemorial, the Slavs tried to protect expectant mothers from all sorts of dangers, including supernatural ones. So, in the last months before giving birth, a woman was not recommended to leave the yard, but rather from the house, so that the Brownie and the sacred Fire of the hearth could always come to her aid: creepy stories they told about evil sorcerers who could steal a child with their magic directly from the mother's womb or replace it with a witch's cub - an evil freak ... In a word, outsiders did not need to know about the onset of pregnancy, and even more so the term of childbirth. But the woman herself, expecting a child, was considered the favorite of the Gods, capable of bringing happiness. She was willingly invited to the gardens to treat herself to apples: if she tastes the fruit from a young apple tree that has brought forth a harvest for the first time, this apple tree will bear fruit abundantly all its life.

But now the time has come for the child to be born. The ancient Slavs believed that birth, like death, breaks the invisible boundary between the worlds of the dead and the living. It is clear that such dangerous business there was no need to take place near a human dwelling. Among many peoples, a woman in labor retired to the forest or to the tundra so as not to harm anyone. Yes, and the Slavs usually gave birth not in the house, but in another room, most often in a well-heated bathhouse. And in order for the mother's body to open more easily and release the child, the woman's hair was untwisted, in the hut they opened all the doors and chests, untied the knots, unlocked the locks. I think it helped psychologically. A woman in labor, involuntarily opening the door to another world, was considered “unclean” by many nations because of this. At all times in front of other people, in front of loving husband there was a choice - to help a woman or think only about himself. And of course, at all times there were those whose choice was noble. There are many stories about them. Among the Slavs, the chroniclers no longer found the era of strict solitude of women in labor. Here, the expectant mother was usually assisted by an elderly woman experienced in such matters. An indispensable condition was that she herself had healthy children, preferably boys. In addition, the husband was often present during childbirth. Now this custom is returning to us as an experiment borrowed from abroad. Meanwhile, the ancient Slavs did not see anything unusual in having a strong, reliable, beloved and loving person next to a suffering frightened woman.

... And now the child was born safely. If it was a boy, the umbilical cord was cut on an ax handle or an arrow so that he would grow up as a hunter and artisan. If the girl is on a spindle, so that she grows up as a needlewoman. They tied the navel with a linen thread woven with the hair of the mother and father. "Tie" - in Old Russian "twist"; that's where the "midwives", "midwives" come from.

In general, all the very first actions with a baby (bathing, feeding, cutting hair, etc.) were surrounded by important and very interesting rituals. Nowadays, wanting to introduce a newborn to Christian religion, his parents carry him to the church, where the priest baptizes him, lowering him into a font of water. At the same time, a name is given. Meanwhile, the custom of dipping a baby in water (or at least spraying it) is noted among the most different peoples who had never even heard of Christianity. What's the matter here? Scientists see an echo here ancient ritual initiation of a new person... to the Cosmos! How was it done? The father - the head of the family - solemnly carried the newborn out and showed it to the Sky and the Sun (not setting, but always rising - for a long life!), The fire of the hearth, the Moon (again growing so that the child grows well), applied it to the Earth-Mother and finally dipped into the water. Thus, the baby was introduced to all the Deities of the Universe, to all its elements, giving under their protection.

Further, the child was given a name, but, as mentioned above, it was kept secret. Boys and girls received the right to adult clothes not only when they reached a certain age, but only when they could prove their "adulthood" by deed.

However, in various social groups showed their own characteristics. Children were brought up in accordance with the ideas of good and evil, encouraging them to do good and warning against evil deeds. The ideal was brave, kind and strong heroes of epics, legends and fairy tales. Education was considered as a gradual maturation of a member of a family, clan, community, tribe: "young" - a 3-6 year old child, "child" - a 7-12 year old child, "boy" - a teenager 12-15 years old.

Until the age of 3-4, boys and girls were mostly under the care of their mother. In the Slavic languages, the words "to give birth" and "to educate" come from the same root, which confirms the most important role of the mother in the upbringing of the baby. The role of the mother in upbringing throughout the entire period of childhood was very important. That's why the one who entered adulthood a person was called "hardened", that is, brought up by his mother.

At 3-4 years old, children in the families of peasants and artisans did what they could, helped their elders and, above all, their mothers. From the age of five to seven children were taught to household men's and women's work, and also introduced into the world of legends, beliefs and traditions - as we would now put it, the child also went through a spiritual school. In the deepest antiquity, there were special houses for this - male and female, and everything that happened there was shrouded in mystery, to which representatives of the opposite sex had no right. Researchers write that the mansions of the "seven heroes" from the "Tale of the Dead Princess" are nothing more than a memory of such a man's house, located in a dense forest thicket.

From the age of 7, the child passed into the age of a youth, which lasted up to 14-15 years. After adolescence, girls remained under the supervision of their mother, learning to lead household, and teenage boys fell under the guardianship of their father. With ordinary community members, they helped in agricultural work, in the family of an artisan they mastered the craft. The children of combatants studied military affairs, from the age of 12 they lived in special houses - grid houses, where they mastered the art of war.

When a boy began to become a young man, and a girl - a girl, it was time for them to move into the next quality, into the category of youth - future brides and grooms, ready for family responsibility and procreation. To do this, it was necessary to pass the test, called by scientists "initiation" - "renewal", "bringing to the initial state." It was a kind of maturity test, physical and spiritual.

The young man had to endure severe pain, taking a tattoo or even a brand with the signs of his family and tribe, of which he becomes a full member from now on. For the girls, too, there were trials, although not so painful. Their goal is to confirm maturity, the ability to freely express will. And most importantly, both of them were subjected to the ritual of "temporary death" and "resurrection".

