Nature, plants and animals of Khakassia. Fauna of Khakassia creative work of students around the world (grade 2) on the topic What animals are in Khakassia


The Republic of Khakassia is located in the southern part of eastern Siberia, on the territories of the Sayano-Altai highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk basin. On the western side, the Republic borders on the Kemerovo Region, the border runs along the Kuznetsk Alatau. From the south, along the Western Sayan, there is a border with the Republic of Altai and the Republic of Tuva. On the eastern side, along the Yenisei River and in the north, Khakassia borders on the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The length of Khakassia from north to south is 460 km, from west to east 200 km, the area is 61,900 sq. km, which is only 0.36% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation. The population of Khakassia is 560 thousand people, the capital is the city of Abakan with a population of 180 thousand people.

The prevailing terrain in the center and in the northern part of Khakassia is steppe and forest-steppe with low mountains. The western part is composed of forested ridges of the Kuznetsk Alatau with an average height of about 1000 meters. The southern part of the republic is the rocky peaks of the Western Sayan with heights up to 2900 meters. Mountains and forests occupy more than 2/3 of the republic's area. The steppe zones located in the center of Khakassia are represented both by hills with meadow herbs and by absolutely flat dry steppes. The largest rivers of Khakassia are the Yenisei, Abakan, Bely Iyus, Askiz, Chulym. There are more than 500 lakes in Khakassia, among which the most famous and visited are the salt lakes of the Shirinsky district - Shira, Bele, Tus.

Khakassia differs from other regions of Russia in its special climate. The climate in Khakassia is sharply continental, with dry hot summers and cold winters with little snow. The average daily air temperature in July is +18 +25°С, in January -17 -24°С. Spring is short and friendly, autumn is long. The temperature and vegetation depend on the altitudinal zone - year-round glaciers and tundra vegetation are observed in the highlands, a developed taiga zone is in the middle mountains, fruit trees grow beautifully in the lowlands on the southern slopes of the mountains: apricot, pear, grapes ... The number of sunny days in the republic is much higher than in neighboring regions. As a rule, the steppe regions are dry and sunny, prolonged precipitation is observed only in the mountains. Due to such climate features, recreational holidays in Khakassia are especially pleasant in the summer, a large number of warm healing lakes and sunny days attract many tourists. In winter, skiing is popular in the mountainous regions of the republic. The winds of Khakassia are predominantly western and southwestern, blowing in spring and autumn.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation of Khakassia includes more than one and a half thousand species of higher plants. Of particular value in Khakassia are cedar forests, which make up 29% of the total forest fund, as well as medicinal meadow plants. The animal world is represented by various species typical of Southern Siberia. Particularly valuable species of large animals are the red wolf, snow leopard and argali mountain sheep; fish - taimen, lenok, peled, trout, Siberian sturgeon, migratory birds - demoiselle crane, flamingos and other species of rare and endangered animals are listed in the Red Book. For the protection of nature on the territory of the Republic, the Khakassky Federal Reserve was created, consisting of 9 sites covering various natural zones, as well as one natural park, 5 reserves, 5 natural monuments, which are managed by the Directorate for Protected Areas. The unique flora and fauna give Khakassia a unique flavor that attracts lovers of wildlife and eco-tourism who are looking for fresh experiences in their travels.

The conditions for the life of animals in Khakassia are diverse, therefore, the animal world is rich and diverse. I love reading about animals and I'm interested in everything related to them. Here you can meet the white partridge - an inhabitant of the Far North. In appearance, it resembles a chicken. In winter it is white, imperceptible in the snow, in summer it is motley. In summer, partridges feed on various herbs, and in winter - on the buds of shrubs.



Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"Spring secondary school"

Animal world of Khakassia.


2nd grade student

Borchikova Diana

Leader: Vyazovkina

Lyudmila Vladimirovna

C. Spring-2014

The conditions for the life of animals in Khakassia are diverse, therefore, the animal world is rich and diverse. I love reading about animals and I'm interested in everything related to them. Here you can meet the white partridge - an inhabitant of the Far North. In appearance, it resembles a chicken. In winter it is white, imperceptible in the snow, in summer it is motley. In summer, partridges feed on various herbs, and in winter - on the buds of shrubs.

Our forests are especially rich in animals and birds. Elk, squirrel, sable, deer, roe deer and bear are found in them.

Squirrel - a small furry animal, lives in coniferous forests, feeds on pine nuts, seeds of pine, spruce, fir and larch, berries and tree buds. She is constantly busy looking for food. For this squirrel, it either descends to the ground, or climbs a tree, or nimbly jumps from branch to branch. As soon as he feels that there is not enough food, he begins to move. Many squirrels die while crossing large rivers.

On the cedar, the squirrel quickly gnaws and throws cones with nuts to the ground, cuts the cone and eats the nuts.

After lunch, he starts harvesting nuts for the winter, hiding them in a hollow or at the base of trees. They hunt squirrels in late autumn and winter. Not only squirrels and martens feast on pine nuts. But also bears, chipmunks.

Lynx, Siberian ibex, musk deer, and ermine live in the mountain forest regions of the Western Sayan Mountains and the Kuznetsk Alatau.

The elk is the largest of the deer. The body length of an adult male reaches 3 meters. Females differ from males in smaller sizes and do not have horns. The horns of the male have a well-developed paw, an expanded part and a different number of processes: the color of the elk is dark brown. The legs are long, thin, with large hooves, narrow and long, pointed at the bottom and set almost straight. He runs with wide two-meter steps, deftly maneuvering between trees, can overcome swamps, deep and loose snow. The elk will easily pass where the horse will definitely get stuck. Moose feeds on leaves, shoots and young branches of trees and succulent herbs, young needles. Moose are under special state protection.

Maral - artiodactyl beautiful, slender, mobile animal. It has a small, somewhat elongated head, in males it is decorated with branched horns, with more or less processes. The deer's neck is moderately long; a mane of longer and coarser hair grows on it on both sides. The chest is wide, strong, the tail is short. The color of the deer in winter is brownish-yellow and grayish-reddish. Maral feeds on herbaceous plants, nuts, mushrooms and shoots of shrubs and trees. The maral has a well-developed hearing. Fast legs save the deer from enemies. The deer's horns are of great value. The deer horns that are still not ossified and have not completed their growth are cut off and used in medicine for the manufacture of medicinal products. This animal is under state protection.

In the dense thickets of pine forests, on the hills, in the taiga, on the islands of the Abakan and Yenisei rivers, badgers live in their burrows. This is a clumsy fat animal with short legs and large claws, with a nose like a pig's snout. In the hole he is always clean. It feeds on insects, rodents, chicks and bird eggs. But you never see a badger deliberately tearing up the holes of rodents in order to prey on them for food. Feeding on worms, the larvae are subject to this protection.

The Bears - mammals of the order of carnivores, they are plantigrade animals, when walking they rely on the entire foot.The brown bear is a very large massive animal. The head of this beast is heavy, lobed,sits on a muscular neck.The lips, like the nose, are black, the eyes are small, deep-set. The tail is very short, completely hidden in the fur. The claws are long, up to 10 cm, especially on the front paws, but slightly curved. The bear is curious, he has poor eyesight, but good hearing and smell.Bears have great strength and endurance.The brown bear is a true omnivore, eating more vegetable than animal feed.; It feeds mainly on fruits, roots, honey, and fish.

It is most difficult for a bear to feed himself in early spring, when plant food is completely scarce. At this time of the year, he sometimes hunts even large ungulates, and also eats carrion. Then he digs up anthills, extracting larvae and the ants themselves.

At the beginning of the night, a dexterous and strong lynx comes out from under the uprooted trees or from under the rock, sweetly pulling up and silently stepping. Lynx bring great harm, destroying game animals: roe deer, musk deer, elk and deer.

The polecat comes out to hunt at night. It destroys mice and other rodent pests.

Ferret, long-tailed ground squirrel, steppe fox, jerboa live in the steppes. Ground squirrels cause great harm to crops. One gopher alone during the year can destroy several kilograms of grain. They need to be fought.

The most dangerous predator is the wolf. Wolves live in packs. There are from 7 to 20 wolves in a pack.

The pack has its own territory, which it protects from the invasion of other packs. They hunt together, a pack of wolves can drive and slaughter an animal that a lone wolf cannot cope with. Wolves prey on deer, caribou, and smaller animals. Wolves can eat berries and rummage through garbage heaps.

In our area you can also meet the red fox. She is not whimsical in the choice of food. She is ready to eat almost everything that is available to her, not only small mammals, birds, eggs, worms, but also seasonal fruits like blueberries, apples, even rose hips.

In 1938, 132 hare were brought to Khakassia from the Bashkir ASSR. Now the hare - hare settled in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. In winter, a large number of hares gather near settlements. And busy roads. Rusak leads a nocturnal lifestyle, with the onset of twilight he goes for prey. It feeds on small twigs of birches, young shoots of hawthorn. Willow or poplar twigs. It is subject to protection.

Hedgehog lives on the edges of deciduous forests, in thickets of shrubs. In summer, the hedgehog does not build dwellings. The hedgehog goes hunting at dusk and at night. You can hear how he puffs, snorts and stomps. The hedgehog feeds on beetles, caterpillars, eggs of small birds, sometimes it catches mice, snakes. Poisons have little effect on him, so he can even eat a viper.

A wild boar is a large animal, about one and a half meters long, up to a meter high and weighing up to 250 kg. The wild boar lives in a variety of places. They live in herds. The boar is an omnivore. He eats roots, plant bulbs, fruits, nuts, berries, grass, watermelons, mice. Eggs of birds, lizards. Wild boars dig a lot, loosen the soil, so where a herd of wild boars lives, there is always good vegetation


In the course of my work, I set goals and objectives for myself: to learn about what animals live in the rivers, steppes and forests of our area. The forest is full of life. It has many inhabitants. If you find a chick that has fallen out of the nest, do not take it. Mother will find, feed and warm. Do not take anything alive from the forest home. Look at nature with the kind eyes of man.

I came to the conclusion that animals need to be protected, there are very few of them left. Many animals are listed in the Red Book.

I would like to end my speech with the words of E. Yevtushko

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small bylinochku loving.

Take care of all animals

inside nature,

Kill only animals

Inside yourself.


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MBOU "Spring secondary school" Fauna of Khakassia. Completed by: 2nd grade student Diana Borchikova Supervisor: Vyazovkina L.V. Performed

The beast is huge, The beast is fat, The beast is clumsy furry. The eyes are like slits, the tail is short only. He spends the winter in a lair, in the summer he wanders through the forest. The bear is curious, he has poor eyesight, but good hearing and smell. Bears have great strength and endurance. The brown bear is a real omnivore, eating more vegetable than animal feed; It feeds mainly on fruits, roots, honey, and fish.

I'm jumping back and forth Deftly through the trees. Never empty. I have a pantry.. Squirrel is a small furry animal, lives in coniferous forests, feeds on pine nuts, pine, spruce, fir and larch seeds, berries and tree buds. She is constantly busy looking for food.

Runs through the snow - winds. By the summer, he changes his coat. It is not visible on the snow, The wolf and the fox are offended. Now the hare - the hare settled in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. In winter, a large number of hares gather near settlements. And busy roads. Rusak leads a nocturnal lifestyle, with the onset of twilight he goes for prey. It feeds on small twigs of birches, young shoots of hawthorn. Willow or poplar twigs. It is subject to protection.

Angry touchy Lives in the wilderness of the forest There are a lot of needles, And not a single thread. Hedgehog lives on the edges of deciduous forests, in thickets of shrubs. In summer, the hedgehog does not build dwellings. The hedgehog goes hunting at dusk and at night. You can hear how he puffs, snorts and stomps. The hedgehog feeds on beetles, caterpillars, eggs of small birds, sometimes it catches mice, snakes. Poisons have little effect on him, so he can even eat a viper

Red cheat Cunning, dexterous. Fluffy tail - beauty, And her name is ... (fox) In our area you can also meet a red fox. She is not whimsical in the choice of food. She is ready to eat almost everything that is available to her, not only small mammals, birds, eggs, worms, but also seasonal fruits like blueberries, apples, even rose hips.

A wild beast runs along the path, then it grunts, squeals, a caravan of children is with it, it is a forest beast .... A wild boar is a large animal, about one and a half meters long, up to a meter high and weighing up to 250 kg. The wild boar lives in a variety of places. They live in herds. The boar is an omnivore. He eats roots, plant bulbs, fruits, nuts, berries, grass, watermelons, mice. Eggs of birds, lizards. Wild boars dig a lot, loosen the soil, so where a herd of wild boars lives, there is always good vegetation

Day and night he roams the forest, Day and night he searches for prey. He walks - he wanders in silence, Ears are gray upright. (wolf) The most dangerous predator is the wolf. Wolves live in packs. There are from 7 to 20 wolves in a pack. The pack has its own territory, which it protects from the invasion of other packs. They hunt together, a pack of wolves can drive and slaughter an animal that a lone wolf cannot cope with. Wolves prey on deer, caribou, and smaller animals. Wolves can eat berries and rummage through garbage heaps.

Touching the grass with his hooves, A handsome man walks through the forest. He walks boldly and easily, his horns spread wide. The elk is the largest of the deer. The body length of an adult male reaches 3 meters. Females differ from males in smaller sizes and do not have horns. The horns of the male have a well-developed paw, an expanded part and a different number of processes: the color of the elk is dark brown. Moose feeds on leaves, shoots and young branches of trees and succulent herbs, young needles. Moose are under special state protection.

Less than a tiger, more than a cat, Above the ears of the brush - horns. In appearance meek, but do not believe: This beast is terrible in anger. At the beginning of the night, a dexterous and strong lynx comes out from under the uprooted trees or from under the rock, sweetly pulling up and silently stepping. Lynxes bring great harm, destroying game animals: roe deer, musk deer, elk and deer. The lynx watches for its prey, jumping from behind a shelter. Able to pursue the victim for a long time. The lynx is listed in the international Red Book and is protected by law.

The fauna of the republic almost completely reflects the nature and animals of the unique reserve located on its territory.

Fauna of Khakassy Reserve

Fish. In the steppe and adjacent areas of the reserve (protected zones), 32 species of fish were noted, of which 8 species were acclimatized before the creation of the reserve (chum salmon, trout, peled, bream, Siberian cisco, cisco, carp, pike perch; top was accidentally introduced). Many acclimatized species found themselves in favorable conditions. Thus, bream, peled, and omul successfully spawn in Lake Itkul. The population of chum salmon and trout on Lake Bele is replenished by the release of artificially incubated fry. Of the native species, the most common are perch, pike, crucian carp, roach, lake minnow, etc. A population of river perch lives in Lake Bele, adapted to live in salt water. Moreover, their average weight is 1-1.5 kg, and individual specimens reach up to 3-4 kg.

In the Krasnoyarsk reservoir (in the buffer zone of the “Oglakhtyv” section), bream, perch, crucian carp are massive, grayling, lenok, and taimen are less common. Sterlet, Siberian sturgeon, tugun and valek can be met even less often (these species are listed in the Red Book of Khakassia).

Amphibians. 4 species of amphibians have been noted. The moor and Siberian frogs are more common, while the common toad and Siberian salamander are rare.

Reptiles. In the areas of the reserve there are 6 species, of which the most numerous are the viviparous and agile lizards, as well as the common viper. Rare are the patterned snake, Pallas muzzle, listed in the Red Book of the Republic.

Birds. In the steppe areas of the reserve, 244 species of birds belonging to 18 orders were noted, which is 79% of the bird species recorded in the Minusinsk Basin. The most widely represented are the orders of Passerines, Charadriiformes and Anseriformes. According to the type of fauna, a significant number of birds belong to the transpaleoarctic (26%), European (22%), Siberian (48%) types.

