School of Practical Esoterics "Aquilon". Topic: Tarot and the Western Esoteric Tradition. Subject: Tarot cards "Charles VI" or "Gringonier"

In my work, I often come across the fact that people treat Tarot cards in a consumerist way, placing the responsibility for making decisions on the cards, or trying to fit the answers to what they want to hear. Without knowing the true nature of divination, people create all sorts of myths around them. Studying the myths and prejudices associated with the Tarot, I decided to combine them together, which helped to give birth to this article. Here I bring only 10 of them, but in fact there are a great many such myths, and I will be sincerely grateful to those who will send me heard or overheard myths about Tarot so that I can expose them.

1. The cards themselves should tell what the person came with, what kind of problem he has.
This myth is one of the most common, and, alas, often supported by non-professional tarologists. Of course, I'm not saying that there are clairvoyants. But clairvoyance and tarot cards are somewhat different things. And if you turned to a tarologist, then be kind - try to formulate your question as clearly and clearly as possible. And if it is difficult for you to do this, then at least say what exactly interests you or name the sphere of life that interests you, and the tarologist will help you clearly formulate the question.
What is it connected with? And with the fact that each of the tarot cards prophesies in all areas at once, and often has different meanings in different areas of life, and, believe me, the tarologist will not sit and guess which area you are interested in. But on the basis of one single card pulled out, the tarologist can determine in what state you turned to him, and what are your expectations from him, and whether you are ready to accept the answer of the cards at all.

2. Cards are magic, and guessing on cards is a sin.
This is the second most popular myth, but here I want to disappoint you right away. Tarot cards are a great tool for analyzing situations, personalities, and actions. In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the actions of an investigator - with some initial data, you need to see the whole picture. But no one calls the actions of the investigator magical, and even more so sinful in relation to the victim or the accused.
Such a raid of mysticism is associated with a misunderstanding of the processes occurring at the time of the session of the tarologist. And the following happens at this moment. We all contain all the information about our past, present and future in our own unconscious well or subconscious (this is the same thing). It determines the presence in our lives of certain events, types of people, crisis situations and other things. The unconscious communicates with us exclusively in the language of images. And tarot is one of the ways of communication, which helps to understand with the help of symbols what the subconscious mind can tell us.

3. Cards can tell a lifetime.
This is another myth. Tarot cards, of course, can tell about our hidden potential, pay attention not to some of our abilities, but, alas, we need to develop and realize these very abilities ourselves. The same with the key events of our life - tarot can indicate the possibility of their occurrence, but at the same time they will definitely give a recommendation, and what exactly can lead to this. But in general, we should not forget that we are developing, and if we actively participate in our own development, solving our psychological problems, constantly grow spiritually, then the forecast for life becomes absolutely meaningless, since fate wants to encourage and reward our efforts .... change events at all levels. So the forecast for life will be relevant only for those who are passive contemplators of their own lives and do not take part in it.

4. In a leap year, you can’t guess on the cards
Well, this myth first of all redirects us to the answer to myth #2. Tarot cards absolutely do not care when we decide to analyze ourselves or the situation, and any professional tarot reader can do this, at any time of the year, time of day and in any year, even if it is a leap year or not. The accuracy of the forecast depends only on the state of the tarologist himself and the sincere desire of the client to find out the real picture of what is happening. Notice, real, not drawn by his imagination.

5. Cards tell exactly what a person needs to do and when.
Very often you have to deal with the fact that people turn to cards for a ready-made answer: what, where, how and when they need to do so that everything goes the way they want. And naturally they are disappointed when this does not happen, and even if there is a clear answer, they prefer to either ignore it intentionally or not hear it at all. Why this myth arose - but because often people do not want to take responsibility for making a decision, preferring to blame it all on the tarologist, in case it does not work out, and then there will be someone to blame for their own problems. In addition, often such people, turning to the tarot for help, already have their own ready-made picture of what is happening, and any deviation from it begins to be perceived as a blood offense, or they accuse the tarologist of quackery.
Most often, people who do not want to take responsibility for their lives on themselves, people who have a childish-mystical consciousness, tend to believe in such a myth, who strive to appear as “victims” of evil bosses, male goats, female bitches and other similar creatures.

6. From the cards there is an addiction.
This myth is only partly a myth. In fact, dependence on cards can arise, but rather not from the cards themselves, but from the desire to “lay straws” in advance. But, since tarot cards, if I may say so in relation to cards, are somehow alive, then at some point they will decide that they have had enough, and generally refuse to give any forecasts, or begin to predict complete nonsense. In this case, of course, not the cards, but the person himself will create dependence. In their desire to unconsciously control all processes, and once realizing that the tarot can show a fairly complete picture of what is happening, such people can begin to use cards on any, even the most trifling issue. By the way, such an endless desire to consult with cards also speaks of one's own insecurity and low self-esteem. Usually, the following myth works along with this one ...

7. Guessing on the cards, you can "guess" fate.
To be honest, I still don’t know exactly what this expression means - to miscalculate fate. But I noticed one logical thing, the more a person studies tarot cards, the less he lays them out to get an answer to a question. The whole trick is that the more a person immerses himself in the study of this predictive system, the more he self-disciplines and understands himself, therefore professional tarologists are often extraordinary people, bright, with a developed intellect. But there are also some “tarologists” who treat the system in a consumerist way, trying to simply learn the meanings, and then apply them to the cards without thinking about the meaning of what was said. In such cases, the mechanisms of karma work, and everything that they actually brought into the world with such predictions begins to return to such unfortunate tarologists. And if the tarot reader does not have a personal life, or serious health problems, or some other disgusting thing, then the tarot has nothing to do with it, these are their own unresolved psychological problems.

8. During fortune-telling, the client's consciousness is programmed.
Another misconception associated not so much with the cards themselves, but with the tarot reader. It has long been no secret that many are trying to profit from a person’s craving for everything mystical and supernatural, and such a tool as tarot has not bypassed this. There are people who use tarot as a means of intimidating customers and extorting money from them. But as they say, like attracts like, so if you fell into the clutches of such a “specialist”, then you need to ask yourself the question: why did I even get an appointment with him. Undoubtedly, a professional tarot reader is often a rather tough person, cutting the truth, but he will not scare you, but will simply tell you as it is, even if you don’t like it, giving you a free choice of actions further. For the beginner tarot reader himself, it is worth deciding who he is in practice - an almighty God who commands the fate of people or a wise adviser who tries to point out a person to his mistakes, support in difficult times without being afraid to reveal the true essence of what is happening.

9. What the cards said cannot be changed.
Actually, everything that I have said before can be said here. This myth is just another attempt to shift the blame for what is happening on the tarologist or on the cards. The tarot system is designed in such a way that if there is an answer, it usually also gives recommendations to pay attention to certain events, or think hard about what is happening, or make a decision or do something that others may seem absurd, or simply stop worry about nothing. Everything that the cards predict is just the most likely scenario, which you can make changes if necessary.

