What is the most dangerous type of snake. The most poisonous snakes. Such poisonous representatives of reptiles live in Russia

Some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet are venomous snakes, which most people have an irresistible dislike for, like spiders or rats. Snakes live on almost all continents, excluding Antarctica and a few large, northern islands such as New Zealand and Ireland.

Most species of these reptiles are not poisonous, but there are special specimens whose poison can easily kill an adult. In many reptiles, the poison is so complex that scientists still cannot create an effective antidote.
In this rating, we will talk about the most poisonous snakes in the world, a meeting with which can end in a painful and very painful death.

1. Malay Krait

This outwardly beautiful snake is painted alternately in black and yellow rings and looks quite harmless. But do not be fooled, because behind the attractive coloring hides one of the most terrible killers, who killed more people than all the elephants, leopards and tigers in Asia combined.

The Malaysian Krait is the most aggressive venomous snake in the world. And unlike other reptiles that bite their prey once and immediately try to hide, the little krait attacks several times to be sure that his enemy is poisoned. Most of the dead are people from the countryside, because the krait likes to build its nests near human habitation. The snake is “armed” with a neurotoxic venom, the chemical composition of which is similar to that of a cobra, only the venom of the krait is much more powerful.

After the bite, paralysis sets in, and then the victim dies within minutes to 2-3 hours after the attack, depending on the amount of venom injected. So far, no effective antidote has been found against the bites of this snake. Even with modern treatment, more than 50% of bites are fatal.

2. Deadly snake (Acanthopis antarcticus)

Despite its scientific name, the Australian death snake has no connection to Antarctica. But she has a very bad reputation, and the locals call her "snake death with a scythe."

This short and thick snake looks like a poisonous sausage from the side. It grows to a length of 1.7 meters, has a dark brown or gray color with colored stripes on the sides. The head is thick and short, triangular in shape.

One of the most venomous snakes in the world lives in the arid regions of Australia, where it preys on small vertebrates, lizards and frogs. Acanthopis antarcticus is a very cunning predator that hides among leaves and grass, waiting for its prey. As a rule, the snake hunts at night, and after the breeding season, the female crawls into the hole, where 20 "cute little kites" are waiting for her, already deadly poisonous.

To kill an adult, only 10 mg of deadly snake venom is enough, but usually a reptile, along with saliva, injects at least 180 mg of poison into the victim in one bite. In less than 6 hours, respiratory paralysis occurs, and then inevitable death.

3. Coral snake

Coral asp - living on the North American continent and one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet. In general, there are 48 subspecies of coral snakes, and the most terrible of them is the harlequin coral snake. Many scientists believe that these snakes are among the most beautiful on the planet. Their scales are colored alternately in bright yellow, red and black colors.

Coral snakes reach a length of 1.5 m, do not really like the color of the sun and hide in the shade of tree leaves. These reptiles are nocturnal but are often very active in the evening and at dawn. The female lays 5-7 eggs from which the offspring hatch within 60 days. The poison of these snakes is very strong, but fortunately for humans, snakes have a very narrow mouth opening and small teeth, so that the snake can rarely inject enough poison to kill the victim.

However, 15-25 asp bites are recorded annually in the United States alone, of which 5-7 are fatal.

4. Beaked Sea Snake

The beaked sea snake lives in sea waters and feeds mainly on fish. Unlike its mythical cousins, sea serpents, this reptile is small in size and rarely reaches a length of more than 1.2 m.

But this reptile is rightfully considered one of the most terrible killers on the planet, annually sending several thousand people "to the next world"!

The snake's glands constantly contain enough venom to kill 50 people, twice that of a king cobra or deadly viper. In contrast to its gloomy and dark reputation, the snake's coloring is bright in color. The skin of the snake is decorated with shades of green, yellow and gray mixed with black.

The beaked sea snake is an extremely aggressive reptile., which is usually found in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. It has a pair of very sharp and large fangs that can easily bite through the thick skin of large animals. This snake is responsible for most of the deaths of divers and ordinary bathers in the ocean, with 90% of the bitten victims not surviving to the next day.

5. Tiger snake

The South Australian tiger snake has a small size and rarely reaches a length of more than 2 meters. The snake leads a sedentary lifestyle and preys on small animals, mainly rodents and frogs. The color of the reptile is very bright, black or dark brown with yellow stripes, which is why it was called the tiger.

The tiger snake is recognized as one of the most venomous snakes in the world because of the large amount of poison contained in its glands, which would be enough to kill hundreds of people. During a bite, the reptile injects a huge dose of neurotoxin, which in a matter of seconds affects the nervous system, and if the victim is not immediately given an antidote, he is doomed to a quick death within a few minutes.