57 species are listed in the Red Book of Khakassia, of which 27 species are in the Red Book of Russia, and more than 20 species are rare for Eurasia.

Mammals. For the steppe part of the reserve, 52 species of mammals were identified, of which three are acclimatized (hare, American mink, muskrat).

In the seven steppe areas of the Khakassky Reserve, four main types of ecological and faunal complexes have been identified.

On plains and gentle slopes, occupied mainly by grass-forb steppes and upland meadows, the species composition of terrestrial vertebrates is rather poor. The number of viviparous and nimble lizard, common viper is insignificant, muzzle is rare. More than 50 species of birds have been recorded, most of which are visiting birds that use habitats for food purposes (swallows, swifts, starlings, corvids). The number of nesting species is about 20, but there are few background species among them (field, horned and little larks, common wheatear and dancer, steppe and field pipits). In feather grass and grass-forb steppes, quail and bearded partridge become common, especially their numbers increased after the conservation. In areas with tall, hard-stemmed plants, the black-headed coinage nests, less often the warbler. Short-eared owl, demoiselle crane, mallard, pintail, less often gray duck settle near reservoirs. The shelduck and shelduck nest in the burrows of foxes. The solonetsous pikulnikova steppe attracts lapwing, yellow wagtail, and saja flies to areas of deserted steppes and nests here. In winter, red-eared bunting and horned lark dominate. Snow bunting is less common, Rough-legged Rough-legged Buzzard and Snowy Owl are even rarer. On the Bele site, snowy owls are quite common in some years (up to 50 individuals per 10 km of the route).

Of the small mammals, the steppe lemming and the narrow-skulled vole are numerous, the field mouse, the long-tailed ground squirrel, and the Dzungarian hamster are common. The usual inhabitants are the hare and the fox, the steppe polecat is less common and the badger is even less common. Roe deer and wolf feed here, especially in winter.

Steep and hilly-ridged slopes, areas of rugged relief and low-mountain massifs are characterized by rocky outcrops, stony-gravelly screes. In such peculiar conditions, a rather high number of reptiles is noted, the number of snake and muzzle increases. More than 30 species of birds have been noted for nesting. The most diverse species composition and a high number of birds are observed in stony steppes with rock outcrops, steppe shrubs and isolated larches. Typical species are the common wheatear, horned lark, and red-eared bunting. The field lark, the dancing wheatear, and the bearded partridge are also common. In the niches of the rocks, a large number of tree sparrows, white-banded swifts, and less often black ones nest. Common bald-headed, common and steppe kestrel (nesting only in rock niches), jackdaws, rock pigeon, chough. The peregrine falcon, ruddy shelduck, eagle owl, and less often saker falcons also build their nests here. In areas of larch woodlands, garden and white-capped buntings appear for nesting. The bushes are common gray warbler, brown warbler, linnet, shrike.

Mammals are represented by the same species as in the plain areas. As a very rare species, the silver vole is found. Chiroptera are common in rock niches (pond, water and mustachioed bats, long-eared bats, northern kozhanok, two-colored kozhyan).

The tree and shrub complex occupies 14% of the territory. It is most widely distributed in the areas “Podlistvenki”, “Oglakhty” and “Khol-Bogazv”. The population of animals depends on the density of forest layers, the conditions of protection and remoteness from the taiga massifs.

Reptiles are represented by lizards and vipers, only in the steppe bushes a patterned snake is added to them. The species composition of birds in the complex is quite rich, only there are more than 80 nesting species. Ordinary lentil, magpie, linnet, gray warbler, brown warbler, oak forest are common, less common are the shrike, whitethroats - the hawk and garden, garden bunting, chiffchaff, as well as the common cuckoo, which specializes in lining its eggs in the nests of the black-headed coin , sometimes even in the steppe, far from the forest (reported by N.A. Kokhanovsky).

In small pegs, the bird population is almost the same, only the number of nesting corvids and the common kestrel and hobby fowl that occupy their nests increases significantly. In the copses over one hectare, the forest pipit, chaffinch, oriole, redstart, redthroat nightingale, fieldfare, white-browed, powdery, grey-headed goldfinch, black grouse, long-eared owl appear. In large areas of forest (birch-larch) there are purely forest species - nuthatch, Muscovite, taiga cricket, long-tailed tit, great spotted and white-backed woodpeckers, hazel grouse, capercaillie, splyushka, pygmy owl, long-tailed owl, forest snipe.

Of the birds of prey, the black kite is common, hawks - the sparrowhawk and the goshawk nest less often, the imperial eagle and the saker falcon are even rarer.

Of the mammals, the mouse-like rodents are the most numerous. To the common vole and the field mouse are added the dark vole, the housekeeper, the red and red-gray voles, the Asiatic forest mouse, the baby mouse, the steppe and forest mice. On the edges of the forest and in glades, a mole is common, and in plantations - shrews, of which the common and arctic shrews are the most widespread. There are more ermine, weasels, badgers, white hare, chipmunk, Siberian weasels appear. There are roe deer and wolves (2-3 broods). Quite often, during the period of migrations of the squirrel, its appearance is noted in the areas “Podlistvenkiv” and “Khol-Bogazv”.

Meadow-marsh complex is typical for the areas “Lake Itkulv”, “Podlistvenki”, “Lake Shirav” and “Kamyzyak steppe”. The most widespread are valley marshy and saline meadows, less often valley real ones. Valley soddy-sedge, reed and reed bogs are widespread in the floodplain of the river. Kizilka and the mouth of the river. Dream. Often there are thickets of low-growing forms of willows with a small participation of downy birch. In the vicinity of Lake Ulug-Kol, continental sedge saline bogs develop.

Amphibians are represented by 3 species, of which the moor frog is numerous, the Siberian frog and the toad are less common. The composition of reptiles is rather poor. There is a viper, less often - already.

The bird population is quite diverse. The yellow wagtail, skylark (in meadows), and badger warbler (in bushes) are numerous everywhere. Common are the garden warbler, black-headed coinage, bluethroat, spotted cricket, Indian warbler, snipe, great snipe, lapwing, herbalist, corncrake, less common yellow-headed wagtail, lentil, thrush-shaped warbler, steppe pipit, curlew, demoiselle crane, quail, shepherds, chase. Field and marsh harriers are common, meadow and steppe harriers are less common. All types of river ducks nest in the mass. 2 pairs of Eurasian Cranes, 3-4 pairs of Bitterns nest on the vast swamps in the “Podlistvenki” site, and a Black Crane was seen on migration. In the spring, Turukhtans (separate pairs nest) and other waders stop en masse on migration. Mammals are less diverse. Mouse-like rodents predominate, of which narrow-skulled and water voles are the most numerous. On the “Podlistvenki” site, under the protection of extensive shrubs and reeds, there is a population of roe deer, which lives there all year round. In winter, hare and fox are common.

Reservoirs and their coasts occupy 12% of the territory. In addition to such large lakes as Itkul, Shira, Bele, Ulug-Kol, there are a number of small lakes on the territory of the sites. The banks of small rivers and lakes are mostly swampy and occupied by sedge-reed thickets. Aquatic vegetation is well developed. On large lakes, the shores are mostly sandy, sandy-gravelly or muddy, and only in shallow bays are they overgrown with reeds.

On the lake Ulug-Kol in the post-breeding period there are up to 50-80 broods of ruddy shelduck, shelducks - up to 20-30; up to 80-100 pairs of Avocets nest there (50% of the population nesting in Central Siberia), Demoiselle Crane - up to 5 pairs; as well as many red-headed pochards, pintails, gray ducks, cracked teals, shovelers, herbalists, small and sea plovers, curlews, etc.

In August, an accumulation of waterfowl and near-water birds with a total number of 5-8 thousand individuals forms on the lake. Massive are shelducks (3-4 thousand), red-headed pochards (2-3 thousand), river ducks (1-2 thousand), shelducks (0.3-0.6 thousand), avocets (0.4- 0.5 thousand), gray gulls (0.3-0.4 thousand).

During the spring and autumn migrations, the lake is an intermediate stage for the passage of thousands of ducks, geese, swans and especially waders. Small swan (3-3.5 thousand), whooper swan (up to 1 thousand), gray goose, goose, taiga goose, white-fronted goose, white-fronted goose make a long stop on the lake (one-time accumulations of 1-2 thousand individuals are noted) , snails of various types - in the peaks of flight up to 8-11 thousand. Of the rare species, the swan grouse, white-headed duck, large and Asian snipe-like godwit, saja, common crane were noted; even rarer - black stork and spoonbill. According to the data of the Krasnoyarsk Ecological Center, 28% of the lesser swan out of the abundance of the western subspecies flies through Lake Ulug-Kol, and 15% of the total number of the species.

Breeding on Lake Bele: whooper swan (1-2 pairs, but not annually), hook-nosed scoter (15-20 pairs), shelduck (20-30 pairs), shelduck (5-10 pairs), a small number of river and diving ducks (in high-water years - massively), gull (10-15 pairs), black-headed gull (not annually), gray gull (10-15 pairs), demoiselle crane (2-5 pairs), various types of waders, common and steppe kestrels, eagle owls, etc. In the summer, non-breeding individuals of shelducks (up to 100-200 individuals), shelducks, river and diving ducks (up to 500), belladonnas (up to 10-15), various types of waders keep on the lake; in some years there are (as stray) great white herons, flamingos, and white-headed ducks. In August-September, a pre-migratory accumulation of shelducks up to 4-5 thousand, belladonnas up to 50-120 individuals is formed here. During the migration period, various species of ducks, shorebirds, geese (mainly bean goose and gray, less often white-fronted, lesser white-fronted, lesser white-fronted goose, taiga goose and even more rarely swan goose, red-breasted goose), swans (whooper and small) stop in large numbers. On the autumn migration, the common crane stays for a short time - 0.5-1 thousand individuals. Thus, Lake Ulug-Kol and the shallow strait of Lake Bele are the most important key ornithological territories in Russia and Asia (Skokova and Vinogradov, 1986; Wetlands of Russia, vol. 1-2, 1998; Reserves of Siberia, vol. 1, 1999).

Mountain-taiga territories of the Republic of Khakassia

As for the steppe areas, only information about vertebrates is given here.

There are 11 species of fish in the reserve. The most common are grayling, lenok, less often taimen. There are also common minnow, Siberian minnow, Siberian char, Siberian and variegated sculpin, Siberian dace, burbot and Siberian spike.

There are 3 species of amphibians here - Siberian frog, common toad and Siberian salamander (four-toed newt). Of the reptiles, viviparous and agile lizards, as well as an ordinary viper, were identified.

139 species of birds were noted in the mountainous area, of which 27 are sedentary and semi-sedentary, 89 are migratory and nesting, 6 are nesting and irregularly wintering, 6 are migratory, encountered in the summer, but the nature of the stay is unclear - 11 species . There are 30 species of birds listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia, of which 18 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia, and 7 species are rare for Europe and Asia.

50 species of mammals were found here: 7 species of insectivores, 8 species of bats, 3 species of lagomorphs, 13 species of rodents, 13 predators and 6 artiodactyls. Two species appeared relatively recently: the American mink, as a result of acclimatization in 1955, and the wild boar, which began to populate the northern macroslope of the Western Sayan in the late 1970s. from Tuva. In addition to those listed above, there is information about the possibility of encounters near the southern borders of the site of red wolf, Siberian ibex and mountain sheep (argali). All these species, as well as two more of the permanent inhabitants, are included in the Red Book of Russia. Another 9 species of animals from among the inhabitants of the mountain-taiga area are included in the Red Book of Khakassia.

The main place in the composition of the fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the “Small Abakan” site belongs to the inhabitants of mountain-taiga, mountain-forest-meadow and mountain-tundra landscapes, the participation of species of water and rock complexes is insignificant. Three main landscape subdivisions are considered below, reflecting the altitudinal zonality of a given area.

The mid-mountain dark coniferous taiga includes taiga and subalpine cedar forests, fir, cedar-fir, dark coniferous larch, dark coniferous deciduous, birch and floodplain mixed forests, as well as burnt areas. This landscape is characterized by viviparous lizard and viper. Of the birds, the powdery, Muscovite, Nutcracker, Spruce Crossbill, Nuthatch, Warblers (Green, Kinglet, Chiffchaff and Thick-billed), Bluetail, which make up 83% of the bird population, dominate. Hazel grouse, capercaillie, woodcock, bile, three-toed and large motley woodpeckers, thrushes (motley, song, mistle, black-throated), bullfinch, nightingales (blue and whistle) are characteristic of these habitats. In the floodplain forests, the red-throated nightingale, the grey-headed bunting, the hawker, common lentil, crickets (taiga and spotted), forest snipe are added to them. In the subalpine-cedar forests, the mugimaki flycatcher, red-backed redstart, large lentil, Siberian lentil, grey-headed tit, warbler, and olive thrush are added to the characteristic species. The rivers in the taiga zone are dominated by the mountain wagtail, the carrier, the cherny, and the big merganser.

White-belt and black swifts also feed and nest on the coastal rocks. There is a small amount of mallard, goldeneye, large snail. The osprey and the black stork nest among the species listed in the Red Data Book. In the taiga and subalpine cedar forests in the upper reaches of the rivers, there is a peculiar habitat - "shrub caltuses". These are treeless, relatively leveled areas, occupied by dense and rather high (up to 1.5 m) thickets of shrubs - willows (goat, Sayan, basket), alder, low birch, shrub cinquefoil), among which there are single undersized spruces, cedars or fir. Sedge tussock bogs and forest lawns are also common here. Brown warbler, mountain wagtail, bluethroat, rubythroat nightingale, badger warbler, crickets (spotted and songbird) dominate. Common are the vociferous chiffchaff, chiffchaff, common lentil, warbler, garden warbler. There are also small numbers of black-headed coinage, dubrovnik, and yellow-headed wagtail.

Of the mammals in the mountain dark coniferous taiga, common species are shrews (common, arctic, even-toothed, medium, small, tiny shrews), voles (red and red-gray), alpine pika, chipmunk, squirrel, sable, while weasel, ermine, weasel , flying squirrels are comparatively rare.

Bats are very rare (bats - water, mustachioed and Brandda, brown long-eared, two-color leather, large tube-nosed; northern leather is more common). Among large animals, the brown bear, wolverine, lynx, musk deer, deer are typical, while elk and roe deer are relatively rare. In the mountains along the southern border of the site, meetings of small groups of Sayan reindeer are possible. In the floodplains of the rivers, the white hare, the American mink, and less often the otter are common. It is interesting to note the penetration of wolves into the mountain taiga, which practically did not occur here until 1980 (there were very rare visits). Appearing in winter in the places of deer camps, wolves reduce the number of deer (the total number of wolves does not yet exceed 10-15 individuals). The wild boar population density is growing noticeably (for example, along the Karasuma and Kabansug rivers). The number of sable is on average 10-12 individuals per 1000 ha, and in some areas it reaches 20 individuals per 1000 ha, especially in the years of the pine nut harvest. The reserve actively promotes the hunting of this species, thanks to the resettlement of sables from the reserve to adjacent territories. The abundance of sables, as well as squirrels, bears and some other species, significantly depends on the yield of cedar seeds. On the whole, there is a clear pattern: the population of "nuts" consumers increases after abundant harvests, and after a year or two, the increased number of such animals coincides with lean years, and the number of animals is sharply reduced. The squirrel migrates, the sable increases its activity in search of other food, among the bears “rods” may appear (in general, this phenomenon is not typical for the area of ​​the reserve). The total number of brown bears is 80-100 individuals, with a population density of 1.1 individuals per 1000 ha. The population density of the wolverine in winter is 0.1-0.5 per 1000 ha, while that of the lynx is 0.7 per 1000 ha. However, the number of lynx is much higher, because. the main mass migrates after the ungulates in the low mountains. The winter concentration of the lynx is confined to the places of sludge of the musk deer, which forms the basis of the lynx's diet in the winter.

