Shark species, names, features and interesting facts. Types of sharks Varieties of sharks names

The shark is the most dangerous marine creature that can harm human life. The predator lives in sea ​​waters and oceans. You can meet representatives of vertebrates in almost all the salty waters of the World Ocean, but there are so many varieties of fish that it does not hurt to get acquainted with the brightest representatives of this family.

General characteristics of sharks

Sharks are conditionally divided into eight groups. In total, today there are 450 species of predators, but the researchers argue that there are also other representatives of this family, so far unknown to man.

The variety of sharks is so great that the smallest fish grow up to 20 cm, while the big ones can reach 20 meters. Nevertheless, all vertebrates have a number of similar features: sharks do not have a swim bladder, they breathe oxygen that enters the gill slits, marine animals have an excellent sense of smell that allows you to feel the blood of the victim at a distance of several kilometers. Also, all fish have a unique skeleton consisting of cartilaginous tissue.

Shark Squads

Unfortunately, many shark species became extinct, and information about them is hopelessly lost. Today, 8 main orders of predators are distinguished:

  • carchariformes;
  • different-toothed or bovine (horned);
  • polygill-shaped;
  • lamniform;
  • wobbegong-shaped;
  • sawtooth;
  • katranobraznye or prickly;
  • flat-bodied representatives.

Of the large number of fish, not all are predators. Three types of sharks feed on plankton. There are also representatives of vertebrates that live in fresh waters.

The main types of sharks

You can meet dangerous predators in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Ocean, as well as in the Mediterranean, Red and Caribbean Seas. The most unusual marine animals are:

Tiger shark

Tiger or leopard shark - belongs to the most greedy predators, the maximum length of the fish is 5.5 m. A distinctive feature of the marine inhabitant is the tiger pattern located throughout the body.

Hammerhead shark

The hammerhead shark is a unique shark that has a "hammerhead" in front. The predator creates the appearance of a massive and unusual fish. Adults grow up to 6.1 m. Fish love to feast on seahorses, rays and stingrays.

silky shark

Silk or Florida shark - has an unusual grayish-blue color with a metallic tint. The maximum body length of a predator is 3.5 m.

blunt shark

The blunt shark is one of the most aggressive fish. In some sources, the predator is called a bull shark. The marine inhabitant lives in India and Africa. A feature of fish is the ability to adapt to fresh water.

blue shark

The blue shark is considered the closest fish to humans, as it often swims to the shore. The predator has a blue color of a rather slender body and mostly grows up to 3.8 m.

zebra shark

Zebra shark - has an unusual color in the form of brownish stripes on a light body. A variety of fish is not dangerous to humans. The shark lives near China, Japan and Australia.

helmet shark

The helmet shark is one of the rare species of predators. The surface of the body of the fish is covered with teeth, the color is represented by dark spots on a light background. Adults grow up to 1 meter long.

mozambique shark

The Mozambique shark is a red-brown fish with white spots on the body. The marine inhabitant lives in Mozambique, Somalia and Yemen, grows up to 60 cm.

sevengill shark

The sevengill or straight-nosed shark is distinguished by its aggressive character and ashy color. The fish has a narrow head and grows up to 120 cm.

frilled shark

The frilled or frilled shark is a unique marine creature that can bend its body like a snake. The predator has an elongated gray-brown body, reaching 2 m and numerous leather bags.

fox shark

Thresher shark - has a high speed of movement and a long upper lobe of the tail fin. The latter successfully stuns prey. The length of the fish reaches 4 m.

sand shark

Sand shark - has an upturned nose and a massive body. Prefers tropical and cool sea. The average length of an individual is 3.7 m.

blacknose shark

Mako or black-nosed shark - a predator is one of the most effective deadly weapons. The average length of the fish is 4 m, the speed of movement is phenomenal.

goblin shark

Goblin shark or brownie (rhinoceros) - this species fish are called aliens. Sharks have an unusual snout, similar to platypuses. These deep-sea individuals grow up to one meter.

Whale shark

whale shark - real sea ​​giant with stunning color and grace. The maximum length of a marine inhabitant is 20 m. Fish of this species do not like cold water and do not pose a threat to humans, although they frighten with their mass. The main food of sharks are crayfish and molluscs.

carpal wobbegong

Carpal Wobbegong - unique look sharks, not like their "brothers". The fish is perfectly camouflaged due to the flat shape of the body and the many rags with which it is covered. In appearance, it is very difficult to recognize the eyes and fins of the animal.

Short-nosed pylon

Short-nosed sawnose - the fish has a gray-blue body with a light belly. A distinctive feature of the animal is a sawtooth outgrowth, which is one third of the total body length. With the help of a unique tool, the shark injures its victims.

Pilonos Gnome

The pylon gnome is one of the smallest fish of this species, the length of which is no more than 60 cm.

Southern hygloglot - has a pointed head, light brown body. The sea dweller does not pose a threat to humans.

Heavy Iloglot - the owner of a massive body. This type of fish prefers to be at great depths.


Flat-bodied sharks or squatins - this type of fish is very similar to stingrays in shape and lifestyle. The marine inhabitant prefers to hunt at night, while during the day it burrows into the silt. Some people call sharks sand devils.

There are many types of sharks. The variety of fish is influenced by the habitat and lifestyle.

Other types of sharks

In addition to the main, well-studied shark species, there are also lesser known predators, including: lemon, pellet, long-winged, reef, feline, mustelid, soup, herring, largemouth, carpet and polar sharks. Also in sea waters there is a species of predators called "nurse shark".

And, of course, White shark

Currently, more than 450 species of sharks are known: from the deep-sea shallow Etmopterus perryi, only 17 cm long, to the whale shark, which reaches 12 meters in length.

Sharks are widespread in all seas and oceans, from the surface to depths of more than 2,000 meters. They mostly live in sea water, but some species can also live in fresh water.

Most sharks are so-called real predators, but certain types, in particular, whale, giant and largemouth sharks are filter feeders; they feed on plankton, squid and small fish.


