How to quickly cook red and white beans without soaking? How to cook beans: simple and clear instructions

Beans are one of the most delicious and useful representatives the legume family. However, like all her brothers, she has the only drawback - long time cooking. Today we will talk about how to significantly reduce it without compromising the taste and appearance of the grains, we will offer several options for quickly cooking beans in a saucepan on the stove, and we will also tell you how to cook them in the microwave.

How to quickly cook red beans without soaking?

As you know, soaking beans greatly speeds up the cooking process. But what to do if, for some reason, you were unable to soak the bean grains in advance? Do not refuse to cook the planned dish or wait long and tiring for the beans to cook without prior preparation. There are other ways to speed up the softening of grains. This recipe is about how to cook red beans without soaking.


  • red beans - 210 g;
  • purified water - 1.8-2.2 l;
  • table salt - to taste.


We wash the red beans thoroughly, put them in a saucepan and fill with purified water so that it only slightly covers the contents. Let the beans boil, add a little more cold water and bring to a boil again. Do this until the beans soften. And this will happen in about thirty to forty minutes from the moment of the first boil, depending on the variety of beans. Temperature fluctuations will speed up the cooking process of legumes. Salt the beans to taste at the end of cooking.

How to quickly cook white or red beans in the microwave?

It's no secret that a microwave oven can save a lot of time if you cook meals in it. And beans are no exception. Grains, even without pre-soaking, quickly become soft. About all the nuances of such preparation in this recipe.


  • white or red beans - 210 g;
  • purified water - 700 ml;
  • table salt - to taste.


We wash the white or red beans thoroughly, transfer them to a bowl suitable for cooking in a microwave oven, fill with purified water, set the device to maximum power and set the timer for ten minutes. After that, mix the beans in a bowl with a spoon, return to the microwave and extend the cooking for another fifteen minutes. Five minutes before the end of the process, add salt to taste.

How to quickly cook dried beans for salad, borscht or soup?

Another effective way quickly cook beans, which are perfect for preparing the base for, or soup. A miracle tool that accelerates the softening of grains, in this case, is the most common sugar.


  • white or red beans - 200 g;
  • purified water - 950 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • table salt - to taste.


Pour the washed white or red beans with cold purified water and put on the stove to cook. After When it comes to a full boil, add granulated sugar, stir until all the sweet crystals are dissolved, and from this moment on, cook the red beans for thirty, and the white beans for forty minutes. After that, add salt to the contents of the dishes to taste and boil for another five minutes.

With any of the quick cooking options, it is not recommended to cover the pan during the entire cooking process, as the bean grains may darken and become unattractive. appearance. This is especially true for cooking white beans. Also, as you have already noticed from the description of the recipes, you should salt the beans only at the end of cooking, otherwise you will hardly be able to achieve an early softness of the grains.

Beans are a wonderful legume product that is an excellent substitute for meat in terms of protein content. It is she who is given the palm among the ingredients when fasting begins. It is tasty and nutritious, but the cooking time is scary.

Let's learn how to cook it quickly, so that not only on holidays in vinaigrettes or in fast days in the form of a pate, it appeared on our table in the very different form: in first courses, as a side dish, in pastries.

To the question "How to quickly cook beans?" There are several secret answers.

Cooked in a microwave with a maximum power of 700 watts


  • 150 g of beans;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 3-4 pinches of salt.

Beans have very hard grains and, in order for them to swell, they most often need to be pre-soaked, preferably overnight. Rinse in water, pour into a deep container, and then fill with water at room temperature. Leave for 10-12 hours. Rinse before brewing.

This is the first of the secrets fast food. The second is to cook traditional way- on the stove, and in the microwave. And the third - how to cook without soaking.

How to quickly cook beans without soaking

It is possible to halve the pre-soaking time, the bay is not cool, but hot water literally boiling water. Then you can leave them to swell / soften for 5 hours. To enhance the effect, cover with a lid.

After the specified time, you will be able to see that the beans have swollen by about 2-3 times. Rinse it again with water.

Apply secret number 2: pour the grains into a special container for microwave, pour vegetable oil, which will fill the beans with a velvety taste, as they absorb it during heat treatment.

Pour in the salt. You can choose other seasonings according to your taste: vegetable seasoning, dried herbs etc.

Pour boiling water into the container so that it slightly covers the grains.

Another little secret- at this stage, you can add 1-2 pinches of soda to the container so that the beans cook faster. But be prepared for the fact that soda produces an insane amount of foam, which will have to be removed every 1-2 minutes.

