The eighth house of the horoscope (natal chart). Houses of the horoscope Eighth house of the horoscope

Consider the problems of the mysteries of life and death. Death is the opening of doors to another world, it is a kind of opportunity to escape from the circle in which a person lives. After all, our incarnation does not end with death. New problems begin, and they are extremely important for each person. These are the problems associated with death and with various metamorphoses of this death in our life, and are revealed through the mystery of the 8th House of the horoscope.

The Eighth House of the horoscope carries information about what is embodied against our will, about what surrounds our fragile island of life, our small soap bubble in an ocean unknown and unincarnated. Suddenly this little bubble bursts and we are in a completely different state - we are dying. Death is terrible for us, because it is unknown to us. We can always ask ourselves this Hamletian question: "To be or not to be?". But such questions torment only those people who are not mature individuals. Because for a person who went through this mystery and answered these questions in a past life, death is no longer a mystery and a mystery.

AT zodiac sign of the horoscope, the House of Death is not the last House. It would be logical - 1st House is the House of life, and 12th House is the House of death, life would end with death. But for some reason, the House of Death is not the 12th House, but the 8th. It is located a little further than the middle. Seventh House - House of marriage, open opponents. A person passes this stage, and then he is already faced with death and death does not end, because only the stability zone ends with death - the 2nd zone of the horoscope and the 2nd zone of the Zodiac.

Why is death related to stability, why does death complete the middle of the earthly journey? And why, at the peak of maturity, should a person suddenly turn to the topic of death? Why is it the mystery of death and the mystery of the 8th House that hides under itself that very burnt road "VIA-COMBUSTA", which we have already mentioned?

A burnt road can be not only in the cosmogram, but also in the horoscope. This is the border of 8 and 9 Houses. In almost all people who have the border between the 8th and 9th Houses moved apart, this Via Combusta manifests or forms in life. This is not what they have initially, but what they acquire, what their incarnation is aimed at. Expanded boundaries of the House are manifested if some planet is on the cusp of the 9th House. If there is a connection of two planets or more, then the border between the two Houses does not exist. And through this borderline state, Via Combusta manifests itself - Ophiuchus incarnates. The constellation of Ophiuchus absorbs and dissolves human earthly karma, confronts him face to face with problems unknown to him. If a person is not ready to solve them, then fear settles in his soul and his life turns into a desert, his path really becomes burned. Unknown terrible forces interfere in his existence, bringing destruction into his life. A person may not be able to handle it. If these forces pass through him, and he withstands them, simply without feeling, then everything around collapses.

By itself, the mystery of the 8th House also indicates that death is mysterious for everyone. This is the second riddle we face. The three riddles of the Sphinx can only be answered by a person who has known the mystery of the three water signs of the Zodiac, their incarnations at the levels of the 4th, 8th and 12th Houses. Three riddles of the Sphinx are connected with three sources of Water in our life.

The Fourth House is the mystery of the previous existence, the mystery of the ancestors.

The Eighth House is the riddle of death to be solved.

The Twelfth House is the mystery of the next incarnation and the mystery of the ultimate goal - where our path lies, the mystery of the final outcome. The riddle that the Sphinx asked Oedipus consisted of three parts:

Which of the living beings walks on all fours in the morning, on two legs in the afternoon, and on three legs in the evening. Of course, man. This has a deep esoteric meaning. After all, the 4th House is a four; Cancer, among other things, is also the Cross, the division of space into 4 elements. The number 2 symbolizes the Moon, i.e. duality. Therefore, in the 8th House of Scorpio - this is the overcoming of duality.

Duality is the most basic mystery of our nature, it lies in the fact that we cannot find the answer to the question: "Why is this life needed, and what is beyond this line?" Life and death are two beginnings between which we oscillate all the time. This is the mystery of Scorpio and the 8th House. But during the day we must overcome this duality. This is the main part of the riddle of the Sphinx. "And in the evening on three legs," i.e. it seems to be an old man, receiving one more support - a stick or a staff.

The staff was a magical wand with which a person could do whatever he wanted. He had the opportunity to use those forces that did not belong to him. A person received this staff, a rod as a reward for the path he had traveled. Here you have 3, he acquires this triplicity. Initially - 4, then - 2, and only then - 3. Here is the definition of the Sphinx riddle through 3 signs of water. Oedipus solved this problem. Most importantly, this mystery in connection with man has 3 stages associated with the mysteries of the 4th, 8th and 12th Houses, the most mysterious Houses of the Zodiac.

The life of people whose 4, 8, 12 Houses are strongly involved in the horoscope will be very mysterious and mysterious. They will indeed try to solve this riddle throughout their lives, and some succeed.

So, the mystery of the mystery of life and death is still connected with the 8th House, and with all the metamorphoses of death that accompany from the first day of our life. And it doesn't matter what this mystery will be embodied in. After all, the mystery of each House is manifested on different levels. Planets, various indicators are only indicators. But in any case, death in various forms will always accompany a person. Death is like a mystery, like a magnet, like fear, like a question, like a riddle. Whatever the mystery of the 8th House is embodied in, everyone will still respond to it differently. Some did not answer it at all, some fled from these questions.

Usually here, too, we encounter this duality from the very beginning. And we will answer the question about the duality of everything that surrounds us. Overcoming duality for each of us is task number 1. In order to overcome duality, it is necessary to introduce the third principle - Awareness and the ability to combine extremes. So, many people run away from this issue. They prefer life to death. But people with a strongly pronounced 8th House, despite their terrible pessimism, still live. For them, the diversity of the situation and the sensations of death are the best stimulus for life.

So, in Friedrich Nietzsche, the 8th House of the horoscope was strongly expressed. His whole life was a continuous struggle for existence, a whole chain of extreme situations, a fight against a deadly disease and, in the end, death. He wrote: “The thought of suicide can be very pleasant. sleepless nights". Death itself and dying for a person are so unbearable that they make his life more tolerable and enjoyable. But many run away from such problems and try to turn a blind eye to their solution, despite the fact that these problems are very important for them. They are like ostriches bury their heads in the sand.This happens, as a rule, with people who have a strongly expressed House 8. Here we first encounter the problem of duality, the problem of dualism, which is carried by the same Houses of the horoscope.

Let's look at this first psychologically. When we run away from solving problems related to what frightens us, what can destroy us, then we run psychologically to problems of the opposite nature, i.e. to matter "Death is hateful to us - Long live life!"

The primary House of life is the 2nd House of the horoscope. How less people tries to think about death, about the inevitable destruction of his physical body, the more he strives to build up the physical body and goes deeper into matter, i.e. in solving cases of the 2 Houses of the horoscope. However, the 2nd House of the horoscope carries the same information as the 8th House of the horoscope, but in a distorted form.

EVERY HOUSE IS A MIRROR OF THE OPPOSITE HOUSE, only a crooked mirror. And a person who tries to solve the problems of death through matter, through the problems of the opposite House, encounters it, but only in a distorted form. Those. the more he hides his head in the sand, tries to delve into material problems, the more he becomes a slave of matter, the more unbearable death becomes for him.

Imagine: death is inevitable, and a person runs away from solving these problems and tries not to think about them, but simply to live. "The less I think about them, the better I will live, the less problems in the end." And if so, what should be done? So, you need to live well in material terms, then - entertainment, then comes freedom. And the more I am free, the further I will be from the problems of death. So here's what more people thinks so, the more unbearable he makes the problem of death. Why? Yes, he thinks like this: "I will solve problems in the 2nd House, entertainment in the 5th House, and freedom in the 11th House."

And what is in relation to the 8th House of Houses 2, 5 and 11. This is the Cross. Then, in the case of a person's first encounter with danger, he experiences a cross situation. And the smallest collision with danger, the slightest damage, he already considers as a terrible blow. He does not have immunity, because he included the problems of those Houses that, in fact, are in a Cross situation in relation to the 8th House. Since the House exists, we need it to solve some issues and problems in life.

Therefore, complaining about fate is useless. We have incarnated, these are our conditions of life, therefore, death is necessary for us. This must be understood and understood. If in our life we ​​exclude it as an inevitable factor of our entire incarnation, then we will encounter it even more. For a while, we will be able to block ourselves, but what will happen later, when this negative energy accumulates and explodes? Then our whole house, which we built, will fail, go underground. Therefore, it is impossible to build the problems of death on the problems of the opposite House.

For example, if you try to find yourself in the problems of the 1st House and do not look for your own path. What is the person trying to do? He will try to dump his problems on a partner or solve them through enemies ("I can't do anything because I'm being interfered with"). Those. he tries to solve his problems through the affairs of the opposite House - through the 7th House. But this is not the best way. The same occurs in the problems of 8 and 2 Houses. But, nevertheless, life and death, death and matter are closely related. On the one hand, they are antagonists, but on the other hand, they complement each other. Thus, each opposite House complements each other.

Problems 1 and 7 of the Houses are shown to us in a textbook version; the problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses are shown on a different level, but nevertheless they are also very important. After all, the 2nd House is called the "Lower Gate", and the 8th House is called the "Upper". Can the 2nd House be called the "Gates of Hell"? If you do not take into account the problems of the opposite House, then you can. But after all, each person is given the opportunity to combine extremes, the possibility of dialectically combining opposite properties. And it is impossible to unite them yourself, without participating in either process. This can only be done with conscious participation. What is conscious participation? We ourselves must be the unifying center of the two problems, that is, the embodiment of the third principle.

The problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses, the problems of life and death, you must combine. Knowing that death is a new life, and life is the embodiment of death. Therefore, on the one hand, you should not become attached to something that has a material form, because it can be destroyed. Here is the antagonism of 8 and 2 Houses. But you also have no right to destroy these forms, forcibly invading the created harmonious world that you did not create. Here is the union of the problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses. You must live in matter, but remember that this matter is not eternal. Everything that has a form will eventually collapse. But to destroy it and not deal with the material world means to go to the Upper Gate, leaving behind the unresolved problems of the Lower Gate. You are not entitled to this either. We must live in this world. Moreover, we will never understand the mystery of death until we know the mystery of life. Why? Because there, after death, we will be met by images, though embodied on a different level, of the very beings that we had here, but on a more subtle level.

If we destroy, kill, deform this harmonious world here, then after death these forms will meet us, the souls we have killed will be incarnated.

INcarnation is the taking of form after death. Therefore, people-destroyers, murderers, those who invade someone's life, no matter who - a person or an animal, or blow up the temple of Christ the Savior, will suffer after death. The image, the form of this temple, the image of a murdered person will torment them, because he destroyed the form and cannot go to the upper gate without working off karma in the opposite House. But how to find a balance here, how to apply life and death here? How to find the embodiment of the mystery of the 2nd and 8th Houses? You can combine information on 3 and 9 Houses, on 4 and 10, on 5 and 11, on 6 and 12, on 1 and 7 Houses.


Houses unite like pairs, their mutual information penetrates each other.

How to connect the seemingly incompatible - the world of the Earth and the world of Heaven, the world of Goetig and the world of Menog, the world of ideas, with the help of which the world is embodied? Only under the condition of overcoming this duality, if you give to Caesar - Caesar's, to God - God's. And only in this way will you learn to live simultaneously in 2 different worlds, knowing that they are dialectically interconnected. Therefore, many collect treasures on Earth, and when they die, they do not take them with them, the treasures remain a legacy for others. This attempt to carry over the grave that belongs to us here, the attempt to hold on to what we cannot hold on to, and to present as eternal that which must collapse - all this characterizes a person who follows a low program, a person who has laid his way into hell.

