Mushroom T-shirt from what and application. George mushroom (Calocybe gambosa). May mushroom, similar species

The name of the genus "calocybe" is translated from ancient Greek as "beautiful head"). This genus of mushrooms belongs to the Lyophyllic family (Lyophyllaceae), and includes 13 species, of which the most famous and common is the May calocybe mushroom, also known as the May mushroom and St. George's mushroom. Sometimes the May calocybe is also called the "row" for its external resemblance to this genus of mushrooms.

Characteristics of the mushroom calocybe de mai


The diameter of the cap of the May calocybe is 4-6 cm, the shape is flat-convex, hump-shaped, as the fungus matures, it becomes semi-prostrate, the structure is flaky-fibrous, the color of the cap of the young mushroom is cream, gradually becoming white. In old mushrooms, sometimes the hat becomes buffy.


The pulp is white, thick, dense structure, mealy taste and aroma.


The leg of the May calocybe is cylindrical, narrows or widens downwards, 4-9 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm thick. The skin color is whitish, with a slight yellow tint, the base of the leg is ocher or rusty-ocher.

May calocybe grows in the European part of Russia in forest glades and edges, meadows and pastures, as well as in parks, squares, gardens. The mushroom grows in characteristic circles or rows, creating a kind of "paths" in the grass.

Fruiting in May calocybe begins in the middle or in the second half of May. The peak of growth occurs in mid-June, and the season continues until the end of June-beginning of July. In large numbers, the May calocybe appears after heavy rains.

Calocybe de mai is an edible mushroom whose only drawback is its characteristic mealy smell.

The collected May mushroom is sorted, washed and boiled (this helps to reduce the intensity of the smell of flour), then added to the first and second courses, soups and stews, pickles and marinades are made on its basis.

Calocybe May is the only representative of its kind, it can be confused with garden entoloma.

The garden entoloma hat reaches 7-10 cm in diameter. Its shape in a young fungus is bell-conical or convex, gradually it becomes unevenly spread and convex-concave, with a tubercle. The surface of the cap is smooth, after rain it becomes sticky, dark, in dry weather it is silky fibrous and light. The edge of the cap is wavy, cracking. The color is changeable, from whitish-gray, beige and gray-brown to gray-brown. A characteristic distinguishing feature of the fungus is the pink color of the plates. The leg is cylindrical, often curved, 10-12 cm in height, 1-4 cm in diameter. The structure of the leg is brittle, longitudinally ribbed, solid, in the old fungus it is hollow, twisted, furrowed. The color of the stem is whitish, pinkish or grayish. The thickened base is light. There are no rings on the stem of the mushroom. The pulp is dense, soft, fibrous, white or brownish in color, the taste and smell are farinaceous, but weak, unlike the May calocybe. Spores are pink.

Entoloma garden is a conditionally edible mushroom. It is boiled for 20 minutes, after which it is used for cooking roast, salting or pickling.

Poisonous and inedible species of the calocybe may mushroom

May calocybe outwardly resembles a white row, which is distinguished from it by the unpleasant smell of this mushroom.

Inedible mushroom.

The diameter of the mushroom cap is 6-10 cm. The color of the cap is grayish-white, it is dry and dull. In old mushrooms, the hat in the center is yellowish-brown, with ocher spots. The shape of the cap in young mushrooms is convex, the edge is wrapped, over time it becomes prostrate. The stem is dense, the color matches the cap, in the old mushroom it is yellowish-brown at the base. The length of the leg is 5-10 cm. It expands towards the base. The pulp is thick, fleshy, white. Turns pink at the break. In young mushrooms, it is odorless, an unpleasant musty aroma gradually appears, slightly reminiscent of a radish. The taste is pungent, burning.

White row grows in groups, in dense forests, parks and groves.

In addition, the young fruit bodies of the May calocybe can be confused with the highly poisonous fungus Patouillard fiber (Inocybe patouillardii). Young mushrooms of this species are also whitish in color, but they turn red on the cut, while in mature mushrooms the hat is fibrous, reddish-brown, and the plates are brown.

Dangerous poisonous mushroom.