But it is worth recognizing that the tiger snake is not aggressive and will never attack a person first. In all tragic cases, people either set up tents in the habitat of these reptiles, there were cases when snakes attacked children who threw stones and sticks at them and bit careless daredevils who wanted to catch them with their bare hands.

6. Taipan

Taipan has a large size and can grow up to 4 meters. Australia is considered the homeland of this venomous snake, although taipans are also found in New Guinea and Tasmania. Reptiles are painted in light green or dark brown, less often taipans come across completely black. They lead a diurnal lifestyle, in the wild they hunt marsupials, mammals, rabbits and rats. Taipan females lay up to 20 eggs.

Coastal taipans are especially dangerous, their neurotoxic poison is so strong that almost immediately after a bite, it paralyzes the human nervous system. The average time after the attack on the victim, until her death is no more than 90 minutes, and if the victim is not given an antidote in time, death will be in 100% of cases of bites.

Taipan is very aggressive and can attack a person himself, even if he did not disturb him. Before throwing, he curls up into several rings and makes several false attacks towards the victim. Then there is a rapid throw, the snake overcomes a distance of 3-4 meters in one second, practically not giving the slightest chance to escape to the unfortunate.

7. African black mamba

The black mamba, nicknamed the “black death” and “avenging insults” on the African continent, is one of the largest poisonous snakes on the planet. Its length can reach 4.5 meters, and the amount of poison that the snake injects when bitten is 400 mg, with a lethal dose for humans, only 15 mg.

Mamba is very aggressive and can chase its prey, as it is also considered the fastest snake on the continent. It can reach speeds up to 20 km/h. The first symptom of poisoning is local pain at the site of the bite, the victim experiences tingling in the mouth and limbs, tunnel vision and double vision, severe confusion, fever, increased salivation (including foaming from the mouth and nose) and severe ataxia (lack of muscle control).

To save the victim from the bite of a black mamba, it is required to administer an antidote immediately after the attack, otherwise the chances of a successful outcome are not great. Death from the bite of this poisonous snake occurs within 2-3 hours.

8. Eastern brown snake

The eastern brown snake is one of the most aggressive snakes found in Australia. It reaches a length of 2 meters and hunts advantage in the daytime. The diet of these reptiles is no different from their counterparts: rabbits, marsupials, frogs and birds.

Most of the brown snakes live in the province of Victoria, where the largest number of victims from their bites is recorded. The brown snake is an extremely vicious, fast and strong snake, so when encountering it, it is best to try to get around it as far as possible.

According to research by international expert Steve Irwin, this snake is responsible for the majority of human deaths in Australia, in the wild. The brown snake has enough venom to kill 200 people and is considered the second most toxic venom in the world.

9. Taipan inland

This subspecies of venomous snakes was discovered by scientists relatively recently, in 2007, and, like most other venomous species, lives in Australia. Also, this reptile is also called a ferocious or cruel snake. It feeds mainly on mammals, lives in hot, dry plains, hiding in cracks and small fissures in the ground, which makes it difficult to detect.

The venom of this snake is highly toxic and one bite is enough to kill an adult human within minutes. But unlike its other fellow taipans, the ferocious snake, despite its name, is not very aggressive and, in case of a threat, tries to run away or hide.

10. Philippine cobra

Cobras themselves are very venomous creatures, but the Philippine cobra has a special difference. Not only is its poison considered one of the most powerful in the world, but this snake is also capable of shooting its poison into the eyes of the offender at a distance of up to three meters!

The toxin affects the respiratory and cardiac functions of the victim and eventually leads to death from respiratory paralysis. A cobra does not attack a person if there is no direct threat to her life or the safety of offspring.

Philippine cobras rarely grow more than 1 meter, only single specimens reach a length of 1.5 meters, they live mainly on the islands of the Philippine archipelago: Mindoro, Masbate and Luzon.

In total, scientists have counted more than 2,500 species of snakes in the world, but only 410 of them are poisonous. They differ from each other not only in the structure and way of life, but also in the chemical composition of the poison, its effect on a living organism. Official statistics claim that up to 50,000 people die from snake bites every year. What is the most dangerous snake in the world?

Evaluation criterion

It is definitely difficult to answer which poisonous snake of all their diversity is the most dangerous for humans. Why? Because not only the toxicity of the poison matters, but also the aggressiveness of the snake, the method of attack, the amount of poison injected during a bite, and the location of the teeth. Putting all the factors together, scientists have identified the most dangerous snake on the planet - the sand efu for the following reasons:

  • more people died because of it than from all other poisonous snakes combined;
  • every 5th bitten person dies even today, in the age of high medical technology;
  • if a person still survives, then he has health problems for the rest of his life. Most often, the consequences of a bite of a sandy efa have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and liver.