Probably, priests and priestesses used intoxicating drinks for this, and even hypnosis. It is also likely that the whole performance of the "swallowing" of children by a mythical animal - a totem, "progenitor" and symbol of the tribe - was played out, followed by "birth" from its belly.

So, the old children "died", and instead of them, new adults were "born". In ancient times, they also received new “adult” names, which, again, outsiders should not have known (and sometimes this was the first name given). They were also given new adult clothes: for boys - men's pants, for girls - ponevs, a kind of checkered skirts that were worn over a shirt on a belt. From the moment of putting on adult clothes, a girl could be wooed. This is how adulthood began.

It is worth mentioning also such important attributes of appearance as a beard and a braid. The beard was considered among adult men the most important symbol of honor. Pulling on a beard, and even more so spitting into it, was a terrible insult, for which they could be called to a duel, if not killed immediately. And this is rooted in the most ancient views on hair as one of the concentrations of life force in man. Let us recall at least the snake Volos, living hair in the river, the biblical hero Samson, whose strength was placed in “seven braids of his head”, and cut hair, which has no need to fall into the hands of evil sorcerers. It was no coincidence that old Hottabych pulled out the hairs from his beard - without this, the magic did not work. Chernomor's beard in Pushkin's fairy tale is not accidental either...

As for the braid, before marriage, a girl had the right to walk with her hair loose, but such a hairstyle had a rather solemn and ritual character: try sewing, cooking, washing, caring for cattle, loosening thick knee-length hair! And the girls pulled them together with a forehead bandage, braided them into a braid - certainly one (as a sign that so far she was single, “one”). Strands of hair in a braid were also laid in a strictly defined way: one on top of the other. Two braids and reverse weaving were forbidden by custom, it was the property of a married woman. The girl's braid was considered no less a symbol of honor than the beard of men, and the attitude towards her was exactly the same.

In the approaches to education among the main social strata: community farmers, artisans, the nobility with combatants and pagan priests, the traditional and the new were more and more combined. Along with common traditions among fellow tribesmen, differences in upbringing are increasing depending on social affiliation. At ordinary community members and artisans educational ideal labor education remained as the highest social and moral value. At the same time, the need for hereditary apprenticeship came to the fore in the craft environment. For the nobility, preparation for military affairs and leadership of the community was of particular importance. For the priests, the main thing was mental education and the teaching of cult knowledge, which included, in particular, textual writing used in divination. The bearers of such ideals were the heroes of epic and fairy tales.

The origin of the all-Slavic tradition of teaching dates back to the 7th-9th centuries, when a new written language arose - Slavic (Old Slavonic or Old Bulgarian). A special role in its formation was played by Cyril and Methodius, who translated the Old Slavonic language and created the Cyrillic alphabet (instead of the Glagolitic). This language became common for Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Moravia.

Prior to this, all the ancient tribes of the Slavs had their own runic writings, and many confirmations in the annals of other peoples testify to their education; It is known that since ancient times the laws of the people were written on wooden boards. A huge number of facts speak in favor of the fact that the Slavs had a letter not only before all Western nations Europe, but also before the Romans and even the Greeks themselves, and that the outcome of enlightenment was from the Russians to the west, and not from there to them. And if anything stopped the enlightenment of the Russians for a while, then these were the periods of destructive invasions of the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Mongols, who destroyed everything with fire and sword; equally internal strife, always ending in consuming fires; periods in which the Slavic-Russians lost not only their material treasures and were forced to introduce leather money, but also literary treasures, to which we find allusions in various later works, which, apparently, were used in part by the creator of the Igoriad, and which in In a distorted form, they were preserved in the oral tradition of the people already in the form of fairy tales, but they still retained all their pietic beauty and strength in those places where, with the smoothness and sonority of the verse, it involuntarily lay in the memory of everyone. Such is the example of the description of a beauty or a horse, which is in no way inferior to the description of the horses of Achilles in the Iliad.

The first school teaching in the Slavic language was opened by Cyril and Methodius in the capital of the Moravian Principality, Veligrad, in 863. The students of Cyril and Methodius scattered throughout the Slavic world and opened schools in Bulgaria, Kievan Rus.

Christianity, the split into Orthodoxy and Catholicism, played a great role in the upbringing and education of the medieval Slavic world. The Eastern and Southern Slavs were influenced by the Greco-Byzantine tradition (religious, cultural and educational), while the Western Slavs were influenced by the Roman Catholic Western European tradition of education.


“The essence of paganism is harmony with Nature. Man is a part of World Life, and only Christianity tore him (in human consciousness) from Nature. Let someone try not to breathe for at least 5 minutes, and the idea of ​​independence from nature will immediately become clear.

“The ancient Slav, as well as the current Muslim, could have as many wives as he had enough money, health and imagination, because they all passed into another life. However, this did not at all mean belittling the role of a woman, she was an equal member of society, and no one could marry her without her consent. Ancient paganism was aware of the form of a marriage contract - a free agreement between interested parties. A pagan woman could rule the country, as, for example, Princess Olga, which became completely impossible under Christianity. Not to mention the fact that women had their patron goddesses, with whom they could solve their purely women's problems.

Unlike Christianity, the ancient Russians are neither "products" of their Gods, much less slaves of the Gods, or great sinners before the Gods. The Slavs are the descendants of their gods. Russian gods are ancestors. Therefore, the nature of the relationship between the ancient Russians and their Gods was fundamentally different than in Christianity. Unlike Christianity, the Slavs did not humiliate themselves before their gods. They never kneeled before them, never slavishly bent their backs, never kissed the hands of the priests. They, realizing all the superiority of their Gods, at the same time felt a natural kinship with them.