10. You only need to learn the meanings of the cards and their combinations in order to predict well.
Well, this myth is very quickly dispelled as soon as a novice tarologist buys the first tarot deck and the first tarot books. There is a lot of literature on the cards, even a lot, and they sometimes contain conflicting meanings. Completely entangled in literature, a beginner makes the right decision - to go to courses with a professional. In these courses, the main base for communicating with cards is most often laid, an understanding of what kind of animal this is - tarot, and only after that more serious, in-depth work on the study of the subject begins, or, well, the rejection of the system, which turned out to be more serious than simple playing solitaire.

Tarot is a tool that can be used for more than just divination. Each Arcana Tarot carries the energy of the symbols contained in it. Working with the energies of the tarot, we can change our lives and the surrounding circumstances at our discretion and desire....

Astrological Tarot cards, along with classical information on tarology, include information on astrology and the dynamics of the development of zodiacal signs, as well as the I-Ching hexagrams and elements of the ancient Eastern teachings of Feng Shui.

The new universal deck of Tarot cards, along with classical information on tarology, includes data on the Scandinavian-Aryan runes and their corresponding plants and stones, as well as brief information on astrology.

The energy tarot forecast for 2019 reveals the potential of new energies that you will have to deal with in the new year. These new energies will differ in their frequency characteristics from those to which we have already managed to adapt. This means that in order to correspond to these energies, the need to discover new opportunities for evolutionary growth will increase.

The Wheel of Fortune has completed its triumphant movement along the axis of Destiny. The baton was taken by the Arcana of Strength. Fiery energies continue to exert their influence, stimulate processes, promote changes and changes. There will be many changes, not always pleasant, but always important for the further growth and development of a person.

Tarot cards are a unique diagnostic tool for viewing ancestral systems. In the course of work, the cards help to look at our ancestors from the other side, to discover new facets of our family. With the help of Tarot cards, you can find out what kind of energies the family carries for a person, what are the key figures in the family and how to interact with them in order to get support from them ...

Many people perceive Tarot cards only as a tool for fortune-tellers. But in vain. Tarot cards are the whole world. Tarot is a philosophy of life. This is numerology, and astrology, and art, and, of course, psychology. Recently, psychologists have also resorted to Tarot cards, using them as ...

Peace of mind, which is often talked about and which everyone perceives in their own way, is not a passive state. A frequent definition of "when the soul is calm" - that is, the absence of tension. In fact, this is the state that occurs when a person knows how to find a “golden mean” in tension. When in any tense situation he can calmly answer and respond to emerging questions ...

The book of Anna Parvati, a professional psychologist and tarologist, presents a description of the Tarot system in the key of modern psychology. Now a visit to a psychologist can replace the Tarot deck! Cards will help build harmonious relationships, find love, achieve financial well-being, open the way for personal growth. You will get acquainted with the basic information about the Tarot and the myths that shrouded this area of ​​​​knowledge. Together with the author, you will understand the structure of the esoteric pyramid of human development - from the personal to the spiritual. You will learn how you can combine work with a deck and self-improvement, because each card carries a special message that a person can use for his own benefit. So, in the Senior Arcana of the Tarot, the life mission of a person is “recorded”, and the Junior Arcana contains the necessary information for the comprehensive development of the personality. You can also learn the art of meditation on Tarot cards. For a wide range of readers.

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The following excerpt from the book In the language of tarot cards. Psychological notes of a tarot reader (Anna Parvati, 2016) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Basic information about tarot cards

What are tarot cards?

Tarot cards are a well-known divination tool in the modern Western world. But for the ability to handle them in the Late Middle Ages, a person could be sent to the stake ... or made an influential person at court! Written in Latin as Tarot, with an unpronounceable last letter, the word refers us to the place of its birth. However, most likely, the French only picked up a name for the object that became famous later, but has long existed in the world. What was it used for? The first mentions hint at a variety of ways: this is a sophisticated intellectual game, and the "ABC of wisdom", and simply an object of aesthetic pleasure...

The history of the appearance of Tarot cards is surrounded by mystery. According to one version, they came to us from the lost Atlantis, and all the secrets of the universe are encrypted in the mysterious images of each card. Another version calls ancient Egypt the birthplace of Tarot. The process of preparing the priests included the study of the symbols and archetypes that we see today on the maps.

Version for skeptics: initially it was just a playing deck, which became widespread in Europe in the 16th-17th centuries, and only then they began to guess on it.

Perhaps the place and time of the appearance of the first deck are no longer of particular importance. The main thing is that in the hands of a professional these cards still work today. How? Let's deal with everything gradually.

The deck consists of 78 or 79 cards (if it contains a special, "empty" card), is divided into the Minor Arcana and Major Arcana. The younger ones repeat the playing deck - these are four suits distributed from Ace to King, plus - in addition to the usual Jack (Knight), Queen (Queen) and King - there is also a Page for each suit. And the Major Arcana are 23 unique archetypes that are reflected in the life of each of us.

For example, the Empress is the patroness of family and marriage, harmonious relations between a man and a woman.

Death is a state of "hanging" between the past and the future, when one has already ended, and the other is just ripening.

Jester Fool - playfulness, creativity, a fountain of great ideas and luck in their implementation ...

You can list further. But many books have already been written that examine in detail each card from different angles - everyday, philosophical, psychological ... We will touch on the meanings of the Major Arcana only in the layout of the destination, and the Minor Arcana - in the context of how they reflect a person's ability to achieve social and financial success , enter into emotional connections, interact with the world at the level of energy and intention. Some of the cards will be mentioned again in the chapter on meditation on the Arcana - based on my personal experience of such meditation, I will share the opportunities and insights that open up for a person immersed in such a practice.

How can tarot divination help?

First and foremost, the alignment helps to see the picture objectively. If this is a quarrel with a loved one, then what true the reasons for the conflict (usually we succumb to our own speculation, mixed with blaming the other and defending ourselves, “white and fluffy”). If they don’t get promoted at work, what is the situation there. Maybe the assistant draws the attention of the authorities to himself, or the leader is waiting for us to take some specific action that we are not aware of. By the way, you can separately look at subjective opinions: what does the boss think about the client, and assistants, and the beloved woman, and in general anyone. But that's for the sake of completeness.

The second is a good way to understand yourself. How does the work we go to every day match our deepest values? Perhaps the feeling of vague dissatisfaction has real reasons, but it is not possible to formulate them? Cards ideally help to deal with the "porridge" in the head and put everything on the shelves. In addition to everyday questions, with the help of Tarot you can find out your destiny, how it is realized, which will improve this process.

Thirdly, maps will help you understand perspectives. How profitable is it to invest in this project? Is it better to do it now or in a month? What will marriage with your current partner be like? Are there children in it? What difficulties will you have to face? In these and other similar situations, it is not always possible to calculate the prospects yourself - a person does not have all the information.