The cap of young mushrooms is white, gradually becoming light ocher, or reddish; in mature mushrooms, it is silky fibrous and red-brown in color. The shape is conical-bell-shaped, flattens as it matures, there is a tubercle in the center, the edge is raised, the surface cracks. The diameter of the cap is 2.5-9 cm. The leg is cylindrical, thickens at the base, solid, 3-12 cm high, 0.8-2 cm thick, white in a young mushroom, later covered with red spots or becomes red, longitudinally fibrous. The pulp is white, reddens on the cut, the taste is not pronounced, the aroma is fruity.

The mushroom grows singly, from late May to early October in deciduous forests and parks, often under beeches.

It is not difficult to grow calocybe May at home. The mycelium of these mushrooms is placed in special bags or boxes, and placed in a dark place. The temperature for the development and growth of the mycelium is 15-20 °C. After 2 or 3 weeks, the mycelium completely fills the bags. And after about 25 days, the first crop appears. The first mushroom crops appear in waves, and then the mushrooms begin to grow continuously. After 3-4 months, the growth of the May calocybe stops, and the substrate is used on the site as a fertilizer.

Calorie content of the mushroom Calocybe May

100 g of fresh May calocybe mushroom contains 19 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins………………1.7 g;
  • Carbohydrates………….1.5 g;
  • Fats………………0.7 g;
  • Dietary fiber…2.9 g;
  • Water………………..90 g;
  • Ash………………..2.7 g

  • Calocybe de mai is a delicious edible mushroom. This is the only mushroom that, in addition to truffles and morels, the British collect (they call it "St. George's mushroom"). In Italy, this species is called "martovka", since in this region it begins to grow already in the first half of March. Romania is engaged in the industrial export of May fungus to Western Europe.
  • Dichloromethane extract from Calocybe May exhibits bactericidal properties (destroys hay bacillus and E. coli). Also, the fungus contains substances that can suppress the development of tubercle bacillus. On the basis of the fungus, antitumor drugs are being developed.
  • With regular consumption of May calocybe, the increased level of sugar in the blood decreases, that is, the fungus has an antidiabetic effect.

May mushroom or May calocybe, May ryadovka, St. George's mushroom is an edible mushroom of the 4th category, belonging to the genus Calocybe, lyophyllic family. This is a fairly large representative in the order of the Agarikovs. The cap of the May mushroom can reach 10 cm in diameter. Young mushrooms usually have a spherical cap. However, as the May fungus grows, it opens up, becoming flatter.

Often, the proximity during the intensive growth of the May fungus also leaves an imprint on the shape of the cap - the edges of the caps can take on different shapes, and in dry weather it can be covered with cracks. The surface of the cap is usually painted white or shades of yellow. The leg of the May mushroom is thick, relatively short. Reaches 7 cm in height. The surface of the foot is smooth.

The color varies from white to cream. The flesh in the leg is dense, white. The plates are narrow and often located, adherent to the stem, the same color as on the hat. The fruiting period of the May fungus lasts from mid-May to the end of July. It usually grows on forest edges, pastures, meadows of the European part of Russia.

A look similar to it: a row is white, which has a more unpleasant odor.

May mushroom (Calocybe gambosa)

Calocybe gambosa

fruiting body

to a friend, adhering to the leg with a tooth. Spore powder is white. Leg whitish, strong, short. The pulp is white, with a floury smell.

season and place

It grows in May-June in floodplain forests, on edges and pastures.


records; it doesn't have a floury smell.


Edible mushroom; when cooked, it retains a mealy taste.

May mushroom. Mike. George mushroom (Calocybe gambosa)

May mushroom. Mike. George mushroom (Calocybe gambosa) photo

It grows in sparse deciduous forests, grassy places, as well as pastures, pastures, near settlements in May-June. The cap is up to 12 cm in diameter, fleshy, at first convex, then prostrate, with a wavy, often cracking edge, flat or with a tubercle, cream, yellowish, off-white. The pulp is thick, white, soft, the smell of flour.

The plates are whitish, frequent, notched or adherent with a tooth. Creamy spore powder. Leg up to 10 cm long, 3 cm thick, club-shaped, whitish, brownish-cream or yellowish, fibrous. Mushroom edible, the fourth category.

Used fresh without pre-boiling. Young St. George mushroom looks like on entholoma poisonous. The shape of the cap and color are almost the same. You can distinguish them by the plates: in entoloma they are scarlet, in the May mushroom they are white.