The skeleton of a shark differs markedly from the skeleton of bony fish - there are no bones in it, and it is completely formed from cartilaginous tissues.


Sharks are covered with placoid scales, the scales of which are rhombic plates ending in a spike protruding from the skin. In terms of structure and strength, the scales are close to bones, which gives reason to call it skin teeth. These teeth have a wide base, a flattened shape and a very prominently outlined crown. Most of the crowns are very sharp and close together, so the skin can appear relatively smooth when you run your hand from head to tail, and vice versa - rough, like sandpaper - when you run it in the opposite direction.

Teeth and jaws

The teeth of most sharks are shaped like sharp dentine cones and sit on the cartilages of the upper and lower jaws. Teeth are regularly replaced as they fall out or wear out according to the conveyor principle - their replacement is constantly growing from the inside. According to their structure and origin, these are modified placoid scales.

Depending on the diet and lifestyle, teeth and jaws vary greatly between shark species. Bottom sharks, whose food is usually protected by a hard shell, have hundreds of small, smooth teeth. Pelagic species are characterized by the presence of very sharp teeth adapted for easy penetration into the flesh of prey. Sharks such as tiger sharks have knife-shaped teeth designed to tear the meat of large prey. Plankton-eating sharks have rudimentary small teeth.


Unlike bony fish, sharks do not have a swim bladder. Instead, a huge liver, cartilaginous skeleton and fins help them compensate for negative buoyancy.

Most shark species need to be constantly moving in order to keep breathing, so they cannot sleep for long periods of time. However, some species, such as the baleen nurse shark, are able to pump water through their gills, allowing them to rest on the bottom.

Digestive system

After a hearty meal, sharks are able to for a long time starve, slowly and economically spending the accumulated resources, and in general their need for food is relatively small. For example, a three-meter Australian sand shark weighing 150 kg, kept in captivity, ate only 80-90 kg of fish per year.

Sharks periodically produce eversion of the stomach - they turn it out through the mouth into aquatic environment for the purpose of purification. It is curious that they never damage the stomach with their many teeth.


Shark sense of smell? one of the main sensory systems. Experiments have shown the high sensitivity of sharks to odors. The olfactory organs are represented by the nostrils? small pouches on the muzzle that let water through to the olfactory receptors. The sense of smell is involved in the search for prey and partners for reproduction.

The great white shark uses 14% of its brain to smell. Is the sense of smell particularly well developed in hammerhead sharks? nostrils spaced at a decent distance from each other on the head of a peculiar shape make it possible to more clearly determine the direction of the source of the smell. Studies have shown that sharks respond better to the scents of injured or disturbed prey.

Sharks can smell blood diluted 1:1,000,000, roughly equivalent to one teaspoon in a medium-sized swimming pool.


The structure of the shark eye is for the most part the same as that of all vertebrates, but with some features. Does the shark eye have a special reflective layer? tapetum? located behind the retina. The tapetum directs the light that has passed through the retina back so that it once again acts on the receptors, thus increasing the sensitivity of the eye. This significantly improves visual acuity, especially in low light conditions.

Another feature in some species is the presence of a blinking eyelid, which closes the eye directly during the attack on the victim, protecting it from damage. Sharks that do not have a blinking eyelid roll their eyes when attacking a victim.

It was previously believed that the shark's eye contains too few cones and is unable to distinguish colors and fine details. However, modern technology has proven otherwise. The visual acuity of some species of sharks is sharper than human up to 10 times.


The organ of hearing in sharks? it is the inner ear enclosed in a cartilaginous capsule. Sharks perceive predominantly low sounds of 100-2500 Hz. Most sharks are capable of distinguishing infrasound below 20 Hz. The inner ear is also an organ of balance.

Electro- and magnetoreception

Is the electroreceptor apparatus of sharks represented by the ampullae of Lorenzini? these are small connective tissue capsules immersed in the skin with tubules emanating from them that open to the surface of the skin.

Sharks respond to electric fields as low as 0.01 µV/cm. Therefore, they are able to detect the victim by the electric fields created by the work of the respiratory muscles and the heart.


Each species has its own specific lifespan, and it is not easy to estimate it for all sharks. In general, sharks grow relatively slowly, and in general it can be said that most species live 20–30 years.

However, the spotted spiny shark, which lives more than 100 years, has a record lifespan. Whale sharks with a similar age are also known.


Sharks have internal fertilization characteristic of cartilaginous fish, a primitive uterus and a fairly perfect placental connection. The fetus develops in the uterus and is born well adapted to independent life. In newborn sharks, the musculoskeletal system, digestive system and sensory organs are well developed, which allows them to feed on their own and quickly increase their mass.

Sharks produce different amount cubs? some species up to 100, others only two or three. The great white shark gives birth to approximately 3-14 sharks at a time.

Unlike most bony fish, which produce millions of eggs, the principle of procreation in sharks is more about quality than quantity.

The care of some species for offspring (the shark baby is under the care of the mother for some time) allows sharks to have a high survival rate, and hence lower fertility.


In the traditional view, the shark looks like a lone hunter, plowing the expanses of the ocean in search of prey. However, this description only applies to a few species. A lot of sharks lead a sedentary, inactive life.

Contrary to popular belief that the shark is just a "hunting machine" driven by instinct alone, recent research has shown the ability of some species to solve problems, social behavior and curiosity. In 1987, in the region of South Africa, a group of seven white sharks worked together to pull a half-discarded shore of the dead whale to a deeper place for a meal.

The brain-to-body mass ratio in sharks is roughly equivalent to that in birds and mammals.

Generally, sharks move at a cruising speed of about 8 km/h, but when hunting or attacking, the average shark accelerates to 19 km/h. Mako shark is capable of accelerating to a speed of 50 km / h. The white shark is also capable of similar jerks. Such exceptions are possible due to the warm-bloodedness of these species.


Shark food preferences are very diverse, and they depend on the characteristics of each species, as well as on habitats. The main food for sharks are fish, mammals, plankton and crustaceans.