If a person relates to money and material values not as a means, but as an end, and tries to live forever by means of these values, then such a person cannot withstand any danger. And usually great values and material goods attract extreme situations. The more money you have, the less protected you are.

The problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses are also interconnected at this level: the more money you have, the more likely it is that they can be taken away from you. They can take away from the 8th House, since the 8th House is an extreme situation. But a person walking along the 8th House, the more he risks on a large scale, the more disregard he has for life, for the form, the more he can win in the end.

If he goes through the 8th House, destroying the form, taking risks, then he can take someone's treasures. But will they do him any good? Too much exaggeration of the problems of the 8th House attracts the 2nd House, attracts matter. Therefore, as a rule, people who are the lowest incarnation of the 8th House (and these are just criminals) set the main task of extracting material values. Yes, they receive huge material values ​​without any effort. The more they risk, the more they take from life. Does it benefit them? No, it doesn't, because they exacerbate only one extreme, forgetting about the other. Yes, money is needed, but it must not be taken, but it must be earned. You need to be a Taurus in relation to material values, i.e. plow.

Look: according to the 8th House, money is taken, and according to the 2nd, money is earned. These Houses are dialectical, as if nested one into another. Why were these Houses called gates, and no other House was called? It would seem that the 10th House should be called the Gates - here is the top point for you, the doors of heaven. But they are not the Upper Gate. 2 The house is also a gate, only the bottom. It would seem that the 4th House should be a gateway down, and yet it is only a tomb, a rest or a home, but not a gateway down. Why? It is the 2nd House - Porto Inferno, immediately following the 1st House, the House of Personality, the House of Self-Determination. As soon as a personality is defined, it can immediately fall into hell. Those. the way, the road to hell lies immediately after self-determination.

And House 8, Porto Superno, Upper Gate, separates the last 3rd zone. What is the 3rd zone of the Zodiac? This is the zone of transmutation, the zone of a person who has already mastered himself, can already independently change. He is already a teacher who has mastered the powers, who leads other people. So, he can lead others only when he dies and is reborn in this life.

It can be said that the third zone of the Zodiac is associated with overcoming death, with overcoming the duality that was originally laid in us, i.e. a person of the 3rd zone is a teacher, a winner of life and death. He overcame the riddle of life and death. He is no longer afraid of death, because. went beyond the scope of this problem. He, in fact, has already died, although his physical death did not occur. Therefore, it is in this zone that the Teachers of humanity - spiritual parents - are born. The Mystery of the 8th House is very important to us. This is not just an answer to the question of death, but an answer to the question of life. By answering the problems of the 8th House, you not only go beyond fear, beyond the knowledge of extreme situations, but also answer many of the mysteries of your life. Of course, the problems of the 8th House are mostly outside of life.

But questions about pressing issues can be answered in different ways. Man 8 of the House answers these problems original way. He loves life much more than a person, for example, with the 5th House. It is the constant awareness of death, its presence at every step that allows such a person to love the opposite very much, exactly what he does not have. And moreover, a strongly pronounced 8th House gives attachment to matter. “What I don’t have, I love very much. Where I have a shortage, I feel affection for that.” Here you have something in which the duality of any House is manifested.

Here is another key to the analysis of the horoscope:


For example, the 2nd House is strongly expressed, having good indicators (cluster of planets: SUN, VENUS, NEPTUNE and MERCURY), and the 8th House of a person is empty. Initially, he has money, values, a sense of harmonious life, too. It would seem that he has everything. But such a person is a pessimist, he attracts extreme situations, he lacks something in life. There is not enough sharpness of sensations in life. Why? Let's say VENUS - the Significator of the 2nd House, is in the 2nd House, the luminary is also there. But a person lacks something, he is drawn to the 8th House, drawn to death. And hence the pessimism, dissatisfaction, the desire to leave this world. He is tormented by the question: "Why do we live here? It's better there! We are born here for torment." Nevertheless, the more a person provokes himself in this way, the more fully he feels real life. And in material terms, he will be a materialist and a realist. You can’t tuck such a person in anything, the more he talks about death, the more he will become a materialist.

In any case, an empty House, with the opposite House heavily filled with planets, will always give attraction, you always want what we don’t have. It would seem that the House is insignificant, but it manifests itself in the thoughts of a person. Therefore, a person develops it during his life.

In this case, each House is a mirror of the opposite House. If the 2nd House is very busy, but the 8th is not, then the opposite House is still reflected in the 8th House. Therefore, a person will experience a deficit to the problems of an empty House, something will prevent him from moving towards complete happiness.

But keep in mind that all this is classically applicable only for those people whose cosmogram and horoscope are reversed relative to each other. What does it mean? This means that such a person should have ASC near the sign opposite to Aries. This is Virgo - Libra. Then the Houses with respect to the cosmogram will be inverted.

For example, ASC in Libra by itself makes it possible to reverse the Houses relative to the sign. The 8th house represents Scorpio and the 2nd house is Scorpio. It is heavily filled, and the 8th House in Taurus is empty. Naturally, in this case there will be an attraction to the problems of the 8th House, but life does not provide it. From here, a person develops dissatisfaction, pessimism, thoughts about death, a desire to attract this death. And he can know life only through death. And in the person himself, thoughts of death strengthen the body, but on the other hand, it becomes difficult for his relatives.

Good and evil do not combine with life and death. Good and evil are within us, and we must make our own choice, and everything else - life and death, consciousness and matter - is outside of us. Therefore, we do not need to make such a choice, since this does not only apply to us. After choosing good and evil, we already get into the conditions - this is life or death, etc. Good and evil cannot be balanced, a choice must be made.

Any person who has a strong 8th House can perceive these problems differently. But one way or another they are connected with the problems of the 2nd House, i.e. death is connected with life, and secondly, with the problems of all the Houses associated with the 8th House according to the trine, i.e. with problems 4 and 12 Houses. Moreover, the 8th House is the middle of the riddle of the Sphinx, therefore the original mature predestination of a person, the possibility of victory over duality. It is very important how the person himself answers it, what choice he makes in relation to this riddle. Therefore, it is very important to look at each person's 8 House, in what form it manifests itself, whether it is connected with his personal choice or not, with his self-determination. Almuten of the 1st House, which will be located in the 8th House, will also play a huge role in a person’s choice of his place.

Here we encounter another riddle of the Sphinx. How we manifest is the problem of the 1st House. A person whose ruler of the 1st House is in the 8th House, first of all, chooses the solution to the riddle of death. For him, the problem of death is very important in life. Such a person must go through death in its various forms, and he chooses, as a rule, on his own. The Almuten of the 1st House in the 8th House is especially important if the 8th House is expressed in the horoscope. Therefore, the problems of death and transformation, and exit to another world, transition through this fatal line are very important and significant. Such a person can make his own choice.

If Almuten of the 8th House is in the 1st House, then the choice is made not by a person, but by the world around him, destroying his personality. Such a person can attract extreme situations with his choice. He is not waiting for them, but they are looking for him, absorbing and dissolving his personality. The 8th House is indeed the 8th House for the individual. It is the death of our personality, the death of our choice, the death of our self-determination. Yes, a person’s earthly lot dies, but in return he is given a heavenly lot and, opening his eyes to death and overcoming the mystery of death, he acquires true life, a true rebirth. This is the meaning of Ophiuchus, that symbolic person who holds two snakes in his hands. He was sometimes depicted as a man with a wheel in his hands. In practice, this is the steering wheel that can steer the boat. The symbol of the boat is the problem of the 4th House, so we will present the 4th House as a ship, because the 4th House is associated with water, and the helm of the ship is Ophiuchus, which directs the ship where it is needed. And the ocean itself, which we know, is the 12th House, it is Pisces.

The boat, the helmsman and the ocean are revealed in the mysteries of the 4th, 8th and 12th Houses, through Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Mariners often have strongly pronounced 4th, 8th and 12th houses of the horoscope.

If Almuten of the 1st House is in the 8th House, then such a person needs to die and be born again in this life. He may not endure this mystery of death. Any initiation (Initiation) is death and rebirth. A person ceases to be in the earthly plane, and he acquires, as it were, a new birth, he is even given a new name. A name that makes it possible to serve the higher world. A person first acquires a name in the 3rd House. The 8th House is the 6th House for the 3rd House. This is the service for the name, the name for the service that he acquires in the 8th House.


Let's take a look at a person whose horoscope classically manifested a choice according to the 8th House. His 8th House is strongly expressed, and Almuten of the 1st House is in the 8th House. If this Almuten is important for the horoscope, then such a person needs rebirth in life, like a butterfly. But for this you must first be a caterpillar, then a chrysalis, and only then a butterfly. Death is the chrysalis after which we go out into new life. Caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly are the three hypostases of the trigon of destruction. The caterpillar is Cancer, the chrysalis is Scorpio, the butterfly is Pisces (a soul liberated from earthly karma), where VENUS is in exaltation.

This woman went through death and rebirth throughout her life. At first she led a rich, prosperous and settled life, and then she decided to leave the world, and, overcoming terrible hardships, reached the heights of initiation in Tibet. Thus, she avoided inevitable death (from a cancerous tumor of the throat) and lived then long life. She received initiation from the Dalai Lama and the Pancha Lama, former members of the Tibetan hierarchy.

This is a classic example of the attraction of extreme situations. She herself wanted this: overcoming death, passing through death as an initiation, as a result of which her physical life was extended. She just became a different person. After all, according to her horoscope short life and she lived to be 101 years old.

A. David-Noel was born in Paris on October 24 (Scorpio, in which the mystery of death is played), 1868 at 5 o'clock in the morning. Died September 8, 1969.

To embody the mystery of the 8th House, it is not necessary to have many planets in the 8th House, one is enough, but strong. If there are many planets in the 8th House, then a person has a background of death, a field of extreme situations forms around him.

What is initiation? Initiation is immunity to death, after which a person becomes a teacher, entering the 8th House. It's the same vaccine. It is an inoculation of death to induce immunity against it. What is immunity to death? It is knowledge of the life beyond and participation in it while being here on earth. This is, firstly, the loss of fear of death, and secondly, the acquisition of contacts with another world. In other words, Ophiuchus is already active in such a person.

ASC - 9 ° 10 "Libra. (ASC in Libra - at first she was an actress, singer, had excellent musical data. She followed the line of art, but then it ceased to satisfy her. Why? Houses are turned upside down relative to the cosmogram).
2 House - 1 ° 05 "Scorpio.
3rd House - 2° Sagittarius
MS - 11° 30" Cancer
11th House - 18° Leo
12th house - 17th Virgo
SUN - 1 ° 05 "04" "Scorpio - this accuracy is needed for Solar. This is the horoscope of a person who was able to overcome death through initiation. Although she was afraid of her, she still walked.
MOON - 9 ° 56 "Aquarius. She left the world at the age of 43 in the antiphase of URANUS. Her mystery was played out in the twentieth century, and you can then build and see the main events in her life, which accompanied progressions, transits, you can build a Solar The MOON in Aquarius gave freedom to the soul, but the SUN in Scorpio was supposed to attract extreme situations.
MERCURY - 21 ° 52 "Scorpio - the mind is sharp, critical, penetrating deep, with a mystical coloring. Despite the fact that she learned all the wonders of Tibet, she did not believe until the end of her life. Read her book "Magicians and Mystics of Tibet". She describes everything as a researcher, although she herself knew how to do a lot, up to the materialization of spirits. Why? Because her 8 and 2 Houses are just interconnected. Such a person, even living with the problems of the 8 House, must perceive them as material entities. For her, devils they had to have a material form so that they could be touched by the horns and made sure that they were real.Such people definitely need material confirmation of the problems of the new world.They may encounter miracles all the time, but not perceive it.
VENUS - 17 ° 04 "Virgo. She has VENUS fallen, so she did not have sexual problems, like all Scorpios, and she could live in peace in asceticism.
MARS - 11 ° 58 "Leo. MARS is strong, it is necessary for a dramatic actress. MARS in Leo is wonderful to have. By the way, any singer must watch it in relation to MERCURY. MERCURY is the tongue, it is the throat, and MARS is Therefore, Mars is usually quite strong in many singers, and in her, MARS is the dispositor of the SUN.
JUPITER (p) - 6 ° 23 "Aries. JUPITER in Aries - she was actively looking for traditions.

