Bison animal. Bison lifestyle and habitat. The bison animal is an American relative of bison: a description with photos and videos, interesting facts about bison and their history. Types of bison

An animal of the bison genus, a very strong and powerful representative of the fauna. bison belong to the bovid family and are similar to, they are even sometimes confused, however, these are completely two different types.

Although, they can successfully interbreed and produce viable offspring. True, such "families" can only occur in wild nature, because it is not yet possible to tame bison, domesticate them.

The appearance of this animal inspires respect even among the most inveterate skeptics. The body length of such a bull can reach 3 meters, and at the withers it is about 2 meters. The weight is over a ton.

Females, however, are more graceful, their weight fluctuates around 700 kg. Not a single photo can convey the true size and strength of the animal, because bison are considered the most large animals on the ground.

The head of the bull is large, powerful, on a strong, thick neck. Small ears, thick horns, with ends curved inward. The eyes are large, dark in color and a large, pronounced forehead.

The hair on the head, beard and chest is long and darker than on the rest of the body. Because of such wool, the animal looks even more intimidating. In addition, there is a hump on the back of the bison's neck, which makes the front of the animal huge. The back is covered with shorter hair, so it looks a little smaller.

In fact, this part is slightly less developed in the bison. If the front of the animal is painted dark brown, then the back of the body is slightly lighter. The legs are strong and strong. According to scientists, bison appeared about 5 million years ago.

Only before they were even larger, about twice. It is scary to imagine an animal about 4 meters high and more than 5 meters long, and this was the ancestor of the modern bison.

With climate change, the animal had to change too. The bison adapted to the new conditions, however, they lost a lot in size. The habitat of the animal had a more voluminous scale, for example, earlier these animals North America occupied it all, but now they live only in the western and northern side of the Missouri.

Prefer areas with dense and lush vegetation. Bison are especially comfortable on the plains, meadows, woodlands, and prairies. Wood bison have become especially rare, they have gone into swampy forests, into the wilderness, but their numbers are constantly falling.

In order to restore the number of these animals, or at least stop its decline, numerous ranches are being created. It is there that bison are bred to increase the number of livestock and for commercial needs.

The nature and lifestyle of the bison

Buffalobright representative gregarious. Such herds can be huge, up to 20,000 individuals, where the most experienced and oldest male is the leader.

Pictured is a herd of bison

Sometimes, if there are many heads in the herd, several males can be the main ones at once. Interestingly, males and females with calves form their own, other herds. The leaders in the herd protect the bison from unexpected danger, and since this animal has excellent hearing and sense of smell (they recognize a stranger by smell at a distance of up to 3 km), it is almost impossible to take the animals by surprise.

It would seem that such a colossus should be too clumsy. But this is too dangerous a delusion, because the bull can be quite dexterous, he easily controls his powerful body - he gallops, jumps over obstacles to a height of up to 1.8 m, by the way, this fact made the Americans abandon the idea of ​​taming the bison.

In speed, it is in no way inferior to a horse. If necessary, he can overtake. It is also noteworthy that the bison are superbly kept on the water. Herds are able to swim over fairly long distances.

But it's good if the bison is calm, then he is calm, unhurried and balanced. But if this animal becomes angry, then it poses a serious danger to any enemy, and man is no exception.

He is unstoppable, furious and merciless. But not reckless. If the bison realizes that he has a more serious opponent in front of him, he does not hesitate to retreat. By the way, the feeling of nobility for this animal is also a distant concept.

There are examples of how bison not only left their relatives to be eaten by wolves, but also knocked down the poor fellow, making it easier for a pack of wolves. So, probably, the herd gets rid of weak and unhealthy individuals. The bison's voice matches his appearance mind - powerful, deaf, low, either a roar, or a lowing.

bison nutrition

This giant feeds exclusively on herbivorous food. bison herbivore. In order to feed himself, he needs up to 25 kg of grass per day.