Silent hunting for mushrooms, contrary to popular belief, does not begin with the approach of autumn, but in spring, when May mushrooms appear, growing crowded. You can pick up a whole basket of them and treat seven dishes of fresh mushrooms already in May.

mushroom name

Little-known May mushrooms in scientific communities are called calocybe (this name comes from the name of the genus Calocybe). The people call them differently - the May row, the St. George mushroom. And the mushrooms of their family Ryadovkovye (Tricholomataceae) are simply called T-shirt.


The St. George mushroom appears in May and is found until July in the temperate zones of Russia. It does not grow alone, it prefers to form large groups in light forests, grassy corners, parks, gardens, pastures, pastures, along the edges. In appearance, the May mushroom resembles a champignon. Its aroma and taste is similar to that of

Description of the May mushroom

May calocybe has a fleshy dry cap, the diameter of which can reach 12 centimeters. At first it is convex. As it grows, it becomes prostrate. Its wavy edges often crack. It can be both flat and with a tubercle. The hat is painted in cream, yellowish or off-white tones.

It is endowed with thick, dense, soft, white flesh with a powdery smell and taste. The unpopular May mushroom, the photo of which perfectly demonstrates its characteristic features, has a pulp lined with frequent notched or fused teeth with a leg plates. The color of the plates is whitish with creamy shades.

The color of the spore powder is cream. Spores are ovoid or ellipsoid in shape. The length of the leg is ten centimeters, the width is three. It is dense, fibrous, club-shaped. The color range of the legs varies from whitish tones to yellowish and whitish-cream shades.

Young May mushrooms are easily confused with poisonous entoloma. Although there are significant differences between them. He has a brown hat with brown plates. At the break, the hat turns red.

Beneficial features

George mushrooms are unique. They have a balanced composition. They are saturated with protein compounds, amino acids, vitamin and mineral complex. They belong to the fourth category of edible mushrooms.

Chinese, Japanese and Roman healers have used May mushrooms for the manufacture of medicines since ancient times. From them prepared tinctures and extracts. Medicines were used to treat diseases of the heart and digestive tract. They removed migraines and

The vitamin-mineral complex strengthens the immune system, stimulates the brain and leads to the harmonious functioning of the body. Due to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, and blood formation improves. Doctors compare the May row with food made from the liver of animals.

Rows contain melanin, a powerful natural antioxidant. It, saturated with mushroom chitin, helps to cleanse the body. Chitin plays the role of a sponge that draws in toxins and toxins. Associated leave the body naturally.

Possible harm

May row is a harmless mushroom. It is fried, salted, pickled, without resorting to preliminary boiling. However, when collecting a row, you must follow the rules. When collecting, full confidence is required that it is the calocybe, and not the poisonous entomola, that gets into the basket. The mushroom body is prone to easy accumulation of harmful substances. Therefore, mushrooms are not collected in traffic areas and near cities.

Rows must be processed immediately after collection. Long-term storage adversely affects their quality. They turn from a useful product into harmful food that can lead to disastrous consequences.

The May row was popularly called the May mushroom, T-shirt. But she has another name - St. George's mushroom, because the active fruiting of this row usually falls in the first half of May, when Christians celebrate St. George (May 6). scientific name - Calocybe gambosa, or May's calocybe.

This fungus appears in the third decade of April, bears fruit throughout May and departs in early June until the next year. It grows well in deciduous and mixed forests and plantings, in particular, in the Kumzhenskaya grove, in the Shchepkinsky reserve. Mike can be found in parks, and in the garden, and on the lawns, flower beds in the city, it grows both on completely bare soil and in dense thickets of grass. Unpretentious mushroom.

And incredibly productive. From one mycelium, the "witch's circle", I once collected more than a hundred fruiting bodies. And it was a very modest mycelium. And the T-shirt grows in a good mycelium very closely, hat to hat. Her mushroom picker breaks through any obstacles, the T-shirt often climbs into the very jungle, in a windbreak.

I met her many years ago on a rainy day at the end of April. I went to the Kumzhenskaya grove, I looked - people were picking some kind of porcini mushrooms, which came across almost at every step. What kind of mushrooms - plainly no one could say. "We've been collecting for a long time." Well, I collected. And the next day, the whole family ate an unusually delicious mushroom stew in sour cream.

