Former husband of Khmelnytsky. Khmelnitskaya found a replacement for Keosayan. Last appearance together

January 4, 2018, 21:03

I don't know if it was on the site or not...

But when I read the news, I was very happy.

I am happy for Alena Khmelnitskaya. In the situation with Tigran, Simonyan and Khmelnitskaya, I was definitely on her side and I think that Tigran in this case did not act very nicely.

Well...not for me to judge. Of course, I don't know the exact circumstances.

And when I saw in the news feed that Alena Khmelnitskaya was not alone now, this pleased me from the bottom of my heart.

The actress and ex-wife of director Tigran Keosayan is happy in a new relationship.

About the novel Khmelnitsky and Sinyushin started talking back in October last year. At the premiere of the musical Cinderella, the artist in the auditorium was supported by a businessman named Alexander.

At first, Alena tried not to talk about it.

“Yes, Sasha and I are dating! However, for now, that's all I'm willing to talk about. We do not need any kind of publicity, ”the actress told reporters.

But now a year has passed, and they are together!

In an interview with one of the Russian media, Khmelnitskaya admitted that she was absolutely happy in her relationship with Alexander. Her new chosen one easily got along with the daughters of the actress from her marriage to Tigran Keosayan.

A man younger than Alena in age, he is 34 years old, but the age difference does not prevent lovers from communicating on an equal footing.

Recall that earlier Khmelnitskaya was married to Tigran Keosayan. The union of the actress and director has long been considered exemplary among the stars of domestic show business.

The couple raised their daughter Alexandra together, who is now 22 years old, and are raising their daughter Ksenia, she was born in 2010.

Three years ago, after 21 years of marriage, the couple's marriage broke up.

Interview with Alena:

More than once in the long years of our acquaintance, I watched you and Tigran together, and I always felt how you fit together, what a lively relationship you have ...

It's definitely alive. We had both crises and difficult stages in work and personal relationships. We are emotional people. So everything was stormy.

- Did you share your experiences with Sasha?

Naturally. After all, she lived with us and knew and understood everything perfectly. We are close people, so I did not hide anything. In general, Tigran and I did not pretend that nothing was happening. Sasha has been worried about our relationship all her life (laughs), as well as for many other things with us. She is a touching, sensitive person.

- Maybe for Sasha your parting was easier because she left and she was distracted by a new life?

I hope that's what happened, but she has long been an adult. I almost always felt like a junior next to her. But Ksyusha is different, just a child, and so far she mostly lives in her own world, in fantasies. And she is much more restless and active than Sasha. When she has a plan, she immediately tries to implement it. Can turn around and go somewhere without saying anything. Therefore, you must watch. (Laughs.)

- Without Ksyusha, would it be more difficult for you to survive the situation?

I don't know how it would be. Ksyusha is one continuous joy, and she gives me a lot of strength.

- And how did she take the fact that dad is now not around all the time?

She did not perceive it at all, because she was very small. And now he doesn't ask questions. Every weekend she goes to her dad and communicates well with her sister and brother there. Therefore, we have complete harmony.

I'm not an outrageous person at all. We just had a great time, took pictures, and we wanted to post a photo.

- And now you continue to communicate?

Of course. We communicate with Rita. She and Tigran were visiting us at a birthday party, we were with them. She is a smart person. In general, I especially appreciate intelligence and adequacy lately. Stupid people are dangerous. They can be the sweetest, but often they don’t even realize that they are hurting a person.

Do you remember when you felt the need for love again?

No, I didn't want anything. She never looked for her. And at that moment, she dealt with herself. In principle, I am a self-sufficient person and I think that it is not at all necessary that if you are alone, then you are not successful. In this respect, I have no complexes. But I, not looking for any feelings and relationships, have never been deprived of them.

- But you had a time-out, didn't you?

Of course. But I didn’t sit at home in proceedings with myself, but went somewhere, talked, got acquainted, but did not agree to anything. I filmed, went to film festivals, got very involved in public life and did not give myself any opportunity to complain about what happened, feel sorry for myself, discuss the situation with someone. My girlfriends were out of it all.

