The most powerful prayer for the forgiveness of all sins. Video: proofreading - a cleansing prayer of forgiveness, a real priest reads. Christian prayer of repentance for the sins committed to the Most Holy Theotokos

Every Orthodox believer strives to live his life in righteousness, without sinful deeds. But even the most godly people sometimes commit sins, and it is important to fully repent and pray for forgiveness.

Through prayer, Orthodox people turn to the Lord and all the saints, asking for support and help. Prayer services help Christians to get closer to God, fill their lives with joy and heal their souls from sinful deeds. There are several powerful prayers that will help Orthodox people clear your inner world from malice, sins and filth.

Prayer to the Son of the Lord Jesus Christ

Highly effective prayer is that which is directed directly to the Son of God. She not only helps to heal a sinful soul, having received the forgiveness of Christ, but also to strengthen faith, continuing her earthly journey with clear conscience and good heart.

“Oh, our Lord Jesus Christ! I turn my prayer to You and pray for the remission of my sins. Forgive me a sinner for unworthy deeds and thoughts. Heal my soul from self-interest and envy and do not leave, do not leave me alone. Grant me blessings and joy. Cleanse my soul and heart and strengthen my faith so that I continue to carry my cross along the path of a righteous life. May I praise You, O God, forever. Yes, I thank You, Jesus, son of the Lord. May it be Your will. Amen".

This prayer is very powerful. It should be read early in the morning and late in the evening before going to bed throughout the week, so that its action is most effective. Throughout these days, your heart and soul will be filled with everything more love and faith in the Lord, which will give prayer the most strong action and will help get rid of sin and enlist the support of higher powers.

Prayer to the Lord

Of course, one of the most effective and powerful prayers is the one that is addressed to the Lord himself. He will always support and forgive sins if prayers are raised to Him from the very heart and from the purest motives. Prayer of repentance to God:

“O merciful Father! Our Father! I offer you a prayer for forgiveness for my sinful deeds! I beg you, let me repent of my mistakes and unrighteous deeds. Give me Your forgiveness, let me cleanse my soul of sins and fill my heart with only love for You and sincere faith. I pray, forgive me, Thy servant, for I repent. May I praise You to the heavens, my Lord. In the name of heaven and all saints. Amen".

These words of prayer are suitable for reading in difficult times, when the support of the Lord is especially needed. When the devil tempts your soul, when it is necessary to repent for sins in difficult moments, having received God's blessing and help.

Prayers of the Mother of God

The Mother of God is the intercessor of all Orthodox believers, who not only comes to the rescue in the most difficult moments life, but also forgives sins to those who sincerely repent of their deeds. You can offer prayers to the Virgin Mary in order to receive Her support and improve your life, driving away all problems, and find your true path to faith.

“O Mother of God! Protector of all believers! Before You, I kneel and beg, grant me forgiveness and repentance for sinful deeds and unclean intentions. I beg you, give Your blessing, for I repent. Forgive me, servant of the Lord, for all sinful thoughts and evil deeds. Guide me on the path of righteousness, strengthen my faith in Christ and do not leave sorrow and sin alone on the path. Lead me to the true faith and pray for me before our Lord in Heaven. May I praise Thee, virgin virgin, may I thank Thee forever. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

There is another prayer to the Virgin Mary that can heal a sinful soul and help in difficult life situations:

“O Blessed Virgin Mary! I beg you, immaculate, for the forgiveness of my sins! Do not turn away from me in difficult moments, do not leave my sinful soul! Help and cleanse my soul, strengthen my faith. Let me enter the Kingdom of Heaven clean and undefiled, without the deeds of sinners. Pray for me before Christ and our Lord. Yes, I will never stop praying before You, pure Virgin. Let me resurrect Your name, Mother of God! Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Remember that any prayer must be read from the heart and with a clear conscience. Thank the saints for everything they have done for you, and try not to repeat your sinful deeds. We wish you to live in peace and harmony. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

The word "forgive" has several meanings, among which are pardon, wipe clean, abolish debt. Having done something bad, a person asks for forgiveness in order to restore relations, but it is not given just because someone deserves it. After all, forgiveness is an act of mercy, love and grace towards another, regardless of what he did to you. The Bible says: "There is no righteous man on earth who does good and does not sin"(Ecclesiastes 7:20) and “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us”(1 John 1:8). At its core, sin is always a rebellion against the Lord, resulting in a person needing forgiveness. Man will be punished for his unforgiven sins (Matthew 25:46; John 3:36).

All peoples living on earth have sacred words transmitted from generation to generation, with the help of which a person appeals to higher powers. This is prayer. A significant role of prayer is in asking for help in business, in achieving what you want, in forgiveness.

Man commits many sins during his earthly existence. The reasons for this are obvious: firstly, a person is weak, voluntarily cannot resist most of the temptations surrounding him. Second, seducer, cunning evil spirit calls him to commit sin, seducing from the true path.

Everyone knows the words of Jesus Christ that “Evil thoughts come out of the heart, and they defile a person”. What is being said here? About how sin is born in a person. We must not forget that any sin, even the most terrible, originates only from an “evil thought”. The Fathers of the Church distinguish between the degrees of such thoughts: adjunction, combination, coexistence, consent, passion, and, finally, a sin committed. Nevertheless, a person is endowed with God-given reason, will and mind, capable of seeing the sinfulness of committed deeds, realizing his sinfulness and repenting of what has been done, which makes it possible to atone for sins by drawing appropriate conclusions and not commit sin in the future.

One of the ways to atone for sins is the distribution of alms to the needy, because through this action a person expresses compassion for the poor, mercy for his neighbor and love.

Another way that frees from sin is a prayer that comes from the heart, for sincere repentance, for the forgiveness of sins: “And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven"(James 5:15).

Lord my God, You know what is saving for me, help me; and do not let me sin before You and perish in my sins, for I am sinful and weak; do not betray me to my enemies, as if I had resorted to You, deliver me, O Lord, for You are my strength and my hope, and to You be glory and thanksgiving forever. Amen.

Lord, You see my weakness, give me correction and make me love you with all my soul and thoughts, and give me Your grace, give me zeal to perform services, offer my unworthy prayer and thank You for everything.

Lord my God, my Creator, my Benefactor, do not leave me, You help me to do Your will, You enlighten my mental eyes of the heart, You enlighten my darkness, as if by You I am getting rid of temptation.