Her horoscope convinces us that death and extreme circumstances can be overcome. 8 The house just shows the overcoming of inevitability, the opportunity to be reborn in this life at a new level. Not in the form of scorched earth (then your life is a complete desert, barren, like Via Cambusta), but a new birth. Then you will really be able to manage many aspects of your life and calmly enter the 3rd zone of the Zodiac. It also happens that a person has not overcome the problems of the 8th House, but his 3rd zone of the horoscope or the 3rd zone of the cosmogram is heavily filled. Can he realize the program of teaching, the program of the sorcerer, if he has not overcome death, if he has not overcome fear? Of course not. That is why people with a pronounced 3rd zone, as a rule, die without knowing themselves, with complete dissatisfaction with their lives. They do not pass the mystery of the 8th House, they do not receive immunity against death. And if you have not known death, then you will not be able to bring something unknown into this life. After all, the 3rd zone is the unknown, with the help of which you can change the established conditions of the earthly incarnation.
SATURN - 4° 03" Sagittarius.
URANUS - 17° 29" Cancer
NEPTUNE (r) - 15° 30" Aries
PLUTO (r) - 16° 10" Taurus
Chiron (p) - 9 ° Aries
PROSERPINA - 11° Virgo, straight, direct.
SUNDAY KNOT - 22° 20" Leo
ENTRY. NODE - 22° 20" Aquarius
LILITH - 26° Aquarius
SELENA - 5° Pisces.
WHEEL OF FORTUNE - 1 ° Cancer, located in the 9th House of the horoscope. It doesn't always show happiness. It testifies to the choice, the point of the spirit, self-determination. So she has it far from her own home, in a foreign land, where she, in fact, found herself.
She has the CROSS OF DESTINY in the 4th House in the 2nd degree of Aquarius, i.e. at home and in your own home. The more solid walls her house had, the more she felt heaviness, dependence, suffering, etc. There she had the MOON.

Her ASC is in Libra. Libra is the opposite sign to Aries, therefore, the cosmogram and the horoscope are opposed to each other. Confront - means, to some extent complement each other. Then the problem of opposite Houses is more acute for a person, and he has to balance between 2 extremes, combining the problems of both Houses.

Why? Because Libra represents the problems of the 7th House (partnership), and here partners are obtained in the 1st House. This means that he himself must choose a partner and look for himself in a partner. That is why it is so important to combine the problems of opposite Houses.

In the 2nd House there is the SUN in the sign of Scorpio, which does not control any House, i.e. free.

RULE: if the planet did not find a place as the Almuten of some House, then it will be related to the house in which it is located. In addition, he will play a large role as the Significator of the House.

Therefore, the SUN will be tied to the 5th House, the MOON to the 4th House, etc. There was no place for the SUN like the Almuten of some House. Why? The SUN rules Leo and Leo is divided between the 10th and 11th Houses. But the 10th House is controlled by the MOON, and since there is more sign of Virgo in the 11th House, it is controlled by PROSERPINE. Therefore, the SUN will be associated with the 2nd House of the horoscope, in which MERCURY is also located. But contradictions have already been introduced into the 2nd House, because. 2 House represents Taurus, and here is the opposite sign of Taurus - Scorpio. According to the cosmogram, Scorpio gives rebelliousness, passion, immersion in the problems of another world, rebirth through matter. The SUN reinforces this. Therefore, the more solid a person's financial position becomes, the more he is dissatisfied with himself, the more "the rebellious seeks storms, as if there is peace in the storm."

In the 8th House she has Taurus, in which the most powerful planet is located, which is the Almuten of the 2nd House and the dispositor of the SUN - PLUTO, besides, the Significator of the 8th House of the horoscope. PLUTO is also the King of aspects. If we consider all the Houses of the horoscope, we will see that two configurations of aspects are closed on PLUTO. This is, first of all, the Cross situation from the NODES, 5, 11 and 2 Houses. ASCENDING NODE in Leo, SETTING in Aquarius. PLUTO is in opposition to MERCURY, while expanding the orbis due to the significance of the planet, and then we get the Cross for the 8th House. It involves all the signs of the fixed cross. And a fixed cross, if it is strongly involved, especially in all four signs, contributes to the accumulation to a critical mass, and then an explosion.

URAN is on the MS, which largely determines its purpose. URANUS is bisextile PLUTO and VENUS in the 12th House. Almuten 8 Houses (VENUS) is in the 12th House, i.e. the solution of extreme situations, the problem of death is realized through secret deeds and secret teachings. Therefore, she came to Tibet, and began to study scrupulously, finding harmony there. But Almuten of the 8th House has a trine to the Significator and Elevator of the 8th House, and besides, the Significator of the 8th House (URANUS) is on the MC. This suggests that the problem of the 8th House is closely related to the achievement of the goal.

The 1st House of the horoscope is also very strongly connected with the problems of the goal, because the 1st House of the horoscope is controlled by CHIRON, which is located in the 6th House at 8 degrees of Aries, directly on the DSC and in square to the MC, in trine to MARS - Significator of the 1st House, and to Moreover, MARS is the dispositor of CHIRON itself. Highly strong personality passing through extreme circumstances, through service. CHIRON in the 6th House as Almuten 1st House, gives precisely service. And since he is still in conjunction with JUPITER, he gives service to some teaching, tradition, which a person reaches himself.

Independence is indicated by the fact that CHIRON and JUPITER are in the sign of Aries, which needs to break its horns in order to be convinced of something. It is closely related to purpose. Why? Because CHIRON and JUPITER are in Quadrature with MS - a lot is tied to the ultimate goal, without which a person cannot imagine his existence. But this goal is somehow connected with death, with another world. And moreover, through all this, a person overcomes the initial inferiority of his nature. After all, PLUTO is in exile. And what does its dispositor, who is in exile, mean for the SUN? This gives it its original weakness.

For example, if you are a Taurus, and your VENUS is in Aries, then this will give you eternal dissatisfaction and creative isolation, the inability to open up creatively, heavy inner feelings.

A person who has the dispositor of the SUN in exile will live all his life with the feeling that he is capable of more than he has achieved, that he has unspent strength, he has some kind of strength that he is wasting. If a person has the SUN in Scorpio or Taurus, then he rushes into violence, into debauchery.

Through the immunity received on the problems of the 8th House, a person must overcome the initial inferiority of his own nature. Moreover, once at the 8th House, a cross with MERCURY closes in her, this speaks of terrible extreme situations that break a person.

If a person knows how to restrain the energy of the cross, and the cross is fatal (since the MOON NODES and the Significator of the 8th house - PLUTO are involved, and PLUTO is retrograde, also related to fate, to rock), can overcome extreme circumstances and defeat death, then he a new birth is given already in this life. And if he fails to do so, he will be broken. If it breaks a person, then where can these extreme circumstances come from? It is easiest to assume: because Almuten 8th House is in the 12th House and in trine with the Significator of the 8th House, then death will be mitigated. The trine of VENUS and PLUTO softens the circumstances of death, but it can happen under mysterious circumstances, because Almuten 8th House VENUS is in the 12th House.

And the 12th House is also some kind of secret illness. Where can this secret disease be realized? Where is the vulnerable death zone? The zone of death is the zone of Taurus, since the 8th House is in Taurus. And Taurus appears on the throat, neck. The death zone was involved initially. As a result of this, without knowing it herself, working hard on the problems of the 8th House, she earned herself throat cancer and long years hid him. It was this illness that prompted her to withdraw from the world. This brought her to Tibet and inspired her to study the teachings of Tibet and India. She was very fond of India.

Why? The last third of the 9th House just shows the contact with the teaching, which is under Cancer, and India is just under Cancer. But Tibet is not under the sign of Cancer. Tibet is associated with Libra. Therefore, going to Tibet, she followed the path of her personality, the path of self-determination, the path of ASC. After all, ASC is precisely those properties, those qualities that are ultimately developed in the course of our life. When she came to Tibet, she fulfilled her mission, reviving a new life and a new personality. She even changed outwardly after she was initiated.

She walked through the mountains along Khasa and was received by the Dalai Lama himself. This is the only woman who has received the highest initiation in Tibet. Please note that the Roerichs Dalai Lama did not receive them, they were not allowed into Tibet at all, and they were not awarded the Tibetan initiation. This weak fragile woman came to Tibet to worship the saints, and her life was transformed.

Since Uranus stands in the way of achieving her goal, then achieving highest goal insight precedes, like a flash of lightning. After all, Uranus is a symbol of freedom and transformation. The most interesting thing is that her Uranus is also not associated with any House. It is divided between the 5th and 4th Houses, but the 5th House is ruled by NEPTUNE (Pisces) and the 4th House is ruled by SATURN. This means that Uranus rules the 10th House in which it is located. The goal is accompanied by something unexpected, transforming, suddenly changing and giving it target settings. She didn't even dream that she would be initiated in Tibet. The bisextile between URANUS, VENUS and PLUTO worked here in conjunction with the 8th House, i.e. death and rebirth. All these planets associated with MC are directly related to the 8th House of the horoscope: PLUTO - Significator, VENUS - Almuten, URANUS - Elevator of the 8th House. For Alexandra David-Noel, her initiation, her transformation, were of great importance. As a result, she found new target through Uranus.

In her own right, she was a pragmatist; She has a strong 2nd House. She perceived everything through real earthly life. Although she encountered miracles, she perceived them realistically. By itself, the 8th House did not shape her consciousness. After all, Almuten of the 1st House was in the 6th House, and not in the 8th House. She had CHIRON in the 6th House, therefore, she most likely perceived her life as a service, as a duty. Once Chiron was in conjunction with JUPITER, and JUPITER rules the 3rd House, this gives service to the teachings and the path of discipleship. Both of them are in the 6th House, i.e. she has ministry and discipleship together. She was an obedient student of the Tibetan lamas and reached the highest degrees of initiation. Of course, she played the situation on the Cross to the end, and she got into terrible situations, but she knew how to overcome them. Here is an example of a person who lost the mystery of the 8th House of the horoscope at the highest level.

You can play this mystery on another level. A. David-Noel was a tall white magician. What is magic? It is the ability to use certain powers. In the 8th House we first encounter magic, with the overcoming of duality. But we can face the problems of the 8th House and a completely different order - black magic.

The conscious use of these forces leads a person to a terrible fall into sin. This happens precisely when the 8th House is extremely significant, and there will be important indicators. Especially if LILITH is strongly expressed in a person's horoscope - this mystery can give rise to a terrible black magician, a sorcerer, a person who destroys the visible world. Unknown terrible forces pass through this man, and he pulls the whole world into darkness. It would seem that he has an open Upper gate, but he closes them himself, despite the fact that he knows and knows what he is doing, and does not let others in.