Pictured is a bison in the pasture

It is food that makes these animals wander from place to place. When summer comes, they feed quietly on the wide northern plains, and when winter comes, they move south. Bison return to the north only in spring, when the ground is again covered with young grass.

Wandering over long distances, animals choose a path that passes near watering places. Herds of migrating animals used to be so large that it was impossible for trains and even steamboats to move when they moved.

In winter, when snow covers the ground, animals can extract dry grass even under a meter layer. First, they break snowdrifts with their hooves, and then dig holes with their snouts. Therefore, very often they have bald patches on their foreheads.

The frost itself is not terrible for bison, because their wool is thick and dense, but nutritional difficulties sometimes make themselves felt. Therefore, moss, lichens, and tree branches are used as food.

Reproduction and lifespan

Bison do not create permanent pairs, a male can have a harem of 5 females. And the mating season of these animals is quite long - from May to September.

Pictured is a bison with a female

At this time, the herd of males reunites with the herd of females, forming a single herd in which serious fights are fought for the attention of females. Two males rest their foreheads and butt heads to the bitter end. It happens that such battles end with the death of a weaker opponent. But the winner is rewarded with the love of the female.

Most often, after mating, the female does not remain in the herd, but it happens that the calf is born right in the herd. Adult bison treat the baby with tenderness and attention - they lick, protect, show interest.

The calf (and the female gives birth to one calf, very rarely two), in an hour can stand on its feet and follow the mother. Mother for him and protection, and nutrition, because he feeds on her milk.

Pictured is a bison with a calf

Kids quickly gain weight, they become playful, restless, but are always under the supervision of adult bison. Otherwise it is impossible, because at this age the calf is too easy prey for wolves. In 3-5 years, sexual maturity of young bison begins. Average duration The life of these animals is only 20-25 years.

Bison is artiodactyl mammal family of bovids. Wild big bull known for its large sizes and physical power, as seen in the photographs of the bison. This is the largest herd animal, reaching a height of 2 m, a length of 2.5-3 m, with a weight of 800 kg to 1200 kg.

Bison look.


Previously, bison were distributed almost throughout North America. The so-called "buffalo" today are found closer to the west and north of the Missouri. There are plains and forest bison. The first subspecies lives in sparse forests, the second is found in the steppe.

Below is a photo of bison of two species.


The bison's closest relative is the bison. It is very difficult to distinguish a bison from a bison in a photo. Between themselves, they are similar in body proportions and color, but the first more massive animals. home distinguishing feature bison is a high withers, which forms a kind of hump in the shoulders. The animal has a very wide forehead, a short neck and a low head. The bison has especially thick and long hair, growing up to 50 cm. It covers the hump, shoulders, partly legs, head and neck. The hair on the head has a gray-brown color, on the neck it is black-brown. On a massive head are thick short horns, twisted ends inward. The legs of this animal are low, but very strong.

Photo of a bison in winter.
The bison are crossing the river.
Photo of a bison.

Key Features

At first glance, it may seem that the clumsy carcass moves slowly and with great difficulty across the steppes of North America. But this powerful and unpredictable animal, feeling threatened, can overcome great distances, while developing a speed of 50 km / h. They gallop, swim across rivers, jump over obstacles. Therefore, despite big weight, bison are quite mobile.

Also, the bison has a well-developed sense of smell. He can smell danger at a distance of 2 km. This animal is not aggressive, but driven into a corner, it quickly goes on the attack.

By their nature, these bulls are quite inquisitive animals. They can watch with interest newborn bison. Having found a dead relative by smell, they kick him with their heads, in the hope that he will get up.

Bison in winter.

What do bison eat

In summer, the diet of the steppe species of bison includes mainly herbaceous vegetation; in forest bison, in addition to grass, branches of shrubs and trees, leaves, and shoots are widely used. In winter, grass rags, lichen and moss are eaten. They often graze in the morning and evening. AT winter time can find food under snow cover up to 1 m deep. Newborn animals feed on mother's milk.

Once a day, bulls visit watering places. If the water is completely covered with ice, they eat snow.