The main feeling in relation to the Gods among Christians is fear, among the ancient Romans - respect, among the Slavs - love. The Slavs did not whine and did not beg the Gods for forgiveness for non-existent sins, alms or salvation. If the Slavs felt their guilt, then they atoned for it not with prayers, but with concrete deeds. The Slavs lived by their own will, but also sought to coordinate their will with the will of their gods. During prayer, the Slavs retained pride and masculinity. The prayers of the Slavs are mainly praise and doxology to the Gods, usually in the form of a hymn. The Slavs praised their Gods, hence the concept of "Slavs".

Russian (as well as Greco-Roman and any other) paganism, unlike Christianity, brought up proud, courageous, cheerful, strong in spirit, independent personalities, people of honor and dignity, who do not tolerate bullying and who know how to stand up for themselves. Every Russian man, regardless of vocation, first of all had to be a warrior in spirit, able, if necessary, to protect himself, his wife and children, his loved ones, his homeland.

Before the adoption of Christianity by the Russian peoples paganism was the main religion of the Eastern Slavs. Pagan religious ideas were an essential part of the life of the ancient Slavs; they permeated the entire life of a common man from birth to death. They worshiped the earth, water, wind, sun, as well as fire, etc. The main gods in the pantheon of the Eastern Slavs were: Yarilo is a solar deity, Dazhdbog and Svarog (the deity of fire), Stribog is the god of wind and air, Mokosh is the patroness of women and the god of lightning and war Perun. Veles, the god of land and fertility, also played a very important role. It was necessary for the gods to offer prayers and make sacrifices, sometimes even human ones. Of course, the earth was the subject of the first worship among the Eastern Slavs, they swore by it, proving their case in disputes, and at the end of life, the human body was supposed to be burned at the stake and an earthen mound (small hill) was poured on top. Eastern Slavs considered birch and oak trees to be sacred plants.

Many pagan traditions (for example, folk signs) have been preserved and entrenched in modern society.

Religious reform of Prince Vladimir

Prince Vladimir, having come to power, made an attempt to strengthen paganism. To do this, he updated the pantheon of the main deities worshiped by his people. It was on his orders that the idols of Stribog, Makosh, Dazhdbog and Perun were placed on the hill near the princely palace. At the same time, only the greatness of Perun was indicated by a mustache of gold and a head of silver. Idols of the same gods were installed in addition to Kyiv and in Novgorod.

In addition to the gods, the Eastern Slavs also believed in other creatures living in the world, many of which were associated with ideas about the afterlife. The funeral rites of the Eastern Slavs were called "trizna" and were accompanied by feasts, sacrifices to the gods, dances and songs. It was from the underworld that ghouls came to people - evil spirits, in contrast to which there were good spirits - beregini. To call on the latter and ward off evil spirits, various conspiracies, amulets and rituals were used. In addition, the Eastern Slavic ethnic group believed in goblin living in the forest, as well as in mermaids (usually they are associated with water bodies, but there are references that they went out for a walk in forests and fields), which, in fact, were restless the souls of people who said goodbye to life ahead of schedule (usually suicide or murder).

Inclusion in the sphere international relations of the Old Russian state, as well as the strengthening of the authority of Vladimir, forced him to accept as the main religion of the Eastern Slavs one of the most influential beliefs in the world - Christianity.

Video lecture on the topic: beliefs of the Eastern Slavs

Russia Vedic ... How many people know this concept? When did she exist? What are its features? It is known that this is a state that existed in the pre-Christian period. Vedic is little studied. Many facts are distorted to please the new rulers. Meanwhile, Russia of those times was a developed civilized society.

So, in ancient Russian society, not numerous wealth was considered a value, but faith in the gods. The Russians swore by their weapons and their God - Perun. If the oath is broken, then “we will be golden,” said Svyatoslav, despising gold.

The ancient Russians lived based on the Vedas. The Vedic past of Russia is shrouded in many secrets. But still, researchers have done a lot of work, and today a lot can be said about that distant pre-Christian period. interesting information. The history of Vedic Russia will be told further.

What is the Vedas

Vedas are scriptures, revelations of God. They describe the nature of the world, the true essence of man and his soul.

The literal translation of the word is "knowledge". This knowledge is scientific, and not a selection of myths and fairy tales. When translating a word from Sanskrit, and this native language Vedas, it means "apaurusheya" - that is, "not created by man."

In addition to spiritual knowledge, the Vedas contain information that helps people live happily ever after. For example, the knowledge that organizes living space a person from building a house to the ability to live without disease and in abundance. The Vedas are knowledge that helps to prolong life, explain the connection between the microcosm of a person and the macrocosm, and much more, up to the planning of important undertakings in life.

The Vedas originated in India, becoming the beginning of Indian culture. The time of their appearance can only be guessed, since external sources appeared much later than the Vedas themselves. Initially, knowledge was transmitted orally for many millennia. The design of one of the parts of the Vedas dates back to the 5th century BC. e.

A detailed record of the Vedas is attributed to the sage Srila Vyasadeva, who lived in the Himalayas more than fifty centuries ago. His name "vyasa" translates as "editor", that is, one who was able to "divide and write down."

Knowledge is divided into Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. They contain prayers or mantras and knowledge in many disciplines.

The oldest manuscript is the text of the Rigveda, written in the 11th century BC. e. The durability of materials tree bark or palm leaves, on which the Vedas were applied, did not contribute to their safety.

We learn about the Vedas thanks to the mnemonic rules of memorization and their oral transmission based on the Sanskrit language.