- Has there been a reassessment of men as well?

Now I can no longer talk about it abstractly, because there is a person nearby. (Smiling.) This is businessman Alexander Sinyushin. I really appreciate the mind, especially in a man. But if you don’t feel anything with your heart, then why do you need this person? Chat just like that. There are people with whom you can have an interesting time, and then be happy to return home alone.

Of course. The only thing is that I have become more selfish and now I think that together people should be better than alone. There is a wonderful phrase: “It should be good with a man, but I can live badly myself.” It is probably no longer possible for me to fall in love with a fool (although he does not have to be Spinoza), with a man who is not generous. I can not be with a person who does not respect and understand my work. And, of course, the most important thing is that I have a very strong maternal instinct, and a man must have contact with my child. I understood this clearly. Ksyusha immediately liked Sasha. And it was because of her attitude towards him that I had the idea that this could be a serious, full-fledged relationship.

- Are you the same age as Alexander?

No, he is younger than me, but not catastrophically. (Laughs.)

- How quickly did events develop after they met? I did not have time to come to my senses, how the heart was busy?

No, I still managed to come to my senses. (Laughs.) We talked with Sasha for a long time. Now we have been living together for almost a year, and before that we met, had a great time, and in principle, this could continue in the future. I liked this lightness - I am on my own, I have my own life. Everything suited us up to a certain point, and then we realized that we were already worse off separately, and this situation was annoying. We decided to carefully try to live together.

- Have you already wanted to take care of someone and receive care?

Yes, I wanted to, but specifically with this person.

- Do your views on life, on people, on pleasures coincide?

We have everything exactly as we would like. There is nothing that I would love, but he does not. Including preferences in recreation, and taste preferences are similar. Apparently it happens. (Smiling.)

Do you overlap areas of activity?

Hardly ever. He's in the music business, but on the technical side. And he loves what I love. (Laughs.) You just need to feel each other. Sasha has friends and acquaintances from the acting world with whom he communicates, so all this is not new to him. In general, the profession does not matter at all. You don't have to be from the same circle. As long as we are in harmony. Let's hope that this will be the case.

- Alena, what do you think now: at forty-five, life is just beginning?

At least the good life is definitely going on. Naturally, some sad thoughts visit me, or rather, slip through, despite all my optimism. We are thinking people. (Laughs.) But I still have much more love for life. With age, there was more awareness and responsibility for actions, inner peace came, I see the connection of things. And I no longer go with the flow. I understand why I communicate with one person, but I don’t want to communicate with another. In general, life has changed, and what is happening in it now is my choice, not an accident.


The spectacular and talented actress Alena Khmelnitskaya is the wife of director Tigran Keosayan. For Russian film and television viewers, this statement seemed unshakable and solid as a rock. Like a bolt from the blue for fans of the famous couple, the news of their divorce in 2014 became.

Birds of a feather

This couple was perfect for each other. She is the daughter of famous ballet dancers - Valentina Savina and Alexander Khmelnitsky. Tigran is the son of the cult director Edmon Keosayan, who directed The Elusive, and Honored Artist of Armenia Laura Gevorkyan. Since childhood, both revolved in theatrical circles, she grew up behind the scenes, he - on the set. Both decided to connect their lives with theater and cinema.

Alena, after graduating from school, entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and Tigran, after school, worked for Mosfilm for nine years in various capacities. He even starred in two films, but the acting path did not capture him completely. Directing was his dream, and in 1994 Keosayan entered VGIK. He interrupted his studies in order to serve in the army, and after the end of his service he returned to VGIK.

In the difficult 90s, when domestic cinema was undergoing a deep crisis, Keosayan managed to make several films - Katka and Shiz, The President and His Granddaughter, Poor Sasha. In addition, his series was released - "Funny things, family matters."