Bison at the waterhole.


To date, animals are not able to immigrate, as their habitat is limited to national parks, around which the lands of companies and farmers stretch. Previously, bison made distant regular migrations to the south, and by spring they returned back to the north.


The beginning of the mating season begins in May and lasts until September. Males are polygamous, they do not form a pair with one female. At this time, skirmishes are likely between males, reaching not only serious wounds, but also fatal outcomes.

After mating, the female leaves the herd and carries offspring for 9 months. As a rule, one calf is born, although there are cases of twins. Very rarely, a female gives birth in the presence of a herd, where adult bison express special interest in the newborn by licking it. The weight of the calf does not exceed 25 kg, it has no horns and a mound at the withers. The first year of life, the mother stays close to the cub and protects it from dangers.

After 2-3 years, bison reach sexual maturity. They live up to 20 years in the wild and 25-30 years in captivity.

Bison with a cub.
The tenderness of bison.
Bison care.

1 Description
2 Genetics
3 Legal status
4 Distribution
5 Behavior
6 History
6.1 US mass extermination

7 Bison as a symbol
8 Bison in philately



American bison (lat. bison bison) - a species of bovid subfamily of bulls. It is very close to the bison, and both species can interbreed without restrictions, giving fertile offspring - bison. For this reason, they are sometimes treated as one species.

1. Description

Bison reaches 2.5-3 meters in length and up to 2 meters in height. Its thick coat is gray-brown in color, on the head and on the neck it is black-brown. The front of the body is covered with longer hair. The head is massive, with a wide forehead; short thick horns diverge to the sides, their ends are wrapped inside; ears are short and narrow; the eyes are large, dark, the neck is short.

Torso with a hump on the nape; the back part of it is developed much weaker than the front. The tail is short, with a long thick tuft of hair at the end. The legs are low but very strong. Females are much smaller than males, reaching a weight of up to 1140 kg. The bison is very similar to the European bison, and some scientists believe that it does not separate species, but there is only a modification of the bison.

Among bison of ordinary brown and light brown color, individuals of a sharply abnormal color can be found.

Within the species, two subspecies are distinguished - the plains bison (Bison bison bison) and the wood bison (Bison bison atabascae), well distinguishable by the features of the structure and fur.

Features of the structure and fur cover of the plains bison - Bison bison bison:

Large head, dense cap of hair between the horns, horns rarely protrude above the cap of hair

· Highest point a hump above the front legs, a thick beard and a pronounced mane of the throat, stretched out behind chest, well-defined fur cape, color lighter than wood bison

Smaller and lighter than wood bison (within the same age and sex),

Features of the structure and fur cover of the forest bison - Bison bison athabascae:

Reduced head, dark bangs of hanging strands above the forehead, horns usually protrude above the bangs

Highest point of hump in front of forelegs, thin beard and rudimentary mane of throat, indistinct fur cape, coat usually darker than plains bison

Larger and heavier than the plains bison (within the same age and sex).

Wood bison were discovered in late XIX in. Some scientists consider the wood bison to be a subspecies of the primitive bison (Bison priscus) that has survived to this day. Until now, they have been preserved only in deaf swampy spruce forests in the basins of the Peace, Buffalo, and Birch rivers (they flow into the Athabasca and Great Slave lakes).

The number of bison kept for commercial use is about 500,000 head (mostly plains bison) on about 4,000 private ranches. However, according to the IUCN Red List Guidelines, commercial herds are not eligible to be considered in the Red List guide, so the total bison population is estimated at approximately 30,000 individuals, of which 20,000 have reached puberty. In the IUCN Red List, the species is defined as being in a state close to threatened (NT) - (NEAR THREATENED).

2. Genetics

The Bison bison species has a diploid set of 60 chromosomes (2n 60).

American bison interbreed freely with European bison, giving fertile offspring - bison.

The presence of bovine genes is almost ubiquitous among commercial plains bison herds tested to date, as a legacy of a long effort to create improved breeds of cattle (Bos taurus) and bison. Many community herds also have variable levels of bovine gene introgression.