Holy Scripture tells: “Do not be cowardly in your prayer and do not neglect to give alms”(Sir.7:10). How does prayer help a person to be freed from sin? Its strength lies in the fact that the person who turns to God with it has already sincerely repented. Calling for the forgiveness of sins, he realized his sin, admitted his guilt, condemned it and decided not to go into it anymore, therefore he calls on the Lord with a prayer in order to atone for his sin and asks for God's forgiveness. God is merciful. He wants to forgive people in every possible way. A person's faith in His mercy is a sure foundation for forgiveness.

Therefore, a sincere prayer for the forgiveness of sins is also a person’s repentance for their deeds. Because whoever does not realize his sinfulness will not ask God for forgiveness through prayer. John the Baptist speaks of the call to repentance. Following repentance, a person asks God for mercy, therefore a prayer said sincerely does not happen without repentance. The Bible talks about it: people “turned to prayer, asking that the sin committed be completely blotted out”(2 Mac 12:42).

Thus, prayer is necessary for a person, because through true words of repentance, a person tells the Almighty about his sin, repents of his deeds, asking for forgiveness for sin. Man “he will open his mouth in prayer and pray for his sins”(Sir.39:6). Seeing sincere repentance, God will forgive a person his sins, so that he will not commit such sins. After all, the Almighty "he will look upon the prayer of the helpless, and will not despise their supplication"(Ps. 101:18).

Seeing his sins and turning to the Lord about it, a person must prove his repentance by committing good and kind deeds, choosing the path of serving God. In this case “He who serves God will be received with favor, and his prayer will reach the clouds”(Sir.35:16). Prayer is the sincere voice of the soul, going from man to God. Communicating with God, Word God's man is consecrated.

Constantly communicating with God through prayer, a person enriches his spiritual world in better side. The character of a person becomes meek and noble, compassion and mercy prevail. Subsequently, a person becomes cleaner, kinder, more generous. The ability to pray is a great mastery of the soul and mind. It is very difficult to acquire the gift of prayer, because using prayer, a person makes the energy of desire stronger, and it acquires a strength that is impossible without prayer. Uncertain or insincere words will not have such power, and without sincerity they will be just a collection of words.

Therefore, in human existence, prayer is needed to receive divine education, as a result of which the character of a person changes, spirituality prevails, he grows up to the possibility of being in the Kingdom of Heaven. Prayer is a charitable act that brings invaluable benefits to the human soul. A person who daily turns to the Lord becomes more resilient and stronger, and his soul acquires the ability to resist evil. Sinful thoughts and reprehensible feelings leave her, in return, charitable deeds and aspirations appear. Reborn by communion with the Almighty through everyday, fervent prayer, the soul feels the desire to do righteous deeds, a person embarks on the path of a pious life. Peace is concentrated in the soul, giving a person the opportunity to overcome life's hardships and lead a life in accordance with the commandments of God.

When sinful intentions and thoughts take possession of a person, prayer will help. It is necessary to appeal to the Lord, with a request to send him spiritual strength, stamina to resist temptations, courage in order to overcome him and not allow him to happen. The thought of sin leaves the mind of man.

In complex, double life situations when it is necessary to concentrate mental and physical forces, prayer is especially necessary for a person, because it strengthens the will, clarifies thoughts, clears the mind, gives strength for perseverance and patience to endure in ordeal. The power received by a person during prayer has a beneficial effect on those around him, giving them the light of joy, goodness, and peace that was received during communion with the Lord. Under the influence of changes in the spiritual world, a person will be able to do better relatives, friends - everyone who is nearby, will show what it means to act pleasingly, reasonably, will tell the true nature of good and evil, will not allow to commit bad thing, teach to live correctly, on the basis of mercy and compassion.

Prayer has great power, because it gives not only spiritual development, repentance for sins, the opportunity to receive forgiveness, but also makes better life those nearby. This is not only a good deed, but also an obligatory action for the improvement of a person spiritually, with the help of which evil is eradicated from the soul and Divine grace sprouts, life becomes better, a person does good in the world.

our almighty lord forgive my sinful soul, I repent of my sin very much, forgive me, because you are the almighty, forgive me, forgive me

and forgive me, Lord, I repent of all sins

Lord, forgive me and my sinful soul and heart, help me to embark on the true path, remove anger from my heart, envy, insult, slander, forgive me and help me find myself and peace in my soul and in my mind

Lord, forgive me all my sins, do not let me sin anymore, save and save.

As they say, not a single registry office has seen so many sincere kisses compared to the station. No church has heard so many sincere prayers compared to a hospital.

Lord, forgive me a sinner for everything, forgive me! Don't let me do bad things anymore! SAVE AND SAVE. one

Lord, please forgive me for all my sins before you! Sorry!

Lord forgive me a sinner. forgive me all my sins. Put on the right path. don't let me sin. Save me. Amen.

Lord, forgive me for all my sins, forgive my family, relatives, my friends and enemies. I apologize to everyone I have hurt, forgive me.

Lord, forgive me for all my sins, I really repent, put me on the true path. Forgive me, Lord, for my sins. I ask forgiveness from everyone whom I hurt.

Lord creator, forgive my sinful soul, give me the strength to fight evil and resist temptations

guide me to the true path help me find my love in the name of the father son and holy spirit amen

Sin is great and sincere.

And the righteous path is much weaker than the sinful one, because only by transgressing a sin do you realize its degree and strength. Irreversibility and evil. Desire for repentance and punishment. To deliverance and peace.

The evil that sits in us, which we ourselves allowed into our hearts, having expelled God, betraying his covenants and scriptures, makes us slaves of the unclean.

Neither tears, nor promises and faith in the future will help us.

We have cursed ourselves.

Our bodies no longer have a soul.

Our body now belongs to him - the devil.

We are biblical pigs.

Those who betrayed those who truly love us, care, sympathize.

We, for the sake of ruin and a five-minute clouding, give our soul forever.

Lord, I do not ask your forgiveness, I deserve the greatest punishment, torment and suffering.

I just ask you, let me bear the responsibility for my actions alone, do not touch the innocent who are next to me, they are not to blame.

I bow before the Almighty, before all my loved ones, if I died in soul, do not persecute me at all, let me give the rest of my life to help you until my last breath.

I'll be there like a dog.

I will pray for you day and night and bring all the blessings obtained to your feet.

You are the most beautiful thing in my life.

I stumbled. Didn't know what he was doing. My mind didn't belong to me. And at that very moment I saw, as if someone was leading me into this abyss.