On the set of a video for the future empress of the Russian stage, Tigran met Alena. Strictly speaking, they had known each other before, but with a hat. We often crossed paths in different places - “hi-bye”, nothing more. Yegor Konchalovsky dragged Alena to the courtyard of Mosfilm, where Keosayan was filming a video.

Acquaintance grew into closer communication, and one day Tigran invited Alena to appear in an advertisement. This brought the director and actress even closer, and the young people began an affair.

In 1993, Tigran and Alena got married. They chartered a small boat, the weather did not disappoint, and it turned out to be an interesting holiday. They sailed along the Moskva River, on the way guests sat down to them, and some, on the contrary, left. The orchestra played, everyone danced, toasted.

Family life

A year later, Sasha's daughter was born. Alena gave birth in Sweden, where her parents lived at that time. She wanted to be closer to her mother at such an important moment. However, in Russia, the family was waiting for tests. Like the rest of the country, there was little work, and Tigran had to live on one-time fees for shooting clips and advertising.

Alena even had to work as an executive director in a fashion store, in a boutique opened by Andrey Dellos and Anton Tabakov. But a couple of years after the release of "Poor Sasha", the film industry woke up, and Keosayan began to shoot a lot, taking his beloved wife in his films.

In 1998, during the default, the Keosayan-Khmelnitsky family managed to buy an unfinished house in an elite village for the price of a one-room apartment. So the couple's dream began to come true - to have a country house. They built for a long time. But when, finally, the house was ready, they moved to live outside the city.

Interesting Notes:

Daughter Alexandra always studied well, was fond of jazz vocals, attended a music school in piano. In addition, Sasha decently mastered English, French and German. But at the age of 15 she decided to take up directing.

Tigran dissuaded his daughter for a long time, convinced that directing is not a female profession. However, the daughter showed unprecedented perseverance, and went to study in New York, at the Tisch School of the Arts. In the photo below Alena Khmelnitskaya, Tigran Keosayan and their eldest daughter Alexandra.

Life after divorce

At 38, Alena became pregnant for the second time, and a girl was born. The daughter was named Xenia. It would seem - live and be happy, her husband has a lot of projects, including television ones, the actress herself also did not sit without work, but life took an unexpected turn. In 2014, it became known to the general public that the couple no longer lived together. Tigran Keosayan lives with journalist and CEO of RT Margarita Simonyan, who is expecting a child from Keosayan.

According to the actress, after the divorce, relations with her ex-husband even improved. They meet, Alena found a common language with the new woman of Tigran, they go to visit each other, for holidays, for birthdays.

The personal life of the beautiful Alena is also in full swing. She is in a relationship with businessman Alexander Sinyushin. In March 2017, the press became aware that the actress moved to live with her new chosen one. Alexander is younger than Alena, but not critical, as the actress herself says. He rents lighting and sound equipment.

Photo of Alena and husband

Most performers in film and television become hostages of one image that directors have been exploiting for many years, from picture to picture. But Alena Khmelnitskaya is a versatile actress. She can equally convincingly play a sophisticated lady, a romantic girl and an outright bitch.

To star in the video of the legendary rock band, in a light comedy, in a serious melodrama - she can handle everything. But the main trump card of Khmelnitskaya is that she is not only talented, but also desperately beautiful - and this is a rarity in our time.

Childhood, adolescence, youth (almost like Tolstoy)

Alena is a native of Moscow, a child from a bohemian family. Her date of birth is January 12, 1971. Her parents, Alexander Khmelnitsky and Valentina Savina, ballet dancers, danced for about two decades not just anywhere, but at the Bolshoi Theater!

