Why is Galina Volchek in a wheelchair? Galina Volchek: “I had two husbands and one delusion Galina Volchek biography personal illness

Volchek Galina Borisovna - famous and beloved by all Soviet actress, as well as a theater director and teacher, awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Colleagues simultaneously love, respect and fear her.

Galina Volchek, whose biography and personal life are very interesting and rich, has done a lot in the world of cinema. She made a great contribution to the culture of Russia and raised it to a higher level. high level.


Actress Galina Volchek was born in Moscow in creative family. Her father was a famous director, and her mother was a screenwriter. There are many fateful moments in the biography of Galina Volchek.

When Galya was a very little girl, she already loved to read and that's all. free time spent with books. At first they were picture books, but gradually the interest became more serious.

The parents of the future legend of the Russian theater drew attention to their daughter's passion and were sure that she would want to enter the M. Gorky Literary Institute. But Volchek became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. She studied there until 1955.


Galina Volchek is the founder of the studio of young actors, later called Sovremennik. At the origins of the studio, along with it stood:

  • O. Efremov.
  • E. Evstigneev.
  • I. Kvasha.
  • L. Tolmacheva.
  • O. Tabakov.

The actress Galina Volchek was an actress until the end of the 50s, and already in 1962 she showed herself as a talented director. Directing activity Volchek entered the history of Russian art. Ten years later, Galina became the head of the theater.

As an actress, Galina Borisovna played many bright and serious roles in the theater. One of her most important and most interesting works is the role of Martha in the play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". And her very first directorial work was a production based on the play by W. Gibson "Two on a Swing".

Galina Volchek, whose biography is filled with creative success, fortitude and many victories, became the first Russian director who managed to break the cultural barrier between Russia and the United States. The performances staged by Volchek are always very interesting, dynamic and memorable.

Her productions based on the plays of famous American writers have always enjoyed exceptional success. Galina Volchek was awarded the prestigious American theater award "Drama Desk". And this is the first and only time that this award has been presented to a non-American director and non-American theater.

Galina has always loved to travel, and she was often invited to give lectures to students in different countries. She gave master classes in New York, which she did just great.

The last production of Volchek in the theater is the same work by Gibson "Two on a Swing", from which it began. actor career Galina. AT last years it is often said that Galina Volchek left the theater, but this is not so: she still leads an active creative life despite age.

She first appeared in films in 1957. It was a magnificent adaptation of the novel Don Quixote directed by Grigory Kozintsev. In this picture, Galina Volchek played the maid Maritornes. After that came such pictures as:

  • "Sinful Angel"
  • "King Lear".
  • "A bridge is being built."

Galina often happened to play only episodic roles, but each of them was bright, bold and interesting. One of these "supporting roles" Volchek played in the film "Beware of the car." Here she appeared in the image of a buyer of a tape recorder in a thrift store.

The actress managed to live the couple of minutes allotted to her in the frame in such a way that she was remembered by millions of viewers. She also had to play far from positive characters. But even in negative roles, Galina Volchek was incomparable.

The director took part in many documentaries, for example:

  • About the life of Irina Skobtseva.
  • About the life of Oleg Efremov.
  • About the life of Evgeny Lebedev.
  • About the life of Mikhail Kozakov.

Galina Volchek is the favorite of the audience of several generations. After a long pause, she returned to the screens and delighted fans with her new film role. In the series " mysterious passion The director played herself. This series tells about the representatives of the culture of the twentieth century. All characters are taken from real life and their names are fictitious.

Personal life

Officially, Volchek was married twice. With her first husband, Yevgeny Evstigneev, Galina met while still a student. In this marriage, the son Denis was born, who followed in the footsteps of his parents and became a famous director. Unfortunately, after nine years living together Galina Volchek and Evgeny Evstigneev broke up. As the actress herself says, she was the first to express a desire to get a divorce.

Galina's second husband was a scientist, doctor technical sciences Mark Abelev. They lived in marriage for a very short time. After some time, the couple broke up. After her divorce from Mark, Galina met with other men, but she decided not to have more children. Denis Evstigneev is the only son of Volchek.