This is one of the famous occult teachers and a great black magician, born in Tiflis. His teaching is based on real occult practices, but it does not free a person, but turns him into a zombie. Immerses him in the problems of the 8th House and creates terrible extreme situations.

In his opinion, extreme situations and sudden changes are necessary for a person in order to unbalance him, because any balance is artificial for a person and in real life he sleeps. In order to wake him up, sudden shocks are needed - hence the various Gurdjieff practices follow. One of the practices is "freeze frame": a person had to stop and catch a moment. At the same time, it was necessary to fix their feelings for study.

MC - 28° Capricorn
11th House - 23° Aquarius
12 House - 1° Aries
ASC - 19° Taurus. Consequently, a dense figure, a powerful neck, bulging eyes. Healthy forehead and powerful brow ridges. By nationality, he was half Greek, half Karabakh Armenian. He comes from Nagorno Stepanakert. The war there is also not accidental - as soon as the parade of planets became in Capricorn, where he has the largest cluster of planets, then everything started there. Sometimes a person's horoscope is tied to different territories.
2nd House - 16° Gemini
3 House - 7 ° Cancer.
He had to solve the problems of the 8th House, because he got into extreme situations from the age of 16, when after the gymnasium he went to prison for burglary and murder. Fled, was caught, planted again. At the Tiflis Theological Seminary, he studied with Stalin. Years later they met and became good friends. Stalin took a lot from his methods, and until the end of his life they maintained a warm relationship. There is an opinion that the car accident in which Gurdjieff died was the work of Stalin. At the end of his life, Gurdjieff began to loosen his tongue, and he began to tell something about Stalin.
It was 1949, and there was no need to be shy about methods. The death of Gurdjieff for Stalin did not pass without a trace, since Stalin lived as long as Gurdjieff, i.e. 73 years old.
SUN - 23° 41" 24"" Capricorn
MOON - 12° Capricorn
MERCURY - 14° Aquarius
VENUS - 28° Sagittarius
MARS - 30 ° Scorpio (located directly in Ophiuchus, on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius)
JUPITER - 24° Sagittarius
SATURN - 16° Pisces
URANUS (r) - 25° Leo
NEPTUNE (r) - 3° Taurus
PLUTO (p) - 25° Taurus
PROSERPINE - 11° Virgo
CHIRON (p) - 5 ° Taurus
SUNDAY NODE - 14° Pisces
ENTRY. NODE - 14° Virgo
LILITH - 30° Capricorn
SELENIUM - 8° Taurus
We are now interested in certain circumstances, and not the whole horoscope.

Before us is MAN NUMBER 2. Initially, he had a choice, and he had magical abilities. Unlike David-Noel, who devoted herself to serving people, this man forced the people around him to serve himself. He has MARS in Scorpio, the SUN with the MOON in Capricorn. In addition, he was born on the 29th lunar day - a terrible black magic day. His MC had LILITH in the 10th House, the House of Purpose in Capricorn. How tough, how fearsome, how oppressive of others must be his dark purpose.

He should be lucky in all dark deeds. He received fame during his lifetime - the SUN with LILITH at his Zenith, fed by MARS from the 7th House (MARS - Elevator of the 10th House) and PLUTO on ASC. Rising PLUTO, of course, gave him the magical power to influence the masses. This is a variant of Kashpirovsky, who also has PLUTO on ASC. But, unlike Gurdjieff, Kashpirovsky's PLUTO is exalted, he is in Leo. Therefore, he does not pour out his inferiority on the masses. And with Gurdjieff, PLUTO is in exile in Taurus, therefore, in influencing the masses, he showed his inferiority, dark side of his personality. PLUTO with LILITH is in Trine, besides with the SUN. SUN with PLUTO is a typical magician. Moreover, he realized himself far from his homeland (in the 9th House SUN and MOON).

Let's see his 8th House. There is JUPITER, which is Almuten of the 8th House, because. The 8th house starts at 16° Sagittarius and ends at 7° Capricorn. And VENUS is the Almuten of the 1st House. They are in conjunction in Sagittarius, in the sign of teaching and spreading influence over others in the 8th House.

What does it say? The problem of personal choice and the problem of death and magic are close, soldered to each other. This means that such a person lives in death, lives in this world, without which he no longer conceives of his existence. If we consider who is stronger with him - LILITH or SELENA, then we can say that Gurdjieff still had a choice, and he did not immediately choose the path of a dark man. SELENA is strong with him, since it is in the filled sign of Taurus, and there he has: ASC, NEPTUNE, CHIRON and PLUTO. Although she is not connected to the ASC and is in the 12th House, her role is also important. He carried a guardian angel from a past life. This, perhaps, allowed him, despite many black deeds, to have a bright defense.

If he had chosen the bright path, then tell me: would he have taken the path of the Teacher at LILITH at Zenith? Would he interfere in politics? But many politicians consulted with him. He also brought up entire schools on the impact of a person on others. After all, Hitler with his Gestapo methods and Stalin with his Chekists - total brainwashing - these are all Gurdjieff's methods. For him, the most natural way would be to withdraw from the world.

AT astrology 8th houseoften refer only to negative events in a person's life: crises, destruction, suffering and death. At the same time, very useful properties and bonuses that this section of the map can give are ignored. In this article, we will debunk the main myths about the 8th house in astrology, as well as find its undeniable advantages.

How it works?

Let's start with the idea that space or fate has no purpose to make your life bad and unhappy. Any position of the natal chart can always be played in a big plus and benefit and succeed from it. It all depends on the level of manifestation of the aspect, planet or house.

Levels of manifestation of the 8th house in astrology:

  • Crises, destruction, death;
  • Risk, danger, extreme situations;
  • Improvisation;
  • Tension, second wind;
  • Coordination;
  • Radical change, transformation;
  • Other people's work, other people's money (as 2nd house from the 7th);
  • Investment, investment, entrepreneurship;
  • Psychoanalysis, deep immersion in the topic;
  • Manipulation, NLP, hypnosis.

As you can see, a whole list of options unfolds in front of you. It depends on the awareness of a person which level will be lost in his life. The main feature of the eighth sector is the creation of improvisation situations where there are no social patterns and rules.
If the native cannot even take a step without the approval of the TV, the opinions of friends, relatives, then the 8th house will bring many problems. But, if a person is ready to overcome obstacles, learn from his mistakes, then before a person8th house in astrologyopens up great prospects and opportunities.

As in that very saying: everything that does not kill us makes us strong and successful.

If you are an octogenarian

That is, in your the eighth sector of the horoscope is very pronounced. At a low level, you constantly flow from one crisis to another, destruction occurs around you, you are in constant voltage and you can't relax. The attempt to build a normal quiet life constantly fails.

At a high level, you become an entrepreneur, investor, contributor, create passive sources of income, be a psychoanalyst, mystic, go in for extreme sports.

The task of working out the 8th house in astrology- bring the voltage under control. For example, through extreme sports or work on the stock exchange. It is useless to avoid crises and try to be calm, as many astrologers advise. One way or another, the eighth sector of the map will still appear.

And if there is a ruler of the 8th?

The house where the ruler of the 8th is located needs to be constantly changing and transforming, taking risks and improvising, creating assets. Otherwise, crises and acute problems will occur in these vital spheres.

For example:

  • The owner of the 8th in the 5th - creating your own projects, business, playing on the stock exchange, conscious risks. Use psychology in dealing with children. It is unnecessary not to patronize, to give your child the opportunity to step on a rake and gain experience.
    If this is not done, very difficult and destructive relationships with children, unpleasant situations and dangers on vacation, as soon as you want to relax, something starts to collapse, acute problems arise.
  • Lord of the 8th in the 2nd - investment, income from commissions and interest, creation of a passive source of income, plus one indication of entrepreneurship, money should always work - Golden Rule this provision.
    If the native does not do this, then his wallet is periodically emptied by very large and unexpected expenses, a lot of worries, quarrels and conflicts over money.

How to work out the planets?

In astrology very contrasting - it can overwhelm with troubles and difficulties, or it can give unprecedented success and opportunities.

The planet inside the eighth sector of the map, on the one hand, is very weakened, since it cannot manifest itself in a calm environment. But as soon as a situation of risk and danger arises, the planet of the 8th house wakes up and shows itself in all its glory.


There is a strong unconscious need to test oneself for strength, an amazing gift to attract adventure to a certain point. Emotional crises, panic attacks. It is worked out through psychoanalysis, digging into your subconscious. It is necessary to patronize and help someone only in critical situations, when it is really needed.

The sun

Personality will be revealed in dangerous or extreme events, where you need to improvise, live only for today, do not plan anything. Set goals for yourself. As well as entrepreneurship and investment.


Usually gives a very deep mind, the ability to see through, excellent analytical skills. It is necessary to learn to manipulate and influence people with words. NLP, psychoanalysis, magical thinking. Otherwise, because of the words, a person gets a lot of trouble.


Heat and passion in feelings. Experiments in love, transformation in relationships. Creation of a passive source of income. If this is not done - destructive jealousy, crisis relationships, loss of a partner, love that drives you crazy.


It is very tough and radical to defend your positions, not to allow anyone to sit on your neck. Occupation in extreme sports, as well as energy practices from the series: dynamic yoga, qigong, martial arts. At a low level, the native faces aggression, fate forces him to behave aggressively.


If a person does not expand and transform his worldview, does not set ambitious goals and objectives, then a series of unpredictable events begins that completely changes the current way of life.


There is a feeling that nothing just gets in life, you need to plow and plow again. Do not lend or borrow. In matters of investments, loans and investments, approach the most scrupulously and responsibly. Periodically test yourself for strength, your endurance and patience.


It is necessary to learn to predict all risks and dangers, to see the big picture. The development of paranormal abilities in oneself, engaging in esotericism and magic. Ability to react quickly in dangerous situations. Sudden injury or accident.


Large financial losses, incomprehensible expenses. Crises come to life imperceptibly. Financial scams. It is worked out through the development of intuition in money matters, deep psychology, analysis of dreams, work with images.


Total and radical changes in life through the passage of difficulties, dangers, critical events. Great opportunities in the field of investments, entrepreneurship, the occult and magic. In the negative: huge debts, the strongest tension.


Now you know how it works8th house in astrology. Use this knowledge and remember that there is no bad position in the birth chart. There is a misuse.

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

The symbolism of the 8th house is complex, it marks a crisis, conscious fears, death. All planets in the 8th house of astrology are weakened, it is difficult for them to prove themselves. This is the turning point that divides a person's life into two parts.

Death as part of the symbolism of the 8th house should be considered wider than the literal understanding of the word: it can be not only physical death, but also the partial withering away of a part of a person’s consciousness.

The meaning of the 8th house of the horoscope

If we consider the 8th house from the point of view of the influence of the previous, 7th house on it, then it acquires the interpretation of “other people's money”. Moreover, he is responsible for money in general (finances of other people, the bank, the state) as opposed to the 2nd house, which is responsible for personal money.

At the level of psychology, the 8th house is associated with conscious traumas and fears, this fundamentally distinguishes it from the 12th house, which is fraught with hidden phobias.

In modern astrology, there is an erroneous interpretation of the 8th house as the house of sex and pleasure, but the 5th house of astrology is responsible for love and sexual relationships.