For example, lamna, mako and blue sharks feed mainly on pelagic marine fish species, and the shape of their thin sharp teeth is adapted to grab prey on the move.

The great white shark prefers seals and sea lions, but will also prey on whale mammals, as the features of her teeth allow her to cut off large pieces of flesh.

The diet of demersal shark species consists mainly of crabs and other crustaceans, and their teeth are short and adapted to breaking the shell.

Giant, largemouth and whale sharks feed on plankton and small marine organisms. Most species are carnivores.

Some species, such as the tiger shark, are almost omnivorous and will swallow almost anything that comes their way.

After all, for the most part, these are large and aggressive fish that, while baiting, are in a state of hunting for prey? that is, in heightened arousal.

In addition, when removed from the water, some species can simply crush their internal organs with their own weight, and this must be taken into account when moving a shark from the ocean to an artificial tank.

Further difficulties arise upon the arrival of sharks in an aquarium, which must have the necessary capacity for the normal life of these fish, as well as take into account their increased sensitivity to electromagnetic waves.

Fishing and hunting

Sharks, along with other fish, have been fished for many years (more than 100 species).

The fishing industry in sharks is interesting:

Meat used by many cultures as food (despite the fact that observations have shown the predisposition of the body of sharks to accumulate mercury, the content of which in meat has increased significantly due to environmental pollution).

Fins, which in Asia are the main ingredient for a gourmet soup, and also used in oriental medicine.

Cartilage, around which there are still disputes about its healing properties against cancerous tumors.

Liver containing fat, rich in vitamin A and B vitamins, and used as a raw material for the manufacture of medicines.

Leather, which is used in haberdashery and as an abrasive material.

The main fishery is carried out in the Atlantic Ocean, where 26 species are commercial, about a third of the sharks are caught in the Indian Ocean, and one and a half times less sharks are caught in the Pacific. Approximately 100 million sharks are caught annually worldwide.

Shark fishing can be conditionally divided into three areas:

Fishing for the purpose of using their meat, liver, cartilage, skin and fins? that is, the full use of fish.

The so-called bycatch? when a shark is an accidental prey when catching other fish.

Fishing for the purpose of obtaining only fins. This is the most irrational (the weight of the fins is up to 4% of the entire body) and inhumane way of harvesting sharks, which received English language name finning ? when the fins become the only target, and the rest of the carcass is thrown to rot on the shore or back into the sea.

In addition to production for industrial purposes, there are also such reasons for hunting sharks in the world as ensuring the safety of beaches, reducing the natural threat industrial species fish and just extreme hunting and fishing.

Common misconceptions about sharks

A shark must constantly swim to stay alive. In fact, many species are able to rest by lying on the bottom and pumping water through their gills.

Most sharks attack humans and kill them. Only a few species of sharks regularly make unprovoked attacks on people, and this is mainly due to an error in the identification of prey.

Sharks swim at great speed. In fact, the cruising speed of sharks is quite low, as they need to conserve energy. However, this does not prevent them from developing a high, so-called "throw" speed immediately before the attack of the victim.

Sharks love human blood. Sharks do not have a preference for any kind of blood. On the contrary, having snatched a piece of flesh from a person, they usually spit it back, because this meat is not the high-fat food that they need to replenish their energy reserves.

Sharks are omnivores. Most species prefer to wait until they can get their usual food instead of eating everything.

Sharks are not prone to cancer. This belief, which has existed for a long time, has led to the death of a huge number of sharks, caught by man for the sake of "anti-cancer" cartilage. However, observing sharks in captivity, as well as in natural environment habitats showed the presence of individuals with organs affected cancerous tumors. The number of cancer cases turned out to be higher where the water is more polluted (including from human activities).

Sharks are well-known marine predators. Species diversity ancient fish it is presented unusually widely: small representatives reach 20 cm, and large ones - 20 m in length.

Common types of sharks

Only shark names take up more than one page. The classification distinguishes 8 orders of fish, including approximately 450 species, only three of them feed on plankton, the rest are predators. Some families are adapted to live in fresh waters.

How many types of sharks actually exists in nature, one can only guess, because sometimes individuals are found who were considered hopelessly gone into history.

Shark genus and species are grouped into orders:

  • carchariformes (carcharides);
  • different-toothed (bovine, horned);
  • polygill-shaped (multigill);
  • lamniform;
  • wobbegong-like;
  • sawtooth;
  • catranoid (prickly);
  • flat representatives.

Despite the diversity of predators, sharks are brought together by structural features:

  • the basis of the fish skeleton is cartilaginous tissue;
  • all species breathe oxygen through gill slits;
  • lack of a swim bladder;
  • acute sense of smell - blood can be felt for several kilometers.

Carchariform (carcharid) sharks

They are found in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Oceans, in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Red Seas. dangerous species sharks. Typical representatives:

Tiger (leopard) shark

Known for its prevalence in coastal areas, India, Japan, Australia. The name reflects the color of predators, similar to a tiger pattern. Transverse stripes on a gray background persist until the shark grows over 2 meters long, then they turn pale.

The maximum size is up to 5.5 meters. Greedy predators swallow even inedible objects. They themselves are a commercial object - the liver, skin, and fins of fish are valued. Sharks are very prolific: up to 80 live-born cubs appear in one litter.

Hammerhead shark

It lives in warm waters of the oceans. Record length giant individual fixed at 6.1 m. The weight of large representatives is up to 500 kg. Appearance sharks unusual, massive. The dorsal fin looks like a sickle. Ahead "hammer" is almost straight. Favorite prey - poisonous rays, Sea Horses. They bring offspring every two years, 50-55 newborns. Dangerous for humans.

Hammerhead shark

Silky (Florida) shark

Body length is 2.5-3.5 m. Weight is about 350 kg. Color includes different shades greyish-blue tone with a metallic sheen. The scales are very small. Since ancient times, the streamlined body of a fish has terrified sea ​​depths.

The image of a cruel hunter is associated with stories of attacks on divers. They live everywhere in waters with warm water up to 23 ° C.

silky shark

blunt shark

A species of gray shark known for being the most aggressive. The maximum length is 4 m. Other names: bull shark, tub head. More than half of all human victims are attributed to this predator. It lives in the coastal regions of Africa, India.