After her second marriage, the artist lived for ten years in a civil marriage with a man with whom she prefers not to advertise her relationship. In an interview, Galina said that she had two official spouses, a couple of novels and one misunderstanding. After ten years of living with this man, Galina no longer entered into a relationship and did not plan to start a family. She was actively engaged in creativity, fully devoting herself to work.

Our days

Thanks to this wonderful director, Russian cinema received many talented actors. Galina Borisovna's favorite pastime is the patronage of young talents and the "creation" of celebrities. Until 1999, the director was a member of the State Duma Committee on Cultural Affairs. Galina resigned from parliament own will. Volchek is also an excellent fashion designer. According to her sketches, many fashionable and original outfits were created.

In recent years, Volchek's health began to fail. She moves with the help of a wheelchair. But he tries not to talk about his well-being and problems with anyone. By nature, this woman is an optimist, a cheerful person. A wheelchair does not prevent the star from doing what she loves, chatting with friends, participating in creative evenings.

In 2017, she received the title of Hero of Labor, at the same time she celebrated her creative anniversary. Galina Borisovna worked at Sovremennik for sixty years, fifteen of which she devoted to filming, and forty-five to directing.

Behind the director is a huge creative world, which she created with her own hands, her determination, optimism. She gave all of herself to the culture of Russia, gave the national cinema and theater many talented actors and directors. Author: Irina Angelova

This article will be about famous actress Soviet and Russian cinema, director and teacher - Galina Volchek. She was able to become the "People's Artist of the USSR" in her long life. She received the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" for her work. She has achieved everything in her life and is a role model. He has a son who admired his mother from an early age and decided to follow in the footsteps of Galina. The life of this wonderful woman is quite eventful, so let's move on to detailed analysis biographies.

Height, weight, age. How old is Galina Volchek

Although the actress is already pretty elderly woman, everyone who is interested in her wants to know everything to the smallest detail, including height, weight, age. How old is Galina Volchek, the question arises, because our heroine looks pretty good from the photographs. On the this moment the actress is 83 years old. The weight is 65 kilograms, and the height is 163 centimeters. Galina was born under the star "Sagittarius" in the year of the "Rooster". Unfortunately, the woman is now sick and therefore her weight is rapidly decreasing. But fans and loved ones hope for Volchek's recovery.

Biography and personal life of Galina Volchek

Biography and personal life of Galina Volchek, the most interesting point in the life of the actress. She was born in the winter, December 19, 1933 in the capital of Russia. In a family of screenwriters and directors. So future star, could not go to study in another profession.

All childhood was spent reading books, Galina from an early age was pleased to sit all day and penetrate the lives of book characters.

In 1955 she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, after which she went to work in the theater. She and her colleagues, such as: Oleg Efremov, Evgeny Evstigneev and others, create the "Studio of Young Actors", after some time this project will turn into the famous Sovremennik Theater.

Filmography: films starring Galina Volchek

In 1962, our heroine decides to try herself as a director and she does it pretty well. She received her main success from the play "Two on a Swing", which played more than 30 times on the stage of the theater. Other works such as: "Three Comrades" and "Ordinary History" also brought considerable success to Galina. She also conquered the United States with her performances, for which she was awarded the Drama Desk Award.

In addition to the theater, the actress also acted in films; she has a rather extensive filmography on her account. Here are a few of the films where she took direct roles: "Don Quixote" (1957), "Autumn Marathon", "The Tale of the Little Red Riding Hood" and others. As a film director, she also managed to try herself, which turned out pretty well.

In total, Volchek was engaged twice in her life. The first marriage was with work partner Yevgeny Evstigneev, to whom she bore a son. The second marriage was with a scientist - Mark Abeleev, but they also had to leave.

Family and children of Galina Volchek

The family and children of Galina Volchek are an accessible topic for everyone to read. If you still do not know in which family our heroine was born, then we will tell you. The girl's father was a certain Boris Volchek, he was at that time a well-known director, as well as a cameraman. Mother, Vera Maymina, was a screenwriter. And as you might guess, Galina had no choice, she would have to follow in the footsteps of her parents anyway. Most importantly, even grandfather was closely associated with cinema.

Children for Volchek are the flowers of life. She loves her son Denis very much. He, like his mother, became famous person. Works as a film director and producer. Lives with beloved Catherine.