3. Legal status

Canada, the United States, and Mexico nationwide regard the bison as both a wild animal and livestock.

4. Distribution

Formerly bison, or buffalo, as the North Americans call it, was distributed almost throughout North America, but now it is found only north and west of the Missouri.

According to Allen's research clarify, the bison distribution area was from the coast Atlantic Ocean west to the borders of Nevada and Oregon. To the south to 25 degrees, to the northwest to about 65 degrees north latitude. In the 60s of the XIX century. between 95 degrees west and the Rocky Mountains. By the beginning of the XVIII century. from Lake Erie and the Great Slave Lake in the north, to Texas, Mexico and Louisiana in the south, from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic coast - over 60 million heads. The number of steppe bison was estimated at 50 million heads.

5. Behavior

Previously, in the summer, bison grazed on the wide plains, and in the winter they went into woodlands, migrating to the south, and in the summer again returning to the north.

The steppes feed mainly on grass, up to 25 kg of grass per day, in winter on grass rags. Forest still eat moss, lichens, branches. They can feed in snow up to 1 m deep. Thick fur protects the bison well. Easily tolerate 30-degree frosts. In winter, they look for areas with little snow.

This clumsy-looking animal moves very easily and quickly, runs at a trot and gallop so quickly that not every horse can overtake it; He also swims very well. Bison lived in societies, often in herds of 20,000 head.

Each herd is led by several old males who guard it very carefully and vigilantly. The bison is very strong and, when irritated, is dangerous both for the hunter and for any other enemy, has a good sense of smell and hearing. It emits a musky odor that can be heard at a great distance.
Bison are polygamous animals. Dominant males collect small harems. The rut takes place in July-September. Pregnancy lasts about 9 months. The female usually gives birth to one calf, twins are extremely rare. Milk fat content up to 12%.
Young bison are very frisky and playful; the old ones love and protect them. The voice of the buffalo is a dull lowing.

6. History

The existence of the hunting peoples of America was so dependent on bison that with a decrease in the number of these animals, the extinction of the Indians began. Bison meat is considered very tasty, especially the tongue and fat-rich hump. Dried and coarsely ground buffalo meat, called pemmican, serves for the winter stores of the Indians, and mixed with fat and sealed in lead boxes is one of the most important constituent parts food supply of polar expeditions. Its thick hides are used for coarser leathers, especially for soles.

From the tanned skins of young animals the Indians make clothes; in addition, bison skins are used for tents, saddles and belts, dishes and knives are made from bones; from the tendons of the bowstring, thread, etc., from the hair of the rope; litter serves as fuel, glue is boiled out of the legs. The bison is hunted on horseback, with a lasso or with firearms, or they drive frightened animals into pits, fenced places or ravines.

In winter, many bison, especially young ones, die from frost; often when crossing frozen rivers, the ice does not withstand, breaks and entire herds drown in the water. In Kentucky and Illinois, attempts were made to make bison a pet, but without success. However, by crossing a male bison with an ordinary cow, tame hybrids are obtained that are devoid of a hump, but retain long hair on the front of the body. In captivity, bison lived up to 14 years, and in some zoological gardens it was possible to get offspring from them and raise them.

Over 95% of North American bison are privately owned, most of which are used for commercial production. Selection for market characteristics (growth and reproductive characteristics, body conformation, obedience) dominates the management of private herds.

6.1. Mass extermination in the USA

In the 19th century, the US authorities authorized the mass killing of bison to undermine the economic life of Indian tribes and doom them to starvation. According to researchers, in 1800 the number of bison was 30-40 million animals, and by the end of the century they were almost completely exterminated: less than one thousand remained.

American General Philip Sheridan wrote: “The buffalo hunters have done more in the last two years to solve the acute problem of the Indians than the entire regular army has done in the last 30 years. They destroy the material base of the Indians. Send them gunpowder and lead, if you like, and let them kill, skin and sell them until they have exterminated all the buffalo!”. Sheridan in the US Congress proposed to establish a special medal for hunters, emphasizing the importance of the extermination of bison.