The peculiarity of the bovine species is in the osmoregulation of the body, i.e. adaptation to fresh water. The appearance of a blunt-nosed shark at the mouths of rivers flowing into the sea is a common thing.

The blunt shark and its sharp teeth

blue shark

The most common variety. Average length up to 3.8 m, weight over 200 kg. It got its name from the color of its slender body. The shark is dangerous to humans. It can approach the coast, go to great depths. Migrates across the Atlantic.

blue shark foraging

Odd-toothed sharks

Typical benthic inhabitants of medium size. Many species are called bulls, which creates confusion with dangerous gray individuals, which are called bulls. The squad has rare species of sharks, not dangerous to humans.

zebra shark

It lives in shallow water off the coast of Japan, China,. Narrow brown stripes on a light background resemble a zebra pattern. Blunt short snout. It poses no danger to humans.

zebra shark

helmet shark

A rare species that lives off the Australian coast. The skin is covered with coarse teeth. Unusual color of dark spots on a light brownish background. The length of individuals is on average 1 m. sea ​​urchins and small organisms. It has no commercial value.

mozambique shark

The length of the fish is only 50-60 cm. The red-brown body is strewn with white spots. An understudied look. Feeds on crustaceans. It lives on the coasts of Mozambique, Somalia, Yemen.

Polygill sharks

The detachment has existed for hundreds of millions of years. An unusual number of gill slits and a special shape of teeth distinguish the patriarchs of the shark tribe. They live in deep water.

Sevengill (straight-nosed) shark

A slender body of ashy color with a narrow head. The fish has a small size, up to 100-120 cm long. It shows an aggressive character. After catching, it tries to bite the offender.

Frilled (corrugated) shark

The length of the flexible elongated body is about 1.5-2 m. The ability to bend resembles a snake. The color is grey-brown. The gill membranes form leather pouches that look like a raincoat. Dangerous predator rooted from Cretaceous. The shark is called a living fossil for lack of evidence of evolution. The second name is obtained for the numerous folds on the skin.

lamniform sharks

The shape of a torpedo and a powerful tail allow you to swim quickly. Large individuals have commercial value. Sharks are dangerous to humans.

fox sharks

A distinctive feature of the species is the elongated upper lobe of the caudal fin. Used as a whip to stun prey. Cylindrical body, 3-4 m long, adapted to high-speed movement.

Some species sea ​​foxes filter plankton - are not predators. Due to the taste of meat, they have commercial value.

giant sharks

Giants, more than 15 m long, are second in size after whale sharks. The coloration is gray-brown with speckles. It lives in all temperate waters of the oceans. They do not pose a danger to people. Feeds on plankton.

The peculiarity of the behavior is that the shark constantly keeps its mouth open, filters 2000 tons of water per hour in motion.

sand sharks

Inhabitants of the depths and explorers of the coastal zones at the same time. You can recognize the variety by the upturned nose, the frightening appearance of a massive body. They are found in many tropical and cool seas.

The average length of the fish is 3.7 m. In general, sand sharks, safe for humans, are confused with gray predators known for aggression.

Mako shark (black-nosed)

There are short-finned varieties and long-finned relatives. In addition to the Arctic, the predator lives in all other oceans. Below 150 m deep does not fall. Average sizes reach 4 m in length with a weight of 450 kg.

Despite the fact that many extant shark species dangerous, the blue-gray predator is unbeatable deadly weapon. It develops colossal speed in pursuit of flocks of mackerel, shoals, sometimes they jump out over the water.

Goblin shark (brownie, rhinoceros)

Accidental harvesting of an unknown fish at the end of the 19th century, approximately 1 m long, led scientists to discover: extinct species of shark Scapanorhynchus, which was attributed to the existence of 100 million years ago, is alive! An unusual snout above the head makes it look like a shark. An alien from the past was found again several times after almost 100 years. Very rare inhabitants.

Wobbegong sharks

The peculiarity of the detachment is in unusually smooth and rounded forms of predators among relatives. Different types sharks motley coloration and bizarre outgrowths on the body bring together. Many representatives lead a bottom lifestyle.

Whale shark

An amazing giant up to 20 meters long. Found in bodies of water tropical belts, subtropics. They do not tolerate cold water well. A beautiful harmless predator, whose food is mollusks and crayfish. Divers can pat him on the back.

Striking grace, unique appearance. Small eyes on a flattened head hide in a skin fold in case of danger. Small teeth are arranged in 300 rows, their total number is approximately 15,000 pieces. They lead a solitary life, rarely united in small groups.

carpal wobbegong

AT strange creature it is difficult to recognize a relative of ocean predators, terrifying for everyone aquatic life. The aerobatics of disguise is in a flat body covered with some kind of tatters.

It is very difficult to recognize fins, eyes. Sharks are often referred to as mustachioed and bearded for the fringe around the contour of their head. Thanks to unusual appearance bottom sharks often become pets of public aquariums.

Zebra shark (leopard)

The spotted color is very reminiscent of a leopard to a large extent, but no one will change the fixed name. The leopard shark is often found in warm sea waters, up to 60 meters deep along coastlines. The beauty often gets into the lenses of underwater photographers.

Zebra shark on the a photo reflects an atypical representative of his tribe. Smoothed lines of fins and body, rounded head, leathery protrusions along the body, yellow-brown color create a spectacular appearance. Shows no aggression towards humans.

Sawtooth sharks

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the detachment is in a jagged outgrowth on the snout, similar to a saw, a pair of long antennae. The main function of the body is the search for food. They literally plow the bottom soil if they feel prey.

In case of danger, they swing a saw, inflicting wounds on the enemy with sharp teeth. The average length of an individual is 1.5 m. Sharks live in warm ocean waters, off the coast South Africa, Japan, Australia.

