Sacred number 21. Pavel Globa: “21 is a number that gives a happy chance

21 \u003d 2 + 1 \u003d 3 is a good combination of numbers for a person born on the 21st day. On the one hand, a deuce makes him a dreamer with a rich imagination, increased sensitivity and artistry; on the other hand, one and three carry leadership, strong and ambitious; that is, soft qualities are balanced by hard ones, and dictatorial inclinations are softened.
The vibration of the number 21 (3) indicates that Providence itself showers a person with various gifts as if from a cornucopia: the love of people, a cheerful disposition, excellent health, interesting work and money. And the bearer of this number willingly shares the gifts of fate with others. A person whose birthday number is 21 lately feels that he is marked by the hand of the Creator and is under his protection and, due to his spirituality, does not miss the opportunity to thank the Lord for giving him a happy life.
By nature, a person born on the 21st day is a merry fellow and an altruist. He loves when others share his joy. In this sense, he is ready to give up even self-interest for the sake of others. He really does not take the ability to cheer people up: an irresistible love of life literally infects those around him. Such a person sincerely believes in goodness and respects all people.
The vibration of the number 21 (3) makes him a sociable and charming conversationalist. Born on the 21st has a tenacious mind and a sparkling sense of humor, which makes him a welcome guest in any company. His immediacy, warmth and sincerity are combined with nobility and openness. It is possible that nature endowed this man and psychic abilities, after all, already at the first meeting with people, he often has premonitions of how relations with them will develop in the future. The owner of the 21st does not like to stay in one place for a long time, because communication with new acquaintances brings variety to his life.
The carrier of the 21st is an ambitious person and, in pursuit of the bird-luck, sets several goals for himself at the same time. His ambitious intentions have a solid foundation: he is energetic, honest and prone to cooperation, so that his plans, as a rule, are always realized, and to the benefit of all participants in the enterprise. The vibration of the number 21 (3) has laid in a person a powerful extraordinary creative potential and the ability to generate new ideas. Often he follows instinctive impulses, and perceives possible mistakes as necessary life lessons. In other words, he does as he sees fit and accepts life as it is. Inborn optimism helps the bearer of the 21st face troubles without trepidation and get the most out of any situation.
But it happens that the representative of the 21st shows indecision, trying to find the right path by trial and error. This may be due to a lack of confidence in own forces or fear of failure.
However, it happens that the vibration of the number 21 (3) has the exact opposite effect on its carrier. Then a person becomes too self-confident and goes ahead, instead of adapting to the smooth flow of life. Often, such arrogance only leads to the fact that the goals and ideas remain unrealized. Betting on success, who doesn't get upset "that his horse didn't come first"? And the bearer of the 21st is also upset. And sometimes he is overwhelmed by greed, and no matter how much he already has (money, things, partners), he still strives to get more and more. Such a thirst for hoarding is explained by the fear of missing your chance. But this happens only if a person knows firsthand what a need is, a lack of something, and therefore does everything in order not to be once again on the sidelines of life. Over time, having learned to balance his appetite with urgent needs, a person who was born on the 21st understands that life releases blessings in accordance with its own scenario, which should not be adjusted.
It is possible that the owner of the number combination 21 (3) gives himself entirely to people, worrying about their needs and leaving no time to solve personal problems. Perhaps he considers taking care of his own person an unseemly and selfish occupation. However, no one should forget that love for people is a derivative of love for oneself. And sometimes, on the contrary, he is seized by a sense of his own superiority over others, since for his loved ones he is indeed both a breadwinner and breadwinner. Involuntarily, he begins to think that he is their only protector and benefactor. And yet it is more customary to perceive him as a holiday person - light, cheerful, open, although certain difficulties sometimes arise in communicating with him. For example, instead of leading a discussion, he resorts to sharp, cheeky methods of sorting out the relationship. As a rule, at such moments he is driven desire to prove by all means that you are right. And yet, there may be another goal - to draw attention to yourself. Sometimes the offensive nature of behavior brings undoubted benefits. However, he himself understands that a reasonable compromise is preferable for a productive resolution of the dispute.
Despite outward carelessness, a person who celebrates his birthday on the 21st, keenly feels the mood of other people, in connection with which he himself is subject to sharp drops state of mind. Periods of enthusiastic contemplation alternate with a state of thoughtfulness or even gloomy despondency. Instinctively he tries to ignore negative emotions in order to save your psyche from unnecessary shocks. However, the owner of the 21st is smart enough and able to direct his energy in a constructive direction. He does not allow feelings to subjugate his own "I" and quickly returns to his usual emotional balance.
Joy and happiness, which life usually gives in abundance to the owner of the 21st, become meaningful only when he shares these gifts with others. Such a sunny person does not lack fans, and sometimes it is not easy for him to resist the next temptation. Yes, he does not object to diversity. A person under the influence of the vibration of the 21st, as a rule, stands up for complete freedom of relationships. On the one hand, he needs a strong, long-term connection, like a reliable rear, and on the other hand, he is not at all averse to having fun, without binding himself with any obligations. By nature, he is a windy person, and his partner constantly feels that his other half is again in search of "new pastures."
But a person with the number 21 (3) in his birthday likes to make new friends and fans. To this end, he loves to travel in order to explore fresh places, to get acquainted with the mass of people. It is possible that when he gets tired of the kaleidoscope of impressions and feels his own restlessness, he will meet a person who is able to keep company on a lifelong journey. After all, the vibration of this numerical combination, in addition to everything, also gives a person strong parental instinct, the desire to have warm family relationships and large friendly relatives. The voice of blood never stops in him, he constantly feels a continuous connection with his loved ones, no matter how far fate throws him from them. So it is possible that the time will come when a person of number 21 (3) will mature and create his own family in order to continue his family, to find new relatives.