This mushroom has some features that make it difficult to confuse it with other mushrooms. First, it is a strong distinct "floury" smell. Not everyone likes this smell. And in my opinion this is the most that neither is a mushroom smell. Very pleasant.

The mushroom itself is dense, strong, white or beige, relatively short-legged, of medium size: caps are rarely more than 10 cm in diameter. The plates are frequent, also white or beige, sometimes with yellowness.

Another feature: T-shirt hats are rarely even. But all sorts of "squiggles", "ruffles" - this is in the order of things.

And what's more interesting. There are mushrooms with yellowish caps, often of uneven color (yellow towards the center). With what it is connected - it is not known. There was even an opinion that mushrooms with yellowish caps were a completely different species. But I often met the May row with both white and yellowing hats, and the mushrooms clearly grew from the same mycelium. So yellowness is just a sign of a variation of one species, nothing more.

The mushroom does not lose its density during cooking. Therefore, it is universal: it is good in a frying pan, and it is wonderful as a stew, and it looks beautiful in a jar! Of course, in dry periods, even a friendly and unpretentious T-shirt grows sluggishly, reluctantly, and grows small, very dense, with cracked hats.

And during periods of excessive moisture, especially in dense grass, the May mushroom is often large, but flimsy.

However, these are extreme cases. In its normal state, these are very pleasant mushrooms in all respects. Don't miss the opportunity to meet them!

P.S. The May row is often confused with the garden entoloma, which grows at the same time. It’s not scary to confuse: garden entoloma is an edible mushroom. Its differences from the May row: growth under rosaceae (thorns, hawthorn, fruit trees, very often under a pole, which is why it was popularly called "podgerdelnik"), hats usually with a tubercle in the center, never turn yellow, the color is off-white or ivory bones, to greyish, plates are wide and rather sparse, becoming slightly pink with time. The smell of entoloma does not have saturation, like a T-shirt. If you wet the hat of entoloma, then it becomes slippery, as if soapy. In the May row, this effect is not observed.

Written by Nikolay Budnik and Elena Mekk.

May mushroom, Mike, St. George's mushroom, Ryadovka May - these are the names of one mushroom. We know only three myceliums of the May mushroom, and one of them bears fruit annually, and the other two - only occasionally.

Ryadovka Mayskaya is a delicious edible mushroom. It is especially valuable because it appears in late May - early June, when there are very few other mushrooms.

1. May rowing - a delicious edible mushroom.

1a. This mushroom appears on Uloma Zheleznaya after the twentieth of May.

2. Before this period, we never met the May row.

3. The mushroom grows until the end of June.

4. May mushroom smells like fresh flour.

5. Those who collect greenfinches and gray rows are well aware of this smell, which cannot be confused with anything else. The smell goes away when cooked.

7. Mushrooms sometimes hide under the forest floor. Only one mushroom is visible in this photo.

8. It turns out that two other mushrooms are hiding under the needles.

9. Young May mushrooms are very pretty.

10. They are not yet affected by insect larvae, but become wormy with age.

12. And here the flowers of Veronica, along with mushrooms, delight us.

13. May rows live up to their name. They grow in rows...

14. ... in groups and families.

16. They grow on the edges, lawns, glades, ...

17. ... on the sides of forest roads.

18. The size of the mushroom is not very large.

19. The color of the May row is light, almost white.

20. The hat on top may have a slightly yellowish color.

21. Young May mushrooms have more yellowness than older ones.

22. In wet weather, hats seem to be saturated with water.

23. Hats become loose.

23a. In young rows of May hats are round, their edges are even.

23b. The old ones have wavy edges.

24. Pay attention to the plates.

25. They are white or slightly yellowish in color.

26. The shape of the plates is the same as that of the rows, although scientists attribute this fungus not to the rows, but to the calocybe.

27. Records are very frequent.

28. This photo clearly shows the fit of the plates to the leg.

28a. Here's another look at the fit of the plates.

29. Legs of T-shirts of the same color with a hat.

30. They are usually even along the entire length.

31. In youth, the legs are plump and strong.

32. Inside they are elastic, quite edible.

33. With age, the legs become thin, ...

34. ... fibrous and slightly hollow inside.

34a. Here you can see the foot resting on the ground.

35. The pulp of T-shirts is dense, light.

36. Unfortunately, already in youth, many mushrooms are wormy.

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