Magnetic storms in October year schedule. During solar flares, it is worth monitoring your health more closely. Magnetic storms in October


Forecast of magnetic storms in October 2017 from useful to all weather dependent people.

After the stormy September solar cataclysms, I would like to believe that the next month will be calmer, and the weather forecast will be encouraging with minor bursts of the geomagnetic situation. However, the sun is in no hurry to subside, and almost the whole of October will keep us in suspense.

Throughout the month, and especially in the middle and at the end of October, a serious manifestation of solar activity and several magnetic storms are expected. Therefore, you should be on the alert so that they do not take you by surprise, do not spoil your well-being and mood in the middle of autumn.

of the year

During October 2017, a serious manifestation of solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28, 29 numbers.

Magnetic storms are expected 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 25, 26 numbers.


years - cause

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes that occur on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares, plasma particles escape into space with great speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

year - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people who are sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The reaction of the body to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the cause of a person’s poor health may be the state of his health at the moment. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors affect how we will endure the next magnetic storm.


In addition, an important factor is suspiciousness. It is believed that only 10% of humanity really suffers from excessive solar activity, and the remaining 90% come up with symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in October 2017.

What to do to make it easier of the year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • rest more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always carry the necessary medicines with you;
  • Eat right to lower your cholesterol levels. A vegetable diet, the use of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid alcohol during this period.


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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2017 magnetic storms in 2017 magnetic storms in october magnetic storms in October 2017 timetable of magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 schedule magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 in detail calendar of magnetic storms for October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in october 2017 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2017 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in October days of magnetic storms in October 2017

To control health and emotional background, everyone needs to know about magnetic storms in 2017. The schedule of perturbations of the geomagnetic sphere for the period from January to December is in this article. We will also discuss the features of the state of the human body and measures of assistance on adverse days.

Calendar of magnetic storms for 2017

Magnetic storms in January 2017

Increased activity of natural phenomena is not expected, so in January there is practically no danger to health. Minor cosmic flares are expected on the following dates:

  • January 2;
  • January 6;
  • January 10th.

Magnetic storms of medium strength will occur:

  • 1st of January;
  • January 3;
  • January 7;
  • January 8;
  • January 11th.

In order not to suffer from the January magnetic storms, one must in every possible way protect oneself from stress. It is better for hypertensive patients not to get up abruptly in the morning, to do it slowly and smoothly. A contrast shower works well.

On negative days, walks and being in the fresh air are welcome, rather than sitting at home within four walls. On days of harmful solar activity, you do not need to impose significant physical exertion on yourself and, if possible, do little fitness.

When anxiety symptoms appear, appropriate medications should be taken. If you feel the rise of aggression, you will need a sedative, with pressure surges - pills to normalize it.

Magnetic storms in February 2017

According to experts, February will be an unfavorable month in terms of magnetic storms and the well-being of weather-dependent people. Natural phenomena will be so strong that even people who are not weather sensitive can suffer physically and mentally.

Here are the dates of the magnetic storms:

  • February 5th;
  • February 7;
  • February 10;
  • February, 15;
  • February 23;
  • February 27;
  • 28th of February.

Care should be taken on the day of a rather powerful outbreak - February 5, since jumps in blood pressure are not ruled out, especially for hypertensive patients. Also, not a weak storm will occur on February 7, the cores will have to stock up on medicines, problems are expected for people with mental disorders. It is advisable to start taking measures in advance to prevent exacerbations of chronic diseases.

On February 10, a strong storm is also expected, along with it, sharp temperature changes will begin closer to the middle of the month, the weather will be extremely unstable. Weakened people on such days have a predisposition to colds and inexplicable mood swings.

There will be another storm on February 15th. Among other ailments, especially sensitive people will be disturbed by nervousness and insomnia.

February 23 - there is a certain probability of disturbances in the earth's magnetosphere. On February 27, a weak storm will occur, and on February 28, a storm of medium strength.

There is no need to plan important matters and physical labor for the days of magnetic storms. It is better to follow the weather forecast and wait for favorable days for an active life.

Magnetic storms in March 2017

The warm month of March will be difficult in terms of unfavorable days. This is due to a noticeable rise in the activity of natural phenomena. There are only a few quiet days this month.

These days, magnetic storms are recorded that are dangerous to the health of weather-sensitive people:

  • March 1;
  • 2nd of March;
  • March, 3rd;
  • March 4;
  • March 13;
  • March 16;
  • March 19;
  • March 21;
  • March 22;
  • March 28;
  • March 29.

