Amur tiger. The largest population of tigers in the world is the Amur tiger. The name of the drawing is about the Amur tiger

Only once looking at him, it is impossible not to admire this powerful, beautiful and graceful animal. The Amur tiger is the largest feline. It is also often called Far Eastern or Ussuri. This is explained by the fact that its habitat in our area is Primorsky Krai, southeast Russia, the Amur and Ussuri river basins. To find out more interesting things about this beast, you need to find out everything related to its external data and lifestyle.

Description of the tiger

The Amur tiger belongs to the class of mammals of the cat family, one of the four representatives of the panther genus.

With its size, this predator surpasses even a lion. A description of the Amur tiger is impossible without mentioning its weight and height. The weight of an adult animal reaches 200 kg, and in some cases it can vary within 250 kg. With such a mass, it has an equally impressive body length. The size of the Amur tiger is from 2.5 to 4 m, depending on sex and age. Its height at the withers varies from 100 to 110 cm.

Characteristics of external data

Despite the impressive external data, the movements of the tiger are silent and graceful. Quiet gait is ensured by soft and wide pads on the paws. Even making his way through the thick grass, the beast will go unnoticed. Also, thanks to them, the animal does not fall into the deep snowdrifts of the Ussuri taiga during the winter period.

The thick and fluffy fur of the Amur tiger is explained by the presence of a predator in a harsh climate. It is mostly red in color, with the exception of the belly, chest and neck - they are white. His entire body is decorated with black stripes. The most interesting part of the characteristics of the Amur tiger is that no two animals are the same in color. Each individual has its own unique stripe pattern. It is the black stripes that allow the beast to disguise itself in the wild.


Most of the Amur tigers live within the far eastern south of Russia, northeast China, as well as in the southern and central parts of the Sikhote-Alin. The habitual habitat of these animals is extremely unusual. Animals do not like to live too high, so they settle in areas of low mountains. They prefer to be between ridges, near sweeping river valleys, as well as in forest areas where you can find oak and cedar. Luxurious, thick and warm wool allows you to adapt even to the conditions of a severe winter. But if it is too long and severe, tigers have to settle near populated areas in order to be able to feast on livestock.

Features of predators

Amur tigers do not live in packs, but singly. Each adult has its own habitat. One female can own a territory from 250 to 450 square meters. In males, it expands to a mark of 2000 square meters. Each animal must mark its perimeter. He does this by scratching trees, as well as releasing urine. Tigers avoid contact with humans. Therefore, during the hunt, they rarely go beyond their territory. Only in the event of an acute shortage of food and severe hunger, the beast begins to lose fear of humans and goes in search of food to nearby settlements. In such cases, the starving animal will eat everything that gets in its way: the fruits of plants, livestock, dogs and fish.

Amur tigers in Russia

Even 100 years ago, these animals completely inhabited the entire Far East. But over the years, cases of their shooting have become more frequent in this region of Russia. When the number of dead exceeded 150 individuals, the Amur tiger population began to decline. By the 30s of the last century, predators began to rapidly disappear from the territory of Russia. This contributed to the imposition of a ban on their hunting. This law was passed in 1947. Ten years later, the capture of Amur tiger cubs was banned. Graceful handsome men were on the verge of extinction. It was decided to list the Amur tigers in the Red Book. These measures contributed to the preservation of the population, and by the 80s their number increased by 200 individuals.

Tiger Conservation

The Amur tiger was considered an endangered species until 2007. In the Red Book of Russia, he was listed as an animal that is on the verge of extinction. However, in 2007, the leaders of the World Wildlife Fund said that the number of these predators has increased decently over the past 100 years. How many Amur tigers are left in Russia? According to official figures, about 500 individuals.

Members of the famous expedition called "Amur Tiger", who were engaged in observing predators in the wild, reported that about 6 tigers live in the Ussuri Reserve of Primorsky Krai. At the same time, the territory of the reserve does not exceed 400 square meters. For 6 adults, it is very small. Therefore, they called on the authorities to increase it, and also demanded to more thoroughly regulate the activities of people who live near the boundaries of the reserve.