At the same time, my father taught at a choreographic school, and my mother, having studied at GITIS, subsequently retrained as a choreographer. There is nothing surprising in the fact that their beloved daughter from childhood was interested in high art and subsequently connected her life with the stage and filming. It is quite possible that Alyonushka could continue her parental dynasty and become a ballerina, because people from the world of ballet always looked into their house. For example, Maya Plisetskaya sometimes ran to have dinner, drink tea, Olga Lepeshinskaya paid visits - all this was in the order of things. Indeed, in the Khmelnitsky family, the issue of their girl's admission to the choreographic school was seriously discussed. But everything turned out differently, and again, not without the influence of parents.
When "Lenkom" began to stage the musical "Juno and Avos", Valentina Savina was invited to the project as an assistant director for choreography. Ten-year-old Alena followed her mother around the theater, carefully watching the rehearsals.
The backstage atmosphere captured and fascinated the young creature, became a real revelation. Having directly delved into the peculiarities of theatrical life, the girl at such an early age began to dream about the stage, dreaming of entering a theater school. Parents did not dissuade their daughter from these intentions, they treated them with understanding. They simply explained that first you need to successfully graduate from school with in-depth study of the French language, and only then decide on the choice of profession.

Indeed, Alena had plenty to choose from. In her school years, she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics (hence grace and plasticity), table tennis (reactions and dexterity can only be envied), attended courses for beginner painters at the Surikov School (which helped to form a delicate taste). And at the age of 12, graceful Alenka received an invitation to shoot in the film directed by Alexander Belinsky "Karambolina-karamboletta" and did a good job with a small debut role.
At the age of 15, Alena suddenly became independent. The fact is that her parents, reputable teachers and choreographers, were invited to work in London. Yes, perestroika times came in the country, the departure of Soviet citizens abroad was no longer regulated as strictly as it was 5-10 years before. After weighing all the pros and cons, reasoning that their daughter is already old enough, the Khmelnitskys agreed to accept a tempting offer from abroad. So for the first time in her life, the future star of the domestic screen tried on herself: how is it to live without parental supervision?

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

I must say that freedom is a harsh examiner, and not everyone passes this difficult test. Alena, as a bright representative of the capital's "golden youth", did not constrain herself in anything and did not limit herself in any way. Moreover, no one forbade anything. The girl was worried about only one thing: if only mom and dad did not find out about her adventures. As a result, at this age, a beautiful girl began to have numerous admirers and boyfriends.
The fiery brunette had her first serious romance with the artist and restaurateur Andrei Dellos. They say that at one point they even decided to live under the same roof and came together for a while.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Andrey Dellos

If on the part of the girl these were sincere feelings, then the young man did not react so responsibly to their relationship. As soon as another spectacular lady, moreover of French origin, met on his way, Andreika broke with Alena without regret and proposed a new passion. The insidious tempter and the foreign lovebird signed in Moscow, immediately moving to the bride's homeland.
However, Khmelnitskaya did not experience a break with her beloved for too long and was not greatly killed. While visiting her parents in the UK, Alena met Yegor Konchalovsky, who studied at one of the prestigious educational institutions of Foggy Albion in those years.

Everything proceeded more or less safely, romantically, but love at a distance did not stand the test. New bright love impressions were presented to Alena by the then unknown, but extremely ambitious actor Nikita Dzhigurda. Passion instantly flared up, and just as quickly faded ...
When the final exams at school ended, the girl immediately applied to three theatrical universities - to Shchukinskoye, GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater School. In the end, having received carte blanche to enter any of them, after consulting with her parents and friends, Alena chose the Moscow Art Theater.

Children and family

In some interviews, the actress admits that she always wanted to achieve two things in life: to enter the theater and be sure to have children. She says that when her friend Katya Semyonova first got married and had a child, the then student Khmelnitskaya nursed her little son with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and a little later agreed to become his godmother.
An affair with the southern handsome Tigran Keosayan arose literally from nowhere. The year was 1993 on the calendar. First, someone introduced young people at one of the parties. For a while they just talked, then became friends, and a little later they shared shelter and bed on common square meters. Further, gathering their courage, they paid a visit to Alena's parents in Europe.

Tigran so charmed his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, so exquisitely asked for the hand of their daughter, that they did not even think to prevent this marriage. The couple is truly amazing. Upon returning home, the lovers signed in the capital's registry office.