In the first days of March, that is, on the 1st and 2nd, weak storms will occur. And the 3rd and 4th numbers are not required, but perturbations of the earth's magnetosphere are possible.

On the 13th and 16th of March, experts predict outbreaks of medium strength. They should pay attention to people prone to jumps in blood pressure. March 19, 21, 22 - these days are characterized by the highest negativism. As a result of the March outbreaks, not only weather-sensitive people will suffer, but also ordinary people. Everyone has a high risk of increased irritability, bad mood, apathy towards everything. Chronic diseases may worsen.

March 28 and 29 - moderately heavy storms. Unpleasant sensations can overtake people with hypertension and various heart pathologies.

In order to minimize the harm to health and well-being from outbreaks in space, it is necessary to try to have less contact with people on critical dates, communicating calmly and only when necessary. It is useful to prepare sedatives and painkillers, to work less physically.

Magnetic storms: weather-dependent people are often subject to weather fluctuations, so the forecast of magnetic storms for today is always relevant

Magnetic storms in April 2017

Only 3 dates when space will be restless:

  • April 1;
  • April 18th;
  • 20 April.

The geomagnetic situation in April will be relatively smooth. The only powerful outbreak will occur on the 18th. Extreme caution should be observed by all pregnant women and mothers of infants, the elderly, since magnetic flashes act most destructively and brightly on these categories of people.

As for the 1st and 20th of this month, storms of moderate severity fall on them, cores and people with hypertension should be aware.

On the days of magnetic storms, it is better not to plan deep mental work, seek solitude and tranquility, use natural sedatives, such as valerian, mint. We also advise you to eat right so as not to aggravate the influence of space on health.

Magnetic storms in May 2017

May natural phenomena are expected to take place on these days:

  • May 11;
  • 12 May;
  • may 13;
  • May 14;
  • May 15;
  • 16th of May;
  • May 17;
  • May 20;
  • May 21st;
  • 22nd of May;
  • May, 23rd;
  • May 24;
  • May 25;
  • May 28;
  • May 29;
  • May 30;
  • May 31.

For all weather-sensitive people, experts predict a deterioration in well-being in the period May 11-17. These days, blood pressure drops can occur, migraine pains become aggravated, and the heart rhythm goes astray. People with any chronic diseases (mainly heart disease, hypertension) are especially at risk.

Storms of medium strength will pass in the period May 20-25. These days, the Earth's magnetic field will be turbulent, so it is better for weather-dependent people to stay at home, not to travel and debate, to maintain a calm and balanced behavior, and not to take on a lot of physical work.

The period of May 28-31 is also unfavorable for people with chronic diseases, hypotension, hypertension. To help meteorologically dependent - special preparations, simple relaxation methods (yoga, water procedures, aromatherapy) and any measures to improve blood circulation. On unfavorable days, as well as immediately before them, the rejection of alcoholic beverages and harmful foods is welcome.

Magnetic storms in June 2017

Dates of solar activity in June:

  • June 8;
  • the 9th of June.

In the first half of summer, weather-sensitive persons can live in peace, only outbreaks of medium intensity are planned for the 8th and 9th. We can say that this month the danger to health is reduced to zero. You just need to be on the alert on the indicated dates, as headaches and pressure surges may appear, and the disposition to conflicts will increase.

If you behave incorrectly, then during the hours of summer magnetic activity, insomnia and irritability over trifles may disturb you. In such cases, we can recommend taking preparations of motherwort, valerian.

Magnetic storms in July 2017

For the month of July, the magnetic forecast is as follows:

  • July 7;
  • July 15;
  • July 29.

Discomfort often appears a couple of hours before the onset of negative natural phenomena in space. It is undesirable that at the height of summer you should be disturbed by a breakdown, chronic fatigue and the whole range of ailments associated with meteosensitivity. For this reason, it is necessary to properly prepare for the indicated days and protect from stressful situations.

Magnetic storms in August 2017

We list all the days of magnetic storms in August:

  • August 2;
  • August 3rd;
  • August 16;
  • August 17;
  • August 18;
  • August 20th.

Minor perturbations of the magnetic field are expected on August 2 and 3, these days you may feel depressed, develop depression. Weather-sensitive persons should take care of the quality of sleep, as insomnia awaits them.