What do tigers eat

The predator prefers to eat ungulates. Red deer, deer, wild boar, elk or roe deer often fall into its paws. If a tiger is starving for a long time, he will not disdain anything. Tree fruits, fish, frogs, birds and even mice will do as food. When placed in a successful habitat where a large number of ungulates live, a tiger can quickly gain excess weight. An adult male usually builds up subcutaneous fat, the thickness of which reaches 6 cm. Having gained enough fat, the animal can go without food for about a week. However, what the Amur tiger is like during starvation, it is better not to know anyone. On such days, he can eat everything that gets in his way.

How tigers hunt

Despite the fact that this predator has great strength and a well-developed sense of smell, only 1 out of 10 attacks on the victim ends in success for him. The rest of the animals quickly run off to heal their wounds. Tigers at the same time extremely rarely set off in pursuit of the victim, preferring to go in search of less nimble prey. This is what makes the predator spend most of the time not only on finding food, but also on skillfully catching it.

Amur tigers are very cautious. They sneak up on their prey very quietly, almost silently. The animal moves slowly on the ground, transferring the main part of its weight to the front limbs. At the same time, his back is arched, and the body is lowered as much as possible. When a tiger encounters small prey, he first of all gnaws her throat. Dealing with a large animal in this way will not work. Therefore, the predator first overwhelms him and only then bites his neck. The Ussuri tiger eats in the same way as all feline representatives - lying down. At the same time, he always holds the carcass of the animal with his front paws.

tiger breeding

Readiness for mating in females appears quite late, at about 3 years. After reaching this age, she can bear offspring and is quite ready for reproduction. These predators live alone. Therefore, they do not have one partner for a long period. The mating period takes about a week, then the male leaves his mate. He does not take part in the upbringing of the brood. The females have to take care of the cubs for several years.

Caring for offspring

Pregnancy in tigresses lasts from 95 to 115 days. Most often no more than 4 cubs are born. Babies are born completely blind and helpless. Only after 2 weeks do their eyes open and the first teeth begin to grow. Tiger cubs feed on mother's milk up to 6 months. In addition, from about 2 months they begin to taste meat. During the period of breastfeeding, the tigress carefully protects her offspring. She hides tiger cubs in hard-to-reach places, trying in every possible way to provide them with maximum protection from possible dangers, which are so numerous in the taiga and forests.

Tiger cubs grow rather slowly. An adult tigress teaches them to hunt and catch animals for food on their own. Little tiger cubs have a very kind and obedient disposition. That is why people are engaged in their training from a very early age. After a few years, the babies reach sexual maturity, while being constantly with their mother. Only by reaching the age of 3-5 years the family breaks up, and the cubs begin a new independent life.

Amur predator and man

Everyone, without exception, is afraid of these wild animals. When looking at photos of Amur tigers, a feeling of fear and admiration appears at the same time. And for good reason, because these animals are considered one of the most dangerous predators on the planet. Ancient people decided to hunt them only in the most exceptional cases, since they rarely defeated such a powerful beast. In those days, wearing the skin of a tiger was an honor. Unfortunately, some people continue to hunt these beautiful animals. In Russia, only a fine is imposed for killing an Amur tiger. In China, such a crime is punishable by death.

The lifestyle of the Ussuri tigers

Some believe that this beast is a danger to humans. However, this opinion can be interpreted in different ways. The Amur tiger, by its nature, prefers to hunt ungulates: deer, roe deer, wild boars or gazelles. Man is not included in the list of possible prey. Although the tiger may well attack a person, because he is still a predator. But he will do this only in a hopeless situation.

For proper nutrition, the Ussuri predator needs to eat about 70 large ungulates a year. If the tiger is starving, he will use his hunting skills. Amur beauties easily find traces of lumberjacks, who often set traps for small game. They also skillfully prowl in the hunters' lodges.

Tigers rarely visit settlements. Although some people call these animals cannibals, predators very rarely attack people. This can only happen if the tiger is sick, injured, or trapped. Penetrating into the nearest village, he can eat one of the livestock, but he will attack a person only in the most rare and hopeless case.