The bald cedar-fir light forest represents a mountain forest-meadow landscape, but the animal population there is very similar to that described for the "shrub caltus" of the middle taiga tier. The Siberian mole is added here to the previously listed species. Such typical animals as bear, deer, wild boar and roe deer visit the subbald belt mainly in late spring and summer, when they feed here on lush grassy vegetation.

The high mountain tundras of the Alpine belt also include various biotopes. The highest species composition and number of birds were noted in the shrub (dwarf birch) tundra. A small number of birds are found in lichen and moss tundras. Characteristic representatives are the mountain pipit, the golden eagle, the polar bunting, the tundra and ptarmigan, the spotted pipit, the hawker (pale, Himalayan, alpine), and the Siberian mountain finch. Of the mammals, a specific species for the highlands is the big-eared mountain vole. However, almost all the species indicated for the subalpine belt also penetrate into the biotopes of the highland zone, enter the tundra for feeding and for the sake of salvation from midges.

Among the birds, 32 species are included in the Red Book of Russia: spoonbill, black stork, flamingo, lesser (tundra) swan, lesser white-fronted goose, swan goose, red-throated goose, duck, osprey, steppe harrier, steppe eagle, greater spotted eagle, imperial eagle, golden eagle, long-tailed eagle , white-tailed eagle, bearded vulture, black vulture, griffon vulture, gyrfalcon, peregrine falcon, saker falcon, steppe kestrel, black crane, belladonna, avocet, stilt, Asiatic snipe-tailed godwit, black-headed gull, Siberian grebe, eagle owl, gray shrike.

From the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia on the territory of the reserve there are: patterned snake, Pallas muzzle, black-throated loon, grebes (small, black-necked, red-necked), great cormorant, bittern, great egret, whooper swan, gray goose, taiga goose, shelduck, killer whale , hawk-nosed scoter, crested honey buzzard, meadow harrier, upland buzzard, merlin, red-footed falcon, gray crane, sea plover, Siberian ash snail, mountain snipe, large and medium curlew, common godwit, little gull, black and white-winged tern, saja, needle-tailed swift , steppe lark, Siberian motley, whiskered tit, common shrew, pond bat, long-eared bat, two-color leather, large (Siberian) tube-billed, red-cheeked ground squirrel, otter.

This indicates that the reserve is not only a standard of wildlife in the Altai-Sayan region, but also serves as a reserve for the conservation of rare and vulnerable species of animals and plants.

Khakassia is a land of picturesque and truly unique nature. The republic is located in the central part of Eurasia. The complex relief with elevation changes from 250 m above sea level in the flat part to 2969 m in the Western Sayan Mountains, combined with the sharply continental climate of the region, allowed the unique natural landscapes to be preserved in their original form.

Mountains with peaks covered with glaciers and snow, tundra, alpine and subalpine meadows, forests and steppes are concentrated in a relatively small area. The region is rich in swift rivers and deep lakes, grottoes and caves.


A highly fragmented relief with different types of soil layer, uneven illumination of steep mountain slopes and gorges created conditions for an extraordinary diversity of flora. More than 1670 species of higher plants grow here, from mighty cedars and larches to quivering forest orchids.

In Khakassia, there are plants of all types of vegetation: steppe, forest, meadow, tundra and marsh.

Of the steppe grasses, the most common are sedge, wormwood, feather grass, chi, pikulnik, and plants of the bluegrass family. Meadow plants are represented by forbs and cereals: meadow fescue, clover, yarrow, Jungar aconite, and others from the family of cereals and legumes.

Among the forest vegetation, coniferous trees predominate: cedars, firs, spruces, larches, and only in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Khakassia do birch trees grow, and very rarely - aspen and poplar forests with an admixture of willows.

Mosses and lichens predominate in the alpine tundra. Swamp vegetation is represented by reeds, reeds, sedges and mosses. On saline soils near mineralized lakes, akhnatherum and hemp nettle are common.

endemic plants

The unique landscape, clean air and virgin environment, untouched by man, are ideal conditions for the conservation of species that are sensitive to anthropogenic impact. Many relict plants grow in Khakassia. 28 species can be seen only here, these plants are endemic to the republic.

These are the Saxar birch, the Reverdatto backache, the narrow-leaved ostrich, the Tatar crail, the Khakass double-leaved, the Sayan Saussurea and others.


Animals of Khakassia are also diverse and unusual. Giant moose, bears, deer, otters, snow leopards, wolves, chipmunks, etc. live here.

Among the mammals in the mountain dark coniferous taiga one can meet shrews, chipmunks, foxes, squirrels and sables. Sometimes weasel, Siberian weasel, ermine are found, but the populations of these animals in Khakassia are small. Bears, marals, Siberian forest reindeer, lynxes, wolverines are typical representatives of large animals in coniferous forests. Hares and minks live in the river valleys. Sometimes you can see an otter. Vole mice, moles, shrews, and Djungarian hamsters are common in alpine meadows.

unique animals

Among the plants and animals of Khakassia there are many unique ones. You rarely see them. 281 species of plants and animals of Khakassia are listed in the Red Book. The red wolf, Tuva beaver and manul are listed as probably extinct species. The snow leopard and argali are under the threat of extinction, the population of the Siberian forest reindeer is declining. Animals such as the Siberian goat and the river otter became rare.

The protection and restoration of populations of rare and endangered species, the preservation of the gene pool of plants and animals is the main concern of the employees of the Khakass State Nature Reserve, established in 1999.

We wish them good luck in the hope of seeing animals from the Red Book of Khakassia in the wild in a couple of decades.

To date, only vertebrates have been studied in the reserve.

Steppe group of plots


On the territory of the reserve are represented by 4 species, of which moor and Siberian frogs are massive. (Reserve "Khakassky": Scientific publication. Edited by G.V. Devyatkin. Abakan: "Journalist", 2001. - 128 p.). 1 species - Siberian salamander - is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia (Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia: Rare and endangered species of animals / V.V. Anyushin, I.I. Vishnevetsky, A.P. Savchenko and others - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004 .-320 s.)


Five species inhabit the areas of the reserve, among which the common ones are viviparous and agile lizards, common vipers. Rare species include the patterned snake, the Pallas muzzle (Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia: Rare and endangered species of animals / V.V. Anyushin, I.I. Vishnevetsky, A.P. Savchenko and others - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004. -320 with.)


During the research, 294 species of birds belonging to 18 orders were noted, which is 79% of the bird species recorded in the Minusinsk Basin - 315 species (loons - 1, grebes - 5, copepods - 1, storks - 4, flamingos - 1, anseriformes - 29, Falconiformes - 26, Galliformes - 5, Cranes - 10, Charadriiformes - 50, Pigeons - 5, Cuckoo-iformes - 1, Owls - 8, Goats - 1, Swifts - 2, Hoodoi - 1, Woodpeckers - 6, Passeriformes - 88 ). (Reserve "Khakassky": Scientific publication. Edited by G.V. Devyatkin. Abakan: "Journalist", 2001. - 128 p.).

Of these, 30 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (Red Book of the Russian Federation (animals) / V.I. Danilov-Danilyan. - M .: Astel, 2000. - 845 p.) And 62 species in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia ( Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia: Rare and endangered species of animals / V. V. Anyushin, I. I. Vishnevetsky, A. P. Savchenko and others - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004. -320 p.) 21 species are globally rare for Europe and Asia. Reserve "Khakassky": Scientific publication. Edited by G.V. Devyatkin. Abakan: "Journalist", 2001. - 128 p.).


On the sites of the steppe group, 52 species of mammals were identified, 8 species are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia (Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia: Rare and endangered species of animals / V.V. Anyushin, I.I. Vishnevetsky, A.P. Savchenko and others - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004. -320 p.)

Horned lark

In the seven steppe areas of the Khakassky Reserve, four main types of ecological and faunal complexes have been identified. On plains and gentle slopes, occupied mainly by grass-forb steppes and upland meadows, the species composition of terrestrial vertebrates is rather poor. The number of viviparous and nimble lizard, common viper is insignificant, muzzle is rare. More than 50 species of birds have been recorded, most of which are visiting birds that use habitats for food purposes (swallows, swifts, starlings, corvids). The number of nesting species is about 20, but there are few background species among them (field, horned and little larks, common wheatear and dancer, steppe and field pipits). In feather grass and grass-forb steppes, quail and bearded partridge become common, especially their numbers increased after the conservation. In areas with tall, hard-stemmed plants, the black-headed coinage nests, less often the warbler. Short-eared owl, demoiselle crane, mallard, pintail, less often gray duck settle near reservoirs. The shelduck and shelduck nest in the burrows of foxes. The solonetsous pikulnikova steppe attracts lapwing, yellow wagtail, and saja flies to areas of deserted steppes and nests here. In winter, red-eared bunting and horned lark dominate. Snow bunting is less common, Rough-legged Rough-legged Buzzard and Snowy Owl are even rarer. On the Bele site, snowy owls are quite common in some years (up to 50 individuals per 10 km of the route). Of the small mammals, the steppe lemming and the narrow-skulled vole are numerous, the field mouse, the long-tailed ground squirrel, and the Dzungarian hamster are common. The usual inhabitants are the hare and the fox, the steppe polecat is less common and the badger is even less common. Roe deer and wolf feed here, especially in winter.

Steep and hilly-ridged slopes, areas of rugged relief and low-mountain massifs are characterized by rocky outcrops, stony-gravelly screes. In such peculiar conditions, a rather high number of reptiles is noted, the number of snake and muzzle increases. More than 30 species of birds have been noted for nesting. The most diverse species composition and a high number of birds are observed in stony steppes with rock outcrops, steppe shrubs and isolated larches. Typical species are the common wheatear, horned lark, and red-eared bunting. The field lark, the dancing wheatear, and the bearded partridge are also common. Tree sparrows, white-belted swifts, and less often black ones nest in the rock niches in large numbers. Common bald-headed, common and steppe kestrel (nesting only in rock niches), jackdaws, rock pigeon, chough. The peregrine falcon, ruddy shelduck, eagle owl, and less often saker falcons also build their nests here. In areas of larch woodlands, garden and white-capped buntings appear for nesting. The bushes are common gray warbler, brown warbler, linnet, shrike. Mammals are represented by the same species as in the plain areas. As a very rare species, the silver vole is found. Chiroptera are common in rock niches (pond, water and mustachioed bats, long-eared bats, northern kozhanok, two-colored kozhyan).

common cuckoo

The tree and shrub complex occupies 14% of the territory. It is most widely distributed in the Podlistvenki, Oglakhty, and Khol-Bogaz sites. Reptiles are represented by lizards and vipers, only in the steppe bushes a patterned snake is added to them. The species composition of birds in the complex is quite rich, only there are more than 80 nesting species. Ordinary lentil, magpie, linnet, gray warbler, brown warbler, oak forest are common, less common are shrike, whitethroat and garden warbler, garden bunting, chiffchaff, and common cuckoo, which specializes in lining its eggs in the nests of the black-headed coinage, sometimes even in the steppe, far from the forest (reported by N.A. Kokhanovsky).

In small pegs, the bird population is almost the same, only the number of nesting corvids and the common kestrel and hobby fowl that occupy their nests increases significantly. In the copses over one hectare, the forest pipit, chaffinch, oriole, redstart, redthroat nightingale, fieldfare, white-browed, powdery, grey-headed goldfinch, black grouse, long-eared owl appear. In large areas of forest (birch-larch) there are purely forest species - nuthatch, Muscovite, taiga cricket, long-tailed tit, great spotted and white-backed woodpeckers, hazel grouse, capercaillie, splyushka, pygmy owl, long-tailed owl, forest snipe.

Of the birds of prey, the black kite is common, hawks nest less often - the sparrowhawk and the goshawk, even more rarely the imperial eagle and the saker falcon. Of the mammals, the mouse-like rodents are the most numerous. To the common vole and the field mouse are added the dark vole, the housekeeper, the red and red-gray voles, the Asiatic forest mouse, the baby mouse, the steppe and forest mice. On the edges of the forest and in the clearings, a mole is common, and in plantations - shrews, of which the common and arctic shrews are the most massive. There are more ermine, weasels, badgers, white hare, chipmunk, Siberian weasels appear. There are roe deer and wolves (2-3 broods). Quite often, during the period of migration, the squirrel is noted to appear on the Podlistvenki and Khol-Bogaz sites.

Black-tailed godwit

Curlew large

The meadow-marsh complex is typical for the Itkul Lake, Podlistvenki, Shira Lake, and Kamyzyak Steppe sites. The most widespread are valley marshy and saline meadows, less often valley real ones. Valley soddy-sedge, reed and reed bogs are widespread in the floodplain of the river. Kizilka and the mouth of the river. Dream. Often there are thickets of low-growing forms of willows with a small participation of downy birch. In the vicinity of Lake Ulukh-Kol, continental sedge saline bogs develop. Amphibians are represented by 3 species, of which the moor frog is numerous, the Siberian frog and the toad are less common. The composition of reptiles is rather poor. There is a viper, less often - too. The bird population is quite diverse. The yellow wagtail, skylark (in meadows), and badger warbler (in bushes) are numerous everywhere. Common are the garden warbler, black-headed coinage, bluethroat, spotted cricket, Indian warbler, snipe, great snipe, lapwing, herbalist, corncrake, less common yellow-headed wagtail, lentil, thrush-shaped warbler, steppe pipit, curlew, demoiselle crane, quail, shepherds, chase. Field and marsh harriers are common, meadow and steppe harriers are less common. All types of river ducks nest in the mass. 2 pairs of Common Cranes, 3-4 pairs of bitterns nest in the vast swamps in the “Podlistvenki” area, and a black crane was encountered on migration. In the spring, Turukhtans (separate pairs nest) and other waders stop en masse on migration. Mammals are less diverse. Mouse-like rodents predominate, of which narrow-skulled and water voles are the most numerous. On the “Podlistvenki” site, under the protection of extensive shrubs and reed beds, there is a population of roe deer, which lives there all year round. In winter, hare and fox are common.


Reservoirs and their coasts occupy 12% of the territory. In addition to such large lakes as Itkul, Shira, Bele, Ulukh-Kol, there are a number of small lakes on the territory of the sites. The banks of small rivers and lakes are mostly swampy and occupied by sedge-reed thickets. Aquatic vegetation is well developed. On large lakes, the shores are mostly sandy, sandy-gravelly or muddy, and only in shallow bays are they overgrown with reeds.

Reservoirs are important not only for the nesting of a large number of waterfowl and near-water birds, but also during their mass migrations. The shallow strait of Lake Bele and Lake Ulukh-Kol are an integral part of the Central Asian (Yenisei) migration route and serve as an important stopping place and concentration of migratory birds.

On the lake Ulug-Kol in the post-breeding period, there are up to 50-80 broods of ruddy shelduck, shelducks - up to 20-30; up to 80-100 pairs of Avocets nest there (50% of the population nesting in Central Siberia), Demoiselle Crane - up to 5 pairs; as well as many red-headed pochards, pintails, gray ducks, cracked teals, shovelers, herbalists, small and sea plovers, curlews, etc.