Maybe it was meant to be. This is my rock.

Sorry for everything. I will do my best to heal the wrong done with care and help.

Forgive me, Lord, for all the sins of me and my family, guide us on the true path, save us from the evil one. We, weak and weak people, do not leave us, enlighten and help in all deeds, undertakings and intentions. Thank you, Lord, for everything!

God. Forgive me a sinner for all my sins. Forgive my family and friends, guide us on the true path, save us from the evil one. Remove anger and envy of resentment from our hearts.

why are you posting this here? you need to go to the temple and pray in front of the icon in the temple and not on the site.)

No, well, well done of course)

Lord, our Father, forgive me, help me go this way, protect me and my children from everything that is not clean and breastfeeding. Save and Save, In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Forgive me Lord. Forgive me for my sins, it’s hard for me to fight, I’m not sure that I can continue to resist them, but give me strength, patience and abstinence, forgive me and don’t leave me, I hope and trust in you, don’t leave me, please forgive me and have mercy, give me understanding and temperance. Amen

Lord, forgive me and my family for the sins. Help my family and friends.

forgive me a sinner, forgive me, please, I repent of my actions, forgive me, give me strength, and let me into your world, amen.

please forgive me, please do not let my family and friends suffer because of my sins.

sorry, it's hard for me to be in the world without forgiveness, give me a chance and give God's will, help me make it so that I live without sins, don't lead me to a bad deed, spare me a sinner, amen

Lord, I beg you to remove the anger in me envy

I beg you to forgive me for my sins .... forgive me

Forgive me Lord for all the sins known and unknown.

Lord forgive me forgive my betrayal for your love for me

Oh my God! Forgive me for my sin. Forgive me for my lies, I promise that I will not lie anymore!

Lord, forgive me for all my sins, help me and my loved ones, amen amen amen

Merciful Lord, forgive me a sinner, I repent and pray for forgiveness, our heavenly father, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Forgive me Lord, I'm a sinner

Lord, please forgive me for my sins and grant me peace of mind and protect me from all evil and human judgment. Help me live this life with dignity and happiness and guide me to right ways in my life, I ask that the guardian angels protect me. Amen.

I ask you, my God, let my wife forgive me for all the suffering that I brought her, let me believe in me, I beg you, give me a chance to show that I can be different, I promise that I will do everything that my wife tells me, I will obey in everything I will blow off the dust particles from her and wear it in my arms to give her joyful days so that she does not regret that she forgave me

Lord forgive me for my sins! Forgive my family and friends. put them on the right path, be with them. 1 Forgive my mother who passed away! Forgive her sinful soul and take her to heaven! You gave your son for our sins and we are grateful to you for it! Forgive me for everything you see how I suffer and drown in evil. I do not want it!

LORD forgive me, and ALL whom I live, for our sins, LORD forgive us all. for our sins...

Lord, Save and Save me a sinner, forgive me all my sins. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

Lord, forgive me my sins. do not leave my sinful soul. help me in life

Forgive my sins Lord help

Lord, forgive me for my passions, for my evil, for my anger. I know that I have sinned, but guide me on the true path, for I am Your creation, and I resort to You, my Savior and creator. I know my sins are incalculable. But You, by Your great mercy and philanthropy, forgive them. Amen!

Forgive me Lord for my weakness, my perfect sin, forgive me for rudeness Misunderstanding of worldly temptations. Forgive me Lord and strengthen my soul, give me the strength to overcome all the hardships on the way! Lord forgive and have mercy on me a sinner.

Lord, forgive me your sinful servant. I repent of the sin of theft, I pray for forgiveness. I ask for protection. I promise I won't steal.

Lord, I beg your forgiveness! Please forgive me! Protect me from all misfortunes and from sins. Let me enjoy life, love myself and everyone.

Lord forgive me, forgive me for all my sins committed, for all the bad deeds done

Give me peace and quiet, let go of my guilt

Lord, forgive me unworthy for my sins, for I am a sinner, protect me from evil intentions, protect me from adversity. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Forgive me Lord, I beg you, I beg you, forgive me!

Forgive me, Lord, that only now opened your way. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am your son, and give me patience and strength to serve you and live according to your laws. Amen.

Lord, forgive me and all my family, for all sins. I ask you and pray, have mercy on us sinful servants of yours and protect us. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

forgive me, save my soul and save my sinful soul, I sincerely repent of my sins! I ask forgiveness from everyone I offended! I pray to cleanse my soul from sins! For the sake of the father of the son and the holy spirit, amen.


Lord, forgive me a sinner, forgive me for all my committed sins before you, put me on the right path, don’t let me sin in the future, I want to bring joy to people, I want to do good for people, help me to dig myself out of this hole that sinner has obscured me, having the FATHER and the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT AMEN

Lord, my God, forgive me a sinner for what I have done, I am very sinful before you, I greatly regret and repent of what I have done, forgive me and have mercy, please give me a chance, I will change and start living in a new way for the good of people. Please forgive me.

Lord, forgive me, forgive me a sinner for all the sins I have committed, I repent of them! and help change for the better and enjoy life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

GOD forgive us, your unworthy servants, guide us on the path of our salvation and do not depart from us

Lord forgive me for this false oath. I deeply regret this oath. I swore to God and all the Saints. Forgive me Lord. Do not leave me. I beg you, Lord, forgive and save.

Sorry. Lord and me. my. Children. Sorry. Me. Behind. All. My. Actions. Forgive me

Lord, forgive my parents, ask me and help me find myself and peace in my soul and in my mind, amen

Lord, forgive me for all sins, sinful and not sinful, free and not free. Bless me and put me on the right path.

Lord, forgive me for the sins I have committed, I repent to you that I am a sinner, give me happiness with my family, wife. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, forgive me for the tears shed on this Holy Day. They were necessary for me to purify my long-suffering soul. These tears hurt my loved ones, but they healed the wounds of my soul. Christ is Risen! Risen in truth! Peace to all, love to all, joy to all, God's grace and happiness to all! God is with us and this is our strength! We love You, Lord, we praise You, Almighty, and we carry Your Light! Do not leave us, our Beloved.

Lord, forgive me and my loved ones for the sins. Give us all health, help us live in harmony with ourselves and the laws of God, guide us on the true path. Amen.

Lord, forgive me a sinner for all all sin. Amen

Lord, forgive me my sins! Forgive me everyone I offended! Lord, remove all evil from my thoughts, help me become kinder and more merciful.