Information about this amazing predator cannot be limited to dry data. The Amur tiger is too unique, majestic and beautiful animal. Therefore, a few of the most interesting facts about him should be listed:

  • Even 100 years ago, hunters who lived in the valleys of the Ussuri rivers were afraid to even pronounce the name of this beast. The Amur tiger was worshiped, considering it a deity endowed with incredible power.
  • The Chinese have long been convinced that the bones and meat of tigers have a healing effect.
  • These predators were listed in the Red Book, as their population is considered the smallest among all other subspecies.
  • In many photos of Amur tigers, you can see their most dangerous weapon - their teeth. In adults, their length reaches 10-15 cm.
  • Most often, tigers kill their prey by biting their throats, but sometimes they use strangulation. Having attacked the prey, the tiger may not immediately reach the main artery in the neck with its teeth. Therefore, he can hang on large prey, waiting until it bleeds out, but suffocates.
  • The Amur tiger can jump over a distance of 6 meters, as well as make a jump up to 5 meters high.
  • The Ussuri predator is able to accelerate up to 60 km/h.
  • Tigers do not consider humans as their possible prey. There is no such instinct in their nature. They can attack a person only in defense if they are driven into a trap. Also, severe hunger, which tormented the animal for several days, can contribute to this.
  • The favorite method of hunting for tigers is ambush. Therefore, when you see a predator in the savannah, you don’t have to worry - the animal is most likely resting.
  • Aborigines living in India have an interesting feature, which concerns the way they move around the territory where the Amur tiger lives. They put a face mask on the back of their head. It is believed that by wearing a mask, one can avoid the attack of a tiger, since the animal loses the element of surprise necessary for it, because the victim “looks” at him all the time.
  • Amur tigers love to swim. Unlike other members of the cat family, tigers enjoy swimming and splashing in the water. Little tiger cubs can play and frolic in the pond for a long time.
  • The pattern on the forehead of the Amur tigers is very similar to the Chinese character for the king. That is why in China these predators are of particular value.
  • The black stripes of the tiger adorn not only their coat, but also their skin. If you shave the beast, it will not lose its unique striping.
  • Hunting for Amur tigers is prohibited worldwide.

Description of the Amur tiger

Babr (from the Yakut "baabyr") - this is how the Siberian tiger, now known as the Far Eastern, Ussuri or Amur tiger, was called in Russia. Panthera tigris altaica (the Latin name of the subspecies) is recognized as one of the most impressive in the cat family, surpassing even its dimensions. Nowadays, the Amur tiger is depicted on the flag / coat of arms of Primorsky Krai and the coat of arms of Khabarovsk.

Babr adorned the coats of arms of Yakutsk (since 1642) and Irkutsk, until it turned into a “beaver” under Emperor Alexander II through the fault of an overzealous orthography champion who served in the heraldic department. The mistake was later corrected, but the emblems of Irkutsk and the region still show off a strange black beast with a large tail and webbed paws, carrying a sable in its teeth.


The Amur tiger is a beautiful wild cat with a characteristic striped coloring of a flexible body crowned with a rounded head with proportional ears. Babr, like all cats, is armed with 30 sharp teeth and tenacious claws, helping to tear carcasses and climb trees.

The predominant color background (red) is replaced by white on the chest, belly and “whiskers”. Transverse black stripes cross the body and tail, turning into symmetrical black stains on the head and muzzle.

Fleeing from a severe winter, the Amur tiger is forced to grow thick hair and accumulate a solid (5 cm) layer of subcutaneous fat, which protects the predator from frostbite.

A huge tiger can move without unnecessary noise, which is explained by the shock-absorbing ability of wide paws with soft pads. That is why the babr silently walks and runs through the summer Ussuri taiga, without falling into high snowdrifts in winter.

Amur tiger size

The Amur tiger, classified as one of the largest representatives of the cat family, has recently been increasingly inferior in size to that living in the national parks of India. Once these related subspecies were comparable in size, but the Ussuri tiger began to grow smaller due to its proximity to humans, more precisely, due to the economic activity of the latter.

Fact. The average Amur tiger stretches up to 2.7–3.8 m in length with a weight of 200–250 kg and growth at the withers from 1 to 1.15 m.

Zoologists suggest that individual individuals can gain 300 kg or more, although a less impressive record is officially registered - 212 kg. It belongs to a male with a radio collar attached to his neck.

Lifestyle, behavior

Unlike the lion, the Amur tiger, like most cats, does not join prides, but prefers a solitary existence. An exception is made only for females, who, together with the brood, can live on the territory of the male, which usually reaches 600–800 km². The territory of the female is always smaller, approximately 300–500 km².

The male vigilantly monitors the inviolability of the boundaries, marking them with secretory fluid and leaving deep scuff marks on the trunks. The Amur tiger, despite its size, easily climbs into the crowns of old oaks and even onto the tops of tall spruces.