Short-nosed pylon

The length of the sawtooth outgrowth is approximately 23-24% of the length of the fish. The usual "saw" of relatives reaches a third of the total body length. The color is gray-blue, the belly is light. With side impacts of saw sharks, they injure their victims in order to then eat them. Leads a solitary life.

Gnome pylon (African pylon)

There is information about the capture of dwarf (body length less than 60 cm) sawfish, but there is no scientific description. shark species very small sizes are rare. Like relatives, they lead a bottom life on silty-sandy soil.

Cathar sharks

Representatives of the detachment live almost everywhere in all sea and ocean waters. Spines have been hidden in the fins of katra-shaped fish since ancient times. There are spikes on the back and skin, which are easy to hurt.

None of them are dangerous to humans. The peculiarity of fish is that they are saturated with mercury, so eating prickly sharks is not recommended.

Types of sharks in the Black Sea include katranovy representatives, the indigenous inhabitants of this reservoir.

Southern Iloglot

It lives at a depth of up to 400 m. The body is dense, spindle-shaped. The head is pointed. The color is light brown. Shy fish are harmless to humans. You can only get hurt on spikes and a hard skin.

Heavy Hygloglot

The massive body of a fish with a characteristic shape of the itologlots. Lives at great depths. Little studied. Rare specimens of short-spined sharks have been caught in deep-sea catches.

Granular shark

A common type of fish at a depth of 200-600 m. The name appeared due to the original form, similar to sandpaper. Sharks are not aggressive. The maximum dimensions reach 26-27 cm. The color is black-brown. There is no commercial value due to difficult production and large sizes fish.

flat-bodied sharks (squatins, angel sharks)

The shape of the predator resembles a stingray. The length of typical representatives of the detachment is about 2 m. They are active at night, during the day they burrow into the silt and sleep. They feed on benthic organisms. Squatinous sharks are not aggressive, but react to the provocative actions of bathers and divers.

Squatins are called sand devils for their way of hunting from an ambush with a sudden throw. Prey is sucked into a toothy mouth.

The oldest creatures of nature, living in the ocean for 400 million years, are many-sided and diverse. A person studies the world of sharks like a fascinating book with historical characters.

(average: 4,59 out of 5)

Probably, of all the predators living on Earth, they cause the greatest fear in humans. It is difficult to find a more perfect, and, at the same time, more ancient organism. Sharks are ideal and ancient predators that appeared already 420-450 million years ago, and since then they have not changed much: in the form that we know them now, they formed during the Jurassic period, when dinosaurs still walked the planet, and the first birds were just rising into the air.

One of these predators was recently encountered in Primorye. On August 17, a 25-year-old guy was attacked by a great white shark and bit off both of his hands, and a day later a 16-year-old scuba diver suffered, who escaped with severe lacerations of his legs.

There are about 350 different types of sharks in the waters of the oceans, and each of them is unique in its own way. Today we will take a closer look at some sharks and find out which of them is in the “big three” of the most dangerous killer sharks for humans.

Sharks are aquatic animals belonging to the superclass of fish. All sharks are predators; for food, they use animal food - from the smallest planktonic animals to large inhabitants of sea waters.

Sharks are very tenacious and do not have such pain sensitivity as other vertebrates. Their structure was so successfully honed by evolution that sharks survived in the centuries-old struggle for existence with different, often very powerful predators, while changing little in the structure of organs and bodies.

For convenience, we will mark in red species of sharks dangerous to humans, and in green - relatively safe. However, do not forget that all sharks are predators. If you disturb these huge fish during the hunt, consciously or unconsciously provoke them, then even safe species are quite capable of attacking a person.

By the way, what to do if a shark suddenly attacked you? A small infographic on this topic from

This species is distributed in the tropical zone of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This is one of the most common coral reef sharks, inhabiting reefs of various types, living at depths of several meters. These sharks are small members of the family, they do not exceed 2 meters in length and weigh 45 kg. They are found at depths of 30 cm or less.

Due to its small size, it is mainly not dangerous to humans. Although there are cases of attacks on swimmers by blacktip reef sharks. In all the cases noted, the aggression on the part of sharks was provoked by the smell of blood flowing into the water from fish harpooned by humans.

Blacktip reef sharks are sissies. For example, once during transportation, due to a staff error, the water in the tank turned out to be two degrees below the possible minimum, and the sharks died from hypothermia. In another case, 35-year-old English comedian Guy Venables, who was on a nightclub show in Brighton, jumped into a shark tank. The result of this trick was sad: the 12-year-old shark died of fright.

This shark can reach 4 meters in length, but usually does not exceed 2.5-3 meters. Chet reminds me of a catfish:

It keeps at a depth of 0.5 to 3 meters, can gather in flocks of up to 40 individuals.

Slow and inactive nurse sharks feed on crabs, octopuses, sea urchins, and small fish.

Usually, nurse sharks are safe for humans.

This predator usually reaches 3.5-4 meters in length.

Despite their rather intimidating appearance, sand tigers quite peaceful in nature and only attack people in self-defense. (Photo by David Doubilet):

It should be noted the original method of maintaining buoyancy used by this species of sharks - swallowing air and retaining it in the stomach.

Sand tiger sharks distributed mainly in warm climatic zones, especially a lot of them off the Australian coasts. The most large population lives off the coast of North Carolina, near sunken ships.

Sand tiger teeth:

Currently, tiger sand sharks, like many other types of sharks, are on the verge of extinction. All this led to the inclusion of sand tiger sharks in the list of protected fish and their inclusion in the international Red Book.

Scuba divers hold a 3-meter ruler to show the size of the shark:

Hammerheads are large sharks. This is the most unusual shark. Basic hallmark of the family of hammerhead sharks is the shape of their head - it is of a completely unusual shape - in the form of a hammer, T-shaped, along the edges of which there are eyes.

According to one theory, the shark's head acquired the shape of a hammer gradually, over millions of years, expanding each generation by a tiny distance. According to another theory, such a hammer did not appear as a result of gradual changes, but was the result of a sudden, bizarre mutation that happened.

These sharks live in warm and temperate waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans at depths up to 300-400 meters. These aggressive hunters feed on various types fish, octopus, squid and crustaceans.