The son of Galina Volchek - Denis

The son of Galina Volchek - Denis, like his mother, followed in the footsteps of his parents. A young man was born on October 29, 1961. From an early age dreamed of becoming famous as a mother. And in 1983, he graduated educational institution, by profession operator. Immediately after that, he takes part in the filming of the film. After a short period of time, he is awarded the State Prize of the USSR. Throughout his career, he took part in many projects, including the time to star in some films. Was engaged twice. Now she often visits her mother, due to her deteriorating health.

Former husband of Galina Volchek - Evgeny Evstigneev

The ex-husband of Galina Volchek, Evgeny Evstigneev, is People's Artist THE USSR. He was born back in 1926 on an autumn day. Parents were not connected with the scene. Initially, the dreams of the theater did not visit little Zhenya, he had to work at the factory. But the only difference from his peers was that he knew how to play many musical instruments. In 1946, he went to study at the theater school.

I met our heroine on stage, after which he offered her a "hand and heart." After the wedding, the actress gave birth to his son. But the marriage broke up after 9 years. Unfortunately, the man died in 1992.

Former husband of Galina Volchek - Mark Abeleev

The ex-husband of Galina Volchek is Mark Abeleev, a successful Soviet professor. Born February 26, 1935. Since his father was a famous scientist, the boy wanted to follow in the footsteps of his parents since childhood. During his life he worked on many monographs. Received, in 1966 - the State Prize of the USSR. Now he works as a director at the Center for Innovative Sciences.

The marriage between Galina and Mark did not last long, they soon broke up. The couple never had children. And now Mark has no relationship with anyone.

Galina Volchek manages everything at her age. She is a popular actress, whose theatrical and film works are known to many admirers of her artistic talent.

The artist brought up more than one generation of the most prominent actors and actresses of the Russian film industry. Talented woman awarded large quantity various awards. Among them, in a special place is the title of "People's Artist of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" and the order received for services to the Fatherland.

In her piggy bank there are awards from the most prestigious film festivals, including several as a director. She is - self-sufficient personality who achieved everything on her own. Her life and creative destiny are of interest to many lovers of Soviet and Russian cinema.

Height, weight, age. How old is Galina Volchek

This dramatic artist became famous in the last century. Fans of Soviet cinema even then knew everything about her, including height, weight, age. How old is Galina Volchek - also not a secret behind seven seals. Soon the star of the Russian film industry will celebrate his 84th birthday. But our heroine does not like to talk about age. She declares that this is of no interest to anyone, and the mere memory of the number of years she has lived has a depressing effect on her.

The actress has a height of 163 cm and a weight of 63 kg. But in recent times weight data is constantly changing. This is due to the state of health of the artist.

Galina Borisovna Volchek, whose photos in her youth and now are significantly different, has recently been chained to wheelchair. But admirers of her talent and relatives hope that this strong woman be able to deal with health problems.

Biography and personal life of Galina Volchek

The childhood years of the actress fall on the most harsh years in the history of our country. The girl was born at the end of December in 1934. She was born with black hair, so her parents decided to name her Tick.

She recalls that she was terribly proud that Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, became her hometown. On becoming famous actress provided by her family. Father - Boris Izrailevich Volchek was a famous film director in the Soviet Union. He wrote scripts for many Soviet films and then directed them. Mother - Vera Isaakovna Maimina was a very famous screenwriter.

From childhood, the young girl was fond of reading books. Having studied well at school, our heroine goes to study at the Moscow Art Theater, where the biography and personal life of Galina Volchek began. Since 1955, the star of Soviet and Russian cinema has been working at the Studio of Young Actors. Popular artists in the future become her colleagues: Oleg Efremov, Evgeny Evstigneev and many others. Later, the well-known Sovremennik appeared from this "Studio".

Our heroine conquered the audience with her theatrical roles. For example, she brilliantly played in "Three Comrades" and "Ordinary History", with which she traveled almost the whole world and conquered theater lovers and critics with her talent.

Our heroine entered into marriage twice. For the first time, her colleague at Sovremennik, Evgeny Evstigneev, from whom she gave birth only son. The second time the woman married a scientist. But they were very different, which led to a divorce.