The magic of numbers is one of the most accessible ordinary people without any gift. Thanks to knowledge and signs, you can turn fate into better side. The number 21 also contributes to this.

The number 21 will help turn fate for the better

Esoteric interpretation

The number 21 in numerology is closely related to the concept of action. Thanks to the patronage of this figure and his determination, a person can reach unprecedented professional heights. It promotes career advancement, endowing a person with a penchant for improvisation, spontaneous moves and a willingness to act without a clear plan.

This number is attached to the masculine Yang energy, light and warm, more focused not on mental, but on physical labor. A person born under the sign of the number 21, especially for men, by default has more stamina in relation to various problems and failures. Among the qualities that the magic of this number brings to life:

  • diligence;
  • sharp mind;
  • out-of-the-box thinking.

It is based on the number 2, the value of which is rationality and balance. The number 1 carries passion and emotionality. Because of this, radically opposite character traits are combined in an individual. The numbers 2 and 1 balance each other, and as a result, everything desired is achieved through control and willpower.

The third meaning of the number 21 is spiritual guidance and leadership. This figure means going along the path of self-development and self-knowledge, encountering difficulties that will help you deal with the mission of life. The ultimate goal will be harmony with yourself and the world.

The number in magic

In magic, this number is associated simultaneously with the divine and the earthly: 21 is formed from three sevens or seven triplets. 3 is the number of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and 7 is the urgency: 7 days of the week or the same number of phases of the moon.

21 is often associated with strong magic:

  • love spells;
  • occult rituals;
  • prayers and conspiracies, which are pronounced either three times or seven times.

21 and the character of a man

In numerology, the number 21 is responsible for communication with the outside world and society and endows the owner with the appropriate character traits:

  1. People born with this number have all the qualities needed to build strong relationships with people and the community in which they are.
  2. Such personalities do not just quickly get along with people, but unite them among themselves, are constantly in ideological inspiration and generate unusual concepts.
  3. In such a person, the magic of the number 21 manifests itself in psychological support and in the desire to smooth out conflicts.
  4. Altruism is inherent in them, despite the fact that they strive for the best.
  5. In personal life, those born under this sign are not faithful and often change partners.
  6. They are constantly looking for someone with whom they will be most comfortable, although, in friendly relations, the situation is radically different - they will disinterestedly help and take care of people who are weaker than themselves.

People with a life number of 21, having had enough of freedom and having found “their” person, no longer rush into the pool of love with their heads.

They find a cozy haven and give all their loyalty to a partner who has managed to accustom them to a quiet life. Such an individual will be a good family man and parent.