And fourthly, they make a deal to decide what to do. Change jobs or stay and ask for a raise, leave or not with a partner ... What results will the actions lead to and which of them are most favorable at the present moment.

Remember: information is power! It allows you to be more in control of your life and easier to get what you want.

Where do tarot cards get their information from?

Often people who have just begun to be interested in Tarot cards, including clients, ask themselves the question: where do Tarot cards get their information from? Does the quality of this information affect the mood of the tarot reader or the client, or, say, the day of the lunar cycle?

In a system created by Dr. Papus, a French physician and occultist, it is believed that Tarot cards draw information from a kind of "database", which contains all the information about our past, present and future options. In esotericism, this base is also called the Hindu term "Akashic Records". They contain all human experience and the history of the origin of the universe, as well as timeless eternal truths. You can join the Akashic Records (or, simply speaking, the information flow) as a result of clairvoyance (clairaudience, clairvoyance), astral travel (out of the physical body) or divination, for example, on Tarot cards.

How it happens, judging by the sensations: when a tarot reader asks a question and stirs up a charged deck (for more details on charging a deck, see the “How to Know Your Destiny” section, the chapter “Destiny Layout”), he enters an altered state of consciousness, as a rule, "Delaying" the client as well. Very pleasant, quiet state, similar to meditation.

Cards are laid out on the table in certain positions. Interestingly, by this moment the tarot reader is already in the information flow and therefore sometimes feels in advance which cards will fall out in the layout.

Most often, there are no problems with interpretation - the interpretation of the meaning of the cards and their connection with each other comes by itself, as if someone were prompting. It is enough just to be receptive and trust the deck, because it is she who connects the tarot reader to the flow of information. Sometimes during fortune-telling you really want to say something that is not in the cards. If it seems impossible and wrong to remain silent, then this information came from the stream, but was not transmitted through the cards (or was transmitted, but the tarologist did not notice it). After all, there are a limited number of cards in the layout, and most life situations are so multidimensional! Most often in such cases, if the tarot reader does not tend to think and carry "gag" at all, everything that has been said goes right to the point.

Let us return to whether circumstances can affect the process of divination. It is believed that it is unfavorable to guess on the days of solar and lunar eclipses, as well as on the client’s birthday - at such moments the energy is so seething around the person that there is a danger, like in troubled water, to see the information incorrectly or not clearly enough.

Also, you should not guess if the White Card (an additional “empty” card used in the Papus Tarot divination system) falls out in different layouts all day long. This means that the situation is now subject to strong changes and it makes sense to look at it the next day or a little later.

Regarding the state of the tarologist and the client: since the “database” itself is impartial, only the one who reads it or then perceives it can distort the information.

Therefore, the tarot reader needs to start working only when he feels that he is able to abandon his affairs and experiences, to become as impartial as possible when reading the alignment. This skill is facilitated by regular yoga and meditation classes - the mind does not talk too much, emotions do not blind the eye.

As for the client, the responsibility of the tarologist is also partly manifested here - he must state as clearly as possible the situation he saw on the cards. But there are still no guarantees that the client will understand everything alone. So the visitor can be advised simply not to think anything beyond what was said at the session.

Myths about Tarot cards

A huge number of myths are associated with Tarot cards and the divination process, I think most of those presented here are familiar to the reader. Unfortunately, many of them were invented not only by ordinary people, but also by tarologists who want to give weight (and for some reason a frightening weight!) to their profession. The reason why I decided to debunk these prejudices is simple: Tarot consultations deserve to be looked at correctly, not as a “moment of fear”, but as a key to awareness, the opportunity to receive wise advice, to learn more about yourself.

Myth #1: The future is unpredictable

Supporters of this option are either skeptics who are deaf to everything (and, as they say, medicine is powerless here), or brave and desperate people - those who believe that there is simply no predetermination in fate and a person himself forms the entire flow of life events.

Let's look at a banal and common example: a certain lady really wants to marry a certain man, she is sure that he is her destiny and together they form a happy family. If you rely solely on logic and will, then she needs to interest him, make him fall in love, marry (and if she uncompromisingly professes the idea of ​​​​one marriage for life, then she also always controls the situation so that her husband never disappears from her life). Heroic woman! Will she get what she wants?

There are several serious aspects that cannot be ignored. 1) Her "potential fiancé" has his own interests, views and plans, 2) as well as fans, who, in turn, also have plans for him. Another fad that the worldly mind cannot predict at all: 3) past incarnations and the “tails” stretching from them. Roughly speaking, if in the past incarnation this man left our heroine with a child in her arms, then in this life he will probably (depending on the true tasks with which his soul incarnated) have to go through the “school of courage” and try to become a good husband and father.

So, what can we say about the prospects of this wonderful couple? The variability of the future certainly exists here, but it is driven into a certain framework of causal relationships - this is a lump of the lessons of fate, karmic debts, one's own (possibly forgotten) desires, which still act as a kind of "order" made to the Universe, and others not accidents. From all this it follows that our future is predetermined. Dotted line. And while passing from one point to another, you can get creative!

If our heroine came to a consultation with a tarologist with a question about the man of her dreams and joint prospects, one could find out, for example, the following:

1. The meaning of the fact that the paths of the two crossed, their common tasks. In this story, let's suppose, this is working off karmic debts from a past life, getting rid of illusions and expectations, correcting some of one's manifestations in relations with the opposite sex. According to the laws of learning in the school of life, sooner or later both will have to go through these lessons.

2. As it became clear from the previous layout, the connection is karmic (and with all your desire you cannot “throw it out the window”, since we are talking about serious lessons for the souls of all participants in the situation), which means that it makes sense to look now, How does the partner feel to the client, what plans he has for her. Perhaps he already senses something special between them.

3. If a man has no plans, and he treats this woman rather indifferently - look at the advice "What to do to harmonize relationships" . Harmonization is understood as an experience that a couple is destined to go through (see the first question), with maximum benefit and minimum resistance. Most likely, it will turn out what actions to take our heroine (outside) and how to work on herself (inside). Maybe the cards will say that you need to start a joint work project or deal with the fears left over from a previous relationship.

4. Watch if you want couple perspective for the coming months. According to the general tasks, it is already clear that the emergence of relations is a matter of time, and according to the previous paragraph, what to do in a tactical sense.

5. Of course, the possibility of living together until the “last breath” remains unclear. If our heroes slowly and painfully go through life lessons, then - the whole life is ahead, please. But, most likely, at the same time, the Universe will use in relation to them some kind of “stick-driver” in the form of difficult circumstances, tension in relationships - so that they think and change faster. If the dynamics and awareness are high, the terms decrease. There may be new tasks within the union (for example, to give birth to a baby, create a family business or write a book “How to survive next to your loved one?”), Or maybe a “thank you for everything - goodbye” option. To maintain awareness (in the union and in your own head), it makes sense to periodically ask the cards: what are the local challenges facing people now.