Speed ​​up the process and add sugar at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of water.

Cover the container with a lid and place in the microwave for 15-17 minutes at maximum power. At the end of the time, check whether it is cooked and if not ready, add another 4-5 minutes. Ready to take out and lay out in a serving plate, if you did it for a side dish, or let it cool if it was intended for a salad or other dishes.

Serve boiled beans with butter and crushed green onions, if you are not fasting, of course, or drizzle with olive oil and add garlic.

Enjoy your meal!

And here is another way to quickly boil beans:

How to boil beans -> how to boil beans without soaking.

Sometimes it happens that this or that dish, according to all the rules, must be prepared for so much time that you simply do not physically have time to cook it. This may be the case with the preparation of beans, which are best pre-soaked in cold water for at least 7-8 hours, and even better for as much as 9-12 hours. Sometimes the decision to cook this or that dish appears in our head spontaneously and we simply don’t have such a lot of time for pre-soaking food and other preparations. Does this mean that in this case, the beans cannot be cooked quickly at all? Not at all. Beans can be cooked without pre-soaking, you just have to follow certain rules for its preparation.

To cook beans without soaking. you need:

  1. Carefully sort the beans so that garbage, dust, pebbles or spoiled beans do not get into the food;
  2. After you hand sort the beans, rinse them under cold running water and let them dry a little;
  3. Take a large deep saucepan and fill it with water about two-thirds;
  4. Pour the washed beans into the pan and put it on medium heat;
  5. In order for pre-soaked beans to boil faster and more evenly, during the cooking process, the water in the pan should be replaced at least twice;
  6. When the water boils for the first time, wait about fifteen minutes, and then drain all the water and pour clean beans over cold water;
  7. Put the pot of beans back on the fire and when the water boils for the second time, repeat the process of changing the water;
  8. After that, the beans should continue to cook for about 30-40 minutes.

This method of preparing pre-soaked beans is also acceptable, when the water in the pan will not change completely, and a few tablespoons of cold water will simply be added to boiling water. This procedure should be carried out on average 3-4 times, but on initial stage cooking, and not towards the end of it. In general, in both cases, the speed of boiling beans is stimulated by the temperature difference in the container in which they are boiled.

In addition, beans can be soaked for significantly less time than the recommended minimum 7-8 hours. In such a case, you should do the following:

  • Rinse and sort the beans, then cover them with a small amount of water and place on the stove with moderate heat. When the water boils, remove the container with the beans from the stove, cover it tightly with a lid and let it steep for about one hour;
  • After one hour, put the beans back on the stove and cook in the usual way.

However, in this situation, frozen beans will cook the fastest, which a priori does not require pre-soaking. The method of its preparation is very simple and frozen beans will be ready for eating after 15-20 minutes of boiling in a saucepan over moderate heat.

How long to cook beans without soaking

  • If you are cooking beans that have not been soaked beforehand, then in the process of boiling it, you need to change the water twice, and then continue to cook it for about 30-40 minutes;
  • It is permissible to boil the beans first in a in large numbers water, then let it brew under a closed lid for one hour, and then boil in the traditional way for 45-60 minutes;
  • Frozen beans that do not require pre-soaking will cook the classic way 15-20 minutes over moderate heat.

How much to cook beans without soaking step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand step by step process cooking.

Beans are a special, protein-rich product that is full and nutritious. It is quite capable of replacing meat dishes in the diet. It is very important to be able to cook it correctly, so the question of how much and how to cook red beans is of concern to many housewives.

How to cook red beans

brought from South Africa in the 16th century, the bean, or "Italian bean" as Christopher Columbus dubbed it, is now popular in many parts of the world.

Beans are valuable for their unique composition.

  • Fiber - gives a feeling of fullness, helps to eliminate toxins and excess fluid from the body, stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • The complex of vitamins (C, PP, B1, B2, B6) has a positive effect on human immunity, stabilizes the activity of the nervous system.
  • Micro and macro elements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese) are participants in important biochemical processes.
  • Amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, arginine, histidine, tyrosine) balance the activity of the endocrine system, contribute to the provision of a sedative and calming effect.
  • Beans do not contain cholesterol.

Unique beans are not completely digested in the intestinal section. Thus, the body has the opportunity to get rid of everything unnecessary.

The systematic consumption of the grains of this plant can prevent premature aging, have a strengthening effect on the heart and blood vessels, and increase immunity.