The brightest oscillations of the geomagnetic sphere will occur on August 16 and 17. In order to survive these two days normally, you need to take care of the prevention of possible disorders and avoid any kind of overexertion.

Medium-heavy magnetic storms fall on August 18 and 20. Not everyone, but some may worsen the condition, first of all, this includes problems with the heart and pressure.

During critical hours, it is undesirable to travel by transport, including subway and air travel. We also advise you not to overeat and not be nervous.

Magnetic storms: forecast for 2017 will help people control their well-being

Magnetic storms in September 2017

It is known that this month solar activity will increase on these days:

  • 6 September;
  • September 26th.

With the onset of autumn, many develop depression. So that magnetic storms do not enhance this effect, you must always find an opportunity for a good rest and set yourself up for positive with all your might.

Magnetic storms in October 2017

In general, October is characterized by a decrease in solar impact on the Earth, but minor flares are expected on these dates:

  • October 1;
  • 29th of October;
  • October 30.

If you have heart problems, you will have to limit yourself in physical work. It is undesirable to stay behind the wheel for a long time. On dangerous days, important decisions should not be made, as any stress should be avoided.

Magnetic storms in November 2017

Scientists have reported weak geomagnetic flares these days:

  • 11th of November;
  • 15th of November;
  • November 18th.

October and November are generally quiet months, as disturbances in the Earth's magnetosphere are rather weak. Weather-sensitive people need to behave very calmly and lead a measured life.

Magnetic storms in December 2017

At the end of the year, an abundance of powerful storms is also not expected, but there is still a possibility of discomfort and exacerbation of diseases these days:

  • December 3;
  • December 26;
  • 27th of December;
  • December 28th.

Storms of sufficient strength will pass on December 26 and 29. With proper self-control and disease prevention, problems can be avoided. If necessary, we advise you to take peony tincture, preparations of valerian and motherwort, vitamin tea with mint, St. John's wort and rose hips.

We analyzed the unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people for all months of 2017. The current data is provided as an example. For greater accuracy, you can find on the Internet a more detailed geomagnetic schedule for days and hours immediately before the date of interest. Next, we present useful information for people who are prone to poor health during the days and hours of disturbances in the geomagnetic field.

Interesting facts about magnetic storms

What is a geomagnetic storm?

A geomagnetic storm should be understood as a disturbance in the geomagnetic medium. This phenomenon can last for several hours or days. Magnetospheric substorms and geomagnetic storms are a kind of geomagnetic activity of nature. The provocateur of these phenomena is the penetration of an aggressive high-speed solar wind close to the Earth; it interacts in a special way with the Earth's magnetosphere.

Geomagnetic flashes testify to the activation of the ring current located in the earth's radiation belts. The phenomenon of storms is a significant component of solar and terrestrial physics, in general it is called space weather.

How do magnetic storms affect people?

Geomagnetic storms are an essential element in space weather and at the same time affect communication systems, spacecraft navigation systems, power systems, pipelines, and transformers. Also, these natural phenomena can adversely affect the work of the human body.

Scientists are actively discussing the relationship of solar activity with injuries at work, transport accidents and various accidents.

The peculiarity of the deterioration of health from solar magnetic storms is that it has an early effect. This means that the body of different people is immersed in stress even before the atmosphere begins to fluctuate from the solar wind. For example, many people experience discomfort 1-2 days before the storm itself, which means that they react specifically to solar flares.

It is known that about 70% of cases of heart attack, stroke and hypertensive crisis are associated with geomagnetic activity. This means that people with hypertension and various heart disorders should watch themselves on adverse days and try to resist the disease.

Here are the most common complaints of weather dependents:

  • headaches (mainly migraine);
  • critical acceleration of the heart rate;
  • general poor health along with a decrease in vitality;
  • significant drops in blood pressure;
  • insomnia.

According to scientists, such ailments appear as a result of oxygen starvation of the body from the effect of magnetic field fluctuations on blood circulation in the capillaries.

According to recent estimates, magnetic storms cause a huge number of people to suffer, namely, 50-75% of all people on Earth are subject to them. Data vary from study to study, so this range is given.

It has been found that up to half of all people on Earth are predisposed to adapt perfectly to magnetic storms. This means that many have every chance of steadfastly resisting the influence of the solar wind on health. That is, it is quite possible that individual people will practically not respond to a number of magnetic storms that occur on a weekly basis. It has also been observed that the vast majority of young people ignore geomagnetic disturbances or react minimally to them.