As a result, we get the opportunity to “steer” our destiny in the desired direction (remaining, of course, within the framework of the future that is already inevitable) and do this, realizing where we are “going”, for what purpose, in what company and how all this can end.

Myth number 2: guessing - guessing fate

I will answer the punters with a biting rhyme: guessing - do not hit the sky with your finger!

For many, the word "fortune-telling" is associated with throwing a boot over one's shoulder, pouring wax into water, and similar unusual actions. But Tarot cards in this regard are psychological and even a little harsh: if you want happiness, do it yourself!

Tormented by the question of "weather in the house"? Why does the beloved man come home with a sour face every evening? What's the best way to do it? Go to your mother for an evening or two, silently feed, pay special attention to the sexual side of the relationship, or something else? Answers to all these questions can be obtained by asking the cards the following questions:

What unites partners?

What energies surround them in terms of male-female relationships?

What is the real reason that the man is in a bad mood?

What does a man think/feel about his woman?

What can be done to harmonize relations?

By the way, why is it that Tarot as a source of information scares some suspicious people? After all, a psychologist could give similar information (“When your man came home annoyed, leave him alone / feed / show attention ...”) or an astrological horoscope (“Be careful with annoyed Lions, they can pounce without warning ...”). But have you ever heard that “to go to a psychologist - to get into a psychiatric hospital” or “to read a horoscope - to be abducted by aliens”? The danger of myths is that they take root in the minds of people, after which it is already difficult to make a person think about the question, because he has a template answer that he exploits from year to year. As life goes on, the problems only get worse.

The more information we have, the more appropriate and relevant actions we can take to improve the situation. In the end, the one who is afraid to know the truth, does not want to see cause-and-effect relationships in life, does not dare to take responsibility for the formation of events and results, loses in the end. Tarot cards in this case are just one of the tools for achieving awareness.

Myth #3: Tarot reading programs

Within the framework of this myth, the situation is presented as follows: no matter what the tarologist predicts to the client, success or trouble, the person, being impressed by the session, will fulfill the prophecy himself. Because the tarot programs, the fortuneteller recruits, the client receives a subconscious indication...

Crossing the threshold of the tarologist's office, many people think that something from the series will follow: "Come in, sit down, now I will tell you your whole life." But - surprise! During the consultation, joint work with the client takes place, this is an active process on both sides. Programming is possible if a person comes with a passive attitude: "Tell me what will happen to me." But here, even without maps, it is possible to predict - it will go with the flow, neither shaky nor rolls.

If a person comes to understand what is happening to him, how he can change the course of events, turn them in his direction and generally take an active life position, then programming is impossible. Usually he himself suspects his failed positions on certain issues. The fortune-teller in this case only increases his awareness, suggests where and when problematic issues, which he himself guesses, can aggravate, how a person can rectify the situation.

To do this or not is up to the client to decide. As well as whether he should listen to a fortune teller at all - maybe “it will somehow resolve itself” ... Free will is an element of the divine in us, it is a very powerful tool, which, however, allows, if desired, to slow down even the most successful life.

Myth #4: A tarot reader can predict something terrible.

It must be admitted that this myth is partly true. Tarologist, indeed, can tell the client something not very pleasant. But there is a significant difference between specialists here.

In my opinion, a real professional will not be intimidating, because his task is to report on the upcoming difficulties, their causes and find out how to get around them. If not, then explain to the client how such a lesson would be useful to him. Lesson! Not a test! A good specialist will not put pressure on the client's psyche, although sometimes professional psychologists resort to pressure, but only so that the client begins to understand what situation he is in and who brought him there (and guess who? ..).

That is, the tarologist is designed to help the client get out of a difficult situation (or warn him in time about its onset so that he does not get into it), and not to drive him into depression with his predictions. Although some clients need a "magic pendel" - there is such a style of work. Unfortunately, specialists very often overdo it with rigidity.

After the “correct” consultation, the client leaves satisfied, but thoughtful. He has answers to questions that tormented him, the direction of movement through life becomes clear, true goals become clear and a huge amount of energy is released! But the next day it can “cover” - dissatisfaction with your current life, despair, irritation, fear of change ... This is a normal state.

I usually suggested to my clients that they write down the main conclusions and plans that will arise in the course of divination, in the event of negative states, wait for a while, and then get down to business. And indeed, in a day or two, energy and a positive outlook on things return, and the person is already ready, rolling up his sleeves, to take up building his happiness.

Myth number 5: the client leaves a good tarot reader exhausted

The creation of this myth lies entirely on the conscience of the representatives of the professional workshop. Allegedly, after a “real” fortune-telling session, the client feels “gutted”, exhausted. After all, the flow of energy cannot be touched by hands, but such a state of a person proves that something has happened, and the energy has come from where it is necessary and flows where it is necessary.

Perhaps, of all the statements I have come across on the Internet about the obligatory “hard arrivals” of clients after the “quality” work of a tarot reader, I agree only with such descriptions as the feeling of “being sucked into a hole”, “outflow of energy” and “change of state”. But even then I partly agree. Why? Yes, the client will most likely have feelings. But what? And is it guaranteed? But it's unknown. Energy is really too subtle a phenomenon, and an ordinary person who has not been engaged in any practices cannot feel it with his hands, see ...

The same applies to Reiki, the Japanese system of healing with the help of the hands, to which I have devoted several years. You can put warm hands on the client's head, but the palette of sensations will largely depend on his ability to relax, trust, listen to himself, and not only on how wide the flow of energy conducted by the healer is. So in the Tarot - surrendering completely to the process of divination, a person can feel the powerful energy of the alignment and its movement throughout the session. And if his mobile phone rings, then he checks the tarologist “for lice” ... here he is not up to subtle states!

The idea of ​​measuring the professionalism of a tarot reader by the degree of “guttedness” of a client seems rather inhuman and far-fetched. During the reception, we work with the information space, a kind of database about each person. It is from there that Tarot cards take information that even the client himself does not own, not to mention the information that he knows or is in his subconscious. The client receives answers to his questions, specific recommendations - why would you hang your nose?

Another thing is the way information is presented. Some clients need to get shock therapy from a tarot reader, yes, they don’t get it in a different way. But this is only style performance, not a measure of performance. It also happens differently: when a client, even if he learned some not very pleasant information during the session, leaves noticeably cheered up, full of energy and new ideas.

Myth #6: Cards bring magical trouble.

Often one hears questions: “Is it dangerous to guess on the cards?” and “How often can you guess, so that later there is nothing for it?”. The profession of a tarot reader is already covered with a bunch of prejudices, and colleagues in the shop, and quite venerable ones, add fuel to the fire. Here is a quote from the book of my beloved Alicia Khrzanowska "Tarot Magic":

“Many people are afraid of Tarot cards, and rightly so, because in the hands of a charlatan or dishonest person they can become dangerous and show their “dark” appearance.