The influence of the 8th house on the spheres of human life

The life of a person whose natal horoscope chart shows a planet in the 8th house is inextricably linked with the topic of loans and debts.

If the house is pronounced, a particular planet can act it out in different ways: either a person enters into enslaving contracts, or skillfully uses other people's funds for investment, while enriching himself fabulously.

The influence of the 8th house on a person's life is often expressed in an inexplicable craving for extreme sports.

Development of planets in the 8th house

The position of the planet in the 8th house prevents it from manifesting itself, it is weakened and is able to influence only in a crisis situation, when maximum effort and energy is required from a person.
People with a pronounced 8th house are not afraid of anything, they are prone to an extreme lifestyle, the usual quiet life is boring for them and can be fatal. They need the intense experiences they find in extreme sports and dangerous professions.

  • To a person with Sun in 8th house you need to be in the thick of things, constantly test yourself for strength. Such a person is characterized by the desire to get involved in all kinds of adventures, he literally cannot sit still for a minute. A well-designed 8th house gives talent for leadership in crisis and dangerous situations.
  • Moon in 8th house gives a lot of experiences, a person is constantly worried, he feels an acute lack of emotions, he needs more impressions. The oppressed Moon in the 8th house is often expressed in a difficult relationship with the mother. All this is perfectly compensated by extreme hobbies and travel.
  • Position Mercury in 8th house characteristic of people with a deep mind and the ability to see to the root. This position is inherent in genius, Mercury gives success in scientific activities: they make talented physicists, psychologists or astrologers.
  • For Venus at 8 house peculiar difficult relationship in private life for both men and women. They need to constantly experience crises in love, without them they cannot imagine relationships.
  • The family life of a person whose planet is in the 8th house of the horoscope will never be calm and quiet. Their relationship is built on the principle of the "Italian family", when a high-profile family scandal ends in a passionate embrace. You can compensate for all this by expressing feelings in an open form and being creative.
  • Mars- the planet of activity, activity, and the 8th house weakens this planet. In this position, he is quite lazy, inert, it is extremely difficult for him to prove himself. But in crisis situations, it is sharply activated and acquires the ability to make urgent decisions. On a negative level, this can lead to trauma. In this case, you can work out the 8th house with the help of setting deadlines, Mars is excellent at coping with any situation at the last minute.
  • Jupiter in 8th house gives radical views, an orthodox worldview, an ardent upholding of religious or political beliefs. A well-developed 8th house in this case can bestow good luck in financial and investment affairs and the ability to use the resources of other people.
  • Saturn in 8th house It literally clamps down on a person’s ability to use third-party financial resources. In this case, it is highly not recommended to borrow money, as it will be very difficult to repay it. Work in a dangerous profession, for example, a rescuer or a financial broker, will help to work out the 8th house - this work requires constant nervous tension, which is necessary for Saturn.
  • With Uranus in 8th house associated with the danger of air travel, electric shocks, accidents. A well-developed 8th house opens up insight and new ideas for a person, but this requires the emergence of a cataclysm, some kind of extraordinary situation. In this case, Uranus will open completely new areas of knowledge.
  • For position Neptune in 8th house inherent danger of poisoning with psychotropic drugs, abuse of alcohol and other intoxicating substances. Here lies a sea of ​​hidden dangers: a person lives in captivity of his illusions, not noticing the world around. People under the influence of Neptune in the 8th house can become a victim of financial fraud or scam.
  • Pluto at 8 the house is tempered in difficulties, being on the verge of life and death. At a high level, this provides financial opportunities of the widest scale - money that will provide power and position in society.

But in order to acquire wealth, a person will need to sacrifice a lot on a personal level and give up a lot of what he previously loved.

A well-developed 8th house gives powerful patrons and the ability to manipulate large monetary resources

The peculiarity of life with a planet in the 8th house

An ordinary, warm, calm, comfortable life will only harm a person whose planet is located in the 8th house. Boredom and bad mood is the least that can happen, because this house of the horoscope is inextricably linked with accidents, disasters and death.

The habit of living dangerously

To avoid the negative influence of the 8th house, you need to constantly test yourself for strength, do things that can give bright intense experiences.
extreme views sports, dangerous professions, travel, scientific research in a field that no one has previously studied - all this is necessary for the constructive impact of the 8th house on a person's life.

Activating the Inventor's Talent

A well-developed 8th house favors inventive activity, expanding horizons by overcoming difficulties and problems. Nervous unstable work perfectly stimulates the study of the 8th house - there a person can find himself and achieve success in all areas of life.

Well, if you want to work out your 8th house 100%, and you are also interested in learning astrology and you want to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Bill Herbst

October 30, 2003 | Visitors: 1260560


  • hemisphere - western - orientation to other people and responsiveness;
  • hemisphere - upper - objective and collective;
  • zone - the second third of the circle - interactive and interpersonal;
  • type - subsequent - reactive and definite;
  • axis - 2/8 - values, judgments and pleasures;
  • planet - Pluto - tension, regeneration and rebirth.

Traditional interpretation:

  • death;
  • inheritance;
  • other people's resources;
  • sex and regeneration;
  • occultism.

Modern interpretation:

  • union- experience of living together; power and trust in partnerships;
  • transformation- the secrets of ego death and rebirth through intense interaction with other people;
  • sexual fusion- true sexual union, tantric liberation;
  • focused intuition- non-rational meaning in the specific context of interpersonal relationships;
  • joint property


Entering the 8th house, we again reach the end of the zone. The eighth house is the last house of the second group of four houses; this "water" house indicates the culmination of relationships between individuals. In the 7th house, close relationships between people in the realm of contracts and obligations - promises - reach their peak. But it's one thing to promise, to say "I love, respect, cherish," and it's quite another thing to actually fulfill what was promised.

If the 7th house can be seen as the ceremony of marriage, then the 8th house symbolizes the honeymoon and all that comes to us during a long life together. The eighth house considers the exit of the personality beyond its own shell in order to merge with what is beyond it. This applies especially to the experience of concluding an alliance with other people and to all areas of life together with them without exception.

Since the 8th house is the subsequent house and is opposite the 2nd house, the quality of this house is value - the value acquired in interactions. But the Plutonian nature of the 8th house requires the abandonment of individuality in order to gain new value, significance. If you want to ascend to a new stage of development, to become better than you are, if you want to improve your life through union and merging with other people, then you must sacrifice something, something must die. Thus, in the classical interpretation, the 8th house is associated with death.

This is not a simple departure from life, but going beyond oneself and returning within oneself, a re-creation of the struggle of birth. This is death and rebirth; a process that is carried out through deep partnerships and searching within yourself for what needs to be transformed. Such a process does not always take place literally in the presence of another person, but the aura of his influence is always nearby, when you reach the edge of a symbolic cliff called "Lovers' Leap", will your loved one jump with you? Or you will be tempted. You will be lured by deceit and you will jump alone, or worse. Will your partner push you? The paradox is that you have to trust your partner and yet you have to jump alone.

The sexual contacts of the 8th house are very powerful. It is not pure egocentric 2nd house sensitivity, nor is it a 5th house love show. This is highest level, the peak of sexual experience, the release that occurs when arousal reaches highest point- temporary loss of consciousness at the moment of orgasm. This connection between sex and death is neither pathological nor playful; this is the highest level of sexual creativity - not the creation in the physical sense of children, but the creation in the psychological sense of a new grain of one's "I". The fact that most people remain sensitive only to sexual urges does not necessarily mean that these people do not transform. In the 8th house, you do not need to be conscious at all for transformation, but you just need to follow the path that is presented to you.

The eighth house is the realm of secrets. What is outside of me? Will I die if I go beyond my own shell? Will this be my end or the beginning of a new path? This house is an area of ​​experimentation, so it is associated with the realms of the occult and intuition.

As with the 2nd house, when interpreting the 8th house, it is appropriate to talk about money, but for this house, as for the 2nd house, there is also a tendency to simplify the interpretation. The 8th house is the second house, which is interpreted too literally, and such a simplistic approach makes it difficult to understand the psychological meaning of the 8th house. The eighth house is not for the cowardly. The power of oak and the flexibility of willow are required to work this house, as we are talking about change, and not just about a change of form that happens many times, but about real, without deception, change - a fundamental modification of the personality.

Each of us many times during our lives is given the opportunity to change ourselves, but not all of us use it. Those who do not learn to "die while still alive" - ​​and this is the essence of the 8th house - can be assured that they will be given the opportunity to learn at the end of life from their own physical death. But they should know - no one has yet come out of this alteration alive.


Union - experience of living together; power and trust in partnerships.

The seventh house proclaimed the concepts of agreement and equality in partnerships. The 8th house turns these concepts into reality. It symbolizes the fulfillment of what has been proclaimed, just as the honeymoon represents the conclusion of a marriage ceremony.

Trust and faith in a partner are here central location. Without trust, true partnerships are impossible and, of course, true union is impossible. Without faith, openness is impossible, receptivity is impossible. The give-and-receive process very often turns into a fight fought from the defensive trenches. However, where there is faith and trust, magic can occur.

The second house symbolizes self-esteem. The eighth house symbolizes the opposite process - appreciation through partnerships. This is an indirect assessment of oneself in a joint existence with others. This assessment may literally mean the partner's judgment, but it is more likely that it is a judgment made by the person himself based on the perception of the partner's reactions.

The state of the 8th house shows how important for a person the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat he owns together with a partner, and also indicates the way the union is created in partnerships.

Transformation- the secrets of ego death and rebirth through intense interaction with other people.

To be worthy of joining the union, you must sacrifice certain aspects of your personal life. Sometimes this change is only superficial, and other times it is fundamental. In rare cases, the requirements of development lead to a total change in a person. Either way, something in you has to die. Thus, the 8th house symbolizes the "experience of death" that is experienced whenever a person surrenders to a larger reality. beyond the ego. In traditional astrology, this experience is often understood as a literal, physical death, but it is more appropriate to refer to the experience of "ego death" followed by rebirth, but on a higher level.

The state of the 8th house indicates not only the specifics of the death/rebirth experience, but also the characteristic way of creating such a transformation with the help of other people.

Sexual fusion- true sexual union, tantric liberation.

The eighth house is the last of the three "sexual" houses. The first is the 2nd house, emphasizing pure sensuality, selfish pleasure. The second was the 5th house, where the courtship turned, as a result, into a spectacle of the creation of love. Both of these houses are below the horizon, so they are subjective or personal.

The eighth house is the house of the western hemisphere, so it is focused on interactions with people; however, it is above the horizon, so it symbolizes the objectivity of sexual experience. The 2nd house is the realm of pleasure, the 5th house builds the impulse of risk and excitement, and the 8th house is the climax. joint relations, their realization, the transformative release of orgasm. Of course, orgasm can be associated with the 2nd or 5th houses (in the 2nd house as pure pleasure, in the 5th as the culmination of a virtuoso performance), but the highest and most powerful possibilities of orgasm are related to the 8th house .

In addition to physical contact, in addition to successful courtship, and even in addition to the magic of biological birth, there are higher realms, no matter how intangible they may seem. In order to open these spheres in oneself, the ego must die for a while, for this purpose the process of death / rebirth is built into the structure of the nervous system. Task- get rid of old restrictions, beliefs or values, shed the old skin, go beyond the "I" at the moment of connection with the unimaginable (symbolized by Divinity, which manifests itself in the intimate relationships of lovers).

The condition of the 8th house reveals the characteristic way in which the individual uses these intangible, occult or spiritual possibilities.