Family and children of Galina Volchek

Our heroine is proud that she was born in a creative family. Father and mother were constantly busy with work. But this did not prevent them from paying great attention to their daughter Galochka, as they called her. The girl dreamed that her family and children would be very happy. Parents supported the girl in her desire to become an artist.

In the media of that era, it was written that the family and children of Galina Volchek were a taboo topic for our heroine, but this is not so. She always spoke in detail about loved ones.

The only thing the star of theater and cinema regrets is that she was able to give birth to only one son. Denis is very popular now. He is a famous director and producer. He currently lives civil marriage with a girl named Ekaterina.

The son of Galina Volchek - Denis Evstigneev

Galina Volchek gave birth to her only son at the end of October 1961. Interestingly, the boy did not have a name for 2 weeks. The young mother herself wanted to name him Alexei, and her husband, Evgeny Evstigneev, wanted to name the first-born Vladimir. Galina's mother helped. She offered to name the boy as fate would say. Having written 15 names on pieces of paper, the parents pulled out a note with the name Denis, so the boy was named that way.

The son of Galina Volchek - Denis Evstigneev is now a very famous director. He is the recipient of numerous awards, not only Russian Federation but also the Soviet Union.

Denis has never been married. He was on the threshold of this several times, but each time something prevented him. He has no children, but Galina Volchek hopes that her son will someday give her a grandson or granddaughter.

Former husband of Galina Volchek - Evgeny Evstigneev

A boy was born on one of the autumn rainy days of 1926. The family lived in poverty. After studying only a few classes at school, Eugene went to work. His father arranged for a factory in which the future popular theater and film artist worked for several years. The only outlet for the young worker was participation in a theater group at his native factory. Immediately after the war, he enters one of the theater schools.

This is where the acquaintance with future wife. They needed to play a married couple. After the kiss, according to the stories of Yevgeny Evstigneev himself, he, as an honest man, was obliged to marry. Soon happy union strengthened after the birth of his son Deniska. Early 70s popular actors parted, but until the end of the days of Evgeny Evstigneev, they communicated as friends.

Former husband of Galina Volchek - Evgeny Evstigneev played in in large numbers movies. They are still watched by movie lovers, although the popular artist died in the early 90s of the last millennium.

Former husband of Galina Volchek - Mark Abeleev

The second husband of the popular artist was in no way connected with cinema and theater. The boy was born in the mid-30s. According to his passport, his birth falls on the year 35, but in fact the boy was born in 1934. For what reason it was recorded a year later is unknown.

Since childhood, he had a dream to connect his life with science. The young man graduated from one of the technical universities in Moscow.
Galina Volchek met Mark at one of the parties with mutual friends. What attracted her to a man, the movie star is now at a loss to answer. Soon they began to live together. But after a few years the marriage broke up.

Now the ex-husband of Galina Volchek - Mark Abeleev writes annually scientific work. He is the director of the Center for Innovation. After a divorce from Galina Volchek, Abelev never married again, he has no children.

Galina Volchek is a Soviet and Russian theater director, actress and teacher, who in 1989 received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In the theatrical environment, she is, following the example, called the "Iron Lady" - they idolize and fear, respect and bow. Galina did a lot in her life to raise culture to a high level, for which she became a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Galina Volchek was born in the early 30s in Moscow, in a family that was directly related to the stage and cinema. Galina's mother, Vera Maimina, is a Soviet screenwriter, and her father, Boris Volchek, is a famous director and cameraman who filmed Soviet hits Pyshka, Thirteen, Lenin in October and others.

As a child, Galya loved reading, so the girl rarely spent her free time without her favorite book in her hands. Seeing his daughter's interest, his father pushed Galina to enter the only Literary Institute named after him in the Union. But it is unlikely that a child who has absorbed the acting and directing life from the cradle would have chosen a different path. Galina entered the Moscow Art Theater School, where she studied until 1955.


The theatrical biography of Galina Volchek is full of significant events from the very beginning. A year after graduation, Galina Volchek, together with Lilia Tolmacheva, founded the new Studio of Young Actors, which would soon turn into the cult Sovremennik Theater.