Most troubles take place only if a person has had a magical effect. Magic is "induced" by other people or "caught" in the course of special magical processes. But it cannot be "infected" from the Tarot deck in any way, if you are its first and only owner, that is, it has not been subjected to ritual charging by anyone.

Of course, the neutrality of the deck does not mean at all that it can be treated as a serious magical tool anyway (even if you have something like “The Fey Taro” pictures). You can ask cards for advice on almost any issue: from your purpose in life to choosing a method of contraception. Of course, there are exceptions: Aleister Crowley’s deck, for example, will not tolerate such “everyday life”, the Black Magician himself generally believed that one should not often turn to the Tarot - only on really important issues. However, this was his personal opinion, and many followers of his school have not followed this rule for a long time.

You need to store the deck in a box or a special case (you can use both), lay it out on a special cloth, or simply on a clean surface. If you want to get rid of the deck, you need to burn it - this is the last tribute to the instrument.

Let's turn to more mundane circumstances. So, negative experiences after taking a tarologist can become a tangible “nuisance”. But in this case, you need to separate where your own emotions are after receiving the answers, and where is the throwing off of responsibility: “Ah, the deck did something to me!” If the client found out that her lover is rapidly cooling off towards her and it is unlikely that this trend will be changed, there is nothing to blame on the “mirror”, that is, on Tarot cards. They are not responsible for the emotions of the client, although no one completely cancels the professional and attentive approach on the part of the tarologist, as mentioned above.

Let's return to the quote from Khrzanowska's book and other "scarecrows" from the side of the tarological workshop. The work of a tarot reader is, of course, not for everyone, like a huge number of other professional activities. But not only “hereditary sorcerers” who received “special abilities from their grandmother” are engaged in cards. These are just people with strong intuition, with the ability to catch the energy of the process, to look closely at the symbols, who want to help those who are looking for answers in difficult situations. Therefore, to be afraid of a person because he is a tarot reader, or to be afraid of cards, because they are called Tarot, is stupid. Be respectful - yes. Shaking and toadying - no.

Myth #7: A tarot reader should guess for free

Several years ago, a woman expressed her opinion to me, saying, “ gift given from above for nothing therefore, taking money for its use is dishonest and ungodly.” I repeated these words at every Tarot course when I explained to future tarot readers why I should take money for my work. can and need.

Look how many diversely gifted people are around - every first one! Do you disagree with me? That's right, because gifted - every first, and showing your gift - well, if every tenth. We used to think that gifted people are somehow special, they say, not everyone is given, only the lucky ones. What a convenient position: “You have a gift, and I am an orphan and miserable! You have to help me for free, because you are lucky and I am not! Let me bring to the attention of the "talentless": everyone is gifted in some way, and this "starting capital" is really given to us for nothing. But the process of revealing one's gift - acquiring the necessary tools, paying for studies, books, the time, effort, money spent on this - is far from free. Only those who have invested in their gift will be able to reveal it.

The logical question is: who will recover all these costs? And why should a tarot reader do his job for free? Then let seamstresses, bakers, taxi drivers, dentists, lawyers join the ranks of “disinterested workers” ... And you too, yes, yes! ..

As for clients who "would be happy to pay, but there is no way." They can do something else useful - give a box of chocolates, a book they need, offer some of their professional services by barter ... But this most often does not happen, because this is a waste of resources, and freeloaders just start a record like “we ourselves not local” – so as not to be spent in any form – neither in money, nor in energy, nor in time.

And despite this, the problem is solved! The Internet is full of communities where tarologists guess for free, answering a question with a few (sometimes one) phrases. Of course, the information provided is minimal. Of course, the quality of the work of tarot readers in these communities is different, the answers of various specialists to the same question often contradict each other - here the client will have to rack their brains on which of the predictions to choose and how much it should be believed.

Well, excuse me: when your tooth hurts, you can go to the dentist, treat caries gently and relatively painlessly by paying money, or you can knock out your own tooth - but for free. However, sometimes it is sad to watch how people try to solve global issues in this way, such as a wedding or divorce, emigration, starting a business ... Who understands, he understands and goes for a full consultation.

Despite all of the above, I myself often read Tarot cards for free. Sometimes to friends (by the way, this is not always free for friends either: if your friend is the owner of the store, can you regularly buy goods from him for free?), sometimes to hardly known people, in the case when communication with them filled with energy. But I did it exactly when and as much as I saw fit. In other cases, this position can help (if you yourself guess on the cards): yes, my services are not available to everyone, but this is not my problem - I invest enough in my business to set some conditions. If the question is really important, the client will find a way to get an answer, through you or otherwise.

Myth number 8: You can’t guess for yourself and your loved ones

Supporters of this myth are divided into two categories: those for whom the prohibition means the presence of danger, and those for whom "no" equals "nothing will work."

We will not spend much time discussing the first ones, it is enough to mention that if the deck is charged according to all the rules, then it will not lie to the owner, no matter if he guesses to himself, a relative or someone else. As mentioned earlier, the deck cannot “curse” a person or “give” him any magical problems for guessing for himself. But it makes sense to consider the arguments of the second group of people in more detail. Usually, all the reasons why it is supposedly impossible to make an accurate prediction for yourself come down to one thing - the bias of the fortuneteller.

Indeed, it is difficult to be objective when analyzing your own problem, especially when it is acute (for example, breaking up or not breaking up with a partner). I want to put the blame on someone else when it comes to relationships. Or do not want to understand what is happening, if it is something very important ...

But Tarot cards, in my opinion, exist for this - they indicate our share of responsibility in conflicts, our mistakes and delusions. Of course, to admit the unpleasant, one must have a certain courage. And in order to change it, you will also need knowledge and skills from the field of psychology or the help of relevant specialists (rarely the problem disappears on its own, just because we now know about it). It is not enough just to diagnose the situation - you also need to convey the idea of ​​the importance of changes to the client ... or to yourself.

It is my deep conviction that a tarot reader who does not want to be responsible for what is happening in his life will not be able to truly help other people. So this is not only a matter of personal, but also professional development. Ask yourself more often (especially in difficult situations): “Why did I create this for myself?” The lessons and discoveries may surprise you greatly.

Difficulties with maintaining objectivity also occur when emotions overwhelm. Suddenly, all the layouts become incomprehensible at once, and, frankly, I don’t want to understand anything. In this case, several ways help: 1) wait until the emotions subside, and then do the layout, 2) do the alignment on a simpler deck, such as Osho Zen Tarot (description of the deck in the chapter "Osho Zen Tarot"), or better in general on one card, so that everything is as unambiguous as possible, 3) admit to yourself: “I am now“ slowing down ”, because the topic is very acute for me, I experience strong emotions”, then write down the layout and try to read it, and if it doesn’t work out, return to him later.