7. Bison as a symbol

The bison, as the largest and most famous animal in North America, was bound to get on US banknotes (coins and banknotes).

Image american bison appears on the flags of the US states of Wyoming and Kansas, as well as on the coat of arms and flag of the province of Manitoba in Canada

8. Bison in philately

The first postage stamp depicting an American bison was issued back in the century before last - on June 17, 1898 in the USA as part of a commemorative series for the Trans-Mississippi Exhibition. Since that time, postage stamps with the image of the American bison have been issued by the postal administrations of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, including the UN postal administration.


1. Bison Specialist Group North America.

2. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Spicies™ - Bison bison.

3. Zabrodin V. A. and Yakushkin G. D. In the article - Musk oxen. Central Scientific Agricultural Library.

4. Bison Specialist Group North America

5. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Spicies™ - Bison bison

7. Dorst J. Before nature dies. Moscow: Progress, 1968.

8. Isenberg A. The Destruction of the Bison: An Environmental History, 1750-1920. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

bison - large wild bull, widely known for its physical strength and size. Belongs to the subfamily of the bovine family of bovids. The closest relative of the bison is the bison, with which it is often confused due to its external resemblance.

In size, the largest individuals of bison are superior to bison; in terms of body weight, male bison are the largest ungulates on Earth. The weight of bulls can reach 1.2 tons, the height at the withers is 1.9 m, the body length is 2.5-3 m, the weight of cows differs little from the weight of female bison and does not exceed 700 kg. The proportions of the body and coloration of the bison are also very similar to the bison, so at first glance it is difficult to distinguish between these two species. main feature bison - a very steep and high withers, forming a kind of hump in the shoulders, as well as a low head and a very wide forehead.

The horns of these animals are short and curved at the ends inward. In addition, the front part of the bison's body is more overgrown with hair, which visually enlarges this beast even more. Especially long hair grows in bison on the shoulders, lower neck and chin, forming a kind of beard. The color of animals varies from almost black to brown. On the shoulders, the hair is always a little lighter, even lighter, almost yellow calf wool. It is extremely rare to find bison of an abnormally light color, they look almost white. American Indians considered such animals sacred.


Bison live in North America, in the north their range covers the southern provinces of Canada, in the south it reaches the central states of the United States. There are plains and forest bison. The first subspecies prefers to inhabit southern part range and is found mainly in the prairies, the second lives in the north and enters sparse forests. In the past, both subspecies of bison made grandiose seasonal migrations, with the advent of frost, they migrated to the south and grazed on the plains, where the wind blows away the snow and facilitates the extraction of food. To give an idea of ​​the scale of these movements, it is enough to say that Manhattan Island in New York arose on the site of a shallow formed by the carcasses of bison that drowned while crossing the Hudson.

Where do they live now?

Now the habitats of these animals are artificially limited national parks, therefore, they do not make migrations, which does not prevent them from successfully wintering in protected areas.

Today, the bulk of the population of these animals falls on the territory of North America. Also, the place where the bison lives is the territory near the Missouri River. Adults with calves form separate herds. You can meet these animals only where there is dense vegetation. Habitual habitat for them are: flat territories; prairies; woodlands; the woods. Despite the fact that bison were almost destroyed during the development of the Wild West, today ecological national programs for saving these animals are successfully working. In the reserves and parks of North America, there are now almost 400 thousand heads. They are now not found in the wild at all, but the main result has been achieved, this species of majestic animal has been saved from extinction and is under protection! This will allow, over time, to further increase the number of bison.

The nature and lifestyle of the bison

Bison is a bright representative of herd animals. Such herds can be huge, up to 20,000 individuals, where the most experienced and oldest male is the leader.

Sometimes, if there are many heads in the herd, several males can be the main ones at once. Interestingly, males and females with calves form their own, other herds. The leaders in the herd protect the bison from unexpected danger, and since this animal has excellent hearing and sense of smell (they recognize a stranger by smell at a distance of up to 3 km), it is almost impossible to take the animals by surprise.