Pros and cons of the number 21

Any life number has both a mass of advantages and a bunch of disadvantages. The number 21 allows you to develop your intellectual abilities, which are on high level. The individual adapts faster difficult situations and finds solutions, showing himself equally well in the field of logic and in the field of physical labor. The goals set for them are achieved much easier than for a person with a different life figure. Having a wide range of interests, people whose number is 21 quickly make new acquaintances and maintain interest in themselves. They know a lot, try to share their knowledge with others. They are respected by others not only because of their erudition, but also because of timely advice, known for their unobtrusiveness. Personalities with such a life figure will never prove their opinion, but they will always come in handy with their advice and suggestions.

Apart from positive traits, 21 also has many negatives. Its meaning in numerology predicts instability in personal life, which is why a person is constantly in search of something new and does not stop at one partner for a long time.

The second bad quality that this figure gives is a sense of superiority over the rest. This is due to the vastness of knowledge and the achievement of goals without much cost. Excessive ambition, at times, becomes a catalyst for discord between this person and the team: his desire for world fame and influence has a bad effect on all personal relationships. Such people work in low positions, but in their hearts they imagine themselves to be dictators with ideas of world domination. It is very difficult to work with such people, because they do not have pre-planned strategies, and their mood often changes. A person with the number 21 does not perceive criticism, even if it is adequate.

Number 21 people often change partners

21 in everyday life

Astrologers and psychics advise you to pay attention to the numbers that you see during the day: minibus numbers, newspaper headlines, billboards. Each number can help prevent something bad in life.

2 and 1 since ancient times are inextricably linked with the divine principle and influence on human life on earth. In Jewish Kabalistic Himatria, this is the number of God, and a frequent meeting with 21 can mean a quick personal meeting with Him. You need to beware, seeing the repetition of the number 21 or 2 and 1 in life - they mean situations in which you can inevitably harm your health.


The magic of numbers is one of the simplest, it warns of the bad, allows you to see the signs from above and ward off a catastrophe or other trouble. The numbers under which man is born, have the maximum impact on life and character. But only in your hands is the decision whether to follow the prescribed or go your own way, in which your life number will play a far from key role.

Also in preschool age many attached special importance to numbers. Children learned to remember birthdays and other important dates, and they were incredibly happy when they began to understand the principle of the clock and could tell themselves what time it was. Probably, the majority also paid attention to the repeated numbers. The same numbers on the clock were something mysterious, mystical; in moments of such coincidences, the most cherished desires were often made. Then 21:21 on the clock, the value of which we did not know, was simply a coincidence of time.

With age, such things are increasingly smiled skeptically, and in vain. Same digits on the watch itself is mysticism and can tell a lot - both good and bad. Instead of ignoring such signs, it is worth learning more about them and paying attention in the future, because many believe that these are the tips of the guardian angel. Let's find out together which means 21:21 on the clock.

21:21 on the clock, the meaning of numbers in numerology

Since ancient times, it was believed that this science is able to study a person's life and predict what will happen to him next. However, some believe that only the date of birth affects fate. But frequent coincidences of numbers on the dial can also speak volumes.

There is a belief that every person has a guardian angel. It is he who prompts the ward to make decisions in difficult situations and tries with all his might to warn against danger. Even with the help of the dial, the guardian angel can indicate impending troubles or, on the contrary, new opportunities that should not be missed.

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What do the repeated numbers on the dial mean?

Pay attention to signs. If you turned your hand, and on the dial 21:21 on the clock, the meaning will be interesting to know:

Number 1. If you see that in recent times you seem to be haunted by the number 1, then you should devote time to self-development, find the strength to study your inner world.

Number 2. Two indicates potential conflicts in relationships that can be resolved if you make an effort.

Number 3. Troika points to problems with self-determination. In this case, it is important to analyze the events that happened that affected you, draw conclusions and think about plans for the near future. It is worth choosing clear goals and doing everything to achieve them.

Number 4. Four means excessive attention to work and career. You should consider whether you are spending too much time making money and how this affects your life in general. You may need to rest and take more care of your health.

Number 5. Fives signal that you need to reduce your thirst for adventure, which can be dangerous for you.

Number 6. If you often see sixes, work on relationships with loved ones; perhaps you lack harmony in communication.

Number 7. Seven indicates a developed intuition and mystical inclinations (for example, the ability to foresee future events). Don't forget to listen to the prompts of your inner voice.