The animal does not leave its territory if there are many ungulates grazing on it, but if necessary it is able to travel from 10 to 41 km. A tigress covers a shorter distance in a day, from 7 to 22 km. The Amur tiger can drag a horse carcass for more than half a kilometer without visible fatigue, and light and in the snow it can accelerate up to 80 km / h, second only to agility.

Interesting. The predator distinguishes colors well, and in the dark his vision is 5 times sharper than a human, perhaps that is why he likes to hunt at dusk and at night.

The Ussuri tiger is extremely silent: at least this is what naturalists say, who have been observing the animal in nature for years and have never heard its roar. The tiger roar is carried only during the rut - females are especially zealous. A dissatisfied babr growls hoarsely and dully, turning to a characteristic “cough” when angry. A peaceful tiger purrs like a domestic cat.

Greeting a comrade, the tiger uses special sounds formed by the sharp exhalation of air through the nose and mouth. Friction on the sides and contact with the muzzles tell about the peaceful mood of predators.

The Amur tiger is far from being a cannibal (unlike the Bengal tiger), which is why it tries to avoid a person and bypass his dwelling in every possible way. In case of a chance meeting with a tiger, it is better to stop without trying to run, and slowly give way without turning your back on it. You can talk to him, but only in a calm and confident voice: a scream that turns into a pig squeal will rather warm up the tiger’s interest in your person.

From the middle of the last century to the present time, no more than 10 cases of Amur tiger attacks on humans have been noted within the boundaries of the settlements of Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. Even in its native element, the Ussuri taiga, the tiger very rarely pounces on hunters pursuing it.

How long does the Amur tiger live

The life expectancy of a babr in nature is 10, less often - 15 years. Under the ideal conditions of zoological parks, Siberian tigers often celebrate their 20th birthday.

Fact. One of the oldest Amur tigers is Fierce, who lived for 21 years in the Khabarovsk Utes Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center.

Lyuty was caught in the taiga, inadvertently injuring both jaws, after which the tiger developed osteomyelitis, which was surgically stopped in 1999. And the very next year, Lyuty sported a new fang made of a gold-plated silver-palladium alloy, thanks to a unique operation carried out by Russian and American doctors.

The injured mouth did not allow Lyuty to return to the taiga, and he became not only the most visited pet of the rehabilitation center, but also the hero of numerous enthusiastic reports.

sexual dimorphism

The difference between the sexes is manifested, first of all, in the mass: if the female individuals of the Amur tiger weigh 100-167 kg, then the male ones are almost twice as much - from 180 to 306 kg. Studies in 2005, conducted by zoologists in Russia, India and the United States, showed that in terms of mass, modern Far Eastern tigers are inferior to their ancestors.

Fact. Historically, the average male Amur tiger weighed about 215.5 kg, and the female about 137.5 kg. Today, the average weight of females is 117.9 kg, and males - 176.4 kg.

Sexual dimorphism is also seen in the life span of the Amur tiger: females live less than males. The latter are eliminated from the upbringing and education of offspring, placing all parental functions on the mother, which significantly shortens her earthly life.

Range, habitats

The Amur tiger is found in a relatively limited sector, most of which is a protected area - this is China and southeast Russia, namely the banks of the Amur / Ussuri in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.

As of 2003, the highest concentration of predators was noted in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin (Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai), where every sixth Amur tiger lived. In general, when choosing habitats, tigers try to be closer to their main food (ungulates), and also proceed from the height of the snow cover and the presence of shelters, for example, creases or dense thickets of shrubs.

The Amur tiger often settles in such biotopes as:

  • mountains with deciduous trees;
  • mountain river valleys;
  • padi with forests of the Manchurian type, dominated by oak and cedar;
  • pure cedars;
  • secondary forests.

The Amur tiger has been driven out by man from low-lying landscapes suitable for agriculture. In retaliation, babrs often inspect the surroundings of neighboring settlements in winter, when their usual forage base is depleted.

The diet of the Ussuri tiger

It is very difficult to get such a number of ungulates, given that only one out of 6-7 attacks ends in luck. That is why the predator hunts a lot, eating everything that is inferior to it in size: from the Manchurian (glove-sized) hare to the Himalayan bear, often equal in mass to the tiger itself.

I bring to your attention a gallery of photos "Amur (Ussuri) tiger photo".

Beautiful photos from the life of tigers and not much information about this beautiful animal.