In August, an accumulation of waterfowl and near-water birds with a total number of 5-8 thousand individuals forms on the lake. Massive are shelducks (3-4 thousand), red-headed pochards (2-3 thousand), river ducks (1-2 thousand), shelducks (0.3-0.6 thousand), avocets (0.4- 0.5 thousand), gray gulls (0.3-0.4 thousand).

During the spring and autumn migrations, the lake is an intermediate stage for the passage of thousands of ducks, geese, swans and especially waders. Small swan (3-3.5 thousand), whooper swan (up to 1 thousand), gray goose, goose, taiga goose, white-fronted goose, white-fronted goose make a long stop on the lake (one-time accumulations of 1-2 thousand individuals are noted) , snails of various types - in the peaks of flight up to 8-11 thousand. Of the rare species, the swan grouse, white-headed duck, large and Asian snipe-like godwit, saja, common crane were noted; even rarer - black stork and spoonbill. According to the data of the Krasnoyarsk Ecological Center, 28% of the lesser swan out of the abundance of the western subspecies flies through Lake Ulukh-Kol, and 15% of the total number of the species.

Breeding on Lake Bele: whooper swan (1-2 pairs, but not annually), hook-nosed scoter (15-20 pairs), shelduck (20-30 pairs), shelduck (5-10 pairs), a small number of river and diving ducks (in high-water years - massively), gull (10-15 pairs), black-headed gull (not annually), gray gull (10-15 pairs), demoiselle crane (2-5 pairs), various types of waders, common and steppe kestrels , eagle owl, etc. In the summer, non-breeding individuals of shelducks (up to 100-200 individuals), shelducks, river and diving ducks (up to 500), belladonnas (up to 10-15), various types of waders keep on the lake; in some years there are (as stray) great white herons, flamingos, and white-headed ducks. In August-September, a pre-migratory accumulation of shelducks up to 4-5 thousand, belladonnas up to 50-120 individuals is formed here. During the migration period, various species of ducks, shorebirds, geese (mainly bean goose and gray, less often white-fronted, lesser white-fronted, lesser white-fronted goose, taiga goose and even more rarely swan goose, red-breasted goose), swans (whooper and small) stop in large numbers. On the autumn migration, the Common Crane stays for a short time - 0.5-1 thousand individuals. Thus, Lake Ulukh-Kol and the shallow strait of Lake Bele are the most important key ornithological territories in Russia and Asia Reserve "Khakassky": Scientific publication. Edited by G.V. Devyatkin. Abakan: "Journalist", 2001. - 128 p.).

Mountain-taiga group


Siberian frog, common toad live on the territory. The discovery of the Siberian salamander is indicated (Reserve "Khakassky": Scientific publication. Edited by G.V. Devyatkin. Abakan: "Journalist", 2001. - 128 p.).


Viviparous and nimble lizards, common viper are common for the territory of the mountain-taiga group of sites.



139 species were recorded on the sites, of which 27 are sedentary and semi-sedentary, 89 are migratory and nesting, 6 are nesting and irregularly wintering, 6 are migratory, encountered in the summer, but the nature of stay is unclear - 11 species.

There are 30 species of birds listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia, of which 18 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia, and 7 species are globally rare for Europe and Asia. The distribution of the bird population on the territory is uneven. A large number of species were recorded in light forests; mountain-forest-meadow complex (89 species). In the dark coniferous taiga, 77 species are found, in mountain tundra, subalpine and alpine meadows - 33 species. 32 species are associated with rivers and mountain lakes.


50 species inhabit the territory of the sites: 7 species of insectivores, 8 species of bats, 3 species of lagomorphs, 13 species of rodents, 13 predators and 6 species of artiodactyls. Among the valuable hunting and commercial species, one should single out quite common sable, American mink, lynx, brown bear, badger, roe deer, maral, elk and musk deer. 11 species of animals are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia (Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia: Rare and endangered species of animals / V.V. Anyushin, I.I. Vishnevetsky, A.P. Savchenko and others - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004. -320 s.), of which 2 species are included in the Red Book of Russia. (Red Book of the Russian Federation (animals) / V.I. Danilov-Danilyan. - M .: Astel, 2000. - 845 p.)

Population of vertebrate animals of the main types of landscapes

The main place in the fauna of terrestrial vertebrates belongs to the inhabitants of mountain-taiga, mountain-forest-meadow, mountain-tundra landscapes. Insignificant participation is taken by the types of water and rock-precipitous complexes. Three main landscape subdivisions are considered below, reflecting the altitudinal zonality of a given area.


Lentils big

Middle mountain dark coniferous taiga includes taiga and subalpine cedar forests, fir, cedar-fir, dark coniferous larch, dark coniferous deciduous, birch and floodplain mixed forests, as well as burnt areas. This landscape is characterized by viviparous lizard and viper. Of the birds, the powdery, Muscovite, Nutcracker, Spruce Crossbill, Nuthatch, Warblers (Green, Kinglet, Chiffchaff and Vociferous), Bluetail dominate. Hazel grouse, capercaillie, woodcock, bile, three-toed and large motley woodpeckers, thrushes (motley, songbird, mistletoe), bullfinch, nightingales (blue and whistle) are characteristic of these habitats. In the floodplain forests, the red-throated nightingale, the grey-headed bunting, the hawk, common lentil, crickets (taiga and spotted), Asian snipe, forest snipe are added to them.

AT subalpine-cedar forests mugimaki flycatcher, red-backed redstart, large lentil, Siberian lentil, grey-headed tit, buffalo, and olive thrush are added to the characteristic species.

On the rivers in taiga belt the mountain wagtail, the ferryman, the cherny, and the big merganser dominate. White-belt and black swifts also feed and nest on the coastal rocks. There is a small amount of mallard, goldeneye, large snail. The osprey and the black stork nest among the species listed in the Red Data Book.

warbler badger

AT taiga and subalpine cedar forests in the upper reaches of the rivers there is a peculiar habitat - "shrub caltus". These are treeless, relatively leveled areas, occupied by dense and rather high (up to 1.5 m) thickets of shrubs (willow, low birch, Kuril shrub tea), among which there are solitary undersized spruces, cedars or fir. Sedge tussock bogs and forest lawns are also common here. The dominant species are Brown Warbler, Mountain Wagtail, Bluethroat, Lightning Buffalo, Rubythroat Nightingale, Badger Warbler, and Crickets (Spotted and Songbird). Common are the vociferous chiffchaff, chiffchaff, common lentil, hawk warbler, garden warbler. There is also a small amount of black-headed coinage, dubrovnik, yellow-headed wagtail.

From mammals to mountain dark coniferous taiga common species are shrews (common, arctic, even-toothed, medium, small, tiny shrews), voles (red and red-gray), alpine pika, chipmunk, squirrel, sable. Relatively rare - weasel, ermine, weasel, flying squirrel. Bats are very rare (bats - water, mustachioed, Brantda, brown long-eared, two-colored leather, large tube-nosed; the northern leather is more common). Among large animals, a bear, a wolverine, a lynx, a musk deer, a deer are typical. Elk, roe deer and ermine are less common. In the mountains along the southern border, small groups of Sayan reindeer may be encountered. In the floodplains of the rivers, the white hare, the American mink, and less often the otter are common. It is interesting to note the penetration into the mountain taiga, into the upper reaches of the rivers of the wolf, which practically did not occur here until 1980 (there were very rare entries). Nowadays, it has become common even in winter.


Goltsovy cedar-fir woodlands. Represents a mountain forest-meadow landscape. Of the reptiles, the viviparous lizard and viper are very rarely found here, which are noted mainly on the slopes of southern exposures.

Birds are dominated by the yellow-collared buffalo, common lentil, red-throated nightingale, spotted pipit, puffball, and chiffchaff. Common are red-throated and olive thrushes, nutcrackers, bluetails, large, Siberian and common lentils, mountain and forest pipit, hawker, redthroat nightingale.

The species composition of mammals is not constant, with the exception of the mole, shrews and voles. Large mammals: bear, deer, roe deer, wild boar concentrate here in late spring and summer, when they feed here on lush grassy vegetation.

Alpine tundra include various biotopes. The highest species composition and number of birds were noted in the shrub (dwarf birch) tundra. A small number of birds are found in lichen and moss tundras. Characteristic representatives are the mountain pipit, the golden eagle, the polar bunting, the tundra and ptarmigan, the spotted pipit, the hawker (pale, Himalayan, alpine), and the Siberian mountain finch. Of the mammals, a specific species for the highlands is the big-eared mountain vole. However, almost all species indicated for the subalpine belt also penetrate into the biotopes of the highland zone, enter the tundra for feeding and for the sake of salvation from midges. (Reserve "Khakassky": Scientific publication. Edited by G.V. Devyatkin. Abakan: "Journalist", 2001. - 128 p.).




The family of snails - Hynobiidae

  1. Siberian salamander - Hynobius keyserlingi (Dyb.) - Common in taiga forests, near streams and springs. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.


Toad family - Bufonidae

  1. Common toad - Bufo bufo (L.) - A common species of floodplain meadows and swamps in the steppe areas of the reserve.

Frog family - Ranidae

  1. Moor frog - Rana terrestris (Andrzejewski) - A small species of floodplain meadows, swamps and reservoirs of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  2. Siberian frog - Rana cruenta (Pall.) - A common species in the steppe areas of the reserve, less common in the "Small Abakan" area. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.



Lizard family - Lacertidae

  1. Viviparous lizard - Lacerta vivipara (Jacq) - A common species of the steppe and taiga areas of the reserve (1,2,3).
  2. Quick lizard - Lacerta agilis (L.) - a numerous inhabitant of the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" it is less common, mostly on the southern rocky slopes (1,2,3).


Viper family - Viperidae

  1. Common viper - Vipera berus (L.) - A common species in all parts of the reserve (1,2,3).
  2. Patterned snake - Elaphe dione (Pall.) - A rare species in the steppe areas of the reserve (1,2,3). Inhabits rocky steppes and steppe shrubs. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  3. Pallas cottonmouth - Agkistrodon halys (Pall.) - A rare species in the steppe areas of the reserve (1,2,3). Inhabits stony steppes and steppe bushes of the reserve. Most common in the "Bele" section. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.



Family Gagaraceae - gaviidae

10. Black-throated diver - Gavia arctica (L.) - Very rare on migration in water bodies of the steppe areas, possibly very rarely nests in the area "Small Abakan" on high-mountain fish lakes (1,4,5,8). Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.


Toadstool family - Podicipedidae

11. Little Grebe - Podiceps ruficollis (Pall.) - A very rare, probably breeding species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Occurs on small overgrown lakes in the "Podzaploty" site.

12. Black-necked grebe - Podiceps nigricollis (Brehm.) - A very rare, probably breeding species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Both pairs and small groups were noted in the summer on overgrown lakes in the Podzaploty and Itkul sites.

13. Grey-cheeked grebe - Podiceps grisegena (Bodd.) - An exceptionally rare flying species. Encountered in summer 1991 and 1994. on the lakes of the Itkul site.

14. Red-necked grebe - Podiceps auritus (L.) - A very rare, probably breeding species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. It occurs in summer both in pairs and in small groups on overgrown lakes in the Podzaploty and Itkul areas.

15. Great Grebe - Podiceps cristatus (L.) - A common nesting species on the lakes of the Itkul site. The population density in August is 33 inhabitants/100 ha.


Cormorant family - Palacrocidae

16. Great cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo (L.) - A regular vagrant species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Occurs on the upper support of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir, incl. in the security zone of the Oglakhty site.


The heron family Ardeidae

17. Great Bittern - Botaurus stellaris (L.) - A rare breeding species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Breeds on overgrown reservoirs, on sites "Podzaploty", "Shira", "Itkul". During migration it occurs in the areas "Bele" and "Kamyzyak steppe".

18. Great white heron - Egretta alba (L.) - An exceptionally rare vagrant species. Solitary occupants were noted on Lake Bele.

19. Gray heron - Ardea cinerea (L.) - A very rare nesting species. Up to 5 pairs nest on the Itkul site. In summer, it also occurs in other water bodies of the steppe areas.

Ibis family - Threskiornithidae

20. Spoonbill - Platalea leucorodia (L.) - An exceptionally rare vagrant species listed in the Red Books of Russia and Khakassia. In August 1991, 5 individuals were encountered on Ulukh-Kol Lake, three of them were young, just fledgling. Apparently they nested on the nearest lakes of the Uibat steppe.

Stork family - Ciconidae

21. Black stork - Ciconia nigra (L.) - A rare nesting species, listed in the Red Books of Russia and Khakassia. On the site "Small Abakan" in the buffer zone, two nesting pairs were noted on the river. Small Abakan.


Flamingo family - Phoenicopteridae

22. Common flamingo - Phoenicopterus roseus (Pall.) - A rare vagrant species listed in the Red Books of Russia and Khakassia. In 1995, on the site "Bele" three birds kept throughout the summer and autumn, in 1996 on Lake Ulukh-Kol - 12 individuals.

Squad Anseriformes - ANGERIFORMES

Duck family - Anatidae

23. Red-breasted Goose - Rufibrenta ruficollis (Pall.) - Migratory species. Irregularly noted during passages in the Bele sector. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

24. Greylag goose - Anser anser (L.) - Common migratory and exceptionally rare nesting species. The breeding population of the gray goose is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Individual pairs nest irregularly in the Belé area.

25. White-fronted goose - Anser ilbifrons (Scop.) - A small migratory species. On migration it is common on lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol (1,8,11).

26. Lesser white-fronted goose - Anser erythropus (L.) - An extremely rare migratory species, listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia. There are both single birds and small groups (3-5 individuals) in flocks of other geese. On the territory of the reserve it is noted on Lake Bele and Ulukh-Kol.

27. Bean goose - Anser fabalis (Lath.) - A common migratory species. It occurs in all reservoirs of the steppe areas of the reserve. Mass stops are the shallow isthmus of Lake Bele and Lake Ulukh-Kol, where birds stay for up to two weeks during their migration. In one-time accumulations, from 0.5 to 3 thousand individuals are noted.

28. Taiga bean goose - Anser fabalis middendorffii (Severtzov). A rare migratory species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Occasionally there are small flocks (5-12 individuals) on large lakes in the steppe areas of the reserve. Nested on alpine lakes in the floodplain of the Karatosh river and on Lake Pozarym, adjacent to the buffer zone of the site "Small Abakan".

29. Sukhonos - Cygnopsis cygnoides (L.) - Species that disappeared during nesting. At the beginning of the 20th century, P.P. Sushkin (1914) noted it as a common species in Khakassia. On the lake "Bele" (now a part of the reserve) nested in the mass. Currently, it is observed irregularly during the migration period on the lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol. Listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

30. Whooper swan - Cygnus cygnus (L.) - Common migratory species. Irregularly, individual pairs nest on the "Bele" site. On migration, up to 200-500 individuals are recorded in one-time aggregations. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

31. Lesser swan - Cygnus bewickii (Yarr.) - Common migratory species. Mass accumulations were noted on the lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol. In total, 4-5 thousand individuals fly by (1,3,8,11,12,14,15). Listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

32. Ogar - Tadorna ferruginea (Pall.) - A common nesting species. It breeds on almost all lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve. The largest number was noted on the lakes Ulukh-Kol (50-80) and Bela (20-30). Autumn concentrations of 3-5 thousand individuals are also observed here on each lake (1,3,4,8,11,16).

33. Sheldock - Tadorna tadorna (L.) - A common nesting species. On nesting occurs on lakes Shira (2-5 pairs), Bela (5-10 pairs) and Ulukh-Kol (20-30 pairs). Mass pre-migratory aggregations of up to 300-600 individuals have been noted on Lake Ulukh-Kol. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia (1,3,4,8,11,16).

34. Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos (L.) - A common nesting species in all water bodies of the steppe areas of the reserve. It breeds in small numbers in the area "Small Abakan" (1,3,8,11).

35. Teal-whistle - Anas crecca (L.) - A common breeding and mass migratory species in the steppe areas of the reserve. It breeds in small numbers in the area "Small Abakan" (1,3,8,11).

36. Gray duck - Anas strepera (L.) - A common breeding and migratory species in all steppe areas of the reserve (1,3,8,11). Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

37. Svyaz - Anas penelope (L.) - Common migratory species. In 1999, in the summer, met on the lake Ulukh-Kol. In the same year, nested on Lake Potaga located 5 km from Lake Ulukh-Kol (1,8,9).

38. Pintail - Anas acuta (L.) - A common breeding and migratory species in the steppe areas of the reserve (1,3,8).

39. Common teal - Anas querquedula (L.) - A common breeding and migratory species in all steppe areas of the reserve (1,3,8).

40. Broad-nosed - Anas clypeata (L.) - A common breeding and migratory species in all steppe areas of the reserve (1,3,8).

41. Red-headed pochard - Aythya ferina (L.) - Numerous nesting and migratory bird in all steppe areas of the reserve (1,3,8).

42. Crested duck - Aythya fuligula (L.) - Few breeding and migratory species in all steppe areas of the reserve (1,3,8).

43. Common goldeneye - Bucephala clangula (L.) - A common flying and migratory species in all steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" it was noted as a few nesting birds. Irregularly winters on the river. Small Abakan (1,3,8).

44. Hook-nosed Turpan - Melanitta deglandi (Bonap.) - A rare nesting species on lakes Bele, Shira and Itkul. Possibly breeds in high-mountain lakes in the area "Small Abakan" (1,3,4,8,11,16). Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

45. Savka - Oxyura leucocephala (Scop.) - A stray species. Prior to the establishment of the reserve, it was noted (single flights) in the areas "Shira" and "Bele" (1,4,8,9,11).

46. ​​Lutok - Mergus albellus (L.) - A rare migratory species in all parts of the reserve (1,8,9).

47. Greater merganser - Mergus merganser (L.) - Rare migratory species in all steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" a common nesting species, occasionally hibernates (1,3,8).


Skopin family - Pandionidae

48. Osprey - Pandion Praliaetus (L.) - A rare nesting bird in the area "Small Abakan". No more than 5 pairs nest (1,17,18,19). Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

Family hawks - Accipiridae

49. Crested honey buzzard - Pernis ptilorhyncus (Temm.) - Common flying species. In summer, it is regularly observed in all steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

50. Black kite - Milvus migrans (Bodd.) - A common nesting species in all parts of the reserve.

51. Harrier - Circus cyaneus (L.) - A common nesting species in all areas of the reserve.

52. Steppe harrier - Circus macrourus (S.G. Gmel.) - A rare nesting species in all steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and Khakassia.

53. Meadow harrier - Circus pygargus (L.) - A rare nesting species in all steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

54. Marsh Harrier - Circus aeroginosus (L.) - A common nesting species in reed beds in water bodies of the steppe areas of the reserve.

55. Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis (L.) - A rare nesting species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" is common. During winter migrations it occurs in all areas.

56. Sparrowhawk - Accipiter gularis (Temm. et Schleg.) - Recorded in the summer in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. Nesting has not been established. Very rare. Included in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

57. Buzzard - Buteo lagopus (Pont.) - Arrives for the winter. Roams widely. It occurs in all steppe areas of the reserve.

58. Upland Buzzard - Buteo himilasius (Temm. et Schleg.) - Occurs in all steppe areas of the reserve, as a rare regularly flying bird. Listed in the Red Book of Khakassia.

59. Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo (L.) - A small breeding bird in the areas "Oglakhty" and "Khol-Bogaz". On the site "Small Abakan" is common.

60. Steppe eagle - Aquila rapax (Temm.) - A rare species that regularly occurs in the summer in the steppe areas of the reserve. Nesting in the reserve has not been established, although a nest was found 5 km from the Itkul site. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

61. Greater Spotted Eagle - Aquila clanga (Pall.) - A very rare flying species in the steppe areas of the reserve. Most often observed at the sites "Khol-Bogaz" and "Oglakhty". Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

62. Burial ground - Aquila heliaca (Sav.) - A small species regularly observed in all steppe areas of the reserve. However, birds with clearly nesting behavior were recorded only at the Podzaploty, Oglakhty, and Khol-Bogaz sites. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

63. Golden eagle - Aquila chrysaetos (L.) - Nesting and wintering species. A pair of eagles with clearly nesting behavior has been recorded every year since 1990 at the Maly Abakan and Podzaploty sites. In winter, regular flights are typical for all parts of the reserve. Very rare. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

64. White-tailed Eagle - Halialetus albieilla (L.) - A rare flying species. Recorded on lakes Bele and Itkul, Krasnoyarsk reservoir (site "Oglakhty") and on the river Maly Abakan (1,17,18,19,21). Listed in the Red Books of Russia and Khakassia.

65. Long-tailed eagle - Halialetus leucoryphys (Pall.) - An extremely rare vagrant species. Recorded at the site "Small Abakan" in the summer of 1991 during the design period. Listed in the Red Book of Russia.

66. Bearded Vulture - Gypaetus barbatus (L.) - An exceptionally rare vagrant species. Recorded in the alpine belt on the southern border of the site "Small Abakan" in the summer of 1990 during the design period, here on October 16, 1999 G.V. Devyatkin noted two individuals (1,17,18). Listed in the Red Books of Russia and Khakassia.

67. Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus (Habl.) - A rare vagrant species. Recorded on the southern border of the "Small Abakan" area in the summer of 1990 during the design period. Listed in the Red Book of Russia.

68. Black vulture - Aegypius monachys (L.) - A rare vagrant species. Recorded on the southern border of the "Small Abakan" area in the summer of 1990 during the design period. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

69. Gyrfalcon - Falco rusticolys (L.) - A rare species. Occurs on migration and winter migrations in all steppe areas of the reserve and on migration in the Maly Abakan area. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

70. Saker Falcon - Falco cherrug (Gray.) - Nesting and wintering species. One pair nests in the areas "Podzaploty", "Oglakhty", "Khol-Bogaz" and two pairs in the area "Small Abakan". In winter, it is regularly observed in all steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

71. Peregrine falcon - Falco peregrinus (Tunst.) - Rare, probably nesting and wandering in winter. Recorded in all steppe areas of the reserve. On the Oglakhty site, pairs with clearly nesting behavior are observed annually. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

72. Hobby - Falco subbuteo (L.) - A common nesting species in the steppe areas of the reserve with forest vegetation and in the area "Small Abakan".

73. Derbennik - Falco columbarius (L.) - A rare species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. In the steppe areas of the reserve, it occurs on summer migrations, possibly nesting in the "Small Abakan" area. In February 1998, met at the site "Oglakhty".

74. Falcon - Falco vespertinus (L.) - A rare flying species. Nesting has not been established in the reserve. It is regularly observed at the Oglakhty, Itkul and Khol-Bogaz sites. Possibly nests in the Oglakhty area, where it nested in the past (20). Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

75. Steppe kestrel - Falco naumanni (Fleischer) - A rare nesting bird. Recorded in the reserve for nesting in rock niches in the Oglakhty area. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

76. Common kestrel - Falco tinnunculus (L.) - A common nesting bird in all steppe areas of the reserve (1,19,21).


Teterevin family - Tetraonidae

77. White partridge - Lagopus lagopus (L.) - A small settled and semi-sedentary species of the alpine belt of the "Small Abakan" area

78. Tundra partridge - Lagopus munus (Mont.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species of the alpine belt of the "Small Abakan" area.

79. Black grouse - Lyrurus tetrix (L.) - A small settled and semi-sedentary species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve and in the area "Small Abakan".

80. Capercaillie - Tetrao urogallus L. - A common resident and semi-resident species in the Maly Abakan area and an exceptionally rare species in the Podzaploty and Khol-Bogaz areas.

81. Hazel grouse - Tetrastes bonasia (L.) - A common resident and semi-resident species in the "Small Abakan" area and an exceptionally rare species in the "Khol-Bogaz" area.

Pheasant family - Phasianidae

82. Altai Snowcock - Tetraogallus altaicus (Gebl.) - A rare sedentary and semi-sedentary species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. It occurs in the alpine belt on the southern slope of Mount Karatosh, which is part of the conservation zone of the Maly Abakan site.

83. Bearded partridge - Perdix daurica (Pall.) - Common, and in some years numerous sedentary and semi-sedentary species of all steppe areas of the reserve.

84. Quail - Coturnix coturnix (L.) - A common nesting species in the steppe areas of the reserve. Possibly breeds in subalpine and alpine meadows on the site "Small Abakan": met during the design period in July 1990.1991. (1.4). Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.


Crane family - Gruidae

85. Common Crane - Grus grus (L.) - A rare nesting and common migrant species. On the territory of the reserve, two pairs reliably nest at the “Podzaploty” site. In the summer of 1997, 3 nomadic (vagrant) individuals were encountered at the Itkul site and 4 individuals at the Kamyzyak steppe site. At the "Bele" site in September 1998-1999. migratory flocks with a total number of 500-1000 individuals were encountered. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

86. Black crane - Grus monacha (Temm.) - Extremely rare migratory species. In the reserve, it occurs irregularly at the Podzaploty site during migrations. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

87. Demoiselle - Anthropoides virgo (L.) - Formerly rare, but now a common breeding species. 14-16 pairs nest in the steppe areas of the reserve. On the sites "Bele" and "Lake Ulukh-Kol" pre-migratory accumulations of up to 200 individuals are noted. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

Family Rallidae

88. Shepherd - Rallus aquaticus (L.) - A common nesting species of floodplain meadows and swamps in the Itkul and Podzaploty sites (1.4). Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

89. Pogonysh – Porzana porzana (L.) – A common breeding species of floodplain meadows and swamps in the Itkul, Podzaploty and Shira sites.

90. Lesser Porzana parva (Scop.) – A rare, probably nesting species in the Itkul and Podzaploty sites.

91. Baby carafe – Porzana pusilla (Pall.) — A rare, probably breeding species in the Itkul and Podzaploty areas. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

92. Crake - Crex crex (L.) - In the past, a rare, currently common nesting species of floodplain meadows and swamps in the steppe areas of the reserve and a rare nesting species of floodplain swampy habitats in the mountain-taiga zone, subalpine and alpine meadows of the high-mountain belt of the site " Small Abakan. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

93. Coot - Fulica atra (L.) - A common nesting species on small lakes in the steppe areas of the reserve.

Bustard family - Otididae

94. Bustard - Otis tarda (L.) - A species that has disappeared from nesting. In the past met in the vicinity of lakes Itkul, Bele, Ulukh-Kol (1,4,27). Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

Order Charadriiformes - CHARADRIIFORMES

Family Rzhankovye - Charadriidae

95. Tules - Pluvialis squatarola (L.) - A rare migratory species in water bodies of the steppe areas of the reserve.

96. Asian brown-winged plover - Pluvialis fulva (Gmel.) - A common migratory species in water bodies of the steppe areas of the reserve.

97. Golden Plover - Pluvialis apricaria (L.) - A rare migratory species in the reservoirs of the steppe areas of the reserve.

98. Necktie - Charadris hiaticula (L.) - A rare flying and migratory species in the reservoirs of the steppe areas of the reserve (1.4). Most often found on the lakes Ulukh-Kol and Bele. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

99. Lesser plover - Charadris dubius (Scop.) - A common nesting species in water bodies with sandy, sandy-gravelly spits and banks of the steppe areas of the reserve.

  1. Plover - Charadris alexandinus (L.) - A rare nesting species on the Ulukh-Kol lake. As a flying migratory species, it occurs on lakes Shira and Bela. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  2. Khrustan -Eudromias morinnellus (L.) - A small nesting species of high mountain tundra in the "Small Abakan" area. In June 1994, two restless pairs were noted on Lake Bele, probably nesting in some years. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  3. Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus (L.) - Common breeding species. Breeds along the shores of lakes, in floodplain meadows and swamps of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  4. Turnstone - Arenaria interpres (L.) - A common migratory species in water bodies of the steppe areas of the reserve

Family Aviobill - Recurvirostridae

  1. Stilt -Himantopus himantopus (L.) - An exceptionally rare vagrant species. Met 4 individuals in August 1991 on Lake Ulukh-Kol and 3 individuals in July 1993 on Lake Bele.
  2. Avocet - Recurvirostra avosetta (L.) - A common nesting species. Breeding colonies were found on Lake Shira (1-5 pairs) and Lake Ulukh-Kol - 65 pairs or 60% of all nesting pairs recorded in the republic. There are up to 500-700 individuals of this species in pre-migratory aggregations on Lake Ulukh-Kol. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

Oystercatcher family - Haematopodidae

  1. Oystercatcher - Haematopus ostralegus (L.) - An exceptionally rare vagrant species. Three individuals were met in July 1995 on the shallow isthmus of Lake Bele. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.