Appearance: a small snake belongs to the viper family, its average length is 55-60 cm, the maximum is 75 cm, and males are always larger than females. Their skin is very beautiful. The general tone is golden-sandy or gray, on the sides of the body there is a large zigzag pattern, along which white spots stretch. The head is decorated with a dark cross.

The efa is distinguished by its peculiar scales: dorsal scales with sharply protruding ribs, while small and narrow lateral scales are directed obliquely down and equipped with serrated ribs. Efa does not know how to hiss, but with the help of lateral scales, she creates a special noise, warning of an attack. This loud crackling sound is reminiscent of boiling oil in a pan, which is why the sand efu is called a "boiling" snake.

Distribution area - Northern and partially Central Africa, Asia (Arabian Peninsula), Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. A record number of ef lives on the Hindustan Peninsula and the island of Sri Lanka. And on the Murghab River, which flows through the territory of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, snake catchers caught more than 2 thousand sandy eph in 5 years. They are also found in the United States.

They prefer sandy deserts with solitary saxauls and semi-deserts with sparse thickets of bushes and grasses. They develop clay soils and rocky areas.

Lifestyle: the sand efa spends its whole life in motion, in a hurry somewhere, it is almost impossible to see it basking in the sun. Efa does not even fall into hibernation. Although if the weather turns bad, then she can hide in a shelter for a while.

If males and females mate in January, then offspring appear in March, if mating occurs in March-April, then offspring are born in July-August. The viviparous efa gives birth to 5-15 cubs at a time.

Efas feed on small living creatures - insects, mice, chicks, lizards, lake frogs, scorpions, centipedes.

This dangerous snake moves very quickly and peculiarly - sideways. She throws her head to the side, then pulls up her whole body, leaving behind her a characteristic trace in the form of a loop.

Behavior: Serpentologists believe that the sand epha is the most dangerous snake on the planet. Her poison is extremely toxic, she is not afraid of people, she crawls into the territory of the settlement, attacks often, vigorously and swiftly. Given the speed of movement and the fact that the snake can make half-meter jumps, it is dangerous to be closer than 5 meters from it.

It is from her bites that most deaths are recorded. She is especially aggressive during mating and molting.

The effect of the poison on humans: the poison of the sand efa has a complex composition. Once in the body, it disrupts blood clotting, causes a decrease in pressure, kidney necrosis. A characteristic clinical picture is observed: sharp pain, swelling and inflammation of the tissues in the bite area. Numerous internal bleeding accompanied by profuse bleeding from the nose, gums, eyes. Bloody vomiting, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, severe headache, fever, and the person is delirious are not uncommon. The poison can cause convulsions and shock. Has a prolonged effect. Even after the provision of medical care, the patient needs to be monitored, since deterioration with a fatal outcome can occur within 40 days after the bite. This is a record among snakes.

After a bite, the victim should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible, because without the introduction of a special serum, death is inevitable.

One of the most tragic cases occurred in Cairo in 1987. Three kids wandered into an abandoned house, where they stumbled upon a nest of a sand epha. The snake bit everyone. The children died within 2 hours.

The most venomous snake on earth is the sea striped belcher. It lives in the Indian and Pacific oceans. There are especially many of these snakes near the northwestern coast of Australia, off the coast of Indonesia, New Guinea, the Philippines and the Solomon Islands. This is a very interesting reptile up to 1 meter long, which can dive to a depth of 200 meters and absorb oxygen from the water with its skin, remaining under water for up to 8 hours. This is a viviparous snake. At one time she gives birth to 1-2 cubs. Belchera feeds on small fish and shellfish.

The venom of the striped snake acts as a neurotoxin, being the most toxic snake venom known to science. From her bite, a person dies within 1 minute, and just one drop of it can kill a thousand people.

Fortunately, the Belchera is a very peaceful reptile. Divers can safely swim past her, and she will not attack, fishermen carefully remove entangled snakes from the nets, and they do not touch them. A striped snake bites a person only if it is hurt or annoyed.


Recent scientific studies have confirmed that the most venomous land snake is the tiger. A drop of her poison kills up to four hundred people.

It lives in Australia, is found on the island of Tasmania and in New Guinea. The skin can be olive, dark brown and black with transverse golden stripes. It grows from one and a half to two meters. The main food is small mammals, amphibians and birds. Viviparous and very prolific, in one litter there are up to 30 cubs.