It would seem that such a colossus should be too clumsy. But this is too dangerous a delusion, because the bull can be quite dexterous, he easily controls his powerful body - he gallops, jumps over obstacles to a height of up to 1.8 m, by the way, this fact made the Americans abandon the idea of ​​taming the bison.

In speed, it is in no way inferior to a horse. If necessary, he can overtake a horse. It is also noteworthy that the bison are superbly kept on the water. Herds are able to swim over fairly long distances.

But it's good if the bison is calm, then he is calm, unhurried and balanced. But if this animal becomes angry, then it poses a serious danger to any enemy, and man is no exception. He is unstoppable, furious and merciless. But not reckless. If the bison realizes that he has a more serious opponent in front of him, he does not hesitate to retreat. By the way, the feeling of nobility for this animal is also a distant concept.

There are examples of how bison not only left their relatives to be eaten by wolves, but also knocked down the poor fellow, making it easier for a pack of wolves. So, probably, the herd gets rid of weak and unhealthy individuals. The bison's voice matches his appearance- powerful, deaf, low, either a roar, or a lowing.

American bison are divided into two subspecies - plains ( bison bison bison and forest (Bison bison atabascae). They differ somewhat from each other in terms of structural features, as well as fur cover. Formerly bison, also called American Indians buffalo, was distributed throughout North America throughout, but now it is found only north and west of Missouri. In summer, bison graze on the wide northern plains, migrating to the wooded southern areas for the winter, and returning back in the summer.


Steppe individuals feed on grass, and can eat up to 25 kg of it per day. Wood bison, in addition to grass, still do not refuse moss, lichens, tree rags. Even a meter-long crust of snow is not a hindrance to them if they want to eat, but more often bison look for areas with little snow. Frosts are not a hindrance to the animal - thick fur protects the bison even in 30-degree frosts.

The diet depends on the area where the bison lives. If it is a steppe, then animals eat grassy vegetation. For life, they need 25 kg of grass per day. If bison live in the forest, then in addition to grass they eat moss, tree branches, lichens. In winter, they can find food under the snow, if its height is not more than one meter.


Bison are polygamous ungulates. A harem for any dominant male is a normal phenomenon. In July-September, the animals mate. The female bears one calf for about 9 months; twins in these animals are extremely rare. The born cub feeds on milk, the fat content of which reaches 12%.
Young bison are playful, and constantly frolic at their pleasure under the supervision of adults. Animals communicate with each other by means of low mooing.

The breeding season for bison runs from May to September. During this period, herds form large clusters, males join groups of females and start fierce battles among themselves. The bulls converge nose to nose and begin to butt, resting their foreheads. From the outside, their movements look heavy and slow, but in reality they are full of strength.

To an opponent who did not have time to dodge, the bison is capable of inflicting serious wounds, sometimes with lethal outcome. Pregnancy lasts 9 months, before giving birth, the cow leaves the herd and calves in a secluded place. Occasionally, a female can give birth in a herd, in which case the relatives show interest in the newborn and lick it with their tongues. Bison reach puberty at 3-5 years, and live up to 20-25. In nature, they have practically no enemies. In some forest areas, bison are occasionally attacked by wolves. In the event of an attack by predators, females surround the young and run ahead, while males cover the herd from the rear. Sometimes bison enter the water to protect themselves from wolves.


The hunters especially appreciated the buffalo tongue and the fat-rich hump. Dried and coarsely ground buffalo meat, called pemmican, was used for the winter stores of the Indians, and mixed with fat and sealed in lead boxes, it was one of the most important components of the food supply of the polar expeditions. Among the Indians, thick bison skins were used for coarser varieties of rawhide and tanned leather, especially for soles. From the skins of young animals, raw material for clothes was obtained. In addition, buffalo skins were used for tipi tents, saddles and belts; from the bones they made dishes, knives; from tendons - bowstrings, threads, etc., from rope hair; the litter served as fuel; glue was boiled out of the hooves. The Indians hunted bison from a horse, with a bow, less often with a spear. When possible, guns were also used. There were also more ancient, foot, ways of hunting. At the same time, animals were driven into abysses or special pens. We also hunted in deep snow.