About a year later, their first child, daughter Sasha, was born, and in 1995 the couple realized how bad it was in their country to make money on stage and in front of a movie camera. So few films were shot in the “dashing 90s”, and they were all so similar that both spouses were morally crushed with incredible force. The theater generally paid a penny.
Without thinking twice, Khmelnitskaya quit Lenkom and began to learn the basics of entrepreneurship. So the artistic nature turned into a trading one, Khmelnitskaya opened her own fashion boutique. It was absolutely not hers, but she had to “spin” for the well-being of the family. And here, fortunately, the talent and natural luck of the husband of a freshly baked business woman came to the rescue.
In 1997, Tigran made an indisputable hit for those times - the film "Poor Sasha" with Alexander Zbruev in the title role. The rental of the picture brought good money. Also, the public met Keosayan's next work, “The President and his granddaughter,” and the next work generally had the effect of an exploding bomb. For the late 90s, the film "Silver Lily of the Valley" looked like a masterpiece. In this tape, by the way, the director's wife played incomparably. Alena left the trade without regret and returned to the set. The role of the pop star - Irma - can be called, if not the best, then one of the best roles of Khmelnitskaya. In that work, Alena managed to convey the drama and ambiguity of the heroine, who is generally negative in the plot.
In the hot summer of 2010, the second girl, Ksyusha, was born to the Keosayan spouses. It would seem that the second child was supposed to strengthen the marriage. Alas, things didn't go the way most of us would like. A wonderful family and creative union broke up. Since 2011, the couple no longer appeared together at social events and film festivals. And later, Alena and the public learned that Tigran had an affair on the side. The charming director was carried away by a TV journalist, editor-in-chief of Russia Today TV company Margarita Simonyan. In 2014, Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan filed for divorce.

Surprisingly, former companions in life did not pour mud on each other, as is usually the case. Moreover, the guys remained friends after the divorce, and Alena even maintains friendly relations with Margarita, and children from both families consider each other to be the closest relatives

Career and filmography

After "Karambolina" Khmelnitskaya starred in episodic roles in films such as:

  • "Courier",
  • "Zagon",
  • "House of dates",
  • "Arbitrator".

Fame brought the role of the burning beauty Leoncia Solano in the films "Hearts of Three" and "Hearts of Three-2" based on the works of Jack London. In an instant, the young actress gained national fame. A breakthrough also happened in the theatrical career: Mark Zakharov invited the girl to play Conchita in the play "Juno and Avos". In the theater, work continued until the last months of pregnancy.
Then Khmelnitskaya starred in not the most significant films for the history of cinema:

  • "Murder at Sunshine Menor"
  • "Marina",
  • "Things are funny - family matters",
  • "Directory of Death".

This was followed by a series of successful roles in the films of her then husband - Tigran Keosayan, the aforementioned "President and his granddaughter" and especially - "Silver Lily of the Valley".
Then she participated in the series "Men's Work", "Turkish March", "Russian Amazons" and several others.
Notable work was participation in the serial film "Ondine". Khmelnitskaya appeared in it as a photographer, the mother of the main character. The series received high critical acclaim and recognition from viewers.
In the melodrama "Three Happy Women" Alena played the psychologist Milena. Another one of her strong women, ready to overcome any difficulties on their own.
In the series "Three Half Graces" (2006), Alena skillfully portrayed the program manager of the TV channel Alisa. On the eve of her fortieth birthday, she and her friends have not lost their close connection with each other and are struggling with everyday difficulties, as well as problems in their personal lives.
In the series "Who, if not me?" (2012) played the role of Ella Florenskaya - a little windy, beautiful and lonely woman, always ready to help her friends.