And if in the late 50s Volchek appeared on stage as an actress, then in 1962 Galina Borisovna began directing, which will go down in the history of Soviet and Russian art. Looking ahead, we note that in 10 years Galina will become the chief director of the theater, and in the late 80s she will head the theater as an artistic director.

In 1984, Galina Volchek played Martha in the production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, and this role becomes last appearance Volchik in the theater as an actress. Since then, the artist has been focusing on her directing career.

Volchek's first directing experience brings tremendous success. It was a production of William Gibson's play "Two on a Swing", which did not leave the stage of Sovremennik for more than 30 seasons. Two more significant works of the director are "An Ordinary Story" based on the novel and the play "Three Comrades" based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque. The first of them brought Galina Volchek the State Prize of the USSR, and the second in 1999 "raised Moscow on the ears" and made a splash.

Galina Volchek was the first Soviet director to break through the cultural blockade between Soviet Union and the United States. She staged several performances of Russian classics in American theaters, including the famous Broadway, where the Russian troupe played for the first time since 1924. And these were not just performances "for show". Volchek's tours were marked by one of the most prestigious US national awards in the field drama theater- the Drama Desk Award, which was awarded to a non-American theater for the first time in the long history of this award.

The famous director shared her experience with the new generation, and she taught mostly not in Russia, but abroad. For example, recently Galina Volchek gave a course of lectures and practical exercises at New York University.

Galina Volchek's latest production today was William Gibson's Two on a Swing in 2015. This is the same work that started Volchek's directorial career. Fans see this as a mystical and cyclical meaning and note with sadness that the first work can be chosen by the director to be staged specifically in order to be the last.


On the screen, Galina Volchek made her debut in 1957 in the film adaptation of the Spanish classic novel Don Quixote, playing the role of a strong maid Maritornes. Then there were roles in the films Sinful Angel, A Bridge Under Construction, King Lear and others.

Sometimes the actress appeared only in episodes, but she made them bright and unforgettable. For example, in the tragicomedy Beware of the Car, she simply played a buyer of a tape recorder in a store, but managed to attract the attention of the audience in ten seconds.

In the fairy tales "About Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Little Mermaid" Volchek has the negative roles of the mother wolf and the sea witch, but in them the actress perfectly realized her own talent. The films "Autumn Marathon", "Unicum" and "Tevye the Milkman" were also successful.

In 1996, the actress stopped acting in feature films, but began to appear annually in documentary projects.

In the new millennium, Galina Volchek starred in a number of films dedicated to her colleagues: “The Life of Desdemona. ”,“ Unknown ”,“ . Frantic actor”, “Three loves”, “. From hate to love”, “. A man with a past” and others.

The actress also starred in the multi-part documentary projects “To Remember”, “Idols” with and “Film About the Film”, where she also talked about her colleagues, and not about herself. So far only books have been written about Galina Borisovna herself: “Galina Volchek. In an absurd and tragic mirror” Gleb Skorokhodova, “Galina Volchek. Usually outside the rules” and “Galina Volchek. By itself” by Marina Raikina.

Galina Volchek also tried herself in cinema as a director. Truth, long time she just filmed her best theatrical performances"Ordinary story", "Hurry to do good", " The Cherry Orchard" and many others. But she also had experience in filming according to original scenarios, for example, the heavy psychological dramas Echelon and Steep Route.

Galina Volchek on the set of the series "Mysterious Passion"

In 2015, Galina Volchek suddenly returned to television as an actress in a feature series. The actress played herself in the drama "Mysterious Passion", an adaptation of the novel of the same name. The series tells about real creative people of the last century, who, for the sake of artistry of the story, have fictitious, but easily decipherable names.

Personal life

Officially, Galina Volchek was married twice. The first husband of the actress is the famous actor Yevgeny Evstigneev, with whom she lived for 9 years and gave birth to a son. The son of Volchek and Evstigneev also could not leave the world of cinema and became a director. The child did not save acting marriage, Volchek and Evstigneev dispersed.

Volchek claims that it was she who initiated the divorce from Yevgeny Aleksandrovich. Despite subsequent relationships, the actress no longer had children, the son from Evstigneev remained the only child of Galina Volchek.