After a bite, a person dies after 30 minutes due to paralysis of the respiratory center and cardiac arrest. Antitoxic serum must be administered within 3 minutes, otherwise death is inevitable. It only saves that the tiger snake attacks only in the most extreme case and most likely crawls into the bushes when it meets a person.

Violent or ferocious

This is the second most poisonous land snake on the planet after the tiger. One drop of it can kill 100 people.

The fierce snake, or inland taipan, lives in the central part of Australia, is rare. The body reaches a length of 1.9 meters. Its distinguishing feature is the ability to change the color of the skin depending on the season. It darkens in winter and brightens in summer. It reproduces by laying eggs - from 10 to 20 in one clutch.

From the bite of an inland taipan, a person dies within an hour. Its poison blocks the work of the muscles (nerve action) and at the same time coagulates the blood (coagulative).

A cruel, or ferocious, snake does not live up to its name, because it behaves calmly and does not attack without good reason.

The closest relative of the fierce snake. It is also incredibly poisonous, besides it is very aggressive and quick to kill, it even attacks the bases of a visible reason. Makes 3-4 lightning strikes, biting the victim and leaving her almost no chance of survival. Due to the strong toxicity of the poison and hostility, it is often called the most dangerous snake on the planet along with the sand epha.

The habitat of the three-meter reptile is Australia, New Guinea and the island of Tasmania. The skin is a uniform light or dark brown color. Feeds on small animals. It reproduces by laying eggs. The clutch usually contains 10-15 eggs.

Taipan bite leads to death in a few hours. The poison paralyzes the respiratory center and disrupts blood clotting. If you do not enter the antidote, then death is inevitable. Even with the introduction of serum, every second bitten dies.

For a very long time, scientists did not have the opportunity to study the common taipan. Only in 1950, a young snake-catcher Kevin Baden, at the cost of his own life, got one individual. Thanks to a brave young man, scientists were able to create an antidote for the poison of the taipan.

The most dangerous snakes in the world

In addition to the top five named above, the most terrible snakes in the world are as follows:

  • Malay Krait,
  • mulga (brown king),
  • black Mamba,
  • green mamba,
  • african boomslang,
  • philippine cobra,
  • common viper,
  • Indian (spectacled) cobra,
  • egyptian cobra,
  • gabon viper,
  • australian spinetail,
  • bungara,
  • rattlesnake,
  • puff adder,
  • hook-nosed Sea Snake,
  • harlequin (eastern) asp,
  • bushmaster or surukuku,
  • horned viper.

The article lists the most dangerous snakes in the world, a meeting with which can end very sadly for a person.

Many dangerous animals live on the planet - African crocodiles, poisonous spiders, large predators like lions and sharks. However, one category stands out in particular. Yes, these are the very snakes - dangerous and poisonous, large and beautiful animals that are found in all corners of the earth, and a meeting with which can end human life.

These reptiles live on all continents except Antarctica, and on many large and small islands. The largest of the currently known are python and anaconda, the smallest is Leptotyphlops carlae, only 10 cm long. Most known snakes are non-venomous, but those that have a toxin in their arsenal fully compensate for its absence in their relatives.

Below in the article - TOP-10: the most poisonous snakes on the planet.

Schlegel's chain-tailed botrops

This beauty seems rather funny, but her poison is very toxic - it destroys blood vessels and red blood cells. In Costa Rica, about 6 people die every year from the bites of the ciliated viper (another name for it).

Botrops, together with some of the species listed below, are the most venomous snakes in the world. Why are they dangerous?

The ciliated viper is found in Central and South America, and grows up to 50-60 cm. It does not specifically attack people, its main food is hummingbirds, small rodents, frogs, lizards.

However, if someone is unlucky, very unpleasant sensations await him - acute pain, the bitten place swells, internal bleeding may occur. When bitten by an adult snake, medical attention is necessary, otherwise death is possible.

Black Mamba

The black mamba lives in many parts of the African continent - in the list of "the most dangerous snakes in the world", it, like no other, deserves to occupy the first lines. Her throw is extremely accurate, and the poison is toxic. She is very fast - the black mamba can move at a speed of 20 km / h, that is, faster than many people run.

This beauty does not like meetings with a person and seeks to avoid them, her main diet is rodents. However, she is very aggressive and, when cornered, will rush to the attack - despite the fact that the mamba can make up to 12 bites in a row, this scenario makes it extremely dangerous to meet her.

This is, without exaggeration, the most dangerous snake in the world - the rating of poisons gives it the first place, since in the absence of medical care, black mamba victims die in 100% of cases. There is an antidote and in most cases a person can be saved, however, given that death occurs within 15 minutes to 3 hours, there is little time for this.