Important! Despite the high calorie content, beans can often be found as part of dietary dishes.

How to cook red beans with soaking

Not everyone knows how to properly cook red beans with soaking. It is necessary to take into account the fact that red beans have a stronger outer shell. Accordingly, this also affects the duration of cooking, it increases. Due to this feature, it is recommended to pre-soak the beans in water. This is best done in the evening, as the beans must be in the water for at least 12 hours.

Someone will ask: is it necessary to soak? Those who do not know how to boil red beans should have an idea why the pre-soaking procedure is necessary. And it's not even that the beans cook faster after soaking. Bean grains contain in their composition special components - oligosaccharides. They can complicate the functioning of the human gastrointestinal system, and even pose a threat to people with gastrointestinal diseases. During the soaking procedure, the oligosaccharides are dissolved in water. That is why the water remaining after soaking must be drained and the beans are boiled only in the newly collected water.

Important! Beans should not be consumed raw, as they contain the toxic substance phasin. Eating undercooked grains, and even more so raw ones, means insuring yourself an upset stomach.

The soaking procedure involves a periodic change of water. It is better to take a larger pan, because the beans have the ability to swell and increase in size. For 1 cup of the product should be 3-4 cups of boiled water.

Before putting the pot with the contents on the fire, you need to drain the water and pour clean water.

When asked how much to cook red beans after soaking, the answer is unequivocal - 1.5-2 hours. Salt is added shortly before the end of cooking. If you wish, you can pour sunflower oil at the very beginning of cooking, in the amount of 3-4 tables. spoons. In this case, boiled beans will become softer.

Cook over low heat with the lid closed.

To determine the readiness of a vegetable will turn out only to taste, and it is recommended to try at least three things. Sometimes it happens that some of the grains are already ready, and some are not. In this case, boil the beans for another 10-15 minutes.

Ready-made beans are suitable for cooking various dishes.

Knowing how to cook red beans, you will be able to get a product that will be a great addition. stewed vegetables and soups.

Thus, soaked beans can significantly reduce the cooking time and rid the product of starch, which is found in excess on the surface of this product.

How long to cook red beans without soaking

Modern housewives often face a problem when there is a catastrophic lack of time for cooking. In such a situation, the question is how to cook red beans without soaking. There is such a recipe.

  1. Before cooking, the cooked beans are sorted out from excess debris. Those with a flaw should also be removed.
  2. The product placed in a colander is thoroughly washed with running water. After that, everything is transferred to a saucepan filled with water by about two-thirds.
  3. A pot of beans put on the fire should boil for 15 minutes, after which all the water is drained and a new, clean one is poured. This procedure must be repeated one more time. After that, the beans are cooked for another 40-50 minutes.

Important! In order not to miscalculate the cooking time, the beans should be boiled for 40 minutes, and then each time after 10 minutes, try the beans for readiness.

But there is another way that tells how to quickly cook red beans without soaking. It may seem unusual to some, but it's still worth a try.

  • You will need water, beans and sea ​​kale. The leaves of this vegetable, dried prematurely, are added to the grains before cooking. It will take about 40 minutes to boil. If this mass is also seasoned with spices, then a tasty and fragrant broth will come out.

How to quickly cook red beans

Beans are a special product that usually takes a long time to cook. However, modern housewives are not just interested in information about how much to cook red beans, but how to speed up this process.

There are also such methods.

  1. The microwave is perfect for this. Before cooking, the beans are poured into any glassware, where clean cool water is also poured. The container is placed in a microwave oven and the maximum power is set. Cooking time 7-10 minutes. Then the contents are mixed, sprinkled with salt and sent to the oven for 15-20 minutes, but the power is already quite average.
  2. Multicooker - great option for those who do not know how to properly cook red beans. In this case, the beans should be stewed for 1-1.5 hours. Salt before cooking.
  3. You can use a pressure cooker. Cooking in this case should be given about 40 minutes.
  4. Without using pre-soaking, you can quickly cook frozen beans. It is boiled over medium heat and you can count on the fact that after 15 minutes the beans will be ready for use.

Some housewives are aware of certain nuances that help speed up the cooking process. So, for example, grains will cook faster if you pour a little bit of ordinary soda during cooking. There is another way that shortens the cooking process by 2 times. Beans are poured with cold water. 5 minutes after boiling, 100 ml is added to the pan. very cold water. This procedure is repeated several more times, until the grains are completely ready.