10 facts about Alena Khmelnitskaya

  1. A family friend, director Alexander Belinsky, instilled in her a taste for literature. As the actress recalls, he amazingly read Dickens aloud, and spoke about literary heroes so naturally, as if he were drinking Calvados with each of them.
  2. In the 2000s, the actress starred annually, only in 2009 she worked on television, and then went on maternity leave. She returned to her favorite work after giving birth, in 2010.
  3. March 8 is treated with humor, but does not mind if men once again congratulate women and present some gift or flowers. And if on this day Khmelnitskaya herself is suddenly not congratulated, then she will not be upset.
  4. Alena's parents currently live in Berlin.
  5. She loves to "conjure" in the kitchen, cook various goodies for family and guests.
  6. With technology on you, famously drives a motorcycle.
  7. I liked myself only after 27 years.
  8. She likes to indulge herself occasionally with SPA treatments, but shopping annoys her.
  9. With the eldest daughter - friends, and with the youngest - colleagues in entertainment and games.
  10. According to the actress, it is more interesting for her to play negative heroines - they turn out to be more characteristic and deep.

Alena Khmelnitskaya at present

In 2016, the actress played the role of the evil stepmother in the musical Cinderella. At the premiere, she was noticed in the company of businessman Alexander Sinyushin. Since the spring of 2017, the lovers began to live together, and a year later, the new gentleman of Khmelnitsky boasted that he had finally established friendly relations with the youngest daughter of his beloved, Ksyusha.
In 2018, viewers saw a new mini-series "Galina" with Khmelnitskaya in the title role. Alena played a rural paramedic, a woman with a difficult fate, abandoned by her beloved. Also this year, the series “The Presumption of Innocence” was released, where the heroine of our report has one of the secondary roles.

The ex-wife of Tigran Keosayan, Khmelnitskaya Alena Alexandrovna - her personal life, whose divorce has been discussed in the press for a long time, is again in the spotlight.

Happy marriage of Keosayan and Khmelnitsky

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan took place in August 1993. The actress's husband was born in 1966 in the family of Edmund and Laura Keosayan. Deciding to follow in the footsteps of his father, a famous director and screenwriter, he entered the VGIK at the directing department and successfully graduated in 1994. By 1993, Keosayan's creative path was already marked by the film "Katka and Shiz", he was its director.

Almost immediately after the creative career of the young family began to rise rapidly. 1994 was marked by the most important event for the couple - the birth of their daughter Alexandra. The spouses are not mired in household chores, Tigran is actively engaged in directing, Alena spends more and more time on filming films. Since 2007, the man has been trying himself as a producer and TV presenter, sometimes his wife helps him broadcast.

The first contradictions in the family life of Khmelnitsky

Of course, even in the most seemingly ideal relationships, conflicts cannot be avoided. The Keosayan family is also no exception. In 2009, the notorious artist, screenwriter and director Nikita Dzhigurda casually announced a romantic relationship with Alena Khmelnitskaya. According to certain estimates, the contact between them occurred exactly on the eve of the marriage of the actress with Tigran. Khmelnitskaya Alena Aleksandrovna - personal life, divorce: all this suddenly began to be discussed by the public.

The acquaintance of Dzhigurda and Khmelnitskaya took place during the filming of the film "Superman Reluctantly or Erotic Mutant", talented actors worked together and, according to Nikita, quickly found a common language. However, Dzhigurda himself was not serious about the actress, however, he kept fond memories of her for a long time.

No one could explain why the actor, after such an amount of time, suddenly remembered the novel, but this information was reflected in the relationship of the Keosayan. Tigran's colleagues note that he was very worried, lost confidence in his wife. In 2010, the couple had a youngest daughter, Ksenia, but even this did not help save the marriage.

The reaction of the media to the tragedy in the life of Alena Aleksandrovna Khmelnitskaya

In 2014, the couple's marriage was annulled. Khmelnitskaya Alena Alexandrovna - personal life, divorce, romance with Dzhigurda, all this began to be actively discussed in social networks, but the former spouses themselves did not give any comments, and did not communicate with each other. Tigran quickly married and is now happy in a new marriage with Margarita, Alena plunged into work, and also devoted herself to raising her daughter Xenia and her diversified development. The eldest daughter Alexandra, who was 20 years old at the time of her parents' divorce, fully provides for herself. After the break, the actress did not give up, she is actively building her creative career.