The knowledge transmitted by the Vedas is confirmed by modern scientists. So, even before the discovery of Copernicus in the Vedas, with the help of astronomical calculations, it was calculated how far the planets of our system are from the Earth.

Russian Vedas

Scientists talk about two branches of Vedic knowledge - Indian and Slavic.

Russian Vedas are less preserved due to the influence of various religions.

By comparing the linguistics and archeology of Russia and India, one can see that their historical roots are similar and can be common.

The following examples can be cited as evidence:

  • The name and archaeological features of the city of Arkaim, the remains of which were found in Russia in the Urals, are similar to Indian cities.
  • Siberian rivers and rivers Central Russia have similar Sanskrit names.
  • The similarity of pronunciation and features of the Russian language and Sanskrit.

Scientists conclude that the flourishing of a single Vedic culture took place on the territory from the coast northern seas and up to southern point Indian Peninsula.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas are considered to be Russian - this is the name of a collection of documents reflecting human life on Earth for more than 600,000 years. The Slavic Vedas also include the Book of Veles. According to scientists N. Nikolaev and V. Skurlatov, the book contains a picture of the past of the Russian-Slavic people. In it, the Russians are presented as “grandchildren of Dazhdbog”, the forefathers Bogumir and Or are described, and the resettlement of the Slavs in the territory of the Danube region is described. It is told in the "Veles book" about the management of the economy by the Slavic - Russ and about the system of a peculiar worldview and mythology.


Magi were considered wise people with knowledge. Their activities extended to many areas of life. So, witches were engaged in household chores and rituals. The very word "witch - ma" meant "to know" and "mother" - "woman". They "in charge" of cases that could be solved with the help of household magic.

Magi-sorcerers, called didas or grandfathers, were well versed in sacred legends. Among the sages of the sages were representatives of both the simplest quackery and the owners of serious scientific knowledge.

The Magi of Vedic Russia became famous among the Slavs for their instructions, help in improving life and in the desire to understand God's Faith. They were considered sorcerers, well acquainted with herbalism, divination, healing and divination.

In the "Word of Igor's Campaign" there is a mention of the so-called Magus Vseslavievich. Being a princely son, Vseslav the Prophet had the ability to turn into a gray wolf, a clear falcon or a bay tur, as well as to guess and arrange delusions. The prince's son was taught everything by the Magi, where his father had sent him for training.

With the advent of Christianity, the magi, revered in Russia, took part in protests against new faith. Their activities were recognized as illegal, and they themselves were called evil sorcerers, criminals and warlocks, apostates. They were accused of being associated with demons and of wanting to bring evil to people.

A well-known and well-described event took place in Novgorod, when a rebellion against a new religion was organized by a sorcerer. The people took the side of the sage, but Prince Gleb Svyatoslavich made a vile act. The prince hacked to death the organizer of the rebellion with an axe. The name of the sorcerer is unknown, but the strength of faith of the sage and his supporters is impressive.

Before the baptism of Russia, the popularity of the Magi was often greater than the popularity of the princes. Perhaps it was this fact that influenced the eradication of paganism in Slavic lands. The danger for the princes was the influence of the Magi on people like And even representatives of the Christian church did not doubt the witchcraft and magical abilities of these people.

Among the Magi were people who were called koshunniks, guslars and baenniks. They not only played musical instruments, but also told tales and tales.

Famous Magi

The ancient Russian singer Boyan the Prophet was involved in the Magi. One of his gifts was the ability to transform.

The well-known Magi - priests include Bogomil Nightingale. He was nicknamed so for his eloquence and for the fulfillment of pagan stories. He gained his fame for organizing an uprising against the destruction of the temple and pagan sanctuaries in Novgorod.

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, the Magi were persecuted and destroyed. So, in the 15th century, twelve “prophetic wives” were burned in Pskov. By order of Alexei Mikhailovich, in the 17th century, the Magi were burned at the stake and the fortune-tellers were buried up to their chests in the ground, and “wise” people were also exiled to monasteries.

When and how did pre-Christian Russia arise

The exact time when Vedic Russia arose is unknown. But there is information about the erection of the First Temple by the magician Kolovras, there is also a date calculated by astrologers - 20-21 millennium BC. e. Built of rough stones, without the use of iron, the Temple towered on Mount Alatyr. Its appearance is associated with the first exodus of the Rus tribe from the north.

The Aryans, who came from ancient Iran and India as early as the third millennium BC, also settled on Russian soil. e. they settled on Belovodye, where Bogumir taught them art and craft. He, being the forefather of the Slavs, divided people into warriors, priests, merchants, artisans and others. The capital of the Aryans in the Urals was called Kaile - a city, now it is called Arkaim.

Society of Vedic Russia

Initially, the Rus formed development centers - the city of Kyiv in the south and the city of Novgorod in the north.

The Russians have always shown goodwill and respect to other peoples, they were distinguished by sincerity.

Before the baptism of Russia, there were also slaves in Slavic society - servants from captive foreigners. The Rusoslavs traded servants, but considered them to be the younger members of the family. Slaves were in slavery for a certain period, after which they became free. Such relationships were called patriarchal slavery.

The place of residence of the Slavonic Russians were tribal and inter-tribal settlements, in big houses lived up to 50 people.

The communal society was headed by the prince, who was subordinate to the people's assembly - veche. Princely decisions were always made taking into account the opinions of military leaders, "dids" and elders of clans.

Communication on the basis of equality and justice took into account the interests of all members of the community. Living according to the laws of the Vedas, the Rus had a rich worldview and great knowledge.


We know about the culture of Vedic Russia from the surviving cathedrals, archaeological finds and monuments of oral narrations - epics.