Knowing how much red beans are cooked and what are the features of their preparation, you can make various delicate and tasty dishes.

When preparing meals, it is necessary to take into account a number of important nuances when cooking:

  • First, the grains must be carefully sorted out, weeding out all the "defective" beans.
  • Salted beans only at the end of the cooking process.
  • If, when cooking this ingredient, add a little cream or olive oil, then the beans will turn out much tastier.
  • If during the cooking process you have to add water, then only boiling water should be added, otherwise the beans will crack.
  • When choosing the volume of grains for a dish, you need to remember that during cooking, its volume will increase by 2-3 times.
  • Do not stir beans while boiling.
  • In the case when we cook soup, boil the beans until half cooked. Already in the broth, the beans are completely cooked.
  • If several varieties are required for cooking, then we cook them separately.
  • Adding tomato, tomatoes or vinegar, if required by the recipe, is recommended only after the dish is ready. But spices, greens are allowed to be put in the cooking process. The taste will greatly benefit from this.

Beans are a unique product. With only 1% fat in its composition, it is able to provide our body with a complex of vital vitamins and trace elements. Having an idea of ​​​​how to boil red beans, you can surprise your household or guests with delicious salads, snacks or soups made from this product.

How to quickly and easily boil beans for soup? This question is asked by thousands of housewives. But relatively recently, no one knew about these legumes. Large-scale cultivation of beans in Europe began at the end of the 17th century, in Russia in northern regions- in the 18th century, and in the southern regions - only in the 19th.

Varieties of beans

In total, there are about 97 species from the legume family, but most people living in our latitudes know about five varieties of beans:

  • Red
  • White
  • Pod
  • Black
  • yellow, waxy

Boiling time for popular beans

So that you can compare different legumes, the cooking time is indicated without pre-soaking the beans.

Dark beans, namely red and black, take the longest to cook. have a thickened shell, unlike light varieties.

Boiling time is highly dependent on the size of the beans, the smaller they are, the faster they cook.

String beans are young soft green sprouts with small bean buds inside. The length of the sprouts is usually 12-15 cm.

By pre-soaking, the cooking time is reduced by about 1 hour. Beans should be soaked for 8-10 hours in plenty of water.

Ways to quickly cook beans

  1. Most easy way soften the beans - add a pinch of soda when cooking. With this approach, it will be possible to cook the beans in 40-50 minutes. This method is attractive for its simplicity, but there is a risk that the beans will burst and turn into porridge.
  2. Soak the beans in boiling water for 30-40 minutes, then drain the water and add 3 tbsp. sunflower oil. Add boiling water again so that it covers the product completely and put on the stove. Doing this will shorten the cooking time and make the beans softer.
  3. Another good method. Pour cold water over the beans and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, drain it and fill it with cold water. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. For 1-1.5 hours, the beans should be cooked.
  4. This method is similar to the previous one, only it has its own subtleties. Here you need to pour cold water into a saucepan and put on the stove. When boiling, the water should boil for 10 minutes, and then cold water should be poured into the pan. You need to repeat these steps at least five times.
  5. The best way to cook beans quickly is to cook them in a pressure cooker. It only takes 20 minutes to soften dried beans without soaking. And all because cooking takes place with a tightly closed lid, under pressure.

What would you fast way Whichever you choose, remember that cooking beans in the classic way, with soaking, better preserves vitamins in it.

The benefits of beans and its harm

Beans belong to the product with great content squirrel. There are 22.3 grams of vegetable protein per 100 grams. A real meat substitute for vegetarians! The calorie content in this case is 308.9 kcal.

One more strong point legume is great content potassium - as much as 1100 mg per 100 grams of beans. Potassium has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system and prevent the development of diseases.

In addition, legumes are high in B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and sulfur, which has a good effect on immunity, brain activity and skin condition.
Everyone should know that raw beans contain toxic substances. Eating raw beans can lead to stomach problems, diarrhea. But not everyone can eat ready-made beans.

Beans are contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • gastritis
  • pancreatitis
  • colitis
  • cholecystitis

This product should be used with caution in the elderly, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

What soup to cook with beans

Bean soups are especially popular in South America. They like to make them sharp and thick. Good example a similar soup step by step recipe presented, you can see.

In the first courses familiar to us, such as borscht or cabbage soup, beans can be replaced with meat, a good alternative to fasting. The soup is hearty and rich.

Cook for fun and be healthy!

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