Bekas family - Scolopacidae

  1. Chernysh - Tringa ochropus (L.) - A common nesting species on the rivers of the "Small Abakan" section. During migrations, a common migratory species in all parts of the reserve.
  2. Fifi - Tringa glareola (L.) - A common nesting species of floodplain meadows and swamps and lake shores in the steppe areas of the reserve.
  3. Large snail - Tringa nebularia (Gunn.) - A common migratory species in the steppe areas of the reserve, non-breeding individuals are also found here in the summer. On the "Small Abakan" site, it is a common breeding species. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  4. Travnik - Tringa totanus (L.) - Numerous nesting species in floodplain meadows and swamps, lake shores in the steppe areas of the reserve.
  5. Goldfinch - Tringa eryhropus (Pall.) - A rare migratory and flying species in the reservoirs of the steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  6. Marshmallow - Tringa stagnatilis (Bechst.) - A rare, sometimes common nesting species in the steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  7. Siberian ash snail - Heteroscelus brevipes (Vieill) - A rare migratory species. Met 47 individuals in early August 1995 on a salt lake located near the lake Ulukh-Kol. Earlier in 1984-1985. met small flocks on Lake Bele. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  8. Carrier - Actitis hypoleucos (L.) - A common breeding species on the rivers of the Maly Abakan section and on the Krasnoyarsk reservoir (Oglakhty section). Rare nesting species in other water bodies.
  9. Morodunka - Xenus cinereus (Guld.) - A rare flying and migratory species. Found in summer on shallow bay of Lake Bele.
  10. Flat-nosed phalarope - Phalaropus fulicarius (L.) - An exceptionally rare migratory species. Found on lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol.
  11. Round-nosed phalarope - Phalaropus lobatus (L.) - A common migrant and flying species in the reservoirs of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  12. Turukhan - Philomachus pugnax (L.) - Numerous migratory species in the reservoirs of the steppe areas of the reserve. Especially a lot of it flies on the lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol (more than 4 thousand). Single pairs nest in marshy meadows and marshes at the Podzaploty site and on Ulukh-Kol Lake.
  13. Sandpiper - Calidris minuta (Leisl.) - A common migratory species on the lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  14. Red-necked Sandpiper - Calidris ruficollus (Pall.) - A common migratory species on the lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  15. Long-toed sandpiper - Calidris subminuta (Midd.) - A rare flying and common migratory species on the lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve. Flying individuals were noted on lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol. where they used to nest (27). Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  16. White-tailed Sandpiper - Calidris temminckii (Leisl.) - A rare flying and common migratory species on the lakes of the steppe areas.
  17. Red-throated - Calidris ferruginea (Pont.) - A common migratory species in the steppe areas of the reserve.
  18. Dunlin - Calidris alpina (L.) - A common migratory species in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  19. Sharp-tailed sandpiper - Calidris acuminata (Horsf.) - An exceptionally rare migratory species. Solitary specimens recorded on migration on Lake Bele, possible sightings on Lake Ulukh-Kol. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  20. Iceland sandpiper - Calidris canutus (L.) - Extremely rare migratory species. Solitary specimens recorded on migration on Lake Bele, possible sightings on Lake Ulukh-Kol.
  21. Gerbil - Calidris alba (Pall.) - A very rare migratory species. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Recorded on lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol.
  22. Gryazovik - Limicola falcinellus (Pont.) - A rare migratory species. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Recorded on the lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  23. Harshnep - Lymnocryptes minimus (Brunn.) - A rare, probably nesting and common migratory species in the steppe areas of the reserve. Disturbing pairs with obvious nesting behavior were noted at the Podzaploty and Itkul sites. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  24. Snipe - Gallinago gallinago (L.) - A common nesting species of floodplain meadows and swamps of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  25. Forest great snipe - Gallinago megala (Swinh.) - Few breeding species in the steppe areas "Podzaploty" and "Itkul" and usually nesting species in the area "Small Abakan".
  26. Asiatic snipe - Gallinago stenura (Bonap.) - A rare breeding species in the areas "Podzaploty", "Itkul", "Oglakhty" and "Khol-Bogaz". On the site "Small Abakan" - a common nesting species.
  27. Great snipe - Gallinago media (Lath.) - A common nesting species. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Breeds on sites "Podzaploty", "Shira", "Itkul", less often in the vicinity of Lake Ulukh-Kol.
  28. Mountain snipe - Gallinago solitaria Hodg. — A rare nesting species in the Maly Abakan area. Occasionally winters - in February 1988-1990. Solitary hibernating individuals were found on non-freezing molehills, springs and sections of rivers and streams in the basins of the Tartash, Otkyl and Maly Abakan rivers.
  29. Woodcock - Scolopax rusticola (L.) - A common breeding species in the area "Small Abakan".
  30. Curlew - Numenius arquata (L.) - A rare nesting species of floodplain meadows and marshes in the steppe areas of the reserve. The number is currently recovering. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  31. Curlew - Numenius phaeopus (L.) - A rare migratory species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Occurs on lakes Bele and Ulukh-Kol.
  32. Godwit - Limosa limosa (L.) - A common migratory and rare flying species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. In summer, there are single individuals and small groups of birds (3-5 individuals). Nesting has not been established, although it breeds in similar habitats in the republic.

The gull family Laridae

  1. Black-headed Gull - Larus ichthyaetus (Pall.) - A rare breeding species with pulsating numbers. Listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia. In the reserve it nests on lakes Itkul and Bele. On the territory of Khakassia, it was first encountered in 1985 on Lake Bele. In 1987, the first breeding colonies of 25 and 15 pairs were found on Lake Itkul. In 1988, 22 pairs nested here, in 1989 - 18, in 1990 - 20 pairs. Then, due to a strong disturbance factor, the species stopped nesting. From 1988 to 1999 small colonies of 5-12 pairs nest on Lake Bele
  2. Little Gull - Larus minutus (Pall.) - A rare flying bird listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Met on Lake Itkul and Spirin lakes (1,4,7,9).
  3. Black-headed gull - Larus ridibundus (L.) - A common nesting species in water bodies of the steppe areas of the reserve
  4. Gulled gull - Larus cachinnans (Pall.) - Not numerous nesting bird on lakes Itkul (15-20 pairs), Bele (15-20 pairs), Ulukh-Kol (about 20 pairs).
  5. The Common Gull - Larus canus (L.) - is a common nesting bird on the lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve. A large colony was noted on Ulukh-Kol Lake; in 1999, 110 pairs nested here. The total number in the reserve does not exceed 200 pairs.
  6. White-winged tern - Chilidonias leucopterus (Temm.) - An exceptionally rare flying species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Solitary specimens were found on Lake Itkul and Spirin lakes.
  7. Common tern - Sterna hirundo (L.) - A common nesting species on the lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  8. Chegrava - Hydroporogne caspia (Pall.) - An exceptionally rare vagrant species listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia. In the reserve, four individuals were noted in 1997 at the Itkul site. Throughout the summer the birds stayed here from 20.06 to 04.08. Nesting has not been established, although the birds were clearly nesting.


Ryabkovye family - Pteroclididae

  1. Saja - Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pall.) - Rare nesting bird with pulsating numbers. Found on nesting around Ulukh-Kol lake. According to the stories of old-timers, she met en masse here in the late 1950s and in 1967. From 1986 to 1988 saja regularly re-nested, but in small numbers. A new wave of mass flights was noted from 1990 to 1992. According to our observations near the spring lying near the lake Ulukh-Kol, up to 300 birds flew to the watering hole in one day. Nests were found in fields with stubble, in deserted and stony steppes.

Pigeon family - Columbidae

  1. Klintukh - Columba oenas (L.) - A rare flying species and a common migratory species of the steppe areas of the reserve. Occasionally breeds on the Oglakhty site.
  2. Rock dove - Columba livia (Gmel.) - A rare vagrant species. It visits the steppe areas of the reserve during fodder flights from nearby settlements and folds, where it nests in masses. On the site "Oglakhty" a permanent presence was noted, since there is a sheep yard on the border of the buffer zone, a couple of birds obviously nested in a niche of rocks.
  3. Rock pigeon - Columba rupestris (Pall.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species of the steppe areas of the reserve. Nests in rock niches. Most numerous in the area "Oglakhty".
  4. Great Turtle Dove - Streptopelia orientalis (Lath.) - A common nesting species in the areas "Oglakhty", "Podzaploty", "Khol-Bogaz" and "Small Abakan".


Cuckoo family - Cuculidae

  1. The common cuckoo - Cuculus canorus (L.) - is a common nesting bird in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve and in the area "Small Abakan. It is interesting to note that in the steppe part the cuckoo specializes in laying eggs in the nests of the black-headed coinage. According to N.A. Kokhanovsky, in search of chasing nests, it flies quite far into the steppe from forest plantations, which we have repeatedly observed.
  2. Deaf cuckoo - Cuculus saturatus (Blyth.) - A common nesting bird of the "Small Abakan" area.


Owl family - Strigidae

  1. Snowy Owl - Nyctea scandiaca (L.) - A common migratory species for the winter. In winter, it is observed in all parts of the reserve, except for "Small Abakan". The highest concentration was noted on Lake Bele, where there are often up to 50 individuals per 10 km of the route. Here, at the end of May 1990, we observed one individual. The bird was quite healthy, the reasons for such a late delay are unclear. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  2. Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo (L.) - A rare sedentary, semi-sedentary, sometimes wandering bird in winter. It is found in almost all areas of the reserve. Nesting has been established in the areas "Podzaploty", "Bele", "Khol-Bogaz" and "Small Abakan". No more than 5-7 pairs nest. The species is listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia.
  3. Long-eared owl - Asio otus (L.) - A common nesting and irregular wintering bird in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve and in the "Small Abakan" area.
  4. Little Owl - Glaucidium passerinum (L.) - A common nesting species in the "Small Abakan" area, possibly found in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve, because. recorded on nesting and wintering in the forest-steppe zone of the Minusinsk depression. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  5. Short-eared Owl - Asio flammeus (Pont.) - A common nesting and irregular wintering bird in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  6. Splyushka - Otus scops (L.) - A common nesting bird in the mountain taiga and a rarely nesting bird in the Oglakhty area. It may occur and nest in other areas with trees and shrubs. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  7. Rough-legged Owl - Aegolius funereus (L.) - Sedentary and semi-sedentary species of the mountain taiga of the "Small Abakan" section.
  8. Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula (L.) - A small nesting bird in the mountain taiga of the "Small Abakan" area. Recorded during wintering at Podzaploty and Khol-Bogaz sites.
  9. Owl - Strix uralensis (Pall.) - A rare sedentary and semi-sedentary species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve, common in the area "Small Abakan".
  10. Great Gray Owl - Strix nebulosa (Forst.) - Sedentary and semi-sedentary species in the area "Small Abakan". Appears in winter on the sites "Podzaploty" and "Khol-Bogaz".


Family Kozodoevye - Caprimulgidae

  1. Common nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus (L.) - A common breeding species in the areas "Podzaploty", "Oglakhty", "Small Abakan" and "Khol-Bogaz".


Strizhiny family - Apodidae

  1. Needle-tailed Swift - Hirundapus caudacutus (Lath.) - A small nesting species of the mountain-taiga belt of the "Small Abakan" area. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  2. Black Swift - Apus apus (L.) - A common nesting species in areas of the reserve where there are rock outcrops. In other areas it occurs during feeding flights.
  3. White-belted swift - Apus pacificus (Lath.) - A common nesting species in all areas of the reserve where there are rock outcrops. In other areas it occurs during feeding flights.


Kingfisher family - Alcedinidae

  1. Common Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis (L.) - Extremely rare, possibly nesting bird. Met on the river. Small Abakan.


Hoopoe family - Upupidae

  1. Hoopoe - Upupa epops (L.) - A common nesting species in the steppe areas of the reserve.


Dyatlov family - Picidae

  1. Vertineck - Jynx torquilla (L.) - A common nesting bird in the sites "Podzaploty", "Oglakhty", "Khol-Bogaz" and "Small Abakan".
  2. Grey-haired woodpecker - Picus canus (Gmel.) - Sedentary and semi-sedentary species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" is a nesting and nomadic bird in winter.
  3. Zhelna - Dryocopus martius (L.) - In the forest copses of the steppe areas of the reserve is rarely found during winter migrations. On the site "Small Abakan" the usual sedentary and semi-sedentary species.
  4. Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major (L.) - A common resident and semi-resident species in the forest copses of the steppe areas of the reserve and in the area "Small Abakan".
  5. White-backed woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucotos (Bechst.) - A small settled and semi-sedentary species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" a rare, nesting and nomadic species in winter.
  6. Lesser woodpecker - Dendrocopos minor (L.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" is a rare bird that nests and wanders in winter.
  7. Three-toed woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus (L.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species of the dark coniferous taiga of the "Small Abakan" section.


Swallow family - Hirundinidae

  1. Sand Martin - Riparia riparia (L.) - A common nesting bird in the areas "Bele", "Itkul" and "Small Abakan". In other areas it occurs during feeding flights. Two large colonies were noted at the Itkul site - 655 pairs and 588 pairs.
  2. Rock swallow - Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scop.) - A rare, possibly nesting species. Recorded in the high-mountain belt in the buffer zone of the Maly Abakan site.
  3. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica (L.) - Recorded for nesting in the areas "Podzaploty" and "Oglakhty". On the first site, she nested in the house, not paying attention to the short-term presence of the reserve's employees here. On the second site - in an abandoned shed, located in a protected zone. In other steppe areas it occurs during feeding flights.
  4. Funnel - Delichon ubrica (L.) - On nesting noted in areas with an abundance of rocks - "Oglakhty" and "Small Abakan". In other areas it occurs during feeding flights.

The lark family - Alaudidae

  1. Lesser Lark - Galandrella cinerea (Gmel.) - A common nesting bird in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  2. Horned Lark - Eremophila alpestris (L.) - A common resident and semi-resident species in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  3. Field lark - Alauda arvensis (L.) - Numerous nesting bird in all steppe areas of the reserve.

Wagtail family - Motacillidae

  1. Steppe pipit - Anthus richardi (Vieill.) - A common nesting bird in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  2. Field Pipit - Anthus campestris (L.) - A common nesting bird in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  3. Forest Pipit - Anthus trivialis (L.) - Common breeding species. The largest population area was noted in the copses in the steppe areas of the reserve (up to 40 ind./km 2). Somewhat less often - in the mountain taiga and light forests.
  4. Spotted Pipit - Anthus hodysoni (Richm.) - A common nesting bird in the mountain taiga and cedar woodlands of the Maly Abakan section.
  5. Mountain Pipit - Anthus spinoletta (L.) - A common nesting bird in the alpine zone of the Maly Abakan area.
  6. Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava (L.) - Numerous nesting bird in floodplain meadows and swamps, lake shores in the steppe areas of the reserve.
  7. Yellow-headed Wagtail - Motacilla citreola (Pall.) - A small nesting species of floodplain meadows and swamps of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  8. Mountain Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea (Tunst.) - A common nesting bird in the rivers and streams of the Maly Abakan site.
  9. White Wagtail - Motacilla alba (L.) - A common nesting species in all parts of the reserve. Prefers to nest in human structures and rock niches.

Shrike family - Laniidae

  1. Siberian Shrike - Lanius cristatus (L.) - Rare breeding species. Breeds in areas "Oglakhty" and "Small Abakan".
  2. The common shrike - Lanius collurio (L.) - is a common nesting species in the areas "Podzaploty", "Oglakhty", "Itkul", "Khol-Bogaz" and "Small Abakan".
  3. Gray Shrike - Lanius excubitor (L.) - A rare breeding species listed in the Red Data Books of Russia and the Republic of Khakassia. In the steppe areas of the reserve it occurs during the winter nomadic period.

family Orioles- Oriolidae

  1. Oriole - Oriolus oriolus (L.) - A common nesting species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. Most numerous in the area "Oglakhty".

Starling family - Sturnidae

  1. The common starling - Sturnus vulgaris (L.) - is found in all steppe areas of the reserve, using them as food biotopes until departure. In the thickets of steppe shrubs and reed thickets, massive overnight stays are noted. So, in sea buckthorn thickets on Lake Itkul, it collects up to 2-3 thousand individuals for the night.

Corvidae family - Corvidae

  1. Kuksha - Perisoreus infaustus (L.) - Sedentary and semi-sedentary species of dark coniferous taiga and mountain woodlands of the "Small Abakan" section.
  2. Jay - Garrulus glandarius (L.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species in the area "Small Abakan". In the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve is rarely found during winter migrations.
  3. Magpie - Pica pica (L.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species of the steppe areas of the reserve. In winter, most of the birds migrate to settlements.
  4. Nucifraga caryocatactes (L.) is a common sedentary and semi-sedentary species of the dark coniferous taiga and mountain woodlands of the Maly Abakan section. During the years of poor harvest of pine nuts, mass migrations are noted up to the steppe belt.
  5. Chough - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (L.) - Common settled and semi-sedentary species with limited distribution. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. It is found in the reserve at the site "Oglakhty", where the largest colonies in Khakassia are noted.
  6. Jackdaw - Corvus monedula (L.) - A common nesting and flying bird in the steppe areas of the reserve. The species was recorded nesting in the areas "Podzaploty", "Oglakhty", "Khol-Bogaz". In other areas, it is observed during foraging flights. The highest nesting density was noted in the Oglakhty area, where it nests in colonies in rock niches.
  7. Rook - Corvus frugilegus (L.) - Common nesting species. In the reserve nests on the site "Oglakhty".
  8. Black crow - Corvus corone (L.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species in all steppe areas of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" a rare nesting bird, winters irregularly.
  9. Raven - Corvus corax (L.) - A common bird nesting and wandering in winter in all parts of the reserve. In the steppe areas of the reserve it nests in the areas "Podzaploty", "Khol-Bogaz" and "Oglakhty".

Wax family - Bombicillidae

  1. Waxwing - Bombicilla garrulus (L.) - Rare in the reserve, in some years a common migrant for the winter. The largest number was noted in the thickets of sea buckthorn at the Itkul site.