White-lipped keffiyeh

This snake can be found in India, China, Malaysia and many Indonesian islands. Lives mainly in trees, rarely descends to the ground. Males of this species grow up to 61 cm, females - up to 82 cm. Their main food is small amphibians and mammals, birds, less often lizards.

As shelters, the white-lipped keffiyeh uses abandoned bird nests, hollows, faults, and hides right in the middle of the foliage. Its place in nature is floodplains of rivers and streams, woodlands and shrubs, tropical forests, flat areas and foothills, bamboo thickets, plantations, sometimes lives in the vicinity of cities and towns.

The poison of the white-lipped keffiyeh is complex, it has a neuroparalytic and fibrionolytic effect. Kuffia are also not the most dangerous snakes in the world: there are few deaths from their bite, some even keep them in terrariums as pets. However, meeting with her in the wild, where it is difficult to detect and get out of the way in time, can end sadly.


The most dangerous snakes on our planet can look harmless or even very beautiful. And a vivid confirmation of this is the kraits. This genus of poisonous snakes has 12 species, among which the yellow-headed krait is considered the most poisonous. It has small teeth, but this is a dubious advantage in places where people wear light clothing.

Snakes of this species live on the islands of the Malay Archipelago, in South Asia and Australia. They love dry places full of hiding places, and often crawl into the dwellings of people, as a result of which meetings of both occur quite often.

The average length of the krait is 1.5-2 meters. They are active mainly at night and at dusk, feeding on small mammals, lizards, amphibians and snakes.

Krayt is able to kill 10 people with one dose of his poison. If you ask a reptile specialist to name the ten most venomous snakes on the planet, he will definitely mention the krait.

Reticulated brown snake

80% of snake bites in Australia are from the reticulated brown snake. On average, these reptiles grow up to one and a half meters in length, this is one of the most dangerous snakes on the continent. Firstly, she hunts during the day, which coincides with the period of human activity, and, secondly, she has a complex poison, which is a mixture of neurotoxins with anticoagulants (affecting the entire body and the liver with kidneys in particular).

The reticulated brown snake attacks without warning. She is a selective and highly adaptable hunter, fully deserving of a place on the list of "most dangerous snakes in the world." She is able to live in the suburbs and towns. Residents and guests of Australia can find a thin flexible body in a barn, shed, garage, even in their own closet - in search of rodents, she climbs anywhere.

african boomslang

A tree snake capable of growing up to 3 meters in length. Boomslang lives in the south and in the southwestern part of Africa, and its poison is highly toxic - when it enters the bloodstream, it immediately begins to destroy cells.

In recent years, only 23 cases of attacks by this snake on a person have been registered; at a meeting, she prefers to crawl away than to attack.

This reptile usually hides in bushes or tall grass, it is also an excellent tree climber and is able to imitate branches with its coloration. Its main food is birds, the boomslang will also eat eggs. Moreover, he has an excellent reaction - he is able to grab a bird on the fly. It is with the African boomslang that the death of the famous zoologist Carl Patterson Schmidt in 1957 is associated.

black-necked cobra

Known for her ability to spit venom. The black-necked cobra is found in the savannas of Africa, the color of its body varies from light brown to dark brown, the throat and neck are black.

The black-necked cobra is widely known for its peculiarity: having met with something, in its opinion, dangerous, it rises above the ground and “shoots” with a stream of poison. In one run, the snake releases about 3.7 mg of the toxin. In a state of strong irritation, the black-necked cobra is able to shoot up to 28 times in a row, having spent up to 135 mg of poison - almost its entire supply from poisonous glands. The target of "shots" is always the eyes - local residents and tourists from time to time become victims of such meetings.

Arizona snake

This is one of the smallest snakes of the aspid family, its length reaches only 40 cm. Its body color is very memorable - alternating black, red and white rings. Arizona snakes are not the most dangerous snakes in the world: to get into trouble, it is not enough just to meet her, you also need to behave in the most stupid way.

This bright snake lives in the desert areas of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico and is known for its unusual behavior - when something threatens it, it hides underground, leaving only a tail coiled outside and making popping sounds. The person who met her can simply leave - however, if you try to pull out the asp or grab the tail, problems are guaranteed.

Thin teeth 8 millimeters long bite almost painlessly. Moreover, the effect does not occur immediately - the symptoms of poisoning appear 8-24 hours after the bite.

The Arizona asp, the only cobra relative in North America, injects a small amount of venom, but it is enough to kill. Without an antidote, muscle paralysis can set in, eventually leading to cardiac arrest and death.


The Taipan genus includes three species of very poisonous snakes - the Taipan itself, a cruel snake, and Oxyuranus temporalis, discovered recently, in 2007.