Lord Almighty! Our Heavenly Father! Forgive my sins and the sins of my loved ones! I beg you for forgiveness! Help me be happy!

Lord, forgive my sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, deed, thoughts, sincerely repent for my actions, I am very ashamed, I don’t want to repeat them, I want to get rid of bad habits to love and to be loved

larisa (May 12, 2015)

Lord, forgive me, a great sinner, for all my sins, do not leave me a sinner, lead me and give me hope for the atonement of my sins. Do not leave me, Lord, in the hardest moment of my life! Forgive me Lord, teach me, don't leave me

Lord, forgive me a sinner, let me atone for my sins. Forgive me.

Lord, forgive me for everything! Very sinful!

Lord, forgive me for everything, I won't do it again, I repent before you

Lord, forgive me a sinner, you are my creator, forgive all my sins and help me in everything

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, I beg you and ask for forgiveness for my sins, forgive me, for I didn’t know that I did a crime, forgive me

Lord, forgive me for my grave sins, I didn’t know what I was doing, guide me on the true path. Lord forgive me

Lord, I beg you, I beg you, please forgive me all my sins that I have done, Lord Almighty, I beg you, please forgive all my sins and do not let me sin anymore, help me in everything and always be with me I beg the Lord, forgive me a sinner

Lord forgive me for my grave sins I didn’t know what I was doing please forgive all my sins and don’t let me sin again Lord forgive me a sinner I repent before you

God, our heavenly father, forgive me a sinner. God, cleanse my soul, cleanse my heart from evil, from envy and foul language. Forgive me to everyone I offended. May peace and tranquility reign in our souls and hearts. I give myself completely into your hands, God!

Lord forgive us all and save

I repent of all my wrong deeds

I will not betray you and I will not allow in my prejudice to slander in your direction

Lord forgive me for everything!

Lord, forgive me!

Lord forgive me. All in sins, my soul hurts. I repent before you, because you are wiser and higher than all of us. I know there is no forgiveness for me, not to count my sins. I sincerely believe in you, I repent, I beg for mercy, and I will not allow others to slander in your direction .Goddamn forgive me.

Lord, forgive me, for earthly sins, I have done many sins, led and not. Lord, our father, I repent, I ask and pray for forgiveness, help and tell me the right path. So that troubles, illnesses bypass my relatives and friends.

Lord our heavenly father, please forgive me for the sins that I have committed.

Forgive me for bad deeds and thoughts. For you can only hear and forgive our sins. Save and save us all, we love you, our heavenly father. Please help me meet a man with whom you could go through life together and create a happy family.

Lord, forgive me for my sins and my sinful thoughts, give me the strength not to succumb to temptations, guide me on the true path in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen amen amen.

Lord, forgive me, forgive me a sinner for all the sins I have committed, I repent of them! and help change for the better and enjoy life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Jesus Christ, forgive my recent sin. I don't want to sin anymore. Forgive me, Lord, forgive me if it be Your will.

God, I beg you, forgive me and have mercy! I repent for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary! I apologize to everyone I hurt. Forgive me, for I did it not from evil ...

Lord, guide me on the true path, forgive and have mercy. Amen.

Lord, I'm a sinner. Forgive me. I can't live without you. I need faith in you, I open my heart to you. Enter into it, illuminate my life with your light, become my friend and my Father. Help me. Have mercy on me. Amen. Thank you God.

God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Having created me, Lord, have mercy on me; I have sinned against You without number, have mercy on me.

Lord Jesus Christ You shed Your Holy Blood on the Cross for me! I ask you to free me from lustful thoughts, lust, the spirit of fornication, pride, the passion of corruption, from adultery, fornication, voluptuousness, masturbation, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh that are present in my life! Change me Lord, I beg you! Change other people who also have these problems, give us liberation from these sins! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

The Holy Spirit who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You who give me the gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. What was done against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer I want to thank You for everything and prove once again that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds

to me and my neighbors. I ask you this and that.

Forgive me, Lord, my sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed out of stupidity or ignorance or on purpose, I repent of my sins before You and before people!

Lord, forgive me for my sins, and do not let my enemies reach my enemies. Lord, forgive me.

Lord, forgive me for all my sins! I repent and admit my guilt!

I will correct my guilt and stand on let the true one!

Lord God, forgive me and my sinful soul. I repent of my sins. Forgive me for hurting my child. I repent and admit my guilt. Forgive me, forgive me, God forgive me.

I tearfully repent for my sins. Lord, forgive me and have mercy.

Lord, forgive my soul for my sins. I repent of the fact that I sinned and promised to sin again, I know you hear me please forgive me. And help my family that they were all well. I ask for your forgiveness. You are always there, I know please give me a chance to get on the right path.

God. forgive me for all my sins! I repent with all my heart and ask for forgiveness from God and from people and even from animals.

Lord, forgive my sinful soul. Forgive my evil thoughts, my gloating, envy, my grave sins. Cleanse my soul from self-flagellation. For the fact that in the hearts I wished bad things to my family and friends. For the fact that, due to my stupidity and ignorance, animals died. I ask everyone for forgiveness from people and animals, from the living and the dead! I ask you to put me on the righteous and true path. Have mercy on me, give me a helping hand.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

God why me so, why ..

I'm sorry that I made so many mistakes, I ask for help. I realized everything, I ask you to forgive all the people whom I offended, who suffered and suffer because of me, please forgive me if you can, please forgive me.

Lord forgive me for everything.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

God forgive me for all my sins. Lead me on the right path.

God! Forgive and have mercy for my sins. Amen!

All-merciful Lord! Forgive me for all sins, voluntary and involuntary, for evil thoughts, envy, anger, revenge, condemnation, betrayal, resentment, suffering, for low deeds and deeds. I ask forgiveness from all people, from the animal and flora, from Mother Earth for all my inharmonious actions and deeds. Lord, forgive me, as a particle of yourself! Accept me, forgiven and forgiven with open heart and pure thoughts, renewed For the Glory of the New Life on Earth. In the Name of the FATHER AND SON and the HOLY SPIRIT!

Lord forgive me a sinner

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Lord, forgive me a sinner, forgive my sins, do not give in to temptation! Amen!

Lord, forgive me a sinner! Amen!

Lord, forgive me for my sin. I stole. I repent a lot. Spare me the pain of my soul. God save us.