What does "TBI" mean?

Number 8. The sign of infinity, the figure eight, represents the importance of time in general. Appreciate every minute and don't waste it.

Number 9. Nine is a sign that you need to complete the work you have begun, be firm and resolute in your intentions, and also ignore annoying little things.

What does 21:21 mean on the clock: angelic numerology

Another sign can be considered the same numbers on the dial. Many, noticing this, are interested in what 21:21 means on the clock. Combinations of numbers give different information. Next, we will talk about signs - how, after all, is it correct to interpret them.

  1. 00:00 - it is considered that at this moment one should make a wish. We do this at the time of the New Year, and on other days we often miss it. If a wish is made on any day at this time, then it will certainly come true.
  2. 01:01 - in the near future you will receive a nice thing from your loved one. Perhaps a man will ask you to marry him.
  3. 01:11 - this day may receive several good suggestions. You should think about accepting them, because this is likely to end in success in the future.
  4. 02:02 - an invitation to visit or a restaurant awaits you. Perhaps it will be a party with colleagues or close friends. In any case, you will have a good time, relax and have fun.
  5. 02:22 - if you have long wanted to know the answer to an exciting question, you will receive it soon. This will most likely be unexpected, but will help solve many problems that bother you.
  6. 03:03 is lucky numbers for those who have recently painfully broken off old tired relationships. When you see the numbers on the dial, you can be sure - new love will soon come into your life. You will meet a man with serious intentions who will take care of you.
  7. 03:33 - if you have a long period of bad luck, you can exhale - it will end soon. The black stripe will change to white, and you will become happy.
  8. 04:04 - a sign that you should reconsider your views on what is happening. Perhaps this will help you get rid of problems - you will find the optimal and fast way their decisions.
  9. 04:44 - on this day, be careful with your superiors. There is a chance to quarrel with the boss, which is fraught with trouble. If you do not want to lose your job, try to avoid conflicts and prove your effectiveness by quickly completing the right things.
  10. 05:05 - your ill-wishers are trying in every possible way to mischief. Be careful, do not succumb to provocations and do not "intrigue" in response.
  11. 05:55 - soon you will meet wise man. It can be both a man and a woman. In the first case, a new acquaintance, quite possibly, will become something more than just a friend for you. In the second, you will find an ally, comrade-in-arms and a wise friend who can support and not betray.
  12. 06:06 - a hint that your marital status will change. You may expect a move to a loved one or a wedding.
  13. 07:07 - beware of people in uniform.
  14. 08:08 - ahead - promotion at work. Maybe you will get new position which has long been dreamed of.
  15. 09:09 - you should take care of things that are dear to you, because there is a high risk of their theft.
  16. 10:01 - you will meet an influential man who can help you.
  17. 10:10 - it's time to start fulfilling your desires, achieving your goals.
  18. 11:11 - pay attention to relationships with loved ones. Perhaps you are now very dependent on someone, and this may end badly.
  19. 12:12 - success in love affairs awaits you.
  20. 13:13 - if you compete with someone, then pay attention to the behavior of others - opponents may play a dishonest game against you.
  21. 14:14 - you will be captured by strong, strong and sincere feelings.
  22. 15:15 - do not reject the advice of loved ones. It is with their help that you will find the right solution.
  23. 16:16 - be careful while traveling.
  24. 17:17 - you should not return home late in the evening - there is a high risk of attack by hooligans.
  25. 18:18 - refrain from traveling in the near future.
  26. 19:19 - your endeavors will be successful. Do not be afraid to carry out your plan, even if it seems impossible.
  27. 20:20 - the likelihood of a quarrel with relatives. Be tactful and listen to relatives; don't start a fight.
  28. which means 21:21 - a bright, but, unfortunately, short-lived romance awaits you.
  29. 22:22 - on the clock the meaning of a new meeting, a pleasant acquaintance.
  30. 23:23 - beware of those with whom you began to communicate. They may not be as friendly as you might think.

Arcana XXI


mental plane. Mysterious process. Involution is evolution. The secret of the transition to the lower planes. Mental outpouring of the first Ten Sephiroth.
astral plane. The transition from taking into account energy as an astral manifestation, to taking into account the accumulation of energy in the field of attribution.
physical plane. Material Weapon, which the Will operates in the physical plane.

