Change the opening of the transom of a plastic window. How to install a plastic window with your own hands. Step by step process. Handle not turning

A feature of large windows is large sashes. With a height of more than 1700 mm, a window is quite capable of replacing a small door in size. Opening a heavy and high sash while standing on the floor is inconvenient and not always safe.

“Tilt-and-turn window sashes can hang on one hinge if the locking device fails. This is a serious threat when handling high and heavy plastic window sashes.

So that the convenience of managing the sashes of a panoramic window does not go against its benefits, it is customary to divide the window into sections with horizontal dividers - imposts. Thus, several small-sized valves are obtained. Now the flaps at shoulder level can be easily operated.

But another difficulty arises - how to handle and control the upper transom.

What should be provided for the convenience of handling the fanlight window

A transom located too high for a person is used extremely rarely. Therefore, when replacing old wooden frames with new plastic ones, saving it, they tend to make it deaf (non-opening). This option is acceptable for the windows of the first floor or exit to the balcony.

Washing a deaf transom from the street at a height above the second floor, climbing onto a stepladder, is not a pleasure for the faint of heart.

There is a way out - use the brushes on the telescopic handle or make the transom openable. The first way is more economical: a brush is not as expensive as an opening transom. The second one is more technologically advanced and not so risky: you can open the transom when necessary and wash the window from the room.

The choice in favor of a plastic window with an opening transom

The transom can be opened in two ways: with hinges from above (top-hung) and with hinges from below (folding).

Hinged opening of the transom is the most practical and safest type of ventilation, as the air coming from the street goes under the ceiling. To use this feature more often, a more comfortable opening option is needed.

How about an extension cord?
To simplify opening, there is a special extension - a remote opening handle. The handle, located at a comfortable level, allows you to open the transom when you need it.

It is even more efficient to use the upper transom for ventilation by replacing manual control with an automatic one using an electric drive.

The Giesse electric drives used in the production of Business-M allow you to control the opening of the transom from the remote control. It is possible to connect to a 230V or 24V network.

Permissible transom dimensions

The minimum dimension of the fanlight sash is 400 mm. When planning sections, you should take into account the recommended aspect ratio, which should not be more than 3:1.

  • Glass in wide, but low doors, with aspect ratios greater than 3:1, experiences high surface stress, which means that the probability that the glass will crack without any serious impact on it is higher;
  • In the case of ordering narrow sashes, a safety film must be glued on the glass unit, which reduces the risk of cracks on the glass.

The cost of a plastic window with a transom

The type and method of opening the transom increases the cost of a PVC window. The electric drive device adds about 12,000-15,000 rubles to the cost. Mechanical remote opening of the transom is half the price.

Changing the position of the plastic window sash occurs with the help of fittings. It is necessary for normal opening, switching to ventilation mode. But sometimes, for a number of reasons, the system does not work properly. What to do if the plastic window accidentally opened in two positions at once, and the handle jammed, how to solve the issue without involving specialists?

Causes of incorrect sash position

First you need to deal with the factors that lead to such problems. In 90% of cases, the reason for opening the window in two positions at once is the incorrect operation of the fittings. The main strapping (tires, scissors, extension cords) is located at the end of the sash. The reciprocal levels providing fixing of a transom are established on an end face of a frame (impost).

Stages of fittings operation at different sash positions:

  • Swing opening. When the handle is turned 90°, the strikers come out of the fixation of the hooks and the transom opens.
  • Airing. The handle moves another 90°, the lower latch remains in the horizontal striker, providing a stop. The sash tilts up to the reach of the top scissors.
  • Micro-ventilation. A special limiter has been added to the design, which allows you to open the transom in the ventilation mode by 3-5 mm.

When working in each of these positions, incorrect functioning of the elements is possible.

How to fix the situation

If the window opened in two positions at once, there is no need to try to solve the issue by applying physical force. This can lead to damage to the window and, as a result, costly repairs. Sometimes the handle does not jam, but turns freely. This indicates a change in the shape of the splines. It is necessary to move the decorative bar at the end, unscrew the screws and check the condition of the pin. If it is unsatisfactory, the handle is changed to a new one.

Once installed, the window should work fine. If this does not happen, you should continue with independent repairs.

Erroneous opening blocker

Almost all fitting systems incorporate an erroneous opening blocker. It prevents the handle from moving when the sash is in swing or ventilation mode. If the transom was open in two planes at once, the operation of this device will prevent the handle from turning.