Focused Intuition- non-rational knowledge in the specific context of interpersonal relationships.

The eighth house is the second house among the three "intuitive" houses (the others are the 4th and 12th). Here the "emotional locator" is emphasized, directed from within a person outward to other personalities.

Logically, this type of intuition works best when the relationship between the seer and the object is established in advance. But in real life, things are different. You can "accept" a lot of information about a person with whom you barely know whom you did not enter into a "contract", did not sign an "agreement", with whom you are connected only by the simplest imperceptible hint of a true relationship. From an occult point of view, we could say that this person, from whom such a vast flow of information comes to you, is a person with whom you have already established a relationship in a space that is different from the space of ordinary life.

The condition of the 8th house indicates the natural style and importance of relationship-oriented intuitive contacts in the life of the individual.

joint property- real legacy created by relationships between people; joint finances, possessions or property.

All partnerships are managed material resources, and, by definition, these resources are jointly owned. Land, property and possessions all belong to the 8th house if it is part of a partnership. Thus, any inheritance or gift received from the family or as a result of marriage is the domain of the 8th house.

It can be added that money in itself is a symbol of joint property, since the monetary system is a way of formalizing and simplifying the exchange of goods that takes place in accordance with the rules established by society. The 8th house symbolizes all money earned in partnerships, while the 2nd house symbolizes money earned solely by the individual's own labor. In order to have an idea of ​​the articles of income, both houses must be considered, since in every kind of business both a buyer and a seller are required.

In one system of analysis of these houses, the 8th house is the source of money, where it comes from, while the 2nd house is the area of ​​spending money, how it is spent. However, remember that this is only a theory of interpretation, not a hard and fast rule.

The state of the 8th house indicates the relationship of the individual to joint possessions, as well as the strategy for handling these resources.


Union. The position of the Sun in the 8th house indicates that the pace of personal appreciation through partnerships is central to your life. The experience of being with someone - not just interacting with the person, but truly merging with them - is so important that everything else pales in comparison. You connect to the source of life energy through a trusting relationship. Faith in your partner increases faith in yourself as well; choose partners incorrectly, and you will stop your development. A "faithful" partner will work with you to achieve a state of union. You don't sacrifice yourself for each other, but for something more common and deeper than that. When togetherness is accompanied by the feeling that you are becoming more and more yourself, know that you are on the right way. Task- to create a productive unity with a person, not to depend on him and not to separate, but to unite on the basis of trust, while respecting one's own path in life.

Transformation. Strive with all your being for transformation. This process is impossible to flirt with, because if you embark on this path, then the very essence of your life orientation changes. This process is similar solar eclipse. The brilliance of your universe is temporarily extinguished, and this is not so easy to do. If you cannot die properly, then you cannot live normally. You did not come to Earth to live one life; you have come to live many lives, sequentially, and each life is built on the remains of the previous life, and all this happens during one earthly life, in one body. Ordinary life is not for you, so do not try to create it - it can only arise by strangling that living thing that is hidden inside you. You need to live in the flow of the unusual, the extraordinary. Forget about the gray routine, strive for love and interest in life.

Sexual fusion. The psychological release of sexual union is central to life. Orgasm opens the door to the cosmos, especially in the case of a gradual increase in emotional and physical arousal, where you are at. a short time you forget who penetrates whom, where feminine and masculine are indistinguishable, where a loving and beloved person merge into a very special being, into something more than a person. This is the liberation, which can originate in the biological environment, and end in the spiritual realm. Needless to say, release is most effective when your hearts are open, when you and your partner truly love each other. During sexual intercourse, focus on the center of your being and fill yourself with warm inner light.

Focused Intuition. Intuition brings out your divinity. The intuitive apparatus is given to you from birth, and all that is required of you is simply to put it into action. You are able to penetrate any person you wish to focus on, as your locator is very powerful. Trap- you can be overwhelmed by what you catch in another person. You find it difficult to distinguish between the subtle perceptions of other people and your own experience, which can plunge you into confusion. Task- act in accordance with what you feel, without touching the source of these sensations. Unleash your premonitions. Strive for complete clarity. Your reward will be heartfelt warmth.

joint property. One of the levels of your life purpose is management, responsibility, benefits from handling money, property and possessions. Based only on the position of the Sun, nothing clear can be said either about your financial situation or about your reaction to money; sign and aspects must be taken into account. We can only say that your financial situation and reaction to money directly affect the implementation of your life goal. You may wield power that you apparently didn't ask for, or you may be in need of power and desperately want it; but in any case, the power of the joint resources, in the end, will be yours. Trap- not to notice how many people are exposed to you. Task- to fully own this power. Use it consciously regardless of how you "waste".


Union. The position of the Moon in the 8th house indicates hunger in intimate relationships. This basic need is not analogous to a contractual obligation. Let's say more, it has nothing to do with agreements and obligations and is connected with a different reality. The basis of joint relations is the emotional expression of sympathy and intimacy, the openness of these feelings. Trap- be too dependent on your partners to feed you these feelings, believing that partners will empathize with you regardless of whether you give them something in return or not, open up or not. Task- go for contacts that satisfy your emotional need for a temporary but real union, and avoid interactions that are "closed" or take a lot of strength from you. Warmth and emotional softness are the basis; if it is present in a life together, then you are taking great care of yourself.

Transformation. The magnifying glass symbolizes the emotional need for security and self-confidence, however, by definition, the death of the ego creates a sense of danger even in the most secure environment. For you, security lies in intimate, hidden danger. Other people feel this danger, sensing the intensity of your feelings. You perfectly capture the supernatural in human sensations. You don't have to do anything to be receptive to the supernatural, you are naturally attuned to it through the unconscious locator. Live in such a way that some, very small part of the ego is released every day, and do not allow your emotions to become explosive. Task- to create a sustainable existence through a rhythm of regular and continuous change.

Sexual fusion. Your deep sexual urge is temperamental; it is an automatic way of maintaining homeostasis. You need not so much simple intimacy or intimate contact as a deep sense of emotional calm. You need a safe release, because it is in the release of orgasm that you begin to relax and release the defenses. You may live and work with partners who provide little or no external security, but when it comes to sexual union, security must exist. Trap- emotional dependence on a lover. You are drawn to him by the need to release, so be careful not to "stick" to your partner in the same way that a child "sticks" to its mother. And equally, don't nurture addiction in your lover. Let the needs be met, but don't get hooked. Task- feel the whole rich spectrum of emotions that arise in sexual relations; cultivate a mutually relaxing relationship.

Focused Intuition. Your intuition is automatic, omnipresent, impossible to ignore. you tend to hypersensitivity to the feelings of other people, especially when you are emotionally involved in a relationship. People become more aware of their own needs when they are around you, and that's a good thing. However, when you are around other people or want to be, your own needs may overwhelm you, or the needs of others may become dominant in your emotional perception. Trap- submission to these needs and loss of contact with the true messages of your intuition. Task- to protect your integrity, even if a flurry of emotions falls on you.

joint property. Are you dependent on the benefits created by partnerships or family inheritance, you spend a lot of energy, work overtime to protect them. This is not to say that you feel a very serious responsibility for them, but rather that you identify yourself so closely with partnerships that you take on the role of educator. You are able to support your partner at some point in your life, and if done with trust and respect, then this experience can be the most fruitful for you. Choose a partner who is trustworthy in handling money because suspicion can drive you crazy.

Trap- loss of a sense of security due to lack of resources or money. If you start thinking about what you don't have, you will "inflate" your need to such an extent that you become miserable. Task- to fill your life with tangible evidence of mutual virtue and respect.


Union. The more contacts, the closer you come to your intimate world. However, interactions do not have to be based on complete agreement. Although conflict in a relationship is unnatural to the symbolism of many planets in the 8th house, it is here to excite you. Since the disagreements are purely mental and not emotional, the relationship ends up becoming more intimate. However, don't rely too much on the ideas you disagree with your partner about. Also remember the tendency to talk about intimacy without sacrificing anything for true union. Task- use the connection of your mind to the mind of another person as a kind of "intuition radar fixer" showing you the way to a real merging of your souls.

Transformation. Your thoughts take you to the edge of self-understanding of your personality, and although it may seem strange that your brain takes you outside of yourself, it really is the most natural process in the world for you. Develop the vision of a scientist, explore all the transformation processes taking place in the world around you. Ask people about the significance of change for them, learn the language of this change and put yourself in the same conditions. And remember, it's not enough just to think about transformation. What you have learned and learned, you need to bring into your own life, shift the focus from the scientist to the guinea pig. After all, you yourself are your best experiment. Initial task easy: learn with your rational mind the syntax of transformation. The real trick lies in your mind's ability to teach your heart.

Sexual fusion. Your nervous system is sensitive to sexual contact. It is intertwined with the nervous system of a loved one. Arousal is indeed hidden in a vast network of neural sensors that eventually coalesce in the brain. Talking is often more sexual than touching because you want to merge with the mind of your loved one. You go from being active to being passive and vice versa fairly quickly, and while this may delight your lover, it is equally capable of hindering the steady buildup of tension needed for release. Sexual feelings can arise suddenly, even in the wrong environment. You are equally capable of thinking of some sort of joke immediately after the climax of a sexual relationship, and needless to say, such thoughts spoil the mood. Satisfy your curiosity about crossing Niagara Falls in a barrel - your mind is the barrel and your sexual energy is the waterfall.

Focused Intuition. You are not so much a person with a highly developed intuition as someone who is very interested in intuitive experience. Intuition is an invisible and very uncertain process. and although you have every means to be physically sensitive, it is not easy for you to fully open up to your power. You stand aside, wanting to test your intuition, confirm it rationally and objectively. Trap- simple discussion and talk about possibilities, not the actual use of your intuition. Task- set up your nervous system so that you can hear other people's thoughts, or at least discern the patterns of their thoughts, if not the words themselves.

joint property. Your mind is busy with constant accounting calculations, moving resources, shuffling property. It can be a completely natural experience that recharges your nervous system, in which case you enjoy the change, or it can be a debilitating nervous system, in which case you gradually exhaust yourself with imaginary crises. It's not about how much you have, but how you manage your possessions. Put money into circulation - both your own and the money of other people that you manage. Realize how great it is to spend a significant amount of time thinking about resources, for handling money and possessions is a game that you need to recharge. essence tasks- not to gain and lose, but to play.


Union. Being close to another person is a real pleasure for you. Sacrifice for love is a very valuable experience for you. But first, make sure that love really exists before you sacrifice, and second, be sure that the other person also loves you. Do not persuade him to enter into an alliance, because this leads to trapped inevitable betrayal and loss of harmony. Instead, use every good feeling to build an intimate relationship. Task- understand that even personal love is the result of the interaction of two individuals; it is something that does not come from the separate life of each person, but is created by the harmony of their connection with each other.

Transformation. Venus loves rituals in all forms, even rituals of total ego surrender. The possibility of revival has its own aesthetic, so you are willing to participate in the process. You are receptive to psychological changes, for you are much more than just a physical body. Trap- the belief that the changes will not affect those values ​​that are significant to you now. You believe that you will remain the same as you are in the present, but you will have more opportunities to enjoy the pleasures of life. To some extent, such views are beneficial for you, but in general, this is a completely stupid attitude towards your own development. Task- to understand that death means a complete rejection of the old ways of understanding what pleasure is, in favor of new values ​​and, fortunately, new pleasures.