There are separate sources that deny the impact of geomagnetic fluctuations in space on human health and well-being. Gravitational phenomena associated with a change in the position of the Moon, the Earth and other planets have little effect on the human body, since they cause insignificant perturbations of the magnetic field. According to the opponents of the theory of the harm of geomagnetic storms, there are much more aggressive factors in people's lives, such as sharp ascents and descents, acceleration, shaking and braking when traveling in transport. Perhaps they provoke health and well-being problems.

Despite the fact that the opinions of scientists are divided, you need to monitor your health. Weather sensitive people should regularly check the relevant current news on the Internet or on TV to know what days magnetic storms will take place. Perhaps some connection between ailments and fluctuations in the geomagnetic sphere will be noticed.

Magnetic storms in October 2017 will not be too strong. However, in combination with the inevitable seasonal cooling, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and autumn depression, even slight fluctuations can significantly worsen the condition of weather-dependent people.

The influence of magnetic storms Many people often refer to magnetic storms under various circumstances, but not everyone knows exactly what the essence of this natural phenomenon is.

Inside the Earth is a liquid core that generates currents that create the planet's magnetic field. When an ejection occurs on the Sun and flies towards the Earth, it is the magnetosphere that protects our planet from the “aggressive” solar wind.

The result of the collision of two cosmic energies is magnetic storms. All organs in the human body also have a certain magnetic field.

When a magnetic storm does not coincide in frequency with a certain organ, it fails. In addition, our psycho-emotional state may also change. Thunderstorms have a similar effect, so during a lightning shower, some inexplicable fear often arises.

Magnetic storms will continue on Earth from October 24 to October 27. However, according to experts, these magnetic storms will be much weaker than the September ones.

In connection with magnetic storms, even healthy people may experience health problems - malaise, weakness, irritability, headache.

Weather-dependent people who react even to changes in the weather may complain of jumps in blood pressure. Failures may occur in the operation of various devices, as well as communication providers, satellite systems.

In general, October 2017 and November 2017 most likely will not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. Particularly serious solar flares are not yet expected, and scientists warn us only of very minor geomagnetic fluctuations.

Any geomagnetic disturbances that occur with our planet are directly dependent on the processes that are taking place on the Sun at this time.

While flashes occur on our star in areas of dark spots, plasma particles enter space, which rush at great speed to the planets of the solar system. When these particles reach our planet's atmosphere, they cause the Earth's geomagnetic oscillations.

I would like to warn suspicious and impressionable people from inventing false symptoms and illnesses attributed to geomagnetic fluctuations. Of course, everyone has their own reaction to magnetic storms.

In addition, the issue of the influence of geomagnetic oscillations of the earth on human well-being has not yet been thoroughly studied by scientists. However, it should be noted that the state of our health at the current moment directly affects how we respond to solar activity.

If you are prone to some kind of disease, your immune system is weakened, you are in a stressful situation, overstrained and emotionally exhausted, in this case, your body may fail and react to magnetic storms with a serious deterioration.

If, on the contrary, you are cheerful, cheerful, healthy and cheerful, it is most likely that you will not even notice the past magnetic storms and spend this day no worse than any other.

For the most sensitive people, doctors have developed a system of recommendations. Partial or full implementation of these rules will help you survive the magnetic storms in October 2017 - November 2017 without any health problems.

In the days preceding magnetic fluctuations and in the days of magnetic storms, refrain from drinking alcohol and heavy meals, including fatty, spicy, salty foods. For this period, it is better to observe moderation in food and try to focus on healthy food.

Drink more pure water. Do not neglect teas, compotes, herbal mixtures, chicory. Try to drink those drinks that do not have a strong effect on your cardiovascular system. Try to refrain from coffee, strong and invigorating teas.

Try to spend more time outdoors and less indoors. Any heavy physical activity is recommended to be postponed for another period. Walking in the fresh air, on the contrary, will do you good.

During magnetic storms, you can drink soothing herbal tinctures or add them to tea. Motherwort, valerian, sage, and some other herbs can help you get through magnetic fluctuations more easily.

Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to take on work that requires concentration or monotony of actions.

If you have any chronic diseases, take care in advance that the necessary medicines are at your fingertips at all times.

Try to give your body and mind a rest during this difficult period, and then you will survive periods of magnetic fluctuations without any problems!

The essence of magnetic storms is as follows: there is a liquid core under the Earth, which generates currents. These currents create the planet's magnetic field. At the moment when there is an outburst of currents on the Sun and is directed towards the Earth, then the magnetosphere protects the planet Earth from a strong solar wind.