Let's start with its name. Amur tiger, Ussuri tiger, Far Eastern tiger - these are all names of one animal. And in order not to confuse readers, I will (in this article) call the tiger both Amur and Ussuri.

The Tungus call the tiger "taskh" or "amba". Amba means great, huge, big. Amba in Primorye is also called an evil spirit.

The Amur or Ussuri tiger lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories on the banks of the Amur and Ussuri. The main animal population is in Russia. No more than 10% of the total number of tigers live in China.

Since the Ussuri (Amur) tiger “lives” in such harsh (for tigers living in the tropics) conditions, its coat is thicker and longer, and the colors are not so bright. And besides, this is the only species of tiger that does not have a layer of fat. And this layer can be up to 5 centimeters thick. Pay attention to the ears. They are not big at all. And this is also because of the winter frosts.

The Amur (Ussuri) tiger is a very large predator. Long body (up to 3.8 m including the tail), high withers (up to 115 centimeters) and solid weight (up to 300 kg). And no wonder that such a predator is the real master of the taiga. The female controls the territory up to 500 square kilometers, and the male - up to 800. The tiger leaves his territory only in one case - there is not enough food in the controlled territory.

The tiger hunts mainly at night. And this is not surprising - the tiger, like all cats, sees perfectly at night. It must be said that even being such a formidable hunter, the tiger has to work very hard in order to "dine." An adult requires about 7-10 kilograms of meat per day.

It is reliably known that the Amur (Ussuri) tiger never (almost never) attacks again. If the dinner managed to escape, then the tiger goes in search of a new victim, and does not pursue the "old" one.

The tiger very rarely attacks a person. Even in the taiga, he tries to avoid meeting and leaves.
This taiga handsome man lives, on average, about fifteen years.
That, perhaps, is all I wanted to say. And now a photo.

All domestic cats are so cute! They live next to a person for years, catch mice, protecting supplies, drink milk from a saucer and gently rub against their legs. If the family starts purring, this is not surprising.

Looking at the pictures for children with tigers, you immediately understand that these animals are close relatives of domestic cats. The same habits and hypnotizing look, the same playfulness and grace. Read the article to learn a lot of interesting things about striped predators, as well as take a good look at them in drawings and photos.

Photo of tigers for children

The tiger is the largest predator of the cat family. In length, it can reach 3 m, weigh more than 300 kg. Females are usually slightly smaller than males. The life expectancy of animals is about 20 years.

Scientists count 9 species of tigers, 3 of which are considered extinct due to human fault.

Cool and funny pictures with tigers and cubs

The impressive size does not prevent striped predators from being excellent hunters. A wild cat hunts down its prey, sitting in ambush, or silently creeps up to it, then to make a lightning throw. If the tiger misses, it pursues the victim for a maximum of 200 m, then retreats and tries again.
Striped beauties feed mainly on ungulates - deer, wild boars, roe deer, etc.

To hold the prey, and after its transportation, the wild striped cat uses powerful 10-centimeter fangs. Beautiful photos with a grinning tiger can be downloaded for free. You will get very beautiful wallpapers for your desktop.

Unlike a cat, a tiger is a big fan of water procedures. He swims not only for business, but also for pleasure.

Tigers come in two primary colors - gold and white. White color has only one species, Bengal. Do not confuse the white tiger and the albino! In the first case, the color is determined not by a mutation, but by the presence of a recessive gene.

In the wild, from 2 to 4, less often up to 6, blind and helpless tiger cubs are born to a tigress mother. They weigh only 1.5 kg! Mom feeds them with her milk, protects them from male tigers and other predators.

From the age of two months, she begins to teach them independent living and hunting. Tiger cubs live with their mother for 2-3 years.

Funny babies are very playful. They run, jump, climb trees, roll head over heels, bite each other. Tigers retain playfulness into adulthood.

Amur tiger, photo and description for children

The Amur tiger is the northernmost species. It is listed in the Red Book, as there are about 500 of its representatives left in the wild. A striped predator on the snow is an impressive sight. It is not surprising if there is a desire to draw a drawing of the Amur tiger with a pencil.

Cartoon tigers. Guess the cartoon from the picture

A cartoon tiger can be evil, like Shere Khan, Mowgli's enemy from The Jungle Book, or kind, even a little stupid, like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Let the children look at these funny pictures and guess what cartoon or fairy tale they are from.