After a few hours, you will notice that understanding has increased dramatically. Of course, if a decision needs to be made quickly, and you can hardly distinguish through tears and cards, it makes sense to turn to another tarot reader for help. But, in my opinion, these are rather exceptional situations, and most often you just need to pull yourself together. A tendency to thicken colors can also prevent you from making an objective alignment for yourself, however, this is a purely psychological issue, which certainly affects not only communication with Tarot cards, but also the whole life of a person. Cards teach to see the truth and can bring a person closer to understanding their problem.

There is also an opinion that the less the tarologist knows about the situation, the more accurate fortune-telling will be. I totally agree with this, but on a different level. The point here is still not in knowing the facts, but in remaining a “tabula rasa” (blank page). Neither the client's age, nor his marital status, nor his profession, nor anything else should make it necessary to draw a conclusion about the essence of his problem. Otherwise, the tarologist begins to carry a gag, guided not by the information that the alignment gives, but by his own prejudices (“Young, which means she has not yet grown up to a serious relationship”, “Many years in marriage, therefore, cooling has come”, “Accountant, rather everything, life is boring).

The saddest thing about this is that the tarologist himself can sincerely take the impact of the stamp on consciousness as "epiphany", "information from the stream." In such cases, I used the following method: first, I checked whether the information that came to me from the stream was reflected in the cards. If not, then I put it off for later (voicing what the cards say clearly for now) and watched how this information “behaves”. While reading the cards, did you forget about the information that came? So, most likely, there was a "gag", or the client did not need to know about it now. If the information seems to “beat” in the throat, and waits for it to be voiced, then this is really a stream.

I will also name one more difficulty that is relevant when fortune-telling for oneself - the imaginary "understandability" of the alignment. When you feel the general mood of the cards, you seem to “understand” everything, but then you fold the cards, and in your head - wow! .. This happens immediately or a short time after the alignment. Emptiness, it is impossible to remember anything, which means that the specific recommendations of Tarot cards have sunk into oblivion. They are usually remembered much later, for example, when what the cards warned against happens.

For several years I could not bring myself to write down the spreads - it seemed very tiring. And when I finally matured for this, I discovered a wonderful effect - literally a pocket book of wisdom with a detailed description of the important answers received - and always at hand! Since then, everything essential has been written down in a special notebook - not only the question and the scheme of the layout, but also a brief interpretation.

Of course, gaining professional impartiality takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is easier and faster for a person who does not deal with cards to go to a tarologist than to break through the jungle of his own doubts and mistakes. However, if you are related to a professional workshop (or want to be), then, in my opinion, it is not only possible, but even necessary to learn how to help yourself on your own.

Myth number 9: you can’t say “thank you” for fortune-telling

At the end of a session, some clients fearfully ask if they can say thank you now. The word "thank you" has become firmly established in everyday life, and most people no longer know its roots, but in magic cases, just in case, they adhere to the myth about the ban on verbal expression of gratitude.

The word "thank you" comes from the phrase "God save us." And since in the circle of religious people it is most often believed that divination of any kind is a dispute with God and a great sin, then its mention before, during or after the commission of a “godless” deed automatically becomes blasphemous. Some even believe that in this way it is possible to destroy the whole prediction, they say, God will be angry and "mix the cards of fate."

In this part of the myth, the fear of the “evil God” is especially clearly manifested, as well as crafty attempts to appease him - the “policy of double standards”. Do not fast, but find convincing reasons for it. Have sex before marriage, but then put a dozen candles, trying to "outweigh" this sin in this way. Go to a fortuneteller, but do not mention the name of God there. In general, be a vegetarian, but eat meat on the weekends. By the way, people with a red level of spiritual development usually believe in such a God - persecuting, avenging, jealously guarding his flock (see "Levels of Spiritual Development"). Therefore, it is distinguished by pagan cruelty among them.

There is another view of God - as a Being who loves and is compassionate towards his children. A being who wants humanity to "get rid of suffering and the causes of suffering, to know happiness and the causes of happiness" (as stated in Pema Chodron's book "Where it's scary"). And such a God does not care how you will look for answers to your questions - with the help of meditations, prayers, map layouts or shamanic journeys. This God is equal to the Universe, equal to the Absolute. And there is no battle for the flock here and cannot be, as well as disputes on the topic "whose religion is more correct." Because the world is one and God is one. In this last case, we are free to choose our own rules and, of course, bear responsibility for our words and actions, focusing not on the fear of receiving “punishment from God”, but on the vision of cause-and-effect relationships in our lives.

Which God to believe in is up to you. And also to answer the question: to say or not to say “thank you” for fortune-telling.

Now about the contribution of the professional workshop to this topic.

Some fortunetellers support the myth about the dangers of verbal expression of gratitude for quite mercantile reasons. Almost any person who has been given time and effort has a desire to balance the situation by giving something in return. For example, saying "thank you". But, as you know, you can’t spread it on bread. Therefore, the fortuneteller, as it were, “locks” the client in a situation where he wants to balance the situation, but cannot do it with “little blood”, that is, with words. It remains either to suffer a vague sense of guilt due to a disturbed interchange, or to repay with money.

The services of a tarologist, like any specialist, should be rewarded - that's right. But resorting to manipulation for the sake of pay is simply unethical. It is much more honest, in my opinion, to charge a steady fee for your consultations. This creates a feeling of calmness in the client, understanding the rules of work. And then he will decide whether or not to say "thank you."

P.S. If, after reading all this, the topic still bothers you and the word “thank you” still gets stuck in your throat, try replacing it with “thank you”. As my yoga teacher says, “Don't save us. Better give a blessing."

Myth #10: All fortunetellers have an unfortunate fate.

I will close this ten myths about the Tarot with a prejudice that I heard from people who are interested in cards, but who fear "whether I will get something for it." Let's figure it out.

First, let me remind you of the troubles of a magical nature - this question stands a little apart. The cards themselves will not cause any “damage” to their owner, but clients can do it spontaneously, without realizing what they have done. Therefore, when carrying out work of this nature, a person is recommended to have a talisman against magical influence or regularly do cleansing practices, removing from himself and releasing the energies of other people who come to the reception in different states and with different thoughts.

If the problems have already begun and you associate them with Tarot classes, you need to look at which particular area is suffering. I would leave the diagnosis of magical effects “for a snack” - most often, discord in life is associated with simpler factors. By the way, I always suggested to clients who come to check “for magic” in connection with aggravated problems in relationships / at work / in something else, first look for simpler reasons, such as unspoken grievances, insufficient involvement in the process, the need for change, etc. A magical effect in this case can indeed take place, but it is not the only thing, which means that we will not solve the problem by removing only it.

The main idea of ​​this question can be expressed in one sentence: the presence of the very gift of divination does not require any special "fee", except for awareness and the ability to integrate this awareness into one's own life. What is so easy? Give it a try - it's actually not an easy process at all.