Lord, I beg you to forgive me for all my sins, forgotten and not forgotten. I don't know why I'm so help get rid of demons.

Forgive me, Lord, for all my sins, do not let my family and friends suffer, punish me for my sins, I am to blame and not they. Forgive the fool, I was wrong in many ways

Lord forgive me for my sins! Amen

Almighty Lord, forgive me a sinful soul, for all my sins!

Lord God forgive me my soul I repent

Lord, forgive me for my sins, I repent! Amen!

what's the point of your comments? you better go to church and ask for forgiveness there, and not sitting at the computer ...

Do not be angry with me, Lord, I ask you to forgive me for the sin, because I do not defile the soul, God forgive me for my sins and others, I ask you not for the first time and God bless last time forgive me and deliver me from the sins that defile my soul, forgive me, God, I will be clean before you and before everyone, and leave my hopes, God

Lord, forgive me and direct me to the right path.

Forgive me, Lord, all my sins, forgive me, Lord, that I deliberately violated all the commandments, forgive me, Lord, and I let you into my heart so that it is filled with your love

Lord, forgive me all my sins, if you can, and help me to safely complete the work I have begun

Lord, forgive me servant Catherine. …

Lord, forgive a sinful soul!

Lord forgive me for my sins and sinful thoughts....I don't want and can't sin anymore...

Lord my God, my father, my creator, help me and do not let me sin, you see my weakness, give me correction and free me, forgive me and deliver me from the sins of the Lord, for you are my strength. And to you my glory forever. Do not betray me to my enemies. My hope is to you and glory and thanksgiving forever. Bring to understanding and forgive. because it won't happen again. Amen

Lord forgive me for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary And forgive me for today's sin that I committed when I succumbed to the devil's temptation Forgive me Lord Forgive me Lord and do not lead me into temptation anymore Forgive and have mercy on me a sinner

Lord, forgive me my sins. Bless and save.

Lord, our heavenly Father, I trust in you. Forgive me a sinner, for all my sins, free and not free. Give me strength Lord in the future not to commit them. Get on the right path. Give me strength and courage to resist temptations. put into my mouth the right words when interacting with people. So that I don't offend anyone. Teach me Lord to forgive and love and be satisfied with everything that surrounds me and everything that I meet on life path. Amen

Lord forgive me for everything, for all my sins, for everything that I did and to whom I hurt - forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, AMEN!

God! Forgive me, a sinner. For my sins with bad intent. I have sinned without a number. I really want to improve, repent and take your true path. Help me, Lord, a sinner and unreasonable in my actions and thoughts. Forgive and have mercy on me a sinner. Amen. Glory to you Lord, glory to you.

God! Forgive my sinful soul! Forgive me, Lord, for all my repentant and unrepentant sins, Help me not to sin. Save my children, grandchildren, relatives and all Orthodox Christians from the fall. Guide us sinners on the right path. Help me, Lord, to endure my illnesses, sufferings, sorrows for the atonement of the sins I have committed. Help me, Lord, have mercy and forgive me! Thank you God for everything! Glory to you, Lord, glory to you! Amen!

Forgive me, a sinful fool, do not leave me, do not let me succumb to temptation. I know that I have already asked 7 times, and every time I say I'm sorry, and this is the same, I beg you, I promise that I will try to prevent this from happening. Amen!

Forgive me sinful! Help me deliverance from temptation and sins! Amen1

LORD FORGIVE ME FOR ALL MY SINS AND THOUGHTS, FOR ANGRY, FOR BETRAYAL. Help me, Lord, endure illness, suffering, sorrow in atonement for the sins I have committed. May those people whom I offended forgive me. Help me Lord, save and save my sinful soul Thank you God for everything! Thank you Lord!

Forgive me Lord, for my grave sins, I was led like a donkey in what I did. I feel shame, tears and contempt for myself now. Teach me how to live without sin, how to wash off filth. I appeal to Your mercy and protection! Pray in the name of Christ!

Lord, I am guilty before you. I was angry with my mother, and I stole, lied, envied. For my husband, forgive me, for my abortions, for foul language. And help my mother during the operation. And my relatives in their petitions to you. And may all the children of the Earth stop dying and getting sick. And I only know that you do not punish us, because you are love.

Heavenly Father! Holy powers forgive me for my sins. I constantly think about them and I know that only You can forgive me my sins. I ask you for help, I ask you not for myself, but for my son and grandchildren, so that they do not suffer because of my sins, please do not punish them for my sins. Forgive me, Lord, I am very guilty.

Forgive me and my sins, I try but I can’t do anything, but I don’t give up, I’m to blame! Sorry Annie!

Lord of God! Please forgive me for my sin that I have committed, deliver me from it, I do not want my life and my dreams to be spoiled in the future! I try to restrain myself from this vice, but it does not work! Forgive me my sin, for I am a sinner before you, save me from the evil one! I'm trying not to give up and never will! I am very guilty before you and I ask the Lord to help me please, I really want a family and children! I committed the most terrible vice and I repent of it, I feel very bad and I want to never repeat such a sin again! Please forgive me, Father of God, forgive me! Amen!

Forgive me, Lord, for all my sins. Forgive my children and grandchildren. Lord have mercy!

Lord, forgive my sinful soul I strongly repent of my deed Help me to take the right path and deliver me from torment


Lord Almighty, forgive my sins.

God give my family back! I don't want to divorce my wife! Let me forgive a sinner! I regret and repent! Forgive me, I beg you, give me a chance to fix everything?

Lord, forgive me my sins, I repent, I repent, I repent.

Lord, my God! I repent. Forgive me for sins, voluntary and involuntary, you yourself see and know everything, forgive me by your mercy and do not punish my daughter Alexandra and grandson Daniel for the sins of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. All the saints of heaven, pray to the Lord God for us.

Lord forgive me for all my sins and save me from illness Amen.

Lord, forgive me a sinner, forgive my family and friends, please, forgive me, I repent, save and save. Amen.

Lord, forgive me a sinner, forgive my family and friends, please, forgive me, I repent, save and save. Amen.

Lord, my dear beloved father, almighty, I love you so much and you yourself know about it, I so want world peace, I ask you to forgive me, a sinner for my sins and my sinful thoughts, I repent, I so want to be with you, I so want to go to heaven, Lord, I am writing this message to you and I know that you see it, forgive my mother, I love her very much, forgive her sinful, she is also a Kazakh, take her to heaven with me, belittling you with all my heart and soul, forgive all of mine relatives of sinners, forgive our sins, in the name of the father of the son and the holy spirit, amen.