Sexual fusion. The aroma of sexual union is a powerful aphrodisiac, delicate and refined, a very strong magical drink. For you, this is the icing on the cake of life. Feminine qualities are emphasized here: hug, softness, receptivity. Whether you are a man or a woman, your beauty encourages other people to enter into relationships with you. union. You know how to offer yourself to your loved one, to open up completely, but there are pitfalls. You can be seductive by flaunting an attractive mask of receptivity to catch in trap the one you need. You may even deceive yourself into believing that you are open when in fact you are not. Remember, sexual vanity is your enemy, not your ally. Task- to understand that the aesthetic and physical pleasures of union are really worthwhile if they are found in contact with the right person, at the right time and in the right place. Under these conditions, the enjoyment of complete liberation leads to your renewal.

Focused Intuition. Your intuitive abilities are aimed at finding a special goal, at intercepting vibrations personal love. You also appreciate physical sensuality in other people. If you find it in another person, then pleasure fills you, makes your inner world vibrate more harmoniously. Trap- using such sensitivity solely for your own needs, and not for the joint benefit of you and other people. Task- open yourself to the invisible worlds that exist around us, worlds of inexpressible beauty.

joint property. Perhaps you are seeking to inherit money or marry a wealthy person. In any case, the struggle for money is something that you may not be aware of. Even if you do not have money, you will calculate that you deserve it, because the possession of money, in your opinion, is a right given to you from birth. Whether you're wrong or not, this consideration permeates every decision you make. Trap- self-satisfied superiority, a tendency to ignore the real suffering and deprivation in the world. Indifference can arouse dislike in people. Task- use all resources to express love and grace. This process may be hindered by family or friends, but it should not be stopped until you have filled the whole world with love. You are capable of being an open-hearted educator, whether or not you receive anything for your work.


Union. You feel the value hidden in your beloved. It fills you with desire, and you strive to penetrate the shell of the external personality to the treasures that are located in the depths of the human soul. But often you ignore the boundaries of personality. In fact, the stronger the boundaries, the more you can try to break through them. It's lethal trap, because the treasures of the union are acquired only when both people are safe, sacrificing themselves to each other. If you stubbornly desire to destroy the boundaries of people, then they will simply increase the defense against you. The result is an ongoing war, an argument, not an intimate contact. Be aware of the impact of your masculine strength, the power of your pressure. Let the warmth of your desire awaken receptivity in the other person. Task- by ardor, and not by belligerent behavior, earn access to the inner sanctuary.

Transformation. You are capable of being the perfect spiritual warrior, the crusader knight who goes out to duel with the ego dragon. Trap- a distorted interpretation of victory and defeat. If you kill the dragon, but your ego survives, then you are spiritually defeated. Then the question is: what is a dragon? You are a projectile with a thermal homing head, which is looking for a target outside. But often the warmth comes only from you. Everything is like in the famous saying of Pogo: "We have met the enemy, and this enemy is ourselves." Not conquest, but interpenetration produces transformation. Task- not to be smart, follow your desire and know that the desire itself will make changes along the way.

Sexual fusion. You are "charged" with sexual passion. The desire for connection is constantly burning in the lower chakras. When desire is awakened, it becomes white-hot. You often forget about everything, focusing only on it. Desire can manifest itself as the "gateway" of orgasm without paying enough attention to the partnership itself, but it can also signify intimacy mania. Anyway trap consists in the idea that it is not you who put up obstacles on the way to connection, but a loved one. This leads to an outburst of anger when it comes to sex. Remember that turning a loved one into your enemy is defeating yourself. Task- learn correct merging. Passion and fervor are your arrows, desire is your bow.

Focused Intuition. Unexpectedly for other people, you throw yourself out of your body and rush to intuitive contact with it. Any person you need is wanted by the sharp beam of your locator. Trap- Violation of another's right of possession. People's inner thoughts, feelings and desires are often dangerous, often they are not an accurate reflection of their real selves, and therefore are necessarily personal. Learn to intuitively enter only those areas that are open or not blocked. When you enter someone's inner sanctuary, you may inadvertently fall into a cesspool, and what you find there may not be pleasant. Task- hone your sensitivity to the sharpness of a razor blade. Use this tool as a surgeon, removing blockages, or as a loving person, filling your loved one with virtue.

joint property. You are very receptive to the topic of money and probably wish you had more of it than you currently have. Instead of equipping your life with simple and purposeful efforts, you rush to those people who already have money or, obviously, desire wealth. But be careful: money, property and possessions can easily become the cause of battles both in your family and in social or love relationships. Deal with these conflicts, otherwise you may kill love. Task- work together with others to develop goals that can be achieved in partnership and turn the fires of your aspirations into a single flame.


Union. The position of Jupiter in the 8th house indicates that you have many opportunities to gain personal appreciation generated in partnerships. You can achieve union with almost every person, because you are internally open to this state. Contacts can often be ephemeral, but they are powerful nonetheless, and you should have the luxury of imbibing appreciation of yourself in every interaction. Trap- inability to develop a deeper intimate relationship with a person. Task- realize that the world is your shell.

Transformation. You seek development and change with an enthusiasm that is unmatched by the symbolism of any other planet in the 8th house. However, there are pitfalls here too. A simplistic view of change can take hold of you: the more, the better. Since you are essentially not the owner, you do not consider it necessary to sacrifice anything. Since you are not "attached" to anything, why should you give up anything? Oh, it's not. What you need to give up is your pride. The death of the ego means just that to you: the sacrifice of excessive pride. Task- choose true humility over false pride and not feed your ego behind a falsely humble mask.

Sexual fusion. The liberation achieved in sexual union seems to be the most natural process in the world. You achieve it without much effort, because your sensitivity to the virtue of sexual relations is strong and well developed. Any sexual contact should captivate and captivate you even more. If this does not happen, then you become bored with your loved one, you turn into a disinterested observer, and soon you begin to look for more exciting sexual relationships. Traps two. First, you can make sexual demands so high that your partners find it difficult to achieve, and as a result, they may recoil from you. Secondly, you really want to be free, and you are able to get rid of a loved one who is striving for intense intimacy. Don't let go too quickly, you will be sacrificing transformative efforts. Task- let the experience of fusion provide you with real wisdom. Undoubtedly, you treat sexual relations with healthy curiosity and pleasant surprise, unless otherwise indicated.

Focused Intuition. Your intuitive radar covers all space at once. You scan it for something interesting; your psychic sensitivity extends far beyond the narrow limits of what you extract in another person. You may be fascinated by the meaning of messages coming from outside of human space, but you need to distinguish between true messages and occult nonsense. Trap- waste resources, believing that only your intuitive vision can show you the "right" solution to problems. Don't be dismissive of a particular job; all-round dependence on your premonitions can lead to critical situation. Task- use your intuitive radar to get in touch with your higher self, reflected in other people and carrying your true wisdom.

joint property. Your attitude towards wealth is opportunistic. You cannot meet too many people or have too many friends if you want to be rich. Trap- missing out on some favorable opportunities just because they require you to work hard. Why make an effort when interaction, communication with people is much more entertaining? Remember, auspicious plans and inexhaustible wealth are two different things. Task- to develop a truly philanthropic attitude towards your relationships related to wealth. The world is really your "shell", but do not forget to dig up the bed every time after harvesting. Such "taxation" keeps your happiness and the happiness of the world.


Union. The position of Saturn in the 8th house indicates a strong sense of responsibility in intimate relationships. It may indicate hard work to create a long-term intimate relationship. Or it indicates anxiety. You may fear that you are the one responsible for every failure in the partnership, and not only for the breakdowns in the relationship itself, but for any problems that arise in your partner's life. You may not trust the motives of other people's actions, believing that they will reject you as soon as they perceive your shortcomings well enough. These worries are not groundless - they must be investigated with attention. Enter into a long-term agreement and fulfill obligations gradually, step by step. Even when you feel the onslaught of intimacy, remind yourself to move slowly. Trap- the desire to receive from others that which you have not been given. Task- carefully choose partners, and then get down to hard work.

Transformation. Moderate your sensitivity to other people's reactions, your fears and fears that you will be criticized or humiliated for not changing fast enough or good enough. You know perfectly well not only what should be changed, but also how to make these changes. Do not blindly follow the rules and patterns that come to you from outside; forcing change out of fear of rejection will do no good. At the same time, don't give up on the work of changing yourself just because other people are pushing you to transform. Task- be responsible for yourself the way you are, and not for the way you, according to your ideas, should be. Remain calm, do not protest, while at the same time continuing to gain strength through a measured movement forward. Your fears of ego death are only as strong as the power you give them, so celebrate the tiniest victories over inertia. And most of all, treat yourself gently and forgivingly. You can change, time works for you.

Sexual fusion. You want sexual relationships to be tangible, not ethereal, but this desire is so demanding that it can overwhelm the very ability to have such an experience. You are afraid that if you "let go" of yourself you will destroy yourself, so you hold back. The closer you get to fulfilling your desire, the more you are pulled back. Sometimes you cannot achieve liberation and you consider it a personal failure. This is not true. It is the result of being too heavy, too serious. You are suspicious of the desires that a loved one shows towards you. This is your defense against the fear of rejection. Task- patiently develop the ability of sexual relaxation. Don't forget, the path leading to the top of the mountain is long, the journey is long. And just remembering this, you can enjoy the view from the top of the mountain.

Focused Intuition. You feel that it is not enough for you just to have intuitive abilities; you often require impeccable knowledge. These are too high expectations. You also fear the consequences of intuitive perception, believing that other people will kill the herald. Finally, you fear that you are really crazy, that your intuition is not real, and that you have fallen prey to some kind of self-deception. For each trap your real worries are worth it, but none of them are true. Task- to work hard on the development of intuitive abilities and slowly develop the belief that the invisible worlds actually exist and can be of great pragmatic value.

joint property. Money means responsibility, whether you have a lot or a little. It is not uncommon for you to face disappointment - the reward for your patience is not as great as you hoped. Fortunately, Saturn improves with age, like fine wine, and maturity can bestow powerful common sense. However, this can be achieved when you carefully manage the resources that partnerships provide you. Money that falls easily into your hands is like counterfeit money; you should reject get-rich-quick schemes. Task- be similar little pig who builds a house out of bricks.

Uranus in the Eighth House

Union. Intimate relationships are the peak kind of experience. You spend a lot of time observing the union, and not participating in it, staunchly maintaining a third-party position. In this case, you are not able to change your personal assessment through interaction with other people. Then, suddenly, a spark runs between you and your partner; it explodes, ejects you like a rocket from its launching pad, and propels you towards the heavens of union. Trap- mutual exclusivity, incompatibility, a tendency to deny, a different way of thinking, regardless of your condition. Task- respond to the call of intimate contact whenever your life becomes enslaved in a swamp of inert habits, knowing full well that these revolutionary alliances are undoubtedly short-lived, but respecting them.

Transformation. One moment you are a person you know, and the next moment you are a stranger to yourself, a stranger from another world. These states rarely last long. Let's say more, they reflect the process of your becoming; anticipation of who you might eventually become. What characterizes both states is the willingness to retire, so that you are not pulled by ordinary relationships with people. Task- comprehend what the ultimate reality is, clearing itself of illusions, like a snake from old skin. Remember these phases, let them guide you towards maturity like a compass.