As a result, two cosmic energies collide. This phenomenon is called magnetic. The organs in our body also have a certain magnetic field.

If a magnetic storm does not correspond in frequency with some organs, then our body gives some failure. Plus, it is possible that with magnetic phenomena, the psycho-emotional state of a person will also change.

Thunderstorms affect people in much the same way, the site writes. This factor explains why people have an incomprehensible fear when it rains with lightning.

To date, scientists have recorded 2 different winds that come from different points of a large star. The planet meets them once every fourteen days.

It is predicted that the Earth will meet with a denser flow after the sixth and seventh of November. Another stream, which is weaker, will meet the planet already in the twenty-fourth, twenty-seventh of October.

It is reported that the coming magnetic phenomena will pass with moderate strength. Scientists have measured that the strength of magnetic storms will range from two to five points. This takes into account the five-point scale of storms.

The influence of magnetic storms will be only at geographic latitudes of sixty degrees and above. In this case, the influence will be directed to the energy systems.

Fifty to seventy percent of people around the world are affected by the pathogenic effects of magnetic storms. It is known that in different people the onset of the body's stress reaction to disturbances in the geomagnetic field can shift relative to the very moment of the increase in geomagnetic activity. Some people react with a deterioration in well-being just in the midst of a magnetic storm. For others, a deterioration in the condition is observed 1-2 days before this moment, when flashes on the surface of the Sun are still observed. The third becomes bad only after a certain period of time after the end of the magnetic storm. Therefore, you need to analyze the changes in your well-being in connection with the forecast of the geomagnetic situation. This is the only way to reveal the individual characteristics of your body's reaction to changes in geomagnetic activity.

Halloween. 31, or rather, Halloween is celebrated on the night of November 31-1. In 2017, this night falls from Tuesday to Wednesday. This holiday originated on the site of the current Great Britain and Ireland, its roots originate in the ancient culture of the Celtic tribes. Halloween is a traditional holiday with a long history in English-speaking countries. The emigration of the inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand caused the spread of traditions to celebrate Halloween in these territories as well. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the theme of Halloween began to appear in works of art: episodes in literature and cinema began to be devoted to this holiday, which contributed to the emergence of interest in the symbols and traditions of Halloween in all European countries, as well as in the CIS countries, including Russia. Until the early 90s of the last century, this holiday was practically unknown in the CIS countries, but in recent decades, the audience of Halloween fans has expanded significantly. In the post-Soviet space, Halloween is especially popular among young people and students. Many entertainment venues hold themed events on this night.

Today, only a number of amusing and fascinating traditions have survived from the ancient majestic festival. During Halloween, various "terrible" attractions are organized in many of the largest cities in the world. New York has a Halloween parade, which is usually broadcast by major TV channels. Up to 2,000,000 demonstrators take part in this event. Parades are also held in Japan, and in Ireland this holiday is celebrated with large-scale fireworks. In Baltimore, there is a tradition of "pumpkin tossing". This is a kind of competition for the most effective invention that will allow the pumpkin to survive when it is dropped from the 10th floor ...

There is a tradition to dress up on Halloween night in costumes of evil spirits and various monsters. Halloween masquerade costumes are usually saturated with red and black colors. The most popular images are vampires, witches, ghouls, skeletons, devils and ghosts. But there are no strict dress codes during Halloween: you can dress how you like. The costumes of presidents, pop stars, famous personalities, movie characters, cartoon characters and so on are also widespread. Everyone spends time in bars, where competitions are held for the most outrageous, "fancy" and original costume.

Also on Halloween it is customary to guess. The girls eat an apple and throw the peel behind their backs. Allegedly, according to the shape of the fallen apple peel, you can guess the first letter of the betrothed's name. By the way, apples are an essential ingredient in most traditional Halloween dishes. They bake special bread with raisins, in which they bake a coin, a chip, a ring, a pea and a cloth. According to the object that you get while eating this bread, you can predict the future: a coin is for prosperity, fabric for poverty, a sliver for many annoying troubles, a ring for a wedding, and a pea for loneliness. Even during Halloween, you can tell fortunes on chestnuts: for this, women put 2 chestnuts in a fire flame. If chestnuts burn down, quietly lying nearby, then until the next Halloween, the woman will live in harmony with her husband. If the chestnuts crack and scatter in different directions, quarrels, disagreements and separation are coming.