Olya family - Cinclidae

  1. Dipper - Cinclus cinclus (L.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species of rivers and streams of the "Small Abakan" section.

Family Zavirushkovye - Prinellidae

  1. Alpine Accentor – Prunella collaris (Scop.) – A common breeding species in the alpine zone of the Maly Abakan area. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  2. Himalayan Accirer – Prunella himalayana (Blyth.) – A common breeding species in the alpine belt of the “Small Abakan” area.
  3. Pale hawker – Prunella fulvescens (Sev.) – A common breeding species in the alpine zone of the Maly Abakan area.
  4. Black-headed Accumulator – Prunella atrogularis (Brandt.) – A common breeding species in the high-mountain belt of the Maly Abakan area.
  5. Siberian Accentor – Prunella montanella (Pall.) – A common breeding species in the highland zone of the “Small Abakan” area.

Warbler family - Sylviidae

  1. Lesser Pied Breast – Bradypterus thoracicus (Blyth.) – Breeding little studied species. Inhabits dark coniferous forests, floodplains of rivers and streams, mountain woodlands of the Maly Abakan area.
  2. Siberian Pied Breast – Bradypterus tacsanowskius (Swinh.) – Breeding little-studied species. Breeds in dark coniferous forests and mountain woodlands of the Maly Abakan site. Relatively common. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  3. Taiga cricket – Locustella fasciolata (Gray.) – A common nesting species in floodplain forests at the Maly Abakan site.
  4. Song cricket - Locustella certhiola (Pall.) - A common nesting species of floodplain forests and shrub "caltus" of the "Small Abakan" area.
  5. Common cricket - Locustella naevia (Bodd.) - A small nesting species in thickets of floodplain shrubs at the sites "Podzaploty", "Itkul". On the site "Small Abakan" is quite common.
  6. Spotted cricket - Locustella lanceolata (Temm.) - A common nesting species of floodplain thickets of bushes in the areas "Podzaploty", "Itkul" and "Small Abakan".
  7. Badger warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (L.) - Common, and in some areas numerous bird of floodplain shrubs and reed beds. The species was recorded at the Podzaploty, Shira, Itkul, and Malyi Abakan sites.
  8. Indian warbler - Acrocephalus agricola (Jerd.) - Rare nesting bird in floodplain shrubs and reed beds. Breeds on sites “Podzaploty”, “Itkul”.
  9. Garden warbler – Acrocephalus dumetorum (Blyth) – Common, in places numerous breeding bird. Inhabits various forest biotopes, however, it prefers floodplain landscapes.
  10. Northern Warbler – Hippolais caligala (Licht.) – Common, in some places numerous, nesting bird in thickets of steppe and floodplain shrubs. The species was noted in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  11. Garden warbler – Sylvia borin (Bodd.) – Recorded as a common breeding species in the “Oglakhty” site.
  12. Gray Warbler - Sylvia communis (Lath.) - A common nesting species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  13. Warbler – Sylvia curruca (L.) – A common nesting species of a tree-shrub complex in the sites “Podzaploty”, “Shira”, “Itkul”, “Oglakhty”, “Khol-Bogaz” and “Small Abakan”.
  14. Willow Warbler – Phylloscopus trochilus (L.) – A rare migrant, possibly nesting, species in the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site “Small Abakan” a common nesting bird.
  15. Chiffchaff – Phylloscopus collybita (Vieill.) – A common, in some places numerous nesting species of the tree-shrub complex of the reserve's sites (1,3,6,7,39).
  16. Talovka warbler – Phylloscopus borealis (Blas.) – A rare nesting species of the tree-shrub complex of the reserve's areas.
  17. Green warbler – Phylloscopus trochiloides (Sund.) – A small migratory species in the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site “Small Abakan” a common nesting bird.
  18. Lightning warbler – Phylloscopus inornatus (Blyht.) – A common migratory species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. There are numerous nesting birds on the site “Small Abakan”.
  19. King's Warbler – Phylloscopus proregulus (Pall.) – A common breeding species in the Maly Abakan area.
  20. Brown warbler – Phylloscopus fuscatus (Blyht.) – A common nesting species of the tree and shrub complex of the reserve's sites. Most numerous in shrub "caltus" and cedar woodlands.
  21. Thick-billed warbler – Phylloscopus schwarzi (Radde) – A common nesting species of the tree-shrub complex of the reserve's areas. The greatest number was noted in floodplain taiga forests.

King family - Regulidae

  1. Yellow-headed Kinglet – Regulus regulus (L.) – A common winter breeding and roaming species in the “Small Abakan” area.

Flycatcher family - Muscicapidae

  1. Taiga Flycatcher – Ficedula mugimaki (Temm.) – A common nesting species of taiga and subalpine sparse forests in the “Small Abakan” site.
  2. Lesser Flycatcher – Ficedula parva (Bechs.) – A common nesting species of taiga forests in the “Small Abakan” site. In the copses of the steppe areas - a rare migratory bird.
  3. Gray Flycatcher – Muscicapa striata (Pall.) – A common nesting species of trees and shrubs in the reserve.
  4. Siberian flycatcher – Muscicapa sibirica (Gmel.) – A rare migratory species of copses in the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site “Small Abakan” - a common nesting bird.
  5. Broad-beaked Flycatcher - Muscicapa latirostris (Raffles) - Rare migratory species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. There is a rare nesting bird on the “Small Abakan” site.
  6. Black-headed coin – Saxicola torquata (L.) – Common breeding species, numerous in places, on the steppe areas of the reserve. On the site “Small Abakan” there is a small nesting bird of cedar woodlands and dwarf birch thickets.
  7. Wheatear – Oenanthe oenanthe (L.) – A common nesting species in the steppe areas of the reserve.
  8. Pleschanka Wheatear – Oenanthe pleschanka (Lep.) – Recorded at the “Oglakhty” site as a common nesting bird (1,3,6,7,39).
  9. Dancing Wheatear – Oenanthe isabellina (Temm.) – A common breeding species in the steppe areas of the reserve.
  10. Common Redstart – Phoenicurus phoenicurus (L.) – A common nesting species of trees and shrubs in the reserve.
  11. Red-backed Redstart – Phoenicurus erythronotus (Eversm.) – Few breeding species of the alpine zone of the “Small Abakan” site.
  12. Red-bellied Redstart – Phoenicurus erythrogaster (Guld.) – Few breeding species of the high-mountain belt of the Maly Abakan area. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  13. Rubythroat - Luscinia callioppi (Pall.) - A common nesting species of trees and shrubs in the reserve. Most numerous in the area "Small Abakan".
  14. Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica (L.) - A common nesting species of trees and shrubs in the reserve. Prefers floodplain areas.
  15. Blue Nightingale – Luscinia cyane (Pall.) – Common breeding species. Breeds in dark coniferous forests and mountain woodlands of the Maly Abakan site. Found on migration at Khol-Bogaz site.
  16. Whistling Nightingale – Luscinia sibilans (Swinh.) – A common breeding species in dark coniferous forests of the Maly Abakan area.
  17. Bluetail – Tarsiger cyanurus (Pall.) – A common nesting species in the taiga forests of the “Small Abakan” area and a rare migratory species in the copses of the steppe areas.
  18. Olive thrush - Turdus obscurus (Gmelin) - A common nesting species in dark coniferous and subalpine forests, as well as in sparse cedar forests of the Maly Abakan area.
  19. Red-throated Thrush – Turdus ruficollis (Pall.) – A common nesting species in subalpine forests and Siberian stone pine woodlands of the Maly Abakan area.
  20. Black-throated Thrush - Turdus atrogularis (Jarocki) - A common breeding and irregular wintering species of trees and shrubs in the reserve.
  21. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris (L.) - A common nesting and winter roaming species of trees and shrubs in the reserve.
  22. Redwing – Turdus iliacus (L.) – Few breeding species in the areas “Podzaploty”, “Oglakhty” and “Khol-Bogaz”. On the site “Small Abakan” - a common nesting bird.
  23. Song Thrush – Turdus philomelos (C.L. Brehm.) – A common nesting species of trees and shrubs in the areas of the reserve. Breeds on the site "Khol-Bogaz" (very rare) and on the site "Small Abakan" (common). In other areas it occurs on migration (1,3,7,39).
  24. Mistletoe - Turdus viscivorus (L.) - In the copses of the steppe areas occurs during migration (common). Possibly breeds on the site “Khol-Bogaz”. On the site “Small Abakan” is a common breeding species.
  25. Variegated Thrush – Zoothera dauma (Lath.) – A common breeding species in the dark coniferous forests of the Maly Abakan area.

Family Sutorovye - Parodoxornithidae

  1. Whiskered Tit - Panurus biarmicus (L.) - A common resident and semi-resident species of reed beds around the lakes of the steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

Family Long-tailed tits - Aegitholidae

  1. Long-tailed Tit – Aeguthalos caudatus (L.) – Common resident and semi-resident species in the “Small Abakan” area. In the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve, a small nomadic species.

Tit family - Paridae

  1. Brown-headed titmouse – Parus montanus (Bald.) – Common resident and semi-resident species in the Podzaploty, Oglakhty, Khol-Bogaz and Maly Abakan areas. In other areas it occurs on winter migrations.
  2. Moskovka - Parus ater (L.) - A common sedentary and semi-sedentary species of dark coniferous forests of the "Small Abakan" site. Occasionally nests in the Khol-Bogaz area. In other areas it occurs during winter migrations.
  3. Grey-headed tit - Parus cinctus (Bodd.) - Sedentary and semi-sedentary species of taiga and subalpine forests of the Maly Abakan site.
  4. Blue Tit – Parus cyanus (Pall.) – A common settled and semi-sedentary species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  5. Great Tit – Parus major (L.) – Common resident and semi-resident species in the areas “Podzaploty”, “Oglakhty”, “Itkul” and “Khol-Bogaz”. In other steppe areas of the reserve it occurs during winter migrations. There is a rare nesting and irregular wintering bird on the “Small Abakan” site.

Family Nuthatch - Sittidae

  1. Common nuthatch – Sitta europaea (L.) – Common resident and semi-residential species in the Podzaploty, Oglakhty, Malyi Abakan, and Khol-Bogaz areas.

Family Pishukha - Certhiidae

  1. Common pika – Certhia familiaris (L.) – Common breeding and winter migrant species. Inhabits the sites “Podzaploty”, “Oglakhty”, “Small Abakan” and “Khol-Bogaz”.

Family Passerines - Passeridae

  1. Tree Sparrow - Passer montanus (L.) - Common resident and semi-resident species in the Itkul, Oglakhty, and Bele sites. In other areas, it is a common nesting and nomadic species in winter.

Finch family - Fringillidae

  1. Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs (L.) - A common nesting species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. Rare on the site “Small Abakan”.
  2. Finch – Fringilla montifringilla (L.) – A common nesting species in the sites “Podzaploty”, “Oglakhty”, “Small Abakan” and “Khol-Bogaz”.
  3. Siskin - Spinus spinus (L.) - A common breeding and irregular wintering species in the area "Small Abakan".
  4. Black-headed Goldfinch – Carduelis carduelis (L.) – Few nesting and winter roaming species in the areas “Podzaploty”, “Oglakhty”, “Khol-Bogaz”. In other areas - a common nomadic species in winter.
  5. Grey-headed Goldfinch – Carduelis caniceps (Vigor.) – A common breeding and winter roaming species in the areas “Podzaploty”, “Oglakhty”, “Khol-Bogaz”. In other areas - the usual nomadic species.
  6. Linnet - Acanthis cannabina (L.) - A common nesting species in copses and steppe areas of the reserve.
  7. Mountain tap-dancing - Acanthis flavirostris (L.) - An exceptionally rare breeding species of the alpine zone of the "Small Abakan" area.
  8. Common Red-Rock - Acanthis flammea (L.) - Migratory species for the winter. In winter, it is numerous in all parts of the reserve.
  9. Ash-colored tap dance - Acanthis hornemanni (Holb.) - Migratory species for the winter. In winter, it is common in all parts of the reserve.
  10. Himalayan finches – Leucostiete nemoricola (Hodg.) – A common breeding species in the alpine zone of the “Small Abakan” area.
  11. Siberian finches – Leucostiete arctoa (Pall.) – A common breeding and winter roaming species of the alpine belt of the “Small Abakan” area. During winter migrations, it occurs in the steppe and forest-steppe belts.
  12. Common lentil - Carpodacus erythrinus (Pall.) - A common nesting species of trees and shrubs in the areas of the reserve.
  13. Siberian lentil – Carpodacus roseus (Pall.) – A common breeding and irregular wintering species in the “Small Abakan” area. During winter migrations, it occurs in the steppe and forest-steppe belts.
  14. Greater lentil – Carpodacus rubicilla (Guld.) – A common breeding and possibly irregular wintering species in the “Small Abakan” area.
  15. Long-tailed lentil - Uragus sibiricus (Pall.) - A common settled and semi-sedentary species of copses and shrubs of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  16. Shchur – Pinicola enucleator (L.) – A common resident and semi-resident species in the “Small Abakan” area. During winter migrations, it occurs at the Podzaploty and Khol-Bogaz sites.
  17. Common crossbill – Loxia curvirostra (L.) – A common nesting and nomadic species in dark coniferous forests of the “Small Abakan” area.
  18. White-winged crossbill – Loxia leucoptera (Gmel.) – A common breeding and nomadic species in dark coniferous forests. In winter, during the period of migrations, it was recorded at the sites “Podzaploty” and “Khol-Bogaz”.
  19. Common bullfinch – Pyrrhula pyrrhula (L.) – Common nesting and winter roaming species at “Small Abakan” site. In the steppe areas of the reserve, it is a common migratory species for the winter.
  20. Gray Bullfinch – Pyrrhula cineracea (Cab.) – A common resident and nomadic species in the “Small Abakan” site in winter. In the steppe areas of the reserve, it is a rare migratory species for the winter. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  21. Grosbeak grosbeak – Coccothraustes coccothraustes (L.) – A common breeding and irregular wintering species of the “Small Abakan” site. In the copses of the steppe areas, a common migratory and rare flying species, possibly nesting.
  22. Common bunting - Emberiza citrinella (L.) - A common breeding and winter roaming species in all steppe areas of the reserve. There is a rare nesting bird on the “Small Abakan” site.
  23. White-capped Bunting - Emberiza leucocephala (S.G.Gmel.) - A common nesting species of trees and shrubs in the reserve.
  24. Red-eared bunting - Emberiza cioides (Brandt.) - A common resident and semi-resident species of the steppe areas of the reserve.
  25. Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus (L.) - A rare, possibly nesting species in the areas "Podzaploty", "Shira", "Itkul"
  26. Remez bunting – Emberiza rustica (Pall.) – A common migratory species in all parts of the reserve.
  27. Little bunting - Emberiza pusilla (Pall.) - A common migratory species in all parts of the reserve.
  28. Dubrovnik - Emberiza aureola (Pall.) - A common breeding species throughout the reserve.
  29. Garden bunting - Emberiza hortulana (L.) - A common nesting species of copses and bushes in the steppe areas of the reserve.
  30. Grey-headed Bunting - Emberiza spodocephala (Pall.) - A common nesting bird in the mountain taiga of the Maly Abakan area.
  31. Polar bunting - Emberiza pallasi (Caban.) - A rare breeding species of the alpine belt of the "Small Abakan" area.
  32. Plantain – Calcarius lapponicus (L.) – a numerous migratory species of the steppe areas of the reserve. Winters irregularly. Up to 5-8 thousand individuals fly in the vicinity of Ulukh-Kol and Bele lakes in spring and autumn.
  33. Snow bunting – Plectrophenas nivalis (L.) – A common winter migrant. In winter, it is regularly observed in all steppe areas of the reserve.