All of them - rather large snakes, whose bite is very dangerous - before the advent of an antidote from their poison, they died in 90% of cases.

The coastal taipan is Australia's largest venomous snake and is ranked third or fourth in terms of toxicity by various estimates. Due to its aggressive nature, high speed of movement and size, it is undesirable to meet with it - in the state of Queensland, where taipans are most often found, every second bitten person dies, and death can occur in 4-12 hours.

And if someone asked an Australian about what is the most dangerous snake in the world, he might well hear in response - taipan, and his closest relative is a cruel snake. And it's hard to argue with that.

This animal is an inhabitant of Central Australia, prefers cracks and breaks in the soil in dry plains and deserts, and feeds mainly on small mammals. The snake grows up to 1.9 meters in length and is the only Australian species currently known to change color with the seasons.

The venom of a fierce snake is enough to kill 100 people or 250,000 mice - among land species, this is the most poisonous. Fortunately, this snake is not at all aggressive - most of the documented cases of bites were caused by human carelessness.

King Cobra

The average body length of this beauty is 3-4 meters, the largest of those caught reached 5.71 m. The king cobra lives for about 30 years, continuing to grow all this time. Thanks to the diet of this snake, the most dangerous reptiles in the world should also be wary of it - after all, it feeds mainly on other types of snakes, not disdaining and poisonous, for which it was given the name Ophiophagus hannah.

There are several exceptional features peculiar to this reptile:

  • She can regulate the amount of poison when she bites - in most cases she bites a person without toxin (according to some scientists, she does not want to waste precious poison on someone who is not prey).
  • A snake can use its respiratory system to make sounds. Of the reptiles known today, only the king cobra and the Indian rat snake can do this.
  • The female makes a nest for eggs, which is uncharacteristic for snakes of other species, and guards it throughout the entire incubation period - about 100 days. During this time, the cobra is able to do without food.
  • The venom of the Hamadryad can even kill an elephant if it bites on its trunk or fingers (the only places vulnerable to snake teeth).

Candidates for the title

Of course, the most poisonous snakes in the world, top ratings for which are regularly compiled by various experts and popularizers, were not all included in this list. In fact, there are many dangerous ones. In addition to those mentioned, the bites of a rattlesnake, sand efa, viper-like death snake, Philippine cobra, tiger, eastern brown snake are very toxic.

The latter prefers to live near settlements and can be very aggressive - biting and harassment by this reptile is not uncommon.


The well-known rattlesnake is capable of biting through both clothes and shoes, and although it “kindly” announces its presence with a crackle of its tail, not all of its “victims” can be saved. Representatives of this category are not the most dangerous snakes in the world, but a meeting with them can end in death - although a vaccine exists, bitten people die in 4% of cases.

In fact, rattlesnakes are a whole subfamily of venomous snakes, which includes approximately 224 species. Their sizes vary greatly.

The rattlesnake prefers to bypass people, he attacks if he is in danger or has nowhere to run. It hunts mainly at night, although it can crawl out to bask in the sun during the day. For wintering, these snakes often gather together, warming each other and hibernating in such a snake ball.

sand efa

This is a medium-sized snake, up to 75 cm long, living mainly in clay deserts, in abandoned ruins, thickets of bushes, on river cliffs. It feeds mainly on small rodents, as well as birds, toads and frogs, lizards, young individuals eat, in addition, scorpions, centipedes, darklings.

So much is said about sand efs that they are already becoming a legend. According to rumors, the bite of this snake is capable of killing a company of soldiers, and the vaccine, although it saves from death, does not completely cure the effects of the bite (a person may remain crippled). If a resident of Africa wanted to name the seven most dangerous poisonous snakes on his continent, the efa would definitely be among them.

In reality, every year in Africa, many people die from the poison of sand epha. This death is far from pleasant - the poison reduces the amount of fibrinogen in the blood, causing bleeding - at the site of the bite, from the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

But by itself, this snake does not attack people - most deaths occur due to human negligence. She very rarely crawls into dwellings, and warns of an attack with a characteristic rustling sound that she makes with her tail.

Today, about two and a half thousand snakes can be found on Earth, but only 250 species are mortal. Every year, about five million people around the world suffer from their bites, 3 percent of those bitten die, and about 5% become disabled. Today we will tell our readers about the most dangerous and poisonous snakes that exist on earth.

What is the most venomous snake in the world?


Poison in most cases will not cause danger, because. very weak, but there were cases when people died after a while. Therefore, if a bite occurs, you must seek help, even if the bite does not bother you.