The cultural level of the Rus can be judged by the statements of Princess Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, who became Queen of France. She brought books with her and considered “enlightened” France to be a big village.

"Unwashed" Russia amazed travelers with the presence of baths and the cleanliness of the Slavs.

Numerous temples and shrines surprised with their splendor and architecture.

Vedic temples

Above each settlement there was a temple dedicated to it. The word “temple” itself meant a mansion, a rich house. The altar was named so in honor of the sacred mountain Alatyr, the elevation "pulpit" for the pronunciation of speech by the priest came from "mov", which means "to speak".

The most beautiful temples of Vedic Russia towered over the Holy Ural Mountains next to the Konzhakovsky stone, over Azov - a mountain in the Sverdlovsk region, over Iremel - a mountain near Chelyabinsk.

On many Christian churches, images of pagan gods, mythological animals and Slavic symbols have been preserved. For example, on the stone bas-relief of the Dmitrovsky Cathedral, the image of the ascension of Dazhdbog.

You can get acquainted with samples of temple art in the temple of ratarians - approvers in Retra.


Many fairy tales and legends of Vedic Russia were transmitted orally. Some have changed over time. But even now the texts of the Book of Veles, The Tale of Igor's Campaign, The Boyan Hymn and Dobrynya and the Snake recreate the picture of the past, legendary history Vedic Russia.

Restored by the writer G. A. Sidorov, these written monuments amaze with the secrecy and depth of knowledge of the Rusoslavs. In the writer's collection, you can get acquainted with the Dead Heart, Lada's daughter, legends about the temple of Svarog, Ruevita, volots, etc.

Symbols of Vedic Russia

The secret meanings of priestly art are connected with. They were worn not at all for decoration, as some people think, but to achieve a magical effect and sacred meaning.

Bogodar, a symbol of paternal guardianship and patronage of the Human Race, is credited with the highest wisdom and justice. A symbol especially revered by the priests-guardians of Wisdom and the Human Race.

The symbol of the Bogovnik corresponds to the Eye of God, which helps people. It consists of the eternal patronage of the Light Gods for developing and spiritually improving people. With the help of the Light Gods there is an awareness of the actions of the universal elements.

The symbol of Belobog is attributed to bestowing good and luck, love and happiness. The creators of the world are also Belobog, who is also called Belbog, Svyatovit, Svetovik, Sventovit.

A kolokryzh, or a Celtic cross, is a cross and a swastika-shaped symbol.

A Slavic cross is a swastika symbol without rays going along the sides. The solar symbol existed long before the advent of Christianity.

Slavic Trixel is called a three-beam swastika. The northern Trixel was depicted simply as a broken line. The symbol has the meaning of "the one who leads." That is, it contributes to the development of processes and actions in the required direction, orients a person to the activity he needs.

The eight-beam kolovrat, a sign of strength, is a symbol attributed to Svarog. He is also called God - the creator, God - the creator of the whole world. The banners of warriors were decorated with this symbol.

Thunderbolt, the symbol of Perun in the form of a six-pointed cross outlined in a circle, was considered a sign of the courage of warriors.

The symbol of Chernobog, including darkness and blackness, denoted the progenitor of evil forces in the world. Hell was also designated as an impenetrable square.

The symbol of Dazhdbog was the Father of the Russians, who bestows blessings, indicated by warmth and light. Any request can be fulfilled by the only God.

The symbol of Marena, the Mighty Goddess, the Black Mother, the Dark Mother of God, the Queen of the Night is called the swastika - a sign of death and winter. Swastikas, the fundamental solar symbols, were used to decorate objects from pagan times.

The official Russian religion is Christianity. A religion in which there is not a word about the Slavs. Some Jews. While the Jews themselves adhere to a different religion. Paradox?

To see why it happened, you need to figure out how Russia was baptized. But, only without Jewish interpretations.

Patriarch Alexy II is a Jew; Surname Riediger.

Speech of Patriarch Alexy II in the Central Synagogue of New York to the Jewish rabbis of the USA on November 13, 1991

“Dear brothers, sholom to you in the name of the God of love and peace! The God of our fathers, who revealed Himself to His saint Moses in the Burning Bush, in the flame of a burning thorn bush, and said: “I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.” He is the God and Father of all, and we are all brothers, for we are all children old testament him at Sinai, which in the New Testament, as we Christians believe, is renewed by Christ. These two testaments are two stages of the same divine-human religion, two moments of the same divine-human process. In this process of becoming the Covenant of God with man, Israel became the chosen people of God, entrusted with laws and prophets. And through him the incarnated Son of God assumed His “humanity” from the Most Pure Virgin Mary. “This blood relationship is not interrupted and does not stop even after the Nativity of Christ ... And therefore we, Christians, must feel and experience this relationship as a touch on the incomprehensible mystery of God’s seeing” ...
“On the iconostasis of our Russian church in Jerusalem, the words of the psalmist are inscribed: “Ask for peace in Jerusalem.” This is now what we all need - both yours and our people, all other peoples, for as our God is one Father, one and indivisible for all His children.

What is the conclusion? Judeo-Christians worship the Jewish god Yahweh (Jehovah). That is, Judaism brings up slave owners, and Christianity brings up slaves. One cannot exist without the other!

Christianity is a branch of Judaism!

It is enough to find out that Kirill (surname Gundyaev) who replaced him is a Mordvinian, and one can understand with what pleasure he said what he himself does not believe in, that the Slavs before Christianity were wild, almost beasts.

Before Christianity in Russia there was the Old Faith - Orthodoxy. Our ancestors were Orthodox, because. They praised the right.