First, the tool that we use every day must be applied to ourselves. At the very least, I tried to instill in my students the position of a “shoemaker with boots”, so that at the end of the Tarot course, I could help not only others, but myself as well. Otherwise, our activities have very little meaning. After all, the tarologist is partly a psychologist, he works with the soul of a person, and not only with earthly questions a la "how to improve the financial situation." This means that the state that is transmitted to the client during the session has a special meaning. And it is highly desirable that during the reception optimism, wisdom, and balance are manifested. Getting answers to your questions, facing the truth and accepting it, and not wandering in the dark - this is the key to not becoming an "unfortunate fortune teller."

Secondly, you need to be able not only to receive information, but also to integrate it into life. Nothing will change just from what you understand: the main cause of problems at work lies, say, in fixation on career growth. It is necessary to understand what is actually behind this obsession, from whom it was transmitted, and what you yourself want ... That is, to carry out the usual psychological and mental work. In this regard, the tarologist is no different from people "from the street" - in the same way he has problems and in the same way he must solve them if he wants to be happy.

Another reason why a person dealing with Tarot cards may feel unhappy is a banal waste of a resource. When people around you constantly ask you to “save” them, and you do it absolutely free of charge and / or almost around the clock, it’s no wonder you “burn out at work”. The topic of resource restoration will be discussed in more detail in the chapter “How to restore a resource when practicing esotericism?”. Here I will remind you of two basic rules: set a price for your services (any work must be paid equivalent to the time and effort invested) and establish a boundary between professional and private life (investing in yourself is just as important as giving to the world).

Towards the end I will say a few words about Wang. Alas, the name of this woman is regularly mentioned not only in connection with "sensational predictions", but also as an example of the creation of a myth, which we are now talking about. No need to tie everything so linearly! Of course, the loss of vision makes a person look deep into himself, sharpens his intuition - everyone who has gone through “blind seminars” or has had the experience of life without using the visual channel knows this. But many people lose their sight, and only a few of them are clairvoyant.

More significant in this example is something else: each of us has our own karmic debts that need to be worked out. Someone does this while going through difficult life situations, strained relationships, someone through financial difficulties, someone through illness. In the case of Vanga, blindness could be a kind of karmic working off, and clairvoyance could be a way to serve the world. One was not a punishment, a "payment" for the other.

The theory of destiny (more on this in the section "How to know your destiny") of each person says: when we do what we came to this Earth for, the world around us encourages us, helps, brings people who need our help. After all, the Universe is primarily interested in the fact that each of us was in his place. Conscious and happy.

Much has been written about the history of the Tarot - true, false and speculative. This summary addresses the oft-repeated claims about the Tarot that may look like historical fact but are not really supported by the evidence we have today. By this we do not want to say that there is absolutely no place for speculative and factual stories about the Tarot. Myths and legends express the soul of man and his ability to be creative. These myths tell us a lot about the significance that the Tarot has for stimulating higher levels of development. They communicate the inner truth, which is sometimes more true for a person than external facts. However, both history and myth can suffer if mixed with each other.

The information that is given here contains mainly the conclusions that Tarot historians have come to by now, studying written documentary evidence and cards that have come down to us. The same body of evidence can be interpreted in different ways. Readers interested in exploring the evidence on their own and forming their own conclusions from it should refer to the list of references at the end of this summary. Readers should, however, be aware of the limitations of relying solely on documentary evidence. Although written texts are our most reliable link to past centuries, they do not preserve everything that people thought or did, especially in a field of folk culture such as the Tarot.

The information in this summary is free to use, but direct quotations must be cited, and if you find this summary particularly useful, acknowledgment would be greatly appreciated.

Topic: Time and place of origin of the Tarot.

Wrong: Tarot comes from: Egypt; from India; from China; from Fes, Morocco; from the Sufis; from the Cathars; from Jewish cabalists or Moses; or the origin of the Tarot is unknown.

Current historical understanding: Tarot originated in northern Italy in the early 15th century. (1420-1440). There is no evidence of its occurrence in any other place and at another time. The earliest surviving cards are luxurious handmade decks from aristocratic courts.

Topic: The origin of the word "taro"

Error: This word is Egyptian, Hebrew or Latin; it's an anagram; it contains the key to the mystery of the cards.

Current historical understanding: The earliest tarot names are all Italian. The cards were originally called "carte da trionfi" (cards of triumphs [trumps]). Around 1530 (about 100 years after the introduction of cards), the word "tarocchi" (sing. tarocco) begins to be used to distinguish them from the new game of trumps (triumphs - trumps) played with ordinary playing cards. The etymology of this new word is not known. The German form is "tarock", the French form is "tarot". Even if the etymology were known, it would probably not tell us much about the idea behind the cards, since this word began to be used only 100 years after the first appearance of cards.

Topic: Cultural source of Tarot symbols.

Wrong: The symbolism of trump cards came from Egypt (or India, or some other exotic place).

Current historical understanding: The symbolism of trumps comes from medieval and renaissance Europe. Most of the images of the Tarot are characteristic exclusively of European Christianity. Illustrations almost identical to each of the images of the Tarot can be found in European art, and such exact analogues are not found in other cultures.

Theme: Gypsies and Tarot.

Wrong: Gypsies brought Tarot to Europe and spread its use.

Current historical understanding: This idea was popularized in the 19th century. by several authors, especially Vaillant and Papus, without any reliance on historical facts. There is no evidence that gypsies used Tarot before the 20th century. Their fortune-telling relied mainly on palmistry, and later on the use of ordinary playing cards.

Topic: Relationship between Tarot and regular playing cards.

Wrong: The 52-card deck originated from tarot cards, leaving the joker as the only memory of the major arcana.

Current historical understanding: Playing cards came to Europe from Islamic countries, possibly via Muslim Spain, some 50 years before the formation of the Tarot. They suddenly appeared in various European cities between 1375 and 1378. European playing cards were an adaptation of the Islamic "Mamluk" cards. These early cards had four suits: bowls, swords, coins and polo clubs (which the Europeans perceived as sticks) and pieces consisting of a king and two male officials. Tarot added trump cards, the Fool and a set of queens to this system. Some time before 1480, the French introduced cards with the suits of hearts familiar to us now, clubs, spades and tambourines. The original suits are still preserved in Italian and Spanish playing cards. The Joker originated in the United States around 1857 and was used as a so-called. "wild" card in poker, as well as the highest trump card in the game yucker. His appearance apparently has no direct connection with the Fool of the Taro.

Theme: Tarot cards "Charles VI" or "Gringonier".

Wrong: The tarot was invented to entertain the French king Charles VI in 1392, as evidenced by the Gringonnier deck in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.

Current historical understanding: There is a record from 1392 that Jacquemin Gringonnier was paid to draw a deck of cards for Charles VI. They were probably regular playing cards, not tarot. The deck in the National Library is a deck from the end of the 15th century. handmade of the northern Italian type (probably from Venice or Ferrara).

Topic: Tarot and the Hebrew alphabet.