The poison is several times stronger than the viper's venom, and when it enters the bloodstream, it destroys the cells of the body almost immediately. Scientists conducted an experiment on ducks. After the bite of this snake, after 1-2 minutes they had paralysis, and after 15 minutes they died. Most often they can be found in Africa, on branches and in shrubs.

8. Oriental or harlequin asp

Dangerous for human life. If medical assistance is not provided within a day after the bite, the probability of death is very high. The length is from 90 to 100 cm, most often they can be found in the southern United States, they feed on insects and lizards.


The next snake belongs to the family of vipers and is called the Sand Efa. It feeds on small rodents, sometimes birds, and most often lizards and scorpions. The average length is from 55 to 60 cm, in some cases it reaches 75 cm.


The snakes listed above are found on land, but this one can be found in the water. It is considered not aggressive, but the absence of its poison is 5-6 times stronger than the poison of a cobra. Able to dive to a depth of one hundred meters and stay there without air for about five hours. You can meet her off the coast of India, the Arabian Sea and also on the islands of Madagascar.


The venom is less toxic than previous snakes, but more venom is injected when bitten. It is less aggressive, in 80 percent of cases it tracks down its prey in an ambush.


A very aggressive and poisonous snake, with a bite of 50 percent, a person dies, even if a special vaccine is used. You can find them in small minks, bushes, as well as in private houses, where they very often crawl. Habitat: South Asia and Australia.

3. Taipana - Oxyuranus scutellatus

It is one of the three most venomous snakes on the planet. Its length ranges from three to 3.5 meters, and large teeth 1 cm long inject such an amount of poison that the victim dies in a few minutes. Most often found in Australia.


It ranks second in the ranking of the most poisonous snakes. The main food is small mammals. It is also found in Australia, and is most often found in fields and dry plains. One bite can kill about a hundred people or a quarter of a million mice.

1. Tiger snake - the most venomous snake in the world

It got its name because of its brindle coloration.

One bite can kill 400 people.

After the poison enters the bloodstream, in just a few seconds, it paralyzes all nerve endings and the victim dies due to cardiac arrest.

It lives in Australia and mainly feeds on birds, frogs and mice.

One female is capable of giving birth to at least 50 kites.

Up to two meters long.

The chance of a person surviving a bite is very small, but in any case, you need to seek help as soon as possible, or try to suck the poison out of the bite yourself.

2.07.2014 at 16:36 · Johnny · 266 690

Top 10 most venomous snakes in the world

Many people are sympathetic to snakes and even, quite often, keep them as pets. Meanwhile, snakes are one of the most feared and dangerous living creatures on the planet, and this is not surprising. Many species of these reptiles get their food by biting their prey and injecting poison, which is produced by special glands. This is the main danger of snakes. A bite from any of the reptiles can lead to death. However, snakes very rarely attack humans first, more often this happens if they are provoked or disturbed.

10 Rattlesnake

The only snake in our ranking, whose birthplace is North America. It can be easily recognized by the thickening in the tail, which resembles a rattle. This snake is capable of striking at a distance of 2/3 of its body length. The species from the eastern part of the continent is considered more dangerous. Individuals that have not reached puberty are more dangerous than adults due to their inability to regulate the amount of toxin injected. Most rattlesnake species have a hemotoxic venom that damages tissues, destroys organs, and causes blood to clot (coagulopathy). In some cases, after a snake bite, scars remain on the body, even with timely treatment.

General symptoms: shortness of breath, profuse salivation, extensive hemorrhages, paralysis. Untreated bites from rattlesnakes, especially from larger species, almost always leave serious injuries and can result in death. Timely medical care reduces the likelihood of death by up to 4%

9. Australian Thorntail

The habitat of the spiketail, Australia and New Guinea. These reptiles prey on their relatives, other snakes, attacking them, as a rule, from an ambush. The Australian spiketail has an outward resemblance to a rattlesnake: the same triangular head shape and a short, squat body. When bitten, the snake often injects 40 to 100 mg of venom. Since, according to its properties, the poison of the spinetail belongs to neurotoxins, it is considered the most dangerous, because it causes paralysis of the respiratory organs, as a result of which death can occur within 6 hours.

The antidote used for the bite of a spiketail works quite effectively, reducing the general symptoms and alleviating the condition of the victim. Before the invention of antivenom, the mortality rate from its bite was 50%.

Interesting fact: the speed of the snake throw during the attack is 0.13 seconds.

8. Viper

The viper is found in many parts of the planet, but perhaps the most poisonous species is the sand viper, which lives mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia, in particular: India and China. These snakes hunt at night and become especially active after rain.