Hammerhead sharks (except for the giant hammerhead) are up to 3.5-4.2 meters long and weigh about 450 kg.

In search of food, the hammerhead shark is helped, basically, not by the eyes, but by special receptors for electromagnetic impulses. A predator can pick up electrical discharges of one millionth of a volt!

Due to its large size, many researchers consider the hammerhead shark one of the most dangerous for a person. But she doesn't attack people on purpose. Many attacks that took place in front of numerous spectators are documented. Once, in 1805, three hammerhead sharks were caught in a net on Long Island at once. In the stomach of the largest of them, a human torso was found.

One of the types of hammers - giant hammerhead shark(average length 4-5 meters) - listed in the International Red Book:

The largest species of sharks, as well as the largest living representatives of fish.

Although, according to some eyewitnesses, they met specimens from 18 to 20 m long, the largest specimen ever measured was 13.7 m long. Whale sharks can weigh up to 12 tons.

Despite its impressive size, it feeds, like a giant shark, exclusively on plankton and other small organisms, which it filters, drawing water into itself through a huge throat with a diameter of 10 cm.

Whale sharks prefer water temperatures between 21 and 25 °C and are distributed throughout the world, found in almost all warm tropical and many subtropical seas on both sides of the equator and near it.

Whale shark is not dangerous for humans and behave peacefully. She not only does not attack, but even turns off if a swimmer is in her way.

It has been estimated that whale sharks can live up to 100 to 150 years.

Usually found in tropical waters near islands in all oceans. Sharks live at the bottom and prefer to stay close to the coastline next to underwater rocks and coral reefs with a strong current. These sharks reach sizes of 2.5 meters.

Galapagos gray shark- one of the few that demonstrates its intention to attack: before the attack, it arches its back, raises its head, lowers its fins, and while swimming it spins and rolls from side to side. She is belongs to species dangerous to humans.

The nose of sharks is sensitive to certain odors and can detect the presence of blood at a concentration of 1:1000,000, which can be compared to a teaspoon of blood poured into a pool.

Their other trait is curiosity: sharks accompany ships, poke into the side, hit the oars and chase the divers.

The life span of the Galapagos shark is about 24 years.

Is the brightest representative of the large species fish. It is the second largest fish species. after the whale shark. It reaches a length of up to 10 meters and weighs about 4 tons.

Like the whale shark, the giant shark feeds on plankton, but does not suck up water, but simply swims with its mouth open, filtering everything that gets into it through the gills. Thus, the giant shark is able to filter up to 2000 tons of water per hour.

Giant sharks are found in both the eastern and western hemispheres, preferring cool to warm temperate latitudes and following the presence of plankton.

safe for humans and today it is under the threat of extinction.

Females reach a length of 4 meters, males - up to 2.5 m. The maximum documented weight of a caught bull shark was 316.5 kg. On average, a bull shark lives 27-28 years.

The bull shark rightfully occupies 3rd place in the list of the most dangerous species of sharks for humans. This is an extremely aggressive animal that has the right to claim the title of an ideal and all-powerful predator. It is almost impossible to escape from a terrible monster attacking a swimmer.

Feeding a bull shark by scuba divers:

These bloodthirsty predators usually in the morning or late twilight, and often on shallow depth- only 0.5m - 1m.

The behavior of bull sharks is impossible to predict. They can swim peacefully nearby for a long time, and then suddenly attack the swimmer. This attack can range from a simple exploratory bite to an outright attack.

This is one of the most common types of sharks on Earth and occupies 2 1st place in the list of the most dangerous species of sharks for humans.

Sea tigers reach a length of 5 meters, but larger individuals are also found. Weight ranges from 570 to 750 kg. The lifespan of tiger sharks is probably 30-40 years.

Tiger shark teeth:

Until the shark reaches two meters in length, transverse stripes similar to tiger ones are noticeable on its sides - hence the name.

Tiger sharks live in many seas of the World Ocean, preferring to stay in the coastal waters of the seas of tropical and subtropical thermal zones. The depth range of tiger sharks extends from the surface of the sea to considerable depths. They were met at a depth of almost 1 km.

Courageous Scuba Diver:

This huge predator rightfully occupies 1st place in the list of the most dangerous species of sharks for humans.

It is officially stated that on August 17-18, 2011 in Primorye, in both cases, bathers were attacked by the same fish - a white shark at least four meters in length.

"White death"- under this name this exceptionally large shark is known, found in the surface coastal waters of all the main oceans of the Earth. Reaching a length of over 6 meters and a mass of 2,3000 kg, it is the largest modern predatory fish. Great white sharks - they are like torpedoes, with a powerful tail, thanks to which they move in water at speeds up to 24 km / h.

Scientists determined the size of the largest specimen, the length of which was reliably measured and equals 6.4 meters. This great white shark was caught in Cuban waters in 1945, measured by experts with documented measurements. The unconfirmed weight of this Cuban shark is 3,270 kg. (Photo by Epic Hanauer):

Wide mouth and sharp triangular teeth arranged in several rows. Experts advise when attacking sharks "to strike in the face, in the eyes and gills." It is doubtful that such measures will help repel the attack of a 5-meter predator, which has honed the skill of killing for millions of years of evolution.

The number of teeth in a great white shark, like in a tiger shark, is 280-300 pieces.

However, the great white shark is on the verge of extinction - in the land of these beautiful, ancient predators only about 3,500 copies remain.

In contact with

The shark belongs to the type of chordates, the class cartilaginous fishes, the superorder sharks (lat. Selacii). The origin of the Russian word "shark" originates from the language of the ancient Vikings, who called the word "hakall" any fish. In the 18th century in Russia, dangerous waterfowl predators began to be called this way, and initially the word sounded like “sharks”. Most of sharks live in salt water, but some species live in fresh water.

Shark: description and photo. What does a shark look like?