According to the Vedic scriptures there are:
Reality - tangible world
Nav - the world of Spirits and Ancestors,
rule - the world of the gods.

In 988 AD Christianity was brought from Byzantium to Russia.
The Kyiv ruler, Khagan Vladimir, baptized Russia according to Greek law. The goal is to replace the Old Faith with a Christian religion closer to Vladimir.

Vladimir is the son of the housekeeper Malka, the daughter of a rabbi.
Since, according to Jewish tradition, nationality is transmitted through the mother, it turns out that Russia was baptized by a Jew.

Not everyone converted to Christianity. And now in Russia there is dual faith: the ancient pre-Christian faith - Orthodoxy and Christian Orthodoxy.

The persecution and extermination of the Slavs began. Jews began to destroy Slavic churches.

The Sofia chronicle (under the year 991) testifies that Archbishop Yakim did this in Novgorod; in the Rostov region (according to the Paterik of Kyiv) this was done by Isaiah the Wonderworker; in Rostov - Abraham of Rostov; in Kyiv - Jew Vladimir.

In 1650-1660, the Moscow Patriarch Nikon, by decree of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, carried out a reform of the Christian church. The main goal, which is not a change in rites, as is commonly believed, (a three-fingered sign, instead of a two-fingered and procession in the other direction), but the destruction of dual faith. It was decided to eradicate the Old Faith, because. the Old Believers lived by their own principles and did not recognize any authority, and to impose a slave Christian religion on everyone.

The fact of substitution can be seen by looking at the "Word of Law and Grace", the most accessible of the ancient writings, both in electronic and printed form. "The Word of Law and Grace" - written around 1037-1050. the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion. In it, the term "Orthodoxy" is found only in a modern translation, and in the original text the term "Orthodox" is used.

A modern philosophical dictionary in general, the Russian word “orthodoxy” is interpreted in foreign words: “orthodoxy is the Slavic equivalent (lat.) of orthodoxy (Greek ortodoxsia - correct knowledge)”.

The struggle with the Old Believers had side effect. The reform caused popular indignation. And the Christian Church split into two warring parts. Those who accepted the innovations were called Nikonians, and the Old Believers were called schismatics. Thus, Patriarch Nikon's attempt to replace "Orthodoxy" with "Orthodoxy" in liturgical books led to a split in the Christian Church. Riots engulfed the entire country. There were also armed clashes.

The Jews managed to split the Russian people once again. Now in Russia there are Old Believers, Old Believer Christians (schismatics) and Christians of a new kind (Nikonians).

The churchmen who did not accept the new church remained Old Believers, and to this day continue to serve abroad in the Orthodox Church, which is called the Russian Greek Catholic Church or the Russian Orthodox Church of the Greek Rite.

Disputes about the substitution of concepts did not subside for a long time. And even under Peter I, in order to prevent civil war, in relation to the Christian religion, the word "orthodox" was officially used. These disputes ended only under Soviet rule, when a Christian church was formed under the name Russian Orthodox Church(ROC).

The Russian Orthodox Church is still pursuing a policy of suppression and subjugation of the Slavs. She forbids mentioning native Russian names in prayers. Of the 210 names, less than two dozen are Russian, the rest are Jewish, Greek and Latin.

This is the Russian Faith.

paganism is ancient religion on the ground. It absorbed thousands of years of wisdom, knowledge, history and culture. In our time, pagans are called those who profess the old faith that existed before the rise of Christianity.

As for the ancient Russian polytheism, the attitude towards it after the adoption of Christianity was militant. The new religion was opposed to the old one as true - untrue, as useful - ...

2.1. Ancient Russia. Beliefs of the Slavs. The adoption of Christianity in Russia

The Church of Jesus Christ was born among the ancient peoples of Palestine, Greece and Rome. As the centuries passed, the Church withstood the terrible persecution of the Roman emperors, gaining the right to a place under heaven. And now the emperors themselves become Christians, magnificent temples are being built, there is a mass conversion to Christianity of the peoples of the Roman Empire.

And what happened at that time in the land of our ancestors? In the place of present-day Russia, an endless forest stood like an impenetrable wall. Giant trees, tangled in their branches, blocked the path at every step. Terrible whirlpools of swamps brought inevitable death to all living things that carelessly set foot here. Without the rivers and streams that cut the area in various directions, there would be no access to this forest wilderness. However, the way along the rivers was far from always open. Trees falling into the water along the entire width of the river formed high blockages. Only by breaking through such a barrier, it was possible ...

And, for example, among the ancient Jews, all beliefs that did not recognize Yahweh or refused to follow his law were considered pagan religions. Ancient Roman legions conquered the peoples of the Middle East, Europe and North Africa. At the same time, these were also victories over local beliefs. These religions of other peoples, "languages" were called pagan. They were given the right to exist in accordance with the interests of the Roman state. But with the advent of Christianity, the very religion of Ancient Rome with the cult of Jupiter was recognized as pagan ...

As for the ancient Russian polytheism, the attitude towards it after the adoption of Christianity was militant. The new religion was opposed to the old one as true versus untrue, as useful versus harmful. Such…


The adoption of Orthodoxy by Prince Vladimir in 988 was one of the most important events in the history of Russia, literally turning the whole way of life of the population of the young state. Paganism divided the Eastern Slavs, while the Christian faith became the phenomenon that forced them to leave all rivalry and enmity and united Russia around the Great City of Kyiv.

Slavs before the adoption of Christianity

The first Slavic settlers on the territory of modern Ukraine and Russia were the Drevlyans (inhabitants of the forests) and the Polans (inhabitants of the fields). From the annals it is known that at that time each clan lived separately. The connection of the tribes was provided by the ancestor, whom the Slavs most often called the prince. This word has a meaning - the eldest in the family, the father of the family.
The following is known about the customs of the ancient Slavs, from the testimonies of strangers. With their morality, simplicity, they made a favorable impression, in comparison with neighboring educated and semi-educated peoples, ...