Sexual fusion. Why do you explode in sexual ecstasy at one moment of time, but remain coolly standing aloof at another moment? You don't know what to answer. These questions affect your personality and the manifestation of your will. When you are in your normal volitional state, you can steadfastly refuse sexual relations. When you become receptive to the finer vibrations of consciousness emanating from your depths, only then will you receive the full gifts of tantric power. Sexual union, however rare, is a sudden awakening of your sensitivity. In this liberation, you gain a renewed sense of your uniqueness, a humble respect for the power that is poured into the surrounding space. Task- accept this power when you connect to it; respect yourself, your partner and space for the gift of sexual magic.

Focused Intuition. You are either fascinated or disappointed by intuitive perceptions. At times you are a skilled magician, at other times you are a null, denying your own miracles. You don't want to be a trained seal that responds to commands, even your own. Intuition manifests itself, shocking you and other people with its unpredictability. Your mental concentration is so humane that you often receive information about strangers, and not about those who are closest to you. In a sense, distance increases sensitivity. Trap- not extracting personal benefit from sudden flashes of intuition. Task- give whatever you get, let your intuition go where it wants to, rather than try to develop it, or drive it into the framework of orderly use.

joint property. Unpredictable situations happen with money and possessions, especially if these are the means of your partnerships. You can gain and lose fortune, often overnight, so expect the unexpected. Quite good if you make money non-standard ways. because keeping your talents in a bag is an outrageous situation. The weakening of attachment to money and possessions removes your fears for them. Trap- excessive willfulness: submitting to external pressure is not typical for you, and you can be incredibly stubborn when you are pressed, however, you are also gracefully flexible when you feel the freedom of a relationship. Finally, you tend to play the game of money on your own terms, and although this is a valuable quality of yours, but in the end you can get into trouble. Task- be aware of what you gain and what you lose.


Union. The position of Neptune in the 8th house indicates that intimate relationships are a direct path to the Cosmic Center. You are always ready for such a relationship, you only need the lightest contact in order to reveal, open up the whole depth of your soul. But beware of traps. Your boundaries are not strong, at times they hardly exist at all, and when you enter into an alliance, you lose yourself. True intimate contact is circular in shape - it always brings you back to yourself. If you use this contact to escape from yourself, then you have nowhere to return - there is no "I" to meet you, and as a result, chaos or disappointment is created. Don't be tempted by your fantasies of an immediate merger, however easy it may seem to you. Task- continuously affirm the true spirituality of interpersonal union. Invite God and be aware of his presence in human intimacy, even when cynics dismiss the possibility.

Transformation. You are drawn to the idea of ​​transcendence. You want to forget about the Earth, soar in spiritual bliss. However, you are forgetting reality. Ecstatic visions alternate with nightmares. Which of them is reality, and which is just a dream? By paying gigantic attention to every aspect of personality development, you create imaginary transformations that solve imaginary problems. Remember that real personal growth occurs in this life, not outside of it. The source of growth is responsibility. Task- to change your understanding of spirituality itself. Combine holiness with common sense, with everyday life. You are a natural priest, but the most important lessons you learn when you accept your own life and the life of everyone around you.

Sexual fusion. Sexual union with a loved one is easy, magical and majestically seductive. Here the intensity of the feeling arising from sexual contact is emphasized, since emotions are more important to you than physical contact. You surround yourself with the passion of your lover, wanting to dissolve into bliss. However, you sometimes use sex as a drug to get away from real life. The return that inevitably occurs after the withering of romantic illusions is not only annoying, but also painful. Don't soar too high and don't leave your partner. Of course, try with all your might to rise in emotions, but do not leave the earth. Better fertilize it with outpourings of the spirit. Task- elevate the earth to heaven, release the holiness contained in matter and make it shine.

Focused Intuition. The invisible streams of intuition are truly oceanic. In fact, you must consciously limit the flow of psychic information that comes to you. Otherwise, you will be flooded with an avalanche of images and feelings coming from God knows where. Separate the true messages from the "white noise". You must develop clarity and clarity of perception and the ability to interpret what you receive. Is there a difference between personal fantasies - hopes, dreams, fears, worries - and feelings that seem to come from other people? Are they real, or is it just a reflection of your subconscious? Your boundaries, the shell is a sore point, so task- to remain open, but at the same time improve the ability to distinguish, distinguish between you and other people.

joint property. You believe that money comes to you from a never-ending cornucopia and that you are God's agent distributing that wealth, usually to save the world. Your motives are both pure and corrupt - you want resources from family or other partnerships to be used for good causes, but at the same time you hope that some of the funds will go to you. The thought of working for money is unacceptable to you, as you believe that it should come to you solely because of your good heart. When you love, you are generous with failure; you also need to watch how you spend money, because you may think that money will help you win recognition and approval. Task- to share with people what you have, and at the same time maintain the faith that the universe will provide for you.


Union. You steadfastly reject intimacy with some people, while others are attracted to you maniacally, in their presence your sensitivity becomes extremely powerful. Your behavior boomerangs back to you: people often react the same way to you - either all or nothing. You are fascinated by the subtle power of intimate relationships, although you often mistake the source of this power, believing that it comes from another person. This is not true. Its source is a joint relationship, fueled by something mysterious that is inside you. Main trap- an attempt to control the power of the subconscious, which usually leads to disaster. Task- be receptive to unconscious sources of energy. Power will still be present in a joint relationship, but no one will either dominate or obey. And then the whole will become greater than the sum of the parts, and the mystery will reveal itself.

Transformation. You both love and fear the intensity of a joint relationship, because you are fascinated by the mysterious side of life. When you finally surrender yourself to these relationships, your personality can literally change. Old habits, old ways of thinking and feeling will disappear completely, so that it will be quite difficult for you to even imagine that they ever existed. However, do not forget how you were just now. Real transformation requires a gradual transition from one state to another, not a one-time jump. Task Accept change without resistance. Transformation has its own special laws, which differ from the laws of ordinary life. Let the death of the ego happen in its own way and in its own time.

Sexual fusion. sexual relations, surprisingly, can be common most of the time, despite the compulsive craving for them. You suffer from insipid intimacy, but subconsciously you are preparing for a deep process of major release. Suddenly you are in the rhythmic intensity of sex, you explode like a volcano. When you find the relationship you need, there is no going back for you. You can only subordinate your will to something deeper and more powerful, respecting the power that erases your past and reveals a new meaning of "I". Trap, as usual, is in control. Do not suppress yourself and do not seek to dominate your loved one. Task- to believe that after you are swallowed up by the "black hole" of sexual union, you will be reborn renewed, just as a chrysalis is reborn into a butterfly.

Focused Intuition. Invisible information is constantly absorbed by your subconscious. She is there in a frozen state, like water in an iceberg, nine-tenths hidden in the depths of the ocean. Then, at some point in time, some experience of a joint relationship releases all the information at once. You enter a phase of unimaginable sensitivity, with enough strength and drive to break life apart - sometimes the lives of other people, and sometimes your own. Trap- reckless resistance to deep streams of intuition, causing earthquakes. Task- let your understanding of the universe change as you distribute what flows through you.

joint property. You tend to go to extremes in relationships and behavior where money and partnerships go hand in hand. You can be an avid gold digger, only interested in what you can get out of partnerships and unwilling to pay attention to everything else. But you can just as easily be selfless, providing other people with a support so powerful that it exceeds their wildest dreams. This is not obedience to duty, but a motivating desire for recognition and wealth. Examine these impulses, otherwise they can ruin your life and destroy partnerships. This is trap. Task- to learn to transmute the desire for gold, to understand the alchemical processes that take place both in the sphere of money and in the sphere of psychology. Learn to transform that which is of no value into that which is of great value, and with doubled knowledge, transform yourself into something purer and more refined."

And today I want to talk about one property of the eighth house of the horoscope - the house of magic, sex, death and other people's money. About magic, sex and death, some other time, I even wrote a little about this ... But I want to talk about other people's money today.

If I were asked to name a walking literary illustration of a strong 8th house, it would be Lara Cameron from Sidney Sheldon's Stars Shine From Heaven.

nbsp; Her entire business can be reduced to the advice given at the beginning of the book: "remember, baby, the main thing in your business is the principle of black hole - other people's money." The heroine of the book built skyscrapers, shopping centers, bought entire city blocks solely on other people's investments and attracting other people's money. Moreover, at the beginning of her career, she fulfilled the obligation under the contract, because. all the tenants of the hostel where she lived plowed for free at the construction site for two days. She also seduced the union boss and hasn't had any problems with strikes and workers' demands for raises ever since. wages. The latter is also very typical for a person of the eighth house - the use of sex as a resource for enrichment (this house is also shown in the horoscopes of financially successful courtesans).

If lead life example, then the man of the strong eighth house is Bill Gates. His success began with the fact that the father of a friend provided him with latest computers, which Bill Gates was engaged in, exercised to exhaustion, inventing programs. AT young age he was able to interest investors in his ideas: not every guy at the age of 21 would be given good money for the most wonderful idea.

A film example of a strong eighth house is Belle, aka Hannah from the series "The Secret Diary of a Call Girl":

Being Belle costs about 50,000 pounds (the amount is not exact, from memory) a year;

Hmm, it only costs 8,000 a year to be Ben.

In short, a strong eighth house, in addition to sex, magic and other things, is the ability to attract resources (not only other people's money, but also time, strength, interest) for one's own personality, one's own projects, one's own life.

Above is just a dialogue of a person with a strong eighth house, which, under its “being”, attracts a good amount and a person, most likely, with an empty eighth house.

A strong 8th house is very often an indicator of even greater wealth than a strong 2nd house.

A strong second home, in part, Protestant and Old Believer ethics: I work hard and conscientiously, and God rewards me for this (by the way, a lot the richest people specifically among Protestants and Old Believers in pre-revolutionary Russia). This is an indicator of the ability to attract money for their work, their efforts. In a word, the second house is "I do and I get rewarded."

Eighth house - "I am I, and deserves a reward for that."

If even shorter, according to the second house - money goes to work, according to the eighth - to the energy of the individual.

Those who want freebies should note that a strong eighth house does not eliminate the need to work and do something (the same Bill Gates plowed over programs while others burned through their youth, and Belle from the series was very conscientious and creative in her duties). It just gives a person, his projects, deeds a special energy and attractiveness, to which investors flock like bees to honey.

I myself have met a strong eighth house in horoscopes more than once successful businessmen and entrepreneurs, girls with a good financial base (inherited apartments), wives of wealthy people, successful protégés.

But one should not think that a strong eighth house is ALWAYS an indicator of a wealthy husband (or sponsor), inheritance, etc.

I myself have Jupiter in Pisces in the eighth house, while I work like an ox with early age. And in general, the first astrologer who looked at my horoscope and “classically” interpreted the strong eighth house “you will marry a very rich man” - hit the sky with his finger.

But this Jupiter gave me open doors, where they closed when other people approached. For example, for my first law school exam, I did not write out an exam passport. I followed him by taxi, I was late for the exam, they let me in, then the observer ran with me to the dean's office in the middle of the exam, to set a permit, which I, of course, did not set on time. All this - without any cronyism, calls and other things, people just entered my position and helped.

And so timely, amazing and needed help there was a lot in my life, I am grateful to these people and my eighth house J.

In general, if you have not figured out the money key of the second house, look at your eighth house. Perhaps you will find something else in him - an incendiary personality, the ability to draw on other people's resources.

And finally, one more literary example: Monsieur Simon from Akunin's Black City, who almost went bankrupt when he tried to raise his own film business on his own. And when Fandorin explained to him that his karma was luck with other people's money, he began to use other people's money and prosper.

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