Alena Khmelnitskaya decided to tell the press about her relationship with Keosayan only a few months after the breakup of the marriage. She mentioned that, due to her difficult nature, her husband often unknowingly mentally pressured her, and therefore her personal life failed.

Despite the fact that the media were very interested in the details of the breakup of the relationship of the former spouses, none of them gave a detailed explanation. Alena explained this by the fact that she and her husband decided to dissolve the marriage without too much fuss, so as not to spread unnecessary gossip and rumors.

For the last time, the Keosayan couple came out in 2011, when the premiere of the film “Two Days” took place. Then there was no even talk of their divorce. The family was quietly raising their daughter Xenia, so no one was surprised when Alena was suddenly no longer seen at public events. Sometimes she still visited them, but either in the company of her friends, or alone.

Khmelnitskaya's life after breaking up with her husband

After the divorce, the actress continued her creative career. In her new interviews, not a single insulting word was said towards her ex-husband. She agreed with his decision, moreover, the actress treats his wife Margarita condescendingly, if not friendly. Many are surprised by this behavior of the actress, but this certainly characterizes her as a wise, reasonable person who knows how to maintain dignity in any situation.

Keosayan's life after divorce

The film director did not worry long after the break with Alena. Very soon he met Margarita Simonyan and is currently happily married to her. The couple already have two children: daughter Maryana and son Bagrat. Anton Presnov described their relationship as "the work of a screenwriter with a muse." Indeed, many colleagues of this creative couple note that actors without words can feel and realize each other, giving warmth and inspiration. No one could condemn this poetic tandem and blame his new passion for the collapse of his first marriage. Indeed, they are so suited to each other that many already perceive them as a single whole.

TASS/Samolygo Yuri

She was born in the capital, in the family of soloists of the Bolshoi Theater. Childhood behind the scenes provided a special relationship to ballet: the magic that works on stage has become commonplace for her. Looking at her parents, the girl understood that ballet is a huge work and endless exhausting tours, and not magic at all. As a child, they did not understand that their parents were creating the history of Russian culture, and that Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya, who ran in for dinner, was a living legend. However, Alena also had thoughts to continue the dynasty - the issue of entering the choreographic school was discussed in the family. But fate itself decreed otherwise.

Mom Khmelnitskaya, growing up, decided to continue her career on stage, but in a new role. She tried herself as a director while studying to be a choreographer. One of the performances where Valentina Savina was the assistant director for choreography was the musical "Juno and Avos". Mom took her 10-year-old daughter with her to rehearsals.

The backstage of the drama theater was a real discovery for Alena. Immersed in this atmosphere, she could no longer imagine life without theatrical stage. Her parents assessed her chances of entering the theater as high, but did not make hasty conclusions. It was necessary to finish school first - Alena studied at a school with a French bias.

At 12, the young girl was cast in the picture of Alexander Belinsky "Carambolina-caramboletta" and was able to feel the atmosphere of the set. But even then she did not make a final decision. Together with her passion for theater and cinema, she continued to do rhythmic gymnastics and even attended courses at Surikovka.

When Alena turned 15, her parents, who by that time had become respected teachers and choreographers, were offered to work in London. Reasonably judging that the daughter is already quite an adult, they agreed. Therefore, Khmelnitskaya finished school without strict supervision.


Carambolina Caramboletta (1983)

In the same period, real novels appeared in the life of the grown-up bohemian representative of the capital's golden youth. The first love of the young beauty is called Andrey Dellos, an artist and a Moscow restaurateur. According to rumors, after the departure of their parents, they even moved in with Alena and lived in the same apartment. She sincerely fell in love with an imposing man, but he perfectly understood that Khmalnitskaya was too young and she still had everything ahead of her.

Having met a charming French woman, the young man fell in love with no memory. Soon he broke up with Alena, and made an offer to a new passion and, having signed, the newlyweds left for the bride's native country.