Lord, save and save for my sins and from every disease

Lord, forgive my sinful soul, I repent for my sins and ask for your forgiveness.

Merciful eternal and almighty God, forgive me for ALL my sins, do not leave me alone with myself, guide me and my wife on the right path under your care, create us under your Will and do not let us go astray from YOUR GOD'S WAY. FORGIVE, have mercy and SAVE from all misfortunes. In the Name of the FATHER SON and the HOLY SPIRIT. AMEN forever and ever. THANK YOU HOLY FATHER. Praise to the FATHER SON and the HOLY SPIRIT forever and ever (August 2017)

Lord forgive me for all my sins

Lord, forgive me for a sinner, forgive me for myself, for what I have done, forgive me for my family and friends. Forgive me for my sins, get rid of these enemies and temptations. Lord, forgive me for my wrong deeds, forgive me for all this. I want to live on.

God forgive me, pray for my sins for me, don’t let anyone destroy my family, she is very dear to me. Pray for my husband to get out of prison as soon as possible. Thanks to. Amen…….

Please help open my husband's eyes, let him understand that I am faithful to him, that I am not deceiving him .... Please pray for us...

Lord, forgive me, cleanse me, forgive me for everything and guide me to your true God's path.

I would like to say a few words today about such a problem. Some people complain that after confession they do not feel any change in their souls: they say that it does not help me at all - it is clear that I am such an incorrigible sinner. Of course, the point here is not at all that a person is very sinful. Everything should be just the opposite: the more sinful the penitent feels, the more he receives after confession. As a priest, I know this from experience: when you read a permissive prayer over a person who has sincerely repented, sometimes he even involuntarily lets out a sigh of relief. You yourself at this time feel some kind of jubilation. Sometimes a person, leaving confession with a smile, feels some embarrassment: how is it that I told about such sins, but I feel light and joyful? But this is the amazing power of the sacrament: from the forgiveness of sins, a person always receives joy. And the sadder is that not everyone feels this joy. Why? Because they approach the sacrament of confession incorrectly. Today I will only talk about some common mistakes.

Often a person, having come to confession, is limited to mentioning two or three sins. Others believe that they have no sins at all. These are most often people who began to go to the temple at an advanced age. They don't really understand or don't want to understand what sin is. Such a person comes and is silent. The priest begins to ask him: “Did you have such a sin? And such and such? Outraged man: “How dare you?!” Like, I came, I did such a favor to God, and then they ask about some sins. It happens that people even write complaints: “How dare the priest ask me about this and that?” Why is this happening? Because they don't sin? Of course not - because they are.

However, much more often the other way around. A person more or less knows what confession is, but only names gross sins: “hit, deceived, scolded” ... And if during the week everything was, so to speak, calm, then he is at a loss: what to say? He does not notice that he daily condemns, gets angry, envies, exalts himself, mentally commits adultery, does not forgive his neighbor insults. And if he notices something, it seems to him that there is no need to talk about it at confession: after all, no one sees this, are these sins? I usually advise such people to read the book of the ever-memorable Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) "The Experience of Building a Confession." There it is accessible and detailed about what sins a Christian should repent of. But, of course, reading this book is only the first step; You have to learn to take care of your soul.

Everyone knows the saying of the Savior that “evil thoughts come out of the heart, and they defile a person.” What is the Lord talking about here? About how sin is born in us. It is important to always remember that any sin, the most terrible, begins with a simple "evil thought", that is, a sinful thought. The Holy Fathers distinguish between the degrees of acceptance of such thoughts: adjunction, combination, composition, consent, and, finally, a sin committed in deed. Of course, this gradation is conditional, but we must remember the main thing: a sinful thought with which we agree is already a sin, although it is still only mental. Often we do not commit this mental sin in practice only because we do not have the physical opportunity to sin or are afraid of punishment from people. If a person had perfect freedom to sin and knew that he would be punished, then he would allow himself a lot of things.

When a person does not see his mental sins? When he does not force himself to live according to the Gospel. We all seem to agree that we must live according to the commandments, but in fact we show that the Gospel is not at all important for us. It seems to us: “Now is not the time to live the gospel. Thank God that we don't get drunk, we don't fornicate, we don't steal."

I'll give you an example. He may seem funny to you, but he is very vital. Many recidivist criminals, who know that sooner or later they will be arrested and tried for this or that crime, are very fond of studying the Criminal Code. In my homeland, in Odessa, people spend the whole summer on the beach. And now such fellows go to the beach and instead of a detective or some light book, they take the Criminal Code with them and study it with great enthusiasm. They carefully study this book in order to know: if you get into your pocket under such and such circumstances, there will be one term, under such and such - another; to understand how to speak with the investigator, how to behave. These people are aware of what they are doing and what will happen to them for such and such a crime. And we are more frivolous than even criminals. We know that we will be judged according to the Gospel, and this is also a kind of collection of laws for us, everything is indicated there: what cannot be done, and what punishments will be for it. However, we do not study it and do not want to apply it to our lives.

If we try to live according to the commandments, then we will clearly see the multitude of our sins. We will see, for example, that we often succumb, although there is a commandment: "Do not judge, so that you will not be judged." After all, we are not told: "Do not judge the one whom there is nothing to judge for," but simply: "Do not judge." And we think: “How can we not condemn such and such a person, he is obviously doing bad things!” By the way, when a person forces himself with all his might to fulfill the Gospel, he naturally stop judging others. Because he begins to constantly see his own weakness, his own inability to fulfill the commandments. If he sees in himself that, for example, he constantly succumbs to fornication thoughts, then he does not feel entitled to condemn even a fornicator who sins in deed. If he sees that he gives in to anger and resentment, then he will not be able to condemn any fighter or murderer: he understands that in his soul he is the same as this fighter.

The more strictly a person conducts an internal struggle, the more he sees his mental falls. It is from this struggle that repentance comes. For real repentance, it is not at all necessary to have some grave sins. In Russia, there used to be such a sect - "penitents", somewhat ridiculous in their teachings. They believed that, as one bad Russian proverb says, "". They committed, for example, robbery, then they declared themselves to the police, and they were exiled to hard labor. These people believed that in this way they bring repentance. Why is there such ignorance? Precisely because people do not see their passions, do not see all their “minor” sins, consider them meaningless, and therefore begin to invent that some special sins are needed for repentance.