Chapter I. Russia before the adoption of Christianity

In preparation for the millennial anniversary initial stage acceptance of Christianity as the official religion of the Old Russian state, the theological and ecclesiastical circles of the Moscow Patriarchate noticeably intensified their religious activities. Taking advantage of the moment, they seek to extract the maximum benefit from this anniversary for modern Russian Orthodoxy. And yet their main concern is to convince the Soviet people (not only believers, but also atheists) that the baptism of the inhabitants of ancient Kyiv was not just one of important events national history, but its actual beginning, which allegedly determined the entire content of subsequent historical development up to the present. This is how this action is characterized Kyiv prince Vladimir in modern theological articles and reports. This is how she is depicted in church sermons.

This is done deliberately and with a long-range aim. Theologians and church leaders understand: if it is proved that ...

Religion of our ancestors.

The ancient faith of Slavs and Russ before the Baptism of Russia was called Orthodoxy, for they glorified Rule, followed the paths of Rule. It was also called the Righteous Faith, for the Slavs knew the Truth, knew the Righteous, the most ancient Vedas, sacred legends about the source of the Vedic Faith, which was the first faith of almost all the peoples of our planet. Christianity took over Vedic religion of our ancestors the name “Orthodoxy”, since a lot of things passed into Christianity from the ancient Aryan faith. The idea of ​​a triune god is the triune Vedic God Treglav. There is no triune God either in Catholicism or in other branches of Christianity. Our ancient Righteous religion had much in common with Christianity: monotheism, belief in the Trinity, the immortality of the soul, the afterlife, and so on. But unlike Christianity, the Russians considered themselves not a product of God, but his descendants - the grandchildren of Dazhbog. Our ancestors did not humiliate themselves before their ancestor, they understood his superiority, but they also recognized their natural kinship with him. It…

What faith was in Ancient Russia before the adoption of Christianity

True Orthodoxy is the oldest faith on Earth. It absorbed thousands of years of wisdom, knowledge, history and culture. In our time, pagans are called those who profess the old faith that existed before the rise of Christianity.

And, for example, among the ancient Jews, all beliefs that did not recognize Yahweh or refused to follow his law were considered pagan religions. Ancient Roman legions conquered the peoples of the Middle East, Europe and North Africa. At the same time, these were also victories over local beliefs. These religions of other peoples, "languages" were called pagan. They were given the right to exist in accordance with the interests of the Roman state. But with the advent of Christianity, the very religion of Ancient Rome with the cult of Jupiter was recognized as pagan ...

As for the ancient Russian polytheism, the attitude towards it after the adoption of Christianity was ...

Modern scientists, historians and theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church argue that Russia became Orthodox only thanks to the baptism of Russia and the spread of Byzantine Christianity among the dark, wild Slavs, mired in paganism. This wording is very convenient for distorting history and belittling the significance of ancient culture all Slavic peoples. What could Christian missionaries know about the culture and Faith of the Slavic peoples? How could they understand a culture alien to them?

Here is an example of a description of the life of the Slavs by one of the Christian missionaries:

“Orthodox Slovenes and Rusyns are wild people and their life is wild and godless. Naked men and girls are locked together in a hotly heated hut and torture their bodies, slashing each other with tree branches mercilessly to the point of exhaustion, then run out naked and jump into an ice hole or a snowdrift. And having cooled down again, they run into the hut to torture themselves with rods.

How else could the Greco-Byzantine missionaries understand the simple Orthodox rite visiting Russian...

So, why did they accept Christianity in Russia at one time and why it took root.

The topic is rather complicated, so I will try to do without unnecessary information. Therefore, if somewhere it is not scientifically written, then it is all because it is written plain language for good people.

If you have a deeper interest I can advise various sources and common sense.

If you are familiar with history and do not want to bother yourself, just scroll through the text to the picture “Baptism of Russia”.

If you are not interested in matters of faith at all or are bored with the topic of baptism, then do not bother reading at all. It's the same here as everywhere else.

General information about Russia in the 9th century.

The tribes of the Slavs, who once were one, settled in the territory from the Danube to the Volga, from the Balkan Peninsula to Lake Ladoga. Left behind are general campaigns against Rome, joint wars with Germanic tribes and others. Tribes no longer wander, but lead sedentary life. Gradually move away from each other and unite ...

Christianization of Russia is an act of unpunished genocide of Russians

The spread of bloody Christianity in Russia

But, despite the fact that the old religion of the Russians was so arrogantly discredited, Christianity did not spread as quickly as Vladimir's gang would like.

He began from Kyiv, where most of the people of Kiev did not accept baptism. The inhabitants fled through the forests and the steppes without betraying their old gods.

[!] At first, Vladimir and his gang killed all the pagan sorcerers, the keepers of folk wisdom.

Then Vladimir invited Jews in priestly cassocks from Constantinople to fight "foul paganism", which these Jews called the sunny worldview of our fathers and grandfathers.

[!] Thousands were burned wooden boards and birch bark letters with ancient legends of our chroniclers, with history, with literature, with poetry.

All historical sources the times of Christianization belong to the pen ...