Khmelnitskaya did not grieve for long. The future actress, who often visited her parents in England, started a long-distance relationship with Yegor Konchalovsky, who studied in the UK. But they too soon ended. Calm and reasonable Alena wanted vivid impressions, so the young and unknown actor Nikita Dzhigurda became her next chosen one.

In the meantime, it's time to act. Khmelnitskaya passed all the auditions at three universities - the Shchukin School, GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater School. It remains to choose which acting school will become her alma mater. I consulted with my parents and friends from the same environment and opted for the Moscow Art Theater.


Date House (1991)

Despite the difficult 90s for cinema, an experienced student - at the time of admission she had already starred in three films, was invited to small roles. But the real success was the role of Leoncia Solano in the movie "Hearts of Three", which has become a truly cult in our country. Of course, Alena instantly became famous.

At that time, she already had the recognition of theatergoers - back in 1990, Khmelnitskaya was called to play Conchita in the very Juno and Avos, which once charmed a very young dreamy girl, in Lenkom. She remained in the theater until the time when Alena's daughter was born.

The actress says that she always wanted to become a mother. Finishing school, she probably knew two things: that she would definitely go to the theater and that she would give birth to a child. When, while still at the university, her friend Katya Semenova was the first to marry and have offspring, Alena loved to mess with the born Nikita and even became his godmother. But for a long time she herself could not imagine from whom she would give birth to her baby.


The actress says that now her ex-husband, director Tigran Keosayan, is still affectionately recorded on her phone as “Tigrash”. They remained friends after the divorce, and now they are friends with his second wife. Their marriage, according to the actress, has simply become obsolete, and at the time of the official termination of the relationship, they had not lived together for a year and a half. But recalling all the years spent together, Khmelnitskaya assures that she would not have thrown a single minute out of them.

Their romance began quietly. At first they talked, were friends, then suddenly came together. A few months later we went to Alena's parents in Europe, where they then worked. Keosayan beautifully asked for her hand, they agreed, and upon arrival in Moscow, the couple married legally.

A year later, their first daughter Sasha appeared, and a year later both young parents felt the burden of their chosen profession. The 90s were on, very few films were shot, the theater paid a penny. Khmelnitskaya was even forced to leave Lenkom and try her luck in entrepreneurship - she became the director of the boutique. But it didn't take long to turn around.

In 1997, Keosayan shot "Poor Sasha", two years later another hit came out - "The President and His Granddaughter", later - again an accurate shot - the audience accepted "Silver Lily of the Valley" with a bang. Money appeared in the family, and Alena returned to the set.

It should be noted that not in all films the husband filmed her. But the incomparable dramatic Irma performed by Khmelnitskaya in Silver Lily of the Valley became one of the favorite almost negative heroines of the early 2000s. Her next success was Tatyana Panchenko in Ondine, and Alice from the lyrical melodrama Three Half Graces consolidated her success.

She did not act only in 2009, when, together with her husband, she began to broadcast "You and I", and for another part of this year she carried her second daughter Ksyusha. She returned to work immediately after giving birth, already in 2010, and a year and a half later, secular news was blown up by the news of the divorce of Khmelnitsky and Keosayan.


The Joys and Sorrows of a Little Lord (2003)

She admits that at the time of the official separation, they no longer lived together. Dispersed without regrets and mutual insults. Their children receive no less love and care than before, besides, the daughters have a new brother and sister - from Tigran's second marriage.

Another project in which Khmelnytsky blossomed anew - the musical Cinderella, was released in 2016. In it, the actress played the role of a stepmother. Sharing her impressions of this work, the enthusiastic actress whispered to reporters that she would not exchange her stepmother even for Cinderella herself!

At the premiere, she was first caught with a new gentleman, businessman Alexander Sinyushin. Alena only smiled in response to tricky questions, however, specifying that there really is some kind of relationship between her and Alexander. In the spring of 2017, the lovers came together, and in the winter of 2018, the chosen one of Khmelnitsky said that he managed to establish an excellent relationship with the youngest daughter of the actress Ksenia.

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