Due to species diversity, the length of sharks varies greatly: small bottom sharks barely reach 20 cm, and the whale shark grows up to 20 meters and has a weight of 34 tons (the mass of an average sperm whale). The shark skeleton has no bones and consists only of cartilage. The streamlined body is covered with scales with pronounced relief protrusions, the strength of which is not inferior to the teeth, in connection with which the shark scales are called “skin teeth”.

The respiratory organ of the shark is the gill slits located in front of the pectoral fins.

The shark's heart maintains too low blood pressure, so to stimulate blood flow, the fish must be in motion as often as possible, helping the heart with continuous muscle contractions. Although some species of sharks feel great lying on the bottom and pumping water through their gills.

The shark lacks the swim bladder that all bony fish have.

Therefore, the buoyancy of the shark is provided by a giant liver, which is almost a third of the body weight of a predatory fish, a low density of cartilage and fins.

The shark's stomach is very flexible, so it can hold a large number of food.

To digest food, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is not enough, and then the sharks turn the stomach inside out, freeing it from undigested excess, and interestingly, the stomach does not suffer at all from numerous sharp teeth.

Sharks have excellent vision, exceeding the sharpness of a human by 10 times.

Hearing is represented by the inner ear and picks up low frequencies and infrasounds, and also provides predatory fish with the function of balance.

Sharks have a rare sense of smell and can smell the smells coming through the air and water.

Predators catch the smell of blood in a ratio of 1 to a million, which is comparable to a teaspoon diluted in a swimming pool.

The speed of the shark, as a rule, does not exceed 5 - 8 km / h, although, having sensed the prey, the predator can accelerate to almost 20 km / h. Warm-blooded species - the white shark and the mako shark cut through the water column at speeds up to 50 km / h.

The average life expectancy of a shark is no more than 30 years, but sandy quatrains, whale and polar sharks can live more than 100 years.

The structure of the jaw of a predator depends on the lifestyle and food consumed. Shark teeth are long, sharp, in the shape of a cone, with which she easily rips the flesh of the victim.

Representatives of the gray shark family are endowed with flat and sharp teeth, which allows them to tear apart the meat of large prey.

tiger shark teeth

The whale shark, whose main diet is plankton, has small teeth up to 5 mm long, although their number can reach several thousand.

Horned sharks, feeding mainly on bottom food, have front sharp small teeth and a back row of large crushing teeth. As a result of grinding or falling out, the teeth of a predatory fish are replaced by new ones growing from the inside of the mouth.

How many teeth does a shark have?

Comb-toothed sharks have 6 rows of teeth on the lower and 4 rows on the upper jaws with total 180-220 teeth. In the mouths of white and tiger sharks there are 280-300 teeth, which are arranged in 5-6 rows on each jaw. The frilled shark has 20-28 dentitions per jaw, with a total of 300-400 teeth. The whale shark has 14,000 teeth in its mouth.

The size of shark teeth also varies from species to species. For example, the size of the teeth of a white shark is 5 cm. The length of the teeth of sharks that feed on plankton is only 5 mm.

white shark teeth

Where do sharks live?

Sharks live in the waters of the entire oceans, that is, in all seas and oceans. The main distribution falls on the equatorial and near-equatorial waters of the seas, near coastal waters, especially in reef buildings.

It is worth noting that some species of sharks, such as the common gray shark and the blunt-nosed shark, are able to live in both salt and fresh water, swimming in rivers. The depth of the habitat of sharks is on average 2000 meters, in rare cases they go down to 3000 meters.

What does a shark eat?

Shark food is quite diverse and depends on the specific species and range. Most of the species prefer marine fish. Deep sea sharks eat crabs and other crustaceans.

The white shark preys on eared seals, elephant seals and cetacean mammals, the tiger shark swallows everything. And only 3 species - largemouth, whale and giant sharks eat plankton, cephalopods and small fish.

Shark species, names and photos

The modern classification of these ancient fish that existed hundreds of millions of years ago distinguishes 8 main orders, forming about 450 species of sharks:

Carchariformes (grey, carcharide) sharks(lat. Carcharhiniformes)

This order unites 48 genera and 260 species. The following species are considered typical representatives of the detachment:

  • Giant hammerhead shark(lat. Sphyrna mokarran )

It lives in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. The maximum recorded length of the hammerhead shark is 6.1 m. The leading edge of the "hammer" is almost straight, which distinguishes them from other hammerhead sharks. The high dorsal fin is sickle-shaped.

  • silk (Florida, broadmouth) shark(lat. Carcharhinus falciformis)

Lives in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, is found in the equatorial and adjacent latitudes of the oceans.

The broadmouth shark is characterized by a rather dark color on the back of various shades of gray, blue, brown-brown with a slight metallic sheen. Colors fade with age. The scales that cover the skin of a shark are so small that they create the effect of their complete absence. In length reaches 2.5-3.5 meters. The maximum recorded weight is 346 kilograms.

  • Tiger (leopard) shark (lat. Galeocerdo cuvier)

It lives off the coast of Japan, New Zealand, USA, Africa, India, Australia. The tiger shark is considered one of the most widespread species of sharks on Earth.

These large predators reach a length of 5.5 meters. The color of the leopard shark is gray, the belly is white or light yellow. Until the shark reaches two meters in length, transverse stripes similar to tiger ones are visible on its sides. That's where its name came from. These stripes camouflage predatory fish from their larger relatives. The stripes fade with age.

  • bull sharkor gray bull shark (lat. Carcharhinus leucas)

The most aggressive species of sharks, common in tropical and subtropical oceans, this predatory fish can often be found in rivers and canals.

These huge fish have a spindle-shaped oblong body characteristic of gray sharks, the snout is short, massive and blunt. The surface of the body of the blunt-nosed shark is painted gray, the belly is white. The maximum recorded body length is 4 meters.

  • blue shark or blue shark (big shark or great blue shark)(lat.Prionace glauca )

It is one of the most common sharks on earth. The habitat of the blue shark is quite wide: it is found everywhere in the temperate and tropical waters of the oceans. reaches 3.8 meters in length and weighs 204 kilograms. This species has an elongated slender body with long pectoral fins. Body color - blue, belly-white.