Insectivora order - Insectivora

Mole family - Talpidae

  1. Siberian mole - Talpa altaica (Nicolsry). Normal view. In the steppe areas of the reserve, it occurs along the edges of copses, meadow steppes, upland steppe and floodplain meadows. On the site "Small Abakan" along the river valleys, subalpine and alpine meadows

Shrew family - Soricidae

  1. Common shrew - Sorex araneus (L.). Widespread species. It is rare in the copses of the steppe areas and is common in the taiga forests on the site "Small Abakan". Outnumbers other species.
    1. Arctic shrew - Sorex arcticus (Kerr.). A common widespread species from the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve to the high-mountain belt of the "Small Abakan" area.
    2. Equal-toothed shrew - Sorex isodon (Turov.). Occurs in the area "Small Abakan" in the dark coniferous taiga and high mountain belt. The number is unknown.
    3. The middle shrew - Sorex caecutiens (Laxmann.). Widespread species. In the copses of the steppe areas, it is not numerous, on the site "Small Abakan" it is common.
    4. Lesser shrew - Sorex minutus (L.). Widespread species. In the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve is rare. ON the site "Small Abakan" it is common in the dark coniferous taiga and the upper border of the forest.
    5. Tiny shrew - Sorex minitissimus (Zimm.). A small but widespread species It occurs in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve, and on the site "Small Abakan" - in the taiga forests and high mountain belt.
    6. Water shrew - Neomys fodiens (Penn.). A rare species, listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Found on the Kizilka River, in the steppe section of the Podzaploty nature reserve.

Order Chiroptera - Chiroptera

The family of smooth-nosed bats Nespertilionidae

  1. Pond bat - Myotis dasycneme (Boie.). A rare species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. It is found mainly in the foothills. On the territory of the reserve, it is apparently found only in the areas "Podzaploty" and "Oglakhty".
  2. Water bat - Myotis daubentoni (Kuhl.). a common, widespread species, listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Meetings are possible at the sites "Oglakhty", "Lake Itkul".
  3. Mustachioed bat - Myotis brandti (Eversm.). A common species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. In the reserve it occurs in almost all steppe areas and in the Maly Abakan area.
  4. Brandt's bat - Myotis brandti (Eversm.). An understudied look. Possibly found in the areas "Small Abakan" and "Podlistvenki".
  5. Brown eared bat - Plecotus auritus (L.). A small species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Recorded in the steppe areas of the reserve and in the area "Small Abakan".
  6. Northern leather jacket - Eptesicus nissoni (Keus. et Blas). A common, in some places numerous species, listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Found in all parts of the reserve.
  7. Two-color leather - Vespertilio murinus (L.) A rare, poorly studied species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Occurs in the area "Small Abakan". Possibly inhabits the Podzaploty and Khol-Bogaz sites.
  8. Large tube-nosed - Murina leucogaster (Milne - Edw.). A rare little-studied species, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. Occurs in the area "Small Abakan". Meetings are possible at the Podzaploty and Khol-Bogaz sections.

Squad Lagomorpha - Lagomorpha

The Zaitsev family Leporidae

  1. White hare - Lepus timidus (L.). A typical view at the "Small Abakan" site. Rarely found in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. The population density in the "Small Abakan" section is 3.4 (1.4-21.3) inhabitants/thousand ha. ha., in the steppe areas 4.4 (0.3 - 8.5) ind./thous. ha.
  2. Hare - hare - Lepus europaeus (Pall.). A common sight in all steppe areas of the reserve. The population density is 8.6 (2–32.9) inhabitants/thousand inhabitants. ha.
  3. Alpine pika - Ochotona alpina (Pall.). a typical view on the site "Small Abakan".

Order Rodents - Rodenita

Flying family - Pteromydae

  1. Flying squirrel - Pteromis volans (L.). A typical view at the "Small Abakan" site.

Squirrel family - Seiuridae

  1. Common squirrel - Sciurus vulgaris (L.). A typical view at the "Small Abakan" site. During the years of mass migrations, it occurs in the steppe areas of the Podzaploty and Khol-Bogaz nature reserves. The population in the Maly Abakan section is subject to strong annual fluctuations. On average, the density of the population is 16.8 (2 - 66.8) inhabitants/thousand ha.
  2. Chipmunk - Eutaminus sibiricus (Lahm.). A common, in some places numerous species at the site "Small Abakan". In the steppe areas of the reserve (“Podzaploty”, “Oglakhty”, “Khol-Bogaz”) are numerous.
  3. Long-tailed ground squirrel - Citellus undulatus (Pall.). A common sight in all parts of the reserve. Previously, in the 1960-1970s, it was numerous up to 45-60 ind./100 ha, currently 5-7 ind./100 ha.
  4. Red-cheeked ground squirrel - Citellus erythrogenus (Brandt.). An exceptionally rare species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. N.A. was caught on the territory of the reserve. Kokhanovsky in the 1960s at the Oglakhty site. Currently, it is not recorded in the reserve (possibly disappeared).

Jerboa family - Dipodidae

  1. Steppe mouse - Sicista subtilis (Pall.). Recorded in all steppe areas of the reserve, the number is not established.
  2. Forest mouse - Sicista betulina (Pall.). Numerous species in the copses of the steppe areas of the reserve. Possibly found in the area "Small Abakan" in herbaceous floodplain forests.

Mouse family - Muridae

  1. Gray rat - Rattus norvegicus (Berk.). A rare species of steppe areas of the reserve. Occurs in places of former koshar.
  2. House mouse - Mus musculus (L.). A rare species of the steppe areas of the reserve. It occurs in places of former sheepfolds and thickets of weedy vegetation.
  3. Field mouse - Apodemus agrarius (Pall.). A common sight in all steppe areas of the reserve.
  4. East Asian mouse - Apodemus speciosus (Thom.). Numerous species of copses in the steppe areas of the reserve. Common in the area "Small Abakan".
  5. Mouse - baby - Micromus minutus (Pall.). a small species of copses in the steppe areas of the reserve in the area "Small Abakan".

Hamster family - Cricetidae

  1. Muskrat - Ondatra zibethica (L.). Usually on the site "Podzaploty", where 1 km. Kizilka river accounts for 6-8 residential muskrat huts. Less common in the Itkul area.
  2. Djungarian hamster - Phodopus sungorus (Pall.). Inhabits all steppe areas of the reserve. A rare species, except for the sites "Bele" and "Itkul". In the past, the numbers were quite high.
  3. Common hamster - Cricetus cricetus (L.). In the past common, now exceptionally rare species (10). In the 1960s, it was found in the area of ​​Lake Bele and the site "Oglakhty" (2). At present, it has not been recorded on the territory of the reserve.
  4. Bank vole - Clethriobomys glareolus (Schreb.). Occurs in the area "Small Abakan". Population unknown, possibly rare.
  5. Red-backed vole - Clethriobomys rutilus (Pall.). A rare species of copses in the steppe areas of the reserve (11). On the site "Small Abakan" is numerous.
  6. Red-backed vole - Clethriobomys rufocanus (Sund.). A rare species of copses in the steppe areas of the reserve (11). On the site "Small Abakan" is numerous.
  7. Forest lemming - Myopus schisticolor (L.). Occurs in the taiga and alpine belts at the site "Small Abakan" (1). The number is unknown.
  8. Big-eared vole - Alticola maerotus (Radd.). Occurs in the alpine belt at the site "Small Abakan".
  9. Silver vole - Alticola agrentatus (Severtz.). We met in the rocky steppe area "Bele". Possibly found in the areas "Podzaploty", "Oglakhty" and "Khol-Bogaz".
  10. Steppe pied - Lagurus lagurus (Pall.). Numerous species in all steppe areas of the reserve. The population density in the Itkul site in small soddy steppes is 5-10 individuals/100 traps. day
  11. Water vole - Arvicola terrestris (L.). A common view at the Podzaploty, Itkul, and Shira sections.
  12. Narrow-skulled vole - Microtus gregalis (Pall.). Numerous species in all steppe areas of the reserve. The population density in the Itkul site in the small soddy steppes is 8-12 ind./100 trap. day
  13. Common vole - Microtus arvalis (Pall.). A common sight in all parts of the reserve.
  14. Field vole - Microtus agrestis (L.). Occurs in the area "Small Abakan".
  15. Housekeeper vole - Microtus oeconomus (Pall.). Occurs in the areas "Podlistvenki" and "Small Abakan".

Squad Carnivora - Carnivora

The dog family Canidae

  1. Wolf - Canis lupus (L.). It occurs mainly in winter in all steppe areas of the reserve (10-15 individuals). The largest number was noted at the sites "Podzaploty" and "Khol-Bogaz", breeding of 1-2 pairs also occurs here. In addition, breeding of 1 pair is possible in the buffer zone of the Kamyzyakskaya steppe site. On the site "Small Abakan" appeared in the 1980s. So, in the winter of 1986/1987. a pack of wolves of 7 individuals killed 6 deer on winter sludge in the upper reaches of the Bolshoy Anzas and Tartash rivers. The population density in winter in the steppe areas of the reserve is 0.2 (0.02-0.3) ind./1000 ha. on the site "Small Abakan" 0.02 ind./1000 ha. (8.12).
  2. Common fox - Vulpes vulpes (L.). A common sight in all steppe areas of the reserve. The population density is 4 (0.7-10) inhabitants/1000 ha. on the site "Small Abakan" is rare.
  3. Red wolf - Cuon alpinus (Pall.). A rare nomadic species of the Western Sayan, listed in the Red Books of the IUCN, Russia and Khakassia. Its rare visits to the territory of the buffer zone of the Maly Abakan site are noted. According to survey data, red wolves in different years were met in the basin of the river. Karatosh, in the upper reaches of the Izerla and Kyzylkuzunsu rivers. In 1983, a single, severely emaciated wolf was encountered in the upper reaches of the river. She is.
  4. Brown bear - Ursus arctos (L.). A common species at the site "Small Abakan", where the total number is about 100 - 110 individuals, with a population density of 1 - 1.5 ind. / 1000 ha (12). There are rare visits of a bear to the Podlistvenki site.

marten family - Mustellidae

  1. Sable - Martes zibellina (L.). Background view at the site “Small Abakan. The average population density in winter is 9.9 (0.9 - 41.4) ind./1000 ha. (eight). So with a density of up to 10 ind. / 1000 ha. - by 20% and with a density of more than 20 ind./1000 ha - by 15% of the route. The number on the site "Small Abakan" is 1020 - 1280 individuals (1998 - 1999).
  2. Steppe polecat - Mustela enersmani (Less.). A small species of the steppe areas of the reserve. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. The population density in winter is 2.7 (0.2–8) ind./1000 ha.
  3. American mink - Mustela vison (Schr.). The usual view of the site "Small Abakan". The population density is 3.1 (1.1–7.4) residents/10 km. rivers. There are single visits of mink in the autumn on the river. Kizilka (section "Podzaploty").
  4. Kolonok - Mustela Sibirica (Pall.). A rare species in the area "Small Abakan" and rare in the steppe areas of the reserve "Podzaploty" and "Khol-Bogaz". The population density in winter is 2.3 ind./1000 ha.
  5. Stoat - Mustela erminea (L.). A common sight in all parts of the reserve. The population density in the steppe areas of the reserve in winter is 4.6 (1.5–13.7) ind./1000 ha.
  6. Weasel - Mustela nivalis (L.). A common inhabitant of all steppe areas of the reserve, where the population density in winter is 1.4 (0.6–3.5) ind./1000 ha. The number in the "Small Abakan" area is unknown.
  7. Wolverine - Gulo gulo (L.). A typical view at the "Small Abakan" site. The population density is 0.2 (0.03–1.8) inhabitants/1000 ha.
  8. Otter - Lutra lutra (L.). A rare species at the site "Small Abakan". Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia. About 40-50 individuals live on the territory of the site. The population density in winter is 1.1 (0.5–2) inhabitants/10 km of the river.
  9. Badger - Meles meles (L.). Found in all parts of the reserve. It is common in the steppe areas "Podzaploty", "Khol-Bogaz", "Oglakhty", and on Lake Bele, settlements are found in open areas of the steppe.

The cat family Fallidat

  1. Lynx - Lynx lynx (L.). A common view on the territory of the "Small Abakan" site. The population density in winter is 0.2 (0.09 - 0.3) individuals / 1000 ha, but the number is much higher, because the bulk migrates after the ungulates in the low mountains. Occasionally, lynx visits to the Khol-Bogaz and Podzaploty sections are noted. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
  2. Snow leopard - Uncia uncia (Schred.). An exceptionally rare nomadic species listed in the Red Data Books of the IUCN, Russia and Khakassia. Repeatedly noted in the buffer zone of the "Small Abakan" area - in the upper reaches of the Kyzylkuzuksu, Right and Middle Kaila rivers. The greatest number of meetings falls on the basin of the river. Karatosh is located at an altitude of 1500 - 2600 m and differs from other areas with little snow (15 - 30 cm) and the spread of high mountain steppes, which causes a concentration here, including in winter, of ungulates - elk, deer, roe deer, reindeer , Siberian mountain goat, wild boar (10). The number on the site "Small Abakan" is 2 - 3 individuals.

Order Artiodactyls - Artiodactyla

The pig family Suidae

  1. Wild boar - Sus scrofa (L.). Occurs on the territory of the site "Small Abakan". Normal look. In winter, some of them stay in cedar forests, the other part migrates to areas with little snow. The population density in winter is 2.4 (0.5 - 28.8) inhabitants/1000 ha. In summer it is found everywhere, from the taiga to the high mountain belts.

Musk deer family - Moschidae

  1. Musk deer - Moschus moschiferus (L.). A typical view at the "Small Abakan" site. The population density in winter is 2.0 (1–17) inhabitants/1000 ha. However, the number is greatly underestimated as a result of underestimation, according to previous censuses, the number of musk deer in this area averages 5.8 ind./1000 ha, and in some areas up to 20 or more individuals per 1000 ha. Listed in the Appendix to the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.

Deer family - Cervidae

  1. Elk - Alces alces (L.). A rare species at the site "Small Abakan". Calls were noted both in summer and in winter at the Khol-Bogaz and Podzaploty sections. The population density in the winter period at the Maly Abakan site is 0.2 (0.1–1.2) ind./1000 ha.
  2. Maral - Cervus elaphus (L.). A common sight at the Malyi Abakan section and a rare occurrence at the Khol-Bogaz section. On the site "Small Abakan" there are the main summer habitats of deer and calving places. In winter, it migrates to the low mountains, however, there are winter “local” wintering places. The average winter population density is 1.7 (0.3–10.8) individuals/1000 ha.
  3. Roe deer - Capreolus pygargus (Pall.). A common species found in all parts of the reserve. On the site "Small Abakan" it is observed in the summer, migrates to the low mountains for the winter. On the steppe areas "Oglakhty", "Podzaploty", "Khol-Bogaz" occurs all year round. In winter, the population density in these areas is 2.5 (0.4–9.2) ind./1000 ha. In snowy years, the number increases to 11.6 (2–30.8) ind./1000 ha.
  4. Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus valentinae (Flerov.). Occurs in the alpine zone of the "Small Abakan" area. Recorded repeatedly in the buffer zone and nearby areas (upper reaches of the rivers Karatosh, Izerla, Middle Kaila, Ona). Listed in the Red Books of Russia and Khakassia.

The Bovid family - Bovidae

  1. Siberian mountain goat - Capra sibirica (Pall.). Occurs in the buffer zone of the site "Small Abakan", in mountain steppes (southern slope of Karatosh). Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia.
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