Basic siddha - ability get something at no cost. But the main restriction - "do not touch with your hands and do not grab anything from the window" - everything you need will be given to you yourself. You can’t ask and take anything yourself - they themselves will give what you need - only within these limits. There are people who during their lives do not experience any special material difficulties - everything comes to them by itself. But, if you start to wonder where it comes from, start reaching out and trying to grab more - you will immediately fall out of this card - and it will all be over. There is a phrase "Blessed are the poor in spirit" - here, by the poor in spirit, we mean people who do not have special wishes They don't ask or demand anything. Then everything is given to them - this is the siddha of the 21st Arcana. When someone comes to a Christian temple and asks God for both this and that - he violates the main rule of this siddhi - in the end he will not receive anything. The basic principle Christian prayer is to merge consciousness with God - with egregor - and then egregor will give you what you really need. But it can be a very strange thing, for example, it turns out that you need to break both legs. But if you don’t break them, then you will simply die in 2 hours, otherwise you will remain alive. And if you ask, then there is simply no contact with the egregor. There is such an author - Gustav Meyrink, and he has a novel "Angel of the West Window". There, the magician Yehuda Ben-Bezalel says: "You Christians are very careless about prayers. You ask God to send you the Philosopher's Stone, but see that he does not send you a kidney stone instead. The art of prayer is like the art of archery - first you need to carefully choose a target, take aim, then cock the bowstring and only then release the arrow. You shoot in all directions, even without drawing the bow properly."

Quite often in our lives we have met people who have never had problems in material terms And they are good with money too. We call them minions of fate. Moreover, they themselves do not think much about why they are so lucky. There are a lot of people who are just sure that it should be so, and given fact- a matter of course. Obviously, such a quality is given to a person by nature, he is included in the flow of this energy and receives everything he needs without any problems.

The main condition of the XXI Arcana is carelessness and soaring.

This highest lasso of Magic is depicted by a wreath of roses made of gold and surrounding a star, also placed in the middle of a circle, around which are placed at equal distances the head of a man, the head of a bull, the head of a lion and the head of an eagle. This is the sign with which the magician adorns himself, having reached the highest degrees initiation and thereby acquired power, the ascending degrees of which can have no other limits than his reason and prudence.

“Remember, son of Earth, that dominion over the world belongs to dominion over light, and that dominion over light is a throne given by God to the sanctified will. Happiness for a magician is the fruit of the science of good and evil, but God allows this eternal fruit to be plucked by a person who is self-controlled enough to approach him without greed.

Talisman 21 Arcana
Most known form- four-pointed Christian cross. This Talisman gives protection Christian Egregore. A lesser known form - a wreath of thorns from green leaves - a talisman that helps in financial difficulties.

Description of the meaning of Arcana
This energy underlies Christian religion. The person who conducts this energy enters into direct contact with the God-man. The God-man is the son of God born from an earthly woman. Having come into contact with the God-Man, through him you come into contact with God the Father. God the Father gives you the principles correct behavior. In cases of compliance with the rules, called covenants, you become pleasing to God and receive undeniable advantages over other people. A person who conducts the energy of this Arcana will be recognized as Virtuous and Respectable among other people. He will receive everything necessary for life. Angels will guard him and report on important events future.

Description of the Angel Arcana
Angel 21 Arcana - Virgo. She soars above the Earth in connection with Nature. The combination of the living nature of the Earth and man forms the Higher Law, inside which the Angel hovers. This Angel communicates the Law to the seeker of a righteous life.

The effect of the Arcana on the body
The energy of Arcana 21 gives a person strength and Health. This energy helps to overcome diseases and even Death itself. It was with the help of this energy that Jesus healed people. With the help of this energy, he revived the dead.

The effect of the Arcana on the Situation
This energy helps in solving situations. God is omnipotent. Turning to a higher power helps in hardships. God does not give the superfluous, but gives the vitally necessary.

Ritual Arcana
Asking, located in physical world, refers to Higher Power with prayer. An angel soaring in Heaven hears the call of the Prayer and brings the Prayer to the throne of the Son of God.

Siddha Arcana
The Siddha of this Arcana is the ability to receive what is needed from the Higher Power.