Odd teeth (bovine, horned)sharks(lat. heterodontiformes )

The order includes one fossil and one modern genus, in which the following species can be distinguished:

  • Zebra bovine(Chinese bovine, narrowband bovine, narrowband horned) shark (lat. Heterodontus zebra)

It lives off the coast of China, Japan, Australia, Indonesia. The maximum recorded length is 122 cm. The body of the narrow-striped bull shark is light brown or white with wide brown stripes, in addition, there are narrow stripes on the sides.

  • Helmeted bull shark(lat. Heterodontus galeatus)

A rare species that lives off the coast of Australia. The skin of helmet-shaped bull sharks is covered with large and coarse skin teeth. The color is light brown, 5 dark saddle-shaped marks are scattered along the main background. The maximum recorded length of a shark is 1.2 m.

  • mozambican bull(african horned) shark (lat. Heterodontus ramalheira)

The fish has a body length of just over 50 centimeters and lives off the coast of Mozambique, Yemen and Somalia. The base of the anal fin is located behind the base of the second dorsal fin. The main color of this species of sharks is red-brown in color, small white spots are scattered over it. The maximum fixed length is 64 cm.

Polygills (multigill)sharks(lat. Hexanchiformes)

A primitive detachment representing only 6 species of sharks, with the most famous:

  • frilled shark(cloaked man) (lat. Chlamydoselachus anguineus)

This shark has the ability to bend its body and attack its prey in a similar manner. The length of the frill can reach 2 m, but is usually about 1.5 m in females and 1.3 m in males. The body is strongly elongated. The color of this species of sharks is even dark brown or gray color. They are distributed from the northern coast of Norway to Taiwan and California.

  • Sevengill(ash sevengill shark, sevengill) (lat. Heptranchias perlo)

It has a length of just over 1 meter and, despite aggressive behavior, is not dangerous to humans. It lives from coastal Cuban waters to the coast of Australia and Chile.

The color of this species of sharks ranges from brownish-gray to olive in color, the belly is lighter. Some individuals of the ashen sevengill shark have dark markings scattered along the back, and light edging of the fins is possible. Young sharks with sevengills have dark spots on their sides, the edges of the dorsal and upper lobe of the caudal fins are darker than the main color.

lamniform sharks (lat. Lamniformes)

These are large fish endowed with a body resembling a torpedo in shape. The order includes 7 genera:

  • Giant (gigantic) sharks (lat. Cetorhinidae)

They have an average length of 15 m, but, despite their impressive dimensions, they do not pose a danger to people. Grey-brown in color with flecks. On the caudal peduncle there are pronounced lateral keels, the tail of sickle-shaped sharks. Giant sharks live mainly in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, North and Mediterranean Seas.

  • Fox sharks (sea foxes) (lat. Alopias)

They differ in a very long upper part of the caudal fin, equal to the length of the body. Sea foxes have a generally slender body with small dorsal and long pectoral fins. The color of sharks varies from brownish to bluish or lilac-gray, the belly is light. They grow up to 6 m in length, but are shy and try to avoid meeting a person.

Fox sharks are common in the waters of North America and along the entire Pacific coast.

  • herring(lamp) sharks (lat. Lamnidae)

These are the fastest sharks. A prominent representative of the family is the white shark, which has a body length of up to 6 meters. Thanks to the delicious meat herring sharks are exterminated for commercial purposes, and are also used as objects of sport hunting in the warm waters of the oceans.

  • False sand sharks(lat. Pseudocarcharias)

Pseudocarcharias kamoharai is the only species in the genus. These fish are distinguished by a peculiar body shape resembling a cigar. The average body length is 1 m, predators are not aggressive towards humans, but when caught, they begin to bite. These sharks live in the eastern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

  • sand sharks(lat. Odontaspidae)

Family big fish with upturned nose and curved mouth. Slow and not aggressive, they are considered theoretically dangerous to humans, although recorded cases of cannibalism most likely relate to gray sharks, with which sandy sharks are often confused.

Sand sharks are inhabitants of all tropical and many cool seas. The maximum body length of this shark species is 3.7 m.

  • largemouth (pelagic)sharks(lat. Megachasma)

Family Megachasma represented by the only a rare species Megachasmapelagios. Representatives of the species of largemouth sharks feed on plankton and are not dangerous to humans. The body length of this species is up to 6 m in length. These sharks swim off the coast of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippine Islands.

  • Scapanorhynchus sharks (house sharks) (lat. Mitsukurinidae)

They represent 1 species, which received the popular nickname "shark - goblin" for a long nose in the shape of a beak. Length adult is about 4 m with a weight of just over 200 kg. Rare deep sea view sharks live off the coast of Japan and Australia.

Wobbegong(lat. Orectolobiformes)

A detachment consisting of 32 species of sharks, the brightest representative of which is the whale shark (lat. Rhincodon typus), growing up to 20 meters in length. A good-natured animal that allows divers to stroke themselves and even ride on their backs.

Most species feed on mollusks and crayfish in shallow water. These sharks are found in the warm waters of the tropical and subtropical zones.

Sawtooth sharks(lat.Pristiophoriformes )

The detachment includes the only family Pylon sharks or Pylon sharks (lat. Pristiophoridae), which are distinguished by a long, flat muzzle with saw-like teeth. The average length of an adult sawnose shark is 1.5 meters. These are common predatory fish in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as off the coast of South Africa, Australia, Japan and a number of Caribbean countries.

Katranobraznye (spiky) sharks (lat. Squaliformes)

Numerous order, including 22 genera and 112 species. Unusual representatives of the order are the Southern katran, sea dog, or marigold (lat. Squalus acanthias), which can be found in all seas and oceans, including arctic and subantarctic waters.

flat-bodied sharks (angelfish, squatins) (lat. Squatina)

They differ in a wide, flat body, resembling in appearance. Representatives of sea angels have a length of a little more than 2 meters, lead mainly night image life, and during the day they sleep, buried in silt. They live in all warm waters of the oceans.

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