Galina's second husband is the Soviet scientist Mark Abelev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, who taught at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. Their union also did not last long, and the couple divorced.

The third marriage of Galina Volchek was civil, lasted almost 10 years, but the director prefers not to remember this period. In her own words, she "had two husbands, several affairs and one misunderstanding." After this relationship, she did not try to create a family anymore, believing that it was impossible to completely surrender theatrical activities and at the same time be happy family man.

The main hobby of Galina Volchek, as the director likes to say, is “making stars”. Of course, you can’t argue that thanks to Galina Borisovna, the world learned about a huge number of artists. But if we talk about hobbies, then it is worth noting that Volchek is not bad at modeling clothes and has created a number of memorable outfits.

In 1995, Galina Volchek agreed to put forward her own candidacy in the elections to State Duma and entered the federal list of the electoral association "All-Russian socio-political movement" Our Home - Russia ".

For four years, the director sat in the State Duma and worked as a member of the Committee on Culture, but in 1999, by her own decision, she left the walls of parliament.

Galina Volchek now

Recently, the health of the 83-year-old star began to fail. The director often ends up in hospitals, in last time Galina Volchek was on March 21, 2016 with suspected pneumonia. After the state of health of Galina Borisovna stabilized, the director returned home.

Today, Galina Volchek moves in a wheelchair, but details about the director's health were not disclosed. The press did not come to a consensus on this matter: some argue that Galina Borisovna is confined to a wheelchair and no longer walks, others adhere to an optimistic theory that the director is simply trying not to burden himself and give the body a rest.

At the same time, the wheelchair does not prevent Galina Volchek from organizing creative evenings, meeting friends and attending social events.

April 28, 2017 Galina Volchek received the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation with the wording "for special labor services to the state and people." Also in 2017, Galina Borisovna celebrated a double theatrical anniversary: ​​60 years as she has been working in Sovremennik, 45 of them as the main director.


  • 1970 - "King Lear"
  • 1975 - "Waves of the Black Sea"
  • 1977 - "About Little Red Riding Hood"
  • 1979 - "Autumn Marathon"
  • 1983 - "Unique"
  • 1983 - "Black Castle Olshansky"
  • 1985 - Tevye the Milkman
  • 1992 - "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
  • 2008 - "Contemporary"
  • 2010 - "Catherine III"
  • 2015 - "Secret Passion"

Photo: Persona Stars, Vladimir Yatsina / TASS

Galina was born in the family of the famous director and cameraman Boris Volchek and screenwriter Vera Maimina. The most famous people entered the house of Volchek theater actors, directors, screenwriters, a girl from infancy was surrounded by the romance of bohemian life, closeness to art.

In the environment of parental friends, the real Nordic character of Gali was formed, but her parents, especially her mother, stubbornly did not notice this. The main thing was that the daughter studies well. Galya did not upset her mother for the time being. She brought only fives, received diplomas and did not try to stand out at all. Until one day my parents divorced.

Volchek harbored a grudge against her mother, who for so long did not believe that the child had grown up and become a person. The father, with whom the girl stayed, tried to somehow curb her sharp temper, but it was all in vain. Rebellious, the future director even changed her last name to Volchok - so she tried to emphasize that she no longer belongs to her parents.

But teenage storms, like new surname, soon remained in the past, because it was necessary to prepare for admission. Dad, seeing that he had brought up a modest quiet girl with a difficult character, offered to try at the Gorky Literary Institute. But here, too, the parent was late with his advice: she already knew that she would only enter the Moscow Art Theater School.

And so it happened. I put my dad in front of the fact that at the entrance it would be necessary to update the wardrobe. He took her to a tailor, who built a ridiculous suit with bulky shoulders for a complete notorious girl. In this form, she had already gone through two tours to the coveted school-studio, when her mother found out about the dream of the stage. Worried about her daughter, she forcibly forced her to insure herself and take the documents to the Pike as well.

Confident that they were seeing a deep provincial, the teachers sitting in the selection committee laughed at the girl, but after listening they announced that Galina had been accepted. She burst into tears and ran away, saying: “I don’t want to go to Pike, my mother made me!”. She also went to the theater-studio of the Moscow Art Theater and, of course, chose him.