Application of the energy of this Arcana
The energy of this Arcana gives help in various difficult situations. This assistance is provided in the required minimum amount.


TWENTY ONE- wandering saint, wanderer; ordinary miracle; harmoniously practically used steady vertical channel; radio, television, computers, healing, hypnosis, suggestion, literary language.

Twenty-one completes the fifth level of manifestation of the spirit and symbolizes the subtle harmony achieved on the dense plane (21=7S3). In other words, twenty-one means a stable channel into the subtle plane, harmoniously blending into the reality of the dense: ordinary miracle, to which the dense plan gets used and, looking at it as almost commonplace, begins to use it for applied purposes. This means both the profanation of subtle energies and the self-deception of the dense plan: all the same, the manifestation of twenty-one is always a miracle, that is, it is inexplicable by dense categories, although the effects that arise are clearly materially applied in nature, and one really wants to, in order to "economy of thinking" (mathematical term proposed by N. Bourbaki), as well as following Occam's razor, not needlessly multiplying the number of fundamental concepts, but simply closing your eyes to the inexplicable, limiting yourself to a promise to figure it out sometime later, in five hundred years, when dense, that is, materialistic, science (of which by that time there will be no trace left) will develop sufficiently. Thus, the triple in the expansion 21=7 x 3 symbolizes not only the harmonious inclusion of the subtle channel of twenty-one in the dense plane, but also its extreme stability in dense reality, as a result of which there is a feeling that it belongs entirely to it, despite obvious signs to the contrary. The symbol of twenty-one is an antenna, which the dense world tries its best to represent as a chimney.

A man of twenty-one at a high level is a holy wanderer, a prophet with a very strong channel that creates a magical reality around him, where the most ordinary things and actions take on a high spiritual meaning. Such a wanderer does not do anything especially magical, he simply lives and talks on any topic, but extraordinary things constantly happen around him - healing, solving hitherto unsolvable life problems, etc. However, to look at him as something ordinary, although rarely encountered, would be a gross mistake and profanity - this person carries a miracle, that is, the immediate reality of the subtle plane, and, in addition, well adapted to the dense one.

21=11+10 - a direct exit to the subtle plane, carried out under the guidance of a living person - a high-level teacher.

21=3+7+11 - "three, seven, ace" - can be interpreted in different ways, for example: an open breakthrough to Earth through two levels of the original harmonious spiritual plan, or: the success of a card win (21), achieved on the basis of feelings of one's own harmony and balance (3) with the help of a witch (black spiritual teacher - 7) through a direct exit to hell (11).

21=19+2 - a wanderer is a prophet who has comprehended the polarization of spirit-matter in a dense plane and adapted his channel to it.

Twenty-one at first glance makes a strong, but ordinary impression. Only by looking closely, you can see in it that little bit that distinguishes a miracle from a rare phenomenon, and a genius from talent - a direct channel to a subtle plane; and only having risen up this channel, you can find that twenty-one are completely “not of this world” - a messenger in its purest form.

© Absalom Underwater

The prophet Zarathustra, Avesta, ancient Persians had 21 books, and the number 21 was a sacred number.

The number "21" is a symbol of perfection. The most sacred of all odd numbers as the product of two sacred numbers three and seven. In alchemy, it symbolized the twenty-one days needed to turn base metals into silver.

AT Jewish tradition the number twenty-one is associated with wisdom.

It was considered the number of the "crown of magic". From the arcanological point of view, the twenty-first Arcana is exceptional and stands out from other Arcana so much that it has been given a second special name - the "zero" Arcana. The number 21 is associated with divination, incantations and theurgical actions, since it consists of three sevens or seven triplets, the combination of which was considered to have extraordinary occult properties. Because prayers, mantras, incantations different religions and esoteric traditions require either three or seven repetitions.

The mystical root of the number, which comes as a result of the act of theosophical addition of two numbers of its components (2 + 1) is the number three - a symbol of the Divine Mind, the Son, Harmony.