To solve this problem, you need to do the following:

  • Find a blocker. It is located at the end of the sash, next to the handle and is a bar located at an angle of 30 ° relative to the central rail.
  • Move (press) the blocker so that it is in the same plane with the fittings.
  • Turn the handle to a horizontal position and close the sash.
  • Try the correct operation of the window in several modes.

These actions with the blocker solve problems with the incorrect functioning of the sash in 80% of cases.

Adjust the position of the sash yourself

Sometimes the manufacturer does not intentionally or unintentionally install an erroneous tear-off blocker on tilt-and-turn transoms. This saving is sometimes costly for the consumer - therefore. If there is no blocker, then opening in two positions at once occurs often. But at the same time, the handle does not jam.

The transom adjustment is performed as follows:

  • The handle moves to the "ventilation" position.
  • The sash closes.
  • The handle is set to swing mode.
  • The correct operation of the fittings is checked.

After these steps, the problem should be resolved.

Problems with scissors

With prolonged use, the position of the sash will gradually change. This can result in the clamping eccentric of the upper scissors not being in the same plane as the striker. And then the sash can move in two planes at once - horizontal and vertical.

To work, you need an L-shaped hexagon.

Procedure for correcting the situation:

  1. Adjust the transom. This is done using the functionality of the lower loop, on which there are special grooves.
  2. Additionally, restore the position of the eccentric using a hexagon. The sash opens, the tool is installed in the groove and scrolls.
  3. Checking the operability of the sash in various positions.

In rare cases, the operation of the fittings is impossible due to the breakdown of the moving guides located inside. Then the only solution to the problem is to call the master to professionally dismantle the sash and replace the faulty fittings.

/ Replacing a swing sash with a tilt-and-turn sash

Recently, the service has become more and more popular. installation of window vents instead of a deaf double-glazed window. This is due to the increased requirements for comfort. Our house is our fortress, therefore everything in the dwelling should be arranged as conveniently and functionally as possible.

Windows with blank double-glazed windows are often installed in order to save money. Most often, such savings are practiced in new buildings, however, during operation, a blind window is not always convenient. So, the outer side of the double-glazed window automatically becomes difficult to clean.

Another common problem in new buildings is a balcony block (balcony door + window) with a blind window. In this case, it is possible to ventilate the room only with the help of an open balcony door, which causes a lot of inconvenience. You can correct the situation by replacing the fittings of the balcony door from a pivot to a tilt-and-turn one. In this case, air enters the top and sides of the door, while the bottom remains closed. However, the best way to solve the problem is to replace the blank double-glazed window with a window sash or transom.

Most often, vents are installed on the narrowest window sash. In parallel with this, you can make the insulation of the entire sash.

Installation steps for vents / sashes

Step 1. Measurement and manufacture of the sash

Step 2. Dismantling a deaf (non-opening) double-glazed window

Step 3. Mounting the sash

Step 4. Adjustment

Step 5: Submit your work

Installation of a window leaf takes place at the place of order.

Transoms - the upper window frames - can also be converted into opening ones. Such designs are safe for children and allow you to ventilate the room without drafts: cold air, descending, gradually warms up. Transoms are in the form of an arch, a trapezoid, a polygon, etc.

Most often, transoms are found in windows over 1.7 m. As a rule, these are houses with high ceilings and large openings.

Transoms can be opened both from above and from below. They are most common in the form of individual plastic opening horizontal windows in utility rooms - garages, storage rooms. You can install in such products.

You can install a transom or window leaf both in a simple vertical window and in a window on a roof with a slope. To open such structures there is a remote opening handle, which can be positioned at any height.

The manufacture of a window leaf or transom is made within 6 working days after measurement. Installation and adjustment will take no more than 2 hours.

The popularity of plastic windows in recent years has only increased. Their advantages over wooden frames are undeniable. First of all, they do not dry out, they are easy to clean, and cracks do not form in such windows. In addition, they have convenient mechanisms for opening and closing the valves.

Installing a plastic window with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

Required tools and materials

For self-installation of plastic windows, you will need the following tools:

  • mounting gun for applying foam;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level with a plumb line;
  • hydraulic level;
  • household sprayer;
  • slick;
  • hammer with a rubber nozzle;
  • construction stapler;
  • scissors for processing plums.

As for mounting materials, you must purchase mounting foam, a hydro-vapor-proof tape (regular and with foil), construction screws and construction mounting wedges will be needed to protect the seams.

In addition, if you are going to order roller shutters in the future, you must provide a place for their installation on the window.