An obligatory attribute of Halloween is a Jack-o'-lantern (a head made of a pumpkin with a candle located inside and a mouth and eyes cut out). This symbol simultaneously denotes the completion of agricultural work, and the evil spirit, and the flame of fire that scares him away. In such a bizarre way, various ancient images and beliefs intertwined in one object. There is an Irish tale explaining the origin of this Halloween symbol:

One night between November 31 and November 1, a blacksmith-drunk named Stingy Jack was in a pub and indulged in his favorite vice. He had already reached such a condition that he freely communicated with the devils, and his soul had matured to the point that the Devil himself became interested in it. Miserly Jack agreed to sell him his soul for a mug of beer. Then the Devil turned into a coin so that Jack could buy himself a drink. The cunning drunk, instead of buying beer, threw a coin into his pocket, and there he had a silver cross. The devil fell into a trap and experienced terrible torment from the proximity to the cross. He begged Miserly Jack for release, and Jack finally let him go, but before that he bargained for himself a dozen years of a calm and comfortable existence. After 10 years, the Devil again appeared to Stingy Jack. Jack reminded him of how humanely he acted in letting him go, and asked him to fulfill his last desire - to serve him an apple from an apple tree. Then the Devil climbed onto Jack's shoulders to reach the branch with the apple. At this time, the cunning Miserly Jack managed to quickly scrawl a cross on the bark of a tree. So the Devil fell into a trap again. This time, he vowed that he would never take Stingy Jack's soul at all. Whatever it was, but after a while, Jack died. It is clear that the soul of this drunkard and sinner was not allowed into heaven and was sent to hell. But on the threshold of the underworld, the Devil blocked her path and said: “I swore not to take your soul. I can't let you in!" Miserly Jack asked: "Where should I go?" The devil replied, "Where you came from." As a result, Jack's soul could not find its place in either hell or heaven and was doomed to wander in eternal darkness. Once Jack asked the Devil to give him at least some source of light. And the Devil pulled out a smoldering ember from the hellfire, such that it could never burn, and threw it to Miserly Jack. Jack had turnips with him, his favorite food. He cut out the middle of it, put the coal inside and went to wander in the darkness, seeking and not finding peace. Since then, he was no longer called Miserly Jack, and he received his new name Jack Lantern. And to this day, the Jack-O-Lantern wanders in the dark, waiting for the Last Judgment. He became a symbol of a rejected and damned soul. Such is the fairy tale!

Over the long history of Halloween celebrations, terrible faces with candles inside have been made from beetroot, turnips and potatoes, but pumpkin was the best for creating a Jack-o-lantern. Tradition has chosen it on it. Halloween is a funny and cheerful holiday and year by year it is becoming more and more confident in our lives.

It can be very different: beautiful and not quite, dirty and clean, warm and cool ... Much is determined by the presence of sunlight - if the sun shines, then the day turns out to be bright and clear, and our mood becomes the same; if the sun is not visible because of heavy gray clouds, then on such a cloudy day waves of autumn despondency roll in. So people treat it differently: someone loves it for its unique yellow-crimson extravaganza, cool weather and cozy warm sweaters, while someone can’t stand cold, dampness and darkness at all, and therefore impatiently dreams of the onset of a warm spring. And how do you feel about the second autumn month? So many people adhere to the stereotype that autumn is a period of time intended for self-pity and sadness, melancholy falls on them in autumn, they fall into depression. If you, or someone you know, is one of those people prone to autumn despondency, try to focus on everything positive that this time of year brings with it. Indeed, there is nothing wrong this month, and life should always be enjoyed! The sweltering summer heat is over, annoying flies and mosquitoes have disappeared… unusually clear days occur between tedious autumn rains. And the cool air is sometimes so fresh that it is simply impossible for them to breathe. Yes, and rainy days are not at all as nightmarish as it might seem at first glance. Remember how nice it is when it's raining outside, and with a cup of hot coffee and looking at the raindrops on the window glass - nature is seething, everything is flooded with rain, gusts of cold wind, and you are warm and comfortable ... they finish harvesting, and on the markets are still full of delicious fresh vegetables and fruits… You can still find a lot of mushrooms in the forest… The beauty of nature has already been mentioned more than once, and cultural life is in full swing in the cities this month – many concerts and exhibitions take place just in 2017.

Magnetic storms - schedule for October 2017. Adverse days in October 2017 was last modified: October 27th, 2017 by Magnetic storms

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