In winter, many bison, especially young ones, died from frost; often, when crossing frozen rivers, the ice sheet withstood, broke, and entire herds drowned in the water. In Kentucky and Illinois, attempts were made to domesticate bison, but to no avail. However, by crossing a male bison with a common cow, tameable hybrids are obtained that lack a hump, but retain long hair on the front of the body. In captivity, bison lived up to 14 years, and in some zoological gardens it was possible to get offspring from them and raise them.

Over 95% of North American bison are privately owned and most of them are used for commercial production. Selection for market characteristics (growth and reproductive characteristics, body conformation, obedience) dominates the management of private herds.

Bison extermination in the USA

The US buffalo slaughter is an uncontrolled mass hunting of buffalo for commercial purposes since the 1830s, which has led to the threat of extinction of this species of animal in North America. The Indians traditionally hunted buffalo only to meet their subsistence needs: for food, as well as for the manufacture of clothing, housing, tools and utensils, and the survival of many tribes depended on bison. In the 19th century, some Indian tribes also took up the commercial trade of buffalo, selling the skins to American traders. However, it was the actions of white American hunters and US railroad companies that had critical consequences for the bison population.

In the early 1800s, about 200,000 bison were killed a year for their skins. Between 1830 and 1860 on East Coast United States, one after another, wagons filled with buffalo skins arrived. With the beginning of the active development of the West after the end civil war and gasket railway, greatly simplified the delivery of hunters to the plains and the transport of their prey back east for shipment to Europe, causing a significant decline in the bison population.

As a result of predatory extermination, the number of bison by the beginning of the 20th century decreased from several tens of millions to several hundreds. The French biologist Jean Dorst noted that initially total strength bison was approximately 75 million, but already in 1880-1885, the stories of the hunters of the North of the United States spoke of hunting for the “last” bison. Between 1870 and 1875, approximately 2.5 million bison were killed annually. Historian Andrew Eisenberg wrote of a decline in bison from 30 million in 1800 to less than a thousand by the end of the century.

In 1887, the English naturalist William Mushroom, who traveled across the prairies, noted: “Buffalo trails were visible everywhere, but there were no live bison. Only the skulls and bones of these noble animals turned white in the sun.

Animal bison - the embodiment of a symbol in the legends and cultures of the world

In various Indonesian and Asian countries, the buffalo is a sacred creature. In particular, the image of the animal is revered in the South-Eastern part of Asia, India. In the Buddhist religion, the god Yama, who commands death and the underworld, is depicted sitting on a buffalo. In the lands of Tibet, the heart of an animal symbolizes death. In Chinese folk beliefs there is a legendary legend about the sage Lao Tzu leaving the country on an animal, implying a calm contemplation of life. In the countries of the North American continent, the bison is common definition for some similar species animal: bison, buffalo.

The image combines opposite meanings, symbolizing the deadly power of a tornado and at the same time prosperity. Individuals of white color, in view of the unusualness, it was customary to bring as a sacrifice to the gods. After mass extermination the symbolism had to be transferred to maize, which, like the buffalo, is the embodiment of male power and fertility. The buffalo often personifies a frightening and, at the same time, peaceful power and strength. Sometimes the skull of an animal was used as an altar for ritual sacrifices to the gods.

North American Indian legends and tales tell of the birth of the white buffalo, which are considered the harbingers of the pole shift. At the heart of the prophecy is an explanation of the cause of such anomalies caused by unusual combination genes. The bison is also a special symbol among the Lakota people. It is believed that the animal was given by Mother Earth. Men of the people revere this beast as a symbol of responsibility for their people and the protection of women. White people are treated with great respect. The animal is invariably present in the description of many rituals and customs. Buffalo Ceremony for girls is filled with unsurpassed color and deep meaning.