Amir the Great Thinker (8392) 6 years ago

Paganism. There were many gods. The main god is Perun. Perun commanded celestial phenomena (thunder and lightning), god-world ruler, patron of the prince and squad (god of war), one of the main deities of the Slavic pantheon. After the spread of Christianity in Russia, many elements of the image of Perun were transferred to the cult of St. Elijah (Ilya Gromovnik).
Slavic paganism refers to polytheistic religions, that is, the Slavs recognized the existence of many gods. The pagan, using the word "god", did not mean a specific deity.
A feature of Slavic paganism is often the allocation of its main deity for each tribe. So in the treaties of Russia with Byzantium, Perun is called "our god", "in whom we believe." Helmold speaks of the worship of Svyatovit, “to whom a temple and an idol were dedicated to the greatest splendor, precisely attributing primacy among the gods to him.”
At the same time, the Slavs, like the Balts, ...

1. Paganism. 5

1.1. Stages of development of pagan religion. 5

1.2. The influence of paganism on the culture and life of the Eastern Slavs. eight

2. Adoption of Christianity. ten

2.1. Reasons for the adoption of Christianity. ten

2.2. Baptism of Russia. 13

3. Christianity. fifteen

4. Consequences of the adoption of Christianity. 16

4.1. Political implications. 16

4.2. cultural implications. 17

Conclusion. twenty

References. 23


Christianity in Ancient Russia existed long before it was given the status of an official religion, but it was not widely spread and, of course, could not compete with paganism. But trade relations with Greece made it easier for Russia to get acquainted with the Christian faith. Varangian merchants and combatants, earlier and more often than the Slavs, who went to Constantinople, before the Slavs began to convert to Christianity there and brought a new teaching to Russia, passing it on to the Slavs. At first, Christian churches ...

The official Russian religion is Christianity. A religion in which there is not a word about the Slavs. Some Jews. While the Jews themselves adhere to a different religion. Paradox? To see why it happened, you need to figure out how Russia was baptized. But, only without Jewish interpretations.

Patriarch Alexy II is a Jew; Surname Riediger.

It is enough to find out that Kirill (surname Gundyaev) who replaced him is a Mordvinian, and one can understand with what pleasure he said what he himself does not believe in, that the Slavs before Christianity were wild, almost beasts.

Before Christianity in Russia there was the Old Faith - Orthodoxy. Our ancestors were Orthodox, because. They praised the right.

According to the Vedic scriptures there are:
Reality is a tangible world,

The tribes of our ancestors, for a long time, lived as separate tribes, kept apart, fought among themselves and did not have a single pagan religion. As a result, the religious ideas of the ancient Slavs differed in different tribes. The names of the gods often differed, but the natural basis of the deities and their purpose were common. Common moments became the basis for the creation of the Slavic pantheon. The first mention of the pantheon in the pre-Christian religion in Russia dates back to the beginning of the reign of Prince Vladimir. Perun, Makosh, Lada, Veles, Svarog are the main gods that were the basis for many Slavic tribes.

What religion was in the ancient Russian state

Photo from hostingkartinok.com

When Prince Vladimir came to power, his first decision was to create a single pantheon. With his help, the prince wanted to simplify the unification of Russia and strengthen his power. In Kyiv and Novgorod, on specially selected hills, pagan sanctuaries were built. In these, saints for ours ...

The word “paganism” comes from the root “yazyk”, which in Old Slavonic means “people, tribe”. For example, “tongue upon tongue will rise; Yes, one h (love) to die for the people. and not the whole language will perish; vsky shatashya esytsi; as if pr (oro) ka bo put thee in the tongue. Thus, “paganism” for the Slavs is, first of all, a folk, primordial, Slavic Pagan Tradition.

In the explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl, one can find another remarkable meaning of the word “language”, namely: “a people, a land, with its same-tribe population, with the same speech”. Accordingly, paganism is tribal beliefs, and in this sense it has long been used by our ancestors.

So, pagans are people who belong to the same clan-tribe, who honor its customs, love and protect their Earth, keep tribal myths and reproduce these relationships in new generations. At the same time, the Earth, the tribe that inhabits it, other forms of life and the Gods form a single tribal whole, which is reflected in tribal myths and rituals, in the way ...

Orthodox Russia before the adoption of Christianity and after

Modern scientists, historians and theologians of the Christian Church claim that Russia became Orthodox only thanks to the baptism of Russia and the spread of Byzantine Christianity among the dark, wild Slavs, mired in paganism. This wording is very convenient for distorting history and belittling the significance of the most ancient culture of all Slavic peoples. What could Christian missionaries know about the culture and Faith of the Slavic peoples? How could they understand a culture alien to them? Here is an example of a description of the life of the Slavs by one of the Christian missionaries:
“Orthodox Slovenes and Rusyns are wild people and their life is wild and godless. Naked men and girls are locked together in a hotly heated hut and torture their bodies, slashing each other with tree branches mercilessly to the point of exhaustion, then run out naked and jump into an ice hole or a snowdrift. And having cooled down, they again run to the hut to torture themselves with rods.

And, for example, among the ancient Jews, all beliefs that did not recognize Yahweh or refused to follow his law were considered pagan religions. Ancient Roman legions conquered the peoples of the Middle East, Europe and North Africa. At the same time, these were also victories over local beliefs. These religions of other peoples, "languages" were called pagan. They were given the right to exist in accordance with the interests of the Roman state. But with the advent of Christianity, the very religion of Ancient Rome with the cult of Jupiter was recognized as pagan ...

As for the ancient Russian polytheism, the attitude towards it after the adoption of Christianity was militant. The new religion was opposed to the old one as true versus untrue, as useful versus harmful. Such an attitude ruled out tolerance and assumed the eradication of pre-Christian traditions, customs, and rituals. Christians did not want their descendants to be left with signs of the “delusion” to which they had hitherto indulged. Everything that, one way or another, was persecuted.







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