Blindness in relation to one's own passions leads to the fact that a person has nothing to say in confession. But it also sometimes leads to another extreme: a person tells in great detail and a lot about minor things. I know of such a case. One servant of God confessed to her confessor from evening to five o'clock in the morning. She was very pleased: what an attentive priest, he listened to her, and she believed that she confessed well. In fact, it was simple, that's all. A person is carried around with himself as with a written bag. This is how he loves himself, how he roams within himself!

This woman had a real confession for half an hour, and everything else was just a desire to talk. There will be no benefit from such a "confession". It is necessary to tell what is really in essence, and not enjoy the analysis of one's diverse spiritual life. This will no longer be a confession, but a novel in the style of a stream of consciousness, like James Joyce.

What does it mean to tell the truth? This means naming sins precisely – not in a vague way, but also, which is also important, not in one word. When a person says: “Sinned”, then the confessor can only guess: either the person wanted to kill someone, or got angry with the fly for its importunity. The priest should understand what is happening to you so that he can judge the degree of your guilt and, accordingly, give some kind of edification. And if you came and said: “I have sinned with anger, condemnation, idle talk,” what can the confessor tell you? "Congratulations!" - and that's it, nothing more. Father in such cases feels like a lectern. Here is a lectern with the Gospel, here is a confessor. Everything, so to speak, belonging to the sacrament is there, everything has been said, the confession has passed.

But to recognize the sin in oneself and correctly tell about it in confession is not all. It is also necessary to correctly accept admonition or from the priest. With this too a big problem. Sometimes you say to a person who has confessed grave sin: “You can’t take communion yet,” and he is indignant: “How? What are you?! How will I be without communion? It doesn’t even occur to him that he will partake of himself as a condemnation.

Often people cannot tolerate not only penance, but even some kind of remark, admonition. Here comes a man, repents that he had a fight with someone. Batiushka tells him: “You know, in order not to be angry, you must behave in such and such a way.” And he answered with resentment: “You don’t understand me.” It turns out that the priest had to say: “You were right to be angry with him! I should have hit him too!"

There is such a paradox: if a priest is attentive to people, tries to correct them and save them, he seems to have no love: “This is a strict priest, he punishes.” And it happens that a certain priest is indifferent to people, but outwardly friendly - and he just seems to be loving: “Such a good priest, he doesn’t say anything, he just smiles, he allows everything.”

And finally, the most important thing. It often seems to us that the feat of repentance consists only in regularly participating in the sacrament of confession. This is not true. To receive forgiveness of sins at confession, you need to prepare yourself with repentance during the rest of the time. We all sin a lot, one might say, constantly sin, and therefore we must constantly repent and ask God for forgiveness. But unceasing repentance is impossible without unceasing sobriety, and then, in turn, without. If we pray and sober up, then we see our constant mental falls and acquire, so to speak, the blessed habit of repentance. And this skill leads us to correction faster than all feats. We see an example of such unceasing repentance in the diaries. It was everyday, hourly repentance that made him what he is: a great prayer book, a righteous man, a miracle worker. Therefore, I will say it again: the sacrament of confession is the crown of repentance, and we must bear the feat of repentance itself every moment of our lives.

Question. When sins are forgiven a person: at the first repentant movement of the heart or at confession?

Answer. One does not exclude the other. You don’t need to think that if you sincerely prayed the Jesus Prayer and God forgave your sins, then you don’t need to talk about them in confession, and if you said it in confession, then you don’t need to constantly repent, praying the Jesus Prayer. Both are necessary, and one is impossible without the other. Deep repentance is impossible or very difficult without unceasing prayer, and it is impossible to truly pray, repent and receive forgiveness of sins if we do not confess, because in the sacrament of confession we are given grace-filled help to fight sin.

Question. If he is already constantly remembered and tormented, does this mean that he is not forgiven and you need to repent of him again?

Answer. Sin can be remembered by the action of the devil in order to bring us into . Remembering sins for the sake of humility is possible for those people who have already grown stronger spiritually, and from the memory of sins they come not to despair, but to repentance. And if this is not the case, then this temptation must be driven away, because we will either despair, or we will again succumb to the old passion. If the confessed sin is constantly remembered, this, I repeat, is a temptation. No need to treat this as something terrible, extraordinary, this is the usual state of affairs.

Question. Father, what if very, very? How to resist this feeling?

Answer. What helps us in any fight? Intensified prayer. The grace of God affects the soul of a person and gives him courage, gives him the strength to reveal sin. In general, you need to learn to overcome yourself, to overcome your weaknesses.

Question. When you start to take care of yourself and repent of mental falls, it seems that the life around you simply “shouts” that much more serious sins are being committed in the world, and repentance immediately disappears. Don't get out of this. How should I proceed?

Answer. Why doesn't the Gospel “cry out” to you that you must fulfill it? Surrounding life begins to “yell” about someone else’s sinfulness when you condemn people. You have to think about what you need to do - and you need to live according to the gospel. But it turns out like this for you: this person must live according to the Gospel, and this person must also live according to the Gospel, and you can live according to Old Testament; they, when they are struck on one cheek, must turn the other, and you will follow the law "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Compare yourself not with people, but with evangelical ideals, and then you will see how far you are from meeting them.

Grievances are for a person a kind of burden on the soul, which does not allow to live happily and move on. That is why it is important to be able to let go of the situation, in which the prayer for forgiveness of those who have offended us will help. If a person learns to forgive with all his heart, then negative experiences will go away and cleanse the soul.

The Church, psychologists, psychics and other people who work with energies claim that one can never take revenge for insults, because, in this way, a person is likened to those who do evil. Besides, revenge will never make a person happy. It is important to admit one's guilt, because a serious mistake is self-justification.

"Prayer of forgiveness" - a strong prayer for liberation from resentment

Reading this prayer is like meditation, which allows you to cleanse your soul and heart of all negative thoughts associated with grievances. It is recommended to sit in a comfortable position on a chair or on the floor, the main thing is that the body is not tense. After that, you need to close your eyes and concentrate on breathing. When you feel complete relaxation before reading the prayer for forgiveness of offenses, you need to think about what “forgiveness” means. It is important to understand what will change if you finally get rid of this burden. Direct your inner gaze to the heart and read a strong prayer for the forgiveness of a person:

“I forgive and love myself.

I forgive everyone who offended me and let go in peace.

I completely forgive everything.