The number 21 is the number of the scorpion, it symbolizes cosmic fire, or Karma for human sins. The sun, perceiving information about the deeds of a person in a fit of indignation, produces an emission of plasma in space. Each particle of indignation is intended for the producer of sin and it reaches him. The earth itself also takes a blow, the soul of which depends on the development of the souls of people. More precisely, people with their community represent the diversity of the soul of the world or mother earth. Magnetic storms and the phenomenon of various cataclysms on earth is all human hands. People are afraid and waiting for some stone to fall from the sky and end their lives. Nonsense land will abide and develop in real star. Now the earth is in adolescence and her gaze is excited by the planets of the opposite sex. Their waves excite her and give rise to disturbances that develop her spiritual body and expand her size. The earth is growing and changing, and soon we will witness other living creatures and vegetation. The Earth will begin to cleanse itself and punish presumptuous villains who think that no one knows about their deeds. Our Universe is arranged so that our every word, thought and especially decision and the action is written in the book of life. A person must answer for everything and receive what he gave birth to.

Scorpio shows how a person, due to lack of intelligence, by his actions stings himself with poison in the head and infects the body. When you meet the number 21, know that retribution has come and take all the troubles and blows of fate with your head held high. Know that the hour of reckoning has come and you need humility and awareness. Meditation and prayer are very useful, which will help cleanse Karma. The very number 21 of the cosmic order and seeing it, we can imagine the beginning of a dialogue with the Universe. In card games, this is a point that speaks of the impact on human consciousness, through purification. The joy of the player is that a point has fallen, and it is impossible to score higher, but that this sin has been worked out and the person has returned to a clean slate. As you gradually purify yourself and bring yourself to a life of harmony, you will be able to live without sin. And holiness will begin to visit you and you will gain the power to keep the tempter and help others in the fight against the spell of evil. Evil itself is bad because it destroys our body and we become weak and unable to develop our abilities. Only a person who has access to Cosmic energy is able to use all the power and achieve a lot.

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The digits of this number represent the Moon and the Sun. The moon is a woman and the sun is a man. The Moon is romance, emotions, sensitivity, and the Sun is ambition and success. The sum of these numbers is 3, which represents an even greater dictator than the number 1. Thus, on the one hand, a dreamer with a rich imagination, sensitivity and artistry, and on the other, a leader, ambitious and strong. In all respects, this is a good combination. The weak qualities of the number 2 are balanced by the positive numbers 1, and the dictatorial qualities of the number 3 are softened by the number 2. These people are usually successful in life, as they have the power of thought, imagination and the ability to plan, and unlike the numbers 2 and 20, they are able to put their ideas into practice .

Emotional Features. Their emotional life is saturated, as they fully possess the qualities of the number 2 and the energy of the number 1. They need spiritual and physical communication. Although they are not as strong as the numbers 1 and 3, they are stronger than the number 2, and they also need physical satisfaction. Sexually, these are average people with a great inclination towards romance. This makes them good lovers, since they react to both the spiritual and physical sides of the partner, and if the partner is not very sexual, they can satisfy him both spiritually and physically. They have a fairly good appetite without being overly demanding, and their ability to communicate spiritually makes them even more interesting.

Harmonious Relations. The number 21 gets along quite well with most people, having the magnetism and energy of the number 1 and the sensitivity of the number 2. Such people are reasonable and try not to offend others, but their pessimism can be annoying, and they can lose friends if they rely on them too much. On the other hand, they have a tendency to be dictatorial under the influence of the number 3 and like to have everything done as they want. Their partners and followers should be the backbone.

This in itself is a contradiction, and the spouses of such people should feel their mood and respond to it accordingly. You can not demand too much from them in sex.

lucky numbers – 2, 11, 20, 29; 1, 10, 28; 3, 12, 21, 30.

Hostile Numbers – 4, 13, 31; 5, 14, 23.

lucky dates – 2, 11, 20; 3, 12, 21, 30.

bad months- February, June, September.

lucky colors– gray and off-white.

lucky stones- pearls.

Diseases- stomach.

Flaws. The number 21 has two sides: the pessimist and the dictator. They are opposite and can make him unhappy. They are usually short-tempered and make enemies. Because of the tendency to dream, they lose good opportunities in life, and this can lead to despondency and disappointment.

In contrast, the dictator in them demands that everything be as he wants, while he rejects any advice and imposes his will.

Recommendations. These people are usually lucky, as they have a happy combination, which includes the number 1. They should be warned against negative thinking and imposing their opinions. If they can do this, they will great success because they have intelligence and energy. The only thing they need is to develop willpower and confidence.

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