Georgy Ter-Ovanesov/RIA Novosti

She has already become one of the popular students. She blossomed, learned to make up and dress, when she turned her attention to the provincial big-nosed Zhenya Evstigneev with sad, always heavy eyes. Someone will say later that for Volchek it was another rebellion - to fall in love and marry the most nondescript, albeit the most talented guy on the course.

Zhenya went around for weeks in one shirt and stupid suits made of bad fabric, disgustingly sewn, not fashionable and not decorating him in any way. And Galya already understood then: happiness is not in clothes. And after the wedding, she dressed up her personal genius in such a way that the course shuddered.

Evstigneev immediately changed in fashionable gizmos. There was no trace left of the provincial press. The suits on him sat like a glove, his gait changed, confidence appeared, and a slight negligence gave the man charm.

Wise woman

However, the dramatic changes in appearance did not worry Volchek's parents. They knew that the young man, firstly, was seven years older than their daughter, and secondly, had already worked as a locksmith and milling machine before going to the theater. For the soul - nothing, what the future - is completely unknown!

The young began to live with their parents Volchek. But they wanted a different share only child. Scandals began. After the next one, the young people simply gathered their things and left the apartment, towards the unknown. We spent the night at the railway stations for two days, and then we found a small cheap room and moved there.

Volchek and Evstigneev lived in love and harmony for nine long years. During this time, they had the only son for Galina, Denis, who has now become a director. But it was not possible to keep her husband. Eugene has a new woman.

She was having a hard time with the divorce. As luck would have it, it was during this period that both acted in films where love had to play. But genuine female wisdom cannot be taken away from Volchek. She managed to remain on friendly terms with her beloved, although ex-husband until the end of his days.


film "Beware of the car" (1966)

Sovremennik quickly became popular and began touring. Once the troupe went to Murmansk, and after the performance, Volchek became an unwitting witness to a conversation between the viewer and Igor Kvasha. He said that the production itself was junk. Unless Tabakov played well.

It turned out that the choosy theater-goer was a Moscow scientist, professor of the construction institute Mark Abelev, who ended up in Murmansk for a few days on work. In the capital, he made friends with Kvasha and was invited to dinner.

Galina was already preparing to cross swords with him in a verbal duel in the evening, but after talking a little, she cooled down. A charming man, reminiscent of Pierre Bezukhov, somehow joked especially subtly. Galina definitely liked him!

... and he liked Galina. He courted as warmly and generously as he laughed. He gave flowers, supported and listened, bought Galina an expensive astrakhan fur coat, made friends with little Denis. Volchek was subdued and, of course, agreed to marry him. She felt shrouded in care on the one hand, but also received injections of jealousy on the other.

No one will now say whether Volchek was prone to novels on the side, or whether Abelev went crazy for absolutely no reason. Only once did he find his beloved in a restaurant with actor Georgy Tovstoganov. He sent a waiter to call Galina to the lobby and take his wife home.


She was tormented by jealousy, it is not surprising that she began to pay attention to other men. She left Mark for a scientist named Vladimir. At the time of the meeting, he also had a family, but both decided to sacrifice their legitimate halves for the sake of common happiness.

According to her friends, Volchek truly loved her physicist. She burned every time she saw that the soul of a man was still torn into that family, where his wife, children, familiar life.

In addition, Volodya's mother was very ill, so their meetings were rare. She suffered terribly from the thought that the man she loved was lying, and, saying that she had to spend the evening with her mother, she was going to her wife. In the end, she could not stand it and broke the vicious circle herself.

In one of the interviews, Galina Borisovna said that she directly forbade him to come and call, and also predicted that Volodya would pay for her decision to stay with her family all her life and consider her wife to be guilty. They say it happened: a man could not forgive legal spouse parting with a loved one.

Now Volchek says that she sold herself into slavery to the theater, and this is true. The wonderful productions that are going on at Sovremennik right now, as well as the real crown of brilliant artists, are the merit of Galina Borisovna.

At 60, she announced to her son that she planned to live alone and demanded respect for this decision. In the end, the director needs to take a break from the audience in order to return to the theater again and again and give new impressions, thoughts, feelings ...

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