I apologize to all those

Who have I offended voluntarily or unwittingly.

Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me...

I accept myself for who I am.

After all, I am part of this world.

I am free.

I love the whole world, I love myself, I feel like a light.

I ask God for forgiveness for everything I've done up until today.

God! Accept me forgiven and forgiven with an open heart

And pure thoughts

Accept me as part of yourself.

Lead now and forever my thoughts and deeds. Amen".

At this time, it is necessary to take into account what images arise in the head and which excite the soul. All of these are important for forgiveness. If it is difficult to learn the text, then the prayer can be pronounced in your own words, saying everything from a pure heart. Remember that it is important not only to forgive others, but also yourself. It is worth pronouncing words as often as possible, as this will allow you to move away from the existing negativity and possible resentment.

It is also worth saying that in Orthodoxy there is an icon in front of which people ask for forgiveness - miraculous icon Mother of God Softening of evil hearts.

In every nation in every country, secret words pass from parents to children that allow a person to communicate with higher power- Lord God. These words constitute a prayer. You can turn to God and ask him for blessings for some business, give thanks, and also offer up a prayer for the forgiveness of sins.

How to ask for forgiveness

We are all sinners and we all have a path created for us by the Lord. Even if it seems that there is no way out, everything in life is bad, do not forget - God has a plan for every person, even a notorious sinner. The main thing is to open the soul, show sincere repentance, purity of the soul. Everyone has a chance, and this is proved by the ascension of the thief, crucified next to Jesus Christ.

It is important to attend the house of the Lord - the church, as they will tell you how to beg for forgiveness correctly. The priest will conduct a confession, where he will listen to your sins, and then the sacrament of communion will be held. The church choir will give praise to the Lord by singing prayers, and you can join them. The main thing is to sincerely repent, otherwise there will be no point in repentance. It is necessary to experience real pangs of conscience in order for the soul to be cleansed of sin.

So, in order for a prayer to God for the forgiveness of sins to have power, certain conditions must be observed..

  • Attend the house of the Lord - church or temple.
  • At divine services, do not step aside when confession begins, do not run away from communion.
  • Offer prayer to the Heavenly Father not only in the temple, but also at home.
  • Do not sin, be pure in soul and thoughts.
  • Do not commit a sinful act.

Clarity of intentions will show your deeds and deeds. If, after worship, indulge in sin, this will speak of the weakness and baseness of desires. Sincere repentance has great power, and those who sincerely, truly experienced pangs of conscience will no longer fall into sin.

But you also need to understand that it will not work to repent of sin at once. This has been done for a long time, stubbornly and diligently, as Christianity teaches us. The more serious the sin, the longer it takes to repent. If many acts of one offense have been committed, for example, masturbation, theft, it may take a long time before the Lord has mercy and grants you the purification of the soul.

Church and lay texts

The Lord hears and sees us all, he knows who is addressing him. But you can talk not only with God, but also with the holy great martyrs. Prayers can also be directed to the Mother of God - the Holy Virgin Mary loves her children, no matter what they do.

After the remission of sins, the character of a person will also change. Purification of the soul means getting rid of those qualities that pushed a person to violate the commandments - laziness, weakness, lack of will, cowardice. A person will become diligent, persistent, brave - all this will allow him to overcome obstacles on his life path.

First you need to learn a prayer for reading at services. Although the words must come from the heart, there are certain texts that have long been used by the laity.

“O Lord Most Reverend, Heavenly Father, God in Heaven, I give my soul and body into your power, all my movements and thoughts. The time of my life, as well as the day and hour of its end, repose and repose, take everything at your will. Merciful Father, goodness that will not overcome the sins of the whole world, accept me into your service and grant deliverance from the evil one, having cleansed me from my iniquities and sins. Have mercy and cleanse with the hand of the heavenly creator, direct this hand to the path of salvation and farewell. Lord have mercy, amen."

The prayers of the laity differ from the prayers of the clergy. At confession, you need to write your sins on a piece of paper and tell the priest about them. He will take a piece of paper and begin his prayer, in which he will ask the Lord for the forgiveness of your soul. The laity cannot read such a prayer, since one needs to know the sacrament of the priesthood in order to read church prayer forgiveness of sins from the Lord. Here is another example of prayer for the laity.

“Lord, the savior of all things, the Guardian of man, grant your forgiveness to your unworthy servant, who is mired in sins. Deliver me from my enemies, delighting me into service and creation, and not into destruction and laziness. Grant me the possibility of a peaceful, Christian death, instructing me to get rid of sins. Accept my repentance of the soul, but be merciful to your servant at the Judgment. I praise the Creator forever and ever, amen.

There are also tips on proper treatment, on how to atone for sins before God. It is important to create a certain mood, to get rid of negative emotions, speak sincerely. You need to go to any icon in the church and start a prayer. It is not necessary to atone for misconduct clearly and loudly, you can simply whisper.

“Lord, I am weak, I admit it myself before you, but I ask you to correct your unworthy sheep by your hand. Reward your servant, give me strength for diligent service, vouchsafe me angelic love, not allowing me to commit sin from now on, because I am weak. Let me offer prayer and service to you, All-Merciful, for you are strength and hope. Praise and thanks be to you forever and ever. Amen".

Is it possible to pray at home

The Lord God possessed the power that every person should have - fortitude and mercy. He forgave sinners and was crucified on the cross for our sins. And people must learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Don't forget about God when you leave Orthodox church. It is necessary to offer him a prayer in the morning, before meals and before going to bed.

If there are no icons at home or the text of the prayer is forgotten, there is no need to despair. In prayer, words come from the soul, from the heart. The main thing is to respect God, admit your weaknesses and ask for forgiveness. Here is an example of how to pray for sins before God at home.

“God Almighty, Heavenly Father. I praise your sacrificial gift, which you brought for the sake of the ungodly sinners, who have not removed their sin to this day. I beg you, direct your mercy on me and deliver me from the obstacles in my path, give me the strength to overcome them and not fall into a new sin and forget the old one. I praise you forever and ever, amen."

Prayer for the forgiveness of one's sins has a powerful and delightful effect. If you live in accordance with the canons of Orthodoxy, you can see how much life gets better when you live with God in your heart.

Even if a person is not a respectable Christian living according to the canons, praying will help him. If you encounter difficulties along the way, you can ask Heavenly Father for help. The Lord sees everything, and he also knows that you remember him, and will grant redemption, because he is merciful and loves all his children.

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