Incorrect: Eliphas Levi (circa 1850) was the first to assign Hebrew letters to the Tarot.

Current historical understanding: Comte de Mellet, whose short article on the Tarot was published in Court de Gebelin's "Le Monde Primitif" (1781) was the first to write about the connection between the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the cards . Cour de Geblen also mentions this idea in passing in his own essay.

Subject: Church prohibition of Tarot.

Wrong: The Catholic and Protestant churches have outlawed the Tarot and anyone who used it in an attempt to suppress heretical teachings or diabolical practices.

Current Historical Understanding: The High Inquisitors have documented in great detail everything that was considered evidence of heresy by the church, but the Tarot is never mentioned by them. Many printers made their living by printing both religious cards and playing cards. Playing cards were sometimes restricted or banned due to their use in gambling. Tarot cards, in fact, were sometimes even explicitly removed from the playing card ban, perhaps because of their association with the higher social classes. In 1423, playing cards (Tarot is not mentioned) were, among many other things, thrown into the fire in Bologna by followers of Bernardino from Sienna in an attack on all non-religious pursuits and pastimes. After the Reformation, the church did protest against the images of the Pope and the Popess, and card makers replaced them with less controversial images.

Topic: Initial use of tarot cards.

Incorrect: Tarot was originally used for divination / magic / teaching secret knowledge / etc.

Current Historical Understanding: Written evidence tells us that the Tarot was constantly used to play a card game similar to bridge. This game has been popular in much of Europe for centuries and is still played today, especially in France. Early poets also used the names of the trump cards when creating praising poems called "tarocchi appropriati" describing ladies of the court or famous people. While it is possible that Tarot cards were sometimes used for other purposes, there is no clear evidence of such use long after they were invented.

Records of a trial in Venice in 1589 indicate that the Tarot may have been associated with witchcraft (at least in the minds of accusers) 150 years after the introduction of the Tarot. After this, there is no evidence linking Tarot with magic or divination until the 18th century. (See also the next three questions).

Theme: Tarot and divination.

Incorrect: The tarot was not used for divination until Etteilla and the Cours de Géblaine (~1781)

Current Historical Understanding: There is evidence of such usage, but it is fragmentary and indirect rather than direct. Tarot was used in the 16th century. when composing poems describing the characteristics of those people to whom these poems were dedicated ("tarocchi appropriati"). In one case (1527) the verses refer to the fate of a person. There are records of divinatory meanings attributed to tarot cards in Bologna in 1700. This is the first unequivocal evidence of tarot divination in the sense in which it is commonly understood. However, ordinary playing cards are known to have been associated with divination since at least 1487, so it is reasonable to assume that the same applies to the Tarot. Since the 1790s, with the advent of the Etteilla deck, we have found the tarot changing in appearance to reflect divinatory and esoteric meanings.

Topic: Occult philosophy and Tarot.

False: The original Tarot lacks hermetic, heretical, or kabbalistic symbolism.

Current historical understanding: This question is still open. The early Italian Renaissance, which gave birth to the Tarot, was a time of great intellectual activity and diversity. Hermeticism, astrology, Neoplatonism, Pythagorean philosophy with roots in Alexandrian Egypt, and unorthodox Christian thought flourished. Any of these directions or all of them together could leave their mark on the structure and images of the Tarot. Although it should be recalled that all the symbolism of the Tarot has a close counterpart in the mainstream Christian culture of the time, many scholars today believe that these philosophical teachings, which are the basis of the occult, played an important role in the formation of the Tarot.

Topic: Tarot and the Western Esoteric Tradition.

Wrong: Tarot has always been the foundation of the Western esoteric tradition.

Current Historical Understanding: The first occult writers to discuss the Tarot were Cours de Geblen and the Comte de Melle. In 1791, during the first 350 years of its history, the Tarot was not mentioned in any of the many books on occult or magical philosophy. After 1791, occult interest in the Tarot flourished and the Tarot became an integral part of occult philosophy.

Topic: Astrological, elemental and kabbalistic correspondences.

Wrong: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (or Eliphas Levi, Papus, Zain, Case, etc.) knew the true astrological, elemental and kabbalistic correspondences of the Tarot and corrected the errors that existed before.

Current Historical Understanding: There are a very large number of correspondence systems for Tarot. None of these can be traced back to the time of the Tarot, although the French tradition represented by the work of Eliphas Levi predates the English tradition now known from the work of Waite and Crowley. Most sets of correspondences have their own rationale and structure which give them value and usefulness when studied within their own tradition. Correspondences are accepted as a result of individual choice and intention or adherence to one or another school of thought, rather than because of their truth or falsity.

Theme: Tarot Waite - Smith (Waite-Smith Tarot).

False: The Waite-Smith (or "Rider-Waite") Tarot is the authentic, standard, or most correct Tarot.

Current Historical Understanding: The Waite-Smith deck was created in 1909, making it a relative innovation in nearly 600 years of tarot history. A.E. Waite was a prominent member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The deck owes much of its symbolism to this group and represents a departure from an earlier French tradition. Artist Pamela Colman Smith has contributed her own vision, especially in creating the new fully illustrated images for the Minor Arcana. For many years, the Waite Smith deck was the only tarot deck readily available in the US, so that it became known to a whole generation of tarot readers. In fact, there is no "canonical" version of the Tarot.

The well-known Celtic Cross spread published by Waite as "the old Celtic method of divination" is also of relatively recent origin, although it was not invented by Waite. Some points about which care must be taken when presenting the history of the Tarot. The terms "major arcana", "minor arcana", "High Priestess" and "Hierophant" are anachronistic in relation to the old tarot decks. Historically correct are the terms "trumps and the Fool" (the Fool was not usually considered a trump card), suit cards, "Pope" and "Dad". Also, "pentacles" and "wands" are late substitutes for the traditional names of suits - "coins" and "sticks".

The original Italian names of the cards differed in some cases from the later French names (and their English translations) that have become known to us through the Marseille Tarot and the decks derived from it. The order of the trumps also varied considerably in Italy, where tarot cards originated. It is not known which order was the earliest. Even the number of cards in the deck varied greatly! So one should be careful when making statements about the original meaning of the cards based on known names and order. The intentions of the author(s) of the original Tarot when choosing the symbols for the trump cards are unknown, although there is a large amount of speculation, some more plausible than others. Tarot writers should avoid the impression that these intentions are known or obvious.

Decker, Ronald, Michael Dummett, and Thierry DePaulis, "A Wicked Pack of Cards" Dummett, Michael, "The Game of Tarot" Giles, Cythnia, "The Tarot History, Mystery, and Lore" Kaplan, Stuart, "The Encyclopedia of Tarot" Volume I & II Moakley, Gertrude, "The Tarot Cards Painted by Bonifacio Bembo" O "Neill, Robert V., "Tarot Symbolism" Williams, Brian, "A Renaissance Tarot" Williams, Brian, "The Minchiate Tarot"

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