Most recently was the master of the North American continent. But man has almost completely destroyed these animals and now they are fighting for survival.

The appearance of a bison

Buffalo very large and strong animal. Its body length can reach three meters. Large head on a thick black-brown neck. On the head are short narrow ears. The bison's eyes are large and dark. The color of the body is slightly different from the head. It is covered with gray-brown wool. It is long and thick, so animals can easily endure severe frosts.

There is a hump on the back. The front of the body is more developed, the back is slightly weaker. The tail is short with a brush at the end. The hooves are small but very strong.

Males are slightly larger than females. They can weigh up to 1.5 thousand kg. Many people confuse bison with bison. They are really very similar, but they are two different species. Some scientists adhere to the idea that if you cross them, you can get the new kind which will continue to multiply.

bison habitat

Bison are found mainly in North America. They can also be found near the Missouri River.

Animals live in herds. The oldest male is considered the main one. Males and females with calves form separate herds.

Bison feels great in flat areas, prairies, light forests, forests. When choosing a habitat, herds are guided by the availability of means for subsistence on it. Therefore, they can only be found in areas with dense vegetation.

What do bison eat

The diet depends on the area where the bison lives. If it is a steppe, then animals eat grassy vegetation. For life, they need 25 kg of grass per day.

If bison live in the forest, then in addition to grass they eat moss, tree branches, lichens. In winter, they can find food under the snow, if its height is not more than one meter.

Features of the behavior of a bison

At first glance, it may seem that the bison is clumsy, but it is not. They are fast and agile animals. Having accelerated, they can be compared with a horse in speed. Feels great in the water element.

Bison have excellent hearing and sense of smell. They communicate with each other with the help of deaf mooing.

In most cases, bison behave calmly and balanced, but if they are disturbed, they can become furious. In this state, they are unstoppable and dangerous to any opponent.

bison breeding

Bison do not form a pair with one female. They are polygamous. A dominant male in a harem can have 4-5 females.

mating season starts in May and ends in September. At this time, the males join the females and form one herd. There are fierce battles between males for the attention of females. They converge nose to nose and butt heads resting their foreheads. Bulls can inflict serious wounds on the enemy, sometimes the fight ends with the death of one of the males.

After mating, the female leaves the herd. The calf gestation period lasts 9 months. In some cases, the female gives birth while in the herd. In this case, the bison show interest in the baby and lick it. Mostly the female brings one calf at a time, although there are cases of twins. The newborn feeds on mother's milk. An hour after birth, the calf can already stand on its feet.

Young calves are playful, they run and frolic under the supervision of adults.

Bison reach sexual maturity at 3-5 years. Average life expectancy is 20-25 years. They do great in captivity. Many representatives of the species live in the zoo.

Reasons for the decline in the number of bison

Bison have practically no enemies in nature. On very rare occasions, they may be attacked by wolves. These predators are dangerous only for the female or calf; it is not easy for them to overcome an adult bull. In the event of an attack, females and young animals run ahead, and older males repel the attack. Confident in their strength, they often win the fight, the wolves leave with nothing.

During the colonization of America, innumerable herds of bison lived on the continent. Settlers from Europe decided to fix this and began to destroy animals not so much for food, but for fun.

Bison were killed in order to deprive the local population of food. Also, fertilizer and black paint were produced from animal bones. The Europeans became so carried away that in the 19th century, 835 of the 600 million heads remained on the continent.

The bison found salvation in Yellowstone National Park. The surviving individuals began to multiply, and gradually the number of the species increased, although it was still very far from the previous figure.

On the this moment in the territories of the USA and Canada there are 30,000 heads. Parks and reserves have been created to protect these animals.

wild bison no longer meet. They are listed in the Red Book, although the state of the species is regarded as relatively safe. Compliance with security measures is strictly monitored, their violation is punishable by law. Buffalo sport hunting is now allowed on some ranches.

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