Removing old windows

Before you start installing new plastic windows, you need to remove the old structure. First, the sashes are removed, then the platbands, and after that - the slopes. After the entire window structure is dismantled, you can proceed with the installation of a plastic double-glazed window. Before installation, all working surfaces of the window opening are carefully cleaned.

Frame installation

After the window opening is completely cleaned, the sashes are removed from the plastic window and the double-glazed window is removed. If there is a transom in the sash, there is no need to remove the double-glazed window - it is much easier to remove the entire transom. Further into the opening, with the help of bolts and mounting plates, the frame is strengthened so that it is kept strictly in level. Bringing the frame to a horizontal position occurs with the help of construction wedges, adjusting them in height. Slots and gaps are carefully filled with mounting foam.

Installation of double-glazed windows and transoms

After strengthening the frame, you need to return the transom and double-glazed windows to their place. This work must be done in the reverse order of removal. So, the window is installed and fixed. It is qualitatively impossible to install a plastic window with your own hands if you do not carefully seal all the seams. To do this, we use a sticky vapor-proof tape indoors around the entire perimeter. It is strengthened both from the inside and outside of the window - the only difference is in the methods of fixation. Upon completion of the work, we proceed to the introduction of mounting foam into the central layer of the seam. The technique is usually indicated on the packaging with the material. In order for the foam to lay better, the places where it is applied must be sprayed with water before and after application, because a lack of moisture will lead to poor polymerization. The next day after the work, the protective tape is straightened and fixed with a stapler. And finally, we fix the protective tape with foil on the underside of the window.

As you can see, the installation of a plastic window is not difficult - the main thing is to follow the installation technology. The window sill can be mounted at any convenient time.


Before deciding which plastic window you need, you need to figure out what a window transom is and whether you need it. This term refers to the part of the structure located on top, it is necessarily separated by a horizontal strip, can be superimposed on the window separately or be part of it. The transom can be opening or deaf.

Applying an element

The transom of the window is quite common, but they do not always pay attention to it, without separating it into a separate part that has any name. The shape of the transom can be different: for example, there are designs in the form of a trapezoid or an arch. The most common element variant is a square or a rectangle. Less commonly, you can find a polygon or others, the choice of which depends on the design intent of the customer, or the unusual shape of the window opening. The transom of the window is most often a part of the PVC profile structure, less often a separate installation of the element is provided, and the buyer has the choice to mount the structure with or without it.

You can meet a window with a transom if its size exceeds the average. It will not look at such an element, it will not fit into the design. The optimal window size should be more than 170 cm. A window transom is needed not only to make the appearance of the structure more attractive, to visually enlarge it, but also to let more light into the room.

The design allows you to create, while significantly reducing the load on their wings, the structure itself. The room becomes brighter, the windows visually become much larger, they add a feeling of free space to the room. Elimination of excess pressure on the PVC structure allows to increase its service life and facilitate operation. Using this technique will allow you to create a large window opening, while you do not need to mount a bulky, expensive window. These are also used in apartments with high ceilings. Large window openings not only look attractive, but also make the room bright enough.

When choosing a window with a transom, it is best to order a design in which it will open - this will make it easier to care for the window, it will be easier to wash it, and it will also provide an additional window for ventilation.

Plastic windows have long gained popularity. But many are no longer satisfied with standard products. Read about it in detail on our website.

What types of structures are there?

We figured out what a window transom is and how it is used, now it remains to find out what types of structures are found and you can order the windows you like. In the same way as plastic windows, transoms can be divided according to the way they open into and tilt-and-turn. Sliding structures are usually not used, as this is not very convenient and the tightness of the windows may be violated. To open the transoms, similar window fittings are used. The transom leaf can be opened from the top or bottom, depending on the choice of the owner.

opening mechanism

If the structure opens from the bottom, the handle for this will be at the top. It is usually difficult to get to such a handle. You can solve the problem by placing a special mechanism that will help you transfer the handle to the window frame and place it at the height you need. However, this possibility directly depends on the type of fittings and the capabilities of the manufacturer of your windows.

It is necessary to clarify whether it is possible to transfer the handle before ordering a window structure.

Opening the top is technically not much different, and you will experience the same inconvenience with the handle, but at the same time it will be even higher. A more modern solution to the problem is the installation of a remote opening mechanism on a window with a transom. The system is mounted above the window, has a long drive handle, which even a small child can use. At the same time, he will not be able to get to the very window and fall out because of the high height.

Plastic windows with a transom allow you to visually enlarge the space, fill the room with light, they look advantageous in any interior. However, you will have to think about how it is more convenient to open the transom, and immediately order a suitable mechanism.

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