Beautiful pencil drawings

Looking at these drawings for kids, you begin to forget that a tiger is not an affectionate domestic kitten with a striped color, but a formidable predator. These cartoon-style babies are incredibly cute!

Quite another thing is drawings of a golden or Amur tiger with a pencil for children. They convey the important look and grace of these stunning animals.

Pencil drawing step by step for children and beginners

After viewing all these pictures, the kid will want to try to draw an Amur or golden tiger on his own. To make it easy for him, you should use one of the proposed schemes for beginners. They show how to depict the torso, paws and head of a tiger step by step, how to draw its stripes. By the way, there are stripes on the coat of the animal and on its skin. There are about 100 of them in total. The drawing of each animal is unique, like the lines on the fingertips of a person.

In this video, kids from 3 years old are explained in an accessible way how to draw a tiger with a pencil, and then paint it with paints.

Poems and videos for kindergarten and elementary school children

Kindergarten kids and elementary school students are very fond of stories about exotic animals. Information about tigers and other wild cats today is easy to get not only from zoological encyclopedias, but also from educational videos on the Internet. Not everyone has the opportunity to observe the habits of a predator in nature. On the captured footage, you can see how the tiger hunts, plays, bathes, takes care of its babies.

Short poems for kindergarten and elementary school

This rhyme for kindergarten kids will help them tell tigers from lions and other large feline predators by their striped coats.

It will be very easy for kids to solve this long riddle in verses.

A nursery rhyme by V. Sibirtsev is dedicated to the hunting of the Amur tiger.

Children's video about tigers

Do toddlers know that tigers can imitate the voices of other animals? This and other interesting facts are described in an informative video.

This cartoon teaches that even tiger cubs should be treated politely.

Kids will be happy to watch a good fairy tale about the adventures of the Ussuri tiger cub.

The Amur or Ussuri tiger is a predatory animal that belongs to the cat family. The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Click the left mouse button on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Amur tigers are the largest animals among all tigers, their weight reaches 320 kilograms. The body length of the Amur tiger reaches 290 centimeters from head to tail, and the length of the tail is 110 centimeters.

Amur tigers reach speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour, they are very hardy, there were cases when Amur tigers carried a horse for more than 500 meters. In speed, Amur tigers are second only to cheetahs.

Siberian tigers have a small layer of fat on their belly, which protects them from low temperatures and cold winds.

The coat of Amur tigers is thick, unlike other tigers that live in warm countries. The Amur tiger sees very well in the dark and distinguishes colors.

In winter, the color of the tiger is pronounced, and in summer it becomes lighter.

The Amur tiger lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories near the Ussuri and Amur rivers in a protected area in southeastern Russia.

Approximately 10% of Amur tigers live in Manchuria, in China.

The Ussuri or Amur tiger lives on a rather large territory. The territory of the female is approximately 300-500 square kilometers, while that of the male is twice as large.

Amur tigers hunt mainly at night for deer, roe deer, wild boars, elk, do not refuse birds, fish and even mice. If the tiger does not have enough food in the forest, then he can also eat domestic animals.

Amur tigers eat their prey lying down, holding it with their paws, at night they hide the remnants of food in a safe place. Amur tiger needs up to 10 kilograms of meat per day.

The Amur tiger rarely goes out to people and almost never attacks them. Amur tigers have not been seen in cannibalism. There were only a few cases of Amur tiger attacks on people in the 1950s.

The average life expectancy of the Amur tiger is 15 years; in zoos, with good care, tigers can live up to 25 years.

Amur tigers at the age of 2.5-3 years become adults, but they give birth to cubs in about a year. Weddings for Amur tigers begin in the winter of December, January, and after 3.5 months babies are born, this always happens in spring.

The tigress takes care of her babies on her own, feeds them with milk for up to 2 months, then begins to accustom little kittens to meat.

The tigress feeds her cubs with milk for up to 6 months, then they completely switch to meat.

Usually a tigress gives birth to one to four cubs. They are born blind, but after a week they begin to see.

A mother teaches her kids habits, hunting and other tricks for a long time. At the age of 2.5-3 years, they become adults, go to live separately, but not far from their mother.

Amur tigers do not attack people unnecessarily, mostly the person provokes the animal himself. Amur tigers can attack a person in two cases if they feel threatened by a person or if they are protecting their cubs.

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