Symptoms of viper venom getting into the blood: swelling of the affected area, pain in the bite area, bleeding often occurs, a decrease in blood pressure and a slow heartbeat, in severe cases, blisters may appear and extensive necrosis of tissues and muscles may develop. Nausea, vomiting and swelling of the face occur in approximately 30% of cases. Aching pain, not only in the affected area, can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Within 1 to 14 days, death can occur from sepsis, heart or respiratory failure.

7 Philippine Cobra

The Philippine cobra is one of the most deadly varieties of cobras. It is noteworthy that this reptile is able to “spit” poison at a distance of up to 3 m. Just like the Australian spiketail, the cobra has a neurotoxic poison that causes paralysis of the respiratory and cardiac systems, resulting in death within 30 minutes from the moment of the bite. Damage to the skin during a bite is minimal.

Common symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, convulsions, diarrhea.

6. Tiger Snake

Habitat Australia. Tiger snake venom is also a neurotoxin. After it enters the bloodstream, it causes localized pain at the site of the bite, tingling, numbness, sweating, and after a while, suffocation and death occur. Most often, this snake, when meeting with a person, tries to hide as quickly as possible, but can become dangerous and attack if it is taken by surprise or cornered. The tiger snake attacks with lightning speed and without a miss.

5. Black Mamba

The black mamba is found in many parts of the African continent. These reptiles are known to be very aggressive and strike with incredible accuracy. An interesting fact, the black mamba is the fastest snake in the world. It is capable of speeds up to 20 km/h. The venom of these snakes is a fast-acting neurotoxin. The black mamba can bite up to 12 times in a row, and one bite is enough to kill 10 to 25 adults.

Symptoms of a black mamba bite: sharp pain at the site of the bite, less noticeable than from a snake bite with hemotoxic (rattlesnake) venom. Then, the victim experiences tingling in the mouth and limbs, double vision, confusion, trembling, possible foaming from the mouth and nose, and severe convulsions. In the absence of medical attention, the symptoms progress rapidly: pallor, severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, respiratory arrest, coma and death soon occur. In the absence of antivenom, the mortality rate from black mamba venom, nearly 100%, is one of the highest. Depending on the nature of the bite, death can occur in as little as 15-30 minutes.

4. Taipan

Taipan lives in Australia. This snake can be compared to the black mamba in morphology and behavior. When released into the blood, the poison contributes to the appearance of blood clots, thereby blocking the arteries and veins. It is so powerful that it can kill up to 12,000 guinea pigs. In addition, the poison also has the properties of a neurotoxin. Until the advent of the antidote, there were no known survivors of a taipan bite. Even with proper medical care and timely administration of antivenom, the victim is provided with a stay in the intensive care unit.

3. Malay blue krait

The Malay or Blue Krait is by far the deadliest of the snakes of this species. Found throughout Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Half of the cases of bites by the Malayan krait are fatal, even with timely medical assistance and an antidote administered. This snake hunts and kills other snakes, including those of the krait family. They become more aggressive at night, as they are nocturnal. However, in most cases, when meeting a person, they try to hide. The snake's venom is 16 times stronger than that of a cobra. When bitten, convulsions appear, and paralysis develops quite quickly. Before the advent of antivenom, 85% of blue krait bites were fatal. Death can occur within 6 to 12 hours.

2. Brown King or Mulga

The habitat of this reptile, like many other poisonous snakes, is Australia. The eastern variety of the Brown King is considered the most dangerous. 1/1400 ounce of this snake's venom is enough to kill a human. Poison, even immature individuals can kill a person. This snake has a difficult character, and it can become aggressive very quickly. There are cases when the Brown snake pursued the aggressors for a long time, repeatedly biting them. Despite the deadly danger, in half of the cases of attacks, the Brown snake does not inject poison into the victim's body and generally tries not to bite if possible. Since this snake reacts to movement, it is better to freeze and stand still when meeting with them.

1. Taipan or Ferocious snake

Taipan is the most venomous snake on our planet. Its venom is the most toxic of all land-dwelling snakes. The poison released by this snake is enough to kill 100 people or 250,000 mice. The toxicity of its venom is 10 times higher than that of a rattlesnake and 50 times greater than that of a cobra. Fortunately, the taipan is not aggressive, and besides, it is quite rare to meet a person in the wild. No deaths have yet been reported from encounters with this snake, but potentially death in an adult from a taipan bite could occur within 45 minutes.

+ Belcher's sea serpent

Found in the waters of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, the Belcher's sea snake is the most venomous sea snake in the world. It has such a strong poison that just a few milligrams is enough to take the lives of 1000 adults. This is a very dangerous snake, but despite this, less than a quarter of its bites contain poison, moreover, it is quite peaceful. Most often, fishermen who, while catching fish, have to get nets out of the water, suffer from her bite.

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